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Microwave Pulse gives birth to Typhoon Haiyan? [VIDEO]

Microwave Pulse gives birth to Typhoon Haiyan

The worlds strongest storm in recorded history, Typhoon Haiyan (also named Yolanda), with sustained winds reaching 195mph -- gusts up to 235mph.

This massive storm originally began its rotation , was born out of a microwave anomaly in the West Pacific. This video discusses the findings, and possible origin of the microwave pulse. Coming from where???! US Airforce base near the location, the base is a satellite communications hub.


Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT

This brings a definitive close to a 2 year long odyssey of discovery, and investigation, but raises SEVERAL new questions which need answers.

The process of discovery was a long arduous road, lined with skeptics AND deniers. A path leading down many rabbit holes, and across many intriguing disciplines.

Spending long hours of study on Radio Frequency theory, Plasma Physics, Micro-physics, Meteorology, weather modification (geoengineering), Electromagnetism, Geometry, Seismology, and even some planetary physics / astronomy…. All the studying, and hypothesizing, has turned out to be well worth the effort.

Vindication comes from a Scientist in Switzerland, Dr. Slobodan Tepic, who performed the appropriate experiments to prove microwaves are capable of producing convection using a ground based station pulsing into the atmosphere.

Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT. Watch the Video:

Source 1, Source 2

Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT

Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT

The below video , shows via experiments in the laboratory, that indeed microwaves CAN induce tornadic development.


This brings a definitive close to a 2 year long odyssey of discovery, and investigation, but raises SEVERAL new questions which need answers.

The process of discovery was a long arduous road, lined with skeptics AND deniers. A path leading down many rabbit holes, and across many intriguing disciplines.

Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT
Picture shows the microwave laboratory experiment producing heating causing convection

Spending long hours of study on Radio Frequency theory, Plasma Physics, Micro-physics, Meteorology, weather modification (geoengineering), Electromagnetism, Geometry, Seismology, and even some planetary physics / astronomy…. All the studying, and hypothesizing, has turned out to be well worth the effort.

Vindication comes from a Scientist in Switzerland, Dr. Slobodan Tepic, who performed the appropriate experiments to prove microwaves are capable of producing convection using a ground based station pulsing into the atmosphere.

Tornadoes created via Microwaves — Experiments PROVE THEORY CORRECT


Iglesia Ni Cristo Refused Shelter For Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims in Philippines

 Iglesia Ni Manalo Refused Shelter For Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims in Philippines

The INC Pride. The Body of Christ suffered and died for the people and with the people. Untouched by storm but closed to the needs of the people around it who became homeless.
According to the message: 

 Iglesia Ni Manalo Refused Shelter For Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims in Philippines

It is striking that they have such an attitude when people are loosing homes during the onslought of the Super Typhoon Haiyan [Yolanda in local name]. Outside trees were falling and iron sheets from the rooftops of many houses were flying like paper sheets. In face of danger, it is the natural tendencies of Filipinos to take shelter to Churches and Schools. Yet, these members of the Iglesia ni Cristo refused to open doors like the unmerciful innkeepers in Bethlehem during the birth of the Messiah, refusing shelter to the Holy Family.

One Cathedral in Tacloban was destroyed by the Super Typhoon and it was caught in camera of Channel 7 by Jiggy Manicad. Why? Because people including the media men were taking shelter inside it. Our glory is in the cross of the Lord Jesus and in the fact that our Church is truly home of the poor and the needy.

Take note, they pride themselves for having their chapel standing right after the storm. Good for them. However, a house of worship that is not a house of charity is evil. Like the Pyramids of the pagans they stand as lasting memorial of the emptiness of the Pharaoh’s heart.

 Iglesia Ni Manalo Refused Shelter For Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims in Philippines
It is great to know that the chapel of INC is as strong as the pagan monuments 


Priest Jerking Off During Catholic Mass [VIDEO]

Priest Jerking Off During Catholic Mass

A priest used his long robe, took his penis and began to masturbate, but their lustful attitude was not lost on the faithful who sang as he reached the ecstasy.

It was during a Mass at the Church of San Miguel Archangel in Mexico, horny daddy decided that was the best time to pleasure.

Priest Jerking Off During Catholic Mass

Without more, the priest used his long cassock to get his penis and shake sacred until ecstasy. Apparently the hot moment was not lost on the faithful who even laughed to see the lustful attitude of their spiritual leader.


Russian Artist Nails His Genitals To Red Square Cobblestone

Russian Artist Nails His Genitals To Red Square Cobblestone

A Russian performance artist has stripped naked and nailed his genitals to the ground of Moscow’s Red Square in a shocking protest aimed at “the police state”.

Pyotr Pavlensky, who sat for an hour and a half outside the Lenin Mausoleum with the nail through his testicles yesterday, described his ‘Fixation’ act as “a metaphor for apathy, political indifference and [the] fatalism of modern Russian society”.

Russian Artist Nails His Genitals To Red Square Cobblestone

The 29-year old performer, who timed his stunt to coincide with Police Day yesterday, faced spending 15 days in custody but was freed today. It is not yet clear whether he will be re-arrested, after a judge ruled that documents had been presented incorrectly in court.

The extreme public act was recorded on video and uploaded online before leading social media platforms blocked it, according to Russian news website grani.ru.

Russian Artist Nails His Genitals To Red Square Cobblestone

In May, protest artist Pavlensky attracted attention by wrapping barbed wire around his naked body outside St Petersburg’s parliament, a symbol for human existence inside a “repressive legal system”.

Russian Artist Nails His Genitals To Red Square Cobblestone

In July 2012 he sewed his lips together and stood outside St Petersburg’s Kazan Cathedral in support of the jailed Pussy Riot protesters.

Since President Vladmir Putin’s re-election in March last year, critics have accused him of tackling dissent with an iron fist.

A statement released by Pavlensky read: "As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction."

Figures from the Russian arts world praised his recent act, with one calling it “a manifesto of powerlessness”.


Source: The Independent

Transhuman: Radical Life Extension in the Quest For Immortality

Transhuman: Radical Life Extension in the Quest For Immortality

The question is, Do you want to live forever? In the following short documentary you will learn about the typical worldview of Transhumanists. It is, in my opinion, philosophically and technologically interesting to explore, but ultimately naive and dismissive of the concepts surrounding consciousness and the soul.

Perhaps, the most troubling aspect of Transhumanism not addressed here is that not all of it will be elective. In fact, it might be downright selective. From DNA nanobots to the entire restructuring of the human genome, the corporate state aligned with the medical-military-industrial complex might demand that we are "optimized" and "efficient" for us to partake in society at a cost-effective level.

It is a concept that has been espoused by elites before.

For background, please watch Aaron Dykes' wonderful historical review of the Fabian Society and their specific brand of socialism; they are self-professed Wolves in Sheep's Clothing under the design of oligarchical collectivism. As Dykes notes: in the end, it's all totalitarianism. And the endgame is that we will pay for permission to use the Earth, and perhaps even our own bodies.

This is not to deny that science holds amazing wonders for the benefit of humanity, or that we should stop reaching for the stars. However, it's paramount that we always return to the question of who is in control of the technology. If we look at what has happened thus far, science has been hoarded and twisted for the benefit of the few.

Transhuman: Radical Life Extension in the Quest For Immortality

Moreover, the vastness of what is being proposed by Transhumanists is worthy of the utmost caution, for the simple fact that we have seen much lesser systems of computation and science being rolled out well before safeguards have been properly tested. So far, the negatives are rapidly outweighing the positives.

Nevertheless, there are some tentative indications that the drastic reduction in cost and the open-source nature of the "new tech" could provide the perfect counterweight that the individual needs to break free from the ever-tightening grip of technocracy. But we have to assert ourselves and take control of our decisions and free will before those who desire control the most will make our decisions for us, while dismissing free will as nothing more than superstition.

Lastly, as noted in the video, the rate of technological development doubles every 18 months. We haven't got long to answer the essential questions of what it means to be human. "The future is coming."


Source: Activist Post

Man Jailed For Having Sex With Neighbour's Inflatable Pumpkin

Man Jailed For Having Sex With Neighbour's Inflatable Pumpkin

A man has been jailed for 11 months after having sex with a swimming pool raft and his neighbour's inflatable pumpkin.

Edwin Charles Tobergta, 34, of Hamilton, Ohio , pleaded guilty to one count of public indecency - but admitted to more than a decade of weirdness with inflatable items.

He was arrested on June 15 after he stepped out of his backdoor with no clothes on in broad daylight and in view of a number of children, and had 'sexual relations with a rubber lilo'.

And this wasn't the first time Tobergta had been nabbed for his weird blow-up fetish.

He was arrested in in August 2011 for a similar offence, after having sex with a pink swimming pool raft.

Man Jailed For Having Sex With Neighbour's Inflatable Pumpkin

In 2002 he was caught having sex with an inflatable pumpkin that was part of a neighbour's Halloween display.

Judge Charles Pater called Togberta's actions "lewd", "obscene" and "something society's not going to tolerate.

Before being sentenced, Togberta said "I do want to apologise for my actions, I'm sorry. I'm ready to get my life together and quit all this nonsense."

Source: Mirror News

The Satan Conspiracy [VIDEO]

The Satan Conspiracy

He is the evil one, the Prince of Darkness, the ruler of Hell. Satan conjures up horrifying images of a horned beast whose sole purpose is to destroy humanity. Yet there is evidence that the fallen angel we know as Satan may be misunderstood. New interpretations of ancient texts indicate that Satan may have been an extraterrestrial who was more of an ally to humanity than an enemy by passing along knowledge that planted the seed for civilization.

The Satan Conspiracy

Could Satan's reputation as the personification of evil be his punishment for leading early man out of darkness and ignorance? If so, might his evil acts really be expressions of revenge against the human creatures that abandoned him? Or are the devilish deeds associated with Satan part of a grand plan? A series of moral challenges intended to prepare us for our next, and perhaps final… close encounter?


Source: UFO Blogger

Alien Looking Creature Transforming Near Ocean Floor [Exclusive Video]

Alien Looking Creature Transforming Near Ocean Floor

From 3753 feet down in the Indian Ocean, an ROV takes footage of a strange creature that changes from a batarang into a disco ball do-dad.

Unfortunately, it gets smacked by an ROV thruster blast.


13 World Mysteries Without Explanation


Chinese Mosaic Lines

These strange lines are found at coordinates: 40°27’28.56″N, 93°23’34.42″E. There isn’t much information available on these strange, yet beautiful mosaic lines carved in the desert of the Gansu Sheng province in China.
 Chinese Mosaic Lines
Some records indicate they were created in 2004, but nothing seems official. Of note, these lines are somewhat near the Mogao Caves, which is a World Heritage Site. The lines span a very huge distance and yet still retain their linear proportions despite the curvature of the rough terrain.

Unexplained Stone Doll

The July 1889 find in Nampa, Idaho, of a small human figure during a well-drilling operation caused intense scientific interest last century. Unmistakably made by human hands, it was found at a depth of 320 feet which would place its age far before the arrival of man in this part of the world.

Unexplained Stone Doll
The find has never been challenged except to say that it was impossible. 

The First Stone Calendar

In the Sahara Desert in Egypt lie the oldest known astronomically aligned stones in the world: Nabta. Over one thousand years before the creation of Stonehenge, people built a stone circle and other structures on the shoreline of a lake that has long since dried up. Over 6,000 years ago, stone slabs three meters high were dragged over a kilometer to create the site. Shown above is one of the stones that remains. Although at present the western Egyptian desert is totally dry, this was not the case in the past. There is good evidence that there were several humid periods in the past (when up to 500 mm of rain would fall per year) the most recent one during the last interglacial and early last glaciation periods which stretched between 130,000 and 70,000 years ago.

 The First Stone Calendar
During this time, the area was a savanna and supported numerous animals such as extinct buffalo and large giraffes, varieties of antelope and gazelle. Beginning around the 10th millennium BC, this region of the Nubian Desert began to receive more rainfall, filling a lake. Early people may have been attracted to the region due to the source of water. Archaeological findings may indicate human occupation in the region dating to at least somewhere around the 10th and 8th millennia BC.

300 Million Year Old Iron Screw

In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists who were investigating an area 300 th km southwest of Moscow on the remains of a meteorite, discovered a piece of rock which enclosed an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.

300 Million Year Old Iron Screw
At that time there were not only intelligent life forms on earth, not even dinosaurs. The screw which is clearly visible in the head and nut, has a length of about cm and a diameter of about three millimeters.

Ancient Rocket Ship

This ancient cave painting from Japan is dated to be more than 5000 BC.

   Ancient Rocket Ship

Sliding Stones

Even NASA cannot explain it. It’s best to gaze in wonder at the sliding rocks on this dry lake bed in Death Valley National Park. Racetrack Playa is almost completely flat, 2.5 miles from north to south and 1.25 miles from east to west, and covered with cracked mud.

Sliding Stones
The rocks, some weighing hundreds of pounds, slide across the sediment, leaving furrows in their wakes, but no one has actually witnessed it.

Pyramid Power

Teotihuacan, Mexico. Embedded in the walls of this ancient Mexican city are large sheets of mica. The closest place to quarry mica is located in Brazil, thousands of miles away. Mica is now used in technology and energy production so the question raised is why did the builders go to such extremes to incorporate this mineral into the building of their city.

Pyramid Power
Were these ancient architects harnessing some long forgotten source of energy in order to power their city?

Dog Deaths

Dog suicides at The Overtoun Bridge, near Milton, Dumbarton, Scotland. Built in 1859, the Overtoun Bridge has become famous for the number of unexplained instances in which dogs have apparently committed suicide by leaping off of it.

Dog Deaths
 The incidents were first recorded around the 1950′s or 1960′s when it was noticed that dogs – usually the long-nosed variety like Collies – would suddenly and unexpectedly leap off the bridge and fall fifty feet to their deaths.

Fossilized Giant

The fossilized Irish giant from 1895 is over 12 feet tall. The giant was discovered during a mining operation in Antrim, Ireland. This picture is courtesy “the British Strand magazine of December 1895″ Height, 12 foot 2 inches; girth of chest, 6 foot 6 inches; length of arms 4 foot 6 inches. There are six toes on the right foot.

Fossilized Giant
The six fingers and toes remind some people of Bible passage 2 Samuel 21:20”And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant”.

Pyramid of Atlantis?

Scientists continues to explore the ruins of megaliths in the so-called Yucatan channel near Cuba. They have been found for many miles along the coast. American archaeologists, who discovered this place, immediately declared that they found Atlantis (not the first time in history, underwater archaeology).

 Pyramid of Atlantis?
Now it’s occasionally visited by scuba divers, and all other interested can enjoy only in surveying and computer reconstruction of the buried water city of a millennium age.

Giants in Nevada

Nevada Indian legend of 12 foot red-haired giants that lived in the area when they arrived. The story has the Native American’s killing off the giants at a cave. Excavations of guano in 1911 turned up this human jaw. Here it is compared to a casting of a normal man’s jawbone.

   Giants in Nevada
In 1931 two skeletons were found in a lake bed. One was 8′ tall, the other just under 10′ tall.

Inexplicable Wedge

On the bank of Mures River in Transylvania, near the city of Aiud, in 1974, an aluminum wedge was found among 20,000 year-old Mastdon bones, encased in one millimeter thick layer of oxides that shows it to be at least 300-400 years old. Aluminum is always found mixed with other metals but it was pure aluminum.

   Inexplicable Wedge
This 300 year old artifact is anomalous because aluminium was not discovered until 1808 and not produced in quantity until 1885. It’s still under research at an undisclosed location.

Lolladoff Plate

‘The Lolladoff plate’ is a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place that has been visited by Aliens in ancient times. It clearly shows a disk shaped UFO. There is also a figure on the disc looking remarkably similar to a Grey alien.

 Lolladoff Plate

Source: Alton Parrish

Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish [VIDEO]

Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish

This video of a dolphin having sex with a headless fish corpse isn’t especially movie related, but I think you’ll agree that the way the editor set the video to James Bond-y spy music is very cinematic. And anyway, I’m trying to realize my goal of being the number one Google result for “masturbating dolphin.” God willing. I’ll need your help, each and every one of you.

Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish

In any case, it appears to be some kind of river dolphin, which uploader Alexandros Malikides says he filmed at the zoo with his family, sticking its penis in a headless fish carcass, which if we’re to judge by the dolphin’s face, is an act that is immensely pleasurable. As commenter Donkey Hodey once opined, “Dolphins kill for fun and sexually abuse lesser species. They’re like the redneck of the sea.”



Bigfoot Hybrid Man Found In China? [VIDEO]

 Bigfoot Hybrid Man Found In China

Big foot is a creature with an existence that many people will argue against. It has been an unproven myth for centuries with only blurry photographs and tales serving as proof. Is it really all that hard to believe? A big foot, also known as a sasquatch or yet, supposedly is just a creature that closely resembles a person and an ape. With so many variations of different species in the world, it would not be too surprising to find that the myth of Big foot is actually a truth.

 Bigfoot Hybrid Man Found In China

In China, recently something was discovered that brings the world a step closer to proving that Big foot really does exist. What was discovered was what is being called a hybrid man. In the video below, you will get a close look the hybrid man. You can see shocking footage of him showing his inhuman behavior. The hybrid man is unlike anything ever seen before. He is very large for a human, looks quite abnormal, and is unable to communicate. According to the tale of the hybrid man, he is half Yemen and half human. A Yemen is a Chinese wild man that mirrors the image of Big foot. The hybrid man’s mother claims that she was kidnapped and raped by a Yemen, then gave birth in the nine months proceeding the unpleasant incident. For more information, suspicions, possible explanations, photos and videos about the hybrid man, you will have to watch the video yourself.


So what do you think? Is this story believable, or is it possible that the woman lied about being raped by the Yemen, and her son just has some sort of bizarre genetic disorder? Since the hybrid man has already died at an early age, it seems the mystery will continue on, as well as the legend of the hybrid man.

Source: Courtney King

Woman Was Born With No Vagina; Can't Have Sex Or Babies

Woman Was Born With No Vagina; Can't Have Sex Or Babies

JACQUI Beck had no idea she didn't have a vagina until she was 17.

Then on a routine trip to see her doctor about lower back pain, she happened to mention that she still hadn't had her first period.

The doctor ran tests which revealed that Jacqui has Müllerian agenesis, better known as MRKH, a rare syndrome where a woman is born with no cervix, womb or vagina.

She had what looked like a 'dimple' where her vagina should have been, and could never have sex or give birth to her own child.

Woman Was Born With No Vagina; Can't Have Sex Or Babies

"I felt like a freak", Beck told the Daily Mail. "I was sure the doctor had got it wrong."

"I left the doctors in tears...I would never know what it was like to give birth, be pregnant, have a period," she said.

"All the things I had imagined doing suddenly got erased from my future. I was really angry and felt like I wasn't a real woman any more."

Jacqui hadn't discovered the condition before, because until that point she had never had a sexual relationship.

"It wasn't really a conscious decision not to have a boyfriend," Jacqui said. "I just didn't really fancy any of the boys in my area, which is lucky, considering what I know now."

Woman Was Born With No Vagina; Can't Have Sex Or Babies
 Jacqui is learning to live with her condition and focus on what she’s been given, not what she hasn’t. Source: Twitter

Jacqui struggled to cope with shame and the stigma attached to her condition, but it was through receiving specialist treatment at the Queen Charlotte and Chelsea hospital London, that she began to see hope in the situation and meet others like herself.

"At the hospital, they referred me to a network of other women who have the same condition, she told the Daily Mail. "It was great to speak to other girls who felt like me."

Jacqui also received treatment to stretch her vaginal canal, and hopefully enable her to one day have sex.

"The first time the nurse showed me how to use a dilator I nearly died of embarrassment," she admitted. "But now I've got used to it, I see it as any other form of treatment."

Woman Was Born With No Vagina; Can't Have Sex Or Babies

Thanks to medical treatment, Jacqui will now be able to have intercourse when she chooses.

So who will the lucky man be?

Jacqui tries to see her condition as beneficial for weeding out the men that aren't genuine, and eventually finding the man of her dreams.

"If he has a problem with it, then he's not the kind of guy I want to go out with," she said.

"I'm a hopeless romantic and I see it as a great test of someone's character. Instead of focusing on it putting off men, I actually think it will help me find, 'the one'."


Source: Newscom Australia

Italian Mafia Are Considering Assassinating The Pope

Italian Mafia Are Considering assassinating The Pope

Pope Francis's crusade against corruption has made him a target forItaly's all-powerful mafia clans, a leading anti-mob prosecutor has warned.

Nicola Gratteri, who has battled Calabria's shadowy 'Ndrangheta mafia, said on Wednesday that Francis's attempt to bring transparency to theVatican was making the white collar mobsters who do business with corrupt prelates "nervous and agitated".

He told the Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano: "Pope Francis is dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican.

"If the bosses could trip him up they wouldn't hesitate. I don't know if organised criminals are in a position to do something, but they are certainly thinking about it. They could be dangerous."

Francis, who has called for "a poor church", has backed reform at the Vatican's bank, which has been suspected for years of being a channel for the laundering of mob profits. This week police impounded a luxury hotel on Rome's Janiculum hill – formerly a monastery – which the 'Ndrangheta allegedly purchased from a religious order.

Italian Mafia Are Considering assassinating The Pope

In a fiery sermon on Monday, Francis railed against corruption and quoted the bible's advice that practitioners be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck.

"The mafia that invests, that launders money, that therefore has the real power, is the mafia which has got rich for years from its connivance with the church," said Gratteri. "These are the people who are getting nervous."

Gratteri attacked priests and bishops in southern Italy who legitimise mobsters. "Priests continuously visit the houses of bosses for coffee, which gives the bosses strength and popular legitimacy," he said. A bishop in Locri in Calabria had excommunicated mobsters after they damaged fruit trees owned by the church, he said. "But before that episode, the bosses had killed thousands of people" without being sanctioned, he added.

Boosting the strong links between mob and church is the fierce religious devotion of the gangsters themselves, he said, adding that in his 26 years as a magistrate he had never raided a mafia hideout which did not contain a religious image. "There is no affiliation rite that does not evokereligion. 'Ndrangheta and the church walk hand in hand," he said.

Italian Mafia Are Considering assassinating The Pope

A survey of jailed mobsters had revealed that 88% were religious, he added. "Before killing, a member of the 'Ndrangheta prays. He asks the Madonna for protection."

Gratteri said mobsters did not consider themselves wrongdoers, and used the example of a mafioso putting pressure on a business owner to pay protection money, first by shooting up his premises, then by kneecapping him. "If the person still refuses, the mobster is 'forced' to kill him. If you have no choice, you are not committing a sin."

Source: The Guardian

HAARP, Seeded Rolling Cloud Stretches Across Texas Sky [VIDEO]

HAARP, Seeded Rolling Cloud Stretches Across Texas Sky

Roll clouds form along sea breezes, cold fronts and thunderstorms. “Sinking cold air causes warm, moist air on the planet’s surface to climb to higher altitudes, where the moisture condenses into cloud form,” explains LiveScience. “Winds from the storm “roll” the cloud parallel to the horizon.” In this case, winds from an east-moving storm system created the distinct tube shape.

HAARP, Seeded Rolling Cloud Stretches Across Texas Sky

In the video below, you see an example of Roll Clouds that are not a natural event. Proof of cloud seeding and weather engineering. Rolling cloud over the lake house. Check how it roles over …

Source: N. Morgan

We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day

We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day

Researchers who studied more than two million people over 40 years found a rise in deaths from heart attacks, strokes, falls and suicides.

William Shakespeare died on his birthday on April 23 1616. The actress Ingrid Bergman also died on her birthday, in August 1982.

On average, people over the age of 60 were 14 per cent more likely to die on their birthdays.

Heart attacks rose 18.6 per cent on birthdays and were higher for men and women while strokes were up 21.5 per cent - mostly in women.

Dr Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross of the University of Zurich, said: 'Birthdays end lethally more frequently than might be expected.' He added that risk of birthday death rose as people got older.

We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day

Canadian data also showed that strokes were more likely on birthdays, especially among patients with high blood pressure.

There was a 34.9 per cent rise in suicides, 28.5 per cent rise in accidental deaths not related to cars, and a 44 per cent rise in deaths from falls on birthdays.

Psychologist prof Richard Wiseman, from the University of Hertfordshire, said: "It seems to be a valid finding.

"There are two camps - one is the camp that suggests you eat too much and your getting on a bit and that causes you to die.

"The other is a placebo effect. You are knife-edged on death. And you kept yourself going until your birthday. You think 'that's it I've had enough I'm out of here'."

Dr Lewis Halsey, of the University of Roehampton, said: 'One interesting finding is that more suicides happen on birthdays, though only in men.

'Perhaps men are more likely to make a statement about their unhappiness when they think people will be taking more notice of them.'

The study is published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology.
Source: The Telegraph

We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day
Famous People Who Died on Their Birthdays
Birthdays are celebrated all around the world, and why not, after all, you came into this world on that day. But sometimes, your supposedly Big day don't go as planned. You might get a crappy birthday present or have a lousy time on that very day. And you might think, things can't be worse than this. Alas! You turn out to be wrong. However, there were individuals who had way worse birthday than any of us. They had an appointment with the Grim Reaper on their special day. For obvious reasons, that was the last time when they met anyone.

In this write up, we have listed out some famous people who demised on their birthdays, and made it easier for their biographers to calculate their age. 
We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day
We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day
We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day
We Are More Likely To Die On Our Birthday Than Any Other Day
So, there you have it; these are some people who exited from this world on their birthday. All I can say, there is something very neat and clean about dying on your birthday, even though it's just a mere coincidence. But then, as Emma Bull said, "Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys".

Source: Buzzle


Who Unleashed HAARP On The Philippines? [VIDEO]

Who Unleashed HAARP On The Philippines?

The U.S. military’s Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) was ordered to set sail out of its berth in Hawaii on March 23, 2013 on what the United States Department of Defense (DoD) claims to be routine sea trials. However in light of recent events in the Philippines – typhoon Haiyan – microwave data from the devastated region gives evidence that the SBX-1 was ordered deployed by the U.S. government (Barack Obama) to the Pacific to complement other U.S. military controlled steerable phased array radar systems (HAARP) in Japan to wage war against the Philippines using HAARP’s weather modification capabilities. The SBX-1 was deployed for geopolitical purposes. As a U.S. military controlled weapon of mass destruction – an act of war.

The SBX-1’s active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar is mounted on a Russian-built fifth generation CS-50 twin-hulled semi-submersible drilling rig designed to function in the type of adverse conditions often encountered in ocean operations. The SBX-1 was built for 1 purpose – weather modification which was revealed in the U.S. Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” (link is to pdf file on U.S. Air Force website). The HAARP SBX-1 sea-based platform complies with a directive from the chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force to build upon weather modifying concepts, capabilities, and technologies that the United States can use to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing weather modifying weaponry related to national defense and geopolitical purposes. The U.S. weather weapon of mass destruction system called HAARP has been fully operational since Hurricane Katrina – 30 years ahead of schedule.

Who Unleashed HAARP On The Philippines?

A steerable US land-based X-Band Radar system (COBRA DANE phased array radar system) was already built in northern Japan by the United States military and has been operational since 2006 and a second COBRA DANE installation in central Japan came online just prior to super typhoon Haiyan – the strongest wind storm ever recorded – being formed at sea and steered into the Philippines using HAARP AMISR phased array radar beam triangulation

Who Unleashed HAARP On The Philippines?

Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) and satellite weather radar data from the Pacific region detected 2 stationary (land based) microwave hot spots and 1 slow moving hot spot at sea (The HAARP SBX-! is a slow moving sea-based X-Band phased array platform) giving evidence that the U.S. military created and steered typhoon Haiyan using 3 HAARP systems. The 2 land-based systems in Japan and the seafaring SBX-1. Using 3 phased array radar systems drastically improves the angular resolution of the emitted microwave – steers the microwave beam with pinpoint accuracy. Another U.S. military controlled HAARP installation was available on Guam – the COBRA DANE installation pictured in this article.


SBX-1 was deployed to the Pacific region (Japan / North Korea) March 2013. The SBX-1 has a maximum speed of approximately 8 knots (9.2 mph; 15 km/h) – bicycle speed. The SBX-1 and the land based systems are all part of the US Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) project and performs a vital role in the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). The SBX-1, the land based systems and the orbital X-37B are all illegal weapons of mass destruction. All are banned by under the “Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD)” treaty – an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978.

Scripted Doom: We Are Being Exterminated VIDEO

Source: PRESS Core

HAARP Scripted Doom: We Are Being Exterminated

HAARP Scripted Doom: We Are Being Exterminated

"The $30 million [Pentagon] project, euphemistically named HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere -- the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope -- just transmitting instead of receiving. It will 'boil the upper atmosphere'. After [heating] and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in for form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans.["Angels Don't Play This Haarp", page 8]

As listed by the Government, HAARP is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). "Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes (such as missile detection). The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska."-HAARP Wiki

HAARP Scripted Doom: We Are Being Exterminated

 Skeptic computer scientist David Naiditch called HAARP "a magnet for conspiracy theorists", saying the project has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes in Pakistan and the Philippines aimed to "shake up" terrorists. Naiditch says HAARP has been blamed for diverse events including major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

 Conspiracy theorists have also suggested links between HAARP and the work of Nikola Tesla (particularly potential combinations of HAARP energy with Tesla's work on pneumatic small-scale earthquake generation) and physicist Bernard Eastlund. According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because "its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed". Conspiracy theorists have blamed HAARP for numerous earthquakes. An opinion piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel's website named HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake."-HAARP Wiki


Source: Squidoo

Are Birthmarks Connected to Violent Death in Past Life?

Are Birthmarks Connected to Violent Death in Past Life?

An old woman died in Thailand with the wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste.

Not long after the woman’s death, the daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that mirrored the white paste left on the woman’s neck. When the boy became old enough to talk, he would claim possession of things that belonged to his grandmother as though they’d always been his.

This is one of many cases recounted by Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia in which birthmarks seem to relate to past lives.

The late Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose work Tucker continues, investigated 210 cases of children with birthmarks or defects that related to memories they retained from past lives.

Stevenson obtained a post-mortem report in 49 cases. The wound and birthmark were within 10 square centimeters of each other on the body in 43 percent of these cases, and many were much closer to the same location.

In some cultures, people mark the deceased with soot or paste to recognize them when they are reborn.

Here are a few examples of birthmarks related to past life memories studied by Stevenson.

Are Birthmarks Connected to Violent Death in Past Life?

A boy born in India without fingers on his right hand remembered another life in which he was a boy who had his fingers amputated after sticking them in a fodder chopping machine.

A boy in Turkey with a malformed right ear remembered having been shot and killed at close range on that side of his head.

A boy named Maha Ram in India could remember being killed in a previous life with a shotgun fired at close range. He remembered enough details of his past life for Stevenson to find the autopsy report of the man supposedly reincarnated as Ram. The birthmarks on Ram’s chest corresponded to the bullet wounds.

Some anecdotal accounts of birthmarks from past lives that have not been verified are shared on a past life discussion blog post.

Are birthmarks Connected To Reincarnation ?
A boy born with a mark said to be left by his violent death in a past life, included in research at the University of Virginia.

Karen Kubicko posted photos of herself in high school with a birthmark on her neck and a photo of herself later in life without the birthmark. She said she remembered in 2011 that in a previous life she was a woman named Helen who was hit by a stray bullet in the neck and died in 1927.

The mark was where the bullet had hit in her vision.

After she remembered this, the mark gradually disappeared.

Another person on the blog said she had a birthmark on the back of her leg. She remembered a past life in which a snake bit her there. A few years later, she realized the mark had faded away. She said the area is not often exposed, so light exposure or other such external elements are not to blame.

Source: Epoch Times

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE

People around the world have reported hearing strange sounds from the skies over the past month. Sometimes they describe it as a hum or low rumble; other times it’s a whine, thump, or even a melody. Often the sounds have been recorded and posted online, fueling rumors and conspiracy theories.

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE

One blogger wrote, “either the world is ending, aliens are landing or everyone is getting hoaxed. Or, possibly, there’s an actual scientific explanation for the mass amount of YouTube videos capturing bizarre sounds that are being heard around the globe. Are we witnessing the beginning of a full-scale alien invasion?”

So, what are people hearing (and recording)?


Mysterious sounds are nothing new, of course. The most famous mystery sound in the world is probably the Taos Hum, a low-frequency rumble heard by some residents in Taos, New Mexico since the early 1990s. Not everyone hears it, but the earwitnesses who do variously describe it as sounding like a running refrigerator or a buzzing bee. Researchers have been unable to pinpoint the source of the sound — or even confirm that the hearers are indeed perceiving a specific, identifiable sound.

While the public may assume that locating a sound is easy, it’s not. Identifying the source of a sound is very difficult in urban areas where concrete, glass, and buildings can reflect, change, and amplify sound waves from ordinary sources. Of course it’s more fun to think that the mysterious sounds are part of an alien invasion or secret military experiment than machinery at a local sewage plant.

Source: Discovery News
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