Back in 1927, Freemason W.L. Wilmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the “Plan”. In The Meaning of Masonry, p.4, he writes:
In this new Aquarian age, when many individuals and groups are working in various ways for the eventual restoration of the mysteries, an increasing number of aspirants are beginning to recognize that Freemasonry may well be the vehicle for this achievement.
Another passage from the same book, on page 46-47, proves that the teaching of Freemasonry is the same as New Age beliefs:
“He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline, a regenerated man… This is the evolution of man into superman.”
This superman could be like Nietzsche’s.
In the ‘Spirit of Masonry’ Foster Bailey states that Masonry
“is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion…”
This religion he explains “was the first United World Religion. Then came the era of separation of many religions and sectarianism. Today we are working again towards a World Universal Religion.”
The New World Order cannot happen over night, just as Rome wasn’t built in a day. This has been a plan in motion for centuries. To accomplish this goal, the globalists must remove the guns from the hands of private owners, remove the present currency and replace it with credit, and coordinate their intelligence databases throughout the world.
The founders of New World Order are assumed to be the guardians of the occult mysteries which resemble the ancient mysteries of Egypt. It is coupled by a ‘hierarchy of spirits’ which exercise all kinds of influences and sympathies. The practice of magick became a holy quest, rather unholy quest.
The recognition of Masonry as a spirit quest brings into light the question of what the origins are. As said many times, especially by Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey’s husband when he wrote his many books; we need to throw some light on the basic significances of Masonry, and to elucidate the hidden meaning of its symbolism.
In some books written by the theosophical legends of this mysterious subject, are discussions of Masonry and its origins dating back before humanity even existed. This seems hard to understand in the beginning but you must understand that this masterful plan dates back that far and the creator of it as old as earth itself. Masonry is said to have its origins not on earth but on Sirius and even the Pleiades. And although the Great Lodge of the Universe is not located on this planet, the government body of this entity is. They govern the political and religious organizations and guide their steps.
The arduous tasks given to humanity by GOD is to seek HIM, not idols.
THE PYRAMID PLANThe first three degrees of the search depicted by the Masons are for light, wisdom and life. But, ironically these are the things which they lose. They lost the Light of GOD within them when they chose these paths of enlightenment of satan held by the Brotherhood of Light (ascended masters). The wisdom hey gain is only temporary in that this life is temporary and wisdom comes from GOD, given to us by the Holy Spirit. The wisdom they gain is from satan who uses trickery, mockery, and deceit to control his minions. False wisdom give to a soul is worthless. Life is only give to us by GOD, and Salvation is given to us for an everlasting immortality with HIM. This does not include satan or his fallen angels and demons. The life they are given is a betrayal of the real truth….the real life. The only way to GOD is through Jesus Christ, and not their FALSE christ.
In the higher degrees there is given the varying aspects of the universal search (by the collective whole) in the various ways, and in many lands, through diverse religions for the final revelation for which the so-called Blue Lodge has prepared the candidate. . You see, this is false doctrine again. First of all, the universal search is a dark path without GOD. This path is never taken as a ‘collective whole’. This is a false doctrine taught by the New Age/Old Religion. The collective has never been a doctrine of GOD. Diverse religions….actually GOD never liked ‘religion’ to begin with. Jesus Christ said you don’t need a building, temple…or anything to come to HIM. This false jesus, sananda will tell humans anything!
In these books, it even admits to the Illuminati:They are Dispensers of Light and to Them has been given, by virtue of Their achievement, the privilege and the authority to pronounce the great Masonic formula: ‘Let the be light’ and to evoke the response: ‘And the was LIGHT’. They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way.UNREAL! They admit it! Did you know this? Now you do.Creme and Share International are both intimately connected with a number of New Age groups including the Freemasons (Creme often lectures in Masonic halls), the Tara Canter of Hollywood, CA, the Theosophical Society, the Lucis Trust (one of thirty-six contributing organizations to the United Nations Millenium Forum of May 22-26, 2000), and World Goodwill, an organization created by the Lucis Trust and also recognized by the UN as an official NGO. World Goodwill also actively promotes the appearance of “Maitreya the World Teacher” in their literature and on their website.It goes on to say:Step by step, They guide the candidate until he has gained the right to stand in the East before the Presence,
Editor Note: This is a parallel to the religion of the Muslims.
And there, before the Brethren, prove himself initiate. Stage by stage They assist at the unfolding of the unconsciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can ‘enter the light’ and, in his turn become the light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The Government of the LodgeThe government consists of a hierarchy. Just as GOD has laws and regulations, so do the occult. These Ascended Masters are part of this false government.
The FALSE Trinity according to Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky:Sanat Kumara, The Christ (Maitreya), and Lucifer.
Beneath the trinity at the head of the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters Alice A. Bailey (AAB) places the Devas or angels. These are subdivided into greater and lesser Builders. She refers to the greater Builders as the Solar Pitris, Agnishvattas and Fire Devas, and also as Solar Angels or Solar Gods. On p.950 of A Treatise On Cosmic Fire Bailey writes, “As the solar Gods descend ever nearer to the physical plane… the thoughts and desires of men are consequently purified and refined.” Bailey footnotes “Solar Gods” here by quoting from Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, saying, “The Solar Gods are the Fallen Angels… They are the Serpents of Wisdom” and “Their nature is Knowledge and Love.”The Ascended Masters are the Fallen AngelsBenjamin Creme’s theology is directly founded on the teachings that were published by Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB) and Alice A. Bailey as dictated to them from various Ascended Masters. Through a closer examination of their beliefs it can be shown that the so-called “Ascended Masters” who developed their twisted theology are in fact the Fallen Angels of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
According to AAB, the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who are responsible for humanity’s evolution are led by a trinity of Supreme Beings. This trinity is explained in the following chart, taken from AAB’s The Destiny of Nations, p.23
I. SHAMBALLARuler:- Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.
The Ancient of Days.
II. THE HIERARCHYRuler:- The Christ.
The World Savior.
III. HUMANITYRuler:- Lucifer.
Son of the Morning.
The Prodigal Son.
Maitreya will be aided by the Master Jesus, who is predicted to soon take control of the Roman Catholic Church and lead Christianity to accept Maitreya as the Christ returned.
The “Plan”In 1950 the Secretary-General of the UN at the time, Dag Hammarskjold, designed the official UN Meditation Room and it was given over to the Lucis Trust, which has maintained it to this day. Share International also speaks highly of the UN. An SI columnist, Bette Stockbauer, writes this of the UN, “Maitreya and his group of spiritual co-workers have designed a plan that is brilliant in its simplicity and insight. They visualize a world organization, administered by the United Nations, which will completely restructure our economic systems. Instead of the present system of domination by market forces which has led to the complete polarization of wealth, we will see an equitable distribution of planetary resources. Instead of a world in which the richest societies blindly ignore the total degradation of countless millions, we will see the greatest solicitude for human suffering.”
Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, referred to Hitler’s Third Reich as an attempt to put the ‘Plan’ into action. The next totalitarian experiment is just on the horizon and New Agers, communists, socialists, liberals, and other left-wing intellectuals and activists are ready to embrace it with open arms. Once again the tried and true technique of the Hegelian Dialectic is being used by the global powers to achieve their desired goal.
They engineered the creation of the UN and they have infiltrated the global environmental movement. Why would the powers responsible for the present system of out-of-control global capitalism also promote the very forces which seem to be against it? Because they see neither global capitalism nor idealistic democratic socialism as the ultimate goal. By playing both sides they aim to achieve the desired synthesis which will be a totalitarian New World Order under their complete control (at least until the Antichrist takes command).
Origins of Freemasonry: Writers on the history of Freemasonry have at different times attributed its origin to the following sources1. To the Patriarchal Religion
2. To the Ancient Mysteries
3. To the Temple of King Solomon
4. To the Crusaders
5. To the Knights Templar
6. To the Roman Colleges of Artificers
7. To the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages
8. To the Rosicrucians of the 16th Century
9. To Oliver Cromwell
10. To the Pretender, for the restoration of the House of Stuart to the British Throne
11. To Sir Christopher Wren at the Bldg of St. Paul’s Cathedral
12. To Dr. Desaguliers and his associates in the year 1717
The UFO phenomenon does not represent the attempts of another intergalactic civilization to contact humanity, rather it is a phenomenon that has been with us throughout our recorded history and it is a phenomenon which transcends the materialistic rules that our modern scientists believe to be true.
The Return of the Magi: Philip Allan, 1931. Consists of six historical accounts of legends of mystic ‘magi;’ one of which is about “Saint Germain the Immortal” (pp. 209-248). According to the author: “It was at the end of the nineteenth century that the legend of Saint Germain grew so inordinately….I believe Mme Blavatsky was the first to mention this possibility…
.Between 1880 and 1900 it was admitted among all theosophists, who at that time had become very numerous, particularly in England and America, that the Comte de Saint Germain was still alive, that he was still engaged in the spiritual development of the West, and that those who sincerely took part in this development had the possibility of meeting him” (p. 235).
Note that the appearance of Saint Germain was anticipated among readers of Theosophical writings in America and elsewhere. The purported appearance of Saint Germain at Mt. Shasta in the 1930s can therefore be placed in a cultural framework which makes his appearance less of an unexpected occurrence than might otherwise be supposed.
Contains many details, including Mr. Leadbetter’s clairvoyantly obtained physical descriptions of the Count Saint Germain. 17. Legends: Ascended Masters. [Mount Shasta Annotated Bibliography Ch 17. Legends 1285].
CULTS ATTACKWhen a cult attacks the religion of Christianity, the first place they attack is the deity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is exactly what these demons have accomplished here.
The first entity I will speak of is the one who calls himself, Jesus, the Sananda. He is one of the hierarchy of this bunch of enemies. He’s the one who calls himself by the name of our ONE and ONLY Savior, Jesus Christ. He called himself, “The Christ”. He tells these new age revelers that he was the real Son of GOD….this is simply false. He may have been a fallen angel who was once a Son of God, by title…but he lost this title when he lost his grace and followed satan.
Next RaceAccording to Helena Blavatsky the stages of evolution in the esoteric cosmology involving these sub-races
1. First root race: Ethereal containing sub-atomic physics of beings of the three lower states of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter.
2. Second root race: Beings from Hyperborea. The Greek mythology speaks of a mythical people who lived in the north. Some identify them with the Britain people and the Dacia‘s, from Danube. Are these the Danite Tribe GOD condemned?
3. Third root race: Lumerians are said to be from the lost land of Lemuria which was connected to Atlantis.
4. Fourth root race: Atlanteans were the people of Atlantis. The ‘Masters of the Ancient Wisdom’ (a.k.a. The Ascended Masters) governed the territory.
5. Fifth root race: Aryans were physically progenerated by one of the Ascended Masters. This included the first subrace, the Hindu. This is the race which Hitler believed were the Nordic race. A pure breed originating from Atlanteans.
6. Sixth root race: Again another race progenerated under the guidance of the Ascended Masters.
7. Seventh root race: This is a race of people in the future who will be super-human. agenda set forth on this earth is one to set up the production of a forthcoming race. This race will be a duplication of the days of Genesis. The days of Noah was one of bloodlines which defined the supernatural from the natural.
Some say that bloodlines have nothing to do with the future and the coming Antichrist but indeed it has everything to do with it. And these Ascended Masters are in the process of this bloodline on earth. These Ascended Masters will come to set up this whole rule of government via the Roman Catohlic Church aka…Vatican. They are already putting these strategic plans into motion.
COSMIC AWARENESSThe fact is that their propaganda machinery is so powerful and an edifice of lies is constructed so extensively that the domestic people are almost dumbfounded.
TRIVIA:1. Goddess symbolism within Freemasonry ( )
2. Masonic Origins ( )
3. One bit of trivia is that King Solomon’s favorite temple was built by special demon technology, which Solomon controlled with a magic ring.
The story starts with a spirit or Jinni (where we get the word “Genie”). In one version, he was stealing gemstones because they allowed him to suck out a little bit of the sun’s energy; in another version, he was drinking the blood of a boy Solomon liked (root of the vampire legend starts here??)
Solomon then prayed fervently to God to deliver the wicked spirit into his hands for punishment. At once his prayer was answered. The archangel Michael appeared before the
King, and put into his hand the mightiest power that ever was or shall be in this world… a small, golden ring, inset with a seal of engraved stone.
And Michael said: ‘ Take this ring, O Solomon King, son of David, the gift which the Lord God hath sent unto thee. Wear this ring, and all the demons of the earth, both male and female, thou wilt command.’
Other sources describe the ring as made of pure gold, set with a single shamir stone; a diamond perhaps, or the same heavenly green shamir stone said to have been part of the Temple. The stone was cut and set in the form of an eight-rayed star. On it was engraved the hexagon seal, and within that the four letters of the ineffable name of God.
And so, Solomon burned the seal into the neck of Ornias as a brand of his sovereignty, and the Jinni from that moment did his bidding, and was given the task of cutting stones for the building of the Temple. Ornias is made to take the ring and brand Beelzebul (ruler of demons, was once highest angel in heaven = Satan). Solomon now controls ALL the demons.
Stone cutting technology?God helped Moses by introducing him to a Shamir, a magical little worm that could cut stones with its glance. The demons did not know the whereabouts of any Shamir, but they suggested contacting their king, Asmodeus (another name for Satan).
In any version of the story, Solomon’s magic ring gave him powers over the fallen angels/demons, who had access to a stone cutting technology that enabled Solomon’s great temple to be built. This is important because in Jewish tradition, metal-working and using metal to brace the stones was forbidden; only stones could be used, except normal humans didn’t know how to make them! These myths suggest that the people reacting to Solomon’s temple said to themselves, gee – cutting and moving giant stones like that seems impossible, it must have been demons (such a tradition would never have arisen if the king depended on normal methods and mass human labor).
It is also interesting that they are described as magical little worms – if an ancient person saw stone cutting being done with laser or electricity, they might describe it in this away. In the larger discussion of who built the megalithic structures built all around the world during this time period (1000BC and prior) this may be evidence of some other race of humans or beings that had higher technology (that such a race existed is mentioned over and over again in world literature, including the Bible, which frequently describes the race of giants that had lived in the area before them, which were hybrids made from the “fallen angels” that mated with humans. Who these beings really were is uncertain… but assuming that they never existed is problematic.
The Ammonite king was furious, but nothing would persuade Naamah to part from Solomon. In the end the Ammonite king banished the couple to faraway, desert-like dunes. They wandered there for a long time, hungry and miserable, but finally reached a city not far from the sea. With the little money they had with them, Naamah bought a fish for their dinner. She opened the fish to clean it, and inside was a ring. Solomon looked at the ring, transfixed. This was his own protective magic ring, the one taken from him by Asmodeus. The demon obviously decided to throw it into the sea to get rid of it!
Solomon put the ring on his finger, and transported himself and his wife to Jerusalem, where Asmodeus masqueraded as the king for all these years. Wearing the magic ring, he faced the demon and commanded him to assume his true form and leave the palace. Asmodeus had no power to resist the ring, fled the palace, and Solomon returned to his former throne. But not without a price. The sight of Asmodeus in his true form was so incredibly hideous, that the king was terrified by nightmares for the rest of his life, and required his guard to watch his room every night. He also had to make himself known to his new father-in-law, the Ammonite king, which involved an unpleasant trial for the unjust banishing of the “cook” and his wife.