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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin & the Eurasian Empire of the End Times

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin & the Eurasian Empire of the End Times

The French visionary writer Jean Parvulesco’s main agent – if not hope – for world change rests with Vladimir Putin. Parvulesco argues that – whether we are aware of it or not – we find ourselves at the crossroads of “great history,” where a totally new era is about to be born.

For such a new period to begin, the old needs to die first. For Parvulesco, this is the old“democratic system” of political correctness, which he feels has now reached its limits and is no longer supportable. It has become “a permanent and total nightmare.”Many will wonder how the“new world”is to come about. The best example of what appeared to be a sudden, almost instantaneous collapse is seen in the fall of the Soviet Union, two decades ago. It illustrates that powerful empires can, from one day to the next, completely disappear, requiring a new society and structure to be built from the ground upwards.

When news of the collapse of the Soviet Union appeared on television screens, the system had already imploded. It was just the public revelation of its death; the disintegration of the communist system had already occurred. According to Parvulesco, the collapse of “democratic Europe” has already taken place too, and we are now in the years between its collapse and the public acceptance of its demise – and the start of a new Europe.

For Parvulesco, the evidence of the collapse of this system is apparent in the recent political history of Italy and Germany, and to some extent that of France and Great Britain. But in each case he feels the same dire situation has transpired: an “immense empty desert,” the wasteland of “social democracy.” A local version of what he sees as a “worldwide conspiracy,” but one that has failed and will soon be sent back to the “black hole” from where it came.

Parvulesco knows what to write on the death certificate; but he also feels he knows what the New Europe will be: the “Eurasian Empire of the End Times.” He labels our timeframe an interregnum where what happened to Russia is actually evidence that dramatic political change is possible. The Soviet Union was the first domino to fall, with the others in Europe soon to follow.

Could he be right?  

In 1976, Parvulesco published “La ligne géopolitique de l’URSS et le ‘projet océanique fondamental’ de l’Amiral G.S. Gorchkov” (The geopolitical line of the USSR and the ‘fundamental oceanographic project’ of Admiral G.S. Gorchkov), which he labelled “political-revolutionary research.” In it he wrote that the Soviet Union would end up changing the course of history. And changing the course of history is, for Parvulesco, the only true goal politics should have.

Parvulesco therefore provides an interesting type of prophecy. Whereas most prophets predict the end of the world at a given time, his type of prophecy brings more detail about the type of change and how. As to its timeframe, it is very much like “when the time is right.”

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin & the Eurasian Empire of the End Times

So, what is meant to happen?

 Parvulesco argues that across Europe there are geopolitical groups at work – often clandestinely – laying the groundwork for the Eurasian agenda. Like the Project for a New American Century, there are other think tanks hard at work – and judging from the amount of newspaper headlines they don’t get, much more secretly – to bring about a new Eurasia. Despite their secrecy, Parvulesco was able to lay his hands on one article titled “The Imperial Eurasian Pact.” Similar to the idea put into action by the Neocons after 9/11 (an agenda that claimed to want to bring peace to the world by using the power of America’s military might), this group states that, “It is the confrontation of our imperial and catholic [universal] doctrines with the current political-historical reality […] which will see the final emergence of the catholic Great Empire which constitutes our ultimate objective, the Imperium Ultimum, the Regnum Sanctum, which should comport, in principle, three operational stages […].”

The first stage is the creation of a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis, that is considered to be the axis along which this major change will occur. This axis will tie together the destiny of three nations (France, Germany and Russia).

The second stage is the integration of what was traditionally known as West and East Europe, together with Russia, Siberia, India and Japan.

The final stage involves what is termed the destruction of the “global democratic conspiracy,” led by the United States, including a revolutionary liberation of its people, after which America as a whole (North and South) will become one entity. We can only wonder whether the present drive by the US to expand NAFTA and create a North American Union are steps in this direction.

The end of the planetary superpower that is the United States is forecast to be an act of self-destruction, a continental civil war very much on par with the first Civil War. The extreme dissatisfaction within the United States, the extreme disparity between the archconservative religious community and the more liberal, means that being elected as president on a genuine agenda (rather than one of total style but no substance) is almost impossible. For Parvulesco, it will be primarily America’s Catholic, ex-European community that will lead America towards its new destiny – and cause the demise of the current “global conspiracy.” There will be a new Europe, but also a new America.

In the end change is a social process, but it often needs a symbol. Hitler became the face of World War II, Lenin – more than Marx – that of communism, etc. So who is the new face of Europe, and who is the creator of this new Eurasian Empire? For Parvulesco, that “messiah” is already here: Vladimir Putin. Even though Putin is no longer president, his influence as Russian prime minister remains virtually omnipresent.

Vladimir Putin remains the face of the New Russia, a country with a vast territory and natural resources that is able to hold Europe to ransom, energy-wise, should it ever want to.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin & the Eurasian Empire of the End Times

Who is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin?

This is a question that many in a non-Parvulesco universe have also asked. Seen as a pawn of the KGB’s successor, in Parvulesco’s world, Putin is the direct emanation of the secret revolutionary groups of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. These, he believes, are trying to make their decades-long secret battle open and public, moving from a type of synarchic, behind the scenes government, into a more open type of rule.

Whereas some conspiracy theorists claim the CIA and various secret societies like Skull & Bones are the real puppet masters of American politics, Parvulesco says the situation in the Soviet Union was not much different. Ruled for a long time by secret powerbrokers whose agents are now stepping out into the open taking the course of Russian politics into the direction they have been trying to steer it from behind the veil for a number of decades.

Unlike in the US where the “conspiracy”is often faceless, Parvulesco lists two people as Russia’s master conspirators. One was the chief of the Soviet security service (GRU) Tand one time Commander in Chief of the former Warsaw Pact, General S.M. Stemenko (died 1976), the other was Marshall N.V. Ogarkov, a former head of the Soviet military. Marshall Ogarkov, who died in 1994, is rumoured to have been behind a failed coup attempt which in turn led to a kind of counter-conspiracy that brought Mikhail Gorbachev to power.

Parvulesco is convinced that if this counter-conspiracy had not succeeded, the end of the Soviet Union would have occurred several years earlier, with a transition from the Soviet Union to the New Russia that would have been much harsher. Indeed, it underlines that years before the actual demise of the Soviet Union, the regime was comatose, ready for the taking, just like – in Parvulesco’s eyes – Western Europe (and the United States of America) is now.

Parvulesco is not alone in his assessment of these two men. French intelligence expert Pierre de Villemarest who wrote the history of the GRU, labelled “the Soviet’s most secret service,” says Gen. Sergei Matveevich Stemenko was “one of the first geopoliticians of the Soviet Union, perhaps even the first.” Though de Villemarest calls Stemenko a Soviet, he considered himself to be truly a “Great Russian.” “For this caste,“ writes de Villemarest,“the Soviet Union was an Empire that was called to dominate the Eurasian continent, not only from the Ural to Brest, but also from the Ural to Mongolia, from Central Asia to the Mediterranean.”

The “dream” of Russia à la Stemenko may be seen as merely returning back to the days when Russia was a true empire, before the days of the Bolshevic Revolution. But for Parvulesco, that in itself is part of a larger, and most intriguing puzzle – a mission.


'Recognizing Same-sex Unions Brings Us Closer to Apocalypse' - Head of Russian Orthodox Church

'Recognizing Same-sex Unions Brings Us Closer to Apocalypse' - Head of Russian Orthodox Church

The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill sees the recognition of same-sex unions by Western countries as a portent of doom. He called upon Russians to ensure that sin is never formalized by the rule of law.

"We face enormous temptations when countries start approving sin and codifying it into law in order to justify it,” Itar-Tass quoted the patriarch as saying after the Sunday service in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square.

Those who follow their conscience and “fight such laws imposed by the minority are subjected to repressions,” he added.

Kirill urged Russians to ensure that sin is never formalized in the rule of law.

“This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything in our powers to ensure that sin is never sanctioned in Russia by state law, because that would mean that the nation has embarked on a path of self-destruction,”
Kirill stated.

'Recognizing Same-sex Unions Brings Us Closer to Apocalypse' - Head of Russian Orthodox Church

The patriarch pointed out that people have been convinced that the only value is the freedom of choice and no one has the right to infringe on that “even when a person chooses evil or a socially dangerous behavior.”

The Patriarch called upon Russians to fight for freedom from sins. “Where sin is elected through freedom, there comes death, terror and dictatorship,” Kirill said.

He asked people to pray for the future of the country to prevent “the slavery of sin” that leads to the “self-destruction of the nation”.
Patriarch Kirill led a church service in Moscow on Sunday that honored the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan, one of the most revered relics in Russia. The liturgy took place at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan on Red Square, which has a copy of the revered icon.

The topic of same-sex unions has been heatedly debated in Russia. On June 30 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a controversial law strengthening the penalties for “propagating homosexuality among minors”.

The so-called ‘gay propaganda’ introduces fines for propaganda of non-traditional sex relationships to minors, including in the media, on the internet and via viral adverts.

'Recognizing Same-sex Unions Brings Us Closer to Apocalypse' - Head of Russian Orthodox Church

Under the controversial law, holding LGBT rallies is now prohibited, as well as the distribution of information aimed at informing children of non-traditional sexual concepts. The bill also prohibits the “obtrusive spreading of information about non-traditional sexual relationships that may arouse interest in such relationships.”

Gay rights activists in Russia and abroad deemed the bill “anti-gay”. In a statement on GayRussia.eu, a Russian gay-rights activist wrote that Putin violated Russia’s international obligations by signing the law.

Earlier this year, in April, Vladimir Putin faced hundreds of protesters ranging from gay rights activists to a topless feminist group during his visit to Germany and the Netherlands. In Amsterdam, over a thousand gay rights activists picketed outside his meeting with Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

However, according to a recent poll conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Center (VTSIOM) in June, 88 per cent of Russians supported the amendments to the law; only 7 per cent said they are against. 54 per cent staid that homosexuality should be banned and be criminalized.


Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight

Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight

If you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use you can drop a fine not exceeding 30 million.

So if you were thinking that this false crisis caused, the best option was just to have some solar panels that were down 80% at cost and have the opportunity to disconnect from the mains and your bill scam, you can forget.

With terror that have the power to be “destabilized” power consumption (if not disappear), someone against what logic dictates, has proposed burying the photovoltaic industry (which is more necessary now than ever) in a bottomless pit, sometime in 2010 someone has decided to privatize the sun …. yes yes you read right, in Spain totally unlike Europe, who levies a toll on electricity generated and injected to the line … instead to receive profits, but that’s not all, if you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use you can drop a fine of 30 million euros. Such as if it were a drug.

Commit the sacrilege of being energy independent can be very expensive, the sun now is only for the privileged few and the power companies in which directors are former presidents and former ppsoe dualistic party ministers. ”Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF ), which brings together some 300 companies representing 85% of the industry, ensures that, these changes implemented, would be more expensive solar home consumption resorting to conventional supply. ”It prevents the savings to consumers and paralyzes the entry of new competition in the electricity market,” contemplate. ”

So if you were thinking that this false crisis caused, the best option was just to have some solar panels that were down 80 % the cost and have the opportunity to disconnect from the mains and your bill scam, you can forget.Spain has “privatized” the sun without consulting its citizens, without consulting the solar system without consulting the universe etc. … The possibility of producing your own electricity using renewable resources solar panels or small wind turbines installed on private property-is very attractive for Spanish homes. ”Out of every 50 incoming calls per month, 35 are of particular interest in the subsistence” says Francesc Mateu, manager of Sun Gironés, a company specializing in renewable energy and pioneers in this sector.

Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight

“At the moment we say they have to wait until September or October that things are clearer,” he adds. The trend towards flat rate on electricity bills, which increasingly have to pay a higher amount of fixed and less energy expenditure and specific rates imposed by the decree of consumption, which has not yet been approved, this alternative to expensive conventional consumption. The Government has proposed that the energy consumption is implemented gradually without alter the Spanish electricity system. To do reserve the right to up and down those specific charges or tolls, and called “backup”, depending on how the sector evolves. ”We will pay a toll for the energy received from the sun” sums Mario Sorinas, Huesca Electrobin company, with over 20 years experience in solar energy.

Energy autarky is more than consolidated in countries like the U.S. or Japan. Many European countries have implemented with different formulas. ”It’s the future,” energy experts agree. Generate your own electricity with renewable energy and give a break to the environment and the pocket. There is also the possibility of transferring the excess energy to utilities and retrieve it when needed or directly sell, which is known as Net-balanced consumption.

The Government of Spain and it poses. The draft decree of consumption makes it clear that not remunerate the excess energy is poured to the network. now, in Spain you can privately produce energy and consume it in the moment, a mode called instant consumption. The latest legislation is 2011. Before it was not cost effective because it came out. Cheaper by up to 80% of photovoltaic in the last five years and the increase in the electricity bills have become a very interesting saving option in times of crisis.

The use from dairy farms to supermarkets, nursing homes, restaurants and a particular consumer. The excess energy can not be stored in batteries because it is forbidden. When there is no sun or wind, you have to engage the network and pay the normal bill. There is no official record of consumption.

Alimarket economic magazine has posted 43 cases. Another file, made ​​voluntarily by the portal autoconsumidores Energy 21, the amount to 74.Gironés Sol, with 14 employees, is taking the rest with the instant consumption. ”It’s working well, especially with companies like meat or hospitality, which rely heavily on cold storage, and in which the light bill takes at least 15% of their annual fixed costs,” says his manager. With these systems reduce reach between 20% and 30% consumption, although a case has been achieved that a drop of 44%. So far not pay taxes of any kind for this type of power generation. Estartit The Yacht Club, located in Pals (Girona), is one of its customers.

They have drawn up a five-year plan for the 20% of its consumption comes from renewable energy. Currently solar panels generate 7%.”We are very close to a natural park and want to have a high impact on the environment,” says Eugeni Figa, its director. Its plans also include windmills. In Galicia, the Dominguez brothers locking with renewable wear since 1998. ”We were four ragamuffins” says Manuel.
 In 2007 they made ​​their own offices supplying example Sanxenxo (Pontevedra) with a solar plant. Although consumption has projects in Spain, most of its market is outside the country in large parks of Chile, Mexico, Romania and England. energy reform has heated up tremendously in renewables.

Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight

“Of all the possible scenarios, this is the worst,” José Donoso, president of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF), which represents 85% of the sector’s activity. ”But still nothing specific has been approved for consumption, already have it loaded,” he adds. Donoso refers to the increase in the fixed portion of the electric bill, and will represent a 77% increase in this section for a domestic fee-something that domestic producers can not do without-and a fall of 23% in the consumption, which reduces self-production.

“Until now, the expense could deliver a 30% fixed and 70% variable part. You walk 50% -50% so any initiative to generate your own power is discouraged “, provides Ignacio Cruz, researcher Renewable Energy division of the Center for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT). ”This is a death rejonazo the net balance and energy savings, “says Javier García Breva, renewable energy consultant and former director of the Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA).

This specialist maintains that it is purely revenue raising measures to enter more than electric. Unesa, the management of large utilities, has refused to assess the situation of consumption to better understand the legislative changes.

The Ministry of Industry has not responded to requests for information from THE COUNTRY. Centre previously known changes the payback time of photovoltaic grows considerably. If before the reform was needed 12 years to recover the investment in a residential installation of 2.4 kilowatts of power now will require 23 more, according to estimates by UNEF.

The consumer is the most played, since in the case of plants or irrigation service times have increased five amortization and 4.75 years, respectively. Yet who always works and seek back. Sun Gironés ensures that its customers are reducing the power contract, which recorded higher increase in the bill, because the instant consumption allows them to have their energy needs covered.Another of his goals is to get the profitable domestic consumption.


UFO Footage So Clear You Can See The Pilot [ VIDEO]

UFO Footage So Clear You Can See The Pilot

In 2007, Murat Yalcin , a night security guard in Kumburgaz, Turkey captured some of the best UFO footage ever shot. The tape even shows the pilot of the unknown craft. The documentation continued in following years as the UFO appeared over the Sea of Marmara near Kumburgaz. The videos have never been successfully debunked.

The Turkey UFO incident took place between 2007 and 2009. During that time reports of unknown aerial objects were reported across Turkey while a series of videos were taken by a local resident named Murat Yalcin. The sightings were seen by many people who live in the village on many different days and nights.

UFO Footage So Clear You Can See The Pilot

They filed reports with the SIRIUS UFO Research organization which is Turkey’s primary UFO organization. The footage shows various objects including formations of lights, round, disc, and cigar shaped objects which maneuvered and hovered over the sea. The video was recorded with a camera that had a tele-converter adapter capable of filming at 200 times optical achieving a great amount of detail.

The Scientific and Technology Board of Turkey and TUG National Observatory reviewed the footage attempting to prove a hoax but were unsuccessful. The film has been studied by experts from Japan, Chile, Brazil, and Russia. After several attempts nobody has been able to successfully debunk the videos. To the current date they remain unidentified.The Turkey UFO incident took place between 2007 and 2009.

UFO Footage So Clear You Can See The Pilot

During that time reports of unknown aerial objects were reported across Turkey while a series of videos were taken by a local resident named Murat Yalcin. The sightings were seen by many people who live in the village on many different days and nights. They filed reports with the SIRIUS UFO Research organization which is Turkey’s primary UFO organization. The footage shows various objects including formations of lights, round, disc, and cigar shaped objects which maneuvered and hovered over the sea.

The video was recorded with a camera that had a tele-converter adapter capable of filming at 200 times optical achieving a great amount of detail. The Scientific and Technology Board of Turkey and TUG National Observatory reviewed the footage attempting to prove a hoax but were unsuccessful. The film has been studied by experts from Japan, Chile, Brazil, and Russia. After several attempts nobody has been able to successfully debunk the videos. To the current date they remain unidentified.


Subway Employee Puts Penis On Restaurant's Sandwich

Subway Employee Puts Penis On Restaurant's Sandwich

On second thought, cancel that foot-long sub.

An employee at a Subway fast food chain in Columbus, Ohio, posted a picture of himself resting his penis on the restaurant’s sandwich bread to Instagram, the Huffington Post reported.

“My name is @ianjett and I will be your sandwich artist today,” read a caption that accompanied the not-suitable-for-work picture that appeared on Jett’s feed.

When confronted about the picture, Jett tried to clarify his reason for sharing the image of him draping his penis over the foot-long roll.

"I would never do that at work -- it was at home," Jett told the Huffington Post. "This isn't something I'd ever do at Subway. It was totally a joke."

As if seeing a man’s penis resting atop the restaurant’s sandwich bread isn’t enough bad PR for a single news cycle, a second employee at the same Subway also posted a picture of what he purported to be his own frozen urine.

Subway Employee Puts Penis On Restaurant's Sandwich

“Today at I work I froze my pee,” Cameron Boggs wrote beneath the picture of a frosted-over water bottle half-filled with a yellowish substance.

Predictably, the photos did not sit well with Subway, which fired both Boggs and Jett.

"This isolated incident is not representative of Subway Sandwich Artists," the company said in a statement to the Daily News. "These actions are not tolerated and the franchisee took immediate action to terminate the two employees involved."

The two men might still have their jobs preparing sandwiches if not for anonymous tipster who spotted the photos and alerted the media.

"I saw the frozen piss picture and thought, 'What is this guy doing?'" the tipster toldHuffpost Weird News. "Then came the penis picture. They're stupid enough for doing this in the first place, but then to post it to the world? It was a dumb move."


USA To Create Exopolitics Department To Run Alien Affairs According To Insiders

USA To Create Exopolitics Department To Run Alien Affairs According To Insiders

By:  Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.. Exopolitics.org

According to well-informed sources the US Government is set to announce a new department or office that would run extraterrestrial affairs. Today, in his latest installment in the popular Veterans Today website about an undeclared space war, Dr Preston James argues that an internal decision is about to be reached by a secret “exopolitics” committee that manages extraterrestrial affairs. They are on the verge of deciding that the time has arrived to go public – full disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence. The Secret Committee is called Majestic 12 or MJ-12 according to Dr James, and it is about to approve the creation of a formal Department or Office of Exopolitics. Its job would be to formally conduct relations with extraterrestrial life in the same way that the Department of State manages US relations with international governments. Dr James claims several “esteemed” individuals are under consideration to run the first Department/Office of Exopolitics.

Dr James begins with reports he has received from unnamed sources about the deliberations of the secret exopolitics committee called MJ-12 that has run extraterrestrial affairs since 1947. He writes that the decision to go public is being driven largely by younger members:

“some reports have suggested that there has been a deep internal split in this group, with younger members pushing hard for complete USG public disclosure followed by the setting up of an official USG Department of Exopolitics”.

James claims that several “esteemed individuals” have already been considered to run the proposed “office:”

“USG is now in the process of setting up an official Office for Exopolitics and considering several esteemed individuals from which to choose a director to run this new office. ”

There is a major difference between creating a new government Office versus a new Department. There are a variety of bureaucratic models that could be used in creating a government entity to formally conduct exopolitics – relations with extraterrestrial visitors. Here are the three that stand out as the most obvious choices.

USA To Create Exopolitics Department To Run Alien Affairs According To Insiders

First, some existing government departments would argue that exopolitics is merely an extension of their current activities and therefore should be located entirely within their department. For example, the U.S. Department of State could argue that US government relations with alien civilizations is an extension of its current role of managing relations with international governments. Therefore an “Office for Exopolitics” should be set up within the Department of State in the same way in which the “Office for Civil Rights” is located within the Department of Education. The main advantage here is that an “Office of Exopolitics” could be expected to harmonize with ongoing diplomatic relations at an international level. Main disadvantage is that other government departments and agencies could argue that key areas of relations with extraterrestrial visitors fall under their responsibilities, e.g., Department of Defense, Department of Energy, NASA, etc.A second bureaucratic model would be to set up an “Exopolitics Office” that directly reports to the US President such as in the case of “The Office of Science and Technology Policy” whose mandate is:

“advises the president on the effects of science and technology on domestic and international affairs. It also develops, coordinates, and implements science and technology policies and budgets. ”

The main advantage here is that the US President, for the first time since Presidents Truman and Eisenhower would be directly involved in setting policy on extraterrestrial visitors. Main disadvantage is that relations with extraterrestrial visitors is too important an issue to add to an already overburdened President whose responsibilities are diverted to many government priorities.

A third bureaucratic model would be to create a Department or Agency for Exopolitics that would be a fully independent entity with its own bureaucracy and headed by a Secretary or Director that would be given Cabinet status within the Obama administration. This model has many advantages since it could coordinate policies on a wide range of issues, diplomatic relations, defense, science and technology, energy, health, etc. that involve extraterrestrial life and technology.

USA To Create Exopolitics Department To Run Alien Affairs According To Insiders

The main disadvantage is that other more established government departments might compete with and undermine the new Exopolitics Department/Agency in terms of policy and influence over extraterrestrial affairs.There is no precedent for setting up a Department or Office of Exopolitics in the world. While the United Nations passed Decision 33/426  in 1978 authorizing the creation of a UN Agency to monitor reports of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, the decision was never implemented by member states. The only bureaucratic history that is known with any degree of reliability is that the Majestic 12 committee that originally constituted a de facto Office of Exopolitics was initially set up as a covert program within the US National Security Council system. Here is a description of MJ-12’s reconstitution during the Eisenhower administration:

“The most significant institutional reorganization as far as political management of the ET presence was concerned was expanding and formalizing MJ-12 as an autonomous institution fully authorized by executive order to deliberate upon and make policy decisions on the ET presence. MJ-12 became formally embedded in the Covert Operations Committee of the National Security Council – Committee 5412, named after National Security Council Edict 5412. MJ-12’s earlier existence as an ad hoc committee appointed by executive authority, was now transformed into a permanent sub-committee institutionally embedded within the most secret of all the National Security Council’s committees. Evidence from whistleblower testimonies suggest that Truman’s ad hoc committee, MJ-12, was reorganized so as to now comprise two layers. The outermost layer was a group of up to 40 individuals who would form a Study Group (hence the names PI-40 and Special Studies Group also attributed to MJ-12) whose function was to provide specialized studies and policy recommendations concerning ET issues for a smaller decision making group (MJ-12) that would actually make official policy recommendations for implementation after gaining executive approval by Eisenhower. ”

Initially hidden within the National Security Council system, the MJ-12/Office of Exopolitics has morphed over time into a quasi-governmental entity with significant corporate involvement, and a distinct international element.

According to Dr James’ undisclosed sources:

“[Y]ounger members of MJ-12 want complete public disclosure as soon as possible, within 2013 and have actually been providing leaks for over twenty years, helping Hollywood writers and producers by supplying information so that movies can be made and the public can be conditioned in small baby steps to accept the idea of alien visitation.”
How credible is Dr James and his unnamed sources? Veterans Today is a highly respected website which has key individuals in its editorial board with deep connections to the world of military intelligence. Dr James is a board certified psychologist with 35 years experience in marriage/family therapy, and claims many contacts with those in military intelligence. His professional background and military intelligence connections suggest his sources are worth taking seriously.

USA To Create Exopolitics Department To Run Alien Affairs According To Insiders

If Dr James’ sources are correct then not only can we expect a formal government disclosure of extraterrestrial life in the near future, but the creation of a US Government Office or Department of Exopolitics to follow soon after. The Director/Secretary of such an Office/Department could be vetted by Congress to determine their suitability in managing the most important policies confronting humanity in the 21st century.Creating an Exopolitics Office or Department, would be a tremendous step forward in bringing transparency and accountability to how relations with extraterrestrial visitors are being run by elements of the US government, and internationally. For the first time, American citizens would be informed of how covert elements of their government is managing the issue of extraterrestrial life and technology, and will have a voice in how policies are developed and implemented.


Pakistan Develops Smallest Nuclear Weapon The Size Of A Tennis Ball

Pakistan Develops Smallest Nuclear Weapon The Size Of A Tennis Ball


Over the past few years, Pakistan’s strategic forces, responsible for the country’s primary deterrence program, have been doing extensive research into the design and development of smart weapons i.e. nuclear weapons that have a dynamic and compact form, and which can easily be transported from one location to another.

Although a variety of warheads already exist, especially in northern Pakistan, these enhanced productions are considered a landmark in strategic deterrence, owing to their size and power. Sources for Terminal X revealed that Pakistan has taken the term ‘ special degree ’ one step ahead by developing what they call, “ the world’s smallest nuclear weapons ”.

Reportedly, these special weapons are about the size of a tennis ball (which can easily be hand-picked). Officials familiar with the development said that Pakistan’s Strategic Forces Command made it clear it has not signed any treaty preventing it from taking an aggressive reaction (in defence, when provoked or attacked by a hostile enemy).

Pakistan Develops Smallest Nuclear Weapon The Size Of A Tennis Ball

It was said that if any mistake was made to initiate force aggression against Pakistan, then these ball-sized nuclear weapons will also be distributed across the Muslim world’s armed forces. In addition to these smart weapons , sources said that the Pakistani military has developed plutonium-based anti tank bullets which can prove very lethal for enemy armored vehicles, especially those of neighboring India.

TX has received information that a clandestine transfer protocol has been put into place for the past few years after discussions with a few allies, according to which, if in case Pakistan is attacked in the near future, threats of which are in increasing abundance, then the country’s strategic forces will initiate a plan-of-action by which the aforementioned smart weapons will be distributed among friendly armed forces in Africa, the Arab world and South Asia. Of interesting note in this regard is the claim that this entire process of “ emergency transfer and armed protocol ” can be completed from start to finish within 8 hours.


Hakani: Hundreds of Children Are Buried Alive in Amazon

Hakani: Hundreds of Children Are Buried Alive in Amazon

Hakani is a 30 minute movie alleging the occurrence of infanticide in tribal communities in Brazil. It was by ATINI and Youth With A Mission, the director's father's organization. The Brazilian government officials said "the missionaries are exaggerating and exploiting the issue to justify their attempts to convert Indians to Christianity".In 2009, Survival International released a statement that film is "faked, that the earth covering the children's faces is actually chocolate cake, and that the film's claim that infanticide among Brazilian Indians is widespread is false."

Hakani: Hundreds of Children Are Buried Alive in Amazon
The movie was an independent production supported by a variety of organizations from Brazil and abroad. Directed by David Loren Cunningham, (The Seeker: The Dark is Rising, After..., The Path to 9/11). Screenwriter, Kevin Miller (No Saints for Sinners, With God On Our Side, Trunk, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, After...).

Most of the docu-drama was shot at Jocum’s campus in the city of Porto Velho.

The film has been challenged by the Brazilian government’s Indian affairs department, FUNAI, which has requested the involvement of Brazil’s federal police in investigating whether the film breaks Brazilian law.

Other high profile critics of the film include Survival International. The organization claims that the film is a tool for evangelical Christian groups to increase their ability to spread religious belief despite the Brazilian government's concerns about their methods. Survival also claims that the issue of Amazonian infanticide has been warped and inflated so people think that baby-killing is common, whereas it says that the practice is rare and mostly comparable to the medical practice of infant euthanasia, which, according to Survival International, is a fact of life in Western society. It is also argued that: "When Brazil's Indian tribes are being forced off their land or killed by ranchers, miners and loggers...the infanticide issue is a destructive distraction.".The criticisms above made by Survival International have been refuted by Hakani Project. Bullying and sexual abuse among Brazilian Indians - as for certain in the whole society - was confirmed by the documentary "Quebrando o silêncio" (2009), made by Sandra Terena, journalist with Indian heritage.

Hakani: Hundreds of Children Are Buried Alive in Amazon

In 2009, Sandra Terena, a journalist and documentarist with Indian heritage, decided to search deeper by herself after she watched “Hakani”. She was shocked to realise that her people still was practicing infanticide, and she produced a documentary called “Quebrando o silêncio”.



Catholic Church Fighting Proposed Sex Abuse Bill In California

Catholic Church Fighting Proposed Sex Abuse Bill In California


LOS ANGELES -- Tony Quarry suppressed his memories of being abused by a Roman Catholic priest for nearly 30 years and decided to sue only after finding out that his five brothers were molested by the same man – just to discover that it was too late.

The state's high court ultimately tossed out the brothers' lawsuit because they missed a special legal window that allowed victims to sue over abuse claims decades after the fact. Their plight, however, has inspired new sex abuse legislation in California a decade after a similar bill cost the church hundreds of millions in civil settlements.

"I still believed in the tooth fairy when these things happened to me," Quarry, 51, told The Associated Press in a phone interview Tuesday. "It's a good thing for these other people to have the opportunity to step forward."

Like the previous law, Senate Bill 131 would permit many victims who would otherwise be unable to file a civil suit due to time and age restrictions – like the Quarry brothers – to sue their abuser's employer in civil court.

The proposed law would lift the statute of limitations for one year for the group of alleged victims who were 26 and older and missed the previous deadline.

The Catholic Church did not fight the 2002 bill that opened the flood gates for hundreds of victims and led to $1.2 billion in settlements from dioceses statewide, including $660 million in Los Angeles alone. This time, however, the church is fighting hard against the proposed legislation – from the pews to lobbyists.

The 2002 law led to settlements that also forced the Los Angeles archdiocese to make public earlier this year thousands of pages of confidential files kept on priests accused or suspected of abuse.

The California Council of Nonprofit Organization, a group affiliated with the California Catholic Conference, has spent more than $70,000 to fight the bill, according to documents from the California Secretary of State's office. The Catholic Church and private organizations have called the bill a step backward, and charge they have been unfairly targeted because the proposed legislation does not apply to public schools.

The bill, as authored by Sen. Jim Beall, D-San Jose, specifically targets only private institutions.

In Los Angeles, Archbishop Jose Gomez urged local Catholics to contact their legislators, arguing in the church newsletter that the proposed change "puts the social services and educational work of the Church at risk."

Catholic Church Fighting Proposed Sex Abuse Bill In California

The LA archdiocese and other private institutions fear the reform would make them vulnerable to cases like those brought against the church following allegations of clergy sex abuse more than a decade ago.

"Our hearts can bleed and feel sad for those who didn't come forward, but the purpose is good and fair public policy," said Ned Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference, which represents the California Catholic Conference of Bishops.

The bill, Dolejsi argued, could have a devastating effect on nonprofits, such as Catholic schools, as well as state dioceses that have already paid more than $1 billion in settlements, while exempting public employers.

The LA archdiocese declined to comment on the bill and referred calls to Dolejsi. Archdiocese attorney J. Michael Hennigan did not respond to a request for comment.

The California Association of Private School Organizations, which includes pre-collegiate, independent and religious schools, has also said that the bill is unfair.

California's current law states a victim can sue a third party up until the age of 26, or within three years of the time a victim realizes he or she was abused – whichever period expires later.

Under the proposed bill, the statute of limitations would be lifted for one year for the group of people who were 26 or older and missed the previous window because they discovered abuse trauma more recently.

Tom Lyon, a law expert at the University of Southern California, said the bill's key provision addresses issues of fairness. One group of abuse victims has no means to come forward and file a civil suit, he said, and the proposed law aims to fix that.

"It's hard to defend a case when it happened decades ago," he said.

"But why not give them their day in court?"

The Quarry brothers' case dates back to 2007, when they filed a civil lawsuit against the bishop of Oakland.

Catholic Church Fighting Proposed Sex Abuse Bill In California
The brothers, now in their 40s and 50s, alleged they were molested by an Oakland priest in the 1970s but didn't connect it to their distress until 2006. The priest admitted in a sworn deposition in 2005 that he had had sexual relationships with four sets of underage brothers during the 1970s, including at least two of the brothers in the Quarry case. The priest was forced to retire following abuse allegations in 1993 and died in 2010.

In 2011, the California Supreme Court ruled it was too late for the brothers to sue because the one-year window extended by the legislature had passed.

The proposed reform has already gone through the state Senate and passed the Assembly Judiciary Committee. It's expected to go to the House Appropriations Committee in August.

Quarry and his brothers can't refile their lawsuit even if the new legislation passes because the high court's ruling in their individual case was final, but he hopes it passes so other victims are able to come forward.

"They call us all enemies of the church, but we're not," he said. "We're victims of the church."


Obama Links Founding Fathers To Communist Tyrant & Murderer Ho Chi Minh

Obama Links Founding Fathers To Communist Tyrant & Murderer Ho Chi Minh

(Bridget Johnson) President Obama hailed hard-core communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh today as a pretty open guy who was actually inspired by the Founders.

Obama took a break from his jobs-pivot speeches to meet Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang at the White House. The pair held joint remarks in the Oval Office afterward.
Obama said their first bilateral meeting “represents the steady progression and strengthening of the relationship between our two countries.”

“Obviously, we all recognize the extraordinarily complex history between the United States and Vietnam. Step by step, what we have been able to establish is a degree of mutual respect and trust that has allowed us now to announce a comprehensive partnership between our two countries that will allow even greater cooperation on a whole range of issues from trade and commerce to military-to-military cooperation, to multilateral work on issues like disaster relief, to scientific and educational exchanges,” he added.

After meeting with the leader of a country that persecutes and imprisons bloggers and priests, suppresses media and any form of political dissent and uses forced labor, Obama said they “discussed the challenges that all of us face when it comes to issues of human rights.”

“We emphasized how the United States continues to believe that all of us have to respect issues like freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly,” the president continued. “And we had a very candid conversation about both the progress that Vietnam is making and the challenges that remain.”

The visit by Sang, he said, “signifies the maturing and the next stage of the development between the United States and Vietnam.”

Obama Links Founding Fathers To Communist Tyrant & Murderer Ho Chi Minh

 Obama said Sang concluded the meeting by sharing “a copy of a letter sent by Ho Chi Minh to Harry Truman.”

“And we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson. Ho Chi Minh talks about his interest in cooperation with the United States. And President Sang indicated that even if it’s 67 years later, it’s good that we’re still making progress.”

Sang said the pair “had a very candid, open, useful and constructive discussion.”

“In a candid, open and constructive spirit, we have come to agree on many issues. We will strengthen high-level exchanges between the two countries. We will consider in order to continue our — to upgrade the mechanism of cooperation at the high level, as well as take the best use of the existing mechanism of cooperation.

Particularly, we will continue regular dialogue at the highest level as possible,” the Vietnamese leader continued. “I believe that this is the way in order to build a political trust for further development of our cooperation in all areas.”

Sang invited Obama to come pay a visit. “And President Obama has accepted our invitation and will try his best to pay a visit to Vietnam during his term,” he said.

Obama Links Founding Fathers To Communist Tyrant & Murderer Ho Chi Minh

From a 1968 Reader’s Digest piece on the rule of Ho Chi Minh:

The terror had its real beginning when Red dictator Ho Chi Minh consolidated his power in the North. More than a year before his 1954 victory over the French, he launched a savage campaign against his own people. In virtually every North Vietnamese village, strong-arm squads assembled the populace to witness the “confessions” of landowners.

As time went on, businessmen, intellectuals, school teachers, civic leaders — all who represented a potential source of future opposition — were also rounded up and forced to “confess” to “errors of thought.” There followed public “trials,” conviction and, in many cases, execution.People were shot, beheaded, beaten to death; some were tied up, thrown into open graves and covered with stones until they were crushed to death, Ho has renewed his terror in North Vietnam periodically. Between 50,000 and 100,000 are believed to have died in these blood-baths — in a coldly calculated effort to discipline the party and the masses.

To be sure, few who escape Ho’s terror now seem likely to tempt his wrath. During the 1950s, however, he had to quell some sizeable uprisings in North Vietnam — most notably one that occurred in early November 1956, in the An province, which included Ho’s birthplace village of Nam Dan. So heavily had he taxed the region that the inhabitants finally banded together and refused to meet his price.

Ho sent troops to collect, and then sent in an army division, shooting. About 6,000 unarmed villagers were killed. The survivors scattered, some escaping to the South. The slaughter went largely unnoticed by a world then preoccupied with the Soviet Union’s rape of Hungary.

This article first appeared @ PJ Tatler


A Young Woman Stoned To Death For Having A Cell Phone In Pakistan

A Young Woman Stoned To Death For Having A Cell Phone In Pakistan

Published by:
Asian Human Rights Commission

Muslims are first to claim that women have equal right like of men, and there is no superiority of men over women in Islam. But why we always see Muslims killing and torturing their women in Islamic country. But this recent case is much more shocking, because a young woman, mother of two was stoned to death as Islamic Shariah Law, because she was possessing just a cell phone.

Arifa, a mother of two, has been stoned to death on the orders of Panchayat (a tribal court) for possessing a cell phone. She was executed on 11 July in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab province. The victim was stoned to death by her uncle and relatives on the orders of Panchayat after she was found to have a mobile phone.

According to media reports her uncle, cousins and other relatives threw stones and bricks at her until she died. She was buried without informing anyone. Police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against the Panchayat but no one has been arrested. She was buried in a desert far away from her village and nobody (not even her children) was allowed to participate in the funeral. Her husband is unknown.

Women are often victimized by these illegal judicial systems. This incident is a demonstration of the strong patriarchal society in Pakistan, and women are forced to remain in their clutches. Because of the absence of a proper criminal justice system, the powerful sections of society have complete impunity when they enforce their will.

A Young Woman Stoned To Death For Having A Cell Phone In Pakistan
The incident is a clear reflection of the total collapse of the rule of law in the country, where every section of the government has become utterly redundant in the face of tribal, feudal and religious traditions. The local police have not arrested the members of the Panchayat because the power in the area lies with the landed aristocracy.

Stoning to death is a barbaric act from a primitive society. Society is sent the message that violence is the way to deal with women and other vulnerable groups. Women’s rights are negated through the use of these forms of punishment.

Pakistani society has degenerated to the point that, for a woman, keeping a cell phone has become serious crime. It is treated as a worse crime than gang rape, murder and bomb blasts, through which many people are killed on a daily basis.

The Panchayat is an illegal judicial system run by feudal lords and tribal leaders. It is common in rural areas of Punjab, where landed aristocracy and centuries old tribal traditions rule. These practices are commonly used against women so that their tribal norms remain pure and intact. The Panchayat system is so powerful that the ‘independent judiciary’ still has not shown the courage to declare it illegal. The Pakistani judiciary, which got its independence after a people’s movement of two years, is much more involved in taking cases against elected government officials in order to keep its popularity in the media, while failing to introduce judicial reforms at the grassroots level, which has generated a society without any base on the rule of law.

What Arifa’s death shows us is the real system of justice in many parts of Pakistan. Local ruling is done by feudal bodies with complete impunity. There is no enforcement of the law by the judiciary, police or any other governing institution. It is more than the absence of the rule of law; it is an airless vacuum claiming many victims, in which the police – charged with the duty of enforcing the law – are hired thugs who torture and detain people at the request of powerful parties, please see the cases of two sisters, murdered in June 2013, 25 days apart, for daring to ask the courts for justice; read here.

A Young Woman Stoned To Death For Having A Cell Phone In Pakistan

In Arifa’s case, it is those same corrupt police officers who are now being asked to investigate. Without serious intervention from government authorities, her case will be treated the same as far too many innocent deaths have been; un-investigated, with complete impunity for the perpetrators.

The Panchayat, Jirga and other illegal ‘judicial systems’ can easily be used by grudge informers and powerful persons to obtain ‘death penalties’ to murder whomsoever they want to. Bizarre charges can be tried and people are executed through these systems. There is rarely any intervention by the police to stop them because the police, as mentioned above, play a particular part in the real legal system that operates in many parts of Pakistan.

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) urges the parliament to legislate against the illegal tribal courts, including the Jirga, Panchayat and Bradari judicial systems. The government must immediately investigate and arrest all the members of the Panchayat for ordering the murder of a woman on the charges of possessing a cell phone. The senior police officers for the district of Dera Ghazi Khan should also be prosecuted for aiding and abetting this heinous crime and neglecting their duty to investigate this case. The upper judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court of Pakistan, must take immediate action against illegal and parallel judicial systems and the killing of innocent people.


Saudi Arabia Prince Defects From Royal Family [VIDEO]

Saudi Arabia Prince Defects From Royal Family [VIDEO]

Prince Khalid Bin Farhan Al-Saud has announced his defection from Al Saud royal family through a statement, calling on other princes to break their silence and reveal the truth for sake of God.

In his statement on Saturday, the Saudi prince referred to his ‘sufferings’ under reign of Al Saud regime describing them as bitter experiences that will be revealed by the Saudi twitter writer Mujtahid and Saudi activist Saad al-Faqih, who is currently living in London.

He said he thanked God that helped him understand the truth about Saudi regime through a “direct horrible personal experience” so that he could have a taste of what people suffered from throughout the country.
With pride, I announce my defection from Al Saudi family in Saudi Arabia,
he wrote in his statement.
“This regime in Saudi Arabia does not stand by God’s rules or even (country’s) established rules and its policies, decisions, and actions are totally based on personal will of its leaders.” “All that is said in Saudi Arabia about respecting law and religion rules are factitious so that they can lie and pretend that the regime obeys Islamic rules.
He criticized the royal family for considering the country as its own property while silencing all voices from inside and outside the government calling for any change and reforms.

Khalid Bin Farhan said the ruling family has deliberately pulled the country to the current condition where cries of oppressed people are ignored.

“They don’t think about anything but their personal benefits and do not care for country’s and people’s interests or even national security,”
he added.

Saudi Arabia Prince Defects From Royal Family [VIDEO]

He warned that current problems of the Saudi Arabia are not “temporary or superficial” and they do not end at unemployment, low wages and unjustified distribution of common wealth, facilities and services.
“The problems are deep and real,”
he said adding that they are concerned with political and financial corruption and abuse of power by the regime and fraud in the parliament and judiciary system.

The Saudi prince said everything that the pro-reform opposition says about country’s political, economical, judiciary, social and security condition as well as their abuse of religious values are true and
“the situation is even worse than what is said in criticisms”
He called on all those who cared for the future of the country to join him and the reform stream and break their silence on Al Saud corruptions.

This is the text of announcement by Prince Khalid bin Farhan Al-Saud defecting:


Pakistan Game Show Gives Away Abandoned Babies To Boost Ratings

Pakistan Game Show Gives Away Abandoned Babies To Boost Ratings

A prime time game show shocked audiences when a presenter gave away abandoned babies in a bid to boost ratings.

Aamir Liaquat, host of Pakistan's Amaan Ramazan, has so far given two babies to childless couples on the show during the month of Ramadan.

Holding the child in his arms on the show he said: 'This is the beautiful girl who was thrown on a pile of garbage by somebody.

'See how beautiful and innocent she is.'

The child was then handed to Riaz-ud-din and his wife by the head of the Chhipa (CORR) Welfare Association, which rescues abandoned babies.

The tearful wife described the child as a 'gift of Ramadan'.

 Her husband added: 'These 14 years were full of hardships, people asked to go for second marriage but I remained patient and also asked my wife to be patient.'

Pakistan Game Show Gives Away Abandoned Babies To Boost Ratings
Mr Ramzan Chhipa, who runs the welfare association, said: 'We have lots of babies that are just abandoned, left in the garbage or other dirty places.

'Often we just find the bodies so our message that we make is to tell people to bring their babies to us, don't just leave them.'

Pakistan's raucous talk shows are reportedly notorious for generating controversy.

It is believed the battle between television stations in the country is most intense during the month of Ramadan, when ratings traditionally fall.



Hitler And The New Age New World Order

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

" Although the rainbow seems to be only a coloured arc of light refracted through raindrops, to both Christians and New Agers it has a deeper meaning. According to the Bible, the rainbow is symbolic of God's everlasting covenant that he would never again destroy the earth by a flood. However, the New Age Movement uses rainbows to signify their building of the Rainbow Bridge (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over-soul. New Agers use the rainbow as a decoration, unaware of the growing popular acceptance of its occult meaning and hidden dangers."Constance E. Cumbey `The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow` 1983.


Many believe that the New Age Movement is little more than a collection of old Hippies, Feminists and `wannabe` mystics, chanting and praying to who knows what or why. But that is so far from the reality of what is in truth, nothing less than a cloak for Lucifer Worship, in the form of a revived occult religion based on the `Babylonian Mysteries` and the heretical Jewish Kabbalah. For the first time in history, there exists a movement that fulfils all the scriptural requirements for the coming of the `Antichrist` and it is working together with it's co conspirators in the Illuminati, through the use of a myriad of means and sub-plots to drive their New World Order project to it's logical conclusion, whilst we the people sleep walk into their `Rainbow` Dictatorship.

In `Lucifer Rising, I introduced the connection between the Nazi's and the New Age Movement. In this article, I will elaborate further, and show that the New Age is in all respects, ideologically, a mirror image of National Socialism, and that far from being the, peace loving, brotherhood of man promoting, all inclusive pantheon of faiths and beliefs it will have us believe; it is at it's core the worship of Lucifer, deeply racist, deceptive, exclusive and ultimately murderous in its intentions.

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

The New Age Movement - The Fourth Reich?

One of the most glaring features of the New Age, is its ideological similarity to German National Socialism. The occult roots and nature of the religious philosophy at the heart of the Third Reich remained `classified` information for many years after the end of WWII. Could it be that the same Demonic force behind Hitler's reign of terror, was that which moved the `Allied Powers` to conceal from the public for decades the arcane mysticism which lay at the very foundations of the Nazi Movement? Were they knowing participants in the `The Plan` as revealed by the High Priestess of the New Age, Alice Bailey[3]in the 1930s?

A significant portion of this` Plan` dictates that the New World Order necessary for total world domination by `The Christ` (not Jesus Christ) and `The Great White Brotherhood`[9] would have to be established upon the foundations of a world severely traumatized by war[8]. In its essence, the New Age Movement can be clearly seen to be in many ways a revival of National Socialism.

Like Nazism, the New Age is based upon a structure of initiates, adepts and masters. High level initiates always know more than low-level initiates. As in any large organization, most people quietly do their jobs without knowing the full nature of what they are involved with, or precisely where they personally fit in the greater scheme of things. Most of the rank and file of any large organization never get to see the big picture at all.

Only those in higher management will understand the finer details and overall scope of the operation. It can be assumed therefore that a substantial number of those participating in the New Age Movement are, although quite innocently involved with the best of intentions, unwitting Cannon fodder in the war against God and his people. In the same way as the Military functions on a `need to know` basis, the same is the case with the Illuminati and it's fellow travellers in the New Age.

Adolf Hitler: "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power..."(Daniel 8:24, KJV).

Hitler was initiated into the `mysteries` of the occult at a young age. He attended a Benedictine monastery school near his home in Austria. The occult interests Hitler gained in this school, stayed with him all of his adult life and helped to shape his future spiritual philosophy.

During his years as an aspiring artist and/or architect in Vienna, he often frequented occult book stores and libraries, acquainting himself with the mysteries of metaphysics and making the acquaintance of occultic local adepts. He was fascinated by the theories of transcendent states of consciousness and mind expansion, and devoted much of what little money he had, and his time to the pursuit of `higher states` of consciousness. Impatient with such methods as, Yoga, Astrology, Eastern and Western `paths` he accelerated the process by supplementing meditation with drugs.

 He used Mescaline to `transport` himself to the desired higher states of consciousness, which enabled him to experience what occultists term the `Akashic Record,` a demonic version of historical and future events. His aim in taking this accelerated path was to gain a perspective on his own future destiny. Hitler believed he had made contact with Lucifer, and openly coveted possession. In 1938, he is said to have commented:

" I have seen the Antichrist. He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me."

It was the prevailing `Neo-Paganism` which saturated the National Socialist Movement which helped create the conditions which paved the way for the totalitarian collectivism of the Third Reich. The Nazi high priesthood; Hitler, Himmler, Rahn, Rosenberg, Hess, Feder, Sebot, et al. were all ardent theosophists[1], and their esoteric societies, The Thule, Vril, Seekers of the Grail etc.[7] were steeped in the same occultism and pantheism so prevalent in today's New Age and environmental movements. Hitler and the whole Nazi Regime were deeply involved in the occult and he believed that his was a `divine` mission on behalf of what he termed the `Ancient Aryan Masters.

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

The Secret Doctrine:

"One cannot argue against the claim that the Nazi world view and major elements of the New Age Movement are identical. They should be, after all for they both grew out of the same occult root: Theosophy. Their respective cosmogony, cosmology and philosophies are identical."
Joseph Carr `The Twisted Cross.`

The foundational Theology of both Nazism and the New Age Movement can be seen to be based on the book, `The Secret Doctrine`[2] written by the founder of Theosophy, Helena P. Blavatsky in 1888. This `doctrine` can be seen to be the very antithesis of Christian belief, insomuch as it glorifies Lucifer and all those `abominations` condemned by Yahweh in the Bible, hearkening back to the pre-diluvian world, and the time of the Fallen Angels and the Nephilim. Genesis Chapter Six, records:

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were upon the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Gen. 6:1-7

The Illuminati bloodline families[10] claim to be descended from these Fallen Angels, who they say taught them the "Ancient Wisdom", also known as the Kabbalah, which they have been preserving throughout the centuries. The Fallen Angels are said to have descended to earth and `intermarried` with `the daughters of men` who then gave birth to a hybrid race known as the Nephilim. Christian translations have traditionally `struggled` with the passage, choosing to translate Nephilim as `mighty men.` However, the Apocryphal Jewish texts and the Book Of Enoch explain that the `Sons of God` were Lucifer and his legions, cast out of Heaven, who took themselves wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced the race known as the Nephilim, whose descendants were later referred to in the Old Testament as the Anakim or Giants.

According to the Illuminati, it is the `Fallen Angels` who first introduced humanity to the occult arts, including astrology, magic and alchemy. This period in history is believed by occultists to accord with the time of the lost continent of Atlantis. The race produced by the intermixing of the Fallen Angels and humans, the Nephilim, is thought to be synonymous with the Aryans. Supposedly, their corruption caused great evil in the earth, to such an extent that, according to the Apocryphal works, God decided to destroy them through the Flood.

 The `Secret Doctrine` maintains that seven races originated in Atlantis and that one of the seven were the Aryans. Although there were supposedly six other Atlantean races - Toltecs, Rmoahals, Tlavatli, Turanians, Akkadians, and Mongols, Blavatsky tells us that the Aryans were the master-race or supermen of the Atlantean races. She writes:

"They did not become supermen by ordinary evolution or mutation. They took a quantum leap upward in order to give them the necessary faculties to live in the post-diluvian world. While losing some qualities that were coveted, such as magical powers over the forces of nature and psychic development, they gained faculties of brain development and "superior intelligence" over the other surviving races who were supposedly inferior in blood stock and mental faculties."

The Aryans were according to Theosophic Dogma, allegedly educated by `God-men` and taught to protect their `superior` blood stock from `mongrelisation` at all costs. They were supposedly distinguished from the `inferior` races by their more highly `evolved` intellects. These, however, had supposedly been developed at the sacrifice of their `spiritual powers.` In order to correct this `deficiency` and ensure that psychic powers were not lost to the Aryan race, a process of initiation was developed by the `masters.` Initiation therefore became the prerequisite for leadership in Aryan society, as only the initiates or adepts could communicate with the so-called supermen who were needed to give direction to the race. This racial concept of Aryanism is an integral part of the New Age, as it was National Socialism, and other forms of racial prejudice.

The Bible tells us that the Israelites were chosen by God to preserve his word in a time when the Babylonian Mysteries, descended, we are to believe from Atlantis, had disseminated far and wide through polytheism and pantheism. It should be noted by New Agers and other detractors from the Holy Scriptures that the Bible specifies very plainly that all men are of one blood.

Where the Christian doctrine prevails and is adhered to, that all men are created equal in the image of God, then it is hard to maintain racism and anti-Semitism. But, with ideological doctrines such as those found in Nazism and The New Age, espousing theories that men have evolved from differing `root races` and are at varying stages of evolutionary development, it becomes very easy to justify classification and prejudice. Genocidal pogroms become the logical conclusion.

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

The Myth Of The Master Race:

Doctrines of Aryan superiority were at the very core of Nazism. They were used as a justification for religious persecution. It was not not only Jews, but also Christians included on Hitler's `Hit List.` The New Age has a slightly altered agenda. Christians first, Jews next, then finally Muslims will be dealt with. All of these groups are marked for persecution.

At the occult core of their dogma, New Agers maintain the arcane Aryan doctrine of a blood taint resting upon Jews. Alice A. Bailey[3], whose twenty seven books clearly illustrate the occult bias against Jews wrote in 1949:

"Today the law [karma] is working, and the Jews are paying the price, factually and symbolically, for all they have done in the past. Factually and symbolically ... they stand as they have ever chosen to stand, for separation [`evil' is defined by Alice Bailey as `separation']. They regard themselves as the chosen people and have an innate consciousness of that high destiny, forgetting their symbolic role, and that it is Humanity which is the chosen people and not one small and unimportant fraction of the race."

The theme of Aryan purity of blood is found throughout Bailey's books. Bailey disciple and New Age Guru, David Spangler attempts to deny the obvious by stating that this was a different form of Aryanism than that subscribed to by Hitler:

"Perhaps I should say here that what I mean by the Aryan race is not the blond, blue-eyed Superman that Hitler was speaking of, or the Germanic race. The Aryan term is a generic term that refers to that group of people which migrated millennia ago from Asia, and spread throughout
Africa and Europe."

But let's not be fooled by Spangler's prevaricating, the Aryan Race he speaks of is one and the same as Hitler's, and like Hitler, his perspective is pulled entirely from the pages of Blavatsky's `Secret Doctrine.`

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

Drawing Parallels:

One can draw many parallels between the pre-war climate that gave rise to Nazism and those conditions now existing. The German people had experienced the mass trauma effect of war-time defeat and post-war inflation with its accompanying hardships. German youth, looking for an escape from the harsh times turned to eastern mysticism along with Germanic and Nordic mythology, where they were told that defeat was only one version of reality or conciousness.

The United States in particular and the whole of the West generally finds itself in a very similar situation today. Western economies have long been in dire straights, and particularly since the end of the Vietnam war, there has been a massive orientation amongst the Western intelligentsia and youth towards eastern mysticism, with the route to transcendental consciousness accelerated by the widespread use of drugs - as was also the case in post WWI Germany. The New Age has profited greatly from this development and has of course sponsored and welcomed the trend, but others, Cnservatives and Christians in particular have rightly viewed it with alarm.

Jean-Michel Angebert, states in the book `The Occult and the Third Reich:`

"The Hitlerian myth can be understood only if viewed in the context of the particular philosophical system that produced it, which is itself but one link in an historical tradition going back over centuries. Those who induced Germany to embrace the swastika are not dead. They are still among us, just as they have been in every era, and doubtless will continue to be until the Apocalypse. National Socialism was for them but a means, and Hitler was but an instrument. The Undertaking failed. What they are now trying to do is revive the myth using other means." 

The New Age and National Socialism are both systems for expediting the `way` to transcendental consciousness, ultimately, for the intended transformation of whole populations through their initiation into the `mysteries.` Such mysteries and pagan rituals were introduced into the very mainstream of the German nation during Hitler's time in power. Himler's Elite SS were initiated into the pagan mysteries, cloaked in Aryan `Holy Grail` gnosis, the aim being to enable the initiate to gain psychic abilities and superhuman strength. The `Bureau of the Occult` was created as both a part of the established German government and also as a separate bureau.

The Nazi's believed in the arcane doctrine known as the `Macrocosm/Microcosm` theory of the universe. This is also an intrinsic aspect of New Age belief. New Age gnostics acknowledge the existence of `ascended masters` who are organized into a `Hierarchy` headed by a New Age Messiah. The Nazis similarly believed in the existence of a hierarchy of `masters` headed by a New Age Christ whom they believed to be Adolf Hitler.

New Ager John White said in the introduction to the 1979 International Cooperation Council Directory (now known as the Unity-in-Diversity Council): 

"What is coming to pass today ... is not a generation gap or a communications gap ... Rather, it is a species gap. A new species is making its way onto the planet and asserting its right to life. This inevitably brings it into conflict with the dominant species. And that dominant species is a dying species. Homo Noeticus is the name I give to the emerging form of humanity."

Compare the above with what Hitler had to say:

"Creation is not yet completed. Man must pass through many further stages of metamorphosis. Post-Atlantean man is already in a state of degeneration and decline, barely able to survive...All creative forces will be concentrated in a new species. The two types of man, the old and the new, will evolve rapidly in different directions. One will disappear from the face of the earth, the other will flourish...This is the real motive behind the National Socialist Movement!" The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft,

Hitler And The New Age New World Order

Connecting The Dots:

The New Age Movement's structure can be seen to resemble that of Nazi Germany inasmuch as it is not constructed in a manner we would easily recognise as being an organization, but rather as a web of smaller webs containing some pre-eminent organizations at its core around which the others revolve. What identifies this particular form of organization as being so effective, is that whenever any sub-organization or individual steps out of line and becomes an embarrassment, as was the case with Jim Jones[5], they can quickly close up their net-like structure to deny and exclude that person or organization as ever having been in anyway connected with the Movement as a whole or in part.

In the following paragraphs, we will consolidate what we have learned so far and then identify the direct correlations between National Socialism and The New Age Movement and draw conclusions accordingly.

National Socialism was far more than a mere political movement. It was the pagan expression of a pantheon of occult arcane practices and esoteric teaching. Hitler was an open admirer of Madame Blavatsky and her works, `The Secret Doctrine` in particular. The Nazis had a Bureau of the Occult as part of the German government under Hitler, known as the SS Occult Bureau. Nazism preached Aryan-ism and Aryan racial purity and that the future `New Age` would feature an evolved Aryan master race. The Nazis believed the roots of their Aryan-ism were first found in Atlantis, and that a new superior mutant species of Aryan man could be brought into existence by development of `Higher Consciousness.`

The New Age Movement is based entirely on arcane practices and teachings, and especially on the `The Secret Doctrine` of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and later Alice A. Bailey, who insisted that she was channelling messages from the Tibetan Master (Demon) Dwjal Khul. All forms of occultism and mind expansion are permitted and actively encouraged within the New Age Movement. Again, like the Nazis, the New Age emphasises Aryanism and Aryan racial purity. New Agers believe that through transcendental meditation and other `spiritual` disciplines that they have become a `new species,` they name `homo noeticus` and that homo sapiens is an endangered species. The New Agers trace their Secret Doctrine and occult teachings to Atlantis. They like the Nazis believe a new superior mutant species of Aryans can be brought into existence by the development of `Higher Consciousness.`

National Socialism had at it's very core a doctrine of racial purity. The Nazis believed that all human breeding should be controlled by the state. They operated free maternity homes using the controlled selection method of breeding, in order to ensure that the purity of their `Master Race` was maintained. The Nazis instituted a program of quietly killing mental patients and children with birth defects. Hitler instituted this program after receiving a letter from the father of a deformed child requesting that the child be put to death.

The New Age advocates that people be licensed before they are allowed to have children. The deeply New Age `Friends of the Earth` are particularly vocal in this regard. The New Agers have an operation known as `The Farm` in Tennessee which has a free maternity home and women are told they can leave their babies there for as short or as long a period as they like. However, it is almost impossible from a legal standpoint to regain custody of a child left for a long period of time.

Hitler And The New Age New World Order
National Socialism saw the mythical quest for the `Holy Grail` not as being in anyway related to Christianity, but as being a path to a transcendental higher consciousness. They believed in `Karma` and reincarnation, and sought to activate the `Luciferic` force. Hitler believed that initiation into National Socialism was the vehicle by which, the German nation would evolve into a new and superior species, incorporating `spiritual disciplines` and the evolution of conciousness.`

The New Age tells us that entrance into the New Age requires a Luciferic initiation. The New Age Movement, like the Nazis, features the quest for the Holy Grail as a path to transcendental or higher consciousness. New Agers believe in the Law of Karma and reincarnation. David Spangler, one of the leading New Age `Guru's` states that the Luciferic energies are positive as they are the `energy of anticipation` and the energies that `get a person from here to there.`

National Socialism preached a New World Order in which the Aryan race would predominate over the other `root races.` Nazism was a synthesis of occultism and gnosticism, based on `The Secret Doctrine` and a synthesis of the old Babylonian Mystery Teachings and Eastern Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Nazi adepts believed the gods lived in mythical Shamballa.

The New Age seeks the institution of a New World Order in which Aryanism will prevail. The New Age Movement is a synthesis of occultism and gnosticism, based on `The Secret Doctrine,` and a synthesis of Eastern religions with the Babylonian Mysteries. Just as with National Socialism, New Age initiates believe the gods are established in Shamballa.

National Socialism and Hitler came to power with the support of the International Bankers and by appealing locally to the German money class, convincing them that a Nazi regime would increase control and efficiency, whilst at the same time leading the poor to believe that a National Socialist Germany would provide them with sufficient resources for to exist on.

The New Age has obtained the support of the rich and powerful, such as the Rockerfeller controlled Chase Manhattan Bank, the Canadian Multi Millionaire Maurice Strong, and heads of major corporations, by assuring them that the New Age is good for entrepreneur-ship and business. Similarly it has seduced the poor with promises of wealth redistribution..

National Socialism with Luciferianism as it's spiritual foundation, was not surprisingly hostile to orthodox and fundamentalist Christianity and sought to replace the cross with the swastika. Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS, who was obsessed with the occult, like many other Nazis, had an extreme anti-Catholic bias. He even went so far as to advocate the public execution of the Pope and to compel Catholic SS members to leave the Roman Catholic faith, and required them to go through occult initiation rites.


The False Prophets and The New Age Movement

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
“Many religions today expect the coming of AVATAR or SAVIOR. The second coming of the Christ, as the world Teacher for the Age of Aquarius, is presented in this book as an imminent event, logical and practical in the continuity of divine revelation throughout the ages. The Christ belongs to all mankind; he can be known and understood as ‘the same great Identity in all the world religions.’”
(From: Lucis Trust – The Reappearance of the Christ– By Alice Bailey)

Another blockbuster film has been released upon the hapless worldlings – most having absolutely no idea from whence this stream of deception derives. Gaia– Mother Earth – resounds throughout the film’s metaphors and symbolisms – but its title, AVATAR (“Hindu term for the manifestation or appearance of a deity” – Wikipedia), though strangely present is somehow lost amongst the astounding graphical presentations and the superficiality of the subscripts (which aren’t). Just what was this film attempting to accomplish and why is it poised for NINE Academy Award nominations?

 Indeed, its design will detract from humanity’s rush to the internet … for it must be viewed on a wide screen with sound and fury … but what does it signify? James Cameron, director of the Titanic and its domination of past Academy Awards, resurfaces some 12 years later, to mesmerize the masses. Is this the most Neo-Con movie ever made depicting a pro-American, deeply conservative, message as Ann Marlowe suggests (The Most Neo-Con Movie Ever Made, Forbes.com, 12/13/09)? 

Or, as my apocalyptic mind presumes – another broadside by the False Prophet in preparing the way for the First Beast? This present AVATAR hallucination more than substantiates our previous New Age assortment – which we intended to incorporate somewhere in this series - but now, the timing seems optimum! So let us reintroduce our list of superlatives and to nominate them for their outstanding performances by granting to them those tokens of our esteem - the renown World Academy of New Age Awards goes to:

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Edgar Casey, Alister Crowley, Benjamin Creme—founders and perpetrators of today’s New Age Movement, false messiahs, AVATARS, antichrist hoaxes, and, in general, a whole lot of gibberish, deception and distraction. Indeed, these humans would much prefer the bodies and souls of demigods rather than the paltry frames of Untermensch!

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
Lethal, confusing, and Biblically tagged as magicians, astrologers and sorcerers who deal in “familiar spirits” and “divination” (Daniel 2:2; I Chron. 10:13; Deut. 18:13)—these are the charlatans known in worldly circles as channelers, psychics, trance mediums, spiritualists, pop psychologists, and pseudo New Age diviners who delve into séances, mediums and manifold quackery. By popular demand we’ve decided to borrow this amalgamation of deceit from our series on Antichrist – Reflections on the Desolator because of its pristine endeavor to expose the vanguard of the False Prophet’s “ministry” yet future…in other words, to exclude this repertoire of delectable distortions from inclusion into this exposé of incredulous conceit would be tantamount to leaving the frosting from the cake, or worse yet the cherry atop the masterpiece!

Yes, and to top it off, the recent incursions into mainline Protestantism, pop evangelicalism and mainline Catholicism relative to deviant, though extravagant, practices of pseudo-meditation techniques designed to mimic the aforesaid plethora of pernicious perdition – finding especial fertility in the soils of the so-called Emergent Church (Please see “Emerging Church – A Road to Interspirituality through Mysticism” on the superb website of Lighthouse Trails Research Project.) – proliferate on Christendom’s shores.

Innumerable titles surround their confusions: Neo-paganism, the Occult, Theosophy, Satanism—in sum, the result of the failure to provide “spirituality” in an increasingly “secular humanistic” world compounded by an apostate Christianity—both void of true spiritual depth and meaning. A generally helpful analysis of the most recent of the New Age Movement can be found at Religious Tolerance.org:

“New Age teachings became popular during the 1970's as a reaction against what some perceived as the failure of Christianity and the failure of Secular Humanism to provide spiritual and ethical guidance for the future. Its roots are traceable to many sources: Astrology, Channeling, Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Spiritualism, Taoism, Theosophy, Wicca and other Neo-pagan traditions, etc.”

The “Neo-New Age Movement” (akin to dating the Neo-Babylonian 1000-539 BC period with King Nebuchadnezzar vs. the Ancient Babylonia period under Nimrod cir. 3500 to 2400 BC) started in England in the 1960s where fertile fields of Theosophy and Spiritualism (a la the Fox Sisters) flourished.

“Small groups, such as the Findhorn Community in Inverness and the Wrekin Trust formed. The movement quickly became international. Early New Age mileposts in North America were a ‘New Age Seminar’ run by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (Edgar Cayce), and the establishment of the East-West Journal in 1971. Actress Shirley MacLaine is perhaps their most famous current figure.”
The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
“During the 1980's and 90's, the movement came under criticism from a variety of groups. Channeling was ridiculed; seminar and group leaders were criticized for the fortunes that they made from New Agers. Their uncritical belief in the ‘scientific’ properties of crystals was exposed as groundless. But the movement has become established and become a stable, major force in North American religion during the past generation. As the millennium comes to a close, the New Age is expected to expand, promoted by the social backlash against logic and science.” (Ibid.)

Speaking of the millennium of the New Age—an ultimate tenet of this “movement”—is not all love and oneness; and, hardly is it the altruistic paradise soon to be ushered in as the Age of Aquarius—full of “happiness and understanding.”

“Dr. Carl Raschke, professor of Religious Studies at the University of Denver describes New Age practices as the spiritual version of AIDS; it destroys the ability of people to cope and function. He describes it as ‘essentially, the marketing end of the political packaging of occultism...a breeding ground for a new American form of fascism.’” (Ibid. Religious Tolerance.org)
Evolution—and its many deviant expressions . . . social evolution, reincarnation, survival of the fittest . . . ultimately, some are simply more equal than others; thence, Dr. Raschke’s prophetic announcement: “A breeding ground for a new American form of fascism” (with all its ugly racial pejoratives and exclusivities—though most of those embracing the tenets of the New Age would be loathe to admit such a conclusion to their search for “spirituality” and “equality.”

What identifies this amorphous movement—this hodgepodge of provocateurs and charmers—can be categorized (believe it or not) into an awareness and conscious striving for the following utopian concepts and consternation's:


Under the “aura” of New Age one is encouraged to “shop” their beliefs and practices—whatever makes you “feel good” is what this spree is all about—including:
  •  Monism – there is but one single source of divine energy in the universe.
  • Pantheism – “God” is all and exists in all – thence, we are all divine – thus, “God” is not found in Holy Writ – but within us all and we are in “God”
  •  Reincarnation – Hinduism’s transmigration of the soul—where after physical death, the soul returns into another physical frame; endless repetition of this perfects the soul.
  •  Karma – Linked to reincarnation – if your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds then you will be rewarded (or forbid “punished”) by ascending or descending into a “painful or good new life.”
  • Aura – An invisible “energy field” which surrounds and radiates out from the body; however, some “adepts” can materially discern this multi-colored rainbow and thereby diagnose one’s mental, spiritual and physical state of health.
  • Personal Transformation – Once one plunges into the depths of the New Age, marvelous and mystical experiences will pursue – props like hallucinogenic drugs can enhance one’s transformation; guided imagery, hypnosis, meditation—all “unlock” one’s innate potential wherein pure psychic powers, radically new understandings and healings of body, soul and mind are actualized. This transformation, when achieved by vast numbers of humans will result in world-wide spiritual, physical, and psychological revolution, transforming world culture to the better.
  • Ecological Responsibility – We must join forces to preserve Mother Earth (Gaia) which, like ourselves, is a living and breathing entity.
  • Universal Religion – If all be “God” – then all religious “paths” (i.e., “sadhanas”) lead to this ultimate reality. Eventually, a new universal religion will evolve and dissolve all differences: The Age of Aquarius will have arrived—leading to a New World Order.
  • New World Order – Age of Aquarius – New Age - Utopia—through reincarnation, transformation, metaphysical practices will usher in the New Age. One world government will abolish all wars, poverty, disease, hunger, pollution. Love and oneness between genders, races, religions—all discrimination will be ended . . . all nationalities will be subsumed by world awareness.

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement

Indeed, channeling, “spirit guides” and mediums, crystals (possessing “healing energy”); mantras and special chanting and incantations; new-age music (an actual genre); divination (fortune telling, Ching, Pendulum movements, Runes, Scrying, Tarot Cards); astrology (planet alignment and birth signs, etc.); the practice of “holistic health principals” (healing through acupuncture, crystals, iridology, massage techniques, polarity therapy, psychic healing, therapeutic touch, reflexology, etc.); and the consumptive “human potential movement” (individual and group mental and physical techniques are employed; including Esalen, EST, Gestalt Therapy, Primal Scream, Transcendental Meditation, Transactional Analysis and Yoga) – whatever it takes to bring in the New Age for you and the masses is available on the open market. And, with a little practice makes perfect—even you can achieve your ultimate potential, discover the “God” within you is the same “God” within me—ad nausea, ad infinitum!

The ancient pagans, the aforementioned modern-day neo-pagans, and their pop New Age associates—all find themselves in a mixed bag of “spiritual workaholics” determined to bring in the New World Order. It is this New Age, New World Order, Millennium, Age of Aquarius which interests us at this juncture; and, in particular, the emphasis upon the “Messianic Figure” who will be the final catalyst in this quest – signaling the time has come for Blavatsky’s “Manifestation of the Hierarchy.” Even so, the film AVATAR, finds the final conflict and attack upon the Tree of Life, led by the forces of iniquity headed up by blatant militarism and corporate greed - yet defeated by the Avatar himself whose death and resurrection belie the true Savior’s accomplishment. How cleverly packaged is this counterfeit and techno-graphical subterfuge!

Keep in mind, that this supreme figure is the ultimate expression of human ingenuity and endeavor—for “God Manifest” is in this one and through this one—for there is no need for “God” in the first place! This oxymoronic statement is duly noted in the convoluted writings of the one, Annie Besant:

“No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism.” (Brainy Quote, Annie Besant)


The False Prophets and The New Age Movement

The ultimate Ascended Master will be the final Messiah – the Supreme AVATAR—the Uber-Maitreya, according to the teachings of the New Agers who shall usher in the New World Order—this is the one who is the finality of all messianic types—those who have ascended into that spiritual state of perfection, to bring the earth and its inhabitants into that marvelous state of peace, love, and bliss. Here, all tension, all condemnation and conviction of sin is eliminated because the Nirvana so embraced is void of all negativity and disgrace – utopia pervades all. There is therefore now no condemnation to them who have ascended – there is no need for forgiveness or deliverance, for the path to true enlightenment and higher consciousness restricts all such barbaric religiosities. Who will be the “Chosen One” to effect such a global transformation?

Oh, yes, the “Christian symbolism” and overtures in this effort of the coming New Age Messiah are legion and legendary—for they are many and “profound” to those who are “into” the mysteries—especially susceptible are “the very elect” (actually believers in the real Jesus Christ of the Gospels)—although they most assuredly think otherwise!

“It is not for us yet to know the date or hour of the reappearance of the Christ. His coming is dependent upon the appeal (the often voiceless appeal) of all who stand with massed intent; it is dependent also upon the better establishment of right human relations & upon certain work being done at this time by senior Members of the Kingdom of God, the Church Invisible, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet; it is dependent also upon the steadfastness of the Christ's disciples in the world at this time and His initiate-workers---all working in the many groups: religious, political & economic.”

“To the above must be added what Christians like to call ‘the inscrutable Will of God,’ that unrecognized purpose of the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days (as He is called in the Old Testament) Who ‘knows His own Mind, radiates the highest quality of love & focuses His Will in His Own high Place within the center where the Will of God is known.’” (The Reappearance of the Christ Djwhal Khul, by Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company)

The gobbledygook is endless—as Alice A. Bailey’s Ascended Master, The Tibetan, was positioned to be the Christ of Love (Jesus the Christ—Occidental) and Christ of Light (Buddha—Oriental) personified into the ultimate Christ-Messiah of Love and Light! Where EAST meets WEST—proving that Rudyard Kipling’s “never the twain shall meet” was wrong!

“By the pouring out of the Christ life or consciousness upon the masses everywhere, and in every nation. This spiritual inflow will bring about the reorienting of human desire, and will evoke the emotional response to His Presence. This therefore brings the astral plane within the active sphere of His influence; this involves the release of the energy of goodwill into the hearts of men, predisposing them towards right human relations. It is this establishing of right relations which is the major objective of His coming triple activity. The masses everywhere will be responsive to the work and the message of Christ, as it is implemented from the mental plane by the disciples and initiates, overshadowed by the mind of Christ.” (Ibid. Alice A. Bailey).

Indeed, this “Christ” comes in many “shapes and sizes” – all are of God and in God – but the final revelation of THE Ascended Master will fulfill all until God is “all in all.”

“The work and the teaching of the Christ will be hard for the Christian world to accept, though easier of assimilation in the East. Nevertheless, some hard blow or some difficult presentation of the truth is badly needed if the Christian world is to be awakened, and if Christian people are to recognize their place within a worldwide divine revelation and see the Christ as representing all the faiths and taking His rightful place as World Teacher. He is the World Teacher and not a Christian teacher. He Himself told us that He had other folds and to them He has meant as much as He has meant to the orthodox Christian. They may not call Him Christ, but they have their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their Western brethren.” (Ibid. Alice A. Bailey)


The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
Heralding the dawn of the Age of Aquarius is a woman – oddly enough, from German ancestry, born in Russia (just as my relatives were) - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who founded the international Theosophical Society. Her maiden name was Helena Petrovna von Hahn.

“Theosophy is a fragment of the ancient, once universal, wisdom teaching. The masters of Theosophy, located in Tibet and around the world, preserve and extend this ancient wisdom. Periodically they send forth one of their own - or a messenger - to help spread this teaching to all of humanity. (My Comments: Hollywood’s fascination for the Dalai Lama knows no end…and now you know why!)

“In the 1800’s they had been searching for a century for the next messenger and finally settled upon Helena Blavatsky, born to a noble Russian family. She saw the master who would be her teacher in her dreams as a child. She met him in Hyde Park in London when she was 20. She managed to enter Tibet and was trained by those masters in Tibet from 1868 to 1870. From 1875 through her death in 1891 she spread that message around the world.

“Theosophy is the name Blavatsky gave to that portion of knowledge that she brought from the masters to the world. It comes from the term ‘Theosophia’ used by the Neoplatonists to mean literally ‘knowledge of the divine.’” (Blavatsky.Net Theosophy)

A further backgrounder would be helpful on Blavatsky:

“Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ( H. P. Blavatsky ) was born on August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav), Russian Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849, at the age of 16, she married the much older N. V. Blavatsky, and some months later began more than 20 years of extensive travel, bringing her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. The travels provided a basis for Madame Blavatsky's claim to have studied for seven years under Hindu mahatmas (masters) in the East. She also claimed to have several times entered Tibet, which at that time was practically inaccessible to foreigners.

“In 1873 Madame Blavatsky arrived in New York. In July 1875 she was urged ‘to establish a philosophico-religious society,’ and in the fall of the same year she became the principal founder, along with Col. Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge, of The Theosophical Society. She devoted the rest of her life to its humanitarian and educational objectives.” (age-of-the-sage.org, H P Blavatsky)

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
And, what of her ultimate Christ—and the “externalization of the hierarchy?” Both Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine) and Bailey (The Externalization of the Hierarchy) wrote extensively concerning the “externalization of the hierarchy” which would be the precursor to the coming of the Christ. Both affirmed that adepts would transverse the planet prior to and in preparation of the coming New Age Messiah.

They and their adherents see in sundry events—such as the founding of the United Nations—the alignment of those forces bringing about the coming of the New Age Messiah:

“May Christ return to Earth. This return must not be understood in its usual connotation and its well-known mystical Christian sense. Christ has never left the Earth. What is referred to is the externalization of the Hierarchy and its exoteric appearance on Earth. The Hierarchy will eventually, under its Head, the Christ, function openly and visibly on Earth. This will happen when the purpose of the divine Will, and the plan which will implement it, are better understood and the period of adjustment, of world enlightenment and of reconstruction has made real headway.

“This period begins at the San Francisco (United Nations) Conference (hence its major importance), and will move very slowly at first. It will take time, but the Hierarchy thinks not in terms of years and of brief cycles (though long to humanity), but in terms of events and the expansion of consciousness.

“Therefore, we have at the meridian point of June 1945, within the mid range of the occult 100 year cycle of the constellations Leo, Capricorn and Pisces with emerging Aquarian energy, a definitive timeframe for the commencement of the externalization of hierarchy measured in events and expansions of consciousness of humanity.

The False Prophets and The New Age Movement
“As a worldwide group of sworn Aquarian disciples we can but thank the Christ for the inflow of Aquarian energy we duly and rightfully seek to dispense now.” (Externalization of Hierarchy, Manifestation, Withdrawal and Externalization, Jeremy Condick, April 2006)

Blavatsky, Bailey, and Besant were all enamored with Tibetan Buddhism—for here on earth’s highest plateau is where the “secret doctrine” evolved and, I hasten to add, continues to enrapture the planet’s Aquarian disciples:

In Why is the externalization of the Christ important? by “His Holiness Buddha Maitreya”—and as in most of “their writings” the mystical overtones and elaborate nomenclatures are relentless . . . but eventually they get to where all this is going:

“It’s like Tulkus – their process of externalization has never been big for them – for Tibet yes, but not for the world. Second ray people are not interested in groups or individuals but helping all. Christ is second ray and so to move from the sixth ray to the second ray there needs to be an externalization of Christ.

"So all these Tulkus that I’m coming to find are emanations of me that I’ve set up for 500 years and they’re me actually…and I’m my best student…So when I go out and deal with the Tulkus, I’m actually talking to myself, dealing with myself, cooperating with a great big reality and that’s what happens within the Hierarchy of the Christ Principle is that the Christ Principle is in a relationship of establishing an individual relationship with people – the Second Coming of Christ. It’s a collective messiahship. It works with the relationship of people being able to respond to the Christ AND being a disciple, not just being a follower. But what it means to be a disciple.” (What is the Difference Between a Second Coming and An Incarnation? By “His Holiness Buddha Maitreya” The Tibetan Foundation, July 13, 2003)

Just about this time, one wonders where are the conspiratorial Masons when you need them—don’t worry, Alice Bailey knows this secret as well:

“The Masonic Movement ... will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation.

“It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward.

“It is a far more occult organization than can be realized and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists ... in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate -- when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood -- will be the utilization of the banded esoteric organism, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centers.

“These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies.” (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 14, 511, 513 found in: The Seventh Trumpet, Jeffrey Brackeen’s E-Mail News Letter)

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened.

Although NASA covered up the strange photon cloud that's now enveloped the solar system, the word has leaked out from some scientists.

And now, as the ominous cloud approaches it's affecting the sun and planets in measurable ways.

Amazingly, as the bizarre energy invades our space, some of the world's most famous pyramids are generating intense energy.

Several incredible incidents of visible power beams shooting skywards into space towards the region of the alien photonic cloud are well-documented.

At the same time, people around the world began hearing and recording frightening sounds—noises that seem as if the Earth itself is moaning and wailing.

All the phenomena—including measurements of the never-before-seen gigantic electrification of the turbulent sun—seem to be centered on the deadly photonic cloud that some have called a 'potential Doomsday space event.'

Ancient pyramids awake after centuries, Millennia of slumber

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud
  Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled.

But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant.
But the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan transmitting a raw column of incredible energy into space was just the latest pyramid to do so.

Down below is artist's re-creation of what witnesses saw at Bosnian pyramid

Bosnian pyramid

In 2009 and 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy towards space.

Bosnian pyramid

Recently, the Chinese government began closely monitoring the Xianyang pyramid for signs of activity. Last year a team of scientists investigated the pyramid and believe it may have extraterrestrial origins.

Aztec Pyramid of the Moon blasts energy vortex from apex

That amazing incident was followed by the vortex blast—witnessed and captured on film—shooting from the apex of the famous Aztec Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico.

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

Energy beams, vortexes, whirlwinds of intense force…what does it mean? Where is that energy being directed and why? What activated the mysterious power of these silent sentinels of stone quietly marking the passage of centuries…until something disturbed their slumber.

What brought them to life may be something more incredible than the actions of the pyramids: the arrival of an unknown force from the galactic void that's now surrounded much of the solar system.

World defenseless against unknown, deadly Photon belt

Calling it a "once in a lifetime super solar storm event," NASA warns that killer solar flares can slam the Earth knocking out the Northern Hemisphere's technological infrastructure and kicking everything back to the level of the late 1800s.

Terrified scientists at NASA discovered on July 14, 2010 that our system is passing through an interstellar energy cloud. This highly energized, electrified cloud of gas is disturbing and disrupting the sun. In conjunction with Earth's weakening and moving magnetic shield, the world is becoming defenseless against massive solar flares and intense radiation.

NASA, the ESA and the National Academy of Science have isued an unprecedented solar storm warning for 2012. But what NASA and the federal government are hiding, according to Demetriev, is that the sun—and everything in our solar system—has plunged into an alien, unknown photon cloud...a belt of danger that could precipitate gigantic solar explosions, magnetic anomalies, careening cometary masses and destabilize the orbits of some asteroids.

Pyramids reacting to unknown, alien cloud

Alexey Demetriev
Now the eminent astrophysicist, Alexey Demetriev claims what is happening is worse—much worse—than NASA and the ESA's warnings.

Our entire solar system has entered an immense, potentially deadly, interstellar energy cloud.

Dr. Demetriev has revealed that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes reported the entire solar system is at risk. Worse, Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University claims this interstellar energy cloud is unstable and turbulent.

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

The Russian scientist further asserts this photonic cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of the planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite and interact with the sun, it causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output and instability.

The magnetic flux, interaction with the solar magnetosphere and Earth's geomagnetic fields, can cause core mutations, anomalous field vortices, and polar magnetic permutations creating superstorms, wild weather swings, and—most amazing of all—atmospheric and subterranean harmonics capable of being heard all across the planet.

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

The pyramids—natural reservoirs of earth energy and advanced capacitors engineered to draw upon the planet's magnetic force field—are releasing and blasting pure energy into the drifting space cloud engulfing our defenseless planetary system.

The predicted harmonics have been heard, recorded, and heatedly discussed since the spring of 2011.

Recently, some recordings have appeared on Youtube from countries all over the globe posted by puzzled, sometimes frightened people, demanding to know what the sounds are. [Solar Storm Cause Spacequake, Which Could Trigger 6+ Magnitude Earthquake And Rumble Sound ]

While some are undoubtedly fakes and hoaxes, others are genuine recordings of subterranean and atmospheric harmonics.

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud
 In a recent interview with Geochange Magazine about the strange earth harmonics, eminent scientist, Professor Dr. Elchin Khalilov, gave this analysis:

"[The]…possible cause of these sounds…may lie at the Earth's core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth's core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth's geomagnetic field.

"Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth's gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse.

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space CloudThe stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth's core level. That huge energy release from the Earth's core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase." Source [Geochange Magazine]

And the harmonics are emanating from the Earth's core as the good professor theorizes. Similar sounds are sometimes heard before great earthquakes strike.

This time, however, the sounds are not presaging massive earthquakes, but are being generated by the twisting magnetic field and the pulsing permutations of the spinning Earth's core warping parts of the mantel. Everything's reacting to the arrival of the huge photonic cloud that's invaded our region of the Milky Way Galaxy.

What to expect

Demetriev warns to prepare for the worst. “Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from now, but in ones of years.

And as the Earth's wailing rises into the sky, the pyramids thrust titanic bolts of energy far into space.


Naked Couple Stop Traffic During Blazing Row In China

Naked Couple Stop Traffic During Blazing Row In China

You know how it is, you’re having a blazing row with your other half in public and things get so heated you start tearing off your own clothes.

That’s exactly how things went down in the middle of a busy street in Guangdong Province, China.

Eyewitness Jiang Dayu took the images with his mobile phone, telling Rex News: "The couple started to quarrel at the roadside, then moved to the middle of the street, neglecting beeping and weaving vehicles.

Naked Couple Stop Traffic During Blazing Row In China

“The man stripped down first, then the woman did the same."

While the woman threw off every stitch, the man drew the line at removing his trousers.

Thankfully the argument was defused, with the couple hugging and making up before shuffling off, still undressed.

Aw isn’t love grand?
Naked Couple Stop Traffic During Blazing Row In China


Biblical King David's Palace Found

Biblical King David's Palace Found

A "gold rush mentality" has seized biblical archaeologists near the Elah Valley, a Philistine-Israeli border region that has been shedding new light on David and Solomon.

Now Israeli archaeologists have discovered the remains of two of the largest buildings known to have existed in the ancient kingdom of Judah. But were the buildings actually palaces of King David?

According to the Israel Antiquities Authorities (IAA), which led the excavation along with professors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the archaeologistshave identified one of the buildings as David's palace and the other as one of his royal storerooms. More importantly, they say the newly discovered buildings now are the best evidence of the existence of Judah in the 10th century B.C.

Biblical King David's Palace Found

"The palace and storerooms are evidence of state sponsored construction and an administrative organization during King David's reign," IAA states.

The ruins are located on the site of modern-day Khirbet Qeiyafa, southwest of Jerusalem, where developers had been planning a new construction project. But it turns out that Khirbet Qeifyafa has been a hub for urban planners for centuries: "Khirbet Qeiyafa is the earliest known example of this city plan and indicates that this pattern had already been developed by the time of King David," the Jerusalem Post reports.

The significance of the find has led the IAA to cancel the construction of a nearby neighborhood and argue that the area should be declared a national park.

Biblical King David's Palace Found

In spite of the excitement, some American experts are skeptical that the palace actually belonged to King David himself. According to Baptist Press (BP), Old Testament and archaeology professors caution "against concluding the remains are David's actual palace, [but note] that the discovery in the least is a significant part of the Old Testament figure's kingdom."

At the very least, the discovery indicates that "Khirbet Qeiyafa was perhaps a city under the hegemony of the developing Davidic monarchy," Steven Ortiz, associate professor of archeology and biblical backgrounds and director of the Charles D. Tandy Institute for Archaeology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, told BP.

CT regularly reports on archaeology, including how the excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa indicate a pendulum swing in the world of biblical archaeology, as mounting discoveries highlight the diminishing influence of minimalist Bible critics who have discounted the importance of the biblical kings.


Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Vows to Behead Gays

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Vows to Behead Gays

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is once again speaking about his hatred of homosexuality as he campaigns ahead of the July 31 election. At a rally last week, Mugabe told thousands of supporters that Zimbabwe would never accept homosexuals, whom he descried as “worse than pigs, goats and birds,” reports Zimbabwe’s Newsday. “If you take men and lock them in a house for five years and tell them to come up with two children and they fail to do that, then we will chop off their heads.”

Mugabe went on to say that some African countries had been pressured by Western nations to accept homosexuality in exchange for aid. Homosexuality “seeks to destroy our lineage by saying John and John should wed, Maria and Maria should wed,” Mugabe said. “Imagine this son born out of an African father, [President Barack] Obama says if you want aid, you should accept the homosexuality practice. Aah, we will never do that.”

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Vows to Behead Gays

This is hardly the first time Mugabe has attacked gays in political speeches. The Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe recently sent a letter to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission complaining of Mugabe’s “continued use of hate speech,” noting he had attacked gay people at seven political rallies in July, reports SW Radio Africa.


Can You Eat Your Own Poop?


Hello, it is time for "Hey, Science," our nauseatingly scientific weekly feature in which we have your most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for us to tackle, which will be our downfall. This week, medical experts answer the question: Can you eat your own poop?

THE QUESTION: This week's query comes from Gawker writer Max Read (not a joke, I want it to be perfectly clear that this question came from Max Read): Can you eat your own poop? We've all heard of people who claim that drinking your own urine has health benefits (vitamins, etc). Why not poop? Would there by any benefits to eating your own poop? Since it's already been fully processed by our own bodies, how could there be any dangers? Might it even be GOOD for us?

Daniel Pomp, PhD, professor, UNC School of Global Public Health:

A big difference between urine and poop is that urine is sterile while poop is, well, you know, smelly and full of bacteria.

That said, those are the same bacteria that live in your gut and play many healthy roles in your body, so coprophagy [Ed.: this means "eating poop," write it down] is not necessarily unhealthy unless the poop originates from an unhealthy individual.

In fact, a recent article published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine showed that fecal transplants, where poop from one individual is infused into another individual's intestines, have performed better than regular antibiotics in treating certain bacterial infections that cause severe diarrhea.

Parul Agarwal MD, assistant professor of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, University of Wisconsin:

Thank you for this interesting inquiry. Drinking your own urine and eating your own poop is perfectly safe. Urine is sterile, poop is not, but they are your own bugs. There are no positive effects of eating your own poop that I know of. Hope this helps. [Ed.: it does help Max Read, in particular.]

Lars Eckmann, PhD, professor of medicine at UCSD Medical School, Division of Gastroenterology:

Interesting question. In theory, ingesting your own stool should not be harmful, as long as it "clean" (i.e., not contaminated with stool from others, as might occur by contact in a toilet bowl, etc). Furthermore, there may be a theoretical minor health benefit in doing so. Bacteria in the colon can metabolize non-absorbed food materials (fiber) and generate useful nutrients (e.g. vitamins such as biotin, or sugars and amino acids from fiber and other undigested materials) that are only partly absorbed during initial production, the rest is excreted with the stool. Re-uptake of these nutrients by ingestion of stool would give a second opportunity for absorption in the gut. In fact, coprophagy in mice (a normal behavior) helps to extract extra energy from food compared to mice that are prevented from coprophagy.

However, any theoretical biological benefit is heavily outweighed by our strong aversion to coprophagy. The primary reason for that is probably the unconscious awareness that stool is often a source of infections in humans (because we do not get to ingest "clean" stool, but rather mixed stool from other people). Practically all food-borne infections are ultimately transmitted through the stool (fecal-oral), so we have very good reasons to stay away from stool as much as possible by hygienic measures (toilet construction, separate drinking and waste water systems, etc).

Having said that, an increasing medical interest exists in "stool transplantation", where normal, "healthy" stool gets ingested by patients who suffer from certain forms of diarrheal disease caused by use of antibiotics. The challenge is to standardize the stool preparations and formulate them in ways that are acceptable to patients.

P.K. Newby, ScD, MPH, MS nutrition scientist and food writer:

Bottom line: the human body is a wondrous machine, with complex systems designed to extract nutrients from food and, during metabolism, excrete the waste products in the form of both liquids (urine) and solids (feces). The body is not 100% efficient, however (no machine is), so there could be some residual nutrition left in the waste.

That said, whatever small amount of nutrition that remains, which can have utility in some cases—-a likely explanation why certain species do eat their poop, like dogs; why poop from some species provides nutrients for others; etc—-it's not a terribly efficient way of obtaining energy and nutrition for humans. Your body has excreted this waste, and reconsuming it is literally a waste of energy and, further, could be harmful; there's a reason your body is excreting this waste, after all, and no reason to further tax your excretory and digestive systems with remetabolizing it.

There is likely some innate biological proclivities at play here that would lead a human to want to consume his/her waste, likely going back to days of hunting and gathering when food was scarce. But that is no longer the case in many places (like the US setting), thus there are certainly healthier, safer, and tastier ways of obtaining nutrition for our bodies in the 21st century.

In summary,consuming foods naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and other things the body needs, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, for example, are a better way to go than, say, consuming the waste of those (or whatever) foods.

THE VERDICT: Assuming you are a healthy person, eating your own poop would probably not harm you. Eating someone else's poop could make you sick if they were unhealthy, but eating poop from the right person could cure your diarrheal disease. But generally speaking, Max Read should stick to eating real food.

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