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US Navy Plan to Prepare for Extraterrestrials Living Among us Secretly Developed in 1998

US Navy Plan Preparing For Extraterrestrials Among Us Secretly Developed in 1998
 According to Catherine Austin Fitts, the US Navy commissioned the Arlington Institute in 1998 to conduct a strategic plan on how to prepare for a world where it is known that extraterrestrial life exists, and that aliens live among us. On July 4, 2013, Fitts released a document supporting her version of events.

US Navy plan preparing for extraterrestrials among us secretly developed in 1998

Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), released a document supporting her claims that the US Navy initiated a plan in 1998 to adjust its operations for a future where extraterrestrials exist and live among us.She claims the plan was commissioned by the Undersecretary of the US Navy and was undertaken by the Arlington Institute, an NGO located near the Pentagon with many military clients, where Fitts served on the Board of Directors. She was asked to assist with the plan and claims she was given an opportunity to meet a live alien, but declined. When I contacted the Arlington Institute in 2008, two members of the Board of Directors repudiated Fitts claims. The document released on her website is the official minutes of a Board of Directors meeting held at the Arlington Institute in 2000. The document confirms key elements in her version of events, especially that Arlington Institute was actively discussing plans for how to best prepare the general public for disclosing the existence of, and contact with, extraterrestrial life.

Catherine Fitts claims that in 1998 the Undersecretary of the U.S. Navy had commissioned a "high level strategic plan" to prepare the American public for an official announcement that extraterrestrials exist and live among us. She wrote:

In 1998, I was approached by John Peterson, head of the Arlington Institute, a small high quality military think tank in Washington, DC. I had gotten to know John through Global Business Network and had been impressed by his intelligence, effectiveness and compassion. John asked me to help him with a high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the Undersecretary of the Navy. At the time I was the target of an intense smear campaign that would lead the normal person to assume that I would be in jail shortly or worse. John explained that the Navy understood that it was all politics ---- they did not care.

I met with a group of high level people in the military in the process --- including the Undersecretary. According to John, the purpose of the plan --- discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and former government officials--- was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us.

When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not know that aliens existed and lived among us. John asked me if I would like to meet some aliens. For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to learn about something important.

US Navy Plan Preparing For Extraterrestrials Among Us Secretly Developed in 1998

In March 2008 I was planning to write an article about Ms Fitts claims, and began my investigation by first contacting her to elaborate or clarify her earlier recollection. Fitts said she had nothing to add to what had already been released to the public. I then contacted John Petersen, President of the Arlington Institute. He flatly denied Ms Fitts claims and offered to put me in communication with other members of the Board of Directors to get independent confirmation. In subsequent email communications with Joe Firmage, another Board member, he also denied Ms Fitts version of events, and did not recall any meetings where she was also present where the issue of extraterrestrial life was discussed. I was unsuccessful in reaching Jerry MacArthur Hultin, who served as Undersecretary of the Navy during the period mentioned by Fitts.

To varying degrees, Petersen and Firmage both claimed there was no substance to Fitts story. Petersen was especially insistent that Fitts had contrived the entire scenario. Given that two members of the Arlington Institute Board of Directors directly contradicted her version of events, and I was not able to find any other witnesses to support her claims, I decided to postpone writing an article on the incident until independent confirmation could be found.

Almost five years later, in my recently published book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, I included the incident described by Catherine Fitts along with the denial by John Petersen and Joe Firmage. I wrote:

I have been able to confirm that Fitts served on the Board of Directors of the Arlington Institute during the period in question, and that extraterrestrial life was discussed at some of its closed door meetings as a hypothetical “wildcard event.” However, Fitts’ specific claim of there being a strategic plan sponsored by the U.S. Navy to prepare the public for disclosure of extraterrestrial life, or of a possible meeting an extraterrestrial, was not supported by other Board members.414
In the footnote 414, I gave some details of my communications with Petersen and Firmage. On July 4, 2013 I received a short email by Ms Fitts with a subject header referencing footnote 414 in my Galactic Diplomacy book where I elaborated on the repudiation of her claims by Arlington Institute Board members. The content of her email directed me to a new page on her Solari website which was just uploaded. She wrote:

In the spirit of Independence Day, I am publishing the minutes of the board meeting of the Arlington Institute on April 10th, 2000. I have repeatedly stated that I would do so if my description of this meeting was contradicted by any of the members.

US Navy Plan Preparing For Extraterrestrials Among Us Secretly Developed in 1998

With the publication of Galactic Diplomacy, the contradiction of her version of events by other Arlington Institute Board members was now part of the public record. Consequently, Fitts felt free to release documentation supporting her version of events – Minutes of the March 26, 1999 Board of Directors meeting. The Minutes of the meeting state:

Mr. Petersen then reported that the Institute had been approached to determine if it was interested in publishing a study by Pickford and Lindemann on the subject of life outside of the earth. After discussion, there was general agreement that publication of the study would be a good idea and would be consistent with the work otherwise being done by the Institute with respect to wild cards.

While the study mentioned by Pickford and Lindemann is not identified, here is an online account of eight alien contact scenarios they developed for a workshop on extraterrestrial contact as recalled by one of the participants:

Called the second "Contact Planning" meeting and held in Denver, Colorado, this workshop was sponsored by the International Space Sciences Organization and organized by Kyle Pickford and Michael Lindemann…. We spent one afternoon in five groups: business, religion, science, government, and media/public. Each group role-played its behavior for each of eight scenarios. Although I have read lots of literature on post-contact behavior, this was the first time that I deeply grasped just how people in each of those categories may actually behave right after contact…. What can we do now to prepare? We spent the last few hours of the meeting generating and clustering various strategic planning possibilities. A large number of these ideas clearly fit into two clusters that I find very encouraging: (a) tell the general public the truth right away and (b) prepare to communicate and negotiate with ETI in a friendly and cooperative manner, even if its behavior seems unfriendly.
The minutes of the meeting confirm that the Arlington Institute was discussing extraterrestrial contact scenarios in at least one Board of Directors meeting as Fitts claimed. Importantly, the minutes confirm that the Arlington Institute was doing work for clients that involved extraterrestrial contact as a wild card issue. According to Ms Fitts, one of these clients was the US Navy.

In private email communications, Petersen confirmed that Fitts did participate in a Navy Project conducted by the Arlington Institute, and that the extraterrestrial contact issue did come up as a “wild card” future scenario event. However, he pointed out that there was no strategic plan commissioned by the US Navy to prepare the public for extraterrestrial contact as claimed by Fitts.


There remains substantial differences between Catherine Fitts and John Petersen over the extent to which the US Navy interest in extraterrestrial contact issues was part of a strategic study as Fitts claims, or simply part of ad hoc discussions as Petersen contends. Nevertheless, the official Board minutes released by Fitts does lend support to her main claim that the US Navy commissioned a project with the Arlington Institute for its expertise on wild card future scenarios involving extraterrestrial contact. It can therefore be concluded with some confidence that official efforts began in 1998 by the US Navy to prepare for a world where extraterrestrials exist and are living among the human population.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.. Exopolitics.org

Reasons Why People Quit Church

Reasons Why People Quit Church

Church isn't for everyone, even those with a pure heart, decent morale, and good intentions. There is another place where some belong, under the title 'Spiritual, but not religious' or 'Religious, but not Churchgoer'. People who feel connected to something greater, in a spiritual sense that transcends all areas of life, but choose not to be affiliated with any particular brand of denominations of church on the market. I find myself residing here with significant numbers joining me.

We've tried our best, frequenting several churches to find a "right fit", only to become increasingly apprehensive of the church going experience. Some say we're too picky or perhaps we just want tofeel something. In fact, the churchgoing experience seems to get worse the more we try to fit in. We even lose a little faith every time we see what it means to be Christian. It also makes me wonder how following God begins with and depends on a church. Some would say if you don't go to church, you must not believe in anything of the spiritual or religious nature. I say, 'that's too bad' and I'm here to expose the truth of why people have lost church, but hopefully not God.

My message is intended to inspire those who can't find the right church for them or can't go or don't want to go, yet can still find a way to believe and communicate with God. It took me years of giving up on church and God before I realized I don't have to go to church to have God in my life. Nobody is less of a person for not  going to church.

1. Missed out on Church 101

Nervously thumbing through the bible, pretending to know where anything is as my pew neighbor practically turns right to the exact page blindfolded with a smug grin, began my initial distaste for church. Was there a test I didn't study for- how come I feel so ill-prepared? Why do I always feel like an idiot going to church, worried about impressing the devouted followers and the pastor or preacher, but where is God in all this? Then someone makes a reference to a bible story and I'm lost all over again. Everyone around me begins talking of terms I've never heard, as if trying to outdo each other with saintly knowledge of the bible. If only they knew they lost me at the first thou shalt....
Many of us are feeling left in the dust when we go to church. Guess I forgot to study before I went, maybe I was too busy those years studying to get my college degree. "The dog ate my bible pastor/preacher." "A whale, a burning bush?" Are you talking about a Sex In The City episode?
When it comes to basic bible knowledge, those initially trying out church for the first time without prior knowledge are in over their heads. For them, it becomes too overwhelming and discouraging when other church members seem to look down upon people who are not well versed. When I've gone to church it seems everybody is quoting a verse from the bible. For some reason I can't remember a bible verse any better than I can remember a funny joke I was told just a minute ago.

Reasons Why People Quit Church


2. Spiritual Versus Religious

As I mentioned in the intro, an increasing amount of people are labeling themselves as "spiritual". I should probably not differentiate between the two because there is only a fine line. However, in some formats people have attributed certain differences between the two such as "Spirituality tends to be more personal and private while religion tends to incorporate public rituals and organized doctrines."
As I have found personally, there are numerous distractions in the church going experience that lead me away from God. "Go to elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it. All those factors remove you from god."...as one source has put it. I compare it to writing a paper. I've always considered myself a writer and do it for a living now, but my writing pieces, even as a child, are remarkably different/disengaged when I have set guidelines and told what to write. When I am free to write on the topic of my choice, the outcome is better.
I always come home to the Bible, but just not how I am supposed to interpret it or when to study what. Those that consider themselves spiritual are part of a larger group- it encompasses and transcends all religions. It is bigger.
Just recently I attended church and there was a guest speaker who was wonderful, but to my dismay he was not a pastor or preacher, just a man with spiritual experience. He spoke of truth- our truth, the people's truth. There were gasps in the church at some of his points which made me realize some regular church goers are accustomed to, and expect, a certain message. One that stunts their growth. Growing is something we can do inside ourselves with God residing there, whereas people can get emotionally and psychologically stuck in a rut at church hearing a message that seems to be a one-size fits all.

3. Day of Rest

Didn't someone say Sunday is a day of rest, but you want me to get up early anddress up? I want quality time with my pillow and not think twice about my bed head. The thought of getting the kids ready and cheerleading everyone to church is exhausting. We want our day of rest. I don't want to get out of bed extra early to look extra churchly and put on my saint act and wear my best smile when 10 minutes ago I was yelling at my kids to put their socks on. I put on "fake" dress-up clothes that fashionably go with the "fake" attitude I feel like I have to put on too.
Really, the physical exhaustion is nothing compared to the brutal mental preparedness that goes on to create and maintain the proper definition of a churchgoer.Which brings to mind, does God think me less honorable for not dressing up for church? Maybe if we came as we are, then we would act like who we really are instead of putting up a fake appearance and attitude. Would it mean I'm less devoted if I wore jeans and a ponytail, wouldn't God want me to come as I really am? If God is inside us, why would he be concerned about what is on our outside?

Reasons Why People Quit Church


4. Conflicting Evidence

There are a lot of good people who don't go to church. We put in a helping hand when needed, we participate in random acts of kindness, and we don't pretend to practice what we preach. Have you ever seen the devout in public at any given time, especially on a day other than Sunday- or even Sunday afternoon after church? They have two lives, one in church and one definitely outside of church.
Church has left a bad taste in some of our mouths from people who have purposely hurt us or wronged us and claim to be godly to the fact that there is conflicting stories and interpretations among religions and even within a single church. If a Monk can uphold almost impossible religious rituals without question to his faith or to make others feel less worthy, then a Christian can uphold general principles of Christianity without arguing the Book among each other and other religions. They can also be a good example within their community, instead of turning people off to their church by the way they act.  
I'm simply saying that people should not seek church to feel as though they have done their good deed for the week, and they can act inconsiderately the rest of the week. Church should not be a sanction for them to feel better about themselves for having done numerous wrongs Monday through Saturday.

5. Thou Shall Not Judge

The feeling of scrutiny and judgment lie heavy upon many church goers- why must we have an extra burden dumped upon us? Everybody judges, but it spreads through a church congregation like wild fire. Do you get the feeling not all of your sins have been forgiven when you walk through those saintly doors? If God ever needs help on judgement day, he need not go further than the nearest church. It wouldn't be a tough recruiting assignment with all those eagerly judging folk. They try to enforce their views, politics, and parenting advice, among other let's-not-go-there topics.
In the well-known book, 'The Shack', a shocking statement suggested we should not even judge a serial killer. Now think about that a minute, but it's true. We have no right to judge that person because God may forgive him and we probably wouldn't. God knows our hearts and perhaps the serial killer was acting out of what he learned as a child from previous abuse. God forgives more than he judges harshly so why aren't any church goers following his example?
A personal experience for me was a time when I was trying out a new church by going to a women's bible study group. I had never been to the church, but it was where my daughter went to daycare before I was laid off. I told the ladies I was staying home with my daughter and all of them chimed in with 'good for you, doing the right thing by staying home with your child, good values, that's the right thing to do.. blah blah blah' and all I was thinking was I'd still be working if my boss hadn't cut me loose. But I am a woman of good values, I wanted to work and make a living for my daughter, isn't that also the right thing to do? They judged before I told them my whole story.
I also remember church when it was taboo to get a divorce. I remember becausemy mom had a hard time finding a suitable church for us to attend when I was a child and my parents got divorced. Sad, but true.

6. Work

There are many industries that don't close on Sundays or even weekends. For example, I was a waitress many years and worked on the weekends, especially Sundays because that was when I made the most money- money I needed to pay the bills. Sure, I could have prayed for an extra $100 from God and stayed home from work, but not to sound obvious and repetitive, I needed to pay my bills. I especially enjoyed the bad Sunday church tippers who turned their nose up to me because I didn't go to church.
Some people don't have a choice whether to work on that day or not. One job I had in the mental health industry, I was on-call, especially Sundays. Unfortunately that's life and even when it's not our choice, as in work situations, we are still made to feel guilty by the righteous mass who faithfully go to church.
Reasons Why People Quit Church

7. Church isn't the Only Place to Worship

Nowhere in the Bible does it specifically state that a believer must go to church. There are places besides church where someone can worship and feel God's presence within them. I'm sure there is a verse in the scripture stating something similar about God residing within us no matter where we are. The church doesn't necessarily represent God, the people do, and wherever the people/believers are, he will be too.
Over time, church can dull the individual excitement and spirit of worship. Church is structured with a specific layout. No matter what church you go to, there is a general format that is followed precisely almost every week, following someone else's ideas of worship and catering little to individuals or breaking away from routine. If church doesn't get you excited, you shouldn't go.

8. Creepiness Factor

Why is it the more mentally ill a person is, the more religious they seem to be? I've worked with and been around my fair share of the mentally ill and religion can get pretty weird if you listen to their 'testimonies' and the way they "talk to Jesus". The extremely mentally ill, such as schizophrenia and bipolar, are irrationally fearful people and religion claims to 'save' people so I believe it is why they are attracted to religion and it's promises.
What about the catholic priests and the molested boys- some rumor, some not and that is definitely creepy. I think this is a prime example of religions' restrictions.People feel they have to hide their true selves in order to be accepted by the church, and sadly the restrictions can cause more corruption and lure of the forbidden (sin) behind closed doors.
Religious cults; preying on the vulnerable who may wind up joining a cult.Others are power hungry and opportunistic, and they are the ones that form and/or lead a cult. The two feed off each other and create cultural and moralistic havoc. Any church that offers an escape from reality is not going to benefit anyone no matter how dire their current circumstances may seem.

Reasons Why People Quit Church

9. Repetitive or dull songs

While many, possibly majority, of church frequenters enjoy singing, and are uplifted by the experience, there is an equally impressive number of us who don't enjoy it, or at least the songs. I don't want to hear myself singing, let alone granny next to me who is tone deaf- really no offense, but she is usually the one singing the loudest.
The hymns in most churches haven't been updated in God knows how long. If church music was meant to excite everyone enough to participate, then let's not leave out the rockers and rappers of most recent generations- we just don't feel included. This doesn't mean we don't want to hear others, more qualified, sing- that is very enjoyable. Maybe some of us would just like to sit it out and enjoy the music rather than participate, but it's taboo to sit out songs.
There are people who go for the sole purpose to hear a sermon and thoughtfully apply it to their lives. If singing were cut to a minimum, then we could sleep in a little later and go for a half hour church session instead. Actually I know people who arrive at church late to skip the singing part- ingenious!

10. Unanswered Prayers

"Every act you have performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something," Dale Carnegie. This is human nature and a mother knows this best when she has a baby- babies are pure wants and needs.Even making a donation and being charitable has a pay off for you- you feel better after you give and you like that feeling so you may do it from time to time depending on how often you want that feeling.
Church gives some people what they want- some go to learn, to socialize, and to get prayers answered. We expect and believe one time or another our prayers should be answered. When they aren't, some people will justify the reason for an unanswered prayer and others will lose faith. Faith may be intangible (that's the point) but we all need something to grasp to keep that faith. Enough unanswered prayers or sometimes just one prayer (or bargain) with God if he does just this one thing for you, then you will never doubt him and become devoted to him everlasting. If prayers go unanswered, then there is no motivation to believe if we don't get what we want.
God isn't a magic genie. If we believe more in ourselves, that God can work through us then we can help ourselves. Like the saying goes, "Pray to God, but row for the shore" or "God helps those who help themselves" or "With God, all things are possible". These statements give us personal powerthrough God. It can serve some people well to separate themselves from the church to grow beyond expectations and what God owes us or a feeling God is punishing us by not answering prayers. These are all injected into us from churches.
There are several benefits for believing in a religion and/or spirituality itself. These benefits are reflected in our physical and mental health and have even been tested and recorded in psychological studies. The unanimous verdict is that someone who believes in something, of religious or spiritual nature, show more positive and healthy activity in their brain, which may also help you live longer and happier as well. However, this does not pertain to going to church, so believers can reap these benefits without the hassles of going to church. Often times people give up on religion and a spiritual life altogether just because they don't want to go to church, but church is not indicative of believing. Church isn't what makes someone happy, it is the power of believing.


Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Says He Was Blinded By A Mysterious Light, Caused Plane To Crash

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Says He Was Blinded By A Mysterious Light, Caused Plane To Crash

Federal crash investigators revealed Wednesday that the pilot flying Asiana Airlines flight 214 told them that he was temporarily blinded by a bright light when 500 feet above the ground.

Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, said it wasn't clear what could have caused the problem. Asked specifically whether it could have been a laser pointed from the ground, Hersman said she couldn't say what caused it.

"We need to understand exactly what that is," Hersman said. "It was a temporary issue."

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Says He Was Blinded By A Mysterious Light, Caused Plane To Crash

Her comments came during a daily press briefing on the Saturday crash of Asiana Flight 214 that left two dead and another 168 injured.

Federal crash Investigators previously said that pilots recognized they were too low and not lined up precisely with the runway while still 500 feet from the ground. At 500 feet, pilots recognized that they were low as the Boeing 777 was going 134 knots and was 34 seconds from impact. They continued to make adjustments until hitting the seawall at the end of the runway at San Francisco International Airport.



Mysterious light blamed for circle of fire 

Mysterious light blamed for circle of fire
Tasmanian police and firefighters are unable to explain the source of a beam of light which reportedly fell from the sky and formed a circle of fire in a Hobart suburb.

Early Saturday morning police and fire crews received calls from concerned residents in Carnegie Street at Claremont, who reported seeing a bright light igniting a fire in a nearby paddock.

Tasmania Fire Service officer Scott Vinen says the blaze was quickly put out, leaving an obvious burnt patch.

He says the bizarre incident has everyone baffled.

"Once we put the fire out, we kind of walked through the fire and tried to find something," he said.

"We thought a flare or something may have landed there, but we couldn't find any cause."

The Fire Service says it will not investigate further. 


Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base

 Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base

After only one season, the highly rated UFO Hunters was yanked off the air for exposing government human animal genetic experiments when they showed photos of a cow/human fetus on their Dulce alien base episode.

Dulce military base in New Mexico is a black ops government lab which is 7 stories deep under the Archuleta Mesa. Admittance to this secret military facility is via a tunnel system which was dug with nuclear technology (which melts rock and creates a glass finish 360 degrees within the tunnel) and has a tram that travels 12 to 14,000 mph.

 Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base
Dulce Base security officer Thomas Costello leaked these to the public He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.

The ultra-high security is to ensure that the public doesn’t know the following

1. aliens (or so-called “aliens/See article on the biblical Nephilim here: ) are real and the reptilian and gray aliens are working side-by-side US govt employees

2. USA has technology for such fast travel and nuclear underground tunneling

3. US is aware that men, women and children are being abducted for experimentation against their will

4. Human beings are being held (men, woman and children) are being held in cages underground

5. The government has created animal-human hybrids and alien-human hybrids

6. The government made an agreement with aliens (President Eisenhower 1930s)stating that they could have humans for food (more details below) and for cruel genetic experimentation and impregnation in exchange for technology for our defense and control of the population

7. USA has lied about an alien presence on earth for many years.

8. An alien presence and advanced technology has been here since the dawn of time as ancient artifacts confirm

 Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base

The infamous Dulce Wars were a direct result of employees opposing the abduction and experimentation of human beings after seeing them in cages awaiting their fate as food for the reptilians, a source of liquid protein for the grays or the victim of genetic experimentation.

Security officer at Dulce base (see real video of alien hybrids in vats of liquid here)

Thomas Costello revealed that the humans in cages on the 6th floor, also called “nightmare hall” were not insane, but were hysterical from fear although they were always dazed and drugged. Employees were told never to speak to the people in cages because they were there for severe mental illness and testing of psychological medications. After speaking to one, he investigated and saw the horrors that nightmare hall actually held, with the 6th and 7th lower levels housing human body parts and genetic abominations. After his discovery he assembled other people against this injustice to American citizens and the Dulce Wars began. Thomas’ wife and son were both kidnapped and are being held in an underground facility until he returns the photos and evidence against the government. He knows he can never get them back even if he did return the items. He is currently on the run for his life. No one knows if he is still currently alive. Video of interview with Costello a year before his death or disappearance, here:

Former Dulce base employee and scientist Phil Schneider lost two fingers and his toenails were burnt off when two gray aliens in the base shot an advance laser type weapon at him. He killed them both. After going public and speaking publicly, Phil had several attempts on his life and was still prepared to swear under oath in front of congress that this was all true. He is now suspiciously deceased. Everyone who has any information like this is either discredited (by being arrested or governments denial of their creditials) or are dead. Our astronauts know this and that is why they wait until they are on their death bed to tell America the truth.

John F. Kennedy tried to warn the American people about the Military Industrial Complex and secret societies which are in direct opposition to our constitution but the elite, world rulers also known as the Illuminati, have infiltrated all aspects of power in the US, including the media and political scene and the only way to stop them is for citizens to gather together and demand infiltration of secret bases and files so that they cannot carry on with these abominations.

 Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base
Dulce Base security officer Thomas Costello leaked these to the public He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.

As you will see on the attached video (watch below) they have created human animal hybrids with insect/humans, mice/humans, goats/humans, cats and dogs/humans as well as dolphins and octopus. The genes are so tangled that they cannot be considered either species any longer. Although the editing and presentation of the video on the left is a bit cheesy, the footage of the underground tunnel base and photos on the video are real.

 Human Animal Hybrids Created In Secret U.S. Government Alien Underground Base

America is not the only one breaking the laws of nature. Recently a video of a human animal hybrid was leaked from one of their bases as well. (Article and video to follow shortly)

The plot sounds like a bad horror movie, but it is all true. People have died for what they know about the secret underground alien base and will continue to be in danger until citizens demand the truth and for light to be shined on what is done in the dark by the shadow government.


'Dead' Woman Wakes Up On Operating Table As Organs About To Be Removed

'Dead' Woman Wakes Up On Operating Table As Organs About To Be Removed

Colleen Burns had been taken to St. Joseph's Hospital Health Centre in Syracuse after taking a drug overdose in 2009. She was thought to have passed away, a victim of "cardiac death", and so her family agreed to turn off the 41-year-old's life support machine and donate her organs.

It was not until she was wheeled into the operating theatre and opened her eyes in response to the lights that doctors called off the procedure.

Lucille Kuss, Ms Burns' mother, told Syracuse's The Post-Standard newspaper that the doctors never explained what went wrong.

"They were just kind of shocked themselves," she said. "It came as a surprise to them as well."

Ms Burns, a mother of three, was discharged from the hospital a fortnight after the operation, but committed suicide less than two years later.

"She was so depressed that it really didn't make any difference to her," said her mother.

The family did not sue but the hospital was fined $6,000 (£4,000) by the state health department in September – the case only came to light after the newspaper made requests through the Freedom of Information Act.

"These sorts of things do happen," said Lisa McGiffert, director of Consumers Union Safe Patient Project. "It's pretty disturbing."

'Dead' Woman Wakes Up On Operating Table As Organs About To Be Removed

Mrs McGiffert said there is no way of knowing how often near-catastrophes like the Burns case happen because in the US there is no system in place to collect information from hospitals about medical errors.

The state started investigating the case in March 2010 in response to an inquiry from The Post-Standard.

The investigation revealed a catalogue of errors in the handling of Ms Burns' case.

The drugs overdose had sent her into a deep coma, the state health department found, and hospital personnel misread that as irreversible brain damage without doing enough to evaluate her condition.

Furthermore, the day before her organs were to be removed, a nurse had performed a reflex test – scraping a finger on the bottom of her foot. The toes curled downward – not the expected reaction of someone who's supposed to be dead.

Outside the operating theatre, her nostrils appeared to show signs of breathing, and her lips and tongue moved.

"Dead people don't curl their toes," said Dr Charles Wetli, a forensic pathologist from New Jersey. "And they don't fight against the respirator and want to breathe on their own."

Twenty minutes after those observations were made, a nurse gave Burns an injection of the sedative Ativan, according to records.

In the doctors' notes, there's no mention of the sedative or any indication they were aware of her improving condition.

'Dead' Woman Wakes Up On Operating Table As Organs About To Be Removed

"If you have to sedate them or give them pain medication, they're not brain-dead and you shouldn't be harvesting their organs," said Dr David Mayer, a surgeon and an associate professor of clinical surgery at New York Medical College.

St. Joseph's submitted a plan to correct problems identified in the investigation to the state health department in August 2011.

The state fined St. Joseph's and ordered it to hire a consultant to review the hospital's quality assurance program and implement the consultant's recommendations.

The hospital also was ordered to hire a consulting neurologist to teach staff how to accurately diagnose brain death.

Kerri Howell, spokeswoman for the hospital, told the newspaper: "St. Joseph's goal is to provide the highest quality of care to every patient, every time.

"These policies were followed in this case, which was complicated in terms of care and diagnosis.

"We've learned from this experience and have modified our policies to include the type of unusual circumstance presented in this case."


Predicting the Future Is Not a Myth: Each Person Has This Special Ability

Predicting the Future Is Not a Myth: Each Person Has This Special Ability

Prophesying the future is a film genre that many of us prefer, including the movie Nextstarring Nicholas Cage in which he is capable of predicting a certain event within a few hours of its taking place. But do not believe that this only takes place on television, as in reality, everyone has this capability.
Through a study, American scientists now claim that human beings may have the ability to see the future. According to reports, this study may shock the world of science. Currently, University of Washington researchers are conducting a series of experiments to reveal the mystical acumen of the brain for prediction of everyday events.

Predicting the Future Is Not a Myth: Each Person Has This Special Ability
 This is not fortune-telling or superstition. This study will be of help to patients withneurological disorders such as early schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, mainly because in these diseases, patients suffer from long-term consciousness loss, resulting in mental disorders.

The researchers studied the brain’s Central Dopaminergic System and concluded that it may provide the information to the brain in unexpected situations. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging technique to record daily data from the test subjects. The person in charge of the study, University of Washington associate professor of psychologyDr. Zacks, said prediction of impending events is crucial for guiding behavior, but is also a key component of predictive perception, language processing and learning theory, and is of great help in predicting the future.
Researchers are discussing theory for how to predict impending events. The core of this theory is actually a belief in the future projections. Sometimes the human spirit needs to be upgraded, especially when the environment cannot be predictably changed. Zacks also pointed out that when we watch videos of test subjects, we are able to predict what will happen next in the video. Zacks conducted experiments on young healthy test subjects by letting them watch videos of everyday life events such as car washing or washing clothes, and after the test subjects had watched a video for some time, the video would be stopped. Afterwards, the test subjects would make some of their own ideas to imagine what the subjects in the video would be doing. Recording would generally happen halfway and stop, followed by forecasting.
The researchers found that the test subjects had an accuracy rate of 90% or more in predicting the entire activity of the video. But if the test subjects were called to test some other things, their confidence was clearly lacking. Zacks said: “Predictions not in accordance with the recording were the most difficult, and the test subjects knew of this difficulty. When the recording was stopped, the test subjects made greater errors.” Zacks and his research group are extremely interested in the neurological systems of the test subjects, and expect to reveal how they predict a new event.

Predicting the Future Is Not a Myth: Each Person Has This Special Ability
 In fact, long before these video tests, U.S. scientists have conducted such experiments on predicting the future. In one experiment performed by ProfessorDaryl Bem at Cornell University, New York, students were allowed as much as possible to memorize a group of words, after which a few were randomly selected for them to spell out. The results showed that the words they easily remembered were exactly those they were asked to spell out. Professor Bem believes this is proof of future events affecting people’s memory.
In another experiment, students were asked to view a computer screen in which there were two images hidden by curtains , and to choose the one hiding a pornographic image. In the results, the success rate of students selecting the correct image was high. Moreover, the position of the pornographic image was randomly assigned by the computer, and it could not be determined behind which curtain it was hidden before the students made their choices.
For believers in human paranormal powers, this is sufficient to show the students have“super powers.”
Professor Bem has implemented a total of nine different experiments, with more than 1,000 volunteers, and eight of these experiments have shown similar results. According to reports, the chance that the results are a “coincidence” is just 1 in 74 billion. Professor Bem calls on scientists to be open-minded in accepting this paranormal phenomenon.


Video Of Unusual Cloud Activity Gives Rise To Online UFO Speculation

Video Of Unusual Cloud Activity Gives Rise To Online UFO Speculation

Footage taken of a cloud behaving most unusually has gone viral online, and prompted speculation as to what, or who, may have caused the phenomenon. It shows a cloud behaving erratically, shifting at uncommon speed as it appears to be struck by a shaft of light. Various theories have been cast around online as to the cause of the dancing cloud, ranging from the paranoid to the scientific. Unidentified flying objects and the US military's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) have both attracted proponents.


46-Year-Old Chicken Feet Sold In China [VIDEO]

46-Year-Old Chicken Feet Sold In China [VIDEO]

During a raid conducted in May but only reported this week, police in the southwestern province of Guangxi said they smashed an underground network that had been swamping the Chinese food market with substandard chicken feet, tripe and throat.

Among their stomach-churning discoveries were chicken feet that date back to 1967, a time when China was still ruled by Chairman Mao and the Tiananmen Square massacre was still twenty-two years away.

Li Jianmin, a local security chief, told the state news agency Xinhua that after smuggling the decades-old feet into China the expired meat was treated with chemicals, including hydrogen peroxide, "to kill bacteria, prolong the expiry date" and make the feet "look white and big".

The smugglers were able to turn a profit of around £1750 per tonne by transforming 1kg of out-of-date chicken into 1.5kg of apparently fresh chicken, the South China Morning Post reported, citing Guangxi's Chutian Metropolis Daily.

The chicken feet, that are as old as the debut albums of both the Doors and Pink Floyd, entered the market during a crucial year of world history.

46-Year-Old Chicken Feet Sold In China [VIDEO]

Under Chairman Mao, China was in the throes of the decade-long Cultural Revolution, a vicious crackdown on landowners, intellectuals and religion that is thought to have claimed at least one million lives.

Over the border in Vietnam, from whence the chickens' feet came, war was raging and US president Lyndon Johnson faced a growing backlash at home over the rising body count.

In Britain, Harold Wilson was three years into his first term as prime minister and the Beatles' were preparing to release Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Forty-six years on, the Guangxi chicken feet have become the latest symbol of China's ongoing food safety crisis.

Scarcely a day goes by without new and often mind-boggling concoctions hitting the domestic food market.

46-Year-Old Chicken Feet Sold In China [VIDEO]

In May it emerged that diners in some Shanghai restaurants had been gorging themselves on rat, mink and fox rather than lamb.

Last week, Shanghai police said they had closed two crayfish restaurants after receiving a tip-off from a kitchen "insider". The chefs, it was claimed, had been adding poppy seeds to their soups in the hope it would leave their customers addicted.


Baby Stabbed 90 Times With Scissors By His Chinese Mother

Baby stabbed 90 times with scissors by his Chinese mother after he bit her as she was breastfeeding him 

Baby stabbed 90 times with scissors by his Chinese mother after he bit her as she was breastfeeding him

An eight-month-old boy is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed 90 times by his mother, mostly in the face, for biting her while she was breastfeeding.

Xiao Bao needed more than 100 stitches after the incident in Xuzhou, eastern China's Jiangsu Province.

The infant lives with his mother and two uncles, who make a living recycling rubbish. It was one of the uncles who discovered Xiao Bao lying in a pool of blood in the yard of their home and rushed him to hospital.

The child’s mother later confessed that she stabbed the baby after he bit her during breastfeeding.

Baby stabbed 90 times with scissors by his Chinese mother after he bit her as she was breastfeeding him

Neighbours have pleaded with the local government to take the baby away, but they have said that they will not.

Apparently, they said that there was no confirmation the mother was suffering from a mental illness and said, regardless, the baby still has two guardians in the form of his two uncles.

Baby stabbed 90 times with scissors by his Chinese mother after he bit her as she was breastfeeding him

Mental illness remains a relatively closed topic in modern China, and neither medication nor modern psychiatric treatment is widely used.

An analysis of mental health issues in four Chinese provinces, published in 2009 in the British medical journal The Lancet, estimated that 91 per cent of the 173million Chinese adults that were believed to suffer mental problems never receive professional help.


Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and fugitive, released documents Tuesday to Internet Chronicle reporters proving that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is definitively engaged in a program of assassination and mind control.

While the military prison industrial complex has routinely insisted that the Alaskan-based HAARP is only meant to study natural phenomena in earth’s ionosphere, Snowden has managed to blow open a brutally massive charade.

“The HAARP research station,” he said, “strategically based away from prying eyes near Gakona, Alaska, is actually used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism on the scale of millions of people.”

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda
Added Snowden, using finger quotes, “With these terrestrial antennas, NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] is able to, on a global scale, remotely silence ‘perpetrators’ of ‘deviant or subversive’ strains of thought.”

Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes  – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.

“When and if the intelligence community doesn’t view outright assassination as an optimal effect,” said Snowden, “‘they’ can simply make a ‘target’ act in an insane fashion, in order to discredit them. When we were in transit between Hong Kong and Moscow, WikiLeaks staff and I had to fend off the constant threat of radio-generated homicidal delusions.”

Quickly ushering staff into his lavish room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, the former NSA contractor began to explain himself. Due to confidentiality agreements with the 30-year-old, formerly of Booz Allen Hamilton, the Chronicle cannot elaborate beyond the point that he has outfitted his entire flat to be a thoroughly functioning Faraday cage.

Swowden’s haphazardly constructed Faraday cage, he claims, can block interference from external static and nonstatic electric fields.

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

“Without it,” he says, “I would have been dead the moment The Guardian‘s first story went to print.”
Snowden’s bolstered his testimony with HAARP documents gleaned from the private email accounts of officials as high-ranking as admirals and Air Force brigadier generals. Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed to The Internet Chronicle the authenticity of these documents, as well as their horrifying ramifications for human dignity.

Sources familiar with discussions between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska, which helps run HAARP, suggested that cell towers, as well as TrapWire, are “in play here.”

Snowden’s testimony appears to be partially in line with that of a U.S. senator’s brother, in 2009. It was then that he, Nick Begich, told “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” that “just to affect the brain with emotional state changes is so easily accomplished” with HAARP.


The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

This gargoyle on St. John’s cathedral in Holland would certainly suggest pedophilia has reptilian roots. Add to it the fact that this is a bastion of Catholicism, itself rife with pedophilia, and the picture starts taking shape.

The reptilian instinct is a parasitic one, and vampiric sexuality is at its core.

Even the quickest perusal of the dark activities of the so-called elite and rulers of the forces of this world takes you directly to pedophile rings and satanic ritual abuse and ceremonial slaughter in every possible fashion. And the origins are spiritual first and foremost, being derived from manipulative satanic forces imposing their will and minds on an unsuspecting populace via every medium they can.

And where there’s sacrificial smoke, there’s usually reptilian fire rearing its scaly head.

Call them demons, djinn, archonic entities, whatever – we have an infestation and they’re now going for the jugular.

Give Away Images – They Can’t Help It

Interesting this apparent act of pedophilia should adorn this Gothic 15th century cathedral and that it’s featured in most literature about the edifice. But maybe I’m just reading into this…or am I? What do you think of this innocent logo? Is it just me? …kidding of course.

Actual Logo of Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission:

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

And he supposedly got his inspiration from this lovely “stained” glass window. Nice place to send your kids.

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

Lying Costumes and “Statue-Tory” Rape

Interesting how the more hypocritical an entity is the more it dresses itself up to appear “official” or “respectable”. After all, monsters know who they are and try to keep their spiritual tails tucked in so it’s not too obvious. That this world goes so much by appearances is pure social programming through the ages. Instead of judging by actions people take these power freaks in suits and fancy costumes as truth – by not just listening to their lying drivel, but hardly ever really calling them out on it and holding them accountable.

So where do we see these camouflaged parasites on display, knowing how they like to brag about their hold on humanity?

This same cathedral above is one nasty looking building. While these edifices are glorified as wonderful works of architecture to me they’re ugly, deviant deliberate tirades against the pure beauty of nature.
The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

You have to force yourself to see beauty in that monstrosity. Fine, sacred geometry and feats of architecture yada yada, but to glorify what? Looks like invasive thorny barnacles hatched in the evil empire establishing a colony on the surface of lovely Gaia to me. Wicked.

Enter the Dragons

So if this reptilian force is working amongst humanity wouldn’t there be some further indications, especially with their issues with arrogance and hubris? Certainly they have honored themselves and their roots for all to see in some cryptic manner….

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

Not so cryptic after all. The City of London, financial and otherwise power base within greater London, is replete with dragons, as are the shields, emblems and coats of arms of royalty around the world. This one is in the foreground of the phallic gherkin building. Goes with the phallic tongue of the dragon.

I mean, c’mon.

Think they’re trying to say they’re screwing us?

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

But I thought the dragons were slain by St. George and were bad? You mean they made that up to fool us? I’m shocked. Sure looks to me like the dragons won.

Here’s some of the lovely sculptures at Hampton House, UK, including this humanoid horned reptile with the royal scepter. Just a reminder who’s in charge.

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

Lovely. “Honey, come here and see this one! Isn’t it beautiful!” Excuse me, what the fuck are they displaying and exalting here people?! More occult references to their netherworld of interdimensional power and control, but it seems even the infamous goat has to be chained. (Not the dragon, mind you..)

As you know, these dragon-reptilian-satanic displays are all over the world. Here’s one in Slovenia.

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia


There are examples in every culture of these reptilian creatures being magnified as important in some way. When you see how specific they can get as in the case of the pedophile gargoyle, and you contra position these other telling images on display in our staged reality against the backdrop of obvious horror in the world today, things take on a different dimension in your sense of perception.

And that’s good.

They hide in plain sight, but humanity would rather not know they’ve been corrupted and subjugated by parasitic entities. Even though they are devouring their own children, executing mass ritual slaughter and have imprisoned humanity for their own energy vampirism, apparently there’s something that keeps people from snapping out of their spell.

Pretty sad.

It always reminds me of this scene from Time Machine when the quasi-reptoid Morlochs would sound the siren and the groomed and well fed humans – Eloi – would hypnotically march into the maw of their Sphynx-like capped underground dwelling entrance where they were subsequently devoured.

The author, H.G. Wells, was an avid eugenicist, globalist and Fabian social engineer. Wonder where he got his inspiration and what else he knew?

The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia

Don’t be entranced by any aspect of this matrix of deceit. And don’t try to outsmart it either as they’ll win just by your tuning into their lower vibration. Get as far from them and their media, money and other manipulated outlets of information and control as you can.

Their designs are only for the weakening and total dominion of mankind and the planet.

Keep a high frequency of conscious awareness and activity. Our environment is more toxic than ever and the only thing that can keep us is the same thing that empowers us – our connection and revelation within and without ourselves of the infinite and our connectivity together and with Source.

There’s is no more time for dawdling about. It will take a full time commitment to stay free and be in a position to where we can truly help others who are also awakening from the hypnotic slumber.

Keep on. There’s no losing a war that has already been won. But living the winning is the manifestation of itself.

It’s not theoretical – it’s as practical as knowing the right thing to say and do….and doing it. That fulfillment has tremendous power on so many levels.

Love always,


[Hat tip: Neithan for sending that grotesque pic! Ha! They do leave their clues... tx!]


Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet

Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet

Did you know that scientists all over the globe are creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras? Over the past decade, there have been some absolutely stunning advances in the field of genetic modification. Today, it is literally possible for college students to create new lifeforms in their basements. Unfortunately, laws have not kept pace with these advancements, and in many countries there are very few limits on what scientists are allowed to do. As you will read about below, extremely creepy human-animal hybrids are now being created in laboratories all over the planet. And this is just the stuff that is publicly admitted. Can you imagine what kind of sick and twisted experiments are taking place in the dark corners of secret labs that nobody knows about? And what happens if these creatures get out into the wild and starting mating? At that point, it would be nearly impossible to “put the genie back into the bottle”. Scientists seem very eager to test the limits of what is possible, but what they are unleashing may have consequences that none of us ever dreamed possible.

Just the other day, we learned that scientists have created mice that have an artificial human chromosome “in every cell of their bodies”.

So what should we call such creatures? They are definitely not fully mice anymore.

Scientists are hailing this as a “breakthrough” which could lead to all sorts of new treatments for disease. The following is from an article entitled “Mice with human chromosomes – the genetic breakthrough that could revolutionise medicine“…

Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.

In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.
This is quite bizarre.
But creating mice with artificial human chromosomes is one thing.
Creating mice with partly human brains is a whole different ball of wax.
According to LifeNews.com, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have successfully transferred cells from human embryos into the brains of mice.  Those cells began to grow and develop, and they actually made the mice smarter…
Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains–the hippocampus–that’s associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.

For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they’re certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we’re faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?
Is this really a good idea?
Do we really want to start creating entities that are part-human?
Apparently, it is now even possible to grow entire human organs inside animals.  In fact, scientists in Japan plan to start systematically growing human organs inside of pigs within 12 months.  The goal is to increase the number of organs available for medical transplants as a recent Infowars.com article explained…
A panel of scientists and legal experts appointed by the Japanese government will be gathering together to begin drafting guidelines governing Japan’s historic embryonic research. If all goes according to plan, scientists hope to begin growing human organs in animals within the next 12 months.

The research sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. Scientists place a human stem cell into the embryo of an animal to create a “chimeric embryo” that can be implanted into the animal’s womb. According to the Telegraph, the animal in question will most likely be a pig.

Once the embryo is implanted it will grow into a perfect human organ – a heart, a kidney, a pancreas, and so on. Then, when the adult pig is slaughtered, the organ will be harvested and transplanted into someone who needs a new one.
Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet

But once a human organ is grown inside a pig, that pig is no longer fully a pig.
And without a doubt, that organ will no longer be a fully human organ after it is grown inside the pig.  Those receiving those organs will be allowing human-animal hybrid organs to be implanted into them.
One can only imagine what the consequences of doing such a thing would be.
You would think that there should be strict limits on this kind of a thing.  And in a few areas around the globe, there are some limits.  But most of the time the ethical decisions are left up to the scientists
Two years ago, the UK Academy of Medical Sciences released a groundbreaking report on “animals containing human material”. It concluded that most research on chimeras is permitted by existing UK laws. But it also identified some experiments that should not (yet) be done because of strong ethical objections. One is to breed an animal that has human sperm or eggs. Another is to create a non-human primate with a humanised brain.
Most people would be absolutely shocked to learn some of the things that are currently being done in the name of science.
For example, did you know that rice that contains actual human genes is being grown right now in Kansas?…
Unless the rice you buy is certified organic, or comes specifically from a farm that tests its rice crops for genetically modified (GM) traits, you could be eating rice tainted with actual human genes. The only known GMO with inbred human traits in cultivation today, a GM rice product made by biotechnology company Ventria Bioscience is currently being grown on 3,200 acres in Junction City, Kansas — and possibly elsewhere — and most people have no idea about it.

Since about 2006,Ventria has been quietly cultivating rice that has been genetically modified (GM) with genes from the human liver for the purpose of taking the artificial proteins produced by this “Frankenrice” and using them in pharmaceuticals.
 We are corrupting nature, and yet very few people seem alarmed.  When the Daily Mail reported back in 2011 that scientists in the UK had created “more than 150″ human-animal hybrid embryos, hardly anyone got upset about it…
Last night a campaigner against the excesses of medical research said he was disgusted that scientists were ‘dabbling in the grotesque’.

Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act.

This legalised the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.
Sadly, this kind of thing is being done all over the planet.  Just check out some of the truly bizarre human-animal hybrid experiments that have been taking place all over the globe according to a recent Slate article

Not long ago, Chinese scientists embedded genes for human milk proteins into a mouse’s genome and have since created herds of humanized-milk-producing goats. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Michigan have a method for putting a human anal sphincter into a mouseas a means of finding better treatments for fecal incontinence, and doctors are building animals with humanized immune systems to serve as subjects for new HIV vaccines.
Are you disgusted by those examples?
You should be.
Here are some other ways that humans and animals are being combined…

Rabbit Eggs with Human Cells
Rabbit Eggs with Human Cells

In Greek mythology, chimeras were vicious monsters feared by many. This fire-breathing animal had the head and body of a lioness, with a goat head protruding from her back and the tail of a snake. Today, “chimera” refers to an animal that has two or more different sets of genetically distinct cells working together. Remember the mouse with the ear on its back? The movie "Splice" showcases a chimera experiment gone horribly wrong: scientists create a human-animal hybrid that becomes evil and goes completely out of control. While the movie is obviously science fiction, chimera experiments with human cells are not, and real life scientists have been conducting them for decades. We take a look at a few that have been successful in the past and how they’re advancing medicine.

Pigs with Human Blood
Pigs with Human Blood
A year after the successful Chinese chimera experiment, researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota announced they had created pigs with human blood pumping through their veins. What was startling about the animal is not only did the pig blood cells flow with human cells, but some of the cells merged together, creating pig-human cell hybrids. Scientists said this experiment can give them a better understanding of how viral infections can pass from animals to humans such as HIV and various others.'

Sheep with Human Livers 

Sheep with Human Livers
One of the efforts behind creating chimeras is to generate animal specimens that could grow human organs to be farmed for transplantation. In 2007, scientists at the University of Nevada-Reno announced they could grow livers made up of 20 percent human cells in sheep. Dr. Esmail Zanjani injected either human adult stem cells derived from bone marrow, or human embryonic stem cells, into growing sheep fetuses. Zanjani said he uses sheep because the circulation systems of sheep and humans are similar.

Cow Eggs with Human Cells

 Cow Eggs with Human Cells
British researchers were given approval to conduct human-animal hybrid research in 2008, a decision that researchers touted would give them the ability to possibly find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Before, only human cells were allowed to be injected into human eggs, but the researchers argued that animal eggs are much more available. After given permission, researchers went to work using cow eggs. The nucleus of the cow egg -- the source of most DNA and shown here in blue -- was removed, and replaced with the nucleus of a human cell such as a skin cell. Once the egg was allowed to develop and multiply it would become a early-stage cloned embryo called a blastocyst. Scientists could then extract the stem cells from this blastocyst to use in disease treatments.

Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins

Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins
Allergic to cats? Then you’ll appreciate this experiment. The feline Fel d 1 protein found in cat saliva contains an allergen that affects humans. When cats lick themselves, the saliva on their fur dries and turns into dust. In April 2005, scientists at the University of California created a human-cat hybrid when they fused the Fel d 1 protein with a human protein known to suppress allergic reactions. The feline protein would bind to immune cells that would cause the reaction and the human protein would tell the immune cells to calm down. When tested in mice, the chimeric protein stifled the allergy, and researchers hope they can be used in the future to treat allergy sufferers.

And these are just the things that we know about.

What kind of sick and twisted experiments are going on around the globe that we don’t know about?

Like I mentioned at the top, we live at a time when the possibilities in the field of genetic modification seem endless.

But just because we can do something does not mean that we should actually do it.

The movie “Splice” demonstrated the danger of creating an entirely new lifeform that is only partially human. When we create something that is neither fully human or fully animal, what kind of spirit enters that being? What would the consequences be if such beings started mating with other animals? Could we end up creating creatures that are far beyond our capacity to control?

Unfortunately, Pandora’s box has already been opened and it is going to be extremely difficult to control the creation of human-animal hybrids. This technology is racing ahead all over the planet, and at this point even college students can create new lifeforms in their own basements.

We are entering a strange new world, and nobody is quite sure what comes next.

About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on Amazon.com.


Sun's Bizarre Activity May Trigger Another Ice Age

Sun's Bizarre Activity May Trigger Another Ice Age

The sun is acting bizarrely and scientists have no idea why. Solar activity is in gradual decline, a change from the norm which in the past triggered a 300-year-long mini ice age.

Three leading solar scientists presented the very latest data about the weakening solar activity at a teleconference yesterday in Boulder, Colorado, organised by the American Astronomical Society. It featured experts from Nasa, the High Altitude Observatory and the National Solar Observatory who described how solar activity, as measured by the formation of sunspots and by massive explosions on the sun's surface, has been falling steadily since the mid-1940s.

The sun goes through a regular 11-year cycle with a maximum, when sunspot activity is at its peak, followed by a minimum when sunspot numbers are reduced and are smaller and less energetic. We are supposed to be at a peak of activity, at solar maximum.

Sun's Bizarre Activity May Trigger Another Ice Age

Outside the norm

The current situation, however, is outside the norm and the number of sunspots seems in steady decline. The sun was undergoing "bizarre behaviour" said Dr Craig DeForest of the society.

"The sun's current maximum activity period is very late and very weak, leading to speculation that the sunspot cycle itself could be shutting down or entering a dormant phase," he said before the teleconference.

Irish solar science specialist Dr Ian Elliott, formerly of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, quoted from figures released by Nasa on July 1st. It had asked an expert group to predict sunspot activity using models, with an upper limit and a lower limit.

The predictions suggested the monthly average sunspot total should range between 90 and 140, but in fact the present monthly average is only 67, Dr Elliott said. A typical average at maximum during much of the early 20th century was about 200.

"It is the smallest solar maximum we have seen in 100 years," said Dr David Hathaway of Nasa. We are currently in solar cycle number 24 which is about half as active as cycle 23, but cycle 25 is likely to be smaller again due to changes in the magnetic flux on the sun's surface," he said.

Sun's Bizarre Activity May Trigger Another Ice Age

Dr Giuliana de Toma of the High Altitude Observatory acknowledged the clear signs that solar activity was in decline but this did not mean the earth was heading for another "Maunder Minimum". This was a time between 1645 and 1725 when solar activity was extremely low or nonexistent, a situation which caused a mini ice age.

The fall-off in sunspot activity still has the potential to affect our weather for the worse, Dr Elliott said. Research by Prof Mike Lockwood at the University of Reading showed how low solar activity could alter the position of the jet stream over the north Atlantic, causing severe cold during winter months. This was likely the cause of the very cold and snowy winters during 2009 and 2010, Dr Elliott said.

"It all points to perhaps another little ice age," he said. "It seems likely we are going to enter a period of very low solar activity and could mean we are in for very cold winters."

And while the researchers in the US said the data showed a decline in activity, they had no way to predict what that might mean for the future.


Snowden unveils NSA Satellite SAURON Program targeting Citizens

Snowden unveils NSA Satellite SAURON Program targeting Citizens

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who recently unveiled the NSA’s ubiquitous PRISM wiretapping program, unveiled yet another insidious, citizen-targeting surveillance system Friday afternoon, in a chat with Internet Chronicle reporters.

SAURON, or the Semi-Autonomous Ultra-high-Resolution Orbital Network, is comprised of a series of hundreds of low-orbiting cameras that can make out objects on the ground as small as 1 centimeter in size.

There are so many satellites in this network that they are able to effectively monitor the entire planet’s populated surface without interruption. According to slides Snowden shared, taken from the NSA presentation on SAURON, each spy satellite feeds directly into a data bank so large that it is able to retain the captured imagery indefinitely.

Snowden unveils NSA Satellite SAURON Program targeting Citizens

SAURON is also a reference to a villain in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, an evil god of discord who appears in the material world as an ever-searching eye.

Snowden, looking as if he hadn’t slept in weeks, spoke with Internet Chronicle reporters in the transit corridor of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport. In a near whisper Snowden said, “It is shocking that the U.S. government would appropriate such evil imagery for a so-called security system like this. There is little doubt that this program – I won’t utter the name here – is not concerned with the security of citizens, but rather, it is a bald grab at power for power’s sake.”


Asia-Pacific Murder In The Name Of War - The My Lai Massacre

Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - The My Lai Massacre

On March 16, 1968 the angry and frustrated men of Charlie Company, 11th Brigade, Americal Division entered the Vietnamese village of My Lai. "This is what you've been waiting for -- search and destroy -- and you've got it," said their superior officers. A short time later the killing began. When news of the atrocities surfaced, it sent shockwaves through the U.S. political establishment, the military's chain of command, and an already divided American public.

Poised for Conflict

My Lai lay in the South Vietnamese district of Son My, a heavily mined area where the Vietcong were deeply entrenched. Numerous members of Charlie Company had been maimed or killed in the area during the preceding weeks. The agitated troops, under the command of Lt. William Calley, entered the village poised for engagement with their elusive enemy.

Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - The My Lai Massacre


As the "search and destroy" mission unfolded, it soon degenerated into the massacre of over 300 apparently unarmed civilians including women, children, and the elderly. Calley ordered his men to enter the village firing, though there had been no report of opposing fire. According to eyewitness reports offered after the event, several old men were bayoneted, praying women and children were shot in the back of the head, and at least one girl was raped and then killed. For his part, Calley was said to have rounded up a group of the villagers, ordered them into a ditch, and mowed them down in a fury of machine gun fire.

Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - The My Lai Massacre

Call for Investigation

Word of the atrocities did not reach the American public until November 1969, when journalist Seymour Hersh published a story detailing his conversations with a Vietnam veteran, Ron Ridenhour. Ridenhour learned of the events at My Lai from members of Charlie Company who had been there. Before speaking with Hersh, he had appealed to Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon to investigate the matter. The military investigation resulted in Calley's being charged with murder in September 1969 -- a full two months before the Hersh story hit the streets.

Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - The My Lai Massacre

Questions About Soldiers' Conduct

As the gruesome details of My Lai reached the American public, serious questions arose concerning the conduct of American soldiers in Vietnam. A military commission investigating the massacre found widespread failures of leadership, discipline, and morale among the Army's fighting units. As the war progressed, many "career" soldiers had either been rotated out or retired. Many more had died. In their place were scores of draftees whose fitness for leadership in the field of battle was questionable at best. Military officials blamed inequities in the draft policy for the often slim talent pool from which they were forced to choose leaders. Many maintained that if the educated middle class ("the Harvards," as they were called) had joined in the fight, a man of Lt. William Calley's emotional and intellectual stature would never have been issuing orders.

Orders from Above?

Calley, an unemployed college dropout, had managed to graduate from Officer's Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1967. At his trial, Calley testified that he was ordered by Captain Ernest Medina to kill everyone in the village of My Lai. Still, there was only enough photographic and recorded evidence to convict Calley, alone, of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison, but was released in 1974, following many appeals. After being issued a dishonorable discharge, Calley entered the insurance business.


Men’s Bras Appear To Be On The Rise In Japan, Make Guys Feel ‘Safe’

Men’s Bras Appear To Be On The Rise In Japan, Make Guys Feel ‘Safe’

It would seem that Japan is experiencing an upswing in men who like to wear bras. I had no idea until reading a story on the website My Navi that claims this is so. Sure enough after searching Japanese online shopping site Rakuten, there were six pages of bras designed specifically for men on sale.

My Navi‘s bra-wearing woman reporter went to gather evidence of this phenomenon to find out why more and more men a looking to strap on a brassiere.

During her research, the reporter found that this trend was occurring worldwide as she found various websites where men who wear bras share their feelings and experiences.  Obviously, her first question was, “Why do some men enjoy wearing bras?”

One guy from England explained, “I feel relieved and protected,” which seemed to be a common reply. Another reader from Italy seemed to have a more physical reason, citing “My back feels supported by my chest and relieved.”

The men also shared the events that triggered this preference such as one man “began doing it after losing a bet.” Other men slipped on a bra the first time after playfully doing so at the request of their wife or during Halloween.

While many of the men felt protected there is also the anxiety of getting caught. Many bra-loving guys refused to wear them to work for fear of being exposed. Others worry about their spouse or significant other catching them raiding the underwear drawer. This leads to a circle of fear: Without the bra, some men lack that comfortable feeling of security, and with them they have to be careful not to get caught.

The only solution would be for society to change its perception of the habit or for these people to get a job at RocketNews24, where wearing a bra isn’t only allowed – it’s rewarded!

Men’s Bras Appear To Be On The Rise In Japan, Make Guys Feel ‘Safe’

When the My Navi story hit, Japanese netizens had a range of opinions about this trend. Some cited the “ongoing feminization of men” while others simply wrote these guys off as closet homosexuals, for some reason.

Other commenters expressed a liberal attitude saying if it doesn’t affect their life then who cares, and “this shouldn’t be a problem since men and women are supposed to be equal.” One reader warned “they can’t wear it this summer. The sweat would make their shirts see-through.” Which triggered a “novel” idea for Cool Biz in Japan.

Many comments also alluded to the character of Stefan from The World of Golden Eggs, a Japanese computer animated series about a rural American high school. Here, Stefan can be seen wearing a bra which he insists is a ‘pectoral supporter’ and nothing more.

Male bra wearing will likely stay in the underground until some huge star besides Stefan sets the trend. Glam, visual-kei, and grunge rock all tried to get guys wearing gowns in to the mainstream, but it never seemed to quite take off. But who knows, maybe someday Michael Jordan will lift up his and reveal that the secret to his success was actually a frilly red bra. Then perhaps a new day will dawn in socially acceptable men’s undergarments.


Chinese Beauty Salons Make Your Eyes Shimmer By Lighting Them on Fire

Chinese Beauty Salons Make Your Eyes Shimmer By Lighting Them on Fire

Men and women have been known to do some extreme things in the name of health and beauty. Spas and salons around the world have attempted to sell all types of tonics and creams to relax muscles and make skin smoother for generations, but none of them can even come close to the beauty treatment depicted in a photo posted to Chinese message board tt.mop late last week.

Along with the caption, “My mom went to get her face done at the beauty salon so I went with her. What I saw… instantly shocked me… I couldn’t look,” this photo blew our minds. Although the daughter claims that she wasn’t able to look, she was seemingly able to take a pretty clear picture for us all to see.

This type of treatment is actually not as unique as you might think. Called Huǒ liáo (fire treatment) it is a widely practiced form of alternative therapy. Nevertheless it’s still pretty terrifying to look at.

Huǒ liáo involves a specially prepared “secret elixer” which is soaked into a towel and placed on a problem area. Then some alcohol is added as a starter fluid. When everything’s set, they light it up. After a few seconds the flame is put out.

Here’s a couple guys getting their backs done.

Anyway, the practice is straightforward, but there seem to be few concrete details about why people do this. Searching around the Internet, most people seem to be getting their backs, legs, and necks done which suggests it relaxes the muscles. Most places that perform fire therapy make vague claims like you’ll “feel great.” As for the lady above, either her eyes are just feeling sore or huǒ liáo may have some benefits to the skin as well. Whether or not this is a genuinely efficient treatment, eh, who’s to say. It probably beats the snake massage.

So get on over to your nearest Chinese therapy center and ask about Huǒ liáo. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, you can show your mom how much you care by making an appointment to have her set on fire.

Chinese Beauty Salons Make Your Eyes Shimmer By Lighting Them on Fire

Busted! Mythbusters Not Allowed to Talk About RFID Chips

Busted! Mythbusters Not Allowed to Talk About RFID Chips

By Joe Martino

 In what has become a controversial story as time goes on, due to the increasing research into RFID technology, it still remains a little unclear as to exactly why Mythbusters was not able to do a show discussing RFID technology. As Adam Savage, co-host of Mythbusters, stated himself ”We were going to do RFID and on several levels, you know, how hackable, how reliable, how trackable, etc.” But this idea was met with resistance as the show’s producers began looking into the technology and speaking with companies involved in RFID use and production. Adam stated at ‘The Last Hope Conference’ that Texas Instruments and the chief legal advisor of almost all major credit card companies was completely opposed to allowing Mythbusters and Discovery do the show. As you will see in the video below, Adam feels rather taken aback out by the strength of the alleged decision from TI and others involved.

Busted! Mythbusters Not Allowed to Talk About RFID Chips

Where the story gets even more interesting is when Adam decided to retract the statements he initially gave at ‘The Last Hope Conference.’ He stated ”There’s been a lot of talk about this RFID thing, and I have to admit that I got some of my facts wrong, as I wasn’t on that story, and as I said on the video, I wasn’t actually in on the call.” He continues, “Texas Instruments’ account of their call with Grant and our producer is factually correct. If I went into the detail of exactly why this story didn’t get filmed, it’s so bizarre and convoluted that no one would believe me, but suffice to say…the decision not to continue on with the RFID story was made by our production company, Beyond Productions, and had nothing to do with Discovery, or their ad sales department.”

Busted! Mythbusters Not Allowed to Talk About RFID Chips

This is not an attempt to create conspiracy where unneeded, but this truly is an interesting story as it is very easy to see why he might be forced to retract his statements. He put Discovery at risk due to his statements and arguably slandered Texas Instruments as well as the legal council for many major credit card companies. At the end of the day, we have to be our own judge on the matter as it is doubtful any of these companies will come clean, if in fact that is possible. In my opinion, I would not be surprised in the least bit if Adam shared the factual story to begin with and then was forced to change his story. This certainly would not be the first time people have been silenced by major corporations after statements of truth were made. But, you be the judge.


The GeoEngineering Agenda – The Biggest Threat We Face Today

The GeoEngineering Agenda – The Biggest Threat We Face Today

By Ed Corcoran

Geoengineering is literally destroying our atmosphere and making our environment inhospitable to life. Already, we are seeing drastic changes in climate and weather with a dramatic increase in the size of the hole in the ozone layer. None of these effects can be explained away by simple carbon emissions. Furthermore, governments (yes, plural… this is a global agenda) are no longer trying to hide the fact that they have been using the planet as a grand experimental physics laboratory for the last 60 years.

The GeoEngineering Agenda – The Biggest Threat We Face Today

This is a conspiracy, but it is no longer a “theory”. Many military and government documents have been made public (such as: “Owning the Weather in 2025″) which expose the ongoing projects geared toward manipulating the environment, as well as patents for the technology being used. Other nations, such as China openly boast about their ability to control the weather. All the while, the psychopathic power elite lay the blame on us, duping the population into believing that we are the cause of the disastrous effects that they are perpetrating. All the while, further enslaving us with “eco-friendly” regulations and taxes (which will “necessarily cause energy costs to skyrocket”* beyond the means of the poor and middle class), and imposing Agenda 21 mandates to control the population and our natural resources.

Despite a mountain of video evidence of tanker planes spraying and numerous studies showing greatly elevated levels of Aluminum and Barium in our soil and water, many are still in denial and swear that our skies have always been a hazy cross-hatch of jet contrails (chemtrails) which linger for hours and spread across the sky like a plague. But chemtrails are only one element of the over-all geoengineering program. Powerful radio emissions from the HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) array in Alaska, and 18 others around the world, have been altering the course of the jet stream by heating the ionosphere. This has resulted in colder Arctic air flows migrating south in the northeastern and upper midwestern regions of the U.S. and hotter conditions lingering in the southwest; resulting in chronic drought and frequent forest fires – like the most recent one that claimed the lives of 19 firefighters in Arizona.

The GeoEngineering Agenda – The Biggest Threat We Face Today
The time for arguing whether this is happening is over. We already have more than enough undeniable data and evidence to confirm that our air, water and soil are being poisoned with the same heavy metal particulates mentioned in geoengineering patents and documents. And this is not an issue that will affect us in several years or decades. It’s happening RIGHT NOW! We are already seeing massive die-off of animals, fish and plants as well as an enormous increase in related human illnesses.

Why would anybody do this? The simple answer is; Because they can… Because they’re arrogant enough to believe they can control something as complex as Earth’s ecosystem. But the broader answer is; because they want most of us DEAD and for the rest of us (and our natural resources) to be completely under their control.

The GeoEngineering Agenda – The Biggest Threat We Face Today

In the video below, Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch gives a presentation in northern California demonstrating the harmful effects of Geoengineering and how the very essentials needed to sustain life on Earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs.

*then Sen. Obama on his “Cap and Trade” carbon credit (regressive tax) plan.


Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda

Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda

by Eliot Estep
It is time for the public to know the truth about the alien presence on our planet, what its overall goals are, and what we can do about it. The official policy of all governments has been to deny that extraterrestrial phenomenon even exists, but this is clearly nonsense given the overwhelming amount of leaked documentation, credible high-level testimonies, genuine experiences, and extensive research that proves otherwise. This is a topic that receives virtually no media attention or serious consideration by the majority of people. Yet the reality of advanced extraterrestrial life is one of the most profound realizations anyone can make. And it is one we must make if we are to continue serving as the preeminent stewards of this planet without losing our freedoms as a race.

We cannot afford to be naive and ignorant any longer, for the magnitude of this situation becomes quite clear once you really see it for what it is. Most of us can fathom a human power elite vying for world domination, but we also need to consider the role that some extraterrestrial forces are having here too. It isn’t to say that every ET race is interested in take over, it is quite possible that many are interested in peace, but it is also true that a take over agenda could be the goal of some ET races. Our very freedoms depend on us seeing and knowing what we are truly up against. This is why genuine whistleblowers are so crucial at this time, as they can give us a unique perspective that the public is normally not privy to.

Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda

Phil Schneider, a former government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience in black projects, is one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history. In his presentation at the Preparedness Expo in September 1995, he exposes the gravity of the New World Order agenda and its connection with extraterrestrials in a direct and controversial manner. Less than 6 months after giving this talk, he was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck in what appears to be a military-style execution. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeatedly before being killed. The authorities dismissed the death as a suicide.

All of Schneider’s talks contain explosive claims about government cover-ups, black budget projects, UFOs, and government/military collaboration with aliens in deep underground bases. During his lecture tour in the mid-90s, he even brought with him physical evidence of alien metals, artifacts and genuine photographs to further validate his claims. This article will present to you some of the most important information as revealed by Schneider in the following video. I highly recommend watching the presentation in its entirety, but since I know not everyone has the time, I have gone through and listed some of the most important sections for your consideration. The talk begins at 03:20 mins.

The information presented in this article is highly contradictory to “conventional reality” and will be shocking to those who have not done much research on these subjects. That does not make these claims any less real or valid. Please proceed with caution, for the information you are about to read is extremely important to understand in a sober and objective manner.


Schneider, born April 23 1947, was a geologist, structural engineer, and metallurgist that worked on building deep underground military bases (DUMBS). He spent more than 17 years within US government black projects carrying a level three security clearance (Rhyolite 38) at secret bases such as Area 51, S-4, and Los Alamos. He co-invented methods used in shape charge explosives research to facilitate the building of underground military bases as well as submarine bases. He claims to be one of only three survivors of the now infamous Alien/Human War at the Dulce, New Mexico and Los Alamos underground bases where 66 government agents and workers lost their lives in August of 1979. More on this later.

Schneider claims that all information dealing with aliens is kept well hidden from the public and that the US military has known about the alien presence for more than 85 years, going back as early as 1909. He asserts that more than 500 billion dollars was being allocated annually to black projects dealing with these matters in 1995. According to Schneider, 28% of the US Gross National Product was being spent exclusively on building underground bases. This black budget sidesteps Congress completely and is a treasonous violation of Constitutional law and taxpayer money. Without a doubt, these budgets and projects continue today on a massive scale.

Schneider reveals the following bombshell revelations. Keep in mind, this was presented in late 1995 and has most certainly progressed significantly over the last 17 years:

1. There are 131 active DUMBS in the US, with approximately 1477 worldwide underground bases. Each one has an average cost of 17-19 billion dollars, taking approximately 1-2 years to construct using highly advanced methods. They vitrify and melt the rock using ultra-sophisticated lasers that reduces the rock to a powder and then smooth out the tunnels using powerful boring machines. These bases are truly massive and capable of housing thousands upon thousands of individuals.

2. Magneto-levaton trains connect all DUMBS within the continental US in a vast subterranean transport system capable of speeds MACH 2 or more. There is literally another world underground that is incredibly vast and filled with lifeforms, both human and non-human. Before his death, Schneider had a book in the works that was going to detail the precise latitude/longitude coordinates of all DUMBS that he was aware of. Unfortunately, he was killed in January 1996 and the book was never released.

Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda

3. Area 51 (Groom Lake, Nevada) is a mega-complex of 9 deep underground bases (Tonopah, S-2, S-4, etc), encompassing over 4.5 cubic miles of hollowed out underground space. There are over 18,000 workers who frequently work 12+ hour shifts and whose lives are kept secret and highly regulated.

4. The US government signed an agreement in 1954 with extraterrestrials granting them the right to experiment on humans and cattle in exchange for technology. This agreement was known as the Grenada Treaty and is a well-documented event. The original terms for this treaty were that only a small number of humans could be abducted, they had to be returned to their original locations, their memories had to be wiped, and the aliens were supposed to submit a list of the individuals they were taking to Majestic-12. However, after a few years of this, it became clear that the aliens were taking far more humans than they had originally bargained for, which spawned the origins of the alien-human conflict that persists to this day. (See 31:33 mins)

5. In August 1979, he was employed by Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. and was assisting in building an addition to the Dulce, New Mexico underground base. At the time, the project had drilled four holes in the desert which were to be linked together with tunnels. Schneider’s job was to go down into the holes, check the rock samples, and recommend the explosives to deal with particular rock. In the process, the workers accidentally opened a large artificial cavern occupied by alien Grays. Schneider described one of the beings as 7 feet tall, incredibly smelly, and giving off a vile presence. He shot and killed 2 of these grays before being “split open like a fish” by some kind of alien electromagnetic pulse attack that burned off most of his left hand and toenails. He describes this incredible experience and how a Green Beret saved his life at 19:00 minutes into the video.

Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda

6. More than 66 humans were killed in the firefight that ensued during one of the most secret battles in modern human history. An abridged report of this event can be found here and is highly recommended reading. Since the Dulce Wars took place, the major militaries of the world including the USA, Russia, and China, have been in “constant conflict” with aliens. This is why the militaries have been shooting down UFOs and act so aggressively to their presence when near sensitive installations.

7. Schneider claims that there are 11 distinct races of aliens here on Earth, with 2 of them being benevolent. He shows a picture of an alien who has been working at the US Pentagon since 1943 known as ‘Val Valiant 4′. This “semi-benevolent” alien supposedly has a 490 year life span, 6 fingers/toes, an oversized heart, one giant lung, copper oxide for blood, an IQ of more than 1200, and speaks more than 100 human/alien languages fluently. This being has not changed significantly in appearance over the years and is likely still working with the US government in some capacity, probably under duress. (See 23:18 mins)

8. Schneider presents two physical samples of alien metals and elements that are unknown to the public. One of these is Corbamite, or element 140, and is the heaviest element in the world. It is 3.5x the weight of uranium, scratches diamond and sapphire easily, cannot be made to emit gamma rays, cannot be an isotope, and is totally stable. It is used in all stealth aircraft and Phoenix-class submarines. When combined with other alien elements, it is impregnable. It cannot be melted with charged particle beam weapons, and can withstand temperatures of 1 million degrees farenheit. Since the publicly known periodic table of elements contains only 104 elements, clearly there is much, much more known in the black project areas of science and military that we are not privy to! (See 28:38 mins)

9.“The New World Order and the alien agenda is one and the same.” He describes the alien agenda as “the complete takeover of this planet, the killing off of 5/6 to 7/8 of the world’s population by 2029.” An alien takeover would mean the implementation of a one world government, which is the direct opposite of Constitutional law and would be the end of freedom as we know it. This is a very serious threat and the implications must be taken seriously by all those who are against the New World Order. (See 31:33 mins)

10. Near the end of his talk, an audience member asks if the alien agenda dictates the agenda of the globalists. Schneider responds: “Yes they do, in total, in their entirety. They may even be in charge.” When asked if the presidents are aware of this, Schneider confirms that they are. (See 1:04:15)

11. At least 9 races of alien beings regard humans as a food source. They are not all cannibalistic, however. They use the glandular secretions of animals and humans for mixtures of the vitamins of their food, and can actually get high from our adrenaline. This is why there are so many reports of cruel and sadistic torture that goes on at these underground bases, as some of the aliens literally feed off the fear-laden substances that humans emit in times of great distress. (See 31:33 mins)

12. According to Schneider, there are more than 100,000 missing children totally unaccountable from FBI archives in the US alone. He believes that many of them are held captive underground and summarily done away with. In some cases, they are “literally eaten.” Human abductions by aliens is a serious problem and is completely disregarded and overlooked. Literally thousands of people are going missing each month and are never returned! This continues to occur today, against the will of millions of people worldwide, many who do not even remember or realize they have been taken. Schneider believes that 6-7 million humans have been slaughtered since 1954 at the hands of aliens. (See 34:40 mins) The underground bases are literally being used as cities by these aliens to further their takeover agenda. This must be recognized and must be admitted publicly! These atrocities cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely or we will surely suffer grave consequences as a result of our apathy and indifference.

13. Sixteen days prior to giving this presentation, Schneider was shot in the shoulder by an FBI agent who was trying to kill him. He shot and killed this agent in self-defense and talks about this openly at 49:35 mins. He reported this to the FBI and they dismissed him and the incident. 11 previous attempts were made on his life since he started speaking out. Additionally, DIA agents tried to kidnap his daughter but were unsuccessful due to the brave actions of his ex-wife. Sadly, Schneider was finally terminated with extreme prejudice in January of 1996 after speaking out heroically for many years. His service and dedication to humanity, his country, and our freedoms will not be forgotten.

The malevolent alien presence that is physically residing in secret on this planet is the biggest threat that humanity faces. Many people claim that if aliens were here this whole time, that they would have taken over already. There are several reasons why this is NOT the case. First of all, the aliens here are not military powers and they are not going to reveal themselves with an overwhelming show of force. The aliens are much more cunning than that. They know that a far more effective takeover is possible through secretive infiltration, manipulation, and persuasion, which can be accomplished without a single shot being fired. Secondly, the aliens have a very hard time living on the surface because of the biological and bacterial risks of contamination. This is why they stay underground primarily as our germs have a tendency to harm and even kill them. The reason why they have been abducting humans and performing DNA/sexual organ/tissue experiments has been to create an alien-human hybrid race which has the physical endurance of humans along with the advanced mental/psychic capabilities and social cohesion of the aliens. The allegiance of these hybrid beings is to the aliens ultimately, yet they look exactly like normal human beings. We would not be able to tell the difference if we were to see them in person. These hybrid beings are being created to serve as the next set of leaders once the New World Order framework is established

Deception will definitely be used when the extraterrestrial reality is presented to the public. It is possible that they will try to sell some kind of “staged invasion threat” in order to scare people into submission and a heightened sense of fear-based unity. Additionally, they will eventually present themselves as the “saviors” of humanity, seeming peaceful and attractive, effectively playing both sides, by offering us technology, “wisdom”, “peace”, and other forms of “assistance” to our most pressing problems. If we accept their offers, we are likely to become dependent on them and will eventually lose our self-sufficiency as a race. This is very similar to the TV show “V” (2009), where reptilian ET beings falsely present themselves as benevolent beings before ultimately enslaving the human race. They are literally letting you know what is coming and what is already happening behind the scenes.

We are not united enough as a race yet to be engaged in extraterrestrial diplomacy. These aliens have been intervening in human affairs without our invitation and are acting in a deceptive and secretive manner. They should not be trusted until they prove themselves. Humanity needs to establish proper borders to space and realize that we must change our ways significantly in order to deal with advanced lifeforms who are attempting to prey upon vulnerable beings such as humans.

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