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HELL ISN'T REAL? Vatican Damns Idea Of Hellfire


FORGET THE flames and devils with pitchforks. After telling Roman Catholics that Heaven was not up in the clouds, the Vatican said Hell was not a physical place either.

Lest sinners think they can get off lightly, though, he said Hell was for real and, rather than being inflicted by God, was something sinners brought on themselves. "Hell is not a punishment imposed externally by God, but the condition resulting from attitudes and actions which people adopt in this life. More than a physical place, Hell is the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God... " the late Pope John Paul II said. "So eternal damnation is not God's work but... our own doing."

The late Pope described Hell instead as "the pain, frustration and emptiness of life without God". But demons do exist, he said. "Christian faith teaches us there are creatures who have already given a definitive `no' to God. These are the spirits which rebelled against God and whom we call demons."

They serve as a warning for humans, he said: "Eternal damnation remains a real possibility for us too." But good Catholics had nothing to fear. "The reality of Hell should not... be a cause of anxiety or despair for believers. Rather, it is a necessary and healthy reminder that human freedom has to be conformed to the example of Jesus, who always said `yes' to God, who conquered Satan and who gave us his spirit so that we too could call God `Father'."

The Vatican told that Heaven was not "a physical place in the clouds but a living and personal relationship of union with the Holy Trinity", and that a foretaste could be had on Earth. (Reuters)


Never Poke At Unexplained Balls Of Fluff [VIDEO]

Never Poke At Unexplained Balls Of Fluff

If there was ever a reason not to be nosey, then this video is it. And if you happen to be an arachnophobe, the scenes here are the stuff of your darkest nightmares.

In this viral - and strangely hypnotic - Vine footage, an unidentified, unsuspecting individual pokes at what appears to a mass of black hair.

But the reality is far more… animated, shall we say.

The seemingly innocuous clump is in fact made up of a countless number of spiders, which are set scurrying on their thousands of legs across what appears to be a water container.

The Spanish onlooker’s initial sing-song turns into cries of “aah!” as he understandably runs back from the horrific scene.

One Twitter user who had seen the footage wrote: “I thought it was a toupee. And then it became a living nightmare.”

Another writing under the profile @ANadisonMom saud: “Oh my god... i will have nightmares about that.”

It's safe to say she won't be alone in that one.



8 Things Pinoys Probably Believe About Atheists (That Are Totally Wrong)

 8 Things Pinoys Probably Believe About Atheists (That Are Totally Wrong)


In a country like the Philippines, where an overwhelming majority of citizens are Roman Catholic, it’s not often one comes across an atheist. More often than not people assume a person is Catholic, or Christian, or to believe in some sort of god, and when a person comes out as a non-believer, they’re met with shock, disapproval, or worse.

It’s difficult enough being an atheist in a largely Catholic country, but what makes things even more difficult is that so many people have misconceptions about atheists, often fueled by religious leaders themselves. Misconceptions such as…

 It’s actually impossible to be angry at something that you don’t believe exists. Just as Christians don’t believe in the 330 million Hindu gods, atheists are people who don’t believe in the Hindu gods, the Christian god, the Muslim god, or any other deity. Try being mad at an Invisible Pink Unicorn. You can’t, can you?

It’s easy to demonize atheists and treat them like the “bad guys,” and church leaders do it all the time, but for the same reason that atheists don’t believe in God, atheists don’t believe in Satan either. It’s impossible to worship something you don’t believe exists, evil or otherwise.

“Without the 10 commandments, everyone would be killing and raping each other!” is something atheists hear often, and it is simply not true. A lot of atheists are also Secular Humanists, and believe in the value of life, human reason, ethics, and social justice. If the only reason Christians don’t kill people is because God told them not to, then Christians are far scarier than atheists, because as soon as they get the go-ahead from God (or someone who claims to speak on behalf of God), they could end up hurtinga lot of people.

Atheists can be very vocal about the harms caused by religion, but this does not mean that they hate theists. To criticize a religion, or an institution like the Catholic Church, is not the same as hating the people who follow it. Rather, it is what people do in the name of religion, or in the name of God, (such as protecting rapists that are priests, or denying medical attention to dying children,) that atheists often rage about.

This is especially true of relatives of atheists who feel compelled to “save” them from hell by telling them again and again, in person and on their Facebook wall, that Jesus loves them, that he died for their sins, and that they’re going to hell. Atheists don’t believe in God, or Satan, or Heaven and Hell, and no amount of extraordinary claims will change the mind of a person who has learned to trust in reason and evidence. All that proselytizing does is show an atheist that he is unaccepted by his family for not believing in something he can’t believe in. If you truly want to save an atheist, make an effort to understand them, not change them.

Unfortunately this kind of religious discrimination is very real, with some people thinking that anyone with a religion MUST be better than an atheist. But atheists are normal people, with normal personalities. Some will be good, some will be bad, some will be smart, some less so, and to judge a person as a bad influence simply on the basis of their religious beliefs (or lack thereof) is a horrible example to set for children.

There are, and will probably always be, atheist assholes, just as there are Catholic, Muslim, and Hindu assholes. But not all atheists are the same, and while godless, not everyone is an arrogant asshole. Each atheist is an individual unto him or herself, so before you overgeneralize them as “atheists are this” or “atheists are that,” spend a little time to get to know them a little better. While there are things some atheists have in common, there is nothing they ALL have in common, besides a mutual lack of belief in gods. And if you still find ALL the atheists you have met to be disagreeable, then maybe you just haven’t been looking at the right place.

Although a lot of atheists are also freethinkers, and a lot of freethinkers identify as atheists, the two are not one and the same. Atheism is simply the absence of a belief in gods. Freethought, on the other hand, is thinking free from the influence of dogma, tradition, and authority, while using reason, logic and empirical evidence as tools for forming opinions. Not all atheists are freethinkers, and not all freethinkers are atheists. You could say that atheism is one of many conclusions, but freethought is a process, and the process of thinking for yourself can lead to different conclusions.

At Filipino Freethinkers, for example, members run the whole gamut of belief systems, from atheists, deists and pantheists, to Muslims, Christians and Wiccans. What matters is not so much what you believe, but the freedom to think and question without fear of offending religious feelings.

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC

You’ve probably heard of “the Egyptian Sphinx mystery”?

Jonathan Gray shares some fascinating secrets about its true age.

So how old is the Sphinx – really?

On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion’s body and a human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC


It is surrounded by desert sand. But there’s evidence of erosion.Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By water! says Gray.

The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently deep fissures in the rock.The impressions on the stones are not horizontal, as would be caused by sand and wind (like the pyramids in the area); instead, they are vertical.This suggests that the Sphinx has been subjected to heavy rainfall.

The erosion is stronger on the upper parts of the Sphinx and its enclosure walls than around the base.

This erosion of these “upper” surfaces exhibits a pattern of weathering commonly associated with exposure to rainwater run-off.

There is a rolling and undulating vertical profile, with many vertical and sloping channels where joints in the bedrock have been opened up.

French scholar R. A. Schwaller, independent Egyptologist John West, and geologist Robert Schoch examined it. Schoch contrasted this situation at the Sphinx with the state of weathering seen at other rock-cut features of the Giza Plateau.

For example, in various Old Kingdom tombs, erosion by windblown sand has picked out areas of poorer quality rock, but has left the anciently cut facades and doorways not markedly damaged. But the highly rounded weathering on the Sphinx and its enclosure indicates the action of rainwater over a long period.


You ask, could the erosion have been caused by the Nile flooding and washing around the Sphinx at some remote time? The answer is that to erode the monument up to its neck would have required floods of twenty meters or more over the Nile Valley. No, if this was erosion by water, then it had to be rainwater.


Do you know, there is good evidence that Egypt experienced very heavy rainfall in the earliest period.

According to popular view, the transition from ice age to the present desert environment took place between 10,000 and 3000 BC.

Then rainfall tapered off to its current level of about 20 cm per year by about 2200 BC.


So if we must go back 9,000 years for sufficient precipitation to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone, thought West and Schoch, then the Sphinx must have been constructed either during or before this transition – say, 7000 BC.

That meant, it could be twice as old as “officially” claimed.

 OR 10,500 BC?

Enter Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock. These two writers believe that the Sphinx was built not around 2500 BC… not in 7000 BC… but in 10,500 B.C.

According to their theory, the stars of the Belt of Orion and Leo the Lion, as arranged in the sky, almost match the positions of the pyramids of Giza. And they believe that the time when the pyramids were in perfect alignment with the Belt of Orion was when it was at its lowest point, in 10,450 B.C.

They believe the Sphinx was probably built during this time.

Of course, however attractive this may sound, it is a theory not proven. Gray says there is no stable background of fact to support 10,500 B.C.

Gray says, “As much as we might wish it to be, attempts to establish vast ages for civilizations on the basis of astronomical data, must fail – for the simple reason that the earth was violently tipped off its axis in 2345 BC.”

Australian astronomer G.F. Dodwell has analyzed the observational records com-piled for the many gnomons erected all over the civilized world during the past 4,000 years. Gnomons are vertical markers that cast shadows from which the local latitudes can be computed. (All one needs are the measurements of the shadow lengths on the longest and shortest days of the year.) The earth’s tilt or obliquity-of-the-ecliptic may also be calculated from gnomon data — and therein lies the anomaly. The tilt of the earth’s axis is supposed to vary cyclically between 22 and 24.5° over a period of some 40,000 years due to the pulls of the moon, the sun, and the planets on the earth’s equatorial bulge…

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC

Credit: Bowden, M.; “The Recent Change in the Tilt of the Earth’s Axis,”

Tilt angles computed from ancient gnomon observations deviate markedly from the theoretical curve. The alignment of the ancient Egyptian temple at Karnak and other oriented sites extend the deviation toward the date 2345 B.C. Either the ancient observations were systematically in error all over the world or the earth’s tilt angle changed in historical times.

According to The Paradise Post, Dodwell’s conclusion means that the Earth’s axis had once been almost upright, but it had suddenly changed to a 26½ degrees tilt, from which it had been wobbling back to its present mean tilt of 23½ degrees. Dodwell’s research was confirmed by Dr. Rhodes W. Fairbridge of Columbia University, in Science Magazine, May 15, 1970.

Dodwell concluded that something ‘struck’ the earth at that time. He realised that this would have resulted in massive, worldwide flooding and catastrophic geological effects. The date of this event, from his curve of observations, is 2345 BC – about 4,355 years ago. There is a clear pattern of recovery since 2345 BC that has not been disrupted. (http://www.setterfield.org/Dodwell_Manuscript_1.html”)

According to Barry Setterfield, Dodwell in The Obliquity Of The Ecliptic assumed that the original axis tilt of the earth, before 2345 B.C., was nearly upright. For that reason, he supposed a very strong impact was necessary to jolt the earth from that position to its current 23.5 degree tilt. This is why a number of astronomers have rejected Dodwell’s work in this area. However, if the axis tilt was greater than its current axis tilt before 2345 B.C., then an impact of much less force would have been required to restore the earth to a slightly more upright position. The evidence for this greater axis tilt may be seen in the evidence of the ice age which covered most of Europe prior to 2345 B.C.

“The locations of the stars as seen from every fixed point on earth were radically altered.So you cannot count back using earth’s present stability as a reference point. To claim that you can is wishful thinking,” asserts Gray.

A remarkable confirmation of the obliquity in the year 2045 B.C. is given by the oriented solar Temple of Amen Ra at Karnak, Egypt, the largest temple that has ever been built. This is described in Chapter 8 of The Obliquity Of The Ecliptic. Hieroglyphic inscriptions, engraved in granite, show that the ancient Egyptians took great pains to orient their solar temples. The rays of the rising or setting sun, on certain important dates, then shone straight down the long central avenue, or temple axis, into the darkened sanctuary and illuminated the image of the sun-god within it.

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC
In the great Solar Temple at Karnak, this occurred at sunset on the day of the summer solstice. It will be shown that in 2045 B.C., the foundation date of the Temple, the sun’s solstitial declination, or maximum distance from the celestial equator, was 25 degrees, 9 minutes, 55 seconds. This value is in exact agreement with the prolongation of the curve of the ancient observations, and exceeds Newcomb’s value for that date by 1 degree 14 minutes. Further confirmation, at other points on the curve, is given by the famous solar monuments at Stonehenge, England, and Tiahuanaco, Peru.

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC
Credit: Cornell University Library


The 10,500 BC and 7000 BC theories are rejected by other scientists for several reasons:1. There is no evidence of an Egyptian civilization so old.

2. Architectural evidence dates the Sphinx to around the same time as the nearby Pyramid of Khafra. And that pyramid may now be dated to 2144 BC. (See Gray’s recent book The Corpse Came Back, p.251)

(a)Khafra had four twenty-six foot long sphinxes constructed. Two were in front of each entrance to his Valley Temple. A drainage channel from the causeway to Khafra’s pyramid empties into the Sphinx enclosure, which presumably would have desecrated the enclosure if it had already existed.

(b)The center court of the Sphinx Temple is identical to the center court in Khafra’s Mortuary Temple adjacent to his pyramid.

(c) The core blocks of the Sphinx Temple match some of the strata of bedrock in the Sphinx enclosure and show that the Temple was built as the enclosure was being excavated. It may be inferred that if other Khafra structures and the Sphinx Temple dated to the same time, then the excavation of the Sphinx itself dated to that time as well.

3. The Sphinx, a rapidly weathering structure, appears older than it is.
4. Subsurface water drainage (periodic wetting of the limestone by water-saturated sand) or Nile flooding could have produced the pattern of erosion. The water in the surrounding sand would have been drawn up to elevations higher than flood levels due to capillary action. (The Sphinx and Valley temples have been covered by sand for most of the time of their existence.)

5. There are thought to be two reasons why the erosion of the higher elevated Giza Pyramids is different from the erosion of the less lower altitude Sphinx:

(a) The Nile floods were partly the source of the flood water filling the Sphinx enclosure (which is lower than the pyramids).

(b) If the Sphinx erosion was caused by rainfall 7000 years ago and if the other structures in the Giza
Plateau (built 4000 years ago) show normal wind based erosion, why didn’t the weathering by wind destroy the older water-based weathering? (You must admit, that’s good logic!)

6. The Sphinx is believed to resemble Khafre, the pharaoh who built one of the nearby pyramids of Giza. He lived not too long before 2000 BC.It has also been suggested that weathering on the Sphinx depends more on the properties of the rock itself. The middle layer of the Sphinx shows the most erosion because it is made of more porous limestone.The pores of the rock being larger, they invite a process called “salt crystallization”.

This occurs when morning moisture condenses on and in the rock, dissolving the natural salt present in the rock. During the day, this moisture evaporates. The salt crystallizes then presses against the pore walls. This process generally weakens the rock and enlarges pre-existing fissures.

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC

The climate of Egypt right up to 2000 BC was rain…rain…rain.

Plant and animal species depicted in the early tomb paintings show that the weather of Egypt was then wetter than it is now.

Yes, it did rain in the Old Kingdom, more than today.Gray now tosses a cat among the pigeons. There is startling new evidence that Egypt did not spring up until afer the Great Flood of 2345 BC.

That’s right! There’s been a massive dating mistake! (But that’s for another time.) And the transition from ice age to the present desert environment did not take place between 10,000 and 3000 BC, but as recently as 2250 to 2000 BC. And around 2200 BC Menes (Mizraim) and his followers arrived, embanked the Nile and established the Egyptian civilization.That’s when the pyramids and the Sphinx were built! Some time ago Gray sent out an email that shocked many. Because, he stated (among other things) that scientists reject most carbon dating results.


In other words, we’ve been had. So you can forget just about all you’ve been told in school and in the media about dating ancient remains.

But we also announced the special 7-ebook set at a big reduction. And within minutes, the requests started pouring in. (they’re an instant download).


100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found?

In 1998, electrical engineer John J. Williams discovered what looked like an electrical connector sticking up out of the ground. He began digging and found the three-pronged plug was embedded in a small rock.

100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found?

According to Williams, the curious stone was unearthed during an excursion in a rural location in North America, far from human settlements, industrial complexes, airports, factories, and electronic or nuclear plants.

While it may hurt the credibility of his discovery, Williams refuses to give the exact location of his find, for fear that the site might be plundered of other mysterious relics.

Known as the “Enigmalith” (a combination of the words enigma and monolith) or” Petradox,” the device presents the undeniable appearance of an electronic component embedded in a naturally formed, solid granite stone composed of quartz and feldspar (including very small percentages of mica.)

100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found?

After the stone was found, geological analysis found it to be about 100,000 years old—a technical impossibility according to conventional understanding of mankind’s technological development.

The instrument caught in the Petradox has been compared by some investigators to an electronic XLR connector or similar component. It presents a weak magnetic attraction, and ohm meter readings reveal that it has a strength approaching that of an open circuit.

The three-pronged plug is held by a matrix of a thus-far indeterminable origin. The 0.3-inch diameter piece does not appear to be manufactured out of wood, plastic, rubber, metal, or some other recognizable material.

While Williams forbids the specimen from being broken open, he has employed a powerful X-ray, revealing that the matrix component extends into an opaque internal structure within the stone.

100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found?

While skeptics believe it to be a sham, Williams is convinced that he has unearthed a genuine relic of either ancient manmade or alien technology, and is eager to have scientists authenticate it.

However, Williams insists that he be present during analysis, the rock remains unharmed, and that he does not have to pay for the research involved.

Some believe that scientists distance themselves from the specimen because they are afraid of what they might discover. While scientific analysis could confirm it as an elaborate hoax, it might also radically change our understanding of human history.

If the specimen is determined to be genuine, researchers would also have to consider its design. Why would such a component be embedded in a rock? What purpose would such an object serve?

Williams believes that the location of his stone offers further evidence of a bygone civilization or extraterrestrial evidence. He is currently seeking a team of open-minded investigators to thoroughly examine the site.


Crop Circle In Salinas, California Contains Message [VIDEO]

Crop Circle In Salinas, California Contains Message [VIDEO]

News states:

According to several experts, the crop formation which appeared in Salinas, California on December 30, actually contains a message encoded in braille. KSBW consulted braille transcriber Debra Falanga, as well as orchestra conductor Carl Christensen, and both agree the dots are braille and the message is "192". It translates directly as:

192 192

B 192 1

192 192

Crop Circle In Salinas, California Contains Message

"It's fascinating. I don't know what it means, but it's readable," Falanga said. "Those dots are in very specific order. It's so perfect it's almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form."

"Now we just need to follow the 192 clue!" Christensen said.



Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

Some say the halls of Buddhist temples and museums across Japan are home to many unwanted guests; namely, monster mummies whose preserved remains defy explanation as they stand brazenly on display for all who dare to look.

These mummified demons include incredible monsters, mermaids and even human monks. Some are definitely bogus, but others may well keep you up at night. Take a look but…. don’t forget to check that moving dark spot over your shoulder.

In the Japanese city of Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture, the Zengy temple is home to the mummified head of a three-faced demon. As the legend goes, a resident priest discovered the mummy in a temple storage chamber in the early 18th century

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

In the Japanese city of Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture, the Zengy temple is home to the mummified head of a three-faced demon. As the legend goes, a resident priest discovered the mummy in a temple storage chamber in the early 18th century

 Nobody knows where the demon head came from or how or why it ended up there. The mummified head has two overlapping faces in front, with another one (resembling that of a kappa, which is a water spirit found in Japanese folklore) situated in back. The temple displays the head each year around the spring equinox.

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

In the town of Usa (Oita prefecture) another demon mummy is on display at the local temple. Once the treasured heirloom of a noble family, this mummy changed owners several times before ending up in the hands of a parishioner in 1925.

When he fell ill (the owner, not the mummy), a legend was born that the mummy was cursed, a belief that was reinforced by the fact that he quickly recovered from his illness after donating the mummy to the temple where it remains to this day on display as a sacred object.

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan
During the 18th and 19th centuries known as the Edo period in Japan, mermaid mummies often appeared at misemono (side show carnivals). A bizarre art form, these mummies were created by fishermen who perfected techniques for stitching the heads and upper bodies of monkeys and other animals onto the bodies of fish.
Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

The very disturbing mummy depicted above was found in a wooden box that contained passages from a Buddhist sutra written in Sanskrit

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan

As the story goes, the mummy depicted below was discovered hidden in a box by carpenters replacing the roof more than 50 years ago. The owners of the brewery built a small altar and enshrined it as a river god.

A supernatural sky creature known as a tengu is often depicted as part human and part bird. Japan’s ruling samurai families of the Shogunate period maintained collections of these weird mummies, and one is on display at the Hachinohe Museum (Aomori prefecture) in northern Japan.

Topping the list of mummies are the self-mummified monks of northern Japan who willingly tortured themselves in a three-step process to achieve heavenly nirvana. The Japanese government outlawed this practice in the late 19th century, but the image below tells its own horrible tale.

Mummies of Supernatural Creatures Exist in Japan


A Castle And Faces On Mars

Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo, presents in his book Messages From Mars I° elements common to our civilization: human faces and profiles,animals, ruins, cities and vegetation that he found scanning Mars with Google Earth. The 172 page book is the result of his careful and diligent study of his step by step searching the surface the Red Planet.

This is the first “face that Ianneo found. His first discovery was made in September 2009 at 3am Italian time. It can be found on Google Earth on Mars at Latitude 33°12’29.82″N Longitude 12°55’51.21″

A Castle And Faces On Mars

He says, “Here is the Face of Gandhi. This face is very important to me, many human elements and aspects can be seen: the round head with a dark part that seems to represent the subject’s hair, an ear, an eyebrow, an eye, the nose, mouth and neck. I have to say that it really is a good profile. Of course, I leave it to the reader to formulate an opinion and/or personal judgement.”

A Castle And Faces On Mars

Here is “A beautiful face which in my opinion is feminine in nature.” says Ianneo.
Google Earth is as follows:Latitude 43°19’19.30″N Longitude 22°53’5.29″E

A Castle And Faces On Mars

Image source: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G.Neukum)

Inneo writes in his book Messages From Mars I°: If this face is artificial in nature, it must surely have been carved by some unknown means. My hypothesis is a sculpture carved from above by technology unknown to us. Perhaps enormous spaceships left these marks as a sign of their arrival on this planet – a type of competition to see who was the most powerful godexplorer and conqueror of universes.”

Ianneo found a castle on Mars using the Google Earth program for Mars at the Martian coordinates: Latitude 84 ° 13’27 .72 “N Longitude 22 ° 32’19 .53″ W.

A Castle And Faces On Mars
A Castle And Faces On Mars

Ianneo writes, “I kept thinking that what was amazing about these images was that they shared common details to us, i.e. human features. I wasn’t surprised that later I discovered others. And so it was. As I scanned the surface of Mars, in one area I noticed the profile of an anthropomorphic being.” The position on Google Earth is as follows: Latitude 40°01’25.89″N Longitude 8°58’21.53″W

A Castle And Faces On Mars

Ianneo says, “I would like you to look at this last discovery that made me incredibly happy: the face of the Holy Shroud.” The position on Google Earth is as follows: Latitude 38°20’49.26″N Longitude 13° 2’5.56″W

A Castle And Faces On Mars

Ianneo says, “Remember that every face examined by me is not the result of erosion caused by natural elements, but hidden wonders created by people who dominated this extraordinary planet.” 

His critics are harsh and say his work is “useless” and only the product of “a very well known phenomenon of perception of the human mind: to be able to, or to want to see human faces in everything. This feature of the human brain has been widely studied and has the scientific name of pareidolia.” His efforts have been called the “height of misinformation.”


Vatican Confirms Report Of Sexual Abuse And Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

Vatican Confirms Report Of Sexual Abuse And Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

The Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday that it is aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing nuns.

Most of the abuse has occurred in Africa, where priests vowed to celibacy, who previously sought out prostitutes, have preyed on nuns to avoid contracting the Aids virus.

Confidential Vatican reports obtained by the National Catholic Reporter, a weekly magazine in the US, have revealed that members of the Catholic clergy have been exploiting their financial and spiritual authority to gain sexual favours from nuns, particularly those from the Third World who are more likely to be culturally conditioned to be subservient to men.

The reports, some of which are recent and some of which have been in circulation for at least seven years, said that such priests had demanded sex in exchange for favours, such as certification to work in a given diocese.

Vatican Confirms Report Of Sexual Abuse And Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

In extreme instances, the priests had made nuns pregnant and then encouraged them to have abortions.

The US article was based on five documents, which senior women from religious orders and priests have presented to the Vatican over the past decade. They describe a particularly bad situation in Africa. In a continent devastated by Aids, nuns, along with early adolescent girls, are perceived by some as safe sexual targets. The reports said that the church authorities had done little to tackle the problem.

The Vatican reports cited countless cases of nuns forced to have sex with priests. Some were obliged to take the pill, others became pregnant and were encouraged to have abortions. In one case in which an African sister was forced to have an abortion, she died during the operation and her aggressor led the funeral mass. Another case involved 29 sisters from the same congregation who all became pregnant to priests in the diocese.

The reports said that the cultures in some African countries made it almost impossible for a young woman to disobey an older man, especially one seen as spiritually superior. There were cases of novices who applied to their local priest or bishop for certificates of good Catholic practice that were required for them to pursue their vocation. In return they were made to have sex. Some incidents of sexual abuse allegedly took place almost within the Vatican walls.

Vatican Confirms Report Of Sexual Abuse And Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

Certain unscrupulous clerics took advantage of young nuns who were having trouble finding accommodation, writing their essays and funding their theological studies.

Forced to acknowledge the problem, the Vatican has tried to play down its gravity. In a statement issued yesterday the Pope's official spokesman, Joaquin Navarro Valls, said: "The problem is known and involves a restricted geographical area. Certain negative situations must not overshadow the often heroic faith of the overwhelming majority of religious, nuns and priests".

One of the most comprehensive documents was compiled by Sister Maura O'Donohue, an Aids co-ordinator for Cafod, the London-based Catholic Fund for Overseas Development.

She noted that religious sisters had been identified as "safe" targets for sexual activity. She quotes a case in 1991 of a community superior being approached by priests requesting that the nuns be made available to them for sexual favours.

"When the superior refused the priests explained they would otherwise be obliged to go to the village to find women and might thus get Aids."Sister O'Donohue said her initial reaction to what she was told by her fellow religious "was one of shock and disbelief at the magnitude of the problem".

While most of the abuse happened in African countries, Sister O'Donohue reported incidents in 23 countries including India, Ireland, Italy, the Philippines and the United States.

She heard cases of priests encouraging the nuns to take the pill telling them it would prevent HIV. Others "actually encouraged abortion for the sisters" and Catholic hospitals and medical staff reported pressure from priests to carry out terminations for nuns and other young women.

O'Donohue wrote in her report how a vicar in one African diocese had talked "quite openly" about sex, saying that "celibacy in the African context means a priest does not get married, but does not mean he does not have children."

The head of the Vatican congregation for Religious Life, Cardinal Martinez Somalo, has set up a committee to look into the problem. But it seems to have done little beyond "awareness raising" among bishops.

Vatican Confirms Report Of Sexual Abuse And Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

More recently, in 1998, Sister Marie McDonald, mother superior of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa, put together a paper entitled The Problem of the Sexual Abuse of African Religious in Africa and Rome.

She tabled the document to the Council of 16, made up of delegates of the international association of women's and men's religious communities and the Vatican office responsible for religious life. She noted that a contributing cause was the "conspiracy of silence".

When she addressed bishops on the problem, many of them felt it was disloyal of the sisters to send reports.

"However, the sisters claim they have done so time and time again. Sometimes they were not well received. In some instances they are blamed for what happened. Even when they are listened to sympathetically nothing much seems to be done" One of the most tragic elements that emerges is the fate of the victims. While the offending priests are usually moved or sent away for studies, the women are normally chased out of their religious orders, they are then either to scared to return to their families or are rejected by them. they often finished up as outcasts, or, in a cruel twist of irony, as prostitutes, making a meagre living from an act they had vowed never to do.

One of the few religious in Rome willing to talk about the report was Father Giulio Albanese, of MISNA, the missionary news agency. "Missionaries are human beings, who are often living under immense psychological pressure in situations of war and ongoing violence. On one hand it's important to condemn this horror and it's important tell the truth, but we must not emphasise this at the expense of the work done by the majority, many of whom have laid down lives for witness" said Fr Albanese "The press only talks about missionaries when they are killed, kidnapped or are involved in something scandalous" he added.

As the Vatican digests the unpalatable evidence of how their own priests are ruining the lives of their sisters, many Catholics hope a strong message may come from on high. With the American bishops, the Pope spoke in clear terms about paedophile priests, telling them this was a scourge that had to be faced. Some now hope that he may be equally courageous in denouncing an evil which has been covered by silence and shame for too long.


Kazakhstan: Gigantic Pentagram Spotted On Google Earth

A gigantic pentagram is found in Google Maps in an isolated region of Kazakhstan. The five-pointed star surrounded by a circle, located on the southern shore of the Upper Tobol Reservoir. (coordinates +52° 28′ 47.14″, +62° 11′ 8.38″ ). There are almost no other signs of human habitation in the area; the closest settlement is the city of Lisakovsk, about 12 miles (20 kilometers) to the east.

Kazakhstan: Gigantic Pentagram Spotted On Google Earth

The circle’s circumference is over approx 1333.13 feet ( 406 meters) wide and contains a clearly defined, mathematically correct pentagram.The pentacle (a pentagram inside a circle) is used in ritualistic magic and the inverted pentagram is used in black magic.

Now, there is Russian text appearing on the pentagram which is apparently translated to “unfinished summer camp Denisovsky area Kostanay Kazakhstan”. Strange.

On Google Maps (which uses North-South orientation), the pentagram is inverted. Was it meant to be that way? Either way, the symbol is used in ritualistic magic.

Kazakhstan: Gigantic Pentagram Spotted On Google Earth

Here’ what Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Freemason and expert in occult symbolism wrote about the upright and inverted pentagram:
“In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power. The average person does not even suspect the occult properties of emblematic pentacles. The black magician cannot use the symbols of white magic without bringing down upon himself the forces of white magic, which would be fatal to his schemes. He must therefore distort the hierograms so that they typify the occult fact that he himself is distorting the principles for which the symbols stand. Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an art. Therefore it has no symbols of its own. It merely takes the emblematic figures of white magic, and by inverting and reversing them signifies that it is left-handed. A good instance of this practice is found in the pentagram, or five-pointed star, made of five connected lines. This figure is the time-honored symbol of the magical arts, and signifies the five properties of the Great Magical Agent, the five senses of man, the five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By means of the pentagram within his own soul, man not only may master and govern all creatures inferior to himself, but may demand consideration at the hands of those superior to himself.

The pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying lengths. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the “sign of the cloven hoof,” or the footprint of the Devil. The star with two points upward is also called the “Goat of Mendes,” because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat’s head. When the upright star turns and the upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the Morning Star.”

- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Kazakhstan: Gigantic Pentagram Spotted On Google Earth

As stated by Hall, “the average person does not even suspect the occult properties of emblematic pentacles” and occultists believe that this symbol has true power. Why is it in this remote location in Kazakhstan?

Some mainstream news sources quickly associated this story with “conspiracy theories”, stating that it might be a military site or a park.

Some articles insist on the fact that the pentagram is Christian symbol while others state that it is Russian symbol.

It is however important to point out that Russia used a five-pointed star as one of its symbols, not a pentagram inside a circle.


Illuminati Symbolism : Sydney New Year's Eve 2014 Fireworks

Illuminati Symbolism : Sydney New Year's Eve 2014 Fireworks

Sydney greets 2014 with an 11-minute extravagant display of Illuminati Masonic Symbolism fireworks from the iconic opera house and harbour bridge.



The Horsemen of Revelation—The Pale Horse Unveiled! [VIDEO]

The Horsemen of Revelation—The Pale Horse Unveiled! [VIDEO

The fourth rider of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse brings disease epidemics and pandemics that will take the lives of millions. This is not if, but when!

H1N1 is currently ravaging a few states. Although not even close to its pandemic levels years ago. You know what I think. The pale horse is war. War is an epidemic and a disease. I know its not a traditional view. -Mort



What Is This Mysterious Blob Washed Up On Shoreline?

 What Is This Mysterious Blob Washed Up On Shoreline?

What is this mysterious blob washed up on shoreline?

The transparent fish-like creature seems to perform a slow dance out of water but it beachgoers should be careful as it has venomous tentacles


China's Latest Food Scandal: Meat Injected With Dirty Water

China's Latest Food Scandal: Meat Injected With Dirty Water

Seven people in China's southern Guangdong province have been held over claims they injected dirty pond water into lamb to increase its weight and raise its price, state television reported in the latest food scandal to hit the country.

The suspects slaughtered up to 100 sheep a day at an illegal warehouse, pumping bacteria-ridden water into the meat before it was sold at markets, food stalls and restaurants in cities such as Guangzhou and Foshan, China Central Television (CCTV) said in a three-minute report.
China's Latest Food Scandal: Meat Injected With Dirty Water

China has been hit by a number of food safety scandals, from deadly chemical-laced dairy products to recycled "gutter oil" used for cooking.

Last week, Wal-Mart Stores, the world's largest retailer, apologised after a Chinese supplier of donkey meat snacks was found to have mixed fox meat into the product.

Authorities raided the illegal lamb meat abattoir in Guangdong at the end of December, finding around 30 carcasses injected with water, 335 live sheep, forged inspection stamps, and equipment to inject water into the meat, the report showed.

Each sheep was pumped with up to six kilogrammes of water just after being slaughtered, to add extra weight.
China's Latest Food Scandal: Meat Injected With Dirty Water

Close to 40% of Chinese people think food safety is a "very big problem", the Pew Research Centre said in a 2013 report. This has affected Chinese firms, from milk powder makers to meat producers, and boosted their international rivals.

Late in December, China said it would tighten milk powder rules in a move to boost confidence in domestic producers and allay long-standing fears around food safety in its $12.4bn (£7.6bn) infant formula market.

KFC parent Yum Brands, McDonald's, French grocery chain Carrefour and other global firms have been caught up in food safety scares in China.


Historic Black Swell Hits Europe With 60-foot Waves [VIDEO]

Historic Black Swell Hits Europe With 60-foot Waves

Western Europe should be reached early this week by an unusual storm with large waves. The “Black Swell” meteotsunami- as it was christened by the storm surfing community – begins to sweep the British Isles, Ireland and Portugal from noon. The predictions of strong sea waves are painting all coastal districts to red, the most serious warning of the scale of the four Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA). In the Azores, the situation is equally worrying, with the IPMA pointing waves of 10 meters, which puts seven islands of the Central and Western groups also in red. 

Historic Black Swell Hits Europe With 60-foot Waves

The UK, Ireland and Europe have been getting hammered this winter with storms. I don’t ever remember them getting hit by so many in such a short amount of time. It’s been literally one after another. Absolutely incredible. There has been much flooding and even deaths associated with these storms. Stay informed and know what is happening n your area.

Historic Black Swell Hits Europe With 60-foot Waves




Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods

Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods

When we look into the accounts of many different mythologies and religions, it becomes clear that the gods are either immortal or live a life of many thousands of years. What is rarely mentioned is the fact that in ancient religious texts there is reference to their immortality or longevity being connected to a specific kind of food that only the gods are allowed to eat.

The gods were required to eat this food regularly to maintain immortality, power and strength. Many references also refer to the fact that if mortals ate this food, they would also become immortal like the gods. So let us explore the mythology surrounding this ‘Elixir of Life’ One of the main references to the food of the immortals can be found in Greek mythology. It is written in the stories of the Greek gods that ambrosia and nectar was the food and drink of the immortal gods and this first appears in the Greek mythology relating to the birth of Zeus.

 Before the ‘invention’ or ‘discovery’ of ambrosia and nectar by the gods, it was written that they would feed by ‘sniffing’ the vapours of their dead enemies, as if they would feed from the energy of the dead souls.

Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods
Ambrosia was said to come from the horn of a magical goat named Amalthea, the foster-mother of Zeus. The horns of Amalthea provided a limitless supply of ambrosia but were also capable of producing any kind of food for any kind of living being. White holy doves would carry the ambrosia and a large eagle with shiny wings would fly at an extraordinary speed through the sky where he would get the nectar and then bring it down to the baby Zeus.

When demigod Achilles was born, his mother would pour ambrosia over Achilles and he would become immortal, but because she held him around his heel that was the only part that remained mortal. This allowed Achilles to be killed later on by Paris. It was said that ambrosia was used by the gods to cure diseases, fix scars, and make the body beautiful again. If dead people would be treated with ambrosia, their bodies would remain in perfect condition forever. In other references, we can see that ambrosia was abundant in the gardens of Hesperides.

 Hesperides were nymphs who tend to a blissful garden in the far western corner of the world, a place where ambrosia was brought to the God Zeus. But the immortal food also appears in the Bible where we can see similarity between the gardens of Hesperides and the gardens of Eden, where according to the Old Testament, man was forbidden to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life:

And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:9
When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, it appears that God alerted other Gods to be on alert because man should not eat also from the Tree of Life and become immortal like them.

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever, Genesis 3:22

Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods

Moving on to Zoroastrian and Vedic mythologies, we can see reference to a special drink consumed by the gods, known as Soma and Haoma respectively. This special drink was prepared by extracting the juices from the stalks of certain plants, which are unknown to us today. Drinking Soma and Haoma would give immortality. Idra, the leader of the Devas, and the God Agni, are mentioned in the Rig Veda to have been drinking large quantities of the immortal drink.

We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered, Rig Veda 8.48.3

If we now move to Egyptian mythology and the legends of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus, we will see that there are references to both of them drinking ‘white drops’, also referred to as ‘liquid gold’, which provided them with immortality. References about this can be found in the Quran (Sura 18; the Khidr) and in one of the Nag Hammadi texts.

In Sumerian texts, we have references to the Ninhursag’s milk, one of the seven great deities of Sumer, the goddess of fertility that is associated with a cow (similar to the magic goat Amalthea of the Greek mythology). The gods and the kings of ancient Sumer would drink from this milk to become strong and immortal. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, we also have reference to a thorny plant at the bottom of the ocean that would make someone immortal and this was kept as a secret of the gods

In the Hindu religion, the gods would harness a milk called Amrita, a nectar that was collected and drunk by the gods to give them immortality, but forbidden for humans to drink. This milk was apparently surrounding the Earth, and the gods would collect it with the help of a serpent.

Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods

In Chinese mythology we have the ‘Peaches of Immortality’ as the food of the immortals. Eating this food ensured the everlasting existence of the gods. If humans would eat from this fruit they would also become immortals.

The search for the Elixir of Life has been the supreme quest for many. In medieval times, there are accounts of the alchemists looking for the philosopher’s stone, believed to be required to create the elixir but also to convert lead to gold. Bernard Trevisan, an alchemist of the 15th century said that dropping the philosopher’s stone into mercurial water would create the elixir, and we have multiple cases of alchemists that allegedly found the Elixir of Life including the infamous Cagliostro or Saint Germain.

Nectar and Ambrosia, the Tree of Life, Amrita, Peaches of Immortality, Soma and Haoma – are all these references simply the imagination of our ancient ancestors? Or, like other myths, is there an element of truth to be found in these ancient tales? It is possible that immortality or longevity can really be achieved through the consumption of a ‘special’ food, which has always been held as a privilege reserved for the gods? Perhaps the search for the ‘Elixir of Life’ is a valid and one day it may be found.


Vatican Guard: I Was Regularly Asked For Gay Sex By Priests

Vatican Guard: I Was Regularly Asked For Gay Sex By Priests

One of the Pope’s former personal bodyguards has claimed he received several sexual advances from priests while serving at the Vatican.

He claims he received 20 to 25 explicit sexual advances from cardinals, bishops and other members of the clergy.

On one occasion, a cardinal even invited him up to his rooms in the Vatican.

The unnamed soldier served in the Swiss Guard during the papacy of John Paul II, which lasted from 1978 until 2005.

‘One night, sometime after midnight, I received a call on my mobile phone. The person on the other end said he was a cardinal and asked me to come to his room,’ he told Swiss newspaper Schweiz am Sonntag.

Vatican Guard: I Was Regularly Asked For Gay Sex By Priests

In the latest sex scandal involving the Catholic Church, the security guard also claimed a bishop left a bottle of whisky on his bed with a visiting card placed next to it.

Another incident involved how a priest had invited him to dinner, saying the guard would be served after for dessert.

The soldier claimed he reported the harassment to officials in the Vatican, but was offered no support.

He said his experiences added weight to the allegations of a ‘gay lobby’ active in the hub of the Catholic Church.

The Pope has ordered an investigation into the ‘gay lobby’, but has found nothing to back them up.

Urs Moser, a spokesman for the corps, said: ‘Rumours of a gay network inside the Vatican are not our problem. Our men concern themselves purely with religious and military matters.’

The Vatican denies the allegations.


6 Credible Elf Incidents? [VIDEO]

6 Credible Elf Incidents?

If you ask an Icelander whether elves exist or not, chances are he or she will say it is quite possible.

Many polls over the years have shown the majority of Icelanders believe in elves to some degree. Late last year, a judge even halted the building of a road in Iceland because it may disturb elves living in the area.

Myth often has fact as its foundation.

In 2004, the fossils of small humanoid beings were found on the remote Indonesian island of Flores. The being, named Homo floresiensis but better known as the “hobbit,” stood about three feet tall. The journal Nature explains that bones from several individuals were uncovered, showing that it was a society of people this size and not an anomaly.

So are elves more like the tall, lithe, and strong Legolas of “Lord of the Rings,” or more like Santa’s helpers who look like small children? Here are some accounts of elf encounters.

1. ‘Little People’ Legends, Mummy Found
‘Little People’ Legends, Mummy Found
The Cherokee native Americans spoke of Yunwi-Tsunsdi, which literally means “little people.” The Yunwi-Tsunsdi were described as kind and helpful, barely reaching the height of a man’s knee. The natives of Hawaii spoke of the Menehune, a plentiful race of little people who built cities, fished, and farmed. The Shoshone natives of Wyoming also spoke of little people, the Nin’ am-bea, whom they feared offending. The Nin’ am-bea were known to shoot people with arrows if offended.

In 1932, a mummy was found in the Pedro Mountains, close to where the Shoshone lived. It was examined by the anthropology department at Harvard University and at the American Museum of Natural History. It was originally identified as belonging to a 65-year-old man, though it is just over a foot tall.

The mummy was lost after one of its owners died. Dr. George Gill of the University of Kansas examined x-ray photographs decades later; he said the mummy was likely an infant with a birth defect that caused it to have an adult-sized skull, but remained open to other explanations.

Other people in the Pedro Mountains region have told stories of finding similar tiny mummies, as documented in books about local folklore.

2. Little People’s Burial Site in Ohio 

Little People’s Burial Site in Ohio

The American Journal of Science published an account in 1837 of a strange discovery in Coshocton, Ohio: “From some remains of wood still apparent in the earth around the bones, the bodies seem all to have been deposited in coffins; and what is still more curious, is the fact that the bodies buried here were generally not more than from three to four and a half feet in length. They are very numerous, and must have been tenants of a considerable city or their numbers could not have been so great. A large number of graves have been opened, the inmates of which are all of this pigmy race. … Similar burial grounds have been found in Tennessee, and near St. Louis in Missouri.”

3. Bulldozing Operation Inexplicably Halted in Suspected Elf Habitat 

Bulldozing Operation Inexplicably Halted in Suspected Elf Habitat

In 1996, an attempt to bulldoze a hill in Kopavogur, Iceland inexplicably failed. The hill, which was to be cleared for a graveyard, was believed to be occupied by elves. During the operation, two bulldozers inexplicably malfunctioned. Television cameras malfunctioned, unable to focus on the hill.

Elf communicators were called in and apparently were able to reach an agreement with the elves. The elves decided to leave, the communicators said, and the machinery began to work again. The event was reported on by the New York Times.

Hildur Hakonardottir told the New York Times in 2005: “My daughter once asked me, ‘How do you know where elves live?’ … I told her you just know. It’s just a feeling.”

Another Icelander, Vigdís Kristín Steinthórsdóttir, expressed a similar idea in 2011 when a mining operation near her home was believed to be sabotaged by elves.

“I had been [in the mountain] before with other people who sensed the natural beings weren’t content with the disturbances to the ground and they hadn’t been asked to move. We sensed they were sad about it. I wanted for us to apologize,” she told IcelandReview.

4. Elvish Gathering in Mangrove Swamps
Elvish Gathering in Mangrove Swamps

Stephen Wagner has been investigating the paranormal for 30 years and has written books on the subject, including “Touched By a Miracle: True Stories of Ordinary People and Extraordinary Experiences.” In an About.com article, he tells of multiple accounts of elf encounters, including that of Paul in South Africa.

In 1986, Paul was hiking near the Mangrove Swamps Nature Reserve with a group of friends. At around 6 p.m., they came across an open space with rock formations. Paul told Wagner: “We looked around and witnessed little people sitting on the illuminated rock formations and others who were interacting with each other.”

The experience lasted about 10 seconds, and he estimated there had been 20 to 30 of these little people. Startled, Paul and his friends ran back to the car. They later returned to the same spot and found the lights and rock formations, along with the little people, were gone.

5. A Shimmery Little Person Behind a Tree
A Shimmery Little Person Behind a Tree

Wagner recounts another story, this one from Greenburg, Penn. In 2003, a woman whose name is only given as K.T. was walking in the woods at dusk. The area around her appeared unusually “shimmery,” as she described it.

As she rounded a bend, she came face-to-face with a little elf. It was peeking at her from behind a tree. K.T. described it: “It was almost a stereotypical elf: long, pointy ears, long funny-shaped nose, very long fingers and pointy cap. It was wearing red clothes and hat, and its skin appeared to be a very light lavender color.”

When she made an exclamation of surprise, it jerked back and disappeared

6. An Elf Neighbor Borrowed Scissors 
An Elf Neighbor Borrowed Scissors

Let’s return to Iceland for our final account. Iceland is home to the only Elf School. Located in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, the Elf School is a good place to learn all the elf-related stories. The headmaster, Magnus Skarphedinsson, has spent 30 years talking to thousands of people who claim they have encountered the hidden people.

One of the stories he tells is of Elly Erlingsdottir, the head of the Hafnarfjordur town council’s planning committee. She said some elves had simply borrowed her kitchen scissors and returned them a week later. She was completely confident that this really happened, and a local mystic was often invited to communicate with elves to get their opinions before the committee made decisions.

Andri Snaer Magnason, a well-known environmentalist, spoke to the Huffington Post about the Icelandic belief in elves in relation to development decisions.

When elf advocates were saying the construction of a road from Reykjavik to the Alftanes peninsula would disturb the little people, Magnason’s major concern was that the road would destroy bird nesting sites and have other environmental impacts.

He’s a bit skeptical about elves, but he said: “I got married in a church with a God just as invisible as the elves.”

Numerous accounts beyond those recorded here have been given of encounters with little people, whether with the leprechauns of Ireland or those with other names and slightly varying forms.

Video: From the documentary “The Fairy Faith,” directed by John Walker.


Boiling Water Turns To Snow in seconds, in big freeze USA

Boiling Water Turns To Snow in seconds, in big freeze USA

As parts of the US remain gripped in a big freeze, one of the worst on record, news reports of strange events continue. The latest is a Wisconsin video which shows boiling water turning to snow in seconds.

2014 has begun with freezing cold weather and heavy snow in parts of the US but one man in Wisconsin wanted to show the world just how cold it was in an unusual way.

Temperatures were around -30 degrees but fearless meteorologist Eric Holthaus wanted to test out a theory, which he admits he did not expect to work, and he braved the extreme cold to do so. He wanted to see if he could create instant snow out of boiling water, in such a cold temperature, and he proved his theory correct.

Boiling Water Turns To Snow in seconds, in big freeze USA

Holthaus braved the extreme temperature and went outdoors with a pan of boiling water. He threw this into the air and the instant change from hot water to snow was caught on camera.

However, although Holthaus and his video are reported online by numerous sources his is not the first footage online to show this strange phenomenon. In fact looking on YouTube there are a few other videos showing boiling water turning to snow in a flash. Some date back a few years but others from the current cold snap in the USA.

Slate noted the same in their report as the mainstream media jumped on Holthaus video. Slate reported

Holthaus isn't the first to perform the boiling-water-to-snow trick. But he told me it was his first time attempting it — he just moved to Wisconsin from Arizona four months ago. "I didn't expect it to work, actually," he said
A selection of these videos from the USA have been added to this report. It is still a great story but sadly, for Mr Holthaus, his footage is not unique.

Boiling water vs extreme cold

Boiling water turns to snow in St. Louis

Evaporating Water in -30C in Yellowknife, NWT

Boiling Water to Snow Split Second


Satanic Temple unveils 7-foot goat-headed Baphomet statue for Oklahoma Capitol


The Satanic Temple, a spiritual group based in New York City, on Monday revealed their design for a monument they desire to erect at the Oklahoma Statehouse.

The 7-foot-tall monument would consist of a goat-headed Baphomet determine sitting cross-legged on a rock piece, in the middle of two smiling children. The monument would also contain quotes from poets Lord Byron and William Blake.

Satanic Temple unveils 7-foot goat-headed Baphomet statue for Oklahoma Capitol

“The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond. The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures. The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation,” spokesman Lucien Greaves explained.

The group offered to donate a monument last month, after State Rep. Mike Ritze (R-Broken Arrow) and conservative Christians were allowed to erect a Ten Commandments monument on the statehouse grounds.

Lawmakers in Oklahoma, however, have insisted that the Satanists should not be given the same treatment as Christians.

“This is a faith-based nation and a faith-based state,” Rep. Earl Sears (R-Bartlesville) said. “I think it is very offensive they would contemplate or even have this kind of conversation.”

After other groups — including PETA and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster — asked for their own displays, the Oklahoma City Capitol Preservation Commission placed a moratorium on new monuments at the statehouse.

Satanic Temple unveils 7-foot goat-headed Baphomet statue for Oklahoma Capitol

But the Satanic Temple insists erecting a monument of their own is within their constitutional rights.

“Our monument celebrates an unwavering respect for the Constitutional values of religious freedom and free expression,” Greaves explained. “Satanism is a fundamental component at the genesis of American liberty. Medieval witch-hunts taught us to adopt presumption of innocence, secular law, and a more substantive burden of proof.

“Today, we are rightly offended by the notion of blasphemy laws and divine fiats. Acknowledging wrongful persecutions has helped shape the legal system that preserves the sovereignty of our skeptics, heretics, and the misunderstood. It has shaped a proud culture of tolerance and free inquiry. This is to be a historical marker commemorating the scapegoats, the marginalized, the demonized minority, and the unjustly outcast.”


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