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Is This A Photo Of A Real Angel At A Christian Event In Cedar Falls IOWA?

Is This A Photo Of A Real Angel At A Christian Event In Cedar Falls IOWA?

Sometimes our cameras can see what human eyes cannot. Could what you are looking at actually be a photo of a real angel? At a recent Promise Keepers conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa a Baptist pastor took two photographs of the stage during a time of praise and worship. Both of those photos show “a radiant, glowing white figure” that was not supposed to be there and that could not be seen with the naked eye. At the time these photos were taken, the band on the stage was singing these words: “Jesus, take all of me. I run to you, I run to you.

I lay everything at your feet. Let my life be yours.” Could it be possible that the camera picked up an angel that was standing on the stage during that time of praise and worship? Could this picture actually be physical evidence that angels really exist? You have to admit that the image in this photograph is pretty compelling. Here is a closer look at the photo…

Is This A Photo Of A Real Angel At A Christian Event In Cedar Falls IOWA?

On their Facebook page, the Promise Keepers organization has stated that they believe that “something SUPERNATURAL” definitely happened…

Something SUPERNATURAL took place in Cedar Falls today. As hundreds of men repented of sin in their lives, a man in attendance took two pictures. Both had an angel on them. As the worship band said “Jesus take all of me,” God sent a miraculous sign to confirm what He was doing.

 At the time when this photograph was taken, the men at the conference were repenting of sins such as pornography and adultery. And throughout history, repentance has always been at the heart of every great move of God. So it would not be surprising to see God move during a time of truly heartfelt repentance.

There is always the possibility that photos such as these could have been altered in some way. In fact, many will undoubtedly use that line of reasoning to dismiss these photographs completely.

But the wife of the pastor that took these photos says that they were not altered in any way. Shereleased a statement in which she said the following…

“My husband took these photos. No photo shop. Enjoy debating angels and stage lights but don’t miss the miracle of a few thousand men gathering to praise God and to be challenged to be men of honor who keep their promises! At least 17 of them were our guys. That’s a miracle. They were in our church Sunday gathering at the front praying with their families and friends. Miracles happen.”


Secrets In Ancient Hindu Texts

Secrets In Ancient Hindu Texts

In 2001, researchers from India‘s Oceanic Institute detected anomalies on the bottom of the Gulf of Khambhat, seven miles from shore.They had been commissioned by the Indian government to do a survey of pollution in the Gulf of Khambhat up in the northwest of India.And they were not expecting to find anything except a mess down there.But suddenly, their side-scan sonar started returning images of regular structures.The images revealed an enormous network of stone buildings, now shrouded in mud and sand, and covering a distance of five square miles.What they were looking at in the Gulf of Khambhat were the remains of cities.There’s actually two of them.And it turns out that they are positioned on the side of ancient river channels.

They look lime cities that have been submerged for a very long time, at a time when mainstream archeology tells us there were no cities anywhere in the world.Powerful crosscurrents made it nearly impossible to dive the 170 feet to the bottom.Still, scientists retrieved dozens of artifacts, including wood and pottery shards.Some of the dates on some of the human artifacts that were brought up extended as far back as 32,000 years.

Secrets In Ancient Hindu Texts

But the oceanographers concluded that the area had been covered by water about 9,000 years ago.So this city had apparently existed from 32,000 to about 9,000 years ago.Mainstream scholars today claim that ancient Indian civilization only goes back 4,000 or 5,000 years.Yet, Hindu scholars themselves say that Hindu civilization is going back many tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years.Might the ruins below the Gulf of Khambhat prove the Hindu scholars right?

Another recent discovery may support their claims.200 miles to the northwest lies the modern city of Dwaraka.Archaeologists digging deep under the city found signs of a settlement once inundated by the sea.Inspired by this clue, they began searching for more ruins in waters just off the coast.In only 70 feet of water, divers discovered sandstone walls, cobblestone streets and evidence of a prosperous seaport.Scholars declared these ruins to be the remains of the ancient and legendary city of Dwaraka.

Secrets In Ancient Hindu Texts
Ancient Hindu texts explain that the legendary city of Dwaraka was said to be the dwelling place of Lord Krishna, a deity worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism.Imagine what it would mean for the Christian world to all of a sudden discover the actual Holy Grail, the actual Ark of the Covenant.That would be akin, for the Indian population, to discover an actual Dwaraka.This was a very powerful city, which was ruled by Lord Krishna.And Krishna is still revered until today.He’s one of the highest gods that we have in Hindu culture.Hindu texts explain that a king named Salwa attacked Lord Krishna in the mythical Dwaraka.

The descriptions of the battle suggest the use of alien technology and even spacecraft.According to the ancient Sanskrit texts, with this spacecraft, Salwa attacked the city, raining down energy weapons that resemble lightning.He destroyed large parts of the city in this way.When this happened, the king of the city, the god Krishna, responded by firing weapons at this spacecraft.The weapons are described as arrows, but they’re not ordinary arrows.It’s said that they roared like thunder when they were launched, and resembled bolts of lightning or rays of the sun.In response, it is said that the spacecraft began to appear in different places simultaneously.

It appeared to be moving in ways that resemble modern descriptions of UFOs.So what is interesting about these UFO sightings, there’s a spacecraft made of metal that is firing down weapons on a city on Earth.The legend says that Krishna eventually departed Earth, and the ocean consumed his city of Dwaraka.For many people, the description of fabulous ancient cities in the Sanskrit writings of India were simply mythology, but with the discovery of the remains of a sunken city off the coast of India in the location of Dwaraka, all that has changed.

People are beginning to look at these ancient writings in a new light, and see them not simply as mythology, but as actual historical records.Did India‘s ancestors witness a war between extraterrestrial entities? If the mythical city cited in the Hindu texts turned out to be real, could there also be evidence of Krishna and his supernatural powers? There is a link between the submerged ruins and extraterrestrials that can be found in another set of texts known as India‘s Sangam literature.Sangams were assemblies of sages.

Secrets In Ancient Hindu Texts

It says that the first two Sangams took place on a sunken landmass called Kumari Kandam.This area was once above water thousands of years ago, according to the accounts, but it’s now underwater.It’s also interesting that these assemblies of sages included extraterrestrial beings, as well.And this fits in with evidence discovered in the Gulf of Cambay, and off the coast of the present city of Dwaraka.Are the interpretations of India‘s ancient texts proof of alien contact in Earth’s past? And are the descriptions of gods actually.


30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

Scientific Evidence Reports that Bosnian Pyramids Built Using Geopolymer Cement, a Man-made Material - Conclusive Proof of Authenticity of Bosnian Pyramids

The New Era Times http://www.tnetimes.com reports that independent analysis from five separate Institutes of materials confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete construction material eliminating all skeptical claims about the authenticity of the Bosnian Pyramids. Since it was discovered in 2005 by Dr. Sam SemirOsmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthroplogy and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Bosnian Pyramid complex has been stonewalled by mainstream archaeologists until recent scientific evidence has made it impossible to deny the authenticity of this history changing discovery.

30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

The New Era Times, http://www.tnetimes.com reports that independent analysis from five separate Institutes of materials confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete construction material eliminating all skeptical claims about the authenticity of the Bosnian Pyramids. The controversial site of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has a team of over 200 interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world doing scientific analysis on not only the nature and age of the building materials, but also determining how the energy of the pyramid was used by the ancient scientists for applications beneficial to humanity ranging from geothermal transportation, climatology, and advancements in human physiology and health.

Results released by the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy of chemical and diffractometry laboratory analysis done on sandstone and conglomerate blocks taken from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun show that the samples are an inert material with a binding, similar to that found in ancient Roman concrete. These results were confirmed by analysis on the samples done at the University of Zenica,Bosnia-Herzegovina.

30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

In a separate independent test, Professor Joseph Davidovits, renowned French Scientist, member of the International Association of Egyptologists and author confirms this claim. “I performed electron microscopic analysis of the sample and I propose the geopolymer chemistry that was used to make this is ancient concrete,” wrote Prof Davidovits. http://www.davidovits.info/34/the-pyramids-in-bosnia-europe-perhaps-in-roman-concrete

He further adds that the sample is composed of “a calcium/potassium-based geopolymer cement and that although he cannot date the sample, he can discern that it is not modern concrete, but more like the technique used by the Egyptians 3500 years ago.” In his book,The Pyramids: an Enigma Solved, Davidovits presents the current knowledge of pyramid construction that is supported by scientific, historical, and linguistic studies which prove that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed using agglomerated stone (limestone cast like concrete).

The research on pyramid technology has long suspected that pyramid energy involves science and machinery far more advanced than what we currently have today. Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant, published in 1996 explains that the pyramids were ancient energy machines, currently a popular theory amongst researchers. The pyramids of Bosnia have the same elements described in the Giza pyramids that define the structure of an ancient power generator system. After visiting Bosnia in 2011, Chris Dunn stated, "While I was in Visoko, experts from various disciplines showed excitement on the result of their studies of the so-called pyramid hill. Hopefully, in due course, clear signs of ancient precision engineering will eventually be discovered."Now in 2013, the Bosnian archeological site is further excavated and new scientific evidence has emerged proving that ancient precision engineering was indeed used to build the Bosnian Pyramids.

30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

Further evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by the work of Professor Michel Barsoum, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, and Professor Gilles Hug, of the French National Aerospace Research Agency who have found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete. This debunks an age old myth that the pyramids were built using only cut limestone blocks and proves the theory that concrete and nanotechnology was used by the ancients.

Since it was discovered in 2005 by Dr. Sam SemirOsmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthropology and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Bosnian Pyramid complex has been stonewalled by mainstream archeologists until recent scientific evidence which makes it impossible to deny the authenticity of this history changing discovery.

30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

“The team of interdisciplinary scientists conducting studies on the cosmic energy enigma at the archeological site in Bosniaare on a relentless pursuit to uncover the wisdom from the ancient culture that left this behind,” states Dr. SamOsmanagich. “There are facts about physical phenomenon that can be scientifically verified, yet there remain many unanswered questions unexplainable using our current recorded history.”


Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images

Apart from the two larger and smaller mounds, the expedition team believes the site features a temple or habitation and a row of what may be mastaba tombs adjacent to the mounds. They are shown in the red rectangle thanks to a false color imaging technique developed by Micol.

Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
Are these formations in the Egyptian desert long lost pyramids? Or are they just naturally occurring pyramidal rock outcrops? The structures were spotted last year by amateur satellite archaeologist Angela Micol. She used Google Earth 5,000 miles away in North Carolina.

Located about 90 miles apart, the two possible pyramid complexes appeared on aerial imagery as an unusual groupings of mounds with intriguing orientations. One site near the Fayum oasis revealed a four-sided, truncated mound approximately 150 feet wide and three smaller mounds in a diagonal alignment (left). The other site, just 12 miles from the city of Abu Sidhum along the Nile, featured two large and two small mounds (right).
Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
First reported by Discovery News, Micol’s claim gained widespread media attention and much criticism. Authoritative geologists and geo-archaeologists dismissed what Micol called “Google Earth anomalies” as windswept natural rock formations -- buttes quite common in the Egyptian desert.

Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
 While the site in the Fayum has not been investigated yet, a preliminary on-the-ground expedition has already occurred at the site near Abu Sidhum.

According to Micol, it provided intriguing data to compare with El-Kady and Farouk’s maps and documents.
Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
Suspecting the mounds were ancient in origin, locals tried to dig into one of the two smaller mounds.

Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
The excavation failed due to striking very hard stone that Aly and Micol believe may be granite.

Pyramids Hidden in Satellite Images
Aly Soliman believes the big mounds are hiding pyramids as the metal detector used over them signaled metal and showed an underground tunnel heading north.

Harvard Scientists Managed to Stop and Reverse the Aging Process

Harvard Scientists Managed to Stop and Reverse the Aging Process

The fountain of youth may have been discovered after scientists found they could reverse the aging process in mammals.

Harvard researchers managed to turn the clock back for mice by helping their cellular DNA communicate more efficiently.

After just one week of restoring this communication scientists found two-year-old mice now had the body tissue of a six-month-old.

"In human years, this would be like a 60-year-old converting to a 20-year-old in these specific areas,” said Professor David Sinclair, an expert in genetics at Harvard Medical School.

Researchers discovered that the nuclear DNA – found in the nucleus of a cell – and the Mitochondrial DNA – found in other parts of the cell – stop communicating as we age.

Harvard Scientists Managed to Stop and Reverse the Aging Process

Over time this loss of communication reduces the cell's ability to make energy, and signs of aging and disease become apparent.

"This particular component of the aging process had never before been described," said Dr Ana Gomes, a scientist in Sinclair’s lab

The team found the communication problems were down to a depletion in a protein called NAD.

When they upped the levels of NAD in the cells of mice, the ageing process reversed.

Prof Sinclair added: "The ageing process we discovered is like a married couple - when they are young, they communicate well, but over time, living in close quarters for many years, communication breaks down.

"And just like with a couple, restoring communication solved the problem.

"There's clearly much more work to be done here, but if these results stand, then many aspects of ageing may be reversible if caught early."

His team are now looking at the longer-term outcomes of the NAD-producing compound in mice and how it affects the mouse as a whole.

They are also exploring whether the compound can be used to safely treat rare diseases or more common diseases such as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Harvard Scientists Managed to Stop and Reverse the Aging Process

Longer term, the professor plans to test if the compound will give mice a healthier, longer life.

They also discovered that a molecule which switches on during ageing also switches on during cancer, in a finding that could improve treatments for the disease.

“We're starting to see now that the physiology of cancer is in certain ways similar to the physiology of aging,” said Dr Gomes.

“Perhaps this can explain why the greatest risk of cancer is age. "

The findings were published in the journal Cell.


The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident
A mysterious case of nine experienced skiers who died in bizarre circumstances on an expedition into Siberia may have been solved by an America researcher.

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Donnie Eichar, a film-maker and author, spent four years investigating the so-called Dyatlov Pass incident, and has now claimed that he has discovered a ‘scientific’ explanation for the baffling case.

The skiers, who were all students, were led into the wilderness of the Ural mountains by 23-year-old Igor Dyatlov.

Their aim was to reach the remote Otorten Mountain, but – with the exception of one man who turned back early due to ill health – the entire party would be found dead beneath the snow.

Rescuers sent out into the -24-degree weather to track the party down at first found only a collapsed tent, still filled with all the clothing and survival gear needed to make the rest of the journey.

But the empty tent baffled investigators, as it still contained items of clothing and pairs of shoes – implying that some of the students had ventured out into the wilderness barefoot and without coats.

Even when later searches uncovered the frozen bodies of all nine victims, no convincing explanation could be found for why the experienced hikers – who would have been well-versed in winter survival techniques – had come to such a tragic end.

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Search parties found one group of bodies lying in the snow on flat land near a river, a mile from the tent, next to the remains of a long burnt-out fire. Around 350 yards away lay the corpse of Dyatlov, the engineering student from Ural Polyetchnic who had put the expedition together and was its leader. His name would later be given to the area where the tragedy took place, as well as the incident itself.

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Nearby, a search dog sniffed out the remains of Zina Kolmogorova, 22, under four inches of snow, and then that of Rustem Slobodin.

The bodies were in a line 200 yards apart, as if they had been trying to crawl behind each other back up to the shelter of the tent, but never made it.

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Another two months went by before the rest of the group were found, under 15ft of snow in a den they had desperately hollowed out for themselves before succumbing to the cold.

Some of this group had broken bones and terrible internal injuries but, strangely, no external wounds, not even scratches on the skin.

Post-mortem examinations of all nine bodies threw their own anomalies, as some bodies were fully clothed, others almost naked. One, belonging to Lyudmilla Dubinina was missing her tongue and eyes.

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

An investigation by a Soviet government inspector was also fruitless, and was quietly dropped after concluding nobody was to blame.

Lev Ivanov, the inspector, concluded only that all nine deaths had been caused by what he described as “an unknown elemental force which they were unable to overcome.”

But in a recent interview with Failure magazine, Mr Eichar hinted at his conclusion, saying:

“The conclusion that I have come up with could only have happened with the help of modern science and the help of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.”

The Mountain of the Dead - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Jason Zasky, who interviewed Mr Eichar, also wrote that his theory: ‘involves a particular type of repetitive wind event (one that could be produced by the topography of Dead Mountain), which in turn might have triggered panic-inducing infrasound.’

Mr Eichar has stayed tight-lipped about the specifics, but said the original investigator: “couldn’t explain what happened because he lacked the science and technology to do so.”

The ‘infrasound’ theory to which the interviewer refers is a bizarre – but apparently plausible – explanation which argues that sound waves too low to hear could have subtly affected the minds of the skiers, panicking them and causing them to rush recklessly out into the snow, where the cold killed them.

These waves of infrasound, it seems, could have been produced by high winds resonating thanks to the shape of the mountains.

Studied have suggested that infrasound – soundwaves too low for humans to hear – can nonetheless produce feelings of unease, awe or even terror which cannot be explained any other way.

It is unclear how far this explanation matches Mr Eichar’s – but supporters of the theory claim it can account for the bizarre situation in which the bodies were found.



You May Never Eat Street Food In China Again After Watching This Video

You May Never Eat Street Food In China Again After Watching This Video

China's food safety problems have no better symbol than the illegal and utterly disgusting problem of gutter oil. Cooking oil is used heavily in Chinese food, so some street vendors and hole-in-the-wall restaurants buy cheap, black market oil that's been recycled from garbage. You read that correctly. Enterprising men and women will go through dumpsters, trash bins, gutters and even sewers, scooping out liquid or solid refuse that contains used oil or animal parts. Then they process that into cooking oil, which they sell at below-market rates to food vendors who use it to cook food that can make you extremely sick.

You May Never Eat Street Food In China Again After Watching This Video

This video, produced by Radio Free Asia, shows in excruciating detail how a couple of gutter oil vendors go about their work. It starts with the couple scooping sewage out of the ground, and it ends with unwitting Chinese consumers chowing down on the end product:


To reiterate, this is illegal, something that Chinese authorities are trying to stop and not used by all street vendors. But it's also thought to be widespread. Being reprocessed garbage and sewage, gutter oil contains all sorts of untold carcinogens. Many of the operations, like the one shown in the video, are small-time. But there's enough money to be made that some producers go much bigger.

You May Never Eat Street Food In China Again After Watching This Video

In April, Chinese authorities uncovered a gutter oil production ring that spanned 13 cities and over 100 people, who somehow acquired rotten animal parts and boiled down the fat into oil. The sting, which came after a five-month investigation, yielded 3,200 tons of the stuff; authorities estimated the black-market producers had already sold a stunning $1.6 million worth of their product.


7 Shocking Bible Verses You Probably Won’t Hear In Church

Most people know “Love is patient, love is kind” and “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” But here are some, uh, less celebrated verses from the Bible (and how some people have tried to defend them):

Basically:“Murdering babies is a good time.”

Historical context: The writer has been exiled from Babylon. The Hebrew here is mournful; this psalm is often set to music.

What more conservative readers might say: It’s a metaphor wherein the babies are “the sadness of the Babylonian exile” who should be “dashed against the rock of faith,” or “dashing your sins against the rock of reason.”

What more liberal readers might say: Noted Hebrew Bible scholar Robert Alter writes,“No moral justification can be offered for this notorious concluding line. All one can do is to recall the background of outraged feeling that triggers the conclusion.”

NB: The terms “liberal” and “conservative” here are used theologically, and used throughout as broad, non-exclusive simplifications, as the nuances of centuries of biblical interpretation are impossible to fully explicate here. 

In general, “conservative” is used throughout to denote a more traditional approach that treats the biblical text with some measure of divine inspiration, whereas a “liberal” perspective might be more interested in a historical-critical approach that views the text as a document, or literarily.

Basically: “Thou shalt maketh me a sandwich.”

Historical context: The vast majority of scholars believe that despite tradition, 1 Timothy wasn’t actually written by the apostle Paul. But in the letter, “Paul” writes to Timothy, who’s now pastoring a church at Ephesus, giving him instructions for running the place. The chapter also urges women to “dress modestly” and “learn in quietness and in full submission.”

What more conservative readers might say: Though most modern scholars and pastors interpret this verse a bit more leniently, many churches and religious institutions throughout history have used this verse to bar women from leadership positions, ranging from ordination to teaching Sunday school.

What more liberal readers might say: The verse was directed at a specific church context, perhaps “feminist” women congregants who were usurping authority — radical at the time — or women who were attempting to spread Gnostic doctrine. Some also note that that the Greek verb authenteo (to “have authority”) has a long and weird history of meanings, including committing suicide, murdering one’s parents, and being sexually aggressive, and thus shouldn’t be interpreted as some sort of administrative injunction today.

Basically: “You were disobedient, so God will make you eat your own kids.”

Historical background: In this chapter, God relays a prophesy through Jeremiah of a destroyed Israel, using a smashed potter’s vessel as an analogy. Israel had reunited a century before Jeremiah was active. The cannibalism reference is an almost verbatim quotation of Deuteronomy 28:53, which threatened that Israel would one day come to this terrible point if it disobeyed the law.

What more conservative readers might say: These terrible acts really happened, as a result of Israel turning its back on God.

What more liberal readers might say: The author of Jeremiah was picking up on the Deuteronomistic themes of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, which put forth the twin ideas of a grand nation united by God and then subjected to destruction for disobeying him. (FWIW, the historian Flavius Josephus reports that Jews starving in Jerusalem during the Roman siege of 70 CE ate their own children.)

Basically:“Slavery rocks.”

Historical context: Addressed to Christians of all social strata facing social and/or physical persecution in the early church, likely under the reign of Domitian from 81–96 CE.

What more conservative readers might say: Submission to masters, even “cruel” ones (from the Greek word meaning “crooked”) is commendable as an extension of the command in Luke to love one’s enemies. One’s response to unjust treatment can be an opportunity to praise God. Theologically, we see the author giving the idea of suffering a moral import; as Christ suffered his wounds, so slaves are to bear theirs with perseverance.

What more liberal readers might say: In the contemporary Roman Empire, there were as many as 60 million slaves who performed a variety of tasks, many of them menial labor. They weren’t allowed to marry, and if they had children those offspring became the property of the master. Some suggest that the injunction here is political: that the intention was to suppress any social revolution or uprising. This passage was used during America’s period of slavery by both abolitionists and slaveholders. For more, see Slavery in Early Christianity by Jennifer A. Glancy.

Basically: There was a secret naked disciple, in addition to the usual 12.

Historical context: This young man appears only in Mark, the earliest gospel, and makes no appearance in the later gospels. In this account, after Judas leads the guards to Jesus with a kiss, Jesus is seized and the rest of the disciples flee, even though they’d promised they wouldn’t. This guy was also lurking, wearing only a towel, and the guards tried to catch him, but he ditched the towel and fled.

What more conservative readers might say: It’s the author Mark himself. Or, he could be a metaphor for the disciples, who are now naked in the world after abandoning Jesus.

What more liberal readers might say: Various people have attempted to identify the man historically, but it’s truly impossible to ascertain. He might be part of a literary motif crafted by the author; see Mark 16:5, which depicts a man in a white robe outside the tomb telling the women that Jesus has risen, and which uses the same Greek word for “young man.”

Basically: BEAR ATTACK IN THE BIBLE. On kids.

Historical context: In verse 23, the prophet Elisha is on his way to Bethel when a bunch of youths start teasing him, “Go on up, you baldhead!” Not only were they mocking his lack of hair, but the “go on up” is a jab at Elisha’s ascension to heaven, which occurred earlier in the chapter. God then sends a bunch of bears to eff them up.

What more conservative readers might say: God’s judgment on the “gang of youths” was fair, as they were teasing a prophet of God and were likely set out to rob and possibly assault him.

What more liberal readers might say: Located in its literary context, it’s a brutal fable meant to convey the idea that God should not be mocked. (Here’s a somewhat in-depth look at this passage.)

Basically: Being gay is punishable by death.

Historical background: Leviticus and its so-called holiness code had a long period of transmission and editing, probably reaching its final form in post-exilic Israel (c. 530s BCE.) The book comprises both the “Priestly code” and the “Holiness code,” which both contain instructions for priests and Israel alike to lead pure lives in front of God. This code for sexual ethics in Leviticus 18 also includes prohibitions against incest, bestiality, and sex with a menstruating woman.

What more conservative readers might say: To be fair, many churches have abandoned a literal interpretation of this verse, as the same Levitical holiness code forbids eating pork and wearing clothing made from two different fibers. But in both Christian and Jewish tradition, these verses have been used historically as a blanket prohibition against homosexual behavior. Here’s one evangelical commentary that argues that “ceremonial” laws, like the one prohibiting consumption of pork, are no longer valid, but that the “moral” laws, like the one prohibiting homosexual behavior, still are.

What more liberal readers might say: The prohibition of gay sex must be read in the historical context of the time. There was really no contemporary equivalent of a loving homosexual relationship like we have today, much ancient same-sex activity involved pederasty. In addition, male “seed” was prized as valuable for producing offspring, and any activity that “wasted” it was frowned upon. (See also the injunction against “onanism” in Genesis 38.)


Alien Civilization Makes Contact! [VIDEO]

Alien Civilization Makes Contact!

On August 16, 2001, a crop formation appeared overnight in front of the Chilbolton Radio Observatory in England. It was a clear response to the Arecibo Message which was sent into space by Carl Sagan and Nasa in 1974. It seems impossible that people could have made such large and complex formations so perfectly in the dark of one night. On top of that, scientific analysis of the crops showed that they had not been pushed down with blunt force as you would expect in a man-made design. Rather, the bottom nodes of the stalks had been heated via some form of focused radiation so that they wilted over and strangely, came to rest at a 90 degree angle.

Alien Civilization Makes Contact!

Most people will have a skeptical reaction to their appearance, as it so closely resembles the typical “grey” alien dipicated in so many movies. But it is worth noting: That image was not the product of Hollywood’s imagination. Just like the “flying saucer”, the description originally came from people who claimed to have seen them first hand. Hollywood took that description and sensationalized it for their own purposes.



Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

While Barack Obama is busy gutting the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Russia and China are rapidly preparing for the day when they will nuke the United States. To most Americans, it sounds very strange to hear that Russia and China are concerned about nuclear war. After all, isn’t the Cold War over? Isn’t that what politicians from both major political parties keep telling us? Unfortunately, the truth is that Russia and China both consider the United States to be their number one geopolitical threat, and both nations have been systematically strengthening and updating their strategic forces.

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

 At the end of last month, Russia held a large-scale military drill that involved the launch of four nuclear missiles, and the Chinese government released a major report for the public which included maps showing what would happen to major U.S. cities in the event of a nuclear attack by Chinese submarines. Obama may blindly believe that wishful thinking and unilateral disarmament will keep the United States safe, but Russia and China are taking a much different path. Both of them believe that a military conflict with the United States in the future is quite likely, and they are rapidly preparing for that eventuality.

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

The major nuclear drill conducted by Russia at the end of last month made headlines all over the planet…

Russian strategic forces carried out a large-scale surprise military drill on Wednesday, launching four nuclear missiles that were closely monitored by U.S. intelligence agencies, U.S. officials said.

The drill began around 9:00 am ET and included the test launch of two land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

But this was far from an isolated incident. In fact, it has been reported that Russian missile forces will hold more than 200 drills during the second half of 2013.

Things have very much changed in Russia since the end of the Cold War era. Back then, Russia did not have a lot of money to put into the military. But now Russian President Vladimir Putin is working very hard to strengthen and modernize Russian nuclear forces…

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States
Russia is developing several new missiles, including a weapon U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed as a covert intermediate-range nuclear missile called the RS-26 that is being developed and tested in apparent violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

The Russian government has denied the RS-26 violates the INF treaty and claims it is a new ICBM, which some arms compliance experts say is a violation of the 2010 New START treaty.

Russia is also developing a new submarine-launched ballistic missile and a new class of missile submarines.

The missile submarines are of particular concern. Russia has introduced a new “near silent” nuclear submarine which is far quieter than anything the U.S. currently has…

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States
The Borey Class submarine, dubbed Vladimir Monomakh, has a next generation nuclear reactor, can dive deeper than 1,200 feet, and carries up to 20 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).

Each of these “Bulava” ICBM’s can carry ten detachableMIRV warheads, what they call “re-entry vehicles,” capable of delivering 150 kiloton yields per warhead

These subs have the capability of approaching the coastline of the United States without us ever even knowing that they were there.

Most Americans do not realize this.

Most Americans also do not realize that Russia has more spies inside the United States today than it did at any point during the Cold War.

Russia is more of a threat to the United States today than it ever has been before, but the American people are completely and totally oblivious to this.

Meanwhile, China is publicly bragging about what their nuclear submarines could do to us.

Late last month, the Chinese government released a report which included maps which showed the projected results of a nuclear strike on major U.S. cities. This report was heavily covered by government-controlled media outlets in China such as China Central TV, the People’s Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily and China Youth Daily.

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

The following are a couple of excerpts from that report…

“If we launch our DF-31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore, and Norfolk, whose population account accounts for about one eighth of America’s total residents.”
“Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, [our] nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angles, San Francisco, and San Diego.”

In recent years, China has been working hard to develop a new generation of inter-continental and submarine-launched nuclear missiles. The following is from a recent article posted on the Washington Free Beacon

China is rapidly expanding its nuclear forces with new missiles, submarines, and warheads. At least one of the warheads is based on warhead designs stolen from U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories in the 1990s, U.S. officials have said.
The submarine-launched missiles that they have been developing are of particular concern. The following is from a recent article posted on Investors.com

Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States
China’s sub fleet is reportedly the world’s second-largest, with about 70 vessels. About 10 are nuclear-powered, and four or more of those are nuclear ballistic submarines.

In 2010, the Type 094 Jin class entered the service. It is capable of launching 12 to 16 JL-2 missiles with a range of about 8,700 miles, covering much of the continental U.S. with single or multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle warheads.

Do you remember a few years ago when a Chinese submarine fired a test missile from just off the west coast of the United States?

The U.S. Navy did not even know that the sub was there. If that missile had been fired directly at Los Angeles, it would have been incinerated long before the U.S. government could ever have responded.

Are you starting to get the picture?

In response, the Obama administration will not even comment on this latest Chinese report…

The Obama administration declined to comment on Sunday on provocative state-run Chinese media reports outlining Beijing’s nuclear war plans, including land-based and submarine-launched missile strikes on U.S. cities that would kill up to 12 million people.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf and Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith would not respond when asked about the highly unusual Chinese reports published Oct. 28 in numerous major Communist Party-controlled television and newspaper outlets.

The Chinese reports included maps showing nuclear strikes on Los Angeles and the Pacific Northwest, along with the resulting radiation plumes stretching thousands of miles across the western United States.

You see, the truth is that talking about what China is doing does not fit in with the Obama administration’s “progressive agenda”. Obama has been systematically disarming America, and most Americans do not even realize that it has been happening.

Most Americans just continue to believe that we still have a very robust strategic nuclear deterrent.

Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

Back in 1967, the U.S. military had more than 31,000 strategic nuclear warheads.

Since that time, the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been reduced by about 95 percent,

The START Treaty that Obama agreed to back in 2010 will limit both the United States and Russia to a maximum of 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads.


Philippines Church Of Christ Founder 'The 5th Angel From the East' ?

Philippines Church Of Christ Founder "The 5th Angel From the East" ?

Analysis of the INC's Angel From the East Doctrine 

The INC believe that Felix Manalo is the Angel from the East as depicted in the Revelation:

Rev 7:1-3 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."

One can easily be lead into INC thinking and misdirection by some coincidental historical facts and controversial claims that surround their church and these verses of Rev 7:1-3. For instance:

Their Church was officially registered with the American Colonial Government in the Philippines on July 27, 1914. World War One officially started on July 27, 1914. The INC believe that this is no coincidence. They believe it is partial proof of the prophecy coming to fruition.

They assert that the four angels in Rev:1-3 are actually world leaders of World War I. The allied leaders of World War One were known as the "Big Four"(Wilson, Orlando, George, Clemenceau). They believe that the four correspond to the four angels and the Angel rising from the east is no other than Felix Manalo and his INC.

The INC preach that the four angels stopped the War by holding back their destructive war machines and formally concluding hostilities with the Treaty of Versailles. Meanwhile, Manalo registered his Church at the outbreak of WWI and began his so-called accent from the east as prophecy foretells.

If we test this doctrine, we see the glaring historical inconsistencies as it relates to the prophecy. They seem to divert one’s attention away from the obvious. They focus on the substance of an angel. (Please see our Essay on Manalo and the Angels on this website) The INC also brings dialog regarding the word ‘east’ in this prophecy. They claim that is actually it is defined as the far east in Hebrew, which they parlay to point to the Philippines. Angels are not flesh and blood and ‘east’ is not ‘Far East’ in this prophecy.

Philippines Church Of Christ Founder "The 5th Angel From the East" ?

Now, for the sake of argument, lets believe in the INC definition of angels as human beings. Even if we do, their story still fails. Let’s take a look:

Rev 7:1 "After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree."

In the above passage, the first two words,"After this", are key in understanding this passage as it relates to INC’s claims. After what, you ask? Lets take a look at the last few verses of Rev. 6

Rev 6:12-17 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

The INC state that verse 12-13 had already occurred in the years of 1755, 1780 & 1833. (please see the essay Prophet Sharing, on this web-site)

Philippines Church Of Christ Founder "The 5th Angel From the East" ?

The INC go on to preach that verse 14-16 is fulfilled with the advent of WWI.

What about verse 17? A simple reading of the entire passage clearly states that these men hid from the impending wrath of the Lamb, the ‘great day’. These men were hiding in terror from the cataclysmic events in the previous verses knowing that the wrath is about the come down upon them.

Even if we consider the ‘wrath’ and the ‘great day’ to be the event of WW I, the verse implies that the war is impending…it has yet to start. Again, the key is, the war has yet to start.

As the prophecy states, the things that had already occurred are the ‘earthquake’, the ‘black sun’, and the ‘stars falling’, of which these men trembled in fear and awe. The passage then goes on to say that the men went into hiding in the mountains and caves before the wrath was released. They hid from the coming of the ‘wrath’!

Now, taking into account the events at the end of Chapter 6, verse 7:1 clearly states that the winds, or the ‘wrath’, or the coming destruction of the ‘great day’ are held back by these four angels.

In an INC article titled "The Angel From the East and His Message", the writer states that "They (the Big Four) were ‘the greatest political leaders of the world at that time’ who had the power to ‘hold back the four winds of the earth’ or stop the war."

No doubt the "Big Four" had the power to STOP the war, which is an historical fact, BUT the prophecy demands the four angels to PREVENT the ‘wrath’ which is yet to come! Lets move to the next verse to clarify this idea:

Rev 7:3 "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees UNTIL we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."

Please note the importance of the word "UNTIL" in this verse. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word as follows: Until - Before a specified time. The definition of the word demolishes the INC story that the angels were to stop the war, rather the definition demonstrates that the angels are to hold back the war; it has yet to start. Only until after the sealing is complete, the ‘wrath’ is let loose. Rev 7:3 explicitly says that the land, sea and trees will be harmed after the ‘sealing’ is complete!

Now, The "seal", according to the INC, given by the angel in Rev 7 is "the preaching of the word of truth or the Gospel of salvation". They attempt to prove this by citing Ephesians 1:13, which does indeed mention the gospel, and believers being "sealed." They then tie all this together by asserting that only men, not angels, can preach the gospel (Acts 10:3-5, 22, 33) - therefore, the angel in Rev 7:2-3 who is giving the seal (that is, the gospel), must be a man!!

Philippines Church Of Christ Founder "The 5th Angel From the East" ?

Two errors to note in the above:

1) The citations from Acts, used to prove that angels can't preach the gospel, doesn't say that angels can't do this. It merely says that an angel directed Cornelius to Peter, so that Peter could preach the first gospel message to a gentile. 

2) Despite the reference to a "seal" in both Rev 7 and Ephesians 1, they are *not* the same thing. The seal in Ephesians does indeed refer to the Gospel. However, the seal in Rev 7 refers to the lives of Jews being spared from the covenant curses culminating in the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in AD 70. We assert that the ‘great day’ is actually the destruction of the Temple in 70AD by the Roman Army. (See the essay "What a Whore-able Accusation" in which the exegesis tells us that Rome was responsible for the destruction of the Whore – Ancient apostate Jerusalem, which is on this web-site)

Please notice that after the 144,000 are "sealed," there is also a "great multitude" (Rev 7:9) who have *not* received the seal - which are called those who "have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev 7:14).

That is in rev 7, both those with the seal, and those without the seal are saved. Why does the "great multitude" not require the seal? Who are these of the great multitude? Revelation 7 already identifies those with the seal as strictly being Jews (Rev 7:4).

The "great multitude" are the gentiles and all generations who "have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev 7:14). The gentiles don't require the seal (Ezekiel chapter 9) because they were not under the covenant promises/curses that the sons of Israel were. If the sons of Israel were to break God's covenant, then they would be thrice under a sevenfold curse for breaking the covenant: Leviticus 26:14ff (especially verses 18.21.24, the three verses expressing the sevenfold curse).

We know that the INC preach that in these so-called 'last days’ one must be ‘sealed’ in the INC to be saved. The above exegesis proves that the ‘seal’ only relates to the sons of Israel under the covenant promises and curses! The angel from the east did just that; the angel sealed the 144,000.

Now, the ‘multitude’, which can include you and I, do not require the seal to be saved. The INC operate on a false pretense that one must be sealed by Manalo and his ministers to be saved. We have proven that the ‘sealing’ is reserved for the 144,000, while the ‘multitude’ do not require the seal as depicted in this passage.

In addition to the INC historical inaccuracies as it relates to the prophecy, the INC claim that ‘we’, in verse 3, are Manalo’s successors and ministers.

Rev 7:3 "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until WE put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."

No where in or around these verses does it imply that the Angel from the east will have assistants or procession of authority. Context only point to the four angels. If the four angels were indeed the "Big Four" then they would’ve had a hand in sealing. Of course, they did not.

Furthermore, any student of history knows World War I did not encompass all the kings, generals, rich, mighty, every slave and free man. Although history calls it a world war, we know that not all nations and all humans of the world participated in this dreadful conflict as prophecy demands.

As history shows, peace is created by the "Big Four" at the CONCLUSION of the WAR. According to the proper exegesis of this prophecy, the four angels are to Hold Peace BEFORE the war. This fact goes against the INC teaching. Furthermore, the Big Four was not complete until the U.S. entered the War in 1917. Hence, it was impossible for these allied leaders to collaborate and sustain peace before the war because the alliance was yet to be formed!

As history shows, Manalo and Co. does not officially begin their "sealing" until the commencement of World War One. According to proper exegesis of this prophecy, the sealing must be done before "any" War was to be loosed. Hence, anyone sealed after the start of World War One is NOT saved. As one can see, INC interpretations of Rev. 7:1-3 are grossly erroneous and are clearly worded in attempts to fit it into that point and time in history. Unfortunately for the INC, it will not work.

Finally, it is good to understand revelation in its context. The Revelation clearly tells us when the prophecies are to happen:

Rev 1:1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw." Rev 1:1

Rev 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Rev 22:6 "And he (the angel) said to me (John), "These words are faithful and true"; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must shortly take place."
Rev 22:10 "And he (the angel) said to me (John) , 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.'" Rev 22:10

As demonstrated from the above verses, all prophecies of the Revelation apply to the early church as the Revelation was written in the first century. Moreover, the Revelation was written specifically to the seven Churches of Asia. It was not written for some future restoration by Manalo and his church, the INC.

We can conclude that the verses in question have nothing to do with World War One and the registration of Manalo’s Church in 1914, but some other event in history. The INC history and proper understanding of the prophecy prove that the "Big Four" are not and cannot be the four angels, as INC believes. We can also conclude that Felix Manalo is not and cannot be the angel from the east.


Can Animals Predict Disaster? 12 Warning Signs from Animals

Can Animals Predict Disaster? 12 Warning Signs from Animals

When it comes to natural disasters, animals are way further ahead of the curve than people are. They just seem to be able to sense change in the air. If you know what to look for, you can take advantage of the warning signs exhibited by your four-legged forecasters and winged weathermen.

Before casting this particular article aside, consider the fact that when the tsunami hit Thailand in 2004, nearly all of the animals who were free to roam made it to higher ground and survived. More than 200,000 humans died. That’s either one tremendous coincidence or the animals knew something that we didn’t.

Nowhere in the following paragraphs are we going to mention any kind of puppy ESP because that’s not what this is about. What we WILL discuss is the potential science behind how animals know when a SHTF situation is about to occur. We’re also going to touch on 12 warning signs from animals for SHTF. First, let’s discuss HOW they know that weather is changing.

Can Animals Predict Disaster? 12 Warning Signs from Animals
Infrasonics are extremely low-pitched vibrations and are emitted by such natural disasters as earthquakes and tidal waves. Infrasonic vibration causes nausea and nervousness in people.

Animals such as cows, horses, and elephants can hear lower levels than we can so maybe they interpret these vibrations as signs of danger and head for safety. They may also be able to feel them with their feet.

If you notice your animals fretting, or happen to live where you can see elephants migrating, take heed.

Barometric (air) and hydrostatic (water) pressure changes are more noticeable to animals than they are to most humans.

When hydrostatic pressure drops, such as it does before hurricanes and other storms, sharks head to deeper water where it’s safe. Bees and other land-dwelling animals react similarly when barometric pressure drops.

All of their senses are just better. When it comes right down to it, people just can’t feel, hear, see, smell or taste nearly as well as many other species.

When it comes to using our senses to detect the weather, we may be able to sense drops in pressure or temperature but we simply can’t hold a candle to an elephant’s sense of feel or a dog’s sense of smell or ability to hear.

When it comes to using our senses to detect the weather, we may be able to sense drops in pressure or temperature but we simply can’t hold a candle to an elephant’s sense of feel or a dog’s sense of smell or ability to hear.

Can Animals Predict Disaster? 12 Warning Signs from Animals

As promised, we’re going to toss in a list of animal behaviors that you should watch out for.

If you see these changes, especially if you see more than one of these animals acting like this, take heed because something heavy is on the way.
  1. Bees stop flying around and go to hive.
  2. Birds go to their trees and aren’t flying around. They may migrate completely away.
  3. Fish bite hard one day then completely disappear the next day, or even a few hours later.
  4. Cows and other animals head to high ground and safety.
  5. Dogs and cats go missing. One guy checks lost animal posts in his local newspaper and actually uses that as one of his prediction tools for earthquakes.
  6. Fish jumping an unusual amount, or fish that don’t typically jump, particularly catfish, are jumping. There is some speculation that they can sense changes in the electrical impulses in the air or water caused by impending disasters such as earthquakes.
  7. If you live in an area that has a lot of frogs, they are prone to disappear prior to earthquakes and other natural disasters.
  8. Chickens may become agitated and stop laying eggs a few days before a major storm.
  9. Dogs become more agitated and may bark more or even become aggressive a few days before a major SHTF weather event. They may even refuse to go on a walk or walk to a certain area, such as by the water, during their walks.
  10. Horses, dogs, monkeys, and other pets may refuse food or treats several hours prior to a natural SHTF occurrence.
  11. Bats may be awake and active in the middle of the day a few minutes or even hours prior to a natural disaster occurring.
  12. Just for fun, we want to throw in an 12th sign – HUMAN babies tend to become anxious and irritable when extreme changes in weather are coming.
Can Animals Predict Disaster? 12 Warning Signs from Animals

It’s this last observation that makes you really stop and think. There’s no doubt that animals excel at using their senses to survive but perhaps people have better radar than we think. Maybe we just need to focus on it more and hone it, just like we do any other skill.

Using animals to predict weather isn’t just backwoods mumbo-jumbo. Millions of dollars per year are being invested in finding out how effective animals are at predicting weather. Scientists know that there’s something more to it that just random luck and they’re working diligently to prove it. They would even like to use it to anticipate when and where natural disasters are going to occur.

Don’t make the mistake of writing off your animals’ weird behavior shifts: they may be the best predictor of SHTF that you could ever ask for!


Scientists Predict How Human Will Look Like After 1000 Years

Scientists Predict How Human Will Look Like After 1000 Years

EVOLUTION has changed our bodies and faces over thousands of years — and it’s still happening.

Here’s how leading anatomical experts predict our descendants will differ physically from us in 1,000 years from now.

- We’ll be TALLER at 6-7ft because of improved nutrition and medical science. Osteopath Garry Trainer, from north London, says: “The average American is about one inch taller than in 1960.”

- Our INTESTINES will get shorter so we don’t absorb as much fat and sugar — a natural way of avoiding obesity, says dentist Dr Philip Stemmer.

- If male fertility declines further, there will be SMALLER TESTICLES (tough luck, chaps).

- Our most used extremities will change dramatically. 

ARMS AND FINGERS get longer to reduce the need to reach too far and nerve endings in hands and fingers will increase because of the greater use of devices such as iPhones that need complex eye-hand coordination.

- We’ll have SMALLER BRAINS, maybe because so much memorising and thinking is done by our computers. “Science fiction images show humans of the future with huge brains but big brains are not necessarily the best,” says Chris Stringer, from the Natural History Museum.

- There will be LARGE EYES to compensate for smaller mouths. Cary Cooper, of Lancaster University, explains: “Communication will rely on facial expressions and eye movements.”

- Dentist Dr Stemmer also thinks there could be FEWER TEETH as softer food needs less chewing and biting. He says: “We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future, which could mean less teeth and receded jaws.”

Scientists Predict How Human Will Look Like After 1000 Years

- Expect people to have QUADRUPLE CHINS. “Our bodies were designed for eating less and using more energy than a modern lifestyle requires,” says Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon.
We can expect other dramatic changes too.

- Everyone will have the same shape of NOSE because climate is having less influence on broad or narrow hooters thanks to air conditioning and central heating.

- Central heating and warm clothing means we’ll be LESS HAIRY but there’ll be more WRINKLES as a result of peering at our electronic devices.

We could end up with saggy turkey necks too because extra sun will cause loose skin and baggy eyelids. 
And there will be darker skin as people move around the planet and races mix.


9 Huge Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened

We all know the conspiracy theories — the government's plan for 911, the second gunman who shot JFK, the evolution of the elite from a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards.

But the people who spread these ideas usually can't prove them.

As the years pass, however, secrets surface. Government documents become declassified. We now have evidence of certain elaborate government schemes right here in the U.S. of A.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury poisoned alcohol during Prohibition — and people died.

1. The U.S. Department of the Treasury poisoned alcohol during Prohibition — and people died.

The 18th Amendment, which took effect in January 1920, banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol — but not consumption. Despite the government's efforts, alcoholism actually skyrocketed during the era.

To keep up with America's thirst, bootleggers not only created their own alcohol but also stole industrial versions, rendered undrinkable by the inclusion of certain chemicals (namely methyl alcohol). Liquor syndicates then employed chemists to "re-nature" the alcohol once again, making it safe for consumption, according to Deborah Blum, author of "The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York."

By mid-1927, however, the U.S. government added much deadlier chemicals — kerosene, chloroform, and acetone among those most well known — which made alcohol more difficult to render consumable again. Adding 10% more methyl alcohol caused the worst efforts.

Although New York City's chief medical examiner, Charles Norris, tried to publicize the dangers, in 1926, poisonous alcohol killed 400 in the city. The next year, 700 died.

The U.S. Public Health Service lied about treating black men with syphilis for more than 40 years.

2. The U.S. Public Health Service lied about treating black men with syphilis for more than 40 years.

In 1932, the Public Health Service collaborated with the Tuskegee Institute to record the history of syphilis in the black male community, hoping to justify a treatment program.

Called the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, the study initially included 600 black men — 399 with the disease and 201 without. While the men were told they would receive treatment, however, the researchers never provided adequate treatment for the disease. Even when penicillin became the preferred and available treatment for syphilis, researchers kept their subjects in the dark.

Although originally planned to last only six months, the experiment continued for 40 years. Finally, in 1972, an Associated Press article prompted public outrage and a subsequent investigation. A government advisory panel deemed the study "ethically irresponsible" and research ended almost immediately.

As a result, the government settled a class-action lawsuit out of court in 1974 for $10 million and lifetime health benefits for all participants, the last of whom died in 2004.

More than 100 million Americans received a polio vaccine contaminated with a potentially cancer-causing virus.

3. More than 100 million Americans received a polio vaccine contaminated with a potentially cancer-causing virus.

From 1954 to 1961, simian virus 40 (SV40) somehow showed up in polio vaccines, according to the American Journal of Cancer. Researchers estimate 98 million people in the U.S. and even more worldwide received contaminated inoculations.

Jonas Salk, known creator of the inactivated polio vaccine, used cells from rhesus monkeys infected with SV40, according to president of the National Vaccine Information Center Barbara Fisher, who testified before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the U.S. House of Representatives on this matter in 2003, after researching the situation for 10 years.

The federal government changed oral vaccine stipulations in 1961 — which didn't include Salk's inactivated polio vaccine — specifically citing SV40. But medical professionals continued to administer tainted vaccines until 1963, according to Michael E. Horwin writing for the Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology in 2003. And even after 1961, the American Journal of Cancer found contaminated oral vaccines.

Although researchers know SV40 causes cancer in animals, opinions vary on a direct link between the virus and cancer in humans. Independent studies, however, have identified SV40 in brain and lung tumors of children and adults.

The Centers for Disease Control did post a fact sheet acknowledging the presence of SV40 in polio vaccines but has since removed it, according to Medical Daily.

Parts of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which led to U.S. intervention in Vietnam, never happened.

4. Parts of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which led to U.S. intervention in Vietnam, never happened.

After evading a torpedo attack, the USS Maddox reportedly engaged three North Vietnamese boats in the Gulf of Tonkin on both Aug. 2 and 4, 1964, according to the Pentagon Papers. Although without U.S. casualties, the events prompted Congress to pass a resolution allowing President Lyndon John to intervene in the Southeast.

Talk of Tonkin's status as a "false flag" for U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War has permeated public discourse almost since the time of the attacks, especially after the government admitted that the second incident may have involved false radar images.

But after resisting comment for decades, the National Security Agency finally declassified documents in 2005, admitting the incident on Aug. 4 never happened at all.

Those involved didn't necessarily intend to cover-up the incident to propagate a war. But the evidence does suggest "an active effort to make SIGINT fit the claim of what happened during the evening of 4 August in the Gulf of Tonkin,"according to NSA historian Robert J. Hanyok.

Military leaders reportedly planned terrorist attacks in the U.S. to drum up support for a war against Cuba.

5. Military leaders reportedly planned terrorist attacks in the U.S. to drum up support for a war against Cuba.

In 1962, the joint chiefs-of-staff approved Operation Northwoods, a covert plan to create support for a war in Cuba that would oust communist leader Fidel Castro.

Declassified government documents show considerations included: host funerals for "mock-victims,""start rumors (many)," and "blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba." They even suggested somehow pinning John Glenn's potential death, should his rocket explode, on communists in Cuba.

The advisors presented the plan to President Kennedy's Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, according to investigative journalist James Bamford's book, "Body of Secrets." We don't know whether McNamara immediately refused, but a few days later, Kennedy told Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, the plan's poo-bah, that the U.S. would never use overt force to take Cuba.

A few months later, Lemnitzer lost his position.

"There really was a worry at the time about the military going off crazy and they did, but they never succeeded, but it wasn't for lack of trying," Bamford told ABC News.

The government tested the effects of LSD on unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens.
6. The government tested the effects of LSD on unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens.

Under the code name "MKUltra," the U.S. government ran a human-research operation within the CIA's Scientific Research Division. Researchers tested the effects of hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, torture, and most memorably, LSD, on U.S. and Canadian citizens. Most had no idea.

To conduct these experiments, the CIA paid prisons, hospitals, and other institutions to keep quiet. The department even enticed heroin addicts to participate by offering them heroin, according to documents from a joint hearing to subcommittees of Congress, where President Kennedy spoke.

That day, he regaled Congress with "chilling testimony." Over 30 universities became involved in various studies. Notably, many lacked oversight by medical or scientific professionals. At least one participant, Frank Olsen, died, reportedly from suicide after unknowingly ingesting LSD.

In January 1973, then CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all documents pertaining to MKUltra. When Congress looked into the matter, no one, not even Helms, could "remember" details. Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, more documents were located, but the full timeline remains incomplete.

The events inspired investigative journalist Jon Ronson's best-selling book, "The Men Who Stare At Goats," now a movie of the same title starring George Clooney.

In 1974, the CIA secretly resurfaced a sunken Soviet submarine with three nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

7. In 1974, the CIA secretly resurfaced a sunken Soviet submarine with three nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

The CIA's secret "Project Azorian" aimed to raise a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean to retrieve three nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, each carrying a one megaton nuclear warhead.

With President Nixon's approval, CIA director Richard Helms placed all the plans in a secret file called "Jennifer," thus keeping the information from everyone but a select number of government officials.

After a FOIA, the NSA finally published an article from the CIA's in-house journal, Studies in Intelligence, revealing that the department succeeded in resurfacing portions of the sub, named K-129.

The CIA redacted text in these documents that prevent determining the operation's exact level of success, but the crew of the Glomar Explorer, the recovery ship, did haul contents to Hawaii for unloading.

The U.S. government sold weapons to Iran, violating an embargo, and used the money to support Nicaraguan militants.

8. The U.S. government sold weapons to Iran, violating an embargo, and used the money to support Nicaraguan militants.

In 1985, senior officials in the Reagan administration facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, then under embargo. The government, with the National Security Council's Oliver North acting as a key player, later used the profits to fund the Contras, anti-communist rebels, in Nicaragua.

The whole situation began with seven American hostages taken by a hostile group in Lebanon with ties to Iran. Through an elaborate exchange involving Israel, the U.S. planned to sell weapons to Iran in exchange for the hostages' freedom. The situation quickly derailed, although the Lebanese did release all but two hostages.

After a leak from an Iranian, the situation finally came to light in 1986. After repeatedly denying any involvement, the Reagan administration underwent 41 days of congressional hearings, according to Brown University's research project on the scandal. They subpoenaed government documents as early as 1981 and forced declassification of others.

Reagan's involvement in and even knowledge of the situation remains unclear. The hearings never labeled the sale of weapons to Iran a criminal offense, but some officials faced charges for supporting the Contras. The administration, however, refused to declassify certain documents, forcing Congress to drop them.

A public relations firm organized congressional testimony that propelled U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf War.

9. A public relations firm organized congressional testimony that propelled U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf War.

In 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl identified only as "Nayirah" testified before Congress that she witnessed Iraqi soldiers pulling infants from their incubators at a hospital and tossing them to the ground to die.

A later investigation revealed that PR giant Hill & Knowlton arranged her testimony for a client, Kuwaiti-sponsored Citizens for a Free Kuwait, and furthermore that Nayirah was the daughter of Kuwait's Ambassador to the U.S., according to The New York Times.

Tom Lantos, a representative from California who co-founded the committee that heard Nayirah, coordinated the whole thing. Perhaps not coincidentally, his committee rented space in the PR firm's headquarters at a reduced rate. Citizens for a Free Kuwait would go on to donate money to foundations with ties to said committee sometime after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

At first, Amnesty International affirmed the girl's testimony. But after reinvestigation, the group and other human rights organizations switched positions. They didn't necessarily question the accuracy, just her withheld bias.

Nayirah's testimony helped build support for the Persian Gulf War, though Congress would have likely pursued involvement without her words.

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10 Things You Didn't Know About The Bible [VIDEO]

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Bible

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Bible Everyone knows of the most famous book in the world, but here are 10 things you didn't know about the Bible


This is why you should NOT ride elephants in Thailand! [VIDEO]

This is why you should NOT ride elephants in Thailand!

Wild elephants won’t let humans ride on top of them. So in order to tame a wild elephant, it is tortured as a baby to completely break its spirit. The process is calledPhajaan, or “the crush”.

It involves ripping baby elephants away from their mothers and confining them in a very small space, like a cage or hole in the ground where they’re unable to move.

This is why you should NOT ride elephants in Thailand!

The baby elephants are then beaten into submission with clubs, pierced with sharp bull-hooks, and simultaneously starved and deprived of sleep for many days.

You can watch a disturbing video of the process if you’re curious.

Elephant training abuse

Elephant Torture in Thailand


History’s Creatures: Sighting the Mothman

History’s Creatures: Sighting the Mothman

Perhaps the most mysterious of all modern history’s legendary creatures is the Mothman of Point Pleasant, W.Va.

The legend of the Mothman has existed since the first reported sighting in 1966. Even though the creature has been seen in other parts of the world, it allegedly paid a particularly peculiar visit to Point Pleasant

The Mothman is described as a winged man standing approximately 7 feet tall with a 10-foot wingspan, according to Animal Planet, and all who have had encounters with the creature report feeling a sense of dread. But what seems to stand out the most to those who have had close encounters are the Mothman’s glowing, red eyes.

One encounter involves Point Pleasant resident Fay DeWitt, who saw the creature in 1966. She told her story to the Science Channel’s The Unexplained Files: “This thing jumped right on the hood of the car, and it just looked at my brother. [We] were wondering what it was going to do next. I was just petrified for a few minutes … then it just got up on top of this 5-story building and just went off the top of it.”

History’s Creatures: Sighting the Mothman

In another instance, recounted on mythicalcreaturesguide.com, local contractor Newell Partridge heard some strange noises, and his dog started howling. When he went to investigate the commotion, he saw the creature and quickly went into his house to get his gun. Too frightened to investigate further, he slept with his gun by his bed. He awoke the next day to discover that his dog had disappeared.

Sightings of the creature occurred frequently throughout late ‘66 and ‘67, and dozens of accounts have been recorded. Sightings drastically slowed, however, after the collapse of the Silver Bridge, which connected Point Pleasant to Kanauga, Ohio. The bridge collapsed during heavy traffic on Dec. 15, 1967, killing 46 people.

History’s Creatures: Sighting the Mothman

From then on, sighting the creature has been associated with looming disaster. According to Huffington Post, the creature was even seen before the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.

Some skeptics argue that the Mothman is nothing more than a large sandhill crane, which can have wingspans of up to 6 feet. Others believe that the Mothman is a supernatural being trying to warn people of impending doom. Sightings of the Mothman in Point Pleasant and around the world continue to this day, but they are infrequent compared to 1967.

Today, a 12-foot stainless steel sculpture resides in Mothman Park in Point Pleasant as a testament to the unexplained experience shared by an entire town.


Farmer Shocked After Goat Is Born With Human Face [VIDEO]

Farmer Shocked After Goat Is Born With Human Face

A farmer in Kenya, was shocked to see that his goat gave birth to a kid with a human face, according to photos and videos uploaded to the Internet.

Residents of Likoni Mombasa, were seen on video flocking to the farm in order to catch a glimpse of the goat, which has a human face.

The goat is also turning the usually quiet small town upside down as locals fear that the goat was born as a result of a man having sex with the goat.

In the video below you can see a group of people who gathered at the farm in order to see the goat with the human face.



Vatican Continues To Block Audit Of Holocaust Looted Assets


Vatican Continues To Block Audit Of Holocaust Looted Assets

The Vatican Authority for Financial Information tasked with monitoring the scandal plagued Vatican Bank continues to dodge requests to audit Vatican Bank accounts alleged to contain Holocaust era assets looted from the Balkans, says Dr Jonathan Levy from Brimstone & Co. in Washington.

Vatican Continues To Block Audit Of Holocaust Looted Assets

Apparently, about 30 current and former Vatican Bank accounts have been identified as suspect including accounts controlled by the Franciscan Order and various Croatian Dioceses.

On December 4, 2013, the Vatican Financial Authority reached a bilateral agreement with the German Federal Criminal Police Office pledging cooperation on anti money laundering following a previous agreement with the Dutch Financial Intelligence Unit. Ironically, Germany and Holland have taken significant measures to deal with assets looted during the Second World War which continue to surface as in the recent case of over a billion dollars of Nazi looted artworks recovered in Munich last year.

Dr. Jonathan Levy, the attorney for several thousand claimants, Holocaust victims, their heirs, and organizations, has criticized the Vatican Financial Authority and its Director Rene Bruelhart: “Mr. Bruelhart and his immediate superior Cardinal Nicora are the ultimate insiders. They claim to be auditing accounts at the Vatican Bank but do not have the decency to respond to our repeated requests. From my point of view, they are continuing the ongoing Vatican cover up.”

Vatican Continues To Block Audit Of Holocaust Looted Assets

Dr. Levy also noted that his firm’s investigations and ensuing litigation which commenced in 1998 has uncovered a Vatican Bank connection to looted assets from other countries including Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Levy explained, “After World War Two, there was a pressing need to move assets from Soviet occupied lands as the Iron Curtain descended on eastern Europe; changing these assets into Church property and depositing it at the Vatican Bank was an effective method however these assets often were commingled with property looted by the Nazis and Axis regimes in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Croatia.”

The funds at stake were derived from the Ustasha Treasury, consisting of gold and valuables looted from Yugoslavia during the Second World War and deposited at the Vatican Bank in 1946 and never accounted for, according to the statement from Brimstone & Co.

Vatican Continues To Block Audit Of Holocaust Looted Assets

This week Levy has lodged a complaint with both the Dutch Financial Intelligence Unit and German Bundeskriminalamt following an unsuccessful three year effort to move the European Commission to investigate the Vatican Bank.

However, the EU concluded that anti money laundering treaties with the Vatican do not apply to the Vatican Bankand only the Vatican Financial Authority can call for an audit.


Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Men are usually gentleman enough and would never admit to their chosen ones if they are not exactly skilled in providing oral sex. Thankfully, everything can be learned.

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

All interested Moscow ladies who are willing to set aside about 3,500 Russian rubles (about 85 euros / $113) have the unique opportunity to attend a course called “The Art of oral sex”.

During the course, they will get three and a half hours of intense training during which they will learn how to use lips and hands to bring their partner to ecstasy that they will never forget.

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Also, in this school is taught how to properly put a condom and other sexual skills, along with learning all of the “important spots” on the men’s and women’s bodies.

“Our goal is not only to teach the standard and advanced techniques of oral, classic and anal sex, but to teach you in fully how to use the erotic potential both your own and your partners,” says the advertisement for this school.

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

Russia: School For Mastering “The Art Of Oral Sex”

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