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Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Studies carried out by scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago near the area by the Black sea.

Researchers analyzed and compared the unique genetic make-up of the chromosomes in the iris from 155 blue-eyed individuals from diverse regions such as Denmark, Turkey and Jordan.

All of the subjects that participated in the study had the exact same genetic “mutations” in specific chromosomes of the eye with very little variation on the genes, indicating that the “mutation” responsible for blue-eyes first arose and spread relatively recently. (Source: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00439-007-0460-x )

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Scientists conclude that this blue-eyed family spread out from an area north of the Black Sea following the last ice age. These people were among the proto-Indo-European Aryans who subsequently spread agriculture into western Europe and later rode horses into Iran and India, explains Professor Hans Eiberg of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Blue eyes are a recessive trait, and the gene must be inherited from both parents. (Green eyes involve a related but different gene that is recessive to brown but dominant to blue.)

Following the ending of the last Ice Age, many Europeans inherited this rare gene associated with blue-eyed people that differentiated them from the rest of the human races.

Indeed, it appears that the elite and nobility that organized the earliest known agricultural civilizations all shared this trait, seemingly coming from the same bloodline.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

 When we look to ancient Egypt, arguably one of the world’s oldest known civilizations, we find many blonde and fair-haired mummies. Since WW2, western academia backed and lobbied by politically motivated forces at the United Nations has pushed for a Marxist inspired multicultural view of history, which has ignored archeological evidence in favor of political correctness. However well intentioned, this false perspective has cast much confusion over human origins: Who we are and how we came to be.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Another one of the oldest documented civilizations, credited with having the first writing, schools, courts, and many other “firsts” were the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. The ancient Sumerians thought that blue eyes were a sign of the gods. The Sumerian nobility were blue eyed and fair haired, as most of their busts show.

These blue eyed statues (pictured below) are of Sumerians from the early/mid 3rd millennium BC. ”…they (the Sumerians) certainly belong to the same racial division of mankind as the nations of Europe, they are scions of the Caucasian stock’’ – Arthur Keith (quoted in Ur Excavations, 1927)

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known civilization, with a blue-eyed elite, ruled the northern coast of Peru. Its people were called the Moche. They built huge pyramids that still dominate the surrounding countryside; some well over a hundred feet tall.

Archeologists working at Peru’s Huaca Pucllana ruins recently pulled a blue-eyed mummy from an ancient tomb thought to be from the ancient Wari culture that flourished before the Incas. Piercing blue eyes undimmed by the passing of 1,300 years, this is the “Lady of the Mask” – a mummy with striking blue eyes, whose discovery could reveal the secrets of a lost culture at the Huaca Pucllana Pyramid located in Lima, Peru. It is the first time a tomb from the region’s Wari culture has been discovered intact and gives historians the chance to learn about the ancient pre-Incan civilizations.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

The Lord of Sipán’s tomb (pictured below) is held by some archaeologists to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in this region of the world in the last 30 years, as the main tomb was found intact and untouched by thieves.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?
He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and in some cases his ‘men’ were described as being tall, bearded, with white skin, and beautiful emerald blue eyes. Fray Juan Torquemada, the Franciscan missioner, who collected traditions about Quetzalcoatl from the natives of Old Mexico, says: “Quetzalcoatl had blonde hair, and wore a black robe sewn with little crosses of red color.” (Image below published by the Secretary of Education, Mexico)

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Scientists stress that the genetic variation, as the press release puts it, is “neither a positive nor a negative mutation.”

That’s a bit disingenuous, as the mutation also produces greater instance of blond hair (sexually selected for even today) and fair skin, which confers a survival advantage by stimulating greater production of vitamin D in sun-starved northern European countries near the arctic circle - where blue eyes are still most prevalent.

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Ninety-five percent of Europeans in Scandinavian countries have blue eyes. They are also found to have a greater range of hair and skin color. Comparatively, Europe has a wider variety of hair color and skin pigment than is found in any other continent in the world.

These “mutations” are relatively recent as Europe was colonized only a few thousand years ago, say mainstream scientists. Through interbreeding, the brunette with blue eyes (Neanderthal-type) was evidenced about 35,000- 25,000 years ago by invading Cro magnon types from the Atlantic (Tall, RH negative blood type, Solutrean tool kit).

“The question really is, ‘Why did we go from having nobody on Earth (known) with blue eyes 10,000 years ago to having 20 or 40 percent of Europeans having blue eyes now?”

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin-Madison said. “This gene does something good for people. It makes them have more kids.”

In contrast, most mammals on earth share the “normal” form of the gene. The six-letter sequence is exactly the same among mice, horses, cows, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, chimpanzees and humans with brown eyes. (No word on what gives Siberian huskies and Siamese cats blue eyes.)


Strange ‘Ghost Car’ Pops Out of Nowhere [Video]

Strange ‘Ghost Car’ Pops Out of Nowhere

People often fail to see the other car coming just before an accident, but it’s never because the car appeared out of thin air. Usually bad angles, negligence and things of that sort contribute to crashes; however, as the video below shows, sometimes cars really do “come out of nowhere.”

This video, which was posted online a few weeks back, has stumped viewers all over the world. A car quite literally seems to come from nowhere and nearly cause a crash.

Strange ‘Ghost Car’ Pops Out of Nowhere

The question remains: where’d that black car come from?

If you don't feel like watching the whole video, here is the part that matters:



Woman In China Hospitalized After Ghost Radar App Causes Her To See Spirits Everywhere

Woman In China Hospitalized After Ghost Radar App Causes Her To See Spirits Everywhere

The dangers of using smartphone apps to tap into the spirit realm, via The Star Onlinefrom Malaysia:

A 23-year-old woman is in hospital after she allegedly saw spirits while trying out a so-called ghost-hunting application on her smartphone,Kwong Wah Yit Poh reported.

The woman, known only as Wu, from Hubei, China, claimed to have seen spirits around her when she first tried the app.

Woman In China Hospitalized After Ghost Radar App Causes Her To See Spirits Everywhere

When she went to the cemetery with her parents during the Qing Ming festival, she tried the application again. This time it allegedly showed three spirits by her side, leading her to have sleepless nights for three days. She had to seek medical treatment in a local hospital.

Woman In China Hospitalized After Ghost Radar App Causes Her To See Spirits Everywhere


Does The Pope Know The Truth About Aliens? [VIDEO]

Does The Pope Know The Truth About Aliens?

Evidence suggests the Vatican is concealing extra-terrestrial truths...

In 2008, The Pope's chief astronomer José Funes says intelligent beings created could exist in outer space. Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space. And some aliens could even be free from original sin, he speculates.

Does The Pope Know The Truth About Aliens?

In 2009, Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences said that even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.

In 2010, The Pope's astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, said intelligent aliens may be living among the stars and are likely to have souls.

Does The Pope Know The Truth About Aliens?

The late prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples Corrado Balducci, a theologian of the Roman Curia and a good friend of the pope perhaps most clearly spoke out about the existence of extraterrestrials.



Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

An ominous new report prepared by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) on President Putin’s order yesterday to accelerate the opening of the St. Petersburg Exchange (SPE), where prices for Russian oil and natural gas will be set in rubles instead of US dollars, is warning that this “catastrophic blow” to the petrodollar amounts to nothing less than “all-out war” against the West and that an “Armageddon response” from the Obama regime should be expected to swiftly follow.

According to this report, Putin’s order regarding the SPE was in direct response to the Obama regimes placing sanctions yesterday upon Igor Sechin the CEO of the Russian energy giant Rosneft and a nominated board member of the SPE, and of which Deputy Minister for foreign relations, Sergey Ryabkov, had warned: “A response of Moscow will follow, and it will be painfully felt in Washington DC.

Sechin, this report notes, was directly threatened by the Obama regime earlier this month due to his October 2013 remarks at the World Energy Congress in Korea where he called for a “global mechanism to trade natural gas” and went on suggesting that“it was advisable to create an international exchange for the participating countries, where transactions could be registered with the use of regional currencies”.

Sechin, as one of the most influential leaders of the global energy trading community now has the perfect instrument to make this plan a reality with the SPE where reference prices for Russian oil and natural gas will be set in rubles instead of US dollars and could literally destroy the petrodollar.

The use of this “Financial Nuclear Weapon” (the sale of oil in a currency other than the US dollar) which was previously deployed by Saddam Hussein, this report continues, resulted in the total destruction of Iraq, but it failed to deter other countries angry with the highhandedness of the US.

Libya made another attempt and it resulted in the destruction of the country and the brutal murder of its leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Next was Iran. The US and the global financial war party found it much more difficult to isolate and annihilate Iran, even when it was threatened with outright nuclear attack by US and Israel. And in spite of unprecedented sanctions against Iran (which constitute economic warfare and are war crimes in itself), Iran stood defiant.

Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

The leading members of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Russia and China restrained themselves so as to preserve global stability.

However, the war party faction of the Obama regime (the leftovers of the Bush regime) took such restraint as weakness and went on a spree of regime change throughout the world to undermine the growing strength of BRICS.

The “straw that broke the camels’ back” was the unbridled and reckless coup against the elected President of Ukraine by US and NATO and orchestrated by the US State Department and led by the war-monger Victoria Nuland, who openly admitted that the US had disbursed through such organizations as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) over $5 Billion to facilitate the coup.

Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

Critical to understand about the current Ukrainian Crisis, this report says, is that it has “absolutely nothing” at all to do with either Ukraine or its people, but should be understood for what it really is…a “sledgehammer” the Obama regime is attempting to use against Russia to prevent the opening and expansion of the SPE.

By perpetually expanding the US money supply, it’s important to note, America’s standard of living for its elite classes increases as well. The only problem with this situation is that the only way that it can be sustained is if the demand for the dollar and for US debt securities remains consistently strong.

Grasping this last point is extremely important. For if the artificial global US dollar demand, made possible by the petrodollar system, were ever to crumble, foreign nations who had formerly found it beneficial to hold US dollars would suddenly find that they no longer needed the massive amounts that they were holding.

This massive amount of dollars, which would no longer be useful to foreign nations, would come rushing back to their place of origin… America.

Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

Obviously, an influx of dollars into the American economy would lead to massive inflationary pressures within their economic system and collapse it, along with that of the EU too.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of this concept as the entire American monetary system literally hinges on this “dollars for oil” system. Without it, Washington would lose its permission slip to print excessive numbers of dollars.

With thousands of NATO-backed Romanian troops now moving to the Ukraine border, along with British and French fighter jets now being deployed to Lithuania and Poland to join their recently arrived US military allies, this report grimly continues, it cannot be ruled out that the Obama regime will attempt to start a war with Russia in order to protect their petrodollar scheme.

In spite of the fact that all Russian military forces have returned to their permanent bases and Minister of DefenseSergei Shoigu assured his US counterpart Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel yesterday during an hour long phone conversation that Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine, this report notes, Moscow has become increasingly “alarmed” by the combined US-NATO military buildup on its borders that Minister Shoigu called “unprecedented”.

As for the Ukrainian people themselves being used as pawns by the Obama regime against Russia in this “petrodollar war”, this report concludes, their lives are quickly turning from despair to outright misery as they are forced to swallow the “bitter pill” being forced upon them by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is forcing their fuel and energy costs to skyrocket and taxes being raised on everything from alcohol to tobacco, not to mention the tens-of-thousands of public jobs being made redundant (layoffs and firings) and the nearly 5% cut in payments to pensioners.

Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar

Even worse for these “Obama Pawns”, wages now in Ukraine are, as a rule, not enough to feed a family, and the devaluation of their currency will make it totally impossible for these people to absorb these costs.

On the other hand, Western currency speculators will be able to profit from fluctuations in Ukraine’s currency and multinational corporations stand to benefit from privatization of those state assets that haven’t already been sold off.

And though not mentioned in this MoF report, it is critically important to note that back in 2008, when the US brought to world to the very brink total economic collapse, then Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned that Russia should seize opportunities created by the weak US dollar. “Today, the global economy is going through uneasy times,” he said. “The role of the key reserve currencies is under review. And we must take advantage of it.

Six years later that is what Putin is doing…nobody can say that they weren’t warned.


Did the CIA Create AIDS? [VIDEO]


Did the CIA Create AIDS? - Is AIDS really a man-made bioweapon?

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Trust Me You’ll Want To See This! Did The Illuminati Alter The Bible?

Trust Me You’ll Want To See This! Did The Illuminati Alter The Bible?

Over the ages we have heard critics claim that the infamous group known as the illuminati changed the Bible to fit their agenda, but is there any truth to that claim? Is there any backing for such a belief? The answer, quite simply, is not only no, but HELL NO!

TruthShockTV brings us the latest…. WATCH THE VIDEO:

The Bible is made up of 66 different books that were written over 1600 years (from approximately 1500 B.C. to A.D. 100) by more than 40 kings, prophets, leaders and followers of Jesus. The Old Testament consists of 39 books that were written approximately 1500-400 B.C. The New Testament consists of 27 books that were written approximately A.D. 45-100.

Trust Me You’ll Want To See This! Did The Illuminati Alter The Bible?

There is much evidence that supports that the Bible we have today is remarkably true to the original writings as well. Take the manuscripts for example; there are more than 5,600 Greek manuscripts from the New Testament alone. This number does not even include the manuscripts written in other languages. If we include the 8,000-10,000 Latin Vulgate manuscripts and the 8,000 Ethiopic, Slavic and Armenian manuscripts, that makes the total around 24,000 in existence today. This does not even take into account the 99 fragment pieces of papyrus containing passages of the New Testament.


Time Is an Illusion: Past, Present, and Future All Exist Now [MUST SEE VIDEO]

Time Is an Illusion: Past, Present, and Future All Exist Now

“People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” – Albert Einstein

Brian Greene, Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University, presents interesting information about the nature of space-time, including an explanation of how past, present, and future all exist in the now.

Time. We waste it, save it, kill it, make it. The world runs on it. Yet ask physicists what time actually is, and the answer might shock you: They have no idea. Even more surprising, the deep sense we have of time passing from present to past may be nothing more than an illusion. How can our understanding of something so familiar be so wrong?

Time Is an Illusion: Past, Present, and Future All Exist Now

In search of answers, Prof. Greene takes us on the ultimate time-traveling adventure, hurtling 50 years into the future before stepping into a wormhole to travel back to the past. Along the way, he will reveal a new way of thinking about time in which moments past, present, and future—from the reign of T. rex to the birth of your great-great-grandchildren—exist all at once. This journey will bring us all the way back to the Big Bang, where physicists think the ultimate secrets of time may be hidden. You’ll never look at your wristwatch the same way again.



The Incredible Powers of the Ancient Siddhars

The Incredible Powers of the Ancient Siddhars

Siddhars are a type of saint in India who are said to have had many powers and achieved a ‘god-like’ state through specific secret practices that were known only to them. These powers spanned from controlling time and space, to transforming the body, manipulating matter at the molecular level and achieving immortality.

The Siddhars were followers of the God Shiva and according to different texts there were 18 of them. Their teachings and findings were written in the form of poems in the Tamil language, a language spoken mainly by people in South India and parts of Sri Lanka. The poems were very difficult to interpret and were written in an encoded way so that only a few could understand them.

There is a debate as to who was the first Siddhar. Some legends talk about Sri Pathanjali, who was considered to be an incarnation of Adiseshan, the celestial five-headed snake associated with God Vishnu. But the prevailing tradition refers to Agasthya (or Agasthyar) as the first Siddhar, one of the seven sages (or Saptarshis) as mentioned in the Vedic texts, and he was the son of the god Brahma of the Hindu creation story. Agathiyar is considered to be the author of a lot of the first Siddhar literature and he was supposed to have lived in the 7th century BC. About 96 books are attributed to him and that includes writings in alchemy, medicine and spirituality. Apart from the legends that exist, the beginnings of the Siddhars’ are lost in time.

The Incredible Powers of the Ancient Siddhars

The powers that the Siddhars possessed were separated in categories. The main category included 8 powers called ashta siddhis:
1. To become tiny as the atom within the atom (Anima)
2. To become big in unshakeable proportions (Mahima)
3. To become as light as vapour in levitation (Laghima)
4. To become as heavy as the mountain (Garima)
5. To enter into other bodies in transmigration (Prapti)
6. To be in all things, omni-pervasive (Prakamya))
7. To be lord of all creation in omnipotence (Isatvam)
8. To be everywhere in omnipresence (Vasitvam)
Thirumandiram 1780
But if this is not enough, there are ten secondary siddhis as described in Bhagavata Purana that include the following:
1. Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites
2. Hearing things far away
3. Seeing things far away
4. Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation/astral projection)
5. Assuming any form desired
6. Entering the bodies of others
7. Dying when one desires
8. Witnessing and participating in the past times of the gods
9. Perfect accomplishment of one's determination
10. Orders or commands being unimpeded
The Incredible Powers of the Ancient Siddhars

Amazing as they sound, these abilities could allegedly be achieved with the help of simple tools like controlling breath, concentrating the mind and raising the power of the ‘Kundalini’, which is related to the sexual.

Furthermore, the system of healing that the Siddhars possessed was allegedly given to them by the god Murugan, son of the Hindu god Shiva.

Another famous Siddhar was Tirumular, who was a Tamil mystic and writer of 6th century AD and was also one of the 18 Siddhars according to the Tamil Siddha tradition. His main work is named “Tirumantiram”, a 3,000 verse text, which is the foundation of the Southern Shaiva Siddharta School of philosophy.

Another Siddhar, Bhogar (Bhoganathar), who lived between the 3rd and 5th century AD is said to have discovered the elixir of immortality – one his main works is the Pharmacognosy.

The Incredible Powers of the Ancient Siddhars

Many of the oldest Siddhar texts are palm leaf manuscripts and not all of them are translated in English. From generation to generation, copying from one text to another, many of the original texts have probably been altered and their meaning changed. Therefore what today we know as Siddhar texts may have nothing to do with the original texts, which may account for why the Tamil tradition does not accept the Siddha poems in its body of traditions.

Of course in the last few centuries, especially after the 15th century, more and more “Siddhars” have appeared, composing poems, performing ‘acts’ to entertain people with interesting stories, acting as ‘Masters’ and gathering followers around them, all of which has nothing to do with the original tradition of the Siddhars. Unfortunately, the original Siddhar tradition today is ‘polluted’ by many interpretations, by modern Siddhars, and the imagination of people. Some old Siddhar writings are preserved in Museums and private families in Tamil Nadhu.

Due to the closely-guarded nature of the Siddhar records, the original knowledge of this enigmatic group of saints has remained shrouded in secrecy. The question remains whether their powers were real and, if so, how they managed to attain them. Manipulating space, time and matter would require knowledge far beyond what we have today.



Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes Of Killer Virus

Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes Of Killer Virus

A prestigious research institute in France said it had lost thousands of tubes of samples of the deadly Sars coronavirus.

A routine inventory check at Paris’ Pasteur Institute revealed that 2,349 tubes containing fragments of the virus responsible for the deaths of 774 people in 2002 were missing, the centre named after French chemist Louis Pasteur said.

The institute was quick to reassure the public and said that the contents of the missing vials had no infectious potential. They contained only part of the virus and had no ability to spread.

“Independent experts referred by health authorities have qualified such potential as ‘non-existing’ according to the available evidence and literature on the survival of the Sars virus,” the institute said.

In 2002 more than 8,000 people were infected by a pandemic of Sars – severe acute respiratory syndrome. The virus spread from China through Hong Kong and on to other countries before it was eventually brought under control.

Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes Of Killer Virus

It is not clear how the tubes disappeared from one of the institute’s safest laboratories. Management were made aware of the loss in January, Le Monde newspaper reported.

For weeks, staff at the institute tried to find the missing vials, general director Christian Bréchot said.

“We’ve looked for those boxes [containing the tubes] everywhere,” Bréchot explained.

“We went thought the lists of all the people who have worked here in the past year and a half, including trainees. We have scrutinised their profile to check if there was any conflict.”

Bréchot said that foul play was “highly improbable” but had not been ruled out.

The tubes were stored in a high-security laboratory dedicated to research into highly infective viruses.

Access to the lab is limited to a restricted number of personnel, who have to go through a disinfection process before they can leave.

Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes Of Killer Virus

Bréchot suggested that the tubes, which were moved from one freezer to another in March 2013, might have been destroyed by a member of staff who forgot to record the procedure.

Sars is an airborne virus, which spreads in a similar way to flu and the common cold.

The Agency for the Safety of Health Products has opened an investigation into the missing tubes.


Bill Clinton Says Alien Invasion Could Unite The World

Bill Clinton Says Alien Invasion Could Unite The World

During an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday night, former President Bill Clinton said when aliens invade, he hopes it's not like Independence Day.

Clinton told Kimmel that while in office, he examined the Roswell and Area 51 files and confirmed we aren't hiding any extraterrestrial life there. But refuses to rule out the existence of alien life forms.

"I'm trying to tell you I don't know, but if were visited someday, I wouldn't be surprised. I just hope that it is not like Independence Day, " Clinton said.

Bill Clinton Says Alien Invasion Could Unite The World

But he says an alien invasion may not be a terrible thing.

"That may be the only way to unite this incredibly divided world of ours. They are out there - we better think of how all the difference among people on earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader. That is the whole theory of Independence Day. "



A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

*Information from this article is taken from Gerald R. Clark’s The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order. For more information regarding the subject please check out his book.*

It is perhaps the most convoluted puzzle to ever exist, a timeline which pits some of today’s most dominant dogmas, whether scientific or theological, in an unrelenting war against one another. The history of human civilization and evolution. Today most would refute the Christian story of Genesis, dubbing it a fictional parable clouded by fantasy and nonsense. Infamous proponents of Evolution Theory or natural selection, such as Richard Dawkins, are keen on discrediting the creationist theory, yet even with the powerful backing of the science community evolutionists fall short to provide us with the proper narrative that explains our leap from Homo-erectus (our ape-like ancestors) to Homo-sapiens (modern man). The missing link – our biggest conundrum.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Clay tablets, dating 2000 years before the Canonical Bible, from Ancient Mesopotamia may hold the answer to mankind’s origin.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Many would be shocked to discover the great Deluge hero Noah was actually a Sumerian King. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the longest known stories involving the King of a Sumerian city called Uruk, Noah is visited by a King and told of the coming cataclysm, the great flood. Sadly, the funding for early archaeological inquiries was closely controlled and channelled by early church authorities, in particular the Roman Catholic Church.

A mandate was issued to fund only the archaeological explorations that perpetuated the story told in the canonical Bible, established by the same institution at the Council of Nicea, 343 CE. Due to the majority who were uneducated in the past, the task of knowing the truth was often delegated to authorities. Fortunately today knowledge and information distribution is rampant among the internet, and the power is now left in our hands as the efforts of past decoders is finally being disseminated to the world.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
Is the Biblical story of Noah based on an older account told by the Sumerians? According to the Sumerians, Noah was a Sumerian king who was warned of a comping pole shift which would wipe out most of humanity.

When one realizes that the God from the Old Testament Yahweh, was none other than the local deity of the Sumerian city of Ur, Enlil, the truth is revealed. Enlil and his various relatives were venerated as gods in various temples from Nineveh to Assur to the Sumerian city of Ur to name just a few. Similarly, his brother Enki and his children Nannar and Innana also had temples in prominent cultural and trade portals within the region. More importantly, Enlil was not acting alone, but rather in consort with others referred to as the Anunnaki. Enlil and his brother, Enki, are mentioned in the Genesis and the more historical Clay Tablets as participating in genetic trials to produce a primitive worker, Homo sapiens.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
A very detailed account is provided of a clinical trial that results in the archetype for the human race, “Adam,” being birthed. The trial was conducted by Enlil’s half-sister, Ninmah, and his half-brother Enki, in an African laboratory. The historical records appeal to even the most scrutinizing scientist who readily recognized the threshold of knowledge required to discuss a topic such as genetic engineering in a document almost 5000 years old which provides a more detailed account of the creation of man, one that makes sense technically and historically versus the précis version provide by the Bible, although in many cases complementary. This would perhaps explain the age of Noah, who was said to be 600 years old at the time of the great flood. Noah was the son of a “deity” according to the Bible. Could this father “deity” really be an extra-terrestrial being which gave rise to Noah’s lengthy lifespan?

Various deities in Sumerian and Egyptian records had also known as (AKA) names which seemed to span long periods of time and were found throughout various ancient texts. For example, the Akkadian god Sin was also known as the moon god Nannar, son of Enlil. His sister, Inanna also sported the symbol of the crescent moon and had temples throughout Mesopotamia. She was known as Ishtar to the Akkadians.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
The Greek historian Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE and hailed from Ionia; he delineated the Egyptian civilization into three dynasties and the model is still used by Egyptologists today. Mantheo, the Egyptian priest-historian agrees with the three dynasties, except adds one more dynasty which was ruled by the “gods” alone. He states the first dynastic rulers of Egyptian gods ruled for 12 300 years [1]. It is interesting to note that in the Sumerian texts, Enki was assigned the regions of Egypt and Africa by his father Anu, on or before 3760 BCE. It just so happens that the Jewish calendar, whose origins are from the Sumerian city of Nippur, begins its count in 3760 BCE as well.

The Sumerians claimed that all aspects of civilization were taught to them by the deities that were worshipped in the temples of Mesopotamia. Detailed knowledge about the Earth’s orbital plane, tilt axis, spherical shape, and precession behaviour of its equinox were known by the Sumerian deities, who were also credited for the construction of the Zodiac. Contrast this detailed level of knowledge in Sumer with that possessed in Europe during the Middle-Ages. Scientists and church authorities in Europe were at odds whether the Earth was round or flat while the people of Sumeria and the surrounding region had advance mathematics, metallurgy, law codes, and produced many civilization first inventions and advanced achievements.

The Anunnaki family tree according to Sumerian records.

The correlation between the God of the Old Testament and the Sumerian god are apparent; the Sumerian storm God, Enlil, can be considered the God of wrath and vengeance in the Old Testament. When discussing religious truth, there is what the ruling party or superpower believes and what the subordinated cultures believe which is given a derogatory label as pagan oroccult. An example of this is taking place and manifesting presently in the Middle East where religious factions representing Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are waging war in the ancient land of Canaan, near Mount Megiddo located south of Israel. Warring factions whose genealogy originates from Sumer are still in conflict today. The devotees of Enlil, AKA Yahweh the God of the Old Testament, stand toe to toe with the followers of Enki, still at odds with each other of the domination of the Earth. Could the conflicts involving the countries of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Israel be a result of the past wars that took place between the “gods” Enlil and Enki and their offspring as written about in “War of Gods and Men” by Zecharia Sitchin?

According to Sumerologists, the term AN.UNNA.KI literally is interpreted as those who from “heaven to Earth came.” The key point to note early on is the affiliation of the term “heaven” with the claimed planet of Anunnaki origin, namely Nibiru as detailed in “The 12th Planet” by Sitchin. Additionally, from the list of characters detailed as “deities” in Mesopotamian literature we know that the head of the Anunnaki council of 12 was chaired by Anu, the father of the two key players and half-brothers Enlil and Enki. NI.BI.RU is composed from the now digitized cuneiform script, listed in Unicode as 1224C, 12249, and 12292. Thus, a more accurate interpretation of the word Anunnaki is those who from Anu to the Earth came or were sent.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Equating the planet Nibiru with the word Heaven, as used in the Bible, is an important detail when re-examining prayers like “Our father who art in Heaven…,” shining a whole new light on who the Father in Heaven actually was, namely Anu (ruler of the Anunnaki and father of Enlil and Enki). Thus, the prayers must have originated from Anu’s extra-terrestrial children on Earth.

What was the reason the Anunnaki left Nibiru to come to Earth? According to Sitchin and other authors on the subject, Nibiru, located beyond Pluto, is trapped in a 3600 year retrograde elliptical orbit around our Sun. According to Sumerian maps and reports from 1983 IRAS Naval Observatory by Dr. Harrington, discovery of a large planet in the region Nibiru was reported to reside near where the Sumerians indicated, beyond Pluto.[8] In short, the Anunnaki home planet is real and inbound to perihelion circa 1400 years from now.

Brown dwarf planets, as we know, do not receive significant solar radiation to keep the surface temperature habitable. The atmosphere on Nibiru was generated either artificially or from gases and released steam from the geothermal heated planet. According to Sitchin’s published history timeline [6] approximately 450 000 years ago, life on Nibiru was facing extinction due to a deteriorating atmosphere and the subsequent exposure to radiation, especially at close Perihelion with the Sun. One of the leaders of Nibiru traveled inwards and landed on Earth, discovering Earth’s surplus of gold. Because of their advancements in technology, the Anunnaki could use gold to save the failing atmosphere of Nibiru by dispersing the ionized particles into the planet’s atmosphere.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Anu and his two sons Enlil and Enki eventually came to excavate Earth for the gold as well, however, Enlil and Enki kept their distance due to a rivalry. According to Niburian inheritance rules, Enlil was the rightful heir due to his position as son of Anu and Anu’s Sister. Enki was only son of Anu, his mother wasn’t of royal blood. The female contribution to genetic material includes mitochondrial DNA which the male does not. Enki was assigned mining operation in Africa, Enlil in Mesopotamia, and a granddaughter named Inanna was given the Indus Valley region. The division took place and was finalized in 3760 BCE.

To increase efficiency, the higher ranking members of the Anunnaki brought several subservient workers to help with gold mining labour (known as Watchers or Igigi). The Igigi worked hard for some time, but inevitably grew tiresome of their slave conditions and revolted against the Anunnaki. This forced the Anunnaki to establish a new plan, one that developed a hybrid being, a primitive worker, to replace the Igigi gold diggers. The Homo-sapiens.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

The Formation of Our Solar System According to Sumerian Text

The following is a summary of the formation of our solar system according to the Sumerian epoch, Enuma Elish. According to the text, told in an allegory of celestial warriors, ten planets composed our solar system. Earth was not yet formed, as it was then part of a larger planet called Tiamut, which eventually crashed into Nibiru during the initial formation of the planet’s orbits, leaving behind an immense trail of debris from which the Earth formed, along with the asteroid belt. During this cataclysm the mass of the forming Earth also captured Nibiru’s moon. It is theorized that this initial disaster transferred the original seeds of life to Earth, a form of accidental Panspermia.

The significance of the Sumerian’s Epic of Creation specifies one additional planet in our solar system, the Anunnaki’s home planet Nibiru, who’s aphelion is positioned beyond Pluto in a 3600 year retrograde orbit around the Sun. Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief of the U.S. Naval Observatory used an infra-red satellite, IRAS, to locate a large planetary body which was causing wobbles in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune. The IRAS produced results indicating a large brown dwarf, four times larger than the size of Earth, had been located without question. Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, published their findings and opinion that a tenth planet had been located in our solar system, even calling it an intruder planet.  Harrington met with Sitchin to correlate the IRAS findings with the Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Enuma Elish. Given the evidence reported by IRAS, other space probes like Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager, and the corroborating orbital path, planet size, and retrograde characteristics of the tenth planet, Harrington agreed with Sitchin that it was Nibiru .

As so, the passage of a tenth planet the magnitude of Nibiru between Mars and Jupiter would certainly have a noticeable impact every 3600 years. With this in mind, it is highly probable that Nibiru’s passage may be responsible for pole shifts and reversals, changes in the Earth’s precession about its axis, and potentially dangerous meteors and space debris drug along from the asteroid belt inbound to Perihelion.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
Unusual artifacts found around the world, those that seem to contradict the know abilities of the civilization under analysis, are not hard to find. Examples include hieroglyphs from the Egyptian temple of Abydos, depicting rockets, airplanes, submarines, and even an advanced helicopter. There is also an Iraqi battery find, precision stone masonry and architecture using megalithic stones. Of all the material accessible to a culture, why use the most difficult material as possible? Massive 1000 ton blocks.

Findings from around the world to include model airplanes, incredibly sophisticated solar and lunar temples aligned to solstice and equinox alike, along with tens of thousands of advanced beings teaching civilizing technologies to indigenous peoples points overwhelmingly to the fact that the Anunnaki were here on Earth.

Sitchin was instrumental in getting the Sumerian details about the Anunnaki records for the world to see. It has taken over 100 years for the information to be accepted thus far. Tablets are now digitized for translation speed and accuracy.

An important point to mention is that the Sumerian flood account was clearly copied and modified to create the Genesis account, written by Hebrew priests being held captive in Babylon, where they had access to the true story of the great flood but chose to placate Enlil as their chosen monotheistic ancient astronaut god. After all, they were scared to death of Enlil’s wrath. Genesis 6 describes the background scene to the great flood, leaving out all references to the other members of the Anunnaki council in the Torah narrative.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
According to Sumerian records, the wrathful “God” in the Christian Epic “Genesis” was in fact an Anunnaki king named Enlil, who was weary of the his brother Enki’s genetic creation of mankind. Enlil worried that humanity would grow and eventually revolt against him, and so, Enlil ordered the destruction of mankind by disease and natural disasters.

Genesis 6:1-8 (NIV)

When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord.

Enlil (God in the Hebrew Genesis) did not create man, but rather, his half-brother Enki and their sister Ninmah were more so involved in the genetic manipulation, as evidenced in the Atrahasis, predating the Genesis account by 1700 years. Enlil apparently wiped out man because of their incessant noise, although this motive seems bleak, and considering the animosity between Enlil and Enki, one must only consider that Enlil’s motive behind wiping out mankind had something to do with the fact that Homo sapiens were seeds of Enki and thus had the potential to rise up against Enlil. Enlil was a ghost writer of the Bible, and consequently the truth was distorted to benefit the latter.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Furthermore, the “plant of knowledge of good and evil”, the “forbidden fruit”, was present in Enki’s first outpost city of Eridu. Enlil (AKA Jehovah/God) tells Adapa (Adam) in Eridu’s Garden of Eden that if he eats the fruit he will die. Enki counteracts this lie and tells Adapa he will surely not die but instead become “like one of us, the gods”. Thus, there seems to be a transformational effect produced by this plant that changes human consciousness. In any event, Enki tells the truth and is demonized and symbolized as a snake, while Enlil lies, and promotes himself as God. This lie, the fact that Adam did not die but rather became aware of his nakedness, attests to not want the plant of the knowledge of good and evil consumed. It was about controlling the access to higher consciousness, frowned upon by Enlil.

Mankind was Enki’s proud creation with the help of his relative Ninharsag, which successfully alleviated the Anunnaki’s toils of gold mines just as he promised. Enlil said he was tired of man’s noise, and wanted Enki to release some form of disease to wipe them out. Of course, Enki defied his brother and offered guidance and protection of man. Enlil continued to order the death of the Homo sapiens, and afflicted man with sickness, headaches, and other disease.

To finalize the death of man, Enlil orders Enki to conjure up a great flood. Enki refuses, and the tension continues to build between the two brothers. Although the Anunnaki had the technological means to manipulate the weather, it is unclear whether the great flood to come was caused by the Anunnaki themselves or by the gravitational forces wrought by Nibiru’s passing of Earth, enroute to a 3600 year solar perihelion. Regardless of the cause, Enlil took credit to establish his perceived power to punish. Hence the correlation to the Old Testament’s God of Wrath and Enlil’s genocidal attributes.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
Before the pole shift, Enki warned one of his sons, Atrahasis, about the coming disaster, helping him create a boat atop a mountain. The Biblical tale of Noah was taken from the Sumerian record.

Enki decided to modify an oath made to withhold knowledge of the impending watery disaster from the people, and instructs his son Atrahasis to build a boat. Enki helps Atrahasis relocate the boat to Mr. Ararat. Also important to note, the idea that Noah housed a number of animal species on the boat is a misconception. It was animal DNA that was collected and saved.

Thus, Atrahasis is the biblical Noah. Also noted, Ninharsag is later to be called “Isis” in ancient Egypt.

Engineering Humans

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

According to Sumerian records, one of Enki’s sons, Thoth, was the creator of and key proponent of mankind becoming the “Sons of God” through the awakening of the energy bodies (chakras) and subsequent consciousness, which he designed to be sensitive to the various frequencies affiliated with the radial distance and frequencies caused by a spherical resonator, i.e., the Earth. One can read the Emerald Tablets to get a sense of the advanced energy knowledge Thoth possessed. Also, as evidenced by his staff the Caduceus, he was an adept geneticist. Lawrence Gardner in his pre-eminent book Genesis of the Grail Kings, discusses the meaning of the ancient symbol associated with Thoth. Knowledge of energy, matter, and the human pineal gland were at play as a function of human consciousness connected to DNA.

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

Enki designed primitive workers with highly scientific abilities: genetic functional mappings with a human energy body composed of 7 chakras. The chakras provide access to an evolutionary means that allow mankind to continue on its path of conscious expansion. These seven quantized energy states were intentionally designed by Enki providing mankind an interface for future evolution of consciousness. Enki did not seem comfortable accepting the concept of slavery versus creating a primitive worker that just got a genetic jumpstart with the potential of becoming one of the gods. To the Anunnaki, the mechanism of evolution of consciousness was highly classified.


Humans Will Be Kept Between Life And Death In The First Suspended Animation Trials

Humans Will Be Kept Between Life And Death In The First Suspended Animation Trials

At a hospital in Pittsburgh, surgeons are now allowed to place patients into a state of suspended animation. If a patient arrives with a traumatic injury, and attempts to restart their heart have failed — if they’re on the doorstep of death — they will have their blood replaced with a cold saline solution, which stops almost all cellular activity. At this point, the patient is clinically dead — but if the doctors can fix the injury within a few hours, they can be returned to life from suspended animation by replacing the saline with blood.

Humans Will Be Kept Between Life And Death In The First Suspended Animation Trials

Or at least, that’s the theory. The technique of suspended animation (or “emergency preservation and resuscitation” as non-sci-fi doctors prefer to call it) was first trialed on pigs in 2002. Hasan Alam, working with his colleagues at the University of Michigan Hospital, drugged up a pig, created a massive hemorrhage to simulate the effect of a massive gunshot wound, and then replaced its blood with a cold saline solution, cooling the pig’s cells to just 10 Celsius (50F). After the injury was treated, the pig was gradually warmed back up by replacing the saline with blood. Usually the pig’s heart started beating on its own, and despite the pig being dead for a few hours, there was no physical or cognitive impairment. Now, it’s time to try it out on humans. [Research paper: dx.doi.org/10.1067/msy.2002.125787 - "Learning and memory is preserved after induced asanguineous hyperkalemic hypothermic arrest in a swine model of traumatic exsanguination"]

Humans Will Be Kept Between Life And Death In The First Suspended Animation Trials

Roughly once a month, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh receives a patient who has suffered a cardiac arrest after some kind of traumatic injury (gunshot, stabbing, etc.), and hasn’t responded to normal methods of restarting their heart. Because there’s currently no other kind of treatment, and because these kinds of wounds are nearly always fatal, the surgeons don’t need consent to carry out the suspended animation. The technique will be used on 10 patients, with the outcome compared against 10 people who didn’t. Samuel Tisherman, the surgeon who is leading the trial, told New Scientist that they’ll then refine their technique and try it out on 10 more patients — at which point, there should be enough data to work out whether suspended animation is worth rolling out to other hospitals.

The process is much the same for humans as it was for pigs. The first step is to replace all of the blood in the heart and brain — the two areas most sensitive to hypoxia — with with cold saline. Then, the saline is pumped around the rest of the body. After 15 minutes, the patient’s temperature reaches 10C — they have no blood, no brain activity, and they’re not breathing. Technically they’re dead — but because the metabolism of your cells slow down at low temperatures, they can survive for a few hours using anaerobic respiration (usually it’s just a few minutes). ”We’ve always assumed that you can’t bring back the dead. But it’s a matter of when you pickle the cells,” said Peter Rhee, who helped developed the suspended animation technique.

Humans Will Be Kept Between Life And Death In The First Suspended Animation Trials

For now, this process is only being used for cardiac arrests following traumatic injuries, but in the future Tisherman says he hopes to use the technique for other conditions as well. The other big question, of course, is whether this technique can be used to suspend animation for more than just a couple of hours. If I have my blood replaced with saline, and then use cryonics to cool my body down yet further, could I be “dead” for a few months or weeks or years before being warmed up again? If sci-fi has taught us anything, it’s that suspended animation (or stasis as it’s sometimes called) is one of the most potentially exciting technologies — not only for rich people trying to extend their lives, but for the possibly centuries-long journeys that our first interstellar explorers will embark upon.


Reptilian Humanoids of Ancient Ur Hold Secrets Of Mankind's [VIDEO]

Reptilian Humanoids of Ancient Ur Hold Secrets Of Mankind's

Al Ubaid is a famous archaeological site located in Iraq. Scientists were able to discover there numerous objects from the so-called Ubaid period (5900-4000 B.C.).

Some of them were more than historically interesting, as they were downright disturbing. Archaeologists obtained a few lizard-like humanoid figures that looks like a race of lizard people.

Reptilian Humanoids of Ancient Ur Hold Secrets Of Mankind's

The figurines are presented with long heads, almond shaped eyes, long tapered faces and lizard-type nose.

What exactly they represent is completely unknown.



The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

A big part of our culture, the global culture that is, lies in the process of aging, of growing old. It’s difficult to edify, just how much of our lives are dedicated to understanding, worrying about, coping with and trying to defeat the aging process. The sands of time, as they say, never stop flowing. And far be it for me to start a discussion on the direction and essence of time. No, I’ve something much more complicated to talk about today.


No, that’s not some new anti-ageing cream. That’s the very contrived and scientific word for growing old. More specifically it describes the gradual biological deterioration of cellular function, which in most living things means that after maturation, the entity in question experiences increased mortality in step with the passage of time.

The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

It is senescence that causes your wrinkles and grey hairs and your stubborn spare tire, indirectly that is. It is the unavoidable process that allows the direct causes of those maladies to come about. And it is that unavoidable process that some people wish to…avoid.

Since the beginning of time, it seems, mankind has sought the key to immortality. Whether that be through the fountain of youth – one of Sir Isaac Newton’s favourite musings – or, more recently, through the efforts of the transhumanist society, who see things in a slight bit more realistic terms, but we’ll get to that.

Senescence doesn’t apply to all living creatures though, amazingly enough. There are certain taxa, mostly plants, but some animals as well, who do not suffer from an increased mortality as they age. In fact there are some forms of life that undergo a defined decrease in mortality the older they get. These rare creatures, as they mature from whatever prepubescent or larval form they initially hold, retain the ability to revert back into a pre-mature state of being, which by-passes the process of senescence altogether.

The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

Some species of crab and lobster have this ability, as do a few others in the genus arthropoda, and there are several species of tree, fungus and shrubbery that exhibit an impressive resistance to time’s assault.

The reason for this highly coveted ability isn’t well understood. In fact, the reason for the reason for this ability is something of a mystery too. How it works, senescence that is – or biogerontology, if you prefer – is somewhat understood, in that there are many highly complex and hotly debated theories of senescence on the books at the moment, from Gene Regulation Theory to Chemical and/or DNA Damage theories. It’s generally accepted that there is something inherent to biology that affects the efficiency of cellular replication throughout the lifecycle of any creature, it’s just, what that something is, isn’t readily agreed upon.

Here’s where it gets really interesting.

Medical science has studied this process and its attendant features for decades, in pursuit of both cosmetic cure-alls and more humane means of improving the length and quality of life. Human life that is. Some have taken that effort up as a sort of mantra, and have labelled their cause transhumanism. That is, whatever your preconceived understanding of the term may be, a concerted effort to defeat the sands of time and the effect they have on the human body. In short, they – transhumanists that is – wish to find a way to achieve immortality.

The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

That’s a loaded word though, among a loaded sentence for that matter. We aren’t talking about the science fiction, romanticised notion of immortality. We aren’t talking about the Q from Star Trek, much as they might appreciate the sentiment. We’re talking about extending the lifespan of humans to an indefinite degree, through various technological and scientific means.

Quite often the goals of transhumanism are thought of in terms of cybernetics, a merging of technology and biology in an effort to find some permanence of life, though there are other means on the table. A new documentary film making rounds through the film festival circuit, The Immortalists, chronicles the quest of two transhumanist advocates and scientists as they seek out answers to the problem of senescence and ways to achieve immortality.

These men, William H. Andrews and Aubrey de Grey, whom are showcased in the film, approach the problem from drastically different positions. Andrews has studied biological methods of achieving a similar reversing of increased mortality, in much the same way as the species mentioned above. He believes that an artificial extension of telomeres in our DNA are the answer.

In the simplest terms, telomeres, which are the caps on the ends of DNA strands, appear to shorten as we age. Some researchers believe there is a direct correlation between this telomere shortening and senescence, and it follows, at least according to Andrews, that halting and/or reversing this shortening process will inherently alter or stop the aging process. He is currently seeking means to develop chemical medications that will reinforce telomeres, in effect making the patient immortal, of a fashion.

De Grey however, is taking a more space-age approach to the issue. He is calling for funding to further his research into medical nanotechnology. More specifically, he believes the answer is to develop and deploy microrobots that will work in the patient’s blood stream to repair and even replace damaged or aged cells, effectively, though artificially, sidestepping the aging process.

The Quest for Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

That’s a loaded word though, among a loaded sentence for that matter. We aren’t talking about the science fiction, romanticised notion of immortality. We aren’t talking about the Q from Star Trek, much as they might appreciate the sentiment. We’re talking about extending the lifespan of humans to an indefinite degree, through various technological and scientific means.

Quite often the goals of transhumanism are thought of in terms of cybernetics, a merging of technology and biology in an effort to find some permanence of life, though there are other means on the table. A new documentary film making rounds through the film festival circuit, The Immortalists, chronicles the quest of two transhumanist advocates and scientists as they seek out answers to the problem of senescence and ways to achieve immortality.

These men, William H. Andrews and Aubrey de Grey, whom are showcased in the film, approach the problem from drastically different positions. Andrews has studied biological methods of achieving a similar reversing of increased mortality, in much the same way as the species mentioned above. He believes that an artificial extension of telomeres in our DNA are the answer.

In the simplest terms, telomeres, which are the caps on the ends of DNA strands, appear to shorten as we age. Some researchers believe there is a direct correlation between this telomere shortening and senescence, and it follows, at least according to Andrews, that halting and/or reversing this shortening process will inherently alter or stop the aging process. He is currently seeking means to develop chemical medications that will reinforce telomeres, in effect making the patient immortal, of a fashion.

De Grey however, is taking a more space-age approach to the issue. He is calling for funding to further his research into medical nanotechnology. More specifically, he believes the answer is to develop and deploy microrobots that will work in the patient’s blood stream to repair and even replace damaged or aged cells, effectively, though artificially, sidestepping the aging process.


Out of Place in Time: 500-Million-Year-Old Vessel?

Out of Place in Time: 500-Million-Year-Old Vessel?

Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that seem to show a level of technological advancement incongruous with the times in which they were made. Ooparts often frustrate conventional scientists, delight adventurous investigators open to alternative theories, and spark debate.
A metallic vessel was found after an explosion of rock in Dorchester, Mass., in 1852. The questions raised by this finding are, how did the vessel get into rock that’s more than 500 million years old, and did it really come from inside the rock?

A Scientific American article from June 5, 1852, quotes the Boston Transcript: “This curious and unknown vessel was blown out of the solid pudding stone, fifteen feet below the surface. … There is no doubt but that this curiosity was blown out of the rock” (See full article below). The rock in question was determined to be from the Neoproterozoic era, that is from 541 million to a billion years ago.

Debunking website Bad Archaeology states that the vessel probably didn’t come from inside the rock and those who found it wrongly assumed it did when they found it at the site of the explosion. The website says it resembles recent artifacts.

Out of Place in Time: 500-Million-Year-Old Vessel?

It is now unclear what exactly made those who found the object express such certainty that it came from within the rock, but there seemed to be no question that this was the case.

The Scientific American describes the artifact as “an antique metal vessel perhaps made by Tubal Cain, the first inhabitant of Dorchester.”

Tubal Cain was a metal worker described in legend, an ancestor of the Biblical figure Cain. Was the Scientific American writer poking fun at the extraordinary claims that the artifact could be so old or was the writer expressing the mystery with wit?

Many ooparts seem similar to modern inventions or objects. Some say it is because those artifacts are actually of modern making and simply seem to have come from a remote age. Some say it is because human civilization has flourished and been wiped out multiple times over the course of the Earth’s history, with similar cultures arising each time.

Scientific American Article:
Out of Place in Time: 500-Million-Year-Old Vessel?

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef. Large companies have been the subject of rumors that they substitute unusual or unethical substances in their products, usually to decrease costs. McDonald’s is not immune to such claims. McDonald’s has been accused of using everything from worms to cow eyeballs in its burgers. Dating far back to at least 1978, there have been rumors that McDonald’s restaurants use earthworms in their hamburgers.

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef

The fact that McDonald’s uses cow eyeballs and worm fillers does not stop them from legally using the claim that they served 100% beef. McDonald’s has assured its consumers that its product contains 100% beef. They are allowed to do this because McDonald’s buys their “beef” from a company called “100% Beef Company”, making it possible for McDonald’s to call beef byproducts and soy products “100% beef”.

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef

McDonald’s then ships the beef to their grinding facility in Oak Brook, Illinois where they then take the ground worm filler and add it to their “100% beef patties”. McDonald’s serves billions of people around the world every year. This allows them to produce a higher profit margin by increasing the amount of patties that can be made, by increasing their product load with the worm filler. The worm filler is ground and packaged in a facility next to McDonald’s corporate headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. The employees must sign a confidentiality waiver to never discuss the ingredients of the McDonald’s food products or face termination and legal repercussions. However many employees have stepped up over the years with the truth and have created a huge controversy over the quality of food that the company produces.

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef

McDonald’s has also been accused of using mutant laboratory meat, and pig fat their milkshakes and ice cream. Considering that one quarter of Americans eat McDonald’s every single day, although nutritionists recommend you do so only once a month, they are doing so unaware of the products they are putting into their body. If everybody truly knew what they were consuming, they definitely would not be eating this.


Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

In January the Satanic Temple announced plans to erect a monument glorifying the Dark Lord on the front lawn of the Oklahoma Statehouse. An Indiegogo campaign was launched with what seemed like a somewhat lofty goal of $20,000, but by the time donations ended almost $30,000 had been raised. Now an artist trained in classical sculpture is toiling away in New York, crafting a Baphomet figure sitting beneath a pentagram and flanked by two children gazing upward in loyalty. When it is finished, it will be cast in bronze and, the Satanists hope, eventually displayed in Oklahoma.

The statue is a direct response to the state's installation of a Ten Commandments monument outside the Capitol in 2012. State Representative Mike Ritze paid for the controversial statue with his own money, and therefore it was considered a donation and OK to place on government property. Following that line of reasoning, the Satanic Temple submitted a formal application for their monument.

As Trait Thompson of the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission told CNN last December, “Individuals and groups are free to apply to place a monument or statue or artwork.” The applications are then approved or rejected by the Commission. Unfortunately, the state has placed a halt on issuing permits for any other monuments until a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against Ritze’s Commandments monument is settled.

Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

Nonetheless, the Satanists are building this thing, and I was offered an early peek at the work in progress by Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves. Greaves told me he has received numerous threats from people who want to attack the sculpture, but that he “wouldn’t expect these outraged and nearly insensible reactionaries to actually know how to assault a bronze monument without severely hurting themselves in the process.” Still, he’s not taking any chances. The Temple is building a mold of the sculpture so they can pop these things out like evil, terribly expensive action figures whenever they need a new one.

“Depending on our insurance policy,” Greaves said, “we may be able to cast two from the destruction of one, expediting our arrival to the next battleground.”

The Temple estimates that the monument will be finished in a few months. Once it’s done, they plan to put it in front of the Oklahoma Statehouse regardless of the the Capitol Preservation Commission’s ongoing battle against the ACLU. They feel this should be allowed because their application was submitted before all the hullabaloo over Ritze’s monument.

“After all,” Greaves told me, “the Ten Commandments still stand at the State Capitol. We are fully willing to place our monument at the Capitol, even while the ACLU suit is fought, with the understanding that a judgment against the Ten Commandments will have ramifications for our monument as well, likely resulting in the removal of both.”

Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

One popular argument being used against the Temple’s monument is that it doesn’t have “any historical significance for the State of Oklahoma,” as State Representative Paul Wesselhoft told a local news station in January. “The only reason why the Ten Commandments qualified,” he continued, “is because at the Capitol, what we do is we make laws. We are lawmakers. Well, one of the earliest laws we have are the Ten Commandments.” This, it is important to remember, was said by a current democratically elected member of the legislature.

Greaves told me that “the idea that the Ten Commandments are foundational to US or Oklahoman law is absurd and obscene… I would argue that the message behind our monument speaks more directly to the formation of US Constitutional values than the Ten Commandments possibly could. It especially does so when it stands directly beside the Ten Commandments, as it affirms no one religion enjoys legal preference.”

Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

Regardless of what happens at the statehouse, the Temple is charging ahead with the monument. And if it doesn’t end up in Oklahoma City and the Ten Commandments are forced to be removed, the Satanists will try to find a home for the Baphomet in another deserving state. Texas, for instance, has had a monument of the Ten Commandments sitting on its capitol grounds for 40 years. As Greaves put it, “There are no shortage of public locations across the US where religious monuments await a contrasting voice.”


'Ghost' runs through crowd at football game


The human silhouette was captured moving through the bleachers during a Fox Sports live transmission of Bolivia's The Strongest versus Defensor Sporting, of Uruguay, in La Paz's Hernando Siles Stadium.

Observers noted the figure appears to go unnoticed by fans seemingly seated in its path.

Local media added that it moves curiously fast given the cramped seating in the stadium which allows only limited room.

A number of people also took to social media where they claimed to identify a second shadow near the northern end of the stadium.



Grey Aliens Have Frightening Plans For Humans [VIDEO]

Grey Aliens Have Frightening Plans For Humans

Grey aliens (also referred to as “Roswell Greys”, “Greys” or “Grays”) are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their skin color.

Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color). A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head and large black eyes. The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim, although skeptics see precursors in science fiction and earlier paranormal claims.

Greys are typically depicted as dark grey-skinned diminutive humanoid beings that possess reduced forms of, or completely lack, external human organs such as noses, ears or sex organs. Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition and visible skeletal structure. Their legs are shorter and jointed differently from what one would expect in a human. Their limbs are often depicted as proportionally different from a human’s; their humerus and thighs are the same lengths as their forearms and shins, respectively.

Grey Aliens Have Frightening Plans For Humans

Greys are depicted as having unusually large heads in proportion to their bodies. They are depicted as having no hair anywhere on the body, including the face, and no noticeable outer ears or noses, but only small openings or orifices for ears and nostrils. They are depicted as having very small mouths, and very large opaque black eyes with no discernible iris or pupil. Sometimes Greys are depicted as having no noticeable nostrils or mouths. Also reports of alleged encounters state their height to be 2–4 ft tall

Greys are commonly included in alien abduction claims. Among reports of supposed alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50 percent in Australia, 43 percent in the United States, 90 percent in Canada, 67 percent in Brazil, 20 percent in Continental Europe, and around 12 percent in the United Kingdom. These reports include two distinct groups of Greys that differ in height. Abductees say that they recognize the leader of their abductors by its “demeanor.” Some ufologists and abduction researchers believe that taller Greys, with their reported increased authority and apparently more complex psychology, may be the only Grey type to be biologically alive and that the shorter form could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants

Grey Aliens Have Frightening Plans For Humans

Some alien abduction reports have depicted variant skin colors such as blue-grey, green-grey, or purple-grey and sometimes not grey at all. The skin is typically described as being extremely smooth, almost as if made of an artificial material like rubber or plastic.

Abduction claims are often described as extremely traumatic, similar to an abduction by humans or even a sexual assault in the level of trauma and distress.


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