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Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFO Encounter LEAKED

Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFO Encounter LEAKED

A set of newly-released photos detail the U.S. Navy’s close encounter with an enormous UFO/USO.

The case was submitted to The Black Vault by researcher/investigator Alex Mistretta, who in turn got them from one of his anonymous sources in Europe. An interesting story is attached to these photos.

In March 1971, the USS Trepang, a Sturgeon Class attack submarine, was on a routine military and scientific mission at the edge of the Arctic Ocean.

The exact location of the sighting is unknown, but the submarine’s position was somewhere between Iceland and the Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic.

The unidentified object was first spotted through the periscope by an officer named John Kilika and the photos were taken by an unnamed officer. The quality of the photos is pretty good, which is uncommon in the field of ufology.

Mistretta’s source claimed there were a few annotations on the back of one of the photos: “Official photograph. Not to be released. CT.” and “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificate SSN 674. Criminal Sanction.”

While these inscriptions do not necessarily confirm the story, they make for an interesting addition.

SSN 674 was the official classification number given to the USS Trepang. Furthermore, the nuclear submarine was indeed in the area at that time. The report also mentioned the presence of Admiral Dean Reynolds Sackett aboard the submarine, which can be verified here.

It is unclear whether the encounter involved two distinct UFOs or a single one capable of shape-shifting, but the photos appear to show two distinct objects, one shaped like a cylinder, the other like a triangle.

Unfortunately, more information regarding this interesting case is absent but we will present it if and when it becomes available.


The Tunguska Event: Still A Mystery After 107 Years

The Tunguska Event: Still A Mystery After 107 Years

I'm a freelance geologist working mostly in the Eastern Alps. I graduated in 2007 with a project studying how permafrost, that´s frozen soil, is reacting to the more visible recent changes of the alpine environment. Studying therefore old maps, photographs and reports, I became interested in the history of geology and how early geologists figured out how earth works, blogging about it in my spare time. Living in one of the classic areas of early geological research, I combine field trips with the historic maps, figures and research done there. But geology is more than a historic or local science, as geological forces shaped and still influence history worldwide.
“It was nothing of this earth, but a piece of the great outside; and as such dowered with outside properties and obedient to outside laws.”
- “The Colour Out of Space” by H.P. Lovecraft

On the morning of June 30, 1908, a large fireball crossed the sky above the taiga of the Stony Tunguska (Podkamennaya Tunguska) in Siberia. A series of explosions followed, which could be heard even in the distant village of Achajewskoje about 745 miles away. Various meteorological stations in Europe recorded both seismic and atmospheric pressure waves. And during the following days, strange phenomena were observed in the sky of Europe, such as silvery, glowing clouds, colorful sunsets and a strange luminescence in the night.

Russian newspapers soon reported on this supposed meteorite impact. International newspapers speculated about a possible volcanic explosion, as memories of the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 were still strong. However, the inaccessibility of the region and Russia’s unstable political situation prevented further investigations.

The forest of Tunguska, picture taken by Evgeny Krinov in 1929.

Thirteen years after the incident, Russian mineralogist Leonid Alexejewitsch Kulik became interested in the still unexplored event after reading some of the accounts about an explosion and large glowing object. He also had some hopes to recover precious extraterrestrial metals from the impact site.

Kulik travelled to the city of Kansk, where he studied reports about the event in the local archives. Many of those stories refer to large fireballs, flames and a sequence of fourteen “thunders.” In March of 1927, he arrived at the outpost of Wanawara. Then on April 13, Kulik discovered a large area of about 830 square miles covered with rotting logs – the strange “Forest of Tunguska.”

Despite exploring the entire area, Kulik and his team didn’t locate a single great crater as he’d expected, but he did find some circular pits that were interpreted as being smaller craters produced by impact fragments. However, no meteoritic material was discovered at the site.

In the fall of 1927, a preliminary report by Kulik was published in various national and international newspapers. As a result, the event of 1907 became known as the “Tunguska Event.”

Kulik formulated one of the first hypotheses to explain both the reports and lack of evidence on the ground: he suggested that an extraterrestrial solid exploded in the atmosphere, causing the observed explosion and devastation. That solid’s fragments then became buried in the swampy ground, which was too soft to preserve the typical morphology of an impact crater.

In 1934 Soviet scientists proposed a variation of Kulik’s hypothesis. They proposed that it was a comet, not a meteorite, that struck the area. Since comets are composed mostly of ice, one would have been completely vaporized during the impact, leaving no traces behind.

Over time, many other theories – some quite unusual – have been proposed to explain the apparent lack of craters in the region or the missing extraterrestrial matter.

Based on impressions left by the first atomic bombs, the Engineer Aleksander Kasantsews developed an unusual explanation involving a nuclear explosion of possible extraterrestrial origin between the years 1945 and 1959.

In 1973, American physicists proposed in the journal Nature that a small black hole had collided with earth, causing some sort of matter-antimatter explosion.

The German astrophysicist Wolfgang Kundt and later Jason Phipps Morgan of the Cornell University in Ithaca and Paola Vannucchi from the University of Florence have proposed an ulterior hypothesis in the past few years: “Verneshots.” Named for the author of the novel A Journey to the Center of the Earth, Verneshots are supercritical magma/gas mixtures that violently erupt from underground. According to this proposed model, areas with a thick crust or composed of hard rocks (the region of Tunguska is covered by the thick basalts of the Siberian Trapps) magmatic intrusions and gases tend to build up pressure until the cover is shattered to pieces. Hot gases would escape then into the atmosphere, causing a visible explosion.

However, the most compelling explanation for the Tunguska Event remains the impact of a natural extraterrestrial object. This idea is supported by the reports describing a fireball descending on the tundra, sedimentary features, like the presence of nanodiamonds, magnetic- and silicate spherules in sediments and the mapped distribution and direction of the fallen trees, which point away from the explosion site.

However, there are some inconsistencies in the idea that the Tunguska Event was of extraterrestrial origin. For example, the accounts of a series of thunders are hard to explain with a single impact. Additionally, the recovered sediments are not unambiguous – they’re also explainable also by the common contamination of sediments by extraterrestrial material, because many small meteorites are disintegrated every day in earth´s atmosphere.

In 2007, Luca Gasperini and his research team of the University of Bologna proposed that a small lake in the region, Lake Cheko, may have been the impact crater of a fragment that caused Tunguska Event. Lake Cheko is unusually deep for a region characterized by shallow ponds, which are formed by superficially melting permafrost. There’s also no record of the lake existing before 1908, however it’s also true that the region was poorly mapped and explored at the time. Gasperini’s evidence is controversial, as seen in one published answer to this research.

At this point, it’s likely that only the discovery of extraterrestrial material on the bottom of a lake would be the decisive evidence needed to solve the mystery of Tunguska.

By David Bressan, FORBES

“Boiled Alive Cat” Prepared, Served In Guangzhou Restaurants

“Boiled Alive Cat” Prepared, Served In Guangzhou Restaurants

Shocking, the entire process of how Guangzhou restaurants make boiled alive cat

Cat restaurants hidden on the outskirts of town, “boiled alive cat” attract people’s attention

Cat meat 10 yuan/500g, cat brain 30 yuan/500g, cat intestines 50 yuan/500g

What is “boiled alive cat”?

Cook: “[The cat] cannot be completely beaten to death, [because] it also needs to be boiled a little, this is what ‘live cooked cat’ is.”

Why do so many people like eating cat?

Cat eater: Eating cat meat can cure asthma, is a health supplement [something eaten for health benefits].

A stray cat wholesale market has over a thousand cats packed into metal cages.

The majority of the cat trade is sold to Guangdong, because in Lingnan cuisine, Guangdong people [Cantonese] especially like to eat cat; It first became popular in the Chaozhou-Shantou region. Cat meat has been traditionally believed to be effective for helping a person’s yin and yang balance, whereas recorded in Guangdong Yue cuisine recipies is a dish called “Long hu dou” [literally, “dragon fighting tiger”. The reason why cat meat is held in esteem lies in the naive belief of its eaters that it has a “health supplementing/boosting” effect.

Heartbreaking innocent expressions, awaiting the fate of being eaten.

Below is the process of cooking cats. Cat lovers, please prepare yourselves.

A “cat restaurant” cook holds up a white cat from the fur-removal machine.

To show what a good deal it is, a house cat with its fur removed is hung on a hook publicly to be weighed.

Still breathing house cat put in boiling water and cooked alive.

Cook removes the internal organs of the “white cat”.

“Express” reporter also discovered in an interview: To guarantee the freshness of the cat meat, most cat meat restaurants have adopted “live cooked cat”, “beating”, and similar methods of slaughtering live cats. “The more suffering, the better the taste. Doing it like this is to ensure that the blood is fully soaked into the flesh, and that the flavor of the cat meat prepared tastes great.”

Those who have scrolled this far to read these words, please forward/repost this on, and pray for these shameless diners, because you [they, the diners] will suffer retribution in the future!!!


Mountain Cristobal: The Horrifying Devil Mountain

Mountain Cristobal; The Devil's Mountain?

How would you determine a certain thing, place, person, entity, etc. as haunted? Is it by the way it looks? Is it by the way how people talk about its horrifying background? Or is it due to how it made you felt when you experienced its menace? What makes a certain thing haunted or creepy? Is it by its appearance or is it based on how people who have experienced terror with that thing? Nature is a great way of God showing us that the world is truly beautiful but would you believe if there are some horror that nature can bring as well?

In the Philippines, there's a Mountain that's said to be a mountain for the devil or being owned by the devil himself. The said mountain is named Mountain Cristobal. The mountain is located in n Dolores, Quezon along San Pablo and Nagcarlan, Laguna which was named after San Cristobal. San Cristobal is known as the patron of travelers in the Greek and Latin culture. The mountain was tagged as creepy, dark and haunted. But before the Philippines got its independence, Mt. Cristobal was considered as a holy mountain. But when the Chinese came as well, they said that the mountain is a perfect example of yin ang yang. It's beautiful but it also has its dark side. Until now, the mountain is still being visited by tourists and others. It is also used for the pilgrimage during the lenten season. But for some, They go to the mountain to challenge the "devil."

The terror of the mountain spread through the internet, email and text messages. They said that the mountain fools and lures it's victims by appearing to be a local resident or worst, they copy the appearance of your companion while hiking. Just like this story:

From philurbanlegends.blogspot.com:
There was this couple who went on midnight hike in Mt. Cristobal. They took accidentally an unusual trail of the mountain which at that time, was not yet known. Even if the weather is threatening because of a storm and there was a zero- visibility, they still continued their hike. They got lost when they arrived in a point where there was a dividing trail. They took the left way of it. At that time, it was not yet known that the proper trail to take is the right one. The left trail is a deadly trail, thus they never made it to the campsite. Because they made on a midnight hike, the registration was closed. According to local folks, the two were not found till now. No one even went there to find them as well.

The story of this couple got a spin-off to other stories depicting the mountain's devilish ways. There are stories that the couple was used by the devil to attract more victims and trap them into the mountain.

The mountain that was named by a Patron can truly give us a comforting and spiritual feeling but let us not forget that this mountain was also tagged as the devil's mountain. Looks like it is truly a mountain of Yin and Yang then, right?

Black Knight Satellite Caught Creeping Up on the ISS

Black Knight Satellite Caught Creeping Up on the ISS

This intriguing video was probably smuggled out of the Russian Federal Space Agency by someone who wanted the truth out there. NASA would never have released such a video but...

This intriguing video was probably smuggled out of the Russian Federal Space Agency by someone who wanted the truth out there.

NASA would never have released such a video but, as we’ve all come to know, Russia has always been straightforward about the UFO phenomenon. A large number of cases take place in Russia and researchers routinely report them.

The video in question was shot by Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). In the lower right of the screen we can see the Progress Cargo Ship slowly approaching the station when an unusual shape becomes visible.

As the strange object draws closer, it becomes obvious that it wasn’t made by man. We’ve never built any craft of that particular shape. It does however resemble the infamous Black Knight Satellite.

Concerned researchers have suspected the existence of an alien satellite orbiting Earth since 1954, three years before the launch of the first man made satellite, Sputnik 1. In fact, observations suggested not one, but two of these watchers were orbiting high above. By 1960, even the United States Department of Defense had recognized this presence.

During humanity’s first orbital flights, the Black Knight made its appearance and was allegedly seen by Gordon Cooper on the last day of his mission. Reports continued sporadically throughout the next decade, until Scottish astronomer and writer Duncan Lunan brought it back into attention.

He decoded an extraterrestrial signal that allegedly came from the Black Knight and translated it into a star map. The map pointed to a star in the constellation Boötes, but the constellation was depicted as it would have looked 13,000 years ago. Therefore, the extraterrestrial satellite must have been orbiting our planet for the past thirteen millennia. The prospect of having been monitored that long is a bit disturbing, to say the least.

Closer inspection reveals the object is solid and strangely-shaped

If half the rumors about the extraterrestrial space probe are true, and the object in the video is indeed the Black Knight, we might be in a tight spot. Word around the UFO community is that this satellite is a watcher tasked with monitoring our technological level. With humanity’s increased presence outside our atmosphere, the Black Knight could communicate that to its makers and draw them here. Even worse, it could take action on its own.

One thing is certain—seeing it floating slowly towards the ISS is a sign that of its interest.

On the other hand, this could be a very unusual incident involving space junk.

You decide, here’s the video:

RELATED: Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFO Encounter LEAKED


An Electromagnetic Sphere was located on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza


An Electromagnetic Sphere was located on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza

What do Nikola Tesla and the Great Pyramid of Giza have in common? Well more than you would have thought actually. Is it possible that the Great Pyramid of Giza was in fact a GIANT energy plant as some researchers have suggested? We know that the pyramid was not built as a tomb, so that theory we know is incorrect.

According to a study from architect Miguel Perez Sanchez a series of impossible figures with the number pi, e, and continuous references and relationships with the star Sirius give a new perspective on the great encyclopedia of knowledge that is the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the most important building of the Old Kingdom, it is one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the only one that remains standing today. Devoid of its original coating blocks of white limestone, the great Pyramid lacks its summit which gave the pyramid another 9 meters in height. Now, researchers know the exact shape of the object that was placed on top of the pyramid.

The question is what was the purpose of this mysterious device? Is it possible that, like many researchers suggest, the Great Pyramid of Giza was used as some sort of giant power generator across ancient Egypt?

As proposed by Pérez-Sánchez, the sphere that the ancient Egyptians placed at the top of the pyramid symbolized the Eye of Horus and had a diameter of 2,718 royal cubits (2.7 meters), which is the accurate measure of the number e. The sphere located on the Pyramid was placed as a worship to the Sun and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which was associated with Isis.

Many theorists have speculated that the Great Pyramid of Giza might have been built to act as a giant power plant. The Great Pyramid is so precise and so accurate that it must have had a much greater purpose.



Today we know that the primary base line dimension of the Great Pyramid is harmonically integrated to the Earth via a 1/14400 ratio and that the latitude placement has been shown to possess a most decisive association to the Earth tropical year frequency.

Nikola Tesla might have tried replicating what the Ancient Egyptians did in the distant past.

So what do these two have in common? Well for starters the placement of the Great Pyramid of Giza wasn’t chosen at random, and curiously, neither was Tesla’s Knob Hill. It is believed that Tesla picked Knob Hill because of the latitude that allowed him a favourable energetic arc length displacement from the equator of the Earth.

As many researchers have stated, the arc length separation between Tesla’s Knob Hill laboratory and the equator are harmonically tied to the arc length separation between the Great Pyramid of Giza and the equator, all of this by means of the numeric sequence of the sexagesimal system.

“The arc length separation between Tesla’s lab and the equator is harmonically tied in to the arc length separation between the Great Pyramid and the equator, via the primary numeric sequence of the sexagesimal system. And with it already previously shown that the latitude placement of the Great Pyramid has a distinct tie-in to the current Earth tropical year (x10) pulsation rate, that such an ‘ideal’ ratio of 1.296 (162/125) connects up the Great Pyramid latitude to that of the transmitter station established by Tesla; it is quite conceivable therefore that he was applying the same scientific principles of resonance applicable to the Earth, as the ancient Egyptians who built the Great pyramid.” – Keith M. Hunter
What we have here is the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s Lab, both of them specifically placed and constructed for an incredible purpose that we have been unaware of. Tesla’s incredible lab was built in order to wirelessly transmit power across great distances, this is believed to be the same reason why the ancient Egyptians built the Great pyramid og Giza, which would explain a lot of enigmas surrounding the pyramid and its purpose.


The Story of Robinsons Malls Half-Human Half-Snake

The Story of Robinsons Malls Half-Human Half-Snake

It is normal for anyone to be fascinated to go the mall. For some, it is a way of relaxation to get away from the busy routines of our lives. It is always fun to look for things that you find good on you like clothes, accessories, etc., right? But what if while trying on a fancy dress in the mall's designated fitting room, you suddenly meet someone who likes you? Seems like a romantic-comedy plot but what if there's something odd about that person? What if he's actually a humanoid who preys on human flesh? Specifically, pretty young girls who catches his eyes? Our featured urban legend today is the most talked about urban legend of all-time. The Robinsons Malls Half-Human Half-Snake Urban Legend or also known as The Robinsons' Hidden Snake Chamber.

The Alleged Story of the Urban Legend

The Philippine culture won't be exciting and interesting the way it was if there's no abundant supply of urban legends. 1990s has been surprised with a mysterious rumor regarding this particular mall, Robinsons Galleria. The urban legend is all about a supposedly hidden mysterious creature behind its dressing rooms. The mysterious creature was depicted to be a half snake, half human. But don't be too quick to belittle its identity just yet, because that creature is rumored to be the twin brother of Robina Gokongwei, daughter of Robinsons' founder and business tycoon, John Gokongwei Jr. Now, that is quite a very interesting story, right?

According to the urban legend, a famous  Fil-Chi (Filipino-Chinese) had twin children, 1 girl and 1 boy. The girl was born normal while the twin brother was depicted as a humanoid creature as he looked so different. He has both features of a human being and a snake. The family was able to live peacefully by hiding the boy from the world to protect the family's reputation and himself from humiliation and prejudice. The twin children lived a normal life as kids but not until he tasted human blood that he find delectable and when he grew enormously that their house cannot accommodate his size anymore.

The half-human/half-snake's appetite to human blood intensified as days go by that it turned out to be very dangerous. The family made a plan to still hide him from the world by creating a large chamber that will serve as his chamber. The team who planned the structure was hired from abroad to ensure that the family's hidden secret will still remain as a secret. It turned out to be a mall to avoid suspicions about the snake chamber. The creature was placed there after the building was constructed.  His appetite turns out to be very hazardous that he wants to eat human flesh as well.

 According to some sources, every time that the half man, half snake is hungry, he will be picking one beautiful girl that is using the mall's dressing room. The creature only wants to eat beautiful girls, that's why it is believed that there are cameras on the fitting rooms and the creature has access to all of it. Like a screening room for him to pick his victim. Once he chooses his victim, the said floor is going to open which sends the girl to a numerous series of pipes which leads her to the creature's chamber. Once she's delivered to the chamber, the half-human/half-snake will eat her alive. There are also other beliefs that the girl will be raped first before she gets eaten by the creature.

The creature's growing appetite to young and beautiful girls got stronger that some pretty salesladies of the mall also went missing and the owners of the mall just pays a huge sum of money to the missing ladies' families to keep them from persecuting the corporation.

Though the urban legend is quite convincing to believe to, it was also debated during the height of its controversy that the creepy story was just a negative propaganda to the mall, which was booming during that time. Well, the alleged black propaganda indeed made others believe that it is dangerous to go to that mall while some just snubbed it and still supported the mall without hesitation.

Filipina Celebrities Linked To The Urban Legend

The urban legend even got stronger and reached the Filipinos when a famous Filipina actress named Alice Dixson allegedly got its turn to be a victim of the creature but luckily managed to escape. Another actress that was linked to the urban legend was Rita Avila.
 Alice Dixson even once claimed that she survived the human-snake once when she went to a Robinsons Mall. In which Robinsons Mall, I don't know. Further, according to stories, the human-snake fell in love with her. Deciding not to kill her. And Alice escaped. 
However, Alice, said that it didn't really happen in her later interviews. Some people say Alice just broke the news because she is trying to revive her career. Some people say Alice changed her statements because she was paid by the Gokongweis. There are also gossips that even Rita Avila became a victim of this human-snake. However, there are no more stories about Avila's encounter with this human-snake creature. - pinoy-horror-stories
Alice Dixson even debunked the urban legend as she bravely returned to the said mall for an event.
MYTH: Alice was once abducted by a man-snake inside a mall
Just go with it, will you? It was widely believed back in the '90s that the Gokongwei family built Robinsons Galleria to serve as the romping ground of their mutant offspring Robinson, who was supposedly the twin brother of Robina Gokongwei-Pe.
Urban legend indicates that the man-snake fell in love with Alice, prompting him to abduct her from the ladies' fitting room. Robinson however refused to harm the actress, and Alice was able to escape his lair. This is obviously a load of bull, but during her FHM Autograph Signing event at Robinsons Galleria earlier this month, Alice jokingly acknowledged the alleged incident.
 "Mark this date, bumalik pa rin ako dito!" she told reporters.  - fhm.com.ph
 Impact To Popular Culture

It is believed by some that most of Filipinos are drawn to things that has a touch of reality, like reality TV shows, etc. So it is a no-brainer that this urban legend can also inspire people to write a story about it and produce a movie which can be attributed to the mall's urban legend as one of its inspirations or pegs.

An official entry to the 2014 Metro Manila Film Festival was described to give a closer look at the intriguing creature inspired by the urban legend about a half-human, half-snake hiding in a mall's department's store. The film is entitled "Shake, Rattle and Roll XV", it is not clear if the movie plot was intentionally created to resemble the urban legend.
One of the most popular urban legend in the Philippines is about the twin snake which was allegedly seen inside Robinsons mall gets movie treatment in the latest installment of the country’s most popular movie franchise, “Shake, Rattle & Roll.”
Kapamilya actress Erich Gonzales was chosen as the one who will portray the role of a twin by a mythical snake, she will play the role of a mall heiress in the latest movie installment of highly popular horror movie from Regal Films. In one of the episode of Shake Rattle and Role with a working title “Ahas,” Erich Gonzales will play the role of twin sister to a snake-woman. - philnews


Up to this day, there is still no concrete evidence that the half-human/half-snake creature does exist and it preys on beautiful ladies on a mall. It is still not clear if there was indeed a snake chamber under the mall. Since everyone seemed to have denied their creepy involvement to the urban legend, I don't see that it is fair to avoid going to the mall. The urban legend may be a product of bad publicity stirred by its competition. Still, bad publicity is still publicity and the mall would not be standing tall up to this day if the rumors did hurt its reputation. But talks from different people who remained to be anonymous claims that the creature is indeed true, it is safe to assume that this urban legend will still tickle our imaginative minds as we want to further look for details that may support the urban legend's veracity.

True story or just a hoax this Robinsons' Snake Chamber story, one thing is for sure - Filipinos will still regard this urban legend as one of the most interesting and creepy urban myths of all time.

A New Religion and World Domination: The NWO’s Project BLUEBEAM


A New Religion and World Domination: The NWO’s Project BLUEBEAM

The Blue Beam Project is one of the most dangerous secret programs. It has the potential to spark a global war, making all of us wish it were only a fantasy. But is it?

It’s a known fact that religion rules our world. It always has and always will, due to humanity’s need to believe in a higher power. This kind of power is exactly what Blue Beam seeks to acquire, through the most mischievous of methods.

Making use of deception and mass manipulation techniques, Blue Beam would lay the foundations for a new world government supported by a unified, new age religion. Weird, right?

Those who first brought up the existence of this secret program have also given us a brief description of its targets. Project Blue Beam will have to go through four steps before completion:

1. The Breakdown of All Archaeological Knowledge

This first step involves the creation of artificial earthquakes in certain places in the world. These earthquakes will unearth previously undiscovered archaeological sites of great importance and the new discoveries will serve to discredit the existing religions.

By controlling the media, the New World Order will trick the world’s nations into believing they have misunderstood and misinterpreted their religious doctrines all along.

Conspiracy theorists claim there are a large number of archaeological sites hiding an even larger number of arcane mysteries. When (or if) the earthquakes reveal these mysteries, the world will be shaken and ready for Phase II.

2. An Enormous (and fake) ‘Space Show’ Involving Holograms

Using technology that is being kept secret from the public, Project Blue Beam’s artisans will create a worldwide celestial show that mimics a global ‘Second Coming.’

Different holograms will be played in various zones, according to their predominant religious beliefs.

Prophetic in nature, these ‘visions’ will serve to further destabilize the situation until it escalates into a deadly global war. Investigative journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast describes Blue Beam’s intentions:
“Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, each nation blaming the other for the deception, setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before.”
Add this to the worldwide political anarchy and general panic caused by the global catastrophes and the road to destruction becomes obvious.

3. Telepathic Manipulation

Drawing on previous mind control projects, this step will implement various telepathic manipulation methods. With the aid of low frequency (LF), very low frequency (VLF) and extra low frequency (ELF) waves, Blue Beam will bombard its victims and modify their behavior from the inside.

This technology has its origins in the mind control programs of the 1970s and 1980s and will probably be routed through an array of specially-designed satellites.

Recent experiments have shown that planting diffuse artificial thoughts into subjects’ minds is possible, yet the full extent of this possibility is unknown. To us, at least.

4. Creating ‘Supernatural Manifestations’

The fourth step will be the most extensive and its impact will be phenomenal. And with the wheels set in motion by the previous moves, it will be an easy one.

The holographic image generators will simulate well-organized alien invasions in all of the world’s major cities.

This false attack could force the ruling nations into using their nuclear arsenal, an intimidating prospect that could transform Earth into a wasteland.

The same technology will be used to trick Christians into believing the Rapture is about to happen. A mixture of desperation and false hope will finally force humanity to accept the New World Order and its engineered religion.

A natural and justified reaction to the alleged existence of Project Blue Beam would be ‘Wow!’

Fortunately, there is little evidence that a program of this scope and magnitude can be achieved today or in the near future. Unfortunately, it draws on some of humanity’s justified fears.

As we all know, religious fanaticism is real and has caused countless deaths. Natural catastrophes and war have the ability to cause mass panic and manipulation is a real phenomenon.

But that doesn’t mean that Project Blue Beam can and will be implemented.


San Juanico Bridge: The Creepy Bridge With Human Blood Foundation

San Juanico Bridge; The Bridge With Human Blood As Foundation?

We are always fueled to know the background story of almost everything that we like and there are a lot of fascinating stories on how some famous structures got built, It may be a story of pure hard work, triumphant teamwork, collaborative excellence, and excellent artistic vision, etc that would totally inspire anyone who would hear about its backstory. But, not all of the famous and legendary structures in the history has a very heartwarming background, some were plagued with creepy, spooky and bloody stories that can either make an individual avoid the certain structure or not. But what if that certain structure is necessary for you to go to because it connects you to another place for transportation, Let's say a bridge. What if a bridge was allegedly built from human blood and what could creep you out more is it's actually from children's blood? One of the most famous and talked about bridges in the Philippines is San Juanico Bridge. San Juanico Bridge is talked about not only because as it's the longest bridge in the Philippines. According to locals, It was said to have a strong foundation for it has a very bloody foundation, literally.
San Juanico Bridge is part of the Pan-Philippine Highway and stretches from Samar to Leyte across the San Juanico Strait in the Philippines. Its longest length is a steel girder viaduct built on reinforced concrete piers, and its main span is of an arch-shapedtruss design. With a total length of 2.16 kilometers (1.34 mi), it is the longest bridge in the Philippines spanning a body of seawater.
The Marcoses' project of the 21.9 million-dollar bridge was contracted to the Construction and Development Corporation of the Philippines (now the Philippine National Construction Corporation), which together with Japanese engineers conducted studies and designed the actual project. Construction commenced in 1969 over San Juanico Strait from Cabalawan, Tacloban City to the municipality of Santa Rita, Samar, with completion in 1973. - Wikipedia

The world became witness to the rise and fall of Martial Law in the Philippines which is under the Marcos Administration during that time. One of its known projects that time was the San Juanico Bridge. During that time, there were mandated curfews all over the country and one of the reasons behind it is for nobody to see what the bridge is built with. Rumors say that the builders of the bridge allegedly took innocent children and used their blood to mix with the cement for it has been proven to improve the foundation of the Bridge. It was said that an enormous amount of lost children were evident that time but since Martial Law was on effect that time, no one can object or try to look for the lost children.

Urban Legends states that the reason for this creepy decision was due to the First Lady's visit to a fortune teller. Imelda Marcos was in charge of building the bridge and consulted a fortune teller on how can she have the bridge built successfully. The reading of the Fortune Teller warned Imelda that the construction of the building won't be finished unless they do a ''ritual" while building the bridge. The ritual or the needed ingredient to be mixed with the cement is the blood of children. Imelda followed the prediction and ordered the kidnappings of innocent street children. Their throats were slit off and used for the bridge's foundation allegedly.

The collected blood would be streaked to the bridge, as a form of offering, so that it would be strong and more durable.The children's corpse were thrown on the river as well. .The killings of the children devastated a fairy on the river where the corpse were thrown at and cursed Imelda to have scales on her legs armed with fishy smell. That curse was said to be the reason why Imelda does not wear anything but long skirts according to urban legend tellers.

Since then, Ghost stories followed the urban legend. There were claims that the kids who were killed are still seen on the bridge by night asking for help. Some were said to still be playful as they don't have a memory of how their lives ended. Other spooky stories were the builders of the bridge were haunted by the spirits of the kids they killed. The bridge was also accused to be haunted as believed by the locals who have seen unusual entities on the bridge as well. The said mixing of blood with cement on the famous bridge allegedly inspired other bridges' foundation and used the same ritual but there's no proof up to this day of that claims.

The myth/legend behind the foundation of San Juanico Bridge totally catches one's imagination and heart. The clever yet dark idea of a fortune teller would totally creep anyone and worst, having a First Lady following the said hideous plot is totally gruesome as well. But if its true indeed, the sympathy for the innocent lvies of the children would be hard to resist.

NASA Captures Massive 12 Kilometer-wide UFO Over Earth

NASA Captures Massive 12 Kilometer-wide UFO Over  Earth

Breaking news just in of what looks like a MASSIVE 12K MILE UFO Over EARTH!! Discovered by Emily who just shared this to Thirdphaseofmoon.



Scientists Warn Sun Will “Go to Sleep” in 2030, Could Cause Temperatures to Plummet


Scientists Warn Sun Will “Go to Sleep” in 2030, Could Cause Temperatures to Plummet

Around 500 astronomers and space scientists gathered at Venue Cymru in Llandudno, Wales, from 5-9 July, for the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting 2015 (NAM2015, Cyfarfod Seryddiaeth Cenedlaethol 2015). The conference is the largest regular professional astronomy event in the UK and saw leading researchers from around the world presenting the latest work in a variety of fields. Science writer and editor Kulvinder Singh Chadha presents his fourth and final report from the last day of the event:

The two-hearted Sun beckons new ‘mini ice-age’

Like the enigmatic, eponymous character from Doctor Who our Sun may have two hearts. A new model of the Sun’s interior is producing predictions of its behaviour with unprecedented accuracy; predictions with interesting consequences for Earth. Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University presented results for a new model of the Sun’s interior dynamo in a talk at NAM2015.

Our Sun has an approximately 11-year activity cycle. During peak periods, it exhibits lots of solar flares and sunspots. Magnetic bubbles of charged particles (coronal mass ejections) may burst from the surface during this period, streaming material into space. These ejections can affect satellites and powerlines on Earth. During lull periods, such activity may almost stop altogether. But the 11-year cycle isn’t quite able to predict all of the Sun’s behaviour — which can seem erratic at times. Zharkova and her colleagues (Professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University, Dr Helen Popova of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Dr Sergei Zarkhov of Hull University) have found a way to account for the discrepancies: a ‘double dynamo’ system.

The Sun, like all stars, is a large nuclear fusion reactor that generates powerful magnetic fields, similar to a dynamo. The model developed by Zharkova’s team suggests there are two dynamos at work in the Sun; one close to the surface and one deep within the convection zone. They found this dual dynamo system could explain aspects of the solar cycle with much greater accuracy than before — possibly leading to enhanced predictions of future solar behaviour. “We found magnetic wave components appearing in pairs; originating in two different layers in the Sun’s interior. They both have a frequency of approximately 11 years, although this frequency is slightly different [for both] and they are offset in time,” says Zharkova. The two magnetic waves either reinforce one another to produce high activity or cancel out to create lull periods.


Astronomy Now

The Creepy Tale of Teniente Gimo

The  Creepy Tale of Teniente Gimo

Are you part of the generation wherein in order for you to behave, your parents or guardian will tell you that a certain creature will take you and eat you alive? Well, every child has its phase when they got scared for someone that they don't know because someone from their family or friends warned them about that certain someone. It could be a very heartless neighbor, terror professor or even a strange kid in your village. But it could also be a very scary urban legend character that never ceases to scare you whenever you hear that certain someone's name. Just like Teniente Gimo (Lieutenant Gimo) or also known as the first ever Aswang, Aswangs are known for their Vampire-like abilities and the gruesome deaths they give to their victims. If you are an 80's or 90's kid, you have probably known him through your elders to keep you home at night. But if you are too young to have heard about him, don't fret or even worry because this article will take you to a trip down memory lane featuring Philippines' creepy urban myth.

“Teniente” is a Spanish word which means “lieutenant” that's why Gimo was called as such because he was a “Teniente del Barrio,” or  “Barangay Chairman" or "Barangay Captain." Teniente Gimo is a very famous urban legend originally from Iloilo, Philippines. The terror and creepiness of his story inspired a lot of urban legends just like "Maria Labo" and etc. His sinister reputation made him a staple character on horror books and horror movies. He was even featured as the main antagonist on a very popular horror omnibus film franchise. Teniente Gimo was said to lead a town that is full of fellow aswangs while some versions says that he is the one who started the spread of his vampiric abilities to the town.

Teniente Gimo's most famous story version was with his daughter named Maria who invited her two friends Juana and Teresa on their town fiesta not knowing that they are the ones who will be the "food" for the feast of the aswangs.

According to smokebear.wordpress.com

"It happened in the town of Dueñas, Iloilo. There’s this guy they called “Tiniente Gimo” (Lieutenant Gimo). He was addressed as Tiniente (Lieutenant) because he’s some sort of a captain (a chief) of a baranggay (Barangay, is native term for a village) of the said town. It was all also said that he’s also referred Tiniente because he’s also a chief of his clan, a clan of aswangs.One of her daughters who’s studying in the city decided to invite her friends to come over her place in Dueñas because they’re celebrating a fiesta (also a spanish influenced custom). Two of her friends accepted the invitation and they went on the eve of the fiesta.

They were greeted with enthusiasm and all by Tiniente Gimo and some other relatives. They were fed and entertained. As soon as the night go deeper, they decided to sleep in the room of Gimo’s daughter while the others are still busy preparing the food for the next day. They all agreed to sleep on the mats on the floor since there’s no bigger bed to accommodate them.One of their guest, we will name Juana, seem can’t shake off the feeling of being uncomfortable. We usually refer it in Filipino as ‘namamahay’ or in Ilonggo as ‘gapangbalay’, which is when your body and mind are still in the process of adjusting to a new environment and thus cannot perform a certain routine, especially sleeping. It is what prevented Juana from sleep.

She decided to peek from a window and noticed that there are more people coming in, the noise just gets louder and louder with small laughter and soft giggles. The men were drinking while some women busy chopping some vegetables. There also some children there too. In the middle of the circle outside, she also noticed this unusually big cauldron. She thought, “If they’re really going to cook something, it should be bigger than chicken or goat.”

Just then, Juana heard Teniente Gimo’s voice just on the other side of the wall, talking to another person.

“So which one is it?” the person asked.

“The one in the middle and the other one’s on the right,” Teniente Gimo said.

“Okay. I’ll bring three or four along in case there’s a struggle.”

“Let’s just hit her on the head. Keep her quiet that way.”


“And bring the sack to carry her with. We’ll take care of the other one.”

She was shocked and filled with fear. The cauldron she saw in the middle was actually going to be used for her and her friend. They’re planning on how to butcher her and her other friend.

Her own survival instinct kicks in. She debated for a while on whether to wake up her friend or not but the men were coming up the stairs and if her friend woke up suddenly, there’s no telling what she would say or do. They could both be in bad trouble if she delayed for another second.Juana hurried back to the sleeping girls on the floor, pushed Gimo’s daughter towards the middle, lay on the girl’s right and covered everyone’s head with the wide blanket. That way, the heads were hidden underneath. She tried to calm herself to prevent from shaking. Soon the door opened slowly and noiselessly.

She didn’t know how many men came for Teniente Gimo’s daughter that night. All she felt and heard were soft footsteps, a few whispers and a loud thud as they hit the young girl on the head. They were very quiet, as if they were used to doing what they did. They didn’t even wake up her friend, who was sleeping so soundly just an arm’s length away. Teniente Gimo’s daughter lay moaning next to her.They quickly wrapped the bleeding girl with the blanket and took her downstairs.

After the men had left the room, Juana got up, tried to wake her friend for the last time, failed and decided to go alone. She opened the window across the one facing the clearing where they were presently beating the body inside the sack and carefully but fearfully climbed down.As soon as her bare feet touched solid ground, Juana began to run. She didn’t care where she was passing through – all she knew was that the main road was in that direction. She hadn’t gotten far when she heard shouts and screams from the group. They had opened the sack and found out the terrible mistake they made."

"Enraged, Teniente Gimo cried for everyone to check the house, find the girl, she who was supposed to be in the middle, she who was supposed to be in the sack, she who was supposed to be the one they should be prepping tonight, she whose throat they should have slit.Behind her, Juana heard the commotion and simply assumed that people were now climbing the stairs, opening the door to the daughter’s room and finding that only one was left behind and the other had run away. It would only be a matter of time before they found out where she was headed. So she kept on running over the grass, the rocks, the pebbles that cut her feet, the sharp thorns of the shrubs and the slimy dead things underneath her.

But those who were in pursuit of her were men – grown men, taller than her, with longer legs, with great strength. As the men with the torches began to gain on her, Juana felt panic rise from her legs to her heart, threatening to turn her legs to stone. She could never outrun these people and if she could hide, where? They knew the area better than her.

Then she saw a tree. It was tall enough but not so tall that she couldn’t climb it and it looked strong, with a thick truck and even thicker leaves. She had no memory of how she managed to climb the tree that night but there she cowered, shaking, mouthing prayers for the Virgin to protect her, to please not let them see her, hear her and smell her.The voices grew nearer and so did the footfalls. Not only the men came in pursuit. There were a few women as well, some of them holding torches, some gripping a thick tree branch and others, still holding on to the knives they used to cut the onions and the tomatoes. Light from the torches illuminated the branches and the leaves of the tree as the mob passed underneath her. If one of them ever looked up…

No one did. The crowd of angry men and women who tried to come after her came and went. They can’t see her. A few hours later, which seemed an eternity to Juana, they came back again, walking this time, tired and hungry, their torches fading but they came a few feet away now, no one passed under Juana’s tree.Although the crowd had gone, Juana stayed hidden in the tree. She waited for the morning breaks and very carefully, painfully climbed down. No one was in sight and she was too far away to actually hear anything from where Teniente Gimo’s hut. Besides, it was morning and if they did party on last night, they would be too full and tired to give care. Juana brushed the thought of her other friend, the one she left behind, away and began to run again, towards the main road."

Up to this day, There are no concrete proofs to Teniente Gimo's existence as an aswang or did Juana and Teresa really got to escape the dreaded aswangs and lived their lives to expose Gimo's horrific identity along with his fellow aswangs.

The story of Teniente Gimo is such a very interesting find and worth sharing to your friends right?

Disturbing Photos of The Illuminati Members Leaked!

Disturbing Photos of The Illuminati Members Leaked!

The Bohemian Grove is a place where the rich and powerful secretly meet for seventeen days each year in July. They meet in a remote “sacred grove” filled with ancient redwood trees in the forests that surround San Francisco. There is believed to be 1,500 members, who names are kept secret, but they include heavy-hitting corporate chieftains, high government officials, presidents, illuminati and Bilderberg members, famous Hollywood entertainers, musicians, authors, and the like.

Some of the members we know of have included: Former U.S. Presidents William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. and Jr. Most of our present Bush administration’s top officials, such as Colin Powell, are also members of this exclusive men’s club. California Governor Pete Wilson, the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco and other major cities; astronauts Wally Schirra and Frank Borman; former FBI and CIA directors; former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; international bankers; heads of big oil companies (ARCO, Mobil, Pennzoil, Texaco), and corporate CEO’s. Also famous people including: Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Bret Harte, Jack London, Will Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and Art Linkletter.

The Grove is sealed off by helicopters, a private security force, and armed guards. No prying eyes or media are allowed on the premises giving the elite the power to engage in whatever activities they wish. Whether that’s making political decisions, dancing naked, cheating on their spouses, murder, performing satanic rituals or dressing in drag!

Youtube sensation Mark Dice has discovered photos from an old Bohemian Grove year book that display mass homosexual practices in this all exclusive male club. In a few of the images men dressed in drag to entice and perform for other males.

Wait till you get a glimpse of these photos and the true nature of the CREEPS at Bohemian Grove….They will cower in humiliation after these images surface…



BUSTED! ISIS Filmed In Hollywood Studio – LEAKED

BUSTED! ISIS Filmed In Hollywood Studio – LEAKED

Hollywood Studio Busted Producing ISIS Videos:


3 Ways World War 3 Might Happen

3 Ways World War 3 Might Happen

What would be the spark? The M.E.? A Natural Resource grab,the final battle for world domination between US and Russia and China? Cyber Attack or a non state actor? Given the hostilities between The US and Russia I think it would be something in Eastern Europe.


Above Top Secret 

UFO's Are Monitoring Us: Military Video Shows UFO Being Pursued

UFO's Are Monitoring Us: Military Video Shows UFO Being Pursued

UFO's are monitoring us, and the evidence is all around us!

If you are looking for proof of Alien life and extraterrestrial technology, this video might just be what you are looking for.

The video, taken by a Homeland Security helicopter with infrared, shows two Unidentified flying object in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico on the night of April 25, 2013.

On April the 25th at 21:22 local time (Puerto Rico), the air patrol of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection was making a routine patral when they ecnountered a UFO. The object was first seen by the captain then by the operator of the control tower.

The crew first believed that the object in question was some sort of smuggler and decided to pursue it and record using the IR camera. The UFO circled the Aguadilla airport and made his way to the ocean. The UFO changed its shape when it approached the ocean. The Unidentified flying object flew just above the surface of the water before entering the water without being affected by hydrodynamic forces.



Earth We Are One 

Are These Woman Genetic Remnants of Ancient Giants?

Are These Woman Genetic Remnants of Ancient Giants?

As a boy, whenever I was caught looking at a tall girl, my father would tell me, “Nose to nose your toes is in it… toes to toes your nose is in it.” He’s a strange man any way you look at it. Some might call them freaks, others may say they are the Biblical Nephilim, while still others just see particularly tall people. Me? I just see particularly tall people. Yet, something in the back of my mind itches to know… why? Supposing that there was an ancient race of giants (we can call them the Nephilim… it’s as good as any other label), even Father Gregor Mendel’s very rudimentary work in genetics in the 1800’s suggests that sooner or later those genes will come out.


Marcos Myth: Bongbong Marcos Is Already Dead and Got Replaced By A Clone?


Have you watched science fiction films wherein the plot revolves around people who unlocks the mysteries of human cloning? Well, our featured topic in this article has a touch of interesting cloning rumors. The people involved in this urban legend is considered to be very powerful and influential, that's why it is hard not to be captivated by this intriguing urban myth. Are you ready to revisit the past with the Bongbong Marcos Clone issue?

Who is Bongbong Marcos?

Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos, Jr. or most commonly known as Bongbong Marcos was born on September 13, 1957. A Filipino senator of the Philippines. The only son and second child of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos and First Lady Imelda Marcos. His family has been the topic of numerous urban legends but in this article, we will be focusing on the alleged rumors being thrown at him for the longest time.

The Urban Legend
At the time of former Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos, rumors about their projects and doings, and even their lives were widespread in the Philippines. Some stories about them were distorted, as for example the San Juanico Bridge Legend, where Imelda Marcos ordered children's blood be mixed with the cement as sacrifice; the Manila Film Center Legend, where 26 (or more or less than hundred) construction workers were alleged been buried in the building and not rescued or been dug up just to meet the completion date set by Imelda Marcos; and Bongbong Marcos Legend, for which this article is about.
According to rumors, Bongbong Marcos was already dead, and the person we can see sitting in the Senate is only a clone of 'him'. The legend spread in late 1970s and in early 1980's.
  • The first version of the legend has it that Bongbong Marcos had a fisticuff with an Indian-national classmate. In the said fight, he was stabbed accidentally by his classmate to death. Strangely, there was no news about his body been returned in the Philippines. 
  • The Second version says, that he was killed in a road accident in Manila (other stories suggest, it happened in London) when he was a teenager. 
  • The third version has it that Bongbong was abducted by rebel armies from Mindanao, and he was killed there.
In continuation of the legend, Imelda Marcos convinced one of his nephews, who closely resembles his son, to undergo a plastic surgery and pretend to be Bongbong Marcos in replace. - source: philurbanlegends.blogspot.com
Bongbong Marcos Airs His Side

Bongbong Marcos rarely speak about this issue. Here's a video wherein he talks about the cloning issue surrounding his identity.


The legend were passed on to different generations since then. There is no concrete detail to where this legend originated from. Many believes that the alleged cloning of Bongbong Marcos has something to do with politics. It is common that the male child is expected to inherit and continue the legacy of its family.What more if you come from the Marcos family who is known for their supremacy? It is believed that Bongbong needs to continue his father's legacy as his sisters may not be able to do it during that time.

I believe that there are always two sides to every story and it is quite interesting to note that during the Martial Law era from the Marcos Administration, people were so scared to retaliate at first and it is claimed by some that numerous rumors were created against the Marcoses to taint its reputation and anger the citizens even more, in preparation for the revolution against Marcos. This story is going to be talked about for a very long time and this will be passed to the next generation whether we like it or not, Do you know why? The Marcos Administration is one of the most controversial Filipino moments of all time and it is expected that people won't forget to spread the intriguing tales from the Martial Law era.

Couple Allegedly Dies of Suspected Food Poisoning at McDonald’s

Couple Allegedly Dies of Suspected Food Poisoning at McDonald’s

A couple dies from food poisoning and their death is being linked to one of the most successful fast food chains in the whole world, Mcdonald's. Alleged rumors has surfaced pertaining to the death of the couple. Allegedly, the fast food chain is the one to blame for their death. The series of messages got the public shocked and scared, a Facebook post reporting the couple's death has gone viral as well. 

According to a report from abs-cbnnews:
 A couple was found dead at the parking lot of a community mall in Las Pinas Thursday night.
Police identified the couple as Juliet Escano, 51, a bank manager and her husband Jose Maria Escano, 50, sales manager of a pharmaceutical company.
Security guard Morgan Gerobise said he was doing his rounds at the parking lot of Evia Lifestyle Center, Daanghari, Almanza Dos at 7:35 p.m. when he spotted the male Escano laying unconscious on the ground behind a Toyota Innova with plate number TLQ 346.
Gerobise said he looked inside the Innova and spotted Mrs. Escano who was also unconscious.
The guard immediately asked for help from the on-duty nurse at the mall to try to revive the couple. Mrs. Escano was brought to Metro South Medical Center where she was declared dead on arrival while Mr. Escano died at Las Pinas Medical Center.  
So why is that Mcdonald's is being the one to blame as rumors say so?  The couple just ordered food from the fast food chain located at the mall on the same day of their shocking death. The death surrounding the Escano couple is under investigation as of press time. There's already an initial forensic examination facilitated by the Scene of the Crime Operatives and it revealed that the cause of death was shock secondary to digestion of toxic substance.

Mcdonald's released a statement regarding the issue:

Evia Lifestyle Center and Vista Land also expressed their deepest sympathies to the grieving family of the couple. The managements also coordinated with the Station Investigation and Detective Management Unit of the Philippine National Police in Las Pinas. Evia and Vista Land assured the public that they will extend any and all necessary help to fast-track investigation into the case. The police had access already to the CCTV Cameras of the shopping mall.

Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt — Now Allegedly Lost

Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt — Now Allegedly Lost

One of the most intriguing ancient texts, the Tulli Papyrus chronicles one of the earliest mass UFO sightings.

It also has an interesting backstory. In 1933, Alberto Tulli, director of the Egyptology section of the Vatican Museum, discovered a unique papyrus in one of Cairo’s antique shops. Unfortunately, it was priced too high — even for the Vatican — so Tulli resorted to copying down its contents.

When he later returned, the papyrus was gone. Two decades later, Italian Egyptologist Prince Boris de Rachewiltz announced that he had located the original papyrus, “untranslated and unpublished.”

While incomplete, the papyrus painted a pretty clear picture:

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. 
“Its body was one rod (172 feet or approximately 50 meters) in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the King to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.”

A copy of a copy of the Tulli Papyrus

“After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven[…] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks. 
“The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky, a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. 
“And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] forever.”

The pharaoh in question is Thutmose III, and the event happened in the first years of his reign, somewhere around 1480 BC.
As evidenced by the existence of this text, this event was one of great importance. The scribes’ reactions of fear and bewilderment are consistent with the unprecedented apparition of an enormous flying object.

It is described as being silent while its exhaust emitted toxic gasses. Its shape is described as a disk with “no head”, possibly metallic due to its high reflectiveness. A few days after being visited by this scout, the entire UFO armada reveals itself.

The fleet’s departure is marked by a strange, unprecedented event: fish and “other volatiles” raining down from the sky. Did the UFOs refuel using water from the Nile and then dump the extra passengers scooped up? Could be.

The Tulli Papyrus does not mention whether a contact was established with the visitors, but it’s interesting to see that a decidedly alien civilization was interested in the Egyptian Empire while it was at its height.

Nobody knows where the original papyrus is today. When researcher Samuel Rosenberg wrote to the Vatican Museum to get the chance to examine the ancient text, he got the following reply:

“Papyrus Tulli not property of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.”

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