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Vampire Couple Lia Benninghoff, Aro Draven Drink Each Other's Blood Weekly [GRAPHIC VIDEO]


A lot of couples have weekly traditions, but most are not as strange as the one shared by Lia Benninghoff and Aro Draven.

As you can see in the GRAPHIC video above, the real-life vampires make it a point to drink each other's blood once a week.

Benninghoff, 20, met Draven, 38, on a dating website this past February and, while both were into the gothic lifestyle, he wanted a more intimate relationship.

“When he explained that blood sharing would bring us closer together, I asked him to turn me," Benninghoff said, according to the Daily Star. "Aro cut himself with a razor and offered me his blood. Then I cut myself and he drank from me too. Suddenly I felt the energy rushing through me. It was a magical experience –- much more intimate than sex.”

With a connection like that, it would be silly not to tie the knot so the couple is planning a wedding on Halloween, Hir24.hu reported.

But they haven't yet told Benninghoff's parents that her daughter has "converted" to vampirism.

"My parents are totally happy with the relationship I have with Aro [but] they don't know we're both vampires and that Aro was the one who turned me," she told Barcroft TV. "They know that we're both of the dark, gothic nature and they're very happy for us."

As bloody strange as Benninghoff's and Draven's plasma-drinking past time might seem, they aren't the only blood drinkers around.

Julia Caples, 45, is a real-life vampire in Wilkes Barre, Penn. who drinks almost two liters of blood every month. She sucks the liquid from the backs of willing donors she meets at an occult and oddities store she runs near her home.

"When I feed off of a person and drink their blood I feel stronger and healthier," she said, according to the Mirror. "I know scientifically there's not a lot of nutrition in blood, but maybe there's some value we haven't discovered yet."


UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago [Video Documentary]

UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago [Video Documentary]

With the recent discovery of Dwarka the Legendary City of Bhagavan Sri Krishna as recorded in many ancient Vedic scriptures such as Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana; archaeologists and historians have been forced to accept that the ancient Sanskrit Vedic Scriptures are factual histories of ancient India. However, rather than study these ancient texts they continue to persist in their erroneous speculations. Unfortunately they cannot enter into this vast ocean of knowledge due to their own gross ignorence, and unfortunately they will not listen to those who can.

UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago [Video Documentary]

The Aryans who worship Lord Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead were well acquainted with space travel, as there was constant universal coming and going between all the planets in our solar system and beyond. The mundane scientists cannot grasp the fact that there is Elemental existence; on this planet, as well as others, that is to say that intelligent lifeforms exists in subtle energy! There are subtle entities who's bodies are composed of all the known elements, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Ether, and more Subtle elements Mind, Intelligence, and False ego.

UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago [Video Documentary]

The Vedas are full of narrations of such space travel and the nature of life on other planets. UFO does not necessarily mean of alien origin, but the fact that this and many other forms of advanced technology were prevelant on earth so long ago opens up a whole new line of research for all those who are interested in finding the truth. If ufologists really want to understand alien existence they would do well to study the ancient Vedas, in particular Srimad Bhagavatam, which was specifically compiled for the peoples of this age!


New World Order Grand Star Alignment Days Away

New World Order Grand Star Alignment Days Away

The Star of David‘grand star alignment’, called the perfect time for ‘illuminati’ ritual, is only a week away now. What will it bring us? According to videographer MrCati in the brief video below, in his opinion, the Grand Star alignment event that occurs on July 22-23 will bring the NWO ‘perfect timing’. As such, the date linkage creates a special NWO ritual window that he suspects will be used to advance the New World Order’s agenda. Is this date also a date of ‘prophecy’, the ‘rapture’ or a countdown to the return of Jesus Christ? Check out the fascinating ‘Star of David’ chart below the video for more information…

The purpose of this study, with chart for illustration is to highlight a key celestial occurrence in the Heavens called the Star of David planetary alignment. The focus of the timeline presented will be from the most recent occurrences in our modern time. Starting from 1990 to 2013, these peculiar planetary alignments seem to be clustered. In particular, since 1990, there are 13 Star of David configurations that occur. The 13th occurrence is the ‘last one’ leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-2015.

After 2013, there will not be another such configuration of either a Tetrad or Star of David alignment for another 100 years or so. The Star of David alignments appears to follow a ‘countdown’ sequence or frequency of sorts. It very much appears to be like the Total Solar Eclipses that occurred consecutively on the 1st of Av in 2008, 2009 & 2010. Those 3 consecutive Eclipses appeared to signal the ‘countdown’ to the start of the 7-Year Solar-Lunar pattern.

New World Order Grand Star Alignment Days Away

It appears that this same principle or ‘astronomical law’ is at work here with the Star of David alignment pattern & symmetry. The pattern likewise suggests a sort of a ‘cosmic countdown’ perhaps is highlighting the Tetrad of 2014-15. As to who or what event the countdown is specifically referring to, that will remain to be seen. Perhaps these Star of David ‘signs’ in the Heavens could it be a countdown to the Rapture, the New World Order, the rise of the AntiChrist, World War 3 or a combination of all the above & more. For the purposes of this study, only a better understanding of the Star of David’s numerology & patterns will be presented & considered. Nonetheless, students of Biblical Prophecy can tell you though, that Biblical Scripture is very clear as to what is coming specifically in the Last Days: the Rapture, sudden destruction, chaos, antichrist, war, disease, death, Return of Jesus Christ, etc. Perhaps all these events are already ‘written’ in the stars through such clues to be found in the Solar-Lunar Eclipses, comets & the Star of David planetary alignments. Many would agree.


Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away

Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away


Ray Kurzweil, a world-renowned scientist and author of The Singularity is Near, thinks the world as we know it will be unrecognizable in 20 years.

One of the changes he thinks is possible: Scientists may finally crack immortality.

"I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogramme our bodies' stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, aging," he writes in The Sun. "Then nanotechnology will let us live forever. Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively."

Kurzweil, whose fans include Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, makes a number of other substantial claims, such as humans being able to replace all failing organs with artificial ones. He says we'll be able to scuba dive for hours without oxygen, and write entire books within minutes thanks to advanced nanotechnology.

Oh, virtual sex will also be commonplace in the not-so-distant future.

Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away

Kurzweil's absurd-sounding proclamations stem from the fact that technological progress is growing at an exponential rate.

"Computer technology and our understanding of genes — our body’s software programs — are accelerating at an incredible rate," he writes. His theory of the Law of Accelerating Returns, suggests there will be another "billion-fold" increase in technology over the next quarter century.

"In reality, the time needed for technology to double is constantly decreasing," Inc's Kevin Bailey explains. "The next thing to realize with an exponential curve, is that at a certain point progress relative to time skyrockets up. The increase in technology that once took 20 years now takes 10, and then 5, and then 2.5, and then 1.25, and then .75 years, and then on and on. Kurzweil claims that we are right at the beginning of the sharp upturn that's characteristic of exponential curves."

Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away

Kurzweil thinks we're just beginning to tap into the possibilities artificial intelligence can bring, and the advancements will only get more wild. We're already using it in small ways to help us land airplanes and conduct searches on Google.

"These technologies should not seem at all fanciful," says Kurzweil. "Our phones now perform tasks we wouldn’t have dreamed possible 20 years ago. When I was a student in 1965, my university’s only computer cost £7million and was huge."

Kurzweil concludes, "We can look forward to a world where humans become cyborgs, with artificial limbs and organs."


Vatican Official Declares On National TV: Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real [VIDEO]

Vatican Officials Declares On National TV: Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real [VIDEO]

Some things simply cannot be debunked as much as people would like to do it, no matter how hard the debunkers try sometimes the truth just keeps coming to the surface and this is one of those times. Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia, the governing body, and highly placed Vatican official who is close to the Pope has been on Italian Television, no less than five times stating that etraterrestrial contact is a real phenomena. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church‘s understanding of theology.

Vatican Officials Declares On National TV: Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real [VIDEO]

 Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters “are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, they are not a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully.” Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable. The bottom line is that the Vatican has moved as fast as lightening on the extremely difficult issue of extraterrestrials and religion, they have attended secret meeting at the UN on just this subject. They have met once again in secret with a host of US officials and after evaluating all the information made their astounding announcement.

Vatican Officials Declares On National TV: Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real [VIDEO]

It really makes no difference if you believe the announcement from The Vatican and the UN are a prelude to a false flag event or they are real. One thing is for certain, some type disclosure (probably partial or limited disclosure) is imminent and coming soon (most likely late 012 or 013). It will be up to each person to decide on the authenticity of the actual announcement. The question becomes, are we paying attention or are we asleep at the switch! We are all in for a Galileo Moment and those only come along every 200-300 years. Are you ready!

The Vatican on UFO Disclosure, Alien Contact, Extraterrestrial Life.


The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

As Congress considers the nomination of James B. Comey to lead the FBI for the next ten years, lawmakers should examine measures to rein in a bureau that has undermined civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism. This is a false trade off: we can be both safe and free.

1: USA Patriot Act Abuse

The recent revelation about the FBI using the Patriot Act’s “business records provision” to track all U.S. telephone calls is only the latest in a long line of abuse. Five Justice Department Inspector General audits documented widespread FBI misuse of Patriot Act authorities (1,2,3,4,5), and a federal district court recently struck down the National Security Letter (NSL) statute because of its unconstitutional gag orders. The IG also revealed the FBI’s unlawful use of “exigent letters” that claimed false emergencies to get private information without NSLs, but in 2009 the Justice Department secretly re-interpreted the law to allow the FBI to get this information without emergencies or legal process. Congress and the American public need to know the full scope of the FBI’s spying on Americans under the Patriot Act and all othersurveillance authorities enacted since 9/11, like the FISA Amendments Act that underlies the PRISM program.

2: 2008 Amendments to the Attorney General’s Guidelines

Attorney General Michael Mukasey re-wrote the FBI’s rulebook in the final months of the Bush administration, giving FBI agents unfettered authority to investigate people without any factual basis for suspecting wrongdoing. The 2008 Attorney General’s Guidelines created a new kind of intrusive investigation called an “assessment,” which required no “factual predicate” before FBI agents could search through government or commercial databases, conduct overt or covert FBI interviews, and task informants to gather information about people or infiltrate lawful organizations. In a two-year period from 2009 to 2011, the FBI opened over 82,000“assessments” of individuals or organizations, less than 3,500 of which discovered information justifying further investigation.

3: Racial and Ethnic Mapping

The 2008 Attorney General’s Guidelines also authorized “domain management assessments” which allow the FBI to map American communities by race and ethnicity based on crass stereotypes about the crimes they are likely to commit. FBI documents obtained by the ACLU show the FBI mapped entire Chinese and Russian communities in San Francisco on the theory that they might commit organized crime, all Latino communities in New Jersey and Alabama because a street gang has Latino members, African Americans in Georgia to find “Black separatists,” and Middle-Eastern communities in Detroit for terrorism investigations. The FBI’s racial and ethnic mapping program is simply racial and religious profiling of entire communities.

The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

4: Unrestrained Data Collection and Data Mining

The FBI has claimed the authority to secretly sweep up voluminous amounts of private information from data aggregators for data mining purposes. In 2007 the FBI said it amassed databases containing 1.5 billion records, which were predicted to grow to 6 billion records by 2012, or equal to “20 separate ‘records’ for each man, woman and child in the United States.” When Congress sought information about one of these programs, the FBI refused to give the Government Accountability Office access. That program was temporarily defunded, but its successor, the FBI Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, currently has 360 staff members running 40 separate projects. Records show analysts are allowed to use data mining tools to establish “risk scores” for U.S. persons. A 2013 IG audit questioned the task force’s effectiveness, concluding it “did not always provide FBI field offices with timely and relevant information.”

5: Suppressing Internal Dissent: The FBI War on Whistleblowers

The FBI is exempt from the Whistleblower Protection Act. Though the law required it to establish internal mechanisms to protect whistleblowers, it has a long history of retaliating against them. As a result, a 2009 IG report found that 28 percent of non-supervisory FBI employees and 22 percent of FBI supervisors at the GS-14 and GS-15 levels “never” reported misconduct they have seen or heard about on the job. The FBI has also aggressively investigated whistleblowers from other agencies, leading to an unprecedented increase in Espionage Act prosecutions under the Obama administration, almost invariably targeting critics of government policies.

6: Targeting Journalists

The FBI’s overzealous pursuit of government whistleblowers has resulted in the inappropriate targeting of journalists for investigation, potentially chilling press freedoms. Recently, the FBI obtained records from 21 telephone lines used by over 100 Associated Press journalists, including the AP’s main number in the U.S. House of Representatives’ press gallery. And an FBI search warrant affidavit claimed Fox News reporter James Rosen aided, abetted, or co-conspired in criminal activity because of his news gathering activities, in an apparent attempt to circumvent legal restrictions designed to protect journalists. In 2010, the IG reported that the FBI unlawfully used an “exigent letter” to obtain the telephone records of seven New York Times and Washington Post reporters and researchers during a media leak investigation.

7: Thwarting Congressional Oversight

The FBI has thwarted congressional oversight by withholding information, limiting or delaying responses to members’ inquiries, or worse, by providing false or misleading information to Congress and the American public. Examples include false information regarding FBI investigations of domestic advocacy groups, misleading information about the FBI’s awareness of detainee abuse, and deceptive responses to questions about governmentsurveillance authorities.

The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

8: Targeting First Amendment Activity 

Several ACLU Freedom of Information Act requests have uncovered significant evidence that the FBI has used its expanded authorities to target individuals and organizations because of their participation in First Amendment-protected activities. A 2010 IG report confirmed the FBI conducted inappropriate investigations of domestic advocacy groups engaged in environmental and anti-war activism, and falsified public responses to hide this fact. Other FBI documents showed FBI exploitation of community outreach programs to secretly collect information about law-abiding citizens, including a mosque outreach program specifically targeting American Muslims. Many of these abuses are likely a result of flawed FBI training materials and intelligence products that expressed anti-Muslim sentiments and falsely identified religious practices or other First Amendment activities as indicators of terrorism.

9: Proxy Detentions

The FBI increasingly operates outside the U.S., where its authorities are less clear and its activities much more difficult to monitor. Several troubling cases indicate that during the Bush administration the FBI requested, facilitated, and/or exploited the arrests and detention of U.S. citizens by foreign governments, often without charges, so they could be interrogated, sometimes tortured, then interviewed by FBI agents. The ACLU represents two victims of such activities. Amir Meshal was arrested at the Kenya border by a joint U.S., Kenyan, and Ethiopian task force in 2007, subjected to more than four months of detention, and transferred between three different East African countries without charge, access to counsel, or presentment before a judicial officer, all at the behest of the U.S. government. FBI agents interrogated Meshal more than thirty times during his detention.

 Similarly, Naji Hamdan, a Lebanese-American businessman, sat for interviews with the FBI several times before moving from Los Angeles to the United Arab Emirates in 2006. In 2008, he was arrested by U.A.E. security forces and held incommunicado for nearly three months, beaten, and tortured. At one point an American participated in his interrogation; Hamdan believed this person to be an FBI agent based on the interrogator’s knowledge of previous FBI interviews. Another case in 2010, involving an American teenager jailed in Kuwait, may indicate this activity has continued into the Obama administration.

10: Use of No Fly List to Pressure Americans Abroad to Become Informants

The number of U.S. persons on the No Fly List has more than doubled since 2009, and people mistakenly on the list are denied their due process rights to meaningfully challenge their inclusion. In many cases Americans only find out they are on the list while they are traveling abroad, which all but forces them to interact with the U.S. government from a position of extreme vulnerability, and often without easy access to counsel. Many of those prevented from flying home have been subjected to FBI interviews while they sought assistance from U.S. Embassies to return.

 In those interviews, FBI agents sometimes offer to take people off the No Fly List if they agree to become an FBI informant. In 2010 the ACLU and its affiliates filed a lawsuit on behalf of 10 American citizens and permanent residents, including several U.S. military veterans, seven of whom were prevented from returning home until the suit was filed. We argue that barring them from flying without due process was unconstitutional. There are now 13 plaintiffs; none have been charged with a crime, told why they are barred from flying, or given an opportunity to challenge their inclusion on the No Fly List.


Pyramids and the Bible

Pyramids and the Bible

By Dennis Balthaser

Much has been written over the years about the three large pyramids of Giza, and the Sphinx, and thousands of years later we still don’t know who built them, how they were built, or for what purpose. Egyptologists claim they were completed about 2500 BC making them 4000 years old today, which would possibly predate many of the things mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. Many of the best-preserved temples in Egypt however, were built during the New Kingdom, (1550-1069 BC), during a period of national wealth and renewed interest in monumental building.

We have been given many theories on the actual construction of the great pyramid using various types of ramps to erect the two million, 2 to 70 ton stone blocks from ground level to a staggering 450 feet high. Knowing the tools available to the Egyptians at the time, and the number of laborers that would have been required, plus the time factor for erecting these gigantic structures, doesn’t add up logically or mathematically.

Thus far no records have been discovered to indicate the Egyptians actually built them, unlike other records that have been discovered, through hieroglyphics in temples, chambers, and tombs of structures the Egyptians did in fact build. Why then if the Egyptians kept good records for other structures, are there no records of how “they” built the pyramids.

Pyramids and the Bible

Another theory that has been presented is the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement, perhaps not in the actual construction, but offering the technology as indicated in Stephen Mehler’s book, “The Land of Osiris”, referring to a civilization that pre-dated the Egyptians, known as “Khemitians”, who supposedly had contact with star people, and lived in North Africa which today is Egypt, some 10,000 years ago.

The purpose of the pyramids according to many Egyptologists was to bury certain Pharaohs in them in preparation for their afterlife journey. Why then particularly with the great pyramid, was nothing ever found inside to indicate that Kufu (a 4th dynasty Pharaoh) was buried there? As far back as 890 AD when the Arab’s first entered the great pyramid, nothing was ever found to indicate Kufu had been buried there. Other purposes of the pyramids, suggested by several researchers, is the explanation that the pyramids were a form of energy machine of some sort.

Pyramids and the Bible

If the three pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are older than the Egyptian civilization as many of us believe they are, why is there no reference to these gigantic structures in the Bible? They are in fact the only remaining things of the original 7 wonders of the world.

Surely they would have stood out during the time of Moses, who was raised by an Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter, after she found the infant Moses floating in a basket on the River. Some believe that the Israelites were responsible for building the pyramids during the time they were in Egypt, prior to Moses leading them out to the Promised Land during the Exodus around 1400 B C. (Exodus 13:17-18). The Israelites would not have been involved in building the 3 pyramids of Giza, since the pyramid building ended before the Israelites came to Egypt.

Concentrating on the possible age of the 3 pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx raises the question about moisture in Egypt over the years. The deterioration on the back of the Sphinx indicates that at some point in time there was a tremendous amount of rainfall. Even though the Nile River flooded annually during the ancient Egyptian civilization time, the deterioration on the Sphinx indicates a much larger amount of rainfall existed at some point.

Like other researchers have speculated, could Noah and the flood described in the Bible have been involved? One researcher claimed that aquatic fossils have been found on the inside walls of the pyramids. Were they preserved there by floodwater, or where they already in the stone blocks when they were quarried miles away from the pyramids current location?

Pyramids and the Bible

As I write this many other questions arise. The Bible does reference many structures that were erected all over the Middle East as far back as 2600 BC. One such structure described in the Bible was the “Tower of Babylon”, or as it is sometimes referred to the Tower of Babel. (Genesis 11:3-4). Descriptions of the height vary by researchers; however most say it would have been taller than the great pyramid. Other large structures, buildings and man-made objects listed in the Bible include Solomon’s Temple built between 966 and 586 BC.

Pyramids and the Bible
The dimensions and detailed instructions on how to build Noah’s Ark are also described in the Bible. (Genesis 6:14-17)  The unit of measurement most frequently discussed in the Bible was the cubit. One cubit was equal to 1 foot, 6 inches, (18”). Using a cubit measurement for building the Ark, it would have meant it was 450x75x45 feet in size. Later the Romans used the Roman foot for measuring, which was derived from the approximate size of a man’s foot. One must also consider that those who built all those ancient structures didn’t have access to the technology we have today, (or did they?) Regardless of whether you refer to structures mentioned in the Bible or other sources we know of, the technology was extremely impressive, and many have withstood the test of time, which we are just today beginning to unearth. 

Regardless of your Christian beliefs, archeologists are continually unearthing structures that were in fact present as mentioned in the Bible. Others have not yet been located such as Noah’s Ark, but are being continually searched for. So as stated earlier if the pyramids are as old, (or older) than we believe, why is there no mention of them in the Bible, since they would have been the most obvious structures in Egypt, or the world for that matter, prior to the time the Israelites were in captivity in Egypt?

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids? The Son Of An Extraterrestrial

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?
Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?

By Starbrite A. Sparkles

The religious virgin birth could be in actuality an alien intervention, and the son of God is in fact son of an extraterrestrial and an alien hybrid. It is hypothesized that when angels visited Mary in what she perceived as a dream, the dream was a visit by aliens. The aliens artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered or alien sperm. This alien was the “Angel-Gabriel” a member of the alien race. Jesus was alleged to have had superhuman abilities. Mary gave birth to Jesus while she was still a virgin, and therefore Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids. The Raelian Movement supports this outlook.

Through history it was often claimed that important people had miraculous births. For example, Plato was said to have been born by the union of the god Apollo with his mother. Alexander the Great was said to have been conceived when a thunderbolt fell from heaven and made his mother Olympias pregnant before her marriage to Philip of Macedon. While in the book of Genesis it was told that the sons of gods had intercourse with women to produce heroes.

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?
The gods and heroes of the Mystery religions were all born of virgins. In the first century, this belief was prevalent. Because the Mystery religions are much older than Christianity, it seems that these ideas were creeping into the Nazarene Community concerning Jesus. That is, he was the product of a union between a mortal and a God, with the God being an extraterrestrial, or referred to as an ET.

Looking more closely at the birth of Jesus, four gospels mention the life of Jesus. Mark, the earliest gospel, written in the early 70’s A.D., does not mention the birth of Jesus. The gospel of John claims that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and thus not a virgin birth. Only the gospels of Matthew and Luke refer to the biological miracle of a virgin woman being made pregnant by an act of God and giving birth to a son. It was through these two versions of the gospel, that the status of Jesus was elevated to the status of the Greek savior gods. Around the first century as Christianity spread, the Pagans were hesitant to follow a God who was not born of a God, ET, and a virgin mother. Christianity was deeply rooted in the Graeco-Roman world. With the adoption of the virgin birth, pagans were more accepting of Christianity and began to convert and also brought their religious beliefs. Possibly this elevation of Jesus to status of God, ET, and a virgin leads Christianity to have some extraterrestrial basis.

With the contribution of Matthew and Luke, who present the virgin birth story, there are minor differences. The alien representation, Gabriel, appeared to Joseph according to Matthew, while it was to Mary in Luke. The announcement made by the alien, Gabriel, took place before Mary’s conception in the writings of Luke and after the conception in the writing of Matthew.

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?

Other extraterrestrial influences surrounding the birth of Jesus include the star of Bethlehem, signaling the location of the birth. It is believed that the star was in fact a UFO, which the wise men were motivated to follow via alien telepathic communication. When the translation is commonly done from the Greek language, the accepted word is “wise men” but in this context it probably means astronomer or astrologer.

Between the birth of Jesus and his ministry that began roughly around the age of thirty, little is documented. This could have been an extended period of “missing time.” During this missing time the hybrid Jesus may have been instructed, trained, and prepared by his alien father and their race for his role as son of ET before the human race. This would be in the preparation of miracles, preparing exorcisms, controlling nature, curing the sick and raising the dead.
The final proof that Jesus was no ordinary human and of possible ET origin is the physical resurrection, which is mentioned in all four Gospels. Mark relates that Jesus was scourged by and treated brutally by Roman guards, who crowned him with thorns, and crucified him at the ninth hour, which was 3 p.m. of that day. His body was wrapped in fine linen. This cloth today is rumored to have a miraculous imprint of the body of Christ. The remains of this cloth are the now famous Shroud of Turin.

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?

The events of that first Easter morning come together like a mystical, supernatural puzzle. The JewishCouncil, the Sanhedrin, trembled when they head the news of the empty tomb. They heard accounts of how, in the early hours of that morning a being in “snow-white” cloths with a light on its head as bright as morning had descended from the low oppressive clouds and terrified the Roman guarding the tomb of Jesus into a stupor. This strange figure, assumed by the Jewish priests to be a heavenly being, referred to as an angel of some ordered, proceeded to move away the colossal stone blocking the tomb’s entrance with superhuman might. It was revealed by Mary Magdalene that two unearthly–looking men dressed in white clothes had been near the entrance of the tomb. It was disclosed that one of the eerie figures said: “Be not afraid seek, Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified. He is not here. . . . he is risen. ..Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galiee;there see him, as he said unto you.” This enigmatic man in white later vanished into the skies as mysteriously as he appeared. Could his departure have been into the mothership that circled the Earth orbit? Could this ship have been understood as the Star of Bethlehem, the one that foretold his birth?

When the resurrected Jesus reappeared to his faithful disciplines, he seemed to have undergone a ghostlike transformation. It is said he bi-located, allowed himself to be seen in several places at once simultaneously.

Two books, Apocryphon Jacobi and Epistle of the Apostles, suppressed by the Church for centuries gives an insightful account of the accession into the heavens. The Christian Bible gives very limited detail into the accession.

Could Jesus Christ Be One Of The First Alien Hybrids, The Son Of An Extraterrestrial And An Earthly Woman?

It occurred at the ridge, east of Jerusalem, known as the Mount of Olives. The resurrected Jesus was talking to his followers when a clap of thunder and lighting interrupted him. The roll of thunder rumbled the entire mountain, and a chariot, descended through the clouds. This chariot was known as a Merkaba, a celestial vehicle of angels. The texts describe how Jesus entered the Merkaba, was welcomed by the angels who were dressed in “white apparel.” And the apostles watched in wonderment as Jesus rose higher and higher into the heavens until he and the angels in the Merkaba were lost to sight. Could this have been his return to the mothership and to the father of his lineage?

We are in the year of 2012, a year of great anticipation and expectation. It is the end of the Mayan calendar on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. I offer this possible explanation of the outcome to follow based on the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of an extraterrestrial and an earthly woman, gods Quetzalcoatl of the Mesoamericas, and the culmination of the end of the Mayan calendar and the birth of a new world, all intertwined with the science of ufology. In this segment of the research, I have examined and presented the son of ET and the relevance to the current holiday season.

“As with all gods, there is a promise to return one day, the truth being, no gods return, we
return to light. Some Mormon scholars believe that Quetzalcoatl, as a white bearded God who came from the sky and promised to return, was actually Jesus Christ, proposed son of ET. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus visited the American natives after his resurrection.”


9/11 could be insurance fraud as “trial” of conspiring duo begins in NY today

9/11 Could Be Insurance Fraud As "Trial" Of Conspiring Duo Begins In NY Today

Dr. Kevin Barrett 
Press TV

Is this the world's worst case of insurance fraud...ever?

That's what many are saying, as the world's biggest real-estate swindler and the world's most corrupt judge meet in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. At issue: billions of dollars in loot from the demolition of the World Trade Center complex on September 11th, 2001.

World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein - who confessed on national television to "pulling" World Trade Center Building 7 - will appear in the courtroom of Judge Alvin Hellerstein at 500 Pearl St. in New York City. The non-jury trial, which is expected to last three days, will decide whether Silverstein is entitled to recover $3.5 billion from airlines and airport-related companies, in addition to the $4.9 billion he has already received for his "losses" on September 11th.

The question on everyone's mind is: Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself? In the 2002 PBS documentary America Rebuilds, Silverstein admitted to complicity in the controlled demolition of WTC-7, a 47-story skyscraper that dropped into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds.

9/11 Could Be Insurance Fraud As "Trial" Of Conspiring Duo Begins In NY Today

The mysterious destruction of Building 7 has become the Rosetta Stone of 9/11. Virtually all independent experts who have studied the case, including thousands of architects and engineers, agree that the government's explanation - that a few small office fires somehow destroyed WTC-7 - is a non-starter. Building 7, these experts say, was obviously taken down in a controlled demolition, as Silverstein himself admitted. (A nationwide ad campaign called "Re-Think 9/11" will remind millions of Americans about Building 7 this September.)

Despite his confession to demolishing his own building, Silverstein has already received $861 million from insurers for Building 7 alone, as well as over $4 billion for the rest of the Trade Center complex. That $861 million for WTC-7 was paid on the basis of Silverstein's claim that airplanes were somehow responsible for making Building 7, which was not hit by any plane, disappear at free-fall acceleration.

The insurance companies are not openly accusing Silverstein of insurance fraud, presumably because doing so would threaten to demolish the 9/11 cover-up and bring down the US and Israeli governments at free-fall speed. But they have gone so far as to call Silverstein's demand for more money "absurd," a considerable understatement.

The insurance companies claim that Silverstein's demands amount to "double recovery." They say that Silverstein was already paid $4.9 billion - vastly more than the paltry $115 million or so that he and his backers paid for the complex just weeks before it was demolished - so why is he asking for another $3.5 billion? Silverstein's answer: He needs the money.

9/11 Could Be Insurance Fraud As "Trial" Of Conspiring Duo Begins In NY Today

And does he ever. He was originally demanding an extra $11 billion, before Hellerstein capped it at $3.5 billion.

The insurers have not mentioned the fact that the World Trade Center Towers were condemned for asbestos in early 2001, just months before Silverstein bought them in July, six weeks prior to their demolition. They have not mentioned that Silverstein doubled the insurance coverage when he purchased the Trade Center. They have not mentioned that Silverstein hardballed his insurers to change the coverage to "cash payout." They have not mentioned that Silverstein engineered his purchase of the Trade Center through fellow Zionist billionaire Lewis Eisenberg, Chair of the Republican National Committee and head of the New York Port Authority.

As Christopher Bollyn wrote in 2002:

"Silverstein and Eisenberg have both held leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), a billion dollar Zionist 'charity' organization. Silverstein is a former chairman of the United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc. This is an umbrella organization which raises hundreds of millions of dollars every year for its network of hundreds of member Zionist agencies in the United States and Israel."

According to Ha'aretz, Silverstein is a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. They speak on the phone every weekend.

The insurance companies have likewise neglected to mention that after doubling his insurance coverage immediately before 9/11, Silverstein re-doubled his winnings after 9/11 by claiming double indemnity. According to Silverstein's spokesman, "the two hijacked airliners that struck the 110-story twin towers Sept. 11 were separate 'occurrences' for insurance purposes, entitling him to collect twice on $3.6 billion of policies." The bizarre double-indemnity claim was approved in 2004.

Additionally, the insurers have failed to mention that on the morning of 9/11, Silverstein and his daughter both failed to show up for their daily breakfast at Windows on the World restaurant atop the North Tower. Both offered flimsy pretexts - Silverstein claiming that he had suddenly remembered a dermatologist's appointment.

How has Silverstein managed to get away with murder, in the most obvious case of insurance fraud ever?

Thanks to his partner in crime, Judge Alvin Hellerstein.

Hellerstein's courtroom is Ground Zero in the cover-up of the crimes of 9/11. Virtually all 9/11 litigation has been funneled through his courtroom, including Ellen Mariani's recent lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and others.

9/11 Could Be Insurance Fraud As "Trial" Of Conspiring Duo Begins In NY Today

Like Silverstein and Eisenberg, Hellerstein is a rabid Zionist with close ties to Israel. The judge's son and sister both emigrated from the US to orthodox Zionist settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn writes: "Hellerstein's son is an Israeli lawyer who emigrated to Israel in 2001 and whose law firm works for and with the Rothschild-funded Mossad company responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks."

Bollyn notes that Hellerstein's son, an Israeli lawyer, represents "the Mossad-controlled airport security firm named International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) N.V., which is the owner of Huntleigh U.S.A., the passenger screening company that checked the passengers that boarded the aircraft at the key airports on 9-11."

Additionally, Bollyn writes, "Both Alvin Hellerstein and his son Joseph worked for the well-known Jewish law firm of Stroock, Stroock & Lavan before moving to the positions they now hold...Stroock, Stroock & Lavan played a key role in the setting up of 9-11...Stroock has a long history of representing the Rothschilds and other high-level Zionists."

Will New York City 9/11 skeptics protest the Silverstein-Hellerstein trial this Monday through Wednesday?

Will truth and justice ever triumph?

In order to triumph, truth and justice will have to defeat the world's wealthiest and most powerful criminal network.

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

It might be wise to steer clear of vegetables from Japan's Fukushima area for, oh, say a few hundred years. A Korean website assembled this image collection of produce from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. And they are NOT pretty pictures. From Siamese-twinned corn cobs to what can only be called peaches with elephantiasis, the region's agriculture appears to have taken a heavy radiation hit from the nuclear disaster in 2011. It's not clear yet what effect eating the produce might have on the population, but you never know. It could be pretty dangerous, but you never know — in an ideal world, maybe it could give you superpowers.

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies
2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies
2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies


2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

2 Years After Nuclear Disaster, Japan Spawns Freaky Fruits And Veggies

Centuries-old Trees Destroyed As Rainforest Is Chopped Down For Pope's Visit To Brazil

Centuries-old trees destroyed as rainforest is chopped down for Pope's visit to Brazil to allow pilgrims to celebrate mass 

Centuries-old trees destroyed as rainforest is chopped down for Pope's visit to Brazil to allow pilgrims to celebrate mass
Axed: A total of 334 trees at the edge of the Serra da Tiririca national park (file picture), but also on church-owned land, were felled in Brazil

Authorities in Brazil have denounced church leaders as criminals for chopping down more than 300 centuries-old trees in a national park - so pilgrims can celebrate mass during the Pope’s visit to Rio de Janeiro.

Pope Francis will make his first international trip to the world’s largest Roman Catholic country later this month.

Organisers of an event in the diocese of Sao Sebastiao de Itaipu, in the city of Niteroi, claimed they needed to clear an area of Atlantic rainforest to accommodate the expected crowd of up to 800 pilgrims.

Centuries-old trees destroyed as rainforest is chopped down for Pope's visit to Brazil to allow pilgrims to celebrate mass
Upset: Niteroi's vice-mayor claimed the church did not seek permission to 'deforest' the land on the edge of the national park (file picture)

A total of 334 trees at the edge of the Serra da Tiririca national park, but also on church-owned land, were felled.

Niteroi's vice-mayor, Axel Grael, claimed the church did not seek permission to ‘deforest’ the land.

He told Brazil's O Globo newspaper: ‘The incident is lamentable. An event for youth should be educational and demonstrate a commitment to the environment and the future. This removal is a criminal act.’

Andre Ilha, from Rio de Janeiro's state environment institute - which is responsible for the forest - said the destruction would never have been allowed.

Centuries-old trees destroyed as rainforest is chopped down for Pope's visit to Brazil to allow pilgrims to celebrate mass
Travels: Pope Francis (pictured on July 7 at the Vatican) will make his first international trip to the world's largest Roman Catholic country later this month

He said: ‘What was razed was the buffer zone of the Tiririca park. We would never have authorised that. It is a fragment of the endangered Atlantic rainforest. We will charge them with a crime.’

The diocese has reportedly offered to replant trees in the area following the event.

It is not the first time World Youth Day organisers have been criticised for a disregard for the environment.

Earlier this month a petition was made to Rio de Janeiro's council to remove 11 coconut trees from the side of Leme beach, where the Pope is due to celebrate mass.

Permission was granted, but after an outcry Rio's mayor Eduardo Paes reversed the decision.

'The incident is lamentable. An event for youth should be educational and demonstrate a commitment to the environment and the future'
Axel Grael, Niteroi's vice-mayor


British Woman Discovers Flesh-Eating Maggots Inside Her Ear

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
The New World Army Screw Worm Fly (CGI pictured) laid eggs inside Rochelle's ear where they hatched and feasted on her flesh. They eventually burrowed 12mm into Rochelle's ear but luckily did not hit her facial nerve, which could have left her face paralysed

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
 By Rachel Reilly

A woman has spoken of her terror at discovering that she harboured flesh-eating maggots inside her ear.

When Rochelle Harris, 27, from Derby, returned from the holiday of a lifetime in Peru, she thought little of the headaches that she had started to develop on the flight back to the UK.

But within hours she had developed excruciating shooting pains down one side of her face and had started to hear strange scratching sounds in her head. The next morning she woke to a pillow soaked with fluid from her ear.
Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
 Rochelle Harris has been on holiday in Peru with her boyfriend James (pictured) when she walked through a swarm of flies. On the flight back to the UK she developed head pains and started to hear unusual sounds inside her head.

Rochelle's ordeal features in a new Discovery Channel documentary, called 'Bugs, Bites and Parasites' that follows the work of specialists who are faced with patients exhibiting a variety of mysterious symptoms - more often than not from people who have travelled abroad.

On her arrival back in the UK, Rochelle became increasingly concerned there may be something seriously wrong, so she visited her local Accident and Emergency department at the Royal Derby Hospital.
Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
As doctors tried to get the maggots out of Rochelle's ear, they retreated further into her head. Doctors described discovering a 'writhing mass' of the creatures deep inside her ear.


Initially doctors weren't concerned by her symptoms and presumed that they had developed because of a minor ear infection or an infected mosquito bite. She was referred to the ear nose and throat (ENT) team for further investigation to rule out a more sinister problem, however. Rochelle said that as her ear was being examined, the ENT specialist went silent. The doctor had found a small hole in the ear canal which needed further investigation but would not explain what the problem was. After almost an hour of silent examination Rochelle, and her mother who had accompanied her, asked if they were any closer to a diagnosis.

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
 The scan revealed that the maggots have burrowed 12mm into Rochelle's head.

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
She said: 'My Mum asked her "Can you see what it is?" and the doctor said "If you don't mind I'd prefer to speak to the registrar before I tell you anything".

'My Mum said "Please tell us" and that's when the doctor said "You've got maggots in your ear". I burst into tears instantly.'

Doctors tried to get the maggots out but the more medics delved into her ear, the more the larvae retreated into Rochelle's head.

'I was very scared - I wondered if they were in my brain. I thought to myself "This could be very, very serious."'

Doctors ordered an emergency brain scan to find out if any damage had been done by the maggots, as well as to determine how many there were and where they were hiding.

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
Here the the moment doctors found a 'writhing mass of maggots' is captured. The tips of a maggot's head can be seen as doctors try to extract the larvae from Rochelle's ear.

There was a risk that they were migrating through her head. If one reached her brain it could cause meningitis, fatal bleeding and if one ate through her facial nerve she might be left facially paralysed.

Luckily, the scan showed that no damage had been done to Rochelle's ear drum, blood vessels or facial nerve.

But they did discover that the maggots had chewed a 12mm hole into a ear canal.

Doctors then tried to drown them by flooding the ear canal with olive oil.

'I had to wait overnight to see if the treatment worked,' said Rochelle. 'It was longest few hours of my life.

'I just wanted them out of me and now I knew what was causing the sensations and sounds it made it all the worse.'

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
Rochelle Harris was given a MRI scan to see if the maggots had migrated to her brain, but luckily they had not got very far. She said the wait for minor surgery to remove the maggots was the longest few hours of her life.

The next day doctors checked her ear and astonishingly the maggots were still alive. They managed to remove two, but doctors were concerned there might be one more left inside her.

Rochelle was sedated and surgeons explored her ear using a microscope and speculum. They were shocked by what they found.

As they pushed further inside the ear, they found what they described as a 'writhing mass of maggots'. The two of maggots that had been extracted were not alone - further examination revealed Rochelle was in fact hosting a family of eight large maggots.

Horrified British woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS after trip to Peru
Rochelle (pictured with boyfriend James) said she remembered walking through a swarm of flies when in Peru and a fly did indeed get inside her ear. But once she shooed it away she thought nothing more of it.

The maggots were immediately sent to a lab for analysis where it was discovered that that a New World Army Screw Worm Fly had laid eggs inside her ear.

Rochelle said she remembered walking through a swarm of flies when in Peru and a fly had got inside her ear. But once she had shooed it away she thought nothing more of it.

Since her traumatic encounter, Rochelle has suffered no long-term problems and she says that there has been a positive side-effect of having maggots living in her head.

She said: 'I'm no longer as squeamish as I was about bugs - how can you be when they've been inside your head?'

    'Bugs, Bites and Parasites' airs on the Discovery Channel starts on July 21st at 10pm

    Father Gofo: The Sex-loving, God-doubting Priest

    Father Gofo: The sex-loving, God-doubting priest

    For the rebels among us, you wouldn’t necessarily expect to identify with a Catholic priest. But brace yourselves: here comes “Father Gofo.”

    Adolfo Huerta Aleman, the 35-year-old priest in the Mexican city of Satillo, is making waves with his unorthodox and religiously controversial – some say blasphemous — ways.

    Father Gofo: The Sex-loving, God-doubting Priest
    Looking like a cross between Mana frontman Fernando “Fher” Olvera and the wrestler Sting, Father Gofo (as he is commonly referred to) is an unapologetic priest who rides a Harley and makes no bones about his taste in music, women and drinking.

    He likes heavy metal. He enjoys Marilyn Manson and Fobia — music most devout Christians would find questionable at best. He’s an avid blogger, Facebook and Twitter user. And he is sexually active.

    His behavior prompted the Satillo diocese to send him on a six-month sabbatical to reflect on his actions.

    This decision came after Gofo said in a March interview with proceso.com.mx that he enjoyed sex and doubted the existence of God.

    Father Gofo: The sex-loving, God-doubting priest

    Father Gofo’s agenda to improve humanity

    You may be thinking that this man is frivolous and disrespectful. “What is he doing in a position of piety and humility?”

    Well, in true rebellious form, things are not always what they seem. Father Gofo does have an agenda to improve humanity – albeit through religiously untraditional ways.

    In his interview with Proceso, the priest said, “I cling to faith as a motivation for meaning of life, not as much as a God or a religion. If there is no God, I don’t care, my faith motivates me to look for a meaning to improve our relationships. This will help me to be a better human being.”

    He has said that by holding to strict tradition, the church is alienating itself further and further from contemporary culture.

    Father Gofo: The Sex-loving, God-doubting Priest

    His sermons draw on contemporary cinema, questionable humor and antics that often include throwing himself on the floor.

    Father Gofo became a priest six years ago. He argues that his mission is to bring the Gospel up-to-date for the 21st century.

    “Faith isn’t just checking a card and going to church,” Aleman said in Proceso. “Faith is a commitment to my historical reality, to change the circumstances of the church, to have commitment to the victims of drug trafficking, with the relatives of the disappeared, with transsexuals. The Catholic Church should not be a burden to society, but a relief.”

    Whether Father Gofo is a buffoon or the contemporary hero suppressed Catholics are looking for, one thing goes without question: he knows how to make a name for himself.


    Are Aliens Part of God’s Domain?

    Are Aliens Part of God’s Domain?

    By Diane Tessman

    If you believe in God, you have to ask yourself, “Did God create aliens too?” If you do not believe in God, you have to wonder how life managed to pop up on far distant planets which have environments that seem hostile to life.

    If aliens are from other dimensions, is our God in their dimension too? If aliens are future human time travelers, did God make it to the future?

    No one knows the answers to such enormous questions but I would like to share some ideas I’ve encountered recently: A comment was made to me, “Aliens need religion, they are not created in God’s image, and apparently His covenant is only with the man (humans) He created.”

    How do we know aliens need religion? Are we to be missionaries and bring them our religion, then? If God made His covenant only with humans, why would aliens bother? They are excluded before they begin.

    We don’t even know who the aliens are and yet we have already announced that they are not children of God? We don’t know if they are physical life forms, plasma entities or pure energy. They might have their own religion, perhaps worshipping the Great Goddess of their own planet; then they do not “need religion,” they already have it.

    If aliens are our own grandchildren (human time travelers), then are these aliens not in God’s image? Yet, apparently some people look at UFOs and say, “These UFO occupants are not God’s creations and not in His image. I already know this.”

    Are we to be so egotistical that we think our Earth religion is what extraterrestrials must embrace? And if they do not want any religion, does this make them negative beings? Intelligent, gentle people with integrity and decency can be (and often are), not religious.

    Who has officially discovered that aliens are not created in God’s image? If some aliens are humanoid, then they are created in His image. Of course if God is an omnipotent force, then energy beings are more in His image than we are. Maybe plasma-like angels and UFOs are in his image.

    Of course many people do not feel God is in human form at all, nor do we think “he” is male. Many people feel God is indeed an omniscient power, a force of the universe and does not have gender. If “it” does have gender, it is all-creation, thus female/male.

    And what if God’s image is not just that of “man” but also of a three foot tall extraterrestrial? God’s image would still have a head, two arms, two legs, and a torso. Perhaps this is what the Bible meant when it mentioned “in His image.”

    Are Aliens Part of God’s Domain?

    How do we know that God’s covenant is “apparently only with the man He created?” Is the covenantposted in the Great Hall of the Cosmos for all to see? Perhaps interpretations of the Bible after thousands of years with numerous translations from language to language and having been subject to organized religions’ political pressure throughout this time – cannot be taken literally as we prepare to meet aliens – an enormous event!

    If there is a God or God Force, would it not create all life in the universe? Would it not create the universe itself and not just Planet Earth?

    If God is the property only of humans and Earth, then there must be other gods of the universe. This concept tends to diminish (one God) monotheism which is said to be superior to the many-deities approach; however, maybe this is brain-washing by organized religion. Perhaps monotheists are wrong and Pagans are right?

    Perhaps even Mother Earth has many gods and there really is Mars God of War, Venus Goddess of Love, and gods and goddess out in the Andromeda Galaxy too.

    As I said at the beginning, these are just thoughts which go through my head. I enjoyed an article onUFO Digest recently entitled http://www.ufodigest.com/article/did-god-create-universe-0629

    This article makes a good case for intelligent design and for God as a universal force. However, I feel this article leaves out a crucial concept which is the “bridge” between “no god” and “Yes, there is God.” That bridge concept is consciousness.

    Consciousness is both a scientific truth and a spiritual truth, so this adds to the possibility that it is extremely important not only in human beliefs but alien beliefs as well. It is a bridge not only between “no god” and “Yes, there is a God,” but is also a bridge between human and alien.

    Electromagnetic fields carry intelligence within human brains from which springs human consciousness. This consciousness is not only in one human brain but it spreads across the planet, creating collective human consciousness.

    Are Aliens Part of God’s Domain?

    Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field theory, as well as cutting edge quantum physics tell us that thiselectromagnetic field might also stretch out into the galaxy and the universe. Indeed, the universe may well be an electric universe, an electromagnetic mass of consciousness.

    Alien consciousness and human consciousness likely both connect to this universal “God Consciousness.”

    But did God Consciousness create the universe though intelligent design? Again, we have the old conundrum: Then who created God Consciousness?

    This conundrum might never be answered but if we look at it scientifically: Electromagnetic networks stretch throughout the universe, and within them, Higgs-boson particles somehow manifest a tangible phenomenon called “consciousness,” so then we have “God creating the universe” and “the universe being (God) consciousness itself” happening all at the same time.

    Consciousness is simultaneous and is the bridge element again. Einstein told us that all time is simultaneous also. This also seems a good pointer to verifying what is almost beyond our ability to grasp.

    If you think this is too far-out, look into your own mind and consider the electromagnetic energy up there which gives you intelligence and thus, consciousness.

    Each of us have neuron receptors in our minds which function through electromagnetic networks, allowing us to feel, think, behave, and be - human. Your individual mind flows like a tributary into the river of human collective consciousness. As the river of the collective human consciousness travels throughout history, it encounters alien electromagnetic rivers of consciousness. There are larger rivers out there and currents go both ways, out of your mind and into your mind.

    So, the article on God in the universe, in my estimation, has left all this out. It mentions the Big Bang and God creating it. I am sure this God is said to be a conscious force, not a man. However, the quantum and spiritual phenomenon of consciousness is missing in this article. It seems we are more objects which got created than we are a part of universal consciousness. It might be time for an expansion of beliefs and knowledge.

    The fact is, we sail in and out of the larger universal river of consciousness all the time; we can behave within the strict confines of social procedure at work every day but then on the way home, we hear Elton John’s “Rocket Man” and we are suddenly “out there” where humans and aliens fly.

    Or we stop to help an injured cat and we are suddenly “of Mother Earth/Father Sky,” no longer the guy or gal from the office wondering if one’s shoes are not in fashion. We connect to God Consciousness all the time. Or if you are scientific, we connect to quantum universal consciousness all the time, but do not realize it.

    Enjoying science fiction books and films is a way of purposely trying to take a look at other species' intelligence and so is chasing UFOs! We somehow know this "other consciousness" is accessible to us if we try hard enough. We are God’s children but so are aliens; scientifically, we are a part of the universal electromagnetic field.

    Consciousness is everywhere, inside and outside Earth’s atmosphere. I believe that some consciousness is of pure energy, having evolved beyond the need to define itself by perceiving a corporeal body. We humans still have need of being corporeal, but I believe the thrust of evolution is toward becoming pure energy.

    There is continuity of consciousness, we can go “out there!” There is no real barrier which we cannot overcome just as we always have when we embrace our collective courage and curiosity. It is a challenge but this challenge is what keeps our species viable and invigorated. If no evolution is taking place, stagnation leads to extinction for a species.

    Consciousness is everywhere, inside our heads, inside the heads of other Earth life-forms, inside and all around the planet Earth herself, and in outer space. Are we wrong to think that for life itself to spring up, it needs an earth-like environment and a corporeal (physical) form?

    It might well be that all which is needed for extraterrestrial life to begin, is the electromagnetic, universal field. If a planet is hostile to life as we know it, consciousness simply creates itself something "hospitable" to those circumstances and begins to evolve a life there. This environment will be natural to it if not to us. Is this an argument for Intelligent Design?

    Perhaps. This concept also simply states that consciousness is everywhere in the electric universe, and consciousness finds a way. Life finds a way.

    I wish to end this article with a direct quote from a dear friend of mine. He has an amazing mind and I don’t think I can word his thoughts any better than he has. He is referring to an article I wrote on the possibility of cryogenic sleeper ships to cover the vast distances of space:

    “Accepting that life force/spirit is a conscious entity permeating the physical form but not encapsulated by it, and so free to leave the body and wander at will, and accepting that the physical form is simply a biochemical robot optimized for functioning in specific roles on one particular planet, and the logical thesis that all life forms are physically adapted to the environments in which they function, that some life forms even on Earth regenerate lost physical organs or appendages, and assuming that any culture smart enough to travel intergalactic space also knows how to regenerate biochemical robots suitable for functioning on whatever planet they land, why bother freezing their original bodies?”

    “All they need to do is think and thus manifest themselves a new physical form, suitable for a particular planet.”

    If we are to solve the UFO puzzle and possibly interact with alien races, we need to expand our religious beliefs! No, we do not need to get rid of our personal beliefs, not at all! They simply need to grow.


    Aliens Wrote The Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written By Humans

    Aliens Wrote The Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written By Humans

    Many critical thinkers believe that all religions are completely fabricated man-made lies that were invented in order to give power to evil men. I was one of these people as well, until I found proof after proof that the Quran couldn’t have been written by humans, especially not 1400 years ago. Being an atheist when I found these proofs, my initial conclusion was that the Quran had to have been written by Aliens.

    There are basically two types of evidence that prove the Quran wasn’t written by humans: 1 type is encoded into the actual text, but differently than the “bible code”. The encoded text does not create new phrases or words like the bible code, instead it focuses on the repetition of certain words and letters. As I will show, this code is not baseless numerology. The other type of evidence is scientific “miracles”; things which would have been impossible for a human to know at the time.

    I’ll talk about the scientific evidence first. The Quran talks about some of these proofs in allegorical terms, because the language was not developed enough to say them in truly scientific terms. For instance, the universe is claimed to be continually expanding:

    [51:47] We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it.

    The earth’s rotation is explained by:

    [27:88] When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds. Such is the manufacture of GOD, who perfected everything. He is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
    And again the earth’s rotation is explained by:

    [7:54] Your Lord is the one GOD, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. The night overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are committed to serve by His command. Absolutely, He controls all creation and all commands. Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe.

    The night is always persuing the day when you look at the earth from space.

    Also the Quran specifies that the early stage of development for the Universe was gaseous:

    [41:11] Then He settled to the heaven, while it was still gas, and He said to it, and to the earth: “Come willingly or unwillingly.” They said, “We come willingly.”

    Furthermore, the Big Bang is talked about in the Quran, where everything came from a SINGULARITY:

    [21:30]Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass and We tore them apart? That We made from the water everything that lives. Will they not acknowledge?
    Also this verse brings up the fact that every living thing was created from water. This supports the theory of evolution. Many other times it is said in the Quran that human beings were created from clay. This is an allegory for saying that human beings are made from earthly materials, not from “fire” or energy, like the “jinn beings”.

    [15:27] As for the jinns, we created them, before that, from blazing fire

    Evolution is explained as a TOOL OF CREATION in the following verses:

    [71:14] “While He created you in stages?”

    [71:15]“Did you not see how God created seven heavens in harmony?”

    [71:16] “He made the moon to illuminate in them, and He made the sun to be a lit flame?”

    [71:17]“God made you grow from the earth as plants.”

    And also evolution is explained:

    [29:19] Did they not observe how God initiates the creation then He returns it? All that for God is easy to do.

    [29:20] Say, “Roam the earth and observe how the creation was initiated. Then God will establish the final design. God is capable of all things.”


    [24:45] God created every moving creature from water. So some of them move on their bellies, and some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. God creates whatever He wills. God is capable of all things.

    Also, the embryonic development of a child is explained before science had ever analyzed these things. 

    [23:14] Then We created the seed into an embryo, then We created the embryo into a fetus, then We created the fetus into bone, then We covered the bone with flesh, then We brought forth a new creation. So glory be to God, the best of creators.

    The word that is translated as “fetus” is the Arabic word “alaq”, which literally means “hanging thing”. They didn’t have a word at the time for “fetus”. Also, the mountains are talked about as “pegs” or “roots”which help stabilize the crustal plates from shifting so much. This theory is very new to geologists even today, but is talked about in this article here:

    Mountain Ranges Rise Much More Rapidly Than Geologists Expected

    [78:6] Did We not make the earth a resting ground?

    [78:7] The mountains as pegs?

    They are talked about again:

    [16:15] He has cast into the earth stabilizers so that it does not sway with you, and rivers, and paths, perhaps you will be guided.

    Also, evaporation is allegorically explained by:

    [25:53] He is the One who merges the two bodies of water. This is fresh and palatable and this is salty and bitter. He made between them a partition and an inviolable barrier.

    Aliens Wrote The Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written By Humans
    The seas on earth are salty. The sea of water vapor in the sky is fresh and palatable. The evaporation is the the inviolable barrier between them.

    Now I will talk about the numerical codes and miracles in the Quran, which prove it couldn’t have been written by humans. At the minimum it would need a computer.

    Even before the actual “code” was found, people realized there were many numerical coincidences in the Quran. For instance:
    • The word “month” (shahr) occurs 12 times.
    • The word “day” (yawm) occurs 365 times.
    • The word “days” (eyyam, yawmeyn) occurs 30 times.
    • The words “satan” (shaytan) & “angel” (malak), each occur 88 times.
    • The words “this world” (dunya) and “hereafter” (ahirah), each occur 115 times.
    What’s miraculous about the fact that the word “day” occurs 365 times, is that at the time (and still today), the Arabians were using what’s called the Lunar calandar, which only has 354 days in a year. So the Quran acknowledged the full Solar calandar, the number of months in a year, and the average number of days in a month.

    Then in 1974 the numerical code was discovered, focused on the number 19.

    It is specifically talked about in the following verses:

    [74:30] On it is nineteen.

    [74:31] We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, “What did GOD mean by this allegory?” GOD thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people.

    Aliens Wrote The Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written By Humans

    The 19 based code was discovered because in 29 of the chapters of the Quran, it is prefaced by letters which had no meaning whatsoever. Combinations, like “H.M.” or “Q” or “A.L.M”, etc. When trying to find the meaning of these initials, it was discovered that when added up, their repetition in the chapter was always a multiple of 19. Once this was found, more miracles came to surface:

    * The first verse, i.e., the opening statement “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, shortly “Basmalah,” consists of 19 Arabic letters. This is the most frequented statement in the Quran. It prefaces every chapter, but is not a numbered verse in every chapter but the first. Because of this, only the first “Bismallah” is counted.

    * The first word of Basmalah, Ism (name), withouth conraction, occurs in the Quran 19 times.

    * The second word of Basmalah, Allah (God) occurs 2698 times, or 19×142.

    * The third word of Basmalah, Rahman (Gracious) occurs 57 times, or 19×3.

    * The fourth word of Basmalah, Rahim (Merciful) occurs 114 times, or 19×6.

    * The multiplication factors of the words of the Basmalah (1+142+3+6) add up to 152 or 19×8.

    * The Quran consists of 114 chapters, which is 19×6.

    * The total number of verses in the Quran including all unnumbered Basmalahs is 6346, or 19×334. If you add the digits of that number, 6+3+4+6 equals 19.

    * The Basmalah occurs 114 times, (despite its conspicuous absence from chapter 9, it occurs twice in chapter 27) and 114 is 19×6.

    * From the missing Basmalah of chapter 9 to the extra Basmalah of chapter 27, there are precisely 19 chapters.

    * The occurrence of the extra Basmalah is in 27:30. The number of the chapter and the verse add up to 57, or 19×3.

    * Each letter of the Arabic alphabet corresponds to a number according to their original sequence in the alphabet. The Arabs were using this system for calculations. When the Quran was revealed 14 centuries ago, the numbers known today did not exist. A universal system was used where the letters of the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as numerals. The number assigned to each letter is its “Gematrical Value.” The numerical values of the Arabic alphabet are shown below: [the table is omitted]

    * A study on the gematrical values of about 120 attributes of God which are mentioned in the Quran, shows that only four attributes have gematrical values which are multiples of 19. These are “Wahid” (One), “Zul Fadl al Azim” (Possessor of Infinite Grace), “Majid” (Glorous), “Jaami” (Summoner). Their gematrical value are 19 , 2698, 57, and 114 respectively, which are all divisible by 19 and correspond exactly to the frequencies of occurrence of the Basmalah’s four words.

    * The total numbers of verses where the word “Allah” (God) occurs, add up to 118123, and is 19×6217.

    * The total occurrences of the word Allah (God) in all the verses whose numbers are multiples of 19 is 133, or 19×7.

    * The key commandment: “You shall devote your worship to God alone” (in Arabic “Wahdahu”) occurs in 7:70; 39:45; 40:12,84; and 60:4. The total of these numbers adds up to 361, or 19×19.

    * The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon that is not found in any other book: 29 chapters are prefixed with “Quranic Initials” which remained mysterious for 1406 years. With the discovery of the code 19, we realized their major role in the Quran’s mathematical structure. The initials occur in their respective chapters in multiples of 19. For example, Chapter 19 has five letters in its beginning, K.H.Y.A’.SS., and the total occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 798, or 19×42.

    * To witness the details of the miracle of these initials, a short chapter which begins with one initial, letter “Q”, will be a good example. The frequency of “Q” in chapter 50 is 57, or 19×3. The letter “Q” occurs in the other Q-initialed chapter, i.e., chapter 42, exactly the same number of times, 57. The total occurrence of the letter “Q” in the two Q-initialed chapters is 114, which equals the number of chapters in the Quran. The description of the Quran as “Majid” (Glorious) is correlated with the frequency of occurrence of the letter “Q” in each of the Q-initialed chapters. The word “Majid” has a gematrical value of 57. Chapter 42 consists of 53 verses, and 42+53 is 95, or 19×5. Chapter 50 consists of 45 verses, and 50+45 is 95, or 19×5.

    * The Quran mentions 30 different cardinal numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50000, & 100000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19×8534.

    * In addition to 30 cardinal numbers, the Quran contains 8 fractions: 1/10, 1/8, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3. Thus, the Quran contains 38 (19×2) different numbers. The total of fractions is approximately 2.

    * If we write down the number of each verse in the Quran, one next to the other, preceded by the number of verses in each chapter, the resulting long number consists of 12692 digits (19×668). Additionally, the huge number itself is also a multiple of 19.

    Aliens Wrote The Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written By Humans

    It is significant that the same 19-based mathematical composition was discovered by Rabbi Judah in the 12th century AD in a preserved part of the Old Testament. Below is a quote from “Studies In Jewish Mysticism”.

    The people (Jews) in France made it a custom to add (in the morning prayer) the words: ” ’Ashrei temimei derekh (blessed are those who walk the righteous way),” and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned (in that portion of the morning prayer), . . . and similarly you find the word Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve-’elleh shemot . . . . 

    “Similarly, you find that Israel were called “sons” nineteen times, and there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings, which are contained in more than eight volumes. Therefore, anyone who has the fear of God in him will not listen to the words of the Frenchmen who add the verse ” ’Ashrei temimei derekh (blessed are those who walk in the paths of God’s Torah, for according to their additions the Holy Name is mentioned twenty times . . . and this is a great mistake. Furthermore, in this section there are 152 words, but if you add ” ’Ashrei temimei derekh” there are 158 words. This is nonsense, for it is a great and hidden secret why there should be 152 words . . .” (Studies In Jewish Mysticism, Joseph Dan, Association for Jewish Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1978, p 88.)

    Also, wars between aliens are talked about in the Quran:

    [15:16] We placed galaxies in the sky, and adorned it for the beholders.
    [15:17] And we guarded it against every rejected devil.
    [15:18] If any of them sneaks around to listen, a fierce flame will chase him back.

    [55:33] O you jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the outer limits of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and penetrate. You cannot penetrate without authorization. [55:34] Which of your Lord’s marvels can you deny? [55:35] You get bombarded with projectiles of fire and metal, and you cannot win.

    [67:5] We adorned the lowest universe with lamps, and guarded its borders with projectiles against the devils; we prepared for them a retribution in Hell. 

    After looking at all these proofs it was pretty easy for me to conclude that the Quran was NOT written by humans. Because I was atheist, my initial reaction was that the Quran was written by Aliens. After reading it, I believe it was written by God.. But that’s an act of faith on my part.


    Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History

    Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History

    At the time of this writing, the US sits upon the edge of the biggest depopulation event in US history. No, I am not talking about the roll out of martial law, mass incarceration into detention centers under the NDAA, nor am I speaking about the commencement of WWIII. The biggest threat the largest amount of Americans comes in the form of a Trojan Horse. What should be helping Americans to thrive and prosper into old age, is already beginning to be used as a weapon of mass destruction against the American people.

    On January 1, 2014, Obamacare takes effect and the death curve among certain populations is going to skyrocket over the next several years. The coming healthcare cataclysm has been deliberately planned with you as their intended victim.

    A Small Taste of What’s Coming
    Soon, government appointed stooges, such as the director of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, will be making all of our important healthcare decisions. It might behoove us to ask what kind of person and professional is Kathleen Sebelius since she will soon have the complete power of life and death over every American citizen.

    To better examine the fine character of Sebelius, let’s take a look at a healthcare case of a ten year old girl, Sara Murnaghan, who is dying of cystic fibrosis. Sebelius gives America a preview of what lies ahead for many of us.

    Ten-year-old Sara needs an adult/adolescent lung transplant and this is her only chance of survival. However, Sara is prohibited from being put on the transplant list because the qualifying age to be put on the list is 12 years of age. Several doctors have proclaimed that if she were be put on the list, she would survive.

    Kathleen Sebilius has the authority to issue a waiver and permit Sara to be added to the list. Sebilius has the power of life over death over young Sara’s life and she said “no” in what has become a one person death panel for Sara.

    Even former US Attorney and current Congressman from Pennsylvania, Patrick Meehan has said that Sebelius has the authority to grant the exemption. Yet, Sebilius has issued other such exemptions. It seems that Sarah is just not the right 10 year old. Of course health care exemptions are made every day for friends and supporters of the President. However, Sara just does not carry enough political weight to sway Sebelius.

    America, Kathleen Sebelius is the woman who will be making many administrative decisions about the future of your health care. I think most of agree that her handling of this transplant case does not inspire confidence. But wait, it gets worse, far worse.  

    Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History

    You Are A Marked Person

    You have an assassin that has the proverbial bullet which displays your name. How many of you have ever heard of the IPAB? I would be willing to bet that 99% of the country will never have heard to the IPAB. It stands for the Independent Payment Advisory Board and they are going to be behind the demise of many Americans in the near future.

    The IPAB is an unelected panel which will determine who gets treated and what age. Sebelius is serving as the directorhas been quoted as stating that the majority of IPAB membership cannot consist of medical practitioners.In other words, unqualified, non-medical professionals will be making health care decisions which could determine your fate and the fate of your loved ones.

    At a time when many Americans have been angered by the abuses at the Internal Revenue Service, the National Security Agency and the Justice Department, the introduction of a powerful and largely unaccountable board into health care merits special scrutiny. It is important to note that the IPAB is accountable to nobody. Smells like Sebelius is attempting to pull a fast one over on the American people. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Another reprehensible element in the plethora of unaccountable, dictatorial organizations which will ration our health care is the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This is an unelected independent group of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine. The term “treatment denied because it has been declared to be experimental” will soon become a much more popular refrain from health care providers.

    Under national healthcare, the USPSTF will determine whether your doctor will be able to diagnose you with what diseases and what treatments are allowable and will be made available to your as well as what age patients are still eligible for treatment.

    Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History

    Rationing Enrollment in Obamacare for Pre-Existing Conditions

    Didn’t Obama campaign on not permitting treatment to be denied based upon pre-existing conditions? You bet he did and like so many other things coming out of his mouth, he was lying.

    A pre-existing condition health insurance program established by Obamacare is already in financial trouble and is seeking to control costs even before the program is unveiled. The Health and Human Services Department, there is Sebelius rearing her ugly head again, has stopped enrolling any new people in the program, according to an audit by the General Accountability Office. In addition, to further control spending, Sebelius has directed the program to shift more of the costs onto the current participants. We are now witnessing just how free is Obamacare as the pre-existing conditions group is having its out of pocket costs increased even before the program commences.

    Rationing of healthcare is also occurring in 16 states which have set a limit on the number of prescription drugs that they will cover for Medicaid patients. Seven of those states, according to Kaiser Health News, have already enacted these limits in just the last two years in anticipation of the roll out of Obamacare..

    Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History

    Death Panels

    It turns out that Palin was correct, there really are death panels, who will possess the power of life and death. Those with chronic illnesses and the elderly will be the first set of victims. The IPAB has accurately been identified as a death panel because so many have called for it to have health care rationing powers and because its decisions could result in cost-cutting measures that deny lifesaving medical treatment.

    The IPAB will decide, for example, whether a 55-year-old cancer patient will get chemotherapy treatment, or will they be given a pain pill and sent home to die. Under Obamacare, younger patients take precedent over older people. Obama czar, Cass Sunstein has said as much. Sunstein is also in favor of various eugenics policies through such unspeakable policies as embracing, as policy, post-birth “abortions” (i.e. murder) of “defective” children up to the age of three.

    Even the Nazi’s were not as inhumane as Sunstein. The Nazis were publicly forthcoming for their perceived need to ration healthcare when it came to what they called “useless mouths.” Kissinger used the term “useless eaters” to describe those that should be done away with under this draconian form of Fabian Socialism. Under Hitler, 300,000 people were exterminated in German hospitals through lethal injection. Under Obama’s plan, this number will seem miniscule by comparison.

    In recent remarks to the Accuracy In Media conference, “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth,” Betsy McCaughey stated that the regulations and cuts in Obamacare law would directly cause the deaths of 35,000 hospital patients who otherwise might have survived. Many think that this number might climb ten-fold per year. And we are just beginning to learn about specific age-related exemptions for treatment. You see, there is the version of the law that Obama managed to get through both houses which uses very nebulous language. Then there is the administration of the same law and manifestation of these policies.

    And please remember that many doctors are leaving the profession because of this thinly veiled flavor of Obama based eugenics. By 2020, the US is projected to have a shortage of 80,000 doctors. By 2025, that number is expected to grow to a national shortage of 130,000 doctors. And with specialists and general practitioners being paid the same under Obamacare, why would any doctor spend the extra money to become trained in various healthcare specialties if they will not make any more money? So, even if Obamacare was not about creating treatment exclusions, finding a doctor and managing the wait time could prove to be an insurmountable challenge.

    This is only the tip of the iceberg and, yet, the sheep continue to march on to their final resting place.

    Good News Update: A lower court ruling reversed the decision of HHS Director, Kathleen Sebelius decision to not allow 10 year old Sara her double lung transplant. Unfortunately, this does not mitigate the decision originally made by Sebelius. Most people who would be euthanized by Obamacare will never have a judge in their corner to rule on their behalf. If anyone thinks that this will cause Sebelius to reverse the depopulation elements listed in this article, then one would have to believe in the tooth fairy. Sebelius, on behalf of the Obama administration may have lost the battle with 10 year old Sara, but they are clearly winning the war to depopulate America through the genocidal Obamacare.


    CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine, It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus

     CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus

     CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus

    The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.

    SV40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer.

    SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen andSV40 Small T-antigen. Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to cancer.

    Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently isolated fragments of the SV-40 virus in human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called mesothelioma. He found SV-40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the mesotheliomas lung cancers, writes Geraldo Fuentes.

    Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early 1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck & Co. liability for AIDS.

    The matter-of-fact disclosure came during discussions of polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 virus which caused cancer in nearly every species infected by injection. Many authorities now admit much, possibly most, of the world’s cancers came from the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, and hepatitis B vaccines, produced in monkeys and chimps.

    It is said mesothelioma is a result of asbestos exposure, but research reveals that 50% of the current mesotheliomas being treated no longer occurs due to asbestos but rather the SV-40 virus contained in the polio vaccination. In addition, according to researchers from the Institute of Histology and General Embryology of the University of Ferrara, SV-40 has turned up in a variety other tumors. By the end of 1996, dozens of scientists reported finding SV40 in a variety of bone cancers and a wide range of brain cancers, which had risen 30 percent over the previous 20 years.

    The SV-40 virus is now being detected in tumors removed from people never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine, leading some to conclude that those infected by the vaccine might be spreading SV40.

    Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the oral form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961 produced by American Home Products (dba Lederle).

    Both the oral, live virus and injectable inactive virus were affected. It was found later that the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the injectable vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40.

    Just two years ago, the U.S. government finally added formaldehyde to a list of known carcinogens and and admitted that the chemical styrene might cause cancer. Yet, the substance is still found in almost every vaccine.

     CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus

    According to the Australian National Research Council, fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level. More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems, on at least 8 federal regulatory lists, it is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health (Environmental Defense Fund).

    In the body, formaldehyde can cause proteins to irreversibly bind to DNA. Laboratory animals exposed to doses of inhaled formaldehyde over their lifetimes have developed more cancers of the nose and throat than are usual.

    Facts Listed on The CDC Website about SV40
    • SV40 is a virus found in some species of monkey.
    • SV40 was discovered in 1960. Soon afterward, the virus was found inpolio vaccine.
    • SV40 virus has been found in certain types of cancer in humans.

    Additional Facts
    • In the 1950s, rhesus monkey kidney cells, which contain SV40 if the animal is infected, were used in preparing polio vaccines.
    • Not all doses of IPV were contaminated. It has been estimated that 10-30 million people actually received a vaccine that contained SV40.
    • Some evidence suggests that receipt of SV40-contaminated poliovaccine may increase risk of cancer.

    A Greater Perspective on Aerial Spraying and SV40

    The Defense Sciences Office of the Pathogen Countermeasures Program, in September 23, 1998 funded the University of Michigan’s principal investigator, Dr. James Baker, Jr. Dr. Baker, Director of Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences under several DARPA grants. Dr. Baker developed and focused on preventing pathogens from entering the human body, which is a major goal in the development of counter measures to Biological Warfare. This research project sought to develop a composite material that will serve as a pathogen avoidance barrier and post-exposure therapeutic agent to be applied in a topical manner to the skin and mucous membranes. The composite is modeled after the immune system in that it involves redundant, non-specific and specific forms of pathogen defense and inactivation. This composite material is now utilized in many nasal vaccines and vector control through the use of hydro-gel, nanosilicon gels and actuator materials in vaccines.

    Through Dr. Baker’s research at the University of Michigan; he developed dendritic polymers and their application to medical and biological science. He co-developed a new vector system for gene transfer using synthetic polymers. These studies have produced striking results and have the potential to change the basis of gene transfer therapy. Dendrimers are nanometer-sized water soluble polymers that can conjugate to peptides or arbohydrates to act as decoy molecules to inhibit the binding of toxins and viruses to cells. They can act also as complex and stabilize genetic material for prolonged periods of time, as in a “time released or delayed gene transfer”. Through Dr. Baker’s ground breaking research many pharmaceutical and biological pesticide manufacturers can use these principles in DNA vaccines specific applications that incorporate the Simian Monkey Virus SV40.

     CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus


    In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.” The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

    Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures. DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies. The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus. In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy. During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.

     CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus


    In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles. Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain. She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing. The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus. Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology. The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.


    Arrest Warrants Issued for Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth, and Stephen Harper

    Crimes Against Humanity: Arrest Warrants Issued for Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth, and Stephen Harper

    Crimes Against Humanity: Arrest Warrants Issued for Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth, and Stephen Harper

    Pope Benedict XVI, also known Joseph Ratzinger, recently stepped down, citing a lack of strength brought on by his advanced age . In the history of the Roman Catholic Church, a Pope has never resigned because of infirmity; they are expected to die in office . So what’s the real story? Did Ratzinger forget that the papacy is a lifelong position, or is there a more credible explanation for his decision?

    In 2010, a “citizen-based Tribunal of Conscience” was founded in Dublin, Ireland. Known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, the ITCCS is based on an international legal principle known as the Necessity Act, according to which a court can be established under common law. While its central office is located in Brussels, Belgium, the ITCCS is spread across fifteen different countries. Its team consists of common law legal consultants, lawyers with the Center for Constitutional Rights, sworn Citizen Jurors, judges, and others.

    Crimes Against Humanity: Arrest Warrants Issued for Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth, and Stephen Harper

    The objective of ITCCS is to “bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present,” and to “stop these and other criminal actions by churches, corporations and governments” . They have compiled sworn affidavits and hours of video evidence, implicating both individuals and institutions in what appears to be abuse of a systemic nature. One of the institutions implicated is the Roman Catholic Church.

    On February 1st , 2013 the ITCCS found Joseph Ratzinger guilty of “committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy” . On February 4th, he announced his resignation as Pope, saying he was unable to fulfill his duties. Of course correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but Ratzinger is also said to have met with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on February 23rd , reportedly seeking immunity from prosecution . Clearly, Ratzinger is concerned about something. So what exactly is the case against him?

    Although both the Canadian government and the Roman Catholic Church have long endeavored to bury it , there is a growing body of evidence for a so-called “Canadian Holocaust.” From 1884 to 1984, at least 150,000 Native Canadian children were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in government-funded, church-administered residential schools. This was done in an attempt to exterminate Native cultures and assimilate their populations into the dominant paradigm

    Yet these residential schools threatened far more than the cultures of Native peoples. As early as 1907, it was reported by the Medical Inspector for the Department of Indian Affairs that the residential school students were being deliberately infected with tuberculosis, resulting in an average mortality rate of 40%. By 1919, that figure was as high as 75% in some schools–only one in four students would survive their so-called “education.” As for those who did survive, many would go on to endure physical abuse, sexual abuse, and forced sterilizations. Incredibly, some would even become involuntary test subjects for the CIA’s research into mind control, also known as Project MK-ULTRA.

    Although it is beyond the scope of this article to consider the evidence in any greater detail, it is for these reasons and many others that the ITCCS has concluded that Pope Benedict, Stephen Harper, and even the Queen of England are complicit in crimes against humanity. For readers inclined to look into the matter further, some of the evidence against these individuals is presented in the following video:

    It is the opinion of this writer that the Pope’s resignation is of profound social and political import. Historians will write of this time, noting that the verdict of the ITCCS marked a milestone in the liberation of humanity. They will write about how a de jure common law court, an international court of the people, established a legal mechanism that empowered citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions.

    The influence of the ITCCS, however, is entirely dependent upon the impetus of the people. This verdict will be ignored by the mainstream media, it will be disavowed by our politicians, and our police officers will not recognize its legitimacy—unless we demand otherwise. For this reason, each of us has a moral responsibility to hold the convicted individuals and institutions accountable in whatever way we can. There are numerous things that we can do, from simply sharing this news and explaining what the ITCCS is, to occupying churches and compiling further documentation of the crimes of Church and State. An extensive list of actions recommended by the ITCCS can be found here.

    If enough of us stand behind the ITCCS, there is no limit to what we might accomplish. When we fully consider how many times and in how many ways we have been abused and exploited by our governments and religious institutions, we will see that the Canadian Holocaust is only one piece in a very large puzzle. Who else do we suspect of crimes against humanity? Who are your tyrants?


    5 Horrifying Secrets Supermarkets Don't Want You to Know


    As we are fond of pointing out, the only thing that surpasses mankind’s loving relationship with food is the food industry’s willingness to abuse said relationship at every opportunity. Your grocery store is no different — every time you visit that behemoth food chain, you’re stepping into a confusing fluorescent-lit maze of lies. And by lies, we mean dead rats.

    See, when you get sick after eating at a restaurant, you probably tell everyone you know — restaurants get a bad reputation in a hurry. But if something from your kitchen makes you sick, would you ever think to blame the grocery store?

    You should. Because if you peek behind the scenes, you will find that …

    #5. There Is Poop on the Shopping Carts

    There Is Poop on the Shopping Carts

    You know those hobos who cart their entire material fortune with them in a battered, filthy shopping cart, only for it to be demolished in a chase scene from an ’80s buddy cop movie? Those carts, while filthy, are probably cleaner than the one you just loaded your week’s worth of TV dinners into. That’s because there is a better than good chance that the shopping cart you grabbed when you embarked upon your grocery quest is stained with poop. A 72 percent chance, according to research. There’s also a 50-50 chance that the cart you grab comes with a special side order of E. coli.

    And a 100 percent chance that you grab the one with the fucked up wheel.

    Are the night janitors getting drunk on the job and mistaking the shopping carts for toilets? Actually, this, like so many other hazardous shopping experiences, is because of children. They have a habit of sticking their hands everywhere, and as such they tend to carry trace amounts of fecal matter — among other things — about their person at all times. Imagine that poop-encrusted toddler sitting in your shopping cart before you got hold of it, just smearing his hands on everything, as kids are wont to do. Now imagine 10,000 kids in the cart, pulling a nonstop poop-smearing orgy, and you get a basic idea of the public toilet that you’re using to store your fresh produce. 

    “On the plus side, all of our feces is organic and locally shat.”

    Because guess what — that cart hasn’t been cleaned in a while, if ever. Think about it: When’s the last time you’ve seen employees at your local grocery store hosing down the carts? Never, because it’s just not part of the program. It’d be a losing battle anyway, when you consider how many people use the cart in a day, and how many nooks and crannies there are for all sorts of microscopic bullshit to thrive in.

    “But Cracked,” you reasonably inquire, “what about the sanitizing wipes most stores have right next to the shopping carts? Surely those can be used to clean away all that crap.” They can help, sure enough — if you’re willing to take 20 minutes per shopping trip to thoroughly wipe every inch of a device that is essentially a wheeled basket made of tiny secret microbe lairs. But even then, the only way to get them really clean would be to spray them with a cloud of disinfectant, or maybe run them through a car wash or something, after every use. But nobody does tThe amount of time that it takes for food to spoil isn’t an exact science. Although supermarkets will slap a use-by date on the stuff at the meat counter, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to explode into a festering pile of salmonella as soon as the clock ticks over from midnight. After that, it’s just a gamble as to whether eating that old chicken is going to result in 10 hours of rage pooping. But at least that use-by date puts the decision in your hands. If you want to go Deerhunter and play a game of E. coli roulette with expired meat, that’s your choice.hat, so poop carts it is! 

    #4. They Change Expiration Dates (and It’s Usually Legal)

    They Change Expiration Dates (and It’s Usually Legal)

    The amount of time that it takes for food to spoil isn’t an exact science. Although supermarkets will slap a use-by date on the stuff at the meat counter, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to explode into a festering pile of salmonella as soon as the clock ticks over from midnight. After that, it’s just a gamble as to whether eating that old chicken is going to result in 10 hours of rage pooping. But at least that use-by date puts the decision in your hands. If you want to go Deerhunter and play a game of E. coli roulette with expired meat, that’s your choice.

    The problem is, the date on the package might not mean shit — supermarkets know full well how nebulous the concept of food spoilage can be, so if they haven’t sold something by the time it hits the deadline and it hasn’t turned green, they can just slap a new use-by date over the old one and call it fresh. And depending on where you live, the practice is completely legal, too: 30 states in the U.S. don’t regulate date labeling of anything (save for, thankfully, infant formula). Essentially, this leaves the vast majority of American stores to regulate their wares with little more than their own moral (hahaha!) compass.

    We’re not talking about just adding one or two days’ worth of shelf life, either. Here’s an example of the trick, courtesy of Walmart: 

    The original use-/freeze-by date of that packet of delicious beef brisket was 09/19/11. The new one is 09/30/11. They’re cheerfully selling you a meat product that has traveled 11 more fucking days toward Food Poisoning Junction than you thought. And that’s not the Kwik-E-Mart, it’s the biggest grocery chain in the world. Who knows what less accountable stores are selling?
    #3. Food Gets Recycled

    Food Gets Recycled

    Food wastage isn’t just a problem for environmentalists to jump up and down about — it’s a problem for the giant grocery chains as well. After all, if you’re not buying their shit, that’s food that’s going to have to be thrown away, and no profit can be made on it. Unless, of course, they have a way to recirculate bad food as new food.

    Guess what! They do! There is an FDA-approved practice called food reconditioning, which essentially allows food manufacturers to take expiring and/or faulty products and “recondition” them into other products. The ensuing reconditioned food items — once again prime fare in the eyes of the law — are then happily stacked back on shelves for you to buy and stuff your face with. Depending on what you’re buying, your groceries might be making their second (or third, or fourth) round on the supermarket shelf.

    Examples range from relatively harmless, such as grinding misshapen pasta into semolina, to downright weird: For instance, any and all ice cream can be reconditioned into chocolate-flavored ice cream, no matter how badly it is messed up — the chocolate flavor and dark color mask all the faults in the original taste. Because it’s easier to label it “Chocolate” than “Botched Ice Cream Potpourri.”

    Of course, the FDA allows food reconditioning on the condition that the resulting product is something safe to eat. But then some companies live by the philosophy that what the FDA doesn’t know won’t hurt them (unless they eat the product). That’s what happened when a company recalled a bunch of moldy applesauce in 2011, then treated it and poured it back into the vat for redistribution to babies and schoolchildren. When the FDA found out, they sent the company a strongly worded letter, after which the company presumably made a solemn vow never to get caught again.

    #2. The Meat Might Be Wearing a Disguise

    The Meat Might Be Wearing a Disguise

    Thanks to Europe’s recent, highly publicized horse meat scandal, where meat from elderly horses was blatantly sold as beef, it’s no secret that at least some food purveyors are not above feeding you mislabeled meat. Still, the fact that this particular scandal made international headlines is proof that that this kind of thing just doesn’t fly, and the media will jump down their throats the second they find out that their hamburger used to say “neigh” rather than “moo.”

    And in fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is adamant that all meat sold in the U.S. is exactly what it says on the package … right up until the microphones go off, which is when they’re happy to state that actual testing is extremely rare. It turns out they’re basing their entire “all U.S. beef is real beef” argument on the fact that, as far as they know, no one is actively butchering horses for food on U.S. soil. When it comes to imported meat, it’s only ever tested when there’s some reason to believe a shipment is suspicious, like they hear a curious whinnying sound from inside the container.

    But worrying about badger turning up in your bacon has got to be paranoia, right? Well, one study of 1,200-plus samples of fish products in the U.S. found that a third of the fish on the market is deliberately mislabeled in order to sell random, cheap fish as the species that fetch the highest prices. These counterfeit fish pose as expensive ones such as tuna and snapper, and they range from relatively harmless (if tasteless) ones such as tilapia to fucking snake mackerel — a generally banned, harmful fish that can cause severe gastric distress to the poor soul who buys it as delicious tuna (even if we would feel incredibly badass striding up to the counter and asking for a big basket of snake mackerel).

    #1. The Health Inspection System Is, Let’s Say, Rather Lax

     The Health Inspection System Is, Let’s Say, Rather Lax
     If you live in a city with more than three restaurants, we’re going to bet you can remember at least one getting shut down for health code violations at some point. It happens all the time, and usually you just pat yourself on the back for having avoided eating at a breakfast joint run out of a shipping container called the Bearded Sausage. But now ask yourself: When’s the last time you heard of a grocery store getting shut down for that reason? They all have delis that serve food now, right?

    It’s not because they’re all spotless — it’s that the inspection system tends to take it very easy on them.

    While grocery stores do get inspected, unlike restaurants, they’re not obligated to tell you if they failed the inspection, and they don’t have a lot of motivation to change their practices. That’s why when news reporters investigate the issue themselves by doing their own impromptu inspections, they frequently find dozens of violations, from moldy produce to meat sitting at temperatures way too low to keep germs away. These aren’t things that the inspectors missed — it turns out that the stores had failed inspections in the past, and when they brought the inspectors back, they failed again. No matter — they get to stay open and keep serving customers. When NBC News did a check of 18 random stores that had gotten “critical” health violations in the past (“critical” meaning “bad enough to make a customer sick”), they found that 11 still had them — and that was without being able to go behind the counter to see where the butcher was sticking his dick in the meat.

    So why does the government let this go on? Well, that depends on what you mean by “the government” — in the U.S., the federal government doesn’t inspect places that serve food — that’s done by the local health departments, which are often too short-handed to keep up. Plus, grocery stores and restaurants are sometimes inspected by completely separate agencies. And the process of reporting and responding to the issues found in the inspections are almost exclusively between the inspector and the store.

    So when the health inspector finds decaying rats next to your soon-to-be-purchased banana pudding, chances are he’s not required to tell you, the customer, a goddamn word about it. And neither is the store itself. Sure, there is a failsafe where they have to cough up the paperwork if an individual specifically asks to see their scores, but the companies don’t exactly advertise the option. Gosh, we wonder why.

    To be fair, these are huge buildings selling thousands of items, with tens of thousands of filthy strangers filing in and out throughout the day. We’re sure they’re doing their best. It’s just that their best can still leave you with food poisoning. And it’s not like they never get shut down: Here’s a store that was recently shut down in West Virginia after inspectors found a stunning 36 health code violations.

    Shanghai Restaurants Disguise Rat Meat As Lamb

    Shanghai diners fed rat, mink and fox instead of lamb

    Not quite, according to the city's police; the lamb is actually more likely to be rat, fox or mink.

    On May, 63 suspects were arrested for a racket that makes horse meat in hamburgers seem positively palatable.

    For the past four years, the police said, the gang had taken the small mammals, doused their flesh in dye and preservatives, and sold it as lamb "at farmers' markets in Jiangsu and Shanghai".

    In a raid, nearly 10 tons of the counterfeit lamb was confiscated from a warehouse and the police said the gang had made profits of at least £1 million.

    Shanghai diners fed rat, mink and fox instead of lamb

    "How many rats does it take to put together a sheep?" asked one user of Weibo, China's version of Twitter.

    There was weary resignation, rather than surprise, at the latest revelations in a city that is already accustomed to its food being cooked in oil dredged from the sewers, and where more than 16,000 putrefying pig carcasses were found dumped in a river that provides drinking water earlier this year.

    However, the Shanghai police took the time to give advice on the internet on how to spot fake lamb.

    Shanghai diners fed rat, mink and fox instead of lamb

    "In fake lamb, it is easy to pull apart the fat from the red meat. In real lamb, the fat is difficult to separate," the police said on Sina Weibo, in a post that was forwarded more than 10,000 times.

    The arrests in Shanghai were part of a countrywide operation since the beginning of the year to reassure the public that their food is safe.

    A total of 904 people were arrested for selling fake, poisonous or contaminated meat and more than 1,700 underground butchers and processors were closed down.

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