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Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”

Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”

Why in the world is the Vatican searching for extraterrestrial life? Does the Catholic hierarchy know something about alien life that the rest of us do not? Why is the largest religious organization on the planet spending so much time and energy looking for “brother extraterrestrial”? Earlier this month, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a major conference on extraterrestrial life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world. One of the organizers stated that one of the goals of the conference was to figure out “how we can find life among the stars within the next two decades“. Certainly it would not be unusual for a group of astronomers and astrobiologists to get together and discuss such things. But why is the Vatican seemingly obsessed with this stuff? As you will see below, there are some high profile Vatican astronomers that seem quite confident that “something” is out there. In fact, one has stated that once it is revealed, “everything we think we know” may have to “be thrown out”.

Normally, a conference that brings together several hundred scientists is not going to make headline news. What makes this one different is the involvement of the Vatican. The following is how this conference was described on NASA’s website

Motivated by the rapidly increasing number of known Earth-sized planets, the increasing range of extreme conditions in which life on Earth can persist, and the progress toward a technology that will ultimately enable the search for life on exoplanets, the Vatican Observatory and the Steward Observatory announce a major conference entitled The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments.

The goal of the conference is to bring together the interdisciplinary community required to address this multi-faceted challenge: experts on exoplanet observations, early and extreme life on Earth, atmospheric biosignatures, and planet-finding telescopes.

Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”

In recent years, the Vatican has really taken a position of leadership in the search for extraterrestrial life. The current head of the Vatican Observatory, José Gabriel Funes, does not believe that there is any conflict between his faith and his search for life beyond this world…

José Gabriel Funes, an Argentine Jesuit priest and astronomer, and the current director of the Vatican Observatory says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps more evolved than humans.

“In my opinion this possibility exists,” said the Reverend José Gabriel Funes, current director of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI, referring to life on other planets.

Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”

In fact, Funes sounds quite optimistic about the possibility of finding “brother extraterrestrial” someday…

Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: “Certainly, in a universe this big you can’t exclude this hypothesis.”

“Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom. Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation.”

Funes, who runs the observatory that is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human race might actually be the “lost sheep” of the universe. There could be other beings “who remained in full friendship with their creator,” he said.


So Funes is actually suggesting that when we do encounter extraterrestrial beings, they may not have fallen into sin like humanity has.

The implications of this are staggering. Just check out what researcher Tom Horn recently had to say about this

This is an argument that they continue to make and they’re becoming more and more adamant about it, that what we know about ourselves is that we are fallen, right? But we cannot necessarily assume the same thing about our space brethren, and if they’re unfallen, they’re closer to God than we are. Therefore they have a better understanding of the Gospel and of the Godhead and of the nature of God. And when they started out three years ago, Funes was saying “I’d like to baptize an alien into the Catholic faith.” Well that’s not what they’re saying today. What they’re saying now is that they [aliens] are coming here and they’re going to baptize us into their faith and it is going to require us to make changes to our knowledge, to our understanding, of the Gospel. In fact, some of their deepest theologians have said, “Perhaps everything we think we know about the Gospel is going to have to be thrown out.”

Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”

Another prominent Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, has publicly suggested that aliens could actually be the “saviors of humankind“…

Captivating comments from Jesuit priests like Guy Consolmagno—a leading astronomer who often turns up in media as a spokesman for the Vatican who has worked at NASA and taught at Harvard and MIT and who currently splits his time between the Vatican Observatory and laboratory (Specola Vaticana) headquartered at the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and Mt. Graham in Arizona.

 Over the last few years, he has focused so much of his time and effort in an attempt to reconcile science and religion in public forums specifically as it relates to the subject of extraterrestrial life and its potential impact on the future of faith that we decided to contact him. He agreed to be interviewed from Rome, and over the numerous exchanges that followed he told us some things that seemed beyond the scope. He even sent us a copy of a private pdf, a literal goldmine of what he and the Vatican are considering regarding the ramifications of astrobiology and specifically the discovery of advanced extraterrestrials… in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.”

So if aliens showed up and wanted to show us a “new way”, would society be willing to accept it?

Well, the truth is that even hardcore atheist Richard Dawkins is willing to theorize that aliens could have “seeded” life on this planet…

Richard Dawkins admits to Intelligent Design

So what would happen someday if “aliens” showed up and claimed that they seeded life on this planet, guided our evolution and are now here to lead us into a new golden age?

And what would happen if the Catholic Church gave those aliens their stamp of approval?

That sounds absolutely bizarre, but there are very important Vatican officials that are apparently thinking very hard about these things.



Prisoners 'Could Serve 1,000 Year Sentence In Eight Hours'

Prisoners 'Could Serve 1,000 Year Sentence In Eight Hours'

Future biotechnology could be used to trick a prisoner's mind into thinking they have served a 1,000 year sentence, a group of scientists have claimed.

Philosopher Rebecca Roache is in charge of a team of scholars focused upon the ways futuristic technologies might transform punishment. Dr Roache claims the prison sentence of serious criminals could be made worse by extending their lives.

Speaking to Aeon magazine, Dr Roache said drugs could be developed to distort prisoners' minds into thinking time was passing more slowly.

Prisoners 'Could Serve 1,000 Year Sentence In Eight Hours'

"There are a number of psychoactive drugs that distort people’s sense of time, so you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence," she said.

A second scenario would be to upload human minds to computers to speed up the rate at which the mind works, she wrote on her blog.

"If the speed-up were a factor of a million, a millennium of thinking would be accomplished in eight and a half hours... Uploading the mind of a convicted criminal and running it a million times faster than normal would enable the uploaded criminal to serve a 1,000 year sentence in eight-and-a-half hours. This would, obviously, be much cheaper for the taxpayer than extending criminals’ lifespans to enable them to serve 1,000 years in real time."

Prisoners 'Could Serve 1,000 Year Sentence In Eight Hours'

Thirty years in prison is currently the most severe punishment available in the UK legal system.

"To me, these questions about technology are interesting because they force us to rethink the truisms we currently hold about punishment. When we ask ourselves whether it’s inhumane to inflict a certain technology on someone, we have to make sure it’s not just the unfamiliarity that spooks us," Dr Roache said.

"Is it really OK to lock someone up for the best part of the only life they will ever have, or might it be more humane to tinker with their brains and set them free? When we ask that question, the goal isn’t simply to imagine a bunch of futuristic punishments – the goal is to look at today’s punishments through the lens of the future."


Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild at the sole owner of the important patent.

The mystery surrounding the Malaysian Airlines MH-370 is growing as each day passes with more mysterious silence shadowing the disappearance of the airline. More and more conspiracy theories are beginning to boom on the internet. One of the conspiracies one is the Freescale Semiconductor’s ARM microcontroller ‘KL-03′ which is a new improvised version of an older microcontroller KL-02. This crazy story about how Illuminati Rothschild exploited the airlines to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip is going haywire across the internet especially when it’s involving Jacob Rothschild as the evil master plotter.

A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technology for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which according to the firm are “stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions in electronic systems”.

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

Why were so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs. Were they on a mission and if so what was this mission? Can these employees be the cause of the disappearance of this plane? Could the plane have been then hijacked and these people kidnapped? Did these employees hold valuable information, did they have any valuable cargo with them? Did they know company and technological secrets? With all the might of technology why cant this plane be located? Where is this plane where are these people?”

The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company’s chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations.

“These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people,” Haws said. “It’s definitely a loss for the company.”

In Malaysia, Freescale’s modern operations facility that manufactures and tests integrated circuits (IC) is based in Petaling Jaya.

Based on information obtained from Freescale’s website, the facility began operations in 1972 covering an eight hectare site and is specifically designed for the manufacturing and testing of microprocessors, digital signal processors and integrated radio frequency circuits.

It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.

1. Battlefield communication

2. Avionics

3. HF Radar – Band L- and S-

4. Missile Guidance

5. Electronic Warfare

6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

Freescale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.

Carlyle’s previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.

The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.

The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescale’s fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.

Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.

Avoiding radar via “cloaking technology” has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar

On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in “avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe”.

Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing “radio frequency power products” for the defense industry.

And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in “high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications”.

The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.

It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.

The comment reads: “It reads: “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.

Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself,Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, according Eternity .

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

It adds: “Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all four Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.

Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. “However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.”

However, the absurd theory does not add up.

Although a Freescale patent does exist under number US8650327, none of the names listed actually appear on the passenger manifest released by the Malaysian authorities. ( But maybe the names have been removed from the flight manifest)

If the patent holder dies, the other owners share equally in dividends from the deceased. If four of the five patentees die, then the patentee left alive gets 100% of the patent. That remaining patent holder is the company Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? The answer is: JacobRothschild. British billionaire owns the company Blackstone, which in turn owns the company Freescale Semiconductors. Several speculations on the Internet now pay attention to this circumstance. The Rothschilds are a dynasty of financiers and international bankers of German-Jewish origin . The family is from the nineteenth century one of the most influential families of bankers and financiers of Europe.

The search continues for Flight MH370 but speculation surrounding its fate grows by the day.

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors


900 Million Dollars Philippines Corruption and World Bank Prostitution Blackmail [VIDEO]

900 Million Dollars Philippines Corruption and World Bank Prostitution Blackmail

Corruption in World Bank? 900 Million Dollars Loan of the Philippine Government went to a corrupt man, LUCIO TAN? and who pays for the loan?


Continuing World corruption and media cover-ups.

900 Million Dollars Philippines Corruption and World Bank Prostitution Blackmail

World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes speaks about rampant corruption going unchecked by the World Bank in the Philippines, and the threats of blackmail against World Bank board members for their prostitution indiscretions during the Wolfowitz scandal in this Buzzsaw interview clip with Sean Stone.


“Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns

“Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns

A shocking new report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense circulating in the Kremlin today is advising all Ministries to “prepare for doomsday” as fears grow about the Western worlds response to the expected collapse of the global banking system later this month that Edward Snowden documents have revealed is a “staged event” the Obama regime has been secretly planning and refers to as “The Grand CardinalCross Crisis.”

Important to note, and as we had previously reported on in our 2 February report titled 15 February “Catastrophe” Warned Will Shake Entire World, the GRU had warned that a “catastrophe” was being engineered by the Obama regime within a fortnight of 15 February in order to establish some type of “new world economic order” prior to the coming global meltdown of markets and massive bank failures, some of which had already begun.

Though scoffed at and ridiculed in early February by many in the West, the 2 February GRU warning of a “catastrophe that will shake the entire world” was proven accurate when on 18 February some 20,000 Euromaidan protesters in Kiev advanced on Ukraine’s parliament leading to that nations 22 February coup that overthrew its democratically elected government and as has plunged the world into an ever growing status of near total war.

“Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns

Recent documents proving the Obama regimes overthrow of Ukraine’s government were released by the RSN News service this past week, and who in their article titled Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev, again, prove the GRU warnings and assessments 100% accurate.

Interesting to note in this new GRU report are its references to an Edward Snowden document titled “The Grand Cardinal Cross Crisis” which Russian intelligence analysts believe refers to an extremely rare astrological alignment due to take place this month called The Grand Cardinal Cross which begins with a “Full Blood Moon” eclipse on 14/15 April.

Even though the GRU in this report discounts the “astrological significance” of this astral event, it does note that many Westerners believe The Grand Cardinal Cross is a harbinger of global war and chaos and further notes that one of America’s most famed astrologers, Susan Miller, in a January interview with The Guardian News Service, stated, “April’s so scary I’m giving classes on it.

“Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns

What appears, however, to be the more accurate explanation as to why this Edward Snowden document is named “The Grand Cardinal Cross Crisis,” this report continues, are that the dates associated with this astral event appear to mirror the dates expected to be significant in an Obama regime engineered global banking collapse, and include:

8 April Sun opposes Mars

11 April Venus conjuncts Neptune

14 April Mercury squares Jupiter, Mercury conjuncts Uranus, Pluto goes stationary direct at 7:44 p.m. EST 15 April full moon lunar eclipse 25 degrees Libra, Mercury squares Pluto

16 April Mercury opposes Mars

20 April Jupiter squares Uranus, opposes Pluto

21 April Uranus squares Pluto

22 April Mars squares Jupiter

23 April Mars opposes Uranus, squares Pluto 25 April Sun conjuncts Mercury

28-29 April Solar eclipse 8 degrees Taurus

2 May Mercury opposes Saturn
“Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns

This report further notes that a “typical” Western astrological explanation of The Grand Cardinal Cross event is:

“Normally when you’re going through difficult times and you go discuss it with an astrologer, there will be one or two major transits causing trouble. In this case though, it’s a four-car pile-up of potential grief, and figuring out which way to approach the mess can be tricky.”

As to if a “four-car pile-up of potential grief” is, indeed, awaiting the global banking system because of the Obama regimes plot against it, this report warns, there appears to be “no doubt” as top US economist, and CNBC commentator, Dennis Gartman, yesterday echoed astrologer Susan Miller’s fears of April saying he was “scared” and was getting out of equities and sticking with cash and gold to ride out the coming storm.

Gartman, the GRU notes, is not alone either, as all of the top Western oligarchs have now left the markets and are further warning anyone who hears to “prepare for massive wealth destruction.

As to why these Western oligarchs have fled the markets, including US billionaires Warren Buffett, John Paulson and George Soros, this report says, is because they have “become aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.

Not being warned of this coming “doomsday,” this report concludes, are the average American people who new reports this week show are now paying more taxes to the Obama regime ruling their nation than what they spend on housing, food and clothing combined, and are, also, being subjected to the worse type of tyranny as new documents have revealed that the NSA is now using their mainstream news services (NBC,CBS,FOX, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) to spread propaganda and silences dissent.


NASA Photo Captures Strange Bright Light Coming Out Of Mars

NASA Photo Captures Strange Bright Light Coming Out Of Mars

Chron | A NASA camera on Mars has captured what appears to be artificial light emanating outward from the planet’s surface. The photo, beamed millions of miles from Mars to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., was taken last week, apparently by one of two NASA rovers on the red planet.

Although the space agency hasn’t issued any official statement yet about the phenomenon, bloggers and NASA enthusiasts have started chiming in. Scott C. Waring, who maintains the website UFO Sightings Daily, posted the photo April 6.

Waring noted that the light shines upward, as if from the ground, and is very flat across the bottom. ”This could indicate there there is intelligent life below the ground and uses light as we do,” Waring wrote on his website. “This is not a glare from the sun, nor is it an artifact of the photo process.”

Earlier this month, NASA announced that on April 2, the Curiosity rover drove the last 98 feet needed to arrive at “the Kimberley,” a spot where it can study rock clues about ancient environments that might have been favorable for life, according to a news release. The Kimberley, where four different types of rock intersect, is named for a region of western Australia. The rover’s stay there has been planned since early last year, the release said.

NASA Photo Captures Strange Bright Light Coming Out Of Mars

NASA Photo Captures Strange Bright Light Coming Out Of Mars

“This is the spot on the map we’ve been headed for, on a little rise that gives us a great view for context imaging of the outcrops at the Kimberley,” Melissa Rice of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena said in the release. Rice is the scientist in charge of planning several weeks of observations, sample-drilling and on-site laboratory analysis of the area’s rocks.

Arrival at this location means Curiosity has driven 3.8 miles since August 2012, when it landed inside Mars’ Gale Crater. The Kimberley investigations are to be the most extensive since Curiosity spent the first half of 2013 in an area called Yellowknife Bay, the release said.

At Yellowknife Bay, the one-ton rover examined the first samples ever drilled from rocks on Mars. These samples showed signs of an ancient lakebed environment that provided the chemical ingredients and energy necessary for life, the release said.

NASA Photo Captures Strange Bright Light Coming Out Of Mars

At the Kimberley and, later, at outcrops on the slope of Mount Sharp inside Gale Crater, researchers plan to use Curiosity’s science instruments to learn more about habitable past conditions and environmental changes.



Americans’ Brains Being Fried By Cell Towers: New Scientific Evidence Reveals

 Americans’ Brains Being Fried By Cell Towers: New Scientific Evidence Reveals

Exposure to cell phone towers alters brain function in alarming ways, causing a lack of concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping and lack of appetite. That’s the conclusion of a new study just published by the British Medical Journal.(

The study, authored by Professor Enrique A Navarro, concluded that the severity of such symptoms directly correlated to cell tower exposure levels. In other words, the closer a person lives to a cell tower, the greater the severity of their symptoms. This was true regardless of race, income level and other demographics.

Cell towers, of course, broadcast and receive electromagnetic switching signals. Human biology — and the brain in particular — relies on electro-biochemical pathways for healthy function. Many scientists have long suspected that chronic exposure to low levels of EMF pollution (electropollution) may interfere with healthy functioning of the brain and body. This latest research adds yet more support to that alarming idea.

 Americans’ Brains Being Fried By Cell Towers: New Scientific Evidence Reveals


Electromagnetic hypersensitivity has long been dismissed as non-existent by some doctors and industry-funded scientists. After all, if EMF pollution from cell towers really does harm public health, then the implications are truly massive, both economically and in terms of human suffering.

But electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a genuine phenomenon. People are not “inventing” side effects or symptoms. As Navarro writes in the study:

The term electromagnetic hypersensitivity has been recently introduced in discussions attributing symptoms to exposure to EMFs. A review of this topic in 2010 found that 8 of the 10 studies evaluated through PubMed had reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances < 500 m from [cell phone towers].

Importantly, all these symptoms were recorded in people living near cell phone towers whose broadcast signal strength meets current safety guidelines. As the study author points out, this most likely means current government guidelines on cell phone towers are inadequate to protect the public. Revising such guidelines could have drastic implications for the nationwide telecommunications infrastructure.

By the way, people who live fewer than 500 meters from cell phone towers appear to be especially at risk of electromagnetic interference with brain function. Because electropollution strength is determined by the inverse square of the distance, a person who moves twice as close to a cell tower experiences four times the radiation.

 Americans’ Brains Being Fried By Cell Towers: New Scientific Evidence Reveals


There are currently over 190,000 cell phone towers across the United States.

Their typical “maximum range” is over 21 miles, meaning their electromagnetic pollution extends in a sphere with a radius of over 21 miles. (In reality, this pollution extends indefinitely, but the intensity of it drops off with the square of the distance.)

The following map shows AT&T coverage areas in orange. If you live inside an orange area, you are currently exposed to cell tower radiation.

 Americans’ Brains Being Fried By Cell Towers: New Scientific Evidence Reveals

People who live within range of two or more cell phone towers experience electropollution from all the towers within a range of 21 miles. This electropollution effect is cumulative.

It is not known how many Americans live within 21 miles of at least one cell tower, but given that over half the U.S. population lives in urban areas, it’s safe to assume that at least 150 million — and more likely close to 300 million — Americans are exposed to EMF electropollution from cell towers.


Have you noticed how the mass public seems increasingly confused and irritable? A society that once operated with some degree of sanity and politeness has become largely demented and rude. Mathematical abilities are nearly lost across the population, as very few people under the age of 40 can even calculate 15% waiter’s tips at a restaurant. The ability of voters to understand laws, liberties, freedom and even the structure of government is almost entirely lost in nations where cell phone towers are ubiquitous.

Given this recent research revealing the negative impact of cell phone radiation of human brain function, it would be incredibly irresponsible to fail to consider how cell tower radiation alters healthy brain function and promotes confusion and irritability. As more scientists look into this issue, we may indeed find that the fall of American civilization is being accelerated by electromagnetic pollution that leads to disastrous
cognitive consequences across the population.


Mysterious Windsor Hum Gets Ottawa Review [VIDEO]

Mysterious Windsor Hum Gets Ottawa Review

A federally funded report on the mysterious Windsor Hum has been submitted to both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources Canada.

For years, residents in west Windsor and the neighbouring town of LaSalle have been complaining of a mysterious rumble or hum that is often described as an idling truck or locomotive.

Both ministries are reviewing the results of the $60,000 report, said the University of Windsor’s Colin Novak, one of the authors of the report.

Mysterious Windsor Hum Gets Ottawa Review

Novak said the report was submitted in January and that the final review has not yet been conducted.

A spokesperson for Windsor West NDP MP Brian Masse, who has been keeping tabs on the issue, said the two ministries have additional questions and are seeking clarifications on some points.

Masse’s spokesperson said officials are trying to arrange a meeting between the ministries and researchers, including Novak and the University of Western Ontario's Peter Brown.

Masse wasn’t available for comment Wednesday but a spokesperson said the federal government needs to make the report public.


In 2012, a different federal study suggested the hum may originate from the U.S. side of the Detroit River, in the general area of Zug Island, an area of concentrated steel production and manufacturing in River Rouge, Mich.

Zug Island is directly across from the western edge of Windsor.

The mayor of River Rouge said at that time that his city doesn't have the funds to investigate further.


Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

 Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

During the Nuclear Security Summit, which was held on March 24th and 25th in the Netherlands, Reuters captured video of presidents and prime ministers from all over the world wearing a very peculiar pyramid-shaped pin. Those that have studied secret societies and the occult know that the unholy pyramid is a very dark symbol that represents some of the deepest secrets of the elite.

 When it shows up in a very public forum like an international summit meeting, it is usually not by accident. As I will discuss below, thanks to Freemasons we even find this highly occult symbol on the back of all one dollar bills. Of course the cover story is that all of these world leaders were wearing pyramids to support “nuclear security”, kind of like if you want to support breast cancer you pin a little pink ribbon to your jacket. And you never know – perhaps that is all that this was. But when I watched this video for the first time my jaw just about hit the floor.

 Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

The video that you are about to see was shot during the Nuclear Security Summit which was recently held at the Hague. The following is how the Washington Post described the summit…

Nuclear terrorism is officially the main topic for world leaders at a two-day summit in the Netherlands starting Monday. In practice, the Ukraine crisis will likely overshadow those talks.

The Nuclear Security Summit in the Hague will form the backdrop for an emergency meeting of Group of Seven leaders on Russia’s annexation of Crimea. It’s a confrontation between Russia and the West reminiscent of the Cold War.

I have posted the video footage that was captured by Reuters below. As you can see, Barack Obama appears to be wearing an American flag, but almost all of the other presidents and prime ministers are wearing pyramids…


When I first watched that video, it reminded me of a really bad apocalyptic movie.

Except that it was real.

And I find it interesting that at this same summit, Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping and most of the rest of the world leaders played a “nuclear war game”

World leaders including President Obama, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and Chinese President Xi Jinping played a “nuclear war game” designed to test how they would respond to a global terrorist attack at a high-level meeting, the Telegraph reported Tuesday.

The leaders also included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who according to the Telegraph was unhappy and did not want to play the game.

The game took place at the nuclear summit at The Hague and included dozens of other heads of state.

It required leaders to respond to the scenario of a terrorist attack with a “dirty bomb” in a big Western city. Leaders had to answer a series of questions on how they would respond to the attack as the game progressed and new challenges arose.

Let’s hope that game does not foreshadow any real events.

So what is the big deal about wearing pyramids?

Why get so excited?

Posted below is the pyramid that can be found on the back of every one dollar bill. It was added to the dollar bill at a time when a Freemason was president and a Freemason was vice-president. The following is how Vice President Henry Wallace described the deliberations that took place back then…
Roosevelt, as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal, was first struck with the representation of the “All Seeing Eye,” a Masonic representation of The Great Architect of the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ageshad been laid in 1776, but that it would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason.

He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather than a coin and took the matter up with the Secretary of the Treasury. He brought it up in a Cabinet meeting* and asked James Farley [Postmaster General and a Roman Catholic] if he thought the Catholics would have any objection to the “All Seeing Eye” which he as a Mason looked on as a Masonic symbol of Deity. Farley said “no, there would be no objection.”

Most Americans carry these bills around with them every day, and yet they have no idea what this symbolism means…

 Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

When people do take the time to study this image, what usually jumps out at them right away is the phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum”. That phrase is usually translated as “New Order of the Ages”.

At the top is another phrase – “Annuit Coeptis”. It is usually translated as “He approves of our undertakings”.

But who is the “he” in that phrase?

The key to figuring that out is to examine the pyramid itself. At the top of the pyramid sits the Eye of Horus. As author Rob Skiba has pointed out, these symbols come directly from Egyptian mythology…

“The ‘All-Seeing Eye’ on the back of our dollar bill comes from Egyptian mythology. It is directly related to Osiris and his son Horus (who is supposed to be the reincarnation of Osiris). In the Egyptian picture language, the name Osiris is represented by the imagery of a throne, an eyeand the profile of a man“

Skiba goes on to explain that the name Osiris essentially means “He who has his eye on the throne.”

And this pyramid on the back of every dollar bill is actually a prophecy that reflects the occult belief that one day Osiris will rise again and take his place on the throne of “the New Order of the Ages”.

As Peter Goodgame has detailed, this occult belief goes at least back to 300 BC…

Osiris was in fact the first Egyptian king to be mummified, which set the precedent for this Egyptian ritual that was carefully maintained down through the ages. Why was Osiris mummified in the first place? Because the Egyptians believed that one day he would rise from the dead and require the use of his body once again! The “Story of Setna” found within the “Book of Thoth,” which dates back to at least 300 BC, records the expectation of the eventual “awakening” of Osiris:

“Bring their bodies to rest here with mine, that we may await together the Day of Awakening when Osiris returns to the world…. He spoke another word, and a mighty sandstorm came up and buried the tomb so that none might find it again. There it lies hidden for all ages against its finding by mortals. And there lies hidden the Book of Thoth, held safely by Nefrekeptah, his wife Ahura, and their son Merab. They stand guard over it and await the Day of Awakening, when Osiris shall return to the world once more.” (“The Book of Thoth,” www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/thebookofthoth.htm)

The god Osiris was the central figure of the Egyptian ruling dynasties, and the golden sarcophagus of King Tut (below) was actually a representation of Osiris, who was the god that King Tut trusted in for eternal life. The Egyptians back then, and the highest initiates of Freemasonry today, actually believe that this ancient mythical figure will rise again to rule the world once more.
And without a doubt, this is still what secret societies believe today. They look forward to the day when their dead god will once again arise and lead the world into a new golden age. Just consider the words of one of the most famous Freemasons of all time…
“The Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid again shall stand as the ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection, and regeneration.”
-Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (New York, NY: Penguin, 2003), page 120.

That is why it is so alarming that we are starting to see the pyramid and Egyptian symbolism start to pop up all over the place. You can find it in popular novels, video games, television shows and movies. There seems to be a major push to make this stuff part of the mainstream culture.

In a previous article, I detailed how Jay-Z and other top stars are seemingly fascinated with this symbology. Just check out the photo of Jay-Z flashing the eye of Horus below…
 Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

Perhaps it meant nothing that all of those world leaders were wearing pyramid-shaped pins this week.

Perhaps it was just an innocent coincidence.

But these things usually don’t happen by accident.

The elite of the world are absolutely obsessed with this stuff, and they believe that the return of their occult Messiah is just around the corner.

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

China's pollution problems are well known but luckily for urban residents in smog-plagued cities relief is on the way.

A mountainous county in the Chinese countryside has begun selling tinned "fresh air" to aid urban residents sick of the smog.

Tourism and environmental staff have been busy collecting air from the Laojun Mountain in the country's central Henan Province.

How you know what you are buying really is "fresh mountain air" and not just an empty glass bottle is anyone's guess.

It could be a brilliant business move or a laughably bad scam.

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

Duan Junwei, deputy director of China's Tourism Bureau, said the first batch of tinned forest air would be handed out to urban citizens for free.

However after that, anyone wanting some more fresh air will have to pay for it.

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

 Air quality in China's cities is notoriously poor and is regularly above the World Health Organisation's daily recommendations.

Air pollution is measured in terms of PM2.5, which means particulate matter 2.5 micrometers in diameter, which are absorbed by the lungs and can cause heart and lung disease.

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

A level of 300 or above is viewed as a serious health hazard and Beijing's air quality frequently soars above 500 and on January 12 reached a high of 755.

One Beijing resident told Reuters: "I go outside, walk for about 20 minutes, and my throat hurts and I feel dizzy."

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists

China to Sell Canned and Bottled Air to Tourists


Rich Chinese People Are Slaughtering Tigers For Fun

Rich Chinese People Are Slaughtering Tigers For Fun

In China, something is happening to one of the most beautiful and majestic of all wild animals: tigers are being viciously slaughtered.

Not only that, but we are the ones doing the slaughtering. Rich Chinese citizens are responsible for the deaths of at least 10 beautiful tigers. They are doing it for fun… and it needs to be stopped.

China has always had a market for tiger parts. Their bones can be sold for an average of 14,000 yuan (nearly $2,254) per kilo while the meat is valued at over 1,000 yuan (nearly $161) a kilo. There were over 100,000 tigers in the wild at the turn of the 20th century. Today, fewer than 3,200 remain today. The world has seen a 97% decline of the tiger population, with extinctions of 3 sub-species.

At least 10 tigers were cruelly slaughtered recently in a ritualistic mass killing.

Rich Chinese People Are Slaughtering Tigers For Fun

It was meant as a display of wealth and status. 15 suspects were arrested in the operation and the 16th suspect jumped to his death.

Rich Chinese People Are Slaughtering Tigers For Fun

It’s suggested that local public figures and businessmen participated in the violent tiger killings in order to flaunt their status.

Rich Chinese People Are Slaughtering Tigers For Fun

Two years ago, video footage of the “ritual” surfaced, showing tigers being kept in iron cages and electrocuted until they passed out.

China has always had a market for tiger parts. Their bones can be sold for an average of 14,000 yuan (nearly $2,254) per kilo while the meat is valued at over 1,000 yuan (nearly $161) a kilo.

There were over 100,000 tigers in the wild at the turn of the 20th century. Today, fewer than 3,200 remain today. The world has seen a 97% decline of the tiger population, with extinctions of 3 sub-species.

Please share this article and let people know the atrocities that are happening in China



‘Jesus’ Wife’ Papyrus Not Fake, Scientific Tests Say


‘Jesus’ Wife’ Papyrus Not Fake, Scientific Tests Say
Scientists now say that an antiquated piece of papyrus containing an excerpt concerning the alleged wife of Jesus Christ is not in fact a forgery.

According to the results of a carbon dating test just now released, the so-called “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” unveiled at a conference in Rome a year-and-a-half-ago could have originated as far back as the 700s, shattering allegations that the fragment of paper had been produced more recently by fraudsters.

Translated to English, the document is adorned with the words “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife...’” and “she will be able to be my disciple” — two fragments of phrases that not only suggest that the founder of Christianity may have been married, but that role of women in the church may have been significantly different over a thousand years ago.

‘Jesus’ Wife’ Papyrus Not Fake, Scientific Tests Say

Karen L. King, a professor at Harvard University who discovered the text, originally thought that the papyrus was from the fourth century. But while the latest rounds of testing date the document to be several hundred years newer than previously assumed, it also dismisses concerns surrounding the actual authenticity of the evidence.

The Boston Globe reported on Thursday this week that King’s document was originally dismissed as a fake by both academic peers and the Vatican’s official newspaper, but carbon-dating suggests the ink used on the papyrus is from eighth century Egypt.

“I’m basically hoping that we can move past the issue of forgery to questions about the significance of this fragment for the history of Christianity, for thinking about questions like, ‘Why does Jesus being married, or not, even matter? Why is it that people had such an incredible reaction to this?’ ” she said in an interview with the paper.

“Now when I come back and read the fragment, it seems the major issue being talked about was that Jesus was affirming that wives and mothers can be his disciples,” King said.

‘Jesus’ Wife’ Papyrus Not Fake, Scientific Tests Say

But ahead of the results of this latest tests being revealed, King too had her doubts. “I took very seriously the comments of such a wide range of people that it might be a forgery,” she added to the New York Times, who reported that King now says she is very confident that the document is in fact genuine.

“When you have all the evidence pointing in one direction, it doesn’t make it 100 percent, but history is not a place where 100 percent is a common thing,” Dr. King told the Times.
As for others, however, skeptics still have their doubts.

“Nothing is going to change my mind,” Brown University Egyptologist Leo Depuydt told the Boston Globe this week. “As a forgery, it is bad to the point of being farcical or fobbish. . . I don’t buy the argument that this is sophisticated. I think it could be done in an afternoon by an undergraduate student.”


The document is full of “gross grammatical errors,” he added to the Times, “seems ripe for a Monty Python sketch” and could have been authored with a homemade ink substitute that “an undergraduate student with one semester of Coptic” could have accomplished. A rebuttal from Depuydt will run alongside Dr. King’s peer-reviewed paper when it is published by the Harvard Theological Review this week.

According to the Globe, two rounds of carbon-dating testing were done on the document—first by the University of Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory and then Noreen Tuross of Harvard.

I haven’t seen any argument that I find at all compelling that would indicate that it’s not genuine, it’s not ancient,”Roger Bagnall, director of New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, added to the Globe. 

Glowing Energy Entity Caught On Security Cam In Russia, Investigation Underway

Glowing Energy Entity Caught On Security Cam In Russia, Investigation Underway

A glowing orb is seen on security cam moving upward and away. This video made it onto the Russian TV news. These orbs are considered to be entities...living beings of energy and usually go without a physical form, but can manifest into any form for a short period of time. SCW

Glowing Energy Entity Caught On Security Cam In Russia, Investigation Underway

Location of sighting: Russia



Eating Farts Could Reduce Blood Pressure: Chinese Study


The hydrogen sulfide contained in flatus has the ability to help reduce blood pressure, according to a recent medical study, yet researchers at Zhongda Hospital at Southeast University in Nanjing are still unsure of the amount needed to be beneficial and whether patients are willing to accept "eating farts" as a form of treatment, reports our Chinese-language sister newspaper Want Daily.

Eating Farts Could Reduce Blood Pressure: Chinese Study

The smell of flatus comes from hydrogen sulfide, a substance that has been proven effective in controlling blood pressure in mice in an experiment at John Hopkins University. The study has been published in the journal Science.

Eating Farts Could Reduce Blood Pressure: Chinese Study

Despite the treatment's potential, using gas to treat high blood pressure has yet to be tested on humans, said Yao Yuyu, an associate professor at Southeast University. The effective dosage could prove difficult to establish due to the difference in size between humans and mice. The gas could also have negative effects on other parts of the body, Yao said.


New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America

He is believed to have died after shooting himself in a Berlin bunker in 1945 when he realised Germany had lost World War II.

But a startling new book claims Adolf Hitler actually escaped his hideout and died incognito in 1984 in a small town near Brazil's border with Bolivia - and it can be proved by a picture.

Not only that, but the author believes the Fuhrer fled to Argentina and then Paraguay before settling in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso to hunt for buried treasure - with a map given to him by Vatican allies, according to its author.

New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America
Simoni Renee Guerreiro Dias claims this picture proves Hitler lived in the small town of Nossa Senhora do Livramento with his girlfriend, Cutinga

New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America
Old clothes meant to be worn by the Fuhrer: An author claims the fascist actually died aged 95

As part of his elaborate ruse to escape detection, he also had a relationship with a black woman called Cutinga, which was meant to prove that he could not be the dictator who hated anyone who did not fit his Aryan ideal, the book claims.

Post-graduate student Simoni Renee Guerreiro Dias has outlined her bizarre theory, claiming the fascist actually died aged 95.

The book, titled 'Hitler in Brazil - His Life and His Death', challenges the accepted view that the dictator shot himself in his Berlin bunker on April 30 1945.

New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America

She claims he may have lived as Adolf Leipzig in the small town of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, 30 miles from the state capital Cuiaba.

Simoni, a Brazilian who comes from Cuiaba, says Leipzig was known locally as the 'Old German.'

Simoni is now planning to use DNA tests using a relative of Hitler living in Israel, after been given permission to exhume Adolf Leipzig's remains from his alleged final resting place in Nossa Senhora do Livramento.

The journalism student has linked the Fuhrer's alleged arrival in the area to a Vatican offer of ownership rights over buried Jesuit treasure in a cave near his adopted home.

She points out in her book Leipzig was the birthplace of Hitler's favourite composer Bach.

New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America
Hitler's Bunker in the Chancellery, Berlin, where many believe he shot himself

New Book Claims Proof That Vatican Helped Hitler Escape To South America
The supposed burial site: The Fuhrer 'fled to Argentina and then Paraguay before settling in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso'

She says her suspicions about Adolf Leipzig increased after she photoshopped a moustache on to the grainy picture she obtained of him and compared it to photos of the Nazi leader.

According to Simoni, an unidentified Polish nun recognised an elderly man due to have an op at a hospital in Cuiaba in the early eighties as Hitler and demanded he leave - but was reprimanded by a superior who claimed he was there on Vatican orders.

Academics in Brazil have also rubbished the theory Hitler lived and died in Nossa Senhora do Livramento.

Candido Moreira Rodrigues, a history professor at Mato Grosso's Federal University said: 'There's nothing new in people who claim to be historians coming up with the most far-reaching theories about Hitler supposedly living in south America and subsequently dying in one of the countries in this region.'

Ten of thousands of Nazis escaped after the war, including the notorious Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele.

Investigators probing Hitler's demise were hampered by the lack of any physical evidence for his death.

Fantasists were given added ammunition he didn't die in his Berlin bunker when 2009 DNA tests on skull fragments found near the bunker, believed to be his, turned out to belong to a woman.

Rochus Misch, a former bodyguard of Adolf Hitler who has been named as the last man to see the Fuhrer alive during his final hours in Germany, died last September aged 96.

Misch, who lived with Hitler and his mistress in their underground refuge as the allies closed in, told before his death he saw Hitler slumped with his head on the table after hearing a gunshot behind his closed door.


Conspiracy theorists have long argued Hitler escaped from Germany and fled to south America.

Authors Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan claimed in a 2011 book Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, that the Fuhrer fled with his mistress Eva Braun to Patagonia and had two daughters before dying in 1962 aged 73.

The claims about Hitler's life in Argentina were ridiculed by historian Guy Walters, who described them as '2,000 per cent rubbish' when the book was published.

He added: 'It's an absolute disgrace. There's no substance to it at all. It appeals to the deluded fantasies of conspiracy theorists and has no place whatsoever in historical research.'


Poltergeist Activity Filmed Inside Ellacoya County Store [Video]

Poltergeist Activity Filmed Inside Ellacoya County Store

A recent video clip from the surveillance camera of the Ellacoya Country store clearly shows a glass lid flying across the room on its own! This March 10 video has quickly gone viral all over the web, after being initially posted on YouTube by WMUR-TV

WMUR-TV, which is a leading station covering political and other news from New Hampshire, posted a video on their YouTube channel on March 10th. The video, extracted from the CCTV surveillance of a general store in Gilford, New Hampshire clearly shows a glass lid being mysteriously hurled from the shop counter when the counter is virtually empty.

Poltergeist Activity Filmed Inside Ellacoya County Store [Video]

Employee Heidi Boyd, who was in an adjoining room, rushed in as she heard the lid smash against the floor. “I walked around and looked and I was on the floor. It took several minutes to set in [and it's] still freaking me out”, she told WMUR-TV.



Hillsong United Church Steeped In Illuminati And New Age Symbolism


Hillsong United Church Steeped In Illuminati And New Age Symbolism

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesian 5:11

Everywhere you look today in the entertainment industry, you see signs and symbols belong to the New Age movement and the Illuminati. Some of the most-influential and best-selling recording artists like Jay-Z,Beyonce, Lady Gaga and others promote a constant push of Illuminati and Satanic symbols. The 2014 Grammy Awards Show displayed open witchcraft.

Now this is becoming apparent within the walls of the professing Christian church as well.

Hillsong United Church, located in Australia, cranks out a rock-n-roll show on a par with anything the world has other offer. They feature Heavy Metal crunching guitar riffs, fantastic explosions of light and sound like you were at a Lady Gaga concert, and proudly displayed center stage is the Illuminati pyramid that Beyonce is so fond of. When asked about the use of this major Illuminati symbol, they said that they were “inspired by Mount Zion” in the bible. Yeah, right.

Hillsong United Church Steeped In Illuminati And New Age Symbolism

The bible calls us to be separate, not be not like the world but to be like Jesus Christ. Hillsong has millions of fans and follower all over the world, not because they preach the Gospel, but because they offer up Satan’s counterfeit of what the Church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be all about. Look at this video clip of one of their concert “church services”, and you tell me where you see Jesus in any of that unholy mess.


The doctrine preached at Hillsong is not the doctrine of the bible, and if you are a Christian saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you should have no part of these workers of darkness.

Hillsong United Church Steeped In Illuminati And New Age Symbolism
The Illuminati pyramid topped off by what looks like a huge snake in a circle, this is what your average Hillsong United “worship service” looks like. Do YOU see Jesus anywhere in here?

Hillsong United is part of the demonic Emergent Church Movement, and it is deadly spiritual poison wrapped in the candy-coated wrapper of the world’s entertainment.


Spanish Historians Claim To Have Found Holy Grail -The Magickal Object With Unique Powers

Scientists Say They Found The Holy Grail - The Magical Object With Unique Powers

It has been the subject of theological and historical argument for centuries, but Spanish historians now claim to have tracked down the Holy Chalice, the cup from which Christ was supposed to have drunk during his last supper. They believe the 2,000-year-old vessel is in a church in León, in northern Spain.

Margarita Torres and José Ortega del Río have spent three years researching the history of the chalice and, on Wednesday, presented in León a co-written book, Los Reyes del Grial (The Kings of the Grail), containing their findings.

The onyx chalice itself, they explain, is contained within another, antique cup known as the Chalice of Doña Urruca, which sits in León’s basilica of Saint Isidore. The historians say it has been there since the 11th century.

Scientists Say They Found The Holy Grail - The Magical Object With Unique Powers

“This is a very important discovery because it helps solve a big puzzle,” Ms Torres toldThe Irish Times . “We believe this could be start of a wonderful stage of research.”

She said the duo had initially been researching the history of some Islamic remains in the Saint Isidore basilica. However, their discovery of two medieval Egyptian documents which mentioned the chalice of Christ caused them to change course.

Those parchments told of how Muslims took the sacred cup from the Christian community in Jerusalem to Cairo. It was then given to an emir in Denia, on Spain’s Mediterranean coast, in return for help he gave to Egyptians who were suffering a famine.

During medieval times, much of Spain was under Muslim rule, but the cup subsequently came into the possession of Christian King Ferdinand I of Castile.

Scientists Say They Found The Holy Grail - The Magical Object With Unique Powers

Scientific dating

The historians’ research has been backed up by a scientific dating process which estimates that the cup in question was made between 200 BC and 100 AD.

Mr Torres and Mr del Río admit that the first 400 years of the chalice’s history remain something of a mystery and they cannot say for sure whether this chalice ever actually touched Christ’s lips.

However, they insist there is no doubt that this is the cup that the early Christians revered as the chalice used at the last supper.

Scientists Say They Found The Holy Grail - The Magical Object With Unique Powers

“The only chalice that could be considered the chalice of Christ is that which made the journey to Cairo and then from Cairo to León – and that is this chalice,” said Ms Torres, who teaches medieval history at the University of León.

There have been many theories in the past regarding the whereabouts of the Holy Chalice. A commonly held view in Spain until now had been that it is in the cathedral of Valencia and, in 2006, Pope Benedict gave Mass with the purported relic when he visited the city.

Some claim the vessel is still somewhere in Jerusalem, while another version suggests it is in the cathedral of Genoa in Italy.


13 Similarities Between Obama And Hitler

The similarities are terrifying, the conclusion inevitable. On March 23, 1933, the German
Parliment met to consider passing a bill that Adolf Hitler had created called the Enabling Act. It was officially called the 'Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.' Why were the
German people in such distress? Because their government was in utter chaos, and the German
leaders wanted to reassure the people that everything would be ok. The only fly in the ointment
was that the Nazis had, behind the scenes, caused the distress themselves by creating the crisis, so that they could step in and solve it. Sound familiar?

13 Similarities Between Obama And Hitler

Hitler promised the German people that the government would "make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures...The number of cases in
which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one." So
the German congress voted on the bill, with the end result being the legal destruction of the
German Democratic Republic.

The bill gave Hitler enormous, unprecedented powers to do as he
saw fit for the government of the German people. It was the act that offically created a legal
dictator who was answerable to no one. The people cheered, and National Socialism became the
law of the land from that day forward. source - The History Place

13 Similarities Between Obama And Hitler

Today, Barack Obama is changing times and laws in America, giving himself unprecedented power
never before seen. His ObamaCare bill. now the law of the land, empowers him to create his own private army, forces citizens to abide by unconstitutional laws, and will use the IRS in much the same
way that Hitler used his brown shirts to make people get in line behind his policies.

 Many Americanswill awake to late to the fact that Obama has subverted the United States Constitution, and stolen our precious liberties and freedoms. That's why Obama's followers are encouraged and taught to
follow and have faith in Obama the man, and not in our God or in our country. This is exactly the ploy that Hitler used to great and terrible effect in Nazi Germany.

Some people would balk at the comparison between Hitler and Obama, saying it was unfair. After
all, Hitler started WWII and killed 11,000,000 Jews and Gentiles in death camps, and Obama has
done nothing like that. Well, it's only unfair if you compare Hitler at the end of his rule to the
beginning of Obama's. But if you compare Hitler and Obama at the beginning of their rise to power,
it's extremely fair.

13 Similarities Between Obama And Hitler

Similiarities between Adolf Hitler & Barack Hussein Obama

•Both Hitler and Obama held rallies in outdoor stadiums to excite and inflame the people's passions. Frequently women would faint or break into tears.

•Both Hitler and Obama wrote ghost-written autobiographies prior to the start of theri run for political office. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and Obama wrote Dreams Of My Father. Both men then wrote a second book talking about their goals
for German and America. Hitler wrote A New World Order, and Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope.

•Both Hitler and Obama originally had last names that were changed later in life. Hitler used to be Schickelbruber, and Obama's last name was Soetoro.

•Both Hitler and Obama hid their real identies. Hiter had a Jewish ancestry, and Obama
a Muslim one. But unlike Hitler, Obama flaunted his Muslim roots in his start as a politician in order to defuse the inevitable firestorm. His ploy of "hiding in plain sight" worked very well.

•Both Hitler and Obama's supporters followed them blindly, and without question

•Both Hitler and Obama used political power and coercion to conceal and hide their birth certificates from coming to public view. Hitler made his disappear, and Obama is unwilling and unable to produce his long-form birth certificate.

•Both Hitler and Obama advocate using young people as a driving force to create an "army" of youth dedicated to their Ideals. Hitler had his Hitler Youth, and Obama his
Obama Youth Brigade.

•Both Hitler and Obama were known for their tremendous oratorical skills

•Both Hitler and Obama received Messianic comparisons, and both men had songs of adoration written about them and for them.

•Like Hitler, Obama rules in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people.

•Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets.

•Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true.

•Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers. Hitler had his Brown Shirts from his beer hall days, and Obama had people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi.

•Like Hitler, Obama advocates using murder as a means of population control.


Former World Banker Says Second Species - Hominids Controls Earth! [VIDEO]

Former World Banker Says "Second Species - Hominids" Controls Earth!

"The group that's behind the network of control... One of these groups are hominids, they're not human beings. They are very smart, they are not creative, they are mathematical. They had a much stronger force in the earlier ice-age. They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile.

Former World Banker Says "Second Species - Hominids" Controls Earth!

We live in a world of secret societies, and secrets, and the information that ought to be public is not public." These are some of the shocking statements that came from Karen Hudes shortly after gaining attention for being a credible world bank whistleblower, stating that the world is in a "currency war," that the Federal Reserve continues to print money and if they keep going at the pace they are on, other countries will no longer accept this currency.


Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and corruption within it. She studies law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non-Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

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