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US Media Targets Russia, Not Poor Security, For Boston Attacks



The American National Security State failed to protect the American people yet again, this time in Boston, Massachusetts. Twelve years of ramping up federal, state and local venues with billions of dollars worth of anti-terrorism training, intelligence fusion centers, and equipment was for nought. Chasing "the terrorists" around the world for ten years whether by remotely piloted vehicles (Drones), or Special Forces, could not prevent the carnage of 15 April 2013 at the Boston Marathon.

The USA is bloodied again this time showing that it was unable to provide security at one of the world's most publicized legendary athletic events.

The Brothers Tsarnaev succeeded. The mainstream media assisted in the process by channeling their thoughts and emotions of fear and anger that were likely aimed at the elimination of civilians around the globe by the US military and intelligence machinery. The mainstrem media was a force multiplier for the Tsarnaev's as they fanned the flames of their anger rattling American leadership and an intellectually challenged public.

Who designed the security plan for the Boston Marathon? Was it designated a National Special Security Event by the US national government? Should security personnel be fired, demoted? No, wait. There is the lesson of 911: no one was held accountable for the destruction of two of America's symbols of national power-the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Now that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry have stated that the global war on terror is global and waged on the US Homeland, how are we to deliniate between terror, crime and war? But what assurances can local, state and federal officials give the American people besides inane biblical quotes at televised national mourning ceremonies?

Is the US killing of non-combatants (women and children) acceptable around the globe because the intent was to off the enemy and not the child playing with a goat? What's the dividing line between a American serial killer who downs dozens of children in a school (Sandy Hook) or, over the years, rapes and murders over 30 human beings (Green River), and the teenager and young man who killed and maimed at the Boston Marathon?

In order to obfuscate the failure of the US National Security State, the mainstream media takes center stage-with the advice and consent of America's elite-to get the prevailing national narrative back on track. It's predictable: everyone in the world is evil; the USA is a force for good; no one could have forseen the event, and on and on ad nauseum. In short, blame it on someone else and ignore the structural problems in America's violent, myth heavy cultural landscape.

The media apparatus must shape the environment, or, post-415 in Boston, get the narrative back on track. The practice is not disimilar to that of the US military's military information support operations (MISO). Hence, The New York Times recently said the "the country is jittery." On what basis did the New York Times make this comment? Were all 315 million people, residing on a landmass of 9.8 million square miles, jittery? And then comes the video from all mainstream media outlets showing armed Massachusetts National Guard personnel and Boston SWAT showing force, assuring the public.

And what's the deal with the State effectively shutting down the city of Boston (technically Watertown) in the search for one human being? "Stay inside," national security officials say. Chicago, Illinois sported 506 murders in 2012. In the USA there are approximately 16,000 murders each year. And the culmination of evil is a 19 year old from Boston?

Speaking of evil, the World Socialists points this out. "Between the speech Obama delivered in Tucson in January 2011 and the one he gave in Newtown in December 2012, there were-among the many more mass killings across the country-the following incidents: July 2011-A shooting rampage in Grand Rapids, Michigan that claimed eight lives; August 2011-A gunman killing seven people in Copley, Ohio before being killed himself; September 2011-A shooting at a Carson City, Nevada IHOP that killed five; December 2011-Six people shot to death on Christmas morning in Grapevine, Texas by a man dressed as Santa Claus, who then turned his gun on himself; April 2012-A mass shooting at an Asian school in Oakland California that killed seven; May 2012-Five people killed in a shooting spree in Seattle, Washington; August 2012-The shooting deaths of seven at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin; September 2012-The killing of six in a workplace shooting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. When "evil" recurs with such numbing regularity, it clearly must have deep roots in American society."

In Bad News Revisited: The Protrayal of Violence, Conflict and Suffering on Television News (Journal of Peace Psychology, 1996), the authors lay bare the motivations that drive mainstream media news coverage. Though the findings are from 1996, their relevancy is timeless.

"Stories are often episodic, ahistorical accounts that rely on stereotyped assumptions and fail to provide context or explanation. Instead of communicating substantive information that aids in understanding, television news often focus on emotional and tragic elements that tend to inflame and even obscure what is taking place. Television news thus follows the same pattern of distortion found in entertaining programming. For example, fictitious characters in television are murdered at a rate 1,000 times higher than real world victims. Because television is primarily an entertainment medium, it is not surprising that news divisions tend to select stories for their entertainment value. As a result the distinction between news and entertainment is becoming increasingly blurred.

Focusing on conflict reflects the widespread assumption of news directors that people are attracted to violence...the selection of stories is often based on unsubstantiated assumptions, standard production practices and mechanical formulas...The more people watch TV, the more likely they are to have unrealistic fears accompanied by feelings of insecurity, suspicion and hopelessness...the notion that news is determined by events is a myth created by the mass media to shield themselves from criticism...the media manufacture news by what they select and how they present it...the pressures are enormous to treat news as entertainment and to make the news exciting. News gets packaged like soap operas and there is an urgency to create dramatic footage...it is profits and prestige that govern the content of television news, not the desire to inform the public..what is shown on the air is carefully orchestrated to conform to the network view of the world...the construction of reality according to television tends to serve the interests of the disseminators rather than the public...."

Back to the World Socialists: "The corporate media, which has cynically dubbed Obama the 'consoler-in-chief,' hailed his latest speech as 'inspiring,' 'powerful' and 'moving.' It was all they wanted to hear and in no way conflicted with their efforts to frame the events in Boston within the reactionary narrative of the 'war on terrorism,' turning them into another justification for war abroad and attacks on democratic rights at home."

Already the media has filled the airwaves with disdain for the people of Russia, Chechnya and Kryzygstan. "They are all conspiracy theorists," some say. Constant references to ethnicity and Islam-to include Cold War rhetoric aimed at Russia--echo the same banter post-911. One of the Tarnaev's was a US citizen. What turned him? Isn't it time for the USA to look inward?


Scientists Crack The Mysterious “Copiale Cipher”

Copiale cipher

The Copiale cipher is an encrypted manuscript consisting of 75,000 handwritten characters filling 105 pages in a bound volume. It is thought to date to between 1760 and 1780. It was first examined at the German Academy of Science at Berlin in the 1970s but did not come to public attention until 2011 when an international team announced that they had deciphered In April 2011, it was decoded with the help of modern computer techniques by Kevin Knight of the University of Southern California, along with Beáta Megyesi and Christiane Schaefer of Uppsala University in Sweden. They found it to be a complex substitution code.

The manuscript includes abstract symbols, as well as letters from Greek and most of the Roman alphabet. The only plain text in the book is "Copiales 3" at the end and "Philipp 1866" on the flyleaf. Philipp is thought to have been an owner of the manuscript. The plain-text letters of the message were found to be encoded by accented Roman letters, Greek letters and symbols, with unaccented Roman letters serving only to represent spaces.

Copiale cipher

The researchers found that the initial portion of 16 pages describes an initiation ceremony for a secret society namely the "oculist order" of Wolfenbüttel. A parallel manuscript is kept at the Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv, Staatsarchiv Wolfenbüttel. The document describes an initiation ritual.

Cryptographists just deciphered one of the famous indecipherable texts of the 18th century. An American-Swedish collaboration has finally cracked The Copiale Cipher. The book’s pages — bound in gold and green brocade paper — contained about 75,000 characters in very neat handwriting.

These characters are handwritten very neatly but consist of a perplexing mix of upper- and lower-case Roman letters, along with a large assortment of more abstract symbols. In total, the Cipher contains 90 distinct characters, including 26 unaccented Roman letters. Adding to the confusion is the lack of spacing between words.

Kevin Knight, a senior research scientist and fellow at the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California (USC), was intrigued by an 18th century document.

Dr Knight, who primarily conducts research in computational linguistics and machine translation, doesn't have much experience in cryptography. But undeterred, he began collaborating this year with two Swedish linguists, Beata Megyesi and Christiane Schaefer of Uppsala University, with the goal to decipher The Copiale Cipher.

After a few dead-ends, the team realize that the Roman characters designated spaces between words whilst the abstract symbols contained the actual information. At first, Knight and his team isolated the Roman and Greek characters, figuring that they might be the real message, and attacked it with a home-made translation project. Eighty different languages, and many hours later, and nothing happened. “It took quite a long time and resulted in complete failure.” They also discovered that a colon indicated that the previous consonant is duplicated. After they predicted that the Cipher was an encryption of the German language and then subjected the Cipher to a word-frequency analysis, things quickly fell into place. The team could finally read the text of the Cipher.

Dr Knight and his colleagues found that The Copiale Cipher describes the rituals and some of the political ideals of a German secret society from the 1730s. They also learned that this society was fascinated by eye surgery and ophthalmology, although none of its members were practitioners.

"This opens up a window for people who study the history of ideas and the history of secret societies", says Dr Knight. He cites several modern examples of challenging ciphers, such as the communications from the still-unidentified Zodiac Killer to the California police in the 1960s and 1970s, and the Kryptos sculpture, located on grounds of the C.I.A. headquarters in the United States, which has been only partly decoded.

The team realised that the known characters were just there to mislead. So they booted them out and looked at the symbols. They theorised that abstract symbols with similar shapes might represent the same letter, or groups of letters. They tested this with different languages and when German was used, some meaningful words emerged — “Ceremonies of Initiation”, followed by “Secret Section”.

Historians think that secret societies played a role in revolutions, but their importance is not known at this time because so many documents are enciphered.

"There are these books and ancient languages of real historical value that contain historical information that we just can't get out yet, and that's of interest to a lot of people," Dr Knight .

book of law
book of law

the illuminated – e -

secret part

first section

secret instruction of the apprentices.

first title.

ceremonies of introduction.

if the seurity of the – through the elder gatekeeper is accomplished and the – of the conductor is inaugurated with the donning of his hat, the candidate is retrieved from another room by the younger gatekeeper and led by the hand in front of the conductor’s – desk who asks him: firstly, if he desires to become - secondly, if he will submit himself to the requisitions and if he will endure the period of his apprenticeship without contumacy.

thirdly, the – the – [...] to keep secret and if he will mandatorily comply [this part is hard because there are bits missing. But basically, it says, keep your mouth shut and obey.]

the candidate answers yes.

Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized

Konzernchef Peter Brabeck

Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth? According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up.

The company notorious for sending out hordes of ‘internet warriors’ to defend the company and its actions online in comments and message boards (perhaps we’ll find some below) even takes a firm stance behind Monsanto’s GMOs and their ‘proven safety’. In fact, the former Nestle CEO actually says that his idea of water privatization is very similar to Monsanto’s GMOs. In a video interview, Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe states that there has never been ‘one illness’ ever caused from the consumption of GMOs.

Watch the video below for yourself:

The way in which this sociopath clearly has zero regard for the human race outside of his own wealth and the development of Nestle, who has been caught funding attacks against GMO labeling, can be witnessed when watching and listening to his talk on the issue. This is a company that actually goes into struggling rural areas and extracts the groundwater for their bottled water products, completely destroying the water supply of the area without any compensation. In fact, they actually make rural areas in the United States foot the bill.

As reported on by Corporate Watch, Nestle and former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe have a long history of disregarding public health and abusing the environment to take part in the profit of an astounding $35 billion in annual profit from water bottle sales alone. The report states:

“Nestlé production of mineral water involves the abuse of vulnerable water resources. In the Serra da Mantiqueira region of Brazil, home to the “circuit of waters” park whose groundwater has a high mineral content and medicinal properties, over-pumping has resulted in depletion and long-term damage.”

Nestle has also come under fire over the assertion that they are actually conducting business with massive slavery rings. Another Corporate Watch entry details:

“In 2001, Nestlé faced criticism for buying cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Ghana, which may have been produced using child slaves.[58] According to an investigative report by the BBC, hundreds of thousands of children in Mali, Burkina Faso and Togo were being purchased from their destitute parents and shipped to the Ivory Coast, to be sold as slaves to cocoa farms.”

So is water a human right, or should it be owned by big corporations? Well, if water is not here for all of us, then perhaps air should be owned by major corporations as well. And as for crops, Monsanto is already working hard to make sure their monopoly on our staple crops and beyond is well situated. It should really come as no surprise that this Nestle Chairman fights to keep Monsanto’s GMOs alive and well in the food supply, as his ideology lines right up with that of Monsanto.


Illuminati announces record sales of their famous chocolate product,Toblerone


THE secret society running the world has announced a 43% increase in Christmas sales of its popular Toblerone bar. Toblerone is the main revenue stream for the Illuminati, a shadowy organisation that manipulates governments for its own nefarious ends.

The distinctive ‘pyramid’ shape of the chocolate bar’s segments is a direct reference to the Illuminati’s logo. Toblerone packaging also carries an image of the Matterhorn, the hollowed-out mountain that houses the organisation’s main base.

A spokesman for the Illuminati said: “Thank God for Toblerone, because we aren’t making much out of controlling the world’s banking system right now. “Also, the overheads involved with running the world are pretty massive. For example, we have a whole team of designers whose job it is to subtly incorporate the word ‘obey’ into cereal packet designs.

“That doesn’t even bring in money directly, it’s just about subtly influencing the masses.”

Tom Booker, who got a Toblerone for Christmas, said: “I’d never really thought about it before, but why else would it be that shape?

“The actual chocolate is delicious but you’ve got a mass of angles trying to punch through your jaw.”

Chocolate fan Nikki Hollis said: “Part of the reason I buy Toblerones is to support the Illuminati. I actually think they do a really good job for very little credit.

“They’re like the Lyon’s Club but with more emphasis on mind control.”


Titanic was sunk by J.P. Morgan, the same person who ruined Nikola Tesla


WHAT’S WRONG with this headline: “World’s Unsinkable Ship Sinks”? Yes, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that there is probably much more to the Titanic story than we’ve been told:

On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, largest and most luxurious ship afloat, left Southampton, England on her maiden voyage to New York City. Just before the launch hundreds had canceled their tckets—including the owner of this prestigious vessel, J.P. Morgan and many of his banker/industrialist friends.
Inexplicably fitted with insufficient lifeboats, well able to survive a frontal collision with any obstacle, carrying the wrong colored distress flares, in calm seas with excellent visibility, the Titanic side-swiped an iceberg at 11:40 P.M. on the night of April 14 and sank. 1522 died…
Consider the facts:

1. Notorious banker J.P. Morgan, architect of the equally notorious Federal Reserve Bank and owner of the White Star Line, was scheduled to be on the Titanic’s maiden voyage, but mysteriously canceled at the last minute, “due to ill health.” Two days after the disaster Morgan was found to be in good health in the south of France. This fact alone condemns the official Titanic story.

[It is interesting to speculate that if Morgan had been onboard and gone down with the ship, his banking empire might have foundered, and the world wouldn’t now be experiencing the current JP Morgan Chase banking scandal!]

J.P. Morgan had several valuable bronze statues taken off the Titanic an hour before it sailed
2. So many passengers cancelled their tickets at the last minute that the press got wind of it, and the Titanic’s ‘Just Missed It’ club was born, boasting several hundred members—including many personal and professional acquaintances of the aforementioned J.P. Morgan. Many of these wealthy industrialists would later found the Federal Reserve Bank and make a fortune from the unprecedented slaughter of the First World War.

Some of the cancellations...

Left to right: Pro-Fed JP Morgan, Joseph Ismay survived. Anti-Fed John Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim died

3. Amongst those on board were many industrialists heading to America to try and stop the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. These powerful men opposed the competitive ventures of the Morgans, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers. Had they lived they would have used their wealth and influence to block the Fed and oppose World War I. Among them were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss, and Jacob Astor; all of whom went down with the Titanic.

4. There is a wealth of evidence, including forensic corroboration from the wreck, that the ship that sank was in fact the Titanic’s sister ship, the ‘Olympic’. The Olympic had been previously damaged in a collision, essentially making it an insurance write-off, and had been switched with the Titanic and deliberately sunk as part of an elaborate insurance fraud.*

*Note: This is very reminiscent of the 9/11 insurance fraud. In 2001 the World Trade Center badly needed a very costly refurbishment, including the stripping out of hundreds of tons of dangerous asbestos. Demolition had been suggested as a cheaper alternative. Then, right on cue, we had the ‘terror attacks’—and WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein pocketed the $4.5 billion insurance payout.

5. There is also another, more up-to-date, Titanic connection: the conspiracy around moviemaker James Cameron and his intriguing filmography: including Exogenesis, Aliens, The Abyss, Terminators 2, 3 & 4, Avatar, Sanctum and, of course, Titanic… A little research will quickly reveal that there’s more to Cameron than directing fiction—he always manages to be where the action is in real life as well, whether he’s hobnobbing in the Antarctic or at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

How are the Federal Reserve and Titanic Connected?

Shrouded in mystery and speculation, the sinking of the Titanic has many strange coincidences and anomalies surrounding it, the most prevalent involving the US government’s central banking system, the Federal Reserve, founded as a private establishment in 1913.

Conspiracy theorists believe that many of the proprietors of the Federal Reserve were part of an Illuminati, a group of enlightened ones behind a New World Order in charge of overseeing certain events to establish themselves in places of power.

In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll island just off the coats of Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderclip represented the Rockefeller (Illuminati) financial empire. Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong represented J.P. Morgan (Illuminati). Paul Warburg (Illuminati) represented the Rothschilds (Illuminati) Banking dynasty of Europe. The Rothschilds were the banking agents for the Jesuits and hold ‘the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church.’

The officers of the Titanic. Captain Edward Smith circled.

The Jesuit Connection

Captain of the Titanic, Edward Smith, was a ‘Jesuit tempore co-adjutor’. Meaning that he was not a priest, but a Jesuit of the short robe. Theorists believe that J.P. Morgan was also a Jesuit and put Smith in charge of captaining the Titanic as well as being responsible for its construction. Those in belief of the theory state that Jesuits served their order via profession and that both Morgan and Smith were in on the plan. Smith had navigated the waters of the Atlantic for 26 years and was regarded as the master of the icy waters that the Titanic would traverse.

Those who support the theory believe that the Titanic tragedy was planned from the beginning. From the insufficient number of lifeboats, to the distress flares being shot off the boat being the wrong color, suggesting a party rather than distress. Theorists believe that the sacrifice of innocent and the deaths of over a thousand individuals was a planned, casualties of a war aimed at changing how the country and the world would operate. The whole world knows what happened on the night of April 14, 1912 and how the Titanic shipwreck became one of the events that changed the world.

In December of 1913, the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve Bank to begin World War I. Notice the Federal Reserve was established soon after the disaster of the Titanic. Those who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve all died with the Titanic.


Man Spends 6 Years Injecting Silicone Into His PENIS [VIDEO]


For reasons that are unclear, over a six year period this guy was injecting silicone into his penis and by the looks of it, his lips too. He is unable to have sex or oral sex, after you see it, it is quite obvious why. Their ain’t no power bottom in the world that could handle that. He claims he has no regrets because lord have mercy he is out to change how the world views a penis! He’s on a mission from god to challenge people on what a penis should be…

REVEALED: First photo of UAE man 'too handsome' for Saudi

Omar Borkan Al Gala
Dubai fashion photographer and actor Omar Borkan Al Gala has been revealed as one of three Emirati men deported from Saudi Arabia this month for being deemedtoo handsome.

The men were ejected from a festival in the conservative Gulf kingdom as authorities feared women could become attracted to them, it was reported.

According to Arabic language Elaph newspaper, the UAE nationals were taking part in a heritage event in the capital Riyadh when they were thrown out by Saudi’s religious police.

Saudi Arabia, a strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society, prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males.
“A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission members feared female visitors could fall for them,” the newspaper said.

Omar Borkan Al Gala


History of False Flag Operations and False Flag Terrorism


"False flag terrorism" occurs when elements within a government stage a secret operation whereby government forces pretend to be a targeted enemy while attacking their own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on the enemy in order to justify going to war against that enemy. Or as Wikipedia defines it:
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.


There are many examples of false flag attacks throughout history. For example, it is widely known that the Nazis, in Operation Himmler, faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. And it has now been persuasively argued — as shown, for example, in this History Channel video — that Nazis set fire to their own parliament, the Reichstag, and blamed that fire on others. The Reichstag fire was the watershed event which justified Hitler's seizure of power and suspension of liberties.



Former prominent Republican U.S. Congressman and CIA official Bob Barr stated that the U.S. is close to becoming a totalitarian society and that elements in government are using fear to try to bring this about.

Republican U.S. Congressman Ron Paul stated that the government "is determined to have martial law." He also said a contrived "Gulf of Tonkin-type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran." Former National Security Adviser Brzezinski told the Senate that a terrorist act might be carried out in the U.S. and falsely blamed on Iran to justify yet another war.

The former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, Paul Craig Roberts, who is called the "Father of Reaganomics" and is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and Scripps Howard News Service, has said:
"Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging 'terrorist' attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?  
Retired 27-year CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who prepared and presented Presidential Daily Briefs and served as a high-level analyst for several presidents, stated that if there was another major attack in the U.S., it would lead to martial law. He went on to say:

"We have to be careful, if somebody does this kind of provocation – big violent explosions of some kind – we have to not take the word of the masters there in Washington that this was some terrorist event because it could well be a provocation allowing them, or seemingly to allow them to get what they want."

The former CIA analyst would not put it past the government to "play fast and loose" with terror alerts and warnings and even terrorist events in order to rally people behind the flag.

General Tommy Franks stated that if another terrorist attack occurs in the United States "the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government." Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter stated before the Iraq war started that there were no weapons of mass destruction. He is now saying that he would not rule out staged government terror by the U.S. government. And British Parliament Member George Galloway stated that "there is a very real danger" that the American government will stage a false flag terror attack in order to justify war against Iran and to gain complete control domestically.

The abundance of reliable information in this essay suggests that not only has the U.S. in the past conducted false flag operations, but there is a possibility that 9/11 involved some element of this deceit, and a future false flag operation cannot be ruled out. Let us spread this news to all who care so that we might build the critical mass necessary to stop these secret operations and work together for a more caring civil society.


Stephen Hawking's prophecies to come true in 300 years

Stephen Hawking

Sooner or later, mankind will be forced to leave planet Earth - many scientists from different countries of the world share this idea. Reasons for that are plentiful: all kinds of disasters, world wars, etc. The colonization of space seems to be a way out of this situation. Will mankind be able to live on other planets?

People need to escape from the Earth

"Mankind will not be able to live a thousand years, if it doesn't find other planets as a new place of residence," famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes. The 71-year-old scientist urges mankind to actively explore space to survive.

"We must continue to go into space for humanity. We won't survive another 1,000 years without escaping our fragile planet,' he said. "Spreading out into space will have an even greater effect. It will completely change the future of the human race and maybe determine whether we have any future at all," he said in Los Angeles.

In 2006, Hawking spoke of the need to find a new home for man. According to him, our only chance of long term survival is to live on other planets. He is also a firm believer of the existence of biological life in many parts of the universe, but he warns against contact with extraterrestrial life. Most likely, aliens will represent a great danger to humans. They can conquer and plunder Earth, "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said.

Stephen Hawking is a world-known scientist, who is considered to be one of ten greatest geniuses of our times. His fate strikes imagination. At 21, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a terrible disease of the central nervous system. Usually, people with such a disease can hardly live a decade, but Hawking has been successfully fighting the disease for half a century already. The physicist communicates with people through a machine that transforms his thoughts in a monotone voice. The scientist remains in sober mind. In April 1988, he published the book "A Brief History of Time", which became a bestseller. Afterwards, he wrote a number of books about the universe. His work has not gone unnoticed. In 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama decorated the scientist with the Presidential Medal of Freedom - the highest U.S. government award for civilians.

Sergei Krichevsky, a cosmonaut, a professor of the Academy of National Economy, agrees with Stephen Hawking. "If humanity wants to survive and grow, we must go beyond the Earth, since we would have to leave our planet sometime," he said. Sergei Krichevsky was an initiator of the movement "Russia 2045," in which people are united by one idea - how to extend human life and how to settle in extraterrestrial space. The members of this movement try to find possible variants for the existence of man, when the Earth ends its existence.


Humanity will disappear in 300 years

The word 'apocalypse' appears in the media on a regular basis. Some scientists believe that the planet will be destroyed as a result of the Third World War, others believe that it will be a deluge. Some others predict an impact with an asteroid. The list is endless. Recently, however, the most popular idea is the idea of ​​global warming. Thus, according to forecasts of Australian scientists, by 2300, due to global warming, humanity will not be able to exist normally on Earth. A change of the thermal regime will change the moisturizing regime. All this may undermine the natural water cycle. The speed of the increase of temperatures and the reaction of the entire climate system to this factor will play a decisive role in the process.

According to Australian experts, in 300 years, more than 40 percent of land will be flooded. The remaining part of the land will quickly use up all available resources and become unsuitable for human life. The scientists say that in 300 years, average annual temperatures will grow by 12 degrees, which will have a devastating impact on people. It is quite possible that we do not have 1,000 years to live on this planet, as Hawking said. Will mankind be able to live in space?

A human being is not adapted to life in space

U.S. President Barack Obama adopted a program of a manned flight to Mars in 2030. Stephen Hawking supports the program. However, many scientists believe that the dreams of long journeys into space and even space colonization will remain only dreams. According to Tenis Pirsma, a professor at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), a long stay in a state of zero gravity is contrary to the biological entity of man. A human being is tightly connected with the ground.

Hawking and other proponents of space travel underestimate the biological constraints of long space flights. For example, flying to Mars will take a few years, but a human being simply can not leave their home planet for such a long time - human physiology and biology are closely connected with the Earth. Human body can function properly only under the conditions of gravity. The devastating effects of weightlessness can be seen by looking at astronauts returning to Earth after a long stay in space. These bodies are so weak and exhausted that they can not even move without assistance.

All this pales in comparison with negative changes that may occur after the flight of man to Mars. Astronauts suffer from heart diseases. After one week in weightlessness, the human heart becomes significantly smaller in size, which reduces the volume of the engine of our body and increases blood pressure.

After several months of life on the ISS, astronauts, when back on Earth, suffer from persistent dizziness and even temporary blindness. The blood circulation to the brain is not sufficient enough in space. Space explorers also have problems with the muscle tissue, especially with leg muscles. Negative changes occur in metabolism as well. The level of fat oxidation decreases, which may eventually result in the replacement of muscle tissue with fat tissue. Weightlessness is a great danger to bone tissue. In weightlessness, a human being loses up to two percent of bone tissue a month. Thus, during a three-year journey to Mars, astronauts may lose about half of their bones ...

Is Mars going to be the last stop for manned space flights?

A manned flight to Mars has became a fixed idea recently. According to scientists, in the next 3-4 decades, man will be able to land on Mars. But people can never get enough. When Mars is conquered, people will try to fly farther. No one says that it is impossible, but there are many obstacles. Thus, the director of the Institute of Space Research, Lev Zelyony, believes that humanity should not delude itself in vain illusions. He is convinced that Mars will be the end point of our space flights. Man will not fly farther.

According to him, space radiation will become the biggest obstacle. Even on Mars, human beings will not be able to stay for a long time - they will die from radiation sickness.

"We simply will not want to go deep into outer space, as it will be too great a risk to our life," says Green. The magnetic field of our planet protects ISS astronauts from harmful rays. Far away from the planet, humans will be exposed to catastrophic radiation. It will destroy the DNA, the central nervous system and lead to cell mutations," the scientist believes.

Mummified House Gnome: A Swedish Hustomte

The Naturally mummified body of a swedish "Hustomte" or housegnome. dated 1866.
The Naturally mummified body of a swedish "Hustomte" or housegnome. dated 1866.

Yes, it's another tiny dead man! Hustomten comes from scandinavian folklore and is a gnome that is said help the farmer and cares for the lifestock, he has a fierce temperament and is very traditional. If he gets upset he will bring misery to the household.

It's been some time since i made this, but I still like it alot, It was fun to make something based on the folklore from my own country. the whole box measures - 27cm/10.6 inches.
The label reads- "This litte housegnome was found by my father, Jan Peter Peterson, in the winter of 1866 inside the old barn wall. He was already lifeless."

Swedish Gnome Hustomte

Swedish Hustomte

Paracelsus uses Gnomi a and classifies them as earth elementals. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.

The chthonic, or earth-dwelling, spirit has precedents in numerous ancient and medieval mythologies, often guarding mines and precious underground treasures, notably in the Germanic dwarves and the Greek Chalybes, Telchines or Dactyls.

France Announces Historic Currency Deal With China

The world will soon no longer need dollars to conduct global trade.

China’s latest effort to bring on a post-dollar reserve-currency world took a big step forward April 12. Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer announced that France and China will set up a currency swap line to allow French companies to bypass the U.S. dollar for trade.

The idea is to turn France into the major offshore Chinese currency trading hub—and to challenge London as the European center for access to Chinese capital.

The announcement followed a similar but smaller move by the Bank of England earlier this year to set up a three-year yuan-sterling swap line with China.

According to Reuters, France may soon become the center of focus for yuan trading—despite Britain’s reputation as a center of global finance. The total value of offshore yuan-denominated bonds issued by French corporations is nearly twice the value of bonds issued by their British counterparts.

The China Daily reports that 50 percent of French companies have used yuan-denominated products and services.

“France’s historic relationship with Africa, and its favorable geographical location, also makes Paris a natural hub for [yuan] trading in the Sino-African business flows that are traded through Paris,” says Arnaud de Bresson, chief executive of Paris Europlace, a marketing group that promotes France’s financial industry.

As important as it is for France to increase trade with China, especially as Europe struggles through its debt crisis, this deal may prove to be even more important to China as it wages its currency campaign to remove the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

	 French central bank (Banque de France) Governor Christian Noyer
 French central bank (Banque de France) Governor Christian Noyer

Over the past two years, China has announced a string of yuan internationalization efforts that are systematically chipping away at the dollar’s importance to global trade. Financial blog Zero Hedge reports: “One more domino in the dollar reserve supremacy regime falls. [T]he announcement two weeks ago that ‘Australia and China Will Enable Direct Currency Convertibility’ … was the culmination of two years of yuan internationalization efforts as summarized by the following”:

“World’s Second- (China) and Third-Largest (Japan) Economies to Bypass Dollar, Engage in Direct Currency Trade”

“China, Russia Drop Dollar in Bilateral Trade”

“China and Iran to Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System”

“India and Japan Sign New $15bn Currency Swap Agreement”

“Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble in Trade, Fars Says”

“India Joins Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone, Will Transact With Iran In Rupees,” and

“The USD Trap Is Closing: Dollar Exclusion Zone Crosses the Pacific as Brazil Signs China Currency Swap”
The prospect of 317 million members of the eurozone eventually conducting trade in yuans instead of dollars for bilateral trade will be a massive boost to China. In turn, France has positioned itself as China’s doorway to Europe—and the largest economic market in the world.

France may also unintentionally open the door for the dollar’s destruction.

What will happen to the dollar when over time, all those European countries realize dollars are no longer needed to conduct what amounts to around 30 percent of global trade? The need to keep as many U.S. dollars in reserve will evaporate.

The simple economic laws of supply and demand will then kick in. Those unneeded dollars will come flooding back on the market. Dollars not sold will be spent snapping up American corporations and income-producing assets. And the dollar’s value will tank.

More importantly, America’s ability to print dollars out of thin air to finance unsustainable spending and other “stimulus measures” will be drastically curtailed because a huge chunk of the world will no longer be locked into using and storing dollars.

America is “witnessing and living through some of the greatest and momentous changes in world economic history,” writes economic analyst Richard Russell. “It will be, historically, tantamount to those of us who fought and lived through World War ii.”

Russell is right. A massive shift in the global economic order is on the way. New alliances are being formed, and America is about to be blindsided when many of its economic allies abandon it.


Australia to Abandon the U.S. Dollar

Julia Gillard

Australia’s announcement that it is abandoning the U.S. dollar for trade with China is the latest broadside in the global currency war. Starting April 10, Australia and China will no longer use the U.S. dollar for trade between the two nations. For the first time, Australian businesses will be able to conduct trade in Chinese yuan. No more need for U.S. dollar intermediation. 

This is a significant announcement and key development for China as it continues its campaign to internationalize the yuan and chip away at the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency. 

The Australian dollar will become the third currency to trade directly with the renminbi, alongside the US dollar and the Japanese yen.

According to a news release issued by the Foreign Ministry after a Tuesday meeting between Premier Li Keqiang and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Beijing, the two sides have agreed to "strengthen financial and monetary cooperation, and to launch direct trading between the RMB and the Australian dollar".

The move was viewed as a boost to economic ties between the two trading partners, as well as a vital step in the internationalization of the RMB.

Direct trading will start from Wednesday, according to an earlier statement by Gillard.

"This reflects the rapid growth of our bilateral trade and the value of two-way investment. It also creates opportunities for new financial integration," said Gillard during a visit to Shanghai on Monday.

"This (direct currency trading) will be a huge advantage for Australia, not only for our big businesses, but also for our small and medium-sized enterprises that want to do business in China," Gillard said.

Direct currency trading is the latest step in financial cooperation between China and Australia since the two countries announced a $31 billion currency swap agreement in March 2012.

China is Australia's biggest trading partner, and the destination for more than a quarter of its exports, mainly natural resources such as coal and iron ore.

Australia is the fifth-biggest source of goods bound for China, contributing to almost 5 percent of China's total imports over the past two years, The Financial Times reported, citing data from Australia's trade department.

China-Australia Relations.

Australia is also the largest destination for China's surging overseas investment, reaching $55.9 billion by the end of 2012, according to statistics from the China Global Investment Tracker compiled by the US-based Heritage Foundation.

However, only a small slice of China's trade in goods is settled in renminbi at the moment, although Deutsche Bank forecasts that this will rise to about 15 percent by the end of this year.

Ding Zhijie, dean of finance at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said that direct currency trading between the two countries would provide greater opportunities for bilateral trade to be settled in domestic currencies, rather than the US dollar.

"It will help lower currency trading costs and reduce the risks of using domestic currency.

"It will also improve the convertibility of the renminbi in Australia, and the level of acceptance for both currencies in the global market," Ding said.

Zhang Jianping, a researcher at the Institute of International Economic Research under the National Development and Reform Commission, said the currency trading agreement was meant to meet a growing demand from expanding bilateral trade, which reached $122.3 billion in 2012.

In addition, an easier swap process will also save tourists some foreign exchange costs, which is good news for Chinese customers on shopping tours of Australia, Zhang said.

However, "the internationalization of the RMB needs more of such direct trading agreement to be signed, so as to establish a clearance mechanism for trade settled in yuan.

"Moreover, there are a lot of items under our capital account that need to be gradually opened, therefore it will still be a long time before the RMB can become a major international currency," Zhang said.

Dariusz Kowalczyk, an analyst at Credit Agricole, wrote in a research note: "We do not expect a lot of trading volumes as most flows are still settled in the US dollar, but the announcement represents an important move in collaboration between the two countries and in the development of offshore markets.

"It is also another small step in reducing the global role of the US dollar and boosting the role of the RMB."


Jewry’s Push For World War 3

Jewry’s Push For World War 3

THE VERY SAME JEWS who brought us the lie of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction are at it again trying to stir up a US war against Syria.

In its recent “Israel Has Proof That Syria Used Chemical Weapons” written by Jews David Sanger and Jodi Rudoren, the NY Times is pushing once again to send countless Gentile American soldiers to their deaths and back home in body bags.

(Jews don’t send their own to die in their wars. ‘Let the Goyim bleed for us!’)

The Jew-owned Washington Post didn’t waste a moment of time to chime in with “Honoring A ‘Red Line’ in Syria Over Chemical Weapons.”

The Post (and all the neocon Jews at Foreign Policy Initiative) contends that since Israel (and its puppet states Britain and France) “concludes” that Assad has “very likely” used chemical weapons, then this crosses the “red line” drawn by Obama warranting a US military intervention.

Can anyone tell me how a “very likely” scenario concludes that Assad is definitely using chemical weapons?

This is Jewish DOUBLE-SPEAK right in your face.

China and Russia have also warned that they will protect Syria.

But now Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is challenging the war-mongering line touted by blood-thirsty, scare-mongering Jews.

Lavrov is calling for an “on-site investigation” which he claims Assad will comply with.

The Russian minister described the delays in sending a UN mission to investigate the reports as an attempt to “politicize the issue” and force the “Iraqi scenario” on Syria.

But all that matters to Jews is what’s good for their genocidal state of Israel. And to hell with the money and lost Gentile lives it will cost our Jew-ruined country

ADDED TO THE LIST of profound disappointments is Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel…once hailed as an opponent of the Jewish Lobby.

Hagel has since sold his soul to the Jews. He’s just another sucker for the Jews, poor sap.

For with Hagel groveling in Israel last week stuttering out, “Iran is a threat, a real threat,” followed by, “with some degree of varying confidence, US intelligence concludes that Syria has used sarin gas as a weapon,” the new Pentagon chief can be added to the list of Jewish arse-kissers.

Again, it’s Jewish DOUBLE SPEAK in your face.

Can anyone tell us how “some degree” of “varying confidence” indicates that Syria has definitely been using chemical weapons? Surely we’re all being played as morons by the Jewish headline-crafters and their shills on Capitol Hill.

Sweetening the bitter Jewish pie of endless warmongering, Hagel promised the anti-Christ Jews whose feet he licks a massive new and unprecedented arms deal.

Hagel committed to “selling” (Read: “subsidized” by US taxpayers) KC-135 refueling planes that would prove vital to any Israel strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“This is a game changer,” boasts the Times of Israel. “Up until now Israel could not launch an attack against Iran on its own. That’s no longer the case once the tankers arrive.”

And with Jewry’s new errand boy Chuck Hagel who also proclaimed that “Israel has a right to attack Iran,” the Jews now have a free pass to create another hell on earth.

 China and Russia
The Iranian Defense Minister announced that striking Iran will be Israel’s “last mistake,” echoed by Iran’s envoy to France that an attack will “lead” to WW3.

 And both China and Russia have also warned that they will protect their interests (Russia will never relinquish their naval port in Syria’s Tartus) in the Middle East.


The Myth Of The Chosen People

China Puts Down Concrete Spikes to Stop Beggars Dossing Under City Bridges

Sharp concrete spikes are cropping up under China's city bridges in a bid to stop homeless people from sleeping there.

Pictures of the lethal 20cm high barbs in Guangzhou have sparked online outrage with citizens angry that authorities are trying to 'hide' the homelessness problem. But the true purpose of the spikes has not been revealed.

This is because the area's Bureau of City Management, Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Construction have all denied responsibility for the work.

No space under the bridge: Concrete spikes 20cm high have been placed in various areas popular with homeless people in the Chinese city of Guangzhou
No space under the bridge: Concrete spikes 20cm high have been placed in various areas popular with homeless people in the Chinese city of Guangzhou

A staggering 200million of China's 1.4billion population are believed to be living on the streets, according to recent statistics. Sources at the city airport said: 'Those were built by the District administrative agency, because too many homeless people congregate under the bridge.

'They not only rest there but light fires to cook there as well, which poses danger.' Civil rights activist Liang Shuxin wrote on his Sina Weibo page: 'These concrete spikes are a disgrace on Guangzhou, which brands itself as a metropolis with tolerance and inclusiveness as its spirit.
Spiky: Homeless people will avoid sleeping under this bridge after the deterrents were placed there
 Homeless people will avoid sleeping under this bridge after the deterrents were placed there

'If you are in favor of razing these spikes that have stabbed at people's heart, please retweet. Return a resting place to homeless people.' Other bloggers also criticised the scheme, with one saying: 'What a disgrace!!! Which country doesn’t have homeless people?

'Look at the United States, they have even more than China! Do they really have to be so ruthless and cruel.'

Denials: But the Bureau of City Management, Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Construction have each said they are not responsible
Denials: But the Bureau of City Management, Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Construction have each said they are not responsible 

Unsolved Mysteries Surrounding World War II

World War II was a global conflict that involved all of the world’s super powers. During a time of war human rights and societal laws become lost, towns are massacred, art houses are looted, and military figures are assassinated. The conflicting countries operations and certain war time events become classified and highly secretive. This is why many historical gaps and mysteries surround wars. Many influential events that occurred during World War II are still shrouded in mystery, including an outbreak of reported unidentified flying objects. Bright lights and unexplained UFO’s became such a regular occurrence during WWII that they were given the name “Foo Fighters” or “Kraut Fireballs.” Here is information surrounding 10 of the most widely documented mysteries of WWII.

Centaur CS IV Tanks Discovered
Centaur CS IV Tanks Discovered

Centaur CS IV Tanks Discovered
In 2008, the remains of two rusting tanks were discovered 8 miles off East Wittering, West Sussex. After initial photos were taken of the wreckage, World War II and artillery experts identified the machines as Centaur CS IV tanks. Centaur CS IV tanks were premiere fighting machines that were armed with a 95mm howitzer (51 rounds of ammunition). The CS IV is the only version of the Centaur known to have seen combat, in service with the Royal Marines Armoured Support Group. The vehicles were fitted with wading gear to get them ashore. They had waterproofed engine inlets and their covers were fitted to the guns. In total there were 114 Centaur CS IV tanks produced. Historians believe the discovered tanks were part of an 80-strong contingent that was bound for France on D-Day, but the pair sank in mysterious circumstances. The discovery of the tanks has puzzled war investigators and increased the number of surviving Centaur CS IV tanks to four.

Malbork Mass Graves
Malbork Mass Graves

Malbork is a town in northern Poland. During World War II this area of the world was part of Germany West Prussia. In recent decades numerous mass graves have been unearthed in the area. In January of 2009 a discovery of over 1800 bodies and human remains were discovered in Malbork. The first skeletons were found by construction workers.

It was a mystery, but clear that the victims were subject to a massacre. They were buried with no clothes and many had gunshot wounds to the head. The bodies had been completed raided. The majority of the archeologists, scientists, and historians that have studied the site agree that the bodies are probably German citizens of the town of Malbork that were massacred during the Russian
advance in 1945. Many of these battles were violent, as the Russian’s murdered and raped any German citizen in their way

Adolf Hitler’s Art Collections
Adolf Hitler’s Art Collections

Many international museum displays claim to have Adolf Hitler’s original globe, including Deutsches Historisches Museum, Märkisches Museum, and the Berlin History Museum, butGerman historians claim it is nowhere to be found. Hitler’s original globe was one of two special editions manufactured in Berlin during the 1930’s. It was the size of a Volkswagen, and more expensive. It had a wood base that was designed to support it, but custom furniture stands were made for Hitler. Another mystery surrounding World War II is Hitler’s art collection.

Hitler intended on creating a National Socialist museum of art in the Austrian city of Linz, but towards the end of the war the Germans destroyed hundreds of sacred pieces of art. They also stashed works, and many of these paintings were sold on the black market. Art was auctioned off to wealthy buyers and many famous works are still missing to this day.

Rommel’s Treasure
Rommel’s Treasure

Erwin Rommel was perhaps the most famous German Field Marshal of World War II. In 1944, Allied troops were closing in on Rommel’s Corps and he ordered four SS divers to bury a German treasure within six steel ammunition boxes. The treasure is said to consist of precious stones, gold and silver bullion. It is apparently located in an underwater cavern off the eastern coast of the Mediterranean island of Corsica. In 2007, historians and treasure hunters were focusing on a photo of a German soldier that contains a written code to the location of Rommel’s treasure. The investigators are confident that they are very close to discovering the precise location of the treasure. To date there are no records on the recovery of the Rommel treasure.

Velzer Affair
Velzer Affair

Earlier this year, the province of North Holland agreed to fund another investigation into the Velzer Affair, a murky World War II case involving the betrayal of communist resistance fighters and collaboration with the Nazi occupiers. Many questions are still swirling around this mysterious event when many communist resistance activists and advisors were handed over to the Germans and executed. The most well known individual case was that of Dutch communist resistance fighter Hannie Schaft, who was murdered three weeks before the Netherlands was liberated. Many feel that Velzen’s chief of police and several officers collaborated with the Nazis and some of them were members of the Dutch National Socialist Party (NSB), but nothing has ever been proven. People claim that high ranking officials rounded up several left-wing and Communist resistance fighters and handed them over to the Nazis, in order to ensure that the Dutch society would run the same as it had before the war. The Velzer Affair remains an influential and mysterious war time event.

Battle of Los Angeles
Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24 and 25, 1942 unknown and unidentified flying object appeared in the skies over Los Angeles, California. It was less than three months after Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War II. The United States military could not identify the enemy aircrafts, so they opened up with a massive anti-aircraft artillery barrage. Prior to the event, a Japanese submarine I-17 surfaced and fired on an oil production facility near Santa Barbara. This created the repositioning of many military and naval troops on
the western coast of the U.S.

When unidentified objects were reported in the skies above Los Angles a total blackout was ordered and air raid sirens were set off. The 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells at the objects. Three civilians died from friendly fire and many buildings were damaged, a battle was fought in Los Angeles. Initially the target of the aerial barrage was thought to be an attacking force from Japan, but it was later suggested to be imaginary and a case of war nerves, a lost weather balloon, a blimp, a Japanese fire balloon or a psychological warfare technique, staged for the benefit of coastal industrial sites, another common claim in an extraterrestrial craft. The incident remains a complete mystery.

The Death of Subhas Chandra Bose
The Death of Subhas Chandra Bose

Subhas Chandra Bose was a leader in the Indian independence movement. Bose believed that tactics of non-violence would never be sufficient to secure India’s independence, and advocated violent resistance. His stance did not change with the outbreak of World War II, which he saw as an opportunity to take advantage of British weakness. With Japanese assistance he formed many military operations against the British in India. His actions during the war have been the cause of many arguments among historians and
politicians. Some feel he was a Nazi supporter and others claim he was an important and influential force in India’s move toward independence. Officially, Bose died in a plane crash over Taiwan, while flying to Tokyo on August 18, 1945.

However, his body was never recovered and numerous theories have surfaced surrounding his survival or execution. One such claim is that Bose actually died in Siberia, while in Soviet captivity. Other people believe that the Hindu sanyasi named Bhagwanji, who lived in Faizabad, near Ayodhya and died in 1985, was Subhas Chandra Bose in exile. However, the mystery surrounding Bose’s death may be solved by 2020 when the British government will release classified documents.

The Amber Room
The Amber Room

One of the biggest mysteries of World War II is the missing treasures of The Amber Room. The Amber Room is an 11-foot-square hall consisting of large wall panels inlaid with several tons of superbly designed amber, large gold-leaf-edged mirrors, and four magnificent Florentine mosaics. It was arranged in three tiers, the amber contained precious jewels, and glass display cases housed one of the most valuable collections of Prussian and Russian artwork ever assembled.

Created for Prussia’s King Friedrich I and given to Russian czar Peter the Great in 1716, it was located at Catherine Palace, near St. Petersburg. In 1941, the Nazis stormed Leningrad and stole the artifact. They put it on display in Königsberg Castle during the remainder of the war. However, in April of 1945, after the German’s surrendered, the treasure was nowhere to be found. It has not been seen since. Although, recent evidence has surfaced that suggests the underground site of the treasure might have been discovered.

The Flight of Rudolf Hess
The Flight of Rudolf Hess
One of the most mysteries incidents of World War II is the flight of Rudolf Hess to Scotland in 1941. The event has given birth too many conspiracy theories in England. Hess was a prominent figure in Nazi Germany, acting as Adolf Hitler’s Deputy to the Nazi Party. On the eve of Germany’s declaration of war with the Soviet Union, he flew solo to Scotland in an attempt to negotiate peace with the United Kingdom, but instead was arrested. He was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to life in prison at Spandau
Prison, Berlin, where he died in 1987.

The question quickly arose, why would Rudolf Hess intentionally fly to Scotland to be arrested? It was clear that Hess was attempting to score a diplomatic victory by sealing a peace between the Third Reich and Britain, but no documental evidence exists that any member of the British Government gave him any impression that an agreement could be reached. There is also no documental evidence that British officials planned on tricking Hess into making the flight. The incident could also have been Rudolf Hess’s last effort to gain the following of England, as he realized that war with Russia would eventually lead to the end of the Third Reich. The event remains one of the most documented and influential mysteries of WWII.

Foo Fighters or Kraut Fireballs
Foo Fighters or Kraut Fireballs

The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations. The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were described as fiery and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and fireballs, as big as 300 feet and as small as 1 foot. The foo fighters could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.

The military took the sightings seriously, suspecting that the mysterious sightings might be secret German weapons, but further investigation revealed that German and Japanese pilots had reported similar sightings. During war time the term foo fighters became commonly used to mean any UFO sighting. Many people have speculated extraterrestrial involvement. During WWII, these experiences were taken very seriously. Accounts of these cases were presented to heavyweight scientists, such as David Griggs, Luis Alvarez and H.P. Robertson. The phenomenon was never explained. Most of the information about the issue has never been released by military intelligence.


1942 'Battle Of Los Angeles' Biggest Mass Sighting In History?


Five years before Roswell, five years before pilot Kenneth Arnold's landmark sightings of "flying saucers" in the Pacific Northwest, 3 years before the Battle of the Bulge, two years before D-Day, and years before the so-called "modern UFO era" had officially begun, there was the Battle of Los Angeles, arguably the most sensational, dramatic UFO mass encounter on record.
Have you ever heard of the Battle of Los Angeles? Few have. Imagine a visiting spacecraft from another world, or dimension, hovering over a panicked and blacked-out LA in the middle of the night just weeks after Pearl Harbor at the height of WWII fear and paranoia. Imagine how this huge ship, assumed to be some unknown Japanese aircraft, was then attacked as it hung, nearly stationary, over Culver City and Santa Monica by dozens of Army anti-aircraft batteries firing nearly 2,000 rounds of 12 pound, high explosive shells in full view of hundreds of thousands of residents. Imagine all of that and you have an idea of what was the Battle of Los Angeles.

The sudden appearance of the enormous round object triggered all of LA and most of Southern California into an immediate wartime blackout with thousands of Air Raid Wardens scurrying all over the darkened city while the drama unfolded in the skies above... a drama which would result in the deaths of six people and the raining of shell fragments on homes, streets, and buildings for miles around. Dozens of gun crews and searchlights of the Army's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade easily targeted the huge ship which hung like a surreal magic lantern in the clear, dark winter sky over the City of the Angels.

 Few in the city were left asleep after the Coastal Defense gunners commenced firing hundreds and hundreds of rounds up toward the glowing ship which was apparently first sighted as it hovered above such west side landmarks as the MGM studios in Culver City. The thump of the batteries and the ignition of the aerial shells reverberated from one end of LA to the other as the gun crews easily landed scores of what many termed "direct hits"....all to no avail. Here now, is what the night skies of LA looked like at the height of the firing....


World In Terror After Armageddon Virus Unleashed

World In Terror After Armageddon Virus Unleashed

A grim report prepared for President Putin by Health Minister Dr. Veronika Skvortsova on the growing pandemic in China is now warning that a “global mass death event” is currently underway as the spread of the H7N9 avian flu virus continues to grow and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Important to note, and as we had reported on in our 19 March report “China Genetic Test Causes Mass Death Catastrophe”, Health Minister Skvortsova warned of this coming mass death event from China by noting the genetic experiments being conducted by Chinese scientists last month that led to an animal apocalypse of staggering proportions.

Barely a week after Health Minister Skvortsova’s 19 March grim warning, her worst fears were realized when the Centre for Health Protection in the Peoples Republic of China (CHP) in Hong Kong reported on 31 March that they had discovered this deadly new H7N9 virus in 3 humans.

In her new report, Health Minister Skvortsova further notes that the total human cases of H7N9 virus in China and Taiwan have risen to 122, and which include 24 deaths.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in confirming this shocking death toll called on Chinese health officials and residents to remain vigilant, an urging made even more pressing this past week after the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that this new H7N9 virus is possibly transmitting from human-to-human.

 Keiji Fukuda, the WHO’s assistant director-general for health security, further stated: “The situation remains complex and difficult and evolving. When we look at influenza viruses, this is an unusually dangerous virus for humans.”

International flu virology expert, John Oxford from Queen Mary University in London, also, told the Reuters News Service this past week that the emergence of this completely new strain of bird flu infection in humans was “very, very unsettling”. This new strain is, in fact, a mixture of three different types of bird flu variants and “seems to have been quietly spreading in chickens without anyone knowing about it”, he said. This has likely been going on for at least two years.

Professor Oxford is to be especially noted in this crisis, Health Minister Skvortsova says in her report, as aside from being one of world authorities on epidemics, he warned last October (2012) of a coming “Armageddon Virus” he said would be an animal-originated pandemic that would hit the world within the next five years, with potentially cataclysmic effects on the human race.

To the most likely culprit in the rise of this new H7N9 virus, this report continues, is a newly discovered toxic gene identified by EU scientists and found hidden in genetically modified crops found in China, and almost all of North America, which have been used for animal fodder.

 H7N9 virus

The EU’s official food watchdog, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), first notified the world of dangerous substance, identified as Gene VI, this past January (2013) with it top scientists warning that “This situation represents a complete and catastrophic system failure”, and that “There are clear indications that this viral gene might not be safe for human consumption. It also may disturb the normal functioning of crops, including their natural pest resistance”, and “A reasonable concern is that the protein produced by Gene VI might be a human toxin. This is a question that can only be answered by future experiments.”

Important to understand, Health Minister Skvortsova says in her report, is that the genetic modification process for these crops involves inserting genes into the plants using a technique that allows them to piggyback on viruses that are commonly found in the soil and plants. It has been assumed by Western scientists, she continues, that virus genes are not present in the plant once it is grown in the field and reaches consumers and/or farm animals.


In the events now occurring in China, however, she says, the Gene VI toxin has apparently mutated these otherwise naturally occurring viruses, which are then ingested by pigs and poultry through their eating of these genetically modified crops, than have further mutated to produce the deadly H7N9 avian flu virus.

Even worse she continues, the multiple organ failures being reported from those having died from the H7N9 virus “exactly mirrors” the 19 studies linking these genetically modified crops and foods to human and animal organ disruption.

As this new H7N9 pandemic continues to spread across China, Health Minister Skvortsova gravely concludes in her report, and with its beginnings now traced to genetic manipulations of crops and foods ingested by both animals and humans, and with it already having killed thousands, if not millions of animals already, a “global cycle of mass death” appears all but inevitable as these monstrous new man made toxins and viruses have now taken on a life of their own.


Mysterious Signal From Outer Space, Is Someone Trying To Contact Us?


A mysterious signal coming from a region of space between the constellations Pisces and Aries has been picked up on three different occasions by the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico.

The signal is very puzzling and does not resemble any known astronomical phenomenon. Researchers who have studied its frequency pattern do not believe it is natural interference or noise.

Was the signal transmitted deliberately by an extraterrestrial civilization on a distant planet? Scientists remain cautious but we cannot dismiss the possibility.

Astronomers believe there are about 10,000 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy alone.

Lets not forget that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Universe, which means the Universe may actually be teeming with life.

Some years ago, in 2008, astronomers announced they picked up a mysterious signal from outer space. It was not the last time they heard the mysterious sound.

SETI and other astronomers were excited about the news, but they were also worried the signal may never be completely decoded.

"We probably won't be able to decode it. We'll know something's out there, but we won't know much about their civilization, " said Dan Wertheimer of the UC Berkeley SETI Project.

SHGb02+14a, as the signal has been named has been heard on three occasions adding up to about a minute. This is not long enough firmly to establish its source, but its frequency of 1420 megahertz has interested scientists, as it is a main frequency at which hydrogen, the most common element in the Universe, absorbs and emits energy.

Scientists have various opinions about the nature of SHGb02+14a.

Eric Korpela of Berkeley, who has analyzed the signal, said: "We are looking for something that screams out artificial. This doesn't, but it could be because it is distant."

SETI Institute

SETI Institute

Dr. Korpela point out that the interference with the Arecibo telescope could also make the signal look like it is always coming from the same point. "Perhaps there is an object on the ground near the telescope emitting at about this frequency."

David Anderson, director of Seti@home, said: "It is unlikely to be real, but we will definitely be re- observing it."

Jocelyn Bell Burnell, of the University of Bath, said that the signal could be a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon, such as a pulsar she detected in 1967. "It may be a natural phenomenon of a previously undreamt-of kind like I stumbled over," she said.

Woodruff Sullivan, of the University of Washington in Seattle, said the research suggests that a message from an advanced alien civilization could already be lurking undetected in the solar system.

"This scenario is reminiscent of Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey, in which a monolith discovered on the Moon has been left by extra-terrestrials. If archaeologists were to find such an object, it would hardly be the first time that science fiction had become science fact," said Sullivan

Of course, even if astronomers somehow manage to decode the signal, they will face another problem - What should we reply to an alien civilization? How can we communicate with these beings?

We still don't know if someone has been trying to contact us, but the signal coming from a galaxy very away, remains intriguing and we hope we may one day find out whether it is of artificial origin or an unknown natural phenomenon.


Matador Gets Gored! [VIDEO]

Julio Aparicio, one of Spain's most famous matadors, was gored in the throat

Julio Aparicio, one of Spain's most famous matadors, was gored in the throat 2 years ago during a bullfight. The horrific injury has left him in critical condition. The incident took place during the Festival of Saint Isidro, considered to be the most important event in the bullfighting calendar, at the Plaza de Toros las Ventas bullring, which can seat up to 24,000 people.

The Person Behind The Zionist State of Israel


The term "Zionism" was first introduced in 1893 by Nathan Birmbaum, but Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Jew born to a prosperous, emancipated Budapest family, is recognized as the founder of the Zionist idealogy when he published his book in 1896, "The Jewish State", where he declared that the cure for anti-semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. As he saw it, the best place to establish this state was in Palestine.

While Herzl claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure anti-Semitism, he also promoted anti-Semitism to further his cause.

Herzl stated in his diary:
“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)
Benny Morris (the Israeli Historian), described how Herzl foresaw how anti-Semitism could be "HARNESSED" for the realization of Zionism. He stated:
"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be HARNESSED to his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21)

Famous Quotes

In 1895, Herzl, the founder of Zionism, wrote in his diary:

"We must expropriate gently the private property on the state assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly. Let the owners of the immoveable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them anything back." (America And The Founding Of Israel, p. 49, Righteous Victims, p. 21-22)

In 1897 Herzl outlined one of the most important goals for Zionism during the first Zionist Congress convention held in Bessel, Switzerland:

"We have an important task before us. We have met here to lay the foundation-stone of the house that will some day shelter the Jewish people. . . We have to aim at securing legal, international guarantees for our work." (Israel: A History, p. 14)

And on September 3rd, 1897 he also wrote:

"Were I to sum up the Basle Congress in a word-- which I shall GUARD AGAINST PRONOUNCING PUBLICLY-- it would be this: At Basle I founded the Jewish State. If I said this out loud today, I would be answered by universal laughter. Perhaps in five years, and certainly in fifty, everyone will know it." (Israel: A History, p. 15)

Benny Morris (the Israeli Historian), described how Herzl foresaw how anti-Semitism could be "HARNESSED" for the realization of Zionism. He stated:

"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be HARNESSED to his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21)

On 7 July 1902, while meeting the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration in London, Herzl was asked why Russian Jews could not be settled in uninhabited lands other than Palestine, such as Argentina, he replied:

"[Such resettlement would fail] because when you want a great settlement, you must have a flag and an idea. You CANNOT make those things ONLY WITH MONEY. . . With money you CANNOT make a general movement of a great mass of people. You must give them an ideal. You must put into them the belief in their future, and then you will be able to take out the devotion of the hardest labour imaginable. [For example,] Argentina has a very GOOD SOIL and the conditions for agricultural labour are MUCH BETTER better than in Palestine, but in Palestine they work with enthusiasm and they succeed. I am not speaking of artificially made colonies, but self-helping colonies, which have that great national idea." (Israel: A History, p. 21)

The Jewish state in Palestine, Theodor Herzl wrote, would be Europe's bulwark against Asia:

"We can be the vanguard of culture against barbarianism." (One Palestine Complete, p. 150)

Regarding antisemites, Theodor Herzl explained how it could benefit the Zionist enterprise, he wrote in his diary:

"The antisemites WILL BECOME our most loyal friends, the antisemites nations will become our allies." (One Palestine Complete, p. 47)

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