Iraq War Soldier Punished For Not Killing Civilian [VIDEO]
A Video the US Military Doesn't Want You to See
Dahlia Wasfi:
The real face of war is unknown to people, because the media is not showing the real facts. The war is nothing but a busines, where young men are sent to die, for some to get richer and richer. These are the horrors of the war.
9 years after the invasion of Afghanistan from this day, here is an important and inspiring message from Dahlia Wasfi (Physician and Iraqi antiwar activist who has traveled to Iraq twice since the invasion and spoken out around the U.S. about what she has seen):
We have an obligation to every last victim of this illegal aggression, because all of this carnage has been done in our name.
Since World War II, 90 percent of the casualties of war are unarmed civilians, a third of them children. Our victims have done nothing to us. From Palestine to Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia to wherever our next target may be, their murders are not collateral damage. They are the nature of modern warfare.
They don’t hate us because of our freedoms. They hate us because every day, we are funding and committing crimes against humanity.
The so-called war on terror is a cover for our military aggression to gain control of the resources of Western nations. This is sending the poor of this country to kill the poor of those Muslim countries. This is trading blood for oil. This is genocide, and to most of the world, we are the terrorists.
In these times, remaining silent about our responsibility to the world and its future is criminal, and in light of our complicity in the supreme crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan and ongoing violations of the UN charter and international law, how dare any American criticize the actions of legitimate resistance to illegal occupation? How dare we condemn anyone else’s violence?
Our so-called enemies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and our other colonies around the world, and our inner cities here at home are struggling against the oppressive hand of empire, demanding respect for their humanity. They are labeled insurgents or terrorists for resisting rape and pillage by the white establishment, but they are our brothers and sisters in the struggle for justice.
The civilians at the other end of our weapons don’t have a choice. But American soldiers have choices, and while there may have been some doubt five years ago, today, we know the truth. Our soldiers don’t sacrifice for duty, honor and country. They sacrifice for Kellogg, Brown and Root. They don’t fight for America–they fight for their lives and their buddies beside them because we put them in a war zone.
They’re not defending our freedoms–they are laying the foundations for 14 permanent military bases to defend the freedoms of ExxonMobil and British Petroleum. They’re not establishing democracy, they’re establishing the basis for an economic occupation to continue after the military occupation has ended.
Iraqi society today, thanks to American help, is defined by house raids, death squads, checkpoints, detentions, curfews, blood in the streets and constant violence. We must dare to speak out in support of the Iraqi people, who resist and endure the horrific existence we brought upon them through our bloodthirsty imperial crusade.
We must dare to speak out in support of the American war resisters–the real military heroes, who uphold their oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including those terrorist cells in Washington, D.C., more commonly known as the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
I close with a quote from Frederick Douglass, but if you want more information, please visit my Web site at liberatethis.com.
Frederick Douglass said: “Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its mighty waters.
“The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will.”
Every one of us must keep demanding, keep fighting, keep thundering, keep plowing, keep speaking and keep struggling until justice is served. No justice, no peace.
Statement by Dahlia Wasfi, Physician and Iraqi antiwar activist who has traveled to Iraq twice since the invasion and spoken out around the U.S. about what she has seen.
Colombia's President WETS HIMSELF During Re-election Speech [VIDEO]
This astonishing video shows the moment the President of Colombia WETS himself at the launch his re-election campaign.
Juan Manuel Santos was giving an important speech when a wet patch suddenly began to appear on the crotch of his beige trousers.
The 62-year-old, who is not known to have any illness, continued with his speech, apparently oblivious to his damp trousers.
But as he continues his address in the coastal city of Barranquilla, the wet patch increases in size.
Santos was elected President in 2010 and has since made his name as a peacemaker, stepping in to solve a political crisis in neighbouring Venezuela as well as making steps to find an end to Colombia's own civil war.
A graduate from the London School of Economics and Harvard, in 2012 he received the Shalom Prize for his commitment to peace.
Santos, a Liberal-Conservative, will be looking to retain power when South America's second-biggest country goes to the ballot boxes on May 25 - fighting off competition from former Mayor of Bogota Clara López Obregón.
New Study Suggests That The Philippines Is The Ancestral Homeland Of Polynesians
Research into the origins and dispersal of Polynesian chickens has helped scientists reconstruct the early migrations of the Polynesians and the animals they carried with them. The results revealed that the Philippines is the most likely ancestral homeland of the Polynesians, whose forebears colonised the Pacific about 3,200 years ago.
Polynesian seafarers explored vast areas of the Pacific and settled nearly every inhabitable island in the Pacific Ocean well before European explorers arrived in the 16th century. However, the ancestral relationships of people living in the widely scattered islands of the Pacific Ocean have long puzzled anthropologists. The predominant theory is that the Polynesian people are a subset of the sea-faring Austronesian people who have their origins in Taiwan, having arrived there through South China about 8000 years ago. From there it is believed that the spread out across the Pacific to Polynesia, a sub-region made up of over 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean.
A map depicting the expansion of Austronesian languages. Image source: Wikipedia
It is thought that by roughly 1400 BC, the ‘Lapita People’, so-named after their pottery tradition, appeared in the Bismark Archipelago of northwest Melanesia. This culture is seen as having adapted and evolved through time and space since its emergence "Out of Taiwan". Within a mere three or four centuries between about 1300 and 900 BC, the Lapita archaeological culture spread 6,000 km until it reached as far as Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa.
However, the belief that the Lapita people are related to the Polynesians has long been debated, and direct links between Lapita and mainland Southeast Asia are still missing, due to a lack of data in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The face of Mana, a Lapita woman whose face was reconstructed using a model of her skull which was excavated from an early human settlement at Naitabale in Fiji.
In the latest study published in the American journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international team of researchers led by Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), at the University of Adelaide used ancient DNA to study the origins and dispersal of ancestral Polynesian chickens. They found that Polynesian chickens had their genetic roots in the Philippines, making that region a candidate for the homeland of the mysterious Lapita people who transported the domesticated birds to the Pacific islands.
"We don't find this [genetic] signature anywhere else in the world except in the Philippines and neighbouring areas," said Professor Cooper.
However, he also stressed that the Philippines could merely have been a stopover point for the ancient mariners. Further research is now been conducted on modern chickens in Southeast Asia to see where the genetic trail leads.
Did Aliens Come Before Humans?
Earthlings may be extreme latecomers to a universe full of life, with alien microbes possibly teeming on exoplanets beginning just 15 million years after the Big Bang, new research suggests.
Traditionally, astrobiologists keen on solving the mystery of the origin of life in the universe look for planets in habitable zones around stars. Also known as Goldilocks zones, these regions are considered to be just the right distance away from stars for liquid water, a pre-requisite for life as we know it, to exist.
But even exoplanets that orbit far beyond the habitable zone may have been able to support life in the distant past, warmed by the relic radiation left over from the Big Bang that created the universe 13.8 billion years ago, says Harvard astrophysicist Abraham Loeb.
For comparison, the earliest evidence of life on Earth dates from 3.8 billion years ago, about 700 million years after our planet formed.
'Warm summer day'
Just after the Big Bang, the cosmos was a much hotter place. It was filled with sizzling plasma — superheated gas — that gradually cooled. The first light produced by this plasma is the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) that we observe today, which dates from about 389,000 years after the Big Bang.
Now the CMB is freezing cold — around minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Kelvin). It cooled down gradually with the expansion of the universe, and at some point during the cooling process, for a brief period of seven million years or so, the temperature was just right for life to form — between 31 and 211 degrees Fahrenheit (273 and 373 degrees Kelvin).
It is the CMB's heat that would have allowed water to remain liquid on ancient exoplanets, Loeb said.
"When the universe was 15 million years old, the cosmic microwave background had a temperature of a warm summer day on Earth," he said. "If rocky planets existed at that epoch, then the CMB could have kept their surface warm even if they did not reside in the habitable zone around their parent star."
But the question is whether planets — and especially rocky planets — could already have formed at that early epoch.
According to the standard cosmological model, the very first stars started to form out of hydrogen and helium tens of millions of years after the Big Bang. No heavy elements, which are necessary for planet formation, were around yet.
But Loeb says that rare "islands" packed with denser matter may have existed in the early universe, and massive, short-lived stars could have formed in them earlier than expected. Explosions of these stars could have seeded the cosmos with heavy elements, and the very first rocky planets would have been born.
These first planets would have been bathed in the warm CMB radiation, and thus, Loeb argues, it would have been possible for them to have liquid water on their surface for several million years.
Loeb says that one way to test his theory is by searching in our Milky Way galaxy for planets around stars with almost no heavy elements. Such stars would be the nearby analogues of the early planets in the nascent universe.
Constant or not?
Based on his findings, Loeb also challenges the idea in cosmology known as the anthropic principle. This concept attempts to explain the values of fundamental parameters by arguing that humans could not have existed in a universe where these parameters were any different than they are.
So while there might be many regions in a bigger "multiverse" where the values of these parameters vary, intelligent beings are supposed to exist only in a universe like ours, where these values are exquisitely tuned for life.
For instance, Albert Einstein identified a fundamental parameter, dubbed the cosmological constant, in his theory of gravity. This constant is now thought to account for the accelerating expansion of the universe.
Also known as dark energy, this constant can be interpreted as the energy density of the vacuum, one of the fundamental parameters of our universe.
Anthropic reasoning suggests that there might be different values for this parameter in different regions of the multiverse — but our universe has been set up with just the right cosmological constant to allow our existence and to enable us to observe the cosmos around us.

Loeb disagrees. He says that life could have emerged in the early universe even if the cosmological constant was a million times bigger than observed, adding that "the anthropic argument has a problem in explaining the observed value of the cosmological constant."
Edwin Turner, a professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University, who was not involved in the new study, called the research "very original, stimulating and thought-provoking."
Astrophysicist Joshua Winn of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who did not take part in the study either, agrees.
"In our field, it has become traditional to adopt a definition of a 'potentially habitable' planet as one that has a solid surface and a surface temperature conducive to liquid water,” he said. "Many, many papers have been written about the exact conditions under which we might find such planets — what type of interior composition, atmosphere, and stellar radiation field. Avi has taken this point to a logical extreme, by pointing out that if those two conditions are really the only important conditions, then there is another way to achieve them, which is to make use of the cosmic microwave background."
Vatican Cocaine-filled Condoms Parcel Seized By German Customs Officers
The box addressed to the Vatican contained cocaine valued at £33,000. Photograph: Sylvain Sonnet/Getty Images
German customs officials have intercepted a package addressed to theVatican containing 14 condoms filled with cocaine.
A government spokesman said a box packed with 340 grammes of the drug, valued at €40,000 (£33,470), was seized in January at the international airport in the eastern city of Leipzig.
The cocaine, posted from an unnamed South American country, was in liquid form. It had been poured into the condoms and placed in the package addressed to the main postal centre at the Vatican.
Authorities handed the parcel to a Vatican police officer with the aim of laying a trap.
But the box was not claimed. German investigators believe the intended recipient, who remains unknown, was tipped off about the interception.
The Vatican office of Interpol is working on the investigation with the Leipzig prosecutor's office, which could not be reached for comment.
German customs officials have intercepted a package addressed to theVatican containing 14 condoms filled with cocaine.
A government spokesman said a box packed with 340 grammes of the drug, valued at €40,000 (£33,470), was seized in January at the international airport in the eastern city of Leipzig.
The cocaine, posted from an unnamed South American country, was in liquid form. It had been poured into the condoms and placed in the package addressed to the main postal centre at the Vatican.
Authorities handed the parcel to a Vatican police officer with the aim of laying a trap.
But the box was not claimed. German investigators believe the intended recipient, who remains unknown, was tipped off about the interception.
The Vatican office of Interpol is working on the investigation with the Leipzig prosecutor's office, which could not be reached for comment.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Now Clearly A Government Cover-up: All Evidence ContradictsOfficial Story
(NaturalNews) The "official" story of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now a blatant cover-up. After an endless stream of wild incompetence from the Malaysian military and government concerning the radar signature of the missing flight, we are now told by the Malaysian government that the flight "went down over the southern Indian Ocean" and that all lives are lost.
This explanation smacks of an obvious cover-up for several crucial reasons, all of which are now being utterly ignored by the conventional press:
#1) If the plane went down in the ocean, it would have broken up on impact and debris would be easily spotted
A Boeing 777 does not -- and cannot -- survive impact with the ocean and remain intact. It simply does not have the structural integrity to survive such an impact, which is a lot like hitting a cement wall at terminal velocity.
If Flight 370 hit the ocean, it would have been broken into tens of thousands of pieces, many of which obviously float on water (such as the seat cushions) and would be witnessed washing up on regional shores or easily spotted by search teams.
The lack of such debris is strong support that Flight 370 did not crash into the Indian Ocean as we are now being told.
#2) The plane continued broadcasting data to Boeing for 4 - 7 hours
Remember the fact that the airplane was broadcasting data for at least 4 hours after the transponder was turned off? This fact is now suddenly being dumped from history and from our memories as if it never happened.
We already know Flight 370 flew for 4 - 7 hours after diverging from its planned flight course. We already know this could have taken the plane to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran or even North Korea. (Click here to see my map showing possible destinations.) The fact that the plane broadcast this data for hours is not in dispute!
Wall Street Journal: "U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines 3786. Flight 370 stayed in the air for up to four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky."
The Guardian: "MH370: Missing plane could have kept flying four hours after disappearing, US investigators say... Engine data shows plane could have kept flying for four hours after disappearing"
Washington Post: " the plane may have flown for at least four hours after it dropped from civilian radar, U.S. officials said Thursday. A senior U.S. official said the information came from data sent via a satellite communications system by Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. That data has convinced U.S. officials that the plane’s engines continued to run for at least four hours after all other communication was lost."
So how does the Malaysian government now explain this? They don't. They simply gloss over this fact and hope we all forget it. They claim the plane went down in the Indian Ocean without flying very far at all. This makes no sense whatsoever and cannot be reconciled with the flight broadcast data received by Boeing.
#3) There is ZERO evidence the flight crashed into the Indian Ocean
What is the Malaysian government's evidence that Flight 370 ended in the Indian Ocean and "all lives are lost?"
They have no evidence. They have no bodies. They have no debris, no flight recorders, no sightings and no radar signatures that would put the aircraft in the Indian Ocean.
They have zero evidence. So they are now floating a cover-up to try to put this issue to rest in order to distract from their own incompetence and their bizarre failure to track the radar signature of an aircraft flying well within the range of their radar.
In fact, the only debris floating around right now is made of all the fragments of the Malaysian government's inept cover-up attempts that smack of a true "rookie attempt" to roll out a cover-up that's full of holes.
This utter lack of evidence did not prevent the Malaysian government from announcing, "we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived." (USA Today)
#4) Another crucial fact: It's clear that the transponder was manually turned off in order to hide the plane's new flight path
If the pilot of Flight 370 was suicidal and wanted to fly the plane into the ocean, there would be no need to switch off the transponder before doing so.
In fact, there would be no need to make all the complex, intentional flight maneuvers which Flight 370 clearly took as has been widely reported.
The fact that the transponder was manually disconnected followed by the plane making deliberate maneuvers that put it on a new flight path is near-absolute proof that the persons controlling the aircraft had no intention of flying the plane into the ocean. It's also strong evidence that they did not want governments to track their new flight direction and destination.
Without question, they intended to take the plane somewhere else and land it somewhere else, which is exactly why the aircraft continued broadcasting flight performance data to Boeing for 4-7 hours.
The Malaysian government is now hoping you forget all these facts in believing their bizarre cover-up explanation.
Malaysia's 9/11 official story
Flight 370 is now Malaysia's 9/11, complete with nonsense "official" stories and attempts to memory hole all the facts that originally came out in the mainstream media.
We are soon going to be told outrageous lies like "Oh, Boeing never received any flight data broadcasts from the aircraft, didn't you know?"
Anyone who now cites all the facts which have already been reported in support of the theory that Flight 370 continued on to another destination will be called "conspiracy theorists" and kooks.
The mainstream media will start scrubbing stories and retroactively altering its reporting to match the "official" government story. We've seen this before. It's how governments and media outlets sweep 239 lives under the rug and try to discredit anyone who asks skeptical, scientifically-sound questions based on the actual evidence.
In truth, the Malaysian government's bizarre new claim that Flight 370 "ended in the Indian Ocean" is the biggest conspiracy theory of all. It's sheer lunacy to reach such a conclusion without compelling evidence to support it, especially in light of all the other evidence that Flight 370 continued on for hours after the transponder was intentionally disabled.
Most likely explanation at this point: The aircraft is being turned into a weapon
Based on the Malaysian government's obvious cover-up attempt (which is incredibly transparent and childish as far as cover-ups go), it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon.
Malaysia has already proven that it is so incompetent that it cannot track huge aircraft flying across its airspace. This means a weaponized Boeing 777 is essentially a "stealth aircraft" to the Malaysian military -- a shocking revelation about military incompetence and lack of national security readiness in that nation.
Apparently, this same Boeing 777 can also fly undetected across the airspace of other nations -- most likely by "shadowing" existing flights while turning off its own transponder.
Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with nuclear weapons and dispatched to almost any desirable target anywhere in the world, including cities like New York and Washington D.C., unfortunately.
You can now expect the governments and media outlets of the world to start scrubbing their archived stories and statements, altering the "news history" to fit this new Malaysian government cover-up.
The Biggest Aviation Mysteries
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared from air traffic control and radar screens on March 8. The plane was flying at 35,000ft when all communication was lost, with no distress signal activated.
As the search goes on and time passes by, the mystery surrounding what happened to flight MH370 grows. But this is not the first time that mystery and intrigue has engulfed the aviation industry, sometimes those mysteries have eventually been solved, but others still have unanswered questions.
Here is a look back on 10 major mysteries from the history of aviation.
Amelia Earhart was an American aviation pioneer who in 1932 became the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Five years later she set off on a mission to circumnavigate the globe. After completing 35,000km (22,000 miles) of the 46,000km (29,000 miles) trip Earhart faced a final trip over the Pacific Ocean. Earhart's plane disappeared approaching Howland Island and despite a massive, multi-million dollar search, no trace of her plane has ever been found.
Earhart was declared dead in 1939, but speculation about the circumstances surrounding her death still continues.
The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area with points in Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, where it is claimed numerous ships and aircraft have vanished without trace. Incidents include Flight 19, which saw a training flight of five US bombers disappear while flying over this region - this incident has been attributed to navigational error and the aircraft running out of fuel. Two British South American Airways planes also disappeared in the area in the 1940s but it is thought that one ran out of fuel and the other suffered technical faults. Although there are no recent incidents attributed to the area, theorists keep the mystery of this region alive.
US big band musician Glenn Miller was flying from the UK to Paris during World War II to entertain US troops in France, when the aircraft he was flying in disappeared in bad weather over the English Channel. No trace of the plane, crew or passengers has ever been found. There are three main theories behind the crash, firstly that the plane was hit by Royal Air Force bombs, as Lancaster bombers were forced to jettison bombs following a failed raid on Germany.
The second theory came from a WWII airplane gunner, who in 2006 released a book claiming that his battery shot down Miller's plane. The third theory comes from a German journalist, who in 1997 claimed to have uncovered evidence that Miller had in fact arrived safely in Paris but on the day after his arrival died from a heart attack while engaged in relations with a French prostitute and that the US military had covered up the incident.
Star Dust was a 1947 British South American Airways flight from Buenos Aires to Santiago which crashed in the Argentine Andes. The subsequent search was unsuccessful and the fate of the aircraft remained a mystery for over 50 years. It wasn't until the late 1990s that pieces of wreckage from the missing aircraft began to emerge from the glacial ice.
Although many theories included corporate sabotage and alien abduction existed, an investigation in 2000 determined that weather factors caused the crash. It is thought that the crew became confused as to their location while flying at high altitude and believed that they had cleared the mountain tops. They started their descent, but the mountains were still covered by cloud and crashed in Mount Tupungato, killing everyone on board and burying itself in snow and ice.
The 'Clipper Romance of the Skies', a plane similar to the one pictured, was scheduled to take a round-the-world flight in 1957, heading west from San Francisco, with several stops before arriving in Philadelphia. The first leg took to the plane to Honolulu, but it never arrived. After a week of extensive searching, the biggest peace time search since Amelia Earhart, small pieces of wreckage were found floating on the ocean. Fifteen bodies were found and toxicology tests found higher than normal levels of carbon monoxide, which was listed as a possible cause of the crash. A definitive cause of the crash has never been determined, but theories include insurance fraud, a disgruntled crew member or engine malfunction.
This is the stuff of Hollywood, not real-life but over 40 years on, DB Cooper remains the only unsolved case of air piracy in US aviation history. In 1971, a man using the alias Dan Cooper purchased a ticket on a flight from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington. During the flight he gave a message to a crew member that he had a bomb on board and listed his demands as $200,000 in cash, four parachutes and a fuel truck standing by in Seattle.
The airline decided to agree to his demands and after releasing the passengers and refuelling in Seattle, pictured, Cooper and the crew took off again. During the subsequent flight to Reno the plane's rear airstair was opened and Cooper parachuted out. He was never found. In 1980, two packets of 100 $20 dollar notes and a third packet with 90 notes were found in Washington State, adding to the FBI's assumption that Cooper did not survive the parachute jump, but no explanation has been given as to why 10 bills were missing from the third stack. The FBI's case remains open.
In 1996, Trans World Airlines flight 800 exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near New York state, killing all 230 people on board. The explosion in the Boeing 747-100 took place just 12 minutes after take-off and initial speculation was that it had been caused by a terrorist attack. The FBI launched an investigation but 16 months later announced that it had found no evidence of a criminal act and so closed its investigation.
The National Transportation Safety Board carried out what was then the most extensive air disaster investigation in US history and determined that the probable cause of the accident was an explosion of flammable fuel air vapours in a fuel tank, which was most likely to have been caused by a short circuit. Many conspiracy theories still exist regarding the explosion including a missile strike from a terrorist or US Navy vessel that is the subject of a government coverup.
In February 2008, Fossett was declared legally dead. In September 2008, a hiker in the Sierra Nevasa Mountains in California found Fossett's identification cards and several days later a crash site was discovered just 65 miles from where he took off. Although initially no remains were found, but tests on two bones found in November 2008 produced a match for Fossett's DNA. Eventually the cause of the accident was found to be a combination of excessive downdrafts, high density altitude and mountainous terrain.
The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is a mystery that has gripped many people, with numerous theories and unanswered questions. The fact that no trace of the plane is yet to be found, in spite of a massive multi-national search involving aircraft, ships and satellites only adds to the mystery. Continued and conflicting reports of wreckage found, mobile phones going unanswered and possible pilot u-turns add further levels of intrigue.
Theories of hijacking and terrorism are hugely prevalent particularly as no distress signal was sent from the plane, but a US official has said that the plane continued to send a signal to satellites for four hours after it went missing indicating that it was possibly still flying.
America, Minus The Mask: First And Foremost, A Nation Of Killers
America is a nation of killers. It always has been, from the first Pilgrims who set foot in Massachusetts and later murdered the very people who had saved them from starvation.
The entire American population is trapped in a self-delusion that they are heroes, fighting an endless string of evil enemies. But in fact their targeted enemies have always been innocent people, usually minding their own business, put in harm's way by their own valuable possessions, which Americans inevitably covet, and will kill anyone to get.
You could say this sly, self-justifying homicidal behavior is really a human problem, endemic to every nation or ethnic group. More fashionable lately is to blame it all on the clever Jews, who have controlled America and most other countries in a surreptitious way for a very long time. But lately, at least for most of the last century, when the blood of innocents is seeping into ravaged landscapes charred by bombs, it has always been Americans doing the bulk of the killing. This is something - from Sand Creek to Dresden to My Lai to Fallujah - that makes them very proud.
You could say that they learned it all from the British, who learned it all from the Romans, but you'd be wrong. All the great empires of history were the greatest killers, and to think otherwise is to be naive. The most prosperous and forward looking countries have always been the best killers, and America, whose budget for wars and weapons exceeds the combined total of all the other countries of the world, is the most prodigious killer country of all time.
Something to be proud of, isn't it? What is worth examining, however, is the false rhetoric justifying these murderous actions that is always couched in terms of the heroic protection of peace. Like the famous Vietnam maxim: we had to destroy the village in order to save it.
Like some parasitic termite inexorably chomping on the beams of an elegant mansion, this philosophy is turning the world into a giant heap of irreparable rubble, which is exactly what Halliburton and all the other vampire corporations want - destroying the treasures of the past so knock-off substandard replacement structures can be built everywhere the U.S. government decides to destroy.
A simple analysis of the news bites of the day will show that the terror card is a false canard. The FBI fabricates all these crimes to show everyone there is a terrorist around every corner, but there aren't any - there are only undereducated patsies induced to shoot their mouths off about misinformation they have misinterpreted and get themselves arrested for plots that never could have actually happened. Think Shoe Bomber, or Crotch Bomber, and millions in profits for Michael Chertoff and his airport cancer machines that catch no criminals, only cause disease.
In the glib propaganda of the present day, most of us forget that this is the self-serving lingo the conquerors. In World War I the targeted Germans became Huns eating babies in order to motivate American hayseeds to kill them. More recently, the U.S. president insisted that the Libyan dictator was killing his own people. So he then invaded that country and killed that leader. But then when the original lie is revealed that the Libyan dictator was actually treating his own people very generously, it was too late to reverse the American atrocity that had been committed. The so-called dictator has been raped and murdered in the streets of his own country, and 40,000 of his loyal countrymen have died along with him, all because of the American lie that was told so Israel's gang of neocon thieves could steal both his oil and his water, not to mention his gold. Though the lie is revealed, the outcome may not be changed. This is a portrait of American justice around the world, the legacy that this obnoxious nation of killers continues to unleash upon the world.
Very few people are willing to admit that this has been the ethos upon which American prosperity was based.
Of course, it's not really American justice. Those who have acquired any acumen whatsoever during the course of their lives about world politics knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is only one force in the whole world that determines everything, and that of course is money, and that all the money in the world has been controlled by Jewish billionaires ever since the time of Rothschild when Nathan Rothschild essentially stole the entire British treasury in 1815 when Wellington finally defeated Napoleon. Ever since that time, world politics has been dominated by very rich Jews controlling both your nation and your mind, but they've been so clever about it, the vast majority of the world's population has had no clue that this has even occurred.
Things we dare not tell our children
American history as well as British history are very much Jewish history, a history written in blood and funded by drugs, sex and blackmail. American history and British history, very much inseparable, are not about the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence; they are much more about the genocide of native peoples all over the world, and their enslavement - the whole world has been enslaved by the Western business model. Who can say whether the Jews actually invented it in their takeover of all the countries of the world, or whether they just expropriated the model crafted by the Romans and fine-tuned by the Venetians?
All we know now is that American history and British history are cover stories for the Jewish takeover of reality that have resulted in this prison mentality that the very rich have the means and methods to tell everyone else what to do, and that message is to rape and plunder your way to the top, and pay no mind to the millions of people you have to crush into the mud of time to get the job done. All the fine words of theologians and philosophers are only meant to cover up the unspeakable realities of Hiroshima and Fukushima that aim to pare down the population to a manageable level on a plantation run by fellows with whips in their hands.
Deceived by their own reality and endlessly distracted by their own obligations, when parents send their children to schools, they have suppressed the knowledge that they are really sending their kids off to learn to be obedient killers.
With all the intelligent people IN the world observing all the tragic events and calculated frauds OF the world, I remain mystified why more people haven't figured out that Jews are responsible for all the horrible things that make our lives so tenuous and dangerous every single day.
The most horrible thing of all is that maybe we all wanted to this to happen, to have a ruthless leader tell us what to do so we wouldn't have to think for ourselves that one day we are all going to die, and everything we build will mean nothing to us when we're gone. Very likely this is the real reason for all the pointless killing for all the temporal profits and meaningless prizes.
How stupid are the American people not to notice that their so-called government is doing the same thing in Ukraine that it is doing in Syria and has done in dozens of countries, from Serbia to Yemen to Pakistan to Iraq. Every bit of it is couched in terms that allege America is promoting peace while conducting war.
Jewish-controlled America pays desperate mercenary criminals from around the world to destabilize independent governments. In Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, chief neocon agent for destabilization, had admitted the U.S. has spent $5 billion to generate regime change in Kiev. An Egyptian writer, Ashraf Ezzat, has pointed out that the same flyers used in Cairo to enrage the participants in that revolution was used in Kiev to enflame the paid revolutionaries in Ukraine.
They don't even keep their treason a secret anymore. For more than two decades now, the U.S. has fomented chaos in Iraq by sending in billions of dollars on pallets to be paid to everyone who wants to keep fighting (which is virtually the entire population of the Third World), and especially to the American mercenaries for that company that keeps changing its name but once was called Blackwater, now showing up as the private armies of Ukrainian neocon oligarchs.
How proud must Americans be that the U.S. continues to be the war making giant of the whole world, expropriating the position that we insisted was occupied by Russia when it was the USSR. Russia was never this blatant or this aggressive in infiltrating and bribing the citizens of multiple nations into betraying their own countries. All it takes nowadays is a fistful of practically worthless dollars, and the U.S. sucks another prostituted nation into the corrupt orbit of the Jewish New World Order.
However, in today's herniated reality, American pride soon gives way to pain when the soldiers doing the Jews' business around the world come and find there are no jobs except prison guards available to them, and that both their rights and their guns have been taken away from them. When they see that, and realize that the people they killed were really just like them, suicide doesn't seem like such a bad option.
No profit in peace
We all need to protect ourselves from the police. They are the criminals. They don't protect people. They only protect bankers. Nowadays, they are best known as killing people for fun, and shooting the pets of innocent people.
The lawyers will not defend you and the judges will not listen to your pleas about honesty, morality or justice. The justice system has become just another cash cow, allowing people on the inside to get rich off the luckless patsies on the outside. What they said would happen is now true - the world has been divided into a society of prisoners and guards, and God help you if you can't a job as a guard.
Does anybody out there still believe that Afghanistan was a worthwhile project? Worth six thousand American lives, not to mention hundreds of thousand natives? All to protect the poppy crop? How much do you really know? How much do you want to know? Do you want to know how to keep yourself alive?
Do you understand the need to overthrow this government? Do you realize there is no one in the federal government who cares about your continuing existence?
When nations advocate torture
As America's infrastructure continues to crumble, successive corrupt U.S administrations have squandered billions to foment revolutions and spread the tyranny of the World Bank around the world.
The high minded rhetoric of JFK in the 1960s which encouraged public service as a way to make the world a better place has given way to the obscene trivialities of George W. Bush calling the Constitution "just a piece of paper" and Barack Obama removing the Constitutional protections of habeas corpus and trial by jury, totalitarian moves that have been applauded by a media controlled and drug addled populace no longer able to distinguish spin from logic and nobility from perversion.
I don't remember exactly when it became publicly acceptable to torture political prisoners and send them to foreign jails to be mutilated, but it was well after we knew that the so-called wars from which these prisoners were snatched were phony deals from the beginning, long after Zbigniew Brzezinski had created al-Qaeda as a means of forcing the Russians out of Afghanistan.
Bad at math, the American people could not put 2 plus 2 together and realize that every single hapless person ever imprisoned at Guantanamo was absolutely innocent because the United States had created the enemy it was pretending to fight.
No, the American people have feigned ignorance but actually approved all these crimes against hapless countries with no air forces and innocent people who have committed no crimes, only gotten in the way of New World Order drug smuggling and parking their camels in the way of oil and gas pipelines.
A few of us try to stand up and point out that this is all wrong, but our voices are lost in a tidal wave of irrelevant trivia that is more important to most people than their own lives, than their own well being. And as new planes are launched and new bombs dropped, our voices are drowned out by the ugly sounds of people gasping for breath and dying, because of our refusal to acknowledge that we ourselves have failed to protest the lies that are killing them.
Because of our profound ignorance, our families will soon suffer the same fate of those innocent people who have died because we did not have the courage to confront the lies we were told, and are still being told.
A nation of killers living on lies is what America has turned out to be. If you call yourself an American, you must accept that as the truth, and act accordingly in some way to try to redeem yourself from the thoughtless scumbag that history will judge you as having been. Or at least you will have to do that if you care about anything at all.
Six Other Planes Have Disappeared Near Malaysia Without A Trace
According to data compiled by the Aviation Safety Network (ASN), 83 aircraft which carried more than 14 passengers have been reported missing since 1948 across the world, and that doesn’t count the smaller aircraft. Of those total disappearances, six of them actually occurred in the same general region as the recent airplane disappearance near Malaysia.
The first reported airplane disappearance in this region was near the Gulf of Martaban in southern Burma on August 12, 1932. Two passengers, GW Salt and FB Taylor, who were attempting to fly from Burma to England disappeared in mid flight, and although their flight was said to have crashed, the wreckage was never recovered.
Three years later on November 8, 1935, Charles Kingsford Smith, was attempting to break an aircraft speed record when he lost contact somewhere over the Andaman Sea. His plane was also never found.
Decades later, on February 3, 1961, Garuda Indonesia Airlines flight PK-GDY disappeared near Madura Island in Indonesia. There were 21 passengers on board and the wreckage was never found.
In 1974, somewhere over the South China Sea, Hurricane Hunter flight Swan 38, from the 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron disappeared during a typhoon.
On February 13, 1983, Upali Air flight N482U disappeared in the Malacca Straits, near Malaysia.
More recently, on January 31, 1993, a Pan Malaysian Air Transport plane disappeared. The plane reportedly lost contact near Northern Sumatra, and no evidence of a crash was ever discovered.
Now, over the past few weeks the entire world has joined in on the search for the missing Malaysian flight that had 239 people on board. The Malaysian government has claimed that the airplane crashed into the sea, but as with the other cases, there has yet to be any conclusive evidence showing where the plane ended up.
The Mysteries and Miracles of Divine Mercy Hills [VIDEO]
By cdodev.com
This involves a series of photographs taken from 2003-2013 and shared by pilgrims, devotees and visitors at Divine Mercy Shrine in El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental.
Accordingly, these photographs showed some unique events, mysterious and unexplained appearances of images with religious connotations on the surrounding hills of the shrine complex. A collage of these photographs is seen at a 20-meter long tarpaulin installed at the site next to the newly-built Divine Mercy Church as shown below. The posting is related to the Philippine Apostolic Congress on Mercy (PACOM 2013) currently being held at the shrine complex.
THE EYES OF THE DIVINE MERCY STATUE. Photo by Jaycee Jaque. (taken April 15, 2012)
RAINBOW. A rare photo, with a spectrum (rainbow) illuminating the halo of the 50 foot Divine Mercy Statue, taken during the Feast of the Divine Mercy last April 15, 2012. photo by Nelson Chiong Baguio.
THE CROWN. Taken by a pilgrim from Cotabato during the consecration of Monsignor Elmer Abacahin on April 30, 2011 Afternoon Mass, Eve of the Divine Mercy Feast Day.
DANCING SUN 2009. During the dawn Mass celebrating the Feast of the Divine Mercy (April 19, 2009)
ANGELS DURING THE PROCESSION. Apirl 15, 2007. Feast of the Divine Mercy (Mercy Sunday) dawn procession. Only these pictures came out as such, the rest were plain and clear. However, during the prayer meetings of the Divine Mercy Intercessory after the feast day, some visionaries have received a message explaining that the round objects were in the pictures were in fact angels during the procession.
THE STAR OF DAVID. This was taken on August 25, 2004 at around 1:00 PM by Mr. Mike Dial, a balikbayan from Sacramento, California. Mike saw the flash of light like a bright morning star moving around the vicinity of the Divine Mercy Hills. It stopped above the spot where the Divine Mercy Statue is now standing. It was revealed in a vision that the bright morning star is the one protecting the place which is a holy ground.
When a Dead Loved One Visits You in a Dream, Is It Real?
As many as 20 to 40 percent of Americans believe they have communicated with the dead, according to multiple studies. Are all of these people in a state of delusion or have they really made contact?
Dr. Camille Wortman, who received her Ph.D. from Duke University and who has worked for decades as an expert on grief and bereavement,wrote in her blog: “Despite the comfort that these communications may provide, mourners often worry that if they are having these kinds of experiences, they must be losing their minds. In many cases, they are reluctant to talk with others about these experiences, fearing that people will think they are going crazy. This could help explain the societal belief that such communications are rare, and that they may be indicative of psychological problems.”
After-death communication can help mourners, says Wortman; she and some other psychologists are exploring this phenomenon as a method of treating grief.
“Survivors would benefit from greater awareness of how frequently these communications occur. Armed with such knowledge, they may be more likely to be comforted, and less likely to doubt their own sanity if they experience after death communication,” Wortman wrote.
Therapy Session Gives Intriguing Clue
In 1995, Dr. Allan Botkin developed a therapy method called “induced after-death communication” (IADC). One of his patients learned something from the induced vision of her deceased friend that suggests the experience was real and not an illusion.
A reporter named Julia Mossbridge had lost her friend, Josh, in college. She had convinced Josh to attend a dance he wasn’t planning to attend and he died in a car accident on the way, she explained in a report on her experience. She felt guilty, though over the course of many years the grief had become relatively weak.
Botkin’s method involves getting the eyes to move in such a way that they imitate the rapid-eye-movement (REM) during sleep. Dreaming occurs during REM sleep. At the same time, he helps the patients get in touch with the core emotions related to their grief.
Mossbridge described the experience: “Simply, without pretense, I saw Josh walk out from behind a door. My friend jumped around with his youthful enthusiasm, beaming at me. I felt great joy at the connection but I couldn’t tell whether I was making the whole thing up. He told me I wasn’t to blame and I believed him. Then I saw Josh playing with his sister’s dog. I didn’t know she had one. We said good-bye and I opened my eyes, laughing.”
She continued: “Later I found out that Josh’s sister’s dog had died, and it was the same breed as the one I had seen in my vision. Yet I still don’t know what’s real. What I do know is that when I think of Josh, I no longer dwell on the images of me calling him or of his car getting hit. Instead, I see Josh walking toward me, laughing and playing with an angel dog. For now, this is the only kind of proof I need.”
Botkin has said it doesn’t matter if the patient believes in the experience or not, it can still have a positive effect.
Traveling the Continent Gathering Experiences
Bill and Judy Guggenheim coined the term “after-death communication.” They spent several years, starting in 1988, interviewing about 2,000 people from all 50 states and all 10 Canadian provinces who have had such experiences.
Bill Guggenheim was a Wall Street broker, an agnostic, and he didn’t believe in the possibility of genuine communication with the dead. Then he had his own experience. He believes his late father spoke to him.
Guggenheim was in his house when he heard the voice tell him “Go outside and check the swimming pool,” Guggenheim recalled in an interview on Afterlife TV. He went outside and saw the gate to the fence surrounding the pool ajar. When he went out to close it, he saw his 2-year-old son’s body laying limp in the deep end.
Luckily, he was in time to resuscitate the boy. Guggenheim said there was no way he could have heard the splash from where he was in the house, and there was no reason to suspect the boy might even be outside. His son was in the bathroom downstairs and had somehow left the house despite rubber child-safety devices covering the doorknobs.
The same voice that helped save his son urged him later in life to conduct his own research on communicating with the dead. Guggenheim didn’t think anyone would listen to him, since he was a stockbroker; he didn’t have related credentials, such as a Ph.D.
The voice told him: “Bill, do your own research, write your own book. It’s your spiritual work to do.”

‘One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death’
In 1944, Bernard Ackerman compiled accounts in his book“One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death.”
He noted that the cases he compiled had been investigated carefully by people who “spent much time, money, and patience in the process.”
“They were in deadly earnest in trying to solve this great human problem,” he wrote. But, Ackerman did not claim the cases were definitely genuine experiences, he left it up to the reader’s judgment.
One of the stories he recounted was about a young man named Robert MacKenzie. MacKenzie was saved from starvation on the streets by the owner of a mechanical business in Glasgow who gave him a job. The business owner’s name is not given, but he is the one narrating the account.
One night, this business owner had a dream in which he was sitting in his office and MacKenzie appeared. They had the following conversation:
“’What is all this, Robert?’ I said somewhat angrily. ‘Did you not see I was engaged?’
“‘Yes, sir,’ he replied, ‘but I must speak with you at once.’
“‘What about?’ I said. ‘What is it that can be so important?’
“‘I wish to tell you, sir,’ he answered, ‘that I am accused of doing a thing I did not do, and that I want you to know it, and to tell you so, and that you are to forgive me for what I am blamed, because I am innocent.’
“I then naturally asked, ‘But how can I forgive you if you do not tell me what you are accused of?’
“I can never forget the emphatic manner of his answer in the Scottish dialect, ‘Ye’U sune ken’ (You’ll soon know).”
The business owner awoke and his wife burst into the bedroom, much distraught, announcing that MacKenzie had committed suicide. At once, he replied to his wife “No, he has not committed suicide.”
It turned out MacKenzie did not commit suicide as reported. He had mistaken a bottle containing a poisonous substance used for staining wood to be a bottle of whiskey.
Snowden Might Reveal US War plans to China, Russia
US Navy
Former US intelligence officials have warned that American whistleblower Edward Snowden might disclose US war plans to China and Russia, according to a report.
The Hill reported in an article on Wednesday that “USofficials might not know for years whether former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden divulged war plans to China and Russia.”
Although Snowden has denied leaking US secrets, former intelligence officials believe that some tactical shifts might be apparent right away.
“We may see some things immediately that might indicate that they have things, but it will create a great deal of uncertainty for years,” former CIA assistant director of central intelligence for analysis and production Mark Lowenthal told The Hill.
Most of Snowden’s documents are related to US military capabilities and plans — documents of particular interest to Russia and China, according to former intelligence officials.
The documents could include everything from defense budget data to information about weapons capabilities to documents about covert actions.
Russian Navy
“This includes anything that was being moved out over their communications systems, not just about the collection of intelligence,” former CIA official Gary Berntsen said.
“We have military forces positioned around the world, they push plans back and forth, assessments, deployment information — the whole thing,” he said.
Lowenthal said one clue that Russia or China is privy to the war plans could be adjustments to the way they exercise and train.
“If you notice changes in someone’s exercises, dramatic changes that seem different to you that’s not evolutionary, you would have to think, ‘Why are they doing this? Do they have their hands on war plans; have they read the plans?’ ”
Although Washington closely tracks how other nations exercise, it would take time for other countries to change their methods.
“It depends on how fast they can get their act together. Militaries don’t exactly turn on a dime,” Lowenthal said. “It’s not proof positive, but it would be a good indicator.”
Chinese Navy
That could take “years and years” to notice since militaries have to buy the equipment, build it, and test it, Lowenthal said.
Last month, member of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Pete King accused Snowden of revealing his documents to Russia and China.
“We have to assume… all of data he had is available to the Russians. I mean, they can break any type of code,” King said. “I think we have to assume the Chinese have it all, too.”
Snowden, who is currently staying in Russia after Moscow granted him political asylum, caused a major headache for the Obama administration when he revealed US spying programs around the world last year.
Top Ten REAL Medical Conspiracies That Actually Happened
The mainstream media is focused this week on trying to convince you that “medical conspiracy theories” are whacky and untrue. Published by Reuters, USA Today and other mainstream media outlets, a false story based on distorted research is now trying to convince you that there is no such thing as a “medical conspiracy.” No, drug companies never conductedexperiments on children, killing many in the process. No, the NIH never took part in criminal medicalexperiments on prisoners. No, the U.S. government never lied to you, or covered up natural cures, or conspired with Big Pharma. GMOs were created by people who LOVE the ecosystem, too!
That’s the nonsense we’re all supposed to believe, according to the mainstream media.
By invoking the phrase “conspiracy theories,” junk science authors and corporate-sellout journalists try to marginalize the true history of Big Pharma felony crimes, medical experiments on children, factual government collusion with industry and the incredible harm which has been perpetrated on the American people by the medical industrial complex.
In fact, the mainstream media’s coverage of all this is truly Orwellian, as if the Ministry of Truth is trying to rewrite U.S. history to eliminate all the parts where drug companies, the NIH and the U.S. government quite literally murdered prisoners, blacks, babies and soldiers in the name of “scientific medicine.”
I refuse to gloss over the history of TRUE medical conspiracies and all the lives lost to the destructive pursuit of medical profits at the expense of human dignity. So to answer the mainstream media’s delusional attempt to gloss over the real history of true medical conspiracies, we’ve put together the top ten TRUE medical conspiracies along with links to sources.
Read and learn the true history the mainstream media is trying to erase!
Top ten TRUE medical conspiracies
#1) Pfizer conducts medical experiments on Nigerian children – In 2009 (and in subsequent years, as follow-up), we reported on how giant drug maker Pfizer was ordered to compensate Nigerian families afterconducting illegal medical experimentation that left scores of Nigerian children either deaddamaged:
The case began in 1996, when Pfizer needed a human trial to gain approval for its new antibiotic Trovan. When an epidemic of meningitis, cholera and measles broke out in Kano, Nigeria, the company quickly put together a research team and flew them to that country. Pfizer set up a tent right near the medical station where Doctors Without Borders were giving free treatments and recruited 200 children to participate in an unlicensed drug trial.
Parents say they were not told that proven medications were being distributed only yards away, that their children were being enrolled in a drug trial, or that animal studies had suggested that Trovan could cause liver and joint damage.
Eleven of the 200 children in the study died, and parents claim that others suffered from brain damage, organ failure and other severe side effects.
#2) Illegal price fixing to cheat the American people and state governments out of billions–Apparently, the Big Government / Big Pharma cabal in Washington would have you believe that drug makers only have your best interests in mind, not their profits or power.
In fact, for years drug makers have regularly conspired to engage in illegal price fixing, as evidenced by numerous lawsuits and court. As I previously reported:
In what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.
According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline:
• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients
And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.
#3) Vaccine manufacturers knew their vaccines were killing people – One of Merck’s top developers knew that the company’s polio vaccines were heavily contaminated with carcinogenic viruses. The scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, can be heard discussing it in this shocking video.
He and other “scientist” colleagues are actually heard on the recording laughing about the fact that the stealth viruses would kill people. The mainstream media has never reported on this important piece of medical history because it would expose the truth about vaccines
#4) Merck falsified vaccine evidence –A pair of former virologists publicly claimed that the company conspired to commit vaccine research fraud through the spiking of human blood samples with animal antibodies. As we reported in 2012:
The former Merck virologists contend that the multivalent mumps component has a vastly reduced efficacy which is directly responsible for mumps outbreaks during the last decade which prompted international calls for MMR booster shots every 4 – 8 years…
By combining the very low levels of human antibodies with animal antibodies, a much higher total level of virus neutralization was obtained than could occur from human antibodies alone. The human antibody levels alone would never protect in the real world against wild mumps. But after adding animal antibodies, the human blood samples which had previously failed under the old “gold standard” testing were retested using the “enhanced” protocols and passed with flying colors. New ‘enhanced’ tests showed 100% efficacy, not against wild mumps virus, but against the mumps vaccine virus.
#5) U.S. government collusion to commit medical murder – In what should shock all Americans to learn, the government-funded National Institutes of Health and a number of drug companies conspired to conduct illegal medical experiments on prisoners held in Guatemalan jails. President Obama was actually forced to issue a public apology for this atrocity more than sixty years after it took place. As Natural News previously reported:
The U.S. government knowingly funded and deliberately engaged in criminal medical experiments against Guatemalan prisoners from 1946 – 1948, and that the people engaged in these crimes were then promoted to high levels of influence in the medical community.
At least 5,500 people were drafted into the experiments, including children, women and the mentally ill. The number deliberately infected with sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) exceeded 1,300 (that we know of).
Victims were not even informed they were being infected with STDs. The entire experiment was a clandestine operation involving an admitted conspiracy between Big Pharma and the U.S. government. Undeniable evidence has now emerged that the doctors and medical researchers involved in the experiment actively took steps to hide what they were doing.
#6) Conspiracy to label toxic chemicals “fluoride” and get the public to drink them – It is an historical fact that the fluoride and dental industries have conspired to mislead people into believe “fluoride” is a naturally occurring substance. The fact is, the fluorine compounds used in the public water supply are really byproducts of fertilizer processing or phosphate mining operations, and they often contain heavy metals.
Even many mainstream scientists now conclude that fluoride lowers IQs and damages the brain function of children. So why are we still being told that fluoride is a “public health measure” that helps everyone?
Attend any city council or other government agency deciding on whether or not to fluoridate your local water supply, and you’ll get health officials asserting that fluoride is natural, and thus safe. They don’t bother to mention that naturally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride, while the stuff purchased by communities to fluoridate their water is sodium fluoride, an extremely toxic mix of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride.
#7) GMO deceptions, lies and poisons – Without question, one of the true “conspiracy theories” is that GMO foods are responsible for a wide range of health problems. We have published numerous articles and studies claiming as much, but the government-industry cabal, led by bio-agriculture giant Monsanto, still somehow insists that these Frankenfoods are 100 percent safe even though they are repeatedly linked to organ damage, stomach inflammation, infertility problems and more.
The mainstream media wants you to believe that you are a “conspiracy theorist” if you believe in biochemical cause and effect. Don’t worry, Monsanto loves you! And so do pesticide companies, whose chemicals are so safe that you should be eating them for breakfast!
#8) Academic suppression of important medical research – When good science gets published that questions the safety of GMOs, vaccines or fluoride, it gets routinely suppressed. That’s exactly what happened to University of Caen molecular biology researcher Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, whose two-year study into the effects of GMO corn on rats was (and continues to be) vilified by the establishment scientific community, which is entirely beholden to corporate financial influence. As Natural News reported:
Before many could recover from the shock of seeing rats fed GMO corn with huge tumors, the mainstream press was already reporting scientists who claimed the French study was flawed.
Ironically, a similar study of much shorter duration, 90 days, is what got Monsanto’s NK 603 Roundup tolerant GMO maize (corn) and Roundup herbicide approved by the EFSA in the first place.
Seralini merely extended the study using the same type of rats to determine the toxic effects of feeding them GMO corn for two years. He also added a glyphosate herbicide solution into their drinking water at a level approved as safe for Roundup’s water contamination.
Meanwhile, Dr. Arpad Pusztai was a highly regarded UK biology researcher at the prestigious Rowett Institute, a Scottish nutritional laboratory. He was awarded a grant to establish a safety protocol for GMO foods with his 20-member research team.
He never expected to find anything wrong with the GMO potatoes studied, but he did. Within days of publishing the team’s findings, he was dismissed from the position he had held for decades.
![The massive academic fraud and conspiracy to discredit]()
#9) The massive academic fraud and conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield by spreading provably false lies about his research – There has been a massive, organized “scientific” conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who examined the effects of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines in children. Though his research never claimed that vaccines cause autism, he is routinely defamed and disparaged by an endless list of intellectually dishonest scientists and journalists who falsely claim Dr. Wakefield linked vaccines to autism. In fact, his research was actually focused on gastrointestinal effects of the vaccines in children, but he was attacked nonetheless:
Contrary to what the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC), BMJ, Brian Deer, and the host of whoring media outlets continue to claim, Dr. Wakefield’s original study was a case series that made no actual claims about a definitive link between MMR and autism. And the observations, which do happen to suggest a link between MMR and autism regression, are not just unique to Dr. Wakefield’s research. Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Amar Dhillon together documented their own independent research that also points to a link between MMR vaccine and autism.
#10) Local governments routinely conspire to with medical institutions to threaten parents and children – Local government “authorities” routinely conspire with the medical industry to force parents to vaccinate their children or subject them to harsh medical treatment against their will. This is all done essentially at gunpoint (or by threat of arrest and imprisonment, which is enforced at gunpoint).
- In Ohio, a court forced the parents of an Amish girl to undergo poisonous chemotherapy:http://www.naturalnews.com/042393_akron_chil…. As Natural News published:
This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call “predatory medicine.” If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children’s Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory “life sentences” handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.
- Katie Wernecke, a teenage cancer patient who was kidnapped by Texas authorities and forced to submit to chemotherapy, is another victim of the system. Her parents were arrested and subjected to actions by Child Protective Services, who took Katie away. This all happened because Katie’s parents refused to subject their daughter to chemotherapy and wanted to pursue safer, more natural holistic medical therapies.
- Abraham Cherrix is a 16-year old cancer patient who also refused a second round of chemotherapy after the first round nearly killed him. His doctor was outraged that Abraham would refuse chemotherapy and called Child Protective Services who had Abraham’s parents arrested at gunpoint. CPS then took over joint custody of the child and attempted to force the teen to submit to barbaric cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy.
That’s the nonsense we’re all supposed to believe, according to the mainstream media.
By invoking the phrase “conspiracy theories,” junk science authors and corporate-sellout journalists try to marginalize the true history of Big Pharma felony crimes, medical experiments on children, factual government collusion with industry and the incredible harm which has been perpetrated on the American people by the medical industrial complex.
In fact, the mainstream media’s coverage of all this is truly Orwellian, as if the Ministry of Truth is trying to rewrite U.S. history to eliminate all the parts where drug companies, the NIH and the U.S. government quite literally murdered prisoners, blacks, babies and soldiers in the name of “scientific medicine.”
I refuse to gloss over the history of TRUE medical conspiracies and all the lives lost to the destructive pursuit of medical profits at the expense of human dignity. So to answer the mainstream media’s delusional attempt to gloss over the real history of true medical conspiracies, we’ve put together the top ten TRUE medical conspiracies along with links to sources.
Read and learn the true history the mainstream media is trying to erase!
Top ten TRUE medical conspiracies
#1) Pfizer conducts medical experiments on Nigerian children – In 2009 (and in subsequent years, as follow-up), we reported on how giant drug maker Pfizer was ordered to compensate Nigerian families afterconducting illegal medical experimentation that left scores of Nigerian children either deaddamaged:
The case began in 1996, when Pfizer needed a human trial to gain approval for its new antibiotic Trovan. When an epidemic of meningitis, cholera and measles broke out in Kano, Nigeria, the company quickly put together a research team and flew them to that country. Pfizer set up a tent right near the medical station where Doctors Without Borders were giving free treatments and recruited 200 children to participate in an unlicensed drug trial.
Parents say they were not told that proven medications were being distributed only yards away, that their children were being enrolled in a drug trial, or that animal studies had suggested that Trovan could cause liver and joint damage.
Eleven of the 200 children in the study died, and parents claim that others suffered from brain damage, organ failure and other severe side effects.
#2) Illegal price fixing to cheat the American people and state governments out of billions–Apparently, the Big Government / Big Pharma cabal in Washington would have you believe that drug makers only have your best interests in mind, not their profits or power.
In fact, for years drug makers have regularly conspired to engage in illegal price fixing, as evidenced by numerous lawsuits and court. As I previously reported:
In what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.
According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline:
• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients
And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.
#3) Vaccine manufacturers knew their vaccines were killing people – One of Merck’s top developers knew that the company’s polio vaccines were heavily contaminated with carcinogenic viruses. The scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, can be heard discussing it in this shocking video.
He and other “scientist” colleagues are actually heard on the recording laughing about the fact that the stealth viruses would kill people. The mainstream media has never reported on this important piece of medical history because it would expose the truth about vaccines
#4) Merck falsified vaccine evidence –A pair of former virologists publicly claimed that the company conspired to commit vaccine research fraud through the spiking of human blood samples with animal antibodies. As we reported in 2012:
The former Merck virologists contend that the multivalent mumps component has a vastly reduced efficacy which is directly responsible for mumps outbreaks during the last decade which prompted international calls for MMR booster shots every 4 – 8 years…
By combining the very low levels of human antibodies with animal antibodies, a much higher total level of virus neutralization was obtained than could occur from human antibodies alone. The human antibody levels alone would never protect in the real world against wild mumps. But after adding animal antibodies, the human blood samples which had previously failed under the old “gold standard” testing were retested using the “enhanced” protocols and passed with flying colors. New ‘enhanced’ tests showed 100% efficacy, not against wild mumps virus, but against the mumps vaccine virus.
#5) U.S. government collusion to commit medical murder – In what should shock all Americans to learn, the government-funded National Institutes of Health and a number of drug companies conspired to conduct illegal medical experiments on prisoners held in Guatemalan jails. President Obama was actually forced to issue a public apology for this atrocity more than sixty years after it took place. As Natural News previously reported:
The U.S. government knowingly funded and deliberately engaged in criminal medical experiments against Guatemalan prisoners from 1946 – 1948, and that the people engaged in these crimes were then promoted to high levels of influence in the medical community.
At least 5,500 people were drafted into the experiments, including children, women and the mentally ill. The number deliberately infected with sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) exceeded 1,300 (that we know of).
Victims were not even informed they were being infected with STDs. The entire experiment was a clandestine operation involving an admitted conspiracy between Big Pharma and the U.S. government. Undeniable evidence has now emerged that the doctors and medical researchers involved in the experiment actively took steps to hide what they were doing.
#6) Conspiracy to label toxic chemicals “fluoride” and get the public to drink them – It is an historical fact that the fluoride and dental industries have conspired to mislead people into believe “fluoride” is a naturally occurring substance. The fact is, the fluorine compounds used in the public water supply are really byproducts of fertilizer processing or phosphate mining operations, and they often contain heavy metals.
Even many mainstream scientists now conclude that fluoride lowers IQs and damages the brain function of children. So why are we still being told that fluoride is a “public health measure” that helps everyone?
Attend any city council or other government agency deciding on whether or not to fluoridate your local water supply, and you’ll get health officials asserting that fluoride is natural, and thus safe. They don’t bother to mention that naturally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride, while the stuff purchased by communities to fluoridate their water is sodium fluoride, an extremely toxic mix of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride.
#7) GMO deceptions, lies and poisons – Without question, one of the true “conspiracy theories” is that GMO foods are responsible for a wide range of health problems. We have published numerous articles and studies claiming as much, but the government-industry cabal, led by bio-agriculture giant Monsanto, still somehow insists that these Frankenfoods are 100 percent safe even though they are repeatedly linked to organ damage, stomach inflammation, infertility problems and more.
The mainstream media wants you to believe that you are a “conspiracy theorist” if you believe in biochemical cause and effect. Don’t worry, Monsanto loves you! And so do pesticide companies, whose chemicals are so safe that you should be eating them for breakfast!
#8) Academic suppression of important medical research – When good science gets published that questions the safety of GMOs, vaccines or fluoride, it gets routinely suppressed. That’s exactly what happened to University of Caen molecular biology researcher Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, whose two-year study into the effects of GMO corn on rats was (and continues to be) vilified by the establishment scientific community, which is entirely beholden to corporate financial influence. As Natural News reported:
Before many could recover from the shock of seeing rats fed GMO corn with huge tumors, the mainstream press was already reporting scientists who claimed the French study was flawed.
Ironically, a similar study of much shorter duration, 90 days, is what got Monsanto’s NK 603 Roundup tolerant GMO maize (corn) and Roundup herbicide approved by the EFSA in the first place.
Seralini merely extended the study using the same type of rats to determine the toxic effects of feeding them GMO corn for two years. He also added a glyphosate herbicide solution into their drinking water at a level approved as safe for Roundup’s water contamination.
Meanwhile, Dr. Arpad Pusztai was a highly regarded UK biology researcher at the prestigious Rowett Institute, a Scottish nutritional laboratory. He was awarded a grant to establish a safety protocol for GMO foods with his 20-member research team.
He never expected to find anything wrong with the GMO potatoes studied, but he did. Within days of publishing the team’s findings, he was dismissed from the position he had held for decades.

#9) The massive academic fraud and conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield by spreading provably false lies about his research – There has been a massive, organized “scientific” conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who examined the effects of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines in children. Though his research never claimed that vaccines cause autism, he is routinely defamed and disparaged by an endless list of intellectually dishonest scientists and journalists who falsely claim Dr. Wakefield linked vaccines to autism. In fact, his research was actually focused on gastrointestinal effects of the vaccines in children, but he was attacked nonetheless:
Contrary to what the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC), BMJ, Brian Deer, and the host of whoring media outlets continue to claim, Dr. Wakefield’s original study was a case series that made no actual claims about a definitive link between MMR and autism. And the observations, which do happen to suggest a link between MMR and autism regression, are not just unique to Dr. Wakefield’s research. Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Amar Dhillon together documented their own independent research that also points to a link between MMR vaccine and autism.
#10) Local governments routinely conspire to with medical institutions to threaten parents and children – Local government “authorities” routinely conspire with the medical industry to force parents to vaccinate their children or subject them to harsh medical treatment against their will. This is all done essentially at gunpoint (or by threat of arrest and imprisonment, which is enforced at gunpoint).
- In Ohio, a court forced the parents of an Amish girl to undergo poisonous chemotherapy:http://www.naturalnews.com/042393_akron_chil…. As Natural News published:
This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call “predatory medicine.” If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children’s Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory “life sentences” handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.
- Katie Wernecke, a teenage cancer patient who was kidnapped by Texas authorities and forced to submit to chemotherapy, is another victim of the system. Her parents were arrested and subjected to actions by Child Protective Services, who took Katie away. This all happened because Katie’s parents refused to subject their daughter to chemotherapy and wanted to pursue safer, more natural holistic medical therapies.
- Abraham Cherrix is a 16-year old cancer patient who also refused a second round of chemotherapy after the first round nearly killed him. His doctor was outraged that Abraham would refuse chemotherapy and called Child Protective Services who had Abraham’s parents arrested at gunpoint. CPS then took over joint custody of the child and attempted to force the teen to submit to barbaric cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy.
What Are Orbs in Photos? Spirits? Dust?
Researchers show some orbs are anomalous, cannot be explained by reflected light
Many people capture illuminated, circular spots in their photographs. These spots are commonly known as orbs. Some people explain orbs as light reflected off surrounding surfaces; some explain them as light reflected off dust particles; and some explain them as spirits or other entities normally invisible to the human eye.
Little research has been done on this phenomenon, but Dr. Gary E. Schwartz and Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences Katherine Creath at the University of Arizona did publish a study on orbs in 2005.
They said most orbs can be explained by the reflection of the camera’s flash off of objects on the scene, or off of dust. However, Schwartz and Creath acknowledged that some orbs seem to defy conventional optical explanation.
An orb captured in a BBC documentary, for example, moved slowly before disappearing. Schwartz and Creath write: “It is not possible to explain orbic objects such as these that move in dynamic and unpredictable paths as being caused by stray reflections. It is also not possible to explain many of them as being caused by dust particles in the air.”
An orb captured in a BBC documentary that was not caused by reflected light, according to University of Arizona researchers. The researchers could not provide a scientific explanation for the orb. (Screenshot/u.arizona.edu)
This documentary was filmed using a high-end infrared camera mounted on a tripod, eliminating some of the factors the researchers say often cause orbs in photos taken with inexpensive cameras.
Schwartz and Creath continue: “It is neither logical nor responsible at this point to conclude that every [orb] … observed worldwide can be explained by a conventional optical science mechanism such as stray reflection.”
In their view, however, most orbs can be explained by conventional optical science and new explanations for the anomalous orbs may develop.
Orbs are seen in the Regent Theater in Melbourne, Australia, on April 14, 2012, following a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts. Shen Yun revives 5,000 years of Chinese culture through story-based dance. This culture has a strong connection to spirituality and is believed to be divinely inspired, according to the New York-based company’s website.
An orb hovers near the horn of the ox on the left. It is unusual in that the orb appears to be in front of the horn, yet there is a distinct shadow cast on the orb by the horn.
Orbs are seen in New Zealand near the settlement of the Ngati Mamoe tribe, a tribe that no longer exists.
Many people capture illuminated, circular spots in their photographs. These spots are commonly known as orbs. Some people explain orbs as light reflected off surrounding surfaces; some explain them as light reflected off dust particles; and some explain them as spirits or other entities normally invisible to the human eye.
Little research has been done on this phenomenon, but Dr. Gary E. Schwartz and Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences Katherine Creath at the University of Arizona did publish a study on orbs in 2005.
They said most orbs can be explained by the reflection of the camera’s flash off of objects on the scene, or off of dust. However, Schwartz and Creath acknowledged that some orbs seem to defy conventional optical explanation.
An orb captured in a BBC documentary, for example, moved slowly before disappearing. Schwartz and Creath write: “It is not possible to explain orbic objects such as these that move in dynamic and unpredictable paths as being caused by stray reflections. It is also not possible to explain many of them as being caused by dust particles in the air.”
An orb captured in a BBC documentary that was not caused by reflected light, according to University of Arizona researchers. The researchers could not provide a scientific explanation for the orb. (Screenshot/u.arizona.edu)
This documentary was filmed using a high-end infrared camera mounted on a tripod, eliminating some of the factors the researchers say often cause orbs in photos taken with inexpensive cameras.
Schwartz and Creath continue: “It is neither logical nor responsible at this point to conclude that every [orb] … observed worldwide can be explained by a conventional optical science mechanism such as stray reflection.”
In their view, however, most orbs can be explained by conventional optical science and new explanations for the anomalous orbs may develop.
Orbs are seen in the Regent Theater in Melbourne, Australia, on April 14, 2012, following a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts. Shen Yun revives 5,000 years of Chinese culture through story-based dance. This culture has a strong connection to spirituality and is believed to be divinely inspired, according to the New York-based company’s website.

An orb hovers near the horn of the ox on the left. It is unusual in that the orb appears to be in front of the horn, yet there is a distinct shadow cast on the orb by the horn.
Orbs are seen in New Zealand near the settlement of the Ngati Mamoe tribe, a tribe that no longer exists.

Orbs said by the photographer to be caused by rain.
Orbs said by the photographer to be caused by dust that was intentionally kicked up
Massive UFO Pulls Up To The Space Station On Cam
Date of sighting: March 22, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station
ISS Cam: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html#.Uy1cqty2z8s
This object seems to have matched speed with the ISS. After the UFO Shows up from nowhere is slowly fades away. We can only see the outer edge of the craft, but that is enough to tell us this is one massive UFO,” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
Source: http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/541534/20140304/ufo-sighting-astrounaut-leroy-chiao-speaks-up.htm#.Uy6-Nty2z8s
Astronaut Leroy Chiao witnessed 5 UFOs during a spacewalk outside of the International Space Station (ISS) back in 2005. The pioneering astronaut, who served as commander of the ISS nine years ago, finally speaks up on the UFO sighting that he experienced. From October 2004 to April 2005, Leroy Chiao stayed at the International Space Station to carry out a space mission.
Location of sighting: International Space Station
ISS Cam: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html#.Uy1cqty2z8s
This object seems to have matched speed with the ISS. After the UFO Shows up from nowhere is slowly fades away. We can only see the outer edge of the craft, but that is enough to tell us this is one massive UFO,” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.

Astronaut Leroy Chiao witnessed 5 UFOs during a spacewalk outside of the International Space Station (ISS) back in 2005. The pioneering astronaut, who served as commander of the ISS nine years ago, finally speaks up on the UFO sighting that he experienced. From October 2004 to April 2005, Leroy Chiao stayed at the International Space Station to carry out a space mission.
The Real Life Superman – Slavisa Pajkic [VIDEOS]
Human conductor Slavisa Pajkic has scientists scratching their heads because he can withstand high voltages without feeling a thing.
Known as 'Battery Man', the machinist claims he can act as an insulator, conductor and even a heater.
Videos on the internet show the 54-year-old powering up a lightbulb and cooking sausages by using energy stored in his body.
Slavisa, from Pozarevac, Serbia, says he discovered his amazing talent when he was a teenager.
He said: 'I was 17 years old when accidentally during work, I felt that electricity can not do anything. The rain was falling, and my colleagues made a metal fence."
The fence somehow became live, and it was then his new life began.
'My friend, who was leaning against the fence, said he could feel electricity but as I approached and touched the wet spot, I felt nothing.
'I was open-mouthed, but then I realized that current could not harm my body.
'When there is a sudden power failure, my folks do not have to worry. My house is always shining. I can be an insulator, conductor, accumulator and heater.
'People have seen me on television so they are glad to meet me but afraid to shake hands.'
Bright spark: Slavisa Pajkic from Serbia sets light to a fuel-soaked cotton wool ball with an electric discharge from his scalp
The Serbian man set his first Guinness World record in 1983, when he allowed a current of 20,000 volts to pass through his body.
His next accolade came in 2003, after he became the quickest man to heat up a cup of water to 97 degrees Celsius, in 1 minute and 37 seconds.
He now hopes to set a third world record by charging on a million-volt power generator and shooting laser from his fingers.
Slavisa added: 'I will try to charge on it and become a wireless laser man.'
Video Captures Moment Chinese Student Jumps Through Window
Surveillance cameras in a school in China have apparently caught the moment a student, identified as Xiao Zhen, jumped to his death during class.
The clip was uploaded to LiveLeak Wednesday.
"High school student Xiao Zhen leaps to his death from a window in the middle of class," the description says.
"It is believed this happened due to pressure of preparing for college entrance exams,"
Ever Dream This Man? Thousands See Him In Dreams, No One Knows Why
In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life.
That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.
The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.
From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moskow etc.
At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man. Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams.
The aim of this website is:
- to help those who have seen this man in their dreams and to foster communication among them;
- to understand who this man is and why he appears in an apparently pattern-less array of situations in the dreams of such diverse human subjects.
Stories of the Dreamers
“I have had this recurrent dream for some years now. A tall, dark man shows me a picture and asks me if I can recognise my father in it. The man in the picture is this man I have never seen before, he looks nothing like my dad, nevertheless I inexplicably answer that I do recognize my father. At this point I usually wake up feeling very peaceful. Other times the dream continues, I am standing before my father’s grave, I place some flowers on the ground and I realise the photograph on the tombstone is missing.”
“I fell in love with him from the very first time I saw him in my dream. Even though if I think about it I must admit he’s really ugly. And yet each and every time, he sweeps me off my feet with his romantic gestures and sweet words. He buys me flowers, jewellery, he takes me out to dinner or to the beach to watch the sunset.”
Sketches of This Man
“I have always had this dream of flying in the sky over my city and observing my friends from up there. Since I moved to another house I started meeting this man while flying. Not every single time that I have this dream about flying, but often enough. He flies too, but he never speaks.”
“The first time I had a dream about this man I was having a hard time at work. I had a dream about getting lost in a huge and deserted shopping mall. Suddenly this man appeared and I started running away from him. He chased after me for what seemed like an hour until I found myself against a wall in the kids’ area in a supermarket. At this point he smiled at me and he showed me the way out towards the cash desks and I woke up. Ever since that night this man has appeared in all of my dreams and he always gives me directions to get out of the dream and wake up.”
“I have never had homosexual relationships or even fantasies. But I dream about having sexing with this man all the time. I must admit he has a lot of imagination and he pleases me. Sometimes when I wake up I discover I have had a nocturnal emission.”
Sketches of This Man
“I saw this man in my dream, dressed as Santa Klaus. When he showed up I felt so happy, just like when I was a little girl. Then he smiled at me and his head became a balloon,floating in the air above me, but no matter how hard I tried to catch it, I just couldn’t reach it.”
” I dreamt of this man when I was in the 10th grade. He hasn’t been in any recurring dreams just one very memorable and terrifying dream. In my dream I was stuck in a room sitting on a stool. A few feet away from me there was a television set. I was ‘visited’ by two men I had never seen before (not ‘this man’) and they both attacked me. I woke up covered in sweat and tears and I was screaming. I somehow fell asleep then I found myself back in the room. I started screaming and crying. Then This Man showed up on the screen. I begged him to not harm me. He didn’t change his blank expression or speak. He slit my throat and I woke up. I suppose he let me out of the nightmare but I couldn’t stop thinking about him for weeks. I still have some of the sketches I drew of him. I know it’s kind of weird.”
” I dreamt this man was in my mirror watching me, saying nothing, and he was wearing glasses. He never moved the entire time I saw him, he was like a statue, so still.”
” I dreamt this man… was Brazilian and very handsome. He was a schoolteacher type with 6 fingers on his right hand. He said if the US had a nuclear disaster: go North!”
” I have seen this man in 3 completely different dreams. He was slightly different from the picture, but I recognized him immedialely. He appeared suddenly and disappeared in the same manner. His message in all 3 of my dreams was:” It’s all over”. That was repeated 3 times in each dreams. The differences in the picture and the man in my dreams are: his hair was a little longer in the top; his eyebrows were not as bushy. Other than that, he is identical. I had no fear of him, but many questions.”
Several theories have been developed to explain the mysteriously recurring presence of this man in the dreams of different people who are not related in any way. The following theories are the ones that elicit the greatest interest among the dreamers themselves.
According to Jung’s psychoanalytic theory, this man is an archetypal image belonging to the collective unconscious that can surface in times of hardship (emotional development, dramatic changes in our lives, stressful circumstances etc.) in particularly sensitive subjects.
According to this theory this man is the image of the Creator, that is to say one of the forms in which God manifests himself today. This is the reason why his indications and the words he utters during the dreams should be decidedly followed by the dreamers.
It is the most interesting theory and the one that has the greatest implications, but it has also the lowest scientific credibility. According to this theory this man is a real person, who can enter people’s dreams by means of specific psychological skills. Some believe that in real life this man looks like the man in the dreams. Others think that the man in the dreams looks completely different from his real life counterpart. Some people seem to believe that behind this man there is a mental conditioning plan developed by a major corporation.
This is a scientific psycho-sociological theory which claims that this phenomenon has arisen casually and has progressively developed by imitation. Basically when people are exposed to this phenomenon they become so deeply impressed that they start seeing this man in their dreams.
This theory states that the apparitions of this man are purely casual. Normally we do not remember precisely the faces we see in our dreams. The image of this man would thus be an instrument which, in the subject’s waking life, facilitates recognition of an undefined oneirical image.
That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.
The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.
From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moskow etc.
At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man. Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams.
The aim of this website is:
- to help those who have seen this man in their dreams and to foster communication among them;
- to understand who this man is and why he appears in an apparently pattern-less array of situations in the dreams of such diverse human subjects.
Stories of the Dreamers
“I have had this recurrent dream for some years now. A tall, dark man shows me a picture and asks me if I can recognise my father in it. The man in the picture is this man I have never seen before, he looks nothing like my dad, nevertheless I inexplicably answer that I do recognize my father. At this point I usually wake up feeling very peaceful. Other times the dream continues, I am standing before my father’s grave, I place some flowers on the ground and I realise the photograph on the tombstone is missing.”
“I fell in love with him from the very first time I saw him in my dream. Even though if I think about it I must admit he’s really ugly. And yet each and every time, he sweeps me off my feet with his romantic gestures and sweet words. He buys me flowers, jewellery, he takes me out to dinner or to the beach to watch the sunset.”
Sketches of This Man
“I have always had this dream of flying in the sky over my city and observing my friends from up there. Since I moved to another house I started meeting this man while flying. Not every single time that I have this dream about flying, but often enough. He flies too, but he never speaks.”
“The first time I had a dream about this man I was having a hard time at work. I had a dream about getting lost in a huge and deserted shopping mall. Suddenly this man appeared and I started running away from him. He chased after me for what seemed like an hour until I found myself against a wall in the kids’ area in a supermarket. At this point he smiled at me and he showed me the way out towards the cash desks and I woke up. Ever since that night this man has appeared in all of my dreams and he always gives me directions to get out of the dream and wake up.”
“I have never had homosexual relationships or even fantasies. But I dream about having sexing with this man all the time. I must admit he has a lot of imagination and he pleases me. Sometimes when I wake up I discover I have had a nocturnal emission.”
Sketches of This Man
“I saw this man in my dream, dressed as Santa Klaus. When he showed up I felt so happy, just like when I was a little girl. Then he smiled at me and his head became a balloon,floating in the air above me, but no matter how hard I tried to catch it, I just couldn’t reach it.”
” I dreamt of this man when I was in the 10th grade. He hasn’t been in any recurring dreams just one very memorable and terrifying dream. In my dream I was stuck in a room sitting on a stool. A few feet away from me there was a television set. I was ‘visited’ by two men I had never seen before (not ‘this man’) and they both attacked me. I woke up covered in sweat and tears and I was screaming. I somehow fell asleep then I found myself back in the room. I started screaming and crying. Then This Man showed up on the screen. I begged him to not harm me. He didn’t change his blank expression or speak. He slit my throat and I woke up. I suppose he let me out of the nightmare but I couldn’t stop thinking about him for weeks. I still have some of the sketches I drew of him. I know it’s kind of weird.”
” I dreamt this man was in my mirror watching me, saying nothing, and he was wearing glasses. He never moved the entire time I saw him, he was like a statue, so still.”
” I dreamt this man… was Brazilian and very handsome. He was a schoolteacher type with 6 fingers on his right hand. He said if the US had a nuclear disaster: go North!”
” I have seen this man in 3 completely different dreams. He was slightly different from the picture, but I recognized him immedialely. He appeared suddenly and disappeared in the same manner. His message in all 3 of my dreams was:” It’s all over”. That was repeated 3 times in each dreams. The differences in the picture and the man in my dreams are: his hair was a little longer in the top; his eyebrows were not as bushy. Other than that, he is identical. I had no fear of him, but many questions.”
Several theories have been developed to explain the mysteriously recurring presence of this man in the dreams of different people who are not related in any way. The following theories are the ones that elicit the greatest interest among the dreamers themselves.
According to Jung’s psychoanalytic theory, this man is an archetypal image belonging to the collective unconscious that can surface in times of hardship (emotional development, dramatic changes in our lives, stressful circumstances etc.) in particularly sensitive subjects.
According to this theory this man is the image of the Creator, that is to say one of the forms in which God manifests himself today. This is the reason why his indications and the words he utters during the dreams should be decidedly followed by the dreamers.
It is the most interesting theory and the one that has the greatest implications, but it has also the lowest scientific credibility. According to this theory this man is a real person, who can enter people’s dreams by means of specific psychological skills. Some believe that in real life this man looks like the man in the dreams. Others think that the man in the dreams looks completely different from his real life counterpart. Some people seem to believe that behind this man there is a mental conditioning plan developed by a major corporation.
This is a scientific psycho-sociological theory which claims that this phenomenon has arisen casually and has progressively developed by imitation. Basically when people are exposed to this phenomenon they become so deeply impressed that they start seeing this man in their dreams.
This theory states that the apparitions of this man are purely casual. Normally we do not remember precisely the faces we see in our dreams. The image of this man would thus be an instrument which, in the subject’s waking life, facilitates recognition of an undefined oneirical image.
Disclosure 57 Differenct Species Of Aliens [VIDEO]
This proceeding video is footage taken from the Disclosure Project where Ex Army Clifford Stone describes the different types of Aliens whom he was involved in cataloging.