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Footage Shows Moment Doctors Remove 5ft Long Hairball From Teen's Stomach

Footage Shows Moment Doctors Remove 5ft Long Hairball From Teen's Stomach

Doctors in India were baffled to discover a five feet long hairball in a 15-year-old girl's stomach after she had become addicted to eating hair.

Kavita Kumari had been swallowing single strands of hair for the last year.

The teenager's addiction was so severe that she would not just eat her own hair but also pick up other people's hair strands she would found lying around.

She even plucked hair of her classmates at school and eat it.

Her addiction meant she had lost interest in eating food and would vomit each time she was force-fed. She would often complain of severe abdominal pain and weakness.

Her parents took her to many doctors when Kavita’s stomach started protruding abnormally. However they were sent away with medicines that would subside the pain and swelling for some time.

  Disgusting: The hairball measured a whopping 5ft long

When Kavita’s condition deteriorated her father Bechan Ram, 34, a farmer, brought her to Siddharth Multi Speciality Hospital and research Centre in Uttar Pradesh.

After examining her, doctors found a large, firm mass in her abdomen. A CT scan further revealed Kavita had five-foot long hairball in her stomach. It also showed a large lesion in her stomach and small bowel.

Doctors discovered she had Rapunzel Syndrome, a rare condition in which a hairball is found in the stomach and mostly affects young women.

Dr Lal Bahadur Sidharth, Gastro and Laproscopic surgeon, at the hospital said: “Kavita had come to us with complaints of extreme pain in the stomach. She was in a very serious condition.

"She was malnourished and very weak. She was barely able to stand on her own.

"Her parents told us about her habit of eating hair. We did endoscopy on her that revealed she had hairball inside her stomach. We diagnosed her with Trichotillomania.

Astonished: Medical professionals were baffled by their discovery

"Her condition was so bad that I had told her parents she might not make it through the surgery. But after her parents consent, we took her for operation that lasted more than two hours.

"I didn’t expect the hairball to be this big. After I removed it from her stomach we were shocked. I measured it and it turned out to be five feet long. I had never seen such a case before.”

Kavita is recovering at the hospital and she will be able to eat properly soon.

Since Rapunzel Syndrome is a psychological disorder, Kavita will be given counselling sessions by doctors to come out of the habit once she recovers fully.

The teenager’s mother Phool Devi, 32, is still unable to accept her daughter has a psychological disorder but is glad Kavita could be saved.

 Weak: The teenager had complained of abdominal problems and had become so weak she could no longer stand

Phool Devi said: “She was so weak that we had assumed she would not survive another day. We did not know she was in the habit of eating hair. Though I noticed many times that she plucked couple of strands from my hair and even her classmates told me she did the same with them.

"But I never took it seriously as I thought she was plucking their hair to tease them. I had no idea she was apparently eating hair!”

"However, we noticed she had not been eating properly. Whatever she ate, she would just throw it up.

"She would complain of severe abdominal pain and was even unable to digest water. Her stomach had bloated so much that we thought she is so sick she would just die.

"She was getting weaker with each passing day. We had taken her to several local doctors but none could find out the real problem. I am thankful to doctors for saving her life.”

Trichotillomania is term used for the psychological condition in which a person has an urge to pull hair.


By Shariq Allaqaband, MIRROR


Creepy Footage Shows Slab Of Beef Pulsating After It Was Taken Home

Creepy Footage Shows Slab Of Beef Pulsating After It Was Taken Home

Some like their steaks blue, but this footage might just be enough to put you off.

One woman in China was horrified to find her slab of beef appeared to be pulsating one hour after it was bought, reported the People's Daily Online.

Ms Cheng, who lives in Shandong province, was about to cut the raw steak when she noticed the disturbing movements and said it looked like it was 'still alive'.

A 20-second clip shows the entire slab of beef appears to twitch as it sits on the work surface.

Ms Cheng said: 'It looks like it is still alive, or that there are worms or something inside. However when I cut it open I didn't find any worms, just twitching.'

Lv Suwen, an expert at the local animal health department, said that the spasms were caused by nerve endings that had not died yet.

Ms Lv said: 'You can rest assured, this piece of meat is very fresh and is from a freshly slaughtered animal.

'The central nervous system is dead but the nerve endings in the muscles are still firing resulting in the jumping, because the nerves are not yet dead. This will stop after a short time.'


Ms Cheng said she bought the meat at 8am and began to cut it at 9am, but it is unclear when it was butchered.

Ms Lv said it was unlikely that the meat had been tampered with: 'From my many years of experience, I have never encountered this type of tampering.

'Using medicine or other means to make muscles twitch is unnecessary”.

The creepy footage has amassed more than 11 million clicks on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, since it was uploaded last Friday.

Some users have commented that the pulsating was a sign of 'freshness'.

Officials from the animal health department said the meat was safe to eat.

By Emily Chan and Edward Chow, Dailymail Online 

Mother Forces Her Daughter To Eat Braised Mice As Breakfast

Mother Forces Her Daughter To Eat Braised Mice As Breakfast

A woman from south-east China has caused a heated online debate after posting a picture of her breakfast of braised mice, served up by her mother.

A resident of Fuzhou in Fujian Province, the woman, who is simply known as Miss Chen, said her mother insisted on her finishing a bowl of mice that morning before she rushed to work.

She said her mother believed she was looking jaded and the dish would help as it was 'highly nutritious', reported the People's Daily Online.

Delicacy: Mice, especially dried mice jerky, are one of the eight treasured foods in western Fujian province. Locals believe eating rodents can treat hair loss

Miss Chen said at first she thought they were braised rabbits. After realising they were mice, she refused to eat, but her mum pressured her to eat them all.

'My mum said it was a great effort to pluck out all the hair from these mice,' said Miss Chen. 'She said it's hard work.'

She ate all mice reluctantly with her eyes shut, and she said she felt sick all morning.

Mice are one of the eight treasured delicacies in western Fujian, with dried mice jerky being especially popular. Miss Chen said her family believes one mouse is as notorious as three chickens.

Residents in Fuzhou also think that eating mice can help treat hair loss.

Local experts however warn against the consumption of rodents.

Lecturer Chen from the School of Life and Science at Fujian University said the small mammal can be the carrier of more than a dozen of germs and this might harm diners' health.

 By Tracy You, Dailymail Online

10 Deadly Natural Disasters Caught on Video

10 Deadly Natural Disasters Caught on Video

Nature can be described in a number of different ways – awesome, breath-taking, spectacular and incredible, among them. Sometimes, though, simple adjectives don’t quite do they trick. We’ve all seen footage of natural disasters that go well beyond those descriptors and seem better suited to bold, superlative exclamations like “HOLY CRAP!” and “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??”. That’s because few sights can carry the scope, presence and pure aura of nature’s wrath in action. No wonder, then, that the internet has become a hotbed for disaster – terrifying videos of storms as they happen and the damage that they cause.



Article 1

One of the main things we need to do as a society is let go of paradigms of thought that are false and are no longer serving us.

There is nothing more toxic to the soul or dangerous to your development as a person to believe in something that is wrong, misguided, and outdated.

What I am talking about here specifically is religion. Now let me be clear. I’m not talking about religious texts necessarily, or God, or Christ, or Buddha, or any of the wisdom contained within various religions. I am talking about religious fundamentalism as it currently exists.

There is a difference between having a personal relationship with God and being buried head-deep in religious dogma and spiritual ignorance.

Why Religion is Dangerous, Out-dated, & Spiritually Toxic

There is a difference between reading the Bible and other ancient texts as sources of spiritual wisdom and accepting everything in them as being literally true at face value. Most importantly, there is a different between being religious and being spiritual.

I grew up in a church, went to a Christian private school, was home-schooled under a Christian curriculum, and used to have church services at my house. Since then, I have been heavily involved in theological thought, apologetics, and philosophy.

I say this because I am well-versed in Christianity, and in all honesty, I think that most of the New Atheists and anti-religious people despise religion because they are ignorant, angry at God for something, or have a misunderstanding of the religions they hate.

But in this article, we are going to explore things from a non-emotional and purely objective point of view.

Here are 3 reasons why all forms of religious fundamentalism is dangerous, out-dated, & spiritually toxic.

*Note: There is a difference between holding religious faith in something and being a hardcore religious fundamentalist or extremist.

1) Religion is man-made

When people think of religion, one of the first things that pops into their minds is Catholicism. Mary is worshiped and prayed to, sins are confessed to priests, incense is burned, and the “Vatican” is this economic powerhouse adorned with gold and jewels.

None of these things are even mentioned as necessary in the Bible or by Jesus, and seeing as they are totally man-made, they cannot be seen as necessary.

Like really. Who is the pope, why is he on a thrown, why does he wear jewels, and why does he have so much money? How is this Biblical or even fair?

There is nothing wrong with sourcing wisdom from ancient books, but keep in mind that they are JUST ancient books.

If you grew up somewhere in nature and were completely unexposed to culture, you could very well develop a relationship with God through his revelation in nature and in your conscience. But you would never leave that forest as a Muslim, a Mormon, or a Hindu.

There is nothing about meditating in a forest for 40 years in search of a relationship with the Creator that will teach you the propositions “God hates f*gs” or “Allah wants the world to become Muslim”.

You aren’t born as a religious fundamentalist, and there is no natural experience that would cause you to become a religious fundamentalist. You are born as a soul in a body capable of connection with God.

If religion acted as a catalyst for you, that’s great. If it works for you and adds value to your life (as it even has to mine to a degree), the that is also great.

But it’s learned, man-made, and not necessary. In fact, most people it actually acts as a hindrance and a virus, as we will explore in the next point.

2) Religion prevents spiritual growth, critical thought, and honest reflection

Religion puts your consciousness into a box and keeps it there. Anything new you learn of experience MUST be understood in terms of your religious framework.

For example, let’s say you have a crazy experience while you are sleeping and have an extremely vivid dream of a dark shadow who won’t stop looking at you through the mirror. A religious person may say “That was a demon”, and then close the book on the case.

A more spiritual person may say, was that a shadow aspect of me? Was that a reflection of my subconscious mind? Was it an alien, an astral entity, or some other form of spirit trying to show something to me symbolically by appearing to me as my reflection?

Spirituality encourages you to look, reflect, and analyze from a non-biased place in order to discover the answers for yourself. Religion spoon-feeds you the supposed answers and then discourages further introspection (unless that introspection fits within the framework of that religion).

It also discourages search for meaning and mystery in life because it already assumes it has the answers. People read the texts literally and then stop searching. What happens when we die?

“Well you either go to heaven or hell depending on whether or not you are saved”, and that is the end of the discussion.

We don’t even know what gravity is, what 90% of the matter in the universe is, how consciousness works, or how life started on this planet, but we know for certain cut and dry what happens to the human soul when it leaves the body because there are a handful of verses about it in some religious texts?

The creation of the universe is mysterious and awe-inspiring.

How space and time came into being, the insane amount of energy that would have had to be present at the first moment in time, the speed of the expansion of the universe, the presence of finely tuned initial conditions and universal constants that were plugged in at the moment of creation to allow for things like matter to even exist, the development of elements, stars, planets, galaxies, and life.

Religious people will think to themselves “God did it” and then hang-up any further intellectual pursuits because they have a nice tidy mental picture of how everything happened.

And if someone wants to deviate outside of fundamentalism and try to combine the worlds of spirituality and science, they get called “lost” because they believe there is more to the creation process than the 6 day Adam and Eve story.

It can sometimes prevent honest philosophical, scientific, and spiritual inquiry into the raw nature of reality.

If you are having a hard time believing that there is other life in the universe, that the universe is as old as modern science tells us, or that evolution is impossible because or what was/wasn’t written down on animal skins 3000 years ago, I think it’s time to step outside of your fundamentalism a little bit.

3) Religion creates separation

If all religions preach peace, why aren’t all religions peaceful? If the core of most religions is love, community, and God, why is there so much hatred, war, and violence? Here is why.

When you learn something unnatural to your natural state of being and use it to define yourself, you begin to identify your sense of self with your belief system. “I am a Mormon”, really means that my sense of individuality is now consumed by what it means to be “Mormon”.

When “I am” identifies with an ideology, it sees other people through the veil of that ideology. “I am a Mormon, and that person is a Christian. They are lost and in need of direction because they believe false things”.

Instead of feeling the aliveness of another person and connecting with them at a heart-to-heart level, you begin to judge them based on what man-made ideology they identify with which results in competition and resentment.

“That’s my neighbour John, yeah he’s secular and needs to be saved. Allah does not love non-believers so I don’t know if I should either.” And then we carry on interacting with them with a background sense of pity or non-acceptance.

There is a hesitation within religious people to fully accept and embrace ‘sinners’ and non-believers in their faith.

“Oh wow, he was a really nice guy” becomes replaced with “Oh wow, he was really nice for an atheist”, or “I didn’t know Hindus were so open-minded”.

Instead of seeing and experiencing your sense of unity with other people, it becomes a game of “this persons belongs to that religion, and they believe some weird sh*t that’s different from what I believe.”

We need to focus on having religious experiences, not religious beliefs

Religion without spirituality is the real issue here. I’m not saying you can’t be both spiritual and religious, but being religious is not sufficient if you want to live a spiritually fulfilling life and connect with God.

Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe, but there comes a point at which we need to compromise our beliefs is the contradict our experience of reality.

I feel that any people who are religious who may be offended of this article would be totally liberated if they did a thought experiment where they allowed themselves to become silent and detach from their belief systems.

What if you allowed yourself for just a few minutes to experience a state of consciousness that isn’t premised on religious beliefs?

What if in that silence, you found a bigger and better version of God that you didn’t know existed? What if you stopped trying to “learn” and started trying to experience? What if we stopped living as humans who believe in God and started living as humans connected to God in a real untainted way?

What if your rigid belief systems are preventing you from stepping into the fullness of an experience of God because you are convinced of a view of God that is too narrow?

We shouldn’t believing in something because it makes us feel comfortable. We should believe it if it is true and stands its ground against evidence and logical defeaters.

As someone who is heavily involved in Christian apologetics and theological philosophy, I am not saying that we need to get rid of God and move into atheism. We need to get rid of religious fundamentalism and move into a personal experience of our true nature which is already connected to God.

By Steven Bancarz,   Spirit Science and Metaphysics

NASA Images Show Extraterrestrial Cities On The Surface Of Ceres?

Some ufologists have jumped to conclusion stating that the white spots that have puzzled researchers ever since their discovery on Ceres are actually extraterrestrial cities.

From the moment the two bright spots were discovered on the surface of Ceres by NASA’s Dawn NASA space craft, scientists and astronomers from around the world were left fascinated, and no one has been able to answer the “million dollar question” What are they and why are they there?

So far NASA has offered no official explanation, although some astronomers believe that the mysterious bright spots could be ice at the bottom of a crater that act as a reflective surface, while others think it could be volcanic activity the dwarf planet.

NASA Images Show Extraterrestrial Cities On The Surface Of Ceres?

These theories haven’t convinced ufologists who believe that the dwarf planet hides many secrets that NASA aren’t disclosing.

People from all around the world have questioned the origin and nature of the bright spots, and given the fact that there are so many unanswered questions, NASA had to create a website for people to comment on the nature of the bright spots.

The most recent images taken by the Dawn space craft seem to show that the mysterious bright lights originate from some sort of cities or bases of unknown origin according to ufologists.
Despite the newest images taken by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft of the “lights” inside the crater, scientists continue without any logical explanation for the mysterious phenomenon. So far they believe that the lights are seen because of “highly reflective material on the surface” of the dwarf planet, but highly reflective material could mean a lot of things.

‘Everything we learn from Ceres will be absolutely new,’ said Christopher Russell, a UCLA professor of space physics and planetary science, and the Dawn mission’s principal investigator. ‘We approach it in awe and almost total ignorance.’

“The bright spots in this configuration make Ceres unique from anything we’ve seen before in the solar system. The science team is working to understand their source,” added Russell.

Despite the fact that NASA has tried explaining the mysterious bright spots on the Dwarf planet suggesting that they are “ice” or “glittering salt theory”, space enthusiasts aren’t buying the glittering salt theory. The space agency has even created a tool for people to vote for one of six different explanations for the lights: volcano, geyser, rock, ice, salt or “other”. So far the explanation tagged as “other” seems to be winning suggesting an extraterrestrial origin to the mysterious spots.

The story about the dwarf planet seems to get even stranger as some ufologists have located “UFO’s” on the surface of the planet. In one of the images provided by the Dawn spacecraft the shadow of a massive object is visible on the surface of Ceres, ufologists suggest that this could very well be an “alien mothership”.

Given the fact that no official explanation has been given, these mysterious bright spots could be anything. Astronomers and ufologists are eagerly waiting for high quality images of the surface that will help uncover the mysteries of this dwarf planet.

By Ivan Petricevic, Ancient-Code

Thousands of Homosexuals Flood The Streets To Perform Mock Crucifixion Of Jesus

Thousands of Homosexuals Flood The Streets To Perform Mock Crucifixion Of Jesus

Thousands homosexuals flooded the streets and performed a mock crucifixion of Jesus. A transgender actress played the part of dressing up like Jesus, being whipped until she bled, and then being crucified.

The rally took place on the streets of the Brazilian city of Sao Paolo.  

UOL Brazil reported:

In the early hours of Monday, federal congressman of the Brazilian city of Sao Paolo and pastor Marco Feliciano (PSC) posted messages on a social network website criticizing the demonstration.

He accused the organisers of the parade of mocking the Christian faith and said that by being contrary to this type of act, he does not exercise prejudice or intolerance, but only freedom of expression and religion.

President of the Commission of Constitutional Law of OAB-SP, Marcelo de Oliveira Fausto Figueiredo did not see crime in the act. “It was a strong demonstration, but in my point of view was within the freedom of expression.”

Actress Viviany Beleboni, 26, who played the crucifixion, said she was terrified by the threats she later received, but has no regrets. “They say absurd things: that I must die; be crucified for real, get cancer. I woke up early with an anonymous phone call, saying that I was going to die.”

She regrets having been criticized by the LGBT community. “They think that gays are going to be more repressed, the prejudice will increase.”

By Lauren Richardson , Truth Uncensored

New Photos Reveal Giant Easter Island Moai Statues are Covered in Mysterious Symbols

New Photos Reveal Giant Easter Island Moai Statues are Covered in Mysterious Symbols

New images from the 2012 excavation of Easter Island’s iconic statues reveal the renowned heads are not only connected to giant bodies, but the bodies are covered in mysterious designs and symbols, which researchers have likened to tattoos.

News.com.au reports that a previously unseen series of photographs show in fascinating detail the excavated bodies of the distinctive stone humanoids. Archaeologists were surprised to find that the stone bodies, shielded from environmental weathering beneath the soil, are decorated with ancient details —whirls and crescents believed to be tattoos.

Researchers say the crescent shapes might represent the canoes of local Polynesians, though this is just one theory.

The Rapa Nui people who originally settled the island centuries ago erected 887 amazing giant stone statues called moai. The moai have proved to be an enduring mystery with many lasting questions; how and why were they built; were they purposefully buried or did time bury the statues under silt; why do some face away from the sea and towards the island; how were the heavy stones moved around the island; why do some sport heavy red stone hats? Researchers hope to answer these questions and more with investigations.

Director of the Easter IslandStatue Project, Jo Anne Van Tilburg says, “The reason people think they are [only] heads is there are about 150 statues buried up to the shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous, most beautiful and most photographed of all the Easter Island statues. This suggested to people who had not seen photos of [other unearthed statues] that they are heads only,” reports news website IBTimes.

Initial excavations in 1914 revealed some of the bodies of the giant volcanic rock statues, which can weigh up to 88 tons and be up to 10 meters (33 feet) tall. The hands of some of the statues can be seen to wrap around to the navel.

Academics speculate the stylized figures represented ancestors or high status tribal figures. It is theorized that the stone was quarried on the island, and next it was carved and decorated at the quarries, and then finally the statues were “walked” slowly across the islands to their final positions as guardians protecting against disaster.

Explorer and author David Hatcher Childress wrote in a 2013 article:

Jean-Michel Schwartz says in his 1975 book ‘The Mysteries of Easter Island’ that he believes the statues were not moved by wooden rollers or sleds but rather by using ropes around the statues which ‘walked’ the statues in the same way as one might walk a refrigerator; by tilting it first to one side, shifting the airborne portion forward, and setting it down again. By this method, the statues would truly walk in a waddle fashion around the island.

Later, a Czech mechanical engineer named Pavel recreated this method along with Thor Heyerdahl. With twenty other men, they tied ropes around a statue and leaned it from side to side while pulling it forward with the rope, a slight variation on Schwartz’s method. The method worked, but was excruciatingly slow. It is an ingenious theory which takes into account the legends of the walking statues […]

Easter Island was settled between 300 AD and 1200 AD by Polynesians who eventually became the Rapa Nui. Between the 10th and 16th centuries the island community expanded steadily, with settlements being set up along practically the entire coastline. Following this period, however, the population took an extremely rapid decline dropping from 15,000 to approximately 2,000. Past theories explained their demise as the result of economic and social crises due to environmental deterioration: deforestation leading to land erosion. However, recent studies suggest the arrival of Europeans in the 1700s, and slavery and smallpox, are factors which probably devastated the population of the Rapa Nui.

Work continues on the island through university-led research, and the Easter Island Statue Project, along with assistance from the Rapa Nui people.

Galleries of images of Easter Island discoveries can be seen at the EISP.org site, and others are currently being viewed on social media site Imgur.

The usual method used, once the statue was seated, was to bury the statue with earth or sand (depending on what was locally available), then roll the "hats" into place, then remove the soil. This method was used in ancient Egypt for many statues and structures. I believe this was how Stonehenge and other megalithic structures where accomplished. Though laborious, it is simple and effective. Considering the massive weights involved, it is very safe for both the workers and the stone object being placed because a partial soil/sand removal can be done and if the thing isn't stable, the stone does not have far to fall and the buried supporting structure is protected.

During the 19th Century, ancient artifacts containing a set of etched symbols were discovered on the world-renowned Easter Island, a small remote island located a few thousand miles west of South America, and famous for the hundreds of giant monolithic anthropomorphic statues called moai. The intricate designs appear to be glyphs, or a form of writing, but the meaning of the glyphs has never been deciphered. Some believe that decoding the mysterious writing could offer answers into what caused the collapse of the ancient Easter Island civilization.

While many believe that we already hold such knowledge, our view is that there still exists a multitude of anomalies and mysteries in humanity's past that deserve further examination.

By Liz Leafloor,  Ancient Origins

We Are Living In A Hologram Designed By Aliens, Says NASA Scientist

We Are Living In A Hologram Designed By Aliens, Says NASA Scientist

Who says there are no open-minded scientists at NASA?

A NASA scientist suggests you are living inside a hologram created by advanced alien species.

What if everything you have ever done or will do is simply the product of a highly-advanced computer code? Every relationship, every sentiment, every memory could have been generated by banks of supercomputers.

This was the intriguing theory first proposed by Nick Bostrom, Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford University and founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and of the Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology within the Oxford Martin School, there are several scientists who subscribe to this theory.

MessageToEagle.com has previously reported on how Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory suggested our creator is a cosmic computer programmer.

This would imply that we are living in a holographic world and everything around us, including ourselves is not “real”. Rich Terrile, still stands by his opinion. “Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking away at about double the speed of the human brain,” the NASA scientist told Vice.

“If you make a simple calculation using Moore’s Law [which roughly claims computers double in power every two years], you’ll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire human lifetime of 80 years – including every thought ever conceived during that lifetime – in the span of a month.

“In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed.

“Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this.

“One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, seeing what we need to see when we need to see it.

“What I find inspiring is that, even if we are in a simulation or many orders of magnitude down in levels of simulation, somewhere along the line something escaped the primordial ooze to become us and to result in simulations that made us – and that’s cool.”

The idea that our Universe is a fiction generated by computer code solves a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about the cosmos, like for example our quest for extraterrestrial life and the mystery of dark matter.

However, there also those who think the Matrix theory is flawed. “The theory seems to be based on the assumption that ‘superminds’ would do things in much the same way as we would do them,” Professor Peter Millican, who teaches philosophy and computer science at Oxford University says.

“If they think this world is a simulation, then why do they think the superminds – who are outside the simulation – would be constrained by the same sorts of thoughts and methods that we are?

Is it possible to escape the matrix? Image from movie The Thirteenth Floor
“They assume that the ultimate structure of a real world can’t be grid like, and also that the superminds would have to implement a virtual world using grids.

“We can’t conclude that a grid structure is evidence of a pretend reality just because our ways of implementing a pretend reality involve a grid.”

However, Professor Millican does believe there is worth in investigating the idea.

“It is an interesting idea, and it’s healthy to have some crazy ideas,” he told The Telegraph.

“You don’t want to censor ideas according to whether they seem sensible or not because sometimes important new advances will seem crazy to start with.

“You never know when good ideas may come from thinking outside the box.

“This Matrix thought-experiment is actually a bit like some ideas of Descartes and Berkeley, hundreds of years ago. “Even if there turns out to be nothing in it, the fact that you have got into the habit of thinking crazy things could mean that at some point you are going to think of something that initially may seem rather way out, but turns out not to be crazy at all.”

Mysterious Footage Shows THREE UFOs Leaving Earth

Mysterious Footage Shows THREE UFOs Leaving Earth

A new video allegedly showing an alien craft has been captured from a NASA live feed and uploaded to YouTube.

The live feed from the International Space Station was mysteriously cut by the space agency, but it shows three blurry UFOs leaving the Earth's atmosphere and flying into space.

Uploaded to YouTube last weekend, the video has already been viewed over 400,000 times.

Plenty of conspiracy theorists have jumped on the footage as yet more proof of alien visitors.

Is this proof of aliens leaving Earth?

"I just adore how they [NASA] cut the feed off, they make it so obvious they know what's going on too," wrote one commenter.

Another wrote: "I say multi-dimensional spaceships. The Anunnaki were said to be multi-dimensional, so they probably had/have spaceships that are multi-dimensional too."

Of course, there is always the possibility that the footage have been doctored or changed somehow before it was uploaded.

The live feed before it was cut by NASA

NASA hasn't offered any official comment on the footage. But the message the space agency posts after cutting the feed reads:

"Please stand by. The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station."

The International Space Station is a magnet for UFOs - with a number of strange objects sighted next to it over the years.

There have been a number of alien claim recently. Nasa's Curiosity Rover has captured images of a perfectly formed pyramid on Mars, which was hailed as proof an alien civilization once lived there.


By Jeff Parsons, MIRROR

Salon Staff With No Clothes On Offer Haircuts 'To Drunken Customers'

Salon Staff With No Clothes On Offer Haircuts 'To Drunken Customers'

Police in Russia have raided a hairdressing salon in Moscow, after female stylists offered haircuts while wearing no clothes.

For $80, patrons could enjoy the unusual haircut, and it was said to be so popular that customers were queueing down the street.

But the unusual venture's popularity was also its downfall – as drunken customers often tried to enter a nearby centre for autistic children after confusing the doors of the two very different establishments.

Ludmila Mihailova, the school's headmistress, said: 'We could not let the kids out into the playground any longer, there were so many drunken men around trying to get into the building'.

And an undercover police officer was shocked after he went undercover at the salon to investigate reports of drug dealing, and was offered an optional service for $160 where he could be with no clothes during the haircut too.

Regular client Sergey Voronov said: 'They do pedicures and manicures as well as the haircuts. The longer you end up sitting there the more you pay'.

But the salon's managers have refuted suggestions that what they were doing was prostitution – as the hairdressers do not have sex with the clients.

However, in the footage taken by the police officer he is given the option of booking more time with the girl that gave him the haircut – at a cost of $630.


Anunnaki Aliens and Ancient Sumer

Anunnaki Aliens and Ancient Sumer

Ancient Sumer has been the subject of debate for numerous years. According to the ancient alien theory it is there, in ancient Mesopotamia where everything began.

Among the stories of incredible encounters, Gods, and technology which are part of ancient Sumerian culture, there are several stories which point towards an extraterrestrial origin.

“Then came the Flood and after the Flood kingship again descended from heaven.”

“After kingship had descended from Heaven,” begins our King List, there were five cities “before the Flood” whose eight fabulous kings ruled no less than 241,200 years.

Following the hegemony of these five antediluvian cities, the document goes on to tell us:

The Flood swept over everything. After the Flood swept over everything, and kingship had (once again) descended from Heaven, Kish became the seat of kingship.

The Ancient Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates and represented a higher form of culture. They possessed very advanced astronomical knowledge and were able to perform calculations with 15 digits, that is, with numbers above 100 trillion.

To compare it to other ancient civilization, I believe it suffices to say that the Greeks could not count above 10,000. The Sumerians who predate the Babylonians established modern civilization and culture as we know it.

History tells us that the first ten Sumerian kings lived a total of 456,000 years, which gives us an average lifespan of 45.6 thousand years each! Each Sumerian city that was protected by a “god”.

The numerous clay tablets that have been recovered from the region speak of incredible technology, incredible history and a path that cannot be shared with mainstream archaeology and history.

A UFO in ancient Sumerian History?

Well, if you thought that ancient Sumer and UFO’s were two things that have nothing in common… you are wrong. The ancient texts that speak of the legend of King Etana, found at Nineveh, in the library of Ashurbanipal mention a very interesting occurrence in the distant past.

The Ascension of King Etana displayed in this image

Etana was an ancient Sumerian king of the city of Kish. According to the Sumerian king list, he reigned after the deluge. He is listed as the successor of Arwium, the son of Mashda, as king of Kish.

The list also calls Etana “the shepherd, who ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries”, and states that he ruled 1560 years (some copies read 635) before being succeeded by his son Balih, said to have ruled 400 years.

Etana appears on the Sumerian Kings List as the thirteenth king of the First Kish Dynasty, which was established following the great flood. He was “the one who to heaven ascended.”

Etana lived after the flood, and his story is well described by Italian historian Alberto Fenoglio, “King Etana lived about 5000 years ago, he was called the God king and was taken as a guest of honor inside a flying ship with a form of a shield that landed behind the Royal Palace, surrounded by a swirl of flames.

Out of this Flying ship came tall, blond dark-skinned men, dressed in white, who were said to be beautiful as gods. They invited king Etana to come with them, King Etana’s advisers tried to dissuade the King to go inside the flying object.

Anunnaki aliens with the tree of life and UFO hovering above it

In a swirl of flames and smoke, he rose as high that, Earth with its seas, islands and continents seemed as a bun in a basket, then it disappeared from view.
When he had borne him aloft one beru,
the Eagle says to him, to Etana:
“See, my friend, how the land appears!
Peer at the sea at the sides of the Mountain House:
The land has indeed become a mere hill,
The wide sea is just like a tub.”
With this “flying Ship” King Etana was able to reach the moon, Mars and Venus, and after the absence of two weeks, when the people of his kingdom were preparing to name a new king, believing that the “gods” had taken their previous king with them, King Etana flew over the city and landed, accompanied by one of the “blonde men” who stayed as guests of the king.

By Ivan Petricevic, Ancient-Code

Man DIES From Flesh-Eating Bacteria After A Swim In Florida

Man DIES From Flesh-Eating Bacteria After A Swim In Florida

A 26-year-old man from Florida died last week after contracting flesh-eating bacteria during a swim in a local river.

Cason Yeager, of Lake County, FL, contracted Vibrio Vulnificus after he took a swim about two miles south of Pine Island Beach, his mother Karen Yeager said.

Vibrio Vulnificus is a bacterium which lives in warm salt water and can be transmitted through contaminated seafood or an open wound exposed to seawater, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Scroll down for the video.)

1. Cason Jager (pictured), 26, died on Tuesday in Leesburg, FL, after contracting Vibro Vulnificus while swimming about two miles south of Pine Island Beach (photo: GoFundMe).

Karen Yeager told WTSP:

This has been a nightmare for me to say the least and nobody should have to go through this.

Cason Yeager’s death certificate was not signed by The Villages Regional Hospital until June 23, according to WTSP. Furthermore, the state of Florida has not yet notified the public.

2. Yeager (pictured) was diagnosed with autoimmune disorder 10 years ago, however he’d had no problems since then and was in good health (photo: GoFundMe).

Karen Yeager says that her son was diagnosed with autoimmune disorder 10 years ago, however he’d had no problems since then and was in good health.

The mother has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for her son’s funeral expenses. She also wants to raise awareness about the dangerous bacterium. She told WTSP:

I’m not telling anyone don’t go into the water just do your due diligence and make sure that you’re not going to harm yourself.

3. Flesh-eating bacteria kill a Florida swimmer.


The End of the World is Sooner Than You Think – 2040

The End of the World is Sooner Than You Think – 2040

FLOODS, fire, famine. The collapse of industrial civilization. The end of the world as we know it.

Scientists predict a global catastrophe in the next 30 years if we don’t change our ways now — and Australia won’t be spared.

With the world’s population set to hit nine billion by 2050, demands on the Earth to meet food and water supplies could be stretched so tightly humankind will implode on itself; causing civil wars, relentless terrorism and heightened weather events that will leave the world in tatters.

Supported by the British and US governments the Food System Shock report, released by Lloyds this week and developed by Anglia Ruskin University’s Global Sustainability Institute in the UK, suggests a cataclysmic series of events will sweep the world, triggered by a combination of climate change, food and water shortages, energy loss and political instability.

The report, written for the insurance industry, was published in order to assess the risks associated with a global food supply shortage, which is “considered plausible on the basis of past events” and “heightening political instability”.

The theory focuses on the world’s agricultural model and the “increasing pressure” to match supply to demand, as the global population peaks at 9 billion by 2050.

“Global demand for food is on the rise, driven by unprecedented growth in the world’s population, which is expected to surpass 9 billion by 2050. To meet the increased demand for food driven by these factors, the FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization) projects that we must more than double global agricultural production by 2050.

But our “chronic pressure” to keep up with food supply “heightens the system’s vulnerability”.

The report predicts an increase in the “intensity and frequency of extreme weather events” including flooding, droughts and wildfires, coupled with the spread of agricultural pests and disease, will leave the global food supply on shaky ground.

“This is further exacerbated by the growing issue of water scarcity, which is accelerating at such a pace that two-thirds of the world’s population could live under water stress conditions by 2025.

“Volatile food prices and increasing political instability are likely to magnify the impacts of food production shocks, causing a cascade of economic, social and political impacts across the globe.”

“Severe drought affects eastern and south-eastern Australia and Southeast Asia. Australian wheat is reduced by 50% by drought,” it states, noting Australia’s most sever drought in 2002 “coincided with a 21 per cent decrease in summer monsoon rainfall”.

“Eastern and south-eastern states of Australia experience well below average levels of precipitation, which overlap the majority of the nation’s wheat-producing areas. The effects of the drought ripple from the agricultural sector through to urban areas and the broader Australian economy.”

The hypothesis predicts wheat, maize and soybean prices will “increase to quadruple the levels seen around 2000,” while rice prices increase by a whopping 500 per cent.

From there begins the domino effect: “Significant negative humanitarian consequences and major financial losses worldwide” are followed by political turmoil, terrorism, and war.

“The increase in grain prices causes difficulties for some countries and food riots break out in urban areas across the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America.

“On the back of the deployment of the military in Kenya to manage food distribution, several terrorist attacks take place across the country, resulting in travel bans, and simultaneous bomb blasts occur on buses and in museums in Nairobi.

“A coup breaks out in South Sudan. In Nigeria, food shortages are seen as a further move by the government to control food supply into the north of the country and Boko Haram launches a major offensive. The capital city experiences running battles while the main ports are captured by rebels. Looting is widespread. Violence spreads further into Cameroon.

“African troops are deployed into Nigeria but fail to stop the country from falling into civil war.

Tensions between Pakistan and India rise as the Pakistani media and nationalist politicians blame India for exacerbating the crisis and forcing further food price inflation on Pakistan. A bomb explosion at an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match is claimed by the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group in retaliation for India’s aggression against the Pakistani people.

“All IPL matches are suspended pending the completion of a security review.”

Considering population growth has grown by six billion in just 200 years, the strain on our Earth and the consequences surrounding it is a very real prospect.

According to Insurge Intelligence, who initially reported on the scientific model, Anglia Ruskin University’s Global Sustainability Institute (GSI) Director Dr. Aled Jones confirmed if there is no change in the ways we operate, there is no doubt this will be our fate.

Preparation and change, they believe, is key.

It comes as musician Anthony Hegarty fired up on Q&A last night, accusing politicians and spin-masters of ignoring climate change.

Mr Hergarty said 50 per cent of the world’s species will be extinct in the next 70 years and that unless governments “changed track” we were “all doomed”.

“You’re doomed, I’m doomed and your children will be doomed,” he added.

Now there’s some food for thought.


World UFO Day 2015: 'I Was Abducted By Aliens – And They Put A Machine In My Body'

World UFO Day 2015: 'I Was Abducted By Aliens – And They Put A Machine In My Body'

Steve Munday is married, and manages a shop in Rugby – but 40 years ago, he had a bizarre experience.

He claims he still has the alien implant in his arm as a memento of the day he was abducted while riding a bike to his friend’s house in Northampton in 1974.

Steve says: ‘The journey should have taken me 15 minutes, 20 minutes at the most. Yet, I seemed to blank out sometime during this trip.

‘All I can remember is one minute I was riding along in bright sunshine, then I found myself a mile further down the road wrestling with a wobbling bike, going downhill.

‘Time had obviously moved on, as it was now dark. When I got to my friend’s home it was 2 hours after I first set off, so I ‘lost’ about 1 hour and 45 minutes of time.

‘A few days later I found a small object underneath my skin. There was no sign of a scar or entry point, just a red mark. It’s about 1 centimetre long by 3 or 4 millimetres wide and seems to be independent of my body.

‘When it’s active it upsets the scanners at supermarket check­outs. It will make the till ring ­up the wrong prices. It also affects other electrical gadgets if I go close to them.

‘I don’t know what the object does. If it is genuinely alien, then perhaps they have tagged me so that they can monitor where I am and where I’m going.

‘It might even be used as a means of contacting me when they need to.

‘When I show it to people they can get very squeamish, although my brother says he would like to cut it out to get a really good look at it. I would also like to have it examined but I don’t want it to be removed. We all live rather boring lives so this object separates me from other people, and makes me feel special.

‘My two brothers have also had UFO contacts and paranormal experiences throughout their lives. We all share a rare blood type, so I wonder if through our DNA and genetics we are specially chosen by these forces.’

‘To this day I am intrigued by what did go on during my missing 1 hour and 45 minutes that evening in 1974.’

Interview by Nigel Watson. Nigel Watson is the author of The UFO Investigations Manual.

By Rob Waugh, Metro.co.uk

What the ....? 'Jesus Lizard' Walked on Water in Wyoming Long Before God's Son

What the ....? 'Jesus Lizard' Walked on Water in Wyoming Long Before God's Son

Seventeen million years after dinosaurs became extinct, the world’s first known Jesuslizard walked on water in Wyoming, according to a new study.

The agile reptile, described in the journal PLOS ONE, provides clues on how Jesus lizards evolved, and what their early habitats were like. Such lizards are still alive today, with the group (Corytophanidae) including such well-known members as iguanas and chameleons.

The new fossil species, unearthed appropriately in what’s known as the Lucky Lizard Locality of Uinta County, Wyo., has been named Babibasiliscus alxi. Author Jack Conrad of the American Museum of Natural History explained that “Babi” is a Shoshone Native American word meaning “older male cousin.”

“The generic name is meant to honor the Shoshone people who originally inhabited the areas in which the specimen was discovered,” he wrote, adding that the inclusion of the term for “cousin” refers to the relationship of the animal with other Jesus lizards.

Conrad said that Wyoming at the time had a climate matching today’s tropics. The newly discovered lizard used to skim the surfaces of lush, watery habitats there.

The lizard’s fossils suggest that, when alive, it was around 2 feet long. Conrad believes the Jesus lizard was active during the day and spent a lot of time in trees.

A ridge of bone on the skull gave the lizard an angry look while providing shade for its eyes. The look must have terrified prey, which for this predatory lizard was ample. Conrad noted that each of its small teeth had three points suitable for eating snakes, lizards, fish, insects and plants.

The lizard also had large cheekbones, which suggest it could enjoy larger prey items as well.

Modern relatives of the Jesus lizard live in an area stretching from central Mexico to northern Colombia, flourishing in the higher temperatures found at the equator. Like Babibasiliscus alxi and its kin, members of various animal, plant, fungal and other clades currently confined to the tropics or subtropical areas are often found in fossil records at mid-to-high latitudes from warm periods in our planet’s history.


Japanese Women Going Bananas Over ‘Handsome’ Gorilla

Japanese Women Going Bananas Over ‘Handsome’ Gorilla

Just when you thought the world couldn't get any more weird, you find out about Shabani. There's a new hearthrob on the island nation of Japan and he's not what you're expecting. Tall, dark, and handsome could be one way to describe a Lowland Gorilla, but fans of Shabani and his moody looks have a few more interesting ways to explain him.

Shabani originally came from Australia in 2007 to Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, Japan, where he settled in seemingly under the radar. It didn't take long, however, for zoo visitors to start noticing the well-built gorilla, even sparking a bit of an internet sensation as more and more women started realizing they have a little soft spot for the ape.

Shabani now has the title of 'ikemen' with the ladies, translated roughly to mean "extremely good looking young man". What's more, the Higashiyama zoo employees have noticed an uptick in women visitors to the zoo, a phenomenon they credit Shabani for. Now visitors are finding themselves at home questioning whether or not they feel attracted to an ape. It doesn't help them that Shabani has started to enjoy his time in the limelight, spotted flexing for cameras and using poses that look like they were lifted from the Vogue runway.



Philippines Is Owned By A Single Family [VIDEO]

Philippines Is Owned By A Single Family [VIDEO]


The Tagean Tallano Story is simply Fantabulous. But there is some truth with the disinfo and twisted to confuse. One thing for sure, Philippines is indeed a very wealthy country pretending to be poor as the former first lady said.

In their story, there is no mention of Prince Balagtas of Majapahit but spoke of the Maragtas legend. No mention also of Sultan Nakhoda Ragam aka Haring Araw accdg to Nick Joaquin. And almost all the royalties from Luzon to Sulu were siblings in their story. The story was probably concocted by a triple agent named Ekker or by the Marcoses. The founder of Namayan was a grandson of Prince Balagtas named Lakantagkan. In their story Lacantagean was the father of Soliman and grandson of Lakandula. There must be some truth but became twisted. Many inconsistencies. Will further do research on this matter.

The Island in the advent of Spaniard, prominently known as Maharlika, its Lands ( under Spaniard renamed to HACHIENDA FILIPINA ) embracing the Islands of Luzon, Island of Palawan, Island of Visayas, and Island of Mindanao consisting of around 7, 169 miles, or 359880,045,966 hectares, more or less, of ocean, seas, rivers, lake, Islands and islets, mountains, forest, plain valleys, lands and volcanoes, seating on the Western rim of Pacific Ocean, North of the equator and about 700 kilometers from the Mainland it disperse over distance of 1,965 kilometers from North to South, bounded on the East by the Pacific Ocean, from West to East traversing from the center point of the mainland at a distance of 89,282,455 kilometers and likewise vice verse traversing from East to West at a distance of 89,282,455 kilometeres from the center point of the mainland on West by South China Sea,

on the North by the Bashi Channel and on the South by Celebes Sea and the Southern Borneo and formerly it covers the sea of Hawaii and Guam then under the leadership of a King David, who substantially own a precious treasures estimated to $ 500 Trillion U.S. Dollar, a nearest kin of King Marikudo, had a most systematic progressive government Kingdom in Asia and among the Kingdoms of the world administered then by King Luisong ( Tagean ) Tallano, the father of Raja LapuLapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of Tri Visayas Empire.


Philippines is owned by a single Family?The True Story of the Tallano (TALA) Estate A complainant filed a civil case...
Posted by Library of Most Controversial Files on Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering”

Within the past couple of years alone, the concept of geoengineering has sparked a growing interest (which seems to be accelerating at a rapid rate) within the academic world.

It’s also ignited a heavy interest in policy making, which is no surprise given the fact that we are talking about “geoengineering” the entire global climate in response to global climate change.

That’s exactly what geoengineering is – a response to destructive human activity which we have yet to cease – and it involves injecting stratospheric particles/aerosols into the atmosphere to, again, reduce the effect of global climate change.

For example, SPICE is a United Kingdom government funded geoengineering research project that collaborates with the university of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Bristol to further examine the idea of Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering”

Some of the candidate particles to spray in the air proposed by SPICE (to name a few) are (source):
  • Sulphate/Sulphuric Acid/Sulphur Dioxide
  • Titania
  • Silicon Carbide
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Alumina
  • Silica
  • Zinc Oxide 

Groundbreaking Paper(s)

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India.”

The abstract reads as follows:

“In response to an urgent call through an article in Current Science for assistance to understand the geological association of high aluminum mobility with human health in the Ganga Alluvial Plain, I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two years. The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that the toxic substance is coal combustion fly ash. Clandestine dispersal of coal fly ash and the resulting liberation of highly mobile aluminum, I posit, is an underlying cause of the widespread and pronounced increase in neurological diseases and as well as the currently widespread and increasing debilitation of Earth’s biota. Recommendations are made for verifying whether the evidence presented here is applicable to the Ganga Alluvial Plain.” (source)(source)

The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, and more in rainwater, fly ash, and more. For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analysed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations in Germany, 1 from France, and 1 from Austria.

Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples, there was also a very high barium concentration and a very high Strontium concentration.

It also discusses how these concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.

This isn’t the only recent groundbreaking publication that comes from the world of academia regarding this phenomenon. A few months ago, Dr. Rose Cairns, PhD., who belongs to the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment, published a paper in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Journal titled “Climates of suspicion: ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering.” She is also currently undertaking research into the Governance of Geoengineering as part of a multi-disciplinary collaborative project between Sussex University, UCL, and Oxford University (http://geoengineering-governance-research.org/). The project examines the social, ethical, and political implications of climate geoengineering proposals. (source)

In her paper, she describes developments in mainstream academic and political discourse regarding geoengineering, and how climate modification, also being discussed by the citizens of the world (who use the term “chemtrails”), is having devastating ecological and health effects worldwide. According to her paper:

“Understanding the emerging politics of geoengineering, and taking seriously claims regarding the importance of public participation, requires an understanding of the whole discursive landscape around ideas of global climate control – including marginal ideas such as those held by chemtrail activists. Ignoring or dismissing these discourses out of hand as pathological or paranoid is to ignore potentially revealing insights about the emerging politics of geoengineering.” (source)

She also mentions that:

“This analysis suggests a number of ways in which the chemtrail narrative may contain important insights and implications for the emerging politics of geoengineering that cannot be dismissed out of hand as ‘paranoid’ or ‘pathological’.” (source)

Although Dr. Rose is not a proponent of the “chemtrail conspiracy,” it’s great to see another published paper by an academic taking a neutral perspective, recognizing the importance of these claims rather than dismissing them outright.

The basic difference here is that geoengineering in the academic realm is strictly a proposal, and that these means of engineering Earth’s climate are still not operational. When it comes to the “chemtrail” advocates, they believe that they are operational, as does the academic described at the beginning of this article, along with many others.

Truth is, there seems to be a tremendous amount of information suggesting that these programs are indeed operational. Whether their intent is to modify the climate to combat the effects of global warming, or to further some other type of agenda, is still not clear.

Evidence Suggesting That These Programs Are Already Operational

“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” – World Meteorological Association (source)

“In addition to specific research programs sponsored by Federal agencies, there are other functions related to weather modification which are performed in several places in the executive branch. Various federal advisory panels and committees and their staffs – established to conduct in-depth studies and prepare reports, to provide advice or recommendations, or to coordinate weather modification programs – have been housed and supported within executive departments, agencies, or offices.” (source)

By Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

Deuterium In The Philippines may Generate $30B Per Year Income

Deuterium In The Philippines may Generate $30B Per Year Income

 International Press Release

 By: (name of proponent withheld)
 Metro Manila , Philippines

HYDROGEN from Water was predicted by Jules Verne in 1874 to be the fuel of the future. During World War II, Germany used V-2 Rocket Bombs propelled by HYDROGEN. Now, Dr. Jacob Bigeleisen discovered that at room temperature or under atmospheric condition, DEUTERIUM ATOMS are electrolyzed naturally out of water in the form of HYDROGEN gas. This natural phenomenal process needs no expensive electric power consuming electrolysis to artificially separate HYDROGEN from OXYGEN in Water.

What is DEUTERIUM? Deuterium is HEAVY WATER or HYDROGEN WATER without oxygen. This is obtained from the deep trenches of the World and the World’s largest DEPOSIT OF DEUTERIUM is IN THE PHILIPPINES– A big deposit of 868 miles long, 52 miles at widest point, and 3 miles at deepest point, replenished by nature 24 hours a day after Deuterium traveled more than 12,000 kilometers from Central America to the Philippines through the span of the Pacific Ocean when Planet Earth turns on its axis from West to East in unending perpetual motion.


Deuterium is used in the production of (Hydrogen) Li-Hy Fuel now used in Canada , America , Germany and some parts of Sweden to provide fuel for cars, trucks, jet planes, etc. including solid Hydrogen for Spacecrafts Challenger and Columbia . Deuterium can replace gasoline, LPG, LNG, Avgas, etc. in powering all types of internal combustion engines. It does not emit pollutants or any harmful carbon monoxide and does not cause any environmental problems because it is in the water family as emissions are nothing but water vapor or steam. Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel can be used for cooking, lighting, heating, and as Heavy Water fuel for Reactors in electric power generation.
Why does Deuterium electrolyze out of water in the form of Hydrogen Gas? It electrolyzes out of water in the form of Hydrogen gas because Deuterium is CONCENTRATED HYDROGEN with element symbol, H2 (Hydrogen mass of 2 as distinguished from H2O in Water) subjected to the pressure of water mass at the ocean floor of about 10,000 psi or more because Deuterium obtained from depths of more than 7,000 meters below sea level and at more than 10,000 psi pressure causes the oxygen in water to disengage, separate and escape naturally from hydrogen leaving only Hydrogen isotopes to combine with other Hydrogen isotopes in forming Deuterium under pressure. And Deuterium under pressure, when exposed to room temperature or atmospheric condition, forms or electrolyzes naturally into Hydrogen Gas, in the same manner that LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) in LIQUID state transform into gas after fusion process with air in the atmosphere the moment LPG or LNG tank valves are turned on or opened. By taking out impurities from Deuterium, Li-Hy Fuel is produced by special simple process at very, very low cost known to this proponent and his associates. Cheap Hydrogen will reactivate all idled Hydrogen Based Industries internationally affected by high petroleum costs, and this will boost food, chemical, and metal industries worldwide.


Through intensive research and development on oceanographic data and processes with foreign associates, the proponent discovered that concentrated Hydrogen exists only about one centimeter thick in every 3,000 meters deep of water mass at the ocean floor.

Because Deuterium more than twice the weight of ordinary water, it sinks and in the process, OXYGEN separates naturally from Hydrogen when the pressure becomes about 10,000 psi or more. The usual ocean floor depth ranges between 2,000 meters to 3,000 meters. With the Philippine Trench at 7,000 meters to 10,500 meters deep, Deuterium is naturally trapped through the ages untapped by man through this day, replenished by nature through the North Equatorial Current Tidal Flow from more than 12,000 kilometers away in Central America to the Philippines hitting the Philippine Trench.

 The one and only Trench with the widest and longest resource flow of Deuterium in the whole world!

This proponent presented in March 1986 the Deuterium Project to the Philippines and American Governments in his desire to help the People of the Philippines and its Government, by introducing an internationally accepted production-sharing scheme. This is the 40/40/20 production-sharing scheme. 40% of daily production revenue goes to the Government, 40% goes to the Investors, and 20% is retained or set aside to cover the cost of security, operation, management, administration, salaries and wages, materials, supplies, repairs and maintenance, and other operation costs.

The Philippine Government would not put in any investment funds but the following:

1) Land and Export Processing Zone or EPSA;
2) Tax and Duty Free Operation, and
3) Security of Investments with Government Guarantee

There are several lands belonging to the Government along the areas of proposed sites. The Law on Export Processing Zone can be used to declare selected sites as EPSA, the Law providing a built-in Tax and Duty Free arrangements with the Government. The Security of Investments are provided for by the Omnibus Investment Act, the Investments Law, the Constitution of the Philippines (past, present, and proposed) guarantee the Constitutional Rights to Properties and Due Process, including just compensation. The Government MUST GUARANTEE enforcement of these laws.

Foreign Investors have been informed that all funds would have to be provided by them on the following items:

1) Funds for Research and Development;
2) Mobilization Costs and Recruitment;
3) Engineering, Development and Construction Costs;
4) Equipment, Pumping, Storage, Loading facilities and other industrial project costs

The 20% production sharing revenue would be set aside and be used for Security, Management, Administration, salaries and wages, materials, supplies, transportation and housing personnel, food, medical supplies, and other operational costs in order to preserve and not disturb the 40% production revenue sharing for each of the Government, and the Investors’ shares. By maintaining this production revenue sharing ratio, future disagreements and irritants are avoided. A built-in protection for the Government and the Investors, which is strongly recommended by the proponent on the basis of the ARAMCO experience.


Using the ARAMCO experience since the 1950s for rapid development, theforeign investors shall have the first option to buy or sell the daily production of Deuterium at preset price of US$7.00 per barrel. This would give a marketable Gas Station Retail Price of only Php0.90 or US$0.45 per liter or US$0.15 per gallon of Li-Hy Fuel from Deuterium. In effect, the investors buy, after discounting their 40% sharing or at 40% less, at only US$4.20 per barrel giving them more flexibility on their international market pricing policies.

This Hydrogen Fuel gives twice the mileage economy of gasoline or LPG/LNG fed cars. Old gasoline fed cars can be converted to Li-Hy Fuel use by utilizing the same conversion kits used in converting gasoline fed engines to LPG/LNG fed units. Brand new cars have been made to use LPG/LNG fuel more than ten years ago and the same car engines can use Li-Hy Fuel.

In Japan and Canada , there are about 78% brand new cars running on LNG or LPG. The same brand new units can use Li-Hy Fuel, which is more economical fuel than any other available in the international market today. Hydrogen Fuel does not emit any pollutants or harmful carbon monoxide but steam or water vapor.


This proponent conducted intensive studies on Research, Development, Philippine Investments Law, Corporation Code, organization, security, management,administration, operation, marketing, including the breakthrough in Pump Technology with his associates.

This breakthrough in Pump Technology will use Hydrodynamic Power in pumping Deuterium from more than 7,000 meters below sea level.

The U.S. Government sent an Investment Mission last June 1986 to the Philippines and initial conferences were held with Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) of Washington , D.C. , USA with the participation of Government Officials and private businessmen in Manila . A meeting with Trade and Industry Minister Jose Concepcion was held during President Corazon C. Aquino’s trip to USA last September 1986. Another meeting is scheduled this December 1986 in Washington D.C. with Deputy

Minister Tomas Alcantara. Major U.S. investors are expected to attend and participate. OPIC Mission has scheduled a series of February 1987 conferences in Manila with Deuterium Project as the banner line of publication agenda. International Investors are expected to attend the technical presentation conferences in Manila in 1987.

 The Japanese Group of Investors is composed of the top eight industrial companies, which will form a consortium to undertake a 4 million barrels capacity per day of Deuterium production.

A Saudi Group visited the Philippines in September and October 1986 and was interested in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity of Deuterium.

With the two top U.S. oil companies interested in a 6 million barrels capacity, Japanese investors in a 4 million barrels capacity, and the Saudi Group in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity, the total prospective investors inquiries so far received is 12 million barrels daily production. The Philippines can supply all the requirements of the WHOLE WORLD in Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel and as Hydrogen for food, hemical, and metal industries worldwide.


Hydrogen from Deuterium is the fuel of the future available in the Philippines . This needs the transfer of high technology in pumping and refining processes. The proponent has developed with an American Pump Engineer a new breakthrough in pump technology using HYDRODYNAMIC POWER by employing the RAM JET SUCTION TECHNOLOGY in the same manner that Jet Planes use the RAM JET PROPULSION to propel heavy loaded jet planes today. Storage system will use the underground Tunnel Type Tanks in lieu of the surface tank farm. Loading System will use the same types as those for LPG and LNG Systems.


Subject to the refinements of cost data, project line items and other factors, the Rule of Thumb Investment Estimates is about US$200,000,000.00 for every 1,000,000 barrels daily production capacity – a very much lower Investment/Capacity ratio than Petroleum production.
At 12 million barrels per day capacity, the estimated total investment is US$2,400,000,000.00 or US$2.4 billion – the single largest industrial investment in the Philippines .


As the Feasibility Study on the Project has been started, this proponent estimates that the Deuterium Project’s combined production capacities will employ no less than 350,000 personnel of international pay rates and allowances for unskilled, semi-skilled, technical, and professional levels from the Philippines . Less than 2,000 foreign nationals will also be employed on the transfer of technology. The type of operation is the same as those in the Middle East petroleum production facilities, with the same pay rates so as not to disturb international energy pricing and economy of costs.


At 12 million barrels per day capacity priced at US$7.00 per barrel, this is US$84 million per day or US$30.66 billion per year, enough to wipe out all existing foreign debts of the Government in one year, revenue-wise in Foreign Exchange.

Public works, private construction, economic and financial booms are expected to happen in the Philippines in the same manner as those which happened in the Middle East and financial centers of the world from 1974 to 1984, with everybody earning their respective comfortable livelihood, while pricing basic prime necessities at reasonable and affordable levels.

Deuterium and Hydrogen Fuel is the final and lasting hope of the Filipino People and the Government to be great again. This untapped source of energy supply will make the Philippines one of the richest countries of the world.

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