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Church of England to Build “Pagan Church”

Church of England to Build “Pagan Church”

What would it be like to worship the Goddess inside a Christian cathedral, or to hold a Christian sermon inside a prehistoric stone circle? The Church of England (CoE) has announced plans to make such a scenario into reality by forming a church which incorporates pagan styles of worship and ritual, but the efforts have drawn criticism from Christians and pagans alike. For Universal Life Church ministers the English church’s plans an important ethical question: are Anglicans trying to show greater acceptance for earth-based religions, or are they secretly trying to convert pagans?

News of the so-called “pagan church” came as druids, Wiccans, and other members of the pagan community gathered together to celebrate Litha, or Alban Heruin—the Summer Solstice—at Stonehenge in the countryside of Wiltshire, England. The Church’s Mission Society is currently training its ordained ministers to consort amicably with pagans in the hope of seeing more of them discover, or re-discover, Christianity. According to the Society’s Andrea Campenale, the goal is to provide spiritual meaning in a secularized Britain. “Nowadays people, they want to feel something; they want to have some sense of experience”, she said, adding that “[w]e live in reflective England where there’s much more of a focus on ourselves. I think that is something we can bring in dialogue with the Christian society”. The Society’s Web page says about its pioneer minister training scheme that “[w]herever in the world the mission of Jesus goes on, the church needs pioneer mission leaders to break new ground”.

Church of England creating “Pagan Church”

At first glance this attempt to “break bread” suggests the Anglican Communion’s growing tolerance of paganism, and the fact that Anglicans have fielded criticism from their own seems to testify to this. In a 2010 American Anglican article entitled “Are Pagan Practices Meeting an Increasingly Receptive Audience in the Episcopal Church”, author Jeff Walton describes another article in the newsletter of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. The article, called “Crone Power”, recounts a “croning” ritual, or celebration of female wisdom. “[T]he meditation embraced a history of mystical women and offered prayers to ‘Mothering God’ and ‘Eternal Wisdom’”, he writes, also noting the “outing” of an Episcopal priest who led a secret life as a druid named Oakwyse. Additionally, in 2009, the Institute of Religion and Democracy, which bills itself as “ecumenical”, condemned as “idolatrous” a Native American “Sacred Circles” ceremony held inside the Episcopal National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Church of England to create pagan church recruiting members

But does this growing receptivity mean the Church of England wants to embrace pagans, or convert them? In a Telegraph article on the topic, one commenter wrote, “given that much of Christian culture is the result of putting a monotheistic gloss on pagan ritual, this seems like the only way that Christianity will survive in England”, while another wrote, “[t]hen again, maybe this is just what we need. Converting the pagans by co-opting some of their beliefs worked wonders the first time, and made Christianity a whole lot more fun in the bargain. Where would we be without Christmas trees?” Many, it would seem, think the CoE’s “pagan church” is really just a subtle form of missionary work.

The idea of a paganized Anglican worship service seems refreshingly open-minded on the surface, but talk of “mission” work and bringing pagans to Christ make it sound like a thinly-veiled attempt at proselytizing an increasingly secular British populace. Interfaith ministers ordained online should be aware of the difference between syncretism and religious co-optation. The former means to accept and integrate; the latter, to weigh up and assimilate.


Iowa Baseball Players Are Being Haunted By A Ghost That Steals Their Girlfriend's Panties


University Of Iowa Baseball Players Think A Ghost Is Stealing Their Girlfriends' Underwear

Every night when he got ready to go to bed, Hawkeye baseball player Trevor Kenyon usually left his TV on the Big Ten Network. One night, he decided to fall asleep to FX.

When he returned to his room after brushing his teeth, he discovered his TV had been changed to BTN. Kenyon turned the TV off and put the remote on the floor next to his bed. When he rolled over, he discovered the remote next to him on the pillow. After that, Kenyon turned the TV back on to BTN and let “Tim” watch sports as he fell asleep.

Kenyon, along with five other members of the Iowa baseball team and one club hockey player, recently learned they might not be the only ones living in their house on North Dubuque Street. A local paranormal-investigating task force claims to have confirmed the residents have two spirits in their house. One, an older, grandfatherly figure — whom the guys have named “Tim” — roams the halls and rooms of the three-story house. Another, a younger girl, stays put in one particular room of the house.

“We’ve lived here over the past two years,” junior pitcher Aaron Smit said. “But over the past few months, we noticed things getting a little bit weird. We had a kid in here who thought he saw a ghost — a shadow in a form of a human.”

That experience made Smit, and the rest of his roommates, think about some other not-so-normal things that have happened in their residence before.

“We thought about how [baseball player Taylor Zeutenhorst] said he saw a little girl in his bedroom,” Smit said. “There was a time in the morning where someone was slamming the door, and we heard sprinting up the stairs. Everyone assumed it was me, but I told them I was in bed.”

Iowa Baseball Players Are Being Haunted By A Ghost That Steals Their Girlfriend's Panties
Members of the house began noticing chairs being moved around in the kitchen late at night. And on two separate occasions, girlfriends of players have had underwear removed from them while sleeping, even though they were wearing pants. Each time, the undergarments were discovered in another place. Smit said the list “sort of goes on.”

One of the more peculiar stories comes from a room in the attic of the house. Kenyon, a junior catcher who has lived in the furnished attic all year, said that for whatever reason, there were times he couldn’t find the energy to leave his bed or his room.

“I never wanted to leave the room. I had no motivation,” he said. “I usually have high energy. I would get depressed — be in there moping around, wondering, ‘What the hell am I doing?’ ”

Other teammates who have lived in Kenyon’s room in the past have told him they experienced similar things and feelings of exhaustion while in the room.

The baseball players said they were puzzled by all the strange happenings, and it wasn’t until they had an unexpected visitor to their house that they thought of the possibility of a ghost.

They said one day, a man around 50 years old showed up at the house, saying he was a former tenant there who wished to walk around. As the guys were showing the man the house, he said it had been a funeral home in the 1920s.

“Things had been happening for a while, so after that, we decided to call someone,” Kenyon said.
The Davenport native scoured the Internet for someone who might be able to confirm or deny the presence of a ghost or otherworldly spirits in their home. He came across the Facebook page of Paranormal Activity Support Team. The group of four women, three with jobs working in labs in the area and one a business owner, investigate paranormal happenings for free in Iowa as a hobby.

“We did an interview first,” group member Lacy Benter said. “We thought, ‘Is this for real? They might be yanking our chain.’ It was a group of college guys, after all. But we went there, and they were all excited about it; they were pumped. Everyone had a story.”

All four members of the paranormal group entered the house with their equipment to see if they could confirm or deny the presence of a spirit, or spirits, in the house. The tools they brought included thermometers, infrared cameras, voice recorders, dowsing rods, and equipment to detect electromagnetic fields.

They said that the temperature drops dramatically in a room if a paranormal spirit is around — the reason for the thermometers. The recorder is for catching sounds they may not have heard while conducting an investigation, but for this case, group member Sandy Marler said, the dowsing rods were the tools the members used most.

She said they had some of the members of the house hold a rod in each hand and ask a supposed spirit a question. If the rods crossed, that meant a spirit answered the question with “Yes,” and if the rods moved apart or outward, that meant “No.”

Iowa Baseball Players Are Being Haunted By A Ghost That Steals Panties

“We did find there are two spirits staying there,” Marler said. “We got information that there was an older, grandfather-like gentlemen and a little girl around the age of 10, but they were not related.”
Kenyon told them about the problems he was having in his room, and they had a simple solution: Ask the spirit to stop stealing his energy.

“I don’t think he was trying to take his energy to be mean,” Benter said. “Sometimes, to get attention, they take energy. It can be harmful to people; they can get ill or be overcome with severe depression. I don’t think this one meant it to be harmful, but some do.”

Dowsing rods in hand, Kenyon asked the spirit Tim if he would stop draining him of his energy. The rods crossed “Yes,” and Kenyon said he hasn’t had a problem with a lack of energy since.

“Before, if I didn’t set an alarm, I wouldn’t get out of bed until 2 p.m.,” he said. “Now, I don’t need to set an alarm. I can get up at 8 a.m. naturally.”

The paranormal group members determined that the spirits are not out to harm any members of the house. The baseball players decided that they have had enough of the paranormal, though, and decided not to renew their lease for next year. A new group of young men will be tasked with sharing the house with two apparent non-rent-paying entities for at least the next academic year.

The players could take measures to rid their house of the spirits, but because no harm has been done, they have decided to let their guests be.

“I’m on Tim’s good side,” first baseman Brian Niedbalski said. “I want to leave it that way.”


Pineal Gland: the Gateway to Other Dimensions or a Quantum Computer in our Head

Pineal Gland: the Gateway to Other Dimensions or a Quantum Computer in our Head
Many have probably heard that our brain has a small body calledepiphysis or pineal gland. It is believed that this is our “third eye”.
Epiphysis has many names: the Third Eye, Adjna Chakra, the Eye of Eternity, the Mighty Eye, the Eye of Shiva, the Eye of Wisdom, The Seat of Soul (Descartes),Dreaming Eye (Schopenhauer), and thepineal gland. It has received its name because of its shape, resembling a pine cone.
Eastern occultists claim that the pineal gland with its own special structure of nerve cells and small grains of brain tissue is closely related to thesubliminal transmission and reception of mental vibrations.
The pineal gland is accumulation of nerve tissue in the brain located near the center of the skull and right above the upper end of the spinal cord. It is shaped as a small cone and reddish-gray in color. Located in front of the cerebellum and attached to the third ventricle of the brain, it contains a large amount of particulate matter, similar to grains of sand, therefore it is sometimes called grainy tissue.
Studies have shown that this substance is absent in children under the age of 7, mentally challenged people and those who suffer from some mental disorders. Occultists know that this grainy tissues is the key to human spirituality. It serves as a bridging link between the mind and the body.
Scientists have also repeatedly made assumptions that the crystals of brain’s grainy tissue are capable of absorbing non-electromagnetic radiation. Back in the early 70’s of the twentieth century, the famous Soviet physical chemist and professor of the Moscow University Nikolai Kobozev, while analyzing the phenomenon of consciousness, has come to a conclusion that the molecular structure of brain tissue is not responsible for the thinking process, it requires excitation by external flows with ultra-light particles called“psychons”.
According to this hypothesis, a person does not think at a willpower, but because the pineal gland with grainy tissue in the brain absorbs cosmic radiation. The “psychons” are the main carriers and transmitters of mental and emotional impulses.
The hypothesis also stipulates that the brain’s grainy tissue in the epiphysis represents a control center and the carrier of informational matrix in humans and other well-developed animals. This theory comes very close to the concept of a quantum computer.

Pineal Gland: the Gateway to Other Dimensions or a Quantum Computer in our Head
 During the natural life cycle, these organic crystals gradually accumulate organo-phosphorus-calcium shells, that is, within the pineal gland, in the medium supersaturated with calcium salts and phosphorus, they are gradually transformed into aggregates of brain grainy tissue. Unusual information transmitting properties of brain’s grainy tissue are observed in many experiments, and according to the authors, they can store all of the information about the person.
Presently, histologists have figured out the structure of the brain’s grainy tissue. The grains are 5 microns to 2 mm in size, they often resemble mulberry in shape, i.e. have scalloped edges. They consist of organic matter, a colloid, which is secreted by pinealocytes and layered with calcium and magnesium salts, mainly phosphates. Using the X-ray crystallographic analysis it was shown that the calcium salt formations on the epiphysis’ diffractograms are similar to hydroxyapatite crystals. Brain’s grainy tissue under polarized light exhibit birefringence which leads to formation resembling Maltese cross. (!)
Due to the presence of calcium phosphate, the grains exhibit initial fluorescence under ultraviolet radiation just like colloidal particles with blue-white glow. A similar blue fluorescence is observed in myelin endings of nerve cells extensions.
The most interesting finding is that the grainy tissue contains calcium hydroxyapatite, which is believed to be one of the most suitable candidates as a component of a quantum computer! A striking coincidence, and probably not accidental.
Pineal Gland: the Gateway to Other Dimensions or a Quantum Computer in our Head
 Combining the data on cell-based quantum computer with information about biological nature of thepineal gland and the structure of brain’s grainy tissue, a very interesting hypothesis can be derived :the pineal gland of the brain is part of a quantum computer inside our headand brain’s grainy tissue is the physical substance of the quantum processor.
Shortly after we are born, our quantum computer is still clean, it is not loaded with any programs to help us deal with the busy world around us.
This computer, as a device we will rely on, is not quite ready be used yet, the final “assembly” is not complete. It’s like the physics of quantum information exchange when  systems of interacting nonlocal correlations are linked, but they cannot become true quantum computers. To get a quantum computer, it is necessary to organize the qubits, which can be selectively manipulated to perform logical operations to attain tangible results.
A child is similar in this respect, when at first, he or she is closer to the world of subtlety, with epiphysis qubits, which help to perform logical operations, still absent. Brain’s grainy tissue and hydroxyapatite crystals are developed and function as physical media qubits, are formed gradually, as the child grows, when he or she begins to master the mental constructs and logical operations.
Humans have the ability to use the “magic” non-local properties of complicated structures of qubits of the quantum computer. It turns out that all esoteric practices inherently mean that a person is trying to switch brain activity from the standard mode of operation to a quantum power. By processing information with mystical nature, we engage non-local entangled structures and make use of indirect messages, essentially performing something that aspires physicists who are working on making quantum computer a reality!

Based on theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics it can be implied that for the additional quantum correlations to exist we must have the presence of traditional physics-based interactions. That is, in order for our existence to have an opportunity to reflect back on itself and develop further, it needs to have a material basis, some type ofa conductor in the physical world. The crystals of hydroxyapatite in brain’s grainy tissue can serve in this role and act as a physical basis for the quantum computer inside our brain.
By the way, during ultrasound screening, the pineal glandbecomes visible in the human embryo around 49th day after conception, about the same time when it becomes possible to discern the gender of the baby. The nature manages to first form the processor of our future quantum computer, which, during later stages of development, is fitted with the rest of the required “hardware”.
This development begins with thin quantum levels, and if there is reincarnation, it is precisely at this time when the quantum astrosome for the next incarnation begins. According to Buddhist philosophy, a deceased person needs exactly 49 days to enter the next incarnation phase.
It turns out that, to some extent, the occultists philosophy about brain’s grainy tissue as the repository of psychic energy is somewhat true, as well as their point about the pineal gland being the link between the body and the mind (the seat of the soul).
This conclusion is supported by a quote from the book of M.P. Hall: “A child usually lives within a distant world. The child’s s physical body is still controlled with difficulty, however, within those worlds, connected by the open doors of the pineal gland, the child has self-awareness and is active. Gradually, certain manifestations of higher consciousness are absorbed by the body and crystallize physically in the form of grainy tissue which can be detected in this gland. But until consciousness enters the body, there is no grainy tissues present in this gland. “
And what happens to a person who has the pineal gland removed?
After removal of the pineal gland people experience the so-called “bordering state.” Here is one of those descriptions:
 “I’ve been watching a lot of neurosurgical patients who have had a epiphysis removed due to malignancies. They exhibit a virtual bordering state existence, when they find themselves in illusory reality and in the present simultaneously. They exist in a vivid dream-like state, while being conscious, and can alternate between these two states of consciousness.
Experiments conducted with these patients revealed that their existence in this reality is different from the norm and it may seem odd to the casual observer.
It is interesting that these patients demonstrate a fully fixed gaze with a slightly perceptible movement of their eyes.
And even more interesting is that when they go through this reality, they move the same distance  within the other reality. One gentleman, whom I helped to get to the bathroom, stopped halfway and for some time he could not go any further due to the fact that in his other reality, he was at the horse races, and the spot where we stopped in the corridor of the hospital, was simultaneously perceived by him as the side of the racing track. We could not move further until the path in his way would become free of horses, which, in his mind, could knock him off his feet…”

A Strong and Silent Husband – Australian Woman Marries a Bridge in Southern France

A Strong and Silent Husband – Australian Woman Marries a Bridge in Southern France

For the last 10 years Australian artist Jodi Rose has traveled the world recording the vibrations in bridge cables with contact microphones and using them to create experimental music. You could say she has an almost intimate relationship with bridges, and recently she decided to make it official by marrying a mysterious bridge in the south of France.

Le Pont du Diable (Devil’s Bridge) is a 600-year-old stone bridge built over a steep-sided gorge in Hérault, but for Jodi Rose it’s simply “The One”. After visiting dozens of bridges all over the world, for her Singing Bridges musical project, she decided this was the one she wanted to celebrate her love for bridges with. Although he is made of stone, the resonance of his being is very present, and I feel at peace in his strong embrace,”Jodi said. ”He makes me feel connected to the earth and draws me to rest from my endless nomadic wanderings. He is fixed, stable, rooted to the ground, while I am nomadic, transient, ever on the road. He gives me a safe haven, brings me back to ground myself, and then lets me go again to follow my own path, without trying to keep me tied down or in thrall to his needs or desires. I am devoted to him. The perfect husband… strong and silent!”

A Strong and Silent Husband – Australian Woman Marries a Bridge in Southern France

For her unique wedding, Jodi Rose wore a wedding dress, carried a bouquet, and even prepared a short vow for her beloved. A dozen people attended the event, including the mayor of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, a small nearby town. Just to e clear, this wedding was only symbolic, a statement of her love and dedication to bridges. “While I respect those whose romantic and sexual feelings are oriented towards objects, mine is a symbolic affair, a pagan / animist view of the spiritual vibration in everything. He understands that I love other bridges – and men – ours is a love that embraces the vagaries of life, as materialized in the swirling currents of the river that flows beneath his magnificent body,” Rose wrote in an article on Bridgeland.

“The Devil’s Bridge is everything I could desire in a husband – sturdy, trustworthy, sensual, kind & handsome,” the Australian musician says about her new husband. “There is longevity in the arch of his back, he has stood for 600 years and he will stand for 600 more. This is not a decision I undertake lightly, just as our curves complement, we truly bring joy to each other, and the strength of his pylons will always carry me home.” 

Muslim Brotherhood And Its Secret Societies: An Illuminati Tool


This is the real identity of the new leaders of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and soon Syria. The real identity of the Iranian leaders. They only pose as devout Muslims. They are gangsters for hire. 

In his book "Hostage to Khomeini," Robert Dreyfuss gave a pretty accurate rendering of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1980, which as I have witnessed, is common knowledge in high government, diplomatic and Intelligence circles:

"The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical following, nor is it even the top mullahs and ayatollahs who lead entire movements of such madmen; Khomeini, Qaddafi, General Zia are exquisitely fashioned puppets."

The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of killing and burning. They are the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite.....and the Muslim Brotherhood is money. 

Together, the Brotherhood probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate liquid assets, and controls billions more in day-to-day business operations in everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling........a terrorists-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire that extends from numbered Swiss bank accounts to offshore havens in Dubai, Kuwait and Hong Kong.

The real story of the Muslim Brotherhood is more fantastic than the mere imagination of the author of espionage novels could create. It functions as a Conspiracy, its members exchange coded greeting and secret passwords, although no Formal membership list exists; its members are organized into hierarchical cells or orders.

The Muslim Brotherhood does not respect national frontiers; it spans the entire Islamic World. Some of its members are government officials, diplomats, and military men; Others are street gangsters and fanatics. While the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are at home in plush-carpeted paneled board rooms of top financial institutions, at the lower levels the Muslim Brotherhood is a paramilitary army of thugs and assassins. At its highest Level, the Muslim Brotherhood is not Muslim. 

Nor is it Christian, Jewish, or part of any Religion. In the innermost council are men who change their religion as easily as other men might change their shirts. Taken together, the generic Muslim Brotherhood does not belong to Islam, but to the Pre-Islamic barbarian cults of the mother-goddess worship that prevailed in ancient Arabia.

As much as the peddlers of mythology might want us to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood and Ayatollah Khomeini represent a legitimate expression of a deeply rooted "Sociological phenomenon," it is not the case. Nor does the Muslim Brotherhood represent more than a tiny fraction of the world's Muslim believers....

For Americans, British sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood should not be surprising. The policy of the British Empire was to maintain London's colonies in a state of underdevelopment. In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British imperial objectives." 

(This is what they are doing to the human race in general. Our "leaders" are Freemasons, just like the MB - Makow) 


By an extraordinary series of "omissions", the Muslim Brotherhood does not appear on the US, UK, EU, NATO or UN terrorism lists, given its history and that there is no statute of limitations for murder and bombings which are prolific and well documented . 

It's inconceivable that any formal body compiling the terrorism lists could be unaware of the Muslim Brotherhood's history of murder and assassination, in addition to which, the US and UK actually used it (via the Al Kifah refugee centres) to assemble a force to help eject the Soviets from Afghanistan. 

The conclusion is inescapable - it is a multi-edged sword for hire and one or more factions are still sometimes useful to a number of western Intelligence agencies as a deniable and lethal weapon - rent-a- mob all the way up to assassins of heads of state . At one time, a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood was Israel's paymaster in Lebanon. At another time, they represented Israel in Iran. 

The odds of Egypt getting an impartial non-puppet for their new leader are about 10:1 against.  Once they have a "democracy", any incumbent can be then removed by rent-a-mob and replaced by a more compliant president or prime minister.  

Ask anyone in the IAEA about the corruption and nepotism of Elbaradei. Ask any member of the IAEA whose Intelligence agents were covertly substituted for members of the UN IAEA Inspections teams en route to Iraq during Elbaradei's watch.

In the new Middle East union forming (as part of the New World Order being constructed by crime Incorporated), it is very necessary to be able to remove leaders by rent-a-mob-ballot-box, rather than assassinating one after another. 

In Egypt, the die is now in the process of being cast and most sheeple (especially the young university-class air heads hysterically spouting off about "freedom"  to western news media - they can't think, only parrot and go into denial ) are too lazy and dumb to realize it, because they are obsessed with eating, TV, money and ego while their nations, freedoms and children's future are stolen from them under their noses without their even realizing it. Gulag candidates.

Only God can save this stuffed up world now, but as they say in Arabic: "Ya khaber bi flus, bukra belash" (lit. The news of today costs money, but tomorrow it's free).  

Ex-member: Muslim Brotherhood has secret societies in 80 nations, including U.S.

A defector has exposed the Muslim Brotherhood’s campaign to dominate the Gulf.

Tharwat Al Kherbawy told a conference in Abu Dhabi that the Brotherhood, with headquarters in Egypt, was infiltrating Western and Arab states by recruiting their Muslim citizens. Al Kherbawy said the Brotherhood established secret societies in more than 80 countries, with recruitspledged to violence.

“So these novices are raised on obedience and allegiance to the supreme guide, accepting no criticism of him or his actions,” Al Kherbawy told the conference, entitled “Challenges and Threats posed by the Muslim Brotherhood to UAE and Countries of the Region.” “They are taught to regard the movement as their home and that standing to the national anthem of their country is polytheism.”

In an address to a conference on Feb. 24, Al Kherbawy said the Brotherhood has rejected loyalty to any host country. He cited the refusal of new Brotherhood parliamentarians to stand during the playing of the Egyptian national anthem in 2011. Instead, the Islamist deputies stood during the United States anthem when they later met the American ambassador in Cairo.

Al Kherbawy said the Brotherhood recruits teenagers in a ceremony in which they kneel before a masked member and take a vow over a gun and Koran. He said the recruit, whose progress is monitored, is warned that any violation of orders means death. The movement has been cautious in promoting members in an effort to protect the Brotherhood from infiltration by intelligence services.

In late 2012, the UAE reported the arrest of 94 suspected Brotherhood members accused of trying to overthrow the Gulf Cooperation Council state. Officials said the Brotherhood marked a leading threat to the UAE as well as such neighboring states as Kuwait.

“It does not believe in the sovereignty of the state,” UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan said.

Al Kherbawy said the Brotherhood presence in any country consists of three units. They included a unit comprised of local residents, a secret Egyptian cell, and what Al Kherbawy termed an international group that reports to superiors in the American city of New York.

“For Emirati members of the Muslim Brotherhood, it is a proxy allegiance oath, whereby these members swear allegiance before another veteran leader in the UAE, who in turn swears allegiance before the supreme guide in Cairo,” Al Kherbawy told the conference, organized by the Al Mezmaah Studies and Research Center at Zayed University

Religion At Its Worst: 8 Atrocities Committed in the Name of Religion


Throughout history religion has been used as an excuse, or driving force, for some of the worst atrocities imaginable. From pre-history to modern history, religion is, for many people, just an excuse to kill other people. This list highlights eight of the worst atrocities.

1. Buddhist Burma

Human sacrifices were still occurring in Buddhist Burma in the 1850s. When the capital was moved to Mandalay, 56 “spotless” men were buried beneath the new city walls to sanctify and protect the city. When two of the burial spots were later found empty, royal astrologers decreed that 500 men, women, boys, and girls must be killed and buried at once, or the capital must be abandoned. About 100 were actually buried before British governors stopped the ceremonies.

2. Thuggee Murders

Members of lndia’s Thuggee sect strangled people as sacrifices to appease the bloodthirsty goddess Kali, a practice beginning in the 1500s. The number of victims has been estimated to be as high as 2 million. Thugs were claiming about 20,000 lives a year in the 1800s until British rulers stamped them out. At a trial in 1840, one Thug was accused of killing 931 people. Today, some Hindu priests still sacrifice goats to Kali.

3. Mountain Meadows Massacre

The Mountain Meadows massacre was a mass killing of the Fancher-Baker wagon train at Mountain Meadows in Utah Territory on September 11, 1857, by a group of Mormons and Paiute Indians. The Arkansas emigrants were traveling to California shortly before Utah War started. Mormons throughout the Utah Territory had been mustered to fight the invading United States Army, which they believed was intended to destroy them as a people. Initially intending to orchestrate an Indian massacre, two men with leadership roles in local military, church and government organizations, Isaac C. Haight and John D. Lee, conspired for Lee to lead militiamen disguised as Native Americans along with a contingent of Paiute tribesmen in an attack.The emigrants fought back and a siege ensued. Intending to leave no witnesses of Mormon complicity in the siege and avoid reprisals complicating the Utah War, militiamen induced the emigrants to surrender and give up their weapons. After escorting the emigrants out of their fortification, the militiamen and their tribesmen auxiliaries executed approximately 120 men, women and children.

4. The Inquisition

The Medieval Inquisition is a series of Inquisitions (Roman Catholic Church bodies charged with suppressing heresy) from around 1184, including the Episcopal Inquisition (1184-1230s) and later the Papal Inquisition (1230s). It was in response to large popular movements throughout Europe considered apostate or heretical to Christianity, in particular Catharism and Waldensians in southern France and northern Italy. These were the first inquisition movements of many that would follow.Torture was used after 1252. On May 15, Pope Innocent IV issued a papal bull entitled Ad exstirpanda, which authorized the use of torture by inquisitors.

The Inquisitors were forbidden to use methods that resulted in bloodshed, mutilation or death. One of the more common forms of medieval inquisition torture was known as strappado. The hands were bound behind the back with a rope, and the accused was suspended this way, dislocating the joints painfully in both arms.

Weights could be added to the legs dislocating those joints as well.The organization is still active today under the name of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Prior to becoming Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Ratzinger was the head of the congregation.

5. The Witch Hunts

When Puritans settled in Massachusetts in the 1600s, they created a religious police state where doctrinal deviation could lead to flogging, pillorying, hanging, cutting off ears, or boring through the tongue with a hot iron. Preaching Quaker beliefs was a capital offense. Four stubborn Quakers defied this law and were hanged. In the 1690s fear of witches seized the colony. Twenty alleged witches were killed and 150 others imprisoned.

6. Roman Persecution of Christians

Christians were first, and horribly, targeted for persecution as a group by the emperor Nero in 64 AD. A colossal fire broke out at Rome, and destroyed much of the city. Rumors abounded that Nero himself was responsible. To divert attention from the rumors, Nero ordered that Christians should be rounded up and killed. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burnt alive as human torches. Over the next hundred years or so, Christians were sporadically persecuted. Then in the mid-third century, emperors initiated even more intensive persecutions. This, “The Great Persecution”, is considered the largest. Beginning with a series of four edicts banning Christian practices and ordering the imprisonment of Christian clergy, the persecution intensified until all Christians in the empire were commanded to sacrifice to the gods or face immediate execution. This persecution was to be the last, as Constantine I soon came into power and in 313 legalized Christianity.

7. Aztec Human Sacrifice

The Aztecs began their elaborate theocracy in the 1300s and brought human sacrifice to a golden era. About 20,000 people were killed yearly to appease gods — especially the sun god, who needed daily “nourishment” of blood. Hearts of sacrifice victims were cut out, and some bodies were eaten ceremoniously. Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or dropped from heights. In a rite to the rain god, shrieking children were killed at several sites so that their tears might induce rain. In a rite to the maize goddess, a virgin danced for 24 hours, then was killed and skinned; her skin was worn by a priest in further dancing. One account says that at King Ahuitzotl’s coronation, 80,000 prisoners were butchered to please the gods.

8. Islamic Jihads

Islamic jihads (holy wars), mandated by the Koran, killed millions over 12 centuries. In early years, Muslim armies spread the faith rapidly: east to India and west to Morocco. Then splintering sects branded other Muslims as infidels and declared jihads against them. The Kharijis battled Sunni rulers. The Azariqis decreed death to all “sinners” and their families. In 1804 a Sudanese holy man, Usman dan Fodio, waged a bloody jihad that broke the religious sway of the Sultan of Gobir. In the 1850s another Sudanese mystic, ‘Umar al-Hajj, led a barbaric jihad to convert pagan African tribes.

10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu


The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict:

1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots are only able to protect against certain strains of the virus, which means that if you come into contact with a different strain of virus you will still get the flu.

2.) Medical journals have published thousands of articles revealing that injecting vaccines can actually lead to serious health problems including harmful immunological responses and a host of other infections. This further increases the body’s susceptibility to the diseases that the vaccine was supposed to protect against.

3.) Ever noticed how vaccinated children within days or few weeks develop runny noses, pneumonia, ear infections and bronchiolitis? The reason is the flu virus introduced in their bodies which creates these symptoms. It also indicates immuno-suppression i.e. lowering of the immunity. The flu vaccines actually do not immunize but sensitize the body against the virus.

4.) Its a known fact that Flu vaccines contain strains of the flu virus along with other ingredients. Now think about the impact such a vaccine can have over someone with a suppressed immune system? If you have a disease that is already lowering your body’s ability to fight a virus, taking the flu shot will put your body in danger of getting the full effects of the flu and make you more susceptible to pneumonia and other contagious diseases.

5.) The Flu vaccines contain mercury, a heavy metal known to be hazardous for human health. The amount of mercury contained in a multi-dose flu shot is much higher than the maximum allowable daily exposure limit. Mercury toxicity can cause memory loss, depression, ADD, oral health problems, digestive imbalances, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and many more such serious health ailments.

And what about the elderly? Can the flu vaccine help them?

6.) There is mounting evidence that flu shots can cause Alzheimer’s disease.  One report shows that people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had a 10-fold greater chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease than people who did not have any flu shots.  Also with age the immune system weakens, thus lowering your ability to fight off infections. Introducing the flu virus in the bodies of elderly could have dangerous consequences.

Can we trust the authorities who are promoting the wide-spread use of flu vaccines?

7.) The Center for Disease Control appoints a 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).  This committee is responsible for deciding who should be vaccinated each year. Almost all the ACIP have a financial interest in immunizations. It’s all about the money and may have very little to do with your health and well being.  The very people pushing these vaccines stand to make billions of dollars.  This itself creates a doubt on how effective these flu vaccines really are?

8.) Research shows that over-use of the flu-vaccine and drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza can actually alter flu viruses and cause them to mutate into a more deadly strain.  Couple this with drug resistant strains and you have virtually no benefits with much risk.

9.) There is enough evidence that shows that the ingredients present in the flu vaccinations can actually cause serious neurological disorders. In the 1976 swine flu outbreak, many who got the flu shots developed permanent nerve damage. Flu vaccines can contain many harmful materials including detergent, mercury, formaldehyde, and strains of live flu virus. Is this what you want to put in YOUR body?

10.) Trying to guess what strain to vaccinate against each season has proved to be no more effective than a guessing game.  This has been very true in recent years with the H1N1 strain. Moreover getting multi-shots will only prove more dangerous as different strains of viruses and harmful ingredients are introduced into your body.

Flu shots are indeed more dangerous than you could think, and it is best to rely on natural ways to protect against the flu rather than getting yourself vaccinated.

Isn’t it interesting that the main stream public health officials never promote the various proven ways to avoid the flu other than through vaccination?  How about spending some of the billions of advertising dollars teaching us natural ways to boost our immune systems and avoid the flu without harmful and sometimes deadly vaccinations.

Some videos on the topic you should watch:

Flu Vaccine Exposed: 


Breaking The Spirit Of The Elephant: Elephant Cruelty in Thailand [VIDEO]


"Used for centuries to domesticate wild elephants, this torture training method is still accepted as the only viable training method for elephant handlers and is used in almost every elephant attraction in Thailand. And, once they have their souls stomped out, they are simply vessels entertaining people. They are chained.

The barbaric ritual of “crushing” a young elephant’s spirit in order to domesticate it, due to the belief that establishing domination through torture is the only way to tame it, is called the Phajaan.

It is mainly practised in the Karen province of Thailand. Every captive elephant one sees in Thailand with the exception of those still living in the wild and born on protected sanctuaries has more than likely gone through it. The ones begging in Bangkok, the ones in trekking camps, breeding camps, tourist camps, and zoos. At least more than half of them have gone through the Phajaan.

Probably the only elephants that are being treated properly are the ones in elephant sanctuaries, but sadly many of them arrived in a very sorry state. One hopes that with time the people of Thailand will learn the kind way of training an animal and discontinue these barbaric ways. It's no wonder that some elephants become aggressive and turn on their keepers or mahouts.

Have you ever traveled abroad and unwittingly supported an activity that was harmful to animals? I bet most of us have. When I volunteered abroad in Thailand at an elephant sanctuary I learned that almost all of the tourist activities involving elephants support an extremely brutal practice that most tourists are unaware of. This practice is called the pajaan.

The pajaan is a centuries old training method used to break an elephant’s spirit. It involves separating a baby elephant from its mother (which alone is extremely traumatic), at around 4 years of age, and placing it in a cage like structure called a training crush. The goal is to literally crush their independence and make them forever submissive to humans. The cage is just big enough for the elephant to fit inside it and it is tied up with ropes so it can’t escape. The elephant is then beaten by multiple men and stabbed repeatedly with sticks that have sharp nails attached to them. This intense beating lasts for 4 – 7 days.

Throughout this period of “training” they are deprived of food and water and subjected to sleep deprivation to heighten the trauma. The more the elephant struggles, the more severely it is beaten. They get stabbed repeatedly in the most sensitive parts of their bodies – their inner ears and eyes. Some elephants go blind from this abuse. Throughout the pajaan the infant is petrified, confused, in pain and in the end, broken.

When the pajaan is over the abuse continues as they are put through weeks of more training. As you know, elephants never forget so these giant creatures learn to forever be fearful of humans and to always do what they’re told. All domestic elephants in Thailand are subjected to this ritual.

These elephants lead horrible lives where they are forced to walk up and down busy city streets begging for food. They are often malnourished and have no access to clean water. Don’t support elephant riding camps or worst of all, elephant painting or music playing. These elephants are subjected to months of intense brutal training and they are chained up whenever they are not performing. They are only able to paint pictures because they have been trained to follow certain lines with their paint brush and they know what will happen to them if they don’t. They are isolated, alone and in many cases continue to suffer abuse. They are often owned by people who only care about tourist dollars, not about an elephant’s welfare. Elephants in Thailand are the foundation of the tourism industry yet they have virtually no legal protection from abuse.

Circus elephants in the United States are not treated much better. Trainers take a baby from its mother and put it through brutal training regimens forcing it to perform dance steps and stand on its head for fear of the consequences. Elephants were not meant to be doing stupid things like this. Yes the fact that they are capable of learning this is amazing but what does it say about us that we want them to.Performing elephants never get be with their families or roam for hundreds of miles per day as they would in the wild. The constant chaining often causes them to develop abnormal behaviors like rocking back and forth. If they finally lose it and act out with aggression, they are killed and labeled as “crazy”. Unfortunately, it’s not the elephants who are the crazy ones…

As long as tourist dollars support unethical activities, they will remain intact. Instead support and volunteer with animal welfare organizations that celebrate thenatural beauty and behaviors of elephants and treat them with respect and kindness. I can’t tell you how many times people have told me that they visited Thailand and engaged in tourist activities that they later found out were harmful to the elephants involved. For me, nothing could ruin my vacation faster.

Money is power. Do your research, use your money wisely, be a responsible tourist. The more people support responsible tourism, the faster those industries will grow.


Nostradamus And The Murder of Pope John Paul I, Did Vatican Murdered Pope John Paul I?

Nostradamus And The Murder of Pope John Paul I, Did Vatican Murdered Pope John Paul I?

The question has been often been asked; ‘Who authorized the murder of Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani, d. 1978), and what was the motive?’ There were many contenders, and enough new information has arisen to write an entire book, but two suspects stand out as the greatest beneficiaries in the case of the decease of John Paul I. They are both named in Bushby’s upcoming book, ‘Pope John Paul II’s Dark Secrets’, and that information adds a vital new clue to support the view that there was a Vatican conspiracy in place to murder John Paul I and bring about another conclave. As the world now knows, he died under suspicious circumstances, and the Vatican’s dishonesty associated with the reported events associated with the discovery of the deceased pontiff has been well documented.

Some people conjectured that the Third Secret of Fatima was withheld because it foretold the murder of Pope John Paul I, but that was not so. However, one thing is for sure; the prophecies of Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus, d. 1566), a charismatic 16th Century Provencal physician turned seer, certainly raise the prospect of foul play in the death of a pope. Nostradamus authored a book of prophecies in Quatrains of four-lined rhymed verses called ‘Centuries’, and his vision of intrigues in the papacy are many and varied. His prophecies successfully prophesied the Great Fire of London in 1666, the French Revolution, Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, Hitler’s rise to power and its consequences, the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and others. The accuracy of his prophecies amazed the world, and lately purveyors of his ‘word pictures’ have credited him with successfully predicting the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City.

Nostradamus And The Murder of Pope John Paul I, Did Vatican Murdered Pope John Paul I?

In Nostradamus’s prophecies about popes, he frequently comments on the fore-coming destruction of moral and spiritual values, both inside and outside the Christian Church. Some of Nostradamus’s Quatrains mention strange happenings in the hierarchy of the Vatican, and this one makes reference to a particular body of people who plot to kill a pope:

He who will have government of the great cape;
Will be led to execution by some of them in cases of cover;
The twelve red ones will come to obscure the cover-up of murder;
Murder will be perpetrated.

(Century IV, Quatrain XI)

Nostradamus referred to popes as the ‘great cape’, and this Quatrain is taken to mean that ‘some’ of around 100 or so Vatican cardinals at a particular time conspired to kill a pope. A later Quatrain graphically determines that it was a reference to the murder of Pope John Paul I:

The one elected Pope will be scorned by his electors.
This enterprising and prudent person will suddenly be reduced to silence.
They cause him to die because of his too great goodness and compassion.
Stricken by fear, they will take him to his death in the night.

(Century 10, Quatrain 12)

It seems that Pope John Paul I’s upcoming political and social changes evoked fear among ‘twelve red ones’ of the College of Cardinals, as it does with all power structures that foresee dramatic changes to their organization. Because of the unusual nature of Nostradamus’s archaic handwriting, his Quatrains have received many and variant translations, and this particular conversion of the above Quatrain (Century 10, No. 12), while similar, adds another clue to the mysteries surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I:

Elected as Pope he will be scorned by the chosen [Cardinals of the Curia who chose him];
Suddenly and unexpectedly removed, prompt and coy;
Caused to die, through too much goodness and compassion;
He will fear for the guard killed on the night of his death.

This Quatrain suggests that one of the Vatican’s Swiss guards intervened to prevent somebody entering the Pope’s apartments that night, and was murdered as a result, but there is no evidence of such a murder, nor should we expect to find it.

Nostradamus And The Murder of Pope John Paul I, Did Vatican Murdered Pope John Paul I?

French Ambassador, Roger Peyrefitte, author of a 1983 novel, The Red Cassock, asserts that Pope John Paul I was administered a lethal injection by three intruders who entered his bedroom around midnight. Peyrefitte claimed to be an expert on internal Vatican matters, and he notes in the opening pages of his book that he reveals the truth of the events of that night under the features of the fable. He provides three thinly disguised names as the murderers, one being the Mafioso Brucciato (Danilo Abbruciati (?), a professional Mafia murderer) who was accompanied by Monsignor Hulot (Cardinal Villot) and Monsignor Larvenkus (Bishop Marcinkus).

Shortly after Pope John Paul I’s funeral, a rumour swept Vatican City that his body had been surreptitiously removed from the coffin and cremated. If so, this would indicate a premeditated action to destroy all evidence of poisoning in case anybody demanded that the Pope’s body be exhumed for scientific tests.


Drunk Russian Kids Decapitate Homeless Man And Play Soccer With His Head


Two teenagers have been arrested in the Russian capital of Moscow on charges of decapitating a homeless man and using his head as a football.

A report in RIANOVOSTI quotes the local Investigative Committee as saying that the teenagers allegedly beheaded the man because they disliked him.

According to the report, the incident first came to light when the man's headless body was found close to a residential building. A trail of blood led to a nearby apartment where an axe and a saw were discovered.

The two unidentified teenagers were arrested on suspicion of murder while three other teenagers who are also believed to have taken part are still at large.

The RIANOVOSTI report quoted tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda and suggested that the suspects were drunk and committed the murder in a drunken fit of rage.

The report further said that the boys rolled the head of the man like a football until it reached a garbage can, and left it there. An Investigative Committee spokesman later denied reports that the victim's head was used as a football. Next morning, the victim's head was collected by a trash truck; police are trying to track it down to establish the victim's identity.

If convicted, the teenagers can get up to 15 years in prison. An investigation into the matter is ongoing.


Worse Than Meth: Facebook Is Altering Your Mind And Turning You Into A Slave


Are online social media sites like Facebook, Google+ and others as addictive as some drugs like meth? Yes, say an increasing number of social observers and experts. Their advice? Step away from the computer and do it now, while you still can.

Interactive social media sites are a different Internet animal altogether, and many are beginning to see them as intrinsically harmful to society as a whole.

"It's been called FaceCrack," writes philosopher, author and lecturer David Rainoshek in a recent blog post. He continues:

And if you have been getting a sinking feeling when you use Facebook that you did not have as a first-time or new user... if you have a hard time with people who use it or incessantly check it (such as those endlessly posting photos of their latest meal, cat experience, new flame, new car, vacation)...

If you have been wondering if Facebook (FB) is good for you - or is good for society... or have been thinking "this has got to end," then this blog post is for YOU.

Enter the Facebook dragon

Rainoshek argues that through social sites like Google, Yahoo, Facebook and even online legacy media companies like The New York Times, you are incessantly being fed products, services and other goods, in addition to a non-stop litany of mind-altering news, information, and inane blather that, taken in sum, amount to an overload of your brain.

Brian Young of Demand Media cites a recent study by Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, who claims that rather than making you seem more connected to others - co-workers, old friends, new acquaintances - social media sites actually make it harder for us to distinguish between meaningful relationships we actually cultivate in the real world and the plethora of casual relationships formed via social media.

"By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken," writes Young.

Another study on Facebook found that too much social media time, where you find out about how well your friends and acquaintances are doing compared to you are in life, can cause anger, envy and malcontent.

Per Reuters:

A study conducted jointly by two German universities found rampant envy on Facebook, the world's largest social network that now has over one billion users and has produced an unprecedented platform for social comparison.

"We were surprised by how many people have a negative experience from Facebook with envy leaving them feeling lonely, frustrated or angry, From our observations some of these people will then leave Facebook or at least reduce their use of the site." said researcher Hanna Krasnova from the Institute of Information Systems at Berlin's Humboldt University.

Short-term pleasure, long-term disappointment, mind-altering experiences

Yes, but is Facebook really a mind-altering experience?

"Absolutely," writes Rainoshek. "Significantly. It is changing the physical structure of your brain's neural network, which even changes how you feel about yourself and other people. And in ways that may surprise and enlighten you."

He cites evidence that shows users get a "rush" when they check their email, their social site home page, and other electronic communiques like Twitter - a rush caused by the chemical dopamine (DOPE-uh-meen), a neurotransmitter which feeds the reward-driven part of your mind.

"Basically, Facebook is to your self worth what drinking a Big Gulp of Coca-Cola is to your blood sugar levels, both short- and long-term," writes Rainoshek. "Facebook brings you up temporarily (wow, isn't that, and that, and that, and that, and ooooh that... interesting, shocking, stupid, funny, sad, challenging, whatever), and then drops you like a stone almost every time you log out. And the longer you are on, the more self-absorbed and worthless you often feel."


Human Breast Milk Is Latest Delicacy Amongst China's Wealthy

Human Breast Milk Is Latest Delicacy Amongst China's Wealthy

Human breast milk is the latest delicacy amongst China’s wealthy, with a growing number of companies offering wet nurses for adults.

Xinxinyu, a domestic staff agency in Shenzhen, near Hong Kong, allows adult clients to drink directly through breastfeeding or via a breast pump ‘if they feel embarrassed’.

Wet nurses for adults are paid four times the Chinese average at around 16,000 yuan (£1,700) a month and those who are ‘healthy and good looking’ could earn even more, company owner Lin Jun told the Southern Metropolis Daily.

Beliefs are held in some part of the country that human breast milk is the easiest and most digestible form of nutrition for those who are ill.

Human Breast Milk Is Latest Delicacy Amongst China's Wealthy

However, this bizarre new trend has sparked outrage and disgust amongst web users with many condemning the practice as unethical.

An online poll found that 90 per cent of people voted against the service claiming it ‘violated ethical values, while ten per cent of those who took part said it was ‘normal business practice’.

Chinese media commentator Cao Baoyin said: ‘This adds to China’s problem of treating women as consumer goods and the moral degradation of China’s rich.’

There were also around 140,000 postings about the topic on Sina Weibo, which is the Chinese equivalent to Twitter.

Weibo user Ricky Gao likened drinking human breast milk to ‘pornography’, saying, ‘people become perverts when they are too rich and tired of other forms of entertainment’

Human Breast Milk Is Latest Delicacy Amongst China's Wealthy

But Xiao Shuai added: ‘It’s just business. People are insensitive about ethics when there is money on the table.’

In a separate development, Xinxinyu has been ordered to suspend its operations and has had its business licence revoked for missing three years of annual checks.

Regulators did not list offering a wet nurse service to adults as a reason for the suspension.


Scientific Proof Human Race Were Created By Aliens


DON'T be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says so.

A group of researchers worked for 13 years at the Human Genome Project (Project completed in 2003) indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin.

After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently "junk Human DNA" was created by some kind of "extraterrestrial programmer".

Professor Chang further stipulates that "Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them.

Professor Chang further indicates that "What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code." Mr. Chang then affirms that the "First fact is, the complete 'program' was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in 'the game'."

"Soon or later", Professor Chang says "we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is."

Human Genome Project Discovery Implications associated with "Human-looking Extraterrestrials"

The implications of these scientific finds would reinforce claims by other scientists and observers of having contact with 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrials.

The 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrial have been claimed to have provided some of the genetic material for human evolution, and that many of these extraterrestrials have allowed some of their personnel to incarnate as 'star seeds' on Earth in human families. These "star seeds", "star children" or "star people"

Human DNA encoded with extraterrestrial signals

Now in 2013, scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilisation. They call it "biological SETI" and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.

In a nutshell, we're living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra terrestrial life than via radio transmission.

"Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known," the researchers wrote in scientific journal Icarus. "Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time."

The scientists also claim that human DNA is ordered so precisely that it reveals an "ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language".

Their research has led the scientists to conclude that we were invented "outside the solar system, already several billion years ago".

One mystery remains: If we were the creation of aliens, who created them? 

The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & The Extraterrestrial Presence


Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce.  Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado - New Mexico Border.  It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation.  For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980's.

Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce.  His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations that surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings.  He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation.  Their plan, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order.  Stories have emerged regarding an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones.

Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times.  Subterranean bases can be found around the world with major active outposts all across the United States, Australia, Antarctica and South America. These bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which connect one base to another.  There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries.

A wealth of information regarding this subject has recently surfaced that seemingly reaches across vast extremes.  And as strange as all of this may sound, could any of what they say be true?  We turn to mythology in the search for answers.  It must be stated before we move on, that mythology, like many of the claims that come from the UFO community is treated more like science fiction rather than fact.  Traditional mythologists contend that the gods we find in myth represent the forces of nature or the creation of someone's vivid imagination.  With that said, does mythology support these seemingly outlandish claims?

The Mythology Behind 

Stories of underground realms occupied by "the gods" pervade mythology.  Depending on the culture, it has been called Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala and Hell.  These "homes of the gods", are not always found deep within the earth, but are sometimes described as being within a mountain or deep beneath the waters of the earth.  Access to their domain, regardless of locality, is often described as located through the mouth of a cave.  The entrance may appear open at one time and then disappear from view completely and instantaneously. The inhabitants of these underground realms did not desire to be visited by unwanted nor unexpected company, yet access was granted to select individuals.

According to ancient texts, entrance into the underworld was anything but easy. The Mayan Popul Vuh, for example, describes the route taken by the hero brothers Hunhun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hunapu. It tells of a steep descent into the home of the Lords of Xibalba and the many challenges they had to face.  Similarly, texts such as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead, describe the path by which the deceased god-King must travel to enter Duat.  Like the Popul Vuh, the path is fraught with challenges the individual must pass in order to enter the realm of the dead, the underworld.  The Vishnu Purana states that the deepest level of the underworld, Patala, can be found 70,000 yojanas beneath the surface of the earth.  Gilgamesh, in the epic bearing his name, is described as traveling twelve leagues in the dense darkness until he arrived in the light filled chamber of the underworld.

The underground domains of the gods are described as filled with houses or vast halls where thousands of individuals could assemble.  Fountains, plants, tall grasses, trees and animals of all kinds filled this land.  The divine ascetic, Narada, who is featured in the Vishnu Purana claims to have visited Patala.

"Patala was much more charming than heaven. He exclaimed "What can be compared with Patala where Nagas (serpents) are adorned with beautiful and brilliant and pleasure-diffusing gems? This region is embellished with the daughters of Daityas and Danavas.".

Similar descriptions of the underground/underwater homes of the gods are scattered through mythology.  The home of the Sumerian fertility god Enki, which is located in the watery deep, is described as having his house built of gold, silver and lapis lazuli.  Even writers, such as Greek philosopher Plato, echo this notion. He believed that the earth was littered with a number of hollows that were full of water, air, trees, fruits and flowers.

Surprisingly, Plato confirms yet another claim made by modern UFOlogy.  Plato goes on to state that these hollows were connected to one another by subterranean channels. But Plato isn't the only one who refers to tunnels that lie beneath the surface of the earth.  Inca legends tell of vast networks of tunnels that crisscross the length and breadth of the planet, complete with underground cities.

When Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors entered Peru, they kidnapped the Inca emperor Atahualpha and held him for ransom.  They demanded enough gold to fill a room in return for Atahualpha's release.  Pizarro's men heard rumors that the Inca gold was being held in a vast network of subterranean tunnels.  The tunnels were thousands of years old and ran for miles beneath the Inca capitol.  In more recent years adventurers who have hazarded into the caverns beneath Cusco entered but were never seen again. One man actually did make it out of the tunnels alive and he brought with him two bars of gold.  According to officials he had gone mad.  The entrances to the tunnels were then walled up for safety's sake - at least that is the official story.  The Apache Indians report that their ancestors took refuge in ancient tunnels during a cataclysmic disaster on the earth.  They wandered these immense passageways for years carrying the seeds for life in the new world.

The Extraterrestrial Presence

But what about the other claim made by UFOlgists regarding these bases being used for genetic engineering?  According to their assertions it is in the lowest level, the 7th level, of the Dulce base that the extraterrestrials are engaging in this kind of experimentation.

Again, mythology supports this premise.  Native American tribes across the country are the most vocal when it comes to this topic.  The Jicarilla Apache (whose headquarters is in Dulce), the Navaho and Hopi Indians have long-standing traditions of man's creation and emergence from beneath the surface of the earth.  The Algonquians recount "Thus did the lowermost world-cave become overfilled with living things, full of unfinished creatures, crawling like reptiles over one another in dark blackness." In this matter they do not stand alone.  Berosus, a Babylonian priest, tells of the hideous creatures that inhabit this underground realm.  He described men who had one body but two heads, some with the legs and horns of a goat and even some with the hind quarters of a horse and the body of a man.  "In short, there were creatures in which were combined the limbs of every species of animal."

These genetic experiments are, according to reports from UFO advocates, being conducted by a grou p of reptilian beings in the lowest levels of the base.  Thomas Castello, a former senior security officer at the base, testified that the base at Dulce is a seven level underground facility with the lower levels described as a series of natural caverns.  It was believed by Castello that these caverns were used by different extraterrestrial races in our remote past.  In Hindu cosmology, the Naga (serpents) once lived on earth, but the great god Brahma sent them to live under the sea and in the seventh level of their underground realm called Patala.

In the Sumerian Inana's Descent To The Nether World, Inana is required to pass through seven gates to finally reach the bowels of the underworld. Aztec legend says that Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, went to Mictlan, the Aztec Underworld, and created mankind using his own blood and the bones of the previous race.  Throughout mythology the act of creating humanity is always associated with a specific group of gods, the fertility gods.  Fertility gods around the world are traditionally depicted as reptilian or amphibious in nature and appear in art as a blend between a man and a fish or a man and a snake.

The Alien Agenda: New World Order

A number of individuals also argue the Reptilian's true agenda is to control us, with the objective to dominate the planet.  They cite the development of a New World Order.  Proponents of this theory believe that the Reptilians, or the byproduct of their genetic manipulation experiments, intend to take control of the earth's surface.  This takeover is being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group which includes many of the world's wealthiest people.  Some claim members of this elite group are actually genetically related to each other.

Their goal is to have every man, woman and child on the earth obedient to their covert agenda. The Reptilians are also accused of wanting to reduce the population on the earth and are employing weapons such as chemt rails, GMO's, vaccinations and man-made viruses to reduce our numbers. It is contended that it is easier to control 500,000 or a million individuals than it is the 7 billion who currently live on the earth.

A look into mythology relative to this claim does have a few pillars of support. The idea of culling the human population on Earth is not a modern concept.  In the Sumerian Epic of Atrahasis we find a story where the gods do just that!  Twelve hundred years after the creation of mankind the number of people who inhabited the Earth grew.  Their "noise" disturbed the Sky god Enlil's sleep.  Enlil decided to send a plague in order reduce the population.

This worked for a while but when another 1200 years passed the populati on had grown again and Enlil was once more bothered by the noise.  This time, in order to decrease their numbers, he gets the Thunder-rain god Adad to hold back the rains and the world suffered from a great drought where vast numbers died. The population continues to grow, and by the time another 1200 years pass the noise became too much for Enlil to bear.  Wanting to alleviate his problem he tells the gods to hold back all of nature's gifts.  This went on for six years and as the texts describe, the people of Earth were reduced to cannibalism in order to survive.  The Fertility god, Enki, tried to save the people from starvation.  This angered Enlil even more.  Finally Enlil, in an act of vengeance, decided to destroy mankind once and for all.  He planned to do this by flooding the world.  Enki, once again steped in and saved humanity from total annihilation.  He warned Atrahasis of the impending flood and told him to build a boat to save himself and his family.

Torrents of theories have come forward as we seek the truth regarding our place in the universe.  Mythology does lend itself to support a number of these claims.  It is difficult to determine if the creators of these theories based their conjecture using myth as their foundation, first hand experiences, or, something else. What does seem evident is that much of the information UFO researchers are bringing to light does parallel the myths and legends that have passed to us from antiquity.

Bringing this idea full circle; if the stories being unearthed in the UFO community were not based on mythological sources, yet mythology supports these claims, then the stories of our distant past may have a basis in fact. It implies that the gods were living breathing beings who walked the earth in our remote past, created man and played an essential role in the development of life and culture on the planet.


Once Again Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Confirms the Existence of Alien Life — Fox News

Once Again Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Confirms the Existence of Alien Life — Fox News

Dr. Edgar Mitchell has talked openly and often over the years about the existence of alien life

Recently American Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and others informed the President of the United States Barack Obama in writing about the existence of Extraterrestrial Life visiting Earth. How will the US Gov’t and President react to this bold move on behalf of what could be the most credible testimony on the existence of alien life visiting our planet.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Confirms Alien Life On Fox News:


Vatican Sex Crimes Summit Revelations

Vatican Sex Crimes Summit Revelations

The Vatican's unprecedented four-day sex crimes symposium ended in Rome last week with high-ranking churchmen revealing the staggering extent of child abuse by priests working in the largest religious organization in the world. With more than 100 cardinals, bishops, other churchmen, religious and some laypersons in attendance, Pope Benedict XVI, who has faced thousands of sex abuse scandals in Europe and the United States since becoming pontiff, did not participate in the proceedings convened not far from the Vatican itself. The symposium was organized by Rome's Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian University and co-sponsored by several Vatican departments including the Evangelization of Peoples that chooses bishops. As unbelievable as it is, the core of the symposium's function was to address the mushrooming crisis of sex crimes committed by agents of the Vatican upon young members of the Catholic Church that were covered up by those ranking highest in the Holy See, including Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

Covert Vatican dealings

The defining address was given by Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), originally the Office of the Inquisition and the department currently responsible for collecting and examining evidence of child sex crimes from Catholic dioceses around the world. Cardinal Levada, who covered up criminal reports of child rape and sexual assault when he served as archbishop of San Francisco, California and Portland, Oregon ('Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests', SNAP, www.snapnetwork.org), revealed that in the last decade, and under the directorships of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, the Holy See's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dealt secretly with more than 4,000 cases of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic bishops and priests. That figure is in excess of one new priestly rape case every day of the week for ten consecutive years, and that task required the full-time involvement of 38 Vatican staff members. That figure is barely the tip of the iceberg as far as rape and molestation of children in the Church of Rome is concerned, confirmed by the USA's main victim's advocacy group, 'Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests' (SNAP). Their detailed research estimated that the true number of paedophiles employed by the Vatican world-wide is '20,000 priests' (SNAP, September, 2011; www.snapnetwork.org).
Chilling new figures

The figures admitted to the attending delegates were stunning. Two American experts, Michael Bemi, President of the National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., and Pat Neal, Director of VIRTUS Programs and Services, told the gathering that in recent times there may have been as many as 100,000 child victims in the United States alone, almost ten times the estimate recently given by US bishops. If the USA figures are extrapolated worldwide, one can conservatively estimate that in excess of 300,000 children have been sexually molested by Catholic clerics, and that illustrates a reality which can only be described as horrendous.

Vatican Sex Crimes Summit Revelations

'Mafia-like' tactics exposed

The Vatican's prosecutor on sex abuse cases, Maltese Monsignor Charles Scicluna told participants in the summit that while the Vatican has canonical laws to punish priesthood abusers, the existence of those laws wasn't enough to be effective. He made a stunning reference to the 'deadly culture of silence, or omerta' that has pervaded the Catholic Church's reaction to the sex abuse crisis. 'Omerta' is the Italian word for the Mafia's 'code of silence', and rarely, if ever, has it been used by a Vatican official to describe the actions of the Holy Mother Church. Monsignor Scicluna, who works at the side of Pope Benedict XVI in dealing with the sexual abuse of minors by priests, called for stricter accountability for bishops who suppressed child abuse crimes and admitted that 1,000 cases had been reported to him in just the past two years. 'It is not acceptable that when there are set standards, people do not follow the set standards', he added.

Hierarchs still seeking 'forgiveness'

Professor Eugene Cullen Kennedy, emeritus professor of psychology at Loyola University in Chicago, in his learned article about last week's Rome symposium entitled, 'Does the hierarchy's getting together mean it's falling apart?' made this comment:
'There is something immensely poignant about these administrators coming together back at square one, still fighting a rear-guard action about a problem whose dimensions have been explained to them on many occasions'.
('National Catholic Reporter', February 9th, 2012, article by Eugene Cullen Kennedy; 'Does the hierarchy's getting together mean it's falling apart?')
It is a remarkable fact that Cardinal Levada was fully briefed on the magnitude of the crisis in a graphically detailed report presented to him in 1985 by Fr. Thomas Doyle, a Vatican canon lawyer and devoted defender of victims of clergy sex abuse. Fr. Doyle informed the Vatican in writing of a major clerical sex abuse problem that he predicted would cost the Church of Rome 'a billion dollars a year' if the hierarchs failed to respond (National Catholic Reporter). Some two and half decades ago Levada, Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Pio Laghi, Cardinal Silvio Oddi, and Cardinal John Krol [of Philadelphia] were all fully briefed, verbally and in writing on the enormity of sexual assault reports facing the Church of Rome. Of last week's symposium, Professor Kennedy added this comment: 'The assembled hierarchs, like sinners coming down at a Billy Graham crusade to be saved, attended a service at which 'we implore', in the words of Canadian Cardinal Marc Oullet, 'forgiveness for those who have abused in various ways'. Jail sentences would be far more appropriate.

Bishops still not accountable

Victims' groups dismissed the conference as nothing more than a PR stunt that added thousands more meaningless words to the tens of thousands of insincere statements already uttered by Catholic leaders around the world:
'It was an affront to the thousands of victim/survivors and their families from around the world that the Vatican insisted on turning a conference supposedly centred on child protection into a publicity stunt. The same Church officials who hosted this 'conference' are the same clerics who conspired, enabled, and covered up child sex crimes for decades, and left countless victims in their wake. It is unconscionable that these same individuals would purport to instruct others, even bishops, on how to protect children … the conference was notable for those who did not attend; there were no law enforcement officials, no victim's advocacy organizations, no human rights organizations, and no mental health professionals not affiliated with the Church'.
(SNAP Wisconsin, February, 2012; www.snapnetwork.org)
Many victims were concerned that the Holy See had done nothing, and will do nothing, to punish bishops for their high-level involvement in the cover-ups of crimes committed in their dioceses. One spokesperson said, 'The Church's words and its actions do not go together; bishops are still not accountable and still do not have to report abuse to the police, nor have they been made subject to independent oversight'.

Vatican Sex Crimes Summit Revelations

What Pope Benedict XVI didn't say

As a prelude to the conference, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message asking the attending bishops to respond to the clerical sex abuse crisis in a 'Christ-like' manner as part of a 'profound renewal' of the Church of Rome, not mentioning the fact that the Vatican has never brought forth any physical evidence for the existence of a Gospel personality called Jesus Christ.

The 'crisis is far from over' (Cardinal Reinhart Marx)

The final act of the symposium was the announcement of a new internet-based 'Centre for Child Protection', designed to educate priests, deacons, and other church personnel, and 'promote a culture of vigilance in Catholic environments' (Deacon Hubert Liebhardt, educational scientist). Cardinal Reinhart Marx of Munich said one thing seemed clear to him as a result of his experience with paedophile priests in Germany and that was highlighted by the revelations at the symposium: 'The work of dealing with the abuse crisis is far from over', he said.

Startling breaking news

To confirm Cardinal Marx's opinion on just the day after the Rome symposium ended, spectacular news was released in the USA by attorney Jeffrey Anderson who revealed that 8,000 children were sexually abused by around 100 previously unnamed priests and other offenders in the Milwaukee Catholic Diocese. Anderson spoke of files that he obtained presently under seal that relate to the Vatican's involvement, adding that they paint an 'ugly picture' of the Vatican's role in an alleged international cover-up conspiracy. The sheer magnitude of the Milwaukee numbers, and the international extent of Church sex crimes constitutes a public and child safety crisis, and these offenses are an intrinsic part of a religion that is strangely accepted by Catholics who turn a blind eye to the crimes. It is notable that Catholics who chanted 'santo subito' ('saint immediately!') at John Paul II's funeral, never rose up in anger against the Vatican to chant, 'End papal protection of paedophile priests immediately!' and were silent about the extraordinary case in Alaska where a Catholic priest and a 'deacon' molested nearly 80% of the children in one village, almost on a daily basis (The Silence, a Frontline investigation of priesthood sex abuse in Alaska, PBS, April 19th, 2011).

Vatican rumours of assassination and skulduggery reminiscent of the Borgia's

Again, on the day after the closing of the Rome symposium and amidst a flurry of rumours, leaks and allegations of a widespread culture of financial corruption in the Vatican that experts believe is emanating from a bitter power struggle, the explosive story broke of a purported plot to kill Pope Benedict XVI during this year. The Vatican did not deny that in January 2012 it received a top secret letter from a high Church official describing how an Italian cardinal visiting China had said that it is possible the Pope is being targeted by assassins to be killed before November 2012.

The sordid truth remains

For over three decades now, the noxious influence of the sex-abuse scandal has spread like a disease throughout Catholicism, demoralizing millions of faithful followers and undermining the hierarchy in one country after another. The dark reality of the end result of the Rome symposium substantiated the fact that the Catholic priesthood is a cesspool of depraved paedophile and pederast priests wallowing in a sewer of moral defilement, and the toxic influence of their scandals, and the complicity of popes, cardinals and bishops in protecting them, has seeped deadly poison into the very heart of the pretence of Christian morality right across the globe.


Man Locks Head In Cage To Quit Smoking; Gives Away Keys

Man Locks Head In Cage To Quit Smoking; Gives Away Keys

42-year-old Ibrahim Yucel has smoked for more than two-and-a-half decades, but he’s trying to give up the habit for his family’s sake. It hasn’t proven an easy task, though, so Yucel has developed a rather extreme way to help him kick the habit — every day, he dons a wire helmet that makes it impossible for him to smoke a cigarette. The Saw-style head cage doesn’t prevent Yucel from wanting a cigarette at work, but since the Turkish father of three leaves the keys to the locked helmet with his wife and kids every day, it does prevent him from following through on the craving.

Man Locks Head In Cage To Quit Smoking; Gives Away Keys

Presumably, one happy side effect of the head cage is Yucel also losing a couple of pounds, as it’s hard to see how he would get lunch while looking like Bioshock‘s Big Daddy. Frankly, considering how many potential health benefits we’re talking about here, we could see head cages becoming the next hot Hollywood diet trend. Just have a personal assistant lock you in the cage for 12 hours a day and watch the pounds melt away.

Man Locks Head In Cage To Quit Smoking; Gives Away Keys

Speaking as someone who has tried to quit for years with varying degrees of success, this seems like a brilliant idea that doubles up Yucel’s motivation — not only is he prevented from smoking, the only way to stop living his life in a big terrifying metal helmet is to control his cravings. That’s an impetus for giving up tobacco if I’ve ever heard one, especially in the middle of summer, as man, it has got to be hot in that thing. And while it may seem silly to folks who have never tried to quit smoking, you can’t question Yucel’s intentions. The father of three lost his own father to lung cancer and is determined not to leave his family the same untimely and ugly way.

Whatever you’ve got to do to pull that one off, Ibrahim, it’s worth it. Our hats — and our wire helmets — are off to you, sir.


10 FACTS You Must Know About The Jesuits


We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.” -Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.

(The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Roman Catholic religious order, the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position sometimes carries the derogatory nickname of the Black Pope. The current Superior General is the Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolás.)

The Society of Jesus, more commonly referred to as the Jesuits, are the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church.  They were sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain global Papal rule.  To achieve this monumental task, they employ ever-adapting methods of pseudo-education, social programs, infiltration, and all wickedness that could possibly be conceived.  Needless to say, they are achieving great success in their mission, which is climaxing with the present pope, Pope Francis, i.e.  the Eighth and last Pope of Revelation 17, who held some of the highest positions in Argentina, including Provincial Superior in the Society of Jesus and Archbishop of Buenos Aires.   He was made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.

Today most of the world is oblivious as to how Jesuits operate, from their inception to this very day.  Now more than ever, World’s Last Chance believes it is exceedingly important to bring up the following historical facts about this evil society, to expose the wicked nature of this truly malevolent order.

Fact #1
Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits as a society in 1773:

It did not take long for the 18th Century Catholic nations to get tired of the meddling of the Jesuits into their national affairs.   They were so infuriated against the Jesuits that they demanded the Roman Catholic Church abolish them once and for all.  Sufficient political pressure was brought to bear on Pope Clement XIII. 

 However, he passed away before he could do anything about it.  The task of abolishing the Society of Jesus then fell on his successor, Clement XIV.  As Clement XIV signed the decree abolishing the Jesuit Order he said, “I have signed my death warrant,…” Within nine months he was dead.  [Many contemporaries considered his death a case of poisoning, and suspected the Jesuits were responsible].

Fact #2
No other entity on Earth was expelled and suppressed by Catholic and non-Catholic countries as the Jesuits:

Obviously the Jesuits were not expelled from many nations (even Catholic nations) because of their educational or charity work.  They were expelled for engaging in and carrying out subversive political plots against humanity to advance their own cause.

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J.  Campbell].  Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

The Jesuits are known for their deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution.  They worked deep into the political field and plotted through politics throughout the world countries.
Source: "The Babington Plot", by J.E.C.  Shepherd, p.12

When the Jesuits are expelled from a country, they simply change strategies and return to the country they were expelled from under a new disguise.  The following sums up their operational strategy:
“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.  We shall be expelled like dogs and return like eagles.”
Source: Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.

Fact #3
Hitler modeled his dreaded SS army and party after the organizational structure of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church:

"…the SS organization had been constituted according to the principles of the Jesuit Order."
Source: "The Secret History of the Jesuits," by Edmond Paris, p.  164

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: "The S.S.  organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.  Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.  Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S.  was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order." "The Secret History of the Jesuits," by Edmond Paris, p.  164

Above all I have learned from the Jesuits.   And so did Lenin too, "far as I recall.  The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church.  There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the Party.

Source: Manfred Barthel, "The Jesuits: History and Legend of the Society of Jesus (New York, 1984), Adolf Hitler,  p.266.

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler...  "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church.  I transferred much of this organization into my own party...  I am going to let you in on a secret...  I am founding an Order...  In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble...  Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more..

Source: "Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: "Hitler 
m'a dit", (Ed.  Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

"The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before 1933, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book .  .  .  was written by the Jesuit controlled Father Bernhardt Stempfle and signed by Hitler.  For .  .  .  it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it."

Source: Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 138

Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: "The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy."

 Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.

Fact #4
Over the last 400 years the Jesuits have succeeded in establishing the largest worldwide network of schools and universities.

These prominent schools and universities, have produced many well known alumni.  Thus, the Jesuits have been able to shape and mould the thinking of many famous world leaders, and produce generations of political and religious leaders who were favorable to the Roman Catholic Church, and her doctrinal agenda.
The renowned British preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, once warned about the church ministers who are graduating from these universities that “… they keep back a portion of the gospel … having studied in the devil’s new Jesuitical college.”

Source: Charles H.  Spurgeon “A Solemn Warning for All Churches,” Sermon No.  68

Fact #5
Agents of the Jesuits have been responsible for assassinating many heads of State over the centuries:

Heads of states were assassinated by the Jesuits, when they attempt to suppress the influence and meddling of the Jesuits in their national affairs.  Of heads of states that are known to have been assassinated by Jesuits we mention for example: William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln and John F.  Kennedy, and Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez.

Abraham Lincoln was fully aware of the evil nature of the Jesuits.  He stated, “...  it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting.  It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves that we have to defend ourselves.”

Source: Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, “by Charles Chiniquy.  p.  496

“It would seem that the Jesuits had had it in mind, from the beginning of the war [the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking off [i.e., the assassination] of Mr.  [Abraham] Lincoln.”
Source: Thomas M.  Harris (U.S.  Army Brigadier General; Author of the book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)

“The favorite policy of the Jesuits [is] that of assassination.”

U.S.  Army Brigadier General Thomas M.  Harris; “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Page 19) 
“It is of faith that the Pope has the right of deposing heretical and rebel kings. Monarchs so deposed by the Pope are converted into notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first who can reach them.
“If the public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to assassinate him.”

[Defensio DideiJesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14]

[Donald] Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation when men such as [William] Colby and [Ray] Cline get together. “It was quite bizarre” Freed said, “for the subject they chose was, ‘When is it acceptable to assassinate a head of state?’ Colby presented what he said was a theological and philosophically sound approach. “The Catholic Church,” he said, “had long since wrestled with this question and had,” to Colby’s mind, emerged with a sound concept: “It is acceptable,” he said, “to assassinate a tyrant."  [Donald Freed is a friend of the author, Mark Lane.  He organized a conference at USC for the U.S. intelligence community and its critics to meet.  In the panel were Lane, Ellsberg and John Gerassi, all critics. On the other side were William Colby, former DCI (Director of Central Intelligence from September 1973 to January 1976), David Atlee Phillips, and Ray Cline, former deputy DCI’s.]

[Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, 1991, p. 85]

President John F. Kennedy was another victim of appalling Jesuit wickedness.  Once he outwardly distanced himself from the Papal agenda and stood for more liberal ideals and human rights, he was considered, by their standards, a traitor to the Vatican and a “tyrant” worthy of death.
This is an excerpt from “Vatican Assassins” by Eric Jon Phelps

Knowing that President Kennedy was not going to escalate the Vietnam War, the Intelligence Community began to prepare for his assassination. . . . Cardinal Spellman [Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York from 1939-1967], through FDR, had arranged the release of “Lucky” Luciano . . . Now the Cardinal needed a favor. If refused, Spellman could use the entire intelligence community which he had helped to organize, to eliminate any mob boss. If agreed to, new gambling centers would open up, Atlantic City in particular.  Clearly, if the President [JFK] was removed, everybody would acquire more power and wealth, the intelligence community would become more absolute, and the Cardinal would be even more respected by his peers in Rome.

Later, in 1964, for the first time in history, the Pope of Rome set foot in Fourteenth Amendment America. Cardinal Spellman had performed well and was rewarded by a visit from his Master, fellow Cold Warrior and Vatican Ratline handler, Cardinal Montini, who was now Pope Paul VI.  There is yet another reason for the removal of President Kennedy. He wanted to arm Israel. Loftus writes:

“In September 1962 Kennedy decided to supply Israel with defensive ground-to-air missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not the Egyptian offensive missiles. It was the first arms sale by the U.S. Government to Israel.... Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the 1964 election was over, he would break the CIA ‘into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds’.... With Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, the Israelis lost the best friend they had in the White House since Truman departed.” Source: The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, 1994]

     And why did the Vatican’s Jesuits not want any arms sales to Israel at this time? Why did the Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back as the Egyptian army moved up through the Sinai desert to prepare its assault on Israel in 1967? Because the attack upon Israel had to be provoked. That attack was provoked by the Jesuits’ International Intelligence Community through Egypt falsely perceiving the weakness of the Israeli army and the supposed abandonment of Israel by the American Empire.  The six-day war, engineered by Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one primary purpose: the taking of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount. The apparent lack of military hardware on the part of Israel provoked the planned attack by Egypt. Therefore, Israel launched a preemptive strike and, in six days, the holy city was in the hands of Rome’s Zionist government.

Had Kennedy armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have been emboldened to maneuver for war. With no provoked war, there would have been no Israeli attack. With no Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been taken by the Zionists, controlled by the Jesuits’ Mossad.  With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists could never rebuild Solomon’s Temple—unbeknown to them—for the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope,
“Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so he is God sitteth in the temple of God [Solomon’s rebuilt temple], showing himself that he is God.”
-[II Thes 2:4] 

It is safe to say that the Jesuit Generalusing the Pope with his most powerful Cardinal, [assassinated President Kennedy].

One might assume that this emotive painting would hang somewhere in Dallas, Texas or perhaps in the Smithsonian.  And one would be wrong on both counts.  This painting of President John F. Kennedy's gruesome assassination, by Mark Balma, hangs in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul.  The painting is entitled “Pietà” after Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Mary holding the body of the crucified Christ, which is also located at the Vatican.  Isn’t this a macabre way to “celebrate” the life of perhaps America’s most beloved President? or is this rather an homage to the Jesuit agenda, serving as a stern warning/reminder to those willing to cross them?

Fact #6
The Jesuits today control all the powerful secret societies that are shaping the New World Order

“The list of secret societies being controlled by the Jesuits today include: the Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg group, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei – and all the subgroups that fall under these powerful entities.”

"There are still …[men and women] about the country, who will tell you, with grim gravity that, if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the world, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person!"

Source: James Parton, 1855, American Historian, The Black Pope, M.F.  Cusack, (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896) p.  76.

If the above is true, than the example below would be a meeting of two of the most powerful men on Earth! The Head of the Jesuits and the Pope, who is also a Jesuit.

Father General Nicolás [Superior General of the Society of Jesus/Jesuits] meets with Pope Francis and wrote of his experience.

“At the personal invitation of the Pope Francis I went to the Santa Marta House. . . He was at the entrance and received me with the usual Jesuit embrace. We had a few pictures taken, at his request, and at my apologies for not keeping protocol he insisted that I treat him like any other Jesuit at the “Tu” level, so I did not have to worry about addressing him as “Your Holiness,” or “Holy Father.”  I offered him all our Jesuit resources because in his new position he is going to need counsel, thinking, persons, etc. He showed gratitude for this and at the invitation to visit us for lunch at the Curia he said he would oblige.  There was full commonality of feeling on several issues that we discussed and I remained with the conviction that we will work very well together for the service of the Church …

There was calm, humor and mutual understanding about past, present and future.  I left the Casa de Santa Marta convinced that the Pope will gladly count on our collaboration in the vineyard of the Lord.  At the end he helped me with my coat and accompanied me to the door.  That added a couple of salutes to me from the Swiss Guards there.  A Jesuit embrace, once again, as the natural way to greet and send off a friend.”

Fact #7
The Jesuits are responsible for fomenting the two world wars and escalating the Vietnam War after President Kennedy’s assassination:

“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.”

Source: Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 9

The documented atrocities committed by the Jesuits, particularly those under the Ustachi (or Ustaše) are particularly disturbing and shocking, especially since there are actual photographs of such evil.  This didn't happen hundreds or thousands of years ago.  It happened in the 1940’s!  Here are a few links to some of the nothing short of satanic genocide the Ustachi carried out under the rule of Ante Pavelić, a Catholic Croatian fascist leader, who occupied part of Yugoslavia for Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, and ultimately for the Papacy.  For many in Yugoslavia it was either convert to Catholicism or be brutally tortured and killed.

Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler; Note far right: Joseph Goebbels and second from right: Wilhelm Frick

Pavelić facing Cardinal Stepinac who was arrested for War crimes and went to jail and died under house arrest but was beautified by the Pope JPII in 1998

Fact #8
After Pope Pius VII was freed from exile in 1814, his first order of business upon returning to Rome was to restore the Jesuit order

The papacy suffered great humiliation at the hand of Napoleon.  Thus, right after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, Pope Pius VII was freed from imprisonment and was returned to Rome.  The need to restore the Jesuit militia became an urgent matter.  Rome did not want to be deprived again of the services of the Jesuits, no matter how burdensome this service was to the Church of Rome, and its allies.

“In the agreement to rescue Rome [i.e., the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy] from the predicament of losing its world control to Protestantism, and to preserve the spiritual and temporal supremacy which the popes [had] ‘usurped’ during the Middle Ages, Rome now ‘sold’ the [Roman Catholic] Church to the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuits]; in essence the popes surrendered themselves into their hands.”

Source: John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 64)

Fact #9
The Jesuit Order took over the Office of Inquisition shortly after it was sanctioned and this led to the martyrdom of millions of saints

In 1254 Pope Alexander IV established the Office of the Inquisition.  The first inquisitor was Dominic, who was the founder of the Dominican order of monks.

However, shortly after Pope Paul III sanctioned the Society of Jesus, the Office of Inquisition was revived and the Pope gave free reign to the Jesuits to run this office, and the inquisitor Generals were granted exceptional powers in carrying out their mandate to root out of all “heretics.” This caused the martyrdom of millions of saints.

The quotes below show the effect of Jesuits taking over the Office of the Inquisition:
“Need I speak to you of the thirty years’ war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship, secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion, of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.” Source: Dr.  Brownlee’s “Popery an enemy to civil liberty”, p.  105

“This was the century of the last religious wars in “Christendom,” the Thirty Years’ War in Germany, fomented by the Jesuits, reducing the people to cannibalism, and the population of Bohemia from 4,000,000 to 780,000, and of Germany from 20,000,000 to 7,000,000, and making Southern Germany almost a desert, ...”

Source: Cushing B.  Hassell, History of the Church of God, Chapter XVII.

Writing about the Jesuits, [John] Lord states

“They are accused of securing the revocation of the Edict of Nantes,-- one of the greatest crimes in the history of modern times, which led to the expulsion of four hundred thousand Protestants from France, and the execution of four hundred thousand more.”

Source: John Lord, Beacon Lights of History, volume VI, p.  325.

“In Bohemia, by 1600, in a population of 4,000,000, 80 per cent were Protestant.   When the Hapsburgs and Jesuits had done their work, 800,000 were left, all Catholics.”

Source: Henry H., Pocket Bible Handbook, Chicago, 13th edition, 1939, p.  790.

Fact #10
The Jesuits succeeded in their destructive agenda through dominating the confessor field wherever they went

“The Jesuits became the predominant group supplying confessors to (meaning, hearers of the confessions of) kings and princes and those in authority.  As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says, "they acted as royal confessor to all French kings for 2 centuries, from Henry III to Louis XV; to all German emperors after the early 17th century; to all Dukes of Bavaria after 1579; to most rulers of Poland and Portugal; to princely families throughout Europe.

“As advisors to kings, they influenced political policy.  A royal confessor was not slow to tell a king that he had a duty to make the kind of political alliances that would promote the temporal interests of the Church.  It was Le Tellier, Jesuit confessor to Louis XIV, who in the 1680's persuaded that monarch to revoke the Edict of Nantes, which granted religious liberty to Protestants.”

Source: http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/44.html

The Jesuits are even confessors of popes.  “The Pope’s confessor, an ordinary priest, must be a Jesuit: he must visit the Vatican once a week at a fixed time, and he alone may absolve the Pope of his sins.”

Ignatius Loyola - Jesuit Founder - by Francisco Zurbaran

Given the above historic facts about the Jesuits, it is incredulous and most shocking to see the media and the world’s religious and political leaders stampeding to endorse and praise Pope Francis.  We have no words to describe this unprecedented global epidemic of memory loss towards Rome and her Jesuits.
The prescient warning of General Sherman is most appropriate to quote today:

“I would remind you of Webster’s definition of a Jesuit: a designer, an intriguer.  If the Church of Rome prevailed, the Pope would be the Universal King .  .  .  The Jesuits are here to plot and scheme and, if possible, take from us the noble heritage of our civil and religious freedom.  The rules of the Jesuit Order justify theft, licentiousness, lying, false-witness bearing, suicide and the murder of parents and other relatives.  The greatest crimes in history committed against individuals and nations have been committed by the Jesuits .  .  .  Wherever Jesuits are they have the torch to burn, the sword to slay, the inquisition to torture.  They are the enemies of [Bible-believing] Christianity.  They live for conquest, fortune and glory.”

Source: General Sherman’s Son: The Life of Thomas Ewing Sherman, S.J., Joseph T.  Durkin, S.  J., (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959) p.  186.

It is our duty to as followers of Yahuwah to expose Rome and her Jesuits, and to pray for the utter destruction of their evil deceit.  Prayer is the only weapon we have against this veiled enemy we face today.  Rome and her Jesuits are the greatest enemy of the Gospel and of humanity.  However, we are assured in His prophetic Word that they will not prevail.  The Harlot will be utterly destroyed prior to the Second Coming of Yahushua:

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” Revelation 17:16.
Praise His name for ever and ever!!


Pepsi Contains Cancer Causing Chemical

Pepsi Contains Cancer Causing Chemical

An environmental group said Wednesday that the caramel coloring used in Pepsi still contains a worrisome level of a carcinogen, even after the drink maker said it would change its formula.

In March, PepsiCo Inc. and Coca-Cola Co. both said they would adjust their formulas nationally after California passed a law mandating drinks containing a certain level of carcinogens come with a cancer warning label. The changes were made for drinks sold in California when the law passed.

The chemical is 4-methylimidazole, or 4-Mel, which can form during the cooking process and, as a result, may be found in trace amounts in many foods.

Watchdog group The Center for Environmental Health found via testing that while Coke products no longer test positive for the chemical, Pepsi products sold outside of California still do.

Pepsi said its caramel coloring suppliers are changing their manufacturing process to cut the amount of 4-Mel in its caramel. That process is complete in California and will be finished in February 2014 in the rest of the country. Pepsi said it will also be taken out globally, but did not indicate a timeline.

Meanwhile, the company said the FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world consider Pepsi’s caramel coloring safe.

Pepsi Contains Cancer Causing Chemical

Coca-Cola said it has transitioned to using a modified caramel in U.S. markets beyond California that does not contain Mel-4, so it wouldn’t have to have separate inventory of products for different locations. It also said all of its products, whether they have the modified caramel or not, are safe.

The watchdog group Center for Environmental Health said it commissioned Eurofins Analystical laboratory in Metairie, La., to test Coke and Pepsi products from California in May and from across the country in June.

The lab did not find the chemical in California products. And it found no 4-Mel in nine out of 10 Coke products outside of the state. But it found levels of 4-Mel that are 4 to 8 times higher than California safety levels in all 10 Pepsi products purchased outside California, according to the Center for Environmental Health.

Trace amounts of 4-Mel have not been linked to cancer in humans. The American Beverage Association said that California added the coloring to its list of carcinogens with no studies showing that it causes cancer in humans. It noted that the listing was based on a single study in lab mice and rats.

The Food and Drug Administration has also said that a consumer would have to drink more than 1,000 cans of soda a day to reach the doses administered that have shown links to cancer in rodents.

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo account for almost 90 percent of the soda market, according to industry tracker Beverage Digest.


Seven Reasons To Hate McDonald's

Seven Reasons To Hate McDonald's
This is for those who think that bringing children into McDonald's is innocent fun. Sorry for those who don't appreciate it, but in my opinion, people should not go to McDonald's, much less take children to consume that garbage. But to each ...

by Altamiro Borges

The seven worst facts about McDonald's

1st. They want employees to work on holidays without paying overtime.

McDonald's has a long history of harmful labor practices, but this is especially greedy: the company maintains its franchises open on Thanksgiving Day (U.S. holiday) and Christmas. Worse, employees working these days do not get overtime. According to a company spokesman, "When our stores are open on holidays, staff willingly offers to work. There is no extra pay."

 Mark E. Anderson's Daily Kos did some calculations and found that McDonald's earned $36 million extra for staying open on Thanksgiving Day. Anderson notes that "It's bad enough that McDonald's pays lousy wages, but they cannot go further and pay extra for employees who give up their time off to earn the company millions of dollars." Wow.

2nd. Employees are not paid well in general.

That they do not receive overtime for working on holidays is already bad, but that they barely earn much throughout the year is a reality for workers at McDonald's. As Sarah Jaffe wrote in Atlanticrecentemente, "The term McJob has become synonymous with all that is wrong in poorly paid jobs in the service sector of the U.S. economy, because, no matter what job you have, it will be better than working in a fast food restaurant."  And of course, McDonald's is the largest existing fast-food chain.

This fact sums up the problem:  an ordinary employee of McDonald's would have to work a million hours - or more than a century - to earn the same as a CEO receives in a year (8.75 million dollars). The good news is that the employees in the fast food sector, including McDonald's employees, recently began to organize to demand better wages and better treatment.

Seven Reasons To Hate McDonald's

3rd. Their marketing aimed at children is "creepy and predatory."

Two years ago the group, Center for Science in the Public Interest, announced its intention to sue McDonald's for its "creepy and predatory" marketing aimed at children. In his letter, CSPI compared McDonald's to "that stranger in the playground offering candy to children" and said the company uses "unfair and deceptive marketing to attract young children."

"The ambiguous approach of targeted marketing to children by McDonald's can be seen in a recent press release that says that the promotion company for the movie "Shrek" will encourage children to 'deshrek' their Happy Meals around the world with menu options such as fruits, vegetables, milk and juices."  In reality, however, the main point of the Shrek promotion is to attract children to McDonald's, where they end up making less healthy choices and eating caloric meals."

Not the first time that McDonald's is under fire for using Happy Meal toys to lure children as consumers, and as the company is the world's number one distributor of toys, it certainly is not the last.

4th. It has a salad with more fat than a burger and fries and the least healthy granola on the planet.

McDonald's launched a Caesar salad more greasy than a burger and fries. The Daily Mailnoticiou reports that "with the seasoning and croutons, the salad contains 425 calories and 21.4 grams of fat compared with 253 calories and 7.7 grams of fat in a burger." Adding a serving of fries to your burger, the calories still add up to 459-with less fat than the salad (16.7 g). Impressive.

More recently, the granola (which comes along with yogurt) - another "healthy" menu option - was criticized for being no good for you. Mark Bittman wrote in the New York Times that the company's granola is not nothing but "junk food" (you can make really healthy granola at home with very little money). He continues: "a more accurate description than '100% natural whole grain , soft raisins, sweet cranberries and crisp fresh apples' would be 'oats, sugar, sweetened dried fruit, cream and 11 weird ingredients you would never have in your kitchen.'"

Seven Reasons To Hate McDonald's

5th. The burgers do not decompose.

Who can forget that there was a woman a couple of years ago who left a burger and fries from McDonald's on a table for six months only to find that the snack does not decompose?

If you think this is a legend, a researcher found that McDonald's hamburgers can actually ruin under certain circumstances, but in general they do not decompose on their own. According to him, "The burger does not spoil because their small size and relatively large surface area help to lose moisture. No moisture, no mold or bacterial growth." Basically, the burger meat becomes dry before they decompose. That is, there is a question of nasty chemicals that keep the burger intact, but it is still nothing but slop.

Seven Reasons To Hate McDonald's

6th. McDonald's used "pink slime" for years.

Not long ago, we saw and we were horrified with the image.

"Pink slime" is a substance derived from mechanically separated chicken parts which for years was used to make the nuggets from McDonald's, at least in the U.S. and the UK.  The substance is considered illegal for human consumption. Recently, thanks to activists, 'pink slime' was banned from U.S. school lunches.

The good news is that, since the image began circulating, McDonald's was forced to discontinue the use of pink slime. (The company ensures that the public outrage had nothing to do with the decision.)

7th. McDonald's is everywhere.

You can try, but never escape McDonald's. In the U.S., the only place where you can be 100 miles from a McDonald's is a desert on the border of Oregon and Nevada.

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