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Mummy Of An Ancient Astronaut Found By The KGB

The story presented needs a premise: There is little information on the network and there is only a documentary broadcast exclusively by the US television network Sci-Fi i in 1998, called ”The Secret KGB Abduction Files” (The secrets. abdubción files of the KGB) is really difficult to find objective evidence that could confirm the veracity of the report.

The only authoritative opinion was provided by the same US television at the time of transmission, according to which the team of experts assessing the film confirmed its authenticity.

The US network has issued the film once, and no other copy of the video available except those that are available thanks to those who took the time to record the broadcast.

The film would show a KGB secret expedition to Egypt as part of “Isis Project”, in which Soviet intelligence discovered the existence of what appears to be an alien mummy. Before the broadcast, the film was never shown outside the structures of the KGB secret.

Mummy Of An Ancient Astronaut Found By The KGB

Is an elaborate hoax, and expensive, or the “Tomb Visitor” could be the discovery that will revolutionize the understanding of the beginnings of human civilization?

It began with the revelations of Viktor Ivanovich, a neurologist and Russian astrophysicist hired by the Kremlin as a scientific advisor for the development of advanced propulsion systems.

As he tells Sci-Fi, Ivanovich had access to some secret archives of the KGB in which he spoke of an expedition in 1961 as part of ”Isis Project”, which aimed to discover traces of knowledge and technology Ancient Egypt that could be used for military applications.

The mission team consists of Egyptologists of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, a certain Herman Alekseen such as the Hermitage Museum Egyptologist, military experts specialized in chemical and radioactivity, some astronomers, including Vladimir Yuri, and Sami Sharaf , Secretary of Gamel Abdel Nasser, the second president of the Republic of Egypt.

If we consider the historical period in which the shipment would take place, it’s no wonder the political axis between Egypt and the Soviet Union. Since the conflict in 1956, when Israel invaded Egyptian territory, as a result of Canal crisis, the Soviet Union sided with Egypt. It is estimated that when the Isis project began, the Soviet military present in Egypt reached 20 000 units.

The expedition was organized after the chance discovery of a mysterious tomb by two Bedouins Magbarat Alzoar in one of the pyramids of Giza. The two victims, after entering the tomb, they were taken ill and hospitalized. When questioned by agents of the KGB and Egyptian intelligence, he repeated that the Bedouin had found the “Visitor God.”

Since then, the ”Isis Project” became the highest priority and every effort will be organized to find and analyze the tomb discovered by the two Bedouins. The expedition was organized jointly by the two countries in secret, for fear that the CIA, the US intelligence services, might become aware of the discovery.

According to the report document held by Ivanovich, the Soviets found the tomb full of artifacts. Thus we read in a note addressed to a senior officer of the KGB:

“My agents have secured notes of scientists working at the Tomb of visitor discovered”

This is followed by the following list of information:

Findspot: undisclosed; 15 boxes of artifacts; 1 partially mummified body; one stone sarcophagus, 8 samples of hieroglyphics.

In the report prepared by one of the first scientists to enter the tomb reads:

“During the inspection of the walls we have noticed a strange repulsive force coming out of the walls. We could not find any scientific explanation.”

Finally, the report prepared by one of the cryptographers, who participated in the partial decoding engraved on the walls of the tomb message, read a prophecy involving the “return of the winged”.

But the most surprising discovery relates to the mummy. The mummy seems to have a height of more than 2 meters high, much higher than the average height of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.

Carbon-14 analysis conducted by molecular biologist Boris Timoyev revealed that the body goes back about 12,000 years ago, thousands of years before the Egyptian dynastic period. Who could be the mummified body content in the sarcophagus?

According to Egyptian mythology, a family of gods descended from the stars in Egypt. They taught them the knowledge and wisdom. Later, when his work was over, they left the earth to return to heaven, with the exception of Osiris, who was left with the task of protecting and maintaining the dice ancestral knowledge.

The god Osiris. According to Egyptian mythology, he came down from heaven in a ‘flying boat’. Was it a UFO?

Osiris brought civilization to men, taught them to cultivate the land and produce wine, and was loved by the people. After his death was mummified and buried in a secret location.

Based on this ancient myth, shortly after the discovery of the tomb of the visitor, a group of scientists, computer programmers, doctors and other academics gathered to discuss the scope of the event. The group was convinced that the body in the coffin was the mummy of Osiris, the alien king! The group adopted the name of “followers”, a movement of almost religious boundaries, dedicated to the worship of the “visitor from the stars.”

The Kremlin took the matter under a more pragmatic profile. At the time of the Cold War, it would have been helpful to have some kind of invincible alien technology. Moreover, Soviet scientists began to wonder seriously what the real function of the pyramids and if they had been designed for a particular purpose. Some of them were the hypothesis that they are powerful machines able to channel some energy of the cosmos or some kind of interstellar transmitter.

The KGB and the meeting with the former astronaut

What piqued the interest of the Sci-Fi in the subject was a film that seems to have obtained US broadcaster of the Russian mafia through an intermediary.

The film obtained from the archives of the KGB and high security images show the discovery of the sarcophagus inside the tomb Guest. The Sci-Fi experts guarantee the authenticity of the film.

The black and white video shows a number of soldiers and officers entering what appears to be an Egyptian burial chamber without gas masks. At the opening of the sarcophagus, you can see a cloud of toxic gas invading the environment and the reaction of the soldiers affected by the breath and fear as they watch the mummy in the coffin that contained it.

Later, the place seems to have been organized for further scientific analysis. Now the soldiers are wearing special protective suits.

What value can be given to this film? Is it a joke made on the basis of the revelations of Ivanovich? There is no doubt that the video shows concordance with the data contained in documents Ivanovich. This, according to some, would be further evidence to support the authenticity of the film.

Furthermore, it appears that the private screening organized by the team of Sci-Fi, issued before the documentary aired, this daughter of one of those who formed the ”followers” who, recognizing his father in the images of the film, she begins to mourn.

“There is no doubt that a small group of Russian scientists with military experts have discovered a tomb in Egypt in 1961,” says Ivanovich. “But in the documents it has never been revealed exactly what was found inside the sarcophagus. Only through the sources of the highest ranks of the KGB know that we have found the remains of an alien creature died in Egypt 10,000 years before Christ “.

If the information disclosed by Dr. Ivanocih are true, we need to reconsider all the cultural evolution of human civilization. Constantly, there is news that reveal the past of the Earth much more sophisticated and enigmatic than previously thought.

Moreover, whatever people may say, knowledge of Egyptian civilization and the construction of the great pyramids of Giza remains a mystery. “The fundamental question about ancient Egypt is to understand how such an advanced civilization, at the height of its development around 2500 BC, has appeared on the world stage,” says McNaughton Roselyn Institute of Egyptology.

“All the other ancient civilizations have experienced a progressive historical development in the design of its technology in hundreds or even thousands of years. This has not happened in ancient Egypt. A fully formed society suddenly came out of the desert”.

UFO The Truth Is Out There

SHOCK VIDEO: China Is Harvesting LIVING Humans For Organ Transplants

SHOCK VIDEO: China Is Harvesting LIVING Humans For Organ Transplants

The fight on human harvesting, and the atrocities occurring in China, are a battle against the Chinese government, rather than select individuals. Human Harvest (aka Davids and Goliath) is a film documenting the trade of human harvesting in China, and its horrific magnitude. There is also a Facebook page where you can find out more about the cause at Help STOP Genocidal Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China.


As the trailer documents (and not for the faint hearted), the human harvesting is a very real issue. China now ranks number 2 in the world for organ transplants. Many, many countries are also using the ‘influx’ of organs to benefit others – unbeknownst to the recipient, the donor is still alive when the harvesting takes place.

The challenge is daunting. It’s equivalent to the atrocities in Nazi Germany, perhaps even larger, and this new form of evil and abuse needs to be stopped. Educate yourself with these genocidal atrocities, and decide what part you can play in putting a stop to it.


Impossible Chronology: History Is All Wrong

Impossible Chronology: History Is All Wrong

According to Eusebius of Caesarea, who was a Roman historian, exegete, and Christian polemicist of Greek descent, a dynasty of gods ruled Egypt for 13.9 thousand years: the first was god Vulcan, the god who discovered fire, after him Sosis of the Sun, Isis and Osiris of Saturn, Typhoon brother of Osiris, and Horus the son of Isis and Osiris. they were followed by a dynasty of heroes and demigods who ruled for 11,025 years. This makes it a total of 24.925 years of reign. Approximately around 3000 BC, the first “human” pharaoh would take rule as Egyptian pharaoh.

According to George Syncellus six dynasties of gods reigned for 11,985 years. The god of fire Hephaestus, Helios or Sol, Agatodemon, Cronus or Saturn, Osiris and Isis and Osiris’ brother Typhon. The first 9 demigods are Horus (son of Isis and Osiris), Ares, Anubis, Heracles, Apollo, Amon Titoes, SOSUS, and Zeus, and these 9 demigods covered a period of about 2645 years kingship in ancient Egypt. Succeeding dynasties of demigods, spirits and heroes covered thousands of years of Egyptian rule. all of this was, according to Syncellus, way before the first official pharaoh ruled over ancient Egyptian as mainstream history tells us.

Why has history and researchers ignored the Turin Papyrus and its chronology? Just like the Sumerian King List, it is believed impossible.

The Sumerian King List:

“1-39 After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years. Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43200 years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years. Then Bad-tibira fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Larag. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28800 years. 1 king; he ruled for 28800 years. Then Larag fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Zimbir. In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king; he ruled for 21000 years. 1 king; he ruled for 21000 years. Then Zimbir fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Curuppag. In Curuppag, Ubara-Tutu became king; he ruled for 18600 years. 1 king; he ruled for 18600 years. In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years. Then the flood swept over.”
From the remaining pieces of the invaluable list referred to as the Turin papyrus, it is possible to establish nine dynasties belonging to the predynastic Pharaohs, among them are: the Venerables of Memphis’, ‘the Venerables of the North’ and, lastly, the Shemsu Hor (the Companions, or Followers, of Horus) who ruled until the time of Menes.

The Turin Papyrus: Venerables Shemsu-Hor, 13,420 years; Reigns before the Shemsu-Hor, 23,200 years; Total 36,620 years’.

The final two lines of the column, which seem to represent a resume of the entire document are extremely interesting and remind us to the Sumerian King list. They read:

‘… Venerables Shemsu-Hor, 13,420 years; Reigns before the Shemsu-Hor, 23,200 years; Total 36,620 years’.

The Sumerian King list has another incredible story to tell, and just like the Turin Papyrus, it has been tagged as impossible by the archaeological and historical community. The best preserved specimen of the Sumerian King List is called the Weld-Blundell Prism, which is a clay, cuneiform inscribed vertical prism housed in the Ashmolean Museum. The Weld-Blundell Prism was written in cuneiform around 2170 BC by a scribe who signed as Nur-Ninsubur from the end of the Isin Dynasty. This incredible document provides a comprehensive list of the Sumerian Kings from the beginning, before the great flood, and the 10 kings who lived before the Flood who lived for thousands of years. The clay prism was found in Larsa, home of the fourth antediluvian king Kichunna, a few kilometers north of Ur.

“In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years. Then the flood swept over.”
“After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kic. In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for 1200 years…”

What are we missing and why is it that mainstream archaeologists and scholars have decided to ignore these invaluable ancient texts which record true history for its beginning? Ivan Petricevic Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of ancient-code.com, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.

By Ivan Petricevic, Ancient-Code

Project LUCIFER, the Strangest Conspiracy Involving NASA


Saddle up, it’s time for an awesome conspiracy theory.

If you’re a fan of science fiction, you know about Arthur C. Clarke’s (and Stanley Kubrick’s) seminal novel series 2001: A Space Odyssey.

In the second installment, 2010: Odyssey Two, the alien monolith that was orbiting Jupiter replicates itself and begins condensing the gas giant, eventually transforming it into a smaller sun.

This process turns the former planet’s moons into habitable worlds suitable for life. The people of Earth consequently name the second sun in the sky Lucifer.

Without getting too ecclesiastic, the term Lucifer comes from Latin and literally means ‘light-bringing.’ Fitting name for the solar system’s new star.

Project LUCIFER, the Strangest Conspiracy Involving NASA

Most of us regard this concept as nothing more than science fiction and nigh impossible to achieve with our current level of technology. But a number of conspiracy theorists not only believe it possible, they actually claim this is one of NASA’s ongoing projects. Here’s why.

Jupiter has been called a failed star, in the sense that if it had more mass, it could have started nuclear fusion and effectively become a star. Unfortunately (fortunately?), astrophysicists calculated it would have needed to be 75 times more massive in order to do so.

Conspiracy theorists believe this mass deficit could be corrected with the addition of nuclear fuel that could jump-start the process of nuclear fusion. Enter NASA’s space probes Galileo, Cassini, Voyager and the rest.

In order for these space probes to work, they need a reliable fuel source as solar energy becomes difficult to catch once you get past the orbit of Mars.

Therefore, NASA equipped its probes with an energy source called an RTG, short for radioisotope thermoelectric generator. The radioactive decay of the Plutonium-238 pellets contained in an RTG steadily produces electricity that powers the probe.

For example, the Galileo space probe contained 2 RTGs, each carrying 17 pounds of Plutonium-238. What would happen if this payload were detonated inside Jupiter?

Well, nothing, or at least, nothing observable. In 2003, Galileo was deliberately crashed into Jupiter’s atmosphere. NASA followed this approach because they feared crashing it into one of Jupiter’s solid moons carried the risk of contamination with terrestrial bacteria.

Conspiracy theorists saw this venture as an expression of Project Lucifer. They feared that, as Galileo fell through Jupiter’s dense atmosphere, the pressure would have steadily increased, causing the Plutonium in the RTGs to trigger a thermonuclear reaction, birthing the new sun.

It’s been almost twelve years since Galileo was buried in the heart of the gaseous planet and nothing’s happened. There is no second sun on our sky. So we’re in the clear, right?

Not exactly. There’s another gas giant in our solar system: Saturn and it’s not much smaller than Jupiter. And there’s another probe orbiting Saturn, the Cassini space probe.

And it’s equipped with 73 pounds of Plutonium-238. And it’s still orbiting Saturn, until commanded otherwise by NASA. So are we in danger?

Physics says no.

Even if every atom of Plutonium aboard the space probe would participate in a nuclear detonation, it wouldn’t be enough to start a chain reaction. It would be like a drop of water in a swimming pool – harmless.

Our technology would need to steadily advance for hundreds if not thousands of years before we could reach the capability of star formation. And even if such technology would be available today, why would we need a second sun?

Our own functions perfectly, even with massive UFOs stealing its energy once in a while. If one of the gas giants were to suddenly become a star, it would most likely disrupt the delicate balance of our solar system.

Its gravitational pull would tug on the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, undoubtedly sending some of them our way.

So why did this conspiracy theory gain traction? It must be our fascination with doomsday scenarios.


Physicist Claims Bob Lazar Did Work at Los Alamos Alien Base

Physicist Claims Bob Lazar Did Work at Los Alamos  Alien Base

Bob Lazar is the alleged UFO whistleblower whose claims of working on back engineering alien spacecraft at Area 51 have made the secretive base famous. Officials have denied his claims that he worked for the government as a scientist, and, until now, no one has ever come forth to say otherwise. However, in a recent interview a documentary filmmaker shared statements he was given by a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories in which he claims to have met Lazar at Los Alamos and can confirm he was employed as a physicist.

Lazar first began leaking information to the media about his alleged job back engineering alien spacecraft in the late 1980s. He says he worked at an underground lab called S-4 that is south of the main Area 51 base. At first he appeared in interviews with investigative journalist George Knapp on KLAS News, the Las Vegas CBS affiliate, under a pseudonym with his face in the shadows.

Eventually, he allowed himself to be filmed in the light and shared his real identity. Meanwhile, his story, and the Area 51 base itself, became famous. Making the mystery even more compelling was the fact that, at the time, Area 51’s very existence was denied by the US government. Even though KLAS and other Las Vegas news agencies had been investigating the base for years.

Bob Lazar (left) being interviewed by George Knapp at the 2015 International UFO Congress. Click on the image to view the interview. (Credit: Open Minds Production)

All of this fueled the legends and the notoriety of Area 51, making it all at once the most secretive as well as one of the most famous US government installations.

Lazar claims that he was fired for sharing information about his top secret job, and his records of his employment of working as a scientist, as well as his education records were erased. Nellis Air Force Base, who administers Area 51, as well as Los Alamos National Laboratories, another place Lazar claimed to have worked as a scientist, both denied Lazar worked for them.

Unmarked airplanes at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas used to shuttle employees to Area

Researchers also could not find any records supporting Lazar’s claims of having received degrees at Caltech and MIT. They could not even find anyone who claimed to have remembered going to school with Lazar.

This was one of the topics of discussion Sunday night on the wildly popular Coast to Coast AM syndicated paranormal radio show. Knapp hosted the show, and the guest was Jeremy Corbell, a documentary filmmaker with several films in the works, one of them about Lazar.

Knapp says he has had to deal with the education issue, but he can look past it. He said, “For me the key issue is whether or not Lazar really did work at Los Alamos National Lab. If he worked there in a scientific or technical position, if he had security clearances, then, I think, that could justify the idea that he would be hired to work at a place like Area 51. So that was always a central question.”

Knapp says his investigation has confirmed, to him, that Lazar did work at Los Alamos. He says, “[Los Alamos] denied he had records. This went back and forth for a couple of years. I know he was there. We’ve interviewed people he worked with before, none of them would come forward. We found his name in a [Los Alamos] phone book. We found a newspaper article with him on the front page and a picture of him saying he is a physicist out there. We know he was there.”

Although Knapp is certain Lazar worked as a scientist at Los Alamos, many remains skeptical. The phone book he mentioned does not list the capacity in which Lazar worked at Los Alamos, and newspapers are easily fooled. That, along with the fact those none of his coworkers have come forward publicly to support Lazar’s claims, has made many doubt he is a scientist at all.

However, using some innovative research techniques, Corbell was able to find a witness willing to go on the record. Corbell says in researching Lazar’s claims he used a “bot” – software that can run automated tasks over the internet – to search Facebook for keywords. His bot found him a comment in a Facebook group from a man who said his neighbor claimed to have worked with Lazar.

Corbell got in contact with the man, who eventually got him in touch with the neighbor, who turned out be a legitimate physicist that Corbell was able to confirm did work at Los Alamos. Corbell asked the physicist, Dr. Robert Krangle, if he would be willing to go public with his claims, and he said yes.

Jeremy Corbell (left) debating Bob Lazar with Stanton Friedman at the 2015 International UFO Congress. Click the link to purchase the debate on DVD. (Credit: Carlo Petrick)

Corbell shared some sound clips of an interview with Krangle. Krangle says that he worked on and off as a contractor for Los Alamos throughout the 80s, and still does occasionally.

“I was doing design project this, or an ancillary engineering. Their engineers have been beating a problem, and sometimes they get to close to a problem, so they can’t see the forest for the trees, so they bring in people like me as an outside contact to see what’s going on,” explained Krangle.

Krangle says he graduated from MIT in 1973 with a degree in semi-conductor physics.

Corbell says he has found an article that listed Krangle’s credentials. Krangle also showed Corbell IDs showing he worked at other facilities doing high tech work, such as China Lake, Kirtland Air Force Base, Los Alamos, Sandia, and the Manzano weapons storage facility.

Corbell asked Krangle directly if he knew Lazar to be working as a physicist at Los Alamos, to which Krangle says he was certain.

Unmarked airplanes at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas used to shuttle employees to Area 51. (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)

“He was a physicist. Which, I am a physicist. We kind of recognize each other, you know it’s the classic pocket condom with all of the proper different colored pens, so he fit that mold. If nobody would have told me, one look, he is a physicist. You know, he is properly dressed in geekdom,” Krangle told Corbell.

Not only did he look the part, but Krangle says he attended security meetings with Lazar. He explained that in these meetings “they give you the usual briefing asking you not to talk about that you are doing or seeing.”

As for what specifically Lazar was working on, Krangle says, “I didn’t know what he was up to anymore than he knew what I was up to.”

Warning signs at the Area 51 back entrance. A security truck watches from atop the nearby hill. (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)

Krangle also says he understood why Lazar’s employers were so upset with him.

“I understand how Los Alamos would blackball him. He committed professional suicide,” Krangle explained. “He broke from the fold and talked about it. Within that security community. It is that mentality: ‘Don’t talk about what you do.'”

Knapp asked Corbell why Krangle would be sharing this information if he knew he could also get in trouble. Corbell said that Krangle is “just one of those renegades.” He explained that Krangle no longer makes a living off of his Los Alamos contracts, so he isn’t worried about it.

No doubt detractors of Lazar’s claims will be doing further research into Krangle’s background, but it could be that the question of whether Lazar is a scientist has finally been resolved. The question also remains, if Lazar really did work at Los Alamos, why are they hiding that information?

The bizarre mystery of Area 51, S-4, and extraterrestrial technology continues.

You can listen to Corbell on Coast to Coast AM with Knapp here.

You can also listen to Corbell’s interview with Krangle here.

By Alejandro Rojas, OpenMinds

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger

Strange things are happening in both outer and inner space scientists are discovering that the Solar System, the sun, and life itself are mutating in totally unprecedented ways.

They are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before Studies show that the Sun and the planets themselves are physically changing at an accelerated pace. Most notably, they are undergoing major changes in their atmospheres.

Sun: The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive.

We know that the Sun’s magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years. There’s a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories, in California. Dr. Lockwood has been investigating the Sun, and reports that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 230 percent.

Moon: Earth’s moon is growing an atmosphere . Around the moon, there is this 6,000- kilometer- deep layer of Natrium that wasn’t there before.

Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field.

Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 40 years.

Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps.

Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds.(Huge belts in the giant planet’s atmosphere have changed color, radiation hotspots have faded and flared up again, and cloud levels have thickened and dissolved, all while space rocks have been hurtling into it the gas giant.)

Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 30 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator.

Uranus: Big changes in brightness, increased global cloud activity (This planet used to have a very calm atmosphere. )

Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness.

Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun.

Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes. Earth’s Axis has changed. On Earth, the overall volcanic activity increased 500 percent from 1875 to 1975, while the earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent since 1973. Dr. Dmitriev says that comparing the years 1963 to 1993, the overall number of natural disasters — hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, etc. — has increased by 410 percent.

The Earth’s magnetic field has been decreasing. This decrease actually began 2000 years ago, but the rate of decrease suddenly became much more rapid 500 years ago. Now, in the last 20 years or so, the magnetic field has become erratic.


UFO Sightings Hotspot

6 Mysterious UFO Crashes that Happened BEFORE Roswell

Some skeptics would have you believe that the Roswell UFO crash set the trend for reporting this type of strange event. But that’s not true.

Unidentified objects had been falling from the skies years before that. Here are 6 of the most intriguing cases:

6. Aurora, Texas – 1897

A good 50 years before the Roswell event started the craze, a large UFO allegedly crashed in the small town ofAurora, Texas. The object was silver in color and shaped like a cigar.

6 Mysterious UFO Crashes that Happened BEFORE Roswell

According to an article published in the Dallas News, the UFO had been steadily losing altitude when it struck Judge Proctor’s windmill. The explosion wrecked the windmill tower and scattered debris over several acres.

The article also reported that a well had been also damaged in the crash and its water tainted, leading the locals to bury it.

The article read:

”the pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only on board and, while his remains were badly disfigured, enough of the original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of this world.”A small ceremony was held at the local cemetery where the small alien body was buried. The tombstone was stolen in 2012 but from the existing photos one can clearly see it depicted a crudely-carved cigar-shaped object with portholes on its sides.
 Unfortunately for everyone, at the time of the crash, a spotted fever epidemic was wreaking havoc in the area so the event quickly faded out of view.

Another interesting aspect is that in 1945, Judge Proctor’s property was bought by Brawley and Etta Oates. The entire Oates family began suffering serious health problems because they had re-dug the well. Before her death, etta became convinced the water was radioactive.

5. Indian Ocean – September 1862

This unusual incident was reported in the May 2, 1897 issue of The Houston Daily Post and centered around a story told by one of the few men who had survived to tell the story – a Dutch sailor.

He had been part of the crew aboard a ship called Christine. In the autumn of 1862, following a storm in the Indian Ocean, the ship sank. The crew members who had been lucky enough to survive suddenly found themselves on a small, deserted island completely devoid of life.

While on the island, they witnessed an extraordinary event: a giant UFO fell from the sky, crashing into a jagged cliff. It was as big as a battleship and had four huge wings on its sides.

The men mustered the courage to examine the wreck and, amid the debris, found the bodies of several 12 foot-tall men with strange clothing and bronze-colored silky beards. This gruesome discovery was too much to bear for the starving, desperate men and some of them even went mad.

Only a handful of people survived until rescue came in the form of a Russian trawler, among them, the Dutchman.

While this might be nothing more than a sailor’s story, it makes for a very interesting one nonetheless.

4. Stavropol, Russia – late 1800s

In the 1960s, a Soviet investigation uncovered clues about a UFO crash landing that took place towards the end of the 19th century. Several witnesses reported that “a strange apparition flew into a village of the Stavropol province” and that its passengers had survived the crash.

“Three dark-skinned men came out of it. They were breathing hard, making signs and soon died since they could not breathe air. The village residents quickly pulled apart the thing in which they landed.”
As the investigation progressed, the officials began receiving letters corroborating the story. A woman named Irina Danilova recalled a story told by her grandfather, who had personally witnessed the event.

According to Danilova’s grandfather, the craft was shaped like an arrowhead and was quickly dismantled by the locals, who used the metal to manufacture household goods.

The bodies were “buried without cross or ritual.”

3. Carolinas – 1941

This report comes from noted UFO researcher Leo Stringfield’s book UFO Crash/Retrievals: Search for Truth in a Hall of Mirrors. Stringfield tracked down and spoke with the mother of Guy Simeone, a soldier in the 26th Infantry Division prior to the United States’ involvement into the Second World War.

In October 1941, Simeone was taking part in a military maneuver “in the Carolinas” when an unidentified object crashed in the area. Interests rapidly shifted towards recovering the “crashed round, metallic object” and “little dead bodies from space.”

The craft was taken to a nearby Army post. It measured about 15 feet in width and 10 feet in height and housed a control room with four seats. The silver UFO had otherworldly inscriptions both on its exterior shell as well as inside.

The four recovered bodies were described as small and with large, insect-like eyes.

Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support this incident, apart from the accounts of second-hand witnesses. Nobody knows what happened to the craft or the body of its passengers.

2. Dundy County, Nebraska, 1884

The June 8th, 1884 edition of The Nebraska State Journal ran an article about the crash of a mysterious object and subsequent retrieval of very unusual debris.

According to the journal, local rancher John Ellis and other locals witnessed a burning object similar to a meteor falling from the sky.

The men rode their horses to the crash site in order to investigate the incident. When they arrived, they found a large number of incandescent objects strewn across the crash site.

The objects were so hot and burned so bright that none of the men dared approach them. The ranchers resolved to come back the following day.

When they returned, the men noticed the objects were, in fact, mechanical parts resembling gears, wheels and propeller blades. All of them appeared to have been made from an extremely light and durable metal. No bodies were found.

Nobody knows what became of the wreckage.

1. England – WWII

Former intelligence officer and Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon Creighton launched an investigation into the crash of a UFO on British soil, at the height of the Second World War.

The craft wreckage was reportedly retrieved and studied by British authorities.

He learned about the incident from a 1955 article published in the Los Angeles Examiner by journalist Dorothy Kilgallen.

Here’s an excerpt:

“I can report today on a story which is positively spooky, not to mention chilling. British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers which originate on another planet.

“The source of my information is a British official of cabinet rank who prefers to remain unidentified.

‘We believe, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, that the saucers were staffed by small men—probably under four feet tall. It’s frightening, but there’s no denying the flying saucers come from another planet.’

“This official quoted scientists as saying a flying ship of this type could not have possibly been constructed on Earth. The British Government, I learned, is withholding an official report on the ‘flying saucer’ examination at this time, possibly because it does not wish to frighten the public.”

After the article was published, Creighton attempted to contact Dorothy Kilgallen and ask for further information.

She died shortly after, leading the researcher to believe that “she had been effectively silenced.” But as it turns out, Kilgallen was not the only source of information regarding this incident.

Brazilian UFO researcher Olavo T. Fontes also claimed to found out about this retrieval from sources inside Brazil’s Naval Intelligence but had only sparse details.

Another interesting detail was revealed in 1988 by former CIA pilot John Lear. His sources revealed that the UFO had been “strapped to a Boeing B-17 and transported to the States.”

It seems the British Government managed to keep a tight lid on this enigmatic crash, because nothing else is known about it.


“Bush did 9/11″ Found in Justin Bieber's Latest Music Video


This video has been making the rounds online the past 4-5 days. Music video with Justin Bieber & other artists. Pausing at a certain part shows the words Bush did 9/11 in the background.


The Lanzhou Stone: Proof of Advanced Prehistoric or Extraterrestrial Civilization?

This truly amazing artifact is far older than mankind but was evidently made by someone. The question is: who?

Discovered in the late 1990s by Zhilin Wang in a remote mountainous area in northwest China, the Lanzhou Stone is one of the most baffling out of place artefacts.

The pear-shaped object is made of an extremely hard black mineral and measures approximately 3 by 3 inches.

In some circles it’s been suggested that the stone might be a previously unknown type of meteorite. If this is the case, what purpose did the threaded metal bar inside the stone serve?

The Lanzhou Stone: Proof of Advanced Prehistoric or Extraterrestrial Civilization?

As you can see from the photo, embedded inside the Lanzhou stone is a metal piece that looks artificial. It is encased tightly and its position suggests it was deliberately placed there.

Many geologists were stumped by this unexplained relic, as this article in the Lanzhou Morning News suggests:

“More than 10 geologists and global physicists from the National Land Resources Bureau of Gansu Province, Colored Metal Survey Bureau of Gansu Province, the Institute of Geology and Minerals Research of China Academy, Lanzhou Branch, and the School of Resources and Environment of Lanzhou College gathered to study the origin of this mysterious stone.
“After a discussion about its possibility of being man-made and the possible reasons for its formation, the scientists unanimously labeled the stone as one of the most valuable in China and in the world for collection, research and archaeological studies.”

The stone’s current location is unknown and analysis results have not been made public. But there are several interesting assumptions to be made.

First of all, the metal rod was clearly fabricated and required a certain technological level to be manufactured. The unidentified black material could have been anything but the perspective of it being produced seems very likely.

In this case, where did this technology come from? Was the stone a relic from a bygone age, one of the few objects left behind by an advanced civilization? Many alternative history proponents are convinced this is not only possible, but also likely.

It’s an interesting scenario that brings up more questions. If there has been another technologically advanced civilization on Earth, there might have been more.

What would the real history of our planet sound like then? A couple more practical questions would be: why aren’t they here anymore and will the same fate await us?

On the other hand, if the Lanzhou Stone is in fact a meteorite, the plot thickens dramatically. If it’s been traveling through space, its journey probably started a while ago.

It could potentially be billions of years old. Was it deliberately sent here? If so, why? Could it have contained life?

Alas, we might never find the answers to these questions. Many have come to believe that critical evidence needed to support these theories is highly protected and the conspiracy stretches far and wide. Discoveries are suppressed, scientists are discredited and information is adulterated.

The truth is either out there or much closer to us.


Curiosity Finds Ancient Wall and Drainage Ditch on Mars

Curiosity Finds Ancient Wall and Drainage Ditch on Mars

According to this video, Martian Archaeology was analyzing a NASA photo taken by the Curiosity Rover when he happened to find structures on the planet Mars which not look natural at all.

In the background there is a formation that appears to show an ancient wall and drainage ditch up on the mountain.

These artificial structures are new evidence that Mars was inhabited thousands of years ago by intelligent beings?


Humans Are Free

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Van Meter Visitor

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Van Meter Visitor

A bizarre legend and unsolved mystery which has haunted a small Iowa town for more than 100 years is the subject of a new book called The Van Meter Visitor.

For several nights in 1903, the small town of Van Meter, Iowa was terrorized by a giant bat-like creature that emerged from an old abandoned mine.

The identity of this mysterious monster has never been discovered, but over 100 years later a new book is retelling the amazing tale and hoping to shed some light on what happened all those years ago.

A sketch of the bizarre creature that terrorized Van Meter in 1903 based on eyewitness accounts

The legend dates back to the fall of 1903, when several of Van Meter’s most well respected citizens reported a half human, half animal with enormous, smooth bat wings flying about.

The creature is described as moving at speeds the townsfolk had never witnessed before, plus it let off a powerful stench and shot a blinding light from its horned head.

Each time the townsfolk encountered the creature they fired their guns at it, but this appeared to have no impact on the creature.

On the first night it was first spotted flying across the building tops. The next evening it was spotted by both the town doctor and bank cashier Peter Dunn who took a plaster cast of its 'great three-toed tracks.'

On the third night, a man spotted it perched atop a telephone pole. Another resident who saw it, described the monster as hopping like a kangaroo, while the local high school teacher likened it to a devil.

Scared and angered by what they had witnessed, the townsfolk followed the creature to an abandoned coal mine near an old brickyard where they heard a noise from the mine.

‘Presently the noise opened up again, as though Satan and a regiment of imps were coming forth for battle,’ reads an article in the Des Moines Daily News from Oct. 3, 1903.

The unsolved mystery of the strange creature has haunted the Iowa town of Van Meter for more than 100 years

A photo of the '1901 Bachelors of Van Meter,' including several men who claimed to have seen the mysterious monster

The monster appeared together with a smaller version. In a flash of bright light they sailed away, but returned in the morning when the town's men had gathered with weapons ‘to rid the earth of them’.

‘The reception they received would have sunk the Spanish fleet, but aside from unearthly noise and peculiar odor they did not seem to mind it, but slowly descended the shaft of the old mine.’

The creature was never seen again.

This amazing tale has survived and been retold for several generations now and a written version even exists in the town’s centennial book.

The new book is the work of Chad Lewis, who has written over 15 books about the supernatural, plus co-authors Noah Voss and Kevin Lee Nelson and help from local librarian Jolena Walker.

Author Chad Lewis visited Van Meter to speak to local residents about the creature and visit several historic locations including the mine

A historic portrait of Van Meter, Iowa near the time of the unexplained sightings in 1903

The myth of the strange creature has survived and been retold for several generations and a written version even exists in the town’s centennial book

The authors visited the quiet town and spoke to local residents who told them the stories about the creature which passed been down and they visited several historic locations including the mine.

Lewis says he has found no evidence to suggest the monster was a hoax, although be believes the facts of the story may have been embellished over the years.

Lewis told the Des Moines Register that even though he said he’s unsure what happened those fall nights in 1903 in Van Meter, seeking the answer was more important than finding it.

'It was an era when anything was possible. Science was starting to gain momentum. In fact, they had just discovered the mountain gorilla. So the beast in the jungle was real,' he told. 'People were open to the fact that anything could happen.'

A new book explores the unsolved mystery of the strange creature that attacked the Iowa town of Van Meter more than 100 years ago

By David Mccormack , DailyMail Online

The Mystery Behind The Highway Of Tears

The Mystery Behind The Highway Of Tears

It has been dubbed the Highway of Tears.

Mystery surrounds one of the remotest stretches of highway in Canada after nearly 50 women are believed to have gone missing there in the past 30 years.

Many believe that the disappearances along Highway 16, which runs between Prince George and Prince Rupert in British Columbia, are the work of a twisted serial killer who preys on young women.But police have never identified a suspect in the case, and some say the women were simply victims of Canada's harsh and remote wilderness.

Location: A section of Highway 16, which runs between Prince George and Prince Rupert in British Columbia, where many women have disappeared

Unexplained: Madison Scott, 20, vanished near the infamous road on May 28, 2011 after attending a party

Most recently, 20-year-old Madison Scott vanished near the infamous road on May 28, 2011 after attending a party. Police located her tent and truck, but the young woman remains missing.

A year later, Madison’s parents are still struggling to cope with her disappearance and are offering $100,000 for information leading to an arrest in the case.

'After a long and difficult year, and despite an ongoing and in depth RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] investigation, in addition to the ongoing searches, awareness campaigns and pleas from her family and friends for her safe return, there has been no real evidence of what happened to Maddy,' Sandra Kelly Klassen, Madison's aunt, wrote on a website dedicating to finding her.

'The family and their team of supporters continue to be hopeful that anyone with information will come forward - someone knows where she is but they have not come forward with the truth.'

Hannah White, a reporter with the Vanderhoof Omineca Express, told the Daily Beast last year that Madison's disappearance rocked the community. 'The whole town is still in complete shock and no one knows what to think,' she said.

‘She really had her head screwed on. We don’t think she just wandered off drunk and fell into the lake. It is completely off character. I don’t know if they will ever find her at this point.’

Although authorities say the number of women who have gone missing along the stretch of road stands at 18, aboriginal leaders say it is closer to 43.

Police have said that eight of the disappearances in particular appear to have been linked, and may be the work of one individual.

The sole breakthrough in the mysterious case came in April last year, when police released a sketch of an elderly man who attempted to kidnap a 20-year-old woman near Highway 16 - however, he has not been found.

Many of the women who have gone missing along the highway live in aboriginal communities and use hitchhiking as a mode of transport, which authorities said could have made them easy targets.

Local women have been urged to avoid hitchhiking, though many in poorer communities cannot afford an alternative method of travelling.

‘It could just be that some sick people up there realize that women hitchhiking alone are easy picking,’ said Chris Freimond, a spokesperson for the government-funded Missing Women Commission of Inquiry, which has been holding informal hearings about the disappearances and murders for the past eight months.

‘Towns are far apart and there are long stretches of road. Sometimes the radio fades out and there is no cell service.

'There are logging roads off every highway. If someone has bad intentions, you will find a victim. Someone can go off and drive for an hour and throw a body into a ravine and they would never be found.’

But many people have argued that the disappearances were not properly investigated until 25-year-old Nicole Hoar, a white tree-planter, went missing in 2002, prompting criticism from the families of aboriginal victims.

'Many of them were aboriginal and some of the talk out there was that people cared more about the non-aboriginal girls going missing,' Lorna Brown, the aunt of 22-year-old Tamara Chipman, who went missing in September 2005, told the Daily Beast.

'Those families felt like they weren’t taken seriously.'Because of the lack of answers that investigations have brought forward, some people have taking it upon themselves to try to solve the mystery.

Caution: A poster serves as a warning, telling women there is a killer on the loose on the road that has been dubbed the Highway of Tears

Ray Michalko, Vancouver-based private investigator, began investigating the disappearances in 2006. He told the Daily Beast: ‘Police weren’t doing much and I get along well with the aboriginal people and I thought a non-cop could work.’

But his efforts have have gone unrewarded so far - even though he spends at least 40 hours a week chasing leads - and the disappearances remain a mystery.

The same goes for the case of Madison Scott. 'This investigation remains a priority for North District Major Crime,' Cst. Lesley Smith, North District Media Relations Officer, said on the anniversary of the young woman's disappearance.
'We believe that there is information out there and it is our hope that someone will come forward to help us determine what happened. The police need information and Maddy’s family need answers.' 

DailyMail Online

Floyd Mayweather Being Stripped Of Belt He Won In Pacquiao Fight


Floyd Mayweather Being Stripped Of Belt He Won In Pacquiao Fight.

Today Floyd Mayweather is going to be stripped of his WBO 147 pound championship belt that he won in his fight against Manny Pacquiao.

Mayweather, who won the title when he defeated Manny Pacquiao on May 2 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in the so-called “Fight of the Century,” was required to pay a $200,000 sanction fee by a July 3 deadline in order to keep the belt, which he failed to do.

Mayweather had asked the WBO for an August 1 deadline, according to a resolution by the Puerto Rico-based sanctioning body, but the WBO gave him until July 3.

After defeating Manny Pacquiao on May 2, Mayweather said he would relinquish his belt “within a couple weeks” to allow younger fighters a chance to earn a title.

“Other fighters need a chance,” Mayweather was quoted by saying. “Give other fighters a chance. I’m not greedy. I’m a world champion in two different weight classes. It’s time to let other fighters fight for the belt.”

Yet he failed to give up the belt and has since changed his mind about doing so.

Floyd Mayweather Being Stripped Of Belt He Won In Pacquiao Fight

The WBO regulations also required that Mayweather must relinquish his 154 pound titles, because it states that “no WBO champion may hold a non-WBO championship in a weight class that is different from his WBO championship,” which is 147 pounds.

Mayweather, 38, has said he will fight for the 49th and final time on September 12, but has yet to name an opponent. It is his last fight of a 6 fight deal with Showtime, and many expect the undefeated, pound for pound best fighter in the world to fight at least one more time after that, to beat Rocky Marciano’s long-standing record of 49-0.

Names that have been mentioned as possible opponents for September 12 include Amir Khan, Andre Berto, Karim Mayfield, Kell Brook, Shawn Porter or possibly even Timothy Bradley.


An Alcoholic Mother Is Caught Eating Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Alive

An alcoholic mother in India was caught slicing off and eating her two-year-old daughter alive.

Two-year-old Bharati Mondal was rescued by her uncle Dablu after he heard her cries and saw her mother eating flesh from her child in Gopalpur, West Bengal, on Wednesday.

Shocked to see his sister-in-law Pramila, 40, eating Bharati’s flesh, the man took away the toddler and rushed her to the hospital where she was placed at a critical care unit.

 Two-year-old Bharati Mondal was rescued by her uncle Dablu after he heard her screams in Gopalpur, India.

An Alcoholic Mother Is Caught Eating Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Alive

A mob attacked Pramila Mondal, giving her a black eye and thick lip. Villagers were angry after hearing how she sliced the top of her daughter Bharati’s head and ate it.

Dablu Mondal said:
It was around noon and I was resting at home when I heard loud cries of Bharati. I ran to check on her but there the scene I saw was beyond shocking.
Bharati was bleeding profusely as Pramila was eating the flesh of her head. I immediately snatched away Bharati from Pramila and rushed her to Malda Medical College and Hospital where she is admitted to ICU.

As locals learned of the gruesome attack, many gathered in front of Pramila’s house, dragged her out and tied her up, before beating her.

The girl’s mother Pramila was attacked by a mob after they heard she had been eating her own child’s flesh.

Young Bharati Mondal was rescued by her uncle and taken to the hospital where she was treated for her unusual injuries.

A mother-of-three and an alcoholic, Pramila confessed her crime to the mob but could not explain her actions.
Her life was saved when her sister-in-law Mamta Mandal called the police who dispersed Pramila’s attackers.
Speaking of the incident, police inspector Kishna Das explained what Dablu Mondal found when he arrived at the scene and what followed:
He then saw Pramila eating the flesh of Bharati’s head. Soon villagers learnt about the incident and reached Pramila’s house and started beating her in anger.
We rescued the woman and sent her to hospital.
Two-year-old Bharati was rescued by her uncle after he heard her screams. He was horrified to find the girl’s mother slicing off part of her scalp and eating it.

The toddler is currently being cared for at a local hospital, but she will soon be sent to a better-equipped one in Kolkata.

Bharati’s father Habu Mondal went to the capital Delhi to work as a laborer a year ago and has not returned since. The family have two other children, daughter Parbati, eight, and son Swarna, two.

Pramila is expected to be charged and appear in court soon.

Pramila is set to appear in court in Gopalpur after being accused of eating the flesh of her own daughter.


The Dogon Tribe and Their Nordic Alien Gods From Sirius

How did an African tribe come to possess advanced astronomical knowledge about the Sirius star system?

Throughout history, many civilizations were fascinated with Sirius, the Dog Star. This bright celestial object occupies an elevated status in various mythologies but none paint a more intriguing picture than the Dogon Tribe of West Africa.

The rich culture of the Dogon people spans back more than five thousand years and one of their ancient legends tells the story of a race of otherworldly beings called the Nommo.

According to legend, these advanced individuals visited the Earth eons ago, descending “from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder.”

The Dogon Tribe and Their Nordic Alien Gods From Sirius

Friendly in nature, they shared some of their wisdom with the ancestors of the Dogon.

At this point we should mention that the Dogon possessed no astronomical instruments with which to study the night sky. But despite this inconvenience, their legends mention that the Nommo came from a planet that orbits one of the two stars in the Sirius star system.

It would have been impossible for them to reach this conclusion just by studying the star with the naked eye. In fact, astronomers only discovered Sirius’ smaller companion star a good 250 years after the telescope was invented.

Every 50 years, the Dogon celebrate the passing of a Sirius cycle, a tradition they keep in honor of the Nommo. That is exactly the time it takes for Sirius B to complete an orbit around its larger, more well-known companion. Coincidence?

The fact that a primitive African tribe possessed advanced knowledge about the universe is a mystery, but one that can be easily explained if we viewed their legends as mirrors of real events.

So, what do the Dogon say about the Nommo?

Their home planet orbits Sirius B and is a largely-aquatic world. All legends describe them as amphibious creatures, very similar to our conception of Merfolk. Their upper half of the body closely resembles the Nordic Alien prototype of blue eyed, blonde-haired tall humanoids.

They landed in a large space ship the Dogon call ‘Pelu Tolo’ or ‘Star of the Tenth Moon.’ This event is one of great importance for the Dogon — their first contact. At the same time the Nommo ship was spiraling towards earth, a new star appeared in the night sky, possibly a mother ship from Sirius.

The tribe describe this star as having a swirling circle of reddish rays around it and also say that it was stationary relative to the other stars in the night sky.

The Dogon revered the Nommo and regarded them as civilizing gods. They are commonly referred to as ‘The Masters of the Waters”, “The Watchers” or “The Saviors.”

When shown photos of the most encountered alien species, Dogon shamans identified them with the Nordic alien type, claiming that their tribe had met blue eyed white humanoids long before meeting white men.

As unbelievable as this story sounds, it is paralleled by many others worldwide and they all share one common aspect: advanced alien beings visiting our planet, offering their aid and knowledge and being revered as gods.

It would appear that this rash of visitations occurred around 5,000 years ago, possibly following a great flood or another catastrophe.

The white-skinned gods apparently visited the entire planet, as legends ranging from Australia to the Americas describe similar beings teaching mankind their ways.


Mexico: Local Mayor Marries Crocodile

Mexico: Local Mayor Marries Crocodile

The local mayor of a fishing town in southern Mexico has got married to a most unusual bride. Vasquez Rojas, the mayor of San Pedro Huamelula, wed a crocodile as part of a local harvest tradition.

The ritual sees the reptile baptized with a name before being married. It's a tradition that has been practised by Chontal Indians since 1789, in the hope that the fisherman of the village catch a good harvest of shrimp, fish and other seafood.

Gulenio Gonzalez, the 'godfather' of the crocodile, explained the ceremony:

"It is to ask from the heart to our Lord, to make this year one of the best harvests, so that we don't lack natural resources such as corn, and food from the water such as fish, which is the main source of food for people in our community," he said.

After the crocodile, christened Maria Isabel, was married, she danced with her new husband in a party packed with the town's residents. Mayor Rojas said he was delighted to take part in the festivities.

"Indigenous people have great faith and many beliefs, many myths, especially a lot of mysticism. To be part of that pact between animals, humans, the environment, represented today with the celebration of this marriage, is a privilege that not everyone can have. I feel very lucky," he said.

Not only is the crocodile now married, but she is also regarded by tradition as a princess. The Chontal Indians hope that the ceremony will bring peace and prosperity to their community.


By Alfred Joyner, International Business Times

Extraterrestials & the Founding Fathers

Extraterrestials & the Founding Fathers

Per “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel, we have a superb reasoning as to how our symbols and numerology came to be in these United States and elsewhere for that matter. I will use some of the information given in “Ancient Aliens” here to prove this.

 Washington D.C.-July 19, 1952

Tensions between the United States and other countries keep our military on the edge especially considering 7 objects were spotted on the screen and they are not other countries military aircraft.

Not only did they appear but they hovered over the White House and our military jets scrambled to intercept these strange craft. But as all the jets close in, the seven craft individually disappear. Some reports were told that they were able to fire on these particular objects but they were able to fly faster than our aircraft. Days after the breach of our airspace, Major General John Sanford addressed the issue calling the event incredible.

These United States, with the help of England would soon be built on the architecture of the ancientRome and Greece stature. Founding our country on the principals of the ancient world would knowingly be kept secret for hundreds of years. Calling this event “Fortuna” (goddess of fortune) or when the Gods conspire on your behalf. In Dante’s Inferno (vii.67-96) Virgil explains the nature of Fortune, both a devil and a ministring angel, subservient to God.

After the war, on July 16th, 1790, construction of a National Capitol was to begin by the Potomac River, and the fact that our founding fathers have an obsession with classic Greco-Roman architecture is apparent in our capital. Seems there were active debates around the turn of the fourth-fifth B.C. century in regard to the question of extraterrestrial life in the universe. Democritus, Leucippus, Epicurus, and others all believed in extraterrestrial life and it came to be the cornerstone to ancient philosophy.

These United States, with the help of England would soon be built on the architecture of the ancientRome and Greece stature. Founding our country on the principals of the ancient world would knowingly be kept secret for hundreds of years. Calling this event “Fortuna” (goddess of fortune) or when the Gods conspire on your behalf. In Dante’s Inferno (vii.67-96) Virgil explains the nature of Fortune, both a devil and a ministring angel, subservient to God.

After the war, on July 16th, 1790, construction of a National Capitol was to begin by the Potomac River, and the fact that our founding fathers have an obsession with classic Greco-Roman architecture is apparent in our capital. Seems there were active debates around the turn of the fourth-fifth B.C. century in regard to the question of extraterrestrial life in the universe. Democritus, Leucippus, Epicurus, and others all believed in extraterrestrial life and it came to be the cornerstone to ancient philosophy.

Ancient High Priest Freemasons

Benjamin Franklin was a profound thinker and intellectual and his scientific view included life elsewhere. In his own publications, he marked his views on this subject in a matter of fact way. In 1728, he was quoted as saying, “I believe that man is not the most perfect being but one”…so there are many degrees of being superior to him.

The ancient philosophers were not the only influence on the founding fathers growing openness of extraterrestrial life, the American Indians not only accepted these views, but believed they were descendants of these extraterrestrials.

Benjamin Franklin was deeply interested in the beliefs of the American Indians and he developed treaties from the 1730’s – 1760’s for the various tribes and in these recorded the story from the Iroquoi Indians of a sky woman. Before Earth became what it is today, there were beings living in the sky. Their belief was that this sky woman became pregnant and had to come down to Earth and this is how the human race began.

These accounts of our founding fathers were not only based on scientific and philosophical principals but on first hand experiences with extraterrestrials! One of Benjamin Franklin’s closest aids reveals a first hand account from Benjamin of a close encounter on a cold winter night at Valley Forge.


In the winter of 1777, it is the height of the great American Revolutionary War, after several bloody battles against the superior British forces, George Washington’s army is in tatters. The British have taken Philadelphia and Washington has decided he’s going to headquarter some 12,000 troops outside Philadelphia. Washington has to make very important decision as to how to proceed. He wrote, “Unless some great and capitol change suddenly takes, this army must inevitably starve, dissolve, or disperse.”

But ultimately Washington’s will to remain at Valley Forge forced the British to retreat. What was Washington’s it that he experiences that sustained him in those dark hours? Some believe it was a strange vision he received in a moment of prayer. He went off in the forest to pray and he had a vision of a magnificent creature garbed in white. This creature, whatever it was, laid out for Washington what the future would be. He see’s a map and rain drops on this map and where the drops fall began to form cities in the future.

How do we know this? An aid to General Washington lived to be over a 100 years old and told of this story to National Tribune newspaper which was published in December of 1880. Also ancient astronaut theorists have claim to evidence which proves that Washington may have unknowingly came into contact with extraterrestrial beings. Diaries he kept tell of numerous strange encounters with “green skins.” Washington sees a green glowing ball, and sees green figures. One theory views this as encounters with extraterrestrials.


April 5th, 1800-the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the home of astronomer William Dunbar reports to then Vice President, Thomas Jefferson a strange encounter of a craft in the sky the size of a house, two hundred yards above ground. Crashing not far away, destroying some of the area but not enough for the size of the object. Speculations of a meteor were not addressed for the behavior of this object.

Thomas Jefferson presented this to the American Physiological Society and it was founded by Washington, so here we have some of the greatest thinkers in the Western society. It’s no coincidence these two believed in extraterrestrials. For Thomas Jefferson to report sightings of UFO’s still remains the highest public official to make a report in the United States history.

Could these incidents suggest that these individuals not only believed in extraterrestrials but also encountered them?


Fredericksburg, Virginia-1752

Twenty year old, George Washington was initiated into a secret society, the Freemasons. Among his fellow members were many other founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Paul Revere.

What is Freemasonry? What meanings lie behind their mysterious symbols?

With the age of the renaissance period was a time when people decided to start studying ancient societies and see what knowledge was lost. Freemasons not only derive their knowledge from science but also spiritual means and in the age of enlightenment this included the belief of extraterrestrial life.

Freemason was a main vehicle which brought these principals of the enlightenment into the new world. Could these beliefs founded the origins of what came to be America?

In terms of the Declaration of Independence, there were 56 signers, of those 9 were definitely Freemasons. Concerning the signers of the Constitution, there were 39 signers and 13 were Freemasons. There are definitely numerology stats here! 5+6=11/39=13X3 and then we have 13 as a single. So we have specific numbers that carried weight unto these individuals and as a group.


Symbols of the Freemasonry are implanted into many aspects of not only our emblems but our country’s architecture. In the design of Washington, the designs are very important, the language of the symbols are very important. The symbol for Freemasonry is the compass and the square, and the meaning of the two represent the phrase, “As Above, So Below.” Now there are people who object to this definition, no doubt.

According to the Freemason society the definition of each is the compass is the main tool of the individual, you are the point and the idea in Freemasonry is the individual is sovereign. You draw a circle using the compass around you, if you go beyond the perimeter, you steer into the knowledge and light. The square is considered a symbol of wisdom. The letter “G” stands for the Grand Architect of the Universe.

Now how did the beliefs of plural world make its way into Freemasonry? The same people who were involved in the beginning foundation of Freemasonry were also interested in Egypt. There were inspired by the idea of ancient wisdom. Some of the same symbols and architecture of Washington D.C. are also seen in Egypt…he Sphinx, the obelisk, the pyramid, and the all-seeing eye.

If you were to pull out the dollar bill of the United States, you would see these symbols. The symbols reveal themselves to be paralleled with the ancient Egypt mysticism but the spiritual reasoning is the connection to the whole scenario.

The 1866 lithograph of George Washington residing in the Library of Congress shows George as a Freemason but the unique revelation to this is the background. Over his right shoulder is an unusual scene which shows a ladder stretching out to the heaven, which is Jacob’s Ladder but atop this ladder seems to be a spaceship! In the Biblical story of Jacob in Genesis 28, Jacob witnesses angels ascending and descending from a ladder in the heavens. But in this lithograph, the ladder does not come from heaven but from what appears to be a dark round object, emitting multicolored lights. Although Jacob’s Ladder is a popular symbol in Freemasonry, is it possible this image is attempting to depict something else?

Ancient astronaut theorists not only point to the symbols of Freemasonry but also to the very design and layout of Washington itself. In fact, even the very paths of Washington points to the stars.

In 1791, in Alexandria, Virginia in a full Masonic ritual ceremony on the edge of the Potomac River. George Washington lays the first cornerstone marking the southern boundary of what will become the District of Columbia.

According to scholars, the nations capitol has been steeped in ancient mystic symbolism since its inception, and pointing to the Washington Monument as being a perfect example of just how mystic. The shape for one is an obelisk, and it points directly to the stars and then reflects into the river aside the monument which shadows its point downward, revealing the “As Above, So Below” technique in architecture.

Although construction of this began in 1848, nearly 50 years after George Washington’s death, the Freemason’s built this Egyptian pyramid-style monument so that the Pleiades Constellation would be visible directly over the monument. Egyptians used these stars in their monuments and hieroglyphics, in fact their whole religion is based upon this Orion/Sirius constellation.

What is it the founding fathers wanted you to see? There is a direct relation between what is happening here and what’s happening in the heavens and the Freemasons acknowledge this.

But it’s not just the monument but the very layout of the whole city which harkens back to the ancient cities of Rome, Greece and Egypt. Washington D.C. was designed from the very beginning to be a very spiritual place, but from what playing field does this reside on?

Another Freemason, Pierre (Peter) Charles L’Enfant was selected by George Washington to design the layout of the 10 miles diamond of what was to be the very streets and avenues of Washington District of Columbia. He first began with aligning the corners of the square with the four cardinal directions of North, South, East, and West. The geometric shapes were to emphasis that this new form of government was not going to rely on religion but on reason and scientific discovery.

In the very center was to be a star/pentagram, and from this star would descend into streets which would extend outward. But the idea of the design was to be a mirror of the heavens, and eventually it would be not only the capitol of America but the capitol of the universe.

Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were both expert surveyors and map makers, and had hands on experience on how this all came to be.

On the placement and inside of the capitol building itself are perfect examples of this.

In 1791, on the Jenkin’s Hill, L’Enfant declared to be a pedestal awaiting its monument. For the next tow years he and George Washington and Thomas Jefferson work tirelessly in order to accomplish the destiny of what was to become our United States Congress building.

On September 18th, 1793, the day of the autumn equinox, Washington lays the cornerstone and Jenkin‘s Hill officially becomes Capitol Hill, the heart of the new democracy. And this is not the only hill! We have High Hills and Bunker Hill in Boston (“City Upon A Hill”), Monticello where Thomas Jefferson resided, Capitol Hill, among others.

But this is an amazing find as well:

Seven hills of Rome

Seven hills of Plovdiv

Seven Hills of Tirumala

And of course we have Vatican Hill and last but certainly NOT least is Calvary Hill.

But I digress…

The founding fathers clearly understood concept of the ancient and sacred hill!


Sitting atop the Capitol Building since 1866, this statue called the “Freedom Statue”. A 19.5 statue of a goddess morphing into an eagle.

Ancient astronaut theorists tell of the extraterrestrials gods being eagle-headed. So freedom is being referenced here as a star-being!

Her historical name is Persephone. Queen of the Underworld

Persephone was sculpted in Rome and installed atop the Capitol on the 47th anniversary of the death of America’s first Roman Catholic Bishop, John Carroll. The event was heralded by 47 gunshots, thirty-five from a field battery on Capitol Hill, twelve from the surrounding forts.

The Capitol, incidentally, is erected on property owned by Bishop Carroll’s family. In the 1663 Maryland records, the exact site was recorded under the title “Rome,” its owner a man named “Pope.”

Roman Catholicism is a universal secular government domiciled at the Vatican City State in Rome. Its sovereign, the Pope, is an absolute ruler who is deemed infallible. In the political context, the Roman Catholic Church has been determined by the United States District courts to be a foreign State (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Case No. 85-1309).

Inside the dome, directly in line with the Freedom Statue, is an empty tomb (now he’s a supposed heavenly deity) that was designed to hole the remains of George Washington. One floor above it is the crypt, then the Capitol rotunda. Then soaring 180 feet above that is a painting of George Washington looking like what seems to be a god. This is the Apotheosis of Washington is an immense fresco painted by Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus (EYE) of the dome (Gateway of the Sun). Apotheosis in Greek means to deify, as in deify a man to a god-man. Depicted in a setting of clouds and 13 angelic type figures with a rainbow below his feet. The dome is considered to be a vortex, a portal or gateway to the stars.

Surrounding Washington are seven mythological figures that correspond to the seven stages of alchemy. Included is Poseidon, the ruler of Atlantis and Mercury and Vulcan, two gods synonymous with alchemy.

An imaginary vertical line descending from the Sun gate in the dome travels through a golden dot at the center of the Rotunda, then through a star in a large circular room called the Crypt one story beneath the Rotunda. The Latin crypta means “hidden” or “secret.” A crypt is usually found in cemeteries and under public religious buildings, such as churches and cathedrals. It’s a burial place, but also, importantly, a meeting place.

The star in the crypt marks the literal ground zero in Washington. It divides the city into four quadrants, and every address in the city tells you where you are in relation to that precise point in the U.S. Capitol building. This is just another open (yet hidden) hint as to the significance of that particular gold dot.

The circle or ‘gate’ of 72 stars that surrounds Washington affirms this philosophy. 72 is a powerful esoteric number with numerous correspondences in the Mysteries. 72 represents the number of years on one degree of a zodiacal age. Manly P. Hall’s “The Secret Destiny of America” has an interesting interpretation of the 72 stones in pyramid of the Great Seal. He sees them corresponding to the 72 arrangements of the Tetragrammaton, or the four-lettered name of God, in Hebrew. These four letters can be combined into 72 combinations, resulting in what is called the Shemhamforesh, which represents, in turn, the laws, powers, and energies of Nature by which the perfection of man is achieved.

The work of French Egypt-alchemy explorer Schwaller de Lubicz, presented in his work, “The Temple In Man: Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man”, leads a to major breakthrough in our understanding of the Capitol-is-a-casket story.

De Lubicz’s work centered on the Temple of Luxor, located 2 miles from Thebes, Egypt’s Vatican. The plan for this temple, he demonstrated, is based on human proportions and designed to symbolically represent the human body. It is an open book containing the secrets of human spiritual anatomy. In this temple he found a human being embodied in the geometry of the Temple’s architecture. This, he concluded is Pharaoh, symbolic of the Perfect Man.

The Temple of Man was built by Ramses II in the 13 century B.C. as a setting for the rituals of the Festival of Opet. The word ‘Opet’ means ‘Secret Chamber’. So it is “the Festival of the Secret Chamber.”

During this festival the king would make a ceremonial precession from Karnak along the avenue of Sphinxs to the temple of Luxor, located 2 miles away. The king would make his way to one of the innermost chambers of the temple. There, the king and his divine essence (called the ka, and created at his birth), were united and the king transformed into a divine being. The crowd, waiting anxiously, their belly’s full of bread and beer provided by the king for the rite, would cheer wildly upon the king’s emergence as the transformed or transfigured god-man.

The Festival affirmed and renewed the king’s Divine Right to Rule. It assured the people that the power of the Cosmos was renewed in the king.

Projecting the image of the Temple of Luxor on the U.S. Capitol, which is divided into seven chambers that correspond with the charkas, reveals a provocative match. The House of Representatives corresponds with the feet. The Rotunda is the womb. The Senate is the head.

In this lavish American ceremony, initiation or rite, politicians stand at the gate of the Secret Chamber, the Capitol Rotunda, in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators (and millions more watching on TV) to take the oath of office and to renew the office of the President. It is strikingly similar to coronations and enthronements. The crucial difference is that the people elected the individual being sworn in to be their head (or ‘present Id’ to use a Freudian term for the instinctual aspect of our psychic apparatus).

Originally, the word inauguration referred to the sacred marriage, the symbolic mating of the new king with the goddess of the kingdom. Scholars point to the Irish Feast of Tara, at which the king married the goddess Medb.

In America the goddess is named Freedom, Liberty and America. Her statues are abundant on the Hill and in the Capitol. She stands on top of the Capitol. Why? It could be because, symbolically, she ‘owns’ it.

Traditionally, the swearing in takes place on the East Portico. For the first time ever, an inauguration took place on the West Terrace of the Capitol when Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. The west side would accommodate more visitors. Reagan’s second inaugural ceremony in January, 1985 took place in the Rotunda due to weather.

President Barack Obama also chose the West Terrace. After being sworn in at noon, the newly anointed President enters the Capitol Temple. He ascends 33 steps into the Rotunda. He looks up. He first sees Mercury, then, he sees the deified Washington peering down at him, challenging him to be an enlightened American leader.


A massive sculpture of George Washington by Horatio Greenough commissioned on February 22, 1732. It depicts Washington as Zeus Olympus of Atlantis which sat upon a hill. The statue seated and besandled Washington gazes sternly ahead. He is bare-chested and with his right arm and hand gesture with up-raised index finger toward heaven.

Extraterrestials & the Founding Fathers

A conductor of heaven and earth with a representation on the side with Apollo guiding a Sun/Star chariot riding through the heavens.

Not only is the belief of our founding fathers idea of a plurality of world throughout the universe but today we consider the same of our presidents because this knowledge was pasted down through the centuries.

Mystery of the Iniquity

Leading Israeli Rabbi Says The Second Coming of Jesus Is Imminent


Leading Israeli Rabbi Says The Second Coming of Jesus Is Imminent

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, has been giving clear and unequivocal messages recently that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. He is urging Jews to make Aliyah as soon as possible. Aliyah, the Hebrew verb for “going up”, refers to immigrating to Israel, which is seen as higher spiritual action that can help herald in the coming of the Messiah.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (C) has issued a call for Jews to move to Israel in preparation for the imminent arrival of the Messiah. (Photo: Dudi Friedman/ Wiki Commons)

It was reported that the Rabbi Kanievsky was presented with a pamphlet, written by Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Tzvi from the city of Bnei Brak, dealing with the End of Days and many other related prophecies. Rabbi Kanievsky, who is a pillar of the Jewish community and known for his authoritative books on Torah law, read the pamphlet carefully. After a short consideration, he told those around him that the pamphlet needed to be distributed and that Jews living outside Israel should return to their ancestral land.

In yet another instance of Rabbi Kanievsky’s call for aliyah, author Rabbi Yekutiel Fisch revealed advice that was given to his cousin, a teacher at a prominent Lakewood Yeshiva who visited Israel recently and went to Rabbi Kanievsky to receive a blessing at the end of his visit.

The Rabbi told him that he should not leave Israel because the Messiah would be arriving very soon. The teacher responded that he had 700 students waiting for him in Lakewood. Rabbi Kanievsky told him that he must bring all of the students to Israel. Upon his arrival in Lakewood, the story spread quickly, creating quite an impression on the students who all revere Rabbi Kanievsky.

After a lifetime of immersing himself in classical Jewish texts, Rabbi Kanievsky’s study partner informed various media sites that the Rabbi is talking about the messiah “all the time.” Since last summer’s war in Gaza, the Rabbi has been spreading this message of imminent return. In one instance, Rabbi Kanievsky instructed a Jew from Argentina who asked for a blessing that he should “gather your family and come to Israel. Otherwise, there won’t be enough room for you on the airplanes.”

When asked about the timing of the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Kanievsky answered, “At the end of the Sabbatical year.” Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015.

In answer to Rabbi Kanievsky’s call, the Jews of France have begun to arrive in Israel in blessed droves. The impetus is certainly a reaction to increasing anti-Semitic and Islamic fueled violence across Europe.

After the horrific terror attack at a Kosher market in Paris six months ago, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu urged French Jews to come home to Israel. His remarks drew criticism from some, however last week, in the wake of Ramadan violence in several countries including France, Zeev Elkin, the Israeli Minister of Immigration and Absorption, called on French Jews to make Aliyah, echoing his leader’s words.


“Come home! Anti-Semitism is growing, terrorism is on the rise and the sickly ISIS activists carry out murders in the light of day. We are prepared to accept the Jews of France with open arms,” he said.

Last year, 7,000 French Jews made aliyah to Israel, making it the number one country of origin for new immigrants. The Jewish Agency and the Ministry for Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption are expecting more than 3,000 French Jews to immigrate to Israel this summer alone, many of them families with children who want to arrive and integrate before the beginning of the school year.

It should be noted that it is considered a positive trait to always be anticipating the Messiah. The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, a great Torah sage, is told to have said that any time he heard a loud noise, he would say, “Perhaps the Messiah has arrived?” Similar stories have also been told of the leading Moroccan Kabbalist, the Baba Sali, Rabbi Israel Abuhaseira.


Maria Labo: The Ultimate Aswang From The Philippines

Maria Labo; The Creepy Tale Of The Legendary Aswang

Nowadays, The entertainment industry banks on stories that ventures into the world of the Supernatural. May it be on Television, Books or Movies, it is proven to be a big hit to the legion of fans of the supernatural. One of the most popular genre would be Vampires. Some would be delighted to be bitten by an attractive vampire due to the romanticized version of Vampires. But would you still be attracted to Vampires if you know the darker and creepier side of Vampires and its other Vampire-like creations? Take for an instance, The story of Maria Labo / Mariang Labo or more popularly known as the legendary aswang of the Philippines who left a curse that whoever mentions her name or remembers her by 3 AM will see her in the flesh and might even kill you. Sounds like Bloody Mary, right?

What Is An ASWANG?

An Aswang (or Asuwang) is a vampire-like witch ghoul in Filipino folklore and is the subject of a wide variety of myths and stories. Spanish colonists noted that the Aswang was the most feared among the mythical creatures of the Philippines, even in the 16th century.

The myth of the aswang is well known throughout the Philippines, except in the Ilocos region, which is the only region that does not have an equivalent myth. It is especially popular in the Western Visayan regions, Other regional names for the aswang include "tik-tik", "wak-wak" and "sok-sok" - Wikipedia

Who is Maria Labo?

Labo was also the name used to refer to a female vampire who came from the Philippines, Specifically in  Iloilo or Capiz. Maria Labo got famous for a story that depicted her as the murderer of her two sons and then cooked them for dinner who even offered her husband to eat their sons. Her distinct facial characteristics is her huge scar across her face. Her story spread like wildfire all over the country even overseas. Maria Labo's tale got popular in various forms of media. She was included to Horror Books, Featured to Local Magazines, Email/Text Messages warning everyone about her curse.  Maria Labo's tale is very creepy and leaves anyone who have heard her story sort of disturbed. What makes her more distinct to other legends was her curse. Her curse was similar to Bloody Mary, Whenever someone mentions or even remembers her name by 3:00 AM/PM will get a visit from her and it will be the last breath of anyone who wished to see her. There's still no proof that her curse is indeed true but the thought of it really gives anyone a creepy feeling and totally tries to forget about her.

The Creepy Tale Of Maria Labo

The most popular story of Maria portrays her as a human who got victimized by poverty and supernatural forces. Maria Labo was a loving mother to her two sons and a submissive wife to his husband, They needed money and she went opportunities abroad to help her family earn more in a short span of time. She became an OFW a.k.a Overseas Filipino Worker who received vampire powers from her employer that she worked for in Canada. The said employer passed on to Maria Labo his vampire powers since it is a must for any vampire to pass on their powers to anyone on their dying day. Maria has no knowledge that she was given the said powers and went home to the Philippines with huge amount of money she received as well from her employer. But the curse got the best out of her as she cannot control her hunger for human flesh, that's why she killed her two sons and cooked them for dinner. When her husband went home, Maria was said to lose her sanity after knowing she ate her kids. She offered her cooked dinner to his husband, Enraged by the act, Her husband gave her a mark on her face. That's why she got the name Maria Labo. Maria was said to be roaming around the place and even get to travel all around the Philippines as she got her supernatural powers. 

Other Origins Of Maria Labo 

She was an Overseas worker who got killed by a Spanish old man. Maria labo's spirit did not know that she is dead or already a ghost that's why she went home to her home in the Philippines to be with her family, Her family got to see her but by night, her husband touched her and felt that her wife is already cold and indeed a dead body who went home impossibly. 
Maria Labo was a simple, naive and beautiful young woman who was victimized and raped by local men. Her revenge is to terrorize the town by being the source of fear to the town and victimizes the young men of the local men who raped her.
Maria Labó was portrayed as just a simple human being with no  supernatural powers but she was a cannibal who ate her own two sons due to her growing love and curiosity to the taste of human flesh. 
Movie Adaptation 

The impact made by Maria Labo indeed generated clamor from Filipinos and now, a movie is said to be in the works. This time, it will be centered on Maria Labo's early life and how she succumbed to the dark side. A Facebook user named Ramphire Codes. In his post, he wrote "Now filming "Maria labo" under Star Builders Productions and Viva Films Productions". He even mentioned the cast to the alleged upcoming movie. The cast includes Jestoni Alarcon, Ara mina, Isabel Nesreen F. Frial, Migs Cordero under the direction of Roi Vinson.


Maria Labo may be a product of a very imaginative mind. Plus, her gripping story never ceased to gain attention from anyone who believed her tale and spread it all over the region. Her story may not be true but the thought of experiencing what she went through totally leaves us a creepy feeling. 

What time is it? Is it 3 am? Have you thought about her yet?

Discover Biringan City's Wonder and Controversial Portal To The Other Realm

Biringan City; The City Of Wonder And Portal To The Other World?

The search for wonderful and intriguing fantasy lands is still on and it is evidenced by ongoing expeditions all over the world. But are you willing to discover a brand new world with different people who inhabits in it? Will you take a risk and step foot on it? How about if I tell you that once you come into that place, there's no going back?

Have you heard of the City of Biringan? The city where people is not like us but the scenery is something that will left you in awe but the said city needs to be avoided at all costs according to people who have been there or lured to go there. We are fond of knowing stories that tackles about fantasy, magic and anything extraordinary and we seem to believe in its existence most especially if other people spreads the veracity of their experience to that world.  Is Biringan City one of those wonderful places that we should aim to go to or should we not dare ourselves to visit the Invisible City?

Biringan; Portal to the Ethereal City

First off, What and where is Biringan? It is reportedly an undefined location in the Philippines. It is said to be somewhere between Calbayog City and Catarman, Northern Samar. The city is said to be invisible making it one of the most terrifying urban legends of the region. The city has its metropolis comparison but what makes it more mysterious is that it is only available for viewing at nighttime and its indescribable grandeur never ceases to amaze anyone who gets the privilege to see the mystic city.

But the City of Biringan doesn't only illicit pocitive feedbacks from everyone. To some, fear and panic evokes whenever the city is being mentioned making it like a rule to them to NEVER EVER SPEAK OF THE CITY or even MENTION IT'S NAME. Why? Because the people who gets to visit the place where being lured to the place only because the city need its prey. There are also claims that if you get to visit the invisible city, You need to be cautious and pray for yourself because you are currently being possessed by the demon. Making the city more mysterious and more scary to anyone who have heard the stories of the people who have lost a relative to the said city or who were able to survive and come back to their bodies.

The Inhabitants Of Biringan and their usual victims/visitors

Biringan is claimed to be the legendary and mystical home of the elementals or the enchanted ones. They are said to be expert on changing their appearnaces for them to lure their visitors/victims. They can transform to anything or to anyone presentable, ideal or wonderful to the eyes of their visitors. They have their distinguishing characteristic and that is the lack of the philtrum, Philtrum is the indentation below the nose and above the upper lip. It is also stated that if an inhabitant of the city gets to be attracted to mortal to its neighboring city, They do what it takes to bring that mortal with them. And when they succeeded, the mortal's physical appearance will be like them; No philtrum,

Other usual victims of the city according to stories/claims:

Transportation Drivers who get lost on directions. Sometimes it is their fault but most of the time, the elementals from the city tricks them to going to the City by disguising themselves as normal people commuting.

Fishermen, There are times that a shortage of seafood brings fishermen to desperation and looks for other resources of it and that's when they get to visit the city where it is like full of aquatic resources but it is too late for them to realize that they are fishing in the middle of floating skies of the ethereal city.

Businessmen/Dealers, Some of the visitors are from the other places of the world as well. The elementals disguised themselves as a business enthusiast who looks for business partners or order any product from any type of dealerships. The victims were being lured to go to their place even if its totally unfamiliar but still chose to go to since it is for profit of their business. The city is also depicted to some as a city that can compete to New York, Singapore and Hongkong's beautiful infrastructure making it very fitting for business ventures.

Victims of Demon Possessions, If you get to visit the city it is either by accident or it is truly your fate. They say that if the person who is being possessed by dark forces and fails to fight its presence are being delivered to the City making it as a confirmation that they are already not part of our world.Actually, if residents of the neighboring cities gets to be diagnosed to be possessed, they usually point the blame to the inhabitants of Biringan. Usual victims of possessions who gets publicized on TV are students and young children.


Up to this day, Biringan is still being debated if it is truly a city in Samar that was forgotten, or a kingdom to the elementals that can be the portal to our world to the elemental and ethereal world. 
The Invisible City may be a wonderful sight to see for those who have vivid imaginations, brave to experience a new world or to anyone who wants to detest its existence but one thing is for sure, The people who have been able to share stories about it and how their stories matches and fit together may prove something. This may be a product of Imagination, Hallucination or just a mere way of asking for attention but what would you actually do if you get to set foot on the invisible City filled with beautiful yet creepy inhabitants?

It may be too hard to believe but the story of Biringan never fails to tickle one's imagination and fear at the same time.

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