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Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion? If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge you to read the rest of this article. We live at a time when globalization is advancing rapidly. The global economy is more integrated than it has ever been before, and with each passing year new economic treaties tie us even more closely together. And “global governance” (as the elite like to call it) is also steadily gaining ground. Through a whole host of global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements, global governments are working together to a degree that is unprecedented. Well, what about religion? Is there evidence that we are also witnessing the globalization of religion? Well, yes there is. In fact, it appears that Pope Francis intends to lead the way.

Since he has been Pope, Francis has expressed a desire for unity with the Eastern Orthodox, the Anglicans, and many other major Protestant denominations. But more than a few eyebrows were raised when he recently sent a video message to Kenneth Copeland and his congregation. At the time that the video message was played to the congregation, one speaker declared that “Luther’s protest is over”

“The Catholic and Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the Church,” exclaims Anglican Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, before a group of cheering followers at the Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Palmer said those words are from the Vatican. Before playing the video message from Pope Francis to Kenneth Copeland, Palmer told the crowd, “When my wife saw that she could be Catholic, and Charismatic, and Evangelical, and Pentecostal, and it was absolutely accepted in the Catholic Church, she said that she would like to reconnect her roots with the Catholic culture. So she did.”

The crowd cheered, as he continued,“Brothers and sisters,Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?”

Even Kenneth Copeland finds this development incredible: Said Copeland, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago,this was impossible.”

You can see video from this conference right here.


So is Luther’s protest really over?

During the Council of Trent, the Catholics condemned to hell anyone that believes in salvation through faith in Jesus alone. This is a direct quote from the Council of Trent…

“If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema“

The Catholics have never renounced that stand. Instead, it has been reaffirmed many times over the years.

If Pope Francis really did want to reach out to Protestants, he should start by reversing the Council of Trent on this. As it stands, it is official Catholic doctrine that all Protestants are anathema.

But apparently that is not going to stop many Protestants from reuniting with Rome and declaring Francis to be “their Pope”.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has also been aggressively courting Muslims. The following quote from Pope Francis comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting
I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.

The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.
Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

Did you catch that?

Apparently Pope Francis believes that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God.

More recently, Francis made the following statement about Muslims…
“We must never forget that they ‘profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day.’”


By making this statement, Pope Francis is rejecting another of the most fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

You see, Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God.

Muslims hate this doctrine and say that there is no god but Allah.

So how in the world can Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

The only way that you could say this is if you deny the deity of Jesus Christ.

For much more on why “Allah” and the God of Christianity are not the same, please see this article.

Of course when it comes to other religions, Francis is not just reaching out to the Muslims. During the same ecumenical meeting that I referenced above, he made it a point to say that he feels “close” to those that belong “to any religious tradition”…

In this, we feel close even to all those men and women who, whilst not recognizing themselves belonging to any religious tradition, feel themselves nevertheless to be in search of truth, goodness and beauty, this truth, goodness and beauty of God, and who are our precious allies in efforts to defend the dignity of man, in building a peaceful coexistence among peoples and in guarding Creation carefully.
Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

And Francis really raised some eyebrows when he made the following statement about atheists…

“The Lord created us in His image and likeness, and we are the image of the Lord, and He does good and all of us have this commandment at heart: do good and do not do evil. All of us. ‘But, Father, this is not Catholic! He cannot do good.’ Yes, he can… The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘Father, the atheists?’ Even the atheists. Everyone!.. We must meet one another doing good. ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ But do good: we will meet one another there.”

There was a lot of debate about what Francis meant by that, and the Vatican issued a statement declaring that Catholic doctrine on these matters had not changed, but without a doubt a lot of people were troubled by this.

In addition, a lot of people were really troubled when the Vatican offered “indulgences” to those that would follow Pope Francis on Twitter. The following is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Telegraph

Salvation – or at least a shorter stay in Purgatory – might now be only a tweet away with news that Pope Francis is to offer “indulgences”– remissions for temporary punishment – to the faithful who follow him on the social media site.

Around 1.5 million are expected to flock to Rio de Janeiro to celebrate World Youth Day with the Argentine pontiff later this month. But for those who can’t make it to Brazil,  forgiveness may be available to contrite sinners who follow Francis’s progress via their TV screen or social networks.

The Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican court that rules on the forgiveness of sins, has said that indulgences may be given to those who follow the “rites and pious exercises” of the event on television, radio and through social media.
Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

So what does Pope Francis actually believe?

That is a very good question.

His beliefs do not appear to be very consistent at all. He just seems to have an overwhelming desire to “unite” with everyone out there that has any kind of religious faith.

But we do know one kind of people that he does not like. He does not like “ideological Christians” that take their faith very seriously
“In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought… For this reason Jesus said to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge.’ The knowledge of Jesus is transformed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements. The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people. But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?”

So what is going to come of all this?

It will be very interesting to watch.

It is also interesting to note that there is a 900-year-old prophecy that seems to indicate that Pope Francis could be the last Pope. If that prophecy is accurate, then we could very well be living at a time when we will see the emergence of a one world religion.

Just a few short decades ago, a one world religion would have been absolutely unthinkable.

But now the pieces are starting to come together, and it will be very interesting to see what happens next.


Top 10 Scariest Places on Earth [VIDEO]

Top 10 Scariest Places on Earth

These real life ruins offer an eerie glimpse into a world without humans. Their dark walls inspire a sense of wonder like I've never felt before.

Top 10 Scariest Places on Earth

Here is the list of top 10 scariest places on Earth.

10. The Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
9. Hashima Island, Japan
8. Helltown, Ohio
7. Pripyat, Ukraine
6. Ghost Resort, Taiwan
5. Aokigahara, Japan
4. Catacombs of Paris
3. The Bhangarh Fort, India
2. The Sedlec Ossuary
1.The Island of Dolls

Music Credits: "Ice Demon" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


Church To Give Away AR-15 Assault Rifle, Pastor Claims Jesus Supports Guns

Church To Give Away AR-15 Assault Rifle, Pastor Claims Jesus Supports Guns

Rev. John Koletas, of the Grace Baptist Church in Troy, N.Y., plans to raffle off an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle during a church service on March 23.
The AR-15, which can fire hundreds of rounds per minute, was used by Sandy Hook school shooter Adam Lanza and Aurora, Colo. theater shooter James Holmes.
Church To Give Away AR-15 Assault Rifle, Pastor Claims Jesus Supports Guns
“We’re honoring gun owners and hunters,” Rev. Koletas told the New York Daily News. “And we’re being a blessing and a help to people who have been attacked, viciously attacked, by socialists and anti-Christian people, the politicians and the media.”

Rev. Koletas did not provide evidence of these vicious attacks upon gun owners and hunters.

While Rev. Koletas supports the Second Amendment, he doesn't want others exercising their First Amendment right to voice opposition.

"If someone doesn't want to own a gun, that's their right," Rev. Koletas told theTimes Union of Albany. "At the same time, I don't think we should be critical of legal gun owners who gave us our freedom."
Church To Give Away AR-15 Assault Rifle, Pastor Claims Jesus Supports Guns

Rev. Koletas' flyer for the gun giveaway shows an image of a AR-15 modified to meet New York's new gun-control law and includes the words of Jesus, "My peace I give unto you."

However, that Bible verse does not refer to guns, weapons or anything of this world.

Jesus says in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

After mangling the Bible verse, Rev. Koletas claimed it was those who oppose him who don't read the Good Book.

“[The giveaway] may be foreign to most city dwellers," stated Rev. Koletas. "It may seem controversial to people who don’t read their Bibles.”
Church To Give Away AR-15 Assault Rifle, Pastor Claims Jesus Supports Guns

Several area pastors do oppose the gun giveaway.

“I think it’s sending the wrong message entirely,” said the Rev. Willie Bacote, a pastor of Missing Link AME Zion Church.

“We promulgate the gospel as peacemakers," added Rev. Bacote. "We’re not people who give away guns. Even the Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek.”


8 Surprising Historical Facts That Will Change Your Concept Of Time Forever

You probably should know these things didn't happen anywhere near when you thought they did...

Not everyone can be a world history master, especially when we tend to learn about it in specifically segmented classes like "European History" or "American Revolutionary History." Maybe you have an exceptional grasp on the global historical timeline. But for those of us who don't, the list below, inspired by a recent Reddit thread called "What are two events that took place in the same time in history but don't seem like they would have?" puts key historical moments into some much-needed context.

8 Surprising Historical Facts That Will Change Your Concept Of Time Forever 
1. Betty White is older than sliced bread.
Betty White is older than sliced bread
Sliced bread was introduced in 1928 by inventor Otto Frederick Rohwedder. Before this moment, bread was sold in whole loaves as bakers didn't trust sliced bread could stay fresh. Betty White was born in 1922 and spent her early years not eating sliced bread. But White recently celebrated her 92nd birthday, which means she's been able to experience the first "greatest invention" much longer than most of us.

2. Harvard University was founded before calculus was invented.
 Harvard University was founded before calculus was invented
Established in 1636, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the U.S. The "New College," as it was originally called, had no calculus classes because it didn't exist yet. The invention of calculus would come in the late 17th century with Gottfried Leibniz's 1684 publication of "Nova Methodus," and in part with Isaac Newton's "Principia" in 1687, followed by additional explanations and reformulations by subsequent mathematicians. Also, European physicist, mathematician and astronomer Galileo was still alive during Harvard's early years -- he died in 1642.

3. The last time the Chicago Cubs won a World Series, the Ottoman Empire still existed.
The last time the Chicago Cubs won a World Series, the Ottoman Empire still existed
Chicago Cubs haven't won a World Series since 1908. This was back when there were still teams such as the Brooklyn Superbas and the Boston Doves. The Ottoman Empire, which was founded in the 13th century, also existed back then. Mehmed VI was the last sultan of the empire and his reign ended in 1922 when the sultanate was abolished and the Turkish government took governing control over the new republic -- 14 years after the Cubs last won the World Series.

4. The Pyramids of Giza were built in the time of wooly mammoths.
The Pyramids of Giza were built in the time of wooly mammoths
From what we can tell, the last of the wooly mammoth died out around 1700 B.C. on Russia’s Wrangel Island. In Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza were built around 4,000 years ago, although there have been claims that they're even older. This also means that Cleopatra's time on Earth is actually closer to us in history than to the construction of the pyramids.

5. The fax machine was invented the same year as the Oregon trail migration. 

The fax machine was invented the same year as the Oregon trail migration
The first fax machine was invented in 1843 by a Scottish mechanic named Alexander Bain. This early model used a combination of synchronized pendulums, electric probes and electrochemically sensitive paper to scan documents, and then send the information over a series of wires to be reproduced. The "Great Migration" on the Oregon trail began the same year, when a wagon train of about 1,000 migrants attempted to travel west, but probably died of dysentery along the way.

6. The jewelry store Tiffany & Co. was founded before Italy was a country.
The jewelry store Tiffany & Co. was founded before Italy was a country.
While Rome was officially a holdout for a number of years after, in 1861 General Giuseppe Garibaldi led a successful campaign to gather the various city-states and bring them under one nation. Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young founded Tiffany & Young in 1837 and then became Tiffany & Co. in 1853. This means Audrey Hepburn could have gotten "breakfast at Tiffany's" before she could have had her Italian "Roman Holiday.

Similarly, Macy's was founded in 1858, also before Italy became the nation we know it as today.

7.France was still using the guillotine when "Star Wars" came out.
The last time the guillotine was used as a form of execution in France was in 1977. The guillotine lasted for about two centuries. The first "Star Wars" film was also released in 1977 a few months before the execution.

Another mind-blow French historical fact: The Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889, which is the same year Nintendo was founded and that Van Gogh painted "The Starry Night."

8. Two of President John Tyler's grandsons are still alive.

Two of President John Tyler's grandsons are still alive

John Tyler was America's 10th President, serving from 1841 to 1845, but somehow two of his grandsons are still alive. Mental Floss first reported on this fact in 2012, but since then Snopes has verified their identities, while New York Magazine even interviewed one of the grandsons. As of last year, both Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. and Harrison Tyler were still only in their 80s.


Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?

Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?

In 1926, Professor A. W. Bickerton declared the concept of shooting at the moon to be foolish and impossible. In 1935, the noted astronomer F. R. Moulton wrote that man could never travel in outer space. In 1957, Dr. Richard van der Riet Wooley (former Astronomer Royal) called the idea of space travel "utter bilge." Eight months later Sputnik I was orbiting the earth.

Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?

In a remote northern area of Tibet lie the ruins of the Hsing Nu capital, discovered by Duparc in 1725. Within the city, Duparc came upon a mass of monoliths (once coated with silver), a pyramid, part of a tower of blue porcelain, and a royal palace, containing thrones with sun and moon images. There was also a large milky white stone surrounded by exquisite drawings.

Now for the stunning sequel. In 1952, a Soviet expedition arrived. The group was shown by Tibetan monks some ancient documents, whose descriptions agreed with those of Duparc.

But here is the breathtaking part: the milky white stone, so said the documents, was "brought from the moon." Moon rock? Is it possible? COULD MAN ACTUALLY HAVE LEFT THIS EARTH AND GONE TO THE MOON IN AGES PAST? Was space travel a natural adjunct to his civilization? Are there clues?

Indeed there are. Indications of the reality of ancient space travel do come from widely separated parts of the world. Written and oral tradition is widespread - and, it seems, reliable.

Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?

Chinese historians in particular never tried to please their rulers at the expense of truth. Death was preferred to untruthful reports of history. As an example we have the fate of historians in the reign of Chi in 547 B.C. We should therefore take seriously the historical reports of China, even if they seem at first to he far-fetched.

There is a tendency in scientific circles nowadays to regard ancient documents and even mythology and folklore - as sources of history. Anthony Roberts expresses it this way: "Legends are like time-capsules that preserve their contents through ages of ignorance."

In regard to some of the chronicles cited hereafter, internal evidence will carry its own proofs of authenticity.

My first source is an old manuscript described by James Churchward, the English scholar who wrote decades before people spoke of artificial satellites and spaceships.


1 - INDIA: Vehicles that could revolve around the earth (i.e., satellites): "Their fuel is drawn from the air in a very simple and cheap way. The motor is something like a modern turbine: it works from one chamber to another and does not stop or stall unless switched off. If nothing happens it continues to function. The ship in which it is built could revolve as long as it liked around Earth, only falling when the parts of which it is made were burnt up.

2 - INDIA: Philosophers and scientists who orbited the earth "below the moon and above the clouds" are spoken of in the ancient Surya Siddhanta.

Giant satellites made of shiny metal and turning about an axis are described in detail in ancient Sanskrit texts, right down to their dimensions and interiors, as well as smaller craft that fly between them and the earth.

3 - CHALDEA: Two "modern" rockets emitting rays at the rear, a box like a loudspeaker and a "copy" of a Gemini capsule - are engraved on a copper chisel unearthed at Ur.

4 - SUMERIA: Pictographic texts describe three related objects on display in Sippar: the golden sphere (command module?), the "GIR" (a long arrow-shaped object, divided into several compartments) and the "alikmahrati," meaning "advancer that makes vessel go" (i.e., a motor, or an engine). Together they look very much like a three-part rocket ship.

Another explicit sign is the combination of two words "DIN" and 'GIR." When joined together to form the word "g-ds," the tail of the finlike "gir" fits perfectly into the opening of the rocket like "din," which exhausts fire from its tail.

5 - PERU: A clay vessel 8-1/2 inches high portrays a kind of "space capsule" on which motor and exhaust are clearly recognizable.

6 - ITALY:
A painting discovered in the niche of a room under Rome's Palatine Hill, in 1961, portrays what appears to be a rocket. It stands on a launching pad. From it run guys or cables; behind is a tall wall, resembling a counterblast wall.

7 - JAPAN: Excavations have uncovered clay figurines of people clad in peculiar "space suits", with helmets entirely covering their heads. On the helmets are representations of something like slit-type glasses, breath -filters, antennae, hearing aids and even night-sight devices.

8 - INDIA: The Mahabharata describes "two storey sky chariots with many windows, ejecting red flame, that race up into the sky until they look like comets . . . to the regions of both the sun and the stars." 4

9 - GUATEMALA: Another ancient description mentions "a circular chariot of gold, measuring 12,000 cubits in circumference and able to reach the stars" 5

10 - INDIA: Other references speak of:

* Pushan sailing in golden ships across the ocean of the sky

* Garuda (a celestial bird) carrying Lord Vishnu in cosmic journeys

* Aerial flights "through the region of the sky firmament which is above the region of the winds" 6

* The Ancients of Space Dimensions. 7

11 - NEW ZEALAND: Maori legends tell of flying machines and journeys to the moon.

12 - CHINA, 3rd century B.C.: Chuang Tzu, in a work entitled Travel to the Infinite, relates a trip he made into space to 32,500 miles from the earth.

13 - TIBET and MONGOLIA: Ancient Buddhist books speak of "iron serpents which devour space with fire and smoke, reaching as far as the distant stars."

14 - TIBET: The three levels of a pyramid in the Hsing Nu capital commemorated three historical periods in the remote past: the pre space travel era, the time when men were able to visit one of the heavenly bodies, and then afterward when they came back to earth and lost the power of space travel. It was here that there reposed on the altar a "stone brought from the moon."

15 - BABYLON: The Epic of Etana (4,700 years old) supplies us with very accurate descriptions of the earth's surface from progressive altitudes - descriptions which were not verified in our own era until the high-altitude aerial flights of the 1950s and the first space shots of the 1960s.

The description of this ancient space flight depicts exactly what happens when man leaves the earth (the concept of the round earth which becomes small, due to perspective as distance increases, and changes into particular colors). 8

16 - BOOK OF ENOCH: The ancient Book of Enoch says that in space "it was hot as fire and cold as ice" (where objects get hot on the side illuminated by the sun and icy cold on the shaded side) and "a dark abyss." 9

17 - YUNNAN PROVINCE CHINA Engravings of cylindrical rocket like machines, which are shown climbing skyward, were discovered on a pyramid which suddenly emerged from the floor of Lake Kun-Ming during an earthquake.

18 - GREECE: Lucian pictured the moon as a body like the earth which could be reached in 8 days and wrote a "fiction" (?) of a moon trip.


The Unexplained NASA Files - Paranormal Documentary

The Unexplained NASA Files - Paranormal Documentary

NASA'S UNEXPLAINED FILES give viewers first-hand accounts of mysterious sightings witnessed by NASA astronauts and give viewers access to the original footage that captured the attention of scientists. The question remains: is the captured footage that of an extraterrestrial life or is it simply a flop in the camera?

The Unexplained NASA Files - Paranormal Documentary

Countless mysterious objects have been caught by NASA's cameras; in this special, we'll reveal NASA's top ten unexplained encounters using original footage and groundbreaking interviews with astronauts and scientists. Can these phenomena be explained through science and detective work? Or did NASA's cameras potentially captured the first traces of extraterrestrial life?


Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet? Follows Near Miss By North Korean Rocket Last Week

Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet? Follows Near Miss By North Korean Rocket Last Week

Just eight days after a terrorist attack in the city of Kunming dubbed “China’s September 11th,” a Malaysia Airlines flight carrying mostly Chinese passengers disappeared over the South China Sea.

While the international probe is in its early stages and questions are being raised about the prospect of terrorism, investigators would be wise to thoroughly examine the possibility of a missile attack in light of recent information about the global proliferation of such projectiles capable of downing civilian airliners.

Further, China has issued a series of warnings about North Korean missiles, including one that crossed paths with a Chinese airliner carrying 220 people just last week.

On Friday, China complained to North Korea when one of its missiles crossed paths with a civilian jet last Tuesday that had departed Tokyo’s Narita airport en route to the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang.

One day earlier, South Korea’s defense ministry released a statement saying the Chinese civilian plane had “passed as the ballistic missile (from North Korea) was in the course of descending.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters, “On this issue, we have already contacted the North Korean side to convey our deep concern.”

“If any country is to hold training or exercises, it should take measures in accordance with international practice to ensure the safety of civil [facilities] in relevant airspace and maritime space,” said Qin.

Qin said the jet was flying over international waters at an altitude of 10,000 meters, or 32,800 feet.

“The rocket could have hit the plane on its way down,” he said. “North Korea had not given any warning. It was an unexpected and immoral act that goes against international norms.”

Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet? Follows Near Miss By North Korean Rocket Last Week

One week earlier, North Korea reportedly test-fired two short range missiles into the sea.

In January, former CIA Director David Petraeus warned of a “nightmare” scenario in which the proliferation of missiles could provide terrorists the ability to shoot down passenger airplanes.

The largest terrorist looting of Man-Portable-Air-Defense-Systems, or MANPADS, reportedly took place immediately after the U.S.-NATO military campaign that helped to end Moammar Gadhafi’s rule in Libya.

Gadhafi had hoarded Africa’s biggest known reserve of MANPADS, with his stock said to number between 15,000 and 20,000. Many of the missiles were stolen by militias fighting in Libya, including those backed by the U.S. their anti-Gadhafi efforts.

Last week, there were unverified claims some MANPADS went missing in Ukraine.

Last April, the United Nations released a report revealing that weapons from Libya to extremists were proliferating at an “alarming rate,” fueling conflicts in Mali, Syria, Gaza and elsewhere.

Most MANPADS are designed to down a low-flying aircraft. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, however, reportedly disappeared from radar while flying at cruising altitude in fine weather.

Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet? Follows Near Miss By North Korean Rocket Last Week

The details surrounding the fate of the Malaysia Airlines flight could take months or even years to fully emerge. While it is too early to jump to conclusions and the possibilities will evolve along with the investigation, some reports about the flight are technically consistent with a potential missile strike.

Reuters has exclusively quoted a senior source inside the probe saying they were narrowing the focus of the investigation to the possibility the aircraft disintegrated mid-flight.

Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told reporters the airline had no indication of any distress signal from the pilot, with CBS News reporting this suggested “that whatever happened to the plane occurred quickly and possibly catastrophically.”

Other reports say radar tracking the flight indicated the pilot may have turned back from its path to Beijing before disappearing. It was unclear how quickly the airplane did an about face or why the pilot may have decided to reverse course.

Meanwhile, international intelligence agencies have joined the investigation amid news that two passengers boarded the jet using stolen passports, raising terrorism concerns.

Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet? Follows Near Miss By North Korean Rocket Last Week

‘Nightmare’ threat targets passenger aircraft

At a conference in Tel Aviv in January, Petraeus warned of a “nightmare” scenario in which missile proliferation could provide terrorists the capability to shoot down a civilian airliner.

Petraeus was speaking at the annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies, a think-tank at Tel Aviv University.

He referred to a video posted on YouTube by the Sinai-based Ansar Jerusalem jihadist group, which claimed it had fired a surface-to-air missile at an Egyptian helicopter.

“I mean, shooting down a helicopter with an apparent shoulder-fired missile is a big deal,” Petraeus said.

“As you know, that was always our worst nightmare, that a civilian airliner would be shot down by one. Which is why we were so concerned when they moved around,” he said.

The MANPADS didn’t just move around. Thousands were looted when Gadhafi’s reserves were unprotected following the NATO campaign there in 2011.

At the time, CBS News reported the U.S. was unable to secure “thousands” of MANPADS.

CBS quoted a “well-placed source” divulging that hundreds of missiles were tracked going to the group Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM, the al-Qaida franchise based in Algeria that is now considered to be one of the gravest threats to the U.S.


The Mysterious Monoliths Of Asuka Nara And The Rock Ship Of Masuda

The mysterious monoliths of Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

The village of Asuka is located in the Takaichi District of the Nara Prefecture in Japan. Asuka is an ancient land with historical interest. It has its origins in the Tumulus Period (250-552 AD), also called Kofun jidai, which means Old Mound period. This era of Japanese history is characterised by a particular type of burial mound that was popular at the time; specifically key shaped earthen mounds surrounded by moats. One of the most unique features of Asuka is the multiple carved granite stones in peculiar shapes in various parts of the region. The largest and most unusual of the carved stones is the Masuda-no-iwafune (the “rock ship of Masuda”).

The stone carving, which stands near the top of a hill in Asuka, is 11 metres in length, 8 metres in width and 4.7 metres in height, and weighs approximately 800 tonnes. The top of has been completely flattened and there are two one-meter square holes carved into it and a ridge line that is parallel to both holes. At the base of the stone are lattice-shaped indentations which are believed to be related to the process that was used by the builders to flatten the sides of the rock

The mysterious monoliths of Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

So what is the nature of this rock and what is its purpose? Who made it, when and why? Unfortunately, there are no definite answers to those questions, but numerous suggestions have been put forward to account for this unique and unusual structure.

In the region in which Masuda no iwafune is found, there are many Buddhist temples and shrines that may suggest the carving was made by Buddhists, perhaps for some kind of religious or ceremonial purpose. However, Masuda no iwafune does not resemble the style or construction of any other Buddhist monument.

Another suggestion comes from the name of the rock itself, which translates to ‘the rock ship of Masuda’. It has been suggested that the stone was carved in commemoration of the building of Masuda Lake, which was once located nearby (now drained and part of Kashiwara City).

The mysterious monoliths of Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

Another popular theory is that it was used as an astronomical observation point. Evidence for this perspective comes from the ridge line across the top of the rock which runs parallel to the mountain ridge in Asuka and lines up with the sunset on a certain day of the year called "spring doyou entry", which occurs 13 days after the sectional solar term ‘Pure Brightness’. This day was important in the lunar calendar and for early Japanese agriculture as it signalled the beginning of the agricultural season. However, this perspective has been largely dismissed by scholars who do not recognise it as an ancient astronomical observing station.

Some historians believe that the rock is just the remains of a tomb that was designed for members of the royal family. However, this does not explain the unusual features, such as the square holes on top, nor have any bodies been found. To account for this, some have suggested it was intended as the entrance of a tomb but was unfinished.

Interestingly, Masuda no iwafune bears a similarity to another stone block in Japan – the Ishi-no-Hoden megalith, which is situated in Takasago city. The Ishi-no-Hoden megalith measures 6.45m x 5.7 m x 5.45 m, and has similar ridges on the sides but without any visible holes – although some suggest that they are beneath the trees on the top of the rock.

The mysterious monoliths of Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

Today, Ishi-no-Hoden is a shrine dedicated to the Shinto god Oshiko Jinja, but no one knows who originally built it and why.

Very little is known about the Masuda no iwafune stone carving and definitive evidence is still lacking with regards to who built it and why. The fact that there are so many other stone slabs and structures in the area suggests that the region was inhabited prior to the Tumulus period, but again, there is no proof to support this perspective. In the end, the true origin and purpose of these enigmatic features of ancient Japan may be lost to the pages of history.


Bizarre: Missing Malaysia Airlines Passengers' Phones Ring, But No One Answers

Bizarre: Missing Malaysia Airlines Passengers' Phones ring, But No One Answers

The mystery surrounding the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has deepened with the Chinese media reporting that several of the passengers' mobile phones were connecting when called by relatives, but the calls were not picked up.

The sister of one of the Chinese passengers among the 239 people on board the vanished flight rang his phone live on TV, the Mirror reports.

"This morning, around 11:40 [am], I called my older brother's number twice, and I got the ringing tone," said Bian Liangwei, sister of one of the passengers. At 2pm, Bian called again and heard it ringing once more.

"If I could get through, the police could locate the position, and there's a chance he could still be alive." She has passed on the number to Malaysia Airlines and the Chinese police.

Bizarre: Missing Malaysia Airlines Passengers' Phones ring, But No One Answers

A man from Beijing also called his missing brother on the plane, and reported to the airlines that the phone connected three times and rang before appearing to hang up, according to Shanghai Daily. Media reports claim that the brother had called the number in the presence of reporters before informing the airline.

The Strait Times reported that many of the family members told MAS commercial director Hugh Dunleavy that the commuters' mobile phones were ringing but they were not picked up.

To this, Dunleavy replied that MAS was calling the mobile phones of the crew members as well, which were ringing, and that he had given the numbers to Chinese investigators.

Relatives of the passengers are urging the authorities to search for the location of phones that rang using the Global Positioning System.

Bizarre: Missing Malaysia Airlines Passengers' Phones ring, But No One Answers

However, at a press conference in Beijing, MAS spokesman Ignatius Ong said one of the numbers that had been passed on to the airline's command office in Kuala Lumpur failed to get through.

"I myself have called the number five times while the airline's command centre also called the number. We got no answering tone," said Ong.

A phone company in Singapore that was investigating this number said the number was out of credit.

Families seek information

According to China.org.cn, 19 families have signed a joint statement saying that their family members' cell phones connected, but the calls hung up. The relatives have asked Malaysia Airlines to reveal any information they might be hiding, seeking an explanation for the eerie phone connections. The relatives have complained that the Malaysina Airlines is not responding as actively as it should.

Angry family members also threw water bottles at an MAS spokesman and threatened to protest in front of the Malaysian embassy in China if the airlines did not "disclose" the "truth".



Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

There are some astonishing things you’re not being told about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the flight that simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board.

The mystery of the flight’s sudden and complete disappearance has even the world’s top air safety authorities baffled. “Air-safety and antiterror authorities on two continents appeared equally stumped about what direction the probe should take,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

WSJ goes on to report:

For now, it seems simply inexplicable,” said Paul Hayes, director of safety and insurance at Ascend Worldwide, a British advisory and aviation data firm.

While investigators are baffled, the mainstream media isn’t telling you the whole story, either. So I’ve assembled this collection of facts that should raise serious questions in the minds of anyone following this situation.

• Fact #1: All Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion

No explosion from the plane itself can destroy the black box recorders. They are bomb-proof structures that hold digital recordings of cockpit conversations as well as detailed flight data and control surface data.

• Fact #2: All black box recorders transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean

Yet the black box from this particular incident hasn’t been detected at all. That’s why investigators are having such trouble finding it. Normally, they only need to “home in” on the black box transmitter signal. But in this case, the absence of a signal means the black box itself — an object designed to survive powerful explosions — has either vanished, malfunctioned or been obliterated by some powerful force beyond the worst fears of aircraft design engineers.

Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

• Fact #3: Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally bouyant and will float in water
In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water. That’s because — as you may recall from the safety briefing you’ve learned to ignore — “your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device.”

Yes, seat cushions float. So do many other non-metallic aircraft parts. If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort, there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot. The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth.

• Fact #4: If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature

One theory currently circulating on the ‘net is that a missile brought down the airliner, somehow blasting the aircraft and all its contents to “smithereens” — which means very tiny pieces of matter that are undetectable as debris.

The problem with this theory is that there exists no known ground-to-air or air-to-air missile with such a capability. All known missiles generate tremendous debris when they explode on target. Both the missile and the debris produce very large radar signatures which would be easily visible to both military vessels and air traffic authorities.

• Fact #5: The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery

Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished. They know the location, elevation and airspeed — three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris.

Remember: air safety investigators are not stupid people. They’ve seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. There is already a substantial data set of airline explosions and crashes from which investigators can make well-educated guesses about where debris should be found. And yet, even armed with all this experience and information, they remain totally baffled on what happened to Flight 370.

• Fact #6: If Flight 370 was hijacked, it would not have vanished from radar

Hijacking an airplane does not cause it to simply vanish from radar. Even if transponders are disabled on the aircraft, ground radar can still readily track the location of the aircraft using so-called “passive” radar (classic ground-based radar systems that emit a signal and monitor its reflection).

Thus, the theory that the flight was hijacked makes no sense whatsoever. When planes are hijacked, they do not magically vanish from radar.

Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Conclusion: Flight 370 did not explode; it vanished

The inescapable conclusion from what we know so far is that Flight 370 seems to have utterly and inexplicably vanished. It clearly was not hijacked (unless there is a cover-up regarding the radar data), and we can all be increasingly confident by the hour that this was not a mid-air explosion (unless debris suddenly turns up that they’ve somehow missed all along).

The inescapable conclusion is that Flight 370 simply vanished in some way that we do not yet understand. This is what is currently giving rise to all sorts of bizarre-sounding theories across the ‘net, including discussions of possible secret military weapons tests, Bermuda Triangle-like ripples in the fabric of spacetime, and even conjecture that non-terrestrial (alien) technology may have teleported the plane away.

Personally, I’m not buying any of that without a lot more evidence. The most likely explanation so far is that the debris simply hasn’t been found yet because it fell over an area which is somehow outside the search zone. But as each day goes by, even this explanation becomes harder and harder to swallow.

The frightening part about all this is not that we will find the debris of Flight 370; but rather that we won’t. If we never find the debris, it means some entirely new, mysterious and powerful force is at work on our planet which can pluck airplanes out of the sky without leaving behind even a shred of evidence.

If there does exist a weapon with such capabilities, whoever control it already has the ability to dominate all of Earth’s nations with a fearsome military weapon of unimaginable power. That thought is a lot more scary than the idea of an aircraft suffering a fatal mechanical failure.



Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?: The Conspiracy Theories

Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?: The Conspiracy Theories

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: the conspiracy theories

As the world continues to await news of what really happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370, the internet has proved a fertile breeding ground for speculation, conspiracy and innuendo.

Three days on, with still no sighting of the plane or its 239 passengers, online communities have been more than willing to volunteer their own answers to the mystery.

Online aviation forums are littered with hundreds of posts suggesting various reasons for the disappearance, or where the plane's wreckage may have ended up.

Alongside more prosaic explanations, theories flagged on the Professional Pilots Rumour Network include that the MH 370 was struck by a meteor shower, hit by missiles or that surrounding countries are involved in a military conspiracy, given that military radar recordings which may have tracked the aircraft are yet to be brought forward.

Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?: The Conspiracy Theories

Meanwhile, at the other extreme, some believe aliens or UFOs may have abducted the Malaysian Airlines flight and, like something out of the television series The X-Files, transported it into an “outer space wormhole” with the passengers “held against their will by terrorists or otherworldly aliens”.

Here are some of the most common themes emerging amid the unconfirmed reports.

Terrorist attack

Authorities have dismissed earlier reports that the two passengers travelling on stolen passports had links to the Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade, as a hoax. The group had reportedly claimed responsibility for the disappearance of the plane in an encrypted email to journalists in China on Sunday.

Other theories also sparked by the stolen passport investigations suggest terrorists had hijacked the plane and have parked it intact with all radio devices turned off.

The speculation adds to reports that the mobile phones of several passengers were connecting but not being answered, the International Business Times reported.

The sister of one of the Chinese passengers claimed to have gotten a ringing tone when she called his phone, while a man calling his missing brother said the phone had rung three times before appearing to hang up.

The phone numbers have been passed on to Chinese police and Malaysia Airlines.

Meanwhile, on community website airliners.net, some suggested crew might have acted in the style of the lead character, Razio Yamata from Tom Clancy’s novel, The Debt of Honour, in which he sets out to cripple the United States in response to the death of his Japanese parents.

Mid-air disintegration 

Speculation that the Malaysia Airlines plane disintegrated in mid-flight have been flagged with a senior source saying the aircraft could have exploded due to mechanical issues.

"The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet (10,600 metres)," said a source involved in the investigations in Malaysia.

However, one aviation expert told the South China Morning Post that it was mysterious that even if the plane had disintegrated, debris had not detected on air traffic control radar.

The theory echoes the 2009 Air France tragedy when the plane disappeared over the Atlantic after it flew into turbulence on route to Paris. It took five days for rescue teams to find the first bits of wreckage and another two years to find the bulk of the destroyed plane.

In the jungles and waters of Vietnam

Radar logs indicate the MH 370 may have turned around in flight somewhere near the south of Vietnam while over the South China Sea, and authorities are investigating a possible wreckage object spotted near Vietnam’s southwestern tip.

However, civil aviation personnel have not specified if the cable reel found was part of the plane.

Others say the plane most likely crashed off the country’s Tho Chu Island.

On social media forum Reddit, posts from users claiming to be technical aviation experts say that the plane would have had enough fuel to travel up to 190km at 10,600 metres and so the search area could potentially be thousands of square kilometres wide.

Pilot suicide

While no evidence has emerged that captain of the MH 370, Zaharie Ahmad Shah or co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid may have committed suicide, the idea has been included in possible theories.

Deliberate crashes caused by pilots were cited as possible reasons for incidents in the late 1990s.

Outer space and Hollywood hype

Like something out of Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity, questions have been raised over the dangers of space debris hitting the aircraft following last week’s explosion of a Russian rocket booster over the Cayman Islands.

But it took the Toronto Sun newspaper to blame Hollywood for the missing plane, suggesting it might be part of a remake of the television series Lost.


Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?: The Conspiracy Theories

Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?

Since 1947 our Government has been lying to us about aliens. Everyone sees them, UFOs are everywhere, in every nation. They are a threat to our sovereignty as a nation and as a world.

Now a whole entire airplane has vanished into thin air. Yesterday A Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 souls lost contact with air traffic control and disappeared. Known as Flight MH370, it is a B777-200 aircraft heading to Beijing, China from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Associated Press reports that the flight lost contact somewhere over Vietnam.

There were no reports of bad weather and no sign of why the plane would vanished from radar screens almost an hour after it took off. There are reports of two oil slicks off the coast but absolutely no wreckage has yet to be found. Where did the plane go?
Aliens have been abducting ships and planes in the Burmuda Triangle for as long as civilized people have been sailing those seas. Could the aliens have decided to abduct yet another plane form a different place?

“We are not ruling out any possibilities,” Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told a news conference full of journalists.

Did Aliens Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?: The Conspiracy Theories

Now it is being reported that atleast two of the people on the plane had stolen passports. The passenger manifest issued by the airline included the names of two Europeans, Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian Luigi Maraldi, both of which were not on the plane, according to their foreign ministries. Both men reported their passports stolen in Thailand in 2013. There were no indications of sabotage nor claims of a terrorist attack, but Thailand is known as a hotbed of alien activity.

So once again, the only possible cause is Aliens.

So will this finally drive our Government to admit that there really is an alien race here on our soil and in our air? Will Obama finally stop asking the Russians to fly us to space and reinvest in NASA so that we can fight this Alien scourge? Calls to the White House were not returned.


The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History [VIDEO]

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

The swastika is a symbol used by of one of the most hated men on Earth, a symbol that represents the slaughter of millions of people and one of the most destructive wars on Earth. But Adolf Hitler was not the first to use this symbol. In fact, it was used as a powerful symbol thousands of years before him, across many cultures and continents.

For the Hindus and Buddhists in India and other Asian countries, the swastika was an important symbol for many thousands of years and, to this day, the symbol can still be seen in abundance - on temples, buses, taxis, and on the cover of books. It was also used in Ancient Greece and can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago. The ancient Druids and the Celts also used the symbol, reflected in many artefacts that have been discovered. It was used by Nordic tribes and even early Christians used the Swastika as one of their symbols, including the Teutonic Knights, a German medieval military order, which became a purely religious Catholic Order. But why is this symbol so important and why did Adolf Hitler decide to use it?

The word ‘swastika’ is a Sanskrit word (‘svasktika’) meaning ‘It is’, ‘Well Being’, ‘Good Existence, and ‘Good Luck’. However, it is also known by different names in different countries - like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and ‘Tetraskelion’ or ‘Tetragammadion’ in Greece.

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

A Sanskrit scholar P. R. Sarkar in 1979 said that the deeper meaning of the word is ‘Permanent Victory’. He also said that as any symbol it can have positive and negative meaning depending on how it is drawn. So in Hinduism, the right-hand swastika is a symbol of the God Vishnu and the Sun, while the left-hand swastika is a symbol of Kali and Magic. The double meaning of symbols is common in ancient traditions, like for example the symbol of the pentagram (five pointed star), which is viewed as negative when pointing downwards, and positive when pointing upwards.

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years.

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

In Buddhism, the swastika is a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, abundance and eternity. It is directly related to Buddha and can be found carved on statues on the soles of his feet and on his heart. It is said that it contains Buddha’s mind.

On the walls of the Christian catacombs in Rome, the symbol of the Swastika appears next to the words “ZOTIKO ZOTIKO” which means “Life of Life”. It can also be found on the window openings of the mysterious Lalibela Rock churches of Ethiopia, and in various other churches around the world.

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

In Nordic Myths, Odin is represented passing through space as a whirling disk or swastika looking down through all worlds. In North America, the swastika was used by the Navajos. In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras used the Swastika under the name ‘Tetraktys’ and it was a symbol linking heaven and earth, with the right arm pointing to heaven and its left arm pointing to Earth.

It has been used by the Phoenicians as a symbol of the Sun and it was a sacred symbol used by the priestesses.

The Symbol Of The Swastika And Its 12,000-year-old History

The swastika, the Phoenician sun symbol, on the Phoenician Craig-Narget stone in Scotland, and on the robe of a Phoenician high priestess.
How and why did so many diverse countries and cultures, across many eras, use the same symbol and apparently with the same meaning?

It is ironic, and unfortunate, that a symbol of life and eternity was used by the Nazis to exterminate, kill, enslave and destroy, creating in the minds of people a negative association with a symbol that was seen as sacred for thousands of years.



What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

What happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been said to have disappeared from the sky in the early hours of Saturday, March 8th, 2014, subsequently over Vietnamese airspace at 35,000 feet heading for Beijing. The flight was carrying some 227 passengers and 12 crew members.

This begs the question: How would it be possible in this day and age for a large airliner to just disappear off the radar without a beacon from the jet’s transponder, even if the crew was incapacitated? 

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

Many aeronautical experts agree that this event is indeed ‘highly unusual’ if not outright unprecedented at that altitude. As air traffic controllers track commercial jets from two different types of radar. The primary radar tracks a plane’s position, while a secondary radar talks back and forth electronically with the locator or transponder on the plane, requesting more specific information from that device.

Sid McGuirk, an associate professor of air traffic management at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida had this to say following the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370:

“The flight crews use combinations of high-frequency radio, satellite-based voice communication and text data networks to report to ATC ( air traffic control) the exact time, position and flight level when the crossing begins.”

Based on this information it seems that the public has not been given the full story as to what has happened to the missing flight, making it unlikely that the event was ‘sudden and catastrophic’ as the plane was alleged to have tried to turn around according to initial reports, traveling some 350 miles, making it to Malacca Strait according to Malaysian officials. It would have taken 15 to 30 minutes for the plane to land according to reports, leaving a ghost pattern on radar as to their location and plenty of time for a distress signal if the plane wasn’t hijacked.

We’ve also been told by other media outlets that the transponder and tracking systems were turned off at some point as the plane was flying low.

When were they switched off and why where authorities searching a different area if they had this information in the early stages of the investigation?

Air traffic controllers would have known the exact moment that something had changed during the course of this flight.

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

As the search intensifies for the missing flight, many theories are pointing towards foul play but what would be the motive?

Malaysia has seen an economic boom over the past few decades, as a majority of the people have a higher standard of living in recent years. The capital Kuala Lumpur, has a dense urban cityscape that would rival any city in the United States, as well as London, with its high-end shopping centers, condos and private schools. According to a census almost two-thirds of the population is Muslim. The average household income has nearly doubled since 1990. Like most places these days there is a great divide among more affluent Malaysians and those who are poverty-stricken.

Malaysia is also rich with ’massive deposits of oil’ and is said to be one of the largest non-OPEC oil exporters in the world. This makes it an attractive place for the CIA and other clandestine activity to take place, as the West has been known to pressurize nations when seeking their precious natural resources.

It has been said that Western intelligence agencies allegedly controlled Islamists and pro-democracy activists in Malaysia, particularly during the coup in Egypt. This was evident in a large protest that took place in Kuala Lumpur in 2011.

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

In 2003 Malaysia’s former prime minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, named Israel as “the enemy allied with most powerful nations,” during a 57-nation Islamic summit. The Malaysian leader further explained his beliefs about Israeli control, while also condemning the violence among Muslims:
“They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy, so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal rights with others.

“With these they have gained control of the most powerful countries and they this tiny community, have become a world power.”
Mahathir had often blamed Israel and the United States for fueling violence in the Arab world.

In the middle of the 97-98 Asian financial crisis, Mahathir claimed there was a Western capitalist conspiracy to keep Malaysia under control, as the currency attack revealed the involvement of billionaire investor, Bilderberg consolidator and hedge-fund manager George Soros, as the Malaysian ringgit lost 15% over a two month period. Mahathir lashed out against Western meddling in the aftermath of the losses his country accrued:
“We never believe in applying pressure on people. Trying to starve a whole nation in order to force its government to behave, that is not our idea. If you want to act against the government, you act against the government…. You have to show them that the way others do things can bring benefits to the country without in any way undermining their authority.”
What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

It has been reported that a security firm called Asiasoft has been involved in updating Malaysia’s police systems. Two of the company’s directors are both from Israel, Izhak David Nakarand Ido Schechter. Nakar is stated to have won an Israeli defense award.

Well-known researcher Tony Cartalucci observed the Western fallout over the recent elections in Malaysia in 2013:

Despite the US mobilizing the summation of its media power and pouring millions of dollars into the opposition party, including the creation and perpetuation of fake-NGOs such as Bersih and the Merdeka Center, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak sailed to a comfortable victory in this year’s general elections. The cheap veneer has begun peeling away from America’s “democracy promotion” racket, leaving its proxies exposed and frantic, and America’s hegemonic ambitions across Asia in serious question.” 

Its clear from this analysis that things didn’t go as planned in Malaysia for the United States and its allies, as this could provide the motive for some sort of unsavory Gladio-tension from Western intelligence agencies. 

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

The previously unheard of Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade initially claimed responsibility for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Prompting the Chinese media to say it is ‘likely a hoax made up by opportunists looking to inflame ethnic tensions‘ following a series of vicious attacks in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur region and the mass stabbings within the capital of Kunming this past month leaving some 33 people dead.

Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble does not believe the missing plane to be a ‘terrorist incident.’ Authorities now claim they are looking for ‘sabotage, hijacking or psychological problems among either the crew or the passengers’ as the possible motive for the missing plane.

This statement seems to prey on the naivety of the vast majority of the public who is still unaware of - manufactured clandestine terror under the direction of intelligence agencies who have historically used many means to destabilize and to threaten the security of resource laden countries over the years.

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

IMAGE: Two mysterious Iranians who supposedly boarded flight MH370 with stolen passports. Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza, 29,

To make matters even more incredible there have been reports of two stolen passports, as two Iranians reportedly made their way through security undetected with stolen passports from Austria and Italy. They were said to have switched their passports from Iran, upon entering Malaysia. The younger of the two was said to have been seeking asylum in Germany and not linked to any terror outfit.

What do authorities really know about these men?

It appears there is some question as to who booked the flights for the two men, as a travel agent from Pattaya, in Thailand, is said to have booked the tickets for an ‘Iranian businessman.’ Its important to note that Thailand is a hotbed for CIA related activity.

Were these two men deliberately chosen by operatives to board the plane, in an effort to frame another part of the world for potential terror, in this case Iran? 

What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

IMAGE: The downed PanAm 103 flight – December 21st 1988

Many people believe that Abu Nidal, the infamous Lockerbie bomber charged in the bombing of PanAm flight 103 was connected to the CIA.

In surreal fashion the Malaysian flight tale keeps changing at an unprecedented rate, as Ghost-like phone calls have also been reported as 19 families signed a joint statement saying that ‘their calls connected to their loved ones but that they rang out.’

Could this information provide the authorities with the ability to locate the GPS coordinates as well as disprove the incident as a sudden catastrophic event?


Demons Are the Real Magicians Behind Magic Tricks? [VIDEO]

Demons Are the Real Magicians Behind Magic Tricks?

Sorcery and magic was considered evil and a form of witchcraft in the Bible. It was always associated with demonic activity. So in reality, it should come as no surprise to find that demons are behind it.

People are now asking the question, “Could it be that demons are behind a number of famous magician’s magic tricks?” This video gives you an up-front and personal glimpse into the hellish reality. Skeptics are welcome to watch and decide for yourself.


A brand new series that will disprove the idea of all “magic” being “fake”. The previous videos showed bad examples which COULD be fake, in this series, I will try to show the best examples I have found while showing that they are done with the help of demons, not some secret technology. I will try to make it all make sense at the end, and how this is tied in with the Illuminati.

Demons Are the Real Magicians Behind Magic Tricks?

Let’s see what the Bible says about magicians and trickery:
6 When they had passed through the entire island of Cyprus as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain Jewish wizard or sorcerer, a false prophet named Bar-Jesus.

7 He was closely associated with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, who was an intelligent and sensible man of sound understanding; he summoned to him Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the Word of God [concerning salvation in the kingdom of God attained through Christ].

8 But Elymas the wise man—for that is the translation of his name [which he had given himself]—opposed them, seeking to keep the proconsul from accepting the faith.

9 But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit, looked steadily at [Elymas]

10 And said, You master in every form of deception and recklessness, unscrupulousness, and wickedness, you son of the devil, you enemy of everything that is upright and good, will you never stop perverting and making crooked the straight paths of the Lord and plotting against His saving purposes?

11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind, [so blind that you will be] unable to see the sun for a time. Instantly there fell upon him a mist and a darkness, and he groped about seeking persons who would lead him by the hand.
Demons Are the Real Magicians Behind Magic Tricks?


E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear [VIDEOS]

E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

Over a dozen nations have now mobilized search teams for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The mysterious disappearance has left investigators all over the world wondering what could have happened. This is a huge investigation, as evidenced by the fact that China has re-tasked ten satellites to search for the wreckage, suggesting that the People’s Republic really wants to get to the bottom of what happened here.

There is no debris to be found. The black box, which is supposed to be indestructible in a large explosion and should broadcast a homing signal for up to 30 days, has gone dark. Moreover, INTERPOL is looking into several passengers who boarded the plane using false passports, and whose tickets were reportedly purchased by an unknown Iranian benefactor.

Several theories have emerged as to what could have caused the flight to “vanish” out of thin air. None of them are, as of yet, conclusive.

We can probably rule out a mid-air explosion, because something like that would likely have left instruments operational for long enough that readings would have been transmitted back to flight controllers. Likewise, there would be a fairly wide debris field had such an explosion occurred at such a high altitude.

Terrorism has not been ruled out, but traditional methods, including a hi-jacking, seem unlikely (remember those reinforced cockpit doors?).

It is certainly possible that search teams are just looking in the wrong place and the plane could be found in coming hours or days.

However, as noted by Mike Adams, the idea of an advanced military weapon of some sort is certainly within the realm of possibility. We know our Defense Department, as well as the militaries of other countries, are always hard at work developing new war-making technologies.

E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

One such advanced weapons system has come to public light in recent years and as recently as two days prior to the disappearance of flight 370 Senator Ted Cruz mentioned it in a followup to his CPAC speech:

“When Iran describes Israel as the Little Satan, and America as the Great Satan, we have every interest to make sure they don’t acquire the weaponry to kill millions of Americans.” Cruz imagined a nightmare scenario in which Iran detonated a bomb over “Tel Aviv or New York or Los Angeles.” Detonated here, the effects of an EMP attack could kill “tens of millions of Americans.”

We know for a fact that China, North Korea, Russia and the United States have developed what are dubbed Super-EMP Weapons. These types of weapons require nuclear fuel and must be detonated over or near the target area. The secondary effect of this nuclear detonation is an electro-magnetic pulse. Deployed properly, for example 200 miles over the state of Kansas, such a weapon could literally wipe out every electronic system from coast to coast.

E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

It is this possibility that prompted investigators to contact the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation yesterday, so they understand that this could well be the type of weapons used.

Experts at Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty have been asked to see if they detected an explosion at high altitude of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane.

Lassina Zerbo, executive director of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) told a news conference the organisation used “infrasound” – or infrasonic sensors – to monitor the earth mainly for atmospheric nuclear explosions. (source)

More than likely, the infrasound tests won’t yield any result. For starters, it would be quite difficult to sneak a suit-case nuclear weapon onto an airplane. Second, a space or air explosion would have quickly been detected by military monitoring systems operated by the U.S., China and Russia.

The other possibility is one that is often not discussed, yet has emerged as a highly effective military system in recent years. This involves the use of a non-nuclear electro magentic pulse weapon.

E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

Weapons designers specializing in high-energy physics can now create electromagnetic pulses without going into outer space. One approach involves harnessing the force of a conventional explosion. Others are simply just modifications of radar, which bounces pulses of energy off aircraft in flight, vehicles on the ground, and other objects.

Crank up the power and you have an EMP weapon, ready to point at the computers of your favorite enemy.This knowledge has set off a new arms race. Whether fitted into cruise missiles or parked at the side of the road in a van, non-nuclear EMP weapons have the potential to devastate the electronic systems of areas as large as a city or as small as a selected building, all without being seen, heard, or felt by a single soul.

It is a dream come true for any and all terrorists.

Sound far-fetched? It did not in 1993 to the owners of automobiles parked about 300 meters from a U.S. Defense Contractor’s EMP generator test site at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Their alternators and electronic engine controls were accidentally fried by a pulse during classified field trials.

Source: Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin

E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

The following provides an explanation for how these weapons work. What we know about the Flight 370 disaster suggests that if this was an act of terrorism it could have been executed using a NNEMP:
NNEMP generators can be carried as a payload of bombs, cruise missiles (such as the CHAMP missile) and drones, with diminished mechanical, thermal and ionizing radiation effects, but without the political consequences of deploying nuclear weapons.

The electromagnetic pulse from NNEMP weapons must come from within the weapon, while nuclear weapons generate EMP as a secondary effect. These facts limit the range of NNEMP weapons, but allow finer target discrimination. The effect of small e-bombs has proven to be sufficient for certain terrorist or military operations. Examples of such operations include the destruction of electronic control systems critical to the operation of many ground vehicles and aircraft.
We know for a fact that these e-bombs have been built and tested by our own military. Unlike nuclear-based EMP weapons, these devices can be small and compact versions can actually be created with basic Do-It-Yourself kits. They can be deployed on drones, planes and missiles. They can be specifically targeted at cities, buildings or even vehicles. Thus, it is possible that such a device was used to take down Flight 370.

For the skeptics out there, watch the following video of a do-it-yourself homemade e-bomb being used to short-circuit a cell phone:


In this video, another homemade e-bomb is used to disable various electronics. Note that the rudimentary device looks to have an effective range of roughly 10 – 15 yards:

Testing the EMP gun VIDEO:

Now consider what a rogue terror organization or black ops team could do with a multi-million dollar budget.

Harping back to the Iranian connection, is it possible that a small capacity non-nuclear EMP weapon was smuggled on board the airplane, perhaps in common electronic devices, and triggered mid-flight?

That an unknown man named “Ali” purchased tickets for his friends at the last minute to the cheapest destination available, is highly suspect and is indicative of terrorism. An incident involving a man with a similar profile occurred at Amsterdam airport when the Christmas underwear bomber was allowed onto the plane – without a passport.

We’re not necessarily suggesting Iran is behind this, but it sure is an easy story to sell.

Insofar as the effects themselves, a non-nuclear EMP could well explain how a plane, from one second to the next, simply vanishes without a trace.
  • There would be no large debris field because the plane would have fallen right out of the sky, so instead of a search area of square miles, we’d be looking at mere yards, a difficult find in a huge ocean.
  • The homing device on the black box, which as far as we can tell is not shielded against an EMP blast, would, just as the planes instrumentation and communications equipment, short circuit and become inoperable.
  • No explosions or missile signature would have been detected by monitoring systems 
E-Bomb: The Electronic Weapon That Can Make a Plane Disappear

While this theory is far from conclusive, it makes as much sense as any being proposed.

If this was the kind of weapon used, then it could have been a “dry run” for something much bigger, like a coordinated attack involving many more planes in the future.

Or, as highlighted by American Everyman, we can just go with the official story per the mainstream media:

So, right on cue, in the absence of a logical thesis, the mainstream media along with “high ranking unnamed sources” are starting to float ridiculousness as the solution.
Officials investigating the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner with 239 people on board suspect it may have disintegrated in mid-flight, a senior source said on Sunday, as Vietnam reported a possible sighting of wreckage from the plane. Reuters
Yes, there you have it, it may have just vaporized itself in mid-air for no apparent reason.

Vaporized? Gone? Nothing remained of this 600,000 pound jumbo jet?

The notion that an e-bomb was responsible is much more likely than vaporization.

And that is a much more terrifying thought to consider.


Chinese Man Kisses Turtle 'Goodbye', Lands In Hospital

Chinese Man Kisses Turtle 'Goodbye', Lands In Hospital

A Chinese man who tried to give a goodbye kiss to a snapping turtle landed in a hospital after the creature bit him on the lip and refused to let go.

A set of photos posted on China's microblogging site, Weibo, showed the turtle clamping its jaws down on the victim.

The man, from Fujian province, was preparing to release the turtle in the wild, when he was unexpectedly bitten on the lips.

The turtle refused to release its powerful, beak-like jaws and was dangling from the man's face until it was pulled away from the victim.

Netizens mocked the man, calling it a passionate goodbye kiss, Guangzhou Daily reported.

The man was rushed to a hospital but it was not known how serious his injury was. According to 'Shanghai Daily', the animal appears to be an alligator snapping turtle, a reptile that native to North America.

Authorities believe the turtle may have been a pet that was released.

Chinese Man Kisses Turtle 'Goodbye', Lands In Hospital

Chinese Man Kisses Turtle 'Goodbye', Lands In Hospital


Pregnant Mom Spoke Of 'Demons' Before Drive Into Ocean With Her 3 Kids

Pregnant Mom Spoke Of 'Demons' Before Drive Into Ocean With Her 3 Kids

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – It’s billed as “The World’s Most Famous Beach,” but Daytona Beach came close to becoming a deadly scene Tuesday evening when a pregnant mother drove her minivan packed with three children into the ocean, prompting lifeguards and bystanders to spring to their rescue.

“This is one of those areas on the beach where you can drive your car on the beach,” said Steve Barrett, a reporter for WFTV-TV, the ABC affiliate in Central Florida. Visitors have been driving their vehicles on the local sand since the middle part of the last century.

Ebony Wilkerson, a 32-year-old from South Carolina, had been talking about “demons” just hours before driving her black Honda Odyssey into the surf shortly before 5 p.m. in front of horrified onlookers, according to Daytona Beach police.

The van carried her three children, a 10-year-old girl, 9-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl, who was strapped into a booster seat.

“My friend pointed out that there was a car getting really close to the beach, and actually started driving on the water,” eyewitness Taylor Quintin told CBS News. “I saw a kid in the back, like waving his arms around, like screaming, ‘Help us! Help us!’ and the car kept going deeper.”

A Volusia County lifeguard reported seeing the van driving recklessly on the beach. The vehicle drove southbound in the surf, parallel to the shore, before turning east and driving into ocean.

Pregnant Mom Spoke Of 'Demons' Before Drive Into Ocean With Her 3 Kids

Another witness said the mom dove out the car window into the water while rescuers were trying to save her children.

“She was pretty deep, and the water was moving the van, and the kids were screaming,” Tim Tesseneer told CBS. “He got the two kids out while she dove out the window, the driver’s window … just belly-flopped into the water.”

Tesseneer added the children informed them there was a baby in the vehicle.

“The kids are screaming, ‘There’s a baby! There’s a baby!’ I get back to the van, and by this time a couple of lifeguards have made it down there to us, and come to find out there’s a baby still strapped in the seat, but we got her.”

An unidentified woman who witnessed the event told WFTV: “The waves were just pounding into the water and down until it submerged. … It started to go down pretty quick. I mean, she went straight into the water. … Watching them carry the kids out of the van was very emotional.”

At one point, heavy waves nearly pushed the mother underneath the van.

The struggle against nature was captured on video by Simon Besner, a tourist from Canada.

“It was a bit terrifying,” he told WFTV. “The lifeguard went in the car to rescue the little girl, and then he was stuck himself in the car. So the other lifeguard took him back out of the car.”

A voice on Besner’s raw footage can be heard saying, “What the f— were they thinking about, man?”

Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson said Daytona Beach police spoke with Wilkerson a couple of hours earlier at the request of concerned family members.

Wilkerson’s sister, Jessica Harrell, called law enforcement to request a well-being check on her sister and to report that she was in Florida to escape an abusive husband.

“She’s getting a little bit better, but she’s not all here, and she’s trying to drive, and I’m trying to stop her,” Harrell told the dispatcher.

Pregnant Mom Spoke Of 'Demons' Before Drive Into Ocean With Her 3 Kids

“She’s having psychosis or something,” Harrell added. “She’s talking about Jesus and that there’s demons in my house and that I’m trying to control her, but I’m trying to keep them safe.”

Harrell then told the dispatcher Wilkerson was driving away with the three kids in the car and that she didn’t know where she was headed.

Police soon spotted the vehicle and pulled her over. Wilkerson told police she feared her husband would harm her and that she was going to her “safe place.”

“When we spoke with her, she was lucid,” Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said. “The children were in the back seat, they were buckled in and were not in distress.”

Chitwood said she didn’t fit the criteria for going into custody under the Baker Act, a means of involuntarily detaining individuals at a facility for mental health evaluation.



Video: Is There a Creator (God or and Aliens)?

Video: Is There a Creator (God or and Aliens)?

It’s perhaps the biggest, most controversial mystery in the cosmos. Did our Universe just come into being by random chance, or was it created by a God who nurtures and sustains all life?

The latest science is showing that the four forces governing our universe are phenomenally finely tuned. So finely that it had led many to the conclusion that someone, or something, must have calibrated them; a belief further backed up by evidence that everything in our universe may emanate from one extraordinarily elegant and beautiful design known as the E8 Lie Group.

Video: Is There a Creator (God or and Aliens)?

While skeptics hold that these findings are neither conclusive nor evidence of a divine creator, some cutting edge physicists are already positing who this God is: an alien gamester who’s created our world as the ultimate SIM game for his own amusement. It’s an answer as compelling as it is disconcerting.



Cowpies A Cure For Common Foot Rot

Cowpies A Cure For Common Foot Rot

Self-proclaimed hillbilly Eugene Runkis will go to great lengths to get rid of itchy feet.

He'll even stick them in a hot, stinky, smelly cowpie.

Runkis is one of the co-stars of "Hillbilly Blood," a reality series on Destination America, and on an episode airing Saturday, he attempts to soothe his itchy feet at the suggestion of his friend, Spencer "Two Dogs" Boljack.

Cowpies A Cure For Common Foot Rot

As gross as it sounds (and probably feels), cow dung contains ammonia, a natural microbial agent, so it has been used as a folk remedy of sorts in the past.

Runkis is naturally skeptical at first about dipping his toes into cow poop.

"It looks like it's going to digest my foot or something," he said. "It smells pretty bad too."

Boljack is insistent.

"That foot's gonna smell bad if you don't get that foot rot out between your toes," he said.

Boljack later confessed he was busting Runkis' chops -- sort of.

"Honestly, I am kind of being a little silly with him, but I've heard it can be good for cleaning your foot," he said.

Runkis said his foot was itching so bad that he was desperate to try anything.

"Make sure it gets between the toes," Boljack exhorted.

After Runkis dipped his foot in the stinky cow dung, he washed his foot in a nearby creek and went back to his real mission: Collecting cow pies to be used as an energy source for a scrap metal hot water heater.



Russia Masses 80,000 Troops on Ukraine Border, Prepares For Invasion


Ukraine warned last night that 80,000 Russian troops were massing on its borders and could invade – as world leaders told Vladimir Putin to back off.

A senior security chief in Kiev said Moscow could launch a full-scale invasion and Russian troops would be in the Ukrainian capital within ‘two or three hours’ of the order to advance.

Photographs of Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers close to Ukraine’s borders added to tensions.

Last night senior British officials told the Mail they had received reports about Russian troops massing on the border since Tuesday and were concerned by the show of force.

British intelligence is unsure whether the movements are intended to back up the annexation of Crimea, preparation for an invasion or simply defensive.

Moscow’s show of force came as Ukraine’s new prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, met Barack Obama in the Oval Office and Nato continued military exercises in Poland.

On a day of rising tensions, G7 leaders, including David Cameron and Mr Obama, warned Russia not to annexe the Crimea after a referendum on Sunday in the province, which has been taken over by pro-Putin troops.

Their statement warns the Russian president ‘to cease all efforts to change the status of Crimea contrary to Ukrainian law and in violation of international law’ and threatens ‘further action’ if Moscow seizes Crimea.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said Russian MPs who voted to use force in Ukraine and Kremlin officials behind the invasion would be hit with asset freezes and a travel ban to the European Union – most likely at a Brussels summit on Monday.

But the main concern of Western leaders is to deter Russia from seizing the rest of Eastern Ukraine.

Andriy Parubiy, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, yesterday said that even Kiev may not be safe from Putin’s troops, who were regrouping in ‘an offensive manner’.

Mr Parubiy claimed the forces massing included ‘over 80,000 personnel, up to 270 tanks, 180 armoured vehicles, 380 artillery systems, 18 multiple-launch missile systems, 140 combat aircraft, 90 combat helicopters and 19 warships and cutters’.

He added: ‘Critical is the situation not only in Crimea, but along the entire north-eastern frontier. In fact, Russian troop units are two or three hours of travel from Kiev.’

Former Putin adviser Andrey Illarionov predicted this week that in addition to Crimea, his ex-boss intends to annex other major cities in Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Odessa.

Pictures of Russian armoured vehicles on the move in regions close to the Ukrainian border – said to have been taken on Monday – include motorised infantry vehicles and tanks. The military movements are also said to include Grad BM-21 multiple rocket launch vehicles.

A driver travelling from the Donetsk region in Ukraine to the Rostov-on-Don region in Russia filmed one column, several miles long, heading towards the border.

Tanks have also been pictured being carried by rail in Belgorod, and are reported to be in a village 12 miles from the border.

The moves come as the Russian armed forces have announced a separate huge military exercise by its airborne troops. The three-day exercise ordered by Putin involves a vast ‘landing operation’ by 4,000 paratroopers.

Last night a Foreign Office spokesman said: ‘The Russians need to pull back to their bases.’
Nato has conducted its own show of force to reassure countries in Eastern Europe.

The US and Poland began war games on Tuesday that are expected to involve at least 12 American F-16 fighter jets. A joint naval exercise of US, Bulgarian and Romanian naval forces in the Black Sea started on yesterday.

Events are building to a crunch point on Sunday when Crimea votes on whether to join Russia. If Putin recognises the province as Russian, sanctions will follow.

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov are expected to meet in London tomorrow, but British officials remain sceptical that Russia will make any concessions.


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