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Were Humans Genetically Engineered By Aliens?

Humans Were Created And Genetically Engineered By Aliens?

Intelligent Design Behind our Human DNA

As scientists began to unravel and decode the human DNA molecule, they found something amazingly unexpected  — a computer programmer’s exquisite ‘language’ composed of some 3 billion genetic letters.
  • “One of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth century,” says Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Wash.,
  • “Was that DNA actually stores information-the detailed instructions for assembling proteins-in the form of a four-character digital code” (quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator, 2004. As George Williams explains it:)
  • “The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it’s not the message”
It`s a design from an intelligent source

To any discerning mind, this type of nanotech high-level information has been deduced to originate only from a seemingly intelligent source. As Lee Strobel explains:

“The data at the core of life is not disorganized, it’s not simply orderly like salt crystals, but it’s complex and specific information that can accomplish a bewildering task-the building of biological machines that far outstrip human technological capabilities”

For example, the precise nature of this genetic language is such that the average error that is not caught turns out to be one error per 10 billion letters. If an error occurs in one of the most important parts of the code, in the genes, it causes diseases such as sickle-cell anemia. Yet even the best and most apt typist in the world couldn’t come close to making only one man`s DNA, reveals we are someone else ' property.

Humans Were Created And Genetically Engineered By Aliens?

Humans were genetically engineered by aliens and according to ufologist Der Voron, author of Unidentified Flying Objects: Starcraft, in an exclusive interview with Weekly Universe. Voron built his astounding scientific theory on the lack of evidence linking Cro-Magnon man to still earlier forms on the evolutionary chain. This so-called “Missing Link” implies a jump in evolution that can only be explained by a miracle or by alien intervention!

As explained exclusively to the Weekly Universe, Der Voron says: “Scientists cannot find the ‘Missing link’ that links Cro-Magnon man [our own immediate ancestor] to earlier human forms yet they’ve found and continue finding the remains of many less advanced forms that existed long before Cro-Magnon.”

According to evolutionary theory, early men evolved into the Missing Link, which evolved into Cro-Magnon man, which evolved into modern Homo Sapiens us!  But for the theory to be valid, the Missing Link must have existed about the same time as the Neanderthal which means that remains like (tools, fossils and artwork) should be as common as Neanderthal remains. Yet while Neanderthal remains abound, but the “Missing Link” concerning our DNA still remains missing!

Voron: “If scientists cannot find Missing Link remains, yet easily find Neanderthal remains it may be because the Missing Link never existed!  And that Cro-Magnon modern man’s ancestors were genetically engineered!”

But by whom? Voron sees only one possible answer: By certain intelligent beings of extraterrestrial origin as far as it can be proved or assumed due to other pieces that is constantly missing in humans origin! These genetic engineers were from an ancient but technologically advanced terrestrial civilization, because no remains from such a civilization have been found. Voron scoffs at the simplistic either/or debate between Creationism (intelligent design) and Evolution (chance or random occurrence).

He thinks the universe is big enough for both theories to be partially-true and other theories too! The extraterrestrial creation theory like the “Enuma Elish” ( Sumerian story about our creators the Annunaki ) is the most probable explanation for humans rapid development in science. Because the evidence for that, is all around us every were on earth. From stone monuments to ancient light bulbs

Humans Were Created And Genetically Engineered By Aliens?
Voron Explains: “I don’t think that today’s level of science can yet solve the puzzle of the origins of the entire universe, but perhaps the problem of our origins can be discussed in the following way: “Calculations show that the chance emergence of life, and moreover of intelligent life, is very low.  It’s more likely that a hurricane can compose a new Boeing aircraft from the fragments of a broken one lying on the ground. But because the Universe is giant infinite! this chance did occur, and then life, and then intelligent life, emerged.

“This intelligent life created a civilization that we can call God which then engineered life and intelligent life in other star systems.  In doing so, they may have established bases in these star systems similar to the giant cylinder-shaped flying saucers that are sometimes observed from Earth and that are theorized to be mother ships (i.e. alien bases), due to their large sizes and observations of other saucers departing from them.  And maybe this alien civilization not only created life and mother ships, but star systems, planets, quasars, and…?”

Sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke famously stated that, to a sufficiently primitive people, a high-tech civilization will look like magic.  Likewise, Voron’s amazing conclusions combine evolutionary theory, creationism, and ancient Aliens whom our primitive ancestors may have called God!

“The key point is that the Universe is not only endless,” says Voron, “but eternal and this means that this creation/evolutionary process may have occurred innumerable times, in
innumerable variations.”


Beware, Oral Sex Can Cause Cancer

Beware, Oral Sex Can Cause Cancer

Actor Michael Douglas made headlines on Monday after telling The Guardian that his throat cancer may have been caused by the human papillomavirus transmitted through oral sex.

The link between oral sex, HPV and cancer has been receiving more attention in recent years.
HPV is a virus that's transmitted through sexual contact -- genital or oral. There are more than 40 types, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and approximately 79 million Americans are currently infected. Most people have no symptoms.

"HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives," the CDC's website states. "In most cases, the virus goes away and it does not lead to any health problems. There is no certain way to know which people infected with HPV will go on to develop cancer."

Douglas' publicist told CNN that the actor did not intend to point to HPV as the sole cause of his throat cancer, but was suggesting it as one possible cause.

HPV is thought to cause 1,700 oropharyngeal, or throat, cancers in women and 6,700 oropharyngeal cancers in men each year, according to the CDC. Tobacco and alcohol use may play a role in who develops cancer from the virus, the government agency notes.

A 2011 study found that the proportion of oropharyngeal cancers related to HPV increased from 16.3% to 71.7% between 1984 and 2004. Data presented that same year at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting suggested HPV was overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of oral cancers in Americans under the age of 50.

Beware, Oral Sex Can Cause Cancer

The virus is transmissible regardless of whether the sexual contact is heterosexual or homosexual.
Approximately 42,000 people in the United States will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer in 2013, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. This includes neck, mouth and throat cancers. When they're found early, oral cancers have an 80 to 90% survival rate, the foundation says.

"Patients with HPV-positive cancers have better survival rates," Dr. Anil Chaturvedi of the National Cancer Institute told CNN in 2011. "The precise reasons for the survival benefits are not clear, but tumors in HPV-positive patients tend to have less genetic damage. Because of that, they are more responsive to cancer therapies like radiation treatment."

The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend both boys and girls get the HPV vaccine between the ages of 11 and 12. Doctors say the vaccine is most effective if administered before a child becomes sexually active.

HPV has also been linked to cervical cancer, penile cancer and anal cancer, according to the CDC. The HPV vaccine prevents the most common types of the virus. There are two approved for use in the United States: Gardasil and Cervarix.

Of course, HPV is not the only danger of having unprotected oral sex. Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV can be also be spread through the act. To stay safe, the CDC recommends always using a condom and getting tested regularly.

"The good news is that all STIs are preventable and most are curable," writes Gail Bolan, the CDC's director of STD prevention division. "But, because most STIs have no symptoms, testing is the necessary first step to treatment."


People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.

Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have confirmed for the first time that a plant, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. The research findings were released this week in the online journal Nature Communications published by the renowned journal Nature.

Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, soaking up the environment. "This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific group settings where there is a mix of energy and emotions," said psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee.

Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. In a series of experiments, Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse and his team cultivated the microscopically small green alga species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and observed that when faced with a shortage of energy, these single-cell plants can draw energy from neighbouring vegetable cellulose instead. The alga secretes enzymes (so-called cellulose enzymes) that ‘digest’ the cellulose, breaking it down into smaller sugar components. These are then transported into the cells and transformed into a source of energy: the alga can continue to grow. ‘This is the first time that such a behaviour has been confirmed in a vegetable organism’, says Professor Kruse. ‘That algae can digest cellulose contradicts every previous textbook. To a certain extent, what we are seeing is plants eating plants’. Currently, the scientists are studying whether this mechanism can also be found in other types of alga. Preliminary findings indicate that this is the case.

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

"When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well," stated Bader-Lee. "The human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states and this can essentially energize cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger."

Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bioenergy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along -- that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. "Human can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. That's why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people," she concluded.

Here are five energy tools to use to clear your space and prevent energy drains while releasing people’s energy:

1. Stay centered and grounded. If you are centered within your spiritual self (instead of your analyzer or ego) you will sense right away when something has moved into your space. If you are fully grounded, you can easily release other people’s energy and emotions down your grounding cord with your intention.

3. Be in a state of non-resistance. What we resists sticks. If you feel uncomfortable around a certain person or in a group, don’t go into resistance as a way to protect yourself as this will only keep foreign energy stuck in your space. Move into a state of non-resistance by imagining that your body is clear and translucent like clear glass or water. This way, if someone throws some invalidation at you, it will pass right through you.

3. Own your personal aura space. We each have an energetic aura surrounding our body. If we don’t own this personal space we are vulnerable to foreign energy entering it. Become aware of your aura boundaries (about an arms length away from your body all the way around, above and below) as a way to own your personal space.

4. Give yourself an energy cleanse. The color gold has a high vibration which is useful for clearing away foreign energy. Imagine a gold shower nozzle at the top of your aura (a few feet above your head) and turn it on, allowing clear gold energy to flow through your aura and body space and release down your grounding. You will immediately feel cleansed and refreshed.

5. Call back your energy. When we have our energy in our own space there is less room for other’s energy to enter. But as we focus on other people and projects we sometimes spread our energy around. Create an image of a clear gold sun several feet above your head and let it be a magnet, attracting all of your energy back into it (and purifying it in the gold energy). Then bring it down through the top of your aura and into your body space, releasing your energy back into your personal space.


Bermuda Triangle Mystery Finally Solved?

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Finally Solved?

According to two research scientists the mystery of vanished ships and airplanes in the region dubbed "The Bermuda Triangle" has been solved. Step aside outer space aliens, time anomalies, submerged giant Atlantean pyramids and bizarre meteorological phenomena ... the "Triangle" simply suffers from an acute case of gas.

Natural gas—the kind that heats ovens and boils water—specifically methane, is the culprit behind the mysterious disappearances and loss of water and air craft. The evidence for this astounding new insight into a mystery that's bedeviled the world is laid out in a research paper published in the American Journal of Physics.

Professor Joseph Monaghan researched the hypothesis with honor student David May at the Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The two hypothesized that large methane bubbles rising from the ocean floor might account for many, if not all, of the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft at specific locales around the world.

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Finally Solved?

Researcher Ivan T. Sanderson identified these mystery areas during the 1960s. Sanderson described the actual shape of these regions as more like a lozenge rather than a triangle. Some of the more famous spots include an area in the Sea of Japan, the North Sea, and of course the infamous "Bermuda (or Devil's) Triangle."

Oceanographic surveyors of the sea floor in the area of the Bermuda Triangle and the North Sea region between continental Europe and Great Britain have discovered significant quantities of methane hydrates and older eruption sites. Because of the correlations and existing data, the two envisioned what would happen when gigantic methane bubbles explode from natural fissures on the seafloor.

The methane—normaly frozen at great pressure as gas hydrates embedded within subterranean rock—can become dislodged and transform into gaseous bubbles expanding geometrically as they explode upwards. When these bubbles reach the surface of the water they soar into the air, still expanding upwards and outwards.

Any ships caught within the methane mega-bubble immediately lose all buoyancy and sink to the bottom of the ocean. If the bubbles are big enough and possess a high enough density they can also knock aircraft out of the sky with little or no warning. Aircraft falling victim to these methane bubbles will lose their engines-perhaps igniting the methane surrounding them-and immediately lose their lift as well, ending their flights by diving into the ocean and swiftly plummeting to the sea bottom.

In most cases little or no wreckage would be found by searchers.

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Finally Solved?

Using the latest in computer modeling, Monaghan and May tested their theory. The modeling program, based on the scientific principles of fluid dynamics, accounted for all the variables including the velocity of a giant methane bubble, its pressure, and the density of the gas and surrounding water. The model converted three-dimensional information into a two-dimensional computer display. A graph illustrated the movement of the water forced aside by a mammoth methane bubble and its effect on ships of various sizes, configurations and tonnages.

To provide a check on the accuracy of their hypothesis, the two scientists built a large tank, filled it with water to simulate the regions of the earth where ships and planes have reportedly disappeared over the last century, and launched large methane gas bubbles from the bottom of the tank towards a toy ship floating on the surface of the water.

The results were impressive and the physical tests mirrored the computer model. The two found that the ship sank if it was between the middle of a bubble and its outer edges. If the ship was far enough away from the edge of the bubble—or directly over it—the ship would sail on safely. Despite not sinking, however, if the methane bubble was big enough and the ship was positioned at or near the center of the bubble when it surfaced, every one on the ship could be asphyxiated. This would account for several famous cases where ships were found in the Triangle with everyone aboard dead without a scratch.

Monaghan and May also discovered some surprising properties of a methane bubble when it interacts with a ship. The two had assumed that as a bubble broke the surface it would burst, creating a depression. They envisioned a ship falling into the depression, riding through it and coming through basically unscathed. The tests revealed something entirely different.

As a bubble surfaced the water rose dramatically creating a sphere of water. Yes, the ship would slide off the sphere, but as the bubble burst a huge jet or column of high-velocity water would slam onto the ship and in a matter of seconds drive it down into the murky depths.

Recent surveys in the North Sea region have identified sunken vessels that are very near previous methane venting/eruption sites. What a methane bubble would actually look like, however, as it roars from the ocean depths breaking onto the surface of the sea no one knows.

Anyone who has experienced the phenomenon first-hand is dead.


Computer Virus Found on Facebook Steals Bank Details and Money From Accounts When Users Click on Links

The Zeus Trojan uses keylogging to record every key that is pressed on a person's keyboard. When the user enters an internet banking address and login details, the Trojan can steal them, sign into the account and drain all the money
The Zeus Trojan uses keylogging to record every key that is pressed on a person's keyboard. When the user enters an internet banking address and login details, the Trojan can steal them, sign into the account and drain all the money

A computer virus that steals bank details and empties money from accounts has been found on Facebook.

Eric Feinberg, who controls the U.S National Football League Facebook page, discovered the malicious links were being posted on his brand's page by fake profiles.

The links are believed to be controlled by the Russian Business Network - an online criminal gang accused of stealing internet users' identities and private information.

The link discovered by Feinberg was for a page called 'Bring the N.F.L to Los Angeles'.

The page has since been removed.

Security firm Trend Micro claim that there may be many more hidden on pages, or even being spread inadvertently by Facebook friends.

When a Facebook user clicks the links the Trojan - which gets its name from the Trojan horse the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy undetected - is installed on their computer.

It then scans all the personal files and steals any private information.

The malware is also able to collect login details, even if they aren't stored in documents on your PC, by using keystroke logging.

Keystroke logging, also known as keylogging, can record which keys on a keyboard are being pressed.

It can then wait until the user types in their online banking address and login details and steal them.

Fake Facebook profiles were found to be posting malicious links to brand pages such as the U.S National Football League page. When these links were clicked on it would install a computer virus called the Zeus Banking Trojan onto the user's PC
Fake Facebook profiles were found to be posting malicious links to brand pages such as the U.S National Football League page. When these links were clicked on it would install a computer virus called the Zeus Banking Trojan onto the user's PC

Once they have the logins, the cybercriminals can enter your online accounts and steal your money.

It is a six-year-old malware program that has seen a resurgence recently on Facebook and other social network sites.

The Zeus Trojan, also known as ZBOT, has infected millions of computers worldwide - with reports claiming 3.6 million are in the U.S alone - and can sit in the background dormant and virtually undetected.

In a blog post, Trend Micro claimed that incidents of the Zeus have risen steadily this year and peaked last month.

The Zeus virus traditionally targets computers running Windows.

Security experts at Kaspersky Lab also discovered five new variants of the Zeus trojan that specifically affect BlackBerry and Android devices last year.

This means that if a malicious link is clicked via the Facebook app or mobile site on these devices, the owner may still be at risk.

A spokesperson for Facebook said that the site actively scans for malware and offers various security options including the Scan-and-Repair Malware scan that can search for and remove malware from mobile devices.


To avoid falling victim to the Zeus malware don't ever click on unknown links.
If you want to check a link's source, copy and paste it into a site such as URL X-ray.
The site safely shows you the intended destination of a link.
If you're unsure about its safety - don't click it.
Install antivirus security on your PC and on your mobile devices, such as Lookout or AVG.
To avoid people gaining access to your internet banking accounts, sign up for two-step verification.
Each time you login a unique code will be sent to you separately - as a text message for example.
This means even if someone has your login details, they won't be able to access the unique code.


Why Your Keyboard is Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat


How dirty is your Qwerty?

It turns out that your computer keyboard could put a host of potentially harmful bacteria -- including E. coli and staph -- quite literally at your fingertips.

Sure, it may sound like a hypochondriac's excuse to stay away from the office. But a growing body of research suggests that computer mice and keyboards are, in fact, prime real estate for germs.

It's a phenomenon most recently illustrated by tests at a typical office environment in the United Kingdom. A consumer advocacy group commissioned the tests in which British microbiologist James Francis took a swab to 33 keyboards, a toilet seat and a toilet door handle at the publication's London office in January.

Francis then tested the swabs to see what nasty germs he managed to pick up. He found that four of the keyboards tested were potential health hazards -- and one had levels of germs five times higher than that found on the toilet seat.

While the results of this simple test cannot necessarily be applied to the rest of the computer keyboards in the United Kingdom -- or in this country, for that matter -- the findings are in line with a considerable body of research suggesting that our daily routines put us in near constant contact with potentially dangerous germs.

And health officials have taken notice. In January, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that a norovirus outbreak at a Washington, D.C., elementary school in February 2007 that sickened more than 100 may have been spread through contaminated computer equipment.

Specifically, according to an article in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, a computer mouse and keyboard in one first-grade classroom tested positive for the virus, which is linked to a disease commonly called stomach flu.

"This outbreak is the first report of norovirus detected on a computer mouse and keyboard, which highlights the possible role of computer equipment in disease transmission and the difficulty in identifying and properly disinfecting all possible environmental sources of norovirus during outbreaks," noted the authors of the Jan. 4 article in the discussion section of the report.

Other research has detected a host of different, potentially disease-causing germs on everything from doorknobs to paper money.

But Is It a Problem?

Why Your Keyboard is Dirtier Than Your Toilet SeatConsidering how often we come into contact with keyboards, it should come as little surprise that the keys and spaces in between are a convenient haven for bacteria and other microbes.

"Keyboards are clearly contaminated," says Dr. Pascal James Imperato, distinguished service professor, chairman of the department of preventive medicine and community health, and director of the master of public health program at the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center in New York City.

"Computer keyboards are fairly recent in terms of widespread use," he added. "So there have probably been not too many studies done to check on the level of contamination of keyboards."

Still, considering the widespread nature of these bugs' habitats, the question remains as to whether the presence of potentially harmful microbes on surfaces such as a computer keyboard normally poses a health threat

Dr. Aaron Glatt, president and chief executive officer of New Island Hospital in Bethpage, N.Y., and spokesperson for the Infectious Disease Society of America, conducted a test several years ago similar to the one commissioned that had him swabbing various locations within the New York City subway system.

He found that a number of surfaces there also hosted large numbers of bacteria. And he expressed little surprise that the more recent swab test showed that many nasty bacteria may call your computer keyboard home.

But as for the question of whether these bacteria pose a real health threat, Glatt says he just doesn't buy it.

"There is no surface under the sun ... that is sterile," he says. "I think we have to say that there is overwhelming evidence that this is not a danger for most people.

"People can't go crazy about the worry and concern of being exposed to bacteria."

He adds that it is little surprise that one computer keyboard out of the 33 in the swab tests showed levels of bacteria higher than on a toilet surface -- since most toilets are flushed on a fairly regular basis.

That's not to say that the germs that live on everyday surfaces cannot occasionally pose a health threat. The key, Glatt says, is whether the bacteria or viruses with which we come into contact every day have a way to get past our natural barrier to such invasions -- namely the skin.

Faced with this impermeable membrane, most germs -- even dangerous or potentially deadly ones -- must be content with living on the skin's surface. Only when they enter the body through a break in the skin or through the mouth are they afforded access to the body's more vulnerable tissues.

Why Your Keyboard is Dirtier Than Your Toilet SeatBest Weapon Against Bacteria: Handwashing

In a world that is literally covered in germs, most of us must learn to live with the knowledge that, at any given moment, every square inch of our bodies is covered with millions of germs, and that some of these germs have the potential to cause disease.

"The trick is to try and minimize and limit your exposure within a reasonable context," Glatt says.

And the best approach to this goal may come in the form of a bar of soap and a sink.

"Handwashing is the single best, cheapest, most effective way to limit your exposure you have throughout your life with potentially dangerous bacteria," Glatt says. "It's amazing how this basic, basic advice is ignored by huge numbers of people every day."

Still worried about your keyboard? Cleaning it regularly may be another smart solution that most currently ignore. A survey of more than 4,000 people that conducted in January and February 2008 revealed that only about half of respondents cleaned their computer keyboards at least once a month.

And while you're at it, you might as well remind your co-workers to stay clear of your gear. Imperato notes that sharing your keyboard likely makes it a much more dangerous surface when it comes to passing diseases.

"If somebody is using their own keyboard and no one else is using it, then the chances of that keyboard serving as a method of transmission is fairly small," he says. "But if we're talking about common keyboards, then there is a higher probability of transmission occurring."


The Starchild Skull: An Alien-Human Hybrid Proof?

The Starchild Skull: An Alien-Human Hybrid Proof?

In the 1930s, a young American girl was on vacation with her family in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico. She was off exploring the area when she came across an abandoned mining tunnel. Inside the tunnel she found a full human skeleton. Next to the skeleton was a mound of dirt. Sticking out of the dirt and wrapped around the arm of the other skeleton was a human arm bone.

The young girl began to dig and discovered that the mound was a shallow grave. The body buried there is one of the strangest discoveries anyone has ever made. The girl grabbed the skulls from both skeletons and carried them back with her to the United States. They stayed in storage until her death in 1998 and since then they have been the subject of much debate and controversy in the paranormal and scientific community.

The skull was carbon dated and estimated to be 900 years old. It also appeared to be the skull of a child and rumors immediately began to circulate that his could be the skull of an alien being. The skull was dubbed “starchild”. The skull of the starchild was misshapen to say the least. Was this a deformity or perhaps the person buried there partook in the common Native American practice of head shaping or cradleboarding? A look at scientific evidence says that neither one of these scenarios are likely.

The Starchild Skull: An Alien-Human Hybrid Proof?

There is one way to definitively prove what the starchild is and that is DNA analysis. DNA tests dating back to the late 90s have always returned the mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA can be used to determine what species the mother was, and it did show that the starchild’s mother was, in fact, a human but no nuclear DNA could be recovered. Nuclear DNA could be used to determine whether the starchild’s father was a human or some other species. Could the starchild be some alien-human hybrid, or is it merely a human child with a terrible deformity that is unkown to science? This has been the debate as of late, but recently some new developments in the starchild case may change the way we look at the world.

Earlier this year (2010) Lloyd Pye, the man who spearheads the research of the starchild skull, sent an Email to those who subscribe to his Project Starchild Newsletter. In the email, Pye claims to have recently met with geneticists who have successfully recovered nuclear DNA from the starchild skull. While Pye has yet to announce anything on his website or release a public statement, he claims in the email that tests of the nuclear DNA determined that the father of starchild matches no known species.

The Starchild Skull: An Alien-Human Hybrid Proof?

Also, if one concludes that cradle boarding or a deformity is the reason for the starchild’s strange appearance they would be ignoring several other astonishing factors. Factors that simply cannot be explained way.

While the skull does share certain characteristics with a human skull there are several differences that anyone studying it should not ignore. First, the skull is much more durable than a human skull despite being half as dense and half the weight of a regular skull. This increased durability is believed to be the result of very strange fibers that are woven into the bone. There is also a strange red residue in the bone. The fibers and residue present in the starchild are not featured in any other known animal on the planet.

Also, due to the starchild’s lack of an inion the whole head would have sat at a different angle than a normal human head. The neck muscles would also have connected to a different area of the skull other than the inion due to its absence. This means that the neck would have been half the size of a normal human neck. Along with the missing inion, there is also a complete absence of the frontal sinus cavity.

The eyes are also very unusual. For one the sockets are not even an inch deep. The human eye socket is two inches deep. The eyes are also centered with the nose while human eyes are above the nose. The optic nerve canal of the starchild is situated at the bottom of the socket while normal human optic nerve canals are located in the back of the socket.

So what is the starchild? Many theories have been put forward ranging from some unknown deformity to alien being, but how can we be for sure of what the starchild was? Many artists have attempted to recreate the physical appearance of the strachild hoping this could give us some insight into to what exactly we were looking at, but that is not an exact science.

There is one way to definitively prove what the starchild is and that is DNA analysis. DNA tests dating back to the late 90s have always returned the mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA can be used to determine what species the mother was, and it did show that the starchild’s mother was, in fact, a human but no nuclear DNA could be recovered. Nuclear DNA could be used to determine whether the starchild’s father was a human or some other species. Could the starchild be some alien-human hybrid, or is it merely a human child with a terrible deformity that is unkown to science? This has been the debate as of late, but recently some new developments in the starchild case may change the way we look at the world.

Earlier this year (2010) Lloyd Pye, the man who spearheads the research of the starchild skull, sent an Email to those who subscribe to his Project Starchild Newsletter. In the email, Pye claims to have recently met with geneticists who have successfully recovered nuclear DNA from the starchild skull. While Pye has yet to announce anything on his website or release a public statement, he claims in the email that tests of the nuclear DNA determined that the father of starchild matches no known species.

Also in the email Pye claims that in the coming months we will have proof that part of the starchild’s gnome is not of Earth. Pye does not reveal the name of the geneticists or the facility that is involved in the genetic research of the starchild, but assures the subscribers of his newsletter that those involved are respected and qualified geneticists whose identity will be revealed as soon as they are prepared for the media bombardment.

What started as an accidental discovery by a curious young girl has become one of the most controversial scientific and paranormal debates of the last century. The story has been featured on countless television shows and has been the subject of many writings and books, but the story is clearly not over yet. We all await Pye’s official announcement on the findings of the genetic analysis. Even then, though, the story will not be over. Now the debate shall begin on whether the starchild is a true alien-hybrid or some bizarre genetic phenomenon.


Time Travel Tunnel Discovered in China?


A particular tunnel in Guizhou, China has been drawing attention for its unique ability to literally turn back the clock. According to reports, when one drives through the 400 meter tunnel there is a substantial chance that their clocks will go back exactly one hour.

www.globaltimes.cn reports: 

Mobile phone users in Zunyi, Guizhou Province complain that the time on their phones jumps back one hour every time they drive through the nearby Guanjingnan Tunnel, according to Guiyang-based news portal gywb.cn.
The time is corrected after traveling a kilometer from the tunnel, according to mobile phone users.  
A journalist with the website reported the phenomenon happened eight out of ten times after driving through the 400-meter tunnel on May 22.

According to the report, the phenomenon only occurs on phones using one of China’s major telecom providers, but fails to mention which company. 


The 400 meter tunnel has been receiving so much attention for its time-changing effects that one reporter with Gui Yang Evening News decided to test out the phenomenon: eight out of 10 times, his mobile clock went back an hour.

The effects seem only temporary, however, as when you drive further away the clock eventually returns to the normal stream of time.


This tunnel is nicknames "time tunnel" by the locals not very original right? The tunnel is over 400 meters long and apparently when travel through the tunnel the time on you cell phone and cell phone only would lose one hour.

The reporter who wrote this article for China's Gui Yang Evening News personally tested this tunnel and said the time travel phenomenon happened over 80% of the time.

So basically here's how it works say you enter the tunnel at 9am and exit from the other side at 9:05, the time on your cell phone will display 8:05.

After traveling away from the tunnel for awhile your cell phone time will return to normal. So far there has been no explanation about this phenomenon but some have wondered if continually traveling through the tunnel will actually make you look younger.

Guess it can't hurt to try right?


US Reducing Native Populations To Refugees To Build Military Bases

US Reducing Native Populations To Refugees To Build Military Bases
If we think at all about our government's military depopulating territory that it desires, we usually think of the long-ago replacement of native Americans with new settlements during the continental expansion of the United States westward.
Here in Virginia some of us are vaguely aware that back during the Great Depression poor people were evicted from their homes and their land where national parks were desired. But we distract and comfort ourselves with the notion that such matters are deep in the past.

Occasionally we notice that environmental disasters are displacing people, often poor people or marginalized people, from their homes. But these incidents seem like collateral damage rather than intentional ethnic cleansing.

If we're aware of the 1,000 or so US military bases standing today in some 175 countries, we must realize that the land they occupy could serve some other purpose in the lives of those countries' peoples. But surely those countries' peoples are still there, still living -- if perhaps slightly inconvenienced -- in their countries.

Yet the fact is that the US military has displaced and continues to displace for the construction of its bases the entire populations of villages and islands, in blatant violation of international law, basic human decency, and principles we like to tell each other we stand for. The United States also continues to deny displaced populations the right to return to their homelands.

At issue here are not the bombings or burnings of entire villages, which of course the United States engages in during its wars and its non-wars. Nor are we dealing here with the millions of refugees created by wars like those in Iraq and Afghanistan or by drone wars like the one in Pakistan. Rather, the following are cases of the intentional displacement of particular populations moved out of the way of base construction and left alive to struggle as refugees in exile.
US Reducing Native Populations To Refugees To Build Military Bases

In the Philippines, the United States built bases on land belonging to the indigenous Aetas people, who "ended up combing military trash to survive."

During World War II the US Navy seized the small Hawaiian island of Koho'Olawe for a weapons testing range and ordered its inhabitants to leave. The island has been devastated.

In 1942, the Navy displaced Aleutian Islanders.

President Harry Truman made up his mind that the 170 native inhabitants of Bikini Atoll had no right to their island. He had them evicted in February and March of 1946, and dumped as refugees on other islands without means of support or a social structure in place. In the coming years, the United States would remove 147 people from Enewetak Atoll and all the people on Lib Island. US atomic and hydrogen bomb testing rendered various depopulated and still-populated islands uninhabitable, leading to further displacements. Up through the 1960s, the US military displaced hundreds of people from Kwajalein Atoll. A super-densely populated ghetto was created on Ebeye.

On Vieques, off Puerto Rico, the Navy displaced thousands of inhabitants between 1941 and 1947, announced plans to evict the remaining 8,000 in 1961, but was forced to back off and -- in 2003 -- to stop bombing the island.

On nearby Culebra, the Navy displaced thousands between 1948 and 1950 and attempted to remove those remaining up through the 1970s.

The Navy is right now looking at the island of Pagan as a possible replacement for Vieques, the population already having been removed by a volcanic eruption. Of course, any possibility of return would be greatly diminished.

Beginning during World War II and continuing through the 1950s, the US military displaced a quarter million Okinawans, or half the population, from their land, forcing people into refugee camps and shipping thousands of them off to Bolivia -- where land and money were promised but not delivered.

In 1953, the United States made a deal with Denmark to remove 150 Inughuit people from Thule, Greenland, giving them four days to get out or face bulldozers. They are being denied the right to return.

Diego Garcia

Diego Garcia

The story of Diego Garcia is superbly told in David Vine's book, Island of Shame. Between 1968 and 1973, the United States and Great Britain exiled all 1,500 to 2,000 inhabitants from this island in the Indian Ocean. On orders from, and with funding from, the United States, the British forced the people onto overcrowded ships and dumped them on docks in Mauritius and the Seychelles -- foreign and distant and unwelcoming lands for this indigenous population that had been part of Diego Garcia for centuries. US documents described this as "sweeping" and "sanitizing" the island.

Those responsible for the displacement of the people of Diego Garcia knew that what they were doing was widely considered barbaric and illegal. They devised ways of creating "logical cover" for the process. They persuaded the ever-compliant Washington Post to bury the story. The Queen of England and her Privy Council bypassed Parliament. The Pentagon lied to Congress and hid its payments to the British from Congress. The planners even lied to themselves. Having originally envisioned a communications station, they concluded that advances in technology had rendered that unhelpful. So, Navy schemers decided that a fueling station for ships might offer a "suitable justification" for building a base that was actually a purposeless end in itself. But the Pentagon ended up telling a reluctant Congress that the base would be a communications station because that was something Congress would approve.

Those plotting the eviction of the island's people created the fiction that the inhabitants were migrant workers not actually native to Diego Garcia. Sir Paul Gore-Booth, Permanent Undersecretary in the Foreign Office of the UK, dismissed the island's people as "some few Tarzans or Men Fridays whose origins are obscure." This stood in contrast to the respect and protection given to some other islands not chosen for bases because of the rare plants, birds, and animals resident there.

On January 24, 1971, remaining inhabitants of Diego Garcia were told they'd need to leave or be shot. They were allowed to take a small box of possessions, but had to leave their homes, their gardens, their animals, their land, and their society. Their dogs were rounded up and killed in a gas chamber as they watched, waiting to themselves be loaded on ships for departure. Arriving in Mauritius, they were housed in a prison. Their fate has not much improved in the decades since. David Vine describes them as very forgiving, wishing nothing but to be permitted to return.

Diego Garcia is purely a military base and in some ways more of a lawless zone than Guantanamo. The United States has kept and may be keeping prisoners there, on the island or on ships in the harbor. The Red Cross and journalists do not visit. The United States has de facto control of Diego Garcia, while the UK has technical ownership. The Pentagon is not interested in allowing the island's people to return.

Jeju Island

Jeju Island

The South Korean government, at the behest of the US Navy, is in the process of devastating a village, its coast, and 130 acres of farmland on Jeju Island with a massive military base. This story is best told in Regis Tremblay's new film, The Ghosts of Jeju. This is not a tragedy from the past to be remedied but a tragedy of this moment to be halted in its tracks. You can help. Tremblay's film examines the history of decades of abuse of the people of Jeju, and the resistance movement that is currently inspiring other anti-base efforts around the globe. The film begins somber and ends joyful. I highly recommend creating an event around a screening of it.



Aliens, Anunnaki And The Zeta Reticuli Star System

Aliens, Anunnaki And The Zeta Reticuli Star System

Please Note: This report was originally published in "Focus" magazine edited by Bill Moore,1991.

REPORTER: "And what planet do the EBENS "aliens" come from?"

INTELLIGENCE SOURCE CODENAMED "FALCON" (Rick Doty in this case): "(From) the Zeta Reticuli star group ... (there are) two suns together."

Q: "And is this the primary source of the alien visitors here?"

A: "Ahh, to the best of my knowledge, yes."

Q: "How long does the trip from Zeta Reticuli take....?"

A: "They can... do it in about 91 days."

Q: "How big is their home planet?"

A: "(The) EBEN'S planet is similar to Earth, but the air is a bit thinner and contains a higher proportion of Argon and Helium. Also, the average temperature is a bit cooler especially in the northern part of their planet. They like our high mountain regions where the air is thinner and the temperature is cooler. They can't stand a lot of heat.

Q: "Now, can we get into describing the physical conditions and characteristics of the aliens?"

A: "(They are) creature(s) about 3'4" to 3'8" tall. Their eyes are extremely large, almost insect style (with) a couple of different inner lids....Their skin structure is extremely ahhh... it's a very elastic skin, and hard. Probably hardened from their sun."

The above was excerpted from interviews conducted with U.S. intelligence agent codenamed "Falcon" in March, 1984 and February, 1987.

Evidence gleaned from both the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case and from intelligence sources (including "Falcon", above) has suggested that the home of at least one group of supposed alien 'visitors" to Earth may well be the Zeta Reticuli system. They are a pair of companion stars (two stars traveling together in the same direction at the same speed as a wide-binary system) located some 39.4 to 39.5 light-years distant.
Aliens, Anunnaki And The Zeta Reticuli Star System

The prime source of information about these stars is L. DaSilva and R. Foy's paper "Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli: A Puzzling Solar-Type Twin System", which can be found in Astronomy and Astrophysics (177, 204-216 <1987>). See, L. DaSilva and R. Foy.

The two stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2, are located in the southern constellation of Reticulum (the net) and are thus never visible to most of the northern hemisphere. Both are classed as old disk population II stars whose age is between six to eight billion years. There is every indication that both had a common origin and are part of a relatively near-by old moving group (or loose cluster) of stars which was first defined in 1958 and is known as the Zeta Hercules group. Zeta 1 Reticuli is separated from Zeta 2 Reticuli by at least 367 billion miles or about 100 times the Sun-Pluto distance. They may be even farther apart but, as just mentioned above, the available observations suggest they are moving through space together and are therefore physically associated. They probably require at least a 100,000 years to orbit around their common center of gravity.

Our own Sun has an estimated age of only five billion years and is classed spectroscopically as a G-0 star (yellow-orange dwarf). Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are classed as G-2 and G-1 respectively, with luminosities ("L") of 0.8 and 1.02 (the Sun being L=l.O). This means that both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are very Sun-like and could well possess solar systems much like our own.

In their highly technical paper, DaSilva and Foy offer two very important conclusions about these stars which radically contradict earlier findings. These are that neither star is metal-deficient and that neither is a close binary (or double). Earlier evidence (published by Bonneau et al., 1980) identifying Zeta 2 as a very close binary turns out to have been mistaken (Bonneau and Foy, 1986).

The puzzling aspects of these "close" stars (One tenth of a light year apart) center around discoveries of higher than expected gravity and ultraviolet output when compared to their apparently normal metal content (i.e. not metal-poor). The ultraviolet excess and kinematic (proper motion and orbit) data suggest that these two stars belong to the old population II stars as mentioned earlier; yet the apparent high gravity figure seems more typical of an unevolved, metal-poor condition. Since DaSilva and Foy's work resulted in strong confirmation of a Sun-like (or "normal") metal content for these stars, they began to look elsewhere for an explanation of the gravity paradox. The answer came with the discovery of an apparent overabundance of helium (twice as much as our own Sun) in the stellar photospheres. This, when worked into the calculations, not only explained the high gravity, but also accounted for the observed problem of the stars' high ultraviolet output but relatively low overall luminosity. Another effect of the helium abundance would be to slow the process of stellar evolution across the main sequence.

Additionally, it should be noted that Zeta 1 was one of the first stars ever to be used as a solar analog by astronomers. What might these findings signify as far as Zeta 1 and/or Zeta 2 possessing planets with advanced intelligent life?

Let's make a list of the strong points which support this idea:

  • (1) Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are solar, or Sun-like stars. (If one imagines a spherical section of our galaxy with a radius of 50 light years and centered upon our Sun, only one star out of every eleven contained therein will have Sun-like characteristics.) 
  • (2) The previous objection that one and perhaps both stars appeared to be close binaries has now been swept away. Stable planetary orbits in the so-called eco-zone (i.e. close enough to the central fire to produce conditions conducive to life) are more probable around single stars than in close binary systems. 
  • (3) Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 have an average age of between six and eight billion years. This makes them from one to three billion years older than our Sun and suggests that any life on planets associated with them could be much further along in its evolutionary process than we are. 
  • (4) In many reported UFO abduction cases, the "visitors" have been described as having a thick epidermis and multiple eyelids. This is precisely the sort of adaptation one would expect for creatures who evolved on a planet whose sun had a high ultraviolet output. Curiously enough, these characteristics were also reported by the intelligence source codenamed "Falcon" as early as 1981. 

Aliens, Anunnaki And The Zeta Reticuli Star System

On the negative side, it must be admitted that there is no direct observational evidence of planets around either Zeta 1 or Zeta 2. However, a Canadian group reported that a Jupiter-sized planet appears to exist in orbit around Tau Ceti, a Sun-like star only about 11 light years away. Those readers familiar with the star map developed by Marjorie Fish based upon information from the Barney and Betty Hill UFO abduction case, will recall that Tau Ceti was identified as one of the stars on that map.

Since the original 1991 publication of this report tremendous strides have been made in the discovery of possible new solar systems and the detection of planets around other stars: With each passing day there is more and more data that appears to strengthen the idea that solar systems are quite common and very abundant.

For current efforts to find planets around Zeta1 and Zeta2 please see The Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Both Zeta1(HD20766) and Zeta2 (HD20807) are on their planet search list. Thanks to Dr Chris Tinney for this information who is/was the head astronomer at the Anglo-Australian Observatory.

In the below report Livio maintains that carbon production didn't peak until about 2 billion years before the sun-earth were formed and that advanced type intelligent life didn't emerge on Earth until ~ 4 million years ago: Of course assuming estimate errors (perhaps large) this more than leaves room for the Zeta Reticuli Star System with a current estimated age of ~ 7 billion years: Or, the Zeta Reticuli Star System was in the formation process when this carbon production peaked according to Livio. See, Extraterrestrial Civilizations: Coming of Age in the Milky Way



Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons

Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons

The Catholic Church's top exorcist, who claims to have sent 160,000 demons back to hell, says he wants Pope Francis to allow all priests to start performing the ritual to deal with a rising demand for exorcisms from the faithful.

Father Gabriele Amorth, 88, who also heads the International Association of Exorcists, told The Sunday Times that he will ask Pope Francis to allow all priests the right to do exorcisms without the church's approval. According to the report, priests currently need special approval from their bishop to perform the rite and it is rarely granted.

"I will ask the pope to give all priests the power to carry out exorcisms, and to ensure priests are properly trained for these starting with the seminary. There's a huge demand for them," said Father Amorth.

He explained that he was inspired to make the request after watching Pope Francis perform what he insists was an exorcism on a man "possessed by four demons" in St. Peter's Square.

"The pope is also the Bishop of Rome, and like any bishop he is also an exorcist," Amorth reportedly told La Repubblica newspaper. "It was a real exorcism. If the Vatican has denied this, it shows that they understand nothing."

"There was now, more than ever, a need for exorcists to combat people possessed by 'sorcerers' and 'Satanists,'" he noted in that report.

Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons

An 84-page update of exorcism rites compiled in 1614 and drawn up in 1998 stipulates how Catholic priests trained as exorcists should operate. According to the guidelines established by the church, they have to follow a ritual known as "De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam," or "Of exorcisms and certain supplications."

Amorth explained that Pope Francis' exorcism on May 19 helped to balance the growing atheism in the world where people don't believe in the Devil anymore.

"We live in an age in which God has been forgotten. And wherever God is not present, the Devil rules," said Amorth.

"Today, unfortunately, bishops don't appoint sufficient exorcists. We need many more. I hope that Rome will send out directives to bishops around the world calling on them to appoint more exorcists."

Amorth is also an outspoken critic of yoga and Harry Potter books and dismissed them as ungodly hobbies.

"Practicing yoga brings evil as does reading Harry Potter. They may both seem innocuous but they both deal with magic and that leads to evil," he said.

In addressing Harry Potter, he said: "People think it is an innocuous book for children but it's about magic and that leads to evil. In Harry Potter the Devil is at work in a cunning and crafty way, he is using his extraordinary powers of magic and evil."

"Satan is always hidden and the thing he desires more than anything is for people to believe he does not exist," he noted. "He studies each and every one of us and our tendencies towards good and evil and then he tempts us."


12-Year-Old Prodigy Raised Atheist Paints Visions of God and Heaven

12-Year-Old Prodigy Raised Atheist Paints Visions of God and Heaven

At the age of six, child prodigy Akiane Kramarik began painting with the skill of a seasoned veteran — all with zero training. Despite being raised as an atheist, Akiane says that it all began when she received visions of Heaven that ultimately expanded to the face of Jesus.

At the age of eight, Akiane used her astounding skills to paint an image of God that she says she saw in a vision. A painting that is now famous around the globe years later, ultimately leading to the young Akiane’s appearance on numerous top television programs. Now at 17 years of age, Akiane is famous for her paintings of both Heaven and other spiritual concepts, in addition to her poetry that often accompanies the paintings. In the interview above, you can hear as Akiane explains how in her visions of Heaven she witnesses a bountiful amount of colors that cannot translate to the canvas.

12-Year-Old Prodigy Raised Atheist Paints Visions of God and Heaven

Ultimately, her work and inspiration led to her atheist parents to consider the possibility that Akiane really was painting legitimate visions she was being given. Years later, Akiane’s Lithuanian mother and American father now identify as Christians in light of Akiane’s work. Work that is now internationally recognized and purchased up by celebrities and business leaders for upwards of a few million dollars — a portion of which is donated by the Kamarik’s to different charities.

Akiane’s work may be familiar to you, as she has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, various news programs, Larry King, and so on. That said, her work is highly inspiring — even if you reject the very notion of God. There are painters who have taken thousands of dollars worth of training courses (or more) and accrued a college education on the subject that envy the ability of this young girl. An ability that she developed at an extremely young age without any formal training. To this day, Akiane’s website lists her as self-taught.



A Woman Pregnant For 46 Years Gave Birth To A Mummy


In 1955 in a small village just outside Casablanca, 26 year old Zahra Aboutalib is pregnant with her first child. She was looking forward to giving birth, but after 48 hours of painful labour, she was rushed to the local hospital. Doctors informed her that she would need a caesarean section.

 On the ward Zahra saw a woman in terrible pain die in child-birth. She fled the hospital fearing she would meet the same fate if she remained.

In the days that followed, Zahra continued to suffer excruciating labour pains but the baby remained resolutely in her womb. After a few more days the pains ceased and the baby stopped moving.

In Moroccan culture, it is believed that a baby can sleep inside the mother to protect her honour. Zahra believed this myth and put the pregnancy out of her mind. She adopted three children and in due course they made her a grandmother.

A Woman Pregnant For 46 Years Gave Birth To A Mummy

Many years later when Zahra was 75 years old, the pains suddenly returned. Her son being concerned for his mother's well-being wanted her to see a specialist. For this they had to travel to Rabat where they saw Professor Taibi Ouazzani. He suspected the protruding belly was being caused by an ovarian tumour and arranged for her to have an ultra-sound scan. This revealed a large mass that he could not identify.

He referred Zahra to a specialist radiographer for a second opinion. He could see it was a calcified structure of some sort, but it took a detailed MRI scan to reveal that it was the baby Zahra had conceived 46 years earlier.

Zahra had an ectopic pregnancy where the egg had implanted in the fallopian tube. The foetus that developed, burst out of the fallopian tube and continued to develop in the abdominal cavity. It survived by attaching it's placenta to vital organs around her stomach.

Professor Ouazzania was faced with a difficult decision when deciding if it would be safe to try and remove the foetus. The foetus weighed 7lb and measured 42cm in length.

When they operated they discovered that the foetus had calcified and was a hard, solid lump. It was, essentially, a stone-baby. More concerning was the fact that it had fused with her abdominal wall and vital organs.

After nearly 4 hours the surgeons manage to remove the calcified foetus from Zahra and the operation is hailed a success.

In an ectopic pregnancy, if the dead foetus is too large to be re-absorbed by the mother's body it becomes a foreign body to the mother's immune system. To protect itself from possible infection the mother's body will encase the foetus in a calciferous substance as the tissues die and dehydrate.

As the calciferous wall builds up, the foetus is gradually mummified becoming a lithopedion or stone baby.

A Woman Pregnant For 46 Years Gave Birth To A Mummy

The picture above is the reference image for a lithopedion. You can see the calcified form, which makes the foetus resemble a mummy.


Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

The island of Yonaguni, near Okinawa, Japan has long been a favorite diving spot for swimmers try to get a glance of the numerous hammerhead sharks that swim there. However, in 1995 underwater explorer Kihachirou Aratake found a very large, strange structure under the water.

 Lying about 60 feet deep, the structure appeared to be man-made. Large steps could be seen, blocks of rock cut at right angles and smoothed. The discovery would send shock waves through the archaeological world.

Japan's Underwater Pyramids or Ruins as they have become to be known are a mystery. In all, around eight sites have been discovered. There are certain features that are very hard to dismiss as natural occurrences. Such as a large, semi-circular structure that almost looks like a park bench.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Then there is a large head which appears to have hair and a head dress carved into it. There are also numerous round holes carved into the rock, including some that look as though they were made to support large wooden poles. Again, these are just hard to dismiss, including this head with eyes carved out of it. As stated, the structures are lying on the seabed, around 60 to 100 feet below the surface.

The last time that these areas were not covered by the ocean was between approximately 8 to 12 thousand years ago, during the last ice age when much of the sea was caught up in the ice caps. At the time Yonaguni formed a landbridge with Taiwan, leading many to speculate that the area is part of the lost continent of Mu, or Lemuria.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS -Soon after its discovery, these Japanese underwater ruins became the subject of speculation. Could this be the remains of the ancient civilization of Mu, or the Japanese Atlantis? Mu is a legendary Pacific civilization, supposedly destroyed thousands of years ago in an earthquake.

Some researchers claim that refugees from Mu moved to other continents and created the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesoamerica.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

The Japanese underwater ruins were first discovered in the 1980s by local divers. The area is now known as Iseki Hanto or Ruins Point and is freely accessible for tourists. But the Yonaguni waters are not only a tourist attraction. Scientists are also doing serious research on the site.

 Some of them dismiss the idea that the underwater formations are even man-made, saying that such forms are created naturally in stone by the flowing  water. Others, like professor Masaaki Kimura, identify the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, temples, a stadium, a road and water channels.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

It is true that the layout of the underwater structures seems to resemble that of ancient cities, for example Roman ones, and the largest under water structure looks like a pyramid.

 Could all this be a coincidence, are we imagining things? If this is actually an ancient city, and possibly the city of Mu, it would be a major breakthrough in the study of ancient civilizations.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Madame Blavatsky, who claimed in the 1880s to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan by the Mahatmas. Within Blavatsky's complex cosmology, Lemuria was occupied by a "Third Root Race," which was sexually hermaphroditical, mentally undeveloped and spiritually more pure than the current "Fifth Root Race."

After the subsequent creation of mammals, Mme Blavatsky revealed to her readers, some Lemurians turned to bestiality. The gods, aghast at the behavior of these "mindless" men, sank Lemuria into the ocean and created a "Fourth Root Race"—endowed with intellect—on Atlantis.


Rising Red tide: China Encircles U.S. by Sailing Warships in American Waters, Arming Neighbors

Rising Red tide: China Encircles U.S. by Sailing Warships in American Waters, Arming Neighbors

China has been quietly taking steps to encircle the United States by arming western hemisphere states, seeking closer military, economic, and diplomatic ties to U.S. neighbors, and sailing warships into U.S. maritime zones.

The strategy is a Chinese version of what Beijing has charged is a U.S. strategy designed to encircle and “contain” China. It is also directed at countering the Obama administration’s new strategy called the pivot to Asia. The pivot calls for closer economic, diplomatic, and military ties to Asian states that are increasingly concerned about Chinese encroachment throughout that region.

“The Chinese are deftly parrying our ‘Pivot to the Pacific’ with their own elegant countermoves,” said John Tkacik, a former State Department Asia hand.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to question President Barack Obama about the U.S. pivot during the summit meeting set to begin Friday afternoon in California. Chinese state-run media have denounced the new U.S. policy as an effort to “contain” China and limit its growing power.

The Chinese strategy is highlighted by Xi’s current visit to Trinidad, Costa Rica, and Mexico where he announced major loans of hundreds of millions of dollars that analysts say is part of buying influence in the hemisphere.

U.S. officials say the visit to the region has several objectives, including seeking to bolster Chinese arms sales to the region amid efforts by Russian arms dealers to steal market share.

States including Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Mexico recently purchased Chinese arms but are said to be unhappy with the arms’ low quality. For example, Chinese YLC radar sold to Ecuador in 2009 did not work properly and sales of Chinese tanks to Peru also ran into quality problems. Both states are now looking to buy Russian weaponry, a U.S. official said.

Venezuela, a key oil-producing U.S. adversary, announced Thursday that China agreed to a $4 billion loan for oil development.

And in Mexico this week, Xi announced China is extending a $1 billion line of credit for oil development and pledged another $1 billion trade deal.

A joint Mexico-China

A joint Mexico-China statement said Mexico pledged not to interfere in China’s affairs on Taiwan and Tibet, a reference to the previous government of Mexican President Felipe Calderon who in 2011 invited exiled Tibetan leader the Dalia Lama, a move that angered Beijing.

U.S. officials say there are concerns that the pro-Beijing shift by the current government of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who visited China in April, will be exploited by China for such political goals, and could be used to generate support for China’s claims to Japan’s Senkaku Islands.

U.S. officials said there are growing fears that some type of military confrontation could break out between China and Japan over the disputed islands that are said to contain large underwater gas and oil reserves.

North of the U.S. border, Canada this week concluded a military cooperation agreement with China during the visit to Beijing by Canadian Defense Minister Peter G. Mackay. The agreement calls for closer cooperation between the two militaries, including bilateral military exchanges.

Chinese ambassador to Canada Zhang Junsai said China is deepening ties to Canada for infrastructure development, in Calgary last month. Chinese state-run companies have spent $30 billion for Canadian oil sands and natural gas, he said.

At a security conference in Singapore last month, the commander of U.S. military forces in the Pacific, Adm. Samuel Locklear, confirmed the earlier disclosure by a Chinese military officer that China’s military has been conducting naval incursions into the 200-mile U.S. Economic Exclusion Zone around U.S. territory.

The locations of the incursions were not given but they likely included submarine or warship visits to the western Pacific island of Guam, a key U.S. military base.

A Chinese military official initially stated at the conference that the incursions were part of a People’s Liberation Army Navy effort at “reciprocating” for frequent U.S. Navy transits through China’s 200-mile EEZs along the coasts. The zones are technically international waters and China has claimed U.S. transits are “illegal” under international law.

It is not clear why China is conducting naval operations it considers illegal for its maritime boundaries inside U.S. EEZs.

“They are, and we encourage their ability to do that,” Locklear said, without explaining why the activity was encouraged or where the Chinese vessels had transited.

Larry Wortzel, a former military intelligence official and specialist on China, said the Chinese military has sent intelligence collection ships into Guam’s economic zone and also the zone around the Hawaiian islands.

“The EEZ transits may indicate that in the future they could revise their position on the Law of the Sea and military activities,” Wortzel said.

Wortzel said he does not see China’s efforts in South and Central America as a counter to the U.S. Asia pivot.

Chinese arms sales, military exchanges, investment and development has been underway for a decade, he said.

Rising Red tide: China Encircles U.S. by Sailing Warships in American Waters, Arming Neighbors

The Financial Times, which first disclosed the Chinese EEZ forays, quoted one Chinese military source as saying, “we are considering this as a practice, and we have tried it out, but we clearly don’t have the capacity to do this all the time like the U.S. does here.”

On Chinese inroads in the western hemisphere, Rick Fisher, a China military affairs analyst, said China is moving strategically on Latin America, working methodically as part of a decades-long effort to build economic and political clout there.

“It has cultivated far better military relations with the openly anti-American regimes in the region and could become a sort of political-economic godfather to ensure the survival of the Castro dictatorship system in Cuba,” said Fisher, with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

Intelligence cooperation with Cuba is “substantial,” Fisher says, and will expand sharply in the region through the activities of its state-run telecommunications firms such as Huawei Technologies and ZTE in the region.

China currently is “promoting almost all of its non-nuclear weapons in that region,” Fisher said.

“It has promoted the Chengdu J-10 4th generation fighter in Venezuela and Argentina, and even Peru may be considering the J-10 for its future fighter program,” he said.

A State Department spokeswoman declined to comment.
 At a recent arms expo in Peru, China was selling a 22,000-ton helicopter amphibious assault ship and an export version of its relatively advanced Yuan-class attack submarine.

In Venezuela, China is helping the Caracas government circumvent U.S. arms embargoes by helping repair Venezuela’s U.S.-made gas turbine engines on frigates, he said.

Rising Red tide: China Encircles U.S. by Sailing Warships in American Waters, Arming Neighbors

“Another company was marketing several short range ballistic missiles—with no apparent consideration about how it might promote a regional missile arms race,” Fisher said. “The basic U.S. policy is to ‘welcome’ China’s growing influence in Latin America but it is now time for Washington to use both positive and negative pressures to limit China’s strategic military reach into this hemisphere.”

Tkacik said China is quietly evolving on the global stage and implanting itself across the map with major overseas Chinese communities.

“And if they [Chinese nationals] get in trouble, as they did in Libya in 2011, China’s navy and air forces can coordinate to support them,” he said. “This support of émigré Chinese communities around the world has become an overt dictum of China’s new security policy.”

China also has set up commercial bases in key chokepoints around the Caribbean, through its Chinese-run port facilities in Panama, Bahamas, Trinidad, and Venezuela over the past decade.

Tkacik said those facilities are partly aimed at drawing American attention and easing U.S. geopolitical pressure in Asia.

China also is investing heavily in Africa, the Middle East, and Indian Ocean region.

“At bottom, however, China’s strategic targets are closer to home: East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific,” Tkacik said. “That’s why Washington’s Pivot to the Pacific unsettles Beijing so. It threatens to check Beijing’s rising new influence in the Asia-Pacific.

Tkacik said Chinese naval patrols in U.S. economic zones have been carried out for years through Chinese ocean fishing fleets.

“It doesn’t need to send out military vessels to Guam or Hawaii or the Aleutians except to ‘tweak’ the U.S.,” he said.


The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27


The 27 Club is a term used to refer to popular musicians who have died at the age of 27, often as a result of drug and alcohol abuse. The number of musicians who have died at this age and the circumstances of many of those deaths has given rise to the idea that premature deaths at this age are unusually common.

The "club" has been repeatedly cited in music magazines, journals and the daily press. Several exhibitions have been devoted to the idea; as well as novels, films and stage plays.

There have been many different theories and speculations about the causes of such early deaths and their possible connections. Cobain and Hendrix biographer Charles R. Cross writes "The number of musicians who died at 27 is truly remarkable by any standard. [Although] humans die regularly at all ages, there is a statistical spike for musicians who die at 27.


However, a study published in the British Medical Journal in December 2011 concluded that there was no increase in the risk of death for musicians at the age of 27. Although the sampled musicians faced an increased risk of death in their 20s and 30s, this was not limited to the age of 27

Brian Jones, Alan Wilson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison died between 1969 and 1971, although a possible connection between their same death-age was not reported in the public press.

 Although some relations were occasionally noticed, those rather remained a side note. It was not until the death of Kurt Cobain, about two and a half decades after the last occurred, that the first idea of a "27 Club" was spread in the public perception.

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

According to Hendrix and Cobain biographer Charles R. Cross, the growing importance of the media — internet, television and magazines — and the response to an interview of Cobain's mother were jointly responsible for such theories.

An excerpt from a statement that Cobain's mother, Wendy Fradenburg Cobain O'Connor, made in the Aberdeen, Washington newspaper The Daily World — "Now he's gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club." — referred to Hendrix, Joplin, and Morrison dying at the same age, according to Cross.

Other authors share his view. On the other hand, Josh Hunter and Eric Segalstad, writer of The 27s: The Greatest Myth of Rock & Roll, assumed that Cobain's mother referred to the death of his two uncles and his great uncle, who all committed suicide. According to Cross, the events have led a "set of conspiracy theorists  the absurd notion that Kurt Cobain intentionally timed his death so he could join the 27 Club".

In 2011, seventeen years after Cobain's death, Amy Winehouse died at the age of 27, and there was a large amount of media attention devoted to the club once again. Three years earlier, she had expressed a fear of dying at that age.

The song "28" by John Craigie off his album Montana Tale, is about the club. The three verses refer to the deaths of Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain respectively.


The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

Amy Whinehouse Was Killed By Illuminati

The 27 year old singer was found dead at her home. The reason for death was “drug overdose”. Joining more than 34 artists in the “27 club”, she was a sacrifice.  Winehouse was quoted saying, “I have a feeling I’m gonna die young”, in 2008 to her former personal assistant, Alex Haines who’s exact quote was: “She reckoned she would join the 27 Club of rock stars who died at that age.

She told me, ”I have a feeling I”m gonna die young."

December 2008, also the exact year of her Blood Sacrifice art sculpture of her shown dead and shot with blood out of her brains and a Minnie mouse mask.

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

Her sacrifice was planned out 3 years later, and she died 3 days after her last performance. Many artists do a photoshoot or movie that depicts their own death and in that exact way they are dead. In her case, a blood sacrifice art sculpture left her in a blood sacrifice for the 27 Club.

She predicted her own death after the photoshoot which is typical: Brittany Murphy, Kurt Cobain, Tupac, Heath Ledger, and many more all knew they were going to die.

Amy Winehouse’s neighbor heard screaming, howling, and drums beating: sounds exactly like a ritual killing around 2 A.M.

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

Red body blag, blood sacrifice ritual.
  • Found dead 4:05 P.M (9)
  • Died 27. (9) 27 Club.
  • Screaming, howling, drums beating early morning by her neighbor which he said was completely unlike her, he is certain she died Friday.
  • Carried out in complete red.
  • Died 27 years old and 311 days (33)
  • Blood sacrifice art sculpture with blood and a minnie mouse mask 3 years before her death.
  • Died 3 days after last concert.
  • Told her manager she was going to die early.
  • 7/23/11 (Contains all numerology in date)
  • Unknown cause of death, autopsy fails, inconclusive. (lethal injection) 100% not caused by overdose or drugs for autopsy failed.
  • So she was killed on Friday in a ritual, then her dead body found in her apartment on the exact numerology planned date. She would have died 7/22/11 22+11=33 the same day as the Olso bombing, still masonic either way 311 days 3x11=33. They couldn’t have the death on the exact same day, it’d cause suspicion. So Amy’s death was announced the next day.
  • Drums beating, screaming and howling heard near 3 AM by neighbors, all part of the ritual.
At the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV dedicated a tribute to Amy Winehouse, celebrating her life and mourning her death.

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Famous Musicians Who Died At Age 27

All seeing eye and red background, again referencing to a blood sacrifice.

The 27 Club's Illuminati Connection:

The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race [PART I]



Angel beings who intervene in our lives at times of trouble. For the last 2000 years this has been the stereotypical image fostered by the Christian Church. But what are angels? Where do they come from, and what have they meant to the development of organised religion?

Many people see the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, as littered with accounts of angels appearing to righteous patriarchs and visionary prophets. Yet this is simply not so. There are the three angels who approach Abraham to announce the birth of a son named Izaac to his wife Sarah as he sits beneath a tree on the Plain of Mamre. There are the two angels who visit Lot and his wife at Sodom prior to its destruction. There is the angel who wrestles all night with Jacob at a place named Penuel, or those which he sees moving up and down a ladder that stretches between heaven and earth.

Yet other than these accounts, there are too few examples, and when angels do appear the narrative is often vague and unclear on what exactly is going on. For instance, in the case of both Abraham and Lot the angels in question are described simply as ‘men’, who sit down to take food like any mortal person.

Influence of the Magi

Influence of the Magi

It was not until post-exilic times – i.e. after the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon around 450 BC – that angels became an integral part of the Jewish religion. It was even later, around 200 BC, that they began appearing with frequency in Judaic religious literature. Works such as the Book of Daniel and the apocryphal Book of Tobit contain enigmatic accounts of angelic beings that have individual names, specific appearances and established hierarchies. These radiant figures were of non-Judaic origin. All the indications are that they were aliens, imports from a foreign kingdom, namely Persia.

The country we know today as Iran might not at first seem the most likely source for angels, but it is a fact that the exiled Jews were heavily exposed to its religious faiths after the Persian king Cyrus the Great took Babylon in 539 BC. These included not only Zoroastrianism, after the prophet Zoroaster or Zarathustra, but also the much older religion of the Magi, the elite priestly caste of Media in north-west Iran. They believed in a whole pantheon of supernatural beings called ahuras, or ‘shining ones’, and daevas - ahuras who had fallen from grace because of their corruption of mankind.

Although eventually outlawed by Persia, the influence of the Magi ran deep within the beliefs, customs and rituals of Zoroastrianism. Moreover, there can be little doubt that Magianism, from which we get terms such as magus, magic and magician, helped to establish the belief among Jews not only of whole hierarchies of angels, but also of legions of fallen angels – a topic that gains its greatest inspiration from one work alone – the Book of Enoch.

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch

Compiled in stages somewhere between 165 BC and the start of the Christian era, this so-called pseudepigraphal (i.e. falsely attributed) work has as its main theme the story behind the fall of the angels. Yet not the fall of angels in general, but those which were originally known as ’îrin (’îr in singular), “those who watch”, or simply ‘watchers’ as the word is rendered in English translation.

The Book of Enoch tells the story of how 200 rebel angels, or Watchers, decided to transgress the heavenly laws and ‘descend’ on to the plains and take wives from among mortal kind. The site given for this event is the summit of Hermon, a mythical location generally associated with the snowy heights of Mount Hermon in the Ante-Lebanon range, north of modern-day Palestine (but see below for the most likely homeland of the Watchers).

The 200 rebels realise the implications of their transgressions, for they agree to swear an oath to the effect that their leader Shemyaza would take the blame if the whole ill-fated venture went terribly wrong.

After their descent to the lowlands, the Watchers indulge in earthly delights with their chosen ‘wives’, and through these unions are born giant offspring named as Nephilim, or Nefilim, a Hebrew word meaning ‘those who have fallen’, which is rendered in Greek translations as gigantes, or ‘giants’.

Heavenly Secrets

Heavenly Secrets

In between taking advantage of our women, the 200 rebel angels spent their time imparting the heavenly secrets to those who had ears to listen. One of their number, a leader named Azazel, is said to have “taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals (of the earth) and the art of working them”, indicating that the Watchers brought the use of metal to mankind. He also instructed them on how they could make “bracelets” and “ornaments” and showed them how to use “antimony”, a white brittle metal employed in the arts and medicine.

To the women Azazel taught the art of “beautifying” the eyelids, and the use of “all kinds of costly stones” and “colouring tinctures”, presupposing that the wearing of make-up and jewellery was unknown before this age. In addition to these crimes, Azazel stood accused of teaching women how to enjoy sexual pleasure and indulge in promiscuity – a blasphemy seen as ‘godlessness’ in the eyes of the Hebrew storytellers.

Other Watchers stood accused of revealing to mortal kind the knowledge of more scientific arts, such as astronomy, the knowledge of the clouds, or meteorology; the “signs of the earth”, presumably geodesy and geography, as well as the “signs”, or passage, of the celestial bodies, such as the sun and moon. Their leader, Shemyaza, is accredited with having taught “enchantments, and rootcuttings”, a reference to the magical arts shunned upon by most orthodox Jews. One of their number, Pênêmûe, taught “the bitter and the sweet”, surely a reference to the use of herbs and spices in foods, while instructing men on the use of “ink and paper”, implying that the Watchers introduced the earliest forms of writing. Far more disturbing is Kâsdejâ, who is said to have shown “the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away”. In other words he taught women how to abort babies.

These lines concerning the forbidden sciences handed to humanity by the rebel Watchers raises the whole fundamental question of why angels should have possessed any knowledge of such matters in the first place. Why should they have needed to work with metals, use charms, incantations and writing; beautify the body; employ the use of spices, and know now to abort an unborn child? None of these skills are what one might expect heavenly messengers of God to possess, not unless they were human in the first place.

In my opinion, this revelation of previously unknown knowledge and wisdom seems like the actions of a highly advanced race passing on some of its closely-guarded secrets to a less evolved culture still striving to understand the basic principles of life.

More disconcerting were the apparent actions of the now fully grown Nephilim, for it says:

And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

By now the cries of desperation from mankind were being heard loud and clear by the angels, or Watchers, who had remained loyal to heaven. One by one they are appointed by God to proceed against the rebel Watchers and their offspring the Nephilim, who are described as “the bastards and the reprobates, and the children of fornication”. The first leader, Shemyaza, is hung and bound upside down and his soul banished to become the stars of the constellation of Orion. The second leader, Azazel, is bound hand and foot, and cast for eternity into the darkness of a desert referred to as Dûdâêl. Upon him are placed “rough and jagged rocks” and here he shall forever remain until the Day of Judgement when he will be “cast into the fire” for his sins. For their part in the corruption of mankind, the rebel Watchers are forced to witness the slaughter of their own children before being cast into some kind of heavenly prison, seen as an “abyss of fire”.
Seven Heavens

Seven Heavens

The patriarch Enoch then enters the picture and, for some inexplicable reason, is asked to intercede on behalf of the incarcerated rebels. He attempts to reconcile them with the angels of heaven, but fails miserably. After this the Book of Enoch relates how the patriarch is carried by angels over mountains and seas to the “seven heavens”. Here he sees multitudes of angelic beings watching stars and other celestial bodies in what appear to be astronomical observatories. Others tend orchards and gardens that have more in common with an Israeli kibbutz than an ethereal realm above the clouds.

Elsewhere in ‘heaven’ is Eden, where God planted a garden for Adam and Eve before their fall – Enoch being the first mortal to enter this domain since their expulsion.

Finally, during the life of Enoch’s great-grandson, Noah, the Great Flood covers the land and destroys all remaining traces of the giant race. Thus ends the story of the Watchers.

The Sons of God
The Sons of God

What are we to make of the Book of Enoch? Are its accounts of the fall of the Watchers and the visits to heaven by the patriarch Enoch based on any form of historical truth? Scholars would say no. They believe it to be a purely fictional work inspired by the Book of Genesis, in particular two enigmatic passages in Chapter 6. The first, making up Verses 1 and 2, reads as follows:

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose.

By ‘sons of God’ the text means heavenly angels, the original Hebrew being bene ha-elohim. In Verse 3 of Chapter 6 God unexpectedly pronounces that his spirit cannot remain in men for ever, and that since humanity is a creation of flesh its life-span will henceforth be shortened to “an hundred and twenty years”. Yet in Verse 4 the tone suddenly reverts to the original theme of the chapter, for it says:

The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men which were of old, the men of renown.

As the Pentateuch is considered to have been written by Moses the lawgiver in c.1200 BC, it is assumed that the lines of Genesis 6 influenced the construction of the Book of Enoch, not the other way round. Despite this obvious assumption on the part of Hebrew scholars, there is ample evidence to show that much of Genesis was written after the Jews return from captivity in Babylon during the mid-fifth century BC. If this was the case, then there is no reason why the lines of Genesis 6 could not have been tampered with around this time. In an attempt to emphasise the immense antiquity of the Book of Enoch, Hebrew myth has always asserted that it was originally conveyed to Noah, Enoch’s great grandson, after the Great Flood, i.e. long before the compilation of Genesis. This claim of precedence over the Pentateuch eventually led the Christian theologian St Augustine (AD 354-430) to state that the Book of Enoch was too old (ob nimiam antiquitatem) to be included in the Canon of Scripture!

Roots of the Nephilim

Roots of the Nephilim

There is another enigma contained within the lines of Genesis 6, for its appears to embody two entirely different traditions.

Look again at the words of Verse 2. They speak of the Sons of God coming unto the Daughters of Men, while in contrast Verse 4 states firmly: “The Nephilim were in the earth in those days and also after thatwhen the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men (author’s emphasis)”.

And also after that…

The meaning seemed clear enough: there were two quite separate traditions entangled here – one concerning the fallen race known to the early Israelites as the Nephilim (mentioned elsewhere in the Pentateuch as the progenitors of a race of giants called Anakim), and the other concerning the bene ha-elohim, the Sons of God, who are equated directly with the Watchers in Enochian tradition. Theologians are aware of this dilemma, and get around the problem by suggesting that the angels fell from grace twice – once through pride and then again through lust. It seems certain that the term Nephilim was the original Hebrew name of the fallen race, while bene ha-elohim was a much later term – plausibly from Iran – that entered Genesis 6 long after its original compilation.

In spite of the contradictions surrounding Genesis 6, its importance is clear enough, for it preserved the firm belief among the ancestors of the Jewish race that at some point in the distant past a giant race had once ruled the earth.

So if the Watchers and the Nephilim really had inhabited this world, then who or what were these seemingly physical beings? Where did they come from? What did they look like? Where did they live and what was their ultimate fate?

The Book of Enoch was a vital source of knowledge with regard to their former existence, but I needed more – other less tainted accounts of this apparent race of human beings.

Then came an important break.

The Dead Sea Connection

The Dead Sea Connection

Hebrew scholars had long noted the similarities between some of the reactionary teachings in the Book of Enoch and the gospels according to the Essenes – a fundamental, yet very righteous religious community spoken of by classical scholars as having existed on the western shores of the Dead Sea. This connection was strengthened after 1947 when it was realised that among the Dead Sea Scrolls, now considered to have been written by the Essenes, were various fragments of texts belonging to several copies of the Book of Enoch. Up until this time the only complete manuscript copies available to the literary world had been various copies written in the Ethiopian written language of Ge’ez, the first of which had been brought back to Europe by the Scottish explorer and known Freemason James Bruce of Kinnaird following his famous travels in Abysinnia between 1769 and 1772.

Not only did the Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the authenticity of the Book of Enoch, but they also showed that it had been held in great esteem by the Essene community at Qumran, who may even have been behind its original construction sometime after 165 BC. More importantly, Hebrew scholars also began to identify various other previously unknown tracts of an ‘Enochian’ flavour among the Dead Sea corpus, and these included further references to the Watchers and their offspring the Nephilim. Many of these individual fragments were eventually realised by Dead Sea scholar J.T. Milik to be extracts from a lost work called the Book of Giants.

Previously this had only been known from isolated references in religious texts appertaining to the Manichaeans, a heretical gnostic faith that swept across Europe and Asia, as far as China and Tibet, from the third century AD onwards.

The Book of Giants continues the story told in the Book of Enoch, relating how the Nephilim had coped with knowing that their imminent destruction was due to the improprieties of their Watcher fathers. Reading this ancient work allows the reader a more compassionate view of the Nephilim, who come across as innocent bystanders in a dilemma beyond their personal control.

Visage Like A Viper

Visage Like A Viper

Yet aside from this still very fragmentary treatise, other Enochian texts have surfaced among the Dead Sea Scrolls which in my opinion are just as important. One of these is the Testament of Amram.

Amram was the father of the lawgiver Moses, although any biblical time-frame to this story is irrelevant. What is much more significant is the appearance of the two Watchers who appear to him in a dream-vision as he rests in his bed, for as the heavily reconstructed text reads:

[I saw Watchers] in my vision, the dream-vision. Two (men) were fighting over me, saying… and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you are thus empo[wered over me?’ They answered me, ‘We] [have been em]powered and rule over all mankind.’ They said to me, ‘Which of us do yo[u choose to rule (you)?’ I raised my eyes and looked.] [One] of them was terr[i]fying in his appearance, [like a s]erpent, [his] c[loa]k many-coloured yet very dark… [And I looked again], and… in his appearance, his visage like a viper, and [wearing...] [exceedingly, and all his eyes...].

The text identifies this last Watcher as Belial, the Prince of Darkness and King of Evil, while his companion is revealed as Michael, the Prince of Light, who is also named as Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness. It is, however, Belial’s frightful appearance that took my attention, for he is seen as terrifying to look upon and like a ‘serpent’, the very synonym so often used when describing both the Watchers and the Nephilim. If the textual fragment had ended here, then I would not have known why this synonym had been used by the Jewish scribe in question. Fortunately, however, the text goes on to say that the Watcher possessed a visage, or face, “like a viper”. Since he also wears a cloak “many-coloured yet very dark”, I had also to presume that he was anthropomorphic, in other words he possessed human form.

Visage like a viper…

What could this possibly mean? How many people do you know with a “visage like a viper”? For over a year I could offer no suitable solution to this curious metaphor.

Then, by chance, I happened to overhear something on a national radio station that provided me with a simple, though completely unexpected answer. In Hollywood, Los Angeles, there is a club called the Viper Room. It is owned by actor and musician Johnny Depp, and in October 1993 it hit the headlines when up-coming actor River Phoenix tragically collapsed and died as he left the club following a night of over-indulgence. In the media publicity that inevitably surrounded this drugs-related incident, it emerged that the Viper Room gained its name many years beforehand when it had been a jazz haunt of some renown. Story goes that the musicians would take the stage and play long hours, prolonging their creativity and concentration by smoking large amounts of marijuana. Apparently, the long term effects of this drug abuse, coupled with exceedingly long periods without food and sleep, would cause their emaciated faces to appear hollow and gaunt, while their eyes would close up to become just slits. Through the haze of heavy smoke, the effect was to make it seem as if the jazz musicians had faces like vipers, hence the name of the club.

This amusing anecdote sent my mind reeling and enabled me to construct a mental picture of what a person with a “visage like a viper” might look like; their faces would appear long and narrow, with prominent cheekbones, elongated jawbones, thin lips and slanted eyes like those of many East Asian racial types. Was this the solution as to why both the Watchers and Nephilim were described as walking serpents? It seemed as likely a possibility as any, although it was also feasible that their serpentine connection related to their accredited magical associations and capabilities, perhaps even their bodily movements and overall appearance.

The Appearance of Feathers

Another important reference to the appearance of Watchers comes from the so-called Secrets of the Book of Enoch, also known as 2 Enoch, a kind of sequel to the original work written in Greek and dating to the first century AD. The passage refers to the unexpected arrival of two Watchers as Enoch rests on his bed:

And there appeared to me two men very tall, such as I have never seen on earth. And their faces shone like the sun, and their eyes were like burning lamps; and fire came forth from their lips. Their dress had the appearance of feathers:… [purple], their wings were brighter than gold; their hands whiter than snow. They stood at the head of my bed and called me by my name.

White skin (often ruddied “as red as a rose”), tall stature and facial radiances “like the sun” all recur frequently in connection with the appearance of angels and Watchers in Enochian and Dead Sea literature. Yet what was this reference to their dress having “the appearance of feathers”? Might it relate in some way to the “cloak” worn by the Watcher named Belial who appears in the Amram story, which was said to have been “many-coloured yet very dark”, precisely the effect one might expect from a coat of black feathers, like those belonging to crows or vultures perhaps?

In spite of the fact that Christian art has invariably portrayed angels with wings, this tradition goes back no further than the third or fourth century AD. Before this time true angels (Cherubim and Seraphim did have multiple sets of wings) appeared in the likeness of “men”, a situation that often prompted textual translators to add wings on to existing descriptions of angels. This has almost certainly been the case in the above account taken from 2 Enoch, which was re-copied many times during the early years of Christianity.

With this observation in mind, I felt that the statement concerning the Watchers dress having “the appearance of feathers” was very revealing indeed. It also seemed like an over-sight on the part of the scribe who conveyed this story into written form, for having added wings to the description of the two “men”, why bother saying they wore garments of feathers? Surely this confusion between wings and feather coats could have been edited to give the Watchers a more appropriate angelic appearance.

Bird Shamans

Bird Shamans

Somehow I knew it was a key to unlocking this strange mystery, for it suggested that, if the Watchers had indeed been human, then they may have adorned themselves in garments of this nature as part of their ceremonial dress. The use of totemic forms, such as animals and birds, has always been the domain of the shaman, the spirit walkers of tribal communities. In many early cultures the soul was said to have taken the form of a bird to make its flight from this world to the next, which is why it is often depicted as such in ancient religious art. This idea may well have stemmed from the widely-held belief that astral flight could only be achieved by using ethereal wings, like those of a bird, something that almost certainly helped inspire the idea that angels, as messengers of God, should be portrayed with wings in Christian iconography.

To enhance this mental link with his or her chosen bird, shamans would adorn their bodies with a coat of feathers and spend long periods of time studying its every movement. They would enter its natural habitat and watch every facet of its life – its method of flight, its eating habits, its courtship rituals and its actions on the ground. In doing so they would hope to become as birds themselves, an alter-personality adopted on a semi-permanent basis. Totemic shamanism is more-or-less dependent on the indigenous animals or birds present in the locale of the culture or tribe, although in principle the purpose has always been the same – using this mantle to achieve astral flight, divine illumination, spirit communication and the attainment of otherworldly knowledge and wisdom.

So could the Watchers and Nephilim have been bird-men?

The answer is almost certainly yes, for in the Dead Sea text entitled the Book of Giants, the Nephilim sons of the fallen angel Shemyaza, named as ’Ahyâ and ’Ohyâ, experience dream-visions in which they visit a world-garden and see 200 trees being felled by heavenly angels. Not understanding the purpose of this allegory they put the subject to the Nephilim council who appoint one of their number, Mahawai, to go on their behalf to consult Enoch, who now resides in an earthly paradise. To this end Mahawai then:

[...rose up into the air] like the whirlwinds, and flew with the help of his hands like [winged] eagle [...over] the cultivated lands and crossed Solitude, the great desert, [...]. And he caught sight of Enoch and he called to him…

Enoch explains that the 200 trees represent the 200 Watchers, while the felling of their trunks signifies their destruction in a coming conflagration and deluge. More significant, however, is the means by which Mahawai attains astral flight, for he is said to have used “his hands like (a) [winged] eagle.” Elsewhere in the same Enochian text Mahawai is said to have adopted the guise of a bird to make another long journey. On this occasion he narrowly escapes being burnt up by the sun’s heat and is only saved after heeding the celestial voice of Enoch, who convinces him to turn back and not die prematurely – a story that has close parallels with Icarus’s fatal flight too near the sun in Greek mythology.

In addition to this evidence, a variation of this same text equates Shemyaza’s sons “not (with) the… eagle, but his wings”, while in the same breath the two brothers are described as “in their nest”, statements which prompted the Hebrew scholar J.T. Milik to conclude that, like Mahawai, they too “could have been bird-men”.

This was compelling confirmation that angels were originally a culture or tribe who practised a form of bird shamanism, perhaps associated with a dark carrion bird such as the crow or vulture.

* * *

Since the Enochian and Dead Sea literature was written by olive-skinned Jews of the post-exilic period, it is quite clear they were reciting traditions concerning a completely different race from a completely different climate. So who were these human angels, and where might they have lived?

Since we now know that the legends of the fall of the angels most probably originated in Iran, more precisely in the north-western kingdom of Media (modern-day Azerbaijan), then there is every reason to associate these traditions with the mountains beyond Media. This is tentatively confirmed by another Dead Sea text entitled the Genesis Apocryphon which records that after his ascent to heaven the patriarch Enoch spent the rest of his life “among the angels” in “paradise”. Although the term “paradise” is used in some translations of the original text, the actual word is “Parwain”.

I was therefore quite stunned to find that among the ancient traditions of the Mandaeans, a Magi-linked religion found mostly among the Marsh Arabs of Lower Iraq, “Parwan” is a holy mountain apparently located in the vicinity of Media in northwestern Iran. Furthermore, both “Parwan” and “Parwain” would appear to derive their root from the old Median word “Parswana”, meaning “rib, side, frontier”, used to describe the peoples and territories beyond the borders of Media.

These would have included the region of Parsa to its south and, more significantly, the mountainous region known as Parsua to its west.

Was Enoch therefore believed to have lived “among the angels” in the harsh mountainous territoriesbeyond the limits of the ancient kingdom of Media? In the remote region of Parsua, to the west of Media, perhaps? Is this where the Watchers came from? Is it from here that they descended on to the plains to take mortal wives and reveal the forbidden arts and secrets of heaven?

In Iranian tradition the realm of the immortals and the seat of the mythical godkings of Iran (who like the fallen race of Judaic tradition were said to have been tall in stature with ivory white skin and shining countenances), was known as the Airyana Vaejah, the Iranian Expanse. Traditions fostered by the Magi imply quite clearly that this ethereal domain was located among the mountains of Media.

All roads appeared to lead to the mountainous region of modern-day Azerbaijan, which forms the eastern-most flanks of a vast snow-capped expanse that stretches west to the Taurus mountains of eastern Anatolia and northern Syria; north to the remote regions of Russian Armenia; and south-east along the length of the Zagros mountains, as they gradually descend towards the Persian Gulf and act as a virtually impenetrable barrier between Iraq and Iran.

This enormous, mostly desolate part of the earth, home in the most part to wandering nomads, bands of warring rebels, isolated religious communities and the occasional village, town or city, is known to the world as Kurdistan – the cultural and political homeland of the much troubled Kurdish peoples.

Yet according to biblical and apocryphal tradition, it was here also that the Garden of Eden, the resting place of Noah’s Ark and the stomping ground of the early patriarchs could be found. It was here too that I now realised I would have to go in search of the realm of the immortals.

The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race [PART II]
The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race [PART III]

UN Warns Of Killer Robots, May Pose Threat To Peace And Should Be Banned

UN Warns Of Killer Robots, May Pose Threat To Peace And Should Be Banned

"Killer robots" that could attack targets autonomously without a human pulling the trigger pose a threat to international stability and should be banned before they come into existence, the United Nations will be told by its human rights investigator this week.

Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, will address the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday and call for a worldwide moratorium on what he calls "lethal autonomous robotics" – weapons systems that, once activated, can lock on and kill targets without further involvement of human handlers.

"Machines lack morality and mortality, and as a result should not have life and death powers over humans," Heyns will say.

Heyns's call for a moratorium draws the UN into the realms of sci-fi: fully autonomous weapons have not yet been developed, and exist only in the imaginations of military planners. However, experts in warfare technologies warn that the world's leading military powers are moving so rapidly in this direction that a pre-emptive ban is essential.

UN Warns Of Killer Robots, May Pose Threat To Peace And Should Be Banned

"States are working towards greater and greater autonomy in weapons, and the potential is there for such technologies to be developed in the next 10 or 20 years," said Bonnie Docherty of Harvard law school's International Human Rights Clinic, who co-authored a report on the subject with Human Rights Watch.

In his submission to the UN, Heyns points to the experience of drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles were intended initially only for surveillance, and their use for offensive purposes was prohibited, yet once strategists realised their perceived advantages as a means of carrying out targeted killings, all objections were swept out of the way.

Drone technology has already moved a step closer to a fully autonomous state in the form of the X-47B, a super-charged UAV developed by the US Navy that can fly itself, and which last week completed the first takeoff from an aircraft carrier. The drone is billed as a non-combat craft, yet its design includes two weapons bays capable of carrying more than 4,000lbs.

Britain is developing its own next generation of drone, known as Taranis, that can be sent to tackle targets at long range and can defend itself from enemy aircraft. Like X-47B it has two in-built weapons bays, though is currently unarmed.

UN Warns Of Killer Robots, May Pose Threat To Peace And Should Be Banned

Apart from drones, several states are known to be actively exploring the possibility of autonomous weapons operating on the ground. South Korea has set up sentry robots known as SGR-1 along the Demilitarized Zone with North Korea that can detect people entering the zone through heat and motion sensors; though the sentry is currently configured so that it has to be operated by a human, it is reported to have an automatic mode, which, if deployed, would allow it to fire independently on intruders.

Steve Goose, Human Rights Watch's arms director, said it was undeniable that "modern militaries are looking to develop autonomous weapons. The question is how far that push for autonomy will go."

Given its dominance as the world's leading military power, the US is likely to set the pace. According to Human Rights Watch, the Pentagon is spending about $6bn a year on research and development of unmanned systems, though in a directive adopted last November it said that fully autonomous weapons could only be used "to apply non-lethal, non-kinetic force, such as some forms of electronic attack".

The key issue identified by Heyns in his UN submission is whether future weapons systems will be allowed to make the decision to kill autonomously, without human intervention. In military jargon, there are those unmanned weapons where "humans are in the loop" – ie retain control over the weapon and ultimately pull the trigger – as opposed to the future potential for autonomous weapons where humans are "out of the loop" and the decision to attack is taken by the robot itself.

The possibility of "out of the loop" weapons raises a plethora of moral and legal issues, Heyns says. Most worryingly, it could lead to increasing distance between those carrying out the attack and their targets: "In addition to being physically removed from the kinetic action, humans would also become more detached from decisions to kill – and their execution."


Alchemy Is Now Possible, Scientists Turn Bacteria Into Gold

Alchemy Is Now Possible, Scientists Turn Bacteria Into Gold

Money may still not grow on trees, but scientists from Michigan State University have discovered the next closest thing: bacteria that can transform toxic chemicals into pure, 24-karat gold, according to MSU News.

The bacterium with the Midas touch, Cupriavidus metallidurans, was coaxed into producing real gold nuggets simply by exposing it to copious amounts of gold chloride, a toxic liquid substance with no actual value but which is found naturally in the environment. The bacterium gobbles up the gold chloride, ingesting all of the liquid's toxins and waste, and leaves behind only solid gold. It just goes to show that one bacterium's waste is another organism's treasure.

"Microbial alchemy is what we're doing — transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that's valuable," said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at Michigan State University.

Kashefi, along with associate professor of electronic art and intermedia Adam Brown, conceived of the method. Rather than get rich, the two professors are instead using their gold-producing bacteria as part of an art exhibit titled, "The Great Work of the Metal Lover." The exhibit makes use of the researchers' odd visionary combination of biotechnology, art and alchemy to produce gold in front of an audience. The work received an honorable mention at the Prix Ars Electronica cyber art convention.

Alchemy Is Now Possible, Scientists Turn Bacteria Into Gold

"This is neo-alchemy. Every part, every detail of the project is a cross between modern microbiology and alchemy," explained Brown. "Science tries to explain the phenomenological world. As an artist, I'm trying to create a phenomenon. Art has the ability to push scientific inquiry."

The analogy to alchemy, the ancient practice of transforming base metals into noble metals like gold or silver, is an apt one. Although the practices of ancient alchemists have been widely debunked as pseudoscience and charlatanism, Kashefi and Brown's method could rewrite the history books.

The gold produced using this method is also as pure as it gets: 99.9 percent pure. But is lab-produced gold as valuable as natural gold? Kashefi and Brown have yet to test the market on that, but they suspect the method they use in the lab is similar to how many gold nuggets get produced in nature. After all, both gold chloride and Cupriavidus metallidurans occur naturally. All it takes is for the two of them to naturally run into each other.

Given that the price of gold is currently through the roof, you might already have gotten the idea to begin duplicating this process in your garage. But before you get that twinkle in your eye, keep in mind that Kashefi and Brown have already crunched the numbers, and they attest that the experiment is not cost-effective enough to turn a worthy profit.

And besides, if gold really was so easy to produce, its value would undoubtedly sink.


Can Dogs and Cats See Ghosts?

Are animals psychic?

Are animals psychic?

In a world where there are psychics, mediums, palm-readers, and tarot card readers in nearly every strip mall, some of us wonder if all this supernatural stuff isn't just a bunch of hoo-ey. At the same time, there are those of us who know that there is something coinciding with the natural world...sort of a secondary world thriving all around us that cannot be seen by us...at least not by most human eyes.
If you've ever owned a dog or cat, you have probably been around when one of your pets has had a random fit and barked at the air or played with something that seems to be invisible. This usually makes us ask the question, "can dogs and cats see ghosts?" Most humans might not be able to, but what about our four-legged friends?

Do Dogs See Dead People?

Is it the dog's keen sense of smell or perhaps the fact that they are un-jaded by the world's non-belief that gives them a seemingly sharp ability to sense something unnatural in a room?
As a little girl, I grew up in a house with a mother who was a huge animal lover. In fact, many times we thought she loved the animals more than she loved humans. Given this fact, my mother has had many dogs and cats and so we got used to having four-legged friends all over the house on any given day. Some of them were somewhat dumb, but there were some who were rather smart and in-tune with their surroundings. These were the dogs who would see things...
When the dogs would stare up into the air at literally nothing intently, we knew they could see something we couldn't. Generally the air would get rather heavy in the room and we would get a little freaked out by the experience.

Why can dogs tune into the supernatural and we can't?

Why can dogs tune into the supernatural and we can't?

Are dogs able to tune into the supernatural because they are less jaded than humans? Maybe it's because they have keener senses than we do. They can smell, see, and hear much better than we can.
Something I find interesting about dogs is that they have been steeped in mythology and ancient beliefs relating to the dead. Dogs are seen as psychopomps in many cultures and ancient religions (a psychopomp is a spirit that guides souls to the other side).
For instance, if we look at the mythology of Hecate, she stands at the crossroads between life and death and is almost always accompanied by a three-headed white canine.
If we look to Egyptian mythology, a god of the underworld who is also considered a psychopomp is Anubis. By the way, he is depicted as having a jackal's head (a type of canine).
In the state of Maryland, there is a legend about a Blue Dog who appears only on the night of his and his master's death over two centuries ago. Quite often ghostly dogs are seen across the United States and elsewhere in the world.
Are dogs more able to see the supernatural world because they have a deeper sense of the supernatural? Perhaps these myths and legends of dogs being associated with death have a deeper meaning than modern people understand. It would make sense that a psychopomp would be able to easily see and feel the presence of otherworldly spirits and ghosts...so why wouldn't dogs be able to see ghosts?
Our dogs would do anyone of the following when they saw ghosts (or what we believe were ghosts):
  • their hackles would raise for no known reason
  • they would bark at the air
  • they would attack something on the walls or in the closets
  • they would get rather protective of their humans for no known reason
  • they would run and hide in a corner for no known reason
  • they would seem to be playing with something invisible
And the list of these creepy occurrences could continue on and on...
So it raises the question, do dogs see ghosts? Are they seeing something that we choose not to see or cannot see? Many ghost hunters and investigators believe that dogs


Can cats see ghosts and spirits?

So we've debated whether dogs can see ghosts, but what about cats? Are they just as sensitive to changes in the environment as dogs are? Some people may even believe in fact they are more sensitive.
If your cat has seen a ghost, you may have noticed him/her doing one or more of the following:
  • hissing at something unseen
  • hackles raised on its back for no known reason
  • hissing and hiding in a corner as if its scared of something
  • batting at the air or at something completely invisible to the naked eye
  • purring and having its hair stroked by an unseen hand
  • playing with something invisible
  • meowing at an alarming volume and in a way not normal for your cat
Typically when my cat is acting strange there is a change in his demeanor almost immediately. He begins to act very territorial, but for no known reason. Usually I look around the house to see if there's a stray cat or dog outside tormenting him, only to turn up no solid results. This usually happens on very random days, but closer to the Full Moon and usually during Twilight hours.
Cats have a strange way of tapping into emotions family homes. If a child is upset, perhaps you have heard your cat cry along with the child. Or if there's a family argument, perhaps you've noticed your cat hiding under the bed. They are extremely sensitive creatures and are known for tuning into their surroundings and owners so it's no wonder why some believe that cats can see ghosts and otherworldly spirits.

Cats and Mythology

Just as dogs permeate mythology all over the world, so do cats. When many of us think of cats in mythology, our minds might be transported to ancient Egypt...to a time when Sekhmet the warrior cat goddess ruled the worship of many. Or perhaps we'd be reminded of the more gentle Egyptian goddess of the hearth, fertility, and woman known asBast or Bastet. One can still travel to Egypt and pick up a miniature statue of the cat goddess to this day.
Other areas of mythology where the cat can be found is in Norse mythology with the Goddess Freyja. Also, what do you think of when someone says the wordsblack cat? Most people automatically think bad luck, or associate cats with witches. This belief probably relates to the worship of Freyja and the Christian Church trying to convert her worshipers many centuries ago. Cats were sort of demoted from a guardian of the gods to mere familiars to evil witches (unfortunately).
In Edain McCoy's book "A Witch's Guide to the Faery Folk", she says that if you have a cat in your house that the fairies or "wee folk" will not come around. They are supposedly fearful of cats, because cats know when spirits are present in or around a home. So if cats are sensitive to the wee folk, there is no doubt they are sensitive to ghosts, as well.
The ancient Celts believed that cats were guardians to the underworld and that they could also be animal spirit guides. They were a direct link to the Mother Goddess and to the universe.
It is also known that cats are sensitive to atmospheric changes such as approaching thunderstorms, etc. So if they are able to sense a change in the atmospheric pressure, would they then be able to sense a change of a spiritual kind?
Cats and Mythology

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