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Siri Says the ‘Opening Gates of Hades’ is July 27, 2014


The Apple iPhone’s Siri function is saying that July 27, 2014, will be the “Opening [the] Gates of Hades,” or the Greek term for Hell, leading many to question why.

If one asks Siri, “What is July 27” or “What is July 27, 2014,” she’ll give the response “It’s Sunday, 27 July 2014 (Opening Gates Of Hades).” It doesn’t appear to work for everyone.

Several Epoch Times staff members could confirm that Siri delivered the “Hades” response, while another staff member’s phone said July 27 is “Arbor Day” and displayed a Wikipedia page.

According to the website Cult of Mac, if one rewords the phrase, she’ll say that the gates of Hades already opened, doing so on May 14, 2005.

Siri Says the ‘Opening Gates of Hades’ is July 27, 2014

There’s been speculation as to why Siri is giving this response. Some have said it’s a joke, while Cult of Mac said it’s due to a glitch in the iPhone’s Wolfram Alpha configuration, which directs Siri to give its response.

Cult of Mac and iPhone owners on the Apple forum discussion said that July 27, 2014, has to do with “Chinese Ghost Month,” where according to legend, the gates of Heaven and Hell open. The month is on the seventh month of the lunar year.

Some speculated it had to do with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The May 14, 2005, response likely has to do with the opening of a since-closed bar or club named Hades in New York, said Cult of Mac.

On Facebook and Twitter, thousands of people shared the apocalyptic Siri response.

Siri Says the ‘Opening Gates of Hades’ is July 27, 2014

Siri, however, has given odd responses to questions in the past.

Last month, there were reports saying that if you ask Siri a specific question about political views, she’ll display a Wikipedia page for former Republican Congressman Ron Paul, who ran for president several times. Like the “Hades” response, it didn’t appear for everyone.

Several people videos of Siri’s response:


The Saudi Connection to 9/11 Attacks

The Saudi Connection to 9/11 Attacks

Congressmen call for declassifying 28 pages from a 9/11 joint congressional inquiry

WASHINGTON—Not long after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, questions about a connection between the hijackers and the Saudi government have been raised from the media and investigators. After all, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Some have suggested a cover-up by the Bush Administration. Classified pages from a 2002 congressional intelligence report may provide the evidence.

On Dec. 2, two congressmen introduced the bipartisan House Resolution H. Res. 428 that asks President Obama to declassify 28 pages in the “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001,”—an 858 page report to Congress concerning the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The House and Senate respective intelligence committees worked on a Joint Inquiry congressional report that was released Dec. 2002.

Reps. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) and Walter Jones (R-N.C.) recently had an opportunity to review the 28 pages, and now believe it would be in the public interest to declassify them.

The report was about to begin on page 395 (416 in the original pagination) a new section on “sources of foreign support for some of the Sept. 11 hijackers while they were in the United States,” when the reader encounters for the next 28 pages only brackets with strikeout lines.

In a press release, Congressman Lynch—Democratic Chairman of the bipartisan Task Force on Terrorism and Proliferation Financing—states, “These pages contain information that is vital to a full understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding this tragedy. The families of the victims and the American people … deserve a full accounting, and that has not happened yet.”

President George W. Bush was the sole decider that these 28 pages would not be made public for what he said were national security reasons.

According to Lynch, the information will not compromise national security.

The Joint Inquiry report should not be confused with “The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,” also known as the 9-11 Commission, which was wider in scope and released later, in July 2004.

The Saudi Connection to 9/11 Attacks

9/11 Victims ‘Deserve Answers’

Congressman Lynch has said in interviews that the reason he and Rep. Jones want to declassify the section is for the sake of transparency. The resolution states “The families of the victims and the people of the United States deserve answers about the events and circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001.”

“We owe it to them to give 100 percent thorough information,” he said to Mike Nikitas, on NECN television interview on Dec. 16.

Lynch said that this portion of the investigation regarding foreign support for some of the hijackers was not just rewritten, shortened, or sanitized, but was deleted. “These 28 pages were actually excised from that report. These are not just redactions; the 28 pages that I read and that [Rep.] Walter Jones read, have actually been pulled from the report completely,” Lynch told Piers Morgan on CNN, Dec. 16.

Soon after the Joint Inquiry report was released, “more than 40 U.S. senators clamored for the release of the censored section of the report. They included John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Charles Schumer, Sam Brownback, Olympia Snowe, and Pat Roberts,” states Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan in an article about Saudi and Pakistani involvement in 9/11, appearing in Vanity Fair, Aug. 2011.

Nikitas asked Lynch whether people will be shocked at what they read. Lynch replied, “I think some people will be very surprised.”

For now, Lynch urges his colleagues in Congress to read the pages for themselves. He’s confident that once they do, many will join him and Rep. Jones and sponsor Resolution 428. “We will have support,” he told Nikitas.

However, it won’t be easy for other Congress Members to get access to the 28 pages. According to Paul Sperry, Hoover Institute media fellow, in an op-ed, Dec. 15, in the NY Post, “It took a month long letter-writing campaign by Jones and Lynch to convince the House intelligence panel to give them access to the material.

The Saudi Connection to 9/11 Attacks

Leaks: Saudi Kingdom Complicit

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals. But Lynch will not answer questions about any assistance the hijackers received from members of the Saudi royal family or officials of the Saudi government. The 28 pages are still classified material.

However, Sperry states in the NY Post op-ed cited above, “Some information already has leaked from the classified section, which is based on both CIA and FBI documents, and it points back to Saudi Arabia, a presumed ally.”

“Case agents tell me, [investigators] were repeatedly called off pursuing 9/11 leads back to the Saudi Embassy, which had curious sway over White House and FBI responses to the attacks,” Sperry writes.

Sperry concluded, “Not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks.”

The Saudi Connection to 9/11 Attacks
Sen. Bob Graham

Someone else who has read those 28 pages, the co-Chair of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11, former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), has not been at all reticent to speak out about the Saudi connection to at least some of the hijackers.

In Huffington Post article from Sept. 11, 2012, co-author Graham wrote, “From the outset of the Congressional Joint Inquiry Into 9/11, it seemed implausible that the hijackers—most of whom spoke no English and had never been to the U.S.—could have executed the heinous plot on their own. … Sadly, those 28 pages represent only a fraction of the evidence complicity that our government continues to shield from the public, under a flawed classification program which appears to be part of a systematic effort to protect Saudi Arabia from any real accountability for its actions.”

Graham, who was formerly chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, noted the unwillingness of the FBI to acknowledge the nefarious connection between a Saudi couple living in a gated community in Sarasota, Fla. and several of the hijackers, including Mohamed Atta, who frequently visited their “posh home.” The couple abruptly returned to Saudi Arabia about two weeks before 9/11.

Graham wrote that the FBI issued statements that the couple had been investigated and cleared, and the Congressional Joint Inquiry and 9/11 Commission had been duly informed. Graham wrote that he had personal information and evidence that the FBI was not being truthful.

In his book, Intelligence Matters (2004), Graham concluded that the White House was stonewalling Congress’s inquiry and directing a cover-up.

In Nov. 2004, Graham said in an interview with Mother Earth Jones, “We found that there was compelling evidence that the Saudis played an active role in assisting two of the terrorists in Southern California, including being the means of substantial funding for those two terrorists. And this question of whether their support was limited to those two, or may have extended to others of the 17 terrorists, is still an unsolved mystery ….”

What Graham and Sperry say is not inconsistent with a high-ranking official in the Bush Administration, who was the assistant secretary of the Treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes, 2005-2009. Juan C. Zarate, who also served as deputy assistant to President Bush, referred in his book, Treasury’s War (2013) on pages 84-85, to “FBI investigations that found its way to some of the 9/11 hijackers” and that the FBI was getting “to the bottom of suspicions that the embassy had been subsidizing the hijackers’ stay in the United States.”

Zarate identifies two of the hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, as receiving cash payments from the embassy. However, the two hijackers were Saudi citizens and there could be other reasons for the payments. Zarate states, “There was no evidence that the Saudi government had tried to assist the 9/11 hijackers.”

Sperry implicated then-President Bush: “Just days after Bush met with the Saudi ambassador in the White House, the FBI evacuated from the United States dozens of Saudi officials, as well as Osama bin Laden family members. [Prince Bandar bin Sultan] made the request for escorts directly to FBI headquarters on Sept. 13, 2001—just hours after he met with the president.”

Sperry wrote, “[The Joint Inquiry] findings must be released, even if they forever change US-Saudi relations.”


10 Things You Didn't Know About Church of Scientology [VIDEO]

10 Things You Didn't Know About Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology promotes Scientology, a body of beliefs and related practices created by L. Ron Hubbard, starting in 1952 as a successor to his earlier self-help system, Dianetics.

Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature. The story of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by Hubbard. Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counseling known as "auditing", in which practitioners aim to re-experience consciously painful or traumatic events in their past, in order to free themselves of their limiting effects.Study materials and auditing courses are made available to members in return for specified donations. Scientology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the United States and other countries, and the Church of Scientology emphasizes this as proof that it is a bona fide religion.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Church of Scientology

Scientology describes itself as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others, and all of life. According to the Encyclopedia of American Religions, it is “concerned with the isolation, description, handling and rehabilitation of the human spirit.” One purpose of Scientology, as stated by the Church of Scientology, is to become certain of one's spiritual existence and one's relationship to God, or the "Supreme Being."

One of the major tenets of Scientology is that a human is an immortal alien spiritual being, termed a thetan, that is presently trapped on planet Earth in a physical "meat body." Hubbard described these thetans in "The Space Opera" cosmogony. The thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is accepted in Scientology that lives preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth lived in extraterrestrial cultures. Descriptions of space opera incidents are seen as true events by Scientologists.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Church of Scientology

Scientology claims that its practices provide methods by which a person can achieve greater spiritual awareness. Within Scientology, progression from level to level is often called The Bridge to Total Freedom. Scientologists progress from "Preclear", to "Clear", and ultimately "Operating Thetan".

Scientologists are taught that a series of events, or incidents, occurred before life on earth. Scientologists also believe that humans have hidden abilities which can be unlocked.

L. Ron Hubbard continues to have a great influence on Scientology, which is apparent in the church's physical structure, which includes a corporate-style office for him, with a plaque on the desk bearing his name. -wikipedia

A dark and evil organization, a rich peoples' club or just a strange fad? 



Near Death Experience Turns Atheist Doctor Into Believer: Personal Account

Near Death Experience Turns Atheist Doctor Into Believer: Personal Account

The following experience was shared by Joseph G., a police officer in Miami, Fla., on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation website:

I went to the emergency room of the hospital because of a bad reaction to a tetanus shot. While in the emergency room, I was given two shots of penicillin. After the second shot, I fell to the floor.

All of a sudden, I found myself floating at the ceiling, watching the turmoil going on in the room. My body was on the gurney jumping and shaking. The room was full people working on me; pounding on me.

The nurse who gave me the shots was sitting on the floor in the corner, hysterical. I saw them with the electric paddles trying to start my heart, with no luck. I thought I heard someone say that I was dead.

Near Death Experience Turns Atheist Doctor Into Believer: Personal Account

Suddenly, this doctor rushed into the room, shoving everyone out of the way. He was carrying this long syringe with a long needle and plunged it into my chest. That was the last thing I remember.

A week or so later, I suddenly woke up. I was in a hospital room. As I woke up, a doctor entered the room. I recognized him as the one with the needle. The first words I said to him were, “I guess it’s a good thing you came when you did.”

He was totally shocked! He asked the nurse who had I talked too? She told him, “No one, he just woke up from a coma.” He told the nurse that no one was to speak to me including her until he came back.

When he returned, he had a large group of doctors with him. He asked me to repeat what I said. I did. He said there was no way that I saw him, that I was dead by then. He asked me to tell him what else I remembered. I told them all I remembered as it happened and described all I saw.

Near Death Experience Turns Atheist Doctor Into Believer: Personal Account
They were all shocked because I was dead during the whole thing. I remember that later he told me that before my episode he was [an] atheist. But no more.

It was quite a story in the Miami Herald for quite a long time.

From that time until today, I don’t fear dying, In fact I look forward to it. I feel that God rejected me, because he has some purpose for me.

Since that episode, I have had many experiences that would kill anyone else, but not me.

[For] example, right now, I am recovering from a broken neck. The top three [vertebrae] were broken and that usually results in being paralyzed.


A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila

A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila
It’s been nearly five years now since I wrote my last book, Queer Hauntings: True Tales of Gay and Lesbian Ghosts. And to be honest, I haven’t thought too much about it lately. That’s not out of any type of personal shame I feel toward the book; I’ve been so swamped with researching local hauntings that it’s simply fallen by the wayside. But with the passage of half a decade, I think it’s time to revisit the topic and explore what I left unfinished.
Over the years, I’ve learned about many other locations I didn’t include, mostly in just vague mentions in passing: suicides from high bridges, haunted bars in various European cities, and arguably gay individuals haunting well-known places. Some of these vague recollections still puzzle me and haunt me as yet-undiscovered haunted places known only by local residents of specific areas. And then, there are the updates. Some places close down or change owners over time. Yet in one case in particular, a closing and a forgotten story overlapped.
The place in question is the Manila Film Center Complex.
A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila
Manila Film Center in recent years.

For those of you who didn’t read the book—and judging by the numbers, that’s pretty much all of you—the Manila Film Center is one of the best-known hauntings in the Philippines; it’s been haunted since it first opened, with good reason. It was one of many construction projects spurred on by Dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his shoe-addicted wife, Imelda.

A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila

Imelda’s shoe collection is still housed in a museum.
Wish the International Film Festival fast approaching, construction was hurried in a race to finish the building on time. At 3:00AM on November 17, 1981, the scaffolding inside collapsed tossing many workers into the still-wet quick-drying cement below. The Marcos regime refused to allow emergency workers into the building for nine hours. By then, an estimated 168 workers were killed or lost in the now-hardened cement. Betty Benitez, wife of Assistant Minister Jose Conrado Benitez, gave the order to pour the cement over the bodies and continue construction. It remains their tomb to this day.
A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila
Betty died a few months later in a freak automobile accident. Many Filipinos blamed it on the revenge of the dead workers. When a medium was sent into the Film Center to see if it was haunted, he went into a trance. “Now there are 169,” he said. “Betty is with us.”* For years, people have reported cries and moans in the auditorium. In one strange story, a visitor was approached by a man who gave him a calling card and asked him to call his wife. When the visitor called the number, the woman told him her husband was one of the dead men buried in the concrete of the Film Complex.
Now just another derelict building along Roxas Boulevard in Pasay City, what earned it a mention in Queer Hauntings was its short-lived use as the home of The Amazing Show: the largest transvestite performance in all of Asia produced by the Amazing Philippine Theatre. Shows began in December 2001 and lasted until their lease expired in 2009. The shows returned in November 2012, but a fire on February 19, 2013 damaged the building and closed the show yet again.
A High-Heeled Haunt: Murder in Manila
Part of the cast of The Amazing Show around 2012.
But there’s more to the story. And were it not for a chance conversation with a local about haunted places in the Philippines, I never would’ve known about it.
Soon after The Amazing Show began its regular performances, something odd began to happen late at night at Manila Film Center. A few taxi drivers who found themselves at the building reported the same chilling experience. A bloodied and bruised woman would appear to be standing near the building and waive down the taxi. Climbing inside, she would ask the driver to take her to the hospital. But when the taxi arrived at the nearest hospital, he would find the back seat empty.
From what I was told, approximately between 1998 and 2001, a ladyboy—one common Filipino term for a drag queen or transvestite—was murdered in the Manila/Pasay City area and her body dumped at the Manila Film Center. The crime was not thoroughly investigated, since it was easier to write it off as a drug-related deal gone bad than waste time on the murder of a gay male crossdresser. It’s believed that this murder victim is the same one hailing taxis and trying to get to the hospital. Who she is, and what exactly happened to her, is still a mystery. And whether or not she’s still stopping taxis late at night, only the taxi drivers know for sure.

Man Loses 37 Pounds By Eating Exclusively At McDonald's For 90 Days

Man Loses 37 Pounds By Eating Exclusively At McDonald's For 90 Days

A man lost 37 pounds and his cholesterol level dropped from 249 to 170 by eating exclusively at McDonald's for 90 days. He ate everything: from Big Macs to salads to sundaes to shakes to quarter pounders. It's the antithesis of Supersize Me, the pseudo-documentary of a man who did the same—with two crucial differences:

The first difference is that John Cisca—a science teacher in the Colo-Nesco School District in Ankeny, Iowa—didn't eat like a pig. He ate 2,000 calories per day. He also balanced the intake of nutrients based on the FDA's reference daily intake tables by combining different items from the fast food chain's menu:

So this isn't something where you say 'well he went to McDonalds and he only had the salads. No, I had the Big Macs, the quarter pounders with cheese. I had sundaes, I had ice cream cones.

The second difference is that Cisca started to walk 45 minutes a day, like any normal human being should do.

Man Loses 37 Pounds By Eating Exclusively At McDonald's For 90 Days

The results were impressive: his weight dropped from 279 pounds to 242. The overall cholesterol level went from 249 to 170, while his bad cholesterol dropped from 173 to 113.

The teacher—who turned his science experiment into a documentary for his students—says that "the moral of this lesson isn't to eat more at McDonald's, but to pay attention to your daily nutrition and what you eat:"

The point behind this documentary is, 'Hey, it's (a) choice. We all have choices. It's our choices that make us fat not McDonald's.

It's a good and perfectly logical point: if the amount of calories you ingest is inferior to what you use every day, you will lose weight regardless of your restaurant choice. And if you have a balanced diet, you will have all the nutrients you need no matter where you eat.

Man Loses 37 Pounds By Eating Exclusively At McDonald's For 90 Days

So don't blame McDonald's. Blame yourself if you gain weight. If you eat like a pig—like the Supersize Me guy—you will be fat like a pig no matter where you eat.


Nazis Tried To Train Dogs To Talk, Read And Spell To Win WW2

Nazis Tried To Train Dogs To Talk, Read And Spell To Win WW2

The Germans viewed canines as being almost as intelligent as humans and attempted to build an army of fearsome 'speaking' dogs, extraordinary new research shows.

Hitler hoped the clever creatures would learn to communicate with their SS masters - and he even had a special dog school set up to teach them to talk.

The incredible findings show Nazi officials recruited so-called educated dogs from all over Germany and trained them to speak and tap out signals using their paws.

One mutt was said to have uttered the words 'Mein Fuhrer' when asked who Adolf Hitler was.

Another 'spoke' by tapping letters of the alphabet with his paws and was said to have speculated about religion and learnt poetry.

The Germans hoped to use the animals for the war effort, such as getting them to work alongside the SS and guard concentration camps to free up officers.

The bizarre 'Wooffan SS' experiment has come to light after years of painstaking research by academic Dr Jan Bondeson into unique and amazing dogs in history.

Dr Bonderson, from Cardiff University, visited Berlin to scour obscure periodicals to build up a bizarre - but true - account of Nazi ideas.

Hitler was a well-known dog lover and had two German Shepherds, called Blondi and Bella. He famously killed Blondi moments before committing suicide in his bunker in 1945.

The evil dictator was said to have been keen to use dogs for the war effort and supported the dog school which was called the Tier-Sprechschule ASRA.

The school, based in Leutenburg near Hannover and led by headmistress Margarethe Schmitt, was set up in the 1930s and continued throughout the war years.

Nazis Tried To Train Dogs To Talk, Read And Spell To Win WW2

It was reported to have had some success, with dogs tapping out words with their paws.

Some of them were able to imitate the human voice and one, when asked who Adolf Hitler was, is said to have replied 'Mein Fuhrer'.

The forerunner of them all was Rolf, an Airedale terrier who 'spoke' through tapping his paw against a board, each letter of the alphabet being represented by a certain number of taps.

He was said to have speculated about religion, learnt foreign languages, wrote poetry and asked a visiting noblewoman 'could you wag your tail?'

The patriotic German dog even expressed a wish to join the army, because he disliked the French.

Another dog, a Dachschund named Kurwenal, even received a visit from a troop of 28 uniformed youths from the Nazi animalprotection organisation on his birthday.

He was said to speak using a different number of barks for each letter, and told his biographer he would be voting for Hindenburg.

Another dog, a German pointer named Don, went one step further - imitating a human voice to bark "Hungry! Give me cakes", in German.

The incredible story of Germany's educated dogs has now been revealed in full by Dr Bondeson, a senior lecturer at Cardiff University in his book "Amazing Dogs: A Cabinet of Canine Curiosities."

He said: "It is absolutely extraordinary stuff.

"In the 1920s, Germany had numerous 'new animal psychologists' who believed dogs were nearly as intelligent as humans, and capable of abstract thinking and communication.

"When the Nazi party took over, one might have thought they would be building concentration camps to lock these fanatics up, but instead they were actually very interested in their ideas.

Nazis Tried To Train Dogs To Talk, Read And Spell To Win WW2

"Part of the Nazi philosophy was that there was a strong bond between humans and nature - they believed a good Nazi should be an animal friend.

"Indeed, when they started interning Jews, the newspapers were flooded with outraged letters from Germans wondering what had happened to the pets they left behind.

"Hitler himself was praised for his attitude to animals and Goering was a forerunner of animal protection. They seemed to think nothing of human rights, but lots about animal rights.

"There were some very strange experiments going on in wartime Germany, with regard to dog-human communication.

"Nazi animal psychologists worked with the educated dogs, and there was even a school to teach animals to communicate, with dogs supplied by the office of the Reichsführer-SS.

"My guess would be that they were intended to work with the SS or be used as guard dogs in concentration camps.

"Hitler was himself interested in the prospect of using educated dogs in the war effort, and he advised representatives of the German army to study their usefulness in the field.

"Still, it appears to have been very early days - there is no evidence it ever actually came to fruition and that the SS were walking around with talking dogs.

"It is really remarkable and fascinating insight into a hitherto unknown facet of Nazi Germany."

Dr Bondeson's book, Amazing Dogs: A Cabinet of Canine Curiosities, also includes chapters on acting dogs, travelling dogs, turnspit dogs, holy dogs and exceptionally faithful dogs.

It has been published by Amberley Publishing in Britain and the Cornell University Press in the US and costs 20 pounds.


South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’

A South African preacher made his congregation eat grass to 'be closer to God' before stamping on them.

Under the instruction of Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries dozens of followers dropped to the floor to eat the grass at his ministry in Garankuwa, north of Pretoria after being told it will 'bring them closer to God.'

His controversial methods have drawn criticism from thousands of people although members of his congregation swear by his methods - he is said to have claimed that humans can eat anything to feed their bodies and survive on whatever they choose to eat.

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’
South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’
South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’
'Yes, we eat grass and we're proud of it because it demonstrates that, with God's power, we can do anything,' Rosemary Phetha told South Africa's Times Live.

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’
The 21-year-old law student says she had been battling a sore throat for more than a year, but it was healed after she ate the grass.

Doreen Kgatle, 27, of Ga-rankuwa, suffered a stroke two years ago.

'I could not walk but soon after eating the grass, as the pastor had ordered, I started gaining strength and an hour later I could walk again,' said Kgatle.

Photos on the Rabboni Centre Ministries Facebook page show the followers eating the grass as well as Mr Daniel walking across them as they spread out on the floor.

Photos that follow show dozens of people getting sick in the toilets - an image of the bathrooms show women clutching their stomach, while the men are vomiting in the sink.

The pastor's actions during the service prompted a series of online complaints.

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’

One outraged commentator said 'Is this a scene in a movie...this can't be real. God created animals to chew grass and made human beings to dominate over animals. Any person who reduces human beings to animals is definitely not of God.'

While another person wrote: 'Why is he stepping on people? This is inhumane. Shocking.'

The Times Live reported that during a service of at least 1,000 people in a marquee Daniel screamed 'sleep' and six people went to sleep.

He ordered other congregants to slap and trample on them, tut the sleepers remain rigid and unresponsive until he ordered them to wake up.

'You can leave them like this for six months. I love this, I don't want to be bored. You can even make police go to sleep when they come to arrest you,' he said.

Although Daniel has not responded to the backlash yesterday he posted on Facebook: 'God is at work and His people are testifying right now st the farm. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.'

South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat GRASS To ‘Be Closer To God’

Ancient Practice Of Exorcism On The Rise Again

Ancient Practice Of Exorcism On The Rise Again

The Roman Catholic Church is training up a new army of exorcists to meet the growing demand for experts to rid people of evil spirits. The Church claims that the “unprecedented rise” in requests for exorcism comes from more people dabbling in the ‘dark arts’ with the help of information found on the internet.

“Diabolical possessions are on the increase as a result of people subscribing to occultism,” said Fr Francesco Bamonte, the president of the Italy-based International Association for Exorcists. “The few exorcists that we have in the dioceses are often not able to handle the enormous number of requests for help,” he told La Repubblica last month.

Ancient Practice Of Exorcism On The Rise Again

“Demonic” possession manifests itself in people babbling in languages foreign to them, shaking uncontrollably and vomiting nails, pieces of metal and shards of glass, according to those who believe in the phenomenon. They must undergo the official Catholic rite of exorcism, which involves a consecrated priest invoking the name of God, as well as various saints and the Archangel Michael, to cast out their demons.

However, the Catholic Church is not the only religious organisation to conduct rites to rid a person of demonic possession. Virtually every religious and cultural tradition worldwide has espoused the idea of spirit possession and the need for some form of exorcism, and this custom dates back thousands of years.

In ancient Mesopotamia, it was believed that all forms of sickness came from powerful spirits entering a person’s body and attaching to a person. Assyrian tablets make reference to the use of incantations and prayers to the gods, as well as direct challenges to demons, which were believed to inflict every type of disease, both physical and psychological. Ancient Babylonian priests performed rituals by destroying a clay or wax image of a demon.

Ancient Practice Of Exorcism On The Rise Again

In the Hindu religion, the ancient texts known as the Vedas, which were composed around 1000 BC, refer to evil beings that interfere in the work of Hindu gods and harm the living.

Accounts from ancient Persia, dating back to around 600 BC, offer evidence of exorcism using prayer, ritual, and holy water by the religious leader Zoroaster, who was considered the first magician, and who founded the religion Zoroastrianism.

In Christianity, there are many references to Jesus performing exorcisms, and the ability to cast our evil spirits was a sign of a true disciple. In one well known story, Jesus encountered a madman and commanded that the foul spirits leave him; the spirits then entered into a herd of pigs, which ran over a cliff and drowned in the waters below.

Ancient Practice Of Exorcism On The Rise Again

The Middle Ages (500-1500AD) saw a revival of ancient superstition and demonology and mental illness was seen to be the result of evil possession. The barbaric treatment of mental illnesses was primarily left to the clergy who exorcised patients through a variety of techniques which caused physical pain, such as scourging.

Over the centuries, the rites of exorcism have included the use of prayers, commands, fumigations, holy water, hellebore, rue, salt, and roses. However, exorcisms have also attracted their fair share of scepticism. Many scientists believe that so-called demonic possession is simply a form of mental illness, such as hysteria, mania, psychosis, Tourette’s syndrome, schizophrenia or personality disorder. Sceptics claim that the illusion that exorcism works on people experiencing symptoms of possession is attributed to the power of suggestion, or the placebo effect, which has also been used to explain phenomena such as faith healing.

Beliefs in spirit possession have remained virtually unchanged since the beginning of civilization and still exist to this day. But whether possession by demonic forces is real or simply the result of a medical or psychological imbalance is still hotly debated.

Mexico Under Attack By Satan – Exorcisms Urgently Needed


Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'

 A new calendar created by Romanian Orthodox Christians featuring muscular male models in steamy poses has been unveiled.

The men behind the Romanian Orthodox 2014 calendar say it pays tribute to gay marriage, which, they say, 'is in the news all around the world and very timely'.

One shot shows a half-naked model reading the bible, another shows a man posing in the buff on a bed clutching some rosary beads.

Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'

'A great gift for people who like illustrations, artwork, artistic photography, and controversial art in their decor. These pictures will definitely bring you hope, joy and comfort,' promise the creators.

OC (Orthodox Calendar) was established in 2012 and is the brainchild of a group composed mostly of Orthodox Christian eastern Europeans of the former communist regions.

One of the calendar's organisers told The Huffington Post that the snaps don't feature any actual priests. The models are gay-friendly members 'of the Orthodox Church' who have chosen to strip down for the sexy shoot 'because they believe - like us - in freedom of speech, tolerance, equality and human rights.'

'This product is not intended to be used for religious purposes. It is a work of artistic expression and political and social commentary promoting the modernity and dynamism of persons involved in the Orthodox Church,' added the source.

Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'
Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'

Writing on their website they say their primary goal is to 'demonstrate that Orthodox believers do not all fit the backward, hidebound stereotype portrayed in the press but rather are regular people with passions, preferences, interests and desires.

'At the same time, the calendar takes an ironic approach to the Orthodox Church itself, which in recent years has baeen embroiled in corruption scandals, artist repression, gay sex cover-ups, outrageous behavior and homophobia,' they add.

Through their calendars, the six creatives behind the calendar are hoping to counteract, what they describe as the 'negative and outdated influences of most of the Orthodox church leadership'.

Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'
Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'

Reactions from within the church have been mixed.

According to the website: 'Some called them terrorists; some did not bother to react. The coolest reaction was from the Greek Patriarchy, who declared ”they did not approve but understand it could be appreciated by creative people and minorities".'

And indeed it has been. With bold colors, homoerotic undertones, OC’s artwork has drawn comparisons to American photographer David LaChapelle and French artists Pierre & Gilles.

Photo sessions and casting took place in the predominantly Orthodox area of Eastern Europe. Casting calls have been open to the public via online announcement on the promoter’s website.

Orthodox 'Priests' Strip Off For Gay Calendar They Say Will Bring 'Hope, Joy And Comfort'


Swedish Scientists: An ICE AGE is Coming, Only CO2 Can Save Us

Swedish Scientists: An ICE AGE is Coming, Only CO2 Can Save Us

Forget Hurricane Sandy – fear the peat powered freeze.

A group of Swedish scientists at the University of Gothenburg have published a paper in which they argue that spreading peatlands are inexorably driving planet Earth into its next ice age, and the only thing holding back catastrophe is humanity‘s hotly debated atmospheric carbon emissions.

“We are probably entering a new ice age right now. However, we’re not noticing it due to the effects of carbon dioxide,” says Professor of Physical Geography Lars Franzén, from the Department of Earth Sciences at Gothenburg uni.

Franzén and his colleagues have examined various scenarios for the peatlands of Sweden, which are a continually expanding “dynamic landscape element”. According to the scientists:

Peatlands grow in height and spread across their surroundings by waterlogging woodlands. They are also one of the biggest terrestrial sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Each year, around 20 grams of carbon are absorbed by every square metre of peatland.

The scientists have calculated that the potential is there for Swedish peatlands to triple in extent, enormously increasing their carbon sink effect. By extrapolating to include the rest of the world’s high-latitude temperate areas – the parts of the globe where peatland can expand as it does in Sweden – they project the creation of an extremely powerful carbon sink. They theorise that this is the mechanism which tends to force the Earth back into prolonged ice ages after each relatively brief “interglacial” warm period.

“Carbon sequestration in peatland may be one of the main reasons why ice age conditions have occurred time after time,” says Franzén.

Swedish Scientists: An ICE AGE is Coming, Only CO2 Can Save Us

With no other factors in play, the time is about right for the present interglacial to end and the next ice age to come on. Indeed, Franzén and his crew think it has barely been staved off by human activity:

The researchers believe that the Little Ice Age of the 16th to 18th centuries may have been halted as a result of human activity. Increased felling of woodlands and growing areas of agricultural land, combined with the early stages of industrialisation, resulted in increased emissions of carbon dioxide which probably slowed down, or even reversed, the cooling trend.

Swedish Scientists: An ICE AGE is Coming, Only CO2 Can Save Us

Other scientists have attributed the Little Ice Age to a quiet period in the Sun’s activity: others say it was purely a local effect in Europe, though that theory has lately been disproved by research in Antarctica.

In any case, the scientists assess that if it weren’t for human activity such as carbon emissions, we could expect a new ice era in short order. They write:
Thus, on a global scale, carbon sequestration in peatlands may have had important climate cooling effects towards the ends of previous interglacials … It cannot be ruled out that similar effects would be seen in a hypothetical Holocene lacking human presence.

It’s probably worth noting that the great physicist Freeman Dyson long ago suggested that only relatively small amounts of new peatland would be enough to sequestrate colossal amounts of CO2 from the air. Other scientists have noted in recent times that brief warming spells like that observed at the end of the 20th century appear to have occurred towards the end of previous interglacial periods – just before the glaciers returned.

Swedish Scientists: An ICE AGE is Coming, Only CO2 Can Save Us

If Franzén and his team are right, the big chill is now under way, and is only just being held off by increasing human carbon emissions – perhaps explaining why temperatures have been merely flat for the last 15 years or so, rather than descending.

The Swedish scientists‘ paper is published in the peer-reviewed journal Mires and Peat, and can be read here in pdf.

Comment Naturally this theory runs counter to the global warming scenario as presented by many other scientists and most of the media. That stance has lately been boosted by wildly unjustifiable assertions that global warming caused Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately if you believe that isolated events prove theories, you would pretty much have to accept that global warming has stopped: ten to fifteen years of flat temperatures, or even a few very cold winters – both of which have just happened – are a lot more significant than one storm (and they still aren’t significant enough to mean anything much in a climate context).


BBC Space Documentary - We are the Aliens

BBC Space Documentary - We are the Aliens

Clouds of alien life forms are sweeping through outer space and infecting planets with life — it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.

The idea that life on Earth came from another planet has been around as a modern scientific theory since the 1960s when it was proposed by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. At the time they were ridiculed for their idea — known as panspermia. But now, with growing evidence, it’s back in vogue and even being studied by NASA.

BBC Space Documentary - We are the Aliens

We meet the scientists on a mission to get to the bottom of the beginnings of life on Earth – from the team in Texas who are lovingly building a robotic submarine called DEPTHX to explore a moon of Jupiter, to Southern India where they are investigating a mysterious red rain which fell for two months in 2001. According to local scientist Godfrey Louis, the rain contains biological cells unlike any he had seen before — with no DNA and the ability to replicate at 300



End-Time Prophecy: Could Russia be the ‘King of the North’?

End-Time Prophecy: Could Russia be the ‘King of the North’?

Is Russia the King of the North? Various Protestant prophetic teachers (such as Hal Lindsey and Ewiak Ryszard to cite two) tend to think so, but what is the truth? Because of its involvement with both Syria and Iran certain others seem to think this helps prove that Russia is the biblical ‘King of the North.’ Vladimir Putin’s workings for a Eurasian Union.

Russia's Putin Has Proposed a Eurasian Union, But He Was Not the First

Here is a synopsis of some recent history related to a Eurasian Union as well as a group called the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation :

The Eurasian Union (EAU; Listeni/ˌjʊəreɪʒənˈjuːnjən/) is a proposed political and economic union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and other countries, in particular the post-Soviet states. The idea, based on the European Union's integration, was brought to attention in October 2011 by the then-Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin, but was first proposed as a concept by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, during a 1994 speech at a Moscow university. On 18 November 2011, the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement, setting a target of establishing the Eurasian Union by 2015. The agreement included the roadmap for the future integration and established the Eurasian Commission (modelled on the European Commission) and the Eurasian Economic Space, which started work on 1 January 2012...The Eurasian Union is said to be the brainchild of Vladimir Putin in the wake of his third term as the President of Russia. If realised, it would comprise a number of states which were part of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. According to The New York Times, several candidates in Kyrgyzstan's 2011 presidential election have endorsed the concept. Tajikistan's government said they were considering the possibility of membership...Russian political scientist Dmitry Orlov stated that apart from post-Soviet states, membership to the Eurasian Union could be expanded to include other countries that have been historically or culturally close, such as Finland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mongolia...(Eurasian Union. Wikipedia, viewed 08/12/13)

Although it is in the north, the Bible (when more specific) appears to refer to those in Russia as part of the “far north” (Ezekiel 38:3,6, 14-15). Russia is currently the most massive military power of the “far north.”

However, as various writers have admitted, historically it has been Greek (and perhaps also Roman) emperors which have fulfilled past prophecies of the King of the North.

It would seem logical then, that the final King of the North would also be the ruler of some type of final Greco-Roman empire. And the seat of power for those empires was in Europe.

End-Time Prophecy: Could Russia be the ‘King of the North’?

Daniel 9:26-27 describes the rise of a prince who came from the people who destroyed Jerusalem, the European Romans.

Matthew Henrys Commentary states the following concerning Daniel 9:

It is here foretold that the people of the prince that shall come shall be the instruments of this destruction, that is, the Roman armies, belonging to a monarchy yet to come…the sacrifice and oblation shall be made to cease…And when it is made desolate, it should seem, there is something more determined that is to be poured upon the desolate (v. 27).

These passages, according to many Bible writers, ties into the actions of the King of the North when his forces “shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation” (Daniel 11:31). Roman armies would be more closely tied to Europe than they would Russia. The Great Tribulation will also not start before there is an actual King of the South and an actual King of the North–and while the “prince” will apparently help make a deal with Israel, Daniel 11:27 requires two kings, which suggests that the “prince” will gain more and more importance after the deal in Daniel 9:27. Daniel 9:26-27 shows that this prince comes from the people of the old Roman Empire. This prince rules the final Beast power of Revelation 13:1, the beast of the sea.

The Bible is clear that the “Great Sea,” where the Beasts of Daniel 7 come from, is the Mediterranean Sea (e.g. Joshua 9:1, 23:4; Ezekiel 47:15). The Beast power is not a nation like Russia, which does not border the Mediterranean Sea, but Europe which does.

Furthermore, the fact that Daniel 11:44 tells that the final King of the North will be troubled by news from the east and the north most certainly does allow for the final King of the North to be European. Russia, specifically, is both east and north of much of Europe.

End-Time Prophecy: Could Russia be the ‘King of the North’?

Additionally, there are a couple of passages in the Book of Jeremiah that support my assertions on this:
50:41 “Behold, a people shall come from the north,
And a great nation and many kings
Shall be raised up from the ends of the earth.
42 They shall hold the bow and the lance;
They are cruel and shall not show mercy.
Their voice shall roar like the sea;
They shall ride on horses,
Set in array, like a man for the battle,
Against you, O daughter of Babylon.
43 “The king of Babylon has heard the report about them,
And his hands grow feeble;
Anguish has taken hold of him,
Pangs as of a woman in childbirth…”(Jeremiah 50:41-43).
Thus, the European empire (the “daughter of Babylon”) is to be destroyed by a northern (apparently Russian led) force. This force that has “kings” from “the ends of the earth” will apparently be those from the far north and the far east. This is consistent with Daniel 11:44. And the “many kings” is consistent with the “kings of the sunrise” of Revelation 16:12 (literal translation).

Notice that the “king of Babylon” the “daughter of Babylon” heard reports about them. This is totally consistent with the King of the North being troubled by “news from the east and the north” (Daniel 11:44).
 End-Time Prophecy: Could Russia be the ‘King of the North’?

And who is the end time “King of Babylon”?

Various end time writers (including some who claim Russia is the King of the North) believe that the final “King of Babylon” (the end time Babylon in the Book of Revelation) is going to be a European power.

Yet, this is the same European power that is the King of the North in Daniel 11:27-45 and is the same one that is troubled by the news from the east and the north in Daniel 11:44.

The final King of the North cannot be Russia. Only a European power meets the criteria listed in Daniel 11. And that is consistent with other prophecies in the Bible, such as Jeremiah 50:41-43.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include: 

Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?



EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

Europe gets its name from Europa of Roman/Greek mythology. Essentially all Teutonic languages, except English, call Europe, Europa.

First Some Background on Ancient Europa 

Here is a version of the story of Europa from the San Diego State University website,

Zeus Lovers...One night Europa had a dream. In this dream two continents, which were in the forms of women were arguing over Europa. Asia maintained that since Europa had been born in Asia she belonged to it. The other continent, which was nameless, said that her birth was not important, that Zeus would give her to it. It was early morning, disturbed by the dream Europa did not go back to sleep. She summoned her companions, who were all daughters of nobility and of her age. It was a beautiful day and they went off gathering flowers by the sea. Zeus noticed this charming group, particularly Europa, who was the prettest [sic] of the maidens…Zeus appeared to the group as a white bull. A white bull more beautiful then any other…The bull laid down in front of Europa. She slid on to its back. Instantly, the bull charged off, plunging into the sea, and began to swim rapidly from the shore. Europa saw that a procession had joined them, Nereids riding dolphins, Triton blowing his horn, even Poseidon. From this she realized that the bull must be a god. She pleaded with him to pity her. Zeus spoke to her and explained his love. He took her to Create, where he had been raised. He promised that she would bear him many famous sons (Hunt J.M. Zeus Lovers. http://edweb.sdsu.edu/people/bdodge/scaffold/GG/zeusLover.html, 4/9/04).

Notice that the story claims that Europa was actually born in Asia (some accounts say Europa was raped, others suggest she was seduced, by Zeus). Supposedly, according to other stories, once she was made "immortal" the continent was named after her.

Astarte, often called the 'queen of heaven', is widely believed to be of Asian origin. Ishtar/Astarte (from where the name Easter is derived) was a Babylonia goddess. This woman was probably originally Semiramis (the mother of Nimrod), who was considered the first queen of Babylon. Semiramis had herself deified as the mother of the god Damu and installed as the "queen of heaven" pictured in the constellation Cassiopeia. She is sometimes shown as a virgin with child, while she was widely believed to originally have been a harlot.

EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

A connection between Astarte (the 'queen of heaven') and Europa was noticed long ago. The following account was written by one called Lucian in the second century,

In Phoenicia is another great temple which the people of Sidon keep. They say it belongs to Astarte, and Astarte...is Selene the Moon. The Emperor Elagabalus, being the Sun, brought Astarte the Moon from Phoenicia and wedded her. But she was not originally or at any time primarily the moon; and in Babylonia, as Ishtar, she had for Her emblem a star, the planet Venus. But one of the priests told me it belongs to Europa, sister of Cadmus. She was daughter of King Agenor; and after she vanished, Phoenicians honored her with that temple, and told a holy tale about her that says she was beautiful; Zeus desired her and transformed himself into the likeness of a bull, and then snatched her away and bore her on his back to Crete. That same story I heard from other Phoenicians as well; and the coinage which the Sidonians use depicts Europa sitting on the bull that is Zeus. Nonetheless, they do not agree that the temple is that of Europa. The temple itself contained, in later days at least, a painting of the Europa episode. The story was also localized at Tyre, where the house of Agenor and the bower of Europa were shown and where in the eighth century the people still mourned the abduction in a feast called the kake'opsin'. The name Europa is considered Greek; whether this particular myth is Cretan or Phoenician in origin the evidence does not seem sufficient to determine (Peri Tes Syries Theoy De Dea Syria Concerning the Syrian Goddess by Lucian of Samosata 2nd Century C.E., http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2938/deasyria1.html 4/08/04).

Here is another view of the story,
According to Greek mythology the chief Greek god Zeus fell in love with the human daughter of the Phoenician king, named Europa; in the shape of a white bull he abducted her, and had three sons through her. In order to 'make up' for his behavior, she was honored by naming a continent after her: Europa. This 'love' affair, though illegal, is 'covenantal behavior.' And giving names to territories is also 'covenantal behavior'. Zeus can be identified as Satan (Rev. 2:13). Has he tried, by establishing a false covenantal relationship with this continent, to have a 'legal' claim on this continent?...As mentioned, Europa was a Phoenician princess. In Syria she was equated with Astarte, an adaptation of the demonic principality named in the bible as the queen of heaven. She is also known as Ishtar. One of Ishtar's sacred symbols was the bull. At Knossos the queen-priestess represented the 'mother goddess,' the queen of heaven. Bulls were sacred; bull-games had a very important...Europe bore him three sons, one of whom was Minos. Then Europe married Asterios, the king of Crete (Bos, Helene. EUROPE, WHAT'S IN THE NAME? February 2004. 4/8/04).

Finally, here is another version of the story of Europa from the Greek government,
The final destination was Crete and in particular Gortyna where Zeus was joined in a "sacred marriage" with Europa, beneath a plane tree which has never lost its leaves ever since. It is interesting that the coins of Gortyna found had maintained the memory of this scene. One can see Europa seated on the trunk of the sacred tree, while on the other side of the coin the bull looks at her for one last time…She was worshipped with the name of Hellotis and at the celebrations, the Hellotia a celebration of joy for the blossoming of nature, people used to weave wreaths around her thighs as an indication of fertility. It was believed that Europa was initially a nymph, daughter of Oceanus. This version coincides with the myth of cosmogony in that the lands arose from the ocean. According to another similar version, Europa seems to be the personification of a brilliant meteor or a bright star. Europa, the daughter of Telephassa, "the one who shines from afar", might have been a figure for the moon, each morning eloping with the solar bull and each night appearing brilliant on the dark sky (Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://www.mfa.gr/english/greece/through_time/mythology/europa.html 4/10/04).
Apparently then, Europa was a nymph. It should perhaps also be noted that nymphs were unmarried semi-goddesses that frequently were involved in fornication in mythology. Many accounts of Europa also mention that she had a least two kingly husbands. And she seems to be tied in to "the queen of heaven".

It is also interesting to note that Lucian reported that there was an ancient coin pictured Europa riding a beast. Interestingly, the Greeks currentlyhave a similar coin. The 2 Euro coin in Greece (a couple of which this author actually owns) has a woman riding a beast on one side of it:

EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

The Second Century, Rome, and Babylon

Interestingly, even Roman Catholic scholars often teach that the Apostle John's references to Babylon in the Book of Revelation (circa 95 A.D.) are references to Rome. Notice what the commentary in the Rheims' New Testament, the Catholic accepted translation of the Latin Vulgate into English, states:
The author of the Commentaries upon the Apocalypse set forth in St. Ambrose name, writeth thus: This...sometime signifieth Rome, specially which at that time when the Apostle wrote this, did persecute the Church of God. But otherwise it signifieth the whole city of the Devil, that is, the universal corps of the reprobate. Tertullian also taketh it for Rome, thus, Babylon (saith he) in St. John is a figure of the city of Rome, being so great, so proud of the Empire, and the destroyer of the saints. Which is plainly spoken of that city, when it was heathen, the head of the terrene dominion of the world, the persecutor of the Apostles and their successors, the seat of Nero, Domitian, and the like, Christ's special enemies, the sink of idolatry, and false worship of the Pagan gods (Annotations on Chapter 17 of the Apocalypse. The Original And True Rheims New Testament Of Anno Domini 1582. Prepared and Edited by Dr. William G. von Peters. Ph.D. 2004, copyright assigned to VSC Corp. Page 583).
EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

Rome is the City of Seven Mountains, Rome is the City of Seven Hills

The Bible itself does more than just warn against the "queen of heaven" it gives more information to identify where the false religious power will be based.

Revelation 17:3,9,18 states:
3 And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns...9 Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits…18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.
EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

It is universally recognized that the Rome is the great European city of seven mountains. This fact is also noted by various Protestant and even Catholic theologians. Here are two from Catholic writers:
The seven headed city is probably Rome (septicolis-- seven hills) (Dupont Yves. Catholic Prophecy. TAN Books, 1973, p.24).

Another code for the symbols of the beast is announced in Revelation 17:9: "This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven mountains on which the woman is seated" (an obvious reference to the city of Rome built on seven hills). (Kurz, W. What Does the Bible Say About the End Times? A Catholic View. Servant Books, Cincinnati. Nihil Obstat: Kistner H., Schehr T.P. Imprimi Potest: Link F., Paul J.M. Imprimatur: Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxillary Bishop, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July 19, 2004, p. 165
Other than Ammon Jordan, Rome is apparently one of few great cities in the world to have the seven hills/mountains (though there may be some less important cities with seven mountains, and there seems to be seven near Constantinople/Istanbul). While Rome itself was the ruling city of the Western world for several centuries, the Roman Catholic Church, whose headquarters is completely within the boundaries of Rome, has maintained tremendous influence over kings and governments of the earth for even more centuries. And still does today. Furthermore notice that the Bible specifically warns about a certain city ruling--Vatican City is the only city that appears to have possibly had such rule since John penned the Book of Revelation.

It perhaps needs to be emphasized that contrary to claims to the contrary, the Church of Rome simply does NOT have the type of Apostolic Succession that most of its followers think that it has.

EUROPE THE GREAT BEAST: Europa, the Beast, and Revelation

It should be noted that even Roman Catholic scholars realize this:
The historical lists of the popes, from those drawn up in the second century to those of the present day, form in themselves a considerable body of literature...Lightfoot has argued that this list originally contained nothing but the names of the bishops and the duration of their episcopates, the remaining notes being additions by a later hand...The "Liber Pontificalis", long accepted as an authority of the highest value, is now acknowledged to have been originally composed at the beginning of the fifth century, and, as regards the early popes, to be dependent on the "Liberian Catalogue" (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII Copyright © 1911 by Robert Appleton Company Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight Nihil Obstat, June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York).

ALTHOUGH CATHOLIC TRADITION, BEGINNING IN the late second and early third centuries, regards St. Peter as the first bishop of Rome and, therefore, as the first pope, there is no evidence that Peter was involved in the initial establishment of the Christian community in Rome (indeed, what evidence there is would seem to point in the opposite direction) or that he served as Rome's first bishop. Not until the pontificate of St. Pius I in the middle of the second century (ca. 142-ca. 155) did the Roman Church have a monoepiscopal structure of government (one bishop as pastoral leader of a diocese). Those who Catholic tradition lists as Peter's immediate successors (Linus, Anacletus, Clement, et al.) did not function as the one bishop of Rome (McBrien, Richard P. Lives of the Popes: The Pontiffs from St. Peter to Benedict XVI. Harper, San Francisco, 2005 updated ed., p.25). 
The above statements mean that researchers in the Roman Catholic Church know that their list of papal succession was finalized long after the fact, hence it is not a reliable guide that the Roman Catholic Church had an unbroken succession of popes (though various ones associated with their beliefs have existed throughout history). This is also consistent with the previously cited reference that the first known 'bishop of Rome' to take the title "Pontifex Maximus" was not until in 384 A.D.

Hence instead of looking to the "city of seven hills" as the bastion of faithful Christianity, the Bible seemingly warns against Rome. Furthermore, those interested in the truth, may be surprised to learn that the Church of Rome CHANGED many doctrines that many that it considered to be early saints held.


WATCH: What Happens When You Pee In Subzero Temperatures

WATCH: What Happens When You Pee In Subzero Temperatures

After the whole "throwing boiling water into the cold air" trick ended up being way too dangerous for some, one teenager decided to see what happens when you take a whiz in Minnesota's subzero temperatures.

But this was no ordinary whiz. High school senior Dakota Laden, 18, fearlessly peed outside when it was reportedly 17 below zero -- not including wind chill.



UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

The UFOs shown in the video are in the NASA photos. It is a rare thing when a UFO photo sneaks its way out of NASA by accident, so this is a treasure for UFO researchers around the world.

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

Waring writes, “Take a look at these amazing photos that were leaked out of NASA Johnson Space Center. The quality of the photos is almost HD and the detail we see of the UFO recorded by a NASA satellite orbiting are incredible. The most important question here is not what they are…space stations or ships, but is the species that built them still on board those ships? It looks to me that these photos were taken by someone that works for NASA and had access the famous “airbrush room.” That is where they erase all the UFOs or alien evidence out of photos before they are released to the public. These photos are real, I stake my reputation on it.”


Exopolitics Institute author and researcher Michael Salla says “As the photos and video make clear, there is unmistakable evidence of UFOs of an artificial design that have been photographed by NASA’s earth orbiting spacecraft. The UFO does not correspond to any known terrestrial spacecraft and appears to be alien in design. Nothing is known of the occupants, but Clark McClelland a former NASA employee who completed training as a Spacecraft Operator may have the answer.

During a 34 year career working as a NASA contractor/employee, McClelland was responsible for ensuring the safety of numerous NASA missions including Mercury spaceflights, Apollo missions, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. In a statement released on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he witnessed an eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial in association with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring from the Kennedy Space Center.

McClelland wrote: I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!

Furthermore, McClelland wrote that he was not the only NASA official who witnessed the incident: “A friend of mine later contacted me and said that this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the SPACE SHUTTLE CREW COMPARTMENT! Yes, inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!’

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

Waring admits he was a little taken aback when he saw the original photos. “How often do you get crisp 100% clear photos of a UFO and from non other that the US government to boot. With a source like that these photos cannot be disputed or debunked, but many have tried,” Waring says

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

Don’t take my word for it. Go to the photo links below and see them for yourself. Once you do, any doubt you once had about UFOs will vanish.

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

UFOs NASA Has Deleted: UFO Photos Leaked Out Of NASA-JSC

According to Salla at the Exopolitics Institute, McClelland’s testimony reveals that extraterrestrial vehicles and personnel are able to perform highly complex maneuvers in the vicinity of NASA spacecraft, and even perform docking maneuvers. This gives credence to whistleblower claims that NASA regularly sanitizes videos or photographs of any images involving extraterrestrial technologies or artifacts during space missions.



Giant Squid Found in Japan [VIDEO]

Giant Squid Found in Japan

A giant squid was found in a fishing net in Japan, off of Sadogashmia Island in Niigata Prefecture.

The squid was discovered after Shigernori Goto, a fisherman, pulled up a fishing net that was set at a depth 229 feet.

The squid died when it was hauled to the surface.

It measured 19 feet in length and weighed just over 330 pounds, reported The Yomiuri Shimbun.

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a large squid,” Goto said.

Researchers at the marine research institute in the prefecture said that it’s extremely rare for a live giant squid to be brought to the surface. The giant creatures were once thought mythical before beginning to be seen in 2006. They’re among the largest invertebrates in the world.

FNN-News, a Japanese broadcaster, reported that the squid was deemed unfit for consumption. It’s the eighth squid found around Japan in recent years, it reported.

The largest giant squid ever recorded was almost 43 feet long, and weighed nearly a ton. There have been rumors of giant squid up to 66 feet long.

Giant Squid Found in Japan

“ You’d think such a huge animal would be hard to miss. But because the ocean is vast and giant squid live deep underwater, they remain elusive and are rarely seen: most of what we know comes from dead carcasses that floated to the surface and were found by fishermen,” according to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

The squids are similar in anatomy to other squids but they are much bigger. They have eight thick arms speckled with 2-inch wide toothed suckers guide prey from the feeding tentacles to a sharp beak in the center of the arms, where the prey is sliced into bite-sized pieces.

On the head are eyes the size of dinner plates, known as the largest in the animal kingdom.



Bruce Van Natta: Saved By Angels [VIDEO]

Bruce Van Natta: Saved By Angels

Bruce Van Natta loved trucks and his job as a self-employed diesel mechanic helped this Christian family man live out his power truck dreams and provide for his wife and four children. He never gave a second thought to the danger of working on engines that weighed thousands of pounds until November 16, 2006.

"I was working on a PeterBuilt logging truck about an hour from our home," Bruce tells The 700 Club. "The guy I was working with, the driver of the truck, asked me if I would look and try and diagnose one more problem, one more leak before I left.

"So, if you could picture one of these great big Petebelt trucks, here’s the front bumper, and I slipped underneath the great big bumper feet first. He had the front axel jacked up in the air and the passenger side wheel removed. I slipped underneath that great big chrome bumper feet first, I said to him, 'You jump up inside and see what the temp of the engine is.' The axle is going right across my chest at this point, maybe an inch or two above my chest."

Just as Bruce slipped under the truck, the 20-ton capacity jack holding up the truck shot out from its position.

"This 10,000 to 12,000 pounds of weight that is on these two front wheels, on this axel, came down across my mid-section, basically like a blunt guillotine, and just crushed me in half. Blood had splattered into my throat when it fell. I looked down and I could see that there was less than an inch or air space between the bottom of the axel and the cement. I knew the thickest part of my body was maybe two inches thick.

"The man who jacked the truck up, I begged him to get me out from underneath the truck. He didn’t want to because he could tell that I had to have a broken back and I did. The vertebrae in my spine were cracked the width of the axel.

"I tried to pull my self out from under the truck. It was the most incredible pain you can think of. I got myself just to the point where my head is sticking out from underneath the front bumper of the truck. The very next thing, I just called out, 'Lord, help me.' I called it out twice."

Instantly, all of the pain left Bruce’s body.

"At that point, I became unconscious. My spirit left my body and floated into the ceiling, and now my spirit is looking at the accident scene from above.

"The man I had been working with was on his knees above my body. I can hear him saying things like, 'I’m sorry. I’m sorry.' But on each side of him, also on their knees were huge angels. They would have been about eight feet tall. They didn’t have wings, just very, very broad shoulders. Between the two angels and him, it took up the whole truck.

"There was a bright light shining around each one of them. They were matching bookends. They didn’t budge; I never heard them say anything. They just had their arms underneath the truck, not holding the truck up…but they had their arms angled in toward my body.

"There was no pain, just peace. I can’t even describe the peace I felt in the ceiling up in the garage."

Bruce knew he had a serious choice to make.

"I was definitely on the very edge of life and death. There were two thoughts in my head. One was, 'Shut your eyes and give up and die. You are just going to go to heaven anyway.' It was very loud. There was another voice in my head, much quieter. Much more of a whisper, 'If you want to live, you’re going to have to fight and you are going to have to fight hard.' The next thing I knew, my spirit went back down into my body just like a shot."
Bruce Van Natta: Saved By Angels

Bruce was conscious as he was flown on a life flight to the hospital. Doctors there doubted he would even survive the next few hours. His ribs were broken, his pancreas and spleen crushed, and several major arteries had been severed.

"We found out from doctors later that I had five places that major arteries were completely severed. I found out from doctors that were was a medical study done in 2001. According to that study, by the University of South California, they’ve used my case and compared it against that study. According to that, they can’t find anyone else in the world that has ever lived with five major arteries being severed.

"I should have bled to death in a few minutes. So, my thought is the angels were there to somehow hold me together."

Bruce stayed in the hospital for over two months and survived five major surgeries. Yet he had overwhelming obstacles to overcome. Almost 75 percent of his small intestines were crushed in the accident and had to be removed.

"An adult has 18-20 some feet of small intestine. I was down to less than 100 cm of small intestine. Someone came in and told us that didn’t expect me to live much more than a year, that I was going to starve to death. I was losing weight very rapidly; they were feeding me intravenously."

Bruce’s once 180 lb frame dropped to 126 lbs. But his family was praying and his community rallied around him. He received an unexpected visitor in his hospital room one day.

"The Lord woke up a man in New York two days in a row. Someone that I met one time on vacation. He came and prayed for me in the hospital. Put his palm on my forehead, and when he prayed, he prayed the way Jesus taught us to pray. He spoke to the mountain, in this case my small intestine, 'I command you to supernaturally grow back length in the name of Jesus Christ.' When he did, I felt like 220 volts come out of his palm into my forehead, right into my body. I could feel my intestines moving around and up and down. "
Bruce Van Natta: Saved By Angels

After long nine months of surgeries and hospital stays, Bruce was eventually able to feed himself and gained weight, all the way up to 170 lbs. When he returned for testing, radiology reports and doctors confirmed that he had almost nine feet of small intestine. His intestineshad doubled in length.

"When they tested me, they said that the small intestines the Lord gave back to me were twice as good as normal. They absorb, even though it is half the amount…they work just as well if I had all of it, so they are twice as good as normal. They absorb the vitamins, the minerals, the nutrients I eat into my body.

"Over and over, the Lord kept confounding the doctors from the point of saying I shouldn’t lived. I should have bled to death. My intestines miraculously coming back. God was showing miracles were happening. My pancreas rejuvenated by itself. My spleen rejuvenated by itself. Miracle after miracle, God just showing up and showing Himself very real and very strong. He is a miracle worker."
Today, through their organization, SweetBread Ministries, Bruce and his family travel together to talk about supernatural healing. Bruce has also written a book called Saved by Angels.


"I think that one of the most powerful parts about my testimony is, despite myself, it raises their faith to say, 'Wow, if God would send angels to save him on an accident scene, knowing he didn’t deserve it,' then it raises people’s faith to the point they think 'God may do that for me.' Miracle after miracle.

"He is alive and well and wants to reach people at their point of need. He knows exactly what our needs are and He’s willing and capable to meet us at the point of our need.

"We’ve got a God that loves us more than we could ever imagine and He pours out His love in such an amazing way. That’s it’s indescribable."


This Is What Happens When You Give A Gun To Monkey [VIDEO]

This Is What Happens When You Give A Gun To A Monkey

This Is What Happens When You Give A Gun To A Monkey

The short film clip shows a chimpanzee coming into a camp with African soldiers who are all holding rifles. Watch what happens when a gun-toting soldier decides to show off on front of his friends and hands over his AK-47 to the chimp:



China And Japan Could Boil Over? World War Three About To Start

Perhaps it is possible — and how nice it would be to believe this — that war between the greatest nations on earth has been abolished.

The cost and the threat of nuclear escalation is so horrendous that reason argues that nothing remotely resembling the 20th century's vast global clashes can ever happen again.

Assuredly, there can be no more Dunkirks or D-Days, because no Western nation — even the United States — can deploy a mass army.

 China And Japan Could Boil Over? World War Three About To Start
 Armed Chinese soldiers stand at attention after being deployed in Qingdao, Shandong province

If conflict does come, it will be waged with the high-tech weapons of our own time: warplanes manned and unmanned, missiles, cyber-attack weapons and the many instruments of destruction guided from space satellites.

But this would not make a great power conflict any less catastrophic.

And this is why a shiver will have run through the leaderships of Asia and of the Western powers this week when China's ambassador to London argued that Japan risks 'a serious threat to global peace' by 'rekindling' the bellicose attitude that hastened the expansion of World War II into a global conflict.

He even compared Japan today to Lord Voldemort, the arch villain in the Harry Potter novels.

This comes just a few weeks after China — with absolutely no warning — declared hundreds of thousands of square miles of airspace above the East China Sea as its own Air Defence Zone.

This includes the eight tiny uninhabited pimples, called the Senkaku Islands by Japan and Diaoyu by China.

Taiwan also has a claim to the islands — nationalised by Japan from private sellers in 2012, much to the anger of China.

 China And Japan Could Boil Over? World War Three About To Start
M60A3 tanks fire off shells during the annual Han Kuang military exercise in Penghu, west of Taiwan

 China And Japan Could Boil Over? World War Three About To Start
A Chinese submarine attends an offshore blockade exercise during the third phase of the Sino-Russian 'Peace Mission 2005' joint military exercise, held on the sea to the south-east of China's Shandong Peninsula

The United States responded to this bitter dispute between Tokyo and Beijing by dispatching two USAAF B-52s bombers to overfly the islands, emphasising its commitment to the right of free navigation.

Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, declared gravely that China had started 'a whole new game'. His government threatened to shoot down any Chinese drones that appeared over the Senkakus. Beijing responded that this would be an act of war.

Nobody, including the Chinese, wants armed conflict. Indeed, an analyst for the International Institute Of Strategic Studies has said that China 'aims to push rather than break limits'.

Yet the tensions between Tokyo, Washington and Beijing have been increasing for years.

Amphibious tanks of the Chinese People's Liberation Army move to land a beach
Amphibious tanks of the Chinese People's Liberation Army move to land a beach

A Chinese naval vessel launches anti-submarine missiles in an offshore blockade exercise
A Chinese naval vessel launches anti-submarine missiles in an offshore blockade exercise

For the moment, China, the U.S. and Japan still maintain courtesies between governments. Most crucially, Beijing holds trillions of dollars of U.S. debt.

But many of history's wars have been triggered by miscalculations while nations have been testing each other's strengths.

Indeed, there is a profound fear in Washington, in Tokyo, and maybe also in Beijing, that one day something unspeakably ghastly could happen by mistake.

Remember that in 1914 before the outbreak of World War I, Britain and Germany were each other's largest trading partners. Professor Peter Dutton, of the U.S. Naval War College, has warned of the growing tensions, saying: 'China's challenge to existing maritime norms is creating hairline fractures in the global order.'

A jet fighter of Jinan Military Region takes part in a China Air Force Military
A jet fighter of Jinan Military Region takes part in a China Air Force Military

This comment followed an authoritative Washington defence guru who said that, whatever short-term bother terror groups such as Al Qaeda might cause, 'in the middle-long term, there will only be one main concern of the U.S. armed forces, and that is China. China is reshaping the military order in Asia, and is doing so at our expense'.

China has an ever-growing fleet of missile-armed warships — thought to number around 80, as well as nearly 300 amphibious assault ships — including fast-attack craft specifically designed as 'carrier-killers', to engage the U.S. Navy's behemoths.

In response, the huge U.S. Andersen air force base on the Pacific Ocean island of Guam has become host to a £10 billion reinforcement programme.

Paratroopers from Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Narashino 1st Airborne Brigade jump out from a military plane
Paratroopers from Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Narashino 1st Airborne Brigade jump out from a military plane

As a result, its hangars now hold B-2 and B-52 bombers, air-to-surface and cruise missiles, Global Hawk drones, F-15 and F-22 fighters, the latter just a 20-minute flight from the Taiwan Strait.

Amitai Etzioni, professor of international relations at George Washington University, declares bleakly: 'There are increasing signs that the United States and China are on a collision course.'

What is not disputed is that China is determined to assert its new status as a major regional power, while the U.S. is equally bent upon deterring or deflecting Chinese expansionism, and especially aggressiveness.

This was the reason behind President Obama's 2010 decision to rebalance American strategic assets towards the Pacific.

The American case is as readily made as was the British one, for resisting quite similar German posturing before 1914. Washington's attitude is: 'We and our allies are democracies, while China is an autocracy which denies respect for human rights or international law.'

Japan's Aegis-class destroyer Kirishima launches and an anti-aircraft missile off the coast of Hawaii
Japan's Aegis-class destroyer Kirishima launches and an anti-aircraft missile off the coast of Hawaii

I believe that unless the Washington administration makes plain its determination to support any country (such as Japan) that is threatened with aggression by Beijing, China will go ahead and impose its ruthless will upon the entire Pacific region.

As for the contrary view from Beijing itself, China's leaders cherish a profound grievance about the Tokyo government's persistent refusal to confront the reality of Japan's mid-20th century war crimes in Asia.

For the Tokyo government asserts that the time has passed for any Japanese apologies or even discussion of its historical record.

An example of this defiance is the military museum that is situated next door to Tokyo's Yasakuni shrine, where so many Japanese war criminals' ashes lie and to which many Japanese politicians visit to pay homage.

I have been to the place myself, and find it as repugnant as do the Chinese. Which is why they found such offence a few days ago when the Japanese premier arrived there to pay his respects. (Its choice of exhibits is intended to prove that during the middle of the last century, Japan entered China — where at least 15 million people fell victim to its occupation — and other Asian countries in order to 'protect' them from European exploitation.) In the same vein, Japan describes its half-century occupation of Korea as a 'partnership'.

Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, declared that his government would shoot down any Chinese drones that appeared over the Senkakus
Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, declared that his government would shoot down any Chinese drones that appeared over the Senkakus

The ghastly Thirties massacres committed by the Japanese army at Shanghai and Nanjing are not mentioned.

In Japanese school textbooks, the systemic exploitation of 'comfort women' by the Japanese Army is a forbidden subject.

Most shockingly, a Japanese minister claimed last year that such victims were 'volunteers'.

While it is deemed unforgivable — and even criminal — across most of the world to deny the existence of the Nazi Holocaust of six million Jews, almost the entire Japanese nation denies its own barbarities across Asia.

This intransigence helps to explain why South Korea, for instance, recently refused to conclude an intelligence-sharing security agreement with Japan, because public opinion remains so alienated by its former oppressors' lies about the past. For its part, the U.S. is impatient for Japan to abandon the controversial Article 9 of its post-war constitution (imposed by America after the end of World War II), which forces the country to renounce war and restricts its armed forces to a self-defence role.

Senkaku islands, the small island cluster on the East China Sea, which Japan, China and Taiwan all claim sovereignty over
Senkaku islands, the small island cluster on the East China Sea, which Japan, China and Taiwan all claim sovereignty over

Times have changed and Washington now wants to see the Japanese accept a much larger share of the responsibility for containing China.

But more than a few prominent Asians are wagging a warning finger at the Americans, urging: 'Be careful what you wish for.'

The truth is that many of Japan's Asian neighbours — not to mention the Chinese — will never trust Tokyo until it comes clean about its dreadful history, as it seems determined not to do.

On the specific issue of the disputed Senkaku islands, China points out that Tokyo has held them only since the late 19th century, when Japan became an early entrant into the race for an Asian empire.

There are economic issues at stake, too. Sovereignty claims are based on a desire to exploit the area's rich resources in fish and hydrocarbons.

Above all, though, the tension is based on much bigger ambitions.

China argues, just as Germany did before 1914 in respect of Britain's maritime supremacy, that now it is one of the big players in Asia, there is no reason why it should accept America's claims to Pacific hegemony.

Why should Beijing tolerate U.S. warships and aircraft conducting close surveillance of the Chinese coast? Such a presence is unjustified in an age of satellites and simply reflects a wish by America to parade its military might at the expense of Chinese dignity.

Such arguments have spread to cover debate about freedom of the internet. A Chinese army general recently dismissed American drum-banging about the importance of preserving 'global internet freedom.'

He said that Washington was using this as an excuse to preserve its own 'cyber-hegemony'. He added: 'In the information era, seizing and maintaining superiority in cyberspace is more important than was seizing command of the sea and air in World War II'.

Even if we British, as American allies, ultimately reject some of these arguments, we should acknowledge that the U.S. often seems clumsy, patronising and over-bearing in its attitude to other nations.

For example, the Chinese were enraged recently by the behaviour of U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden. On a supposed goodwill visit to Beijing, he urged a group of Chinese to keep up their protests against denial of human rights. He said they should 'challenge the government'.

Biden may have been right, but his action was foolish and insensitive.

During the Second Sino-Japanese War in the 1930s, Nanjing was the scene of a Japanese massacre (the Rape of Nanking), which is ignored by the Japanese government even today

Such self-righteous moralising is the sort of behaviour that worries Nigel Inkster, a former deputy director of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, who, earlier this year, spoke bleakly about the relationship between the two countries.

He said: 'If it is to avoid becoming the chronicle of a death foretold, both parties will need to demonstrate greater self-awareness than either has yet shown'.

A key issue of contention remains human rights.

Of course, it is right that the rest of the world presses China to respect international law abroad and human rights at home.

Military power, firmness and clarity of purpose are essential tools for addressing China through the years ahead, as it increasingly flexes its muscles.

But so, too, is a willingness to recognise that China will not become a liberal democracy any time soon.

As this vast country has for centuries been so misused by the Western powers, including Britain, its rise to greatness now deserves applause as well as prudent apprehension.

Yet, however careful the U.S. and China may be in managing their future relationship, I fear that it will remain fraught and indeed dangerous.

China is a newly rich, increasingly mighty nation, which is bent upon elbowing aside the Americans, in the Pacific region at least, to assert its own claims as a Great Power.

This makes it inevitable that there will be rows, confrontations, crises, some involving both nations' armed forces.

The peril will persist throughout our lifetimes and the great worry is that a clash such as one over the disputed Senkaku islands will go horribly wrong.

Popular nationalism is a growing force in China, just as it is in Japan, and the great challenge for both nations' politicians is to grapple with its excesses.

China often speaks of the importance of using restraint — kezhi — in its conduct abroad.

But its defence minister has said that although any full-scale war is unlikely, 'we cannot exclude the possibility that, in some local area, unexpected events may occur, or military friction may take place due a to a misfire'.

History tells us that nations that create vastly expensive armed forces sooner or later feel an itch to use them.

China is a tough, assertive, immature nation in a hurry; the United States is seen in Beijing as a weakly led, declining military power that is vulnerable to pressure.

For the moment, Washington knows that it can deploy vaster greater military power than China. It is also morbidly anxious not to be seen to show weakness — hence its decision to dispatch the B-52s over the Senkakus.

Ultimately, I want to be hopeful. The world managed to avert war during more than 40 years of armed nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Maybe it can do so through the 21st century, as China grows ever stronger and America's superiority wanes.

But we cannot take peace for granted.

The Pacific rim is ever more densely strewn with the toys of war. The risk of some local turf dispute exploding into a great power collision will remain alarmingly real.

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