Channel: The Controversial Files
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Justice Brazil-style: 'Thief' hog-tied And Thrown On Anthill In Brazil [VIDEO]

Justice Brazil-style: 'Thief' hog-tied And Thrown On Anthill In Brazil

Vigilantes hog-tied an alleged thief in Brazil before throwing him onto an anthill.

Locals allegedly caught the youngster trying to rob a nearby home.

Shocking footage shows the youngster unable to move his arms or legs.

He is then picked up and dropped straight onto the insects' nest.

Justice Brazil-style: 'Thief' hog-tied And Thrown On Anthill In Brazil

With the critters biting his body, the crowd does nothing but watch him scream out in agony.

The incident is believed to have happened in the Dirceu neighbourhood of the northern city of Teresina.

The 80-second video was posted to YouTube by Apoio Policial organization. 



Baby Poop Sausages Is Good For Your Health, Scientists Say

Baby Poop Sausages Is Good For Your Health, Scientists Say

The impetus for this irresistible clickbait was a study published recently in carnivorous research journal Meat Science, in which Spanish researchers developed sausages using three strains of bacteria isolated from infants’ feces. (The reason the story broke out in Australia is that a media-savvy Australian scientist with the surprisingly apt name of Hani Al-Salami granted WA Today an interview about the study, even though Al-Salami was not personally involved in the research.)

Baby poop sausages definitely sound disgusting. But in reality, they’re not nearly as gross as you’d think based on these sensationalistic news stories. In fact, you have probably already consumed foods or supplements made with a bacterial strain derived from human feces without even knowing it.

Baby Poop Sausages Is Good For Your Health, Scientists Say

“Some probiotics—not all, but some—are isolated from feces,” says Mary Ellen Sanders, a consultant in probiotic microbiology. (Probiotics, recall, are any bacteria that confer health benefits.) Sanders gave the example of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a probiotic that was isolated from human feces in 1983 and is now widely used in products such as “buttermilks, yoghurts, milk, fruit drinks, ‘daily dose’ drinks and fermented whey-based drinks.” (Incidentally, the Spanish researchers who made sausage with infant fecal bacteria compared it to sausage made with L. rhamnosus GG, which they classified as a commercial probiotic strain.) “It used to be a tenet of the field of probiotics that you wanted to isolate [bacteria] from human sources, because the thinking has always been that that would increase the likelihood that they would have beneficial physiological effects in humans,” says Sanders.

Baby Poop Sausages Is Good For Your Health, Scientists Say

And there’s no reason to be skeeved out either by the yogurt in your fridge that contains L. rhamnosus GG or the sausages containing those newly isolated infant fecal bacteria. When scientists want to isolate a strain of bacteria from human feces—which can contain thousands of species of bacteria—they repeatedly dilute the fecal sample until they can isolate a tiny quantity of the specific strain they’re looking to study, then they give the strain time to reproduce in a petri dish. “There’s no carry-over, obviously, from any source materials,” Sanders emphasized as she described this process to me.

Although most people find fecal matter disgusting and have been conditioned to avoid contact with it, our aversion to it is disproportionate to the risk it poses. Many strains of bacteria found in poop are harmless or even beneficial—and, more importantly, they’re everywhere already. If you want to avoid ever eating any type of bacteria that originated in a human intestine, not eating those baby poop sausages isn’t enough—you’re going to have to stop eating, period.


The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA 'February 25, 1986' Revolution

The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA  'February 25, 1986' Revolution


The following Q & A are extracted from "The Marcos Legacy Revisted - Raiders of the Lost Gold, by Erick A. San Juan, published in 1998 in Makati City, Philippines.
This Q & A is with Erick A. San Juan a prominent civic leader, political activist (anti-Communist advocate), author, journalist & weekly contributor to newspapers & Philippine radio.

Q. From your direct knowledge, what events or conversations with certain personalities indicated foreign complicity in the EDSA Revolution and its connection to the Marcos gold? Who were the gainers and why?

A. During the latter stages of the Marcos regime, I came to be friends with James Brandon Foley* [Note: I am constrained to break my pledge to preserve the anonymity of my sources because without any attribution to an authoritative source, this revelation will be nothing but hearsay. My apologies. I sincerely hope he will understand, given the situation I am in and the position I have taken.] a political officer (another term for CIA agents at that time) of the U.S. Embassy. We used to go out and date several women, sometimes to discos, and the like. Our favorite hang-out was the Hyatt Regency. In between socials, Jim and I would engage in frequent brain-storming at his private apartment at the Seafront. On one particular night, he disclosed to me that there was a secret operation plan to oust Marcos, and that men like Jose Concepcion of RFM and the Ayalas were being used as conduits to access the smooth flow of funds to finally bring an end to the Marcos authoritarian government.

Jim likewise mentioned the involvement of Cardinal Jaime Sin, whose role was to draw a large crowd of supporters and sympathizers in the event that a blocking force was needed. Sin is an expert in the Antonio Gramsci-type of Marxism. This was confirmed by Dr. John Coleman in his expose 'The Violation of the Christian Church,' where he stated that Sin's Radio Veritas 'speaks out Communist propaganda in 13 languages all throughout Asia,' using Liberation Theology to destroy the moral fiber of the large number of Catholics. Sin believes in the Marxist principle that 'Religion is the opium of the masses.' He exploited this tactic to the hilt and succeeded in what is now called 'people power' mass action. As acknowledged by Coleman, 'Cardinal Sin of the Philippines worked diligently to overthrow the government of President Marcos. He was ably assisted by a former executive of the World Council of Churches, Jovito Salonga. Salonga was brought back to the Philippines under escort of the U.S. State Department.' (CDC Report, October 1988)

In Coleman's estimation, Salonga was to take Mrs. Aquino and this Protestant 'will cut a deal with the Marxist New People's Army (NPA).' Although this did not materialize because of Salonga's poor health, Coleman was still partly correct. Another fellow Protestant filled in his shoes (Fidel V. Ramos) and has quite successfully negotiated peace with the Communists!

The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA  'February 25, 1986' Revolution

Q. What events preceding Marcos' announcement of the snap election proved that he was under American pressure? Why do you think he acceded to the 'request?'

A. Everything really hinged on the Marcos gold bars. The Trilateral Commission, through its chairman David Rockefeller, and member George Schultz, were convinced that they had been conned by President Marcos. This being so, the Trilateralists did everything to pressure him, to destabilize his one-man rule, cut his source of funding, and even blackmail him (the Dovie Beams affair). A part of the globalists' notorious activities were documented by David Smith of the U.S. based Newswatch magazine, in August 1987: 'Representatives from Indonesia and the Philippines went to Jonathan May (ex-World Bank head) and stated that agents from the Chase Manhattan Bank and other banks said they would 'forgive' the loans and interests if the following were met:

(1) Eliminate their National Currency;
(2) Dollar-denominate their new money system;
(3) Use a debit card system instead of a currency system;
(4) Give the bankers perpetual rights over all natural resources.

Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines refused to accept and was deposed very shortly thereafter.'

Marcos eventually gave in to the globalists' proposal for a snap election, using veteran 'ambush interview' expert Ted Koppel of CBS. Clever as he was, Marcos did not reveal to the Americans that prior to his interview with Koppel, he had already conducted a secret survey of the electorate. Despite the adverse media hype launched against him, Marcos was confident of a re-election.

However, Jim Foley (who was later transferred to Algiers), disclosed that the real agenda was not the snap election; rather, it was to persuade Marcos to sign a document attesting to the fact that his gold bars and other precious metals deposited at Fort Knox and other depositories of the world would be under the guardianship of the Trilateral Commission, and a certain percentage would be given to the Philippine Government in the form of an investment loan from the World Bank.

The document was subsequently hand-carried by. U.S. Ambassador-at-Large Phillip Habib, which Marcos refused to sign. The Filipino head of state felt that the war loot (which was remolded into gold bars bearing the Central Bank seal) must be given to the Filipino people.

Q. How was the American's influence exerted during the snap election? Was there American involvement in the walkout of the computer workers?

A. First, there was the barrage of disinformation launched by Newsweek, Time and other publications regarding the illicit love affairs of both Marcos and the First Lady (e.g., George Hamilton), the incurable ailment of the President, and the public confidence in Namfrel and distrust in the Comelec. Then came the walk-out of the computer workers at the PICC. These were all part of the U.S. scenario during the snap election.

Most of the computer workers were promised visas and immigrant status to the U.S. Some of them, I understand, took advantage of this rare opportunity.

Q. Did any of your contacts know about the outbreak of the mutiny at EDSA?

A. Both Jim Foley and Norbert Garrett, CIA Station Chief, U.S Embassy, predicted a bloody confrontation in the event that Marcos stubbornly decided to stay in Malacanang. The Presidents only saving grace was the signing of the document brought by Habib.

The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA  'February 25, 1986' Revolution

Q. Who were pressuring Marcos to give in and leave? Is there any, credible evidence that this happened?

A. The pressures came from both U.S. and Philippine sources. On the American side, there was Philip Habib. He was joined by U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines, Stephen Bosworth, Richard Armitage, Michael Armacost, Rep. Stephen Solarz, Norbert Garrett (CIA Station Chief in Manila), and Joseph Mussomelli (Anti-Fraud Section, U.S. Embassy). Senator Paul Laxalt as you probably know, was the guy who spoke to Marcos on the phone and told him to 'cut and cut cleanly.' Lines to Washington were kept busy by calls coming in from Lawrence Eagleburger and Henry Kissinger. Later on, I was told that operating funds came in from Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg, through dollar grants from the C.V. Starr Foundation of New York. Greenberg is a powerful member of the B'nai B'rith. Others like Higdon, Brzezinski and Generals Pike and Allen of JUSMAG also formed part of the American initiative to oust Marcos.

On the Philippine side were assets like Joe Concepcion, Jobo Fernandez, Cesar Zalamea, Jaime Ongpin, and Alex Melchor. Journalists, likewise, were used for their media hype.

Q. Could you elaborate more on Habib's role in the events that followed?

A. As I have earlier stated, Habib was sent by the Trilateralists to the Philippines to pressure Marcos into signing the document prepared in the U.S. It contained provisions of equal sharing of the gold bars among different countries (through their banker's in the Commission), transshipped by Marcos to Fort Knox and other depositories under a top secret operation plan coded 'Tuna Highway.' Initially, Marcos was supported by the Commission to implement martial law in l972, and was even provided with a martial plan. Along with it came a minting plant, installed at the Central Bank premises by Thomas de la Rue Ltd. of London, and a smelting plant with which to convert the war booty into new gold bars. The plan was executed by trusted generals of Marcos who diverted some portions of the shipment to other destinations aside from Fort Knox. This was covered by a prescription period (November 1945 to November 1985) in accordance with international law. After this 40-year period, it was to be declared 'finders keepers.' Some countries who felt conned by these agreements pursued their claim at the International Court of Justice, to mature in 2005.

Had Marcos chosen to sign the document, he would have remained President for life. In the process, he would have received the distinction of being 'the best President we ever had.' In addition, the Philippines' share could have paid our external debt of, at that time, $24 Billion, plus a comprehensive Marshall Plan for industrialization. (To date, our external debt has zoomed up to $47 Billion, according to the latest BSFI figures.) Instead, he chose the hard way, and very badly miscalculated. He wanted to regroup his forces in the North, but was flown to Hawaii instead.
The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA  'February 25, 1986' Revolution

Q. Were there contacts between the Military camps and the embassy and/or Washington during the four days at EDSA?

A. Definitely. It has always been standard operating procedure for our military officials to 'keep the line open' between them and the defense attaches of the U.S. Embassy. Most of out top ranking officers have been nurtured in U.S. military schools. Some were even granted immigrant status in the U.S. while serving the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Their families were granted entry to the exclusive clubs of the American government such as JUSMAG, Seafront, Clark Air Base, Subic Base, Camp John Hay, etc. There they could avail of clubhouse facilities, golf courses and other amenities.

After EDSA, most of the renegade Marcos generals migrated to the U.S. These are the ones who never resisted the Aquino-Ramos-Enrile-Sin forces.

Q. Why didn't Marcos move during the first hours of the mutiny when there were very few people around the camps?

A. Marcos was sternly warned not to harm the people at EDSA, Otherwise, Malacanang would be targeted by the U.S. military sources. Thus, Marcos took the backseat and relied on the group of then Col. Rolando Abadilla to finish the job for him. You see, Abadilla's elite force from the MISG (Military Intelligence and Security Group), together with a SWAT team, successfully penetrated Camp Crame, disguised as Ramos supporters. As soon as Marcos was confronted about this by his Chief-of-Staff, General Fabian Ver, the president simply advised the latter to relax, as Abadilla was in the process of arresting Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile and his cousin, Fidel Ramos, whom the president underestimated as a gutless individual. Marcos never imagined that Abadilla would have a change of heart. Abadilla was the
prime suspect as the chief operator of Ninoy's death at the tarmac.

The Secret Gold Treaty And EDSA  'February 25, 1986' Revolution

Q. How do you connect Cardinal Sin with the American plan?

A. Cory Aquino was instructed by Cardinal Sin to seek refuge in a Cebu convent. As the fireworks were about to start, Cory was to install her revolutionary government in Davao with the assistance of the RAM forces and her NFIA sympathizers. This alternate plan vas likewise designed by the CIA, with Col. Voltaire Gazmin given the role of securing Cory in Cebu.

This plan was totally discarded when Marcos peacefully left the Philippines, due to the insistence of Cardinal Sin, who was backed up all the way by the Vatican and the U.S. State Department. Cory ended up being the sole titular head.


The Golden Achievements of Ferdinand Marcos VIDEO:

Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs


The history of our planet is far more complex than most people would dare to imagine. According to the commonly accepted version of history that is taught in high schools and colleges all over the United States, ancient man was a very simple creature with extremely limited knowledge. Unfortunately for those that promote this flawed version of history, archaeologists keep digging up stuff that directly contradicts it. The truth is that there is a tremendous amount of evidence of great intellectual achievement in the ancient world. For example, just consider the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is a true technological marvel. It is such a massive structure built with such extraordinary precision that modern technology is only just now starting to catch up with it. We think that we could possibly build a similar structure today if we wanted to, but modern man has never actually constructed anything like it. And as you will see below, the Great Pyramid of Giza is far from the only example of advanced technology in the ancient world that we find in Egypt.

Posted below is a photograph of a wall in an ancient Egyptian temple at Abydos. Look at the hieroglyphics very carefully.

Do you see anything strange?

Researcher Lyn Leahz wrote about these incredibly bizarre hieroglyphics the other day. The following is what she had to say about them…

Decorating an Egyptian temple wall at Abydos are strange hieroglyphics which depict what appears to be modern day aircraft. This finding has caused much controversy among Egyptologists and archaeologists who are not sure what to think. How could people 2-3,000 years ago possibly have known about modern-day aircraft?

When Dr. Ruth Hover and her husband took a trip to the pyramids and temples of Egypt, they were shocked when they discovered, in the temple at Abydos, hieroglyphics depicting modern-day aircraft. She photographed a wall panel in a section where an overlaying panel with Egyptian hieroglyphics crumbled and fell, revealing an older panel beneath it. This older panel, shown above, contains images of what appear to be modern-day technology—a helicopter, a submarine, a glider, and another unknown type of aircraft (some believe resemble the Hindenburg).

So how do those promoting the commonly accepted version of history explain this?

They can’t.

In the video shared below, Lyn Leahz shares even more about these hieroglyphics and discusses additional “out of place artifacts” around the globe…


There is also mounting evidence that mankind had knowledge of dinosaurs in ancient times.

Posted below is a photo of an ancient engraving on a Buddhist temple in Cambodia known as the Ta Prohm Stegosaurus. According to the commonly accepted version of history, such an engraving should be absolutely impossible because dinosaurs died out millions of years ago and modern scientists only started digging them up a couple hundred years ago. And yet this engraving is there…

Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs

According to archaeologists, this temple in Cambodia is approximately 800 years old

Deep in the jungles of Cambodia are ornate temples and palaces from the Khmer civilization. One such temple, Ta Prohm, abounds with stone statues and reliefs. Almost every square inch of the gray sandstone is covered with ornate, detailed carvings. These depict familiar animals like monkeys, deer, water buffalo, parrots, and lizards. However, one column contains an intricate carving of a stegosaur-like creature. But how could artisans decorating an 800 year old Buddhist temple know what a dinosaur looked like? Western science only began assembling dinosaurs skeletons in the past two centuries.

Very strange stuff.

Another unexpected place where we find “ancient dinosaur art” is on the ancient Ica Stones that were discovered down in Peru. These stones were originally found by the Spanish in 1535, and Spanish explorers sent some of these stones back to Spain in 1562.

The art on many of these stones is extremely beautiful, but what makes them extremely controversial is the fact that many of them appear to contain clear depictions of dinosaurs. Here is one example…
Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs

And here is another example. If you look closely at this one, you can see what very much looks like a Triceratops

Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs

Once again, those promoting the commonly accepted version of history are at a loss to explain this. Most commonly, they attempt to explain this phenomenon away as a hoax because locals did start creating fake “Ica stones” in recent years once they discovered that tourists wanted to buy them.

But the Ica stones that are considered to be authentic contain some remarkable details. In fact, much of the anatomical knowledge about dinosaurs depicted on these stones was only discovered by modern scientists just very recently

Other items of anatomical accuracy that attest to the authenticity of these Ica Stone depictions include the positioning of the tail and legs. Early critics said the Ica Stones were fakes, in part because their tails were sticking out while walking. Paleontologists in the 1960s were confident that dinosaurs dragged their tails. The paleontologists were wrong and the Ica Stones were right. Scientists now believe dinosaurs held their massive tails off the ground while walking, because there are no drag marks on dinosaur trackways. The dinosaurs on the Ica Stones are depicted standing upright, rather than with legs splayed out in a lizard-like position. That, according to dinosaur experts, is “dead on” accurate.

Of course the Ica Stones are just one of the incredible examples of ancient dinosaur art that have been discovered all over the world. For many, many more examples of this phenomenon, just check out the article that you can find right here.

Anyone that attempts to convince you that humans that lived thousands of years ago were bumbling dolts that were lucky to build mud huts and cover their genitals with grass skirts is lying to you.

The truth is that human history is incredibly complex. There are monolithic structures all over the planet that are still standing after thousands of years that remind all of us that great civilizations with amazing technologies once thrived.

And there is actually evidence that modern humans are actually getting dumber. A Stanford University biology professor recently published a work in which he expressed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years.

Also, Dr. John Sanford of Cornell University has conducted groundbreaking research that demonstrates conclusively that the human genome is steadily degenerating and is eventually heading toward extinction.

So perhaps we should not think of ourselves as so superior to ancient humanity. The reality is that they may have been physically and mentally superior to us in many ways.

Incredible UFO Filmed By Astronomer With High Powered Equipment [VIDEO]

Incredible UFO Filmed By Astronomer With High Powered Equipment

An amateur astronomer was in his back yard in Great Britain watching the moon, when I noticed a glowing UFO in the far right of the sky. He follows it expertly (on a tripod). The UFO is spinning and cubic in shape. Very cool looking UFO.

Incredible UFO Filmed By Astronomer With High Powered Equipment
Eyewitness states:

More strange going's on in my back yard. Very strange not sure what the hell they are but they seem to like it outside my back yard.



Russia Prepared To Fight War Over Ukraine, Threatens Nuclear Attack, Senior Government Official Admits


"If Ukraine breaks apart, it will trigger a war," warns a senior Russian government official. The FT reports Russia is prepared to fight a war over the Ukrainian territory of Crimea (where the largest ethnic Russian population lives and they have a military base). Conjuring images of the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia, the official told the FT, "they will lose Crimea first [because] we will go in and protect [it], just as we did in Georgia." The Kremlin regards the Georgian conflict as the biggest stand-off between Russia and the west since the end of the Cold War and it has fed determination in Moscow to push back against what it believes to be western attempts to contain Russia.

“If Ukraine breaks apart, it will trigger a war,” the official said. “They will lose Crimea first [because] we will go in and protect [it], just as we did in Georgia.” In August 2008, Russian troops invaded Georgia after the Georgian military launched a surprise attack on the separatist region of South Ossetia in an effort to establish its dominance over the republic.
The brief conflict with Georgia pitted Russia indirectly against the US and Nato, which had earlier tried to put Georgia on a path to Nato membership. The Kremlin regards the Georgian conflict as the biggest stand-off between Russia and the west since the end of the Cold War and it has fed determination in Moscow to push back against what it believes to be western attempts to contain Russia.
The warning of a similar scenario comes because Ukraine’s civil conflict has fanned tension in Crimea. On the peninsula, located on the northern coast of the Black Sea where Russia’s Black Sea Fleet is stationed, ethnic Russians make up almost 60 per cent of the population, with Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars accounting for the rest.
Volodymyr Konstantinov, speaker of Crimea’s parliament, said on Thursday that the region might try to secede from Ukraine if the country split. “It is possible, if the country breaks apart,” he told the Russian news agency Interfax. “And everything is moving towards that.” Russian media also quoted him as saying Crimeans might turn to Russia for protection.
The Kremlin has been eager to stress that it is not interfering in Ukraine. ...

However, many government officials say in private that Ukraine falls inside Russia’s sphere of influence. “We will not allow Europe and the US to take Ukraine from us. The states of the former Soviet Union, we are one family,” said a foreign policy official. “They think Russia is still as weak as in the early 1990s but we are not.”


In 2008 The Telegraph report:

Russia has threatened to target the Ukraine with nuclear warheads if the former Soviet republic joins Nato and accepts the deployment of United States anti-missile defences on its territory.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

They call it the holy grail of ready-to-eat meals for soldiers: a pizza that can stay on the shelf for up to three years and still remain good to eat.

Soldiers have been asking for pizza since lightweight individual field rations—known as meals ready to eat, or MREs—replaced canned food in 1981 for soldiers in combat zones or areas where field kitchens cannot be set up.

Researchers at a U.S. military lab in Massachusetts are closing in on a recipe that doesn't require any refrigeration or freezing.

"You can basically take the pizza, leave it on the counter, packaged, for three years and it'd still be edible," said Michelle Richardson, a food scientist at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center.

Scientists at the Natick labs also are responsible for developing equipment and clothing that improves soldiers' combat effectiveness and their survival, but the quest for good pizza has become known as the holy grail there.

Pizza is one of the most requested items when soldiers are asked every year what they'd like to see in their rations, said Richardson, who has spent nearly two years developing the recipe in a large kitchen full of commercial equipment.

Scientists' efforts were long thwarted because moisture in tomato sauce, cheese and toppings migrated to the dough over time, resulting in soggy pizza that provided the perfect conditions for mold and disease-causing bacteria to grow.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

But on-and-off research over the past few years helped them figure out ways to prevent moisture from migrating. That includes using ingredients called humectants—sugar, salt and syrups can do the trick—that bind to water and keep it from getting to the dough.

But that alone would not help the pizza remain fresh for three years at 80 degrees, so scientists tweaked the acidity of the sauce, cheese and dough to make it harder for oxygen and bacteria to thrive. They also added iron filings to the package to absorb any air remaining in the pouch.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

How does it taste?

Most soldiers haven't tried it because it's still being developed, but Jill Bates, who runs the lab, said she was happy after tasting the latest prototype batch of pepperoni. She describes it as a pan pizza, with a crust that's a little moist and not super-crispy.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

"It pretty much tastes just like a typical pan pizza that you would make at home and take out of the oven or the toaster oven," she said. "The only thing missing from that experience would be it's not hot when you eat it. It's room temperature."

Turkey pepperoni pizza also will be available for soldiers who do not eat pork products.

David Accetta, a former Army lieutenant colonel and spokesman for the lab, tried the pizza and also liked it. He said having food soldiers can relate to and enjoy has added benefits.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

"In a lot of cases, when you are cold and tired and hungry, having a hot meal that's something that you like and you would get at home, it increases your morale—and we consider that to be a force multiplier," Accetta said.

Spaghetti is the most popular MRE option. It has been on the menu since MREs were introduced, and it is the one thing that soldiers have never recommended be removed from MREs. Vegetarian tortellini is also one of the most popular choices.

The lab brings in food technologists to taste recipes and give feedback.

Scientists Create Pizza That Can Last Years

One of the technologists, Dan Nattress, agreed the pizza deserves a thumbs-up.

"It tastes pretty much what you would get from a pizza parlor," he said.


Man Lets Massive 20 Foot Python Eat His Leg in Order to Hunt it

Man Lets Massive 20 Foot Python Eat His Leg in Order to Hunt it

An unusual hunting technique. The man in the video washes his leg, wraps it in cloth and dangles it into a snake burrow. After a while the snake takes the bait and tries to swallow his leg. His friends pull his leg out of the burrow and kill the snake..

Man Lets Massive 20 Foot Python Eat His Leg in Order to Hunt it


The American Dream - The Story of Your Enslavement

The American Dream - The Story of Your Enslavement

The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows how we have been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All Americans strive for the American Dream and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away.


Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day?

The video creators understand that how the monetary system works can be very confusing to some and have done a brilliant job in explaining how the whole system is set up to keep you forever in debt. This is not what the original founding fathers of America had in mind. Also this is not just an American problem. It's the same scam in nearly all countries around the world.

The American Dream - The Story of Your Enslavement

THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today.

You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our world back on track.

“It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” -George Carlin
The American Dream - The Story of Your Enslavement

The best form of government is where you govern yourself. Know thyself and Meditate, could also be called mindfulness of why you think the way you think and act the way you act. The reason most people in the world are slaves is because they simply follow, imitate or believe someone or immediately disbelief someone that contradict their belief system; what they believe or perceive reality is. What we need is to BE the leader, the follower, the teacher and the student.

We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including our own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world.


A Two-Year-Old McDonald's Burger Looks Disgustingly Fresh

A Two-Year-Old McDonald's Burger Looks Disgustingly Fresh

Think twice before convincing yourself that fast food is a legitimate substitute for a home-cooked meal. An ongoing experiment by Nebraska Dr. Andrew J. Rivera shows just how artificial and processed fast food really is.

When you walk through the door of Dr. Rivera’s Omaha office, you’ll notice a burger and fries displayed on a platform. The food looks pretty fresh – the bread isn’t moldy and the meat isn’t rotten. It looks like a normal McDonald’s meal.

Here’s the kicker: the food is over two years old.

“Our Happy Meal display is meant to show you the differences between fresh, pure food & processed food with additives,” Dr. Rivera said. “You see the ingredients; you make the choices. We do it because we CARE about your family’s health & their relationships with food.”

McDonald’s acknowledges that its food doesn’t rot. The company claims this is because they dehydrate their meats and breads of water. In the absence of water, McDonald’s claims, food won’t rot. But regardless of whether a food is initially dehydrated, it still comes in constant contact with moisture in the atmosphere. Any opened, unsealed food should begin to naturally decompose after a few weeks – let alone a few years. Even beef jerky – another dehydrated food -- goes bad in far less than two years after opening. McDonald’s infinitely fresh burger is a testament to the power of artificial preservatives.

“Eating on-the-go can be just as detrimental to your health as overeating and eating empty calories,” Rivera says. “So this challenge was a way to interrupt your daily patterns & inspire you to stop and take the time to prepare your food (and also taking the time to enjoy eating it!).”

Here are a few pictures of the burger and fries. Remember, the food you’re looking at is older than many people’s children:

A Two-Year-Old McDonald's Burger Looks Disgustingly Fresh


14-Year-Old McDonald's Burger Looks the Same As On the Day It Was Made

14-Year-Old McDonald's Burger Looks the Same As On the Day It Was Made

A Utah man who appeared on a recent episode of daytime talk show The Doctors claims he has held on to a McDonald's burger for 14 years — and it looks the same today as on the day he first bought it.

"I was showing some people how enzymes work and I thought a hamburger would be a good idea. And I used it for a month and then forgot about it," David Whipple told the show's hosts. "It ended up in a paper sack in the original sack with the receipt in my coat tossed in the back of my truck and it sat there for, I don't know, two or three months."

The coat was then moved to Whipple's closet, where it remained until his wife dug it up along with the burger "a year or two" later.

"We pulled it out and said 'oh my gosh, I can't believe it looks the same way,'" Whipple said.

And it continues to maintain its ostensible freshness to this day, some 14 years after it was initially purchased.

Though he nearly sold it on eBay once — and for $2,000 no less — Whipple decided it was better to hold on to the burger for posterity's sake.

"It's great for the grandkids to see," he said. "To see what happens with fast food."


Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated' [VIDEO]

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'

Police and medical staff document America's real-life possession: Official reports claim boy, nine, walked backwards up hospital wall and police captain was too scared to enter family's 'haunted' house

A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports.

The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy 'glide' backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling.

Both were shocked to see the boy apparently float after their mother had been subject to months of scepticism when she claimed her home in Gary, Indiana, was haunted and all three of her children were possessed by demons.

Listen to exclusive audio of the demon here:

Latoya Ammons said her 12-year-old daughter also levitated in the home, and all three of her children showed signs of being possessed including 'evil' smiles and unnaturally deep voices, according to the Indianapolis Star.

Miss Ammons' home was officially exorcised by a catholic priest who said the ceremonies were officially authorized by the Diocese of Gary.

Police also observed strange goings on at the house and a captain of the city's force has said he 'is a true believer' that the house is haunted.

Haunted: Latoya Ammons, pictured, underwent exorcisms after she was 'possessed by demons'

After a string of apparent paranormal events at the house hardened police officers - including the local captain - even declared themselves too frightened to stay there after nightfall and numerous city officials refused to go to the property.

Mother-of-three Ms Ammons, 32, said she was only rid of the spirits that haunted her family's home in Gary after she moved away and underwent multiple exorcisms and police dug under the house to check for graves.

The Indianapolis Star obtained hundreds of pages of official documents and carried out more than a dozen interviews with police, the Department of Child Services, psychologists, relatives and a priest to uncover the bizarre details - which seem like something straight out of a horror movie.

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
Eerie: Cops and child protection workers were also spooked during visits to the home in Gary, Indiana (pictured). In this image, a figure appears in a window, right, although no one was home

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
 What is it? A close-up of the image shows the cloudy white figure in the window of the home

Gary Police Captain Charles Austin told the paper that he had initially be skeptical of the family's claims, but after conducting interviews and visiting the home, he now admits: 'I am a believer.'

The story began when the Ammons family - Latoya, her mother, Rosa Campbell, and three children - moved into the rental house on Carolina Street in November 2011.

Soon after, they began noticing odd incidents, such as flies swarming the house throughout December, footsteps in the basement and wet bootprints across the living room floor, Ammons said.

But the terror stepped up on March 10, 2012 when the family had friends visiting late into the night. Ammons got up to check on her 12-year-old daughter.

On hearing Ammons' screams, Campbell ran to the room and saw the girl was levitating above the bed, unconscious, she said.

'I thought, "What's going on?"' Campbell said. "'Why is this happening?"'

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
Activity: Most of the problems at the home were around the basement stairs, pictured. Police dug a four foot hole under the stairs to look for graves

The group prayed until the girl eventually moved back down on to the bed - but she could not remember anything about the incident. The visiting friends refused to return to the home.

Ammons said that she was not financially in a position to move so instead had to endure the terror.

The family contacted churches and clairvoyants - and while most would not listen, others gave them advice to wash the children's hands with oil, make an altar in the basement and burn sage and sulfur throughout the house.

The clairvoyants warned that the home was haunted by more than 200 demons, Ammons said.

Despite their efforts, they still felt the demons in the house and the children showed increasing signs of being possessed, Ammons and Campbell said.

The children's eyes bulged, wore evil smiles and deepened when they were taken over by the demons, they said. The youngest boy would sit in a closet and talk to a child no one could see, and on one occasion, he was thrown from the bathroom, Campbell said.

Ammons would also be taken over and said she felt weak and warm, and her body would shake.

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
Fears: Ammons, pictured, said she saw her daughter levitating in a bedroom. A nurse and a CPS worker later reported seeing her nine-year-old son run backwards up a wall before flipping over to the ground

When Ammons went to their doctor, Dr. Geoffrey Onyeukwu, he went with medical staff and child services personnel to meet the children - who cursed at him in low voices, Campbell said.

During the visit, a DCS report said the youngest child was 'lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him'. The boys were taken to hospital.

Before the incident, someone had called the DCS and asked the agency to investigate Ammons for possible child abuse or neglect, speculating she might have a mental illness.

While in the hospital, a psychiatrist evaluated Ammons and concluded that she was of 'sound mind'.

DCS family case manager Valerie Washington also interviewed the family while they were at the hospital and said the youngest boy began growling and his eyes rolled back in his head.

Washington added in her DCS report - which was corroborated by a nurse - that the nine-year-old boy displayed a 'weird grin' and then walked backward up a wall to the ceiling.

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
Ritual: Ammons went through 3 exorcisms, as famously depicted by the 1973 movie, The Exorcist, pictured

He then flipped over his grandmother and landed on his feet, while never letting go of his grandmother's hand.

'There's no way he could've done that,' the nurse told the Star.

Washington said in a police report that she believed an 'evil influence' could be affecting the family.

And when asked if the boy had walked up the ceiling in an acrobatic maneuver, she said it was in fact a slow glide that could not have been performed naturally.

The children were taken into custody by child services after workers found Ammons was neglecting their education; she said it was because the ghoulish activity kept them up all night.

But records from clinical psychologists also indicate that the younger boy acted possessed when he was asked questions he didn't like.

Later, Washington went to the home to check on its condition and was joined by three police officers.

During the visit, one of their recorders malfunctioned and another recorded audio in which a voice whispered 'hey', according to police records.

They also took photos of the house and when these were looked at later, it appeared as if cloudy faces were in the images.

The police chief added that, after he left the house, the radio in his car malfunctioned and that his garage later refused to open.

Even more chillingly, Austin said the driver's seat in his other car started moving backward and forward on its own - which could have caused an accident, according to his mechanic.

During a second visit to the home, in May 2012, they were joined by a priest, Reverend Michael Maginot, who had been asked by a hospital chaplain to perform an exorcism on one of the boys.

While at the home, a DCS family case manager said that she touched liquid she saw in the basement and later suffered finger pain and felt as if she was having a panic attack.


Exorcism is the practice of ridding a person of demons or other spiritual entities that they have been possessed by.

According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signs of demonic possession include superhuman strength, aversion to holy water, being able to speak in unknown languages, spitting and cursing.

Most religions claim that humans can be possessed by demonic spirits and even though it might seem archaic, exorcisms continue to be performed.

In Ammons case, the Catholic exorcism involved prayers, statements and appeals to cast out demons. The priest praised God and condemned the devil and pressed a crucifix against Ammons' head as he spoke. The priest noticed her convulsing and said that was a sign that the demons were strong. After she fell to sleep, he gave a prayer of Thanksgiving.

But exorcisms can have deadly consequences. In 2003, an autistic 8-year-old boy in Milwaukee, was killed during an exorcism by church members who blamed thought a demon was to blame for his disability. In 2005, a nun in Romania died after a priest bound her to a cross during an exorcism, gagged her and left her for days without food or water.

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'
Scene: Ammons underwent 3 exorcisms performed by a Catholic priest at St. Stephen Martyr Church in Merrillville, pictured, as police officers stood by. She is no longer haunted by the demons

'We felt like someone was in the room with you, someone breathing down your neck,' she said adding that she later experienced a serious of medical problems, from burns to numerous broke bones.

After the visit, Maginot performed a minor exorcism on Ammons which consisted of prayers, statements and appeals to cast out demons.

But after he says he was given the go-ahead by Bishop Dale Melczeck of the Diocese of Gary, he decided to carry out three more powerful exorcisms on Ammons in his church in Merrillville in June 2012. Police officers were present.

'I was hurting all over from the inside out,' she remembered. 'I'm trying to do my best and be strong.'

Afterwards, Ammons, who had moved homes to Indianapolis, said that the problems subsided. After six months, she regained custody of her children.

The house in Gary now has new tenants, but the landlord said there have been no further problems at the address.

Of the bizarre activity at her former home, Ammons said: 'When you hear something like this, don't assume it's not real because I've lived it. I know it's real.'

Children Possessed by 200 Demons 'Levitated'

Anna Ecklund - 1912-1928 - Earling, Iowa
Anna was just 14 when she was allegedly cursed by her father and aunt - and soon she was unable to be near religious artifacts or churches. She underwent an exorcism in 1912, but her father and aunt then prayed for Satan to visit her again.

In 1928, she asked the church for help and was put in a convent. But when nuns came near her she would hiss at them, speak in foreign languages and levitate. After three more exorcisms, she was declared free of the demons.

Roland Doe - 1940s - Cottage City, Maryland
Doe - known as the inspiration behind the Hollywood film, The Exorcist - was 14 when his aunt encouraged him to use a Ouija board in the 1940s. When she died, he might have tried to contact her this way and it is believed this gave demons the chance to reach him.

When he was possessed, religious artifacts began flying off the walls and people could hear footsteps and dripping inside his home. Scratches also began appearing over his body, which levitated and contorted. His family contacted a Catholic priest and an exorcism was performed more than 30 times, sometimes injuring the priest before they were eventually successful. Doe went on to have a normal life, according to reports.

Anneliese Michel - 1973 - Germany
Anneliese was a 16-year-old Bavarian girl who had suffered with epilepsy and mental illness. In 1973, she began to hear voices, drink her own urine and became intolerant of religious symbols. She begged her family to take her to a priest to rid her of demons. Two local priests secretly agreed and performed nearly 70 exorcisms (each lasting up to four hours) in 10 months - but her parents stopped treating her health issues, and she died from emaciation and starvation. The film The Exorcism of Emily Rose is loosely based on her life.

Michael Taylor - 1974 - Yorkshire, England
Taylor was a married Christian who was accused by his wife, Christine, of having an affair with a prayer group leader. He responded with anger and continued to act erratically, leading some people to think he was possessed by evil.

He eventually underwent an exorcism that last for more than 24 hours and priests believed it to be successful. They warned that a demon may still be inside of him. When he went home, he murdered his wife and was later found wandering the streets. He was found not guilty in her murder by reason of insanity.


Cambodian Man Found Sleeping In Coffin With 17-year-old Dead Girl

Cambodian Man Found Sleeping In Coffin With 17-year-old Dead Girl

Cambodian man was arrested by police when he fell asleep in a coffin after attempting to have sex with the corpse inside. Villagers had seen his feet sticking out from the grave of a 17 year old girl and alerted police. The man found in the new grave was named as Chin Chean. The 47-year-old admitted to police that he started digging up the coffin at 10pm one day after he had attended the funeral of the 17-year-old girl.

He managed to open the coffin of the 17 year-old girl after digging down, he then tried to have sex with the body, but was unable to as the coffin was too small to manoeuvre in. So he then fell asleep on top of the body and discovered the next morning by villagers.

Cambodian Man Found Sleeping In Coffin With 17-year-old Dead Girl

Police Chief Keo Vutha of the Prey Poun said: ‘Villagers saw Mr Chean’s foot by the grave at about 6am and told the deceased’s family. We don’t know at this stage whether he knew the victim when she was alive. We are going to send Mr Chean to the district police for questioning before we sent him to court.’

The girl’s grave was marked by the initials M.R.J.N, she had died on the 20th February from blood cancer and was buried on the 22nd February. Chin Chean had been to the girl’s funeral where he was described as being drunk and he was also known as a druggy in the local area. Whilst trying to have sex with the girl’s body, Chin also viewed porn on his mobile phone in an effort to ‘get it up’ as sex in the coffin was proving difficult.



Famous People Killed by Illuminati [VIDEO]

Famous People Killed by Illuminati

Taking a look at celebs who have been silenced by the illuminati either by controlling their minds or by assasination you be the judge, all just a coincidence? All from natural causes or were they worth more dead? Who actually benefits from their deaths?

Famous People Killed by Illuminati

Famous People Silenced by Illuminati:

Famous People Killed By The Illuminati:

The 27 Club And Illuminati Connection: Musicians Who Died At Age 27:

The Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken [VIDEO]

The Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

Hybrid Librarian

These are real unaltered photos that have never been explained and remain a mystery. Examined by experts they have all been verified as authentic and unchanged in any way. 

The Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken


All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

The video for Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" premiered today and, whether you believe that the world's pop stars have all sold their souls to the devil or not, "Dark Horse" is set in Egypt, which already lends itself to a lot of occult imagery, but even putting that aside there's a lot for conspiracy theorists to go off of. The song itself isn't all that subtle — the "Like a bird without a cage" line refers to birdcage imagery, which is a symbol for mind control. And when Juicy J says "She's a beast/I call her karma," the Beast is the Devil.

In December, many Illuminati watchers were appalled by Perry's performance of "Dark Horse" at the Grammys. Alex Jones' InfoWars said"it was essentially an Illuminati-themed occult ritual." Now the video is out, and it leaves nothing to the imagination. Perry is either an active Illuminator or this is her ham fisted audition video.

This is the most obvious symbol of the Illuminati, and it's everywhere. It's in Katy's hair:

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video
She's also making a 666 with her fingers.

Her weird fan-thing:

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

Katy. Really.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

Pyramids and Obelisks

Pyramids are almost as clearly Illuminati as the "eye," and they're represented in Perry's video by a towering obelisk and a pyramid made of Twinkies.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video
Twinkie pyramid.

And here's Illuminatrix on obelisks:

The Illuminati have placed monuments in prime locations around the world. The Washington monument marks their military arm, the Cleopatra’s Needles in New York, and [...] in London mark their financial centers and the Vaticano in Saint Peter’s Square marks their spiritual dominance.
All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

Birds, Bird Cages, Mind Control

As we explained earlier, bird cages are a sign of mind control. In the video, cages are placed atop the heads of Perry's buff, blue slave men (which is problematic in more than one way). Those hats mean they're under her spell.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

Also, Katy is a bird without a cage.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video


In the real, modern world, famous people sell their souls to the devil for the magic to make millions of dollars selling generic pop music. (How do you think Beyonce had a hit album without advertising it?)

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

In the video, she has the magic to turn men into man dogs.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

Demonic Animals

Horned beast things symbolize the devil. Juicy J's tricked out chariot has a horned animal figurine. According to Illuminati Watcher, "you see this horned god symbolism all over the music industry, and it represents the sacrificing of the youth to these deities that the Illuminati worship."

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

And snakes are probably an Illuminati symbol too. You know, Garden of Eden, apples, etc.

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video
Open your eyes! Decide for yourself! Here's the full video:


WATCH: Is Your Penis Fit For A Museum?

WATCH: Is Your Penis Fit For A Museum?

Thinking of a romantic getaway? Consider traveling to Reykjavik, Iceland. Located conveniently on the fringe of the Arctic Circle, this quaint little town offers breathtaking views of nature and wildlife -- and penises.

That's right, we said penises.

After you finish whale watching on the shores of Skjálfandi bay, make your way over to Sigurður “Siggi” Hjartarson's Phallological Museum for some good ole' fashion family fun. The museum opened in 1997 and houses 280 shlongs from 93 species. It has everything from the johnsons of field mice to sperm whale.

But there is one specimen missing -- human.

WATCH: Is Your Penis Fit For A Museum?

Jonah Bekhor and Zach Math's documentary, "The Final Member" (release date unknown) follows one Icelandic man, Pall Arason, and a patriotic American, Tom Mitchell, as they vie for the coveted spot in the museum.

Both long for glory and fame, but the big competition is stiff.

Arason has pledged to donate his 5-incher after he dies. Mitchell, though, is dead-set on Arason to the finish line by giving the museum his 7-inch manhood (which he nicknamed "Elmo" and is tattooed with stars and stripes) before he dies.

Though Siggi has a preference to give the spot to a fellow countryman, Mitchell is shooting for top position. "Id like the to know the largest and best one came from the states... I've always had a dream of fame and fortune for Elmo," Mitchell says in the video.

WATCH: Is Your Penis Fit For A Museum?

Siggi has two requirements for those willing to donate. "The first is a legal document (letter of donation) signed by three witnesses, and the second is proof that the penis is a “legal length” of at least 5 inches," reports The Daily Beast. They note that "Siggie based the minimum requirement on an old Icelandic folk tale called 'A Legal Length,' whereby a woman requested a divorce from her husband on the grounds that his penis was not 5 inches in length, but only three."

Though Hjartarson was once donated the organ of a 95-year-old local man, the preservation was unsuccessful. "I should have put him in vinegar, perhaps a wee bit of salt. So I could have formed him better," Hjartarson told the Lonely Planet.
Thus, the competition pulses on. Watch out for the big long documentary that's due to hit theaters this spring.



Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers

Smart Meter Dangers are Real

If you’ve been suffering from health symptoms since you had a smart meter attached to your home and others are telling you it’s just your imagination—take heart: there is clear evidence stating that smart meter dangers are real.

Evidence of Smart Meter Dangers

The conclusions of independent research are that safety standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are woefully insufficient for guarding people against smart meter radiation levels—and that some installations of smart meters don’t even comply with those inadequate standards.

To begin with, FCC standards, set back in 1996, were based on studies with models of healthy 6’2”, 220 lbs men exposed for short periods of time to wireless radiation.

This, of course, is not even relevant in today’s world, in which women, children and people in poor health are continuously exposed to the radiation from many different sources.

But perhaps most importantly, the FCC only tested for thermal damage—and the health risks independent researchers are finding today are from non-thermal radiation. Also, other sources of radiation (such as Wi-Fi, cell phones, and other wireless devices, all present in today’s homes) were not present in the testing sessions with radiation.

For all these reasons, the report strongly cautions that smart meters are not safe.
Live Blood Tests done on People Near Smart Meters

American Academy of Environmental Medicine Calls Installation of Smart Meters Irresponsible

Calling for immediate caution regarding smart meter radiation health risks, a letter published by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine cites a number of peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled research in humans, and concludes that…
“…significant harmful biological effects occur from non-thermal RF exposure, showing causality.”
It further states that the installation is irresponsible and calls not only for a moratorium on installation, but also immediate relief to those requesting it, including the return of analog meters.

Smart Meter Dangers are Real

Wireless Radiation Correlated with Diseases

An article in the scientific journal Pathophysiology in 2007 by C. Sage and D. Carpenter outlines in detail the reasons for concern about wireless radiation. They cite studies linking non-thermal radiation to:
  • Brain tumors
  • Leukemia
  • Breast Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s and ALS
  • DNA damage
  • Breakage of blood-brain barrier
  • Altered immune function
They conclude that:
“The rapidly expanding development of new wireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious diseases as brain cancers means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risks may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future.”

Early Smart Meter Health Symptoms

Common symptoms after the installation of a smart meter are:
  • headaches
  • concentration & memory problems
  • dizziness, tinnitus
  • heart palpitations
  • sleep disruptions
  • nausea
  • depression, anxiety
  • behavioral problems in children
Certain groups of people are especially vulnerable to smart meter radiation dangers: children (who absorb radiation at a greater rate than adults), people with electromagnetic sensitivity, people wearing pacemakers, and chronically or acutely ill people whose immune systems are compromised.

Smart Meter Dangers are Real

Protection against Smart Meters Dangers

There are no warnings about health dangers that come with the installation of a smart meter. In some areas, it’s now possible to opt out—usually for a monthly fee. But you may not wish to pay this fee. Or you may be faced with living near a whole bank of smart meters on your building or next door, so opting out won’t do you much good.

What makes sense is to simply get EMF protection. Check out EarthCalm’s solution for protecting yourself against smart meter dangers.


Secrets of the Vatican Church [Must Watch Documentary]

Secrets of the Vatican Church

Secrets of the Vatican reveals the culture of a Vatican few outsiders have seen, plagued by corruption, cover-ups and ruthless power struggles.

Secrets of the Vatican Church


Scientific Proof That We Are Becoming Literal Gods

What if I told you that in 1000 years, we will look like petty cavemen in our current physical and mental state compared to future humans? There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that proves that not only are our physical bodies evolving at an accelerated rate, our consciousness is as well. We are indeed in the evolutionary fast lane, and perhaps we are witnessing the prophecies of apotheosis in action. Our consciousness and bodies are evolving at a rate never seen before in the history of the earth.

 Scientific Proof That We Are Becoming Literal Gods

We can look around the world and see the signs of dramatic spiritual evolution as we continue to actualize our fullest potential. There is an awakening happening right now, and December 21st 2012 really did mark the dawn of a new age of enlightenment. But as this global awakening is happening, our physical vehicles and intelligence levels are also evolving as we step into the light of this new age.

In 2007, Dr. John Hawks, professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, published an article in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) titled “Recent acceleration of human adaptive evolution”. This article showed that positive selection within human beings has occurred at a rate 100 times higher than any other time in human history, and that this massive acceleration within evolution has happened particularly within the last 5000 years(3).

The study specifically looked for DNA sequence variation known as SNPs which are mutations at a single point on a chromosome. As indicated in Health and Medicine Week, “The researchers identify recent genetic change by finding long blocks of DNA base pairs that are connected. Because human DNA is constantly being reshuffled through recombination, a long, uninterrupted segment of LD is usually evidence of positive selection. Linkage disequilibrium decays quickly as recombination occurs across many generations, so finding these uninterrupted segments is strong evidence of recent adaptation, Hawks says” (4).

The researchers concluded that as the population of human beings continues to increase, the acceleration effect of evolution has also increased because of the amount of room there is for new mutations to occur and be passed throughout the population. According to the original journal article publication, approximately 1800 genes, or 7% of our entire genetic system, have experience recent positive selection. They add that “To the extent that new adaptive alleles continued to reflect demographic growth, the Neolithic and later periods would have experienced a rate of adaptive evolution >100 times higher than characterized most of human evolution.”(5)

 Scientific Proof That We Are Becoming Literal Gods

With the cultivation of agriculture, the constant changes and experimentation in diet (such as the adaptive tolerances to lactose in milk), the exposure to diseases (such as the introduction of the CCR5 gene to make people resistant to AIDS), and the massive spike in human population within the last 10,000 years, nature has been presented with the optimal breeding grounds for positive selection and new adaptive mutations in the introduction of a massive gene pool and constantly changing environments(6).

For example, in only the past few millennia, Europeans have experienced rapid changes in the gene for a protein that transfers potassium ions in and out of taste buds and nerve cells, as well as changes in genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.(7) John Hawks boldest of claims was recorded on the University of Wisconsin-Madison website, where Hawks says: “We are more different genetically from people living 5,000 years ago than they were different from Neanderthals.”(8) In other words, if you take a human being from 3000 BC such as an ancient Egyptian, you will find that they are more similar to Neanderthals in terms of their genetics than they are to us.

Anthropologist and geneticist Dr. Henry Harpending from the University of Utah also participated in conducting this study, and told National Geographic that “If humans had always evolved at this rate, the difference between modern humans and chimps should be 160 times greater than it really is.”(9) There is a vast body of empirical evidence that suggests that human beings have recently been the subjects of accelerated natural selection within genetic information.

 Scientific Proof That We Are Becoming Literal Gods

There is also evidence that this recent acceleration in evolution is not only biologically physical, but is also mental in terms of intelligence. J.R. Flynn, professor of political science at the University of Otago in New Zealand, discovered that IQ scores across the globe have went up 3 points on average per decade for each decade for as long as IQ test scores have been recorded (which has been since 1910 in the United States). This means that someone that scored in the top 10% on the IQ test 100 years ago would now been in the weakest 5%. These increases have been occurring at a steady rate amongst both male and female genders and have been empirically verified in over 20 countries(10) (see Figure 1).

The average IQ score has always been set to 100, so if a person passes the IQ test with a score of 130, they are among the higher end of performers, and a score of 80 would deviate far from the average raw score. What is striking is that IQ scores have had to be continuously made more difficult over the last century to keep the mean score at 100. Flynn discovered that the greatest differences were found in culturally reduced tests and fluid intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the ability to think rationality, abstractly, and find solutions to novel problems independent of acquired knowledge.

He makes adamant the fact that these are not learned-content gains through more information being accessible to people, as this would only reflect crystallized intelligence regarding the application of learned knowledge (11). And furthermore, other environmental factors such as more education and better economic situations are impoverished when trying to adequately explain the gaps in some of the cases, such as the increase in IQ scores by a total of 20 points in 30 years by the Dutch.

As Flynn states in one of his original papers “The international data fall into the same pattern as the American data. Gains are about 18 IQ points per generation (30 years) on Ravens, somewhere between 9 and 18 points on Wechsler and Stanford–Binet tests, about 9 points on purely verbal tests, small or nil on Wechsler subtests such as arithmetic, information, and vocabulary”(12).

The Ravens test measures reasoning abilities using abstract objects independent of language, writing, and reading. This means that these test increases are not a result of people having more access to knowledge and information, but shows that on the contrary, the most significant results were indicated in testings that involve pure problem-solving intelligence, such as identifying non-verbal patterns and relationships.(13) Environmental impacts that can explain these increases in IQ scores have yet to be identified, and are still being speculated upon. These are some of the most important discoveries in psychology, which Flynn calls “a cultural renaissance too great to be overlooked”(14).

Contrary to some of the scientific consensus, human evolution is undergoing dramatic increase in terms of genetics and intelligence. We now have scientific proof that evolution is not merely a matter of cultural ingenuity and social conditionings. Nor is it exclusively reserved for physiological adaptation, but is in fact a concrete measurable phenomenon in human psychology that happening within our species right now. Evolution can now be spoken of in something that is currently in a state of progression towards complexity, as we have seen from the evidence of geneticists and psychologists alike.

 Scientific Proof That We Are Becoming Literal Gods

Is this accelerated state just one random hiccup that will plateau in the near future? Will we continue to evolve at this exponential rate from this point forward? Are we witnessing the physical manifestation of the ancient prophecies of human apotheosis in action? This area remains ripe for investigation, and insofar as the conditions in which this evolution is occurring remain present (population increases, environmental changes, technological and intellectual refining) we should see this effect sufficiently sustained as we enter this new age of evolution and continue to explore this exciting frontier.

In 1000 years, we will be literal gods in comparison to our current state. We will have technologies and abilities that we could only dream of right now, and our bodies will be so much more evolved that we will look back a millennium and wonder how ancient man lived such primitive lives with such archaic bodies. Maybe we really are entering the Golden Age of spiritual and physical evolution that so many ancient cultures spoke of.


SHOCKING: A Christian Church Now Bans Women From Wearing Panties

SHOCKING: A Christian Church Now Bans Women From Wearing Panties

A pastor has caused controversy after ordering women to stop wearing underwear when entering his church.

The church, “Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church” in Dandora Phase 2, Nairobi, Kenya, said that wearing underwear was “ungodly.”

All women were reportedly informed not to wear bras and panties to church. Church pastor Reverend Njohi said that when people go to church, they must be free in body and spirit in order to receive Jesus.

Rev Njohi also allegedly warned the congregation of serious consequences for those who do not follow the new rule. Another pastor made headlines for asking his followers to worship in the nude.

SHOCKING: A Christian Church Now Bans Women From Wearing Panties

As we reported earlier, Pastor Allen Parker wants all of his congregants to love and accept themselves for who they are.

Parker decided to lead his congregation the way God brought us all into the world, in the nude.

Members of the small congregation in Virginia, worship in any way they feel comfortable, but most members choose to be in some state of undress.

Pastor Parker said that his church members are there to find inner peace, and that begins with self acceptance.

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“There is no feeling that you have to be better than others, physically,” Parker said.

“We are human beings, we all have scars, we have what we have. It is about learning to love and accept that,” he added.

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