Channel: The Controversial Files
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Market 'Ghost' Caught in Tape

Some things have to be seen to be believed.

Which is perhaps unfortunate for anyone trying to prove that Wellington Indoor Market is haunted.

A ‘probably explainable’ video has been posted on YouTube, sort of showing what could possibly be construed as a ghost-like figure making its way up the stairs and pulling some boxes over in the Victorian building in Telford, Shropshire.

The events were captured at 2.22am on May 4, according to Town and Country Markets, which posted the video. Though the time and date – much like the ghost – can’t be seen  just before the boxes fall.

Market manager Kay Boaky is certainly a believer. Kay said after finding boxes all over the floor that morning, they went straight to CCTV to see if there had been an intruder.

‘We couldn’t believe what we saw. All the hairs stood up on the back of my neck,’ Kay told the Shropshire Star.

‘There was nobody there when the boxes fell off. We watched it again and we could see the shadow walking up the stairs then chucking the boxes over.’

The video, which asks ‘did you see it?’, has sparked some comments.

‘i dont see a damn thing’, replied viewer john simmons.

Nevertheless, this is not the first time ghostly goings on have been talked about at this market. There have also been reports of a ghost, possibly with clean hands,  a bit of a cold and a short temper.

‘Once there were two people alone in the market,’ said Kay.

‘They were talking when they heard coughing coming from the other side of the building. They thought there must be someone else there but when they looked around it was totally empty.

‘We also have times where the hand-dryer starts on its own or doors slam.’

PJ Godsell, from investigators Mercia Paranormal, described the video as ‘quite interesting’.

‘My initial reactions from watching the video is that this is probably explainable.

‘But we would never say 100 per cent that it is not paranormal.’


Mysterious 30-Foot-Long Sea Monster Washes Up on Beach

The 30-foot long carcass of the mysterious sea creature is seen almost buried under the sand on the New Zealand beach in the Bay of Plenty. Only its head and what appear to be flippers are visible

The rotting carcass of a mysterious-looking 'sea monster' has been found washed ashore on a New Zealand beach.

A YouTube video filmed by Elizabeth Ann on Pukehina Beach shows the half-buried head of the carcass with jagged teeth and gaping jaws.

Most of the rest of the creature's body is missing.

A close-up of the creature's gaping mouth shows its fearsome jagged teeth. This image is one of a series of photographs taken by YouTube user Elizabeth Anne on the Pukehina beach off the coast of New Zealand

The strange 30-foot long carcass washed up off the coast of the Bay of Plenty coast in New Zealand after storms in last month.

The coastline is about 120-miles south east from the city of Auckland.

Ann filmed the discovery and posted the video to YouTube.

The description said: 'Can anyone identify what it is?'

'It is has a huge head and teeth with rudimentary flippers.'

'It seems about 9M in length but the lower part of the body is probably mainly entrails from an attack.'

An idyllic scene - until you spot the giant sea monster in the foreground. One marine expert believes the carcass is that of a killer whale, an animal that is commonly found around the Bay of Plenty, the location where the beast was found

On another video by Elizabeth Ann, she added: 'The huge marine creature washed up after a storm.

'It had been attacked by something in the water.

'The locals are not sure what it is although it has stimulated lots of discussion.'

Suggestions as to what the creature could be include a saltwater crocodile, a giant moray eel, a dolphin or a dinosaur.

Photos of the animal have been sent to the New Zealand Department of Conservation and Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium for identification.


Miami Cops Arrested a 14-Year-Old And Hurt His Puppy After Staring At Them


Miami-Dade Police says officers were forced to throw a beach-going 14-year-old to the ground and forcibly restrain him because of clenched fists and "dehumanizing stares," as first reported by CBS Miami.

But Tremaine McMillian says he was merely walking along the beach on Memorial Day, feeding his puppy from a bottle, when police overreacted. Cell phone video shot by his mother shows the unarmed teen pressed to ground at Haulover Beach as one police officer holds his forearm across McMillian's throat and another places him in handcuffs.

"He started choking me, and as he was choking me, I urinated on myself because I couldn't breath," the teen told WSVN.

McMillian's family told news outlets they were enjoying the beach when the officers took exception to the way the teen had been roughhousing with a friend in the surf. McMillian says the officers drove up on an ATV and confronted him before leaping off and choking him. Reports WSVN:

"That's when the police had told us to stop, so I asked, why, and he told me, because he said so, and I asked why again. That's when he told me, 'Show me where your mom's at.'"

McMillian said he was cradling his puppy Marco when it all went down. He said he was obeying officers and only wanted to lead them to his mom. His mother said, "As he was walking along the beach, the catwalk where the picnic area is, the police officers were on their ATVs, and my son was walking, and they jumped off their ATVs, grabbed him and slammed him to the ground."

According to the police report, officers said McMillian got combative and clenched his fist. Police wrote, "He attempted to pull his arm away, stating, 'Man, don't touch me like I did something.'"

"All of that body language alone is already letting the officers know that this is a person that now is obviously getting agitated and can become violent," said Miami-Dade Police Detective Alvaro Zabaleta.

Zabaleta told CBS that the police report from the incident doesn't mention a puppy.

"Of course we have to neutralize the threat in front of us," he said. "And when you have somebody that is being resistant...that's the immediate threat. At this point we're not dealing or concerned with the puppy."

McMillian, his mother, and his sister say the officers' version of events isn't accurate.

“How could I be clenching my fists when I was taking care of my puppy and giving him some milk with a bottle?” McMillian asked CBS.

He said the puppy was injured when it wound up beneath him when he was taken by officers; it yelped when he touched one of its small legs on camera.

McMillian was charged with a felony count of resisting arrest with violence and disorderly conduct, according to Miami New Times. His case is reportedly scheduled for trial in July.


Diet Soda Can Cause Tooth Decay Like Cocaine, Dentist Proves


Diet soda addicts, beware: heavy consumption of the highly acidic drinks can cause tooth damage that resembles the effects of methamphetamine or crack cocaine.

Those who drink large amounts of diet soda for long periods of time often experience tooth erosion, rotting, decay and other types of oral damage – in many cases just as bad or worse as the effects experienced by long-term drug users, according to a new study published in the journal General Dentistry.

“You look at it side-to-side with ‘meth mouth’ or ‘coke mouth,’ it is startling to see the intensity and extent of damage more or less the same,” Dr. Mohammed Boussiouny, a professor of restorative dentistry at the Temple University School of Dentistry, told Health Day News.

The study references a woman in her 30’s who drank about two liters of diet soda every day for 3-5 years and suffered from eroded teeth that resembled those of a 29-year-old meth addict who had been taking drugs for three years and a 51-year-old crack cocaine user who had an 18-year-history drug abuse.

The woman’s teeth were soft, discolored and eroded, and dentists were unable to save any of the affected teeth. The woman had no choice but to have every last tooth removed and replaced with dentures.

 “None of the teeth affected by erosion were salvageable,” Boussiouny said.

The woman had been drinking diet soda for years because she was worried that regular soda would cause her to gain weight. She was aware of the risks associated with consuming artificially sweetened beverages, but admitted that she hadn’t seen a dentist in years.

The American Beverage Association responded to the results of the study, defending the consumption of diet soda and telling Health Day News that the woman’s lack of dentist visits was the primary cause of her tooth decay.

 “The woman referenced in this article did not receive dental health services for more than 20 years – two-thirds of her life,” the group said in a statement. “To single out diet soda consumption as the unique factor in her tooth decay and erosion – and to compare it to that from illicit drug use – is irresponsible…. The body of available science does not support that beverages are a unique factor in causing tooth decay or erosion.”

But Dr. Eugene Antenucci, a spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry, said he has seen the effects of diet soda in many addicts, and explained that some of them experienced “very deep brown stains, where it’s actually eroded into the tooth, and the teeth are soft and leathery.”

Most diet soda consumers will never see such effects, but to ensure clean and healthy teeth, Antenucci advises that they wash away the acidity of the substance with water after drinking soda, brushing their teeth at least twice daily and drinking in moderation.

Diet soda – like crack cocaine and meth – is highly acidic, which wears away enamel and causes teeth to become susceptible to cavities. Colas, for example, have erosive potential 10 times that of fruit juice, according to a previous 2007 study published in General Dentistry.  This study found that teeth immersed in Coke, Pepsi, RC Cola, Squirt, Surge, 7 Up and Diet 7 Up lost more than five percent of their weight, due to enamel erosion. The most acidic soft drink studied at the time was RC Cola, which had a pH of 2.387. Cherry Coke had a pH level of 2.522 and Coke had a pH level of 2.525. Battery acid, in comparison, has a pH level of 1.0, and pure water has a pH level of 7.0.

Thomas P. Connelly, a New York-based cosmetic dentist, says that diet soda consumers tend to drink more of the substance than those who consume regular sodas, which is often a factor in their tooth erosion. With many Americans convinced that the sugar-free drinks will prevent them from gaining weight, they can quickly become addicted and self-inflict tooth damage, like drug users.

“I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, ‘I’m addicted to diet coke’ from a patient,” he wrote in a Huffington Post blog. “Even though it has sugar, I’d almost rather see people drink regular pop, because I’m convinced that one or two regular pops are less damaging than seven of the diet version (again, people who drink diet soda tend to drink a lot of it). But truthfully, I’d rather see people drink neither.”


Ata -- The So-Called '6-Inch Alien' -- May Have An Earthling Cousin, And Ripley's Wants To Find Him

Ata -- The So-Called '6-Inch Alien' -- May Have An Earthling Cousin, And Ripley's Wants To Find Him

When a new documentary promised to unveil DNA tests on a 6-inch-tall humanoid found 10 years ago in Chile, everyone weighed in with an opinion.
UFO researchers hoped this might finally be proof of alien visitations. Skeptics were sure it was nothing more than shameless movie promotion.
The latest ripple in this controversy might be the most bizarre turn yet.
And by "ripple," I mean Ripley -- as in "Believe It or Not!"
The tiny mummified figure -- better known as Ata (pictured at right in the above image) -- was found in Chile's Atacama Desert in 2003. It is featured in the recent documentary "Sirius." Even after detailed X-rays, CAT scans and DNA analysis, questions are still being asked about Ata's origin.
Genetic testing -- while not totally conclusive yet -- strongly suggests Ata is 91 percent human. But it's the other 9 percent of unknown properties that still have experts scratching their heads. Further DNA analysis might help unravel the mystery.
Part of the controversy involves some scientists claiming Ata was a human who lived six to eight years, while others insist Ata was a mummified aborted human fetus. You can't have it both ways.
And now, meet Atta Boy (pictured at left in above image). Yes, Atta Boy, also around 6-inches tall, also from the Atacama Desert area as Ata, but reportedly from Bolivia or Peru.
Ata -- The So-Called '6-Inch Alien' -- May Have An Earthling Cousin, And Ripley's Wants To Find Him

A new book, "A Curious Man: The Strange and Brilliant Life of Robert 'Believe It or Not!' Ripley," has emerged about the life of the globehopping millionaire of the 1930s. His passion for weird and strange things resulted in an international empire of books, cartoons, radio shows and museums dedicated to the strangest oddities of the world.
The book includes a little image from 1933 showing a 6-and-a-half-inch-tall figure standing on Ripley's outstretched hand (see below). The caption refers to the diminutive human as Atta Boy, with a reference to the Peruvian Jivaro Indians (also known as the Shuar), known for their expertise in creating shrunken heads.
"I came across Atta Boy a few times in my research, Neal Thompson, author of "A Curious Man," told The Huffington Post. "One thing Ripley was fascinated by was the miniaturization of the human form, for example, in the cultures where they practiced the shrinking of heads.
"As far as I know, regarding Atta Boy, Ripley didn't leave behind any specific notes about where he obtained it or the background of the body of the boy -- it's a bit of a mystery. I know that Ripley portrayed Atta Boy as a real human as opposed to an alien. He believed that it was an actual miniature mummified human."
Part of the mystery of Atta Boy is whether or not he was a shrunken human or a mummified fetus. The origins of this artifact are not known and after the 1930s, he vanished into obscurity -- or into someone's private collection.
"It appears to me to be a mummified fetus as opposed to a shrunken body," said Edward Meyer, Ripley's vice president of exhibits and archives. "Having seen actual shrunken bodies, it looks very, very different."

But what about the coincidences piling up between Ata and Atta Boy? Both are about 6 inches tall, both from reportedly neighboring South American countries, both from the Atacama Desert area, and both with their own mysteries as to their origins. Are there other coincidences that have yet to emerge?
"I wouldn't even call it coincidence. I just think it's the same story 70 or 80 years later," Meyer told HuffPost. "I don't think that there's just one. I personally believe [Atta Boy] is more likely a Bolivian mummy than a Jivaro shrunken body."
Meyer adds that there were only three known cases where an entire body was shrunk.
"The key thing with the three full bodies is that they're all believed to have been done by a German doctor in Peru. Someone showed him how to do a shrunken head, and he may have wanted to go one step further by trying the whole body.
"To shrink the body, you've got to get all of the bones out. Your skin is like leather, it'll boil, but your bones will not shrink. That's one of the things with shrunken heads that people don't understand," Meyer explained.
"The Jivaro Indians were keeping the head because that is where the soul is supposed to be -- the whole purpose of the shrunken head is to capture your enemy's soul."
Could Ata and Atta Boy be somehow related? It would certainly help if we knew where Atta Boy currently resides -- if anywhere.
Atta Boy is Meyer's personal Holy Grail and he doesn't think HuffPost is crazy for suggesting there might be both a geographical and personal relationship between Ata and Atta Boy.
"If anybody knows where the original Atta Boy is, write to me at meyer@ripleys.com. I have to think that there's a story that's better than the modern Ata if we could find where this thing is or where it's been."
And Ripley's wants to sweeten the deal a little bit. The first person who supplies Ripley's with information that leads to the whereabouts of Atta Boy will receive a lifetime pass to any of the 32 worldwide Ripley's Odditoriums as well as a single-visit pass to each of the Ripley's Aquariums.
If Atta Boy can be found and DNA samples from him could be compared with little Ata, who knows how this could all evolve.


Mammoth To Be Brought To Life? Frozen Mammoth Found With Flowing Blood Possible For Cloning


Remember when woolly mammoths roamed the planet? No? Well don't worry if you missed the last ice age -- scientists have moved one step closer to possibly bringing the beasts back to life with the discovery of liquid blood in a well-preserved mammoth carcass in Siberia.

Researchers from the Northeast Federal University in Yakutsk found the 10,000-year-old female mammoth buried in ice on the Lyakhovsky Islands off the coast of northeast Russia.

Scientists say they poked the frozen creature with a pick and dark liquid blood flowed out.

"The fragments of muscle tissues, which we've found out of the body, have a natural red color of fresh meat. The reason for such preservation is that the lower part of the body was underlying in pure ice," said Semyon Grigoriev, the head of the expedition and of the university's Mammoth Museum, in a statement on the university's website.

"The blood is very dark, it was found in ice cavities below the belly and when we broke these cavities with a poll pick, the blood came running out," he said. "Interestingly, the temperature at the time of excavation was -7 to -10ºC. It may be assumed that the blood of mammoths had some cryoprotective properties."

Cryoprotectant is a substance found in modern fish and amphibians living in the Arctic and Antarctic that minimizes the damage to the creatures' tissue in freezing temperatures.

Mammoth To Be Brought To Life? Frozen Mammoth Found With Flowing Blood Possible For Cloning

Grigoriev told The Siberian Times newspaper it was the first time mammoth blood had been discovered and called it "the best preserved mammoth in the history of paleontology."

"We suppose that the mammoth fell into water or got bogged down in a swamp, could not free herself and died. Due to this fact the lower part of the body, including the lower jaw, and tongue tissue, was preserved very well," he said.

Grigoriev called the liquid blood "priceless material" for the university's joint project with South Korean scientists who are hoping to clone a woolly mammoth, which has been extinct for thousands of years.

The controversial Sooam Biotech Research Foundation is headed up by Hwang Woo-suk -- the disgraced former Seoul National University scientist who claimed in 2004 that he had successfully cloned human embryonic stem cells before admitting he had faked his findings.

Mammoth To Be Brought To Life? Frozen Mammoth Found With Flowing Blood Possible For Cloning

Hwang, who also cloned the world's first puppy, was forced to admit he had fabricated the stem cell data and apologized in January 2006 after a panel of scientists found he had not derived human stem cells from eggs, as he claimed.

A one-hour documentary about the joint Russia-South Korean quest to clone a mammoth from the creature's remains aired on the National Geographic Channel in the U.S. in April.

Grigoriev says the mammoth carcass has not been moved yet for fear of damaging it -- and that his team will join foreign researches in Siberia for further research in July.


'Ignorant' Builders Destroy 2,300-year-old Mayan Pyramid In Central America To Make Road


'Ignorant' Builders Destroy 2,300-year-old Mayan Pyramid In Central America To Make Road

One of the biggest Mayan pyramids in Belize has been all but destroyed by 'ignorant' builders who ravaged the ancient structure for crushed rock to fill in a new road.

The construction workers used bulldozers and diggers to claw at the sloping sides of the 100ft tall pyramid, which is part of the Nohmul complex - the most important Mayan site in northern Belize and one which dates back at least 2,300 years.  Horrified archaeologists claim there is no way the builders could have mistaken the Mayan ruins for a hill, as the landscape is naturally flat and the Nohmul complex is well known.

Jaime Awe, head of the Belize Institute of Archaeology, said the destruction at the Nohmul complex in northern Belize was detected late last week. 'It's a feeling of Incredible disbelief because of the ignorance and the insensitivity ... they were using this for road fill,' Mr Awe said.

'It's like being punched in the stomach,
it's just so horrendous.' Nohmul sat in the middle of a privately owned sugar cane field, and lacked the even stone sides frequently seen in reconstructed or better-preserved pyramids.

Nonetheless Mr Awe is certain the builders could not have mistaken the pyramid mound for anything other than Mayan ruins. 'These guys knew that this was an ancient structure. It's just bloody laziness,' he said.

The builders used backhoes to claw at the sides of the pyramid, leaving an isolated core of limestone cobbles at the centre, with what appears to be a narrow Mayan chamber dangling above one hollowed-out section.

'Just to realize that the ancient Maya acquired all this building material to erect these buildings, using nothing more than stone tools and quarried the stone, and carried this material on their heads, using tump lines,' said the archaeologist.

'To think that today we have modern equipment, that you can go and excavate in a quarry anywhere, but that this company would completely disregard that and completely destroyed this building. Why can't these people just go and quarry somewhere that has no cultural significance? It's mind-boggling.'

Belizean police said they are conducting an investigation and that criminal charges may be brought against the construction company.

The Nohmul complex sits on private land, but Belizean law says that any pre-Hispanic ruins are under government protection.

The Belize community-action group Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action called the destruction of the archaeological site 'an obscene example of disrespect for the environment and history'.

It is not the first time it's happened in Belize, a country of about 350,000 people that is largely covered in jungle and dotted with hundreds of Mayan ruin sites - though few as large as Nohmul.

Norman Hammond, an emeritus professor of archaeology at Boston University who worked in Belizean research projects in the 1980s, said it was far from the first time Mayan mounds had been targeted by construction workers seeking materials.

He wrote in an email that 'bulldozing Maya mounds for road fill is an endemic problem in Belize (the whole of the San Estevan center has gone, both of the major pyramids at Louisville, other structures at Nohmul, many smaller sites), but this sounds like the biggest yet'.

Arlen Chase, chairman of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Central Florida, said: 'Archaeologists are disturbed when such things occur, but there is only a very limited infrastructure in Belize that can be applied to cultural heritage management.

'Unfortunately, they (destruction of sites) are all too common, but not usually in the center of a large Maya site,' he said. He said there had probably still been much to learn from the site. 'A great deal of archaeology was undertaken at Nohmul in the `70s and `80s, but this only sampled a small part of this large center.'

Belize isn't the only place where the handiwork of the far-flung and enormously prolific Maya builders is being destroyed.

The ancient Mayas spread across southeastern Mexico and through Guatemala, Honduras and Belize. 'I don't think I am exaggerating if I say that every day a Maya mound is being destroyed for construction in one of the countries where the Maya lived,' wrote Francisco Estrada-Belli, a professor at Tulane University's Anthropology Department.

'Unfortunately, this destruction of our heritage is irreversible but many don't take it seriously,' he added.
'The only way to stop it is by showing that it is a major crime and people can and will go to jail for it.'
Robert Rosenswig, an archaeologist at the State University of New York at Albany, described the difficult and heartbreaking work of trying to salvage information at the nearby site of San Estevan following similar destruction around 2005.

'Bulldozing damage at San Estevan is extensive and the site is littered with Classic period potsherds,' he wrote in an academic paper describing the scene.

'We spent a number of days at the beginning of the 2005 season trying to figure out the extent of the damage .... after scratching our heads for many days, a bulldozer showed up and we realized that what appear to be mounds, when overgrown with chest-high vegetation, are actually recently bulldozed garbage piles.'
However small the compensation, bulldozing pyramids is one very brutal way of revealing the inner cores of the structures, which were often built up in periodic stages of construction.

"The one advantage of this massive destruction, to the core site, is that the remains of early domestic activity are now visible on the surface,' Mr Rosenswig wrote.


Bloody Subway Fight in China- Resident Evil-Style

Bloody Subway Fight in China- Resident Evil-style

This is properly the most disturbing and bloody subway fight we have ever seen in China. An 67-year-old Chinese man and another youngster began fighting over a seat in Guangzhou’s Subway. Neither man would make a concession, and the result was a bloodbath that horrified all passengers on board. The old man was irrational, biting like a zombie, resulting the young man’s face in a bloody mess, and his ear has badly bitten down.

Bloody Subway Fight in China- Resident Evil-style

When the old man looked up, his face was smeared with blood, the scene just look identical to Resident Evil. Looks like the Cultural Revolution in China hasn’t totally cleared off, the Chinese community is filled with endless violence.


China to Invade Philippines: A Chinese Forceful Recovery of Scarborough Shoal

China to Invade Philippines: A Chinese Forceful Recovery of Scaborough Shoal
-Chinese general reveals 'strategy' for Panatag takeover-

MANILA, Philippines - A Chinese military general has revealed their strategy to take over Panatag Shoal (Scarborough) off Zambales province.

China Daily Mail reported that in a recent television interview, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong said that China's navy has been wrapping the disputed island like a "cabbage" with warships.

China calls the shoal, which is within the Philippines' 200-nautical miles exclusive economic zone, as Huangyan Island. It claims virtually the entire South China Sea and West Philippine Sea.

In the online news site's transcript of the interview, Zhang explained at length China's strategy to a television host who called the Philippines' activities in the territory "rude" and "barbaric."

"We have begun to take measures to seal and control the areas around the Huangyan Island, seal and control continuously up till now," the Chinese news site quoted Zhang as saying.

The Chinese military added that they have been employing the "cabbage" strategy to secure the island from the Philippines by having constant surveillance and assigning administrative fishing vessels, besides warships, in the territory.

China to Invade Philippines: A Chinese Forceful Recovery of Scaborough Shoal

"If the Philippines wants to go in, in the outermost area, it has first to ask whether our navy will allow it. Then it has to ask whether our fishery administration ships and marine surveillance ships will allow it," Zhang said in the interview.

The high-ranking officer said that the "satisfactory" strategy is to ensure Sino fishermen can carry out their work "safely."

"We have gained quite satisfactory experience about the ways to recover the islands and reefs and defend them," he told the TV host.

Zhang also explained that such a scheme can also be potentially used to monitor smaller islands in the disputed coastal waters, only that it resources would be scarce.

"For those small islands, only a few troopers are able to station on each of them, but there is no food or even drinking water there. If we carry out the “cabbage” strategy, you will not be able to send food and drinking water onto the islands," he said.

Zhang complained that Philippine forces have threatened Chinese fishermen making their living in the area and have "violated ... China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

"As you have first violated the law and pointed your guns at our fishermen, you would never be allowed to enter the area," Zhang said, indirectly addressing his Filipino counterparts.

"Each time our Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested, but (the Philippines) refused to listen. In the meantime, it was busy doing this and that, such as sunk a boat there and conducting lots of patrols there," he said.

China to Invade Philippines: A Chinese Forceful Recovery of Scaborough Shoal

Forceful recovery

The major general said that China's so-called successful recovery of similar contested areas such as the Spratlys group have been due to "right timing."

"Over the past few years, we have made a series of achievements at the Nansha Islands (the Spratly Islands), the greatest of which I think have been on the Huangyan Island, Meiji Reef (Mischief Reef) and Ren’ai Shoal (Second Thomas Shoal)," he added.

China has also been sending ships to the Ayungin Shoal near Palawan province. The shoal is also within the Philippines’ 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone.

Zhang said that Chinese authorities next step would be to have a "vigorous development" in the islands to support China's economy as well as its tourism efforts, fisheries and marine protection.

"We have to do much more work there, and coordinate various efforts. We should not rely only on military effort. In the military perspective, fighting is the last resort while before it there must be production on a large scale and with high enthusiasm and large-scale production on the sea," he concluded.

He also mentioned that China plans to implement its law and military might more forcefully for the islands' complete "recovery."


The Devils Puddle - Legend Of The Blue Hole

The Devils Puddle - Legend Of The Blue Hole

One of the most storied sites in all of southern New Jersey is a mysterious body of water known as the Blue Hole. Located deep in the Pine Barrens of Winslow, on the border of Camden and Gloucester Counties, this small but legendary pool is said to not only be bottomless, but also a frequent pit stop of the Jersey Devil.

A number of legends exist: that it is bottomless with powerful currents, that the water is freezing cold year-round, and that the Jersey Devil is active in the area.

New Jersey has probably spawned the most well known cryptozological, paranormal oddity of the century, the Jersey Devil. The Beast, a creature not scientifically proven to exist, has terrorized the population of New Jersey for over 270 years. But in the back woods , hiding in the remote crevices of the Pine Barrens, there awaits a less well known but equally mysterious legend, the Blue Hole.

Located deep in the Pine Barrens of Winslow Township, NJ, lies a circular, perfectly crystal clear body of water(weird, as all sources of water in the Pine Barrens are tea colored). This small but legendary pool is not only said to be bottomless but a frequent pit stop of the Jersey Devil, his personal portal to Hell, they say. Still as glass, the water looks inviting, especially on a hot summer day. Yet locals warn their children to stay away and whatever they do, don't swim in it. Tales of unexplained whirpools and mysterious drownings have long been part of the pools lore. For those who were lucky enough to get away have claimed they felt an icy hand pulling them down into the chilly depths.

The Devils Puddle - Legend Of The Blue Hole

After people became afraid of it, the blue hole was largely abandoned. Perhaps farmers and families in the area warned children against going to the Blue Hole because the Jersey Devil lived there, and it would hurt or steal them. Locals still go to the area and use it as a party spot. There are many other 'blue holes' in the immediate vicinity, as well as quicksand and other seasonal ponds and lakes that form from springs seeping from high water table levels. What can not be so easily explained is the color of the lake compared to other brackish waters in the vicinity.

The area around the pool is eerily silent. No animals can be heard and no life, no fish or vegetation, seem to exist at all inside it. The pool always maintains an icy chill, 58 degrees to be exact, depsite the high temps in the summer months. It is said it is bottomless directly in the center and the walls, or outer rim, are made of a fine sand, sometimes referred to as sugar sand, which locals liken to quicksand.

According to unconfirmed reports, several people have drowned or otherwise died in this lake for unknown reasons-there bodies found floating on the top of the water with scratch marks embedded into their legs and ankles. One victim, imparticuliar, was found with a broken neck and a gapping black hole where their eye should have been. Is this the work of the devil or an insane occultist? Who knows but its creepy thats for sure.
Suspecting this lake to be a favorite lurking place of the creature, locals used to set traps for it, and there are photographs of these in existence. As for another mysterious quality, some less reputable sources say that the bottom of the blue hole is a porthole to another realm. Witness have testified through out the years to seeing an elusive, unknown creature, similiar to the physical description of the Jersey Devil, entering and exciting the pool at night. Reports of weird sounds, eerie lights, and ghosts have been reported as well.

The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The most common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a "blood-curdling scream."

There are many possible origins of the Jersey Devil legend. The earliest legends date back to Native American folklore. The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area around Pine Barrens "Popuessing", meaning "place of the dragon" Swedish explorers later named it "Drake Kill", "drake" being a word for dragon, and "kill" meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.)

The Devils Puddle - Legend Of The Blue Hole

The most accepted origin of the story, as far as New Jerseyans are concerned, started with Mother Leeds and is as follows:

"It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn't seen again until 1890."

"Mother Leeds" has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds. This identification may have gained credence from the fact that Deborah Leeds' husband, Japhet Leeds, named twelve children in the will he wrote in 1736, which is compatible with the legend of the Jersey Devil being the thirteenth child born by Mother Leeds. Deborah and Japhet Leeds also lived in the Leeds Point section of what is now Atlantic County, New Jersey, which is the area commonly said to be the location of the Jersey Devil story.

There have been many sightings and occurrences allegedly involving the Jersey Devil.

According to legend, while visiting the Hanover Mill Works to inspect his cannonballs being forged, Commodore Stephen Decatur sighted a flying creature flapping its wings and fired a cannonball directly upon it to no effect.

Joseph Bonaparte, eldest brother of Emperor Napoleon, is also said to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Bordentown estate around 1820. In 1840, the devil was blamed for several livestock killings. Similar attacks were reported in 1841, accompanied by tracks and screams.

Claims of a corpse matching the Leeds Devil's description arose in Greenwich in December 1925. A local farmer shot an unidentified animal as it attempted to steal his chickens. Afterward, he claimed that none of 100 people he showed it to could identify it. On July 27, 1937 an unknown animal "with red eyes" seen by residents of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was compared to the Jersey Devil by a reporter for the Pennsylvania Bulletin. In 1951, a group of Gibbstown, New Jersey boys claimed to have seen a 'monster' matching the Devil's description. and claims of a corpse matching the Jersey Devil's description arose in 1957. In 1960, tracks and noises heard near Mays Landing were claimed to be from the Jersey Devil.During the same year the merchants around Camden offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Jersey Devil, even offering to build a private zoo to house the creature if captured.

During the week of January 16 through 23, 1909, newspapers of the time published hundreds of claimed encounters with the Jersey Devil from all over the state. Among alleged encounters publicized that week were claims the creature "attacked" a trolley car in Haddon Heights and a social club in Camden. Police in Camden and Bristol, Pennsylvania supposedly fired on the creature to no effect. Other reports initially concerned unidentified footprints in the snow, but soon sightings of creatures resembling the Jersey Devil were being reported throughout South Jersey and as far away as Delaware. The widespread newspaper coverage led to a panic throughout the Delaware Valley prompting a number of schools to close and workers to stay home. During this period, it is rumored that the Philadelphia Zoo posted a $10,000 reward for the creature's capture. The offer prompted a variety of hoaxes, including a kangaroo with artificial wings. 


Harvard Creates Cyborg Flesh That’s Half Man, Half Machine

Harvard creates cyborg flesh that’s half man, half machine

Bioengineers at Harvard University have created the first examples of cyborg tissue: Neurons, heart cells, muscle, and blood vessels that are interwoven by nanowires and transistors.

These cyborg tissues are half living cells, half electronics. As far as the cells are concerned, they’re just normal cells that behave normally — but the electronic side actually acts as a sensor network, allowing a computer to interface directly with the cells. In the case of cyborg heart tissue, the researchers have already used the embedded nanowires to measure the contractions (heart rate) of the cells.

To create cyborg flesh, you start with a three-dimensional scaffold that encourages cells to grow around them. These scaffolds are generally made of collagen, which makes up the connective tissue in almost every animal. The Harvard engineers basically took normal collagen, and wove nanowires and transistors into the matrix to create nanoelectric scaffolds (nanoES). The neurons, heart cells, muscle, and blood vessels were then grown as normal, creating cyborg tissue with a built-in sensor network.

Cardiac cells, with a nanoelectroic electrode highlighted
Cardiac cells, with a nanoelectroic electrode highlighted

So far the Havard team has mostly grown rat tissues, but they have also succeeded in growing a 1.5-centimeter (0.6in) cyborg human blood vessel. They’ve also only used the nanoelectric scaffolds to read data from the cells — but according to lead researcher Charles Lieber, the next step is to find a way of talking to the individual cells, to “wire up tissue and communicate with it in the same way a biological system does.”

A computer chip, containing a sample of nanoES tissue
A computer chip, containing a sample of nanoES tissue

Suffice it to say, if you can use a digital computer to read and write data to your body’s cells, there are some awesome applications. If you need a quick jolt of adrenaline, you would simply tap a button on your smartphone, which is directly connected to your sympathetic nervous system. You could augment your existing physiology with patches — a patch of nanoelectric heart cells, for example, that integrates with your heart and reports back if you experience any problems. When we eventually put nanobots into our bloodstream, small pulses of electricity emitted by the cells could be used as guidance to damaged areas. In the case of blood vessels and other organs, the nanoelectric sensor network could detect if there’s inflammation, blockage, or tumors.

Realistically, though, we’re a long way away from such applications. In the short term, though, these cyborg tissues could be used to create very accurate organs-on-a-chip— lab-grown human organs that are encased within computer chips and then used to test drugs or substance toxicity, without harming a single bunny or bonobo.


Mother Beheads Infant Son, Eats Part of His Brain

The scene was so gruesome investigators could barely speak: A 3 1/2-week-old boy lay dismembered in the bedroom of a single-story house, three of his tiny toes chewed off, his face torn away, his head severed and his brains ripped out.

"At this particular scene you could have heard a pin drop," San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said Monday. "No one was speaking. It was about as somber as it could have been."

Officers called to the home early Sunday found the boy's mother, Otty Sanchez, sitting on the couch with a self-inflicted wound to her chest and her throat partially slashed, screaming "I killed my baby! I killed my baby!" police said. She told officers the devil made her do it, police said.

Sanchez, 33, apparently ate the child's brain and some other body parts before stabbing herself, McManus said.

"It's too heinous for me to describe it any further," McManus told reporters.

Sanchez is charged with capital murder in the death of her son, Scott Wesley Buccholtz-Sanchez. She was being treated Monday at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail.

The slaying occurred a week after the child's father moved out, McManus said. Otty Sanchez's sister and her sister's two children, ages 5 and 7, were in the house, but none were harmed.

Police said Sanchez did not have an attorney, and they declined to identify family members.

No one answered the door Monday at Sanchez's home, where the blinds were shut. A hopscotch pattern and red hearts were drawn on the walk leading up to the house.

Sanchez's aunt, Gloria Sanchez, said her niece had been "in and out" of a psychiatric ward but did not say where she was treated or why. She said a hospital called several months ago to check up on her.

"Otty didn't mean to do that. She was not in her right mind," a sobbing Gloria Sanchez told The Associated Press on Monday by phone. She said her family was devastated.

Investigators are looking into Sanchez's mental health history to see if there was anything "significant," and whether postpartum difficulties could have factored into the attack, McManus said.

Postpartum depression and psychosis have been cited as contributing factors in several other cases in Texas in recent years in which mothers killed their children.

Andrea Yates drowned her five children in her Houston-area home 2001, saying she believed Satan was inside her and trying to save them from hell. Her attorneys said she had been suffering from severe postpartum psychosis, and a jury found Yates not guilty by reason of insanity in 2006.

In 2004, Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old in her Plano home by slicing off the baby's arms. She was found not guilty of reason by insanity, after testifying that she killed the baby because she wanted to give her to God.

Sanchez's neighbors expressed sorrow and horror Monday at the grisly killing.

Neighbor Luis Yanez, 23, said his kids went to school with one of the small children who lived at the house. He said he often saw a woman playing outside with the children but didn't know whether it was Otty.

"Why would you do that to your baby?" said Yanez, a tire technician. "It brings chills to you. They can't defend themselves."

Allen Taylor, another neighbor, said "once she gets back in her right mind, she's going to be devastated."


Hitler And The Secret Satanic Cult

Hitler and the secret Satanic cult - central temple of the Satanic cult that created and directed Germany’s Nazi party. This so called Vril Society counted many of Hitler’s henchmen as members, including Himmler, Bormann, and Hess. Central to the whole cult was Hitler, who they believed to be a psychic medium in contact with powerful forces that would create an all-conquering Aryan nation. Some saw him as the Dark Messiah.

 Historians have tended to downplay the occult foundations of Nazism for fear of trivialising its heinous war crimes, but a recent documentary on the Discovery Channel laid bare the untold story of the secretive religion at the heart of fascist Germany. And bizarrely, it is thought to have been based on a 19th Century science fiction novel that predicted flying saucers, an alien race at the centre of the earth, and a mysterious force known as Vril. “Occult myths played a central role in Nazism,” says Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, head of the Centre for the Study of Esotericism at Exeter University. “When we look at these ideas today, we think of them as crazy, but they were central to the early Nazi Party and through them played a critical role in 20th century history.”

“The Vril society was dedicated to evil,” says historian Michael Fitzgerald. “Through their control of the Nazi party they committed the greatest acts of evil in the 20th Century. “Vril occultists worked in complete secrecy doing anything that would promote Aryan power. This ranged from straightforward political assassinations, through to evoking the spirits of the dead, human sacrifice and summoning mysterious energies – or Vril - through sexual orgies.”

To understand why the Nazi party was so obsessed with the occult and Satanism, you have to travel back to Victorian times. In the late 19th Century, Germany in common with Britain, was obsessed with the occult. It was a time when no self-respecting hostess would dream of holding a dinner party without a séance to round off the evening. There was also huge interest in eastern mysticism and ‘prophets’ of occult religions, such as Madame Blavatsky, were household names. Blavatsky believed that Europeans were descended from a race of angel-like creatures known as Aryans. They claimed that the Aryans had used mysterious psychic forces to build the pyramids, Atlantis and a network of cities beneath Antarctica. What’s more, their descendants were to be found in the Himalayas and their sign was the swastika – the ancient Hindu good luck symbol.

These myths and more were crystallised in the science-fiction novel The Coming Race. In this, Edward Bulwer-Lytton told of a strange people called the Vril-Ya that lived at the centre of the Earth. They wielded fantastic power using a mysterious force known as Vril, which they also used to propel flying saucers. The Coming Race and its attendant barmy mysticism would have sunk into obscurity if it hadn’t been for the First World War. At the end of the war, Germany was plunged into violent anarchy and a host of extremist politicians and cult leaders stepped into the breach and battled for power. Chief of these was the occult Thule Society – and its inner sect, the Vril Society.

The Vril Society was noted for it’s use of orgies to summon up occult energies – and to father a ‘master race’ of children to repopulate a devastated Germany. It is said that women in such orgies would become possessed by spirits and begin speaking in tongues. And their prophesies were treated with deadly seriousness. “But the darkest side of the Vril was their propensity for sacrificing young children,” says Michael Fitzgerald, author of Stormtroopers of Satan. “They would stab them in the chest and cut their throats.

“At the height of their power in 1920s Munich, hundreds of children disappeared. Many are presumed to have been killed by the cult to summon up Vril energy. This may seem like an outlandish claim but when you consider what these people went on to do in the Third Reich, it seems almost tame.” Central to the Vril Society was the search for a German Messiah who would lead the Aryan’s to world domination and exterminate all other races – especially the Jews. And his rise was predicted by a spirit calling itself the “Beast of the Book of Revelation.”

In a séance attended by the cult followers Alfred Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart, the Beast is said to have proclaimed that a man named Hitler would seize the Spear of Destiny and lead the Aryans to power. And within a few weeks, a fiery young man of shabby appearance began attending Thule Society meetings. His name was Adolf Hitler.

 The Society was quick to spot Hitler’s potential and to exploit his astonishing personal magnetism. He could transform crowds into hysterical worshippers and mesmerise even the strongest of men. Power seemed to course through him, with waves of emotion whipping up those around him into a frenzy. At times, he seemed possessed. Hitler was fascinated by the occult. He was a devotee of astrology, numerology, psychic mediumship, hypnosis and water divining. In short, the young Adolf would try anything that might foretell the future or give him control over others.

It was in the Thule Society that Hitler met those who would help him take over Germany and wage the Second World War. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Hermann Goering were all said to be members. It was these, along with Hitler, who used the Thule Society – and it’s inner sect the Vril Society – to launch and promote the Nazi Party. But even amongst this sinister group, there was an inner core who were even more evil, if that is conceivable. “Bormann was an avowed Satanist, says Michael Fitzgerald. “Bormann, together with Rosenberg and Himmler, wanted to destroy Christianity and replace it with a truly occult religion of their own making. And along with the Thule Society, they created a political party that would try and do just that.”

    When Hitler led the Nazi party to power in 1933, members of the sect occupied all key positions. Hess became Deputy Fuhrer, Rosenberg became Minister of the Third Reich, Bormann was Chief of the Nazi Party Chancellery, Himmler was head of the SS and Gestapo, and Goering, Commander of the Luftwaffe. Only the deceased Dietrich Eckart, whom Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to, failed to join them.

    As soon as they gained power the Nazis began preparing for world domination. Their first act was to re-arm – a clear breach of the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended the First World War. Whilst the protests from Britain and France were loud and shrill, Hitler guessed correctly that the Allies would shy away from war.

    In 1938, Hitler annexed Austria. Again, he was appeased. And by the following year, most of Europe lay under his rule and Britain was in his sights. Central to the Nazi ideology was the establishment of a thousand year Reich. This was to be done by perverting history and creating a new religion based on Aryan mythology – the same mythology propagated by the Victorian occult ‘prophets’ and the science fiction novel The Coming Race.

To do this, Himmler set up an occult research bureau under the wings of the SS, known as the Ahnenerbe. This was instructed to prove German racial superiority by linking them to the mythical race of ancient Aryans. It also hoped to uncover lost magical artefacts such as the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny. This, you will recall, was the spear used to kill Jesus as he hung on the cross. “It’s also possible they were looking for the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia,” says Michael Fitzgerald. “They were obviously hoping to use its reputed magical powers for their own ends.”

The Ahnenerbe mounted a series of huge expeditions to search for ancient Aryan cities in the Himalayas, the Middle East and Bolivia. The organisation looted artefacts from ancient sites around the world. It’s no surprise then, that the Ahnenerbe was the inspiration for the Nazi archaeologists in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Ahnenerbe devoted considerable efforts to exploring paranormal phenomena, such as ESP, psychokinesis, water divining, astrology and black magic. In fact, the organisation spent around £10 billion in today’s money on research. That’s about the same as the Allies spent on the atomic bomb programme.

Very little of the Ahnenerbe’s work was of practical wartime use, although the German Navy is said to have used diviners to seek out Allied warships and convoys in the North Atlantic. “They were initially quite successful,” says Michael Fitzgerald. “But they became so overworked, especially towards the end of the war, that they began to fail.”

Forecasting the future was a central preoccupation of the Nazis. The Ahnenerbe employed astrologers, rune diviners and a host of psychics to try and fathom the future. One astrologer, Karl Krafft, quickly rose to prominence after correctly predicting the 1939 Munich assassination attempt against Hitler. Hitler believed that the astrological forecast and his survival was proof that the occult Gods supported his “Final Solution”. It left him in a state of mystical exaltation.

Eyes blazing with excitement he shouted: “Now I am content! It is Providence’s intention to allow me to reach my goal.” Through the Ahnenerbe the Nazi’s began to creating an occult civilisation to supplant our Christian one.

“They began by indoctrinating the Hitler Youth with Satanic ideologies,” says Michael Fitzgerald. “Children and the future leaders of the SS were taught that compassion was weakness. They were encouraged to celebrate pagan festivals and to carry out occult ceremonies. “Himmler named himself the Black Jesuit – and he meant it. He laid plans to establish pagan temples across Germany after the war. These would replace churches. And on every altar there would be a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”

A new religious city centred around Wewelsburg Castle was planned. It was to be an occult Vatican dedicated to all things evil. Colleges would educate Germany’s future leaders in the occult, such as psychic mediumship, hypnosis and divination. Museums and galleries would house such artefacts as the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny and the Ark of the Covenant. And there would be research labs dedicated to finding new energies – such as Vril – to power spaceships to the stars.  To the modern eye, the Nazi preoccupation with the occult seems completely deranged. Were they simply insane or was something more sinister at work? It is tempting to write them off as insane, but some believe Hitler was truly possessed by evil forces.

 Hermann Rauschning, a friend of Hitler and compiler of his speeches, said: One cannot help thinking of Hitler as of a medium, the medium is possessed. Without any doubt, Hitler was possessed of forces which were beyond him and of which the individual called Hitler was only the temporary instrument.


Father Puts 6-week old Baby In Freezer To Stop Her Crying


In a shocking case of child neglect, a Washington man appeared in court in Tacoma accused of putting his six-week-old daughter in a freezer to stop her crying and then falling asleep. Tyler James Deutsch, 25, pleaded not guilty to charges of child assault, criminal mistreatment and interfering with reporting of domestic violence and bail was set at $1 million.

Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist told the court that Deutsch fell asleep after putting the child in the freezer on Saturday, then awoke after an hour and was removing the baby when the horrified child’s 22-year-old mother returned.

He’s accused of taking the phone away when the mother tried to call for help from their trailer in Roy, Washington. The mother took the child and got neighbors to call police. Prosecutors say the child’s core temperature fell to 84 degrees in the 10-degree freezer. She also had a broken arm, a broken leg, blisters on her feet and a head injury.

She is expected to survive. If convicted of the charges then Deutsch is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison. The little girl's mother did not attend court on Tuesday, but the charging documents state that she did not trust Deutsch to be left alone with their child.

The court heard how the mother returned home to find Deutsch removing the baby from the freezer wearing only a diaper. The freezer, an upright compartment over the fridge was set to 10 degrees and held a half-full bag of ice and a bag of cauliflower.

Immediately the mother attempted to call 911, but Deutsch attempted to stop her - at which point she ran with her baby to the the trailer park landlord to complete the emergency call. Deutsch followed and admitted putting the girl into the freezer, but said that it was for his daughters own benefit.

However, when police arrived, he changed his story saying that he was exhausted from working all night - fell asleep - and awoke to find that the baby was not asleep next to him where he had left her. He said he had no idea how she ended up in the freezer.

Police believe that he intentionally put the child in the compartment to stop her from crying. 'It was only a six-week-old kid,' Ed Troyer of Pierce County Sheriff's Dept. said.

'A six-week old kid can't do much other than cry. And from what we understand he wanted the baby to stop crying so he put the baby in the freezer.' The infant girl is expected to recover. Her father is scheduled to appear in court May 28.

The court heard the Deutsch was not under the influence of any substances but did hear his prior convictions. He pleaded guilty to identity theft in 2012, using his younger sister’s credit card to buy cigarettes and beer and in 2007 he tried to escape police after they tried to test him for DUI.


Revealed: Hundreds of Words To Avoid Using Online If You Don’t Want The Government Spying On You

Revealed: Hundreds of Words To Avoid Using Online If You Don’t Want The Government Spying On You

Welcome to the United States of America, the land of the free. Where words such as ‘pork’, ‘cloud’ and ‘Mexico’ can potentially get you labeled as a terrorist.

The Police State has long been systematically implemented but it worsens at a rapid pace which should be worrisome for those who still enjoy the freedoms that they have left.


  • Department of Homeland Security forced to release list following freedom of information request
  • Agency insists it only looks for evidence of genuine threats to the U.S. and not for signs of general dissent

The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.

The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of seemingly innocent words like ‘pork’, ‘cloud’, ‘team’ and ‘Mexico’.

Released under a freedom of information request, the information sheds new light on how government analysts are instructed to patrol the internet searching for domestic and external threats.

The words are included in the department’s 2011 ‘Analyst’s Desktop Binder’ used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify ‘media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities’.

Department chiefs were forced to release the manual following a House hearing over documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which revealed how analysts monitor social networks and media organisations for comments that ‘reflect adversely’ on the government.

However they insisted the practice was aimed not at policing the internet for disparaging remarks about the government and signs of general dissent, but to provide awareness of any potential threats.

As well as terrorism, analysts are instructed to search for evidence of unfolding natural disasters, public health threats and serious crimes such as mall/school shootings, major drug busts, illegal immigrant busts.

The list has been posted online by the Electronic Privacy Information Center – a privacy watchdog group who filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act before suing to obtain the release of the documents.

In a letter to the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counter-terrorism and Intelligence, the centre described the choice of words as ‘broad, vague and ambiguous’.

Revealed: Hundreds of Words To Avoid Using Online If You Don’t Want The Government Spying On You

They point out that it includes ‘vast amounts of First Amendment protected speech that is entirely unrelated to the Department of Homeland Security mission to protect the public against terrorism and disasters.’A senior Homeland Security official told the Huffington Post that the manual ‘is a starting point, not the endgame’ in maintaining situational awareness of natural and man-made threats and denied that the government was monitoring signs of dissent.However the agency admitted that the language used was vague and in need of updating.

Spokesman Matthew Chandler told website: ‘To ensure clarity, as part of … routine compliance review, DHS will review the language contained in all materials to clearly and accurately convey the parameters and intention of the program.’


Revealed: Hundreds of Words To Avoid Using Online If You Don’t Want The Government Spying On You


Fungus That Controls Zombie-Ants Has Own Fungal Stalker

Fungus That Controls Zombie-Ants Has Own Fungal Stalker

An unsuspecting worker ant in Brazil's rainforest leaves its nest one morning. But instead of following the well-worn treetop paths of its nest mates, this ant stumbles along clumsily, walking in aimless circles, convulsing from time to time.

At high noon, as if programmed, the ant plunges its mandibles into the juicy main vein of a leaf and soon dies. Within days the stem of a fungus sprouts from the dead ant's head. After growing a stalk, the fungus casts spores to the ground below, where they can be picked up by other passing ants.

This strange cycle of undead life and death has been well documented and has earned the culprit the moniker: "zombie-ant" fungus—even in the scientific literature. But scientists are just learning the intricacies of this interplay between the Ophiocordyceps parasitic fungus and the Camponotini carpenter ants that it infects. Fossil evidence implies that this zombifying infection might have been happening for at least 48 million years. Recent research also suggests that different species of the fungus might specialize to infect different groups of ants across the globe. And close examination of the infected ant corpses has revealed an even newer level of spooky savagery—other fungi often parasitize the zombie-ant fungus parasite itself.

"We have advanced a great deal in understanding how the fungus controls ant behavior," David Hughes, an assistant professor of entomology and biology at The Pennsylvania State University, says. Every few months scientists are discovering yet another peculiar trait that, added together, make this parasite one of the most insidious infections—or perhaps that honor goes to the parasite that ultimately kills the killer parasite.

Ophiocordyceps fungus

Deadly infection

This clever Ophiocordyceps fungus depends on ants to reproduce and spread, but it has found an abundant host animal. As Hughes notes, ants have been incredibly successful, currently comprising an estimated half of all insect biomass worldwide.

One of the first clues that a tropical carpenter ant has become infected with Ophiocordyceps is that it will leave the dry tree canopy and descend to the humid forest floor, staggering over debris and plants. "Infected ants behave as zombies," Hughes and his colleagues wrote in a 2011 BMC Ecology paper describing some of the latest findings. The ant will walk randomly, displaying "convulsions that make them fall down and thus preclude them from returning to the canopy," they noted, comparing the stumbling gait with a "drunkard's walk."

The clumsiness cannot, however, be blamed on the ant. "While the manipulated individual may look like an ant, it represents a fungal genome expressing fungal behavior through the body of an ant," the researchers noted in the paper. Hence the zombie designation.

Evans suggests that a nerve toxin spurred on by the fungus is at least partly to blame, "judging from the uncoordinated movements and hyperactivity of the ants infected," he says. Ants that have been dissected at this stage of infection reveal heads already full of fungal cells.

Eventually, an affected ant will stop on the underside of one leaf, roughly 25 centimeters from the forest floor, and clamp down on the leaf's main vein. (This position appears to be optimal for the fungus's later stage in which it ejects spores onto the soil directly below.) Biting leaves is not normal ant behavior. The zombies' bites are synchronized near noon (possibly cued by clock genes in the fungus) and usually occur in a north-northwestern orientation.

Scientists have found that the fungus also triggers atrophy in its victim's muscles—specifically those around its mandibles. This atrophy is prompted by metabolites that purge the muscle cells of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum (which provide energy and signals), according to the BMC Ecology research. Perhaps counterintuitively, when the infected ant bites onto the leaf vein in it's so-called "death grip" this atrophy causes it to have lockjaw, leaving it there to die. This seemingly small detail is crucial to the fungus's success. "Without the death grip," Hughes explains, "the ant would fall to the ground," destroying the launching point for the fungus's spores.

By that stage, cells from the fungus have grown even more numerous in the ant's body. They have proliferated around the ant's brain and between surrounding muscle fibers but have not entered the brain, glands or muscles, making the manipulation all the more amazing.

Ants appear to die within six hours after their final bite. About two to three days later a fungal stalk will start to emerge from the back of the ant's head. After maturing over the course of weeks the stalk's head will shoot spores onto the soil below. Researchers have also discovered that this relatively slow-growing fungus can have its main stem broken off and regrow it later. Foraging worker ants can unwittingly pick up spores as they pass by.

The death of an ant outside of its colony and subsequent growth of the fungal stalk might be key adaptations of the fungus, researchers have hazarded. "Ants quickly remove dead nest mates so that dying in the nest would not allow sufficient time for stalk development and spore release" before the dead host ant was ejected, Hughes and his colleagues noted in their BMC Ecology paper.

The doomed ants do not wander too far afield, often ending up within meters of their familiar territory. And large groups of dead ants are commonly found near colonies. These graveyards can contain anywhere from 50 to hundreds of corpses, says Sandra Andersen, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, who has studied many of these sites. If a nearby colony is new, there is not likely to be as large a graveyard—yet.

Ants' complex and large social groups are thought to be one of the keys to their global abundance. The fungus has capitalized on ants' social behavior. "Sociality can be thought of as evolution's winning lottery ticket," Hughes says. But "this zombie fungus is natural selection's tax man."

The zombie fungus, however, cannot live without the winning ants' continued success. It appears to be an obligate parasite, requiring a specific, local species of ant for it to inhabit, grow and propagate its spores.

Zombie Ants

A specialized but global threat

The ants best known for getting zombified by the Ophiocordyceps fungus are tree-dwelling carpenter ants found in Brazil and Thailand, but the fungus is thought to be broadly distributed in tropical areas around the globe. In fact, the full range of strange behavior— observed in Sulawesi, Indonesia—was first described in the scientific literature by Alfred Russell Wallace in the 19th century.

Although many ants in different areas are similarly infected and dispatched in this strange way, the species of fungus infecting them is not at all the same. "Instead of one variable species, there may be tens or even hundreds," says Harry Evans, a principal scientific officer at the Center for Agricultural Bioscience International. In a 2011 paper published in PLoS ONE, Evans, Hughes and Simon Elliot (of the Department of Animal Biology at the Federal University of Vicosa in Brazil) described four new species of the Ophiocordyceps fungus that were found in just a small section of rainforest in Brazil's southeastern state of Minas Gerais. Each of these species was associated with a different Camponotus ant species, denoting a high degree of specialization.

This hint at such vast diversity and specialization also contains broader implications for assumptions about fungus numbers in general. "We may need to increase fungal diversity estimates by these sorts of factors," Evans notes.

Ancient scourge

The zombifying fungus's vast geographic distribution also hints at the possibility that it has been possessing ants at least since before many of the continents split apart. But these delicate organisms have not been discovered in fossils. Other examples of parasitism have been found preserved in amber dating back 150 million years, and they reveal the parasite and host as a common arrangement—but not any evidence of actual behavior manipulation.

Research published in Biology Letters in 2010 describes a 48-million-year-old fossilized leaf from Germany that bears the distinctive scars of a bite from an ant's mandible on its main vein. The researchers, led by Hughes, describe the find as perhaps "the first example of behavioral manipulation in the fossil record." During that time period the region of Germany would have been similar in climate to the areas of Thailand where contemporary zombie-ant fungus has been documented.

zombie-ant fungus

A parasite's parasite

The zombie-ant fungus is not the end of the parasitizing line, however—it meets its own death at the work of yet another parasite.

Andersen and her colleagues have found that a different breed of fungi grow over the ant corpse and the emerging fungus stalk. By covering the original fungus and its stalk, this secondary fungus—or hyperparasite—effectively prevents the zombie-ant fungus from ejecting its spores. "It looks like they completely sterilize it," Andersen says of the second-level parasite.

Even these hyperparasites seem to be specialized for growing on specific parasitizing fungi. "They're not really growing on anything else" in the area, Andersen says. This makes the hyperparasite another obligate parasite, which depends on the zombie-ant fungus, which depends, in turn, on the carpenter ant colony. "Once you're very successful, something else will take advantage of it," she notes. "It's really a little ecosystem in its own [right]."

The zombie-ant fungus's doom, of course, is little consolation for the infected ant. But the castration of the ant-killing fungus means that it will not go on to turn other local ants into zombies. This hobble might, in fact, be one of the reasons the zombie-ant fungus has been so successful over the long term. As a deadly infection, it could severely damage an ant colony. But, if another parasite renders more than half of its mature spores infertile (and more still failing to reproduce due to other interferences), that creates a sort of equilibrium with a colony. According to the research by Andersen and her colleagues (published in May 2012 in PLoS ONE), the actual reproduction rate for each mature zombie-ant fungus organism is a little more than one new mature organism, thus allowing the species and local population to sustain itself as long as there are ants nearby to infect.

In addition to the fungicidal fungi, scientists have also seen small bugs laying their eggs in the infected ant corpse, where their larvae can then eat the growing fungus. These bugs include specialized gall midges (in the Cecidomyiidae family) and a species that appears to be new to science, Hughes says. "It seems their entire nutrition comes from eating the fungus that manipulates ant behavior."

Are such hyper-specialized hyperparasites a freak occurrence? Apparently not: "We have found it all over the world, and most [ant] cadavers have hyperparasites exploiting the zombie-ant fungus at some stage," Hughes notes. And Anderson suspects "the more people study parasites, the more examples we'll find." Even if they are hiding in darker corners.

Indeed, Evans, Hughes and others continue to hunt for more bizarre, opportunistic organisms. Evans is collecting more zombie ants in Brazil, as part of what he and Hughes have unofficially dubbed the "World Ant Tour." The hunt may be a race against time, however. When Evans returned to a field site in Ghana where he had found different genera of possessed ants in the 1970s, "we could not find any of the forest sites," he says. They were "all cleared, gone and largely invaded by exotic weeds. In fact, the same thing occurs every time I revisit the places that I have worked over the past 40-plus years," he notes.

Learning about zombie-ant funguses is not simply an exercise in outré science. As Hughes notes, discovering more about both the fungus and the ant behavior and signaling dynamics could add to research about pest control for agriculture. "Lots of the pure discoveries we make have great import for food security and the challenges farmers in tropical countries face from insects and fungi that infect their crops," he notes. But garnering such knowledge will require more zombie corpses to collect and study.


Cameron Macauley, The Boy Who Lived Before


Ever since he was two years old and first started talking, Cameron Macauley has told of his life on the island of Barra. Cameron lives with his mum, Norma, in Glasgow. They have never been to Barra. He tells of a white house, overlooking the sea and the beach, where he would play with his brothers and sisters. He tells of the airplanes that used to land on the beach. He talks about his dog, a black and white dog.

Barra lies off the western coast of Scotland, 220 miles from Glasgow. It can only be reached by a lengthy sea journey or an hour long flight. It is a, distant, outpost of the British Isles and is home to just over a thousand people. Cameron is now five, and his story has never wavered. He talks incessantly about his Barra family, his Barra mum and Barra dad. His Barra dad he explains was called Shane Robertson and he died when he was knocked down by a car.

He has become so preoccupied with Barra and is missing his Barra mum so badly that he is now suffering from genuine distress. Norma considers herself to be open-minded, and would like to find out if there is any rational explanation for Cameron's memories and beliefs that he was previously a member of another family on Barra. Her first port of call is Dr. Chris French, a psychologist who edits The Skeptic magazine which debunks paranormal phenomena. Not surprisingly, he discounts any talk of reincarnation mooting that a child's over-active imagination can be fed by the multitude of television programmes available and the easy access to the Web.

Norma is not convinced, she does not believe that Cameron has ever watched programmes that could have provided this information. Norma's next step is a visit to Karen Majors, an educational psychologist whose speciality is children and their fantasy lives. She considers that Cameron's accounts are very different to normal childhood imaginary friends.

It has become clear to Norma that there are no easy answers to the questions thrown up by Cameron's memories. Cameron has asked, persistently, to be taken to Barra. Norma has finally decided to make that journey.

In the past 40 years there have been reports of over 2,500 children who claim to have memories of a past life. At the University of Virginia, a department has been set up to investigate these stories.

Psychiatrist, Dr. Jim Tucker, is the director of research and he says "This is a world-wide phenomenon and happens in places and families with a belief in reincarnation and in places and families without a belief in reincarnation, and in a number of the cases the child's statements have been verified to be accurate.". Many of the cases defy a simple, rational explanation.

Dr, Tucker has been speaking to Norma and following Cameron's case with interest. "Well, Cameron's case certainly sounds like a very promising one. He's given the name of a place which, fortunately, turns out to be very small and he's also given the name of a person. So, with all the details he's provided, if we're able to verify a match that would be quite intriguing". To follow this case as it unfolds would be, for Jim, a unique opportunity. He will fly from Virginia to Glasgow to join Norma and pursue the story in person.

They took a small British Airways flight to Barra, Cameron was very excited. He claimed to recognise many parts of the island, but they were unable to locate the house. They visit the local heritage centre to look for any record of a Robertson family but Calum MacNeil, the local historian, cannot find any suh record.
Next morning they receive a telephone call from Calum, he has some new information. Calum's records were only for properties owned by islanders, but there was a Robertson family from the mainland living in a white house, close to the sea, at the north of the island during the 60's and 70's.

They follow the directions to this house without telling Cameron where they are going. When they arrive at the house, the normally talkative Cameron becomes strangely quiet and subdued. They find rock-pools below the house and a gate to the beach, just as Cameron as described. They have found the house, but much of it has been modernised so is unfamiliar to Cameron.

Through a genealogist they trace a Gillian Robertson still living in Scotland. She would have been a child at the time Cameron remembers living there. She confirms that there was a black and white border collie at the house, but says that there has never been a Shane Robertson or any deaths in her family.

Much of what Cameron claims to remember, appears to be valid, but there are many more unanswered question which will remain an enigma.

Gus (August) Taylor

One of Dr. Tucker's most celebrated cases is that of ten year old Gus Taylor from the American Mid-West who claims to have memories of being his own grandfather. His father recalls that when Gus was about one and a half years old, he was changing his diaper when, all of a sudden, Gus said "You know, when I was your age I used to change your diaper".

On one occasion his mother asked him "When you were Grandpa Augie, did you have any brothers or sisters?" Gus replied "Yes, I had a sister, but she died". She had been murdered, a fact that was never discussed within the family, so how could he have known about it?

For many in the West, reincarnation is an alien idea. Chris French believes that it's simply a comforting illusion which helps some people avoid the difficult realities of death.


Mass Grave Uncovered Containing Dozens Of Palestinians Killed in 1948 War That Founded Israel

Human skeletons are clearly visible in a mass grave found at a cemetery in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv, Israel
Human skeletons are clearly visible in a mass grave found at a cemetery in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv, Israel

Six mass graves features the remains of dozens of Palestinians killed during the Israeli-Arab war of 1948, when the Jewish state was founded have been uncovered in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv.

An official at the Muslim cemetery there told AFP that the grisly find happened on Wednesday when ground subsided as builders carried out renovation work.

In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.

The grisly find occurred on Wednesday when ground subsided as workers carried out renovations
The grisly find occurred on Wednesday when ground subsided as workers carried out renovations

Researcher and historian Mahmoud Obeid, a Jaffa resident, told As-Safri newspaper: 'We discovered six mass graves, two of which we dug up. Our estimate is that they contain around 200 bodies, with an unknown additional number in the other graves.

'The remains belong to people of different ages, including women, children and the elderly, some of which bear signs of violence.'

The head of the Islamic Movement in Jaffa, Sheikh Mohammed Najem (right) looking at the hole that was made above the mass grave
The head of the Islamic Movement in Jaffa, Sheikh Mohammed Najem (right) looking at the hole that was made above the mass grave 

Estimates are that the six mass graves could contain the bodies of around 600 people
Estimates are that the six mass graves could contain the bodies of around 600 people
'I carried to the cemetery 60 bodies during a period of three or four months,' he told AFP. 'We used to find the people in the street and most of the time we didn’t know who they were.'

He said that the danger of being hit by flying bullets or grenade fragments was such that bodies were dumped one on top of the other in existing family crypts in the cemetery, contrary to Muslim custom.

'We carried them early in the morning or in the night. We put women, children and men in the same place... nobody prayed for these people.

In 1950 Jaffa was incorporated into Tel Aviv, and was renamed Tel Aviv-Jaffa. It now a mixed Arab and Jewish population.

Around 760,000 Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes in the Israeli-Arab war of 1948.
The remains are thought to be Palestinians killed during the Israeli-Arab war of 1948
The remains are thought to be Palestinians killed during the Israeli-Arab war of 1948
The cemetery in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv contains six mass graves
The cemetery in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv contains six mass graves

Woman Grows Nails Instead Of Hair Due To Skin Condition


A rare skin condition is causing one 28-year-old woman hair to grow human nails instead of hair.

Criminal justice student Shanya A. Isom first saw signs of the condition in 2009, when she had an asthma attack that doctors treated with steroids. When Isom had an allergic reaction to the medicine, she developed bumps on her leg and her skin tone began to darken, the New York Daily News reports.

Memphis doctors attempted scores of treatments, for conditions ranging from eczema to staph infections. None were successful.

"They've tested me from A to Z, and everything was coming back negative," Isom told WMC-TV.

In August 2011, Isom was admitted to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where doctors determined that her hair follicles were producing 12 times as many skin cells as hair cells. This meant that her hair follicles were producing nails, instead of hair.

The diagnosis, and subsequent treatment, has generated a slight improvement in Isom's quality of life. "I couldn't sit up, I couldn't walk," she told WMC-TV. "Now I can walk with a cane and sometimes I can walk on my own."

But Isom's symptoms have taken a toll on her finances. Her state-issued insurance does not cover her specialist care, and only covers five of the 17 medications needed to treat her symptoms. Her medical bills have already reached $250,000, the Daily Mail reports.

Isom, who says she is the only person in the world with her condition, has set up the S.A.I. Foundation to raise money to cover her bills and help others who may develop similar symptoms.

"If [my condition] means me dealing with this to help someone else, I'm willing to go through it," she said. The foundation takes donations at all Bank of America branches.


Man Had Pencil On Head For 15 Years

The pencil which was removed from the head of a 24-year-old patient.  

An Afghan man unknowingly lived with a pencil in his head for 15 years, according to German doctors who helped crack the curious case.

The man, whose name has not been made public, said he suffered from headaches, colds and worsening vision for years before a scan revealed the 4-inch pencil in a series of cavities behind his right eye, the Associated Press reported.

The man, 24, said he had no idea how the pencil became lodged in his sinuses and pharynx, a passageway between the nasal and oral cavities and the throat, but did recall having a bad fall as a child, according to the AP.

Doctors at Aachen University Hospital in Aachen, Germany, removed the pencil in 2011, but only recently discussed the case publicly at a medical conference.

The man’s case recalls a similar incident earlier this year, when a New Hampshire toddler fell face-first onto an orange pencil-crayon. It became lodged about 5 inches between her right eye and the back of her skull.

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