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Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead

Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead

A grim report issued by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) today is warning that the Obama regime dictatorship has grown “beyond all logical scope and moral reason” after a US Federal Court ruling once again allowed the White House to legally indefinitely detain persons that fit in the category of enemy combatants or merely provide them with support.

The crucial problem facing individuals fitting into this category, MOJ experts say, is that since 2009 the Obama regime has refused to define who an enemy combatant actually is, or to give a definition for terrorism.

Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead

Even worse, this report says, is that the Obama regime has continued to refuse to explain its legal right for the killing of American citizens and has fought, and won, in US Courts to keep this information from the public. Nasser al-Awlaki, the US educated founder of Ibb University and former president of Sana University, and who served as Yemen’s minister of agriculture and fisheries from 1988 to 1990, in a New York Times editorial lamenting the Obama regimes killing of his American citizen son and grandson in separate drone attacks stated

Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead
 Nasser al-Awlaki, the US educated founder of Ibb University and former president of Sana University, and who served as Yemen’s minister of agriculture and fisheries from 1988 to 1990, in a New York Times editorial lamenting the Obama regimes killing of his American citizen son and grandson in separate drone attacks stated:

“My grandson was killed by his own government.

The US government repeatedly made accusations of terrorism against my son Anwar — who was also an American citizen — but never charged him with a crime. No court ever reviewed the government’s claims nor was any evidence of criminal wrongdoing ever presented to a court. He did not deserve to be deprived of his constitutional rights as an American citizen and killed.”

Likewise, and as reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) last month, the Obama regime openly assassinated award winning American journalist Michael Hastings by a drone strike in the middle of Los Angeles as he was fleeing for his life.

Further to note about Hastings assassination, this report continues, is that Obama regime ordered his remains to be cremated without the permission of his family, have placed a “gag order” against any police or fire officers from talking about this case, and just yesterday enacted a revenge publicity smear campaign against Hastings former employer Rolling Stone Magazine.

Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead

And in a move unprecedented in human history, this MOJ report says, the Obama regime earlier this month, in effect, turned nearly 22 million (2012 est.) US government employees and contractors into spies against their own fellow citizens, and as we can read, in part, as reported by the highly respected McClatchy News Service:

“In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents.

The techniques are a key pillar of the Insider Threat Program, an unprecedented government-wide crackdown under which millions of federal bureaucrats and contractors must watch out for “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Those who fail to report them could face penalties, including criminal charges.”

For the leader of a supposed democratic government to assume, and use, dictatorial powers such as the Obama regime has done, this report says, coincides with news reports after his last (2012) election wherein he asked his aides how he could govern without the US Congress.

Obama Dictatorship Grows As Carter Declares Democracy Dead

Not just to domestic rule has Obama ruled dictatorially either, this report continues, as he has now turned the US State Department into his own personal cash machine, and as we can read, in part, as reported by The Guardian News Service:

“Barack Obama has rewarded some of his most active campaign donors with plum jobs in foreign embassies, with the average amount raised by recent or imminent appointees soaring to $1.8m per post, according to a Guardian analysis.

The practice is hardly a new feature of US politics, but career diplomats in Washington are increasingly alarmed at how it has grown. One former ambassador described it as the selling of public office.

On Tuesday, Obama’s chief money-raiser Matthew Barzun became the latest major donor to be nominated as an ambassador, when the White House put him forward as the next representative to the Court of St James’s, a sought-after posting whose plush residence comes with a garden second only in size to that of Buckingham Palace. As campaign finance chairman, Barzun helped raise $700m to fund President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.”

To how far America has fallen into tyrannical rule was evidenced this past week by Former US President Jimmy Carter, who during an interview with Der Spiegel stated, “America has no functioning democracy.

To the only American citizen of note who has sacrificed his life (and is still alive) for his fellow citizens, Edward Snowden spoke this past week from an exile imposed upon him by the Obama regime (and trumpeted by America’s propaganda mainstream press) and cited a principle from the Nuremberg trials in defending his actions letting the world know how monstrous the United States has become, “Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore, individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring.


Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

 Cassandra Anderson

Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming. There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chem trails.

A Geo-engineering/ chem trails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith. Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates. Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.

Geo-engineering is touted as a last-ditch effort to save people and the planet from global warming. But the truth is that Geo-engineering can alter rain cycles leading to droughts and famine that could result in billions of deaths!

Therefore, Bill Gates appears to be using his concern over global warming to cloak his real intent of controlling weather and/or depopulation.

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

Mount Pinatubo Model for Geo-Engineering Drought, Famine & Death

The Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines erupted in 1991, spewing 22 million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. A 2008 study from Rutgers University based a model on Mount Pinatubo sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and applied it to Geo engineering; the scientists said that they expected overall global cooling, but some regions would experience an increase in greenhouse gases and warming, as was recorded after Pinatubo erupted.

Based on the SO2 volcanic model, the scientists reported that Geo engineering aerosols sprayed in tropical or Arctic regions are likely to disrupt African and Asian/Indian summer monsoons, threatening the food and water supply for billions of people!

Additional negative consequences include ozone depletion, reduced strength of hydrological cycles resulting in decreased river flow and soil moisture.

While the scientists, led by Alan Robock, who performed the experiments appear to believe in man-made global warming, they do have stern warnings against the dangers of Geo-engineering.

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

2012 Geo-Engineering Study

The Max Planck Institute conducted a study of Geo engineering models based on volcanoes, but the study was unrealistic because it used climate models with 400% more carbon dioxide than the pre-industrial era. However, their results showed that Geo engineering will cause a strong decrease in rainfall (a 15% loss in North America and Eurasia and a 20% decrease in South America). Overall, global rainfall would be reduced by 5%.

Unless one considers the financial benefits (government and private grants), it is bewildering why the academia would support Geo-engineering.http://www.egu.eu/home/geoengineering-could-disrupt-rainfall-patterns.html

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People

Geo-Engineering Can Cause Warming

Geo-engineering can actually cause global warming when tampering with clouds in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. The Gates-funded scientist lobbyists propose spraying sulfur dioxide 30 miles above Earth and the New Mexico experiment proposes spraying 15 miles above surface- both of these fall within the parameters of the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.

The troposphere is the lowest portion of the Earth's atmosphere, extending an average of 4 to 12 miles above surface. Clouds that are in the lower troposphere are generally thick white clouds with a high rate of albedo or reflectivity of the sun's rays away from Earth that produce a cooling effect. However, the experiments are to be conducted above this level in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.

The upper atmosphere is called the stratosphere and extends as high as 31 miles above the Earth's surface. The clouds in the higher stratosphere are generally thin, have a lower albedo reflective rate and act like a blanket that traps heat.

Both experiments propose dumping SO2 in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere, creating a heat-trapping blanket that would theoretically increase warming. This is the opposite of Gates' stated goal to cool the planet.(Note: most long-distance planes fly at 6 miles above surface, in the lower atmosphere/troposphere)

What About the EPA? 

Given that the EPA claims that sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions cause health problems and early death and that they are shuttering coal plants over emissions, you may be wondering why the EPA isn't screaming bloody murder over Gates' SO2 aerosol-spraying experiments.The answer can be found on the EPA's own website where they promote giving regulatory power over Geo-engineering/chem trails to the UN and/or developed countries that fund the programs. The EPA is abdicating power to international interests.Bill Gates' failure to address the EPA's dire warnings of the dangers of SO2 is proof that he is aware that the EPA's claims are grossly overstated or that he doesn't really care about the environment and has ulterior motives.Global Warming and UN ControlGlobal warming is a ruse that claims that life on planet Earth is in grave danger- this alarmism is used for political gain. Global warming is a hoax based on manipulated science from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The UN currently is assuming control over Geo engineering through its Convention on Biological Diversity treaty that declared a moratorium on experiments, except in some cases.Conclusion

Geo-engineering is either a risky adventure to test ignorant theories or a scheme to control weather, water and food supplies.

Bill Gates' record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that Geo engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people.

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music Mythology

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music Mythology

Backstage antics (such as Led Zeppelin’s notorious groupie experiments) are ripe for salacious gossip because of the lack of witnesses, free-flowing drugs and alcohol and frequently unreliable memories of those who were a part of that world. Rock’s loud, lewd and dangerous reputation ensured that these stories would spread like wildfire. Teenage fans naturally wanted to believe every scandalous detail of their antiheroes’ exploits. Worried parents were similarly willing to believe everything they heard as further evidence that these new stars were sick-minded individuals desperate to corrupt the youth of the day.

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music Mythology
The concert stage saw the inception of many rock and roll myths. Some, such as Alice Cooper’s purported voodoo-style ‘killing a chicken and drinking it’s blood’ have been revealed by grainy video footage to be wild exaggerations. In reality, a fan (for reasons known only to himself) had decided to bring a chicken along and throw it toward the stage. Detroit City-boy Alice (who has since confirmed this version of events), not knowing any better simply threw it back, wrongfully assuming it would fly to safety. Of course, neither Alice nor his legendarily crafty manager Shep Gordon chose to deny these rumours at the time. After all, why let the truth get in the way of a good story – particularly one that would ensure many sold-out shows to come?

Perhaps an even more infamous on-stage occurrence from around the same time was The Doors March 1st, 1969 concert in Miami. An audio bootleg confirms this much: an inebriated Jim Morrison frequently refused to sing during the show, instead delivering rambling, semi-coherent and often confrontational monologues to the baffled crowd. This allegedly culminated in his exposing himself to the audience, and Morrison (already known to all as the leather-pants wearing, sex symbol, self-professed ‘Lizard King’) was later arrested for lewd and lascivious conduct. The truth of the matter, however, has never been revealed with audience members – and even The Doors themselves – variously affirming or denying that they ‘saw it’. With several thousand attendees and no video or photographic evidence, it’s little wonder that there are conflicting reports. Of course in 2013, half of the ticket-holders at any given concert seem to be watching through their iPhone or camera, and it’s commonplace for entire concerts to be on YouTube before the night is over. The concert, for better or worse, is no longer an experience solely shared between the artists and those in attendance.

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music Mythology

Arguably there is one form of music even more closely associated with myths and mysticism – rock’s spiritual godfather, the Blues. The Delta Blues musicians of the 1930s and 40s are some of the most important yet elusive figures in the history of our popular culture. Whether you’ve ever sat and listened to Robert Johnson’s body of work, the chances are you’ve experienced his legacy in the form of his massive influence on Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and countless others.

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music MythologyDespite his titanic influence on the music that would follow, Robert Johnson only ever recorded around two albums worth of material (collected on the indispensable 2-disc compilation ‘The Complete Robert Johnson’). He died at the age of 27 (making him perhaps the first member of the ’27 Club’, alongside Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse and many others – another often quoted bit of music lore), and only three photographs of him are known to exist. The cause of his death and the location of his grave both remain unknown and details of his life are sketchy at best – small fragments of memories from other musicians who played alongside him as he continued to play and roam the country. It’s little wonder then that Robert Johnson should find himself at the centre of what is probably the most notorious myth in all of music.

Legend has it that while living on a Mississippi plantation, the young and impoverished Robert found his one true longing: to be a master of the Blues. Unfortunately he was then a mediocre musician at best and played his guitar and sang his songs for anyone who would listen, failing to make much of an impression or a name for himself. A shadowy figure, hearing his plight instructed him to go, guitar in hand to the Dockery Plantation Crossroads at midnight on a moonless night. Following these instructions Johnson was met at the crossroads by the Devil in the form of a large black man, who tuned his guitar and played his own haunting music. When he returned the guitar to Robert, he found he had full mastery of the instrument – the Devil having staked a claim to his soul in exchange for this gift, a bargain that would be collected upon at a later time.

The sources of this well-worn tale are hard to pin down, though it is generally agreed upon that the story was formed following an exponential growth in Robert’s talent and musicianship following a brief period away from his hometown. Staggered by his sudden and apparently inexplicable progression, locals began to claim that he ‘must have sold his soul to the devi’. Of course ‘deals with the Devil’ are commonplace in folklore and superstition, and it’s possible that Robert Johnson was already considered to be a damned soul with a tendency toward the macabre by locals. Firstly, it was often still considered sacreligious at the time for a young black man to choose secular music over gospel – particularly the sinful Blues with it’s often sexual, gritty and dark themes. Secondly it is known that Johnson and his friends frequently practiced guitar in graveyards late at night, presumably because it was quiet and they knew they were unlikely to be bothered by people.

The Devil, The Crossroads and Music Mythology

The mysterious circumstances of Robert’s death play neatly into the beliefs of those willing to support the crossroads myth. It is believed, and was reported by fellow Blues legend Sonny Boy Williamson, that he was poisoned by the jealous husband of a woman with whom he had flirted at a dance in the town of Greenswood, Mississippi. Seeing this, the husband added strychnine to a bottle of whiskey which he then ensured ended up in the hands of Johnson, who died a slow and agonizing death over the course of 3 days. This version of events is disputed by many, however, who claim that strychnine has such a strong taste and odour that Johnson would surely have noticed that something was amiss. If strychnine poison was indeed the cause of death, it would also typically take effect and kill the victim in a much shorter span than the 3 days reported. Confronted with these muddled facts and conflicting tales, it’s easy to see why many at the time simply believed that the Devil had come to collect on his part of the deal.

Much like the disputed sites of Johnson’s burial, there are three separate locations that claim to be the exact crossroads where his pact was made. Two of these have become popular tourist locations.
Facts and reliable evidence may well be the enemies of myth and legend. While scholars and musicologists continue to hunt out the truth of his life and death, ambiguity and mystery ensures that 75 years on Robert Johnson’s music and his legend continue to spread.


22+ Children Die After Eating Insecticide GMO Tainted Free Meals In India

 22+ Children Die After Eating Insecticide GMO Tainted Free Meals

 By Cassius Methyl

The headmistress of this Indian school has fled, as people burn vehicles and bushes, looking for my possible way to put the corrupt Indian government on notice. 22+ children are dead, and many more are ill, because of organophosphorus poisoning, possibly from GMO foods genetically modified to withstand large amounts of poison.

If this were the case, normally food would be prepared with only an amount of these poisons that would cause problems LATER in life, but this time, if this is the reason why the poison was present, the vegetables must have not been prepared correctly. The situation in India, caused by companies like Monsanto and Sygenta for manufacturing these poisons and destroying natural agricultural methods, are causing Indian farmers to commit suicide in large numbers, like never seen before.

 22+ Children Die After Eating Insecticide GMO Tainted Free Meals

However, the mainstream media wouldn’t dare mention this important aspect to this incident, as they are directly tied to the White House and those corporations themselves. This should be an outrage to Americans, as companies who are more than likely responsible for these poisons reaching these children, genetically modify OUR food.

 22+ Children Die After Eating Insecticide GMO Tainted Free Meals

This should touch the emotions of people who were effected by events like sandy hook, or the Boston bombing, or the aurora Colorado shooting, as it is much worse. If you do not feel for these children, and if you felt for the victims of these incidents in the US, I am afraid you are disconnected from reality.

If you cared about the Trayvon Martin case and not this, I’m sorry to say, you have been emotionally manipulated by the media, and you are not connected to the horrible reality of what corporations do to other human beings on this planet. Rest in peace, all those who die at the hands of corporatism, and government control and tyranny. And if you can’t feel for these dead children, but you felt for other dead children, you have some serious psychological work to do to connect yourself with reality.


John Lennon’s Pact with Satan

 John Lennon’s Pact with Satan

A book by Joseph Niezgoda - The Lennon Prophecy, A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles - makes a good case for John Lennon making a pact with Satan in exchange for fame and fortune. The author is a first generation Beatle fan, has read every book out on the rock group, and admits conflict with his love of the music and the evil that he perceives surrounds it. His book – a 15-year project - was an effort, he said, to try to define or make sense of that evil.

 John Lennon’s Pact with SatanIn fact, this is the book I was always planning to write about the Beatles. Since I threw out my Beatles albums along with the rest of my rock music many years ago, I’ve been gathering facts about the clues and signs of a Satanic link, evidence of camaraderie with occultists and their dabbling with the occult. Believe me, plenty exists.

There is nothing new in the facts Niezgoda presents – they were all out there. He just brings “the clues” – as he calls them – together to make a convincing case of Lennon’s pact with Satan. I believe it’s a valid thesis, although I would go further and say the other Beatles’ also signed the contract. Throughout the book, he certainly implicates the whole group as linked to the occult.

Niezgoda starts his book with the well-known remark Lennon made to his friend Tony Sheridan in the mid-1960s: “I’ve sold my soul to the Devil.” In the next chapters he goes on to show how this nobody group of British miscreants rose to fame: It is explained by a pact John Lennon made with the Devil for fame and fortune. 

The pact

When was the pact made? Niezgoda pinpoints the date - December 27, 1960, the night the Beatles played at the Town Hall Ball Room in Litherland, England. Lennon was a 20-year old wanna-be rock star in a mediocre band not so different from so many others at the time. He was desperate to “be more famous than Elvis.” Desperate enough to sell his soul to the Devil, Niezgoda contends.

During that performance, Niezgoda reports, “the Beatles evoked a response noticeably different from anything in their past.” As they played, the crowd unexpectedly surged onto the stage and the girls started to scream. It had never happened before, but it would always happen afterward. It was the birth of Beatlemania. All four have noted this night as the turning point in their careers.

 John Lennon’s Pact with Satan
Even though I have no specific study on the topic to object to this date, I believe it more likely that the pact was made some days before that date. This would give the Devil time to prepare the fans for that exaggerated reaction on December 27.

Niezgoda also says that this gig marks the beginning of Lennon's avowedly anti-Christian behavior. From biographies of Lennon, he presents many profane acts Lennon carried out publicly with no apparent purpose but to blaspheme Christ.

Twenty years later on December 9, 1980, Mark David Chapman fired five shots from a revolver at Lennon in front of the Dakota building in New York, where Yoko and John had an apartment – on the same floor, by the way, where Rosemary’s Baby was filmed. Lennon died shortly afterward.
If John had entered into a 20-year pact with the Devil for wealth and world fame, that contract ended that day with his violent death. Mark Chapman would later claim he was instructed to kill Lennon by a voice in his head that kept insisting “Do it, do it, do it.” Five years later at Attica State Prison, Chapman asked for an exorcism to be made by a priest. He said he was delivered from five or six demons.

 John Lennon’s Pact with Satan

The clues

Much of the book is an examination of “the clues” left by the Beatles themselves on album covers and in the music – clues that point to ties with the occult and the theory that Lennon knew the time and place of his death. To demonstrate his thesis, he follows a well-documented trail of sorcery, mysticism, numerology, backwards masking, and anagrams.

He claims that clues foretelling the death of Lennon are revealed in album covers such as Rubber Soul, Yesterday and Today, A Collection of Beatles Oldies, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Yellow Submarine, Magical Mystery Tour, Abbey Road as well as Lennon solo albums Imagine and Walls and Bridges. In my opinion, you have to stretch a bit some of these clues to arrive at his thesis. But putting them all together, one finds the evidence compelling and even a bit frightening.

For example, the album cover ofThe Beatles Yesterday and Today, released in 1966, may say nothing about Lennon’s death, but it literally shouts that the so-called Fab Four were involved in Satanism. Called the “butcher cover”, in it the Beatles pose in butcher smocks with raw meat, eyeballs and decapitated babies draped over their laps and shoulder.

This horrendous picture clearly refers to the kind of infanticide that takes place in Satanic rituals and Devil worships, Niezgoda affirms. It is the only credible way I see to explain the message of the picture – it’s surely not just avant-garde art. Take a look yourself and see if you would say it’s just merry pranksters making a joke, as some Beatles’ fans pretend.

The author also finds many “clues” in lyrics that also reveal the mysterious prediction of Lennon’s death and connections to the Devil. It’s not so ludicrous as you might think. Songs often came to Lennon in dreams – and usually became major hits. It’s why he always kept a pad of paper and pencil nearby.

In one of Lennon’s last songs, Help me to help myself, he could well have been revealing he realized that his time was running out. The song begin: “Well, I tried so hard to stay alive, But the angel of destruction keeps on hounding me all around. But I know in my heart that we never really parted, oh no.” In the final moments of the song, Lennon can be heard talking in a faint voice saying, “I see. I see. That’s how you’re going to do it. Hun, OK.”

As Niezgoda insists, there is nothing in this book that is not already in the public domain. All he did was connect the dots, and the resulting picture reveals occult links and the strong possibility that the Beatles had preternatural help in their rise to fame.

Would I suggest reading the book?

No, for Catholics who already realize rock music is bad. It isn’t worth the time.

But yes, for Catholics who still listen to and love their Beatles’ music. If they can become convinced of the source of the group’s fame, they may finally become frightened enough to throw away their Beatles’ music.


Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite

Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite

A group of satanists say they’ve given the controversial Westboro Baptist Church a taste of its own medicine, performing a same-sex ritual at the grave of the mother of the church’s founder.

Members of the Satanist Temple performed on Sunday what its spokesman describes as a “pink mass” an admittedly made-up ritual, celebrating gay love, at the grave in Meridian, Miss.

Spokesman Lucien Greaves doffed a headdress made of horns as two male couples, and a female couple recited scripture, lit candles and made out over the grave.

Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro GravesiteMembers then posthumously declared Catherine Johnston, the mother of Westboro’s founder Fred Phelps, a lesbian.

The ritual was designed to get a rise of the WBC, the satanists said, an organization that’s earned a national reputation for getting a rise out of others.

Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, a fundamentalist congregation infamous for picketing at the funerals of celebrities, victims of disaster and terrorism, and U.S. soldiers killed in combat.

The church, located in Topeka, Kan., believes that the whole of the United States is in a state of sin because of gays. Members often protest at funerals carrying signs that read “God hates fags.”

The idea to stage a counter-protest by the New York based Satanist Temple after WBC members threatened to picket at funerals for those killed in the Boston Marathon bombings, Greaves told ABCNews.com.

The ritual took place at Magnolia Cemetery near a busy road, but Greaves said no one bothered the group of Satanists.

Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite

“Our right to believe that Fred Phelps now must believe that his mother is gay is inviolable,” said Greaves. “No one can question our beliefs,” he said, mocking a Westboro talking point that was recently at the heart of Supreme Court case, which the church won.

A spokesman for Westboro, which has never shirked from publicity, told ABC that the “pink mass” only gave the church another moment to preach against gay people.

“I don’t care whether you’re dancing on a grave, in a hot air balloon, or standing on Mt. Kiliminjaro, homosexuality is a sin. And the punishment fixed for that sin is the death penalty,” said Westboro spokesman Steve Drain.


Man's New Penis Made Out Of His Arm

Man's New Penis Made Out Of His Arm

THE BRIT who had pioneering surgery to rebuild his wrecked manhood said last night that he finally “feels like man”.

Married 40-year-old virgin Mohammed Abad had his penis ripped off in a horror car crash when he was six.

Now he is looking forward to having sex for the very first time, thanks to his rebuilt 6in appendage — made of fat taken from his left arm.

Security guard Mo may even be able to fulfil his dream of becoming a dad.

At the same time as he loses his virginity, he will also be consummating his two-year marriage.

Incredibly, his patient young wife only discovered Mo was lacking downstairs when he broke down and confessed three days AFTER their arranged union.

Mo says: “I always felt there was something missing in my life.

“I wanted to be normal like everybody else. Everybody has sex, why not me?

“Now I can lead a normal life. My wife is delighted with how it has turned out.

“I stand naked looking in the mirror now. It’s a good size, too.

“I couldn’t be happier with it. I finally feel more like a man.”

Mo and his wife may have to wait a while longer before they start planning a family, though.

He is due to have the last of three operations in September. It will connect the nerve endings and urethra in his new willy. Then he should at long last get an erection.

Mo says his wife, who he asked us not to name, has always been “100 per cent” behind him.

She was with him on the trip to University College London late last year where he had his remarkable 12-hour operation to build a new penis, formed “like a Swiss roll”.

Talking of his shock revelation after they had tied the knot, Mo admits: “She was a bit hurt and asked why I hadn’t told her.

“But I have never told anyone before. She was the first person I ever trusted.

“I only felt strong enough to tell her because I knew I could have the operation, I knew I’d be normal soon.

“We haven’t consummated the marriage yet and I really can’t wait.

Man's New Penis Made Out Of His Arm

“I want to take her away somewhere nice. I’d like our first time to be special.

“I’ve always dreamed of having two children, now this could become true.”

Born in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, Mo was savagely injured after being pushed on to the road during a snowball fight with his school pals.

He fell under a moving car and was dragged under its wheels for 600ft.

His penis and left testicle were shredded and his right testicle was forced up inside his body. Young Mo also suffered massive blood loss and doctors gave him 12 hours to live.

Defying the odds he pulled through and, within months, could walk again.

Days after the accident surgeons used skin from his leg to make a three-inch penis so he could go to the loo. In Mo’s own words it was just “a tube to pee out of”.

It was ground-breaking surgery at the time, but the penis never grew and was numb to the touch.

He has never been able to go to the toilet standing up — and still can’t until he has his final operation.

He spent much of his early childhood in and out of hospital and had more than 100 operations on his wrecked member.

Two years after his accident his family relocated to Edinburgh, where Mo still lives.

Although he never confided in anyone, Mo was whispered about as “the guy with no dick”.

In his teens he became a loner, shunned girls and found it difficult to make lasting friends.

But by his early thirties Mo knew things had to change.

Desperate for help, he asked experts if there was anything they could do.

Man's New Penis Made Out Of His Arm

His prayers were answered when, five years ago, a letter arrived out of the blue offering him the chance to become the first man in Britain to have this specific type of penis reconstruction surgery.

There then followed a long, agonising wait while NHS funding was secured to pay for his treatment 400 miles away in London.

One operation, booked last spring, was cancelled at the last minute after tests revealed his sugar levels were too high.

Then, last November, Mo had the pioneering surgery.

Two 6in skin grafts were cut from his left arm.

Consultant uroandrologists Mr Nim Christopher and Mr David Ralph rolled the skin into a tube which they then attached in place.

Skin from his old member was moulded to form a scrotum for his one surviving testicle, which is still producing semen.

Experts believe that, in time, Mo will father children.

In April he has his new member properly shaped. He will finally be able to have full sex after his last op in September.

Both these ops, like the first, will be featured on the Channel 4 medical show Embarrassing Bodies.

Mo says: “People thought I was a weirdo. Growing up I heard people whisper as I walked by, ‘that’s the guy with no dick’.

“I dealt with it by just keeping myself to myself. It was difficult. People didn’t want to be my friend and I kept away from girls.

“People thought there was something wrong with me. But I never felt weird.

“I always dreamt of getting married and having a normal sex life — and now I finally can.”

Man's New Penis Made Out Of His Arm


Russia Has Plans To Bomb Qatar And Saudi Arabia

Russia Has Plans To Bomb Qatar And Saudi Arabia

A senior source in the Russian Air Force told to Moscow website Telegrafist that Russia had plans to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

He claims that the combat mission can be done by a unit of Su-27s, as well as by modern bombers Su-34s with extra fuel tanks, accompanied by the Su-27s.

"Today, the situation is such that even in case if the Su-34s do not have enough fuel to get out of Iran's airspace on return flight, they will be able to land right there", he said - "a combat radius of the Su-27s allows fly to the capital of Qatar and Saudi Arabia and return, the Su-34s do not have such radius".

Russia Has Plans To Bomb Qatar And Saudi Arabia

On the question when and why these plans developed, the Russian Air Force officer replied:

"Saudi Arabia is a key US ally in the region, not Israel, as many suggest, namely the regime of King Abdullah who is willing to get involved where you want to please his masters, so of course the Soviet Union (They mean Russia) was preparing plans for the destruction of this regime because without it - Saudi Arabia will no longer be an integral state and Washington will get hordes of barbarians who destroy their bases by using the same US military hardware".

The Russians also claimed they needed no more than 24 hours for the entire operation to destroy the ruling circles of the two monarchies from the air.

For unfamiliar users: It is related to the recent changes of the Syrian issue. KSA is now in charge of Syria


The Pagan Origin of Christianity

The Pagan Origin of Christianity

Bill Donahue irrefutably lays out the origins of Christianity, which includes the surprising story behind why all churches have steeples.

Because Christianity is one of the newest religions, they took something from every previous religion.

The birth of Jesus Christ was copied word for word from the birth of Hari Krishna, where the virgin mother gave birth to him on December 25th (the winter solstice). This religion predates Christianity by thousands of years before Jesus was allegedly born.

The Pagan Origin of ChristianityThe origins of Christianity can be found in ancient Egypt where there was a great contrast between the people who had money (the priests and politicians) and those who didn’t. They had a longing for blessed immortality beyond the grave so they invented an afterlife where the entrance into the afterlife was based on how well a person practiced their religion, not how good they were.

Jesus taught the single eye meditation, which is the one thing that Christians say is evil.

Long before Christianity, people tried to find salvation in the Kingdom of Osiris. Before Osiris, was Ra, who was born from an egg, which is part of the Easter myth.

The Pagan Origin of Christianity
In Christianity, one of the holiest days is Easter, which comes from the Babylonian Goddess of Fertility, Ishtar, who is also known as the Goddess of Sex. Tammuz, Ishtar’s husband, died and every Spring, he would come out of a gray colored egg. On this day of fulfillment, the worshippers would all go to the temple. The women had to have sexual intercourse with the first guy who came to church.

When God came from the egg, he became Amen Ra. His first name was actually “Amen” which is why you say “Amen” in your prayers as opposed to the common belief that “Amen” means “so be it”.

In the bible, Jesus actually refers to himself as the Egyptian Sun God, as written in Matthew 2.

After Ra was born out of the egg, he had a daughter named Maat, who represented “Spirit”. His son, Thoth represented the “Word”. This is the origin of the Holy Trinity.

In Memphis, Egypt, the story of creation involved God taking his sexual organ in his right hand and masturbated. His semen fell to the ground and life was given to the Earth.

And who was born from this semen long before the bible was written? Adam, or Atum (or Atom, the center of all life and the center of the Universe). The name was changed to fit the English culture and was changed to Adam in Genesis.

Both the Egyptians and the Greeks believed it was a sacrilege to revel their doctrines of their mysteries, which is why Jesus spoke in parables.

Donahue believes that the Kingdom of God is in the right hemisphere of your brain. You can activate it by doing what Jesus said in John 21:6 by “casting your net to the right side”.

The Sun God from Egypt, Ra, means “the divine mind”. His wife’s name was Nut. Ra caugh Nut embracing Zeb, the Earth God. Because of Nut’s infidelity, Ra decreed that Nut’s offspring could not be born on any day of the year. Thoth (the equivalent of Jesus) intervened on Nut’s behalf and won for her a 70 second portion of each day, which added up to 5 additional days that were added to the 360 day calendar. Now, with the adaptation of the 365 day calendar, the Earth was in alignment with the seasons. After Thoth rescued Nut, she gave birth to 5 children: day 1, Osiris; day 2 Horus; day 3, Set; day 4, isis and on day 5, Nephthys.

The Pagan Origin of Christianity
Isis married Osiris and they gave birth to Horus, too.

There is a statue of Isis sitting on a chair with baby Horus on her lap (right image). In one of the European Catholic cathedrals, the same exact sculpture is used to show the baby Jesus sitting on the lap of Mary.

When Osiris was killed, his body was dismembered. Isis found most of the parts except for his sexual organ, to which she had a cast of his erected penis made, and she sent it to all of the temples in Egypt. It was decreed by Isis that in Egypt, all of the temples had to display the male sexual organ of Osiris in an erected state in a prominent place in the temple. This is why you have steeples on your churches, today.

Christians get freaked out if you mention that the bible is astrotheology, yet in Genesis on the first page, God says to let the stars be for signs. Psalms 1:47 says God named all of the stars. Why did he call them Sagittarius, Aquarius, etc…? The whole bible was written in the stars long before it was put on paper. You can read the entire bible by looking at the stars.

The Pagan Origin of Christianity

Osiris was crowned King of Egypt at the age of 28 and ruled for 28 years. The number 28 is in reference to the lunar cycle. Communion consisted of bread and beer.

When the culture of Osiris spread to Greece, it became the culture of Dionysus, who was the God of Wine, so communion was changed to bread and wine, which is still carried on today.


Mother Teresa Not a Saint: New Study Suggests She Was a Fraud

Mother Teresa Not a Saint: New Study Suggests She Was a Fraud

Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, known worldwide as the Blessed Mother Teresa, is often said to be a pillar of peace. With a Nobel Prize under her belt and a legacy of charity, the results of a new study may seem shocking to some.

The study was a joint effort by Serge Larivée and Genevieve Chenard from the University of Montreal as well as Carole Sénéchal from the University of Ottawa. It delves into the effective PR strategy the Vatican constructed for her while disregarding questionable methods she used to conduct her work.
 A television documentary released nineteen years earlier, in 1994, brought to light similar claims by journalist and writer Christopher Hitchens. The documentary was titled Hell’s Angel, as Hitchens' following book release in 1995 was shrewdly named The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice. He is said to be one of the many resources utilized in the study. This brings forth the conundrum — if Mother Teresa wasn’t as good as she seemed while she was still alive, then why is she a saint in the public’s eye? Larivée and his fellow collaborators practically answer this question in the form of another, “What could be better than beatification followed by canonization of this model to revitalize the Church and inspire the faithful especially at a time when churches are empty and the Roman authority is in decline?”

Mother Teresa Not a Saint: New Study Suggests She Was a Fraud
Beatification is the third step towards canonization — in short, making Mother Teresa an official saint of the Catholic Church. The late Pope John Paul II beautified her in 2003. Two miracles must be attributed to her outside of the one that elevated her to beatification must occur in order for her to be recognized as a saint. A miracle called by the Vatican sped up Mother Teresa’s beatification, which is usually a five-year wait. A woman with abdominal pain gave credit to a blessed trinket for aiding in her recovery when doctors countered modern medicine did the trick. In London of 1968, Mother Teresa found camaraderie in the capable hands of Malcolm Muggeridge, a journalist who held the same Roman Catholic and conservative ideas as her. Let it be noted that Mother Teresa was anti-abortion, divorce, and contraception. It was in his name gave the booming start to Mother Teresa’s career in the limelight. His influence is so profound that it has been noted that without Muggeridge, there would be no Mother Teresa.

After analyzing over 200 documents about Mother Teresa, the researchers of the study came across jarring contrasts to her reputation, one including her policy on taking care of the poor and ill.

She once said, “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ's Passion. The world gains much from their suffering,” in response to criticism pushed on by Hitchens. With money bountiful from her charity efforts, Mother Teresa was equipped with resources to give the ill that came from across the world for healing. Instead, she allowed their health to decline, without medicine to hinder pain, proper food, and cleanliness. Yet hypocrisy dictated that when Mother Teresa needed medical care, she received it in a hospital.

Mother Teresa Not a Saint: New Study Suggests She Was a Fraud

Furthermore, Mother Teresa seemed to favor the darkly wealthy while offering nothing but prayer to the poor. The study points out how she accepted honors and grants from Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, a man known for the severe mistreatment of his own people while living in a bubble of luxury. When asked to return donated money from the corrupt banker Charles Keating, she remained silent and she also accepted money from Robert Maxwell, later discovered as stolen money. She had millions of dollars transferred to secret accounts to which Larivée asked once again, “Given the parsimonious management of Mother Teresa's works, one may ask where the millions of dollars for the poorest of the poor have gone?” When floods and chemical disaster hit her home of India, there were no financial relief efforts to be found.

The ideal situation would situate Mother Teresa in an arena where she can't be touched — but that has not and should not be the case. Everyone wishes to remember her as an idol to look up to, rather than the reality that she was a flawed human being — arguably, a fraud.


Pope Criminalizes the Reporting of Sex Crimes

Pope Criminalizes the Reporting of Sex Crimes

VATICAN CITY — Few eyebrows were raised last week when Pope Francis brought the Vatican’s legal system up to date by criminalizing leaks of official information and formalizing laws against sex crimes. But now that the laws have been made public, a closer look revealed that the pope has made it illegal to report sex crimes against children.

According to the new laws, revealing or receiving confidential Vatican information is now punishable by up to two years in prison, while newly defined sex crimes against children carry a sentence of up to twelve years. Because all sex crimes are kept confidential, there is no longer a legal way for Vatican officials to report sex crimes.

“We didn’t mean for this to happen, obviously,” lamented Vatican foreign minister Monsignor Dominique Mamberti. “It’s quite the papal pickle that His Holiness has placed upon our heads. Sex crimes are more illegal than ever, but technically it’s illegal to report them.” Mamberti said that the simultaneous passing of each law is merely a coincidence and insisted that the Church is not trying to protect itself against further embarrassment, but critics outside the Vatican are skeptical

“They know exactly what they’re doing,” claims Fabrizio Perona of Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper. “They just thought nobody would notice. The Church wants to impress the world by getting tough on sex crimes, but they criminalized leaks, which is the only way anybody would ever discover their crimes. It’s genius, if you stop and think about it.”

Pope Criminalizes the Reporting of Sex Crimes

Mamberti says plans are already being made to eliminate the loophole, but change often comes slowly to antiquated Vatican law, which is based on the 1889 Italian code. “We’re not going to let a dangerous law like this stand, but people need to understand that this is the Vatican, and there is a process here. Voting, incense, prayer. We ask the minors at risk to please be patient with us.”

Fortunately, only clergy and lay people who live and work in Vatican City are subject to the new legislation, which differs from the canon law governing the universal Catholic Church.

As the Holy See moves to clarify the law, Mamberti has warned would-be offenders within Vatican walls that they “are still subject to the most watchful eye of all: the eye of God. His judgment is greater than—oh, who am I kidding? For now, there is nothing we can do.”


Maya Cave: National Geographic Goes Deep To Uncover The Ancient Secrets Of Cenotes

Maya Cave: National Geographic Goes Deep To Uncover The Ancient Secrets Of Cenotes
A diver explores a cenote near the Maya ruins of Tulum. (Paul Nicklen/National Geographic)

Centuries after their decline, the Maya are still yielding their secrets to the world. Each day, scientists work to uncover another piece of the puzzle behind this ancient civilization that dominated Mesoamerica for hundreds of years.

In the August issue of National Geographic, reporter Alma Guillermoprieto and photographers Paul Nicklen and Shaul Schwarz follow underwater archaeologists Guillermo de Anda and Arturo Montero into the depths of the sea as they try to gain insight into the ancient practices of the Maya in natural wells known as cenotes.

Guillermoprieto writes:

During the past couple of decades archaeologists have begun paying close attention to the role of caves, the zenith sun, and now—through de Anda—cenotes, in the beliefs and world vision of the ancient Maya of Yucatán. Archaeologists had known that the Maya regarded both caves and cenotes as mouths that opened into an otherworld inhabited by Chaak, the god of life-giving rain, but the consequences of this fact for architecture and city planning have only recently started to become clear.

In 2010 de Anda, who by then had dived in scores of cenotes, began exploring Holtún at the invitation of Rafael Cobos, a recognized archaeologist and project director who has been busy investigating and mapping the hundreds of ancient structures, promontories, and wells in the Chichén Itzá region. De Anda also had the cooperation of the National Institute of Anthropology and History. 

Examining the walls of the pool a few yards below the surface, he emerged from a small hollow and felt a protrusion above his head. He was astonished to find that this natural rock shelf held an offering of a human skull, pottery, the skull of a dog, deer bones, and a two-edged knife probably used for sacrifices, all neatly placed there centuries earlier. His headlamp, pointed straight down at the cenote’s depths, revealed broken columns, a carved anthropomorphic jaguar, and a figure similar to one of the little stone men at Chichén Itzá’s Temple of the Warriors, sculpted to look as if they were holding up the sky. This well in the middle of a cornfield was clearly a sacred site.

 Boys from the village of Yaxuná cool off in a cenote, or limestone sinkhole. A 65-foot ladder lets them climb out after a dip. The statue is a local artist’s version of a trickster spirit from Maya folklore. The villagers put it there for the tourists they hope will stop by while visiting the area’s archaeological sites. (Shaul Schwarz/National Geographic)

As Guillermoprieto notes, the civilization was incredibly advanced in language, astronomy, mathematics, art, and architecture, believing such practices to be sacred. De Anda and Montero theorize that the Maya used these caves as sundials and timekeepers, as well as in city planning and sacrificial ceremonies.

Maya Cave: National Geographic Goes Deep To Uncover The Ancient Secrets Of Cenotes
A snorkeling tourist floats in a cenote called Las Calaveras—“the skulls”—near Tulum. Local Maya got their drinking water here until about 30 years ago, when divers found bones. Archaeologists have recorded the remains of more than a hundred people, usually shrouded by the water’s primordial darkness. (Paul Nicklen/National Geographic)

Maya Cave: National Geographic Goes Deep To Uncover The Ancient Secrets Of Cenotes
Archaeologist Guillermo de Anda descends into the Holtún cenote minutes before the moment on July 19 when the sun is directly overhead. When that occurs, twice a year, light falls vertically into the water. De Anda believes the ancient Maya built a structure at the surface that caught the rays the same way. (Paul Nicklen/National Geographic)


China’s New Basket Case Weapon Will Turn Entire Cities Into Basket Cases

China’s New Basket Case Weapon Will Turn Entire Cities Into Basket Cases

What’s the latest weapon in the Chinese military’s arsenal of high-tech killing machines? It might be an airplane capable of disseminating propaganda so powerful it induces nervous breakdowns, according to report in Tuesday's Global Times, a state-owned newspaper close to the military.

Detailed photos of the plane -- known as the Gaoxin VII -- circulated on the Chinese Internet in advance of the article, probably leaked by military sources eager to publicize the new aircraft. In the article, the Global Times neither confirms nor denies the plane’s existence. It does reprint the photos and provide a thorough inventory of the aircraft's (theoretically) formidable capabilities:

“When carrying out a mission, the airplane will use its own ‘programs’ to forcefully overpower enemy television stations, radio stations and wireless communication networks, interfere with the enemy's propaganda dissemination programs, affect the enemy's military-civilian morale, and create rumors and confusion, thus causing the enemy, from government to everyday citizens, to have ‘nervous breakdowns’ and achieving their goal of rendering them helpless and unable to fight.”

In other words: One moment you’re sitting at home watching CNN, and the next you’re a basket case because your television is locked on a steady stream of Chinese Communist Party propaganda.

It’s entirely possible that the Global Times -- hardly a paragon of journalistic integrity -- got the story wrong, and the Gaoxin VII isn’t designed to induce nervous collapse. It's also possible, probable in fact, that Chinese Communist propaganda can't induce such a fit.

Some of the photos suggest the plane is really just designed to effectively drop leaflets. Whatever its purpose, the idea of such a breakdown-inducing aircraft has certainly gained the attention of Chinese microbloggers -- most of whom have spent their lives being fed a steady diet of Chinese propaganda (while still, as far as we know, staying conscious and healthy).

China’s New Basket Case Weapon Will Turn Entire Cities Into Basket Cases

The Global Times's story has been tweeted and re-tweeted tens of thousands of times on Sina Weibo, China's most popular microblogging service -- and very rarely with admiration. “Hegemony just around the corner,” tweeted a microblogger in Guangdong province. “According to reports, Obama has drafted his surrender,” wrote another in Beijing.

Perhaps the most cutting response came from the Sina Weibo account operated by People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party (People’s Daily also happens to own the Global Times). Neither the paper nor its microblogging account is known for humor, much less a willingness to poke fun at the People’s Liberation Army. So this tweet, sent late Tuesday night, is unusual (if only as an act of blatant trolling):

“#SURVEY# What do you think will be the most effective means for the Gaoxin VII to induce nervous breakdowns in the enemy? A. Pretend that you’ve captured the enemy’s classified information. B. Drop leaflets on the enemy. C. Create signals that deceive and confuse enemy radar systems. D_____”

The answers left in the comment section vary. Seemingly the most popular, with some variation in form, suggests a constant replay of China Central Television’s carefully managed, propaganda-laden evening news program. In the words of one user, “After one week of it and the Global Times, they’ll definitely kill themselves.”


300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

The Voice of Russia and other Russian sources are reporting that a 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery has been found in Vladivostok. Experts say a gear rail appears to be manufactured and not the result of natural forces.

According to Yulia Zamanskaya, when a resident of Vladivostok was lighting the fire during a cold winter evening, he found a rail-shaped metal detail which was pressed in one of the pieces of coal that the man used to heat his home. Mesmerized by his discovery, the responsible citizen decided to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. After the metal object was studied by the leading experts the man was shocked to learn about the assumed age of his discovery. The metal detail was supposedly 300 million years old and yet the scientists suggest that it was not created by nature but was rather manufactured by someone. The question of who might have made an aluminum gear in the dawn of time remains unanswered.

The find was very much like a toothed metal rail, created artificially. It was like parts are often used in microscopes, various technical and electronic devices says writer Natalia Ostrowski at KP UA Daily.

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia
Nowadays, finding a strange artifact in coal is a relatively frequent occurrence. The first discovery of this sort was made in 1851 when the workers in one of the Massachusetts mines extracted a zinc silver-incrusted vase from a block of unmined coal which dated all the way back to the Cambrian era which was approximately 500 million years ago. Sixty one years later, American scientists from Oklahoma discovered an iron pot which was pressed into a piece of coal aged 312 million years old. Then, in 1974, an aluminum assembly part of unknown origin was found in a sandstone quarry in Romania. Reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg of a spacecraft “Apollo”, the piece dated back to the Jurassic era and could not have been manufactured by a human. All of these discoveries not only puzzled the experts but also undermined the most fundamental doctrines of modern science.

The metal detail which was recently found by Vladivostok resident is yet another discovery which perplexed the scientists. The coal in which the metal object was pressed was delivered to Primorye from Chernogorodskiy mines of Khakasia region. Knowing that the coal deposits of this region date 300 million years back, Russian experts inferred that the metal detail found in these deposits must be an age-mate of the coal.

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

Another question that interests Russian scientists is whether the aluminum alloy is of Earthly origin. It is known from the study of meteorites that there exists extra-terrestrial aluminum-26 which subsequently breaks down to magnesium-26. The presence of 2 percent of magnesium in the alloy might well point to the alien origin of the aluminum detail. It could also be evidence of some past, unknown civilization on Earth. Nonetheless, further testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

It is the first such finding in coal made in Russia, according to anomaly researcher and biologist Valery Brier, who took microscopic samples of the aluminum for testing. Valery Brier performed X-ray diffraction analysis of the metal. It showed very pure aluminum with microimpurities of magnesium of only 2 - 4 percent. Analysis was also conducted by Senior Fellow of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics Igor Okunev who confirmed the age of the material according to Natalia Ostrovsky

The find is very much like a toothed metal rail, created artificially. It was like parts that are often used in microscopes, as well as various technical and electronic devices.

While exploring core samples (rock samples) that were raised from a 9-meter depth during the drilling of the seabed to support the bridge on a Russian island near Cape Nazimova, strange metal alloys were discovered that were "preserved" in the prehistoric sandstone (age - 240 million years old). The pieces of special alloys had an unusual composition and were clearly not used in the drilling machinery. The alloys, said Brier, were artificial and constructed by intelligent beings.

Reconstruction of the item found near Cape Nazimova

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

Not so long ago in Russia a mechanical device was found in volcanic rock which was dated 400 million years before the current era (B.C.E)

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

It was found on the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, 150 miles from the village of Tigil, by archaeologists at the University of St. Petersburg among found strange fossils. The reliability of the finds has been certified. According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev the find amazed experts as it was some sort of a machine.

The most ancient vase on Earth was discovered in 1851 in Massachusetts when blasting in the quarry. It is a silver-zinc vase inlaid with fine silver in the form of the vine. The age of this vase, according to the the rock in which it was found, is 534 million years old

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia

In Romania in 1974, in sandstone quarry of not less than 1 million years old was found aluminum parts, reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg landing spacecraft "Viking" and "Apollo".

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia


Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure

 Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure

The Vatican has just completed a five day conference astrobiology where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest Father Jose Gabriel Funes. In May 2008, Funes gave an interview to the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper saying that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no problems to Catholic theology.

The conference itself was officially convened by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, chaired by its religious leader Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, and was held on private Vatican grounds from November 6-10. Together with Funes’ 2008 interview and subsequent public comments by him, the conference demonstrates a welcome openness by the Vatican on the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure.

For most observers, the conference was an innovative scientific gathering sanctioned by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences to show the Holy See’s support for modern science in the detection of extraterrestrial life. The conference primarily focused on the detection of primitive extraterrestrial life forms, and featured presentations from nearly 30 international experts in astronomy, physics and biology. Marc Kaufman from the Washington Post reports:

Scientists (many of them nonbelievers) are offering presentations on subjects as varied as how life might have begun on Earth; what newly found "extremophile" microbes living in harsh places on our planet might tell us about possible life on others; and how life forms might be detected in our solar system, or how their bio-signatures might be found on and around the many distant exoplanets.

Discussion of the implications of intelligent extraterrestrial life, both scientific and theological, did not appear prominently in the conference agenda. One of the presenters, however, Prof Paul Davies commented on the religious implications of discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life: "If you look back at the history of Christian debate on this, it divides into two camps. There are those that believe that it is human destiny to bring salvation to the aliens, and those who believe in multiple incarnations," Davies pointed out that the multiple incarnations theory, the idea that multiple examples of Jesus Christ would be found in the universe “is a heresy in Catholicism."

 Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure

The Vatican, through Funes, is supporting the idea that the incarnation of Christ is a unique event in Earth’s history tied in to humanity’s ‘fall’ and ‘original sin’. This idea was a major focus in Father Funes’ May 2008 interview which was titled "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Funes said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be “free from Original Sin … [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” This makes it possible to regard them as ‘our brothers’ as Funes explained:

Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom… "Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation…
Most importantly, Funes’ statement makes possible the idea that Christianity can be exported to extraterrestrial worlds that have not experienced a ‘fall’ and are free from original sin.

The Vatican’s new openness on extraterrestrial life is consistent with reports of secret discussions held at the United Nations that began in February 2008. 

The Vatican’s permanent representative to the UN, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, was reported to have attended along with a number of other prominent government officials to discuss increased UFO sightings and the implications of extraterrestrial visitation. Significantly, Migliore's position requires that he maintains close relations with the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences. At the time of the secret UN discussions, Migliore made a presentation on moral issues associated with scientific problems such as climate change. Most importantly, the UN discussions reportedly led to a new policy of openness being adopted by approximately 30 nations that would begin in 2009.

Another noteworthy participant reported to have attended the 2008 UN discussions was Britain’s Permanent representative at the time, Sir John Sawers. Sawers was later appointed to head Britain’s prestigious foreign intelligence service MI6. The appointment of a diplomat to head an intelligence service was highly unusual. According to a BBC report: “giving the job to someone more recently associated with diplomatic service was regarded as a break from the tradition.” Seen in the context of the February UN meetings, perhaps MI6 was acknowledging the need for greater diplomacy in dealing with problems posed by a new openness policy on UFOs, and eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

 Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure

The Vatican sponsored astrobiology conference was a landmark event. It showed that the Vatican was willing to officially sanction public discussions on the existence of extraterrestrial life.

 More significantly, it showed that the Vatican was willing to initiate a comprehensive dialogue on the theological implications of the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s astrobiology conference is yet one more sign that major global institutions are preparing for some kind of formal disclosure concerning UFOs and/or extraterrestrial life. This is a direct outcome of a series of landmark meetings at the UN beginning in February 2008 that led to the adoption of a new openness policy.

After more than a year of openness, the Vatican is taking the openness policy to a new level, and preparing the public for some kind of formal extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Numerous independent sources have predicted such disclosure is imminent, and that the Obama administration is expected to play a prominent role. The Vatican is also positioning itself to play a major role in such an announcement and in a post-disclosure world.

Its emerging theological position that extraterrestrials “are our brothers” is a welcome departure from more hostile depictions of extraterrestrial life found in some religious denominations and in Hollywood movies. On the other hand, the idea that the Vatican could justify sending missionaries to convert extraterrestrials born without original sin, does raise major concerns. The Vatican, nevertheless, is currently playing a constructive role in preparing the public for the imminent disclosure of extraterrestrial life.


The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels


Back in 1927, Freemason W.L. Wilmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the “Plan”. In The Meaning of Masonry, p.4, he writes:
In this new Aquarian age, when many individuals and groups are working in various ways for the eventual restoration of the mysteries, an increasing number of aspirants are beginning to recognize that Freemasonry may well be the vehicle for this achievement.
Another passage from the same book, on page 46-47, proves that the teaching of Freemasonry is the same as New Age beliefs:

“He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline, a regenerated man… This is the evolution of man into superman.”
This superman could be like Nietzsche’s.
In the ‘Spirit of Masonry’ Foster Bailey states that Masonry
“is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion…”

This religion he explains “was the first United World Religion. Then came the era of separation of many religions and sectarianism. Today we are working again towards a World Universal Religion.”
The New World Order cannot happen over night, just as Rome wasn’t built in a day. This has been a plan in motion for centuries. To accomplish this goal, the globalists must remove the guns from the hands of private owners, remove the present currency and replace it with credit, and coordinate their intelligence databases throughout the world.

The founders of New World Order are assumed to be the guardians of the occult mysteries which resemble the ancient mysteries of Egypt. It is coupled by a ‘hierarchy of spirits’ which exercise all kinds of influences and sympathies. The practice of magick became a holy quest, rather unholy quest.

The recognition of Masonry as a spirit quest brings into light the question of what the origins are. As said many times, especially by Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey’s husband when he wrote his many books; we need to throw some light on the basic significances of Masonry, and to elucidate the hidden meaning of its symbolism.
In some books written by the theosophical legends of this mysterious subject, are discussions of Masonry and its origins dating back before humanity even existed. This seems hard to understand in the beginning but you must understand that this masterful plan dates back that far and the creator of it as old as earth itself. Masonry is said to have its origins not on earth but on Sirius and even the Pleiades. And although the Great Lodge of the Universe is not located on this planet, the government body of this entity is. They govern the political and religious organizations and guide their steps.

The arduous tasks given to humanity by GOD is to seek HIM, not idols.


The first three degrees of the search depicted by the Masons are for light, wisdom and life. But, ironically these are the things which they lose. They lost the Light of GOD within them when they chose these paths of enlightenment of satan held by the Brotherhood of Light (ascended masters). The wisdom hey gain is only temporary in that this life is temporary and wisdom comes from GOD, given to us by the Holy Spirit. The wisdom they gain is from satan who uses trickery, mockery, and deceit to control his minions. False wisdom give to a soul is worthless. Life is only give to us by GOD, and Salvation is given to us for an everlasting immortality with HIM. This does not include satan or his fallen angels and demons. The life they are given is a betrayal of the real truth….the real life. The only way to GOD is through Jesus Christ, and not their FALSE christ.

In the higher degrees there is given the varying aspects of the universal search (by the collective whole) in the various ways, and in many lands, through diverse religions for the final revelation for which the so-called Blue Lodge has prepared the candidate. . You see, this is false doctrine again. First of all, the universal search is a dark path without GOD. This path is never taken as a ‘collective whole’. This is a false doctrine taught by the New Age/Old Religion. The collective has never been a doctrine of GOD. Diverse religions….actually GOD never liked ‘religion’ to begin with. Jesus Christ said you don’t need a building, temple…or anything to come to HIM. This false jesus, sananda will tell humans anything!

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

In these books, it even admits to the Illuminati:

They are Dispensers of Light and to Them has been given, by virtue of Their achievement, the privilege and the authority to pronounce the great Masonic formula: ‘Let the be light’ and to evoke the response: ‘And the was LIGHT’. They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way.

UNREAL! They admit it! Did you know this? Now you do.

Creme and Share International are both intimately connected with a number of New Age groups including the Freemasons (Creme often lectures in Masonic halls), the Tara Canter of Hollywood, CA, the Theosophical Society, the Lucis Trust (one of thirty-six contributing organizations to the United Nations Millenium Forum of May 22-26, 2000), and World Goodwill, an organization created by the Lucis Trust and also recognized by the UN as an official NGO. World Goodwill also actively promotes the appearance of “Maitreya the World Teacher” in their literature and on their website.

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

It goes on to say:

Step by step, They guide the candidate until he has gained the right to stand in the East before the Presence,
Editor Note: This is a parallel to the religion of the Muslims.

And there, before the Brethren, prove himself initiate. Stage by stage They assist at the unfolding of the unconsciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can ‘enter the light’ and, in his turn become the light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

The Government of the Lodge

The government consists of a hierarchy. Just as GOD has laws and regulations, so do the occult. These Ascended Masters are part of this false government.

The FALSE Trinity according to Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky:

Sanat Kumara, The Christ (Maitreya), and Lucifer.

Beneath the trinity at the head of the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters Alice A. Bailey (AAB) places the Devas or angels. These are subdivided into greater and lesser Builders. She refers to the greater Builders as the Solar Pitris, Agnishvattas and Fire Devas, and also as Solar Angels or Solar Gods. On p.950 of A Treatise On Cosmic Fire Bailey writes, “As the solar Gods descend ever nearer to the physical plane… the thoughts and desires of men are consequently purified and refined.” Bailey footnotes “Solar Gods” here by quoting from Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, saying, “The Solar Gods are the Fallen Angels… They are the Serpents of Wisdom” and “Their nature is Knowledge and Love.”

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

The Ascended Masters are the Fallen Angels

Benjamin Creme’s theology is directly founded on the teachings that were published by Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB) and Alice A. Bailey as dictated to them from various Ascended Masters. Through a closer examination of their beliefs it can be shown that the so-called “Ascended Masters” who developed their twisted theology are in fact the Fallen Angels of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

According to AAB, the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who are responsible for humanity’s evolution are led by a trinity of Supreme Beings. This trinity is explained in the following chart, taken from AAB’s The Destiny of Nations, p.23

Ruler:- Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.
The Ancient of Days.

Ruler:- The Christ.
The World Savior.

Ruler:- Lucifer.
Son of the Morning.
The Prodigal Son.

Maitreya will be aided by the Master Jesus, who is predicted to soon take control of the Roman Catholic Church and lead Christianity to accept Maitreya as the Christ returned.

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

The “Plan”

In 1950 the Secretary-General of the UN at the time, Dag Hammarskjold, designed the official UN Meditation Room and it was given over to the Lucis Trust, which has maintained it to this day. Share International also speaks highly of the UN. An SI columnist, Bette Stockbauer, writes this of the UN, “Maitreya and his group of spiritual co-workers have designed a plan that is brilliant in its simplicity and insight. They visualize a world organization, administered by the United Nations, which will completely restructure our economic systems. Instead of the present system of domination by market forces which has led to the complete polarization of wealth, we will see an equitable distribution of planetary resources. Instead of a world in which the richest societies blindly ignore the total degradation of countless millions, we will see the greatest solicitude for human suffering.”

Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, referred to Hitler’s Third Reich as an attempt to put the ‘Plan’ into action. The next totalitarian experiment is just on the horizon and New Agers, communists, socialists, liberals, and other left-wing intellectuals and activists are ready to embrace it with open arms. Once again the tried and true technique of the Hegelian Dialectic is being used by the global powers to achieve their desired goal.
They engineered the creation of the UN and they have infiltrated the global environmental movement. Why would the powers responsible for the present system of out-of-control global capitalism also promote the very forces which seem to be against it? Because they see neither global capitalism nor idealistic democratic socialism as the ultimate goal. By playing both sides they aim to achieve the desired synthesis which will be a totalitarian New World Order under their complete control (at least until the Antichrist takes command).

Origins of Freemasonry: Writers on the history of Freemasonry have at different times attributed its origin to the following sources

1. To the Patriarchal Religion
2. To the Ancient Mysteries
3. To the Temple of King Solomon
4. To the Crusaders
5. To the Knights Templar
6. To the Roman Colleges of Artificers
7. To the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages
8. To the Rosicrucians of the 16th Century
9. To Oliver Cromwell
10. To the Pretender, for the restoration of the House of Stuart to the British Throne
11. To Sir Christopher Wren at the Bldg of St. Paul’s Cathedral
12. To Dr. Desaguliers and his associates in the year 1717

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

The UFO phenomenon does not represent the attempts of another intergalactic civilization to contact humanity, rather it is a phenomenon that has been with us throughout our recorded history and it is a phenomenon which transcends the materialistic rules that our modern scientists believe to be true.

The Return of the Magi: Philip Allan, 1931. Consists of six historical accounts of legends of mystic ‘magi;’ one of which is about “Saint Germain the Immortal” (pp. 209-248). According to the author: “It was at the end of the nineteenth century that the legend of Saint Germain grew so inordinately….I believe Mme Blavatsky was the first to mention this possibility…

.Between 1880 and 1900 it was admitted among all theosophists, who at that time had become very numerous, particularly in England and America, that the Comte de Saint Germain was still alive, that he was still engaged in the spiritual development of the West, and that those who sincerely took part in this development had the possibility of meeting him” (p. 235).
Note that the appearance of Saint Germain was anticipated among readers of Theosophical writings in America and elsewhere. The purported appearance of Saint Germain at Mt. Shasta in the 1930s can therefore be placed in a cultural framework which makes his appearance less of an unexpected occurrence than might otherwise be supposed.

Contains many details, including Mr. Leadbetter’s clairvoyantly obtained physical descriptions of the Count Saint Germain. 17. Legends: Ascended Masters. [Mount Shasta Annotated Bibliography Ch 17. Legends 1285].

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels


When a cult attacks the religion of Christianity, the first place they attack is the deity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is exactly what these demons have accomplished here.

The first entity I will speak of is the one who calls himself, Jesus, the Sananda. He is one of the hierarchy of this bunch of enemies. He’s the one who calls himself by the name of our ONE and ONLY Savior, Jesus Christ. He called himself, “The Christ”. He tells these new age revelers that he was the real Son of GOD….this is simply false. He may have been a fallen angel who was once a Son of God, by title…but he lost this title when he lost his grace and followed satan.

Next Race

According to Helena Blavatsky the stages of evolution in the esoteric cosmology involving these sub-races

1. First root race: Ethereal containing sub-atomic physics of beings of the three lower states of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter.

2. Second root race: Beings from Hyperborea. The Greek mythology speaks of a mythical people who lived in the north. Some identify them with the Britain people and the Dacia‘s, from Danube. Are these the Danite Tribe GOD condemned?

3. Third root race: Lumerians are said to be from the lost land of Lemuria which was connected to Atlantis.

4. Fourth root race: Atlanteans were the people of Atlantis. The ‘Masters of the Ancient Wisdom’ (a.k.a. The Ascended Masters) governed the territory.

5. Fifth root race: Aryans were physically progenerated by one of the Ascended Masters. This included the first subrace, the Hindu. This is the race which Hitler believed were the Nordic race. A pure breed originating from Atlanteans.

6. Sixth root race: Again another race progenerated under the guidance of the Ascended Masters.

7. Seventh root race: This is a race of people in the future who will be super-human.


This agenda set forth on this earth is one to set up the production of a forthcoming race. This race will be a duplication of the days of Genesis. The days of Noah was one of bloodlines which defined the supernatural from the natural.

Some say that bloodlines have nothing to do with the future and the coming Antichrist but indeed it has everything to do with it. And these Ascended Masters are in the process of this bloodline on earth. These Ascended Masters will come to set up this whole rule of government via the Roman Catohlic Church aka…Vatican. They are already putting these strategic plans into motion.

The Master Masons, The Ascended Masters, And The Fallen Angels

The fact is that their propaganda machinery is so powerful and an edifice of lies is constructed so extensively that the domestic people are almost dumbfounded.


1. Goddess symbolism within Freemasonry ( http://www.womanthouartgod.com/wmbondfreemasonry.php )
2. Masonic Origins ( http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/masonic.htm )
3. One bit of trivia is that King Solomon’s favorite temple was built by special demon technology, which Solomon controlled with a magic ring.

The story starts with a spirit or Jinni (where we get the word “Genie”). In one version, he was stealing gemstones because they allowed him to suck out a little bit of the sun’s energy; in another version, he was drinking the blood of a boy Solomon liked (root of the vampire legend starts here??)
Solomon then prayed fervently to God to deliver the wicked spirit into his hands for punishment. At once his prayer was answered. The archangel Michael appeared before the
King, and put into his hand the mightiest power that ever was or shall be in this world… a small, golden ring, inset with a seal of engraved stone.

And Michael said: ‘ Take this ring, O Solomon King, son of David, the gift which the Lord God hath sent unto thee. Wear this ring, and all the demons of the earth, both male and female, thou wilt command.’
Other sources describe the ring as made of pure gold, set with a single shamir stone; a diamond perhaps, or the same heavenly green shamir stone said to have been part of the Temple. The stone was cut and set in the form of an eight-rayed star. On it was engraved the hexagon seal, and within that the four letters of the ineffable name of God.

And so, Solomon burned the seal into the neck of Ornias as a brand of his sovereignty, and the Jinni from that moment did his bidding, and was given the task of cutting stones for the building of the Temple. Ornias is made to take the ring and brand Beelzebul (ruler of demons, was once highest angel in heaven = Satan). Solomon now controls ALL the demons.

Stone cutting technology?

God helped Moses by introducing him to a Shamir, a magical little worm that could cut stones with its glance. The demons did not know the whereabouts of any Shamir, but they suggested contacting their king, Asmodeus (another name for Satan).

In any version of the story, Solomon’s magic ring gave him powers over the fallen angels/demons, who had access to a stone cutting technology that enabled Solomon’s great temple to be built. This is important because in Jewish tradition, metal-working and using metal to brace the stones was forbidden; only stones could be used, except normal humans didn’t know how to make them! These myths suggest that the people reacting to Solomon’s temple said to themselves, gee – cutting and moving giant stones like that seems impossible, it must have been demons (such a tradition would never have arisen if the king depended on normal methods and mass human labor).

It is also interesting that they are described as magical little worms – if an ancient person saw stone cutting being done with laser or electricity, they might describe it in this away. In the larger discussion of who built the megalithic structures built all around the world during this time period (1000BC and prior) this may be evidence of some other race of humans or beings that had higher technology (that such a race existed is mentioned over and over again in world literature, including the Bible, which frequently describes the race of giants that had lived in the area before them, which were hybrids made from the “fallen angels” that mated with humans. Who these beings really were is uncertain… but assuming that they never existed is problematic.

The Ammonite king was furious, but nothing would persuade Naamah to part from Solomon. In the end the Ammonite king banished the couple to faraway, desert-like dunes. They wandered there for a long time, hungry and miserable, but finally reached a city not far from the sea. With the little money they had with them, Naamah bought a fish for their dinner. She opened the fish to clean it, and inside was a ring. Solomon looked at the ring, transfixed. This was his own protective magic ring, the one taken from him by Asmodeus. The demon obviously decided to throw it into the sea to get rid of it!

Solomon put the ring on his finger, and transported himself and his wife to Jerusalem, where Asmodeus masqueraded as the king for all these years. Wearing the magic ring, he faced the demon and commanded him to assume his true form and leave the palace. Asmodeus had no power to resist the ring, fled the palace, and Solomon returned to his former throne. But not without a price. The sight of Asmodeus in his true form was so incredibly hideous, that the king was terrified by nightmares for the rest of his life, and required his guard to watch his room every night. He also had to make himself known to his new father-in-law, the Ammonite king, which involved an unpleasant trial for the unjust banishing of the “cook” and his wife.


Indian Children Forced To Eat Poisoned School Meal

Indian Children Forced To Eat Poisoned School Meal

After 23 Indian children died from consuming poisoned school meals, it has emerged that victims refused the food before being made to eat it, according to the Times of India. Preliminary investigations indicate the cooking medium was laced with pesticide. Police say that the latest case of poisoning, which claimed the lives of 23 children, was most probably caused by storing cooking oil in a used pesticide container.

However, an anonymous HRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) source told the Times of India that the cooking agent used for soyabean subzi may have played a role.

“Earlier it was thought oil was put in a pesticide container. But it seems that the lady cook used pesticide,” the source said.

The subzi looked black and smelt odd according to the source.

“The school principal insisted the cooking medium cannot be bad since it had come from her husband's shop,” he said. “When students refused to eat, the principal scolded and forced them to eat.”

"I can accept accidents can happen anywhere. But the scale of this incident and the carelessness, the sheer callousness of the response, the delay in treating the children, is shocking," activist Dipa Sinha of the Right to Food Campaign told AFP.

The children died after eating lentils, potatoes and rice cooked with oil containing agricultural insecticide that was five times the strength sold in the market place, according to tests.

Forensic tests have shown that the oil contained a "highly toxic" form of insecticide which killed the children so quickly that some died in their parents' arms while being taken to hospital.

The principal reportedly fled the school shortly after realizing the extent of the tragedy.“A crucial one and half to two hours were lost. Had these children been rushed to hospital immediately few lives could have been saved,” he said.

Indian Children Forced To Eat Poisoned School Meal
Villagers stand next to mass graves of the school children who died after consuming contaminated meals given to them at a school on Tuesday, at Chapra district in the eastern Indian state of Bihar July 18, 2013.(Reuters / Adnan Abidi)

There have been violent protests in the state of Bihar. Several parents who lost children in the tragedy said they had trusted the school to serve their kids their only solid meal of the day.

"We have no food at home and it was only to ensure that my children got at least some food that I sent them to the school," a mother who lost three children in the tragedy, Sanjudevi Mahatoshe, told AFP.

Tens of thousands of children in India have been reportedly been refusing to eat their meals in the aftermath of the tragedy. On top of this, there have been a number of reports of children taken to hospital , and one report of a scorpion found in the rice in a midday meal.

A recent Reuters review of audit reports and research papers showed officials have ignored warnings of the lack of oversight and accountability in the program. Checks in several states have found unhygienic conditions in which the food is prepared and served, and the poor quality of food itself.

Indian Children Forced To Eat Poisoned School Meal

"You only come and do checks when you get complaints or when there are serious cases,"
Rudranarayan Ram, a local education administrator for the village of Gandaman in Bihar state, where the children died, said.

Two audit reports by the state governments of Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh said the food in the scheme was often laced with stones and worms.

"If the government checks, they will find that the children who have been eating midday meals are under great physical threat,"
Professor Ajay Kumar Jha at the A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, who led a team to monitor the programme in Bihar in April said. Another survey by the Indian Institute of Management revealed that children in Gujarat state were instructed to wash up after meals by "rubbing the playground soil on the plates and then giving them a quick rinse". 

Indian Children Forced To Eat Poisoned School Meal

Last year over 130 students needed hospital treatment in the western Indian city of Pune after eating a school lunch, according to the Times of India. A probe later revealed that the food was contaminated with E. coli bacteria.

The nationwide free meal scheme feeds up to 120 million children every day. The tradition has long proved to be the only encouragement to parents, most of whom are struggling to make both ends meet, to send their children to school instead of condemning kids to malnutrition and illiteracy.

While the midday meal is often the only wholesome meal poor children in India may get during the day, a government survey revealed last year that 42 per cent of children under the age of five were underweight. India is home to a quarter of the world's hungry.

Tamil Nadu was the first Indian state to adopt a school feeding programme in 1982.

Other local governments gradually followed the example, and in 2001 India's Supreme Court ordered all states to provide free lunches to children in state-run primary schools.


Most Famous Atheist Recognized Existence Of God

Most Famous Atheist Recognized Existence Of God

A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God based on scientific evidence, and he says so on a video released.

At age 81, after decades of insisting that belief is a mistake, the professor, Antony Flew, has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature, Flew said.

Biologists' investigation of DNA "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce [life], that intelligence must have been involved," Flew says in the new video, "Has Science Discovered God?"

The first hint of Flew's turn was a letter in the August-September issue of Britain's Philosophy Now magazine. "It has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a naturalistic theory of the evolution of that first reproducing organism," he wrote.

Most Famous Atheist Recognized Existence Of God

The letter commended arguments in Schroeder's "The Hidden Face of God" and "The Wonder of the World" by Varghese, an Eastern Rite Catholic layman.

In 2009, Flew finished writing the first formal account of his new outlook for the introduction to a new edition of his "God and Philosophy".

Prometheus specializes in sceptical thought, but if his belief upsets people, well, "that's too bad," Flew said. "My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads."

Flew said that his current ideas had some similarity with those of U.S. "intelligent design" theorists, who see evidence for a guiding force in the construction of the universe. He doubts that Darwinian evolution can explain the ultimate origins of life.


Chinese Eat Baby Soup for Sex

A human baby is being made into soup for sexual power in China.

Some Chinese people are known to be eating babies, and the news, which has been circulating through the internet and via email, is shocking the world.

An email report received by The Seoul Times confirmed that news with several vivid and appalling pictures of human embryos and fetuses being made into a soup for human consumption.

The report went on. A town in the southern province of Canton (Guangdong) is now in focus. Chinese folks there are enjoying baby herbal soup to increase overall health and stamina and the power of sexual performance in particular. 

Chinese Eat Baby Soup for Sex
A human baby is dumped into the water for boiling in China. 

This time, a couple who already has two daughters decided to abort the child after receiving confirmation that it was another girl. The baby was already five months old.

Those babies who are close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency. Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China currency.

Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds.

Chinese Eat Baby Soup for Sex

One local reporter was quoted as saying that this is the problem arising from Chinese taking too much attention in health or is the backfire effect when China introduced one child in a family policy.

This heinous crimes rise from the fact that majority of Chinese people prefer to have male babies and the poor families end up selling their female babies.

Dead babied can be purchased in Taiwan for 70 US dollars for being used as grilled delicacies. 

Hong Kong Reports
 Mainland Chinese Eating Infants
Hong Kong Reports   Mainland Chinese Eating Infants
You have to be kidding right? Unfortunately this is really happening!

The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine's investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.

According to The Next Magazine, during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.

Ms Liu also disclosed that even though people can afford the human parts there are still waiting lists and those with the right connections get the "highest quality" human parts, which translates to the more mature fetuses. A male fetus is considered the "prime" human part.

At the The Next Magazine's request, Ms Liu personally escorted the reporter to a location where a fetus was being prepared. The reporter observed a woman chopping up a male fetus and making soup from the placenta. During the process, the woman even tried to comfort everyone by saying, "Don't be afraid, this is just the flesh of a higher animal."

The boy's remains were cremated in the mountains in accordance with the customs of the region.

In fact, in China, reports about meals made from infant flesh have surfaced from time to time. A video is on the Internet for people to view. In the introduction, the Chinese claim that eating a human fetus is an art form.

Hong Kong Reports   Mainland Chinese Eating Infants
On March 22, 2003, police in Bingyan, Guangxi Province seized 28 female babies smuggled in a truck from Yulin, Guangxi Province going to Houzhou in Anhui Province. The oldest baby was only three months old. The babies were packed three or four to a bag and many of them were near death�none were claimed by their parents.

On the morning of October 9, 2004, a person rifling through the garbage on the outskirts of Jiuquan city in the Suzhou region, found dismembered babies in a dumpster. There were two heads, two torsos, four arms, and six legs. According to the investigation, these corpses were no more than a week old and they had been dismembered after cooking.

Although China has laws that prohibit the eating of human fetus, the regime's forced abortions to ensure the one child policy is strictly adhered to thereby creating many opportunities for these sorts of atrocities to occur.

What would make people do such a thing without any fear of condemnation? Since Mao's Cultural Revolution, a complete lack of morality and respect for human life has become the norm in China. Over time, domination by the Chinese Communist regime has led to inhuman behavior and human rights violations resulting in abnormal practices such as cannibalism.


Zambian Teachers Say They Live In Fear Of 'Invisible Sex' With Witches

Zambian Teachers Say They Live In Fear Of 'Invisible Sex' With Witches

Teachers at the Nashongo and Makaba primary schools in Siavonga, Zambia have threatened to abandon their posts after a rash of indecent incidents involving invisible witches.

According to Chief Sinadambwe of the Tonga-speaking people, the saucy sorcerers have been projecting their spirits into the teachers' bedrooms and molesting them.

Chief Sinadambwe told the Zambia Daily Mail: 'The male teachers complained that they have been having sex with women they cannot see. This has been happening to them for about three weeks.'

Chief Sinadambwe says that similar incidents have been happening to the women, one of whom claims that she went to sleep and when she woke up found herself naked with her nightgown on the floor.

Her husband "expressed ignorance" and the only conclusion that could possibly be drawn was that she was the victim of the invisible witches.

But the Chief says not to panic – he's urged everyone to stay calm and "called on Government to help resolve the matter." His leadership has certainly been reasonable.

Zambian Teachers Say They Live In Fear Of 'Invisible Sex' With Witches

The fear of incubi and succubi was also once common in Europe.

According to Wikipedia an incubus (nominal form constructed from the Latin verb, incubo, incubare, or "to lie upon") is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus.

Back in May, the Mbala District Commissioner also felt compelled to ask local "wizards" to stop molesting teachers and pupils at Chipoka Primary School – the second of such incidents in nine years.

An elderly Zambian couple was accused of black magic, beaten and burned to death.

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