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Possessed' Man Eats Live Baby In Front Of Cameras

Possessed' Man Eats Live Baby In Front Of Cameras


RESIDENTS in the township of Tabubil, Western Province, are cowering in “horror and fear” after a week-old baby was eaten alive in front of a shell-shocked crowd, allegedly by the father.

And the shocking act allegedly continued minutes later at Tabubil police station last Thursday in front of curious onlookers, including policemen and the town’s senior district court magistrate, Patrick Monouluk.

An eyewitness who is employed by Ok Tedi Mining Limited told the Post-Courier that the town is on “red alert”, with residents taking precautionary measures. He claimed parents were restricting their children from going outdoors because of fears that they could also be targets.

“This is the talk of the day on the streets here. All parent are fearing for the safety of their children because cannibals are on the loose here,” the source, who sought anonymity because of his employer’s media restrictions, claimed.

“Believe it or not I saw him eating the baby by piercing its body with his teeth while blood spilled from his mouth. Everybody watched him with fear.”

Possessed' Man Eats Live Baby In Front Of Cameras

Acting Western provincial police commander Peter Philip confirmed the horrific act. He said the man entered his home at Wanbin settlement at around 10pm and started an argument with his wife who was nursing the baby.

Chief Insp Philip said after strangling the wife, he grabbed the child and started bitting its head, neck and breast.

“The child was crying in severe pain. The wife alerted neighbours who attempted unsuccessfully to take the baby from him because he was allegedly possessed by evil forces. He’d displayed unusual strength,” Chief Insp Philip said.

He was finally overpowered by task force police who led him to the police station. He said the man allegedly told magistrate Patrick Monouluk: “I won’t give you the baby because God tells me to eat the baby. It’s a threat to me,” when he asked for the baby to be handed over to him.

The “cannibal” is from the Highlands region and married to a woman from the West Sepik Province.

Possessed' Man Eats Live Baby In Front Of Cameras

Chief Insp Philip said the baby was again eaten in front of Mr Monouluk and the pursuing crowd.

PPC Philip said the couple adopted the baby girl from the wife’s niece, a single mother, on January 26.

The man is in police custody while preparations are underway to have him medically examined before proper charges are laid.

“It’s a terrible thing for a human being to eat another human flesh in public view. It is the first ever cannibalism case of this kind in PNG,” the 32-year career officer said.

He said he has received a lot of calls from overseas media curious to know about the incident.

Mr Philip is appealing to young mothers not to give away their babies for adoption as they could be mistreated or face similar fate.

10 Famous Paintings With Hidden Codes

Mona Lisa: A Real Hidden Code in Her Eyes

Mona Lisa: A Real Hidden Code in Her Eyes

Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile. However, when viewed under a microscope, historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the "Mona Lisa" tiny numbers and letters can be seen.

Experts say the barely distinguishable letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci Code: in the right eye appear to be the letters LV which could well stand for his name, Leonardo Da Vinci, while in the left eye there are also symbols but they are not as defined. Of course, it's very difficult to make them out clearly but they appear to be the letters CE, or it could be the letter B. In the arch of the bridge in the background the number 72 can be seen, or it could be an L and the number 2. Also, the number 149, with a fourth number erased, appears behind the picture, which suggests that Da Vinci painted it when he was in Milan in the 1490s.

You have to remember that the ­picture is almost 500 years old, so it is not as sharp and clear as when it was originally painted. (Link)

The Last Supper: A Mathematical & Astrological Puzzle, Plus a Secret Musical Score

The Last Supper: A Mathematical & Astrological Puzzle, Plus a Secret Musical Score

"The Last Supper" has also been the target of much speculation, usually centered around supposed hidden messages or hints found within the painting.

Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, created an interesting visual effect by overlaying a semitransparent, mirrored version of the painting on top of the original. The result is that two figures that look like Templar knights appear at both ends of the table, while someone who is possibly holding an infant stands to Jesus' left.

Giovanni Maria Pala, an Italian musician, has also indicated that the positions of hands and loaves of bread can be interpreted as notes on a musical staff, and if read from right to left, as was characteristic of Leonardo's writing, they form a musical composition.

Sabrina Sforza Galitzia, a Vatican researcher, claimed to have deciphered the "mathematical and astrological" puzzle in Leonardo's "The Last Supper." She said that he foresaw the end of the world in a "universal flood" which would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 that same year. She believed that this would mark "a new start for humanity."

The Creation of Adam: The Floating Brain Divinity

The Creation of Adam: The Floating Brain Divinity

Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" has endured not only as the most famous of the Sistine Chapel panels, but also as one of the single most iconic images of humanity.

Michelangelo is recognized as one of the greatest painters and sculptors from the Italian Renaissance. What is not so widely known is that he was an avid student of anatomy who, at the age of 17, began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard.

Now, a pair of American experts in neuroanatomy believe that Michelangelo did leave some anatomical illustrations behind in one of his most famous works - the Sistine Chapel.

While some might dismiss this as a coincidence, experts suggest that it would be harder to explain that this was not Michelangelo's intention. Even complex components within the brain, such as the cerebellum, optic chiasm, and pituitary gland can all be found in the picture. As for that sassy green sash running down the pons/spinal column/dude who is holding God up, it follows the path of the vertebral artery perfectly.

Sistine Chapel: Another Human Brain Seen From Below

Sistine Chapel: Another Human Brain Seen From Below

Similar to the masterpiece "The Creation of Adam," experts argue that the Sistine Chapel panels feature another figure of God with a hidden code.

They noticed that God's throat and chest had anatomical irregularities, which were not present in any other figure in the fresco. Also, while the figures are illuminated diagonally from the lower left, God's neck is illuminated straight-on. They concluded that what looks like clumsiness must have been deliberate work by the genius.

By superimposing God's odd-looking neck on the photograph of a human brain seen from below, they showed how the two matched precisely.
They added that a strange roll of fabric that extends up the center of God's robe could represent the human spinal cord.

The lumpy neck in the God figure (A) of the panel matches a photograph of the human brain when seen from below (B) while (C) shows the various parts of the brain apparently hidden in the painting.

Nevertheless, Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features elsewhere in the ceiling according to scholars, notably the kidney, which was familiar to Michelangelo and was of special interest to him as he suffered from kidney stones.

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino: Sightings Of UFOs

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino: Sightings Of UFOs
In addition to getting our attention with the rock hard Baby Jesus abs, Domenico Ghirlandaio's "Madonna with Saint Giovannino" also features an interesting little blob hovering in the sky over Mary's left shoulder.

Above Mary's left shoulder we observe a disk-shaped object that appears to be shining. It is an object which the artist depicted in huge detail, making sure it would stand out in his work of art. To the right of the painting we can see a man who is holding his right arm above his eyes, signifying that this object was extremely bright, while in the upper left hand corner we can see an object that looks like the sun.

Domenico Ghirlandaio's "Madonna with Saint Giovannino" is just one of numerous medieval paintings depicting bizarre, disturbing unidentified flying objects soaring around.

Prophet Zechariah: Flipping Off The Religious Authority

Prophet Zechariah: Flipping Off The Religious Authority

The tension between Julius II and Michelangelo is well documented. Historians note that Michelangelo portrayed the pope in effigy as the prophet Zechariah, and that one of the Angels located behind him makes an extremely obscene gesture.

What that adorable little baby is doing with his finger is called "the fig" and its meaning is not nearly as sweet. By sticking his thumb in between his index and middle fingers, he's making an old world gesture that basically means "f*ck you."

David and Goliath: Mystical Kabbalah Signs

David and Goliath: Mystical Kabbalah Signs

Scanning through the arrangement of figures on the vast 14,000 square foot ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, authors have found shapes that correspond to Hebrew letters.

For example, the figures of David and Goliath form the shape of the letter gimel, which symbolizes "strength" in the mystical Kabbalah tradition.

The authors believe that Michelangelo picked up his knowledge of Judaism while at the court of Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, which they say is built to the same proportions as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a "lost mystical message of universal love" which was intended to be decoded.

Netherlandish Proverbs: 112 Netherlandish Idioms in the Scene

Netherlandish Proverbs: 112 Netherlandish Idioms in the Scene

"Netherlandish Proverbs" is a 1559 oil-on-oak-panel painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder that depicts a land populated by literal renditions of Dutch proverbs of the day.

There are approximately 112 identifiable idioms in the scene. Some are still in use today, such as "swimming against the tide," "the big fish eats the little fish," "banging one's head against a brick wall," and "armed to the teeth."

Other proverbs indicate human stupidity. Some of the figures seem to represent more than one figure of speech, such as the man shearing a sheep left of center at the bottom of the painting. He is sitting next to a man shearing a pig, which represents the expression "one shears sheep and one shears pigs," meaning that one has the advantage over the other, but it may also represent the advice "shear them but don't skin them," meaning make the most of your assets.

The Supper at Emmaus: A Code Of Silence Recognition For Christians

The Supper at Emmaus: A Code Of Silence Recognition For Christians

"The Supper at Emmaus" is a painting by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio.
The painting depicts the moment when the resurrected but incognito Jesus reveals himself to two of his disciples in the town of Emmaus, only to vanish from their sight.

The painting is unusual for the life-sized figures and the dark, blank background. The table features a basket of food which teeters perilously over the edge. There is also an astounding shadow which seems like the figure of a fish, which may indicate a code of silence recognition for Christians.

Young Mozart's Portrait: Mason Signs

Young Mozart's Portrait: Mason Signs

Of course, works of art are not spared the subject of Freemasonry. Portraits of people who hide a hand may indicate a dedication to the cause or a level of hierarchy. Portraits such as this anonymous one of Mozart (possibly from Antonio Lorenzoni) may be examples.


The Pictures That Hitler Wanted Destroyed

Photographs that Adolf Hitler wanted destroyed show the half-crazed Fuhrer rehearsing his persuasive hate filled speeches.

Published in photographer Heinrich Hoffman’s memoir, the behind the scenes photos show the dictator rehearsing emphatic gestures while listening to recordings of his speeches.

Hoffman willfully ignored Hitler’s wishes and the photographs managed to survive through the years in various different archives.

Newly released photographs taken in 1925 by photographer Heinrich Hoffman show Adolph Hilter rehearsing his speeches
Newly released photographs taken in 1925 by photographer Heinrich Hoffman show Adolph Hilter rehearsing his speeches

The photographs, which were reportedly taken in 1925 according The Huffington Post, were taken at Hitler’s request.

The future dictator wanted to see himself in action so that he could refine his orating technique.

The pictures show Hitler wildly gesticulating and pointing toward imagined crowds.

Hitler gesticulates towards an imaginary crowd while listening to a playback recording of his own speech
Hitler gesticulates towards an imaginary crowd while listening to a playback recording of his own speech

Hitler emphatically gesticulates while rehearsing a public speech. He would late become known for his strong oratory skills
Hitler emphatically gesticulates while rehearsing a public speech. He would late become known for his strong oratory skills

After Hitler reviewed the photos, taken in 1925, he asked Hoffman to destroy the negatives. However, Hoffman ignored his requested and published them in his memoir
After Hitler reviewed the photos, taken in 1925, he asked Hoffman to destroy the negatives. However, Hoffman ignored his requested and published them in his memoir

However, after Hitler saw the pictures he asked that Hoffman destroy the negatives, not wanting them to be seen by the public.

Hoffman ignored the request and later published the pictures in his memoir, Hitler Was My Friend, which came out in 1955.

With an intense gaze, Hitler makes a point to an imaginary audience as he rehearses a speech
With an intense gaze, Hitler makes a point to an imaginary audience as he rehearses a speech
Worked up by a recording of his own speech Hitler motions with his whole body as he makes a seemingly vehement point
Worked up by a recording of his own speech Hitler motions with his whole body as he makes a seemingly vehement point

After their initial publication the photos were stored in Hoffmann’s studio until his arrest at the end of the war, whereupon they disappeared into various archives.

The images give a rare glimpse into genocidal ruler’s inner workings, exhibiting how he meticulously rehearsed his indoctrinating speeches long before he became the Furer. 


Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

Have you ever thought about starting a new religion or perhaps a hometown franchise of an old one? Perhaps you’re just looking for a career ladder in a religious enterprise that already exists. No? Maybe you should.

Religion is big business. There are lots of options (over 30,000 variants of Christianity alone), and if the scale is right it can pay really, really well. Creflo Dollar, founder of World Changers Church, has an estimated net worth of $27 million. Benny Hinn comes in at $42 million. Squeaky clean tent revival pioneer Billy Graham bankrolled around $25 million. Even Eddie Long who has been plagued by accusations of sex with underage male members of his congregation can count his bankbook in the millions.

You say you don’t have star power? No worries. Millions of ordinary ministers, priests, missionaries, religious hospital administrators and other church employees earn solid middle- or upper-middle-class incomes in the God business. The pay is good, and for most positions it doesn’t matter what race you are or what grade you happened to get in chemistry.

That said, starting or expanding a religious enterprise doesn’t come cheap, even in an established religion that transforms ordinary members into volunteer outreach staff. Christianity spends an estimated $16 billion annually on the kind of marketing-service blend traditionally called “missionary work.”

Missionary work may include disaster relief or education with recruiting in the mix. An earthquake survivor might receive a solar-powered Bible to go with his rice and beans and sutures. A Hindu child might get free schooling, pencils and paper included, along with the message that the gods his parents worship are actually demons. Among people who are less desperate, the offerings can be more nuanced and less expensive. For example, a lonely student might get offered kindness and dinner by someone who is paid to live near campus as a friendship missionary. Sometimes mention of heaven or hell is all the enticement needed, though even then there may be costs associated with print materials and distribution. Soldiers in Iraq gave out Jesus coins and a little cartoon bookshowing that when an IED killed a Muslim, he or she went to hell, a fate that could be averted by conversion.

The cost of rice, beans, medical supplies, pencils, swag, facilities and salaries can add up. Fortunately, some of religion’s bigger players have gotten creative in recent years. They’ve figured out how to pay for at least part of their growth on the public dime. Having taxpayers cover a portion your costs, even overhead or infrastructure, drives up your margin. It may actually make the difference between a religious enterprise that is a fiscal black hole and one that is lucrative. So, whether you’re thinking about positioning within a small religion or large, one that’s new or one that’s well established, it’s worth taking a look at these ten examples to see if there’s something you can borrow.

Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

1. Fund your religion classes with school vouchers, tuition tax credits or capital grants.
 If your religion has or can open accredited private schools, public funding prospects are growing rapidly. Thirteen states created or expanded voucher programs in 2013, accelerating a trend from recent years. Vouchers allow parents to divert their children and tax dollars away from public schools and into private institutions, which then have wide religious latitude. Such a school can include classes in which children memorize sacred texts, for example, but also can infuse a religious perspective into classes as diverse as literature, history, and computer science. The opportunities aren’t limited to grade schools. In New Jersey, an Orthodox Jewish yeshiva is slated for $10.6 million in higher education grants to improve its male-only training in “Talmudic scholarship.” Mind you, the ACLU is quibbling.

To maximize your own public funding you may have to get creative. In Arizona any resident can divert a part of his state income tax to your school to fund a specific student. That means you need those students or their parents to get out and do the solicitation for you!

2. Get free facilities for after-school clubs in public facilities.

 Child Evangelism Fellowship recruits grade-school children in the U.S. and abroad to born-again Christianity. In 2001, they took a case all the way to the Supreme Court and won the right to use public school facilities for their afternoon clubs. They persuaded the justices that they were teaching moral values, rather like the Boy Scouts and other groups that have long had access to public facilities. But parents who have sat in on the clubs assure us that these “values” include very specific dogmas and doctrines—things like heaven, hell and even biblical justification of genocide. Last year CEF operated over 4,000 Good News Clubs in public school facilities.

3. Nudge your doctrines into public school textbooks and discussions.
 Texas sets textbook standards for the whole country, and if a tenacious group of Texans gets their way, you may be able to move your message directly into public school curriculum. Members of the state’s textbook review panel have recommended adding creationism to biology texts while reducing coverage of the dominant competing theory. You may think that their account of the creation story is mistaken; yours may be different. But in the long run, their long hard work to blur the boundary between science and myth helps the whole religious sector.

To make matter better, allies in the Texas Republican party proposed a platform in 2012 that prohibited schools from teaching critical thinking skills. Others have pushed to require that each high school offer “Bible as literature” electives, confident that devout teachers will know how to use the course material.

Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

4. Support military missionaries on government salaries.

 Twenty to 30 years ago, evangelical Christians identified the U.S. military as a prime mission field and soldiers as potential missionaries to the world. Hundreds of evangelical and Pentecostal “endorsing” agencies began credentialing chaplains. Today, according to investigative reporter Jeff Sharlet, more than two thirds of U.S. military chaplains come from one of these two traditions. They have successfully redirected female cadets into the more time-honored roles of wife and mother, shaped entertainment and education in military academies, and cultivated a cadre of officers who support their mission. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has resisted some of their bold attempts to build an army of Christian soldiers, but missionary chaplains continue to serve and shape America’s fighting men and women, all on the public dime. The door for more remains open.

5. Use federal disaster relief to rebuild after “acts of God.” 
Thanks to lobbying by religious leaders like the Catholic bishops and the Becket Fund, four U.S. senators are promoting legislation that would qualify churches, mosques, temples and synagogues for federal emergency (FEMA) funds if they get damage in natural disasters. The House of Representatives approved a similar measure early in the year. If you own or manage church property, it’s worth keeping your eye on this legislation. Your odds of having real estate damaged by a hurricane or earthquake may be low currently, but extreme weather events, like sea levels, appear to be on the rise. Should the bill pass, you might get to make a claim on a public insurance pool that lets religious entities skip out on the premiums.

6. Leverage historic preservation grants to rehab your real estate.
 If you’ll be making an investment in religious real estate as a base for operations or to attract members, you might want to do a little digging in the archives. Federal grants may be available for restoration and repairs if your church is deemed historically significant. Like many other aspects of public funding for religion, this boundary has shifted in recent decades. Spending tax dollars on church buildings was ruled illegal in the 1970s but acceptable by 2003.

If you want to sell your historic church later for redevelopment, don’t worry, Jefferson’s wall of separation applies. In Washington State, for example, the Supreme Court ruled that a church could to sell to the highest bidder, even though their iconic building had been designated a landmark and the deal included a likely wrecking ball. Some knives don’t cut both ways.

Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

7. The public underwrites religious infrastructure. 

Some religious groups may be able to build a portfolio of real estate investments without having to contribute to public amenities, utilities, transportation, or policing. Many community services and assets get paid for by real estate owners through property taxes. But for a long time, houses of worship have been exempt, making them effectively subsidized by surrounding properties. In March 2013, pro-religion Arizona lawmakers proposed to expand that exemption to all properties held by religious entities, as long as they are not producing a profit. Such a change might allow a savvy investor to sit on undeveloped or underdeveloped land without incurring the annual costs faced by other speculators. Tax exempt real estate can offer a way to invest those tithes as membership grows.

8. International aid dollars. 

World Vision, a multi-national with an evangelical mission and employee statement of faith has built a vast loyal following largely by appending evangelistic priorities to US aid dollars. World Vision offers desperate people the basics: food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education—with a carefully titrated dose of Biblical Christianity. Their genius lies in the fact that most of their services are funded by Americans at large.

Administrators and lawyers succeeded in persuading governmental granting agencies that World Vision is a non-proselytizing aid organization, while simultaneously persuading the courts they can’t fulfill their mission with heretics among warehouse staff. In 2007, three employees sued because they were fired over their interpretation of Christianity, which was at odds with the required employee statement of faith. World Vision fought all the way to the Supreme court and won. If Harvard Business School should need a case study on how an enterprise can solicit government contracts while circumventing the Civil Rights Act and other cumbersome employment laws, this is it.

Holy Freeloading! 10 Ways Religious Groups Suck on the Public Purse

9. Administering public health facilities. 

With Obamacare and technology costs driving hospital mergers, religious healthcare corporations like Catholic Health Initiatives ($15B+ in assets) are finding that they can secure monopoly positions in many communities or even entire regions. This puts them in the power position when it comes to pricing services and negotiating labor contracts, which means mergers pay dividends. The Lund Report, which monitors Oregon’s healthcare system, reports annual profits of $2 billion and counting for the Providence chain.

Like other sectors such as aid and education, healthcare offers an array of opportunities for religious enterprises to expand and improve their brand appeal with little of their own money at risk. Consider this:

"Religious hospitals get 36% of all their revenue from Medicare [and] 12%…from Medicaid. Of the remaining 44% of funding, 31% comes from county appropriations, 30% comes from investments, and only 5% comes from charitable contributions (not necessarily religious). The percentage of church funding for church-run hospitals comes to a grand total of 0.0015 percent.

Administering health services allows a religious entity to restrict the service mix base on their beliefs about what God wants. For example, in Catholic-run facilities, directives from the bishops prohibit contraception and end-of-life options. Faith-related icons and outreach materials can be made available in waiting rooms. Depending on how your organization is structured, you may be able to preferentially hire members of your group and so keep the money in the family so to speak, all the while reaping the good will that comes with community service.

10. Provide safety net services to potential converts.

 Prisoners, addicts, single moms, pregnant teens, the elderly, foster kids...the possibilities are endless. President George Bush established an Office of Faith Based Initiatives, which worked to strengthen religious organizations in their ability to provide social services. In the first year, 2005, $2.2 billion in grants were awarded to religious organizations. (Barack Obama later revamped and expanded the office, appointing a cadre of religious leaders as advisors and putting his personal spiritual guide, Joshua DuBois, at the helm.)

The savvy expansion-minded religious entrepreneur will notice that people who are the target of safety net services often are the very same people who make prime candidates for conversion. In both cases they fit the bill because the fabric of their lives has frayed and they are in need of help. From a business standpoint such a focus may seem less than ideal, but remember this: poor, desperate people are the ones who put those celebrity evangelists in their mansions.


Crop Circle Seen Near 120 Dead Elk Suggesting Possible UFO Attack

Crop Circle Seen Near 120 Dead Elk Suggesting Possible UFO Attack
News says there are over 120 Elk that died all within 24 hours of each other, but a mysterious circle within a circle in spotted in the TV news video. It looks eerily similar to a crop circle or perhaps the landing area for a UFO. Alien experimentation on the herd may explain a lot since aliens are notorious for their cattle mutilations and experimentations. SCW

Crop Circle Seen Near 120 Dead Elk Suggesting Possible UFO Attack

More than 120 Elk were found dead 20 miles north of Las Vegas In New Mexico that were found on August 26 2013. Within a few hundred feet there was a crop circle that was visible from KRQE's News Helicopter. The Elk were found in close proximity to each other suggesting they were not killed by a virus.




The 'chosen people' of the demiurge were hybrids (mixed-race) - the result of interbreeding between the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnons.

These new races, in which the Neanderthal traits dominated, were lower hybrid races - the non-Aryan races - and were designated by us - (the Æons) - as 'the creation of a lesser god' - the lesser 'god' being the Archon Demiourgós.

The Archon Demiourgós (δημιουργός), on the completion of his work of imitation (mimesis) became blinded by arrogance.
He announced to his sentient creatures, his'chosen race' - 'Thou shalt worship no other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God' (Exod. 34:14).

There were many hybrid races as a result of the mating between the Neanderthals and other hominids.
The most developed (in the sense of cunning) of these lower races were the Semitic peoples, and it was this group that the Archon Demiurge chose in order to set his will over his new 'creation' - and therefore they became known to themselves, and other races, as the 'chosen people'.


The true 'chosen people', of course, were the Aryan people - the 'true blood' descendants of the Cro-Magnons - who were the physical, sentient descendants of the great Æons.

Modern DNA evidence has provided evidence that the world's Jews have a common ancestral lineage in the Levant, which can be traced to a common ancestral population that inhabited the Middle East.
DNA results indicate that the Jews have had a high percentage of marriage within their community; in contrast to a low percentage of interfaith marriages (as low as 0.5% per generation).
This indicates that there is a distinct racial group of Semitic people.

The Shasu

Shasu is an Egyptian word for semitic-speaking pastoral cattle nomads who lived in the Levant from what was known to human history as the late 'Bronze Age' to the 'Early Iron Age' or 'Third Intermediate Period' of Egyptian history.

They were organized in clans, under a tribal chieftain, and were lawless brigands, active from the Jezreel Valley to Ashkelon and the Sinai.

The name evolved from a transliteration of the Egyptian word š3sw, meaning "those who move on foot", into the term for Bedouin-type wanderers.

The Shasu

The term first originated in an ancient list of peoples in Transjordan.

It is used in a list of enemies inscribed on column bases at the temple of Soleb built by the Pharoah Amenhotep III.

Copied later by either Pharaoh Seti I and Pharaoh Ramesses II at Amarah-West, the list mentions six groups of Shashu: the Shasu of S'rr, the Shasu of Lbn, the Shasu of Sm't, the Shasu of Wrbr, the Shasu of Yhw, and the Shasu of Pysps.

"Shasu of Yhw"

Regarding the "Shasu of Yhw," the hieroglyphic rendering corresponds very precisely to the Hebrew 'Tetragrammaton' יהוה (YHWH), or Yahweh, and antedates the hitherto oldest occurrence of that name - on the Moabite Stone - by over five hundred years.

The demonym 'Israel', recorded on the Merneptah Stele, (see below), refers to a Shasu enclave, since later tradition portrays Yahweh "coming forth from Se'ir" (where there is a Semetic 'High Place), the Shasu, originally from Moab and northern Edom, went on to form a major element in the amalgam that was to constitute the 'Israel', protected and guided by the Archon Demiurge, which later established the Kingdom of Israel.
"Shasu of Yhw"

The Merneptah Stele—also known as the 'Israel Stele' or 'Victory Stele of Merneptah' - is an inscription by the Ancient Egyptian king Merneptah (reign:1213 to 1203 BC) discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1896 at Thebes, and now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The text is largely an account of Merneptah's victory over the Libyans and their allies, but the last few lines deal with a separate campaign in Canaan, then part of Egypt's imperial possessions, and include the first probable instance of the name "Israel" in the historical record.

עברים or עבריים, - Hebrews ʿIḇrîm, ʿIḇriyyîm - is an ethnonym used in the Tanakh.
It is synonymous with the Semitic Israelites, especially in the pre-monarchic period when they were still nomadic, but may also be used in a wider sense, referring to the Phoenicians, or to other ancient groups, such as the group known as Shasu of Yhw (see above).

Habiru or Apiru was the name given by various Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Ugaritic sources (dated, roughly, between 1800 BC and 1100 BC) to a group of people living as nomadic invaders in areas of the Fertile Crescent, from Northeastern Mesopotamia and Iran to the borders of Egypt in Canaan.
These people can be identified by the wall-paintings and reliefs depicting them as Semitic peoples, and the name 'Habiru' is obviously taken from the word which the Hebrews used to describe themselves.
Significantly, these 'Habiru' are variously described as nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders, servants, slaves, migrant labourers, etc.

The names 'Habiru' and 'Apiru' are used in Akkadian cuneiform texts.

The corresponding name in the Egyptian script appears to be ʕpr.w, pronounced 'Apiru' (W,or u-vowel "quail-chick" being used as the Egyptian plural suffix).

In Mesopotamian records they are also identified by the Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ.

The name 'Habiru' was also found in the 'Amarna Letters', which again include many names of Canaanite peoples written in Akkadian.


The Amarna letters written to Egyptian pharaohs in the 14th century BC document a time of unrest in Canaan that goes back before the battle of Kadesh to the time of Pharaoh Thutmose I.

Though found throughout most of the Fertile Crescent, the arc of civilization extending from the Tigris-Euphrates river basins over to the Mediterranean littoral, and down through the Nile Valley during the Second Millennium, the principal area of historical interest is in their engagement with Egypt.

A number of what are known as the 'Amarna letters'—sent to Pharaohs Amenhotep III, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and, briefly, his two successors from vassal kings in Canaan and Syria in the 14th century BC — mention the "Habiru".

These letters, written by Canaanite scribes in the cuneiform-based Akkadian language, complain aboutattacks by armed groups who were willing to fight andplunder on any side of the local wars in exchange for equipment, provisions, and quarters.
These people are the "Habiru". 

The Creation of a 'Chosen People'

The Archon Demiurge taught his 'chosen people' to trace their origin to Abraham, who supposedly established the belief that there is only one God, the creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Yitshak (Isaac), and grandson Jacob (Israel), were held to be the patriarchs of the Israelites.
All three patriarchs were said to have lived in the Land of Canaan, that later came to be known as the Land of Israel.

The Creation of a 'Chosen People'

They, and their wives, were buried in the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the 'Tomb of the Patriarchs', in Hebron
According to the Hebrew Bible Abraham was born in the Sumerian city of Ur Kaśdim in Mesopotamia, and migrated to Canaan (commonly known as the Land of Israel) with his family.

This, of course, is a fantasy concocted by the Archon Demiurge, to give a sense of unity to the various 'mixed-race' Semitic tribes which constituted his 'chosen people'

The 'God of Israel' (the Archon Demiurge calling himself יהוה Yaweh) revealed his name to Moses, (who is described as a Hebrew of the tribe of Levi).

Moses leads the Israelites out of slavery, and into the desert, where יהוה (Yaweh) gives them their laws and, in return for Yaweh's guidance and protection, the Israelites agree to become 'his people'.

Hyksos and Egyptians
Hyksos and Egyptians

This story is, of course, an invention of the Archon Demiurge.

The sons of Jacob were never slaves in Egypt - rather they were marauding invaders (semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders - see above), whom the Egyptians referred to as the Hyksos.

The Hyksos (Egyptian heqa khasewet, "foreign rulers"; Greek Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς, Arabic: الملوك الرعاة, shepherd kings) were a mixed-race people who took over the eastern Nile Delta, ending the thirteenth dynasty, and initiating the Second Intermediate Period of ancient Egypt.

The Hyksos first appeared in Egypt c.1800 BC, during the eleventh dynasty, began their climb to power in the thirteenth dynasty, and came out of the second intermediate period in control of Avaris and the Delta.

Negro soldiers fighting for the Hyksos
Negro soldiers fighting for the Hyksos
By the fifteenth dynasty, they ruled Lower Egypt, and at the end of the seventeenth dynasty, they were expelled (c.1560 BC) - reflected in the legend of the Exodus..

The historian Josephus states correctly that the Hyksos were in fact the 'Children of Jacob' who joined his son Joseph to escape the famine in the land of Canaan in the book of Exodus.

Interestingly, the Hyksos included Negro soldiers in their armies when fighting the native Egyptians.

The origin of the term "Hyksos" derives from the Egyptian expression heka khasewet ("rulers of foreign lands"), used in Egyptian texts such as the 'Turin King List' to describe the rulers of neighbouring lands.
This expression begins to appear as early as the late Old Kingdom in Egypt, referring to various Nubian (Negroid) chieftains, and as early as the Middle Kingdom, referring to the Semitic chieftains of Syria and Canaan.

The Hyksos were mainly Semites who came from the Levant.

Kamose, the last Pharaoh of the Theban 17th Dynasty, refers to Apophis as a "Chieftain of Retjenu (i.e., Canaan)" in a stela that implies a Semitic Canaanite background for this Hyksos king.

The Hyksos kingdom was centred in the eastern Nile Delta and Middle Egypt, and was limited in size, never extending south into Upper Egypt, which was under the control of Theban-based rulers.

Hyksos relations with the south seem, to have been mainly of a commercial nature, although Theban princes appear to have recognized the Hyksos rulers and may possibly have provided them with tribute for a period.

The Hyksos Fifteenth Dynasty rulers established their capital and seat of government at Avaris.
The rule of these kings overlaps with that of the native Egyptian pharaohs of the 16th and 17th dynasties of Egypt, better known as the 'Second Intermediate Period'.

The first Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Ahmose I, finally expelled the Hyksos from their last holdout at Sharuhen in Gaza by the 16th year of his reign.

Because they had no advanced social traditions of their own, the Hyksos used Egyptian titles associated with traditional Egyptian kingship, and took the Egyptian god Seth to represent their own deity.


Set or Seth was the incarnated δημιουργός ( Archon Demiurge), whom the Jews later called 'Yaweh'.
His purpose was to disrupt the work of the Aeons.

The Ancient Egyptians, not understanding the differentiation between the Aeons and the Archon Demiurge believed the Archon to be a 'god' (neter) of the desert, storms, and foreigners.

In later myths he was also the 'god' of darkness, and chaos.

In Ancient Greek, the 'god's' name was given as Seth.

In spite of the prosperity that the stable political situation brought to the land, the native Egyptians continued to view the Hyksos as non-Egyptian "invaders."

When the Semitic Hyksos were eventually driven out of Egypt, all traces of their occupation were erased.

No accounts survive recording the history of the period from the Hyksos perspective except the legend that they were enslaved by the Egyptians, and freed by the combined actions of Moses, and his 'god' Yaweh.
There are, however, detailed accounts from the native Egyptians who evicted the occupiers, in this case the rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, who were the direct successor of the Theban Seventeenth Dynasty.
The historian Manetho wrote that -

'By main force they overpowered the rulers of the land. They then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of gods… Finally, they appointed as king one of their number. He had his seat at Memphis, levying tribute from Upper and Lower Egypt and leaving garrisons behind in the most advantageous positions.'

Most significantly the Hyksos had no culture of their own and, like parasites, derived their social structures, art, architecture, and all aspects of civilised life from their host country.

This is a phenomena that was repeated in every country which the descendants of the Semitic Hykos either over-ran or settled. 

In order to set his 'chosen people' apart from the other hybrid, mixed-race groups, and to instil in them a sense of separation and discipline, the Archon Demiurge gave them not culture, but law, in the form of detailed regulations affecting every aspect of their lives.

Using the alphabets which had been taught to the higher races by the Æons, these laws and regulations were woven into a narrative which described how the Semites had been 'created' by the Archon Demiurge - who now called himself 'Yaweh'.

In order to maintain contact with his 'chosen people' the Archon Demiurge gave the Jewish priesthood a device which was contained in a specially constructed container.

This device was called in Jewish scriptures the אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית‎ (the Ark of the Covenant - covenant here meaning the link between Yaweh and his 'chosen people').

However, because the 'chosen people' had no culture, and no art, the design of this device was based on Egyptian models. 

The 'god' יהוה (Yahweh), prior to taking on wholly monotheistic attributes in the 6th century BCE, was a part of the Canaanite pantheon in the pre-Babylonian captivity period.

Archeological evidence reveals that during this time period the Israelites were a group of Semetic Canaanite people.

Yahweh was seen as a war god, and equated with El. Asherah, who was often seen as El's consort, has been described as a consort of Yahweh in numerous inscriptions.

The name Yahwi may be found in some male Amorite names.

Yahu may be found in a place name.

The earliest known occurrence of the name "Yahu" is its inclusion of the name "the land of Shasu-y/iw" in a list of Egyptian place names found in the temple of Amon at Soleb, from the time of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (1402-1363 BCE).

The place name appears to be associated with Asiatic nomads in the 14th to 13th centuries BCE.

A later mention from the era of Pharaoh Ramesses II (c. 1303 BCE – 1213 BCE) associates Yahu with Mount Seir.

From this, it is generally supposed that this Yahu refers to a place in the area of Moab and Edom.

Whether the god was named after the place, or the place named after the god, is undecided.

Early worship of 'Yahweh' likely originated in southern Canaan during the Late Bronze Age.

It is probable that Yahu or 'Yahweh' was worshipped in southern Canaan (Edom, Moab, Midian) from the 14th century BC, and that this cult was transmitted northwards due to the Kenites.

It is assumed that Moses was a historical Midianite who brought the cult of 'Yahweh' north to Israel.

This idea is based on an old tradition (recorded in Judges 1:16, 4:11) that Moses' father-in-law was a Midianite priest of 'Yahweh', as it were preserving a memory of the Midianite origin of the god.

The oldest West Semitic attestation of the name (outside of biblical evidence) is the inscription of the victory stela erected by Mesha, king of Moab, in the 9th century BC.

In this inscription, 'Yahweh' is not presented as a Moabite deity.

Mesha rather records how he defeated Israel, and plundered the temple of 'Yahweh', presenting the spoils to his own god, Chemosh.

The direct competition of 'Yahweh' with Baal is depicted in the narrative of Elijah in the 'Books of Kings'.

Baʿal (Biblical Hebrew בעל, usually spelled Baal in English) is a Northwest Semitic title, and honorific, meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu.

Baʿal can refer to any god and even to human officials. In some texts it is used for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter his divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used. Nevertheless, few if any Biblical uses of "Baʿal" refer to Hadad, the lord over the assembly of gods on the holy mount of Heaven, but rather refer to any number of local spirit-deities worshipped as cult images, each called baʿal and regarded in the Hebrew Bible in that context as a "false god".

At first the name Baʿal was used by the Jews for their 'god' without discrimination, but as the struggle between the two religions developed, the name Baʿal was given up in Judaism 'Yahweh' or Yahu appears in many Hebrew Bible theophoric names, including Elijah itself, which translates to "my god is Yahu", besides other names such as Yesha'yahu "Yahu saved", Yeshua (Jesus) "Yahweh's Salvation", or Yahu-haz "Yahu held", and others found in the early Jewish Elephantine papyri.


School That Gave Controversial Creationist Quiz Is Closing

Christian School With Creationist 'Science' Quiz Closing Down For Financial Reasons

Christian School With Creationist 'Science' Quiz Closing Down For Financial Reasons 

The Huffington Post |  By Rebecca Klein

Blue Ridge Christian Academy, the school that made headlines after one of its creationist "science" quizzes was posted online, is officially closing down, according to the Travelers Rest Tribune.

The private, religious South Carolina school received attention in April when one of its science quizzes was posted on Reddit and subsequently went viral. The quiz, which was meant for fourth graders and titled “Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel,” affirmed creationist beliefs, including the notion that dinosaurs and humans previously roamed the earth together and that God created dinosaurs.

While the school received an onslaught of criticism for the quiz, administrators also thought the attention could be a blessing in disguise. After the quiz was posted online, the financially troubled school began receiving monetary donations from around the world.
Christian School With Creationist 'Science' Quiz Closing Down For Financial Reasons
Blue Ridge Christian Academy's 4th grade science quiz has sparked debates and donations after it was posted online on April 21st, 2013.

By late May the school had received about $15,000 from more than 70 countries. Still, the school needed $200,000 in order to operate during the 2013–2014 school year, according to the Travelers Rest Tribune.

“A lot of the messages that have come through [are], ‘We support your right from a biblical perspective in your school,’” Diana Baker, the administrator for the school, told The Huffington Post over the phone in May. “We have gotten emails from all over the world, and it’s been a real joy to see that people just show support and love for a ministry that they had never heard of before.”

Teacher Bernice Buchanan noted the school was in deep financial trouble due to the fact that 40 percent of its 139 students received scholarships. Still, she said she expected something to work out.

Blue Ridge Christian Academy's 4th grade science quiz has sparked debates and donations after it was posted online on April 21st, 2013.

“We’re trying to make private Christian education readily available to students who normally couldn’t afford that,” Buchanan told HuffPost several months ago. “[God] is going to meet all our needs, what that will look like we don’t know, but he is good.”

According to the school’s Facebook page, the school has been holding closing sales and giving the proceeds to paying off debt, including two months of teacher salaries.



Catholic Priest Caught in School Carpark With Pantless Boy

Catholic Priest Caught in School Carpark With Pantless Boy

Reverand W. Jeffrey Paulish was charged by police in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, with one count of "involuntary deviate sexual intercourse" and one count of "unlawful contact with a minor" after the pair were spotted in a car on a college campus.

The priest is being held in the county jail on $50,000 bail.

Police say they found Rev Paulish with the boy after responding to a call from the Worthington Scranton campus of Penn State University.
Catholic Priest Caught in School Carpark With Pantless Boy

The priest told the police he was "counseling" the teen after being approached by the boy who was in "emotional distress".

He later admitted to having arranged the meeting through a "casual encounters" section on the Craigslist website.

Paulish has been suspended from his position as priest at the Prince of Peace parish.


Secret Documents: U.S. Air Force Dropped A-Bomb On North Carolina

Secret Documents Reveal U.S. Air Force Almost Dropped Deadly A-Bomb On North Carolina

Secret Documents Reveal U.S. Air Force Almost Dropped Deadly A-Bomb On North Carolina

It’s amazing what we can learn from the Freedom of Information Act. Like that one time in 1961 when the U.S. Air Force almost detonated an atomic bomb over North Carolina.

That’s right, with a devastating shock wave 260 times more powerful than what decimated Hiroshima in 1945, two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs nearly razed Goldsboro, North Carolinaand any life remotely close by over 50 years ago.

Due to a B-52 bomber that went into a tailspin shortly after launch, the entire east coast suddenly became sitting ducks to the lethal fallout of nearly four million tons of TNT, from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and as far north as New York City. The truly frightening part is that everything worked nearly perfectly after the bomber crumbled. One of the bombs began its descent, opening its parachutes and activating its trigger mechanisms.

Secret Documents Reveal U.S. Air Force Almost Dropped Deadly A-Bomb On North Carolina

Literally millions of lives were saved when thankfully one safety mechanism was initiated. As it turned out, the other three failed to work properly, possibly allowing for an unintended detonation. The bomb hit the ground, and a firing signal was sent to the bomb’s nuclear core, making that one switch the only thing stopping near apocalyptic conditions.

This was all discovered by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser, who received the shockingdocument under the Freedom of Information Act. The document from 1961 quoted “a senior engineer in the Sandia national laboratories responsible for the mechanical safety of nuclear weapons concludes that ‘one simple, dynamo-technology, low voltage switch stood between the United States and a major catastrophe.’”

In his new book on the nuclear arms race, Command and Control, Schlosser revealed at least 700 "significant" accidents involving 1,250 nuclear weapons between 1950 and 1968.

Secret Documents Reveal U.S. Air Force Almost Dropped Deadly A-Bomb On North Carolina
He added, "the U.S. government has consistently tried to withhold information from the American people in order to prevent questions being asked about our nuclear weapons policy … We were told there was no possibility of these weapons accidentally detonating, yet here's one that very nearly did."

With one wrong zap, with one less safety measure, the security controls would have been rendered useless. Luckily, one hydrogen bomb fell into a field near Faro, North Carolina, and the other simply tumbled into a meadow off Big Daddy's Road to be lost in history and paperwork, until now.


The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

Sumer, or the ‘land of civilized kings’, flourished in Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Sumerians created an advanced civilization with its own system of elaborate language and writing, architecture and arts, astronomy and mathematics. Their religious system was a complex one comprised of hundreds of gods, rites and cosmology. According to the ancient texts, each Sumerian city was guarded by its own god; and while humans and gods used to live together, the humans were servants to the gods.

The Sumerian creation myth can be found on a tablet in Nippur, an ancient Mesopotamian city founded in approximately 5000 BC.

The creation of Earth (Enuma Elish) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this:

When in the height heaven was not named,
And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,
And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both
Their waters were mingled together,
And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
When of the gods none had been called into being,
And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;
Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,
Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being..

It is interesting here to note that no one god is responsible for creation, as even gods are themselves part of the creation.

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like beings of extra-terrestrial origin ruled over Earth. Those beings, or gods, could travel through the sky in either round or rocket shaped vehicles. These beings toiled Earth’s soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals.

The texts mention that at some point the gods mutinied against their labour.

When the gods like men
Bore the work and suffered the toll
The toil of the gods was great,
The work was heavy, the distress was much. 

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labour was too great. His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labour, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. A god was put to death, and his body and blood was mixed with clay. From that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods.

You have slaughtered a god together
With his personality
I have removed your heavy work
I have imposed your toil on man.

In the clay god and Man
Shall be bound,
To a unity brought together;
So that to the end of days
The Flesh and the Soul
Which in a god have ripened –
That soul in a blood-kinship be bound.

It is interesting here to note that the spirit is connected to the body, as is the case in many other religions and myths.

This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Initially human beings were unable to reproduce on their own, but were later modified with the help of Enki and Ninki. Thus Adapa is created as a fully functional and independent human being. This ‘modification’ was done without the approval of Enki’s brother, Enlil, and a conflict between the gods begins. Enlil becomes the adversary of man, and the Sumerian tablet mentions that men served gods and went through much hardship and suffering.

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

Although not the exact creation story involving two trees in Eden, Adapa, with the help of Enki, ascends to Anu where he fails to answer a question about ‘the bread and water of life’. Opinions vary on the similarities between these two creation stories, but one thing remains clear: immortality is meant for gods, not for men.

Note: Ancient Sumerian translations were taken from William Bramley’s book, The Gods of Eden.


NASA Will Pay You $18,000 To Stay In Bed For 70 Days

NASA Will Pay You $18,000 To Stay In Bed For 70 Days

A NASA research program will pay participants $18,000 to remain horizontal in a bed for a period of 70 days. The study was devised to examine the effects of prolonged exposure to microgravity (a condition in which there is very little net gravitational force) by simulating the effects of a long-duration space flight, according to Outside.

Participants in NASA’s research program can reportedly chat on the phone, Skype, play games, work remotely on their laptops, read books, take online courses, and more — as long as they remain in bed.

The subjects will be lying in beds that are tilted head-down at a six-degree angle, which causes the body’s fluids to shift to the upper part of the body much like they do in space. The clinicians monitoring the program will be examining muscle atrophy (the wasting away of muscle) and bone density as well as cardiovascular function.

NASA Will Pay You $18,000 To Stay In Bed For 70 Days

After the subjects have been in bed for an extended period of time, they are then put through a series of exercises, such as walking on a treadmill or doing squats. The only difference is that they will be subjected to walking on a vertical treadmill and squatting in a horizontal position.

Wondering about showering? Since the subjects must remain at a six-degree head tilt at all times, they are able to shower in a specially modified shower gurney.

NASA is looking for healthy and extremely fit individuals. Consequently, applicants for the bed rest study will be put through a rigorous testing process before they receive a stamp of approval. The candidates will undergo an extremely thorough physical and psychological exam and have a one-on-one with a shrink in order for clinicians to determine whether applicants can tolerate the physical and mental rigors of lying in a bed for 70 days, which not everyone can tolerate.

NASA Will Pay You $18,000 To Stay In Bed For 70 Days

Therefore, if you’re a run-of-the-mill couch potato looking for a quick payday, you need not apply to the study. Dr. Roni Cromwell, a senior scientist with the bed rest program who spoke to the Outside warns, “We want to make sure we select people who are mentally ready to spend 70 days in bed. Not every type of person can tolerate an extended time in bed.”

These types of studies are conducted to minimize the changes that occur in the body during spaceflight and inform researchers on how to return one’s system to normal body function once back on earth.

If you’d like to find out more about the NASA bed rest program at the Johnson Space Center in Houston,



Alien Art: Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas

The Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas – Extraterrestrial or Not

By April Holloway

One of the most intriguing and perplexing legends of the Australian Aboriginal people is that of the Wandjinas, the supreme spirit beings and creators of the land and people. The land of the Wandjina is a vast area of about 200,000 square kilometres of lands, waters, sea and islands in the Kimberley region of north-western Australia with continuous culture dating back at least 60,000 years but probably much older. Here, traditional Aboriginal law and culture are still active and alive.

The Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul people are the three Wandjina tribes – these tribal groups are the custodians of the oldest known figurative art which is scattered throughout the Kimberley. -

Perhaps what is most interesting about their figurative art painted on rocks and in caves is the way in which they have represented the Wandjinas - white faces, devoid of a mouth, large black eyes, and a head surrounded by a halo or some type of helmet.

The ancient paintings have received all manner of interpretations from stylized representations of people or even owls, to ancient astronaut theories which suggest that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago and had direct contact with the inhabitants. Some believe that the extraterrestrials even played a direct role in creation, which is reflected not only in the Dreamtime stories of the Aboriginals but also the myths and legends of many ancient civilizations around the world.

One could be forgiven for thinking that there is indeed a remarkable similarity between the Wandjinas and the stereotypical image of an extraterrestrial which we see time and again in art, movies and witness accounts. And many raise logical questions such as, why were the Wandjinas painted with white skin if it was representing another Aboriginal, all of whom had black skin? Why were the eyes always painted so disproportionate to the face and nose? And why were they all painted without a mouth?

The Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas – Extraterrestrial or Not

But what is even more surprising is the oral account of the Wandjinas which has been passed from generation to generation as all of the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories have.

The story goes like this – the Wandjina were “sky-beings” or “spirits from the clouds” who came down from the Milky Way during Dreamtime and created the Earth and all its inhabitants. Then Wandjina looked upon the inhabitants and realised the enormity of the task and returned home to bring more Wandjinas. With the aid of the Dreamtime snake, the Wandjina descended and spent their Dreamtime creating, teaching and being Gods to the Aboriginals whom they created. After some time, the Wandjinas disappeared. They descended into the earth and since then, have lived at the bottom of the water source associated with each of the paintings. There, they continually produce new ‘child-seeds’, which are regarded as the source of all human life. Some Wandjina also returned to the sky, and can now be seen at night as lights moving high above the earth.

Aboriginal people, in the Kimberley also believe that even after they disappeared, the Wandjina continued to control everything that happened on the land and in the sky and sea.

The Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas – Extraterrestrial or Not

Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, rock art and cave paintings have often been considered more myth then reality, like the stories we find in the teachings of modern day religions. However, recent archaeological discoveries have confirmed the reality of at least some of the Dreamtime stories. For example, those that spoke of huge mammals walking the Earth were once considered fantasy. But discoveries of animal fossils belonging to ‘mega fauna’ including giant mammals confirmed that these stories were accounts of real life events, passed down by generations over tens of thousands of years. -

Interestingly and of course controversially, objects have been found on geographical sites which suggest the area had been inhabited as long ago as 174,000 B.C. This contradicts the theory that Aboriginals had their routes in Africa and that inhabitants travelled from Africa to Australia about 60,000 years ago. Other researchers have suggested that Homo sapiens actually originated in Australia.

Alien Art: Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas

Today, the Aboriginal tribes of the Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul still revere the Wandjina and only certain individuals are given permission to paint them. It is said that the Wandjina could punish those who broke the law with floods, lightening and cyclones and the paintings of the Wandjina are believed to possess these powers, therefore according to the Aboriginals they are always to be approached and treated respectfully.

Why would ancient Aboriginal people create so-called myths or fanciful stories if it meant so much to them and remains so important to their culture to this day? So many myths and legends of the past have already been proven true by archaeological findings, such as the legend of the city of Troy, the labyrinth of the Minotaur, Norse legends of navigational crystals and many more. Could it not be that the Aboriginal people of the time were simply telling of events as they saw them and how they understood them at the time? Perhaps one day we will uncover the answers to these intriguing questions.


Public Masturbation Legal In Sweden

Public Masturbation Legal In Sweden

A court in Sweden has ruled that it is acceptable to masturbate in public as long as it is not directed at anyone.

The ruling came in a landmark judgement following a case brought against a man seen touching himself on a beach.

The 65-year-old man, who dropped his shorts close to the water at Drevviken beach, Stockholm, and started to masturbate, was initially charged with sexual assault.

But in a surprise ruling, the Södertörn District Court acquitted the man. While the judgement stated it 'may be proven that the man exposed himself and masturbated on this occasion', it subsequently added that no offence had been committed.

Public Masturbation Legal In Sweden
It based its finding on the fact that the man was not pleasuring himself towards a specific person, according to Sweden's English language news website, The Local.

Prosecutors held their hands up in agreement, underlining that the law calls for the act to be directed at another person to count as a crime.

Public prosecutor Olof Vrethammar told the Mitti newspaper that he wasn't planning to appeal the ruling.

He told the paper, quoted in The Local: 'For this to be a criminal offence it's required that the sexual molestation was directed towards one or more people. I think the court's judgement is reasonable.'

Public Masturbation Legal In Sweden

The decision raises questions about whether public masturbation will now be acceptable across Sweden, so long as it is not directed at another person.

Mr Vrethammar appeared to think so, 'The district court has made a judgement on this case. With that we can conclude that it is okay to masturbate on the beach. The act may be considered to be disorderly conduct' he said.

Sweden, like its Scandinavian neighbours, tends to have a more tolerant and sometimes progressive approach to social issues.

But this landmark ruling raises concerns over the extent to which people will take advantage of the freedom to masturbate with impunity in public.

Dr Liz Davies, a Reader in Child Protection at London Metropolitan University who has carried out research into Sweden's child protection system, said she thought this ruling was surprising.

'Sweden has a really robust child protection system and very rigorous investigation around sexual abuse.

'So this judgement is surprising given that such an act could be witnessed by children as well as adults' she said.

Public Masturbation Legal In Sweden

The case comes hot on the heels of a recent similar judgement, in which a 15-year-old boy was acquitted of sexual assault after he threw his underwear into a lake and stood naked in front of two underage girls.

Both girls had requested the boy be charged with molestation, but the Södertörn District Court ruled that his behaviour was not of a sexual nature so the charge was dismissed, according to The Local.

In the UK anyone who masturbates in public or exposes themself in any way faces an indecent exposure charge.


Chinese Eat Anything That Moves


While some countries in Asia such as Hong Kong, the Philippines and Taiwan have banned the practice of dog eating, evidence shows that in China, the biggest dog eating country in the world, it continues to thrive.

It is estimated that up to 10 million dogs are slaughtered every year in China, many deliberately slowly and cruelly, while all suffer the stress and pain of being farmed in concentrated numbers before being killed in a variety of ways which rarely ensure a quick and humane death. [Source]

In Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in south-eastern China, some - especially older - people consider cat flesh a good warming food during winter months. However, in northern China eating cat is considered unacceptable. It is estimated that around 4 million cats are eaten in China each year, and that the number is rising. However, overseas visitors are unlikely to come across downtown restaurants serving cat, which is only common out of town and in the city outskirts.

The cat's stomach and intestines may be eaten, as well as meat from the thighs, which are turned into meatballs served with soup, with the head and the rest of the animal then thrown away. In Guangdong, cat meat is a main ingredient in the traditional dish "dragon, tiger, phoenix" (snake, cat, chicken), which is said to fortify the body. [Source]

As with the dog meat situation, the rats and mice consumed in China are not the same rats you would find in your attic or running around in the sewers. The rodents used in traditional Chinese cuisine are a special breed and they are raised from birth to insure purity. They are used like any other meat in dishes. They are often used in main courses and soups. [Source]

There are many ways of eating snake. Their gall bladder was taken out and dipped in a small glass of transparent alcohol. The killer seller then gave it to the onlooker (usually men) who offered the highest price for it. It is believed to be good for manhood.

A visit to the Guolizhuang Restaurant in Beijing is not for the faint-hearted. Here the menu consists almost entirely of penis and testicle dishes -- made from the private parts of deer, snakes, yaks, horses, seals and ducks, among others. The platters have names like "The Essence of the Golden Buddha," "Phoenix Rising," "Jasmine Flowers with 1,000 Layers" and "Look for the Treasure in the Desert Sand." Are such flowery names meant to prevent guests from prematurely running off? After all, the "jasmine flowers" are made of layers of thinly sliced donkey penis, and the "treasure in the desert" is actually sheep gonads on a bed of curry. [Source]

Swikee Kodok Oh, frog legs in tauco soup served with rice at a Chinese ... Frog legs are one of the better-known delicacies of French and Cantonese cuisine.

The Guangzhou supermarket marks different part of the crocodile meat with different price, with the crocodile feet being the most expensive at roughly 40 USD per kilogram. Actually it is not the first time that selling crocodile meat became the news in China, especially when it is sold in Guangdong where the people are famous for “eating everything”. [Source]

Alive, they look like spiky slugs, but preserved on the supermarket shelf they better resemble charred sausages. They’re called sea cucumbers, and for a thousand years in China, eating these strange, gelatinous creatures has been an exalted symbol of wealth and prosperity. Despite their once staggering price tag — roughly $163 a piece, or the equivalent of 4,000 steamed buns, another Chinese culinary staple — government officials once reportedly ate at least one sea cucumber a day. [Source]

Fried ENEMA in China.

The Shocking True Story Behind 'The Conjuring'


Annabelle is real.

One of the creepiest parts of the truly scary The Conjuring is the evil possessed doll Annabelle, who makes up the cornerstone of Ed and Lorraine Warren's spooky museum of trophies. Director James Wan redesigned Annabelle for the movie, giving her a much more disturbing appearance, but in real life Annabelle was just your run of the mill Raggedy Ann doll.

Donna got Annabelle from her mother in 1970; mom bought the used doll at a hobby store. Donna was a college student at the time, and living with a roommate named Angie, and at first neither thought the doll was anything special. But over time they noticed Annabelle seemed to move on her own; at first it was really subtle, just changes in position, the kinds of things that could be written off as the doll being jostled. But the movement increased, and within a few weeks it seemed to become fully mobile. The girls would leave the apartment with Annabelle on Donna's bed and return home to find it on the couch.

Their friend Lou hated the doll. He thought there was something deeply wrong with it, something evil, but the girls were modern women and didn't believe that sort of thing. There must be an explanation, they reasoned. But soon Annabelle's actions got even weirder - Donna began to find pieces of parchment paper in the house with messages written on it. "Help us," they would say, or "Help Lou." Just to make the whole thing that much creepier nobody in the house had parchment paper. Where the hell was it coming from?

The escalation continued. One night Donna returned home to find Annabelle in her bed, with blood on her hands. The blood - or some sort of red liquid - seemed to be coming from the doll itself. That was enough; Donna finally agreed to bring in a medium. The sensitive sat with the doll and told the girls that long before their apartment complex had been built there had been a field on that property. A seven year old girl named Annabelle Higgins had been found dead in that field. Her spirit remained, and when the doll came into the house the girl latched on to it. She found Donna and Angie to be trustworthy. She just wanted to stay with them. She wanted to be safe with them.

Being sweet, nurturing types - they were both nursing students - Donna and Angie agreed to let Annabelle stay with them. And that's when all hell broke loose.

Lou started having bad dreams, dreams where Annabelle was in his bed, climbing up his leg as he lay frozen, sliding up his chest to his neck and closing her stuffed hands around his throat, choking him out. He would wake up terrified, head pounding like all blood had been cut off to his brain. He was freaking out. He was worried about the girls.

A few days later he and Angie were hanging out, planning a road trip, when they heard someone moving around in Donna's room. They froze - was it a break in? Was there an intruder in the apartment? Lou crept over to the door, listening to rustling within. He threw open the door and everything was as it should be - except Annabelle was off the bed and sitting in a corner. As he approached the doll Lou was consumed with that feeling, a burning on the back of the neck that indicates someone was staring at you and he spun around. Nobody was there. The room was empty. And then sudden pain on his chest. He looked in his shirt and saw a series of raking claw marks, rough ditches in his flesh that burned. He knew Annabelle had done it.

The weird claw marks began healing almost immediately. They were totally gone in two days. They were like no wounds any of them had ever seen before. They knew they needed more help, and they turned to an Episcopalian priest, who in turned called in Ed and Lorraine Warren.

It didn't take the Warrens long to come to their conclusion: there was no ghost in this case. There was an inhuman spirit - a demon - attached to the doll. But they warned that the doll wasn't possessed; demons don't possess things, only people. It was clinging to the doll, manipulating it, in order to give the impression of a haunting. The target was really Donna's soul.

A priest performed an exorcism on the apartment and the Warrens took possession of the doll. They put it in a bag and began the long drive home; Ed agreed to stay off the highways because there was a concern that the demon might fuck with the car, and at 65 miles an hour that would be disastrous. And sure enough, as they drove on the back roads, the engine kept cutting out, the power steering kept failing and even the brakes gave them trouble. Ed opened the bag, sprinkled the doll with holy water and the disturbances stopped... for the moment.

Ed left the doll next to his desk; it began levitating. That happened a couple of times and then it seemed to just quit, finally laying quiet. But in a couple of weeks Annabelle was back to her old tricks; she started appearing in different rooms in the Warren home. Sensing that the doll was ramping back up the Warrens called in a Catholic priest to exorcise Annabelle. The priest didn't take it seriously, telling Annabelle "You're just a doll. You can't hurt anyone!" Big mistake: on his way home the priest's brakes failed, and his car was totaled in a horrible accident. He survived.

Eventually the Warrens built a locked case for Annabelle, and she resides there to this day. The locked case seems to have kept the doll from moving around, but it seems like that whatever terrible entity is attached to it is still there, waiting. Biding its time. Ready for the day when it can again be free.



Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”

Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”

A sobering report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the 4 NATO F-16 fighter jets scrambled from Turkey hours ago to harass the Il-20 reconnaissance warplanes flying along Russia’s Black Sea coast on one their routine daily missions was in direct retaliation over President Putin’s abrupt canceling of his cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization over missile defense yesterday.

According to this report, and confirmed by the Voice Of Russia News Service, in another powerful and significant move for peace, Putin cancelled a presidential order which in 2011, had set up an interdepartmental working group under the authority of the Russian Presidential Administration designed to develop ways to establish cooperation with NATO in the sphere of “missile defense”.

Many experts and NATO watchers familiar with the decree, and the attempts by the Russian Federation to develop an equal partnership relationship with NATO on the basis of mutual respect and transparency, may now breathe a collective sigh of relief that Putin has finally run out of patience with the alliance.

Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”
This MOD report further states that Putin’s “move for peace” against the US led NATO alliance is meant to show the West that he will “retaliate in force” against what he calls US President Obama’s “insane” plan for global tyranny that is even now threatening to destroy America and the European Union.

Even more grimly, this report continues, was Putin’s ordering the strategic forces to carry out a large-scale surprise military drill last Wednesday launching four nuclear missiles that were closely monitored by US intelligence agencies that included the test launch of two land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

In Putin’s further “preparation for war,” this MOD report says, he also ordered this past Friday that the two Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack strategic nuclear bombers currently visiting South America to stay on indefinite patrol should they be needed to strike the United States.

Not just Putin is gravely concerned over Obama’s war moves either, this report continues, as China this past week joined Russia in overtly threatening the United States with nuclear retaliation.

In what this MOD report calls a “war move against the US,” China last week sent a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters for the very first time in history in an unprecedented move described as a provocative retaliation to the US naval presence in the East China Sea, publicly revealed a view of its mysterious fleet of nuclear submarines, and its state-run media revealed for the first time that its nuclear submarines can, and will, attack American cities as a means to counterbalance US nuclear deterrence in the Pacific.

Of the greatest concern to both Russia and China regarding Obama this report says, is the American Presidents purging of nearly 200 high ranking US military officers, the latest being US Army Col Eric Tilley commander of the largest American base in Japan who was fired by Obama yesterday.

US sources commenting on this unprecedented purging of these officers are warning that in Obama’s America, the military must forsake their constitutional oath in favor of blind allegiance to their new commander.

To the effect(s) Obama’s purge is having upon the US military was recently described by the WND News Service which reports:

“Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say President Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.

“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND.

“They are purging everyone, and if you want to keep your job, just keep your mouth shut,” one source told WND.”

Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”

Even more troubling about Obama, this MOD report warns, is that he now appears to be “descending into madness” as new evidence has emerged that he has ordered US military doctors to design innovative new methods of torture to be used against his enemies, and was quoted as gleefully exclaiming to his top aides, “I’m really good at killing people”.

As to how good at “killing people” Obama has become we noted in our 21 October report titled Evidence That 5 Million Americans Have Been “Disappeared” By Obama Shocks Russia and wherein it was noted how the current US regime is actively planning on eliminating at least 25 million of their dissident citizens.

As to why the vast majority of the American people still adhere to a policy of blind obedience to a leader descending into madness, and in turn threatening to destroy their nation, the Guardian News Service warns is due to the Obama regimes unprecedented attack on press freedoms and the news gathering process in the US which the Associated Press says relie s on staged propaganda photos and the Obama regime conducting secret meetings with journalists, “psych-background” sessions, in which reporters were not allowed to record, take notes, or directly attribute remarks.

Putin Ends NATO Missile Pact, Warns Military To “Prepare For War”

And in, perhaps, the Obama regimes cruelest move against its own people, indeed the whole world, this past week the Democrat Party controlled US Senate actually passed a bill that codifies and expands NSA spying powers even as the shock of what they have done still reverberates around the globe.

So today, and as our world falls ever closer towards all-out war, one of the few voices of honesty and reason left belongs to the NSA and former CIA spy Edward Snowden who yesterday from his home in Russian exile from the brutal and despotic Obama regime told his fellow Americans… “Citizens have to fight suppression of information on matters of vital public importance. To tell the truth is not a crime.

Sadly, Snowden’s fellow Americans will not hear these words, nor know the grave danger they are in because of the Obama regime, because they are either too blind to see, or too deaf to hear…or more than likely, both.


Body Buried In Grave Suddenly Comes Alive Waving Its Arms Around

Body Buried In Grave Suddenly Comes Alive Waving Its Arms Around

A GRIEVING mourner was left horrified after a hand suddenly surged out of a nearby grave and started moving.

The woman was visiting a family tomb in Brazil when she suddenly heard noises and noticed the soil moving around the plot.

To her horror, arms began waving about and she called emergency services to come and help the man who was buried alive at a cemetery in the suburb of Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Sao Paulo.

In the clip posted on Youtube workers are seen removing dirt from around the man's body and begin to slowly lift him out.

Man pulled alive from grave


The man, whose face was partially uncovered, had the bottom half of his body completely buried in dirt.

"I was terrified to see a man, who I thought was dead, trying to get out of the grave," the unidentified woman told MailOnline.

"He had his head and hands out and was moving his arms around, trying to get out."

In footage shown by Brazil's Record TV, the man appears almost lifeless but an emergency worker discovers he is breathing.

The as yet unidentified man was taken hospital in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, but his condition remains unknown.

The director of the cemetery confirmed that he had been buried alive, and police are investigating if it was a mistake or he was a victim of crime.

Body Buried In Grave Suddenly Comes Alive Waving Its Arms Around

Body Buried In Grave Suddenly Comes Alive Waving Its Arms Around

Source: Newscom Australia

The Russian Sleep Experiment [VIDEO]

The Russian Sleep Experiment

Depiction of the tragic events outlining initial and last runs of The Russian Sleep Experiment and the supposed use of the neurotoxic Nikolayev gas.

The following depicted events have been acutely documented by the remaining members of the original study (Researchers). Who fled the grasp of the NKVD (KGB) in the 1940-1950s. The accuracy can be argued but the depiction displayed below ↓ is based off on the journal entries and stow aways from the original experiment.

Nikolayev Gas: The original purpose of this gas was deemed to have soldiers stay awake on a battlefield for extended periods of time throughout war. This would allow the government to either use less soldiers or allow for that number of soldiers to become a greater force.

The gas was found to be named after Felix Nikolayev: A esteemed soldier with limited descriptions rendered from the remaining journal entries of the experiment.

Today there is evidence found that more refined versions of the Nikolayev gas is used today as a hypnotic catalyst and as a truth serum.

Below is whats considered The Original Predecessor of “Nikolayev” AKA. The Russian Sleep Experiment

The Russian Sleep Experiment

The Russian Sleep Experiment

Soviet researchers from the late 1940s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas structured stimulant. This was in term called “The Russian Sleep Experiment” They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully observe their oxygen intake so the Nikolayev gas didn’t kill them, since it was toxic in large concentrations. This has been before the existence of closed circuit cameras therefore they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the holding chamber to monitor and keep track of them. The holding chamber was stocked with various publications, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and adequate dried food to last all five for upwards of a month.

These test subjects were political prisoners deemed as enemies of the soviet state during The second world war.

Protected Entrance to The Experimentation Chambers ↓

The First Five Days

Everything was running smoothly with the sleep experiment; the subjects hardly complained having been promised (falsely) that they would be freed if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for experimented days. Their interactions and routines were monitored and it was noted that they continued to discuss increasingly traumatic incidents they’ve experienced in their past, and the overall tone in their conversations took on a darker aspect following the 4 day mark.

After five days they started to protest concerning their circumstances and events contributing to where they were being held and all commenced to show signs of intense paranoia. They ceased conversing withone another and began instead to whispering to the the microphones and their one way mirrored portholes. Oddly all of them appeared to think they could win the trust of the experimenters by snitching over , the other subjects in captivity with them. At first the researchers suspected that this was indeed as result of the experimental gas itself…

The Ninth Day

The first of them started off screaming. He ran along the chamber consistently screaming at the top of his lungs for Three hours without pause, he continued attempting to scream but was only capable of producing infrequent squeaks. The researchers postulated that he had physically tattered his vocal cords. Probably the most surprising thing about this behavior is how the other captives reacted to it… or rather didn’t react to it whatsoever. They carried on whispering to the microphones up until thesecond of the captives started to screaming. The 2 non-screaming captives took the books apart, smeared page after page with their own feces and pasted them calmly over the glass portholes. The screaming promptly ceased. So did the whispering to the microphones. The Porthole windows have became un-viewable.
The Russian Sleep Experiment

The Twelfth Day

The researchers checked the microphones hourly to make certain they were working, since they thought it was not possible that no sound could be coming with 5 people on the inside. The oxygen intake in the holding chamber indicated that all 5 must still be alive. The fact is, it had been the volume of oxygen 5 people would consume at a very heavy amount of strenuous exercise. On the early morning of the 14th day the study did something they said to the prisoners that they would not do. In order to obtain some sort of reaction from the captives, they used the intercom inside the chamber, aiming to trigger any kind reply from the captives that they were afraid were either dead or vegetables. They declared: “We are opening up the chamber to test the microphones step away from the door and lie flat on the ground or else you will be shot. Consent will earn one of you your immediate freedom.” To their surprise they heard but a single phrase in a very quiet voice response: “We no longer want to be freed.”Debate broke out among the research workers and the military forces funding the study. Not able to provoke any more replies via intercom The Researchers had finally decided to open the chamber at midnight on the fifteenth day.

Fifteenth Day | Midnight

The chamber was purged from the Nikolayev gas and filled with fresh air and instantly voices from the microphones had begun to object. 3 different voices began pleading, as though they were begging for the life of loved ones to turn the gas back on. The chamber was opened and soviet soldiers sent in to retrieve the test subjects. They started screaming louder than ever before, and thus did the soldiers when they had the chance to see what was on the inside.


Ghostly Image Appears To Damage Police Vehicle [VIDEO]

Ghostly Image Appears To Damage Police Vehicle

When a Hartford, Connecticut police officer’s personal car was damaged while parked in the department’s lot, investigators turned to security video of the area. Hartford Police Department Lieutenant Brian Foley spoke to WVIT NBC News, "At the end of his shift, went off to his car and found a damaged, his rear view mirror had been damaged and it was lying right there next to the vehicle." The footage showed a very unusual “ghostly” image passing around the car then ripping off the driver side view mirror. The mirror is then thrown to the ground far away from the car and makes its way mysteriously back, landing right next to the vehicle.

Ghostly Image Appears To Damage Police Vehicle

The original assumption that the damage was caused by vandals was refuted by the video, but what explained the apparent paranormal display? Lt. Foley said, "Some of the officers said they think the parking lot's haunted." But as NBC Connecticut’s own meteorologist Brad Field explained, there’s a more scientific reason for the car’s curious damage. The atmospheric science expert was at first baffled by the video, but then realized that conditions that day in the parking lot were ideal for a dust devil, a tornado-like whirlwind, to form. Brad Field said, "The only way you can see the dust devil is that it picks up dust and debris into it.” The vertical columns of air tend to form over asphalt during dry, sunny, fair weather and can vary in diameter from 3 meters to greater than 30 meters.

No other cars were damaged in the parking lot and the Hartford PD was able to close the case on the mysterious “vandal.”



Real Ghost Caught on Tape in Stonehenge [VIDEO]

Real Ghost Caught on Tape in Stonehenge

New ghost footage of the little boy ghost that has been roaming around the ancient site of Stonehenge. This clip was taken by one of the camera crew men but was not spotted until the clips were being reviewed for editing. There is no question now that the little boy spirit comes out to play in the day light.

Real Ghost Caught on Tape in Stonehenge


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