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Harmless Fun? Horoscopes May Be Bad For You, Study Suggests

Harmless Fun? Horoscopes May Be Bad For You, Study Suggests

Horoscopes may be bad for you as negative readings promote self-indulgent behaviour as people attempt to escape their fate, scientists find

Astrology may seem like harmless fun – but a new study suggests following your star sign could be bad for you.

Consumers who read their horoscope daily were found to be more likely to exhibit impulsive or indulgent behaviour when their zodiac was negative, the research suggested.

This is because reading a poor outcome in your star sign makes you more susceptible to temptation, it is believed.

The study, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, showed that those who believed their fate could change were more prone to erratic decision-making following bad news in their zodiac.

It has long been thought that reading your star sign can improve mood and encourage people to undertake selfless activities.

However, scientists at the University of South Carolina and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, found the opposite effect.

A number of participants were presented with unfavourable star sign readings and asked to choose between either going to a party or cleaning their home.

Participants who selected going to a party were seen as having made an indulgent decision and those who chose to clean their home were categorised as having made a virtuous one.

The study found that those who had read a negative horoscope before making their choice were more likely to choose going to the party over the more virtuous activity.

Researchers had expected participants to chose a more virtuous action to prevent the unfavourable outcome presented in their horoscope.

Harmless Fun? Horoscopes May Be Bad For You, Study Suggests

“Conventional wisdom might suggest that for people who believe they can change their fate, an unfavourable horoscope should result in an attempt to improve their fate,” the authors of study, Hyeongmin Kim of Johns Hopkins University, and Katina Kulow and Thomas Kramer of the University of South Carolina, said.

“Our results showed that reading an unfavourable horoscope actually has the opposite effect on a person.”

The researchers found that those who believe they have a fixed fate showed little change in their decision making and instead remained focused on their day ahead.

Earlier this month, Arch Crawford, a former Merrill Lynch trader who earned the nickname “crash Crawford" after predicting the “flash crash” of 1962, revealed that he has used astrology to guide his trades.

A study released in November this year, suggested 37 per cent of the public read their horoscopes before making big decisions. Women were also found to be twice as likely to visit a psychic than men.

The psychic industry in the United Kingdom is worth an estimated £100 million a year.

Madonna is said to be a keen advocate of horoscopes and psychics, having been said to have consulted a psychic before adopting her daughter Mercy.

Naomi Watts, who played Princess Diana in the recent film adaptation, has also spoken about using psychics and claimed she had received permission from the late princess to play the part.


Is It Possible to Capture Human Thoughts on Film? [Photo]

In the 60s a psychiatrist from Denver, who believed that he could capture the human thoughts on film, conducted a series of experiments using a Polaroid camera.

Dr. Jule Eisenbud and his subject Ted Serios tried to prove that psychic projection is able to appear on film.

All experimental photographs today are stored in the Special Collections of the University of Maryland. Recently, they have been digitized, and now everyone can download the results of the experiment and decide for himself whether to believe in thoughtography.

Is It Possible to Capture Human Thoughts on Film?

Curator and organizer of an exhibition of photographs in 2011 at the University of Maryland Emily Hauver said that these pictures are kind of ghost photos of the 19th century when the ghosts appeared in the picture thanks to multiple exposure or layering images over the main photo:

Using photography as an intermediary between our world and the beyond has a long history. The case of Ted Serios is unique because a Polaroid camera was used, which means that all the photos were created instantly, eliminating the possibility of cheating by using technology to print photos in a darkened room.

Ted Serios and Dr. Eisenbud worked on the experiment for three years. Holding a small piece of paper folded into a tube in front of the camera, Serios directed the camera lens to his forehead. Exposure was made on his signal – a verbal command or snap of the fingers.

Is It Possible to Capture Human Thoughts on Film?
 The first pictures allegedly depict a distant object or place (see the photos above). The second group of pictures, so-called “normals“, depicts what anyone expects to see in the photo – Ted’s face and shoulders, as well as some of the furniture behind him. All other photos by coincidence were completely black or completely white.

Ted claimed that during the shooting, he did not see any images in his head. However, it was more akin to a portal through which this information or images passed.

Is It Possible to Capture Human Thoughts on Film?

Subsequently, all the results are reflected in Eisenbud’s book The World of Ted Serios: “thoughtographic” studies of an extraordinary mind, which was widely recognized, but at the same time gave rise to a large number of skeptics who did not share the psychiatrist’s views on thoughtography, despite the fact that Eisenbud made considerable efforts to account for variables that may indicate fraud.

Besides the fact that these pictures are of great interest to parapsychology, their role in the history of art and the unconscious is also clearly remarkable. Thus, one of the approaches was to try to create an image by penetrating into the subconscious. Ted worked in the same vein: the images arose from his subconscious, or at least passed through it.

Is It Possible to Capture Human Thoughts on Film?
Supernatural or not, these pictures with their strange obscure images that appear as figures in the mist, still have something hypnotic.

Besides the paranormal pictures and the “normals”, there is a 16 mm film with the experimental session in the archives of the University. As Emily Hauver said, “if you do not believe in the paranormal, these and other materials rather convincingly argue that Ted was not engaged in a hoax and that his work is commendable.”


Chinese Rover Diorama Shows Europe Being Nuked

Chinese Rover Diorama Shows Europe Being Nuked

China has made a major diplomatic faux pas by illustrating its Moon Rover exhibit with a stock image of a nuclear mushroom cloud over Europe.

While it's probably just an embarrassing error, it's still an unsettling image given the Chinese government's recent statements concerning plans to build a missile base on the Moon.

On December 3, The Beijing Times reported that Chinese experts are discussing whether the People’s Liberation Army could establish a missile base on the Moon. Per the Taiwan-based, English-language site Want China Times:

An expert from the China National Space Administration's Lunar Exploration Programme Center told the [Beijing Times]that China plans to send its first astronaut to the moon by 2030. By 2050, the moon could become a base from which to send the country's manned spacecraft to explore deep space, the source said. [Want China Times]

Innocent enough, right? But the source added that the Moon could be transformed into a deadly weapon. Like the Death Star in Star Wars, the Moon could be used as a military battle station, bristling with ballistic missiles that could be launched against any military target on Earth.

Chinese Rover Diorama Shows Europe Being Nuked

Lest you think this is all science fiction, there has been a worrying trend toward a militarization of space. Officially, the Outer Space Treaty bars states from placing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in orbit around Earth, installing them on the Moon or any other celestial body, or otherwise stationing them in outer space. It exclusively limits the use of the Moon and other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes. China, the United States, and Russia are all party to this treaty.

Chinese Rover Diorama Shows Europe Being Nuked

Yet in 2011, Wikileaks leaked documents showing that the United States and China had both shot down their own satellites using sophisticated missiles, with each country attempting to show the strength of its respective military capabilities in space.


Super Humans: Inside a secluded Shaolin Monk monastery [VIDEO]

Super Humans: Inside a secluded Shaolin Monk monastery

Footage inside a secluded Shaolin Monk monastery and a few of the harsh trainings new students go through to become near super-human.


Super Humans: Inside a secluded Shaolin Monk monastery

Rare footage inside a secluded Shaolin Monk monastery and a few of the harsh trainings new students go through to become near super-human.



The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form

The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form

Behind every origin story of ancient cultures and civilizations…behind every myth, every fairy tale and folklore and every religious text is an underlying layer of truth that describes the scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom of the time. These amazing stories and myths may also hold a storehouse of hidden knowledge that matches today’s most cutting edge theories and discoveries. To those that came before us, where language was in its infancy and lacked today’s sophistication, the facts were, in fact, the story, and somehow, that story had to be considered important enough to go “viral” and spread from one culture to the next.

From the implicate and secret knowledge embedded in fairy tales, folklore and cosmogenesis stories, to the amazing science behind myth and religious writings from all over the world, what we have come to know as story contains more fact, more information, than we ever imagined. But that fact is often hidden behind a beginning, middle and an end, with a message, or a theme…a story meant to impart information even as it entertains or continues a heritage and legacy of a people from generation to generation.

The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form

Our ancient religious texts, myths and folklore show how even the most primitive cultures understood the world around them far more than we give them credit for, and may have actually contained common beliefs, concepts and understandings of the times. These are examples of “monomyth,” the common structures found in all myth and ancient stories. These common elements are surprising when we consider that people in those days had no simple means of spreading ideas. How, then, did such distant cultures share so many similar ideas?

Aside from common themes, we also must ask, how did they know what they knew? Historians, anthropologists and archeologists all stand in awe of the sophistication of various monuments built around celestial activities our primitive ancestors could not have known about…or could they? Scientists are amazed at the intricate knowledge our ancestors had, made evident in their drawings, maps, writings and oral traditions, of the natural world they existed in, long before computers and Google and wikis were invented.

We still struggle to understand how ancient cultures could achieve what they did minus the advances we take for granted.
The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form
But the ancients didn’t just communicate their knowledge and information via the stories they told. They also utilized art and architecture, ripe with intriguing common themes and elements, motifs and iconography and symbolism. Information can come to us in pictures, as rock and cave art of our primitive ancestors tell of their close connection with nature and natural cycles and phenomena, and even potentially supernatural phenomena. Across the globe, both primitive and ancient art and architecture often present elements so similar to one another, it suggests that certain themes were archetypal to the entirety of humanity. Why did so many diverse civilizations, separated by thousands of miles, with no real means or methods of communication, all use the same symbolic imagery, with only slight regionally influenced variations? Was there some outside influence spreading these common themes, or were these cultures tapping into a field of ideas and information that existed in the collective subconscious?

The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form

The highly popular “ancient astronaut theory” is one way we attempt to explain the leaps in knowledge, as well as how that knowledge spread over large distances so quickly. Other theories include the science of memetics; the field/Grid theory of an invisible and implicate clearinghouse of information available to everyone at any time; and even good old word of mouth! All of these theories have validity and merit, and might help us better understand what our ancestors wanted to tell us, including those things we continue to argue, even kill each other, over, such as religious beliefs, traditions and historical events.

How information spread and went “viral” long before we possessed cell phones and social networking and the Internet speaks volumes about how communication itself evolved in ancient times, and what was important enough for them to communicate in the first place. Whether their modus operandi was fairy tales or folk legends, myth or religious parable, rock art or vase paintings, mosaic tile floors or lavish cathedrals built to precise sacred geometric measurements, pyramids or stone henges, or those strange objects out of time and place we call “archeoenigmas,” our ancient ancestors communicate with us, today, in so many ways. It is up to us, though, to correctly interpret their “viral mythology” and what it meant to them, as well as what they hope it will mean to us.

The Search for Hidden Truth In Story, Symbol and Form
What it all comes down to, though, is about the way our ancestors often communicated information by encoding and embedding it in the creativity, art, architecture and the imagination of the times, out of direct sight of those who might not want that truth revealed. Even as we look back into the past, we see that viral mythology is also about how the stories we tell today, and the art and architecture we imagine and build into form, will embed the information we want to communicate to future generations, and create and shape our future in the same manner. The tales we tell today become the viral mythology of tomorrow. What are we leaving behind and what will it say about who we were and what was important to us? What will future descendants think of us when, one day on an archeological dig, they find our cell phones, our computers, our toys and comic books and temples and mosques and churches, our television shows and movies, our novels and plastic water bottles and houses and mansions and tent cities and trash dumps and ghettos, our jewelry and tattoos and texts and emails and pet clothing…

It all starts with “In the beginning…,” “Once upon a time…,” “Long ago and far away…,” and “Every picture tells a story….”


Batman Unmasked: The Psychology Of The Dark Knight [VIDEO]

 Batman Unmasked: The Psychology Of The Dark Knight

Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are both excellent sources of entertainment, but they also offer a complex and interesting dissection of a man who learned to use his own fear against criminals.

Delve into the world of Batman and the vigilante justice that he brought to the city of Gotham. Batman is a man who, after experiencing great tragedy, devotes his life to an ideal — but what happens when one man takes on the evil underworld alone?

Examine why Batman is who he is — and explore how a boy scarred by tragedy becomes a symbol of hope to everyone else.

Not only does this documentary investigate the mental attitude of the mysterious caped crusader along with selective interviews from various expert, but also put some brilliant resemblances between the Batman and Theodore Roosevelt.

 Batman Unmasked: The Psychology Of The Dark Knight

Additionally, the filmmakers shows how spiritual iconography greatly influenced the development of the Batman character.

Aside from that, it includes a short insight inside the motivating force that drives other infamous figures such as the Catwoman and the Joker. Explore why the history of the Cape Crusader and discover how a kid scarred by traumatic event turns into a symbol of hope for City of Gotham.



Sun Will 'Flip Upside Down' Within Weeks, Says NASA

Sun Will 'Flip Upside Down' Within Weeks, Says NASA
© The Independent
The sun’s magnetic field will reverse polarity at some point in the coming weeks, sending ripples to the edge of interstellar space.

The sun is set to "flip upside down" within weeks as its magnetic field reverses polarity in an event that will send ripple effects throughout the solar system.

Although it may sound like a catastrophic occurrence, there's no need to run for cover. The sun switches its polarity, flipping its magnetic north and south, once every eleven years through an internal mechanism about which little is understood.

The swap could however cause intergalactic weather fronts such as geomagnetic storms, which can interfere with satellites and cause radio blackouts.

Nasa said in August that the change would happen in three to four months time, but it is impossible to give a more specific date. Scientist won't know for around another three weeks whether the flip is complete.

Sun Will 'Flip Upside Down' Within Weeks, Says NASA

The impact of the transfer will be widespread as the sun's magnetic field exerts influence well beyond Pluto, past Nasa's Voyager probes positioned near the edge of interstellar space.

The event will be watched closely by researchers at Stanford University's Wilcox Solar Observatory, which monitors the sun's magnetic field on a daily basis.

Todd Hoeksema, director of the Wilcox Solar Observatory, said the polarity change is built up throughout the eleven year cycle through areas of intense magnetic activity known as sunspots which gradually move towards the poles, eroding the existing opposite polarity.

Sun Will 'Flip Upside Down' Within Weeks, Says NASA

Eventually, the magnetic field reduces to zero, before rebounding with the opposite polarity. "It's kind of like a tide coming in or going out," Hoeksema said. "Each little wave brings a little more water in, and eventually you get to the full reversal."

One of the most noticeable effect on Earth will be a boost in the occurrence, range and visibility of auroras - the Northern Lights. "It's not a catastrophic event, it's a large scale event that has some real implications, but its not something we need to worry about," added Hoeksema.



Humans Could Live To 500 Years Old According To New Research

Living to the ripe old age of 500 might be a possibility if the science shown to extend worms' lives can be applied to humans, scientists have said.

U.S. researchers tweaked two genetic pathways in the tiny lab worm Caenorhabditis elegans and boosted the creature's lifespan by a factor of five.
The research raises the prospect of anti-ageing treatments based on genetic interactions, they said.

U.S. scientists tweaked two genetic pathways in the tiny lab worm Caenorhabditis elegans (pictured) and boosted the creature's lifespan by a factor of five

‘What we have here is a synergistic five-fold increase in lifespan,’ said lead scientist Dr Pankaj Kapahi, from the Buck Institute of Age Research, Novato, California.

‘The two mutations set off a positive feedback loop in specific tissues that amplified lifespan.

‘Basically these worms lived to the human equivalent of 400 to 500 years.’

Living to the age of 500 might be a possibility if the science shown to extend worms' lives can be applied to humans, scientists said. Two mutations set off a positive feedback loop in specific tissues that enabled worms to live to the human equivalent of 400 to 500 years

While it could take years of research to extend humans’ lives dramatically, the study raises the prospect of anti-ageing treatments informed by genetic interactions, according to Dr Kapahi.

‘In the early years, cancer researchers focused on mutations in single genes, but then it became apparent that different mutations in a class of genes were driving the disease process,’ he said.

Humans Could Live To 500 Years Old According To New Research

‘The same thing is likely happening in ageing,’ he added.

C. elegans, the first animal to have its whole genome (or genetic code) mapped, has been widely used in studies of ageing and lifespan.

The new research, reported in the journal Cell Reports, involved blocking key molecules that affect the action of insulin and a nutrient signalling pathway called Target of Rapamycin (TOR).

Single mutations in the TOR pathway were known to extend the lifespan of C. elegans by 30 per cent, while insulin-signalling mutations could double the amount of time they lived.

Adding the two together might have been expected to extend longevity by 130 per cent, but the combined impact turned out to be much greater.

The research may explain why it has proved so difficult to identify single genes responsible for the long lives enjoyed by human centenarians.

‘It's quite probable that interactions between genes are critical in those fortunate enough to live very long, healthy lives,’ said Dr Kapahi.

Future research is expected to use mice to see if the same effects occur in mammals.

‘The idea would be to use mice genetically engineered to have suppressed insulin signalling and then treat them with the drug rapamycin, which is well-known to suppress the TOR pathway,’ Dr Kapahi said.

Humans Could Live To 500 Years Old According To New Research
Humans Could Live To 500 Years Old According To New Research


Is the Moon Man-Made?

Is the Moon Man-Made?

Is the moon hollow? Was it man-made, with a thick layer of dust simply covering it’s metal frame over billions of years?

Of course, this supposes that advanced human civilizations existed billions of years ago, a theory which has also gained some attention as artifacts are found that call into question the conventional understanding of history.

Such theories remain of interest to many as scientists continue to study the moon and learn about its composition and workings.

Here’s a look at some moon oddities.

1. Reverberations: Hollow Moon?

NASA created an impact on the moon in 1969 so Apollo 12 astronauts could measure the resulting seismic waves. The shock waves shocked scientists.

Very different from any seismic phenomena recorded on Earth, the vibrations continued for about an hour and started out as small waves that gained in strength.

Dr. Ross Taylor’s explanation is quoted in the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal on the NASA website. Taylor is a lunar scientist who helped examine samples gathered by Apollo 11.

He said: “This was one of those extraordinary things. When you had the impact of these things on the moon, unlike a terrestrial earthquake, which dies away quickly, the shock waves continued to reverberate around the moon for a period of an hour or more, and this is attributed to the extremely dry nature of the lunar rock.

“As far as we know there is no moisture on the moon, nothing to damp out these vibrations. The moon’s surface is covered with rubble and this just transmits these waves without them being damped out in any way as they are on Earth. Basically, it’s a consequence of the moon being extremely dry.”

Suniti Karunatillake, an astronomer at Stonybrook University, wrote on the “Ask an Astronomer” website that if the moon were hollow, due to its size, it could not be dense enough to have the gravitational force it does.

Is the Moon Man-Made?

2. Anomalous Orbit

Italian physicist Lorenzo Iorio published an article in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in 2011 discussing the “anomalous behavior” of the moon.

He said a slight change over time in the lunar orbit could not be explained within the current paradigm. The moon’s orbit is increasing in eccentricity.

Eccentricity is a measure that describes how much an orbit deviates from a perfect circle.

Iorio concludes in the study abstract, “The issue of finding a … [satisfactory] explanation for the anomalous behavior of the moon’s eccentricity remains open.”
Is the Moon Man-Made?

3. Convex Moon Craters

Some craters on the moon are convex (with a surface that is curved or rounded outward) instead of concave (curved inward, or hollowed), which some say is evidence of a rigid (man-made) shell below the surface layer. When meteors hit the moon, one would expect them to make concave craters.

Charles A. Wood, of the Department of Geological Sciences at Brown University, wrote in a 1978 paper that these convex craters were likely created by lava. He said the lava seeped up through fractures to the surface.

He noted: “For the lava to form rings rather than ponds … requires a higher viscosity or a lower extrusion rate than normal mare lavas [“Mare” refers to large, dark plains on the moon formed by volcanic eruptions once thought to be seas]. The magma may have been mare basalts erupted under unusual conditions, or mare basalt that differentiated within pockets, or in some cases, a non-mare magma type.”

4. Moon Stabilizes the Earth’s Axis

Whether intentionally made to serve some function or not, the moon provides a service to the Earth.

“The moon stabilizes Earth’s wobble, which has led to more stable climate,” according to NASA.

NASA scientist Dr. Eric Christian and NASA education outreach specialist Beth Barbier explain more in post on NASA’s website: “[The moon adds] drag to the Earth’s rotation in the form of tides, both oceanic and internal. This added drag tends to stabilize the rotation. It is also gradually slowing down the rotation of the Earth, which gradually lengthens Earth days.”
Is the Moon Man-Made?

5. Size Coincidences

The same numbers come up in looking at measurements related to the moon, sun, and Earth. The diameter of the sun is about 400 times the diameter of the moon; the moon is also about 400 times closer to Earth than the sun.

The diameter of the sun is about 108 times the diameter of the Earth; the distance between the Earth and the sun is about 108 times the diameter of the sun.

Moon diameter: 2,100 miles (3,400 kilometers)
Sun diameter: 864,000 miles (1,391,000 kilometers)
Earth diameter: 7,900 miles (12,756 kilometers)
Distance from moon to Earth: 225,700 miles (360,000 kilometers)
Mean distance from sun to Earth (it is sometimes closer, sometimes further): 92,900,000 miles (149,600,000 kilometers)


Structure in Japan similar to structure on Mars [VIDEO]


Kofun are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.

They gave their name to the Kofun period (middle 3rd century to early-middle 6th century). Many of the Kofun have distinctive keyhole-shaped mounds (zenpo -koenfun (前方後円墳?)), which are unique to ancient Japan. – Wikipedia.

The structure we see in Japan is unique, sharp edges and unique patterns define this incredible construction built in ancient Japan. But is there something more to this construction? Is there a small possibility that the structure found in Japan has a mysterious connection, a otherworldly connection perhaps? We believe the answer is Yes.

We don’t have to look “too far”, on the Red Planet, NASA has identified a structure that has immense similarities to the construction found in Japan.

So what does NASA say about this finding on Mars? Well, according to them, these straight line and defined edges could be a result of fractures associated with faults or a hill that could have been raised by the fault. Its current shape is the overall result of the surrounding Martian terrain which has been eroded for millions of years. But is this explanation enough? We have seen quite a few unique shapes on Mars that can be traced back to similar structures on Earth. Cold this be proof that ancient mankind was in contact with extraterrestrial beings? Is it possible that millions of years ago Earth was connected to the red planet in a way that we today do not understand? We believe that all options are open for debate! Let us know what you think and post your comments below.



Angels Exist But Have No Wings, Says Church

Angels Exist But Have No Wings, Says Church

Angels really do exist but do not have wings and are more like shards of light, according to a church official.

A senior clergyman says angels are 'back in fashion' but rubbishes their popular portrayal as bare-chested cherubs with wings.
Catholic Church "angelologist" Father Renzo Lavatori says the celestial beings are back in vogue thanks to various New Age religions.

But he insists that the traditional portrayal of angels as hovering, winged cherubs rather misses the mark.

"I think there is a re-discovery of angels in Christianity," Father Lavatori said at a conference on angels at a lavishly-frescoed Renaissance palace in Rome.

Angels Exist But Have No Wings, Says Church
The angels conference is being hosted by Rome's Palazzo della Cancelleria

"You do not see angels so much as feel their presence - they are a bit like sunlight that refracts on you through a crystal vase," he added.

The senior clergyman was taking part in a debate this week on angelic art by the Fondazione Archivio Storico, an Italian art foundation.

It was held at the Vatican-owned Palazzo della Cancelleria.

Art historian Professor Valerio Massimo Manfredi said the first mention of the word "angelos" came from the Mycenaean civilisation in Greece more than 3,000 years ago.

The word means "messenger" in ancient Greek.

Monsignor Giovanni Tonucci, head of the Loreto Marian sanctuary, said that angels were "pure souls".

Their lack of a defined form had allowed artists through the ages to let their creative imagination run wild.

"Following the cultural history of angels is following the history of humanity, or at least of our civilisation," the conference organisers said.

Angels Exist But Have No Wings, Says Church

"Angels have helped drive religious and philosophical thought and have given birth to sublime forms of poetic and artistic expression," they said.

Father Lavatori said the popularised image of angels is a necessary result of their being "back in fashion" but is dismissive of all the angel art around Christmas.

"There is space for that, but you have to understand that these are not real representations. Angels do not have wings or look like cherubs," he said.

The widely-published Catholic clergyman is also a "demonologist" and says angels are more needed than ever.

This is because increasing secularisation and materialism in society have left an "open door" for the devil, he said.

"There is a lot more interference from diabolical forces. That is why you see queues of people outside the exorcists' offices in churches," he said.

"Pope Francis talks more about the devil than about angels and I think rightly so. But it's still early, he will get round to the angels too."


January 4th 2014 – Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity – Float For 5 minutes!?

January 4th 2014 – Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity – Float For 5 minutes!?

It has been revealed by the British astronomer Patrick Moore that, on the morning of January 4th 2014, an extraordinary astronomical event will occur. At exactly 9:47 am, the planet Pluto will pass directly behind Jupiter, in relation to the Earth. This rare alignment will mean that the combined gravitational force of the two planets would exert a stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting the Earth’s own gravity and making people weigh less. Moore calls this the Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect.

January 4th 2014 – Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity – Float For 5 minutes!?Moore told scientists that they could experience the phenomenon by jumping in the air at the precise moment the alignment occurred. If they do so, he promised, they would experience a strange floating sensation.

Astronomers have long been aware that there would be an alignment of the planets on that date, when Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the Sun, within an arc 95 degrees wide. But now the effect could be expected as the gravitational effect of the other planets on the Earth’s crust is maximum even at their closest approach.

If you think you will be able to float around your house then you will be mistaken. BUT if you jump in the air at 9:47AM local time on January 4th 2014, it should take you about 3 seconds to land back on your feet instead of the usual 0.2 seconds.

January 4th 2014 will be a popular day for crazy stunts going on youtube. Do you have any ideas for stunts?

January 4th 2014 – Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity – Float For 5 minutes!?


The Pagan Origins of Mass [VIDEO]

The Pagan Origins of Mass

In the Roman Catholic mass, the Eucharist or “host” (the round wafer) is a symbol of the sun. It is normally placed during ceremonial masses on a monstrance with a crescent moon, symbolizing the plunging of the sun into the womb of the goddess. Some monstrances bear the letters “SFS,” which represents 666, as S was the sixth letter in the ancient Greek alphabet and F is the sixth letter in our alphabet.

The round disc in the crescent moon was a symbol of ancient Babylon, and is found in all the ancient religions. In Catholic cathedrals, these symbols are very prominent, often depicting a round form of mother and child within the crescent moon.

The rebirth of the sun god was celebrated by the eating of round bread in Babylonian times, and was common in Mithraism and Osiris worship. Historian Alexander Hislop says this:
And here, in a so-called Christian Church, a brilliant plate of silver, “in the form of the SUN,” is so placed on the altar, that everyone who adores at the altar must bow in lowly reverence before that image of the “SUN.” Whence, I ask, could that have come, than from the ancient SUN-worship, or the worship of Baal? And when the wafer is placed so that the silver “SUN” is fronting the “round” wafer, whose "roundness" is so important an element in the Romish Mystery, is only another symbol of Baal, or the sun, what can be the meaning of it, but to show to those who have eyesto see that the “Wafer” itself is only another symbol of Baal.
The Pagan Origins of Mass

Pope John Paul wrote in 1998 that mass also includes an element of Mary veneration, which, as we have seen, is also a pagan practice:
Significantly, the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "the Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life"…As they listen to the word proclaimed in the Sunday assembly, the faithful look to the Virgin Mary, learning from her to keep it and ponder it in their hearts (cf. Lk 2:19). With Mary, they learn to stand at the foot of the Cross, offering to the Father the sacrifice of Christ and joining to it the offering of their own lives. With Mary, they experience the joy of the Resurrection, making their own the words of the Magnificat which extol the inexhaustible gift of divine mercy in the inexorable flow of time: "His mercy is from age to age upon those who fear him" (Lk 1:50). From Sunday to Sunday, the pilgrim people follow in the footsteps of Mary, and her maternal intercession gives special power and fervour to the prayer which rises from the Church to the Most Holy Trinity.ii

The Pagan Origin of Christ's Mass or Christmas


Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cut [VIDEO]

Patients from around the globe are left confused after discovering alien implants in their body, and dye invisible to the naked eye on their skin.

 Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cu

Material scientist Steve Colbern told the Voice of Russia that these unidentifiable implants and mystical dyes could be from extraterrestrial beings, as no tests can conclude what or where such strange markings have originated from.

To put it lightly, Steve Colbern and his colleague Dr. Roger Leir’s work day is nothing but average.

Their day consists of dealing with patients who claim to have been abducted by UFOs or some alien entity.

Even though an individual’s story may be hard to believe, there is no denying the factual evidence that stays under their skins, for years perhaps even decades.

“We use a stud finder. We use a small metal detector to detect for metallic objects in the skin, which works pretty well.”

 Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cu

“We have reason to believe from reports that many of them measure syntax sensory information from subjects,” Colbern explained.

In other words, the objects that are implanted into people could be allowing the controllers of this implanted entity to see what they are seeing, and hear what they do.

 Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cu

From past observations, it has been noted that many of these objects have an intricate network carbon nano-tubes inside of the metal and the devices have been known to give off radio signals too.

Still, not all objects give off a signal, they may not be operating for the time being and it is still unknown to humans if the owner of these implants is responsible for switching such sophisticated technology on and off, inside the body.

The most recent patient, who was in his 50s, that Colbern dealt with had remembered what happened to him when he was about 10 years old.

 Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cu

The man recalls camping out in the forest with his friends when a UFO had taken him up, as he cannot forget them inserting something into his wrist.

Decades later, he still had that object in his hand until Colbern and Dr. Leir were able to pull it out of him.

“It was extremely hard, even diamond tools would not cut it and that’s unheard of,” Colbern told about the properties of the foreign object taken from the patient’s body.

 Alien Implants That Diamond Tools Could Not Cu

There is only one class of people that are deemed reliable. These victims have had alien contact and are able to keep a level head about it, giving details about their journey.

Past research has shown that many abductees are exposed to a good amount of radiation which has either made them highly resistant or susceptible to chemicals and radiation.

“It would be nice for people to take this seriously because it’s one of the biggest stories of the 21st century that we’re not alone in the universe and we’re being visited,” Colbern explained and then added..

“There are so many lines of evidence.”

Though there are loads more tests to conduct and data to dig into, the information discovered although unknown is astounding.

Perhaps one day we will realize as a planet that visitors to the place we call home is more fact than fantasy.

Dr. Roger Leir Presents New Startling Findings: Alien Implant Research

Alien Implants: Unsealed: Alien Files


Intercepted Alien Transmissions [VIDEO]

Intercepted Alien Transmissions

SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, has seen astronomers scouring the sky for decades in hopes of receiving artificially generated radio signals sent by alien civilizations.


But then, there’s a good chance we’ve already found just such a signal. And 1977 saw the most tantalizing glimpse ever.

Nicknamed the “Wow!” signal, this was a brief burst of radio waves detected by astronomer Jerry Ehman who was working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope, Ohio.

The signal was, in fact, so remarkable that Ehman circled it on the computer printout, writing “Wow!” in the margin, and unintentionally giving the received radio signal the name under which it would become famous.

Despite a lot of effort, no identification has been found for the signal’s source, and no repeat signal has ever been found.

The only conclusion that can be drawn is if the signal truly did originate in deep space, then it was either an astrophysical phenomenon of which we’ve never seen before, or it truly was an intercepted alien signal.

Intercepted Alien Transmissions

To explain scientific observations, the normal method is to construct hypotheses and then test them.

If your hypothesis is incorrect, it will fail to explain the observation. You can then continue this way, using different hypotheses, until you find something which can accurately describe what you’ve observed.

But with the Wow! signal, researchers ran into difficulty. After trying and failing to find any repeat of the signal, Ehman was skeptical of its origin, stating that “something suggests it was an Earth-sourced signal that simply got reflected off a piece of space debris.”

But when he tried to investigate that explanation, he only found more problems.

Investigations found that it was scarcely possible the signal could have originated on Earth, and reflection off a piece of space junk was equally unlikely.

The received signal was very specific, and these explanations required too many assumptions.

A pattern of logical thinking known as Occam’s razor was pointing towards this signal having an astrophysical origin. But this provided no explanation for what it might be.

Logically, the conclusion that must be drawn is that the Wow! signal very likely originated in deep space, but if it did then it was either a completely unknown astronomical phenomenon, or an intercepted alien broadcast but with nothing else to go on, there’s no way to prove or disprove either of these ideas.


Temple of Doom: Mormon Church Changes Stance on Race

Temple of Doom: Mormon Church Changes Stance on Race

Just as the Roman Catholic Church has become more liberal, the Church of Latter-Day Saints, or Mormon Church, has decided that “dark skin” is no longer the “mark of Cain.” I tell ya, the End must be extremely goddamn nigh.

VIA Dwindling in Unbelief

The LDS church has finally confessed. It admits that it was wrong about
race from the church’s beginning in 1830 until 1978 when God changed
his mind about black people.
Here is what the new document “Race and the Priesthood” says about it:
Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse … that mixed-race marriages are a sin; or that blacks or people of any other race or ethnicity are inferior in any way to anyone else.
If that is true, then the LDS church disavows the Book of Mormon, which says that God cursed people by blackening their skin, causing them to be “a dark, filthy, and loathsome people,” and that any “white and delightsome” person who “mixes seed” with them will be “cursed with the same cursing.”

Temple of Doom: Mormon Church Changes Stance on Race

Here are just a few passages in the Book of Mormon that the Mormon church now disavows:
After they had dwindled in unbelief they became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations. 1 Nephi 12:23

He had caused the cursing to come upon them … wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people … Cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. 2 Nephi 5:21-23

And the skins of the Lamanites were dark …which was a curse upon them because of their transgression against their brethren…therefore they were cursed; and the Lord God set a mark upon them. And this was done that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren, that thereby the Lord God might preserve his people.Alma 3:6-8

This people … shall become a dark, a filthy, and a loathsome people … because of their unbelief and idolatry … They were once a delightsome people … But now, behold, they are led about by Satan. Mormon 5:15-18
Temple of Doom: Mormon Church Changes Stance on Race

In the document, the LDS church tries to blame its racist past on the early 19th century American culture from which it arose. It claims, for example, that it was commonly believed in the early 1800s “that God’s ‘curse’ on Cain was the mark of a dark skin.” And that “[a]ccording to one view, which had been promulgated in the United States from at least the 1730s, blacks descended from the same lineage as the biblical Cain, who slew his brother Abel.”

Which is true enough (except for the fact that there was no United States in the 1730s). But what the document doesn’t say is that this same view is clearly expressed in its own scripture (Thebook of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price).
And Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam; and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them. Moses 7:22
Temple of Doom: Mormon Church Changes Stance on Race

The document also says that “[b]lack servitude was sometimes viewed as a second curse placed upon Noah’s grandson Canaan as a result of Ham’s indiscretion toward his father.”
Which is true again. But it is also true that Mormon scripture says the same thing.
There was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people. Moses 7:8

Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the loins of Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth. … from Ham, sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land … Pharaoh … seeking earnestly to imitate that order established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood. Abraham 1:21-26
So now the LDS church is no longer just embarrassed by its scriptures, it rejects them entirely.

Now it’s time for all Mormons to do likewise.


The Human Goat Hybrid Births!

Goat Hybrid in Zimbabwe..

Hundreds curiously gather in the streets of Kenya to witness the birth of a peculiar animal. The owner claimed it was to be a normal goat birth, but when the kid came out, it was all but normal. It had features of that of a man….


This is not the only occurrence of human-goat hybrids; they have been reported in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Palastine, Zimbabwe, and more.

My only question is, where are these goat hybrids coming from? Although it hasn’t been proven, could it be possible that humans are having intercourse with these animals and producing offspring? Or maybe scientists have been altering the DNA unknowingly? Some of the locals blame witchcraft, but no one knows for sure. All we know is this “new species” is mysteriously being birth and no one knows why.

Goat Hybrid in Zimbabwe..
Goat Hybrid in Zimbabwe..

Goat Hybrid in Palastine…
Goat Hybrid in Palastine…

Sheep Hybrid in Asia…
Sheep Hybrid in Asia…

Goat Hybrid in Iraq…
Goat Hybrid in Iraq…

Goat Hybrid in Thailand…
Goat Hybrid in Thailand…

Goat Hybrid in Saudi Arabia
Goat Hybrid in Saudi Arabia

Nigerian Human birth of a Goat human hybrid…
Nigerian Human birth of a Goat human hybrid…


Monk Who Prays So Much He Has Left Footprints Ingrained In The FLOOR


There are few people who have made their mark on life quite like monk Hua Chi.

He has knelt to pray so many times that his footprints remain deeply, perfectly ingrained on his temple's wooden floor.

Hua, who is about 70, has been performing a strict daily ritual at the site in the monastery town of Tongren, in Qinghai province, China, for nearly 20 years.

Monk Who Prays So Much He Has Left Footprints Ingrained In The FLOOR

Hua Chi outside his monastery in China: He has prayed so often his footprints have become embedded in the wood (below)

Monk Who Prays So Much He Has Left Footprints Ingrained In The FLOOR

Every day before sunrise, he arrives at the temple steps, places his feet in his footprints and bends down to pray a few thousand times before walking around the temple.

The footprints are 1.2 inches deep where the balls of his feet have pressed into the wood.

But the years are beginning to make their own mark on his body.

'During the first years I would pray 2,000 to 3,000 times a day.

'But I have grown older, so in recent years I have only done around 1,000 each day,' he said, adding sheepishly that he could sometimes only manage around 500 in the cold of winter.

Monk Who Prays So Much He Has Left Footprints Ingrained In The FLOOR

Hua, who is also a doctor of traditional medicine, hopes his dedication will take him closer to his goal - a smooth transition to the afterlife.

'I reconstructed this temple and have prayed and walked around the temple all these times so that after my death my spirit will not suffer,' he said.

Hua's devotion has not gone unnoticed by younger monks at the temple, which lies within the Rongwo Gonchen Gompa, Tongren's main Tibetan monastery.

The monastery, which dates from 1301, is home to hundreds of youngsters studying Buddhist scriptures.

Monk Who Prays So Much He Has Left Footprints Ingrained In The FLOOR

Twenty-nine-year-old Genden Darji says he spent many days admiring Hua's efforts before finding the courage to step into his footprints.

As he carefully repeats Hua's movements, the young monk says he plans to carry on the ritual when the older monk stops.

'Every day I come here and every day I look at the piece of wood, and it has inspired me to continue to make the footprints myself,' he said.


Elysium Space Will Bury You In Earth Orbit For Less Than $2K

Elysium Space Will Bury You In Earth Orbit For Less Than $2K

The public's fascination with outer space travel has just beamed up a notch in what some might call a morbid manner.

A new startup company called Elysium Space is taking orders to send your cremated remains (or those of any dearly departed) into Earth orbit for just under $2,000. Reservations are currently accepted for next summer's first "memorial spaceflight" launch from Cape Canaveral, Fla.

According to its website, "Elysium Space offers awe-inspring celestial services to honor and celebrate the life of someone you love."

Elysium Space Will Bury You In Earth Orbit For Less Than $2K
Here's how it works:

A spacecraft containing capsulated cremated ashes will be launched into Earth orbit for several months. Family and friends of the former loved ones can follow the orbital journey via a special mobile app, which will show the spacecraft's current location. Finally, the spacecraft will reenter Earth's atmosphere with the brightness of a shooting star.

Former NASA software engineer Thomas Civeit founded Elysium Space, which has contracts with space flight companies.

"These are the kind of people who think space is a unique and beautiful place," said Civeit in TechCrunch.com. "

There's already a competitive edge in this new venture of space burials.

Another spacefaring company, Celestis, is already offering similar space burial services for much more money -- around $5,000 -- but also includes a cheaper $995 flight that only goes up as high as zero-gravity before returning to Earth.

Elysium Space Will Bury You In Earth Orbit For Less Than $2K

Speaking of boldly going where no one has gone before, previous Celestis memorial flights have included ash remains of "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry and "Trek" actor James "Scotty" Doohan.

Elysium Space's $1,990 fee is actually a burial bargain when compared to the $6,000 average funeral cost these days, based on National Funeral Directors Association figures.



Is Boy His Own Grandfather? [VIDEO]

Is Boy His Own Grandfather?
A little boy referred to in case studies as “Sam,” showed convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of his grandfather. Sam was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper. Sam told his father, “When I was your age, I used to change your diaper.”

Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the Psychiatric Department of the University of Virginia explained Sam’s story in a video posted on the university website. Tucker has explored 2,500 cases of children remembering their past lives.

He explained that Sam made some startling statements while looking at an old photo album.

Sam was 4 years old when his grandmother died. His father brought an old photo album home from her house when he cleaned it out. To Sam’s parents’ knowledge, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather.

When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car, and said “That’s my car.” It was his grandfather’s first car, one he’d been quite attached to.

Sam’s mother was skeptical—not predisposed to believe in reincarnation as a Baptist.

She tested him. She showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age. Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, “There I am.”

She corrected him and said, that’s your grandfather. “No, that’s me,” he replied.

Is Boy His Own Grandfather?
Tucker said he looked at the photos and he would not have been able to tell which of the boys in the photo was the grandfather having seen other photos of the grandfather.

Testing it further, Sam’s mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life. He said someone “turned my sister into a fish.”

“Who?” Sam’s mother asked. “Bad men.”

The grandfather’s sister had been murdered and her corpse was dumped in a body of water. Sam’s father said the boy would not have heard this story.

Dr. Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic Magazine, asked in the video: “How do we know these things actually happened?”

He said Sam’s case and the thousands of similar cases are based on anecdotes told by the parents, and events can sometimes become distorted when told by an excited parent. Also, parents may influence the children in various ways.

Tucker took parental enthusiasm into account, however. He recorded the initial attitude of parents and found no correlation between that attitude and what the children reported.

Is Boy His Own Grandfather?

Some children have given detailed reports of the locations they lived in previous lives. Visiting the sites, researchers have verified that people had recently died in the areas and that those people’s lives fit the descriptions given by the children.


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