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Demonic Fairy Captured, Biologist Says Creature Has Humanoid Body And Four Wings [VIDEO]

Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously dead, or some form of demon, or a species completely independent of humans or angels. Folklorists have suggested that their actual origin lies in a conquered race living in hiding, or in religious beliefs that lost currency with the advent of Christianity. These explanations are not necessarily incompatible, and they may be traceable to multiple sources. The entity, in the opinion of biologist Enrique Ortiz, corresponds to a biological organism, with humanoid body and two pairs of wings. Not yet determined its origin, it may even be a new especien animal, said the specialist. The owners indicated that was found in a national forest in Mexico, two years ago. A similar creature was filmed in the back yard of a house.

The creature seen below is examined in Mexico. However an earlier video shows a similar creature flying out of a tree hollow.

Demonic Fairy Captured, Biologist Says Creature Has Humanoid Body And Four Wings

Here is a similar creature captured in flight after emerging from the hollow of a gree.

Demonic Fairy Captured, Biologist Says Creature Has Humanoid Body And Four Wings

Winged humanoid body

The creature was exhibited on Friday, December 14, 2012, in Mexico City. Below you will find the complete video of the examination conducted by the biologist Enrique Ortiz. Fairy? A new animal? A flying demon? It was exhibited at 5H, Centre La Joya, Tabasco 56 Colonia, corner Frontera, Mexico City.

Demonic Fairy Captured, Biologist Says Creature Has Humanoid Body And Four Wings

Demonic Fairy Captured, Biologist Says Creature Has Humanoid Body And Four Wings

The strange entity came into the hands of a family known by Ana Luisa, who posted the video, for eight years. They, in turn, received it from another family, a young man of 13 years who said he was found in a forest in the State of Mexico. The owners of the company has allowed me to review and accept the fact that it has been analyzed by a biologist who had her full confidence and was found to have a humanoid body with two pairs of wings.

Here is the video of the creature being examined by biologist Enrique Ortiz

Much of the folklore about fairies revolves around protection from their malice, by such means as cold iron (iron is like poison to fairies, and they will not go near it) or charms of rowan and herbs, or avoiding offense by shunning locations known to be theirs. In particular, folklore describes how to prevent the fairies from stealing babies and substituting changelings, and abducting older people as well. Many folktales are told of fairies, and they appear as characters in stories from medieval tales of chivalry, to Victorian fairy tales, and up to the present day in modern literature.

In his manuscript, The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies, Reverend Robert Kirk, minister of the Parish of Aberfoyle, Stirling, Scotland, wrote in 1691:

These Siths or Fairies they call Sleagh Maith or the Good People…are said to be of middle nature between Man and Angel, as were Daemons thought to be of old; of intelligent fluidous Spirits, and light changeable bodies (lyke those called Astral) somewhat of the nature of a condensed cloud, and best seen in twilight. These bodies be so pliable through the sublety of Spirits that agitate them, that they can make them appear or disappear at pleasure

Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, humanoids of small stature, they originally were depicted quite differently: tall, radiant, angelic beings or short, wizened trolls being two of the commonly mentioned forms. Diminutive fairies of one kind or another have been recorded for centuries, but occur alongside the human-sized beings; these have been depicted as ranging in size from very tiny up to the size of a human child. Even with these small fairies, however, their small size may be magically assumed rather than constant.

Wings, while common in Victorian and later artwork of fairies, are very rare in the folklore; even very small fairies flew with magic, sometimes flying on ragwort stems or the backs of birds. Nowadays, fairies are often depicted with ordinary insect wings or butterfly wings.

Various animals have also been described as fairies. Sometimes this is the result of shape shifting on part of the fairy, as in the case of the selkie (seal people); others, like the kelpie and various black dogs, appear to stay more constant in form.

In some folklore fairies have green eyes and often bite. Though they can confuse one with their words, fairies cannot lie. They hate being told ‘thank you’, as they see it as a sign of one forgetting the good deed done, and, instead, want something that will guarantee remembrance.

Origin of fairies: Folk beliefs


One popular belief was that they were the dead, or some subclass of the dead. The Irish banshee (Irish Gaelic bean sí or Scottish Gaelic bean shìth, which both mean “fairy woman”) is sometimes described as a ghost. The northern English Cauld Lad of Hylton, though described as a murdered boy, is also described as a household sprite like a brownie, much of the time a Barghest or Elf. One tale recounted a man caught by the fairies, who found that whenever he looked steadily at one, the fairy was a dead neighbor of his. This was among the most common views expressed by those who believed in fairies, although many of the informants would express the view with some doubts.


Another view held that the fairies were an intelligent species, distinct from humans and angels. In alchemy in particular they were regarded as elementals, such as gnomes and sylphs, as described by Paracelsus. This is uncommon in folklore, but accounts describing the fairies as “spirits of the air” have been found popularly.

Demoted angels
A third belief held that they were a class of “demoted” angels. One popular story held that when the angels revolted, God ordered the gates shut; those still in heaven remained angels, those in hell became devils, and those caught in between became fairies. Others held that they had been thrown out of heaven, not being good enough, but they were not evil enough for hell. This may explain the tradition that they had to pay a “teind” or tithe to Hell. As fallen angels, though not quite devils, they could be seen as subject of the Devil.


A fourth belief was the fairies were demons entirely. This belief became much more popular with the growth of Puritanism. The hobgoblin, once a friendly household spirit, became a wicked goblin. Dealing with fairies was in some cases considered a form of witchcraft and punished as such in this era. Disassociating himself from such evils may be why Oberon, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, carefully observed that neither he nor his court feared the church bells.

The belief in their angelic nature was less common than that they were the dead, but still found popularity, especially in Theosophist circles.[31][32] Informants who described their nature sometimes held aspects of both the third and the fourth view, or observed that the matter was disputed.


A less-common belief was that the fairies were actually humans; one folktale recounts how a woman had hidden some of her children from God, and then looked for them in vain, because they had become the hidden people, the fairies. This is parallel to a more developed tale, of the origin of the Scandinavian huldra.

Babies’ laughs

A story of the origin of fairies appears in a chapter about Peter Pan in J. M. Barrie’s 1902 novel The Little White Bird, and was incorporated into his later works about the character. Barrie wrote, “When the first baby laughed for the first time, his laugh broke into a million pieces, and they all went skipping about. That was the beginning of fairies.”

Pagan deities

Many of the Irish tales of the Tuatha Dé Danann refer to these beings as fairies, though in more ancient times they were regarded as goddesses and gods. The Tuatha Dé Danann were spoken of as having come from islands in the north of the world or, in other sources, from the sky. After being defeated in a series of battles with other otherworldly beings, and then by the ancestors of the current Irish people, they were said to have withdrawn to the sídhe (fairy mounds), where they lived on in popular imagination as “fairies.”

Sources of beliefs

A hidden people

One common theme found among the Celtic nations describes a race of diminutive people who had been driven into hiding by invading humans. They came to be seen as another race, or possibly spirits, and were believed to live in an Otherworld that was variously described as existing underground, in hidden hills (many of which were ancient burial mounds), or across the Western Sea.

In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth).

The concept of the Otherworld is also associated with the Isle of Apples, known as Avalon in the Arthurian mythos (often equated with Ablach Emain). Here we find the Silver Bough that allowed a living mortal to enter and withdraw from the Otherworld or Land of the Gods. According to legend, the Fairy Queen sometimes offered the branch to worthy mortals, granting them safe passage and food during their stay.


Japan Scienties Synthesizes Meat From Human Feces [VIDEO]

Poop Burger

Somehow this feels like a Vonnegut plotline: population boom equals food shortage. Solution? Synthesize food from human waste matter. Absurd yes, but Japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces.

Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, has developed steaks based on proteins from human excrement. Tokyo Sewage approached the scientist because of an overabundance of sewage mud. They asked him to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a great deal of protein because of all the bacteria.

The researchers then extracted those proteins, combined them with a reaction enhancer and put it in an exploder which created the artificial steak. The “meat” is 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals. The researchers color the poop meat red with food coloring and enhance the flavor with soy protein. Initial tests have people saying it even tastes like beef.

Inhabitat notes that “the meatpacking industry causes 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions, mostly due to the release of methane from animals.” Livestock also consume huge amounts of resources and space in efforts to feed ourselves as well as the controversy over cruelty to animals. Ikeda’s recycled poop burger would reduce waste and emissions, not to mention obliterating Dante’s circle for gluttons.

The scientists hope to price it the same as actual meat, but at the moment the excrement steaks are ten to twenty times the price they should be thanks to the cost of research. Professor Ikeda understands the psychological barriers that need to be surmounted knowing that your food is made from human feces. They hope that once the research is complete, people will be able to overlook that ugly detail in favor of perks like environmental responsibility, cost and the fact that the meat will have fewer calories.


Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket

 Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water

The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs. The final version, slated for Federal Register publication as soon as today, is a win for the nuclear industry which seeks what its proponents call a “new normal” for radiation exposure among the U.S population, according Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

Issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, the radiation guides (called Protective Action Guides or PAGs) allow cleanup many times more lax than anything EPA has ever before accepted. These guides govern evacuations, shelter-in-place orders, food restrictions and other actions following a wide range of “radiological emergencies.” The Obama administration blocked a version of these PAGs from going into effect during its first days in office. The version given approval late last Friday is substantially similar to those proposed under Bush but duck some of the most controversial aspects:

In soil, the PAGs allow long-term public exposure to radiation in amounts as high as 2,000 millirems. This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period;


  • In water, the PAGs punt on an exact new standard and EPA “continues to seek input on this.” But the thrust of the PAGs is to give on-site authorities much greater “flexibility” in setting aside established limits; and
  • Resolves an internal fight inside EPA between nuclear versus public health specialists in favor of the former. The PAGs are the product of Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for air and radiation whose nomination to serve as EPA Administrator is taken up this week by the Senate.
  • Despite the years-long internal fight, this is the first public official display of these guides. This takes place as Japan grapples with these same issues in the two years following its Fukushima nuclear disaster.
“This is a public health policy only Dr. Strangelove could embrace. If this typifies the environmental leadership we can expect from Ms. McCarthy, then EPA is in for a long, dirty slog,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, noting that the EPA package lacks a cogent rationale, is largely impenetrable and hinges on a series of euphemistic “weasel words.”

“No compelling justification is offered for increasing the cancer deaths of Americans innocently exposed to corporate miscalculations several hundred-fold.”

Reportedly, the PAGs had been approved last fall but their publication was held until after the presidential election. The rationale for timing their release right before McCarthy’s confirmation hearing is unclear.

Since the PAGs guide agency decision-making and do not formally set standards or repeal statutory requirements, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act and Superfund, they will go into full effect following a short public comment period. Nonetheless, the PAGs will likely determine what actions take place on the ground in the days, weeks, months and, in some cases, years following a radiological emergency.


CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer Gun

CIA Heart Attack Gun

In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.

Can you give a person cancer?

If cancer in animals can be caused by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria, it would certainly be possible to do the same with human beings!

In 1931, Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, purposely infects human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; 13 of them died. Though a Puerto Rican doctor later discovers that Rhoads purposely covered up some of the details of his experiment and Rhoads himself gives a written testimony stating he believes that all Puerto Ricans should be killed, he later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Fort Detrick Maryland (origin of the HIV/AIDS virus, the Avian Flu virus and the Swine Flu / A-H1N1 virus), Utah and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

The answer to the question – Can you give a person cancer – is yes. After nearly 80 years of research and development there is now a way to simulate a real heart attack and to give a healthy person cancer. Both have been used as a means of assassination. Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish an assassination induced heart attack or cancer from the real thing.

Is death by heart attack, burst aneurysm, of cerebral hemorrhage a “natural cause”? Not if government agencies have found a way to influence your heart rate, blood pressure, or vascular dilatation. Neurological research has found that the brain has specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. By firing at your chest with a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so-called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties who are prone to heart attacks can be killed off before they cause any trouble. Jack Ruby died of cancer a few weeks after his conviction for murder had been overruled in appeals court and he was ordered to stand trial outside of Dallas – thus allowing him to speak freely if he so desired. There was little hesitancy in Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald in order to prevent him from talking, so there is no reason to suspect that any more consideration would have been shown Jack Ruby if he had posed a threat to people in the US government who had conspired to murder the president of the United States – John F Kennedy.

Matt Simmons, an oil industry expert, was assassinated for turning whistle blower over the Obama administration coverup of the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Investment banker Matt Simmons, who died suddenly, was an energy industry insider and presidential adviser whose profile soared when he wrote that Saudi Arabia is running out of oil and world production is peaking. Simmons, 67, died at his vacation home in Maine. An autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office concluded Monday that he died from accidental drowning “with heart disease as a contributing factor.”

His 2005 best-selling book, Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy, brought him a wider audience. The book argued that Saudi Arabia vastly overstated the size of its oil reserves and that the world was on the verge of a severe oil shortage as the largest oil fields become depleted. This revelation is backed up by Iran. Iran knows the Middle East oil supply is quickly drying up and for that reason it is now focusing on building nuclear reactors. Once the oil runs out Iran will be the only country in the Middle East that will be energy self-sufficient. All of the other Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia will become Third World impoverished states.

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was also assassinated. He was found dead in the detention center at The Hague tribunal. Mr Milosevic faced charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his alleged central role in the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo during the 1990s. He also faced genocide charges over the 1992-95 Bosnia war, in which 100,000 people died.

Milosevic wrote a letter one day before his death claiming he was being poisoned to death in jail. An autopsy verified his claim as it showed that Milosevic’s body contained a drug that rendered his usual medication for high blood pressure and his heart condition ineffective, causing the heart attack that led to his death.

Former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson told reporters that he saw documents in 1992 that discussed assassinating Milosevic by means of a staged car accident, where the driver would be blinded by a flash of light and remote controlled brake failure enacted to cause the crash. This exact same technique was utilized for real in the murder of Princess Diana.

CIA Heart Attack Gun

If Milosevic was murdered, who would ultimately be responsible? NATO.

Because, though the ICTY (or ‘Hague Tribunal’) presents itself to the world as a UN body, NATO officials have themselves made clear, in public, that it really belongs to NATO. NATO appointed the prosecutors, and the judges who ruled out investigating any war crimes accusations against NATO. It follows that Slobodan Milosevic, who was a prisoner of the Hague Tribunal’s Scheveningen prison when he died, was a prisoner of NATO. NATO had both motive and opportunity to kill him.

In March 2002, Milosevic presented the NATO controlled Hague tribunal with FBI documents proving that both the United States government and NATO provided financial and military support for Al-Qaeda to aid the Kosovo Liberation Army in its war against Serbia. This didn’t go down too well at the Pentagon and the White House, who at the time were trying to sell a war on terror and gearing up to justify invading Iraq.

During Milosevic’s trial for war crimes NATO alleged that the Serbs had committed a massacre of Albanian civilians in the Kosovo town of Racak. Evidence presented in the court showed that NATO’s claim was a hoax. This is especially embarrassing because the allegation of a massacre at Racak was the excuse that NATO used to begin bombing the Serbs on 24 March 1999 (the carpet bombing were done by the United States Air Force -authorized by then president Bill and Hillary Clinton). Then NATO claimed that the Serbs had supposedly been murdering 100,000 Albanian civilians. However, NATO’s own forensics reported that they could not find even one body of an Albanian civilian murdered by Milosevic’s forces. The failure to find any bodies eventually led to NATO’s absurd claim that the Serbs had supposedly covered up the genocide by moving the many thousands of bodies in freezer trucks deep into Serbia (while Bill Clinton was carpet bombing the place) without leaving a single trace of evidence. But the Hague tribunal showed these accusations to be entirely fraudulent as well.

Milosevic made several speeches in which he discussed how a group of shadowy internationalists had caused the chaos in the Balkans because it was the next step on the road to a “new world order.”

During a February 2000 Serbian Congressional speech, Milosevic stated,

“Small Serbia and people in it have demonstrated that resistance is possible. Applied at a broader level, it was organized primarily as a moral and political rebellion against tyranny, hegemony, monopolism, generating hatred, fear and new forms of violence and revenge against champions of freedom among nations and people, such a resistance would stop the escalation of modern time inquisition. Uranium bombs, computer manipulations, drug-addicted young assassins and bribed of blackmailed domestic thugs, promoted to the allies of the new world order, these are the instruments of inquisition which have surpassed, in their cruelty and cynicism, all previous forms of revengeful violence committed against the mankind in the past.”

Evidence linking Milosevic to genocides like Srebrenica, in which 7,000 Muslims died, was proven to be fraudulent. In fact, Srebrenica was a ‘UN safe zone’, yet just like Rwanda, UN peacekeepers deliberately withdrew and allowed the massacre to unfold, then blamed Milosevic. Milosevic’s exposure of UN involvement in the Srebrenica massacre was another reason why tribunal transcripts were heavily edited and censored by NATO, and another contributing factor for NATO to murder him while he was in their custody.NATO’s Hague Tribunal was clearly a kangaroo court whose sole purpose was to convince ordinary people all over the world that NATO’s destruction of Yugoslavia was justified. Since NATO failed to show this in its own court (a total absence of evidence did make this difficult), there is indeed a powerful NATO motive to murder Milosevic – to prevent his acquittal. In this way, NATO can continue to claim that Milosevic was guilty, and nobody would begin to look into the mountain of evidence that showed that it was NATO leaders (particularly US president Bill Clinton) who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Yugoslavia.

So many people have been done in by cancer at a convenient time in history that it is now time to ask the question “who is assassinating people by giving their target cancer or inducing a massive heart attack”? Who ordered the hits and why?

Mr. Charles Senseney, a CIA weapon developer at Fort Detrick, Maryland, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in September 1975 where he described an umbrella poison dart gun he had made. He said it was always used in crowds with the umbrella open, firing through the webing so it would not attract attention. Since it was silent, no one in the crowd could hear it and the assassin merely would fold up the umbrella and saunter away with the crowd.

Video footage of the assassination of John F Kennedy shows this umbrella gun being used in Dealey Plaza. Video evidence of the events of November 22, 1963 shows that the first shot fired on the fateful day had always seemed to have had a paralytic effect on Kennedy. His fists were clenched and his head, shoulders and arms seemed to stiffen. An autopsy revealed that there was a small entrance wound in his neck but no evidence of a bullet path through his neck and no bullet was ever recovered that matched that small size.

Charles Senseney testified that his Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick had received assignments from the CIA to develop exotic weaponry. One of the weapons was a hand-held dart gun that could shoot a poison dart into a guard dog to put it out of action for several hours. The dart and the poison left no trace so that examination would not reveal that the dogs had been put out of action. The CIA ordered about 50 of these weapons and used them operationally.

Senseney said that the darts could have been used to kill human beings and he could not rule out the possibility that this had been done by the CIA.A special type of poison developed for the CIA induces a heart attack and leaves no trace of any external influence unless an autopsy is conducted to check for this particular poison. The CIA revealed this poison in various accounts in the early 1970s. The CIA even revealed the weapon that fired those darts that induces a heart attack at a congressional hearing.


The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target. The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes.
A former CIA agent disclosed that the darts were made of a frozen form of the liquid poison. She disclosed that the dart would melt within the target and would only leave a very tiny red dot at the entry point – the same type of small entrance wound that was found during the autopsy of John F Kennedy.For over 50 years assassinations have been carried out so skillfully as to leave the impression that the victims died from natural causes. Details of some of the techniques used to achieve this were brought to light in 1961 when professional KGB assassin Bogdan Stashinskiy defected to the West and revealed that he had successfully performed two such missions. In 1957 he killed Ukrainian emigré writer Lev Rebet in Munich with a poison vapor gun which left the victim dead of an apparent heart attack. In 1959, the same type of weapon was used on Ukrainian emigré leader Stepan Bandera, although Bandera’s death was never fully accepted as having been from natural causes.

Among the witnesses, important people and conspirators who might have been eliminated by induced heart attack and cancer are: Jack Rudy (died of a stroke due to an undiagnosed form of aggressive cancer, just weeks after he agreed to testify before Congress about the JFK assassination), Clay Shaw, J. Edgar Hoover, Earlene Roberts (Oswald’s land-lady), Marlyn Monroe, Slobodan Milosevic, Kenneth Lay (former CEO of ENRON – the largest political campaign contributor of George W Bush and Dick Cheney), Matt Simmons, Mark Pittman (a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings. Pittman fought to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny), Elizabeth Edwards (suddenly diagnosed with cancer while her husband was campaigning against Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States.

During a campaign speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in May 2007, Edwards called the War on Terrorism a slogan that was created for political reasons and that it wasn’t a plan to make the United States safe. He went further to compare it to a bumper sticker and that it had damaged the US’s alliances and standing in the world.), … enter here the names of every politically outspoken person, whistle blower or witness who died unexpectedly of a heart attack or who quickly died of an incurable cancer.

Most Outrageous Military Experiments

  Seeing infrared

The U.S. Navy wanted to boost sailors' night vision so they could spot infrared signal lights during World War II. However, infrared wavelengths are normally beyond the sensitivity of human eyes. Scientists knew vitamin A contained part of a specialized light-sensitive molecule in the eye's receptors, and wondered if an alternate form of vitamin A could promote different light sensitivity in the eye. They fed volunteers supplements made from the livers of walleyed pikes, and the volunteers' vision began changing over several months to extend into the infrared region. Such early success went down the drain after other researchers developed an electronic snooperscope to see infrared, and the human study was abandoned. Other nations also played with vitamin A during World War II – Japan fed its pilots a preparation that boosted vitamin A absorption, and saw their night vision improve by 100 percent in some cases.

Super soldiers

A super soldier program produces Marvel superhero Wolverine in the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," along with rivals Sabretooth and Weapon XI. Now LiveScience looks back on real experiments that the U.S. government ran on soldiers and citizens to advance the science of war.

The military didn't replicate Wolverine's indestructible skeleton and retractable claws. Rather, they shot accident victims up with plutonium, tested nerve gas on sailors, and tried out ESP. While some of the tests seem outlandish in hindsight, the military continues to push the envelope in seeking new warfare techniques based on cutting-edge science and technology.

"My measure of success is that the International Olympic Committee bans everything we do," said Michael Goldblatt, former head of DARPA's Defense Sciences Office, while talking with reporters. And that's not a Hollywood script.

Get your plutonium shot

As the United States raced to build its first atomic bombs near the end of World War II, scientists wanted to know more about the hazards of plutonium. Testing began on April 10, 1945 with the injection of plutonium into the victim of a car accident in Oak Ridge, Tenn., to see how quickly the human body rid itself of the radioactive substance. That was just the first of over 400 human radiation experiments. Common studies included seeing the biological effects of radiation with various doses, and testing experimental treatments for cancer. Records of this research became public in 1995, after the U.S. Department of Energy published them.

Rocket rider

Before man could launch into orbit and to the moon, he rode rocket sleds on the ground first. NASA scientists developed decompression sleds that could race at speeds of more than 400 mph before screeching to an abrupt halt, and early testing often had fatal results for chimpanzee subjects that suffered brain damage. Starting in 1954, Colonel John Stapp of the U.S. Air Force endured grueling tests that subjected his body to forces 35 times that of gravity, including one record-setting run of 632 miles per hour. As a flight surgeon, he voluntarily took on the risks of 29 sled runs, during which he suffered concussions, cracked ribs, a twice-fractured wrist, lost dental fillings, and burst blood vessels in both eyes.

Pacifist guinea pigs

Most soldiers don't sign up to fight deadly viruses and bacteria, but that's what more than 2,300 young Seventh-Day Adventists did when drafted by the U.S. Army. As conscientious objectors during the Cold War who interpreted the Bible's commandment "Thou shalt not kill" very literally, many volunteered instead to serve as guinea pigs for testing vaccines against biological weapons. Volunteers recalled being miserable for several days with fever, chills and bone-deep aches from diseases such as Q fever. None died during the secretive "Operation Whitecoat," which took place at Fort Detrick, Maryland from 1954 to 1973.

Falling near the speed of sound

When the U.S. Air Force wanted to find out how well pilots could survive high-altitude jumps, they turned to Captain Joseph Kittinger, Jr. The test pilot made several jumps as head of "Project Excelsior" during the 1950s. Each time involved riding high-altitude Excelsior balloons up tens of thousands of feet, before jumping, free falling and parachuting to the desert floor in New Mexico. Kittinger's third record-breaking flight on August 16, 1960 took him up to 102,800 feet, or almost 20 miles. He then leaped and freefell at speeds of up to 614 mph, not far from the speed of sound's 761 mph, and endured temperatures as low as minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hallucinogenic Warfare

Psychoactive drugs such as marijuana, LSD and PCP don't just have street value: Researchers once hoped the drugs could become chemical weapons that disabled enemy soldiers. U.S. Army volunteers took pot, acid and angel dust at a facility in Edgewood, Md. From 1955 to 1972, although those drugs proved too mellow for weapons use. The Army did eventually develop hallucinogenic artillery rounds that could disperse powdered quinuclidinyl benzilate, which left many test subjects in a sleep-like condition for days. The National Academy of Sciences conducted a study in 1981 that found no ill effects from the testing, and Dr. James Ketchum published the first insider account of the research in his 2007 book "Chemical Warfare: Secrets Almost Forgotten."

Nerve gas spray

Threats of chemical and biological warfare led the U.S. Department of Defense to start "Project 112" from 1963 to the early 1970s. Part of the effort involved spraying different ships and hundreds of Navy sailors with nerve agents such as sarin and VX, in order to test the effectiveness of decontamination procedures and safety measures at the time. The Pentagon revealed the details of the Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD) project in 2002, and the Veterans Administration began studying possible health effects among sailors who participated in SHAD. This was just one of many chemical warfare experiments conducted by the U.S. military, starting with volunteer tests involving mustard gas in World War II.

24/7 Warrior

Sleep can be a warrior's worst enemy, whether during day-long battles or long-duration missions flown from halfway around the world. But various military branches have tried to change that over the years by distributing "go pills" or stimulants such as amphetamines. More recently, the military has tested and deployed the drug modafinil – more commonly known under brands such as Provigil – which has supposedly enabled soldiers to stay awake for 40 hours straight without ill effect. And the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding even more unusual anti-sleep research, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation that zaps the brain with electromagnetism.


666 Secrets of ‘The City of London’


The Da Vinci Code has challenged and excited the minds and imagination, of people the world over - yet for all of that remains a complete work of fiction. On the other hand you can secure for yourself one of the most revealing books ever published. And this one is most definitely no work of fiction. 
In 666: The Divine Harmony author Harry Hinde reveals the astonishing truth concerning 666: A truth that once and for all removes the stigma of evil attached to a number; that far from being the emodiment of all evil, is now revealed for what it really is - the Divine number that goes to the very heart of existence.

In addition 666 - The Divine Harmony analises the fears and expectations of this age as seen through the visionary insight contained within the quatrains of Nostradamus, and the Book of Revelation. The result is a definitive view of this crucial epoch of human existence - a time without comparison in recorded history.

666 - A World Blueprint.

Amongst other things 666 - The Divine Harmony highlights an amazing blueprint of design featuring the layout of the worlds sites and cities. Below are some examples concerning some of the most important sites of the English capital London. 

666 things you didn’t know about London.
London to a measure of 666

Buckingham Palace - Westminster Cathedral = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace - Wellington Monument = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace - Victoria Station = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace - Houses of Parliament = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.
Downing Street - St Jame’s Palace = 666 metres.
Downing Street - New Scotland Yard = 666 metres.
Downing Street - National Gallery = 666 metres.
Westminster Cathedral - Queen Victoria Memorial = 666 metres.
Queen Victoria Memorial - Duke of Wellington’s Memorial = 666 metres.
St Paul’s Cathedral - Bank of England = 666 metres.
St Paul’s Cathedral - Barbican = 666 metres.
Tower of London - London Bridge = 666 metres.
Bank of England - Cannon Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England - Fenchurch Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England - Liverpool Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England - London Bridge  = 666 metres.
Lambeth Palace - Westminster Abbey = 666 metres.
Marble Arch - Roosevelt Memorial = 666 metres.
Piccadilly Circus - St James’s Palace = 666 metres.
St Pancras - Euston Station = 666 metres.
Southwark Bridge - Blackfriars Bridge = 666 metres.
Hungerford Bridge - Westminster Bridge = 666 metres.
Westminster Bridge - Lambeth Bridge = 666 metres.
Westminster Abbey - Piccadilly Circus = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.
Piccadilly Circus - Wellington’s Memorial = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.

Downing Street (home of British Prime Minister Tony Blair) equidistant to:

National Gallery = 666 metres.
St James’s Square = 666 metres.
St James’s Palace = 666 metres.
New Scotland Yard = 666 metres.
Home Office = 666 metres.
The Old County Hall = 666 metres.

Albert Memorial - Natural History Museum = 666 metres.
Royal Albert Hall - Victoria and Albert Museum = 666 metres.
Oxford Circus - St James’s Palace = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
National Theatre - St Paul’s Cathedral = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
National Theatre - Westminster Abbey = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Admiralty Arch - Buckingham Palace = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Admiralty Arch - Oxford Circus = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Guildhall - Walls of Tower of London = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.

St Paul’s equidistant to:

Victoria Memorial = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.
Hanover Square = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.
Cavendish Square = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.


No Equal Rights For Foreigners – Israeli Military’s Chief Rabbi

The Israeli military’s chief rabbi, Brigadier General Rafi Peretz (file photo)

Head rabbi of the Israeli military Brigadier General Rafi Peretz believes non-Jews should not have equal rights with the Jews in Israel.

The rabbi said the idea of giving non-Jews equal rights in Israel goes against the principles of the Torah and government representatives have no authority to go against the Torah’s teachings.

This is while many researchers believe that the current Torah has been distorted and does not contain the original teachings of the Prophet Moses.

Peretz’s racist ruling has been published in a book titled “Laws of the Mezuzah” published by the Israeli military’s Rabbinate.

The book, which has been recently distributed in Israeli military bases, has been authored by rabbis, Capt. Alexander Rones, Capt. Dov Berkovich and Capt. Hananiah Shafran.

The book advocates installing mezuzahs, which are fixed to doorposts by Jews as a sign of faith, in army bases and says the presence of non-Jews in Israeli army bases cannot be used as a reason for not affixing mezuzahs there.

It also says even if government property is like a cooperative, since the public in general is Jewish, as long as non-Jews have not purchased a part of the assets, they have no right to government property.


McDonald’s Wishes You Never Knew About These Things


When it comes to fast food arches, all that glitters is not gold. And in McDonald's case, it's difficult to say whether its fair share of criticism comes in spite of it being one of America's most iconic brands, or perhaps because of it.

The fast-food chain's come up for a dose of criticism in recent years over the nutritional value and sustainability of its offerings and for its low-paying jobs. And business has stumbled. Subway actually overtook McDonald's in 2011 as the fast food chain with the most locations worldwide. Things got worse in the summer of 2012 when sales dropped for the first time in a decade, a slump from which McDonald's has yet to recover.

When contacted by The Huffington Post, the fast food chain emphasized recent efforts to improve the McDonald's experience for customers and employees alike.

“We now offer more choices and variety on our menu, as well as nutrition information so customers can make the choices that are right for them," a McDonald's USA spokesperson told HuffPost in an email. "We’ve most recently reinforced our commitments to sustainability in the areas of fish and coffee and we continue to offer a variety of training and professional development opportunities for employees who want to move from crew to management.

"We have a long history of continuous improvement and we will continue to meet our customers’ changing tastes and the changing needs of the communities we serve.”

Here are some moments in McDonald's history the mega-chain would prefer you forget:

Its CEO-Worker Pay Gap Is Booming
The wealth gap between McDonald's CEOs and its workers has doubled over the last 10 years, Bloomberg reported late last year. Employees are trying to change that by staging strikes calling for higher wages.

Its Marketing Targets Kids
McDonald's has faced criticism for using marketing targeted at children (i.e. the Happy Meal) in order to gain life-long customers. Indeed, the company has in fact increased its marketing geared towards children even after criticism began to heat up following the release of the 2004 documentary Super Size Me, according to Time. The company gives away roughly 1.5 billion toys each year.
It Has Been Accused Of Rain forest Destruction
In 2006, Greenpeace accused McDonald's of contributing to the destruction of the rainforest because the company allegedly used soybeans harvested from endangered areas to feed chickens it eventually served, Fox News reports. However, Greenpeace later teamed up withMcDonald's to place a moratorium on trading soybeans that had been harvested from newly deforested areas, according to The Washington Post.
One Of Its Franchisees Was Accused Of Exploiting Workers
McDonald's franchise owner left the company after he was accused of exploiting student guest workers by paying them below minimum wage and providing them with substandard housing.
Its Coffee Has Caused Injuries
One of the most-talked about scandals in McDonald's history is the lawsuit the company faced in 1992, after 79-year-old customer Stella Liebeck sustained third-degree burns from spilling a cup of the chain's coffee. The jury ultimately awarded Liebeck more than half a million dollars in total damages, but that hasn't stopped others from filing similar lawsuits against the chain.
Its Sales Aren't What They Used To Be
Last August, McDonald's announced sales had declined for the first time since 2003. Despite efforts to reinvigorate revenue, including the release of new menu items like McBites, the fast food chain continues to struggle.
Chinese state TV has accused McDonald's and French retailer Carrefour of selling expired chicken
It Has Been Accused Of Using Expired Chinese Chicken
Chinese state TV has accused McDonald's and French retailer Carrefour of selling expired chicken products in separate incidents amid public anxiety in China over food safety. State-run CCTV has put out a video report by its "under cover Reporters" selling food which under the rules, should've been thrown away.
McDonald's is a major contributor to childhood obesity

It Refuses To Assess Its Impact On Childhood Obesity
Despite accusations that McDonald's is a major contributor to childhood obesity, the company has refused to assess the impact it has on children's weight.
Its Employees Work On Christmas
In recent years, McDonald's has urged its franchises to stay open on Christmas day. In addition, workers at company-owned restaurants didn't receive overtime for working the holiday last year.
McDonald's Oatmeal Isn't Good For You

Its Oatmeal Isn't Good For You
McDonald's released an oatmeal option for breakfast as part of an overall aim to make its menu more nutritious. The only problem is, the oatmeal isn't so healthy, the New York Times reports.
It Has Some Products That Totally Bombed
McDonald's has had its fair share of products that have fallen flat -- McLobster anyone? One of our favorite fails might be the McDLT that was discontinued over backlash regarding the environmental impact of its packaging . The sandwich came in two styrofoam containers. One housed the lettuce and tomato, the other, the burger. The goal was to keep the vegetables cold and the burger hot. But even a jingle-singing Jason Alexander with a full head of hair apparently couldn't save the sandwich, which the company eventually pulled.

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA [1975 VIDEO]


This old clip shows CIA officials admitting the agency’s infiltration of mainstream media in order to influence public opinion and to manipulate the thoughts and values of Americans.

Did things change since 1975? Nope. Actually, things are much worse as the merger of media companies into a very small number of mega-conglomerates made the “filtering” of information even easier. The input of governmental sources such as the CIA and the Pentagon into news stories is now a fully integrated process and has even spread into entertainment, using TV shows and movies.

Children as young as FIVE show off their horrifying arsenal of weapons at terror training camp [VIDEO]

Made to kill: Children as young as five fire assault rifles at a terror training camp in north Waziristan
Made to kill: Children as young as five fire assault rifles at a terror training camp in north Waziristan

They are barely bigger than the assault rifles they grasp clumsily in their hands.

Yet these children are being trained to become the next generation of terrorists from the age of just five.

Sitting in long lines as if on a school outing, they struggle to lift deadly AK-47s as they are made to fire off a flurry of rounds, their tiny bodies getting knocked back by the recoil.

Others grapple with pistols as they are brainwashed into waging Jihad on the West and becoming suicide bombers.

No start in life: Many of the children are orphans of al Qaeda's 'martyrs' and are now following the same deadly route as their fathers
No start in life: Many of the children are orphans of al Qaeda's 'martyrs' and are now following the same deadly route as their fathers

The terrifying footage was taken from an Al Qaeda terror camp in north Waziristan, near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Many of the children are orphans of the terrorist organisation's 'martyrs' following the same deadly route as their fathers.

It was initially posted on an underground al Qaeda website and is believed to have been issued by the Turkistan Islamic Party, which trains insurgents to fight alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan.
 Gunning for it: The footage is believed to have been issued by the Turkistan Islamic Party, which trains insurgents to fight alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan
 Gunning for it: The footage is believed to have been issued by the Turkistan Islamic Party, which trains insurgents to fight alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan

The militant hideouts along the Afghan-Pakistan border have long been a source of tension for Kabul, Islamabad and the international coalition.

Pakistan wants NATO and Afghan forces to crack down on Pakistani militants launching attacks from hideouts on the Afghan side of the border.

Meanwhile, American military commanders have been pressuring Islamabad to launch military strikes on terrorists in North Waziristan.

Rape of five-year-old girl outrages India

Rape of five-year-old girl outrages India

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Indian capital New Delhi to protest against the brutal torture and rape of a five-year-old girl, demanding punishment for policemen over their apathy in dealing with the case.

Protesters gathered in front of the police headquarters in New Delhi on Saturday shouting anti-government and anti-police slogans.

The girl was abducted by her neighbor in the capital city on April 15.

She was held in a room for 48 hours and was raped several times, before a passerby who heard her moaning rescued her.

They argued that the police did not help locate the girl, when she went missing from her home on April 15.

A protester was detained for trying to enter the police headquarters.

"The government makes laws just for the sake of making them, with no intention to stop crimes. None of the laws are implemented and we see rapes increasing day by the day," said a man protesting outside the police headquarters.

Protesters also staged demonstrations outside the residence of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, demanding death sentence for the rapist.

Police have arrested a man in connection with the rape.

The 22-year-old man, identified as Manoj Kumar, was arrested from Muzaffarpur district in the eastern state of Bihar - located about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) east of New Delhi - early on Saturday morning, police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.

The assault on the little girl has evoked memories of the horrific gang rape by six men of a 23-year-old medical student on a moving bus on December 16, 2012, in New Delhi. She succumbed to her injuries in a hospital in Singapore on December 29.

The horrific nature of the crime shocked Indians, who thronged the streets, demanding protection for women and capital punishment for rape, which currently carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.


How Close Is Doomsday?


How close are we to the end? How close are we to being among the last humans to ever live? Depending on who you are — your religion, politics, relative degree of pessimism or optimism — that question is bound to bring up images of some particular kind of cataclysm. It could be an all-out nuclear exchange or a climate change-driven mass extinction. But what if there was a way of answering the doomsday question in the most generic way possible.

What if there was a mathematical way of addressing doomsday that had nothing to do with politics or policies or perspective? More importantly: What if that approach already existed and it told us we were already close to the end?

Consider this your introduction to the Doomsday Argument.

The rather ominous term "Doomsday Argument" refers to a line of reasoning that seeks to answer a simple question: Where is our place in the total number of human beings that will ever be born?

Are we close to the beginning, so that 95 percent of all humans that will ever be born have yet to be born? Or are we close to the end, such that 95 percent of all human beings who will ever be born have already been born? Using only arguments from probability theory and population growth, the relentless logic of the Doomsday Argument tells us that we are probably already near the end of the line.


In 1983, astrophysicist Brandon Carter was the first person to see how the Doomsday Argument worked (more on that in a minute). Philosopher John Leslie then worked further on the idea, which was also independently discovered by a number of others, including physicist Richard Gott in a famous article in the journal Nature. I am telling you this so you know that, as crazy as it all sounds, lots of folks have been looking seriously at the Doomsday Argument (including many detractors) to understand what it's really telling us.

To see how the argument works, let's start with really nice analogy developed over at the blog In the Dark (I modify it slightly here). Imagine you arrive in a large city and are immediately approached by a hospitality officer wearing a red badge who welcomes you and tells you that if you need anything, just ask someone with badge similar to hers. You think, "How wonderful," thank her and then notice that the number on her badge is 42. As she walks away, you wonder how many more officers like her are employed by the city.

You know nothing about the city (other than it's big), nor do you know its budget for hospitality officers. Can you answer your questions with just her badge number? The answer is yes, probably.

If there were 20,000 hospitality officers out there, then a random encounter would, on average, yield the observation of a badge with a five-digit number. But you saw only two digits on her badge. That means it is far more likely that there are only about 100 or so hospitality workers. All you need for this conclusion is one piece of information (the badge number) and a little basic probability. So far, so good — but where does doomsday show up in all this?

What we really want to know is the total number of humans that will ever be born together with our approximate place in that birth order (as in "at the beginning" vs. "near the end"). So instead of asking about the number of hospitality officials, what we want to know is the number of human beings that will ever exist. The same kind of logic, however, still works.

Just assume that you are a randomly chosen member from the sequence of all humans (like assuming that your encounter with Officer 42 was random). Let's call your birth number "n." By the same reasoning as our hospitality officer example, you should conclude that the total number of humans ever born (call that "N") is not wildly larger than your birth number n. If you are the lucky 1 billionth human to be born, then probabilistically, there won't be a trillion more after you. Now, (gulp) consider that our population growth is such that we will be adding billions more folks over the next century or so. That means there are only a few more generations to go before we reach N — the total number of humans.

Conclusion: The end is near!

So, what are we to make of the Doomsday Argument? Is it convincing enough for us all to throw in the towel, sell our investments and party like it's 1999 (or 2012 or whatever)? When most of us first hear the argument, we think there must be something wrong, some hook, some incorrect turn of reasoning being missed. Certainly those who disagree with its logic have argued that point strenuously. The critics may well be right, and I will leave you to make your own decisions about its validity. But there is something much more important hidden in the Doomsday Argument to which we must pay attention, and it's not about death but about life.

At the frontiers of science, philosophy and knowledge, there are many questions where the ability to reason is hampered by the fact that we have only one example to work with. We want to understand the universe but we have only one universe to study. We understand how life forms on planets but we only know of one planet on which life has formed. We want to understand the nature of symbol-rich self-consciousness but it seems like we are the only things around that have it.

So, what are we to do if we want to ask more general questions about any of these phenomena? The Doomsday Argument shows us an extreme example of one way it can be done. While you might not agree with the argument, its kind of reasoning can be associated with the Bayes interpretation of probability (more on that some other day). The Bayesian revolution is radically changing how probability gets invoked and how we can use it to say amazing things from whatever information we are given. And it's on that note that I will let Mark Twain take us out: "There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."


Significance of 13


Significance of the Number 13
What IS the Significance of the Number 13?

1313 Mockingbird Lane. Friday the 13th and 13 black cats . Baaaad omens. It's 2009 and there remains an air of mystery surrounding the number 13, carried from dark times that still causes most of us to avoid anything associated with the number 13. High rise buildings are built without 13th floors (if there are 14 floors, there is a 13th floor but it's either skipped or renumberated?!?) , airplane flight numbers are reassigned to avoid this association.

Yet in many indigenous traditions, the number 13 is considered to have auspicious meaning and to bring blessings and happiness.

In this lense we'll look at the number 13 and debunk some of those myths and explore the true significance of the number 13.

Myths and Misconceptions Around 13
Significance of 13: Myths and Misconceptions Around 13

To indigenous cultures the number 13 has spiritual significance and often holds prominence in ritual art, ceremonial songs, time and placement.

So where did it all go wrong? How did it go from having positive, spiritual significance to holding such an air of forboding?

It seems that the stories begins in the year 1307 during the time of forced suppressed by the King of the the Knights Templar and rumor of beginnings of Freemasonry. It makes sense that the origins of the Friday the 13th theory would be associated with these secret orders, shrouded in mystery, conspiracy to the throne and death.

Tradition says that the final act of suppression of the Knights Templar occurred on October 13, 1307. Which I am sure resulted in the violent death of Templar leaders and known associates. As the stories go the particular day of the week happened to be... Friday. And since that time, Friday the 13th has been held as the most ill-fated of all days.

Although I found no where to confirm this, only other similar incidents, I believe that it would have been consistent with the practices of some early church leaders eager to increase church followings to seize the opportunity to discredit pagan and/or indigenous beliefs by misrepresenting the significance of the number 13 and incorrectly associating it with frightening pagan rituals, secret orders, mysterious symbols, bad luck and the number 13.

Recent inquiries into hidden documents of the church along with new fields of study such as fractal geometry have opened up the conversation about numbers, esoteric knowledge and the significance of numbers in art, science even spirituality.

The Significance of 13: Christian Traditions
The Significance of 13: Christian Traditions

According to tradition, Jesus received the three Magi on the 13th day of his life. This day was once associated with the Ephiphany. The Magi were "wise men guided by the stars" and would have trained, if not experts, in astronomy, divination and what we would now call esoteric arts. Certainly, it is not beyond reason to suppose that there was more going on there than a casual visit to an infant child but more of an investigation of great spiritual, even historical proportion.

At the Last Supper, a primary historical moment for the Christian Church and the subject of Leonardo DaVinci's famous painting, there were a total of 13 in attendance including Judas Iscariot whose betrayal of Jesus led to Jesus's act of sacrifice in his crucifixion. Tradition says that Judas was the 13th to sit at the table and the first to leave.

Again, recent fictional writings about Leonardo DaVinci and research into his involvement in secret societies and studies of esoterica has created significant questions in the minds of a great number of people, experts and laypeople alike. . Artists of old such as DaVinci, Fibronacci, Michale Angelo and many others are inspiring a new generation of artists, scientists and religious leaders in a quest to unfold life's mysteries.

 Number Sequences From The Angels    by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D
Significance of 13: Number Sequences From The Angels 
 by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D 

According to her book, Number Sequences From The Angels: 1's and 3's, such as 133 or 113 are number sequences or frequencies used by the ascended masters in an effort to work with our human thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching us the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. Sending energy to keep us from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of our soul.

Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want.

The Significance of 13: Judaic Traditions
The Significance of 13: Judaic Traditions

The foundations of Judaism is based on the 13 Tribes of Israel. Yes,13. They consist of the eleven sons of Jacob/Israel and the two sons of Joseph comprising the original 13 Tribes of Israel.

13 Tribes of Israel
The foundations of Judaism is based on the 13 Tribes of Israel. Yes,13. They consist of the eleven sons of Jacob/Israel and the two sons of Joseph comprising the original 13 Tribes of Israel.

Two primary reasons for this misunderstanding are based on passages in the Bible which could provide casual readers with incorrect assumptions.

13 Attributes of Mercy
At the core of Judiac traditions are the Selichot prayers and the 13 Attributes of Mercy, words taught to Moses taught to the repentant children of Israel seeking mercy and compassion through repentant prayer and still practiced today. Kabbalists introduced the custom of also reciting the 13 Attributes of Mercy before taking the Torah from the ark during Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

Significance of 13: Copic, Egyptian & Lunar Calendars
Significance of 13: Copic, Egyptian & Lunar Calendars

Coptic Christians and Ancient Egyptians divide the year into three seasons based on the agricultural year. For the Egyptian, their calendar and the seasons are interwoven with the life cycle of the Great River Nile.

Similarly many Indigenous cultures evolve their calendars around the cycles of the moon or lunar cycles which are 28 days in length (like a woman's menstrual cycle) and consist of 13 months in an annual cycle.

Introduction of the Roman calendar was not only an attempt at increased popularity for Ceasar and Augustus with merchants and businessmen, but more important it was a deliberate effort to "civilize" indigenous communities and to commercialize and regulate agriculture. A new dimension of time was created and indigenous concepts of time and cycles were nearly destroyed.

In recent years more people, especially women are integrating an awareness of lunar cycles/earth cycles with their own natural cycles and returning to more natural relationships with time and as part of a movement back to more sustainable patterns in our lives. Perhaps bringing back the spiritual dimension of time as well.

Significance of 13: 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Significance of 13: 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

Within indigenous cultures, 13 is often seen as a powerful concept or fulfillment of a cycle as related to completion of 13 lunar cycles of the natural year.

In 2004, a group of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers were gathered together to fulfill a prophecy and usher in a new generation of healing. From 3 different continents, different countries and completely different cultures and traditions these 13 Grandmothers were brought together to bring hope and healing for the world and our future.

The number 13 is considered bad luck by some; Friday 13th, 13 black cats - apparently there's a band 'Bad Luck Thirteen: A Tribute to Social Distortion"- who would have known?
In this particular case, the number 13 is used intentionally to fulfill a prophecy for healing for the planet. This congregation of 13 Indigenous Grandmother signals a important re-generation of healing.

In October 2004, 13 grandmothers from all over the world, were brought together with one specific purpose - to pray for the world, all of its creatures and our future - together.

Mostly compromised of ordinary women who have spent their lives dedicated to learning and practicing their native traditions of prayer and healing, this group of grandmothers come as a fulfillment of prophecy from many different indigenous traditions.

These chosen elder women are ordinary in the sense that they have no unusual powers or anything that elevates them above others in the usual Western sense. I may be wrong, but I don't believe any of them are medicine women, in a traditional indigenous sense, or extraordinary healers or leaders.

It's important to realize that these women are ordinary people, just like you and I. If these were medicine women or extraordinary healers, we might be able to see them as somehow different than ourselves. To create more separation in our minds. But these women were brought to bring unification and healing for the planet, so it was by specific design that they be common people.

So rather than by some external power, it is by their commitment, the power of their intention and prayer, that holds them as the exceptional women that will change the future.

This is important to understand because each of us has something to contribute, each of us has a responsibility - to contribute and participate with all of creation. All My Relations

And this is part of the message of the 13 Grandmothers.

Significance of 13: Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Calendars   & Trecena
Significance of 13: Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Calendars 
& Trecena

Trecenas mark 13 day periods used in Aztec and Mayan calendars. Trecenas represent divinitory, spiritual and non-linear concepts of time as well as relating to natural, earth and life/death cycles.

Significance of 13: Tibetan Traditions
Significance of 13: Tibetan Traditions

In pre-Buddhist Tibetan cosmology the number 13 is used frequently. Early Tibetan Kings were enthroned at the age of 13 and often ruled for a period of 13 years, to be succeeded by the next 13 year old king. A story of a mythological king emphasizes the significance of the number 13 to Tibetans wishing to rule their kingdoms in accordance to heavenly and earthly guidance.

Thirteen is used in specifying a definite period of time dedicated to meditation whether measured in days,months or years as well as in the successful completion of political or religious accomplishments. In this context it is a determining omen of great success.


15 Deadliest Corporations

These corporations, if they were individual human beings, would be locked up for life. Instead, they continue raking in the big bucks. Human rights abuses, murder, war, eco disasters, and animal exploitation keep these evil companies raking in the green. Prepare to be disgusted.

Several big oil companies make this list, but Chevron deserves a special place in Hell. Between 1972 to 1993, Chevron (then Texaco) discharged 18 billion gallons of toxic water into the rain forests of Ecuador without any remediation, destroying the livelihoods of local farmers and sickening indigenous populations. Chevron has also done plenty of polluting right here in the U.S.: In 1998, Richmond, California sued Chevron for illegally bypassing waste water treatments and contaminating local water supplies, ditto in New Hampshire in 2003. Chevron was responsible for the death of several Nigerians who protested the company's polluting, exploiting presence in the Nigerian Delta. Chevron paid the local militia, known for its human rights abuses, to squash the protests, and even supplied them with choppers and boats. The military opened fire on the protesters, then burned their villages to the ground.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend -- unless she lives in the Ivory Coast. "Blood" or "conflict" diamonds are the name given to minerals purchased from insurgencies in war-torn countries. Prior to 2000 when the U.N. finally took a stand against the practice, DeBeers was knowingly funding violent guerrilla movements in Angola, Sierra Nevada, and the Congo with its diamond purchases. In Botswana, DeBeers has been blamed for the "clearing" of land to be mined for diamonds -- including the forcible removal of indigenous peoples who had lived there for thousands of years. The government allegedly cut off the tribe's water supplies, threatened, tortured and even hanged resisters.


Even if you don't care about the horrendous animal abuse that has been documented in Tyson's factory farms, you have to flinch at Tyson's appalling environmental abuses and workers' rights violations, as well as the fact that on several occasions, Tyson has allowed e coli tainted beef to enter the food supply. A recent study showed that Tyson's chickens were the most salmonella-and-campylobactor filled poultry of all the major suppliers. As if that wasn't gross enough, Tyson has been sued repeatedly for illegally dumping untreated wastewater into Tulsa's water supply; after they were sued the first time, they simply paid the fine and continued the practice. Tyson has made people seriously ill with the ammonia from their factory farms. Tyson is infamous for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants and has even been accused of human trafficking to supply themselves with cheap labor. 
  Smith and Wesson
  Smith and Wesson
As the largest manufacturer of handguns (and sub machine guns) in the U.S., Smith and Wesson is indirectly responsible for uncountable shooting deaths -- not just by the police and government agencies to which these guns are issued, but by criminals and by "accident." In a study of the top ten guns involved in crime in the U.S., the first was the Smith & Wesson .38 Special. Numbers 6 and 7 were also Smith and Wessons. Statistically, studies have shown that guns are used more often in crime than in self-defense. Of course, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." And frequently, they use Smith and Wesson guns to do so. 
Phillip Morris
Phillip Morris
Phillip Morris is the largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the U.S. Cigarettes are known to cause cancer in smokers, as well as birth defects in unborn children if the mother smokes while pregnant. Cigarette smoke contains 43 known carcinogens and over 4,000 chemicals, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, nicotine, ammonia and arsenic. Nicotine, the primary psychoactive chemical in tobacco, has been shown to be psychologically addictive. Smoking raises blood pressure, affects the central nervous system, and constricts the blood vessels. Discarded cigarette butts are a major pollutant as smokers routinely toss their slow-to-degrade filters on the ground. Many of these filters make their way into salt or fresh water bodies, where their chemicals leech out into the water. Then again, cigarettes make you look cool. 
Any corporation that has Dick Cheney as a CEO has got to be evil. Haliburton, a huge "oilfield services" company, profited big time from the U.S.'s invasion of Iraq when Cheney called in his boys to quell burning oil wells -- and to "help" the Iraq oil ministry pump and distribute oil. Haliburton has also been implicated in countless oil spills, including the BP disaster of 2010.

Coca Cola 
Coca Cola
America's favorite soft drink, deadly? Well, even if you choose to overlook the childhood obesity epidemic and how soft drinks market to children to get them to buy something really, really bad for them, Coca Cola corporation has wrought devastation in India, where its factories use up to one million liters of water per day, leaving tens of thousands of nearby residents dry during the drought months. Then the factories dispose of the wastewater improperly, contaminating whatever water is left. A lawsuit in 2001 accused Coca Cola of hiring paramilitaries in Columbia which suppressed unionization in the cola plant there through intimidation, torture and murder.

Big Pharma gets rich when you get sick. Pfizer, the largest pharmaceutical corporation in the U.S., pleaded guilty in 2009 to the largest health care fraud in U.S. history, receiving the largest criminal penalty ever for illegally marketing four of its drugs. It was Pfizer's fourth such case. As if Pfizer's massive use of animal experimentation wasn't heart wrenching enough, Pfizer decided to use Nigerian children as guinea pigs. In 1996, Pfizer traveled to Kano, Nigeria to try out an experimental antibiotic on third-world diseases such as measles, cholera, and bacterial meningitis. They gave trovafloxacin to approximately 200 children. Dozens of them died in the experiment, while many others developed mental and physical deformities. According to the EPA, Pfizer can also proudly claim to be among the top ten companies in America causing the most air pollution.

Another oil company that makes the list, ExxonMobil is perhaps best known for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill which resulted in 11 million gallons of oil contaminating Prince William Sound. But they have also been responsible for a huge oil spill in Brooklyn and for aiding in the decline of Russia's critically endangered grey whale because of drilling in its habitat. The Political Economy Research Institute ranks ExxonMobil sixth among corporations emitting airborne pollutants in the United States. ExxonMobil counters not by cleaning up its act, but by funding scientific studies which refute global warming. ExxonMobil was targeted by human rights activists in 2001 when a lawsuit alleged that ExxonMobil hired Indonesian military who raped, tortured and murdered while serving as security at their plant in Aceh.

Caterpillar Company
Caterpillar sells all kind of tractors, trucks and machinery -- including many of the vehicles, ships and submarines used by the U.S. military. Caterpillar also supplies the Israeli army with bulldozers which are used to demolish Palestinian homes -- sometimes with the people still inside. In 2003 a Caterpillar bulldozer ran over and killed Rachel Corrie, an American protesting in Gaza who stood in front of the tractor to prevent the destruction of a Palestinian home.

Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey
Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey
"The Cruelest Show on Earth" is famous for its abuse of wild animals. In July 2004, Clyde, a young lion traveling with Ringling, died in a poorly ventilated boxcar while the circus crossed the Mojave Desert in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Circus elephants are routinely confined for days at a time and beaten with bullhooks and electric prods, and when they've had enough, they lash out. In one famous case in 1994, an elephant named Tyke killed her trainer and injured 12 spectators before being gunned down on the streets of Honolulu. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Circus also has an impressive dead human headcount because of a fire under the big top in 1944 which killed a hundred spectators -- the canvas was illegally non-flame-retardant.

Big Agra makes the list with Monsanto, pushers of genetically modified foods, bovine growth hormones, and poison. Monsanto's list of evils includes creating the "terminator" seed which creates plants which never fruit or flower so that farmers must purchase them anew yearly, lobbying to have "hormone-free" labels removed from the labels of milk and infant milk replacer (through bovine growth hormone is believed to be a cancer-accelerator) as well as a wide range of environmental and human health violations associated with use of Monsanto's poisons -- most notably "Agent Orange." Between 1965 and 1972, Monsanto illegally dumped thousands of tons of highly toxic waste in UK landfills. According to the Environment Agency the chemicals were polluting groundwater and air 30 years after they were dumped. Alabama sued Monsanto for 40 years of dumping mercury and PCB into local creeks. Plus, Monsanto is infamous for sticking it to the very farmers it claims to be helping, such as when it sued and jailed a farmer for saving seed from one season's crop to plant the next.

Sticky-sweet image aside, Nestle's crimes against man and nature include massive deforestation in Borneo -- the habitat of the critically endangered orangutan -- to grow palm oil, and buying milk from farms illegally-seized by a despot in Zimbabwe. Nestle drew fire from environmentalists for its ridiculous claims that bottled water is "eco-friendly" when the exact opposite is true. Nestle attracted worldwide boycott efforts for urging mothers in third-world countries to use their infant milk replacer instead of breastfeeding, without warning them of the possible negative effects. Supposedly, Nestle hired women to dress as nurses to hand out free infant formula, which was frequently mixed with contaminated water, or the children starved when the formula ran out and their mothers could not afford more and their breast milk had already dried up from disuse. Nestle, of course, denies contributing to the death of thousands of infants.

British Petroleum
British Petroleum
Who can forget 2010's oil rig explosion in the Gulf Coast which killed 11 workers and thousands of birds, sea turtles, dolphins and other animals, effectively destroying the fishing and tourism industry in the region? This was not BP's first crime against nature. In fact, between January 1997 and March 1998, BP was responsible for a whopping 104 oil spills. Thirteen rig workers will killed in 1965 during one explosion; 15 in a 2005 explosion. Also in 2005, a BP ferry carrying oil workers crashed, killing 16. In 1991, the EPA cited BP as the most polluting company in the U.S.. In 1999, BP was charged with illegal toxic dumping in Alaska, then in 2010 for leaking highly dangerous poisons into the air in Texas. In July 2006, Colombian farmers won a settlement from BP after they accused the company of benefiting from a regime of terror carried out by Colombian government paramilitaries protecting the Ocensa pipeline. Clearly, there is no way BP will ever "make it right."

This privatized military company is often hired by the U.S. government to protect American interests overseas -- and so the government can claim no responsibility for Dyncorp's actions. Dyncorp is best known for its brutality in impoverished countries, for trafficking in child sex slaves, for slaughtering civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, and for training rebels in Haiti. Among some stiff competition, mercenary Dyncorp may be the deadliest and most evil corporation in the United States.


Zionism and the United States Congress

Theodor Herzl
The ideology, or political project, of Zionism which underlies the creation of the State of Israel had, in fact, a Christian origin rather than a Jewish one, as writings can be found dating from the 1500’s, written by Christian clergymen in England advocating the migration of Jews to the Holy Land.

The migration of Jews to Palestine was also advocated by Napoleon Bonaparte.

The first Jewish presentations of Zionism were written by Moses Hess in 1862 and 20 years later by Leo Pinsker, both of the Russian Pale, with each writer advocated a separate state for Jews.

Twentieth century Zionism was initiated by Theodore Herzl who, likewise, advocated a separate state for Jews in his book, Der Judenstaat, written in 1896. One year later he formed the World Zionist Congress which held its first meeting in Basel Switzerland in that same year.

What to do with the Arabs present in the prospective Jewish state dominated the thoughts of the founders of Israel from Herzl up until the actual expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948.

Thus Herzl stated:

“[We shall] spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Thus the concept of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was introduced.

It is not rocket science, if you want to create a state exclusively of Jews, mostly European, in the heart of the Middle East, then you must first get rid of the Arabs.

Vladimir Jabotinsky

In 1928, Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Revisionist wing of the Zionist movement, which advocated the revision of the British Mandate for Palestine, to include the east bank of the Jordan and some of present-day Egypt, Jordan and Syria, and which was the progenitor of the present-day Lukud party, wrote, of the Palestinians, in his booklet, The Iron Wall, that no people were ever willing to give up their land to another people through mutual agreement and that the colonization by European Jews of Palestine must be prosecuted by force and against the will of the indigenous people, and must be executed behind an iron wall of bayonets, using his metaphor.

By the 1930′s, ‘transfer’ of the Arabs was the unanimous preference of the founders of Israel. So-called transfer committees, headed by Joseph Weitz, Director of Land Management for the Jewish Agency, were set up explicitly for the purpose of studying ways of ‘transferring’ the Arabs out of Palestine.

At the beginning of 1948, despite 50 years of land purchases, Jews only owned 6% of the land of Palestine. By the year’s end, the Israeli army controlled 78% of Palestine in a process of ethnic cleansing that saw the destruction of 531 Arab towns or villages and 11 Arab urban areas, with massacres, large or small, at almost all of those towns or villages, the almost complete looting of Palestinian property and wealth, including looting of the banks, confiscation of Palestinian homes and property, businesses, fields and orchards.

The Palestinian people lost everything. Those who survived the massacres lost their careers, their means of livelihood, only to find refuge in tent cities set up by the United Nations which were later to become squalid refugee camps of cinder block buildings dotted around the Middle East.

By just checking the time line, one quickly disposes of the 60 year old Israeli propaganda myth that the pre-state of Israel was innocently minding its own business when it was attacked by five armies of surrounding Arab states.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians began on November 30, 1947 in Haifa when the Jewish army under David Ben Gurion, along with the Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, under Manachem Begin, began shelling the Arab sections of that city. The ethnic cleansing of the Arabs of Haifa was completed by April, 1948 when shelling by the Jewish forces forced Haifa’s Arab residents to flee toward the harbor where they attempted to board boats in order to escape. Thus the Arabs of Haifa were literally ‘pushed into the sea’ by the Jewish forces. Many of those fleeing were drowned when the boats were overloaded and capsized.

In March of 1948, David Ben Gurion finalized and distributed Plan D to his officers, which was a program for destroying and depopulating Arab villages and eliminating any resistance. Already, by that date, already 30 Arab villages had been depopulated of Arabs.

On revealing paragraph of this document states:

“These operations can be carried out in the following manner: either by destroying villages (by setting fire to them, by blowing them up, and by planting mines in their rubble), and especially those populations centers that are difficult to control permanently; or by mounting combing and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the villages, conducting a search inside them. In case of resistance, the armed forces must be wiped out and the population expelled outside the borders of the state.”

The massacre at the Arab village of Deir Yassin, only one of many, but possibly the most famous, occurred on April 9, 1948. Israel declared itself a state on May 14, 1948, and it was the next day, May 15, that the first regular soldier of an Arab army set foot in Palestine. By then, about half of the 750,000 to 800,000 Palestinian refugees had been generated and all of Palestine’s urban centers and had been depopulated of Arabs.

Let me be clear: the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians began six months before the entrance into Palestine of any regular member of the surrounding Arab armies. And further, the intent of the Zionist movement to displace the Arab population had been in place for half a century.
One cannot understand the natural anger and resentment of the Arab people, and particularly the Palestinian people, toward Israel, and also to the West, for supporting their oppressors and for being blind to their own suffering, without coming to a full understanding of the catastrophe, which the Palestinian people call the Nakbah, that befell them in 1948. One cannot so understand if one accepts the lie that the pre-state of Israel was just innocently defending itself, which is the fiction which, I suspect, most members of the US Congress accept.

Nor can one understand the futility of the exalted ‘peace process’, ongoing now for the last 24 years, concurrent with the further erosion of Palestinian rights and freedom, and migration of new Jewish settlers into the West Bank and East Jerusalem, without understanding that Israeli acquired its present status as a state, not by negotiation with Palestinians, but by brute force and very much against the will of the indigenous people.

For the Arab people, Israel is an alien implant, imposed by western powers, in the heart of the Arab world against the will of the Arab people.

The Palestinians living under occupation have been living in that situation for 45 years, deprived of basic human rights, abused and, more often than not, humiliated, suffering degradation and humiliation on a daily basis, as their land and property and resources are daily confiscated by the state of Israel, which also winks at settler violence and looks the other way as settlers, who have built their settlement on hilltops, dump their sewage onto Palestinian farmland, as they also cut down their olive trees, burn their fields and poison or otherwise kill their livestock, in order to make way for more settlers and settlements as well as to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians with the intention of make their migration from Palestine more attractive than their continuing presence.

The Palestinian refugee population now stands at about 5 million – the largest refugee population in the world and the longest standing refugee population. There are no prospects on the horizon for any change in their situation.

Zionism is a political program of clearing Palestine of Palestinian Arabs in order to create the space for an exclusive Jewish state. As such, its goal is to destroy the Palestinians as a people with an identity as a people and with an attachment to the land of their births and the births of their ancestry. Such a project meets the definition of genocide in international law. Genocide is a crime against humanity was well as against its immediate victims. Genocide is a crime in which all of humanity is degraded.

When the US Congress gave 29 standing ovations to the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Netanyahu, in his most recent appearance before this body, they were applauding a man whose has dedicated his entire life to the destruction of the Palestinian people and their ethnic cleansing.

The US Congress does not seem to know, or to care: Those who came to Palestine in the 20th century for the purpose of ethnically cleansing the indigenous people in order to establish a racially or ethnically pure Jewish state are the victimizers, not the victims; those who are being ethnically cleansed are the victims, not the victimizers. The US Congress has it backwards.

Did it not occur to the members of this august group that Mr Netanyahu, after receiving 29 standing ovations, would return to Israel with an imprimatur from the US Congress to continue, or even accelerate, the disenfranchise of the Palestinians?

The day that the Knesset endorsed Oslo II by a majority of one, in 1993, thousands of demonstrators gathered in Zion Square in Jerusalem. While the demonstrators displayed an effigy of Rabin in SS uniform, Netanyahu delivered an inflammatory speech calling Oslo II a surrender agreement and accused Rabin of ‘causing national humiliation by accepting the dictates of the terrorist Arafat.’ A month later, on November 1995, Rabin was assassinated by a religious-nationalist Jewish fanatic with the explicit aim of derailing the peace process. Rabin’s demise, as his murderer expected, dealt a serious body blow to the entire peace process. (Shlaim – Israel and Palestine, Verso)

There is a YouTube video, from 2002, of Mr Netanyahu seated on a couch in the home of an Israeli family, unwittingly on camera, and bragging that he was able to destroy Oslo, and that he deceived the US president at that time, Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords by making minor withdrawals from the West Bank while actually entrenching the occupation. He boasts that he thereby destroyed the Oslo process.

He dismisses the US as “easily moved to the right direction” and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel “absurd.”

He also suggests that, far from being defensive, Israel’s harsh military repression of the Palestinian uprising, was designed chiefly to crush the Palestinian Authority led by Yasser Arafat so that it could be made more pliable for Israeli diktats.


Mr Netanyahu is playing the US Congress for fools.

Days before he received 29 standing ovations from the US Congress, Mr Netanyahu sat in the Oval Office with the American President and told him that he would not accept the ’67 borders as the basis of a solution. The ’67 borders as a basis for a settlement has been the consistent American position since the ’67 war, for 45 years, under both Democrat and Republican presidents.

Mr Netanyahu told the American President that Israel needed most of the West Bank because otherwise Israel would be militarily vulnerable, and also, an indefinitely long presence in the Jordan Valley, also because otherwise Israel would be militarily vulnerable. And, of course, Mr Netanyahu has a consistent policy of ethnically cleansing Jerusalem of Palestinians because it was given to Jews by God, or because it is the Jewish birthright. That leaves very little for the Palestinians, does it not? The original inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinians, were promised statehood by the British Mandate for Palestine.

It is not true, BTW, that Jews were building the city of Jerusalem 3000 years ago, as Mr Netanyahu repeatedly claims, and even if it were, it would not override international law’s injunction against ethnic cleansing. The archeologists tell us that Jerusalem was an abandoned village 3000 years ago surrounded by a small agrarian population. This is during the purported time of David and Solomon and the purported United Kingdom. Jerusalem did not achieve any significance until the 8th century BCE and then as the continuous development of a Palestinian settlement from which artifacts have been discovered of representing a variety of Palestinians deities of which Yahweh was only one of several . There is not one shred of evidence for a Jewish temple dating from 3000 years ago, or any other significant engineering structures from that time.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that Mr Netanyahu, or any other Israeli who claims to be derived from God’s Chosen, possesses any genetic connection to the ancient Judeans. The burden of proof is on Mr Netanyahu to produce a verifiable pedigree or genealogical tree stretching back 3000 years into the Iron Age. In fact, no living person is able to do that.

Mr Netanyahu derives from European Jewish ancestry, who, in turn, derive mostly from the Russian Khazars, those living near the Volga and Don Rivers, who converted in mass to Judaism in the 9th century CE bringing a much larger population to Judaic belief than any population of Judeans of the ancient world, or their descendants.

Paul Wexler, a philological archeologist at Tel Aviv University, in his book, The Non-Jewish Origin of the Sephardic Jews, writes that Hebrew and Aramaic made their appearance in European Jewish text only in the 10th century CE, and were not products of earlier linguistic developments. During the first millennium CE, Jewish believers in Europe knew no Hebrew or Aramaic. Only after the religious canonization of Arabic in Islam and Latin in Christianity, did Judaism adopt and propagate its own religious language as a high cultural code.

It is as likely that Adolf Hitler is a descendant of the ancient Judeans as is Mr Netanyahu, for all anyone knows.

The locus of the present day conflict in Palestine may not be in Palestine but in Washington, DC, and in the US Congress, because the US Congress supports, probably unwittingly for the most part, the ethnic cleansing and the destruction the Palestinian people.


U.S. Aircraft Carrier Killer: China deploys anti-ship ballistic missile along southern coast, facing Taiwan


The Chinese military has deployed its new anti-ship ballistic missile along its southern coast facing Taiwan, the Pentagon’s top military intelligence officer said.

The missile, designated the DF-21D, is one of a “growing number of conventionally armed” new weapons China is deploying to the region, adding to more than 1,200 short-range missiles opposite the island democracy, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the Defense Intelligence Agency director, said in a statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Flynn’s reference to the DF-21D follows one made by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, in congressional testimony on April 9. He highlighted the “initial deployment of a new anti-ship missile that we believe is designed to target U.S. aircraft carriers.”

Flynn’s brief reference to the DF-21D today is significant because it advances the DIA’s assessment last year, when U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess, then the agency’s director, said China’s military is “probably preparing to deploy” the weapon.

The disclosure may spark increased scrutiny in Congress this year about the vulnerability of the Navy’s aircraft carriers, including the new Gerald R. Ford class being built by Newport News, Virginia-based Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc.. (HII)

The Navy estimates that the first new carrier will cost at least $12.3 billion, and the service’s budget request for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 includes $1.68 billion for new aircraft carriers, more than double this year’s $781.7 million request. Of that, $945 million would pay for continued design and construction of the second Ford-class carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy.

China aircraft carrier

‘Immediate Need’

Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of operational testing, warned in his January 2012 annual report that the Navy lacked a target needed to check its defenses against the DF-21D. The Navy had an “immediate need” for a test missile able to replicate the DF-21D’s trajectory, Gilmore said.

Last July, Gilmore told Navy Secretary Ray Mabus in a memo that testing to evaluate the new carriers’ “ability to withstand shock and survive in combat” would be postponed until after the Kennedy is built, and may not be completed for seven years.

The DF-21D is intended to give China “the capability to attack large ships, particularly aircraft carriers, in the western Pacific,” the Pentagon’s 2012 China report said. The report cites estimates that the missile’s range exceeds 930 miles (1,500 kilometers).

Carrier Hunters

The missiles are designed be be launched to a general location, where their guidance systems take over and spot carriers to attack with warheads intended to destroy the ships’ flight decks, launch catapults and control towers.

U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert told defense reporters in March 2012 that the Navy is evaluating how to defeat the missile during all phases of flight, using methods such as jamming the missiles’ sensors, reducing the electronic emissions from U.S. ships, and intercepting the missile.

“Some call that links of a chain,” Greenert said. “You want to break as many links as possible.”

In its fiscal 2014 Budget Highlights book, the Navy said it’s working a “kill chain” against an unspecified weapon.

The Navy, the book says, wants to integrate the capabilities of the Falls Church, Virginia-based Northrop Grumman Corp.’s (NOC) E-2D Advanced Hawkeye surveillance aircraft; Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed Martin Corp.’s (LMT) Aegis surveillance and missile defense system; and Waltham, Massachusetts-based Raytheon Co.’s (RTN) Cooperative Engagement Capability sensor network linking ships and Standard Missile-6 interceptors “to keep pace with the evolving threat.”

Analysts including Mark Gunzinger, a senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and some naval officers worry that the new carriers, while formidable warships, may not be able to get close enough for their planes to attack enemies, such as China and Iran, that are armed with precision- guided anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles.


Multiple Witchcraft Deaths in India Within a Week

 Sioux Spirit Image

A woman died in an attempt to appease the goddess while two women were killed allegedly for practicing witchcraft in separate incidents in adjoining West Singhbhum district, police said.

A 55-year-old woman Rajnigandha Mukhi died an unnatural death when she cut her vein in the leg in an attempt to propitiate goddess in Kasurwan village under Sonua police station on Wednesday, Officer-in-charge of Sonua Police station Vinod Oraon told PTI.

The bleeding was so profuse that the villagers could not even shift her to a nearby hospital as she died on the spot, he said.

In separate incidents, two women were beaten to death allegedly by their relatives for practicing witchcraft in separate incidents in the district, police said.

Donga Tamsai (45) was beheaded by her nephew in Noa village in Jhinkpani police station on Saturday, Chakrabarty Ram, Officer-in-charge of Jhinkpani police station said.

The accused along with an accomplice killed Tamsai with a sharp weapon and hid the body in a nearby jungle, he said.

On being informed about the incident, Police recovered the body as well as the head from separate places in the jungle today.

A similar incident was also reported in adjoining Manjhari police station area where a woman was beaten to death by the relatives for similar reason.

Police said Sini Kui was beaten up mercilessly by her relatives allegedly for practicing witchcraft till she breathed her last on Sunday last. However, no one was arrested in this connection as yet even though a case was registered with the police.


Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation


Henry Kissinger

Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World."

Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry.

Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas.

Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce.

Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy.

National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says:

"Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.

Depopulation policy

Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared.

It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski - all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation:

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995).

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S.

For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies &).

Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor.

She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies&).

Illuminati card population reduction

Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations.

The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary.

Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK.


The Illuminati/Chemtrail Connection

 The Illuminati/Chemtrail Connection

But the reality of atmospheric geoengineering shakes the foundations of our beliefs. A global geoengineering project of this magnitude would be the largest, and most expensive endeavor ever undertaken in the history of mankind. It would dwarf the construction of China's great wall, the Egyptian Pyramids, and all of the other manmade wonders of the world combined.

This geoengineering program would require the cooperation of countless nations (many of whom are enemies), huge squadrons of specialized aircraft kept airborne 24/7/365, immense financial backing, and the combined resources of numerous corporations to supply the necessary facilities, equipment, chemicals, and the fuel required. It would demand the collusion of most national governments, media, militaries, political systems, and multinational corporations. This level of cooperation is unprecedented.

To top off this unlikely scenario, the entire worldwide geoengineering program would have to be kept top-secret, well below the threshold of public perception. Even David Copperfield, who made the Statue of Liberty vanish, would be hard pressed to pull off an illusion of this magnitude.

When we consider these strange possibilities, they appear completely impossible. They whole concept sounds irrational. It is no wonder that very few people acknowledge the existence of chemtrail programs. Yet... we can look up every day, see the planes, and watch the creation of artificial cloud cover.

If one can stretch the imagination to include the possibility of global atmospheric modification being conducted on a global scale, then we must ask ourselves two important questions. Why is this being done? And who is doing it?

Global atmospheric geoengineering is officially a non-issue. But if it is occurring, why? And what are the purposes of these mysterious aerial operations?


1. To mitigate global warming and the rapid collapse of Earth's ecosystems by patching the ozone holes, to increase the planetary albedo, and to shield terrestrial life from the infrared, ultraviolet and cosmic rays from space.

2. For global weather modification to counter the effects of global warming, utilizing synthetic cloud making to control precipitation.

3. For Defense applications: concealment from aerial and satellite observation, to facilitate a new military communications system, to defend against incoming ICBMs (when combined with ELF and EMP waves), to facilitate an advanced military 3D imaging system.

4. As a delivery system for mass immunizations, or genetic modification without the knowledge of the population.

5. In conjunction with HAARP array to sterilize areas contaminated with biotoxins and toxic molds.

6. As a vehicle for mind control transmissions.

7. To shield the U.S. from ELF/Scalar weather control transmissions from Russia and China.

8. To facilitate electromagnetic mind control technologies to subjugate and control human populations physically, mentally and spiritually.

9. As a delivery system to facilitate global population reduction to sustainable levels in accordance with New World Order directives.

10. A combination of the uses listed above, as this technologies applications are quite versatile.

Each of these possibilities are backed up with solid evidence, as is detailed within the archives of the Chemtrail Hall of Shame, or in thewww.bariumblues.com site. This should shed some light on the answers to the question: "why?"

The second question is: "who?" Who on Earth possesses sufficient genius, power, technology, and wealth necessary to coordinate this monumental global effort? There is only one group that meets the criteria: The Illuminati controlled New World Order.



This shadowy group has all of the prerequisite attributes. They are in control of many of our planetary resources: financial, manufacturing, aeronautical, mining, chemical, etc. They dominate the military industrial complex through corporations like Bechtel and the Carlyle Group. Their media holdings include over 50% of all global print, radio, and broadcast media resources. They have the means, the motives, and the methods.

The Illuminati are in firm control of the governments of the United States, England, and Israel. This organization operates in complete secrecy, as do the chemtrail spraying programs. The illuminati elite act through proxies such as: The Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, and the United Nations. All things being considered, the Illuminati are definitely our prime suspects.

But where is the hard evidence that the Illuminati are directing global geoengineering programs? Sure they have the power, wealth, connections, criminality, and the motive. But what of solid evidence? We need proof that could satisfy a good investigator in establishing a prime suspect.

There is some very interesting evidence that I recently uncovered that indicates Illuminati complicity in the Chemtrail programs. In the landmark multi-million dollar geoengineering study funded by Congress: Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base - Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, the participants and the institutions they represent are all listed by name . Represented were: senior researchers, faculty, theoreticians, atmospheric scientists, department heads and CEO's from a multitude of prestigious institutions: Senators and Congressmen, The Smithsonian, Harvard, General Motors, Cambridge, MIT, Yale, World Resources Institute, National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Oxford, Brookings Institution, Columbia University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carnegie-Mellon University, Princeton University, Brown University, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and many more. This colossal study recalls the scope, expense and secrecy of the Manhattan Project. These are all experts in their specialties, and luminaries within their fields.

A good example is the recently deceased Edward Teller. Known as the "father of the H-Bomb," Teller's genius also conceived the strategy of Atmospheric Geoengineering to mitigate global warming by spraying aluminum into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight. Teller published papers on this subject which are available online. He was also a frequent visitor of the Illuminati bacchanals at Bohemian Grove, as were George Bush I & II, William Casey, Henry Kissinger, and many other prominent members of the Illuminati Elite.

When we cross-reference their names of panel members from the Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming study with rosters from known Illuminati-controlled organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the National Security Council, we find many of the same names and institutions represented. The same individuals and institutions that pioneered Atmospheric Geoengineering, are also members of organizations controlled by the Illuminati's New World Order.


Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Mentions His 'Wife'

Christ Appearing to the Magdalen by Titian: A newly discovered ancient papyrus suggests the Messiah and Mary Magdalene were man and wife
'Proof' Jesus was married found on ancient papyrus that mentions how son of God spoke of his wife and Mary Magdalene.

An uncovered fragment of ancient papyrus makes the explosive suggestion that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were man and wife, researchers say.

The 8cm by 4cm fragment supports an undercurrent in Christian thought that undermines centuries of Church dogma by suggesting the Christian Messiah was not celibate.

The centre of the fragment contains the bombshell phrase where Jesus, speaking to his disciples, says 'my wife', which researchers believe refers to Magdalene.

The incomplete manuscript, written in the ancient Egyptian Coptic language, has been studied by Karen King, Hollis professor of divinity at Harvard University, the oldest endowed academic seat in the US.

Professor King was to present a paper on the discovery today at an international conference on Coptic studies in Rome after conducting extensive tests and research to establish the document's authenticity.

She told Smithsonian Magazine that the fragment casts doubt 'on the whole Catholic claim of a celibate priesthood based on Jesus’ celibacy.'

She added: 'What this shows is that there were early Christians for whom ... sexual union in marriage could be an imitation of God’s creativity and generativity and it could be spiritually proper and appropriate.'

An a forthcoming paper in the Harvard Theological Review, Professor King speculates that this so-called 'Gospel of Jesus’s Wife' may have been tossed on the garbage 'because the ideas it contained flowed so strongly against the ascetic currents of the tides in which Christian practices and understandings of marriage and sexual intercourse were surging.'

The ancient papyrus that apparently proves that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene

Professor King downplays the fragment's validity as a biographical document, saying that it was probably composed in Greek a century or so after the Crucifixion, then subsequently transcribed into Coptic.

Its significance instead lies in the possibility that an early Christian sect drew spiritual succour from portraying their prophet as having a wife.

This representation of Jesus as a man with earthly passions and needs has not survived in the doctrines of the established churches, which emphasise celibacy and asceticism as a spiritual ideal.
Professor King's interpretation of the text are based on the assumption that the fragment is genuine, a question that is by no means definitively settled.

Because chemical tests of its ink have not yet been done, the papyrus could still be challenged on the basis of its authenticity, though independent experts have given their support based on other benchmarks.

To authenticate the papyrus, Professor King sent photos of it to AnneMarie Luijendijk, a professor at Princeton and an authority on Coptic papyri and sacred scriptures.

Professor Luijendijk forwarded the pictures to Roger Bagnall, a renowned papyrologist who directs the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.

Known for his conservative assessments of the authenticity and date of ancient papyri, Professor Bagnall nevertheless confirmed that he believed the document was genuine.

The scribe's dialect and style of handwriting, and the colour and texture of the papyrus, helped them to date it to the second half of the fourth century AD and place its probable origin in upper Egypt.
The details of the fragment support another view of the life of Jesus that has begun to gain traction since the discovery of a cache of ancient manuscripts in Nag Hammadi, Upper Egypt, in 1945.
These manuscripts, including the gospel of Thomas, the gospel of Philip and the Secret Revelation of John, outline the so-called Gnostic version of Christianity which differs sharply from the official Church line.

Persecuted and often cut off from each other, ancient Christian communities had very different opinions on fundamental doctrines regarding Jesus' birth, life and death.

It was only with the establishment of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire that the Emperor Constantine summoned 300 bishops to issue a definitive statement of Christian doctrine.

This so-called Nicene creed - named for Nicaea, the town where they met - affirmed a model of Christian belief that is to this day taken as orthodoxy.

The origins of this latest fragment are as yet unknown. Professor King received it from an anonymous collector who had found it among a job lot of ancient Greek and Coptic papyri.

Accompanying the fragment was an unsigned and undated handwritten note from a translator claiming it is the sole example of a text in which Jesus refers in direct speech to having a wife.

Professor King, who is able to read ancient Coptic, believes some of the phrases within the text echo passages in Luke, Matthew and the Gnostic gospels about the role of the family.

These parallels convinced her that this account of the life of Jesus was originally composed in the second century AD when such questions were a subject of intense theological debate.

Those who disagreed with the official line as established by the Council of Nicaea were in time branded by the Roman Church as heretics and their teachings suppressed.

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