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Woman Gang Raped In Act Of Revenge

Woman Gang Raped In Act Of Revenge

A woman in India sought to enact revenge on her daughter’s rapist, so she got four men, including her own husband, to gang rape the wife of the accused man.

According to reports, the revenge rape, which happened in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India on Sunday, left the accused rapist’s wife struggling for life on the side of a road.

The mother of the teenage girl that was originally raped allegedly called on three men and her husband to rape the wife of her daughter’s rapist in retaliation for the crime. The four men wound up abducting the woman, taking her to an area near a police station in a neighboring village, and gang raped her.

Woman Gang Raped In Act Of Revenge

Later on, the men drove the raped woman to an area along the side of a road where they dumped her and fled the scene. The woman was discovered by villagers and brought to the hospital where she is now reportedly in critical condition.

Reports claim that authorities have yet to file a police report.

Woman Gang Raped In Act Of Revenge

A 2013 report by More Magazine discusses India’s high rape statistics, calling it the “rape capital of the world,” while comparing the alarming numbers to those of the United States. The shocking comparison shows that while there seem to be more rapes reported in India, the same number or more happen in America. The report says that every 20 minutes, a woman is raped in India, and most are under the age of 18.


The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

Japan is home to thousands of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines too numerous to list. These shrines and temples are renowned by tourists from all over the world, who come to enjoy their serene beauty and cultural heritage. They can be found everywhere, from deep in the remote mountains, to craggy coastlines, to wedged between skyscrapers and crowded shopping streets, bizarrely melding the modern with the ancient. Practically every municipality in Japan has at least one temple or shrine, with historical cities such as Kyoto boasting several thousand.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

More than just places of tranquil beauty or places of worship, the shrines and temples of Japan are also often places tasked with the housing of sacred relics. These can be important historical artifacts, irreplaceable national treasure, or priceless items of cultural heritage, yet on occasion there can be far stranger things locked away from the bustling tourists. Some temples and shrines in Japan have become known for harboring the remains of bizarre creatures, monsters, and supposedly long extinct animals, all of which potentially hold great crypozoological significance.

What mysteries can we find past the rock gardens, ornate gates, and within the lacquered wood halls of these ancient temples? Here we will look at some of these cryptid relics that have found their way to Japan’s temples and shrines.

Many of the alleged remains of strange creatures are of cryptids that have strong folkloric ties. One such creature is the legendary Kappa of Japan’s waterways. One of the most well known cryptids of Japan, the Kappa is a mysterious, bipedal water dwelling creature said to inhabit Japan’s rivers and streams. They are typically described as being the size of a child of 6 to 10 years of age and resembling a cross between a turtle, monkey, and lizard. Kappa are often depicted as having a shell on their backs, similar to a turtle’s, and having a beak like mouth. Some reports have made mention of patchy, scraggly hair covering the body.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

Several temples in Japan are purported to have the remains of Kappa. Zuiryūji temple in Osaka, Japan, is one such place, thought to have a full Kappa mummy which it reportedly came into its possession in 1682. The mummy is around 70 centimeters long and looks vaguely humanoid. It has thin arms, a mouth full of needle like teeth, and a crown of scraggly hair atop its head. The alleged Kappa is not on public display, and it is not uncommon to have requests to view it denied.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
 Zuiryūji temple Kappa mummy

Another temple somewhat well-known for its Kappa remains is Sogen-ji, located in the Asakusa area of Tokyo, a popular and crowded area known for its various temples and historical attractions that attract droves of tourists from all over the world. The area around Sogen-ji is steeped in Kappa lore, and is said to have once been infested by the creatures. Kappa were known to be mischievous and even downright hostile on occasion, so the temple is said to have been built to appease them. Sogen-ji is so entwined with Kappa folklore that it is often referred to as “Kappa Dera,” or “Kappa Temple.”

Within Sosen-ji’s grounds one can find statues, murals, and elaborate drawings of Kappa, as well as piles of cucumber, said to be the Kappa’s favorite food, left as offerings by guests. Of course the main attraction is the supposed Kappa hand, encased in glass within one of the temple’s halls. The hand is mummified and cut off at the wrist, with bone exposed. The hand has long, bony fingers that end in claws. It is not clear what the exact origins of the hand are, and it is often dismissed as a mere mummified monkey hand, yet since no one is allowed to handle the relic it is hard to say for sure.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
Sosenji Kappa hand

Another area with strong Kappa lore is the city of Tono, located in Iwate Prefecture in northeastern Japan. Like the Sosen-ji temple area, Tono has long been said to be inhabited by Kappa and it is thought they still can be found in the area to this day. The city boasts a few temples purported to be in the possession of various mummified Kappa remains, some that are reportedly hundreds of years old.

Other creatures well known from Japanese folklore are the Tengu and Raijū. The Tengu are legendary winged, avian humanoids that were seen as protectors of the mountains. The creatures were often sighted in feudal Japan, where they were seen as almost godlike entities with magical powers such as telepathy and shape shifting. Many people of the time considered the Tengu to be very real, and shogun were even said to have the creatures moved out of areas before important visits due to their often mischievous or aggressive behavior.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

In addition to such stories, there are various relics concerning Tengu contained within temples. There is a scroll at a temple in Shizuoka prefecture which allegedly contains a written apology penned by a Tengu. It is told that the creature was captured in the 17th century by the high priest of the temple and forced to write the apology after harassing travelers in the area.

The Hachinohe Museum in Aomori prefecture houses the alleged mummified remains of a Tengu. The skull of these remains is humanoid, while the body is covered with feathers and the feet are like that of a bird. Another temple in Saitama prefecture keeps what is said to be the talon of a Tengu, while still another supposedly has the beaked skull of one.
The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
Another creature of legend with such remains is the Raijū, or literally “Thunder Beast,” who were said to be the mighty servants of the Shinto god of thunder. These creatures were most often described as looking something like a badger, weasel, cat, or fox, although they were sometimes said to look like a wolf or monkey as well, often with wings or multiple tails. They are quite often depicted as being wreathed in crackling lightning, and their voices were the boom of thunder. During storms, these creatures would become very agitated, frantically dashing about and leaping from tree to tree, tearing up the bark in the process with their formidable claws. In Japanese folklore, it was said that trees scored by lighting had been the work of Raijū claws. They were also known to swoop down and slash at passerby.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan

Occasionally living specimens were captured and displayed. One such Raijū allegedly fell into a well in Izumo province, where it became hopelessly entangled in ropes and was captured alive. The creature was subsequently exhibited within a cage of brass in the court of the Tenjin temple.

The animal was said to resemble a badger, yet with a longer tail and oversized claws. When the weather was clear, the Raijū was quite docile, sleeping quietly in its cage most of the time. However, during storms it would become a ferocious, hissing beast, and its eyes were said to flicker and flash as if filled with lightning. The creature refused to eat or drink during its captivity and eventually died. Its body is said to have been preserved and kept on the premises for some time before they were reportedly destroyed in a fire.

Besides this account of a living specimen, there are some other temples said to have the mummified remains of Raijū. One such mummy is kept at Yuzanji temple in Iwate prefecture. The mummy looks very much like a cat, only misshapen and with longer legs. It was allegedly received in the 1960s as a donation from a parishioner, although the exact origin of the mummy is not known. Another similar looking Raijū mummy is kept at Saishoji temple in Niigata prefecture.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
Yuzanji Temple Raiju mummy

Another bizarre relic is the teeth of a supposed sea serpent kept at a temple along the rugged coast of Western Japan. Legend has it that a priest was strolling along the beach contemplating matters of faith when he came across a large, terrifying sea creature, described as “a dragon,” washed up on the beach. The priest took this as a sign of sorts, and wanted to acquire the beast for the temple, yet it was much too large to take back with him so he removed some of the teeth instead. The priest then took his prize back to the temple where the “dragon teeth” supposedly remain to this day, although apparently not available for viewing by the public.

Still other temples and shrines in Japan hold the remains of other very famous Japanese cryptids. One temple in Okayama prefecture has what is said to be a preserved specimen of a tsuchinoko, which is a type of cryptid snake believed to inhabit the remote mountains of Japan. The tsuchinoko resembles a viper, but with a bulging body thicker than the head. It is reported to make a wide range of vocalizations and is known for its unusual methods of locomotion, such as jumping or even rolling along like a wheel. It is such a popular cryptid in Japan that some rural areas hold regular tsuchinoko hunts and offer sizeable rewards for a specimen.
The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
 Tsuchinoko mummy

Another cryptid in Japan is a creature that actually is known to have existed. The supposedly extinct Honshu wolf was the world’s smallest species of wolf, standing just a little over a foot at the shoulder. They were once common throughout their former range of Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku Islands, and were often worshipped as forest protectors. Sadly, their numbers declined due to rabies and hunting brought upon by changing attitudes towards the wolves. The last Honshu wolf is widely believed to have died in 1905, although they are still reportedly sighted in many isolated regions to this day.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
 Honshu wolf

However, in 1994, one shrine in Tottori prefecture was found to possess a specimen of the Honshu wolf that is thought to have possibly died as recently as the 1950s. If these remains are the real deal, then it would significantly push back the accepted extinction date and give more fuel to the idea that the wolves could still survive somewhere in the mountains of Japan. Unfortunately, the remains are considered sacred by the shrine, and as such requests to test them have been denied.

Even more remains can be found throughout the temples and shrines of Japan. Mermaids, demons, and two-headed monsters also count among some of the more fantastical and bizarre examples of these.

The Mysterious Cryptid Relics of Japan
 3 faced demon mummy at Zengyoji Temple

What all of these cases have in common is that they offer the tantalizing possibility of something all cryptozoologists strive for, which is concrete physical evidence. What would we find if we were to be allowed access to these remains with our modern DNA testing techniques? Would we find the proof we are looking for, or the creative taxidermy many claim these remains really are? Would we not learn something either way?

Unfortunately, these remains are considered sacred relics and not available for our attempts at answers. Many of them are locked away and not even available for viewing, let alone proper scientific analysis. As much as we would like to crack open these mysteries and pull away the curtains of uncertainty, it seems that some mysteries will forever be out of our grasp. In the case of these mysterious temples of Japan, it seems that we must resign ourselves to being satisfied with their architectural magnificence and historical value, while only allowing our curiosity to approach further as we wonder at and ponder what mysteries may lie beyond their doors.


The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

Did greed and God work hand in hand? And what do the apparitions at Medjugorje have to do with it?

ROME — Wealth plundered by the Nazis from their victims has been traced to banks in Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal and other neutral countries that were secretly helping the Nazis stash stolen gold or launder it to buy war material. One state after another has reluctantly opened its archives and banking records to aid the search, with one glaring exception: the Vatican.

So far the Vatican has flatly refused to allow investigators access to its archives, despite repeated pleas from several nations and from Jewish groups. A task force headed by the US Under-secretary of State Stuart Eizenstat is expected to issue a report that questions the Vatican’s wartime financial dealings. And mounting evidence suggests that plunder from the Ustasha, Croatia’s pro-Nazi fascist government during the war, with the aid of Croatian Catholic priests, made its way to Rome. Some of it was used to help Croatian war criminals flee to South America.

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

From 1941 to 1945, the Ustashas exterminated an estimated 500,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and looted theirproperty. They demanded 1,000 kilograms of gold from the Jews of Zagreb, only to ship them to concentration camps and kill them anyway. The Croatian Catholic Church was closely entangled with the Ustashas: in the early years of the war, Catholic priests oversaw the forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs while Franciscans distributed propaganda.

Several high Catholic officials in Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included Fr. Dragutin Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs, the “hangman of the Serbs” Bishop Ivan Saric of Sarajevo, and Bishop Gregory Rozman of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a half-dozen Ustasha priests, including former Franciscan Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, a commandant of a concentration camp where the Ustashas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality that shocked even the Nazis.

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

As more secret documents become public, it is Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, who emerges as the most significant player of all. The Franciscan had been a senior official of the Ustasha committee that handled the forced conversion of the Serbs. In 1943, the Ustasha arranged with the Church for Draganovic to be sent to Rome. There he served as a seminary of Croatian monks that was in fact a center of clandestine Ustasha activity. He also became the Ustasha’s unofficial emissary at the Vatican and liaison to the Vatican organization to aid war refugees.

Draganovic and collaborators such as Fr. Golik provided the means and support, including forged Red Cross passports, for a number of Ustasha war criminals to escape justice. Through an underground railroad of sympathetic priests known as “the ratline”, the Ustashas were able to escape to neutral countries, primarily Argentina. Virtually the entire Ustasha leadership went free.

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

The day that Germany capitulated 288 kilograms of gold were removed from the Croatian National Bankand state treasuries. Some of that landed in Draganovic’s hands. Called the “Golden Priest”, he doled it out to Croatian refugees, including Ustasha soldiers. He was never charged and returned to Yugoslavia, where he died in 1983.
A memo that surfaced last summer prompted the State Department’s interest, but the Vatican swiftly dismissed it, saying the charges could not be true. Other reports mention Ustashas meeting Vatican officials, living in the Vatican; even being hidden at the pope’s summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo and driving cars with Vatican plates in Rome.

The Vatican’s tolerance of the Ustasha during the war was no secret, but though they insist they have nothing to hide, they refuse outside researchers free access to their archives because the collection contains sensitive personnel files. As a general rule, the Vatican says it releases church documents only after about 75 years, but outside observers contend it is much rarer than that.

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold‏


Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years

Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years

Does the code “A113″ ring a bell? It probably doesn’t, but odds are good that you’ve seen several of these movies where it was used for some small detail. Pixar has used the number in many of their films, but what’s the meaning behind it? Let’s take a look:

Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years
Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years
Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years
Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years
Disney Has Been Hiding Something in Plain Sight for Years

Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You

Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You
Cats are considered by many as symbols of mysticism because of their elegant and flexible body, as well as their gaze that can “magnetize” anyone…
Indeed, as recent scientific data show, there is another reason why cats have a title of ‘mysterious’ creatures. It’s all because cats see things we cannot see with our eyes!
Cats, like some other animals, have the ability to see psychedelic stripes on flowers or fancy patterns on the wings of birds, which are invisible to human vision.
The secret behind the super vision of our four-legged friends is the UV light. According to a recent study cats, as well as dogs and other animals, can perceive this type of light which humans can’t.
Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You

“There are plenty of things that reflect UV radiation, which some sensitive animals are able to see, while we are not,”said Ronald Douglas, professor of biology of the City University of London and co-author of the study. “For example, these may be certain patterns on flowers that show where the nectar is, or traces of urine of an animal. Also, reindeer can and see polar bears as the snow reflects UV radiation, while white fur does not.”
Therefore, cats, dogs and reindeer can detect with their eyes animals with white fur, while most people will only see… white snow.
Douglas, who specializes in optics, and Glen Jeffery, professor of neuroscience of the University College London, argue that cats, dogs, hedgehogs, rodents, bats, weasels and the okapis can detect significant levels of ultraviolet radiation.
“For decades, we have known that many invertebrates such as bees see ultraviolet light,” continued Douglas, saying that even birds, fish and some reptiles were recently added to the same list.
“However, scientists believed that most mammals cannot see ultraviolet light because they have no visual pigment with maximum sensitivity to ultraviolet light, but instead have lenses like those of humans, preventing ultraviolet light from penetrating into the retina,” he said.
The professor explained that the visual pigments are those that absorb light and turn it into electrical activity, which, in turn, is transmitted through nerve cells. It seems that it is not always necessary for sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Instead, transparent parts of the eye such as the cornea and the crystalline lens in some animals transmit wavelengths of ultraviolet light
Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You

This ability allows more light to pass to the retina, “something that would be very useful for a nocturnal cat“, he continued.
It could also explain why cats show so much interest to ordinary objects, such as a piece of paper. Sometimes chemical substances are added to paper, textiles, laundry detergents, shampoos and cosmetics in order to make objects look brighter. Once these optical brighteners absorb the ultraviolet light, they may look differently in the eyes of animals that are sensitive to UV rays.
Some people, for example, those who have undergone cataract surgery, also can see some of the UV light, but most cannot.
Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You

“We all know that ultraviolet radiation can be harmful,” said Jeffery in Discovery News. “I work a lot in the Arctic, where the UV radiation levels are too high as there is much snow and ice. The surfaces reflect 90% of UV radiation, with the result that animals are exposed to it. If you do not wear goggles, your eyes will hurt within the first 15 minutes.”
However, studies on reindeer have shown that repeated exposure to ultraviolet light does not bother them at all.
It is possible that cats, deer and some other animals that can detect UV rays have a protective mechanism. Also, scientists believe that UV light tends to create more blur.
“Humans are good at one thing: they can see more details,” added Douglas and concluded: “Maybe that’s why we have a lens that ‘blocks’ ultraviolet light. If you do not have it, the world might appear more blurred.”


Demonic Half Man, Half Beast Found Near Crime [VIDEO]

Demonic Half Man, Half Beast Found Near Crime

Weird, strange, unusual and inexplicable are the first words that pop into the head with this Russia news item, translated into English in the subtitles in the video below, of remains found in Russia that have scholars mystified. The remains appear to have a sheep’s body but a human head and/or upper half. The title on the video uses the term “Satyr,” which is not technically correct because the in Greek mythology Satyrs have faces and bodies like men and ears, legs, and tails like goats, but the concept is still an animal body and a human head.

Demonic Half Man, Half Beast Found Near Crime

This odd creature-like skeleton was found on the Kuban river banks, and has anthropologists intrigued. As is explained, via translation, this is the second being found with this “abnormality.” There is also a finding mentioned of a “Warhorse with incredible size.” As the second screen shot from the video below shows, one of the men that discovered this says a “human sheep with one of the old demons.”

Coincidence of all coincidence, the report says the other finding was close to Crimea.



The Forgotten History of Gay Marriage

The Forgotten History of Gay Marriage

Republicans and other opponents of gay marriage often speak of marriage as being a 2,000 year old tradition (or even older). Quite apart from the fact that the definition of marriage has changed from when it was a business transaction, usually between men, there is ample evidence that within just Christian tradition, it has changed from the point where same-sex relationships were not just tolerated but celebrated.

In the famous St. Catherine’s monastery on Mount Sinai, there is an icon which shows two robed Christian saints getting married. Their ‘pronubus’ (official witness, or “best man”) is none other than Jesus Christ.

The happy couple are 4th Century Christian martyrs, Saint Serge and Saint Bacchus — both men.

Severus of Antioch in the sixth century explained that “we should not separate in speech [Serge and Bacchus] who were joined in life.” More bluntly, in the definitive 10th century Greek account of their lives, Saint Serge is described as the “sweet companion and lover (erastai)” of St. Bacchus.

Legend says that Bacchus appeared to the dying Sergius as an angel, telling him to be brave because they would soon be reunited in heaven.

Yale historian John Richard Boswell discovered this early Christian history and wrote about it nearly 20 years ago in “Same Sex Unions In Pre-Modern Europe“ (1994).

In ancient church liturgical documents, he found the existence of an “Office of Same Sex Union” (10th and 11th century Greek) and the “Order for Uniting Two Men” (11th and 12th century Slavonic).

The Forgotten History of Gay Marriage

He found many examples of:
  • A community gathered in a church
  • A blessing of the couple before the altar
  • Their right hands joined as at heterosexual marriages
  • The participation of a priest
  • The taking of the Eucharist
  • A wedding banquet afterwards
A 14th century Serbian Slavonic “Office of the Same Sex Union,” uniting two men or two women, had the couple having their right hands laid on the Gospel while having a cross placed in their left hands. Having kissed the Gospel, the couple were then required to kiss each other, after which the priest, having raised up the Eucharist, would give them both communion.

The Forgotten History of Gay Marriage

Boswell documented such sanctified unions up until the 18th century.

In late medieval France, a contract of “enbrotherment” (affrèrement) existed for men who pledged to live together sharing ‘un pain, un vin, et une bourse’ – one bread, one wine, and one purse.

Other religions, such as Hinduism and some native American religions, have respect for same-sex couples weaved into their history.

When right-wing evangelical Christians talk about “traditional marriage,” there is no such thing.


1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe

Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet. The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”. The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.

A report by The National Turk says that the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives. The books itself is valued as high as 40 Million Turkish Liras (approx. 28 mil. Dollars). Man, where is the Thieves Guild, when you need them?

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe

According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original. The book itself is written with gold lettering, onto loosely-tied leather in Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.

The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity. Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.

It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe

The Catholic Church wants in

What does this mean to Christian-derived religions and their followers? Quite a tight spot. The Vatican has asked Turkish authorities to let them examine the contents of the book within the Church. Now that the book has been found, will they come to accept the it and its evidence? Will they deny it altogether? Call it a “Muslim lie”, as did the “Truth” Magazine, in 2000?

To many, this book is a beacon of hope, that believers soon realize that the object of their adoration is arbitrary; and that all text, especially religious text, is subject to interpretation.

What does this mean to atheists/agnostics/secular thinkers? Is the text real? Fake? Does it matter? Hopefully, this news inspires the religious to ask questions, instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly.

Please, don’t go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so!”s. The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up. And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you.

For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just as long, it has been justified with lies. If you know better, act like it.

This article originally appeared on Sons on the Pyre

Did Jesus Die On Cross (BBC Four Documentary)


Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market

These are the shocking images of a gruesome food market where dogs are strangled by rope for food and customers can purchase whole flame-roasted animals.

The Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs, pigs, rats, sloths and even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etched on their faces.

The macabre food stalls were witnessed by Oman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44, who said it was easier to witness the dead and mutilated animals than it was to see the living dogs in cages awaiting their fate.

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
 Awaiting their fate: These dogs are kept in cramped cages for hours before they are eventually hung by a rope and flame roasted whole at a meat market in Indonesia

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
 Grisly: The blackened bodies of dozens of dogs sit on a table in Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
Brutal: The dogs' flame-roasted bodies are curled up on a floor covered in blood at the Indonesian market

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
Bloody: Most of the killing and butchery at the market takes place in view of the public. The result is harrowing

Mr Walsh said: 'It was typical of a lot of local markets in the developing world - lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. The only difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale.'

On his blog www.manonthelam.com, he describes the harrowing sight of dogs in cages with their dead counterparts lying on a table nearby.

'It was easier to stomach the entrails of monkeys, rats on a stick and decapitated pigs than it was to see those live dogs awaiting their fate,' he said.

'The other animals seem foreign but I have friends who have dogs.'

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
The Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs (pictured), pigs, rats, sloths and even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etched on their faces

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
The macabre food stalls were witnessed by Oman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market

Mr Walsh said Tomohon was typical of a lot of local markets in the developing world with lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. The only difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale, including these rats

Although the market's dead dogs may be difficult for westerners to look at, Mr Walsh points to the different cultures and attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia.

'Put simply, Westerners see dogs solely as pets. Indonesians see them as both pets and as sources of meat - it's just how we're raised,' he said.

In the photographs, many of the animals are stiff and completely black with a haunting pained expressions on their faces.

'After they are killed the animals are roasted over a fire, so the fur burns off, the skin tightens and peels back, causing that 'screaming' look,' Mr Walsh explained.

'How they are killed depends on the animal. Cats, monkeys, and sloths are shot. Bats and rats have their heads clobbered against a tree or table. Pigs are stabbed with a sharp piece of wood or metal,' he added.

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market
 Bats are just one of the animals sold as meat at the market. Mr Walsh says are killed by having their heads 'clobbered' against a tree

Dogs, Rats And Monkeys Flame-roasted WHOLE At Indonesian Market

'Wild boars are killed as they as they are trapped. Snakes are slashed with a knife or have their heads cut off. Dogs are strangled with a rope,' Mr Walsh went on.

When asked to describe the smell, Mr Walsh said: 'In a word, appalling. There's something about the air that changes when there's that much death around.'

'It hangs heavy and it made me queasy and light-headed at the same time... It's the first time I'd ever encountered anything like it,' he added.



Are Children Remembering Their Past Lives?

Are Children Remembering Their Past Lives?

Are more children remembering past life experiences? Psychologists, historians and researchers have become increasingly more open to this possibility recently because of the large amount of verifiable evidence being presented.

Parents all over have been confused and concerned about their children because of the things they are saying and remembering.

Check out this video about what is going on.

What if your child remembered dying…in a past life? “Ghost Inside My Child” explores many parents most closely guarded secret: their child has memories from a past life.

This video shows a few different children and their experiences with remembering their past lives and experiences. From memories about relatives to experiences with war.

The video also interviews the parents of these children and we hear about how shocked they were about the idea of reincarnation being real.

Are Children Remembering Their Past Lives?

The following video is an educational video about reincarnation studies.

“A young boy supposedly has memories of a past life in which he was his own grandfather. Plus, Dr. Jim Tucker discusses his and his former colleague Dr. Ian Stevenson’s research on children in eastern countries who have spontaneous past life memories. In their research they found much evidence suggestive of reincarnation, like detailed and accurate memories and physical characteristics carried over from the previous life to the current one (birth marks, deformities, injuries).”

Watch the Video:

How can the study of past lives enhance our understanding of consciousness?

When listening to our children we can learn a lot “out of the mouth of babes” right?

If you are interested and careful you can test this for yourself and let us know what you find:

With the parents permission ask a small child “Do you remember when you were big?” and see what they say. A friend of mine tried this and heard a lot of surprising things from her young toddler.

Are Children Remembering Their Past Lives?

It might also be interesting to keep a journal about it for the child. I would advise listening and observing more than anything else. Try to resist playing the experience up or adding to the story. Just listen to what they say and remember that children can have both amazing experiences to share as well as powerful imaginations.

Caution: I feel like it is imperative to remain calm when we talk to children about these things because it has a potential to expound possible fearful experiences if not dealt with properly. Whether it is their imagination or a real experience we need to help them work through it and be the pillar of strength they are looking for. Reassure them that they are safe if they become scared and use your best judgement about continuing to ask questions.

Creating an open listening space will do a lot for the growth and nurturing of the child with or without the discovery of a verifiable past life experience.


Giant ‘Black Holes’ Discovered in Earth’s Oceans [Video]

Giant ‘Black Holes’ Discovered in Earth’s Oceans

Large vortices formed in the oceans are mathematically equivalent to black holes, argue researchers in Switzerland and the USA. Hitherto unseen, these formations seem to transfer water over long distances and might affect the global climate.

The existence of these giant vortices, which can reach a diameter of 150 km, was known from previous observations. Their role in ocean circulation was difficult to study, as the limits of these rotating water formations were almost impossible to identify.

In a new study published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, a Swiss-American team presents a new mathematical technique that allows the detection and monitoring of such vortices from satellite images.

In a new study published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, a Swiss-American team presents a new mathematical technique that allows the detection and monitoring of such vortices from satellite images.

Giant ‘Black Holes’ Discovered in Earth’s Oceans

Black holes are objects so massive that anything, even light, cannot escape if approached over a specific distance. As it turns out, these giant whirlpools are also keeping all the ‘trapped’ water within them, i.e. they are closed formations of trapped water, such as black holes are closed formations of trapped mass.

In the case of black holes, there is a threshold beyond which there is no return, which is called the ‘event horizon’ (because no event can be seen beyond this limit). A ray of light that is passing through this limit follows a spiral orbit and then gets lost forever in the cosmic monster.

However, just outside the event horizon, there is another threshold called the ‘photon sphere’. A ray of light approaching this imaginary sphere does not fall into the hole, but instead it becomes curved and gets trapped in orbit around the black hole forever.

Researchers at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Swizzerland, discovered a similar photon sphere in giant ocean vortices, within which the water molecules are constantly moving in closed circles. And, just as it happens in a black hole, what is inside the vortex cannot escape in calm waters.

Giant ‘Black Holes’ Discovered in Earth’s Oceans

The closed boundaries of vortices are what allows their identification and tracking from satellite images, said the researchers.

They also point out that, since the vortices are closed and stable water formations, they effectively act as vehicles of water transportation over long distances.
At the same time, researchers at the University of Miami managed to recognize black hole-type vortices in the Agulhas Rings, a series of ocean vortices that appear in the southern tip of Africa and migrate to the Southern Ocean.

At the same time, researchers at the University of Miami managed to recognize black hole-type vortices in the Agulhas Rings, a series of ocean vortices that appear in the southern tip of Africa and migrate to the Southern Ocean.


These findings were confirmed by independent researchers, also at the University of Miami, who used the new technique to discover a black hole-type vortex in the Gulf of Mexico.

These findings were confirmed by independent researchers, also at the University of Miami, who used the new technique to discover a black hole-type vortex in the Gulf of Mexico.

The scientific team suspects that other liquid formations outside the oceans may be also the mathematical equivalent of black holes. For example, such a case may may be the Great Red Spot, a giant stable vortex on Jupiter.


The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican

The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican

The Vatican City is the heart of the Catholic church and the Pope (Pontifex Maximus) is the head of the church and the supreme “spiritual” leader of all of the world’s Catholics. But the Vatican hides some of the darkest secrets one can imagine.

Sedes Sacrorum - Etymology

Sedes Sacrorum (Latin for Holy Seat), known as the Holy See in English, is the seal of the Vatican City State.

"The Roman which controls the Catholic Church maintains that the first person to use the concept of the Holy See was St. Peter.

This of course, is impossible as the etymology of the word "Sedes" (See) and its associated meaning were not in existence until hundreds of years after the execution of St. Peter in 70 CE at the Siege of Jerusalem."

*The Roman Cult is a shadow group of blood-thirsty satanists, which was involved in "child sacrifice, burning people alive (since 11th Century CE), demonic worship and absolute celibacy of its lowest priests.

Since the 1st Century BCE, its high priests known as 'Pontiffs' -- a hereditary position controlled by a handful of ancient families -- claimed the ancient pre-Republic title of Pontifex Maximus after the Roman Emperors assumed themselves as high priest of the state cult of Magna Mater (Cybele).

 Jealously guarding their pagan heritage and right to sacrifice people to their demon gods, the priestly families were banished from Rome more than once along with the closure of the Vatican temple.

However, during the tumultuous periods in Roman history after the collapse of Rome as the center of the Empire, the pagan high priests assumed the role as community leaders in Rome and during more than one period, openly returned to their pagan practices of child sacrifice, cannibalism and demonic worship as late as 590 to 752, 847 to 872 and even as late as 896, 1057."[2]

"Under Pope Innocent VIII, the role of the Inquisition and Inquisitor changed to increase their legal and spiritual authority when dispatching 'heretics'.

Around 1483 Tomás de Torquemada was named Inquisidor General of Aragón, Valencia and Catalonia. His torturers and special militia were then blessed with being sworn into the highest sacred order of the Roman Cult -- the SS or the Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum.

As a military order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum (SS) were bestowed by the legal orders of the Roman Pontiff on behalf of the Mother Church to wage constant Holy Inquisition against all 'heretics', including assassinations, torture and counter-intelligence, to protect the name of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and directly represent the interests of the Holy See as its primary order of Holy Knights-- the SS (Sedes Sacrorum or Holy See).

The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican

As a spiritual order of the Roman Catholic Church, the SS -- were bestowed with the extraordinary Roman Catholic grace of being forgiven for all their mortal sins (therefore can go to Heaven) that "unfortunately" must be done in order to observe its temporal orders. In others words, the troops of the Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada were the first religious military order to be granted "immunity" from Hell by the Pope on account of its acts of torture, terror and evil.

The last open satanic ritual sacrifices under the Holy Inquisition was in the early 19th Century. By the beginning of the 20th Century, there were less than a few hundred SS soldiers still assigned to the Holy Inquisition. However, upon the appointment of Fr Heinrich Himmler S.J. in 1929 to the NSDAP in Germany, a new Nazi SS (Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum) Army of several hundred thousand was created by 1939 to wage the single greatest Inquisition ever undertaken by the Roman Cul t-- with over 18 million innocent people burned alive in ovens in Russia and Poland.

The German SS were disbanded at the end of World War II, with the Roman Scroll of the SS being handed to the United States SS (Secret Service/Sedes Sacrorum) by 1945. The United States SS was officially created into a military/spiritual force after the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. After the staged gun-fight outside Blair House in 1950, the United States SS have had absolute protection of the President of the United States, holding him a virtual prisoner of the State under the guise of official protection."

The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican
The Hidden Code of the SS

Both the SS and Pope's Francis coat of arms have the papal mitre in the center, which is a head cover worn by the cardinals and the pope and dates back to the Dagon priests, more than 4,500 years ago.

Seen from the side, the mitre looks like a fish head with open mouth, and this is exactly what it represents. It is the worship of the fish "god", who allegedly came out of the water and offered great knowledge to the people. The "christian" fish logo represents the same Dagon "god".

Dagon or Oannes was "a fish god who imparted great knowledge to the people. He taught them how to build cities. He also taught them math and geometric laws, and was credited with giving them all the knowledge that they would ever receive.

At night, he would go back into the sea to spend the night, because he was amphibious. He had the head of a man; covered by the head of a fish, and had the legs and feet of a man and the torso of a man, but was covered by the scales and tail of a fish." - Berossus; from ancient fragments (Isaac Preston Cory) [4]

According to the "Lost Book of Enki", the fish "god" was none other than Ea (later known as Enki), who landed his massive space ship on water -- from which he emerged and built the first settlement for the Anunnaki on Earth. He named it Edin, which meant "the home from afar".

In conclusion, Enki was either wearing a space suit, or he is depicted in non-human form. Fascinating!

The founder of this religion was Nimrod -- the king of Shinar and the great-grandson of Noah/Ziusudra, which in turn was the son of Enki by an earthling -- hence of "royal" Anunnaki blood. Many of today's "royal" bloodlines are descendants of Nimrod.

The keys found on both logos and the way they are positioned, refer to a diligently guarded secret. In symbolism, the key represents locked knowledge and/or guarded secrets. But what secrets is the Vatican protecting? The way the keys are positioned is only a small clue, indecipherable to the common people.

Fortunately, the hidden code of the Vatican has been cracked by writer and researcher Wayne Herschel, basing his research on the pictogram puzzle found in the "Key of Solomon" manuscripts.

The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican
The Hebrew Parchment Containing the Secret of the Key of Solomon 
The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican
The Key of Solomon unlocks the mystery behind the home constellations of the "gods", and it will be of no surprise to my readers to identify them as the Orion's belt and the Pleiades...the same two constellations pointed out by all advanced civilizations as the home of the gods, and obsessively worshiped by the "elite" ever since.

Above: the Orion's belt, the Pleiades and the star of Ra (a.k.a. Marduk)
Bellow: The Vatican represents Orion's belt, while the Seven Hills of Rome
represent the Pleiades. The triangle formed by the Egyptian obelisks found in
the Piazza del Popolo and in front of the Pantheon, together with Castel Sant'Angelo
(used including by the Roman Inquisition as prison for "heretics"), represents
the Trinity stars. The Star Fortress also represents the star of Ra (Marduk). 
Further deciphering the secrets of the SS, I will now submit to your attention the cross, which to them probably represents the cross formed by the stars of the Orion constellation. Another theory refers to the cross as representing another of their alleged homes, Nibiru (literally meaning, the planet of the crossing).

The Chi-Rho "Christian" symbol represents the constellations of Orion and the Pleiades:
The Chi-Rho "Christian" symbol

The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican
Right: the Orion constellation and the crossing
Left: the Pleiades, the trinity and the star of the "gods" 
 To the common and decent people, the cross represents a tribute brought to Jesus Christ and His great sacrifice, but as I’ve showed you before, the cross predates Christ’s crucifixion by millennia. To them, it has a different symbolism.

On Pope’s Francis Coat of Arms we can also observe: a sun, an eight-pointed star and a pine cone.

The sun probably represents the star of the gods (presented by Ra/Marduk as his home star).

The eight pointed star represents Melchizedek, who was the king of Salem and a priest of the “highest of all gods”. Some theologians have supposed him to have been Shem, the son of Noah/Ziusudra, and grandfather of Nimrod (which later became the king of Shinar and priest of the fish god, as I have previously explained). In Masonry, Melchizedek is connected with the degree of High Priesthood (high mason rank).

The pine cone is a symbolic depiction of the pineal gland, which is also known as the third eye and the Egyptian eye of Horus: 
The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican
 Left: Egyptian Eye of Horus Right: the pineal gland

The name pineal comes from the resemblance of the gland with a pine cone. The pine cone as a symbol of supreme knowledge can be found in numerous ancient cultures (e.g. Babylonian, Egyptian) and the Roman Cult (the secret society that controls the Vatican) highly reveres it. A gigantic statue of a pine cone can be found in the Vatican’s inner courtyard and even carved onto the papal staff.

In conclusion, the Vatican is not a place of love and peace, as one might imagine. It is a place of dark rituals and great secrecy. Their purpose is to enslave the human species through indoctrination, fear and control. And because people fear what they don’t understand, the influence of the Vatican and the Catholic church is immense — greater than any army, tyrant or government. They are also the greatest financial power on Earth and they will continue to exercise their influence for as long as the human species will continue to sleep.


10 Facts About The Anunnaki

10 Facts About The Anunnaki

The Anunnaki, probably the number one topic when it comes to the Ancient alien theory, but what are the facts? and do these facts have a solid background when competing against the Ancient Alien debunkers?

10 Facts About The Anunnaki

The AC team brings you 10 facts about the Anunnaki.

1. In many depictions of the Anunnaki, we can see strange objects worn by “those who came from the stars”, one of the most interesting examples are “wrist watches” which appear in almost every single depiction of the Anunnaki.

2. The Sumerians were the first people who started building actual cities, organised using actual city grids like we see in modern day cities around the world, according to the Ancient Alien theory, theAnunnaki transferred this knowledge to ancient man.

3. In the 19th century archaeologists exploring the ancient ruins of Nineveh discovered 22,000 clay tablets which are directly connected to the Anunnaki.

4. In 1976 author Sitchin published his personal translations of the Sumerian texts in a series of books called “The Earth Chronicles“. According to Sitchin the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki who came to Earth to mine gold.

5. Gold reflects infrared light. Infrared is basically light you don’t see it, but we interact with it in the form of heat, the radiation interacts with our molecules and that makes them vibrate faster and you’ll feel that as heat, gold also makes a good heat shield, partly because it’s so malleable. You can make gold very thin; it’s easy to work with; and it has great properties for reflecting and heat protection making it a “must have” resource not only for us but potentially for extraterrestrial visitors as Sitchin suggests.

10 Facts About The Anunnaki

6. Sitchin theorized that “the Anunnaki” came from another planet in our solar system that has an 3,600-year elliptical orbit.

7. According to the Ancient Alien theory, the Anunnaki genetically altered primitive mankind and created a labor force which allowed them to mine gold faster.

8. According to Zecharia Sitchin, “the Adamu” were the first modern humans, they were created by the Anunnaki 450,000 years ago when they genetically mixed their DNA with that of prehistoric man and that way obtained a labor force which did what the Anunnaki wanted.

9. “Adam” in Hebrew stands for “man”. “Adamu” is what the Sumerians refer to as “first man,” the Anunnaki slaves.

10. Zulu legends speak of a time when “visitors from the stars” came to excavate gold and other natural resources. These mines were worked by slaves created by the “First People“.



Proof of UFO Crash and Retrieval – Documentary

Proof of UFO Crash and Retrieval – Documentary

An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. Such anomalies may later be identified, but depending on the evidence or lack of evidence, such an identification may not be possible generally leaving the anomaly unexplained.

While stories of unexplained apparitions have been told since antiquity, the term “UFO” (or “UFOB”) was officially created in 1953 by the United States Air Force (USAF) to serve as a catch-all for all such reports. It was stated that a “UFOB” was “any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar object.”

Proof of UFO Crash and Retrieval – Documentary

As originally defined, the term was restricted to those fraction of cases which remained unidentified after investigation, with USAF interest being for potential national security reasons and/or “technical aspects.” (See Air Force Regulation 200-2.) During the late 1940s and through the 1950s, UFOs were often referred to popularly as “flying saucers” or “flying discs”.

Proof of UFO Crash and Retrieval – Documentary

The term UFO became more widespread during the 1950s, at first in technical literature, but later in popular use. UFOs garnered considerable interest during the Cold War, an era associated with a heightened concern for national security. Various studies have concluded that the phenomenon does not represent a threat to national security nor does it contain anything worthy of scientific pursuit (e.g., 1953 CIA Robertson Panel, USAF Project Blue Book, Condon Committee). Culturally, the phenomenon has often been associated with extraterrestrial life or government-related conspiracy theories, and has become a popular theme in fiction.


Did Neil Armstrong Land On Moon? [VIDEOS]

Did Neil Armstrong Land On Moon?

The Moon landing conspiracy theories claim that some or all elements of the Apollo program and the associated Moon landings were hoaxes staged by NASA with the aid of other organizations. The most notable claim is that the six manned landings (1969–1972) were faked and that twelve Apollo astronauts did not actually walk on the Moon.

Did Neil Armstrong Land On Moon?

Watch the videos below....

Did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?

Neil Armstrong did not land on moon video:

5 proofs that Moon landing is fake video:

Neil Armstrong interview, BBC 1970 video:



Russia To Begin Moon Colonization In 2030

Russia To Begin Moon Colonization In 2030

Russia will start colonizing the Moon in 2030, Izvestia daily reported on Thursday. The daily has received a draft concept of Russian lunar program developed by enterprises of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), a Russian Academy of Sciences institute and Moscow State University.

Notably, the draft concept envisages "creation of a lunar testing ground and a base for extraction of natural resources," the daily reported.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in an article published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily on April 11 that Russia's strategic goals in space exploration were linked to a broader presence on low Earth orbits, colonization of the Moon and launching exploration of Mars and other objects of the Solar System.

"Authors of the project do not rule out attracting private investors to lunar projects", and "first expeditions with cosmonauts' landing to create a permanent lunar base are planned in 2030," the daily reported.

It is needed to explore the Moon dynamically, the project authors recommended, because "leading space powers will explore and assign for themselves lunar territories suitable to provide future opportunities of practical use in the next 20-30 years."

Russia To Begin Moon Colonization In 2030

"The Moon is a first step on the way to the deep space," chief scientific fellow of the Institute of Space Policy Ivan Moiseyev said. "Therefore, it is reasonable to use the Moon as a promising spaceport," he added. "As for extraction of mineral resources on the Moon, it is senseless to deliver them to the Earth, because even if diamonds are found there, it will be unprofitable to bring them here all the same," Moiseyev believes.

"But in any case it is possible to start with oxygen generation, as it exists on the Moon in many chemical compounds," the scientist noted.

Such large-scale projects as colonization of the Moon or Mars would hardly be funded from the state budget, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Andrei Ionin said.

"Planet exploration by people will be a prerogative of private companies," Ionin said.

Russia To Begin Moon Colonization In 2030

"There are already many such projects now that envisage Mars colonization, production of mineral resources on asteroids and similar initiatives. It is difficult to imagine that some government will be prepared to spend trillions for creation of lunar bases, because they have a good deal of other, more vital tasks, including medicine, education, army," he added.

Roscosmos explained that initiatives in the federal space program would pass a comprehensive expertise at the level of experts and scientists of several industries, and after that the program would be submitted to the government, the daily reported.


Harvard University to Hold Satanic Black Mass on Monday

Harvard University to Hold Satanic Black Mass on Monday

Harvard University, one of the most well-respected Ivy League schools in the world, has responded to rumors that they would be hosting a Black Mass performed by the Satanic Temple on Monday. As it turns out, they weren’t rumors at all.

The idea that Ivy League students have sinister pacts with the devil is usually the stuff of b-movies, but on Monday, the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club will play host to a Black Mass, a ritual meant to invoke Satan while desecrating the Catholic sacrament, usually through stabbing, crushing, or sexually defiling a communion wafer.

Harvard University to Hold Satanic Black Mass on Monday

As you can imagine, religious groups are completely freaking out about it, even prompting the Archdiocese of Boston to issue a statement asking Harvard to shut down the event. Still, Harvard says that while they might not personally agree with the views expressed by student clubs, they “support the rights of our students and faculty to speak and assemble freely”.

Harvard’s Black Mass is being performed by The Satanic Temple, a group that has gained quite a bit of notoriety over the last few years by publicly endorsing Florida governor Rick Scott, performing a sexual “pink mass” over the grave of dead Westboro Baptist Church members in order to posthumously “turn them gay”, and even creating an official Satanic Monument for the lawn of the Oklahoma capitol building.

“To us, the Black Mass is an amalgamation that developed through time based on witch-hunting fears and later adopted by some as a declaration of personal Independence against what they felt to be the stifling authority of the church,” Satanic Temple head Lucien Greaves told CNS news.

Harvard University to Hold Satanic Black Mass on Monday

Since images of the announcement flyer started making the rounds on Facebook, the Cultural Studies group has been inundated with complaints from concerned Christian groups fighting tooth and nail to get the event cancelled. One such complaint called the Black Mass “a deliberate attack on the most fundamental beliefs of Roman Catholicism“. The group, which had hosted Satanists with no problems in the past, responded:
Our purpose is not to denigrate any religion or faith, which would be repugnant to our educational purposes, but instead to learn and experience the history of different cultural practices. This performance is part of a larger effort to explore religious facets that continue to influence contemporary culture.
Of course, no amount of reason will quell the hundreds of people taking to internet comment sections to voice their fears that the black mass will summon literal demons from hell to wreak havoc upon Boston. Sounds awesome.

Harvard University to Hold Satanic Black Mass on Monday

If you want to attend the Black Mass (or just want to know from which direction to run screaming), head to the Queens Head Pub in Harvard’s Memorial Hall on Monday, May 12th at 8:30PM. They say admission is free, but it might just cost you your soul.


How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?

How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?

Take your hand and hold your jaw as if you're saying “hmmm” and thinking. Now, imagine another jaw that is so big it easily surroundings it.. Hold your hands a couple inches away from you jaw. Now you're getting the picture. Take it further. Imagine an entire skull fits over your entire head like a water bucket. And that's just the inside size of their skull. Now, we're talking ancient giant size!

How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?

How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?
(The talented, Joe Taylor, Director of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum sculpted this accurately sized bone to show a femur would have been like 1950s finds in Turkey. The skeleton had 20-22 inch long feet, 14-16 feet tall.)

In 1911 bat guano harvesters started working in this same cave. After digging out four feet of guano they found many broken arrows that the Indians had fired into the cave as well as other interesting artifacts, and they found red-haired giants. Even in the shrunken mummified condition the skeletons ranged in height from 8 feet to just under 12 feet.

The Review-Miner June 19, 1931 reported the find of two giant skeletons in the Humboldt lake bed. Both skeletons were wrapped in a gum treated fabric. The first skeleton was 8 and one half feet tall, the second was just under 10 feet tall.

How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?
  • The height of Goliath varies between the various witnesses (manuscripts) to 1 Samuel 17.4 - between 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 cubits (even coming in at 5 1/2 cubits in one witness).
  • Deuteronomy 3.11 only offers us the length of King Og’s coffin (which, due to uncertainty in translation, could possibly alternatively refer to his bed). So, we might expect that the giant lying inside the coffin is about a cubit shorter than the 9-cubit coffin itself, or 8 cubits.
  • There was no standard measure for a cubit (the measure of a forearm) or a span (the measure of a spread hand width). So, (the author of the post) has estimated that 1 cubit = 45 cm, and that a span is half that.
How Tall Were The Biblical Giants?

Five skeletons, nearly complete, were exhumed and each is the set of bones that belonged to a giant of prehistoric times. One of the skeletons measures over seven feet in length, so that the man must have been considerably over that height. Then there were two others of within an/Inch of seven feet and the remaining two “were more than six feet in length and the men were of gigantic frame.”

When Hernando De Soto reached the territory of the Apalachee around Tallahassee, he recorded meeting a giant Indian chief whom he described as “a man of monstrous proportions.” At the same time as De Soto, across the continent near present day California/Arizona, Francisco Coronado was leading a team to search for the legendary beautiful “Seven Cities of Cibola,” and ran into several tribes of giants. Pedro de Castaneda, one of Coronado's team members later wrote a complete history of the expedition mentioning their meetings with giant Indians. In one such passage he wrote of their encounter with the Seri Indian tribe: “Don Rodrigo Maldonado, who was captain of those who went in search of the ships, did not find them, but he brought back with him an Indian so large and tall that the best man in the army reached only to his chest. 

It was said that other Indians were even taller on the coast.” (**Were indians taller on the coast because this is where the giants landed and bred with locals? We find this in Florida and Texas with taller than usual Native People as well as the `Patagonian Giants' at the tip of Cape Horn. Seems those who are on the coast faced the newcomers by boat.**)

(Tibia – shin bone- from the giant uncovered and a regular sized human in Rome)

At 6ft 8in tall, he would have been easily eligible to compete amongst those giants of sport in the U.S. basketball leagues today. In third-century AD Rome, where men averaged only about 5ft 6in, he would have been a giant the likes of which most people had never seen. It's no legend – archaeologists believe have discovered the first complete ancient skeleton of a person with gigantism near the capital of the ancient empire.

  (Corezze Skull from France was identical to Neanderthal, but enormous in size)

(Spy Skulls found in the late 1800s in a cave in Belgium – enormous and with Neanderthal features)

Just How Big Were Those Ancient Giants?
(For a 60 pound hammer to work, it would have a 9 foot long handle)

A very interesting find in North Wales – the Great Orme Copper Mines. These mines that date back 3500 years were the site of an interesting find of 2500 hammers, but the size of these hammers were 60 pounds as compared to 20 pound sledge hammers of today. It is believed the people (proportionally) who swung these in the copper mines were 12-18 feet tall! In perspective, the average height of a home ceiling is 8 feet.
Just How Big Were Those Ancient Giants?

Where there was copper and water – there were giants!
Phoenician Origins of Britons and Scots, 1925
And it was presumably early pioneer stragglers of this same Nordic race at the end of the Old Stone Age who are represented by the “Red Man” of Paviland Cave, in the Gower peninsula of Wales, of the mammoth age, and the “Kneiss Chief ” in the stone cist at Keiss (Kassi?) in Caithness. Both of these are interred with rude stone weapons, and are of the superior and artistic Cro-Magnon type of early men, which seems to have been the proto-Nordic or proto-Aryan. Indeed, the associate of the Keiss chief had a cranium described by Huxley: The Keiss chief is described by Laing as“tall man of very massive proportions”, lying extended with face to the East. Huxley found his cranial index was 76, with projecting eyebrow ridges which gave the forehead a “receding” aspect and the forehead “low and narrow.”

Just How Big Were Those Ancient Giants?

This mummified finger came into the possession of a researcher who met a man who might have been a questionable grave robber who allowed him to photograph it. It is 15 inches long which correlates with a 16 foot tall human. 

14 Cold, Hard Facts About Noah’s Ark That You Probably Do Not Know

14 Cold, Hard Facts About Noah’s Ark That You Probably Do Not Know

The new Hollywood blockbuster “Noah” has created a tremendous amount of interest in the story of Noah’s Ark. Traditionally, most people have regarded it as just a cute Bible story to tell children. But could it be real? Is there solid evidence that Noah’s Ark actually existed? If there is real evidence, would you believe it? What you are about to see is absolutely stunning. In fact, some of the things that you are about to see are so shocking that many people will simply refuse to accept them. Later in this article, you are going to see video footage of the physical remains of Noah’s Ark. This discovery has been known about for quite some time, but the mainstream media has mostly ignored it. A boat-shaped object that is the exact length that the Ark should be and the exact width the Ark should be has been found on the mountains of Ararat. Ground penetrating radar shows us how the Ark was laid out, and scientific tests have been conducted on wood and metal extracted from the gigantic buried boat. If you have never heard about any of this before, prepare to be blown away. The following are 14 cold, hard facts about Noah’s Ark that you probably do not know…

14 Cold, Hard Facts About Noah’s Ark That You Probably Do Not Know

#1 The Ark was about 500 feet long. That would make it approximately the size of a World War II aircraft carrier.

#2 It has been estimated that the Ark had an internal volume of more than 1.5 million cubic feet.

#3 According to brand new research conducted by scientists the University of Leicester, Noah’s Ark could have carried at least 70,000 animals without sinking…

Noah’s Ark would have floated even with two of every animal in the world packed inside, scientists have calculated.

Although researchers are unsure if all the creatures could have squeezed into the huge boat, they are confident it would have handled the weight of 70,000 creatures without sinking.

14 Cold, Hard Facts About Noah’s Ark That You Probably Do Not Know

#4 Of course the Ark would not have needed to hold 70,000 animals. One conservative estimate puts the number of animals on the Ark at about 16,000. This would have allowed for more than enough room for food, supplies and lots of empty space.

#5 We have discovered at least 250 different ancient cultures that have a story of a massive, cataclysmic flood. Most of those stories have striking similarities to the Genesis account.

#6 If there really was a global flood, we would expect to find billions of dead things laid down in rock layers all over the globe. And that is precisely what we find.

#7 We know where Noah’s Ark is today. Yes, you read that correctly. As you can see from the YouTube video posted below, the remains of Noah’s Ark have been discovered on “the mountains of Ararat” in Turkey. This video footage is absolutely stunning…

#8 The remains of the Ark are just as long and just as wide as the Bible says they should be.

#9 Wood from the Ark has been tested, and the tests show that it does contain organic carbon. That means that the fossilized wood that was discovered was once living matter.

#10 Along with wood, metal was also used in the construction of the Ark. Iron fittings and aluminum have both been discovered at the remains of the Ark.

#11 Petrified animal dung, a petrified antler and and an ancient piece of cat hair have also been retrieved from the remains of the Ark.

#12 Historical records confirm that people have believed that this is the correct resting place of the Ark for a very, very long time

About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new thriller entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on Amazon.com.


Here Are 7 Unsolved Mysteries That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Here Are 7 Unsolved Mysteries That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

It’s easy to become obsessed with the unsolved mysteries of this Earth. Most people like to think that anything can be figured out or solved… but that’s just not true.

Take these 7 mysteries, for example. They have been mysteries for decades (if not longer). No matter how many experts have examined the cases, they are still shrouded in mystery.

The Aluminum Wedge of Aiud

1.) The Aluminum Wedge of Aiud

In 1974, this is a wedge-shaped object found 1.2 miles east of Aiud, Romania. It was discovered on the banks of the Mures River. It was reportedly unearthed 35 feet under sand and alongside two mastodon bones. It looks like the head of a hammer and is made of an alloy of aluminum encased in a thin layer of oxide. It’s strange because aluminum was not discovered until 1808 and not produced in quantity until 1885. Since it was found in the same layer as mastodon bones, it would indicate that this wedge was at least 11,000 years old.

Many people believe that this wedge is evidence that aliens visited earth, since there is no way that humans created such an alloy so many thousands of years ago.

The Babushka Lady

2.) The Babushka Lady

While people were pouring over the footage of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, a mysterious woman was spotted in the film. She was wearing a brown overcoat and a scarf on her head (a “babushka”). She appeared to be holding something in front of her face, like a camera.

She appeared many times in the footage and even stayed on the scene after most people left. Shortly after she is seen moving away to the East up Elm Street. The FBI publicly requested that the woman come forward and give them the footage she shot but she never did.

Even though frauds have come forward, today no one knows who the Babushka Woman is. We also don’t know why she was present at the shooting or why she refused to give up all of the evidence she was recording.


3.) Cicada3301

For the past three years, each January there is a bizarre, online puzzle game that is hosted by someone who calls themselves “3301.” Their symbol is a cicada. The complex puzzles draw on elements of cryptography, mathematics, literature, hidden messages, data security, and philosophy. Physical clues appear in places as diverse as Poland, Hawaii, Spain, Australia, and Korea. 3301 claims that its puzzles attempt to find “intelligent individuals.” They don’t say why.

Many believe these nearly impossible puzzles are a recruitment vehicle for organizations like the CIA or MI6.

The Dighton Rock

 4.) The Dighton Rock

The Dighton Rock is a 40-ton boulder located on the shores of the Taunton River in Massachusetts and it is covered in puzzling petroglyphs. For nearly 300 years, people have speculated about its origin and meaning. Investigators have attempted to decode the odd glyphs since an English colonist first described the boulder in 1680, but they have had little success.

In 1963, state officials removed the boulder and kept it for preservation. Most scholars think the stone carvings are of Native American origins. Some of the wilder theories have proposed that it was the work of the Portuguese, Chinese, or even the ancient Phoenicians.

The Green Children

5.) The Green Children

The Green Children of Woolpit were two children who appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, UK, in the 12th century. The brother and sister had green colored skin, even though they appeared normal in all other ways. They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods.

Eventually, their skin lost its green color. After they learned English, they explained that they were from the “Land of St Martin,” which was a dark place because the sun never rose far above the horizon. They claimed that they were tending their father’s herd and followed a river of light when they heard the sounds of bells. Then they arrived in Woolpit.

Some of the more unusual theories proposed for the origin of the children are that they were Hollow Earth children, parallel dimension children, or Extraterrestrial children.

The Pollock Twins

6.) The Pollock Twins

In 1957, 11 year-old Joanna and 6 year-old Jacqueline Pollock were tragically killed in a car accident in Northumberland, England. They were sisters. A year later, their mother gave birth to twins Jennifer and Gillian.

The younger twin, Jennifer, had birth marks on her body in exactly the same place as Jacqueline had them. The twins then started requesting toys belonging to the deceased girls which they had no prior knowledge of. The twins even asked to go to a park they have never been to before (but their deceased sisters have).

A well-respected psychologist at the time, one Dr. Ian Stevenson, studied the case in-depth and concluded it was likely the twins were reincarnations of their departed sisters.

The Zodiac Killings

7.) The Zodiac Killings

“I like killing people because it is so much fun.”

That is how one of the many encrypted letters sent to San Francisco newspapers began, sent by the man who called himself the Zodiac. For most of 1969, a serial killer terrorized Bay Area residents, killing five and possibly more. It started when a couple was shot to death while sitting in a car on a lover’s lane on Dec. 20, 1968.

Over the next 10 months, the killer would strike again, shooting a couple in a public park, trussing up and stabbing yet another man and woman near a peaceful lake, and shooting a cabdriver in the head.

The Zodiac killer toyed with police and reporters the whole time. He called in several of the murders and began to send coded letters to newspapers, using a cross within a circle as his symbol. At one point, he mailed in a piece of bloodied shirt to prove he was who he claimed to be. Another time, he threatened to shoot up a school bus full of children. The investigation went on for years.

Several suspects were questioned, but the killer was never caught.


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