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Secret Lives Of Jesus Christ [VIDEO Documentary]

Secret Lives Of Jesus Christ

Fifteen hundred years ago, someone buried ancient writings that told strange and unconventional stories about Jesus of Nazareth - tales considered the height of heresy. Discovered within the last century, these texts invite more questions than answers. Secret Lives of Jesus examines these mysterious lost stories of Christ, and other apocryphal texts, exploring the fundamental questions surrounding the texts. Who wrote them and why? How do they compare to the accepted New Testament gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

And why were the stories forgotten for so long?

There's the tale of a pre-teen Jesus who is capable of murder - because he didn't like being told what to do. There's Christ as a young man, traveling to India and Tibet, to study religious philosophies. And perhaps the most disturbing story of all - that Christ didn't die on the cross. Crucified in his place?

Secret Lives Of Jesus Christ

The bystander who helped Jesus carry the cross on the day, while the Son of God disappeared into the crowd - laughing. The accounts told in Secret Lives of Jesus can horrify, but look beyond the words on the faded pages of papyrus and it is obvious there is more to these texts than strange stories. They are snapshots in time - a look inside the life and times of those who wrote them. They are documents that capture the firebrand politics and confusion that dominated the early Church.

Some early Christians wanted desperately to fill in the blanks of Christ's life and they wanted to inject their own take on Christianity into the mainstream. For them, to tell these stories was a way to influence the foundation on which their religion was built. The story of Secret Lives of Jesus deconstructs the forces at play during this time of radical religious ideals - and offers a tantalizing glimpse inside the logic behind some of the most bizarre stories about Jesus Christ ever told.


Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests To Rape Children, Says UN Report


VATICAN CITY—The Vatican “systematically” adopted policies that allowed priests to rape and molest tens of thousands of children over decades, a UN human rights committee said Wednesday, urging the Holy See to open its files on pedophiles and bishops who concealed their crimes.

In a devastating report hailed by abuse victims, the UN committee severely criticized the Holy See for its attitudes toward homosexuality, contraception and abortion and said it should change its own canon law to ensure children's rights and their access to health care are guaranteed.

The Vatican promptly objected and its UN ambassador accused the committee of having betrayed the international body's own objectives by allowing itself to be swayed by pro-gay ideologues. He said it appeared the committee simply hadn't listened when the Holy See outlined all the measures it has taken to protect children.

The report, which took the Vatican by surprise in its harsh tone, puts renewed pressure on Pope Francis to move decisively on the abuse front and make good on pledges to create a Vatican commission to study sex abuse and recommend best practices to fight it. The commission was announced in December, but few details have been released since then.

Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests To Rape Children, Says UN Report

The committee issued its recommendations after subjecting the Holy See to a daylong interrogation last month on its implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the key UN treaty on child protection, which the Holy See ratified in 1990.

Critically, the committee rejected the Vatican's longstanding argument that it doesn't control bishops or their abusive priests, saying the Holy See was responsible for implementing the treaty not just in the Vatican City State but around the world “as the supreme power of the Catholic Church through individuals and institutions placed under its authority.”

In its report, the committee blasted the “code of silence” that has long been used to keep victims quiet, saying the Holy See had “systematically placed preservation of the reputation of the church and the alleged offender over the protection of child victims.” It called on the Holy See to provide compensation to victims and hold accountable not just the abusers, but also those who covered up their crimes.

“The committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by, and the impunity of, the perpetrators,” the report said.

Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests To Rape Children, Says UN Report

It called for Francis' nascent abuse commission to conduct an independent investigation of all cases of priestly abuse and the way the Catholic hierarchy has responded over time, and urged the Holy See to establish clear rules for the mandatory reporting of abuse to police and to support laws that allow victims to report crimes even after the statute of limitations has expired.

No Catholic bishop has ever been sanctioned by the Vatican for sheltering an abusive priest, and only in 2010 did the Holy See direct bishops to report abusers to police where law enforcement requires it. Vatican officials have acknowledged that bishop accountability remains a major problem and have suggested that under Francis, things might begin to change.

The committee's recommendations are non-binding and there is no enforcement mechanism. Instead, the UN asked the Vatican to implement the recommendations and report back by 2017. The Vatican was 14 years late submitting its most recent report.

The committee is made up of independent experts, not other UN member states — the case on the larger and often politicized UN Human Rights Council, which also sits in Geneva. The Committee on the Rights of the Child is one of 10 UN bodies that monitor implementation of the core UN human rights treaties, and its 18 members include academics, sociologists and child development specialists from around the globe.

Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, who headed the Vatican delegation at the Jan. 16 session in Geneva, was clearly taken aback by the scathing tone of the report.

“It seems as if the document was prepared before the committee meeting, where the Vatican gave detailed responses on various points that weren't reported in this concluding document or seem to not have been taken into consideration,” he told Vatican Radio.

Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests To Rape Children, Says UN Report

While most attention has focused on child sex abuse, the committee's recommendations extended far beyond, into issues about discrimination against children and their rights to adequate health care, matters that touch on core church teaching about life and sexual morals.

The committee, for example, urged the Vatican to amend its canon law to identify circumstances where access to abortion can be permitted for children, such as to save the life of a young mother. It urged the Holy See to ensure that sex education, including access to information about contraception and preventing HIV, is mandatory in Catholic schools. It called for the Holy See to use its moral authority to condemn discrimination against homosexual children, or children raised by same-sex couples.

Church teaching holds that life begins at conception. The Vatican, which therefore opposes abortion and artificial contraception, calls for respect for gays, but considers homosexual acts to be “intrinsically disordered.” The Vatican has a history of diplomatic confrontation with the United Nations over such issues.

Tomasi said the call to reconsider abortion ran against the UN treaty's own objectives to protect the life of children before and after birth, and he accused pro-gay rights and gay marriage advocacy groups of having “reinforced an ideological line” with the committee.

Benyam Mezmur, a committee member and Ethiopian academic on children's legal rights, rejected any such criticism and said the committee report was balanced and was aimed purely at ensuring the treaty was implemented.

Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests To Rape Children, Says UN Report

“The Committee on the Rights of the Child is not in the business of saying 'Well said.' We are in the business of saying 'Well done.' We want to see concrete measures,” he said in a phone interview from Geneva.

Austen Ivereigh, co-ordinator of Catholic Voices, a church advocacy group, said the report was a “shocking display of ignorance and high-handedness.”

He said it failed to acknowledge the progress that has been made in recent years and that the Catholic Church in many places is now considered a leader in safeguarding children. And he noted that the committee seemed unable to grasp the distinction between the responsibilities and jurisdiction of the Holy See, and local churches on the ground.

“It takes no account of the particularities of the Holy See, treating it as if it were the HQ of a multinational corporation,” he said in an email.

But victims groups hailed the report as a wake-up call to secular law enforcement officials to investigate abuse and any coverups, and prosecute church officials who are still protecting predator priests.

“This report gives hope to the hundreds of thousands of deeply wounded and still suffering clergy sex abuse victims across the world,” said Barbara Blaine, president of the main U.S. victim's group SNAP. “Now it's up to secular officials to follow the UN's lead and step in to safeguard the vulnerable because Catholic officials are either incapable or unwilling to do so.”

Creepy Skinwalker Photo Surfaces in New Mexico [VIDEO]

Creepy "Skinwalker" Photo Surfaces in New Mexico

Is a strange alien-looking creature prowling in northern New Mexico?

A Facebook picture circulating Thursday has a lot of people up there worried. The post was shared thousands of times within a few hours and had a lot of people uttering the word skinwalker, a well-known legend in Indian country.

The picture shows an unexplained being lurking on the side of a road.

The person who posted it claimed it was taken near Lybrook and Counselor, which is near the Jicarilla reservation.

The story claims that a geologist was working in an oil field in the area and saw something odd and decided to take a heat signature of it. The next day, the geologist suddenly quit.

The story spread like wildfire with people on social media saying, “seriously freaking out,” “yikes … I’m driving through there tomorrow,” and “skinwalker!”

Creepy "Skinwalker" Photo Surfaces in New Mexico

Skinwalker refers to a Native American legend which was brought to life by author Tony Hillerman.

According to the legend, a skinwalker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal and walks on all fours.

There are stories of countless encounters, but few will speak of them, too scared they will be targeted again.

Many people who posted and shared the picture Thursday said they found their posts and comments disappear. People who emailed it to others said they were unable to retrieve it.

But everyone can rest easy. It didn’t take long for the picture and story to be debunked.

It apparently comes from a 1980s science fiction move “Xtro,” where a creepy being is born, then goes on the prowl and is spotted by a couple driving along the road.

It’s unclear how the story was connected to Lybrook or Counselor, or that so-called geologist. Perhaps it was just someone having a little fun, but it shows the power of social media and legends.

The New Mexican who posted the image Thursday has since taken it down, saying she shared it because others had. She says she has no information about its origin.



800,000-year-old Human Footprints Discovered

800,000-year-old Human Footprints Discovered

Scientists have discovered the earliest evidence of human footprints outside of Africa, on the Norfolk Coast in the East of England.

The footprints are more than 800,000 years old and were found on the shores of Happisburgh.

They are direct evidence of the earliest known humans in northern Europe.

Details of the extraordinary markings have been published in thescience journal Plos One.

The footprints have been described as "one of the most important discoveries, if not the most important discovery that has been made on [Britain's] shores," by Dr Nick Ashton of the British Museum.

"It will rewrite our understanding of the early human occupation of Britain and indeed of Europe," he told BBC News.

The markings were first indentified in May last year during a low tide. Rough seas had eroded the sandy beach to reveal a series of elongated hollows.

Earliest footprints outside Africa discovered in Norfolk

I walked with Dr Ashton along the shore where the discovery was made. He recalled how he and a colleague stumbled across the hollows: "At the time, I wondered 'could these really be the case? If it was the case, these could be the earliest footprints outside Africa and that would be absolutely incredible."
Continue reading the main story
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The footprints are one of the most important discoveries, if not the most important discovery, that has been made on these shores”Dr Nick AstonBritish Museum

Such discoveries are very rare. The Happisburgh footprints are the only ones of this age in Europe and there are only three other sets that are older, all of which are in Africa.

"At first, we weren't sure what we were seeing," Dr Ashton told me, "but it was soon clear that the hollows resembled human footprints."

The hollows were washed away not long after they were identified. The team were, however, able to capture the footprints on video that will be shown at an exhibition at London's Natural History Museum later this month.

The video shows the researchers on their hands and knees in cold, driving rain, engaged in a race against time to record the hollows. Dr Ashton recalls how they scooped out rainwater from the footprints so that they could be photographed. "But the rain was filling the hollows as quickly as we could empty them," he told me.


When I was told about the footprints, I was absolutely stunned” Dr Isabelle De GrooteLiverpool John Moores University

The team took a 3D scan of the footprints over the following two weeks. A detailed analysis of these images by Dr Isabelle De Groote of Liverpool John Moores University confirmed that the hollows were indeed human footprints, possibly of five people, one adult male and some children.

Earliest footprints outside Africa discovered in Norfolk

Dr De Groote said she could make out the heel, arch and even toes in some of the prints, the largest of which would have filled a UK shoe size 8 (European size 42; American size 9) .

"When I was told about the footprints, I was absolutely stunned," Dr De Groote told BBC News.
"They appear to have been made by one adult male who was about 5ft 9in (175cm) tall and the shortest was about 3ft. The other larger footprints could come from young adult males or have been left by females. The glimpse of the past that we are seeing is that we have a family group moving together across the landscape."

Earliest footprints outside Africa discovered in Norfolk

It is unclear who these humans were. One suggestion is that they were a species called Homo antecessor, which was known to have lived in southern Europe. It is thought that these people could have made their way to what is now Norfolk across a strip of land that connected the UK to the rest of Europe a million years ago. They would have disappeared around 800,000 years ago because of a much colder climate setting in not long after the footprints were made.

It was not until 500,000 years ago that a species called Homo heidelbergensis lived in the UK. It is thought that these people evolved into early Neanderthals some 400,000 years ago. The Neanderthals then lived in Britain intermittently until about 40,000 years ago - a time that coincided with the arrival of our species, Homo sapiens.

There are no fossils of antecessor in Happisburgh, but the circumstantial evidence of their presence is getting stronger by the day.

In 2010, the same research team discovered the stone tools used by such people. And the discovery of the footprints now all but confirms that humans were in Britain nearly a million years ago, according to Prof Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum, who is also involved in the research at Happisburgh.

"This discovery gives us even more concrete evidence that there were people there," he told BBC News. "We can now start to look at a group of people and their everyday activities. And if we keep looking, we will find even more evidence of them, hopefully even human fossils. That would be my dream".

800,000-year-old Human Footprints Discovered
The prints were first noticed when a low tide uncovered them

800,000-year-old Human Footprints Discovered
The sea has now washed away the prints - but not before they were recorded


10 Insane Ancient Achievements that Science Can’t Explain

10 Insane Ancient Achievements that Science Can’t Explain

10 Insane Ancient Achievements that Science Can’t Explain

Out-of-place artifact (OOPArt) is a term coined by American naturalist and cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson for an object of historical, archaeological, or paleontological interest found in a very unusual or seemingly impossible context that could challenge conventional historical chronology. The term “out-of-place artifact” is rarely used by mainstream historians or scientists. Its use is largely confined to cryptozoologists, proponents of ancient astronaut theories, and paranormal enthusiasts….

In this article we present our selection of Top 10 OOPArts. There are many more (you can find them by exploring our website).

1. Tiwanacu and Puma Punku

Tiwanaku (Spanish: Tiahuanaco and Tiahuanacu) is an important Pre-Columbianarchaeological site in western Bolivia, South America. Pumapunku also called “Puma Pumku” or “Puma Puncu”, is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku. Tiahuanaco is an example of engineering so monumental that it dwarfs even the work of the Aztecs.

 Stone blocks on the site weigh many tons. They bear no chisel marks, so the means by which they were shaped remains a mystery.The stone itself came from two different quarries. One supplied sandstone and was situated 10 miles away. It shows signs of having produced blocks weighing up to 400 tons.

 The other supplied andesite and was located 50 miles away, raising the question of how the enormous blocks were transported in an age before the horse was domesticated in South America. Close examination of the structures shows an unusualtechnique behind their building. The stone blocks were notched, then fitted together so that they interlocked in three dimensions. The result was buildings strong enough to withstand earthquakes.

Tiwanacu and Puma Punku
Puma Punku site has many finely cut stones - some weighing over 100 tonnes. The processes and technologies involved in the creation of these temples are still not fully understood by modern scholars. 

2. Nazca Lines

The high desert of Peru holds one of the most mystifying monuments of the known world—the massive-scale geoglyphs known as the Nazca Lines. The “lines” are ranging from geometric patterns to “drawings” of different animals and stylized human-like forms.

Nazca Lines

The ancient lines can only be truly taken in, their forms discerned, from high in the air, leaving generations mystified as to how these precise works could’ve been completed long before the documented invention of human flight. Who built them and what was their purpose? Are the lines signs left by an alien race? Ancient “crop circles”? Landing strips for alien gods/astronauts? Relics of a ancient people far more advanced—capable of human flight—then previously imagined? Or perhaps a giant astronomical calendar?

3. Sacsayhuaman

Sacsayhuamán (also known as Sacsahuaman) is a walled complex near the old city of Cusco, at an altitude of 3,701 m. or 12,000 feet. The site is part of the City of Cuzco, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.


 They are three parallel walls built in different levels with lime-stones of enormous sizes. Zigzagging walls are made of boulders used for the first or lower levels are the biggest; there is one that is 8.5 m high (28 ft.) and weights about 140 metric tons. Those boulders classify the walls as being of cyclopean or megalithic architecture. There are no other walls like these. They are different from Stonehenge, different from the Pyramids of the Egyptians and the Maya, different from any of the other ancient monolithic stone-works. Scientists are not certain how these huge stones were transported and processed to fit so perfectly that no blade of grass or steel can slide between them. There is no mortar. The stones often join in complex and irregular surfaces that would appear to be a nightmare for the stonemason.

4. Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England, composed mainly of thirty upright stones (sarsens, each over ten feet tall and weighing 26 tons), aligned in a circle, with thirty lintels (6 tons each) perched horizontally atop the sarsens in a continuous circle. There is also an inner circle composed of similar stones, also constructed in post-and-lintel fashion.


Gerald Hawkins, a Professor of Astronomy, concluded that Stonehenge was a sophisticated astronomical observatory designed to predict eclipses (Stonehenge Decoded). The positioning of the stones provides a wealth of information, as does the choice of the site itself. If you can see the alignment, general relationship, and the use of these stones then you will know the reason for the construction. The author, and other astronomers, discovered the 56-year cycle of eclipses by decoding Stonehenge! The movement of stones once each year from an initial fixed position allows to predict accurately every important lunar event for hundreds of years. This computer would need resetting about once every 300 years by advancing the stones by one space. Mankind generally used the cycle of the moon as a unit of timekeeping.

5. Costa Rica Stone Spheres

One of the strangest mysteries in archaeology was discovered in the Diquis Delta of Costa Rica. Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been documented, ranging in size from a few centimetres to over two meters in diameter. Some weigh 16 tons. Almost all of them are made of granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. These objects are monolithic sculptures made by human hands.

Costa Rica Stone Spheres

6. Trilithon at Baalbeck

The mysterious ruins of Baalbek. One of the great Power Places of the ancient world. For thousands of years its secrets have been shrouded in darkness, or bathed in an artificial light by those who would offer us a simplistic solution to its mysteries.

The Temple of Jupiter is one of the most impressive Temples in Baalbeck. It measures 88×48 meters and stands on a podium 13 meters above the surrounding terrain and 7 meters above the courtyard. It is reached by a monumental stairway. One of the most amazing engineering achievements is the Podium which was built with some of the largest stone blocks ever hewn. On the west side of the podium is the “Trilithon”, a celebrated group of three enormous stones weighing about 800 tons each.

Trilithon at Baalbeck

Some archaeologists might well wish that Baalbek had been buried forever. For it is here that we find the largest dressed stone block in the world – the infamous Stone of the South, lying in its quarry just ten minutes walk from the temple acropolis. This huge stone weighs approximately 1,000 tons – almost as heavy as three Boeing 747 aircraft.

7. Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza (also called the Khufu’s Pyramid, Pyramid of Khufu, and Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now Cairo, Egypt, and is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that survives substantially intact. It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.

Great Pyramid of Giza

Originally the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface, and what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories regarding the Great Pyramid’s construction techniques. Most accepted construction theories are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.

8. Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is reputedly Christ’s burial cloth. It has been a religious relic since the Middle Ages. To believers it was divine proof the Christ was resurrected from the grave, to doubters it was evidence of human gullibility and one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of art. No one has been able to prove that it is the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, but its haunting image of a man’s wounded body is proof enough for true believers.

Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin, as seen by the naked eye, is a negative image of a man with his hands folded. The linen is 14 feet, 3 inches long and 3 feet, 7 inches wide. The shroud bears the image of a man with wounds similar to those suffered by Jesus.

One theory is simply that the Shroud is a painting . It has been proposed that it was painted using iron oxide in an animal protein binder. The STURP scientists have concluded from their studies that no paints, pigments, dyes or stains have been found to make up the visible image. Could the image have been produced by a burst of radiation (heat or light) acting over short period of time which would have scorched the cloth? Scientists have not been able to duplicate the characteristics of the Shroud using this method just like the painting hypothesis. Also the color and ultraviolet characteristics of the Shroud body image and a scorch are different. The shroud body image does not fluoresce under UV light but scorches like the burns from 1532 do fluoresce under UV light. Thus many scientists rule out the radiation theory.

9. Star Child Skull

In the 1930?s, in a small rural village 100 miles southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico, at the back of a mine tunnel, two mysterious remains were found: a complete human skeleton and a smaller, malformed skeleton. In late February of 1999, Lloyd Pye was first shown the Starchild skull by its owners. Nameless then, it was a highly anomalous skull.
The long-standing Star Being legends of Central and South America provide a plausible mechanism for how a highly abnormal skull (relative to humans) might have been biologically created rather than genetically or congenitally malformed, or physically manipulated by deliberate deformation (binding).

Such immense deformation across the entire occipital (rear) and parietal (upper side) areas of the skull could not result from binding without deformation being visible in the frontal area, which is not evident.

Birth defects across the entire occipital and parietal areas, while not impossible, seem highly unlikely because of the remarkable symmetry exhibited in all areas of the skull, including those effected by the deformations.
The terrain of the bone in the eye sockets contains incredibly subtle indentations and ridges that are perfectly symmetrical in both sockets, which simply have to have been formed by genetic directions rather than by deformations.


10. The Antikythera Mechanism

The device, made of bronze and encased in wood, was found by divers off the Mediterranean island Antikythera in 1900.

“This device is just extraordinary, the only thing of its kind,” says Mike Edmunds (Cardiff University, Wales) one of the scientists investigating this amazing artefact.“The design is beautiful. The astronomy is exactly right. The way the mechanics are designed just makes your jaw drop.”

Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known. from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion. On the contrary, from all that we know of science and technology in the Hellenistic Age we should have felt that such a device could not exist. Some historians have suggested that the Greeks were not interested in experiment because of a contempt-perhaps induced by the existence of the institution of slavery-for manual labor.

On the other hand it has long been recognized that in abstract mathematics and in mathematical astronomy they were no beginners but rather “fellows of another college” who reached great heights of sophistication. Many of the Greek scientific devices known to us from written descriptions show much mathematical ingenuity, but in all cases the purely mechanical part of the design seems relatively crude. Gearing was clearly known to the Greeks, but it was used only in relatively simple applications. They employed pairs of gears to change angular speed or mechanical ad- vantage, or to apply power through a right angle, as in the water-driven mill.

Unedited footage of the bombing of Nagasaki [VIDEO]


This silent film shows the final preparation and loading of the "Fat Man" bomb into "Bockscar," the plane which dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. It then shows the Nagasaki explosion from the window of an observation plane. This footage comes from Los Alamos National Laboratory. I have not edited it in any way from what they gave me except to improve the contrast a little — it is basically "raw."


Hiroshima, nine months later


The Boston Bombing Hoax – Explained in 6 Minutes [VIDEO]

The Boston Bombing Hoax – Explained in 6 Minutes

As the one year anniversary of the Boston Bombing approaches, the US government and the FBI – with the help of the US mainstream news media, are all working very hard right now to put the Boston bombing story to bed.

If you still think it really happened the way it was reported, then you should probably revisit the impressive camaign of lies and misinformation being put forth by US autorities and give it your attention.

Not to mention the obvious point which seems lost on a government desperate to sell the WMD kitchen‘pressure cooker’ story to the public – even their own contrived CCTV footage of the Tsarnaev brothers walking around with their backpack clearly indicates that they were not carrying kitchen equipment around the scene. If you doubt this point, then go visit your local Wall Mart and take a look at a range of kitchen pressure cookers and then try and fit that into one of the small backpacks supposedly carried by the alleged Boston Bombers. Let us know if you have any success there, please.

Boston was a crime alright – but not how, and by who, we are being told by US authorities. The public facing depiction of this event is a total and complete fraud.

Here’s six minutes that will change yours, and your friends’ mind about the story…

The Boston Bombing Hoax – Explained in 6 Minutes

Here’s six minutes that highlight the extraordinary irregularities surrounding this case. These are the facts of the case:

1. It’s now admitted (June 2013) that there was a police bomb training at the EXACT time and location where the “bombs” when off

2. The captured brother was videotaped carrying a WHITE backpack, not a black one

3. An eye witness reported that the elder brother (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) was hit by a police car and then shot – he was not run over by his fleeing brother

4. The captured brother (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) was photographed functional and non-bloody when he surrendered. He went to the hospital on a gurney, covered in blood with a wound to his throat so serious he was put in intensive care.

5. One of the friends of the accused – who was unarmed and on crutches – was shot and killed by an FBI agent SEVEN times during an interview and this murder is still unexplained.

The original report said he attacked the agent with a samurai sword. Another lie. 



10 Horrifying Facts About American Eugenics [VIDEO]


One of the main goals of the Third Reich was creating a so-called Master Race. It was a horrible time in history, and something we can look back on in sadness. But contrary to popular belief, the Third Reich didn’t invent the idea of a Master Race, or of eugenics—America did. Several decades before the movement caught on in Germany, Americans were flaunting their Caucasian genes and the “Better Babies” they would bear, and sterilizing those deemed less worthy of a family. It was a terrible program, about which Hitler would later say, “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.” And it didn’t even end after World War II.

What It Was

What It Was

The American Eugenics Society was an organization that began in the United States in the early 1900s. Its mission included not just segregation, but a racial cleansing and the establishment of a strong, pure race untainted by the blood of those that were deemed lesser, whether by race or by disability. That meant the practice of forced sterilization for those who were deemed unfit to have a family, such as those with learning disabilities or those in institutions. It also meant forbidding interracial marriage and, as we’ll cover, the forced sterilization of orphans, cripples, and the “feeble-minded.”

The theories behind the practice came from the work of Charles Darwin and his cousin, Sir Francis Dalton. Dalton theorized that if only the best and the brightest married each other and bore children, it would elevate the human race. And in America, a country still torn by racial tensions and the reminders of a Civil War and the end of slavery, it was exactly the sort of thing those self-proclaimed best and brightest could seize upon.

A 1911 treatise called “Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder’s Association to Study and Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population” presented bullet points on just how they proposed going about this project. Included were suggestions for euthanasia and gas chambers.

And some of the views were, frankly, pretty visceral. Oliver Holmes, a Supreme Court Justice, famously said, “It is better for all the world…three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

30 States And 60,000 Victims

30 States And 60,000 Victims

At the height of the movement, 30 states had adopted legislation that legalized the sterilization of individuals deemed unfit for reproduction. In most states, that meant the mentally ill or mentally deficient. By the time all was said and done, somewhere in the neighborhood of 60,000 people had been forcefully sterilized in state-sanctioned procedures. In some states, such as California, sterilization records are incomplete or often altered, making it impossible to truly know how many people were subjected to the procedures. It was done to men and women, Caucasians as well as individual from other and mixed races.

State laws in California included permissions for those who were in prisons to be eligible for sterilization, as well as those found to have any chance of carrying hereditary dementia or insanity. The laws also removed the patients’ rights to contest the procedure, although it was still necessary for parents to consent to the sterilization of their minor children. In the years between 1921 and 1950, roughly 450 people were sterilized in California each year.

Feeble-Minded, Deaf, And Orphans

The American eugenics movement had a very specific desire when it came to creating the perfect, pure race. Not only were they tall, intelligent, and talented, but they were blond-haired and blue-eyed. Sound familiar? It was described as a “Nordic” race in America, and it was the Aryan race in Germany. That meant weeding out everyone who wasn’t that . . . and while the American version never went as far as the German, the roots were there.

While Alexander Graham Bell targeted the deaf, and laws on the whole targeted the sexually deviant offenders and the mentally ill, there was another sub-group who fell victim to the forced sterilization procedures. In California, all it took was a doctor to deem you “unworthy” to have the procedure done. And in some cases—as late as 1963—that could simply mean you were an orphan. Men like California’s Charlie Follett were sterilized against their will as children; Follett’s only crime was to be born to alcoholic parents who could not support him, leaving him a ward of the state.

Supported By Alexander Graham Bell And The Rockefellers

Supported By Alexander Graham Bell And The Rockefellers

An appalling number of people supported the movement, in voice and in finance. Alexander Graham Bell was a staunch supporter of the movement, and thought that deaf people should not be allowed to marry. Many eugenics projects got their financing from some of the corporate moguls of the day, including the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad conglomerate. In fact, the Carnegies founded and funded the Cold Spring Harbor research facility, one of the largest centers of eugenics activities (more on that in a minute). And it was the Rockefellers who put up the money behind a branch of eugenics in Europe—that was a German branch that counted Joseph Mengele in its ranks.

They also funded organizations like the German Psychiatric Institute, which in turn gave rise to one of Hitler’s most instrumental minds in medical repression, Ernst Rudin. The United States Supreme Court was also on board, upholding the laws of the eugenics movement, and one of the leaders of the American eugenic movement, Madison Grant, received a fan letter from none other than Adolf Hitler, praising his work as inspiring. While much of the financial support of families like the Rockefellers ended before the official beginning of World War II, they had already helped set things in motion.

The Racial Integrity Act

The Racial Integrity Act

The Racial Integrity Act of Virginia was established in 1924. The purpose was to document the race of every person in the state, allowing for a massive genetic database to be created. The database was necessary for the rest of the law—making sure that someone whose heritage was purely white married only another similarly pure person.

State Registrars were forbidden from issuing a marriage license unless the man and the woman in question could both produce such a certificate stating that there was no trace of any race other than Caucasian in their ancestry. If the clerk had any reason to doubt that the racial profile was accurate, they didn’t have to grant a marriage license, either—not until both parties submitted proof that they actually, truly were white. Lying about your race on the form was a felony, and could be punished byup to a year in jail.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is still around, located in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Now, it’s a research facility in the fields of neuroscience, plant biology, quantitative biology, and, not surprisingly, genomics. It was originally opened in 1910 by Charles Davenport, and was known as the Carnegie Institute of Washington. The Eugenics Record Office kept detailed family records that allowed field workers to trace cases of mental and physical defects through a family line.

Davenport also conducted studies on the importance of other inherited traits, such as hair and eye color, hair texture, and skin pigments. In addition to physical traits, they also tried to document how chronic diseases such as hemophilia and mental disorders like schizophrenia, along with what they called “feeble-mindedness,” were passed through a family.

The Immigrant Problem

The Immigrant Problem

Those that supported eugenics looked to immigrants as a problem variable that was introducing all sorts of new and undesirable genetic qualities into the American gene pool. Researchers at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory isolated some of the problems. For example, those with Italian blood were said to be prone to violence. As part of their research, prison and mental institution populations across the country were surveyed to find out just how many members of these populations came from what immigrant group.

After outbreaks of illnesses like smallpox and cholera in New York City and immigrant-hub Ellis Island, the work of the eugenics movement began to gain credence. By 1911, they were operating hand-in-hand with the Immigration Restriction League to influence Congress and the Surgeon General to implementrestrictions on immigration.

Better Babies And Fitter Families Contests

Better Babies And Fitter Families Contests

As the eugenics movement took off, state fairs across the country started holding Better Babies contests. In some respects, it made sense. Mothers were encouraged to bring their babies to fair judging contests, and in much the same way as livestock was judged, babies would be judged on things like health, weight, and size. While it also helped promote health and good child care, the “this isn’t so bad” part of this entry ends right about there.

Better Babies soon evolved into Fitter Families, a contest where whole families would present judges not only with their happy, healthy babies, but with an abbreviated version of their racial pedigree. Doctors would perform examinations on all the members of the family, awarding and deducting points according to guidelines, and families were given a letter grade to show just how eugenics-friendly their family was. Winners would be rewarded with medals and trophies in these contests, which remained hugely popular throughout the 1920s.

Pioneered By A Stanford Professor

Pioneered By A Stanford Professor

The whole thing was started by a Stanford professor named David Starr Jordan. A long-time student of Charles Darwin and the ideas of natural selection and Mendelian genetics, Jordan grew up in Western New York and pursued an education in botany and science. After teaching at a number of different universities, it was when he went to Stanford that he truly began preaching his values, including education, conservation, and eugenic breeding.

After writing several books on the topic of eugenics, he was one of the founding members of the Eugenics Committee of the American Breeders Association and the Eugenics Record Office. Chief among his beliefs was that the upper class of America was being constantly eroded by the lower class, and that careful, selective breeding would be necessary to preserve the country’s upper crust.

Inspired Hitler’s Master Race

Inspired Hitler’s Master Race

We’ve mentioned it once already in brief, but it’s worth revisiting again in greater depth. The American eugenics movement formed the basis for the Third Reich’s belief in a Master Race and their attempts to create one. There was a bizarre sort of mutual respect that went on between American eugenics supporters and the Nazi party. In 1937, the American Eugenics Society issued statements of praise for the work that the Nazis were doing to cleanse the gene pool. For them, the scale on which the Nazis were carrying out their mass sterilization was what they had wanted for America.

Original writings of eugenic supporters spoke of cleansing the American population by methods ranging from gas chambers to simply leaving the lower classes to the mercy of the elements or to disease; they went on to lament that American society wasn’t ready for such a wide-spread, sweeping cleanse and saluted the Nazis for doing exactly what they had wanted for their own country. Hitler’s fondness for the theories and science behind American eugenics was clear; he would not only quote American texts, but use them as evidence to support his madness and to recruit others to his cause.



Is This An Angel? Pastor Believes Ghostly Image Is A 'Sign From God


A pastor is convinced that a mysterious “ghostly figure” that appeared in a recently-captured photo is a sign from God.

It all started after a man named Radu took a picture of one of his co-workers and realized something curious was on the right-hand side of the image — an apparition that looked like a veiled woman.

Radu then shared the image with Pastor Danny Goia from First Romanian Pentecostal Church in Anaheim, Calif., and the pastor subsequently shared it with other parishioners.

Goia and his wife are convinced that the white figure isn’t just a blur or a reflection of light. Instead, they believe that it is an angelic figure and a sign from up above.

Radu, who did not wish to speak on-air with KCAL-TV, recently started attending First Romanian Pentecostal Church in Anaheim, Calif. He and his wife were recently baptized and Goia married them the same day.

It was the following day, Jan. 22, that the man reportedly snapped the image in question.

Watch a KCAL-TV report below:


“God is trying to reveal to the people before something major will happen,” Goia told KCAL-TV. “God wants to say, ‘Hey, get ready. Get well with me because something good is gonna come soon.’”

What do you think? Is the photo doctored, is it merely a flash of light — or was something beyond this world unfolding?


Council of Nicaea 325 AD & Christ’s Divinity: Lost Gnostic Gospel’s

Council of Nicaea 325 AD & Christ’s Divinity: Lost Gnostic Gospel’s

The First Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Church. Most significantly, it resulted in the first, uniform Christiandoctrine, called the Creed of Nicaea. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent local and regional councils of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy—the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom.

The council settled, to some degree, the debate within the Early Christian communities regarding the divinity of Christ. This idea of the divinity of Christ, along with the idea of Christ as a messenger from God (The Father), had long existed in various parts of the Roman empire. The divinity of Christ had also been widely endorsed by the Christian community in the otherwise pagan city of Rome.

The council affirmed and defined what it believed to be the teachings of the Apostles regarding who Christ is: that Christ is the one true God in deity with the Father.

Derived from Greekoikoumenikos (Greek: οἰκουμένη), “ecumenical” means “worldwide” but generally is assumed to be limited to the Roman Empire in this context as in Augustus’ claim to be ruler of the oikoumene/world; the earliest extant uses of the term for a council are Eusebius’ Life of Constantine 3.6 around 338, which states “σύνοδον οἰκουμενικὴν συνεκρότει” (he convoked an Ecumenical Council); Athanasius’ Ad Afros Epistola Synodica in 369;and the Letter in 382 to Pope Damasus I and the Latin bishops from the First Council of Constantinople.


One purpose of the council was to resolve disagreements arising from within the Church of Alexandria over the nature of the Son in his relationship to the Father: in particular, whether the Son had been ‘begotten’ by the Father from his own being, or rather, created out of nothing, a characteristic shared with other creatures.

St. Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius took the first position; the popularpresbyterArius, from whom the term Arianism comes, took the second. The council decided against the Arians overwhelmingly (of the estimated 250–318 attendees, all but two agreed to sign the creed and these two, along with Arius, were banished to Illyria).

Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate Easter, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar, decreed in an epistle to the Church of Alexandria in which is simply stated:

We also send you the good news of the settlement concerning the holy pasch, namely that in answer to your prayers this question also has been resolved. All the brethren in the East who have hitherto followed the Jewish practice will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans and of yourselves and of all of us who from ancient times have kept Easter together with you.

Historically significant as the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom,the Council was the first occasion where the technical aspects of Christology were discussed.

Through it a precedent was set for subsequent general councils to adopt creeds and canons. This council is generally considered the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils in the History of Christianity.

The Council of Nicaea actually decided the Gospels of the Bible by the 4 points of the Cross Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 19:19 did Constantine have the final say over the Council of Nicea?

Here are the Lost Nostic Gospels ! 

Lost Gospels

The Gospel of Mary

The existence of this gospel was unknown until several fragments were discovered in modern times. Since the only long fragment is a Coptic translation, most of the original Greek text is still lost. And even the long fragment may only include about half of the book.

Because the “Mary” in this gospel is depicted as a very prominent disciple, most scholars assume that she is Mary Magdalene, although in the extant text she is always just called Mary. The gospel emphasizes her prominence by presenting her as a strong leader, and by suggesting that she was the most favored disciple of Jesus and received a special revelation from him. It also suggests that this led to a conflict with Peter, who may have seen her as a threat to his position as overall leader of the disciples in the period after Jesus departed.

Indications of a rivalry with Peter are especially evident in the last section of the extant text, in which Mary gets into an argument with Peter and his brother Andrew over some private revelations that Jesus had given to her. This section may derive from memories of a historical conflict between her and Peter which eventually caused her to leave the group. Thus, although this gospel probably wasn’t written until the second century, it may preserve some traditions passed down from an earlier period.

The Gospel of Mary contains some gnostic ideas, particularly in the section which describes the revelations she received from Jesus. This connection with gnosticism, together with the prominent role that the gospel gives to a female, may have led to its suppression by orthodox Christians.

Council of Nicaea 325 AD & Christ’s Divinity: Lost Gnostic Gospel’s

The Gospel of Peter

A fragment of this gospel was discovered in Egypt in the late nineteenth century, and two more possible fragments have been found since then. But a large portion may still be missing. Hopefully the remainder will eventually be found, because the available text contains some interesting material, including the only known description of Jesus leaving the tomb after his resurrection.

Ever since the first fragment was discovered, this gospel has been controversial. A few scholars think that it preserves some of the beliefs and views of the earliest Christians. But most regard it as a secondary work containing a mixture of fanciful elements and material copied from the New Testament gospels.

One intriguing part of this gospel is its account of the exit of Jesus from the tomb. This exit takes place during the night as some Roman soldiers stand guard nearby. Suddenly the soldiers see two men (or angels) descend from heaven and enter the tomb. A short time later the men come back out with Jesus between them. At this point the men look so tall that their heads reach to the sky, and Jesus looks even taller. They are followed out of the tomb by a cross. Suddenly the soldiers hear a voice from heaven, and the cross answers it.

The description of this scene puzzles many people, since it appears to depict a wooden cross that can walk and talk. But some scholars think that the passage is actually describing a cross-like formation of resurrected saints who have returned to life along with Jesus and follow him out of the tomb. A few scholars also see connections between this account and a passage at Matthew 27:52-53, which describes a similar resurrection of dead saints.

The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas

This gospel was probably first written in Greek, but the only surviving complete text is a Coptic translation discovered in Egypt in 1945. Its initial section indicates that it contains the “secret sayings” of Jesus, and the main text then gives 114 of these sayings. In most of the passages Jesus speaks as a teacher and his disciples make comments and ask questions.

Because the initial section of this gospel refers to “secret sayings”, many scholars believe that it was a secret gospel, at least originally. This means that it was thought to contain secret knowledge, and that only certain individuals were allowed to read it. Several other secret gospels, or fragments of them, have also been discovered.

The Gospel of Thomas may preserve some authentic teachings of Jesus that aren’t found in the bible. For this reason, many scholars regard it as the most important surviving non-canonical gospel.

The Gospel of Judas

The Gospel of Judas

The only extant copy of this gospel was found in Egypt, but the time and place of its discovery are uncertain, and there are indications that it passed through the Egyptian black market at one stage.

The existing copy is a Coptic text, probably a translation of a still-lost Greek original. Unfortunately the manuscript is damaged in many places, and some pages are missing, so that translation and interpretation are difficult. However, many scholars believe that it was a secret gospel used mostly by certain gnostic sects of Christians.

This gospel is notable in that it may depict Judas Iscariot as the most loyal disciple of Jesus, and an innocent martyr instead of an evil betrayer. But because of the damage to the manuscript, and the difficulties of interpretation, there is some uncertainty about this matter. In any case, this is one of the later gospels, probably not written until the second century, and most scholars doubt that it contains any authentic information about the real Judas Iscariot.

Giant Footprint And Ancient Pyramid Temple in Lepakshi India


Although Lepakshi is a small village in Andhra Pradesh - India, Lepakshi is very important historically and archaeologically. There is some thing mythical in the place when you connect facts to the legends:

There is a Giant footprint in Hindu temple – Sita Amman Kovil. In the shade of a mountain is Sita’s blue temple with shrines to Rama, Sita and Hanuman the monkey God. Beside the temple is a stream and a large rock with giant footprints on it – the footprints of Hanuman as he jumped to find Sita and give her Rama’s ring. There is similar giant footprints of Shri Ram and Sita at Sphatik Shila and in Chitrakoot.

The footprint always has a trickle of water coming into it from somewhere not known. Near by there is Veerabhadra temple with a pyramid tower and pillars with amazing carving of life-size images of dancers. Legend has it that the Naga (ancient Indian reptilian race) of the Nagalinga was carved out of a single stone by sculptors while they waited for their mother to prepare lunch.

A huge Nandi bull made out of a single granite stone is one of the attractions in Lepakshi.The place is renowned for being one of the best repository of mural paintings (see below) of the Vijayanagar Kings.

Adding up giant foot print, pyramid, reptilian race and megalithic bull statue – it seems there is more than meet the eye in that small village.



Congregation In Virginia Jumps In Popularity For Worshipping In The Nude

Congregation In Virginia Jumps In Popularity For Worshipping In The Nude

Pastor Allen Parker wants all of his congregants to love and accept themselves for who they are.

Parker decided to lead his congregation the way God brought us all into the world, in the nude.

Members of the small congregation in Virginia, worship in any way they feel comfortable, but most members choose to be in some state of undress

Congregation In Virginia Jumps In Popularity For Worshipping In The Nude

Pastor Parker said that his church members are there to find inner peace, and that begins with self acceptance.

"There is no feeling that you have to be better than others, physically," Parker said.

"We are human beings, we all have scars, we have what we have. It is about learning to love and accept that," he added.



Indian Worshipped As Monkey God Because He Has Grown A14-inch TAIL

Indian Worshipped As Monkey God Because He Has Grown A14-inch TAIL

Meet Chandre Oraon: the Indian man whom locals treat as a God because of his peculiar, 14.5-inch tail.

The 35-year-old tea picker, who lives in Alipurduar in the Jalpaiguri district of the West Bengal, India, is worshipped by locals who believe the long, hairy appendage growing out of the small of his back is a sign that he is a living reincarnation of the Hindu god Hanuman – who Hindus believe took the form of a small, talking monkey.

Indian Worshipped As Monkey God Because He Has Grown A14-inch TAIL

Oraon's job as a tea picker means he has to clamber up tall trees, which he does effortlessly.

His devout followers travel for hundreds of miles to queue up outside his humble home to seek blessings by touching his tail.

Monika Lakda, told media said she travelled overnight to see Oraon at his small makeshift shrine, hoping he would be able to cure her nephew's fever.

"We gave him medicine but it did not work. So we came to Chandre to seek his blessings. The baby recovered soon after that. We believe that Chandre is an incarnation of Hanuman. They say he was born on the Holy Hanuman day. So we have faith in him."

Chandre believes his tail gives him divine powers. "I am Hanuman. People have a lot of respect for me because of my tail. I don't mind the tail at all. It is a gift by God," he said.

"Once my mother chopped of my tail when I was young. Soon after, I got a high fever and I was very sick. My mother told me that I almost died. After that, everyone said I must keep the tail. My family said they felt me getting sick was a sign that my tail was divine."

Indian Worshipped As Monkey God Because He Has Grown A14-inch TAIL

Not everyone is convinced about Candre's abilities. Local doctors say the 35-year-old's tail is caused by a rare congenital defect called spina bifida, which happens when the spinal column does not close all the way down. Doctors have recommended Oraon have the tail removed but he has refused, despite admitting it is a turn-off for the ladies.

Chandre said: "A few women rejected my proposals. I had gone to see a girl once. She immediately noticed that I have a tail. She refused to marry me there and then. She said to my face it was because of my tail."

Chandre married Maino, 38, in 2007 and the couple have a daughter, five-year-old Radhika. His wife says his tail has caused marital problems.

Maino said: "Despite his fame, things between us haven't been working out well. I don't like Chandre. I don't like living with him.

"He doesn't look good. My mother and my father passed away when I was young. So my brothers wanted to me to get married. So I had to compromise."

Indian Worshipped As Monkey God Because He Has Grown A14-inch TAIL



Extremely Disturbing Soviet Zombie Experiments

Extremely Disturbing Soviet Zombie Experiments

Behind the Iron Curtain, the Soviets were toying with something more sinister than a sane mind could fathom; reanimating severed organs and body parts, and breeding undead, mutated beasts.

Some of the most disturbing imagery is related to the experiments on the revival of organisms by Soviet scientist Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko, held at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, Voronezh, U.S.S.R. The videos paint a grotesque picture of what was taking place behind the walls of the doomed communist regime.

A 1940 video of the experiments, available through the public archive, details the experiments in which parts of dead animals (dogs, in this case) are reanimated through the use of machinery. For credibility sake, I’ll post the video, but be warned it contains violent imagery with extreme cruelty to animals.


One segment of the video shows the severed head of a dog hooked into a heart-lung machine Bryukhonenko called an “autojector.” As the machine begins to pump, the dog’s head slowly returns to life. To prove that the dog is aware, the scientists begin to torment it, and in one scene rub a q-tip of acid inside its nostril which the undead dog promptly begins licking. Another segment shows a severed heart still beating through the use of machines, along with other reanimated organs.

The contraption and its associated horrors were first displayed at the 1928 Third Congress of Physiologists of the USSR.

A similar experiment was conducted in 1954 by Soviet scientist Vladimir Demikhov, yet instead of keeping the dog alive with a machine, he connected it to the vital organs of another animal. Demikhov’s two-headed zombie dog can be seen in a Russian-language public archive video.


To create the creature, Demikhov chopped a puppy in half just beneath its forearms and grafted it onto the neck of a mature dog. He created 20 of the two-headed creatures, yet they typically did not live long due to tissue rejection.

Despite the short life span of his animals (about a month at the longest), Demikhov’s experiments had a resonating effect, and a type of arms race sprung up around reanimation. The U.S. government funded a similar project of Robert White who on March 14, 1970, successfully chopped off the head of a monkey and brought it back to life by grafting it onto the headless body of another monkey. It lived for a day, hatefully glaring at White.


In an interview with BBC, White said he and his team were able to “transplant the brain as a separate organ into an intact animal and maintain it in a viable, or living situation for many days … We’ve been able to retain the brain in the skull, and in the head.”

The BBC summarized this: “That, he said meant the monkey was conscious, and that it could see, hear, taste and smell because the nerves were left intact in the head.”

Extremely Disturbing Soviet Zombie Experiments

Following the success of the experiment, White began touring in search of two human patients willing to undergo the experiment. He found Craig Vetovitz, who was partially handicapped, yet unable to find a second subject who was willing, his work faded into the shadows.


Cannibal Restaurant 'With Roasted Human Heads On The Menu'

Cannibal Restaurant 'With Roasted Human Heads On The Menu'

Police arrested 11 people and closed a restaurant after two human heads wrapped in cellophane were discovered at a hotel restaurant that had been serving human flesh.

A tip-off led police to the macabre discovery in Anambra, Nigeria, with 11 people being arrested and AK-47 guns and other weapons being seized.

Human flesh was apparently being sold as an expensive treat at the restaurant, with authorities saying that roasted human head was even on the menu.

"I went to the hotel early this year, after eating, I was told that a lump of meat was being sold at N700, I was surprised," a pastor who had visited the eatery said.

"So I did not know it was human meat that I ate at such expensive price.

Cannibal Restaurant 'With Roasted Human Heads On The Menu'

"What is this country turning into? Can you imagine people selling human flesh as meat," he added. "Seriously I’m beginning to fear people in this part of the world. "

Another local added to the Osun Defender newspaper: "I always noticed funny movements in and out of the hotel; dirty people with dirty characters always come into the hotel.

"So, I was not surprised when the police made this discovery in the early hours of yesterday."

The tabloid reported that two army caps, 40 rounds of live ammunition and 'so many cell phones' were also discovered by authorities.


Tinder Hook-Ups Off the Hook Among Sochi Athletes


It looks like the fit and healhty athletes at the Sochi Olympics this year have no choice but to act on their sexual desires in order to stay focused on the games. They go through vigorous daily routines that combine stretching, eating, sleeping, training, and screwing. Lots and lots of screwing. Everywhere. Literally everywhere. Seriously, Tinder usage is at an all-time high at Sochi.-lilhub

Tinder is an app that lets you know if there’s someone nearby who you might like. You can anonymously like the other person or pass on them, but if both people like one another, then a match is made.

The social networking tool may be new since the last Winter Olympics, but with 3,000 athletes in the prime of their lives from around the world packed into Sochi, they’re bound to seek an outlet through electronic means or otherwise.

“It’s like making the ingredients of a huge stew — a stew of sexual ingredients,” said Dr. Judy Kuriansky, a sex therapist and clinical psychologist at Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York City. “There is stress, which causes tension, and anxiety and energy, and a massive outpouring of chemicals in the body — adrenaline and endorphins. It’s a powerful concoction of chemicals.”

“Everyone knows the runner’s high,” she said. “Olympian athletes certainly have it — it’s orgasmic.”

Kuriansky said all the beautiful and fit athletes tend not to “think about their conscience.”

“Winners or losers, on top of the world or devastated, it tends to make you grab the moment — carpe diem,” she said. “This is your moment.”



Mysterious Diseases Without Names, Causes Unknown: Symptoms of Modern Life?

Mysterious Diseases Without Names, Causes Unknown: Symptoms of Modern Life?

Patients all over the world are denied the minor comfort of diagnoses for their illnesses—doctors are baffled by new diseases, and they have no name to give them or treatments to recommend.

The sources of many such illnesses also have not been identified. Some new illnesses may, however, be caused by the human body’s incompatibility with modern chemicals and other conditions it has not had to cope with in history. Daniel Lieberman, a biology professor at Harvard University has written about common diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and irritable bowel syndrome, that may be caused by the modern lifestyle.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) has an Undiagnosed Diseases Program dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of new diseases. Syndrome Without a Name (SWAN) groups have popped up around the world to support people living in uncertainty with undiagnosed diseases.

Here’s a look at seven rare diseases that have been identified in recent years, though much remains to be learned about them and the causes of some are a complete mystery.

1. Morgellons Disease
Morgellons Disease

Morgellons disease has stoked controversy. Some claim this rare disease is caused by chemtrails. Famed environmentalist David Suzuki sums up the chemtrails idea:

Chemtrails believers claim governments around the world are in cahoots with secret organizations to seed the atmosphere with chemicals and materials—aluminum salts, barium crystals, biological agents, polymer fibres, etc.—for a range of nefarious purposes. These include controlling weather for military purposes, poisoning people for population or mind control, and supporting secret weapons programs.”

The Mayo Clinic describes the disease as “an unexplained skin disorder characterized by disfiguring sores and crawling sensations on and under the skin. Morgellons disease also features fibers or solid materials emerging from these sores.”

It affects mostly middle-aged white women. A cluster of cases in California prompted research.

2. Pockets of Blood Under Skin: CHST-14 Deficiency
Pockets of Blood Under Skin: CHST-14 Deficiency
NIH’s Undiagnosed Diseases Program discovered the first American case of CHST-14 deficiency, characterized by malformations of the thumbs and feet, as well as pockets of blood that build up under the skin.

3. Prune Belly Syndrome

Prune Belly Syndrome
Also called Eagle-Barrett syndrome, this condition has three main features:

1. Lack of abdominal muscles, causing the skin on the belly to wrinkle like a prune

2. Undescended testicles in males.

3. Urinary tract problems.

According to NIH, prune belly syndrome affects 1 in 40,000 births. The cause of the condition is unknown.

4. Mysterious Calcium Build-Up in the Arteries and Joints

Mysterious Calcium Build-Up in the Arteries and Joints
NIH’s Undiagnosed Diseases Program announced it’s first major success in 2011 when it diagnosed and learned more about a rare condition caused by a buildup of calcium in the arteries and in the joints. Before 2011, when NIH encountered the disease in nine individuals from three families, it was only recorded in seven patients over the course of a century.

NIH named it “arterial calcification due to CD73 deficiency” (ACDC). It initially baffled doctors, because the calcium was found to build up in a way doctors did not previously know was possible in the body.

5. One Woman’s Story of Unexplained Blindness

One Woman’s Story of Unexplained Blindness
DeGalynn Wade, an attorney in Minneapolis, went blind and doctors could not figure out why. The symptoms that accompany other illnesses that cause blindness could not be found in her body. She turned to NIH’s program for help, reported The Guardian, though the cause of her blindness remains a mystery.

6. Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (IEI) 

Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (IEI)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled as “Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance” illnesses that may be caused by exposure to multiple chemical substances and to electromagnetic fields common in modern society.

The “idiopathic” part means the exact cause is unknown.

WHO reported last year that “research has not been able to provide support for a causal relationship between exposure to electromagnetic fields and self-reported symptoms, or ‘electromagnetic hypersensitivity.’”

People who may be sensitive to electromagnetic fields report symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, joint and muscle pain, dizziness, and nausea.

7. Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics

Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics
The number of hospitalizations due to Staphylococcus aureus infections more than doubled from 1999 to 2005, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This bacteria has developed a resistance to penicillin and other antimicrobial drugs.

CDC explains on its website: “[S. aureus] is the primary cause of lower respiratory tract infections and surgical site infections and the second leading cause of nosocomial bacteremia, pneumonia, and cardiovascular infections.”


DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released - With Incredible Results

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released - With Incredible Results

It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928, a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world.

These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years.

A DNA analysis has now been conducted on one of the skulls and expert Brien Foerster has released preliminary information regarding these enigmatic skulls.

It is well-known that most cases of skull elongation are the result of cranial deformation, head flattening, or head binding, in which the skull is intentionally deformed by applying force over a long period of time.

It is usually achieved by binding the head between two pieces of wood, or binding in cloth.

However, while cranial deformation changes the shape of the skull, it does not alter its volume, weight, or other features that are characteristic of a regular human skull. The Paracas skulls, however, are different.

The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening.

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released - With Incredible Results

They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been for decades.

Mr. Juan Navarro, owner and director of the local museum, called the Paracas History Museum, which houses a collection of 35 of the Paracas skulls, allowed the taking of samples from 5 of the skulls.

The samples consisted of hair, including roots, a tooth, skull bone and skin, and this process was carefully documented via photos and video. The samples were sent to the late Lloyd Pye, founder of the Starchild Project, who delivered the samples to a geneticist in Texas for DNA testing.

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released - With Incredible Results

The results are now back, and Brien Foerster, author of more than ten books and an authority on the ancient elongated headed people of South America, has just revealed the preliminary results of the analysis.

He reports on the geneticist’s findings:

“It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far.”

“But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.”

“The implications are huge.”

“I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist wrote.

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released - With Incredible Results

He added that if the Paracas individuals were so biologically different, they would not have been able to interbreed with humans.

The results need to be replicated and more analysis undertaken before final conclusions can be drawn. We will update when more details emerge.


Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

In the American southwest we have evidence of what appears to be modern day descriptions of the Reptilian Alien Race. The majestic mesas and rugged mountains of the American southwest are home to many native peoples, including the Navajo, Zuni, Pueblo, Hopi and Apache. These tribes have many different beliefs, but their creation myths all share something quite remarkable, all of them share the belief that they came up from the ground.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

The Apaches and pueblo Indians, the Zuni and the Hopi Indians have a legend that they emerged from some underground world into today’s world and some of the southwestern people went back underground for safety. The Hopi of Arizona say their ancestors escaped a deadly storm of falling stars with the help of the snake people, who took them to shelters deep in the earth.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

Today we know of other Hopi legend that speak of the ant people who protected them from storms of fire and ice. The Hopi Indians survived cataclysms by living in this underground world with the ant people for a certain period of time, and then eventually they emerged from the underground world back into the surface world. Today the shamans, and the elders of native Americans will tell you that before these people were able to emerge out of planet earth, they were brought here by the star-people these star-gods which according to them and their beliefs arrived from outer space.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth
For decades, stories of encounters with UFOs and alien beings have been told among the people of new Mexico’s Jicarilla Apache reservation (near the town of Dulce, where there is an alleged Underground facility where aliens and humans work on several projects together), nestled in the shadow of the over 9,000-foot-high Archuleta mesa, it is from this mesa and mountain that people claim they have seen UFO’s flying out of the mountain, and even today New Mexico is one of the places where the most UFO sightings occur, there is no doubt that there is something in this part of our planet that attracts these extraterrestrial visitors.

 Some of the aliens in these stories bear a strange resemblance to the ancient tales of the ant-like and snake-like beings from the Hopi legends and have a great resemblance to today’s description of the Reptilian Alien race. One thing that is strange for sure is the amount of military traffic over at Dulce, the unmarked black helicopters, the heavy-duty Chinooks, all of them spend a lot more time in Dulce than they should if nothing was going on there, so yes they are there for a reason and that much military activity is not normal.

Hollow Earth

The idea that the earth might be hollow as a scientific notion dates back to the astronomer Edmund Halley who is best known for his comet. In 1691 he presented to the London royal society his hypothesis that the earth is hollow and contains several little spheres inside. The earth’s magnetic pole moved a little bit every year to the west, and his idea was that our outer sphere had inner spheres that turned independently of the outer one. He also suggested that these interior spheres would also be able to support life.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

In 1818, former U.S. army Captain John Cleves Symmes, Jr., announced that there were vast openings at each pole where we could enter inner earth. In 1864 Jules Verne released his second novel, a journey to the center of the earth and that captured the interest of people around the world, everyone wanted to know more about this and if it was actually real, could you literally access the center of the Earth.

In the 1920′s, Richard E. Byrd made world headlines by flying over the north pole and by becoming the first man to fly solo over the South pole and hollow earth theorists believe that the famous explorer went even further, and that on February 19 1947 admiral Byrd piloted a plane through a hole near the north pole into the interior of the earth. At that point when he entered inner Earth a flying saucer took control of his airplane, with some kind of beam and “they” landed him near an inner earth city and gave a message; “that they consider themselves the guardians of this planet” He said, “we don’t approve of you people using nuclear weapons”.

When Admiral Byrd got to Washington the government put a lid of secrecy on the whole subject and it was not to go out to the public.

Some say admiral Byrd’s own account of this flight into the hollow earth is detailed in his secret diary published in the 1990′s but skeptics claim the diary is a forgery and point out that in February 1947, at the time admiral Byrd was supposedly visiting this “other world” underneath the north pole, he was actually part of a vast 4,700-man naval exploration called “operation high jump, 12,000 Miles away, near the South pole.


In 1963, a simple home renovation in the town of Derinkuyu, Turkey led to an extraordinary discovery when a cave wall was opened, revealing a passageway to an underground city thousands of years old and more than 280 feet deep. Derinkuyu would’ve been a massive undertaking to build for anyone, even in modern times with modern equipment a project of this magnitude would have required specific equipment, planing, and knowledge of the terrains geological composition, at Derinkuyu, because of the softness of the stone, you had to be very careful that you provided enough pillar strength to support the floors above otherwise you’d have catastrophic cave-ins what is very interesting is that there’s absolutely no evidence of any catastrophic cave-ins so the builders were extremely clever and knew their material so yes it is quite an masterpiece we have there.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

The question here is why would anyone want to live underground? Why was this underground city built? The Cappadocia region– where Derinkuyu is located, was part of the Zoroastrian empire, which was Persian in nature. The Zoroastrian religion based on opposing forces of good and evil is widely believed to have influenced both Hinduism and Judeo-Christianity. Scholars say it was founded sometime before the sixth century b.C. and its chief God is the creator Ahura Mazda. In the second chapter of the Zoroastrian sacred text, the Vendidad, Ahura Mazda saves mankind from a worldwide environmental disaster, the great prophet Yima was instructed to build a kind of underground refuge similar to Derinkuyu by the sky God Ahura Mazda.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

According to the sacred texts, Yima built a multilevel underground city to protect a select group of people and animals from a global ice age. The Vendidad calls this “the evil winters.” The underground city at Derinkuyu has an unusual security system: 1,000-pound doors on rollers that allow them to be moved by a single person, but only from one side. This was a very complex security measure and obviously the inhabitants of the underground city wanted to hide something from the outside.

Underground Aliens and the Hallow Earth

 According to the ancient Zoroastrian texts, Ahura Mazda flew through the sky in a divine chariot and waged war against his eternal enemy, Angra Mainyu, the demon of destruction. So we have a description of “extraterrestrials” with capability of flight, is it possible that people searched for shelter in this underground city?

Derinkuyu was clearly built out of fear of an aerial enemy, why? because if something flies over you at high speed they would not be able to spot the ventilation shafts. If it were an enemy that was on foot or on horseback it would be easy for them to just close all the ventilation shafts and everyone inside would have to come out in the search for air. During recorded history we know that many different people did in fact hide in the underground city of Derinkuyu to escape everything from desert raiders to Roman legions. But some experts wonder whether such conventional attacks can really explain why Derinkuyu was built in the first place.


Marius The Giraffe Skinned In Front Of Children And Fed To Lions [Graphic Video]

Marius The Giraffe Skinned In Front Of Children And Fed To Lions

Saying it needed to prevent inbreeding, the Copenhagen Zoo killed a two-year-old giraffe and fed its remains to lions as visitors watched, ignoring a petition signed by thousands and offers from other zoos and a private individual to save the animal.

Marius, a healthy male, was put down yesterday using a bolt pistol, said spokesman Tobias Stenbaek Bro at the Danish zoo. Visitors, including children, were invited to watch while the giraffe was then skinned and fed to the lions.

Protests as shot zoo giraffe fed to lions in front of children

Marius's plight triggered a wave of online protests and renewed debate about the conditions of zoo animals.

But the public feeding of Marius' remains to the lions was popular at Copenhagen Zoo. Stenbaek Bro said it allowed parents to decide whether their children should watch what the zoo regards as an important display of scientific knowledge about animals.

Marius The Giraffe Skinned In Front Of Children And Fed To Lions

"I'm actually proud because I think we have given children a huge understanding of the anatomy of a giraffe that they wouldn't have had from watching a giraffe in a photo," Stenbaek Bro said.

He said the zoo, which now has seven giraffes left, followed the recommendation of the European Association of Zoos to put down Marius by because there already were a lot of giraffes with similar genes in the organisation's breeding programme.

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