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Guided by Aliens: Dogon Tribe Shames NASA by Revealing Unknown Star System

Guided by Aliens: Dogon Tribe Shames NASA by Revealing Unknown Star System

What if parts of history were whipped out or re-written because they would simply be inconvenient for modern society? But, as you all know, the “what if” part is unnecessary.

There are many documented ancient tribes from all over the globe, some still surviving, telling stories of gods much older than the one we believe in who came to Earth to shed some light upon the lesser human race.

They called them the children of Enoch and described them as superior beings from a distant space or dimension, specifically the vicinity of a star we now call Sirius, who either visited or indirectly gave birth to the Sumerian civilization and presumably erected later dominating civilizations like the Toltec and the ancient Egyptian and Mayan Empires, capable of building structures that have modern day scientists scratching their heads.

An ancient tribe from Africa called Dogon has been speaking about a “dark sister” since before history has even been documented. The tribe had vast knowledge concerning a nearby star system and its precise functioning. The star we now call Sirius and its mysterious companion was actually discovered much later.

In 1844, German astronomer Friedrich Bessel caught wind of Sirius’ strange behavior and decided to investigate the matter.

First Bessel discovered that Sirius followed a peculiar path, but could not determine why. He could only presume another body, similar in size, was somewhere near it and altering its course. The fact that this object remained invisible was still a mystery.

Future astronomers were later able to conclude that the invisible object was in fact what we now know as Sirius B. It remained invisible because it is a degenerate dwarf, a planet or body that is much heavier in mass than it should be for its size or volume.

It took modern science and equipment decades to discover what the ancient Egyptians or Dogon have known for more than 5,000 years. The fact that ancient people from different periods of time and parts of the globe had almost identical astronomical knowledge we have only been able to uncover lately is also mind boggling.

Modern science has established that Sirius is not very far away and is constantly moving closer to our solar system, which means it will become brighter and more visible as time goes by. It was obviously visible to the naked eye for ancient people as they used it to describe the timing of holidays or seasons and even as a compass to navigate on land and water.

But the Dogon tribe had the most specific and vast information about this star system and claim there’s also a third star named Emme YA in the Sirius system we have absolutely no knowledge about.

All these intriguing facts make many believe that history before a certain point was either erased or brutally modified according to the will of rulers across time. Every area of the globe has been under totalitarian rule at some point in recent history (3,000 years or so), so you can imagine the amount of knowledge forged or burned depending on the interests of each regime.

The Romans basically whipped out any information about the Etruscan League and completely invented malicious lies about great cultures and civilizations they exterminated such as Carthage.

Napoleon had a scary moment while being alone inside one of the Egyptian pyramids and decided to burn the library of Alexandria to the ground, destroying any precious information and drawings of ancient Babylon, another fabulous and prosperous civilization that was likely guided by advanced beings.The history we learn in modern school or watch documentaries about is mostly based on conflict (peaceful periods are rarely mentioned) but the future of the human race could one day depend on what these ancient civilizations were trying to tell us for thousands of year.


Here's A Detailed Description Atlantis

Advanced ancient civilizations are a big topic of interest among researchers, historians, archaeologists, and scientists.

Every single year we are gifted with a mysterious find that has us questioning the origins of the human race and imagining the cultures which roamed the earth before us.

We have found much evidence to suggest that there may have been civilizations in existence before us which were intellectually, and even technologically superior.

Here's A Detailed Description Atlantis

That being said, this theory is still thought to be quite fantastical; despite all of the evidence which has been brought to light in recent years to support this notion, it is still largely ignored by the mainstream.

If you are interested in looking at some of this evidence, a great place to start is with author Graham Hancock, in his book titled The Magicians of The Gods.


If you start talking about the lost, ancient city of Atlantis, most people will probably think that you’re living in ‘la la’ land.

Many people are unaware that this city has been seriously studied for hundreds of years. For example, we can see that it was a subject of significant importance for researchers at the Smithsonian Institution, as emphasized by their Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30th, 1915.

In the report, author M. Pierre Termeir, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of Service of the Geologic Chart of France, gives a lecture regarding the Atlantean civilization. He makes a compelling case for further study of this lost city:

After a long period of disdainful indifference, observe how in the last few years science is returning to the study of Atlantis.

How many naturalists, geologists, zoologists, or botanists are asking one another today whether Plato has not transmitted to us, with slight amplification, a page from the actual history of mankind?

No affirmation is yet permissible; but it seems more and more evident that a vast region, continental or made up of great islands, has collapsed west of the Pillars of Hercules, otherwise called the Strait of Gibraltar, and that its collapse occurred in the not far distant past.

In any event, the question of Atlantis is placed anew before men of science; and since I do not believe that it can ever be solved without the aid of oceanography, I have thought it natural to discuss it here, in this temple of maritime science, and to call to such a problem, long scorned but now being revived, the attention of oceanographers, as well as the attention of those who, though immersed in the tumult of cities, lend an ear to the distant murmur of the sea.

In his lecture, M. Termeir goes on to present zoologic, geographic, and geologic data to support the existence of the lost Atlantean civilization.Not only that, archaeological discoveries on the ocean floor have also raised some questions

Not only that, archaeological discoveries on the ocean floor within the past decades have also raised some questions…

Plato’s Description of Atlantis

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, provides a description of Atlantis in his dialogue Critias, which was never completed.

The following is a summary of his depiction, these are a few of many points I am taking from Manly P. Halls, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

  • Atlantis was inhabited by ‘earth-born’ and ‘primitive’ human beings. One of them was wooed by the god Poseidon, who interbred with the human beings, and they eventually bore five children. This interbreeding between gods and humans is a common theme in many historical texts found throughout the world.
  • The land was divided into concentric zones of land and water. Two zones of land and three zones of water surrounded the central island, which had warm springs of water and cold springs of water.
  • Atlantis became an established country, with a wise government and an industry that sprung them to advanced technological heights — beyond even what we have reached today.
  • Atlantis had limitless resources, wild animals, and precious metals, and was heavily populated.
  • Atlantis was full of large and beautiful palaces, temples, docks, and a network of various bridges and canals that united different sections of the kingdom.
  • White, black and red stones were used in the construction of public buildings. “They circumscribed each of the land zones with a wall, the outer wall being covered with brass, the middle with tin, and the inner, which encompassed the citadel, with orichalch. The citadel, on the central island, contained the palaces, temples, and other public buildings. In its center, surrounded by a wall of gold, was a sanctuary dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon.” 
  • Atlantis had a number of gardens, full of hot and cold springs. There were countless temples, public baths, and exercise facilities for both man and animal.
  • “The part of Atlantis facing the sea was described as lofty and precipitous, but about the central city was a plain sheltered by mountains renowned for their size, number, and beauty. The plain yielded two crops each year, in the winter being watered by rains and in the summer by immense irrigation canals, which were also used for transportation. The plain was divided into sections and in time of war each section supplied its quota of fighting men and chariots.”
  • Atlantis was massive, ruled by multiple kings who all had control over their land. Their relationships with the other kings were governed by an original code of ethics that was engraved by the first ten kings. “The chief laws of the Atlantean kings were that they should not take up arms against each other and that they should come to the assistance of any of their number who was attacked.”

    These Bizzare Near-Death Experiences (NDE) May Change Your Beliefs


    We’ve discussed near-death experiences (NDEs) before, concentrating mainly on testimonies from people in modern Western societies. Now we’re going to look at NDEs from earlier times and different cultures. Will these surprising testimonies prove or disprove the reality of NDEs?

    We can’t guarantee any answers. After all, you have to die to confirm the truth. But we do believe that these stories will raise intriguing questions for even the most skeptical readers.


    10 Black Elk

    When he was a young boy, Lakota Sioux medicine man Black Elk (1863–1950) told author John Neihardt about his near-death experience at age nine. He had collapsed due to swelling of the arms, legs, and face. That’s when he saw two men emerge from the clouds, who told him: “Hurry up, your grandfather is calling you.”

    Though he was sorry to leave his parents, he rose above the Earth to a rainbow door. There, he saw six elderly grandfathers, whom he described as “older than men can ever be—old like hills, old like stars.” These elders made prophecies and gave him powers of healing and wisdom. After coming back to Earth two weeks later, he was initially reluctant to talk about his experiences. Then he was taken to a medicine man and relived them in a ritual.

    As a young man, he joined Buffalo Bill’s traveling show, ultimately performing for Queen Victoria in London. As he continued to tour Europe, he got separated from his troupe in Paris and fell ill.

    Near death for 24 hours, he reported a spirit journey across the Atlantic Ocean to his homeland in Dakota before being returned to Europe. Apparently, the French medical establishment was preparing to put him in a coffin when his heart started beating again and he sat up. Eventually, he returned to the reservation, where he became a shaman and prophet.

    Black Elk’s experience appeared to have been affected by his cultural upbringing, with visions of heavenly horses, migrating geese, and spotted eagles. Some have questioned why Black Elk would have told a white man about his experience.

    According to researcher Steve Straight, this may have been because Neihardt had experienced a similar NDE himself. Allegedly, Black Elk said that he felt someone should tell the world about the experience.


    9 Myth Of Er
    In The Republic, Plato referenced a speech by Socrates which told the tale of Er, a Pamphylian warrior who was left for dead on a battlefield but later recovered. Although assumed to be dead, Er’s body did not decay and returned to life upon the funeral pyre. Usually seen as an allegorical story by Socrates, some have suggested that it was evidence of an ancient NDE.

    Er reported traveling with a large group to a mysterious, dazzling field or plain. Souls traveled upward or downward via twin openings in the Earth, depending on the judgment they received. Er claimed that he saw the tyrant Ardiaeus being bound, flayed, and dragged through thorns before being deposited in Tartarus.

    After seven days, Er claimed that he was moved to a new place with a radiant rainbow pillar where the dead drew lots to determine their future lives and drank from a river to erase their memories before moving on. Er himself was stopped from drinking from the river and sent back to the living world.

    Many classicists doubt that the story of Er counts as a true NDE. They believe it is more likely to be a fictional story invented by Socrates. However, some NDE researchers take it more seriously because the account includes eight of the 16 most common aspects reported in modern NDEs.

    These include movement toward a bright light (the dazzling plain), an otherworldly landscape, a hellish experience, encounters with the deceased, life review (in the form of judgment), experience of a boundary between worlds, and a forced return. This may make Er’s tale the oldest record of an NDE in history.

    8 Islamic Experiences

    Islam teaches that after the death of the physical body, there is a kind of “soul sleep” known as Barzakh that will persist until the resurrection and judgment. What exactly happens in Barzakh is unknown because the scriptures say that the dead cannot know or perceive the events of the living world and the living cannot know the status of the dead. Yet, many Muslims believe that certain people are given hints of their eventual fate during Barzakh, a preview of eternal damnation or bliss.

    After psychologist Joel Ibrahim Kreps noted a lack of information about Muslim NDEs in Western literature, he conducted a survey. He had been inspired by the testimony of a woman he met in Egypt, who said she had been lifted up to Heaven after a car accident and had seen the throne of God. The throne was inscribed with these words: Laillahah illalah, Muhamadan Rasussululah (“There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His messenger”).

    Another NDE involved a Muslim woman named Suleman, who experienced a “multidimensional place of layered existences” while suffering acute necrotizing pancreatitis. She reported entering the sixth dimension—near to the “Absolute Reality of Divine Light”—where she found illuminated beings including Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

    Then she noticed an even more illuminated group of beings: Noah sitting alone, Moses with Jesus, Lord Krishna with the Buddha, and Muhammad next to the Virgin Mary with the luminous face of his son-in-law and successor, Ali, projecting out of his body. However, this account is unusual because Suleman was an Ismaili Muslim whose beliefs may have affected her NDE and involved elements that are rare or absent from mainstream Muslim NDEs.

    When compared to other cultural groups, there seem to be fewer Muslim NDEs reported overall. A survey of those caught in an earthquake in Pakistani Kashmir found no cases of NDEs, compared to almost 40 percent following a similar event in China.

    One theory suggests that Muslims who experience NDEs may be reluctant to talk about them because NDEs contradict the orthodox teachings of Islam. These people may be afraid of being branded as heretics.

     7 Hindu

    There are both similarities and differences between Hindu and Western near-death experiences. The first major report on the phenomena was by researchers Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson in 1977. They found that about 80 percent of cases involved encounters with otherworldly beings, but they usually had a more bureaucratic nature than Western reports.

    Commonly reported figures include Yamraj (the god of the dead), the yamdoots (his messengers), and Chitragupta, who consults a book to determine the balance of a person’s positive and negative karma. Hindu NDEs seem to have a recurring theme in which an individual is brought for post-death processing by a clerk and it becomes apparent that some grievous mistake has been made.

    Vasudev Pandey reported being dragged by two individuals to a frightening black, naked figure. The figure flew into a rage, telling the attendants, “I told you to bring Vasudev the gardener. Our garden is drying up. You have brought Vasudev the student.”

    He was taken back and woke up in his bed surrounded by his friends and family, including the gardener Vasudev, who died the next day. Pandey identified the black figure as Yamraj, Hindu god of the dead. Another man reported being brought to a waiting room and having his legs cut off at the knees when he tried to escape. When it was discovered that his name was not on the list of the dead, he was told to reattach his limbs and go back.

    According to researchers Dr. Satwant Pasricha and Dr. Ian Stevenson, there were no cases of a tunnellike experience and only one of an out-of-body experience. However, the tunnel experience has been noted by other researchers.

    Instead of the “life review” that is commonly reported in Western NDEs, Hindu experiences are more likely to involve someone reading out a record of one’s life, called an akashic record.

    6 Drythelm’s Vision

    The eighth-century English monk Bede included an NDE in his Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (aka The Ecclesiastical History of the English People). A Northumbrian man named Drythelm grew ill and seemed to die. His spirit was led to another world by a guide with a shining face and bright clothing. In this place, certain sins were treated with the punishment of fire and ice, but Drythelm was rescued from malevolent demons by his guide.

    He was treated to a vision of the mouth of Hell, where the spirits of the dead were enclosed in fire globes that rose and fell. He was also shown the region of between Heaven and Hell, where souls that were not worthy of expedited entrance into Heaven sang while waiting for a decision in their favor.

    Drythelm did not die. But on the basis of his vision, he was said to have divided his property among his family, joined a monastery, and spent the rest of his life expounding on the importance of prayers, alms, fasts, and Masses on behalf of the dead. For Bede, the importance of this account was its potential to encourage the conversion of sinners. It reflected the emerging Catholic eschatology that there was a Purgatory that was distinct from Hell.

    The sixth-century Pope Saint Gregory the Great also devoted a book to visions of the afterlife and other supposed proofs of the immortality of the soul. One involved a hermit who was dragged into Hell and witnessed the torture of the spirits of powerful people.

    But he was rescued at the last moment by an angel who told him, “Leave, and consider carefully how you will live from now on.” Another tale told of a soldier who saw the spirit of a businessman hanging halfway off an otherworldly bridge, with hideous demons trying to drag him into a river by the hips and angels trying to pull him up by his arms. These stories of Gregory and Bede helped to develop a religious narrative tradition that has lasted for centuries.

    5 Chinese And Japanese Folklore

    Medieval China and Japan both recorded examples of NDEs, dreams, visions, and hallucinations. One early Taoist tale involved Kien Tsze (Jianzi) of the Chao principality in 498 BC. He was ailing from a sickness for almost three days before recovering with a bizarre tale.

    He told his courtiers: “I went to the residence of the emperor [of Heaven], where I much enjoyed myself. With the host of shen, I wandered about in the all-ruling Heaven.”

    Then he was attacked by two bears. He shot them, which pleased the emperor of Heaven, who gave blessings upon the prince. Kien Tsze’s physician compared this encounter with an earlier experience by Duke Mu of the Qin dynasty.

    Chinese NDEs were later influenced by the introduction of Pure Land Buddhism, which encouraged visions of Heavens and Hells. A man named Chao T’ai died and then revived after 10 days. He reported having been brought to a city in the East by horsemen. There, he was presented to a magistrate, ordered to confess his sins, and appointed as the inspector of Hell’s waterworks.

    He observed the various punishments for the dead and learned how to avoid such an afterlife. Finally, it was discovered that his presence was due to a bureaucratic oversight, and he was sent back to the land of the living.

    Meanwhile, the first written Japanese accounts of NDEs were compiled by ninth-century monk Kyokai. The first was a heavenly experience reported by Lord Otomo no Yasunoko no Muraji, who took a road of colored clouds to a golden mountain where he met a recently deceased prince regent and a wise monk.

    A less pleasant account came from Kashiwade no omi Hirokuni, who traveled on a golden road to a golden palace where his deceased wife and father were being tortured. However, he was allowed to return to life due to good behavior.

    Another important individual in terms of medieval Japanese NDEs is the 12th-century figure Honen, who formed the Jodo (Pure Land) School of Buddhism in Japan. He wrote detailed descriptions of his visions of Heaven, with jeweled trees and ground and the music of birdsong, harps, and flutes.

    The Pure Land Buddhists attempted to simulate NDEs. They put a statue of their principle Buddha, Amida, at the end of a dying person’s bed and placed cords attached to the statue into the dying person’s hands.

    4 Delok

    Some NDE researchers have noted striking parallels between reports of NDEs and accounts of experiences given in The Tibetan Book of the Dead. According to the book, at the point of death, an individual will pass through bardo states, which offer a chance at enlightenment.

    These bardo states seem to resemble elements from NDE reports. For example, the bardo of dying includes a phenomenon called ground luminosity (aka clear light). In the luminous bardo of dharmata, various religious deities are said to appear. Some of these are believed to take the form of non-Buddhist figures, so a dying Christian would see visions of Christ or the Virgin Mary.

    Those who pass into the bardo states but then return to life are referred to as delok (“returned from death”). Although they appear to die due to illness, they instead spend time touring the realm of the dead to witness judgment and suffering in the Hell realms. Occasionally, they take a side trip to paradise. Then they are sent back by the lord of death with a stern warning about living spiritually beneficial lives.

    One famous 16th-century delok was Lingza Chokyi, who reported an out-of-body experience in which she saw a dead pig lying in her bed wearing her clothes. She watched her family perform the ritual practices of her death but became annoyed when they didn’t give her a plate of food.

    When her children cried, she reported feeling an extremely painful “hail of pus and blood.” Eventually, she merged minds with a guiding master and entered the bardo realm.

    There, she encountered a bridge to the Hell realms, watched the lord of death tallying the good and evil deeds of the dead, and met a yogi who was entering the Hell realms to liberate the suffering. Eventually, a clerical error was discovered, and she was sent back to the land of the living.

    3 Aerial Tollhouses

    Within Eastern Orthodoxy, there is a controversial tradition that souls are transported by angels toward Heaven after death. But before they get there, they must travel through an aerial realm occupied by demons who concoct or expose reasons why the soul should be sent to Hell.

    Opponents believe that this is a heretical remnant of Gnosticism. Supporters claim that it was a belief held by Saint Ignatius (aka Dmitry Brianchaninov).

    One piece of evidence of the existence of the aerial tollhouses is the vision of Gregory of Thrace, a disciple of the 10th-century monk Basil the New. Gregory had a vision of the torments suffered by a woman named Blessed Theodora, who had died on her couch and awoken to find herself surrounded by “Ethiopians.”

    She said “their eyes were like glowing coals, their entire appearance was as frightening and evil as the fiery Hell itself. They began to grow indignant and to make noise like dogs; others howled like wolves. As they looked at me, they were full of anger; they threatened me, kept rushing at me and gnashing their teeth, and appeared ready to devour me.”

    Theodora would pass through 20 tollhouses, each associated with a different kind of sin. The first involved sins of the tongue, such as empty talk. The next two tollhouses related to lies and slander.

    From there, the sins slowly increase in seriousness—gluttony, laziness, theft, usury, injustice, envy, pride, anger, and hatred. These are followed by the houses associated with murder, magic, lust, adultery, sodomy, and heresy.

    Finally, there is a house devoted to cruelty and lack of mercy. With the help of angels, Theodora eventually passed through the torments of the tollhouses and reached the gates of Heaven.

    Father Seraphim Rose, a controversial Orthodox theologian, argued that NDEs are interpretations of the passage through these aerial tollhouses. He concluded that NDEs occur in an invisible part of the real world inhabited by fallen spirits and not in a heavenly realm.

    According to Rose, NDEs that reported pleasant experiences were the result of deception by these spirits. He believed that reports of luminosity were not to be trusted because the Orthodox tradition teaches that beings of light may not necessarily be Christ or angels but rather evil spirits in disguise.

    2 Thai Experiences

    Thai NDEs appear to be influenced by the Theravada Buddhist tradition and the Book of Phra Malaya, which was written by a medieval monk. There is also the element of clerical error seen in the NDEs of other Eastern cultures.
    Phra Malaya was meditating when he had a vision of descending into Hell and entering the hall of Yama, the lord of the dead. Various options existed for dead humans to reincarnate.

    They could be assigned human lives at various social stations and levels of attractiveness. They could become various kinds of animals. They could also be consigned to one of the 14 Hells or nine Heavens, which Phra Malaya then toured.

    One woman named Pong reported being bitten by a cobra and dying. She was brought to a judge who told her that she wasn’t supposed to die. Before she returned to her body, she saw that Heaven was a pleasant place with birds, flowers, and nice houses. Hell was a cornucopia of torments, particularly whipping.

    Major General Sanor Jintaraht reported two NDEs. While in a coma caused by a stroke, he found himself walking in a crowd of figures dressed in white mourning clothes. Then he entered a Hell realm filled with skeletons. He was told that he would never see his family again.

    Suddenly, a woman appeared and gave him his favorite foods. But when he said he was thirsty, she told him that he couldn’t have any water because he hadn’t donated water to anyone in life. He resolved that if he returned to life, he would be charitable to monks. After a long walk with the woman, he regained consciousness.

    His second NDE occurred while he was receiving treatment for kidney stones. He heard a voice telling him that he was dying. A yamatoot messenger spirit appeared and told him to lie on a glass plate for transport to Heaven, which was filled with fragrant yellow flowers.

    After a while, he was taken to a house on the seventh level. But the servants wouldn’t give him a key because he had too many sins. Eventually, they turned into black giants.

    He fled back to the glass plate and explored Heaven further before a voice called him back to his body. He had difficulty reentering his body, which kept rejecting his soul. But finally, he leaped in through his head and regained consciousness.

    1 Jewish Tradition
    NDE researchers have analyzed experiences in Israel and discovered parallels with the afterlife stories told in the Talmud, Zohar, and other Jewish texts. The theme of judgment appears to loom large in the Jewish NDE experience. Many modern Jews profess a disbelief or disinterest in afterlife prospects, but traditional concepts held more weight for previous generations.

    According to researcher Jonathan Neumann, the Talmud contains two separate accounts of NDEs. The first is of a man named R. Joseph who died and came back to life. He told of a world where all social statuses were reversed, but sages and martyrs were still revered.

    The second story is of R. Huna, who became so ill that funeral shrouds were prepared. He revived and claimed that God reversed the decree of his death. These tales feature the same reports of spiritual beings and mystical lands reported in modern NDEs.

    In the Zohar text of the kabbalistic tradition, there is the story of R. Jose. He died and was revived, claiming that his son’s mourning cries had persuaded the heavenly host to beseech God to grant him 22 more years of life.

    One modern account involved an Orthodox Jewish woman identified only as E.L. Her brother had dreamed that a tragedy would befall her. After some soul-searching, E.L. realized that she was being called to death due to her failure to maintain the supreme feminine virtue of modesty.

    A week later, she felt ill and believed that her death was at hand. She stayed at home and performed the Sabbath rituals with her husband. The angel of death couldn’t touch her due to the holiness of the room.

    When she went to her bedroom, however, she collapsed and lost consciousness. She reported that she felt the angel of death tearing out her soul. She was beaten by angry angels and then brought before her righteous deceased relatives.She felt a divine presence crying. After witnessing the soul of an immodest person condemned to Hell, she begged to be sent back to look after her children. Fortunately, a Hasidic rabbi who knew her appeared in spirit form and argued on her behalf, allowing her to return to the land of the living.

    By David Tormsen, LISTVERSE  

    Ancients Used Computers 2,000 Years Ago: Here’s The Proof!


    Ancient technology is fascinating, and mysterious. It is something that leaves science questioning their own pre-conceived notions based on, “If we haven’t seen it or do not understand it, it can’t possibly exist.” These stunning finds are definitely worth further research, as they could change our history, forever!


    While exploring an ancient shipwreck found near the Greek island of Antikythera, a group of divers discovered a bizarre mechanism that has been known since then as the Antikythera Mechanism.

    Since 1901 when it was found, researchers couldn’t figure out what purpose it served or what this device was in fact because of the corrosion caused by centuries laying under the ocean. With the current technological improvement, scientists were now able to decipher its evasive purpose and complexity after more than 100 years of misinterpreting, and it appears that this device is of a greater significance for humanity’s history than ever anticipated.

    Crafted over 2,000 years ago, this complex mechanism served as a calculation device that helped determine the astronomical positioning and alignments for calendrical purposes, as well as calculating the cycles of the renowned Olympic Games. In other words, what explorers found inside that shipwreck more than 100 years ago is in fact an ancient analog computer built using a puzzling assembly of almost 30 bronze gear wheels that were carefully sealed in a case embedded with a collection of metallic dials.

    The reason why this ancient device has puzzled so many researchers is because it proves advanced technological understanding similar to that of the 18th century, even though it was built around 150 BC. If we compare it to other ancient instruments, it reveals that none matches the complexity of this timeworn super-computer, except for the ones built more than 1,000 years later. Could this prove that the ancient civilizations possessed extended technological knowledge that was far beyond what modern-day science considers?

    To prove the capabilities of this ancient computer, Michae Wright, a UK Mechanic and Historian of Mechanism, has rebuilt a fully-functional Antikythera mechanism from recycled metal plates (just like the original mechanism used to be), and is now revealing the full range capabilities of this stunning piece of work. Is it possible that the ancient builders shared the same fate as their creation? And if so, did they perish along with the accumulated knowledge, while leaving humanity another couple thousand years to decipher and understand the computation of astronomical positioning?

    Considering the advanced understanding of the ancients, which is most of the time masked by our history books, is it possible that extraterrestrial beings depicted as gods guided humanity in the past and shared a way of advanced learning with a selected few? Well, if we look at all the new discoveries that most of the time contradict with the scientific beliefs of the past, the hypothesis of ancient aliens helping us evolve and prosper doesn’t seem too far away.

    In fact, it’s possible that our species is undergoing a cyclic evolution, meaning that every time our knowledge expands, something terrible is happening, thus wiping the entire progress achieved.

    Through discoveries like this we can open our eyes and see that the past is not as modern science describes it, and that advanced civilizations might have existed on Earth only to be wiped out by natural disasters or even by their own weapons.

    If so, we may once again expect alien beings to descend on Earth when the current cycle ends, and according to written history, 2015 years have already passed since it begun. However, the next date of the new beginning can only be speculated, and if it happens in this lifetime don’t forget to capture the moment.


    The Rothschild’s Sank The Titanic to Set UP The Federal Reserve

      The Rothschild’s Sank The Titanic to Set UP The Federal Reserve

    There’s a conspiracy theory that links the Rothschild’s, the sinking of the Titanic, and the creation of the Federal Reserve.

    On Friday I stumbled across a tweet sent in reply to a prominent finance parody account on Twitter. It featured the black-and-white image of three men and the Titanic.

    The text on the photos named Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss (actual name Isidor Straus), and David Astor as three wealthy men who died on the Titanic. So far, so good — the men were all real and wealthy.

    Below each name it says “opposed new Federal Reserve Bank.” The Titanic’s sinking happened in 1912, and the opening of the Federal Reserve happened in 1913. Was the hint that their opposition to the Fed and their deaths were somehow linked?


    I had to find out.

    I Googled their names and found that it was indeed a conspiracy theory. Websites with names like “disinfo,” and “helpfreetheearth” all host versions of the story.

    As with many other conspiracy theories, there’s a transparently anti-Semitic tint to the story, and the Rothschild family is implicated (as it is in almost every conspiracy theory involving money in any way).

    A YouTube video offers some additional “information,” hinting that the sinking of the Titanic was effectively drawn up as a re-creation of a late-19th-century book called “Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan.” The book was published 14 years before the Titanic sank and a decade before any construction began.

    The video goes on to say that “by April 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated. In December 1913, the Federal Reserve was born, controlled by the elite banking cabal, whose ultimate agenda was to enslave humanity.”

    A further conspiracy suggests that J.P. Morgan, the plutocrat financier who set up the investment bank that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sink it.

    Morgan did have a hand in the creation of the Federal Reserve, and it owned the International Mercantile Marine, which owned the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic. That’s pretty much where the evidence ends.

    There’s very little information online to suggest that the three men who died were even opponents of the Federal Reserve. Any search for “Federal Reserve” along with any of their names becomes so bogged down in conspiracy websites that it’s difficult to find any reputable sources of information.

    There’s also a lot of chatter about the idea that the Titanic should not have sunk just because it hit an iceberg — a sort of jet-fuel-doesn’t-melt-steel-beams for the early-20th century.

    By Mike Bird, Business Insider

    10 Most Fascinating Alien Abduction Stories

    10 Most Fascinating Alien Abduction Stories

    Antonio Vilas-Boas (1957)

    In 1957, Brazilian farmer Antonio Vilas-Boas claimed he was abducted by aliens while tending to his fields. According to his story, four 5-foot-tall aliens, dressed in gray overalls and helmets, approached him and immediately took him aboard their spherical craft. As time passed, he was instructed to have sex with a female alien with long white hair, red pubic and underarm hair, and bright blue eyes. Vilas-Boas believes he was simply used as a sperm donor, and his offspring is being raised somewhere in outer space.

    Pascagoula, Mississippi Abduction (1973)

    In October of 1973, co-workers Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing off a pier in Pascagoula, Mississippi when they heard a strange sound and saw flashing blue lights. An oval-shaped craft suddenly appeared, and three creatures standing 5-feet-tall approached them. Their skin was pale, and they had “carrot-like growths” protruding from their noses and ears. Instead of hands, the creatures had creepy, lobster-like claws.

    The two men reported the incident to the police, with Hickson alleging he was mechanically inspected once he entered the spacecraft. Police left the two men alone in a room during the investigation, and recorded their conversation with a hidden tape recorded. Police were hoping the men would reveal their story as being a hoax, but instead, Hickson and Parker nervously discussed the event, and Parker was recorded as saying, “I knew all along they was people from other worlds up there…I never thought it would happen to me.”

    Whitley Strieber (1985)

    Fiction turned into a real life traumatic experience when author Whitley Strieber claimed he had an alien encounter. The author of horror novels such as The Hunger, Strieber believed non-human visitors abducted him from his upstate New York home in December of 1985. He recounts being dragged from his bed naked and taken into the woods. He was then placed inside a spacecraft where he was probed by entities in blue coveralls. Strieber later shared his experience with the world in the New York Times Best Seller, Communion, as well as subsequent non-fiction follow-ups to his story. Many believed Strieber made up the abduction story just to sell more copies of his book, but 30 years later, he and his wife still stand by his claims.

    Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (1997)

    Russian politician and chess guru Kirsan Ilyumzhinov claimed he was abducted by aliens wearing yellow suits on September 17, 1997. According to Ilyumzhinov, the creatures took him from his apartment in Moscow, and placed him aboard a transparent spaceship. The spaceship took him to “some star” in outer space, and Ilyumzhinov claims he was able to communicate with the creatures because “they have the same mind, the same vision.”

    The Allagash Waterway Abduction (1976)

    Brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, and their art school classmates Chuck Rack and Charlie Foltz, were abducted during a fishing trip at the Allagash Waterway in Maine. The men didn’t have any lucky fishing in the daytime, so they decided to take a canoe out into the water for some late night fishing. While floating through the water in complete darkness, the group noticed a glowing light reflecting from the top of the trees. The light began to change colors before hovering over their canoe and engulfing the entire group.

    Before they knew it, they were back at the campground sitting in front of a burned out fire. Slowly, the events of that night came back to each man. They recounted strange beings examining them aboard a spaceship. After going through hypnotic therapy, each man retold the same story while under hypnosis. Since they were all artists, they were able to draw similar artistic renderings depicting their haunting experience.

    Betty and Barney Hill (1961)

    One of the most famous abduction stories involves Betty and Barney Hill, a married couple who was involved in one of the most publicized alien abduction stories in the U.S. While living in New Hampshire, the couple came in contact with a UFO while driving back from Niagara Falls. They followed the movement of the spaceship for awhile before it landed in the middle of the highway. Barney slammed on the brakes, exited the car, and approached the aircraft.

    Barney recounts seeing creatures staring at him from the spaceship’s windows. Completely freaked out, he ran back to his car, but it was already too late. The aircraft had lifted itself over the Hill’s vehicle, a loud buzzing noise was transmitted, and the couple felt their consciousness go blurry. When they finally woke up, they had traveled more than 35 miles without any recollection, and their watches had been broken.

    The couple underwent hypnosis in which they both retold the same story. A novel about their experience was later released called The Interrupted Journey.

    Frederick Valentich (1978)

    This next story is probably the most fascinating of them all, because the man involved didn’t live to tell about his harrowing experience. Aspiring pilot Frederick Valentich was just 20 years old when he went on a training flight in Australia’s Bass Strait. During the flight, he radioed Melbourne’s Air Traffic Control to let them know he was being “shadowed” by an unidentified object about 1,000 feet above his airplane. Valentich told air traffic controllers it definitely wasn’t an aircraft, and the UFO was “orbiting” around his plane and emitting a bright, green light. Almost immediately, he began to experience engine problems. The controller then heard a scraping noise before all contact was lost.

    A four-day search took place, but there weren’t any signs of Valentich nor his plane. Some people refused to believe he was actually abducted, claiming his disappearance was staged, and others believe he became disoriented in-flight and was seeing his own plane’s light reflecting from the water. Either way, we may never know what truly happened to Valentich on that fateful night.

    John Salter, Jr. (1988)

    John Salter, Jr. and his son John III were traveling down the highway when they noticed a UFO in the sky. The story then gets a little strange because neither of them had a vivid recollection of the events that took place. They do remember seeing a group of half-human, half-alien children who they quickly bonded with. The creatures made them feel at ease and protected them during the alleged hour-long abduction. The men were subjected to medical examinations, and following the experience, they both reported their overall health had improved. John Jr., who had a permanent forehead scar before the incident took place, claims the scar completely healed and disappeared after the abduction. Pretty trippy, right?

    Clayton and Donna Lee (2005)

    Clayton Lee claims he has been abducted by aliens numerous times in his life, and despite this, he still managed to convince his wife, Donna, to marry him. After their union, Donna also became a victim of the abductions, and the couple shared their experience with their local Houston news station.

    Donna claimed that during one abduction the aliens took her fetus from her body. The news station put the couple under hypnosis, and Donna began screaming, “Stop touching me!” while under a trance. Although evidence of Donna being pregnant was never corroborated, the couple quickly received nationwide recognition for their story.

    Travis Walton (1975)

    One of the most recognizable alien abduction stories comes from Travis Walton who turned his experience into a top-grossing film. On November 6, 1975, 22-year-old Walton and his crew of loggers were finishing another day of work. While they were driving home, they spotted a silvery disc floating in the sky. The driver stopped the car and Walton jumped out and ran toward the object. When the space craft began to move, Walton stepped back toward the car, but it was a little too late. A blue-green beam shot out and “struck” Walton and he disappeared.

    Walton’s crew fled the area, and one of his co-workers called the police from a nearby town. When the police arrived at the scene, Walton was nowhere to be found. A search party looked for him for five days, until he suddenly reappeared looking tired and emaciated. He told investigators he had been abducted by the craft, and spent the last five days inside the UFO where medical experiments were performed on his body.

    In 1978, Walton published a book about his experience, entitled The Walton Experience. In 1993 his story was turned into the film Fire in the Sky. Renewed interest in his alleged abduction prompted Walton and his co-workers to take polygraph test in which they were all shown to be truthful in recounting the experience.

    Anonymous Mags

    Russia Accuse Bill Gates Of Engineering “Bioweapon” Zika Virus

    The Zika virus is a bio-weapon that is using GMO (genetically modified) mosquitoes to spread ‘future diseases’ according to a Kremlin report. And the finger of blame is being pointed squarely at Bill Gates.

    It is understood the bio-weapon was developed by Bill Gates to achieve his self-confessed Illuminati goal of depopulating the world.

    According to a leaked highly confidential Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report that has been read by sources in the Kremlin, it has been revealed that the Zika virus was ‘cooked up as a bio-weapon’ by ‘world governments and non-government organizations.’ It is understood the chief non-government organization behind the Zika virus is Bill Gates’ own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    President Putin is said to be ‘angered.’ There have been meetings in the past 24 hours regarding banning Gates from the Russian Federation, as well as plans to protect humanity from the ‘world government created bio-weapon.’

    ‘GMOs are humanity’s mortal enemy and these sick b****** won’t be happy until most of us are dead.’
    ‘Western powers are in their final death throes, thrashing about and clutching at straws, using the last weapons in their arsenal of dirty tricks against humanity. We must not allow these GMO serial killers to poison our children.’

    In 2010, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Australian research scientists to release GMO mosquitoes infected with a bacterium.

    That same year, Bill Gates confessed he wanted to depopulate the world – a key Illuminati goal.
    “The world today has 6.8 billion people; that’s headed up to about 9 billion,” he said during the invitation-only 2010 TED Conference. “Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
    Now those bacterium-infected GMO mosquitoes created by Bill Gates in 2010 are wreaking havoc in the Americas – with the whole globe at risk, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Russia Accuse Bill Gates Of Engineering “Bioweapon” Zika Virus

    The WHO is now convening an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations concerning the ‘explosive’ spread of the Zika virus throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understanding why this outbreak happened is vital to stopping it.

    The finger of blame is pointing squarely at the richest man in the world. What are they going to do about it?

    Your News Wire

    BREAKING: Snowden claims Osama Bin Laden Is Still Alive

    Former CIA employee, Edward Snowden has said that he has evidence showing that Osama bin Laden, who was supposedly killed in Pakistan in 2011 by U.S. special forces, is still alive and well.

    In an interview with the Moscow Tribune, Snowden saidOsama was living in the Bahamas, on the payroll of the CIA.

    He told the newspaper, “I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll. He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which is being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”

    Snowden, who now lives as a fugitive in Russia, fled the U.S. after leaking documents about the NSA’s mass surveillance programs to the media in 2013.

    The report also said that Snowden previously too made some unreported allegations about Osama bin Laden.

    Snowden goes on to say that the CIA orchestrated the fake death of the former leader of Al-Qaeda.

    He claims that Osama was transported with his family to an undisclosed location in the Bahamas.

    The report further quotes him as follows – “Osama bin Laden was one of the CIA’s most efficient operatives for a long time. What kind of message would it send their other operatives if they were to let the SEALs kill him? They organized his fake death with the collaboration of the Pakistani Secret Services, and he simply abandoned his cover. Since everyone believes he is dead, nobody’s looking for him, so it was pretty easy to disappear. Without the beard and the military jacket, nobody recognizes him.”

    Not only this, Snowden categorically states that he will talk about the documents which prove Bin Laden is alive in his soon-to-be-released book.

    However, Snowden’s claims have not been substantiated or confirmed by any other source.

    The US government has filed espionage charges against Snowden for revealing classified NSA documents to journalists.



    Human Beings Are Actually Aliens ... And Not From Earth

    Human Beings Are Actually Aliens ... And Not From Earth

    Anyone who’s watched even a few episodes of X Factor will have harboured this suspicion – but a new book claims that humans might actually be aliens.

    Or rather that we were ‘planted’ here by an alien super-species – possibly for having done something really, really bad elsewhere in the galaxy.

    The big clue is sunburn, argues the author of Humans Are Not From Earth. Why do we get it, if we were designed to be here?

    There’s just one problem – it’s all bollocks, says the University of Minnesota Morris’s PZ Meyers on his Pharyngula blog.
    Author ‘Ellis Silver’ – who says he uses a fake name to avoid being targeted by ‘religious extremists,’ said in an interview, ‘Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”.
    ‘This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this, discussed in the book, is that the Earth might be a prison planet – since we seem to be a naturally violent species – and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves. (There’s no sign of that happening.)’

    Meyers is scathing, ‘It is just the most amazing gobbledygook. It is true that there are sequences in the human genome that are not identified as homologous to sequences in other species
    ‘Biologists aren’t surprised at all by them. We have multiple explanations that don’t involve aliens making transgenic monkey men. Ian Musgrave has the explanations.
    ‘Some are artifacts — as I said, if you’re just looking for starting and ending punctuation, purely by chance you’re going to find strings that match your criteria in a random collection of letters.
    ‘Some are genes that have undergone so many substitions that they’re no longer recognizable as the original sequence. Those would be especially interesting in an evolutionary sense, I would think, but they’re rare ( via metro.co.uk ).

    ‘Some are products of horizontal gene transfer. We don’t need aliens to inject us with strange DNA, viruses do it naturally.’



    Ancient Gnostic Texts: Earth Is Rules By An Interplanetary Race Known As ARCHONS

    Ancient Gnostic Texts: Earth Is Rules By An Interplanetary Race Known As ARCHONS

    Mentioned in the ancient Gnostic texts of the Nag Hammadi people which predate Christianity, the mysterious invading alien beings known as Archons have since been quietly hidden from “history”. But, like all thought provoking knowledge, it has stood the test of time and made its way through the cracks and presents scholars, historians and all researchers alike, with one of the most probable and credible theories in relation to life and what is going on in our world and “reality” today.

    In 1947, ancient texts were found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt. On these ancient texts, dating back more than 2,000 years ago, was the story of life as preached and believed by the Nag Hammadi people. The reason why these incredible texts are so important is that absolutely no one has manipulated them that we know about. They have not been altered or destroyed or edited like the Bible. The texts were buried in a deep cave in Egypt, demonstrating that they were valued. Could this be the ultimate truth? Could this help us, a species lost without knowledge of its true origins, finally figure out what’s going on?

    Over 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time. Interestingly, this religion has all but disappeared and is hardly even mentioned, if at all, in University courses on the study of religion. The Nag Hammadi texts provide us with a thorough description of what the Gnostics believed though, which was that freedom could only be achieved through pure knowledge. The legendary library at Alexandria was actually run by Gnostics. Their culture spread throughout most of Europe and the Middle East. This becomes even more interesting and significant because this religion predates the major Westerns religions outside of Judaism, which itself was almost only found in Israel.

    The Gnostics preached that there was a major planetary invasion in roughly 3,600 BC. Planet Earth was invaded by mysterious and ruthless beings known as Archons. These creatures had the ability to create and illusory “reality”, to manipulate us and enslave us. Why did they do this? It is said they were jealous of us because we have a soul, that they simply do not possess. We have imagination which makes us creative and they do not. According to the texts, some of them looks like a reptilian like creature and the other looks like a fetus. This fetus is alive but not. It has grey skin and dark immobile eyes.

    The reason why these beings create illusions for us and try to control us through the control of “reality” is because they actually feed off of our negative energy and exploitation. So not only do they want to use our imagination and creativity against us, to create a “reality” for themselves at our expense, but we actually nourish them whenever we engage in violence, hatred, envy, aggression and perversion, among other things, which are said to stimulate and excite them. Basically, they hate peace, they hate happiness and they want to keep us vibrating at a very low frequency because it powers them.

    Because we have been flooded by other religious traditions, this may sound absurd to those who are unfamiliar with it. But, do the stories we have been told really make sense? We are pretty much told to believe in a God who is vengeful and if we do not obey him, we will be banished to eternal punishment and torment. We are also told that our rewards are waiting after this life and, despite injustice thriving on this planet, the “evil” will be punished later on too? This sounds to me like ancient propaganda to allow those in power to continue without protest or resistance. On the other hand, the Gnostic teachings resonate with exactly what is going on in our world today.

    You can watch, and learn more, about these ancient beings in the video below and what exactly could possibly be going on in our world today;

    And in this video, a researcher explains how we can reclaim our power from these sinister beings;


    Earth We Are One

    Thousands Of Babies Born With Unusually Small Heads Linked To Zika Virus

    Thousands of babies born with unusually small heads in Brazil linked to terrifying outbreak of mosquito-borne Zika virus

    Cases of babies born with unusually small heads continue to rise in Brazil where researchers say they have found new evidence linking the increase to the Zika virus.

    Microcephaly is a neurological disorder in which infants are born with smaller craniums and brains, and is believed to be caused by the mosquito-borne virus first seen in Africa in 1947.

    The surge of cases since the virus was first detected last year in Brazil led the ministry to link it to the fetal deformations and warn pregnant women to use insect repellent to avoid mosquito bites.

    Thousands Of Babies Born With Unusually Small Heads Linked To Zika Virus
    In this photograph, a baby named Luiza who suffers from microcephaly has her head measured by a doctor in Pernambuco state, Brazil. Researchers believe the disorder may be linked to the Zika virus

    Dejailson Arruda holds his daughter Luiza at their house in Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Brazil. Brazilian health authorities believe her condition is related to the Zika virus that infected her mother during pregnancy

    Elison, 10, nurses his two-month-old brother Jose Wesley, after he was born with microcephaly

    Scientists are unable to definitively prove the link between the condition and the Zika virus, but strongly suspect the mosquito-borne virus is responsible for the outbreak of the disorder in Brazil

    Angelica Pereira applys perfume to her daughter Luiza - who suffers from microcephaly - as her father Dejailson Arruda holds her at their house in Brazil

    Discovered in Africa in 1947, scientists remain clueless as to how the terrifying virus has struck the Americas so quickly since its first known case last year.

    Brazil's Ministry of Health said the number suspected cases of microcephaly increased to 3,893 by January 16 from 3,530 cases 10 days earlier.

    The number of reported deaths of deformed babies rose to 49, ministry officials said at a news conference.

    So far, health authorities have only confirmed six cases of microcephaly where the infant was infected with the mosquito-born Zika virus.

    But on Tuesday, Brazilian researchers took another step towards proving Zika causes microcephaly.

    The Fiocruz biomedical center in Curitiba announced it had found Zika in the placenta of a woman who had a miscarriage, proving the virus can reach the foetus.

    Until now, researchers had only found Zika in the amniotic fluid of two pregnant women.

    A pregnant woman waits to be attended to at the Maternal and Children's Hospital in Tegucigalpa in Honduras. Women in the country have been told to avoid getting pregnant for the time being because of the Zika virus

    'This is a significant advance, but we still cannot scientifically state that Zika is the cause of microcephaly,' said Jean Peron, an immunology expert who is experimenting on pregnant mice at the University of Sao Paulo's Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

    The Zika virus is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is also known to carry the dengue, yellow fever and Chikungunya viruses.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a travel advisory last week warning pregnant women to avoid 14 countries and territories in the Caribbean and Latin America affected by the virus.

    Last week, U.S. health authorities confirmed the birth of a baby with microcephaly in Hawaii to a mother who had been infected with the Zika virus while visiting Brazil last year.

    In Colombia, which has the second highest Zika infection rate after Brazil, the government is advising women to delay becoming pregnant for six to eight months to avoid the risk.


    By Corey Charlton, MailOnline

    What You Are Not Being Told About The Zika Virus

    What You Are Not Being Told About The Zika Virus

    The establishment mainstream media continue to parrot the same hysteria regarding the Zika virus – that it’s causing birth defects – but there is so much information intentionally being left out. The mainstream media’s false narrative is causing the public to fear a benign, asymptomatic viral infection, as the true origins of birth defects and brain damage go unstudied. Also, the mainstream media fails to tell the whole story of why Zika has become such a big problem in Brazil in recent years and how the outbreak is connected to the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012.

    Why is Zika being blamed for birth defects?

    As Zika becomes the newest health scare, health authorities are urging women to delay pregnancy. News reports are multiplying the scare tactics, warning people not to travel or procreate. Pictures of babies with shrunken heads and small brains are flashed across the screen as Zika virus is blamed for causing a record number of birth defects called microcephaly.

    The birth defect is real, with affected newborns’ heads measuring 32 centimeters or less in circumference, but the causes are not fully understood. The causes are varied and more likely resemble chemical toxicity, vaccine damage, pesticide exposure and drug interactions.

    Of the initial 4,180 suspected cases of microcephaly, only 270 cases have been confirmed by Brazil’s Health Ministry as actual microcephaly. Of the 270 cases, medical researchers could only correlate six cases of microcephaly to the Zika virus. This means 264 confirmed microcephaly cases didn’t even show a trace of Zika virus! So why is Zika virus being blamed for the birth defect?

    Is Zika a bio-weapon?

    Zika was first isolated in 1947 by scientists working for the Rockefeller Foundation. Zika was “discovered” in a rhesus monkey that was being held in captivity. Many people still wonder if Zika was created in the lab for experimental purposes.

    For decades, Zika transmission was extremely rare. The virus didn’t start spreading until after 2012 – right after the biotech company Oxitec released genetically modified mosquitoes en masse in Brazil. Zika outbreaks quickly exploded from sites where genetically modified mosquitoes were released to combat dengue. Zika has now spread to 21 other countries and territories.

    What’s appalling is that Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™) can be purchased from ATCC labs. It was deposited by Dr. Jordi Casals-Ariet of the Rockefeller Foundation and sourced from the blood of an experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey from Uganda in 1947.

    The question remains: Is Zika virus a bio-weapon, intentionally released via genetically modified mosquito? Perhaps it wasn’t intentionally released but instead was an unintended consequence of releasing GM mosquitoes into the environment to eradicate dengue. Maybe this Zika strain is a resistant, mutant viral strain – the evolution of a mosquito-borne virus caused by a biotech experiment gone bad?

    The most likely cause behind the spike in Brazilian infant birth defects

    In the wake of Zika’s spread, Brazil is now mobilizing 220,000 soldiers to try and eradicate mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus. This means that tons of insecticide will be sprayed in and around homes, further exposing pregnant women and young children to brain-damaging chemicals.

    In 2014, the Brazilian Minister of Health mandated that all expectant mothers receive the new Tdap vaccine. This meant that, at 20 weeks gestation, a vulnerable, developing young life would be exposed to aluminum adjuvant, mercury preservative, formaldehyde, antibiotics and a host of other chemicals that could damage a fetus’s developing brain. It’s no coincidence that birth defects have spiked in Brazil because of the toxic elements that fetuses have been exposed to.

    It’s also very obvious why Zika is being blamed for the birth defects. The biotech industry is using Zika virus to cover up three science experiments that have gone bad (Tdap vaccines, insecticides, GM mosquitoes). In this way, nature can be blamed, more insecticides and vaccines can be sold, and more GM mosquitoes can be released. The public is taught to fear nature even more and stop reproducing.

    Don’t buy into the propaganda!
    By: L.J. Devon, Natural News

    NASA Admits There’s Something Bizarre Hiding In Plain Sight On PLUTO’s Surface


    Thanks to NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, we know more about Pluto now than ever before. However, if this new photograph is anything to go on, we might have a lot more to learn about the dwarf planet than we once thought.

    Earlier this month, a photo of the icy planet’s surface began making the rounds online, and it looks like it shows something pretty startling.

    This is the photo in question. See anything weird?

    NASA Admits There’s Something Bizarre Hiding In Plain Sight On PLUTO’s Surface

    According to conspiracy theorists, the object in the middle of this photo might very well be some sort of giant slithering space slug making its way across the surface of Pluto.

    But NASA has another more logical explanation.

    They believe what we are seeing in that first photo is actually a giant chunk of dirty ice. The reason why it’s standing out so well is because it’s floating on a river of dense nitrogen.

    Judging from these other photos of Pluto’s surface, NASA probably has the right idea here.

    I still suspect that this isn’t the last time we’ll hear about the “space slug” on Pluto.

    While I’d love to believe that there is alien life in our solar system, the truth is that we’re probably alone in our little corner of the galaxy. This just means that humanity can explore and expand out into the solar system without accidentally triggering a war with an alien species, which is actually a good thing.

    By Rob Waugh, METRO

    Strange Clouds ‘Fall From Sky’ in Doukkala, Morocco


    A strange sky phenomenon took place in the region of Doukkala in Morocco.

    On February 4, 2016, a group of citizens witnessed the moment that weird clouds fall to the ground. The rare phenomenon occurred days after strange sounds were heard in other regions of Morocco.

    But, clouds cannot plunge off the sky and settle on the ground, the clouds shown in the video falling in Doukkalaq is artificial foam according to Meteorologists..

    Well, if it’s artificial foam where it comes from and are these ‘clouds’ another proof of geoengineering and weather manipulation?


    UFO Sighting Hotspot

    Illuminati Eye, Pyramid, 33, & other Symbols Are Not Evil

    A real intelligent person, a truly enlightened individual, can turn the tables on the dark, secret, so-called Illuminati that rules the world…with a little White Magic of Truth. Yin-Yang.

    Did you know there is something GOOD behind evil symbols? Why should you?

    Secret Societies, those part of the Occult, who call themselves the ‘Enlightened ones’ don’t know this until they reach top levels… and not even.

    Illuminati Eye, Pyramid, 33, & other Symbols Are Not Evil

    [Wait, who’s writing this? Are you one of them, Tray Caladan? Proudly, no!

    I wouldn’t want to be associated with today’s elite scum and villainy. I’ve studied History and Fascism: How the powerful have oppressed the helpless over the last 13,000 years. Truth is…we Indians, in our different cycles, have been on Earth for 60,000 years and originated from a Paradise-Eden-Utopia later called ATLANTIS.

    My 45 years of research on the subject shows 13 original Atlantis (Grid) locations and proves War, violence and aggressive tendencies are not in the primal nature of human beings. Not.

    Point is, today: Bad has been made good and good made bad; right wrong and wrong right. It might surprise the so-called elite NWO rulers that dark Symbols they’ve perverted and shoved down our throats In Plain Sight…were and are holy, pure, good and righteous. TAKE THAT CROWLEY!].

    First, let’s understand that Adolph Hitler took a sacred symbol of peace and love and goodness…

    And perverted it! Examine the chart and HOLY symbols before the swastika:

    One-Eye is certainly used by Satanic Hollywood (look up on YouTube) and CBS and Big Brother, but actually refers to Egyptian Horus, son of Osiris and Isis.

    But who were father Osiris, mother Isis and son Horus (aka Ra)? This is not dark Black Magic paganism, folks. Originally, there was nothing evil in Egypt.

    THIS IS THE HOLY FAMILY! Those bastards that rule the modern world of today understand this; we are not meant to. We are meant to misunderstand in confusion and fight and believe EVIL paganism and perversions of wicked Egypt.

    Wait until the movie ‘Gods of Egypt’ arrives and like all prehistoric epics: ‘They’ will totally pervert truth and hand us LIES. Always lies while the truth is always buried under sands of our own ignorance and apathy.

    The very ones that produce big, historical movies and control big television networks, etc. KNOW THEY ARE LYING in ‘historical’ epics that we ‘suck up with a spoon.’ While they have secret access to Vatican archives and so much more. They know; we don’t because we have faith authorities aren’t lying about history when they are.

    What did the movie and TV series ‘Stargate’ program us with? (Not only are Stargates and Time Tunnels real) They made the holy Gods of Egypt the Enemy and ruthless tyrants like Ra and Anubis that demanded worship from Jaffa slaves.

    Not true and neither were early Indians as bloodthirsty, sacrificial savages. Although, dumb cowboys would think they were. [The power of films and TV].

    Royal families, the Monarchies, today and for hundreds of years have interbred BLOODLINES in a twisted way as to recreate The Holy Family, the original one, which was perfect and eternal.

    [Christ had a daughter who was saved and gave birth to a bloodline that lasted until French kings in the Middle Ages with a family name of ‘Merovingian.’ Producers of ‘The Matrix’ knew this fact well].

    Sorry (I’m not) to tell the Super Rich and ‘Religious’ hierarchies of Earth, but they’re wrong and fooling themselves and everyone else down the chain of the social pyramid. Doesn’t really matter, they’ve twisted and soured everything Jesus to where very few of you really know what the great teacher was about.

    Doesn’t matter that they have not duplicated the real, holy bloodlines of JC…They, the secret ruling Order, BELIEVE THEY HAVE AND ARE GODS.

    So, to them, they are the ‘Watchmen’ Egyptian gods and act as Machiavellian Masters of the World, faultless. They believe their secret Agenda is right and have acquired incredible power and influence over the ‘sheeple’ they spy on and manipulate in every way.

    You’ll see how the great Evil (phantom Sith?) and degeneration that has consumed society, previously mentioned in these bastard rulers [have you watched TV or heard music recently?]…actually [get ready to laugh] honor Jesus Christ. Ain’t that a kick in the pants? I think I just jabbed Crowley one more time.

    Spiritual man, Jesus, must have been connected to the true Gods of Egypt and incarnations in Inca-lands and the much earlier Atlantis.

    Edgar Cayce and some truly enlightened Brahmins of India and others would agree. Arthur Matthews believed strongly that Nikola Tesla was Jesus Christ. Matthews, Tesla’s son, had inside information before he passed in 1986 and hinted of this in his book.

    Question: How do we know our rulers are evil with this self-imposed type of Manifest Destiny over us? Could they really honor the Christ and be right? Answer: Do they act as angels or demons? Are they a fountain of bright knowledge or a Black Hole that sucks you dry creating more and more poor and destitute?

    No. The elite act and play like very late kings of Egypt, spoiled, mad rulers thousands of years after the great ages of the distant past.

    The Royals act like the very fascists that they are. Moses, only several thousand years ago, freed the people, the Egyptian slaves. They needed freeing and so do we today ‘under the thumb’ of the New Roman Empire.

    Spirals are also used in the occult. In the DiCaprio (just met the dark Pope) movie, ‘The Revenant,’ a spiral is used to identify a canteen. It could have been any symbol or image. The spiral was significant, used in many films.

    Check YTs that analyze major films for deeper meanings. You’ll be shocked at programming or messages beneath storylines; a different example is ‘The Shining’ and other Kubrick films.

    Once you know key images, words or numbers, then some things you’ve seen in old movies to current performances will suddenly make sense. Do research. There is a whole universe we’ve missed, because most do not know the secrets – wink – wink – codes placed in ‘innocent’ entertainment.

    THE PYRAMID. How have the Mystery Schools, these self-exalted shadow Children of some Grand Dragon Order or cabal, how have they misunderstood the Giza Great Pyramid? Their POV comes from the Dark Ages.

    Enlightened masters of old really were not so wise. They were f-ing Ignorant!! Oh, they knew how to manage and engineer people, under fascism.

    They knew how to make the masses FEAR. They knew how to slaughter them in wars then let them only eat cake. They knew how to steal large amounts of money from poor masses. They knew how to hide things in secret as if that was a special hold over others not in the Club.

    Because a Mystery School has Occult knowledge from 500, 1000 or 2000 years ago, does not make it correct. It makes it hidden stuff, that’s all.

    Well, ‘they’ believe pyramids represent their fated dominance over us: The stone levels must mean the Social strata of many lower classes all the way up to a few Families at the very top of power. Look, no capstone…therefore it must mean the Royalty (Priesthood) RULES OVER ALL and are never a part of commoners…

    This is another joke; let’s take the opposite of a few elites having everything and possibly a little will ‘trickle down’ to the billions on lower levels. (You know, the many who should be grateful for every dime the State provides).

    The opposite is what a PYRAMID truly was and is. They are energy Power Generators many thousands of years old or extremely advanced versions of Tesla’s Tower, the ‘Magnifying Transmitter.’

    POWER, ENERGY, ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM beaming out to the globe, freely GIVEN through the ground! No charge high tech! No wars or militaries… in utopia.

    Great Pyramid is a defunct mechanism these days with a worn, missing top, a non-operational Power Station and part of a prehistoric World Grid that included Stonehenge, Easter Island and 10 other amazing Cradles of Civilization or sub-stations. Guess who knows this and have made us believe 13 is unlucky?

    13 is a magic number, all right. It represents the Fall of Man or Atlantis, but do not forget this was a FREE ENERGY global system! It was not sold electricity. This was unlimited POWER…amplified, natural energy that moves a compass. We were cheated out of another Threshold of Utopia at the start of the 20th Century.

    Do you understand, people? How a little Knowledge is power, if the right knowledge…that’s the way of truth and light and Light Side of “the Force.”

    Which side are you on, brute Force? Or a loving, giving, beautiful light-energy inside all life and nature? THE BLACK ARTS ARE WRONG. Illuminati have superior power, influence and control over us as we’re pushed to even lower levels in time.

    They are Church and State and the very things their rebel founder (Adam Weishaupt) was against. What irony.

    Let’s use their symbols against them or see the elite for the mad puppeteers that that are. They’re Children who ruthlessly rule the playground. They have all the toys and will not share. Let’s be Prometheus and steal their fire!

    You’ll also discover that the number 33 is special to masons and secret societies and to just about the most dastardly and evil people on the planet. The joke is on them (once again) to those who will open their eyes and realize the truth.

    Thirty-three honors Jesus Christ, a great man of peace and love, who was needlessly murdered by the Church, the Sanhedrin at the age of 33. Or, do I have it completely wrong on the point, where they’re really honoring his killing? Hmm, anyway…

    TRY THE WHITE ARTS. WHITE MAGIC. We never hear of that in hell. We’re very familiar with possession by demons. We’re not so aware of possession by angels or simply GOOD entities (consciousness, energy).

    I’m not saying, “Run to Church and believe a philosophy from the 4th Century like that’s the truth.”

    Guess what the Devil has set up; taking your money; dividing you; controlling you and making you clash in holy wars? Does ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ mean anything to you?

    What are the White Arts? Try giving, rather than taking. Try doing the right thing, rather than doing what everyone else does. Don’t hurt, help instead. Try thinking clearly. Have the courage of your convictions (when you’re right) and stand up for yourself and individual beliefs.

    But do the research first. Do your homework. Don’t believe their media voodoo~ It’s stupid, fascist propaganda to control you. It’s bullshit. The Emperor really isn’t wearing anything.

    Why is ISIS the new enemy? I mean why did they use the name “Isis”? By the way, there is no Isis outside of terrorists WE FUND (British Empire & Vatican). Why use that name? Because it harkens back to Egypt, the real Holy “Trinity” (also in ‘The Matrix’ & ‘Zion’). Isis was the Holy Mother and Horus was the Holy Child. She was everything good. Look what the hell they’ve done!

    And they do this in his name and call themselves Christians?


    By TS Caladan , World-Mysteries

    China Creates Short-lived Artificial Sun On Earth Via Nuclear Fusion

    China Creates Short-lived Artificial Sun On Earth Via Nuclear Fusion

    Chinese scientists have managed to create searing plasma through heating hydrogen gas three times hotter than our Sun’s core in a controlled experiment in eastern China, paving the way for a migration from depleting natural reserves towards more stable, sustainable, and controllable energy resources.

    The experiment was conducted in the doughnut-shaped chamber of a magnetic fusion reactor last week at the Institute of Physical Science in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, where nuclear scientists heated hydrogen up to a temperature of around 50 million degrees Celsius, the South China Morning Post reported on Friday.

    The reactor, officially known as the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), produced hydrogen plasma — the ionized gas consisting of approximately equal numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons — and maintained its temperature for 102 seconds.

    A few days before the Chinese experiment, German scientists, in a similar experiment, used two megawatts of microwave radiation to heat hydrogen gas and create plasma. They managed to reach a temperature of 80 million degrees Celsius but could only maintain it for a fraction of a second.

    The officials at EAST hope to approximate the solar nuclear fusion conditions, which occur deep inside the sun and convert hydrogen atoms into heavier ones, like Helium. In such fusion reaction some tiny portions of matter turn into massive amounts of energy through fusing Hydrogen nuclei together.

    The team, however, are halfway in their endeavor as they must reach 100 million degrees Celsius and maintain it for over 1,000 seconds (some 17 minutes) to mimic solar nuclear fusion reaction and produce controlled energy.

    Humans have so far managed to create fusion energy through detonating nuclear bombs, dubbed thermonuclear or Hydrogen bombs, but the problem is the destructive and uncontrollable energy they release. The first such bomb was tested by the United States in 1952 in Enewetak Atoll islands, located in the Pacific Ocean.


    10 Facts About The Illuminati You Must Know

    10 Facts About The Illuminati You Must Know

    Here are the10 mind blowing facts about the Illuminati:

    1. Illuminati meaning:

    Illuminati means 'enlightened' in Latin. Going by the name, one can easily make out that they consider themselves separate from normal people. They remain hidden in relevant organizations and slowly try to control the world.

    2. Religion:

    According to many books and movies, Illuminati is a Christian organization. But, in reality, they are a non-religious sect and don’t follow any particular religion.

    3. Different classes:

    Illuminati has three different classes of their members. The first class is called “the nursery”, the second class is called “The Masonic grades” and the third class is called “The Mysteries”. This system was established in 1782.

    4. Taken over the world:

    Many theories have come to life that proves that illuminati is still functional. They have taken over the world’s leading organizations. Many believe that they even have control over the media; therefore no one reports anything about them.

    5. Financial support:

    They are being financed by banks all over the world as they have their members leading the banks. They don’t face any kind of financial troubles because of this.

    6. Famous members:

    Many celebrities are considered a part of this organization. These celebrities include Beyonce, Jay Z, Miley Cyrus as well as the pope. They even have control over the entertainment industry.

    7. Infamous activities by the group:

    This secret organization was banned as they were allegedly responsible for many infamous incidents in the world history. These incidents include the French revolution, the battle of waterloo and some even believe that they were responsible for the infamous 9/11.

    8. Links in the US government:

    The organization even controls the United States government. This was proved when the USA got independence days after the organization was formed.

    9. The original symbol:

    Illuminati’s symbol originally was not an eye. They had an owl as their symbol earlier.

    10. The US Dollar:

    The USA dollar has an eye on the note. This has resulted in many theories according to which even the reserve bank is under the control of the secret group.


    Project REDSUN: They Went to Mars Without Telling Us

    Project REDSUN: They Went to Mars Without Telling Us

    How much do we know about Mars? Or is it “how much we don’t know about it” a better question to ask?

    According to several sources, the distant Red Planet meant an important deal to NASA ever since the late 1950s. As the Apollo program was coming to an end, and with the entire population bathed in excitement because of the huge step humanity took towards progress and innovation, the space agency already had bigger plans for the near future.

    Apparently, at that time (in 1970s more precisely) NASA focused more on a manned mission to Mars. As crazy as this sounds, it might prove to be true, and here is why: 50 years ago from now, in the summer of 1965, Mariner 4 became the first successful mission to come near the surface of the Red Planet. The photos returned by the space module caused an immense stir among NASA’s personnel, as it revealed never before seen features of the bizarre “red dot” that could be observed from Earth.

    What they learned in 1965 made the agency want to send astronauts there ASAP in order to colonize the Red Planet and who knows what other reasons they had. Therefore, NASA secretly funded a project similar to the Apollo missions which they codenamed Project REDSUN. Its aim was apparently to colonize the planet, but after analyzing the case, it seems that they had some other thoughts as well. Is it possible that NASA encountered some form of intelligent life on Mars?

    In 1971, one year before the final Apollo mission, Mariner 9 was orbiting Mars and managed to photograph the entirety of its surface, thus providing conclusive images with ancient riverbeds, a 3,000 mile-long grand canyon, gigantic volcanoes, and other artificial-like structures that we can also see for ourselves today.

    What seems rather interesting is the fact that NASA had a free hand to operate under the ongoing lunar exploration hysteria. Another curious thing to note is the fact that the agency was overly prepared to send a second mission to Mars, as Richard Zurek, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s leading scientist revealed:
    It was a good thing we had other spacecraft ready, as it might have stopped Mars exploration for a while. The pace of exploration would have slowed – we certainly wouldn’t have had anything as ambitious as the mission in 1970s.
    Mariner 9’s photo of Nirgal Vallis, the largest valley network on Mars

    It was a planet that seemed similar enough to the Earth that you could imagine it having supported life in the past… We still don’t know for sure if life did develop there.”
    In the years that followed, several exploration modules were sent to Mars, probably because of the unimaginable discoveries that were previously unearthed. However, first photos from the actual surface of the planet were taken by the Viking 1 mission and were revealed on July 20, 1976. One day later, the first color picture taken by the Viking 2 lander was available. Considering all the above, we can’t help but wonder what happened between 1970 and 1976, and why the space agency didn’t officially admit the landing of a module on the Martian surface until then?

    On August 28, 1973, a secret mission funded by NASA and the US Department of Defense was to depart towards the distant planet Mars under the name of Project Redsun. According to recently leaked documents, the crew consisted of American astronaut Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and a fellow comrade from the USSR named Vladimir Ilyushin.

    The video below was supposedly leaked from a collection of 16mm archived footage used in the training of NASA astronauts and Air Force pilots. The video reveals how astronauts aboard a spacecraft considered to be the ISV Columbus, are slowly leaving behind Earth’s view to welcome a new, more dusty sight of planet Mars. Some features of the Red Planet are clearly visible during the orbital flight, including the famous South Pole of Mars.


    Mission control was established at Cocoa Beach, Florida and it coordinated Project Redsun’s first three launches. All subsequent missions were relocated and administrated from Area 51.

    After the video was made public, people begun to question its authenticity, and as usual, NASA denied any form of implication in a manned mission to Mars, considering the footage to be a ridiculous forgery. While people couldn’t accept the agency’s potential for such a quest, seeing as it was 1970 back then, the above footage didn’t receive too much attention. However, it all changed in April 2011 when more evidence was brought to light by an Italian journalist and UFO researcher Luca Scantamburlo. During a press conference, they presented a testimony revealing the details of project Redsun.
    I introduce to you a press-release testimony I have written to discuss the presumed existence of a hush-hush military space program called “Project Redsun”, carried out in the 70s of the last century to build a stationary base on Mars, the Red Planet. My source of information – named by me ‘bravoxsierra24’ – had contacted me by email. It is possible to reproduce the pages of the press release, and the picture here presented as well.
    The below documents back up this seemingly crazy but not at all impossible hypothesis of an early manned mission to Mars. If this happened indeed, we can think of so many reasons why NASA would engage in such a secret mission. What could NASA had encountered there? Was there an ancient alien base or did they met with intelligent beings who still inhabit the planet? Considering many other possibilities, the reason might exceed all our earthly expectations, and who knows, maybe one they we will find out.


    Remains Of A fascinating Ancient Laboratory discovered in China

    Remains Of A fascinating Ancient Laboratory discovered in China

    Thirteen years ago, a group of Chinese researchers located and explored an ancient structure so unusual that an extraterrestrial hypothesis was promptly taken into consideration.

    The fascinating ruins were discovered in the remote wilderness that makes up most of the intersection between China’s Qinghai province and the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Throughout history, humans have seldom settled in this harsh and inhospitable area. Only occasionally, migrant herdsmen pass through the mountainous regions to the north.

    No industrial facilities can be found in the zone, much less the remnants of civilizations with advanced metalworking capabilities.

    Despite this, atop a rocky ridge called Mt Baigong lies a pyramid-shaped ruin with three triangular entrances. Two of them are collapsed but the remaining one leads into an artificially-dug cave going deep into the heart of the mountain. Embedded in the cave walls and floor are hundreds of ancient metal pipes, arranged in what appears to have been a sophisticated network of unknown purpose and origin.

    The rusted pipes range from toothpick-sized to 1.5 feet in diameter and connect the cave to nearby Toson Hu, a saltwater lake 300 feet away. On the northern shore of Lake Toson, erosion exposed hundreds more of these archaic ducts. This detail led researchers into believing whoever built the pipework either used it as a drainage system or as a way to pump saltwater from the lake.

    Baffled by the complexity of the network of pipes, the researchers took samples of the strange metallic tubes to the Beijing Institute of Geology for analysis. That’s when they had their biggest surprise.

    Making use of a process called thermoluminescence dating, the scientists were able to analyze the pipes’ crystalline structure and determined they had been subjected to extreme heat approximately 140-150,000 years ago. In other words, the pipes had been smelted long before humans started dabbling in metalworking. An advanced civilization building complex structures 145,000 before us? Could it have been alien?

    The chemical analysis revealed even stranger details. The pipes had been smelted using a strange alloy composed of 92% common metals and minerals like ferric oxide, silicon dioxide and calcium oxide but it also contained 8% unknown materials. This intriguing aspect did not prove the pipes were out of this world but it did pave the way for speculation.

    Unable to identify the exotic 8 percent, researchers turned to the remaining constituents and discovered another puzzling aspect: the pipes contained a proportion of silica that is specific to Mars.

    The news fell like a bomb, the story quickly went viral and people started flocking to Mt Baigong to gawk at the anomalous artifacts. They even erected a monument with a satellite dish on top, a direct reference to the efforts to contact extraterrestrial civilizations.

    As a consequence, the Chinese Government closed off the area and posted guards at the entrance to the cave. This attitude is highly suspicious, to say the least.

    Skeptics say the Baigong pipes are nothing more than fossilized tree roots that somehow got lodged in sediment, hardening over the years and eventually becoming the unusual structures that stumped everyone. If this is the case, why would the authorities step in and have the military guard the site?

    This situation led conspiracy theorists to believe Mt Baigong was once visited by an advanced extraterrestrial race, possibly originating from Mars. For whatever reason, they constructed an artificial pyramid on top of the mountain, housing what appears to have been a laboratory. This theory is intriguing for a number of reasons.

    The entire area surrounding the mountain consists of wide expanses of flat terrain that would have been an ideal landing site for large spacecraft. The mountaintop makes for a perfect vantage point one could use to oversee landings and takeoffs.

    The entrance is guarded and access is denied to outsiders.

    Recently, mineral explorations have shown the area contains various ore deposits. Any industrious civilization, no matter how advanced, could see the utility of extracting and managing these resources. In order to do so, they would have needed some type of energy source and that is where the pipes’ purpose might become obvious.

    The Chinese scientists wondered why the pipes went into saltwater when another freshwater lake was even closer to the pyramid. Why the need for water containing a greater percentage of sodium chloride? Let’s examine some of our own activities and perhaps we can find an answer.

    Modern chemistry and manufacturing makes use of a process called electrolysis, which basically requires passing an electric current through a solution or a molten substance. This triggers a chemical reaction which allows for the separation of materials. When water undergoes electrolysis, it breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen but this only works when saltwater is used. And it’s worth noting that a mixture of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen is commonly used as rocket fuel.

    Admittedly, this is all speculation but when combined, the totality of the details start painting a clear picture for the open-minded:

    Scientists discover ancient artifacts that predate modern history.

    Evidence suggests they were part of a much more complex structure.

    Complexity of said structure suggests the presence and activity of an advanced civilization, possibly from Mars.

    Government intervenes and prevents access.

    This scenario seems all too familiar to overlook.

    Naturally, some have claimed the Baigong pipes are nothing more than a hoax. Unfortunately, this proposition seems to ignore the facts. The Chinese Government is well-known for its attitude towards those who sabotage the country’s image in the eyes of the rest of the world. It would have taken measures to punish those responsible for spreading false information rather than occupying the ancient pyramid.

    Whatever the truth behind this perplexing discovery might be, one thing is certain: it doesn’t seem to fit in any of our traditional textbooks.


    New Evidence: Secret Past of Antarctica and Buried City Is True After All

    The mysteries surrounding the Antarctic are many, answers are few, but theories abound which connect Operations Paperclip and High-Jump, to secret hidden facilities and ancient technologies, human experimentation and discovered hidden entrances, in a region that may hold the true secrets to mankind’s past and present, and which could determine our future.

    While the mainstream news recently reported on further explorations in the Antarctica which they claim “holds the key” to mankind’s future”, what they do not do is connect the many dots which build a picture that appears to blur the lines between conspiracy and reality.


    There are claims that as early as the 1930’s the German Nazis built self-sufficient underground research factories in the Antarctic, with some believing those “bases” were already built, found by the Nazis, who then utilized the ancient technologies to experiment with UFOs and other scientific experiments using advanced tech that mankind simply wasn’t capable of creating at the time.

    More can be seen on that in the documentary below, but first it is imperative to know about Operation Paperclip, where 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II and integrated into the US military. Many of who it is believed by some, continued their work with those ancient technologies for the US government.

    Below the documentary we will explore Operation High-Jump and it’s connection to those secret facilities, Admiral Richard B. Byrd’s explorations and secret diary, and the Hollow Earth theory.


    OPERATION HIGH-JUMP – Via Steve Quayle’s “High-Jump – Mysteries of the Antarctic portion of his website:

    In 1947 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd, called “Operation Highjump”. It was touted to be an expedition to find “coal deposits” and other valuable resources, but in actuality they were trying to find the underground base of the nazis (aryans) in Neuschwabenlandt. The nazis had done a very detailed study of Antarctic and were alleged to have built an underground base there.

    In this regard however, the aryans have had an underground habitation in Antarctic for more than a million years.

    The task force of OVER 40 SHIPS, included the flagship “Mount Olympus”, the aircraft carrier “Philipine Sea”, the seaplane tender “Pine Sea”, the submarine “Senate”, the destroyer “Bronson”, the ice breaker “Northwind”, and other tanker and supply ships. An armed contingent of 1400 sailors, and three dog sled teams were also on board.


    Before delving into what is claimed to be the secret diary of Admiral Byrd, it is noteworthy that this was not some crackpot but was a medal of honor recipient which is the highest honor for heroism given by the United States.

    In a log entry titled “Flight Log: Base Camp Artic – 2/19/1947 (Full entry found here) the following portion was made at 1130 HOURS – 1145 HOURS:

    1130 HOURS– Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond! My GOD! Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!

    1135 HOURS– Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: “Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.” I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.

    1140 HOURS– Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!

    1145 HOURS– I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply. END LOG

    Admiral Byrd’s description of what he experienced between 1145 HOURS and when the official flight log started again at 220 HOURS is described in his diary entry as defying “the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened,” as he goes on to explain his visit to “the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth.”

    Below are a number of videos, including Admiral Byrd’s Hollow Earth video interview and Hollow Earth – The Biggest Cover Up- Full Documentary.

    Before watching them it is also noteworthy to mention the reports of a discovery made in 2013, using Google Earth, which purports to show and previously undiscovered hidden entrance to a secret underground base in the Antarctica.

    After clicking through to all of the links provided above and watching the videos, interviews and documentaries, it is easy to understand why the Antarctica is perhaps the largest missing piece of history and how it could affect everything we have been taught about history and determine our very future should the hidden secrets of the Antarctica ever truly be revealed.

    We will end with what is purported to be Admiral Byrd’s final entry into his diary, dated 30/12/56, which states the following:

    These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind…I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.

    This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again….and those who are of darkness shall fall in it’s Light. 


    United States Navy

    Byrd died on March 11, 1957, he was 68 years old.

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