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Our Days Are Ruled By Pagan Gods And Most Do Not Even Know It

Our Days Are Ruled By Pagan Gods And Most Do Not Even Know It

A week made up of seven days is part of our modern global culture, but its origins date back to ancient civilisation.

The Greeks gave us democracy, the Romans bridges and roads but it is probably from the ancient Babylonians that we get the seven-day week.

Living in the cradle of civilisation, Mesopotamia - modern Iraq, their culture was most prominent in the second and first millennia BC before the rise of Greece or Rome.

They were formidable astronomers and developed a calendar to plot and predict the movement of the moon and planets in the heavens, incorporating a form of astrology.

But while the movement of Earth and Sun give us natural concepts like days and years and the Moon's phases give us the month, there is no such natural reason for a seven-day week.

The number seven had a mystical significance to Babylonians. It was associated with the seven heavenly bodies; the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

For this reason, some believe, marking rituals every seventh-day became important. A seven-day week based on these same celestial bodies was adopted as far away as Japan and ancient China.

Seven is also important in Judaism, where the creation story is told over seven days. But unlike other cultures, in Hebrew the days of the week are assigned numbers not the names of gods, festivals, elements or planets - the only exception is Saturday, Yom Shabbat (יום שבת) which means Sabbath.

But the popularity of the seven-day week - and its prominence in modern calendars - can be traced to its adoption by the Romans.

Our Days Are Ruled By Pagan Gods And Most Do Not Even Know It

They named the days of the week after the pagan gods of Rome, the Sun and the Moon.

Roman Emperor Constantine formally adopted the seven-day week in AD 321, it had been in use informally since the first century BC. A Christian convert Constantine made Sunday - the Christian Sabbath - the first day of the week, and Saturday - the Jewish day of rest - as the last.

For many though the week begins naturally with the first working day.

In Roman mythology Diana is goddess of the moon, while her twin Apollo is god of the sun.

Old English Mōnandæg, Latin dies lunae

The English word Monday comes from Old English and is named after the Moon and the moon-god, Máni who is the brother of Sunna, the Sun goddess in Norse mythology.

The early Anglo-Saxons who settled in England, were a warrior culture who worshipped pagan gods similar to those of the Nordic pantheon.

The Latin word for moon, luna may not give us the word for Monday but it does give us the modern English words lunar, lunatic and lunacy - a condition which has been associated in popular culture if not reality with the cycle of the Moon.

In Roman mythology Diana, the twin of Apollo the Sun-god, is the goddess of the moon, the hunt and child birth. Diana has the power to talk to and control animals.

 Tiw or Tyr is depicted as having only one hand after the wolf Fenrir ate his

Old English Tīwesdæg, Latin dies Martis

The English word Tuesday is also derived from Old English and from the Norse god of war Tiw (or Týr). The Latin Tuesday, dies Martis is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.

"The Anglo-Saxons naturalised Tuesday to Friday," explains Professor John McKinnell, professor of medieval literature at Durham University, by using "the old Germanic gods that corresponded to the same Roman gods".

Tiw (or Týr) was one of the sons of Woden, the supreme Norse deity. Týr was a war god but he is more often associated with the formalities of war - including treaties, as well as justice.

He is usually shown with only one hand. In the most famous myth about Týr he placed his hand between the jaws of the wolf Fenrir as a mark of good faith while the other gods, pretending to play, bound the wolf. When Fenrir realised he had been tricked he bit off Tyr's hand.

 Woden or Odin was a war god but he was also the Saxon and Norse god of wisdom and literature

Old English Wōdnesdæg, Latin dies Mercurii

Wednesday comes from Woden, the Old German and English name forthe Norse god Odin.

Odin is father and ruler of the gods and mortals, often called 'the all father'. He is also the god of war, learning, poetry and the dead.

He has only one eye, having traded his second for a drink from the Well of Wisdom.

He is the ruler of Asgard, the home of the gods, and is able to shift and change into different forms. In contrast Mercury, the Roman god for whomdies Mercurii is named, is a messenger god.

While Woden survives in English, he disappeared from the German days of the week. This dates from the time Christianity was displacing pagan beliefs in the centuries following the collapse of the Roman Empire.

"In Germany they found themselves the heirs to classical Rome as the Carolingian leaders of the Holy Roman Empire, so along with Christianisation went a willingness to embrace all that that new title meant." explains archaeologist Iain Sodden.

In German, Wednesday or Woden's day was replaced with Mittwoch or 'mid-week'.

Thor, Jupiter and Zeus were all gods of thunder. People believed that they could control the weather and used lightning as a weapon
Old English Þūnresdæg, Latin dies Iovis

Thursday recalls Thunor (Þunor), the Anglo-Saxon name for the Norse god Thor.

In Latin records, Thor is associated with both the chief Roman god Jupiter who gives his name to the Latin Thursday dies Iovis and the Greek demi-god Hercules.

Red-headed Thor ruled the skies, storms and thunder, which is still named after him. He had iron gloves, a magic belt and his hammer Mjölnir.

During the Christianisation of Scandinavia in the 10th and 11th Centuries emblems of Thor's hammer Mjölnir, were worn by pagans as a symbol of defiance against the new religion.

In Iceland, Bishop Jon Helgi Ogmundarson went on a mission to eradicate any remaining pagan beliefs or trace of them.

So the 'day of Odin' became 'mid-week-day' and the days of Týr and Thor became respectively 'third day' and 'fifth day'.

After 1066, Anglo-Saxon speakers in England were cut off from their medieval German cousins and the English language was isolated from some European influences - resulting in pagan references remaining in the language which disappeared elsewhere. 

Frigg, the wife of Odin and the goddess of love and beauty, Venus was the goddess of sex, love and fertility

Old English Frīgedæg, Latin dies Veneris

Friday is named after the Norse goddess Frigg (also called Friia), the wife of Odin, who represents love and beauty. She is also associated with marriage and fertility.

Frigg's star or Friggjarstjarna was the Nordic name for Venus, which can outshine any of the other planets.

Venus was the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory. Venus was closely associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Frigg was the wife of Odin and queen of the gods which means she is more akin to the Roman Juno (the wife of Jupiter) as a figure. The Roman Venus may have more in common with another Norse goddess Freyja who is associated with love, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death.

Saturn (or Kronos in Greece) was ruler of the Titans and the god of time

Old English Sæturnesdæg, Latin dies Saturni

Saturday is the only English week-day still associated with a Roman god, Saturn.

Saturn was the Roman god of fertility, agriculture and time. He is the father of Jupiter, the chief Roman god, and associated with wealth and abundance. The Temple of Saturn was in the Forum of ancient Rome which housed the state treasury.

The association of Saturday with a Roman god in English helps date when the seven-day week came to Britain.

According to Prof Mckinnell it suggests that the names of the days "may have arrived in the UK along with Latin learning - with or after the conversion to Christianity, between AD 597 and AD 685."

In the Romance languages of southern Europe which are largely derived from Latin, the word for Saturday was changed to mirror Church Latin. For example the Spanish word sábado comes from Sabbath.

In Danish the name for Saturday Lørdag has nothing to do with any god, Roman, Nordic or Christian. It simply means wash-day or bath-day.


In Norse mythology, the Sun is female while the Moon is male

Old English Sunnandæg, Latin dies Solis

The English Sunday is of course named after the Sun, as is the Roman equivalent.

Many societies have worshipped the sun and sun-gods. Perhaps the most famous is the Egyptian Sun-god Ra, who was the lord of time. Ancient Egyptians believed that all forms of life were created by Ra, who called each of them into existence by speaking their secret names. Ra is also the Coptic word for sun.

In many languages the pagan name for Sunday was changed for a Christian one. The Italian word for Sunday, Domenica, means 'of the Lord' and in Russian voskresen'je (воскресенье) means 'resurrection'.

This change never happened in English, probably because of a division in language between different classes after the Norman invasion of 1066.

"While the official Norman-French language in use amongst the lordly elite switched effortlessly into official Latin and used the 'Lord's Day', Anglo-Saxon remained the vernacular of ordinary folk," Mr Sodden told the BBC.

The seven-day week records our pagan past but it also comes to us from Judean and Christian tradition and the creation story in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament.

The earliest ancient sources record a seven-day week in ancient Babylon prior to 600 BC. At that time the Jewish people were enslaved and exiled there for generations and no doubt were operating to the same seven-day period.

A millennium later, Emperor Constantine the Great converted Rome to Christianity and standardised the seven-day week across the Empire.

According to Dr Matthew Nicholls, senior lecturer in Classics at the University of Reading: "The Roman context of the spread of Christianity meant that Rome contributed a lot to the structure and calendar of the new faith."

Rome may initially have acquired the seven-day week from the mystical beliefs of Babylonian astrologers. But it was the biblical story of creation, God making the Heavens and Earth and resting on the seventh day that will have led the first Christian emperor of Rome to make sure it endured to this day.

Source: BBC

CNN 1985 Special Report On Electromagnetic Frequency Weapon

CNN 1985 Special Report On Electromagnetic Frequency Weapon

26+ years later and here we are, still questioning that this very technology even exits! Just IMAGINE how far more advance things are today!

CNN 1985 Special Report On Electromagnetic Frequency Weapon

Imagine what they have now. Recent conflicts seem to be fought with sticks and stones compared to what is possible. If these weapons exist, it proves war is controlled Flintstones theater because these weapons would end wars very swiftly. Perpetual war is the goal of those who possess these advanced technologies.



Source: Natural Blaze

Man Dies After Opening 'Pandora's Box'

Man Dies After Opening 'Pandora's Box'

An official inquest into the mysterious death of Jason Airey was unable to determine exactly what led the 37-year-old to suddenly stop living shortly after opening a container inscribed with the words "Pandora's box."

Airey was found slumped forward with his face down in the bedroom of his family home in Carlisle (UK). He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but passed away two days later.

Man Dies After Opening 'Pandora's Box'According to officials, the opened "Pandora's box" beside him contained a small packet of synthetic cannabis, which was unused.

In fact, there were no traces of any drugs in his system at the time of death, and his father claimed Airey "hadn’t taken any drugs after having a bad experience with ecstasy 13 years ago."

Dennis Airey further told the inquest that his son was in a good mood, and was "just his normal self" before his unexplained demise.

The coroner concluded that Airey's heart stopped beating, but could only offer up conjecture as to why.

"His heart stopping caused the death of his brain which caused multiple organ failure," Robert Chapman said. "We don’t really know what caused his heart to stop."

Man Dies After Opening 'Pandora's Box'
 Source: Gawker News

The Bizarre And Cruel Dog-Spinning Ritual [VIDEO]

The Bizarre And Cruel Dog-Spinning Ritual [VIDEO]

For hundreds of years, locals in the remote town of Brodilovo in the south-east of the country have carried out the annual Spring ritual.

It involves twisting dogs a rope stretched out over a river until it is taut and then threading a dog through a noose at its end.

The Bizarre And Cruel Dog-Spinning Ritual [VIDEO]
The tradition involves twisting a piece or rope until it is as taut as can be and then threading a dog through a noose at its end....

The Bizarre And Cruel Dog-Spinning Ritual [VIDEO]
.. the terrified dogs reach such high speeds that by the time they land in the river some are unable to swim

Under these, the dogs are simply thrown into the water and can swim to safety on the other side.

A spokesman for the town's mayor Petko Arnaoudov said: 'It is not ideal, but it is better than it was.

'Some of these traditions have taken root over hundreds of years. You don't change them overnight.

'You cannot stop a traditional custom with a simple order.'


Source: DailyMail

'Prophecy For The Philippines by Cindy Jacobs' Video Goes Viral

'Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs' Video Goes Viral; Animation News Company Challenges 2009 'Predictions'

'Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs' Video Goes Viral; Animation News Company Challenges 2009 'Predictions'

Christian minister Cindy Jacobs, described as a "respected prophet" in her online biography, made a prediction in 2009 that the Philippines would either experience a period of "greatness" or "some troubled times." While Jacobs' 2009 video prediction has gone viral amid the island nation's current calamity from Typhoon Haiyan, a Taiwanese animation news company that went mainstream due to its 2009 Tiger Woods coverage has challenged the self-declared prophet's "vague" predictions.

The latest death toll for Philippine victims of Typhoon Haiyan was placed at 3,621 on Friday, while the number of injured was reported at 12,165,according to CNN, which also noted that another 1,140 people had been reported missing.

"Sickness, hunger and thirst have settled in here with the sticky, humid heat and stench of rancid flesh hanging over the apocalyptic scene," reported CNN on what Typhoon Haiyan had done in the hardest-hit city of Tacloban.

'Prophecy For The Philippines by Cindy Jacobs' Video Goes Viral

The current devastation facing the Philippines has prompted Web users to revisit a 2009 video originally aired on "The 700 Club" of Jacobs delivering a purported prophecy for the Philippines.

In the edited video titled, "Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs," the so-called prophet of Generals International says: "I want you to pray. The next two years, the Lord is showing me, are going to be extremely significant for the Philippines. Either it's going to go on to greatness, it's going to be that transformed nation, or, I see that there's going to be some troubled times."

"So pray, pray, pray," Jacobs says in the video, which features a dramatic musical score playing in the background.

'Prophecy For The Philippines by Cindy Jacobs' Video Goes Viral

"This is a time that God is going to pull down the spirit of corruption, and God is going to release the spirit of truth and righteousness into this nation, because righteousness exalts a nation," Jacobs adds. "The Lord has given many promises for the Philippines. I mean, the Philippines is going to be one of the wealthiest nations on the earth."

Jacobs, who founded Generals International with her husband Mike Jacobs, has been linked to C. Peter Wagner's controversial New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. The sect claims that Christians are called to take "dominion" over earthly institutions, such as politics and the media, which they claim will help usher in Jesus Christ's Second Coming. Jacobs and her husband also produce a program called "God Knows," described as "a unique prophetic program" meant to reach Christians globally "with the message that God knows all things."

Watch the "Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs" video below:

Copies of the video have gone viral on YouTube, with commenters debating whether Jacobs, who regularly claims prophecies for various nations, had actually predicted over four years ago the widespread devastation that Filipinos are experiencing today.

Next Media Animation (NMA), a Taiwanese news company known for its portrayal of Tiger Woods' public fallout with his wife in 2009, has taken issue with Jacobs' purported prophecy and suggestions among Filipinos that "The 700 Club" syndicated broadcast video should be taken seriously.

NMA writes in the "about" section for its YouTube that the "Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs" video has "has garnered attention from devout Filipino netizens, some of whom have gone as far as to call Jacob's apparent revelations goosebump-inducing."

"Granted, the tragic events surrounding the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, which has left more than 2200 people dead, have understandably prompted some serious soul-searching, but folks should be turning to more trustworthy outlets than a false prophet like Cindy Jacobs," writes NMA.

Accusing Jacobs of using "the most vague language imaginable," and points out that in the 2009 video, Jacobs suggested the message she claimed to have received from God were for a two-year period, presumably ending in 2011.

Watch Next Media Animation's (NMA) portrayal of the claims surrounding the Jacobs video online or below.

Haiyan, referred to locally as Yolanda, was the second most powerful typhoon to strike the Philippines. The storm had reached winds of up to 195 mph and was estimated to have caused more than $425 million in damage.

The death toll was expected to climb as officials make their way through the devastation, and United Nations officials suspect that about 600,000 people have been displaced from their homes and 9.5 million people overall have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan. International aid organization Save the Children reportedly has estimated that nearly 4 million children were included among those affected.

Learn how to help the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan: Save the Children, Care.org, Samaritan's Purse,OXFAM America, World Vision, and Unicef.

Source: The Christian Post

Philippines Is Owned By A Single Family [VIDEO]



The Tagean Tallano Story is simply Fantabulous. But there is some truth with the disinfo and twisted to confuse. One thing for sure, Philippines is indeed a very wealthy country pretending to be poor as the former first lady said.

Philippines Is Owned By A Single Family

In their story, there is no mention of Prince Balagtas of Majapahit but spoke of the Maragtas legend. No mention also of Sultan Nakhoda Ragam aka Haring Araw accdg to Nick Joaquin. And almost all the royalties from Luzon to Sulu were siblings in their story. The story was probably concocted by a triple agent named Ekker or by the Marcoses. The founder of Namayan was a grandson of Prince Balagtas named Lakantagkan. In their story Lacantagean was the father of Soliman and grandson of Lakandula. There must be some truth but became twisted. Many inconsistencies. Will further do research on this matter.


The Island in the advent of Spaniard, prominently known as Maharlika, its Lands ( under Spaniard renamed to HACHIENDA FILIPINA ) embracing the Islands of Luzon, Island of Palawan, Island of Visayas, and Island of Mindanao consisting of around 7, 169 miles, or 359880,045,966 hectares, more or less, of ocean, seas, rivers, lake, Islands and islets, mountains, forest, plain valleys, lands and volcanoes, seating on the Western rim of Pacific Ocean, North of the equator and about 700 kilometers from the Mainland it disperse over distance of 1,965 kilometers from North to South, bounded on the East by the Pacific Ocean, from West to East traversing from the center point of the mainland at a distance of 89,282,455 kilometers and likewise vice verse traversing from East to West at a distance of 89,282,455 kilometeres from the center point of the mainland on West by South China Sea, on the North by the Bashi Channel and on the South by Celebes Sea and the Southern Borneo and formerly it covers the sea of Hawaii and Guam then under the leadership of a King David, who substantially own a precious treasures estimated to $ 500 Trillion U.S. Dollar, a nearest kin of King Marikudo, had a most systematic progressive government Kingdom in Asia and among the Kingdoms of the world administered then by King Luisong ( Tagean ) Tallano, the father of Raja LapuLapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of Tri Visayas Empire.


Source: Phil-documents

Top 10 Illuminati Puppets and Masters of Entertainment

Top 10 Illuminati Puppets and Masters of Entertainment

Top 10 Illuminati Puppets and Masters of Entertainment

Beyoncé performing on The O2 in London. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

From top hip-hop business legends who became millionaires like Jay-Z, to slutty sellouts like Lady Gagaand Ki$ha who are poisoning the youth of the world with traumatic mind-control performances and “haunted vaginas”[1], we see one common denominator — the use of subliminal messages and symbolism.

The entertainment industry is full of power-brokers, people who seek to control and dominate the masses by projecting programming that they themselves deem fitting to their own personal or worldly agendas. These are the “shadow masters” as Jason Bermas mentioned in the new indie documentary film Shade the Motion Picture, the men and women behind the curtain actually pulling the strings.[2]

In the cutthroat industry of entertainment anything is possible. In fact, the artists and management firms themselves can be random loose cannons so to speak, each with their very own agenda, each with their own creative mind. After all God created all men equal. However, some things just go beyond creativity, entering a whole new realm altogether.

To give yourself a feel for what is really going on behind the curtain in the entertainment industry, one must dive deep into rumors and conspiracy theories that run rampant on the Internet to then later form a general consensus for themselves. Although a good portion of the most powerful, top and vastly influential entertainment industry puppets might want you to believe that they themselves are affiliated with theIlluminati, rest assured a good percentage of them do it either for the money and fame. They are actually controlled in a puppet-like fashion by their masters that remain hidden in the shadows behind the secret veil of the entertainment industry. These puppet masters are who we as individuals should be concerned about as we have already witnessed the total decimation of all society and moral values after the implementation of the T.V. 

Top Picks: Illuminati Puppets and Masters of Entertainment 
#10 – Madonna  

Madonna dressed in gothic attire. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Adam Sammler)

At the base of the pyramid we start with Madonna. Renown for her music and stage performances, Madonna has reached hundreds of millions of fans with her music. She is no spring chicken to the music industry either as she has bagged over 12 studio albums, 4 live albums, 6 compilation albums, 11 EPs, 3 soundtracks, 3 remix albums and 21 box sets. However, recently her onstage image took a twist after signing a “multi-year deal” with Interscope.

In a recent performance in Israel Madonna was said to have terrorized the nation. An excerpt from theTelegraph.co.uk reads, “We all bleed the same color,” Madonna told her ecstatic crowd, standing against the backdrop of an enormous illuminated crucifix and satanic symbols. “If we can all rise above our egos and our titles and the names of our countries and our religions, and treat everyone around us with dignity and respect, then we are on the road to peace. If there is peace here in the Middle East, there can be peace in the whole world.”

The diva then went on to perform her song “Gang Bang” accompanied by images of blood stains, video clips showing the singer spraying bullets from both a hand gun and a machine gun, and closing on the phrase “die, bitch!”[4]

This isn’t the full extent to Madonna’s new Illuminati persona, she has also usher in others such as Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears by passing the proverbial baton in an on stage performance a few years back.
9 — Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, U.S. Navy, greets pop star Justin Bieber prior to an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in New York City on Feb. 3, 2011. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Don’t let the innocent image fool you as bad boy Bieber has even been caught spitting on his fans. Although more alarming the that is the fact that he throws-up Illuminati triangles and meets with U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bieber packs in the propaganda grabbing a decent #6 on our list.
#8 — Ke$ha

Sometimes artists are just pawns for those who pull the strings and nobody knows this better than Ke$ha. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone Ke$ha was asked if she herself has “creative control” of her career now. Ke$ha answer, “Not really. What’s been put out as singles have just perpetuated a particular image that may or may not be entirely accurate. I’d like to show the world other sides of my personality. I don’t want to just continue putting out the same song and becoming a parody myself. I have so much more to offer than that and I can’t wait till the world really gets to hear that on the radio.
#7 – Rihanna


#6 — Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj
#5 — Katy Perry
Katy Perry
#4 — Britney Spears
Britney Spears
Washington, D.C. – Recording Artist Britney Spears performs during the “NFL Kickoff Live from the National Mall Presented by Pepsi Vanilla” concert on September 4, 2003. Organizers provided priority seating for military members and their families to recognize “Operation Tribute to Freedom”, which the Department of Defense established to encourage Americans to show their appreciation to the Department’s uniformed personnel.

Among the other performers were Aerosmith, Mary J. Blige, Aretha Franklin, and Good Charlotte.
#3 — Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga
#2 — Kanye West 
Kanye West
Kanye had the entire crowd riled up saying, “I just can’t take this shit sometimes” going on to say “I sold my soul to the devil”, Kanye West stated in front of a large audience during a performance in Atlanta, admitting that he himself has also be touched by the dark-side.

#1 — Jay-Z 
Currently, Jay-Z has been rocking the stage with his new 30-song set for the Magna Carta Holy Grail tour despite negative press he received for missing a few verses during a recent performance of the song “No Church in the Wild”. A small hick-up for the talented icon as Jay-Z just played Dublin, Ireland, Sunday night amassing nearly a sold out show delivering a brilliant digital performance. But, there is more to the hip-hopper then just spitting carefully groomed lyrics on the stage.[6]

On numerous occasions Jay-Z has rocked the Illuminati symbol with hand-signs and illuminated the theme on stage in his larger than life performances that sometime cost millions to throw. But he also is a top record industry business mogul whom controls various other Illuminated artists within his line-up such as his possessed wife Beyonce and sexy superstar Rihanna.

Jay-Z makes #1 on the list for the “Top 10 Illuminati Puppets and Masters of Entertainment” as likely others in the industry aside from possible George Lucas can’t touch him. Jay-z’s wealth is expected to topple 1 billion in his lifetime which is considered a major achievement for any human my modern societal standards.
Source:  Intellihub

Scientology: Members Will Be Trained To Develop 'Super Powers'

Scientology: Members Will Be Trained To Develop 'Super Powers'

Scientology Finally Debuts Its Home for ‘Super Power'

LEARWATER | The Church of Scientology has purchased and remodeled dozens of buildings since it established its spiritual headquarters here 37 years ago. This weekend, it is opening yet another.

But this one — a seven-story behemoth with more than 300,000 square feet — is being touted by the church as a game-changer.

On the fifth floor, Scientology will make available to its members for the first time a "Super Power" program developed in the 1970s by church founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Hubbard called Super Power one of his greatest discoveries. He said Scientologists would develop special abilities, enabling them to reverse social decay and "create a new world."

The church kept details of the program under wraps until it could build a proper venue to deliver it. Now, after 15 years of on-and-off construction — and controversy — the building finally is finished.

Scientology says it's the most important project in its 59-year history. And indications are it will represent another important first for the church in Clearwater.

Recruiting new followers will be emphasized, it appears from a Tampa Bay Times review of church publications, internal memoranda and construction plans submitted to the city.

Proselytizing has been a common activity at Scientology's other churches, including its prominent facility in Ybor City. The Clearwater campus, Scientology's spiritual center, has focused on delivering services, not recruiting newcomers.

Scientology: Members Will Be Trained To Develop 'Super Powers'

But much of the new building's ground floor appears designed to do just that. The primary public entry, on the northwest corner, opens into a "grand lobby," a three-story atrium with statuary and other exhibits depicting Scientology beliefs and practices.

A visitor then would move toward the center of the building, into a large area with more displays, films and promotional presentations. Clustered in circles in a museum-like setting, these displays appear to explain associated Scientology organizations and the social efforts Scientologists support.

The church has said little about the building's features, apart from Super Power. Church officials did not respond to the Times' requests to tour the building and ask questions about its uses, but even most Scientologists will not have seen it before a ribbon cutting this afternoon.

As many as 10,000 church members are expected to attend the private event, as well as nighttime gatherings Friday and Saturday in a huge tent erected by the church just south of the new building.

The building's seven floors present widely divergent uses.

In the basement — a rarity in Florida — are huge kitchen and dining areas. The second and third floors contain offices and Scientology course rooms for training. The upper floors have more than 300 small rooms for "auditing," Scientology's core counseling practice. An auditing session usually lasts about an hour and can cost $1,000.

Large spaces on floor five are dedicated to the Super Power program, a series of 12 "rundowns" that combine auditing with drills involving machines.

Scientology Finally Debuts Its Home for ‘Super Power'

Participants will be spun on a gyroscope-like wheel, spend time in a sound chamber, sniff vials emitting fragrances, experience changes in gravitational pull. The aim: sharpen what Hubbard called man's 57 "perceptics"— sight, smell, taste, touch, blood circulation, depth perception, solidity, awareness of awareness.

On the sixth floor is another intriguing feature: a circular running track, its radius: 74 feet. Scientologists will go around it until they have a personal moment of enlightenment called a cognition. Hubbard called this the "Cause Resurgence Rundown."

The church has not said whether it plans to invite the public to tour the structure, known as the " Flag Building," now the centerpiece of the church's Flag Land Base in Clearwater.

Construction plans at City Hall suggest the church filled the building with rich amenities and high-grade materials, as is its custom with other projects.

Despite that luster, the building debuts amid considerable controversy. Much of it centers on allegations that the church purposely delayed construction to keep alive the building's fundraising drive.

The church started raising money for the Super Power complex six years before construction began in 1998. After the shell was completed, the church halted work.

In May, members of Pinellas Property Appraiser Pam Dubov's staff toured the Flag Building and confirmed all floors will be used for religious, tax-exempt purposes.

The house that Scientology built: Tom Cruise and John Travolta are in the front row to see opening of $145m cathedral where members will be trained to develop 'super powers'

Source: The Ledger

Prophet Sadhu’s Typhoon Haiyan Prophecy And The Coming Black Plague Death on the Philippines

Prophet Sadhu’s Typhoon Haiyan Prophecy And The Coming Black Plague

Prophet Sadhu is the founder of Jesus Ministries, a religious group that describes itself to be involved in “prophetic-evangelistic work which fulfills a call of God to pioneer evangelistic outreaches to people groups among whom Christ Jesus is little or never named.”

The prophet made a prophecy of a certain big storm hitting Samar and Tacloban and other places in the Visayas. The video was uploaded last April 2013, seven months before one of the world’s strongest typhoon hit the central provinces of the Philippines.

Prophet Sadhu’s Typhoon Haiyan Prophecy And The Coming Black Plague

Prophet Sadhu was best known for his prophecy of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan during the year 2011. Based upon the video description that was uploaded by YouTube user, Aaron John Siy, the prophet prophesied the tsunami a year before it actually happen.



Prophet Sadhu’s Typhoon Haiyan Prophecy And The Coming Black Plague


Article Source: Philippine News

'Orgasm Wars' In Japan [VIDEO]


Orgasm Wars is a Japanese game show where porn stars try to get each other off against their will – and against their gender. This clip features a gay male porn star (inside a box) orally pleasuring a straight male porn star and trying to get him to bust his sexually confused nut. Holy crap, dudes. This is some next level TV here. This is sort of NSFW (you don’t see anything) but I’d recommend putting your headphones on. Or just wait ’til you get home. Your call.


Source: GUYISM

Virgin Mary in Africa Sky or Project Blue Beam? [VIDEO]


‘The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.’



Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.

The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.

Project Blue Beam has all the usual hallmarks of a conspiracy theory:

It attempts to shoehorn events that have happened, and are happening, into its "predictive" framework, particularly with references to films being used to prep people psychologically for the conspiracy's dramatic conclusion.

It shows a lack of comprehension of the practical psychology of those who are not paranoid.

It plays on fears of alleged advanced technology that most people, including its author, do not understand.

The theory itself cobbles together past conspiracy tropes, starting from paranoia and progressing to technologically implausible plans with motivations that literally do not make any sense.

The theorist's death from a middle-age heart attack cut off its possible spread early and left it short on source material in English — though there is the tantalizing promise of several books' worth in French — but did cap the theory itself off nicely.

Step One

Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.

This makes some degree of sense — if you want to usurp a current way of thinking you need to completely destroy it before putting forward your own. However, religious belief is notoriously resilient to things like facts. The Shroud of Turin being a famous example that is still believed by many to be a genuine shroud of Jesus as opposed to the medieval forgery that it has been conclusively shown to be. Prayer studies, too, show how difficult it is to shift religious conviction with mere observational fact — indeed, many theologians avoid making falsifiable claims or place belief somewhere specifically beyond observation to aid this. So what finds could possibly fundamentally destroy both Christianity and Islam, almost overnight, and universally all over the globe? Probably nothing. Yet, this is only step one of an increasingly ludicrous set of events that Project Blue Beam predicts will occur.

Step Two

The sky projections will appear to people as their god.

Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off. The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist.

This is a rather baffling plan as it seems to assume people will think this is actually their god, rather than the more natural twenty-first century assumption that it is a particularly opaque Coca Cola advertisement. Evidence commonly advanced for this is a supposed plan to project the face of Allah, despite its contradiction with Muslim belief of God's uniqueness, over Baghdad in 1991 to tell the Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Someone, somewhere, must have thought those primitive, ignorant non-Western savages wouldn't have had television or advertising, and would never guess it was being done with mirrors.[5] In general, pretty much anything that either a) involves light or b) has been seen in the sky has been put forward as evidence that Project Blue Beam is real, and such things are "tests" of the technology — namely unidentified flying objects. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky.

This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength. The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts.The Soviets are (not "were") the "New World Order" people. Why NASA would use a Soviet computer when the USSR had to import or copy its computer technology from the West is not detailed.

The second part of Step Two happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before." The United Nations plans to use Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the introduction of the new age one world religion.

Step Three

Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication." It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. (Atheists will presumably hear an absence of Richard Dawkins.) The book goes to some lengths to describe how this would be feasible, including a claim that ELF thought projection caused the depressive illness of Michael Dukakis' wife Kitty.

Step Four

Step Four has three parts:

Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city;

Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen;

A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed.

Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism."

A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device.

Project Blue Beam proponents believe psychological preparations have already been made, Monast having claimed that 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and the Star Trek series all involve an invasion from space and all nations coming together[4] (the first two don't, the third is peaceful contact) and that Jurassic Park propagandises evolution in order to make people think God's words are lies.

What will happen in the New World Order

The book detailed the theory. In the 1994 lecture, Monast detailed what would happen afterwards.

All people will be required to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation to enter the New World Order. Resisters will be categorised as follows:

Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves.

Prisoners to be used in medical experiments.

Prisoners to be used as living organ banks.

Healthy workers in slave labour camps.

Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order.

The international execution centre.

An as yet unknown seventh classification.

Sign of the crucified Christ above Russia ? A Project Blue Beam Initiative?

Source: Rational Wiki

Journal of Medical Ethics : Newborn Babies Have No “Moral Right To Life”


Murdering live babies under the label of “abortion”?

A study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics argues that newborn babies have no "moral right to life," and are thus not actually "persons." Alberto Giubilini, from The University of Milan, and Francesca Minerva, a post-doctoral fellow at The University of Melbourne's Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, are heroes of the radical left. They argue that infanticide should be legal but renamed "post-birth abortion."

They insist that newborn babies have no right to life and that parents can simply "decide" to kill their children for all sorts of reasons, including feeling like the child will be too expensive to raise, or suddenly discovering the fact that newborn babies cry a lot.

"Rather than being actual persons, newborns were potential persons," write the study authors. They don't really count as human beings until the parents decide they do.

This appears to be the same argument being made by MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, who expressed extreme outrage over the murder of Trayvon Martin but seems to openly embrace the murder of countless black infants who are born alive and healthy but are "unwanted" by their parents. Life begins based "on the feeling of the parents," she submits. So it's utterly unscientific and subject to (liberal) interpretation, which in this case seems to favor infanticide and even eugenics. (By far most aborted babies in America are Black and Hispanic. If post-birth abortion is openly embraced, most of the murdered infants will also be Black and Hispanic.)

And so the violent contradiction of radical leftist ideology is exposed in the raw: Liberals claim to support "equality" but then they consider living babies to be "non-persons." Liberals claim to support racial minorities, yet they endorse and even encourage the murder of the young babies of their own minority race. Liberals claim that all life is sacred, but their glaring exception is the life of a newborn child, which should be the most sacred of all but is instead considered worthless.

When it comes to taking a life, pro-abortion liberals are all for it. But when it comes to defending your life with a legal firearm, liberals are aggressively opposed to it.

So let me get this straight: Murder is okay but self defense is evil?

Or better yet, if Trayvon Martin had been an "unwanted" newborn just six months old, would his murder have been celebrated by the left instead of mourned? Help me figure this out, please, because I'm trying to understand at what age, exactly, the murder of a young black baby invokes racially-charged marches across the nation vs. receiving applause from people like Melissa Harris-Perry. Apparently if Trayvon Martin had been murdered by his own parents 16 years earlier, that would have been perfectly acceptable to these people.

Watch this video yourself at:

Source: Natural News

Eyeball Scraping – The Vanishing Trade Practiced by Sichuan Barbers

The optional extras offered by this barber in China won't appeal to everybody.

But after using his blade to shave his customers' faces, Liu Deyuan will happily give it a quick rinse and scrape it along their eyeballs.

Eyeball cleaning is an ancient craft in China, where there is an old saying that cleaning the eyes renders the beauty in life visible.

 Blade: Barber Liu Deyuan scrapes a blade along a customer's eyeball to clean it in China's Sichuan province

The bizarre practice is dying out in China, but customers can still get the traditional treatment from the Mr Deyuan, who has been offering the service from his stand in a park in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, for the past seven years.

After holding the eye open and running his blade across the surface of the eyeball, the barber then inserts a small rod beneath the upper and lower lids and scrapes it back and forth.

Mr Deyuan will provide a head and face shave plus an eye cleaning for RMB5 - the equivalent of around 50 pence.

Ouch: The barber then inserts a rod beneath the upper and lower eyelids and slides it back and forth

Scraping: Eyeball cleaning is an ancient craft in China, where there is an old saying that cleaning the eyes renders the beauty in life visible 

Ancient craft: After scraping the eyeball with the blade, the barber then slides a small rod back and forth beneath the upper and lower eyelids

Source: DailyMail

3 Month Old Baby Bursts Into Flames Whenever He Sweats

3 Month Old Baby Bursts Into Flames Whenever He Sweats

According to an August 11 report from CNN-IBN, a 3-month-old baby boy in Chennai, India suffers from Spontaneous Human Combustion, which is a rare condition that cases him to burst into flames.

CNN-IBN reports that the baby boy known as Rahul suffers from what doctors are calling Spontaneous Human Combustion, which causing him to randomly burst into flames. Doctors say this very rare condition causes the baby to emit combustible gases when he sweats, and that those gases have caused him to spontaneously combust on four different occasions. Reports indicate that Rahul first caught fire when he was just nine days old.

3 Month Old Baby Bursts Into Flames Whenever He Sweats

Rahul's parents have been informed that there isn't a known cure for Spontaneous Human Combustion, and that doctors can only treat his wounds. They also suggested that Rahul be kept away from inflammable substances and in a climate controlled room to prevent him from sweating.

The child's father, Karnan, told reporters that the family lost their home in one of the fires started by Rahul's rare condition. He added that he believes the government should provide his family with proper shelter.


Source: Examiner

Poltergeist Caught On UK Restaurant Camera [VIDEO]

Poltergeist Caught On UK Restaurant Camera

CCTV footage from Jimmy’s World Grill and Bar in Luton shows chairs and cutlery moving on their own.

The peculiar footage, which seems to show objects moving by themselves just moments after a customer moves away from the table, appears to have staff members at the eatery genuinely perplexed. The activity begins at around the 50 second mark and is concentrated at the table at the bottom center of the frame.

"The incident was brought to my attention by a customer who was sitting a few tables away and heard a loud crash," said manager Rehan Anwar. "When she turned around there was nobody sat at the table which baffled her. I instantly went over to the table where the incident had taken place to find a broken plate and cutlery on the floor. I didn’t think too much of it at the time but when talking to the staff about it a couple of days later they joked about it being a ghost."

Poltergeist Caught On UK Restaurant Camera

The footage shows the chair, the menu, the napkin and the cutlery all being moved by an unseen force. Unfortunately it's difficult to rule out the possibility of a hoax because it's impossible to see what lies directly in front of the table off camera.

"The suspected ghost or poltergeist has created a lot of interest amongst the staff and it makes locking up at night a little bit scary," said Anwar.


Source: Unexplained-Mysteries

Guy Predicts the Future by Analyzing Poop

Guy Predicts the Future by Analyzing Poop

Harry and Ron hated their divination lessons. Hermione stormed out of one, never to return again. Professor Trelawney was a real nut-job. I could feel the pain of these characters as I read the Harry Potter books; divination always seemed like such a farce. But now I think that maybe they didn’t have it so bad after all. I mean, all they had to do was make up a bunch of dreams and detect patterns in tea-leaves. It’s not like they had to do what S.S. Singh does in real life to predict the future – analyze human poop.

Believe it or not, poop-analysis is a real branch of divination study. It even has a name – Scatomancy. Singh is one of the few practitioners of this long-lost art and he is being featured in a documentary called ‘Journey to Planet Sanity’, releasing Dec 6th. I just watched a video clip of Singh analyzing some poop and… oh well, what can I say? It’s as disgusting as it sounds.

“It’s a lost art,” says Singh. “You’d be surprised how accurate it actually is.” What really surprise me are the events in the video clip. This is what happens: In the film, skeptic Blake Freeman is travelling around the United States with his friend, Leroy Tessina. Leroy is paranoid about aliens and paranormal activity, and has spent his life savings on protecting himself from such things. Freeman needs to convince Leroy to go on this trip with him, and so he takes Leroy to see Singh.

Guy Predicts the Future by Analyzing Poop

And what does Singh do? He asks Leroy to take a dump in the toilet, with the instructions, “When you are done, please don’t flush.” Afterwards, he collects the poop in a nice white bowl, floating in its own toilet fluids. Singh sits down on the floor and regards the fecal matter with care. Finally, he speaks: “So you are in transition right now. The nugget suggests you support a family member or friend in a project.” At this point, Freeman’s face is worth looking at. He looks torn between wanting to laugh and puke at the same time.

“The log shaped cigar suggests leadership, strength, length and longevity,” Singh proclaims. He then proceeds to do the unthinkable. He reaches out into the bowl and picks up a piece. Freeman cannot hold it in any longer. “You’re just going to pick that up with your hand?” he asks in disbelief. Singh responds by bringing the poop closer to his face, taking a long sniff and saying, “You have to get into it. The stronger the aroma, the more accurate the prediction.”

Guy Predicts the Future by Analyzing Poop
 Singh then gives his conclusion – Tessina should go on the trip. Freeman says in disbelief, “I told him that and I haven’t even touched his doody!”

I just have one question for Singh: “Why?”

Source: Oddity Central

A Taiwanese Man Died After Playing League of Legends For 23 Hours

A Taiwanese Man Died After Playing League of Legends For 23 Hours

During a weekend where Riot offered League of Legends players in Taiwan, 400% more IP a tragic death occurred in an internet cafe. The deceased man is a 23-year-old Taiwanese who had played LoL in 23 hours on the internet cafe. The man had been under family heart trouble in the past and police said it was probably exhaustion, cold weather and that the man was sitting still so long that caused a heart attack.

None of the other visitors noticed that the man had died when he had left his hands on the keyboard and mouse after the sudden death occurred. It was one of those who worked in the internet cafe who discovered that the man was dead when she tried to wake him.

A Taiwanese Man Died After Playing League of Legends For 23 Hours

Source: You Say Too

Alien Creature Filmed Climbing Building in Russia [VIDEO]

Alien Creature Filmed Climbing Building in Russia [VIDEO]

Creepy footage coming out of Russia shows a giant, stick-like creature slinking down the walls of a Russian building in Ulyanovsk. Details on the 45-second video are scant and detractors are claiming it’s nothing more than a well-done CGI clip but their best evidence presented thus far is that the video is just too freaky to be real (i.e. their eyes cannot believe what they are seeing). In the video we see an huge, insect-like creature with long, stick-like arms and legs clinging to the side of the building. The creature moves down the building and across a corner before scampering down the other side of the building to the street below. The operator (in Russian) whispers, “Oh, f**k. It’s climbing down. It’s climbing down!” At the end of the video, just before the camera swings away from the building towards the floor, the videographer says “I think it sees us”.

Alien Creature Filmed Climbing Building in Russia [VIDEO]

Analysis of the video reveals that there does seem to be a bit of deviation in the shadowing thrown by the insect-like stick creature but given the low quality of the smartphone video recording and the ambient lighting coming from the building, the street below, and possibly even scattered light from above, it’s difficult to discern whether it’s CGI fabricated or real so we’ll let readers make their own judgment. Regardless, it’s a haunting video you’re unlikely to forget.


Source: Altered Dimensions

Comet ISON Striking Resemblance To Crop Circle - A Warning To Humanity?

Comet ISON Striking Resemblance To Crop Circle - A Warning To Humanity?

Why is comet ISON's shape resembling a crop circle made four years ago?

Some think it is a cosmic prediction and the crop circle is a warning to humanity.

As comet ISON is on its way to the Sun its shape is changing due to our star's heat.

Comet ISON's luminosity rose dramatically with several observers reporting a considerable increase in brightness.

Its long journey began in the Oort cloud, almost a light year away. It has traveled for over a million years.

Now, it has almost reached the star that has pulled it steadily forward for so long. Here its inward journey through the solar system will end -- either because it will break up due to intense heat and gravity of the sun, or because, still intact, it speeds back away, never to return.

Comet ISON will pass by the Sun's surface on 28 November 28 at a relatively close distance of just over a million kilometers, but until recently, the object's brightness did not increase as much as initially hoped.

Now, scientists from Wendelstein Observatory and the MPS Research, who observed ISON on 14 and 16 November, offer their possible explanation sudden increase of its brightness.

Comet ISON Striking Resemblance To Crop Circle - A Warning To Humanity?

Comet ISON entered the view of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory on Nov. 21, 2013, where it can be seen with Earth, Mercury and comet 2P/Encke. Four NASA solar observatories will watch ISON on Thanksgiving week until it slingshots around the sun on Nov. 28, 2013. Image Credit: Karl Battams/NASA/STEREO/CIOC
The analyses show two clearly visible structures in the comet's atmosphere which extend from the nucleus like wings.

The "wings" were still quite weak on 14 November, they clearly dominate the images taken two days later. Like the nucleus of the comet, its fragments also eject gas and dust into space.

A crop circle made back in 2009 is very similar to comet ISON. Is it a coincidence or something more serious?
Comet ISON Striking Resemblance To Crop Circle - A Warning To Humanity?

Crop circles, often with very complex patterns have been detected in several countries. Most crop circles have been detected in United Kingdom and although many crop circles have been proven fakes there are still some that cannot be explained away.

Proponents of the belief that crop circles are either naturally caused, or are formed by as yet unknown entities, often refer to the old crop circle from 1674 known as the Mowing-Devil.

According to Greg Jefferys, an Australian PhD at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, who examined several patterns, crop circles remain unexplained. 
Comet ISON Striking Resemblance To Crop Circle - A Warning To Humanity?

The resemblance between comet ISON and the crop circle is striking.

A crop circle labeled a the "winged bird" was made in on June 29, 2009, of the South Field, Alton Priors in the UK.

There are now those who think that the creators of this four year-old crop circle, was trying to make a prediction of the comet ISON.

Is it a warning to humanity?

17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

On August 7th 1999, London police received more than 36 reports of a gigantic sea serpent in the Thames. It was “at least 200 ft long and 5 yards across,” said one panicky witness. Despite all the sightings, no one managed to get a picture—or so it was thought. That day photographer John Collins was taking aerial photos of London from a private plane. He didn’t notice the object at the lower right until he examined the photo later.

Stone sculpture depicting a Vimana, flying machines in ancient India (1200 b.c.), Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between descriptions of vimanas and reports by people who claim to have seen UFOs, ancient alien theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.

Project Avalon – Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race On the big cup you can see a perfect inlaid star constellation also showing the Orion and other stars. And inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.

Mystery rock from Earth or alien spaceship? This gigantic boulder with its belly laced like an oversized waffle grill continues to baffle visitors who come to the West Virginia side of Jennings Randolph Lake. There have been numerous theories and speculation as to its origin, ranging from a pictograph made by prehistoric man, an Indian carving, the impression of the skin pattern of a giant lizard, or evidence of a visit to Earth by ancient travelers from outer space.

The Bob White Object: In 1985, Missourian Bob White recovered physical evidence following a UFO encounter in Colorado. In 1996, Mr. White was flown to the classified Los Alamos National Labs for an analysis of his evidence. White was told by Senior staff that the object he recovered was extraterrestrial. The lab recanted their position later. Mr. White has passed polygraph examinations given by law enforcement professionals concerning the Los Alamos matter.

An 80 ton boulder on the side of Hidden Mountain in New Mexico bears a puzzling inscription. Carved into the stone’s flat side is what has been interpreted by some to be a version of the Ten Commandments in a form of ‘Paleo-Hebrew’
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

The Mysterious Cones of the Egyptian Desert

Chinese Pyramid in Xianyang. Most footage of Chinese pyramids is arial. The Chinese government are very reluctant to let foreigners in to study the structures and have only once agreed to a visa for this purpose.

Mysterious medicine wheels ~ two persons, unknown of each other, separated by thousand miles noticed on one morning these strange marks on their skin. They had no idea how those get there. Their common backgound is spirituality. One had an ayahuasca ceremony the night before, the second had a spiritual emergency (diagnosed as psychosis) following it.
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

In July, 1944, Waldemar Julsrud, made a resounding discovery to Acambaro, Mexico. He found figurines that represent, among others, dinosaurs, unknown animals, reptiles, unknown divinities, and its everyday objects (pipes, musical instruments, etc.) Dinosaurs, how these people were able to represent animals they are supposed to never have known? Once again, the traditional archéologie makes a mistake and prefers, in spite of the obvious facts, stay in the error… Figurines from 2500 BC
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

Strange Being captured on a photo in1973 in Falkville, Alabama by Sheriff Jeff Greenhaw. “It looked like his head and neck were kind of made together… he was real bright, something like rubbing mercury on nickel, but just as smooth as glass-different angles give different lighting… when I saw him standing in the middle of the road I immediately stopped the car and asked if he was a foreigner, but no sound came out of his mouth.”
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

The skull of this Sasquatch or Bigfoot creature was discovered in the Rocky Mountains.
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during 1896 and 1897. According to researcher Jerome Clark, airship reports were made worldwide from the 1880s to 1890s. Mystery airship reports are seen as a cultural predecessor to modern claims of extraterrestrial-piloted flying saucer-style UFOs. Typical airship reports involved unidentified lights, but more detailed accounts reported ships comparable to a dirigible.

 Reports of the alleged crewmen and pilots usually described them as human looking, although sometimes the crew claimed to be from Mars.[4] It was popularly believed that the mystery airships were the product of some genius inventor not ready to make knowledge of his creation public. For example, Thomas Edison was so widely speculated to be the mind behind the alleged airships that in 1897 he “was forced to issue a strongly worded statement” denying his responsibility. Author Gregory L. Reece has argued that mystery airships are unlikely to represent test flights of real human-manufactured dirigibles as no record of successful airship flights are known from the period and “it would have been impossible, not to mention irrational, to keep such a thing secret
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

Japan-1803 One of the first modern UFO stories comes from Japan. This is the story of Utsuro-Bune, a mysterious alien woman who appeared suddenly from the depths of the Pacific Ocean on a round ship. A detailed study of paintings from the era of the Utsuru-Bune reveals an object that resembles a flying saucer, similar to those seen today. A pale, redheaded woman was inside the ship, wearing soft, light clothing clutching a box. Where did she come from? What was in the box? Nobody knows.

This footprint was cast near Glen Rose Texas at the Paluxy River. It measures 14 inches long, 7 wide. Paleontologists say the print is from a female. The cross cuts are from compression studies indicating that this person was approximately 10 feet tall and weighing 1,000 pounds. The human foot is that of an average female size 8.5. The casting is courtesy of Mt. Blanco Museum, Crosbyton TX.

17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

Military pilot photographs UFO over Treviso Airbase Italy, 18 June 1979
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

On August 26th, 1966, Lt. Glen B, stationed at Minot AFB, ND, says a whole fleet of UFOs sailed over the base. “I was on alert because of the event (a famous incident had occurred the previous day; a UFO had shut down a nearby nuclear missile silo), and had my camera with me. There was a vibration in the air and a dozen cylinder-like objects flew from S to N directly overhead. They were completely silent and moved in an uneven arrow formation.”
17 Mysteries Awaiting Explanation

 Source:Alton Parrish
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