Channel: The Controversial Files
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3,800-year-old Blueprint Reveals That Noah’s Ark Was Round

3,800-year-old Blueprint Reveals That Noah’s Ark Was Round
Today, a new object has been put on display at the British Museum: a tablet, light brown, covered in cuneiform script. The piece is approximately 4,000 years old, and approximately the size of a smartphone. It was discovered in modern-day Iraq—ancient Mesopotamia—and, upon deciphering, it seems to tell a story that will be familiar to many: that of a boat that will help a man to survive a flood. It mentions animals, and specifies that they should enter the boat "two by two."

3,800-year-old Blueprint Reveals That Noah’s Ark Was Round
Except the vessel in question isn't a boat—at least, not in the way we tend to think of boats.

The tablet at the British Museum offers instructions (delivered, in this case, from a Mesopotamian god) for building a vessel. It would be made of woven rope, and then reinforced with wooden ribs. It would be coated, to seal it from the water, in bitumen. It would be, in area, two-thirds the size of a soccer field. And it would be ... round.

The tablet gives instructions, in other words, for building a coracle: a large, round vessel. Coracles look something like this:

3,800-year-old Blueprint Reveals That Noah’s Ark Was Round
The discovery and deciphering of the tablet was done by Irving Finkel, the assistant curator of Middle East exhibits at the British Museum. (A few years ago, a man who had acquired the tablet from his father—who had in turn acquired it from the Middle East after World War II—brought it to him.) "It was really a heart-stopping moment—the discovery that the boat was to be a round boat," Finkel told the AP. "That was a real surprise."

He also notes, though, that a rotund vessel would have made sense in the context of the tablet. Coracles were used in ancient Iraq as river taxies. They were, given their construction materials, light to transport. Their shape gave them stability against shifting currents and, when necessary, floodwaters.

Finkel is writing a book about the discovery, but the AP is quick to point out that other experts back up his ark-aeological work. Elizabeth Stone, an expert on ancient Mesopotamia at Stony Brook University, says it would have made sense that ancient Mesopotamians would depict their mythological ark as round. ("People are going to envision the boat however people envision boats where they are," she put it.) And David Owen, professor of ancient Near Eastern studies at Cornell, says that Finkel has made, with his tablet, "an extraordinary discovery."

3,800-year-old Blueprint Reveals That Noah’s Ark Was Round

The discovery might also be a controversial one. Later Mesopotamian writings, including the "Epic of Gilgamesh," feature flood stories; when scholars in the 19th century first discovered this similarity, they were alarmed at the tales' similarity to the story of Noah. Finkel, for his part, thinks the flood story was passed on to the Jews while they were in exile in Babylon during the 6th century BC. He also doesn't claim that the tablet he has deciphered offers evidence of the existence of the ark described in the Bible; he believes, instead, that a destructive flood "made its way into folk memory, and has remained there ever since."

Regardless. Someone, somewhere, gave instructions for boat-building, and those instructions live on in our texts. The next step? Build it, and see what comes. A team of engineers now plans to follow the instructions contained within the museum's Mesopotamian tablet. Their plan? To see whether an ancient arkcoracle, its dimensions and building materials detailed on a tablet, could actually have sailed.



Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace. However, the doves were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.

Addressing tens of thousands of people gathered in Vatican City’s St. Peter’s Square for the Pope’s weekly Angelus prayer, the pontiff said that his thoughts and prayers were with the victims of the Ukrainian unrest.

“I am close to Ukraine in prayer, in particular to those who have lost their lives in recent days and to their families,” Pope Francis said.

He then raised hopes for a “constructive dialogue between the institutions and civil society,” urging both sides to avoid violence and reminding that “the spirit of peace and a search for the common good”should be “in the hearts of all.”

In a symbolic peace gesture, two white doves were then released by children standing alongside Pope Francis.

Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

But as soon as the birds took off, they were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.

The crowd gasped as one dove broke free from its seagull attacker, losing some feathers in the process. The other was less fortunate and was repeatedly pecked at by the crow before flying away.

Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

It is not clear what happened to the doves after onlookers lost sight of them.

Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

Social networks immediately exploded with comments and interpretations of the incident; some perceived it as an“ill omen” while others simply described the situation as ironic.

Bad Omen? Pope’s Doves Of Peace For Ukraine Attacked By Angry Birds

Hundreds of protesters and police officers have been injured in violent riots in Ukraine. Investigators have been searching for shooters who, in separate incidents this week, killed several rioters and one policeman with rounds suitable for a sporting gun.


Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Well at least we know people back in the past enjoyed farting like we do now. The following images are from ancient Japanese scrolls that dates way back to the Edo period (1603-1868). The documents depict what they call ‘he-gassen’ or ‘farting competition’. Yes, we’re looking at valuable documents with historical significance, and it’s about people farting.

They show men farting strong gusts of human fumes towards men, women, a cat, and what looks like a tree branch. Examining these scrolls further makes you think that farts back then could really knock over people and walls. Either that or this is an elaborate prank by people then on people from the future. But seriously, in terms of historical context, similar scrolls depicted farts as a way to ridicule others, especially westerners, wherein they too would get blown away – literally – by the gas.

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions

Bizarre But True: Japanese Scrolls From The 1600s Depict Farting Competitions


My Secret Twin: Body Bizarre Episode [VIDEO]


Workitu Debebet ,17, spent her young life hiding an incredible secret -- a parasitic twin, including two arms and two legs, fused to her pelvis. Workitu was raised thinking she was normal and reached her late teens without treatment because her poor parents had no way of accessing expert medical care. But Workitu's life has finally been transformed after a team of expert surgeons performed pioneering surgery to separate her from her unborn conjoined twin. Now, the teenager is going to school and making friends for the first time and is looking forward to having a career, getting married and even having children of her own.


Humans Aliens Working Alongside At Area 51 Military Base [VIDEO]

Humans Aliens Working Alongside At Area 51 Military Base

With the recent Citizen Hearings UFO Disclosure 2013 which took place in Washington D.C were at which many creditable witnesses military and civilian had come forward with detail accounts of UFO Sightings and Alien activity which has taken place worldwide then & now makes this following account believable.

Over the years there have been several individuals who have come forward and disclosed their personal alleged activities with Aliens and Alien Technology while they were employed as private contractors for the Top Secret Military Base Area 51. Here we have one of those individuals who has come forward with detail accounts of working alongside an Alien Grey in the construction of a UFO simulator for the training of Military Pilots for future flights on Human UFOs.

Humans Aliens Working Alongside At Area 51 Military Base

This 71 year old witness who was then a mechanical engineer between the years of 1966 thru 1979 at Area 51 continues to state that he worked and recieved intructions via mental telepathy in his own voice from an Alien Grey Scientific Translator code name Jrod. Further this gentlemen also suggests that there may also be thousands of this type of Alien Greys who are working throughout the military establishment with advanced technologies in an exchange for Human/Animal/Plant Genetic Harvesting performed by the Greys.

Please Watch the Area 51 Disclosure 2013 Humans working alongside Aliens Video Here:


AIDS: A Doctor’s Note on the Man-Made Theory


When AIDS officially began in 1981 the public was told that anal sex, drugs, and homosexuality were at the root of the new “gay plague.” The first cases were all young, predominantly white, and previously healthy homosexual men from Manhattan who were dying mysteriously from “gay pneumonia” and “gay cancer” in the form of Kaposi’s sarcoma. The association with homosexuality was so remarkable that the disease was initially termed GRID (“gay-related immune deficiency”). To this day, gays are still blamed for the spread of AIDS into the U.S. population.

When the disease first broke out, a new virus was suspected, but officials reassured “the general public” there was nothing to worry about. Of course, the health experts were wrong. Now most of the world’s AIDS cases are heterosexuals. The AIDS virus (HIV) can also be transmitted vaginally; and one does not need to be a drug abuser, a promiscuous person or a homosexual to contract AIDS.

The Green Monkey Theory

The Green Monkey Theory

Where did HIV originate? Prominent cancer virologists and government epidemiologists have theorised that HIV originated in African green monkeys. Purportedly the monkey virus “jumped species” and entered the black population. From there it migrated to Haiti and Manhattan. After the virus entered the black heterosexual population in the late 1970s, it rapidly spread to millions of blacks because of transfusions with HIV-infected blood, dirty needles, promiscuity and genital ulcers — or so the experts said.

Not all scientists believe the official monkey story, although it is rare to find people who express this view publicly. One persistent underground rumor is that AIDS is biological warfare. Proponents of the AIDS conspiracy theory believe that AIDS has nothing to do with green monkeys, homosexuality, drug addiction, genital ulcerations, anal sex or promiscuity, but that it has to do with scientists experimenting on blacks and gays: in short, AIDS is genocide. Most African-Americans have heard the story that HIV is a manufactured virus genetically-engineered to kill off the black race. Thirty percent of New York City blacks polled by The New York Times (October 29, 1990) actually believe AIDS is an ethno-specific bioweapon designed in a laboratory to infect black people.

Despite the general acceptance that HIV came from monkeys and the rain forest, there is no scientific evidence to prove that HIV and AIDS originated in Africa. What is true is that the first AIDS cases were uncovered in the U.S. in 1979, around the same time that AIDS cases were discovered in Africa. In addition, no stored African tissue from the 1970s tests positive for HIV. And scientists have a hard time explaining how a black heterosexual epidemic centered in Africa could have quickly transformed itself into a white homosexual epidemic in Manhattan.

The Gay Hepatitis-B Vaccine Experiment

The Gay Hepatitis-B Vaccine Experiment

Conveniently lost in the history of AIDS is the gay Hepatitis-B vaccine experiment that immediately preceded the decimation of gay Americans. A “cohort” of over a thousand young gays was injected with the vaccine at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan during the period November 1978 to October 1979.1 Similar gay experiments were conducted in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis, and Chicago, beginning in 1980.2 The AIDS epidemic broke out shortly thereafter.

The experiment was run by Wolf Szmuness, a Polish Jew born in 1919. He was a young medical student in eastern Poland when the Nazis invaded the country in 1939. His entire family perished in the Holocaust. When Poland was partitioned, Szmuness was taken prisoner and sent to Siberia.

After the war, he was allowed to finish medical school in Tomsk in central Russia. He married a Russian woman, had a daughter, and in 1959 was allowed to return to Poland where he became an expert in hepatitis.

According to June Goodfield’s account of his life in Quest for the Killers, Szmuness defected from Poland with his family in 1969, arriving penniless in New York with $15 in his pocket.3 Through scientific connections he found work as a laboratory technician at the New York Blood Center. Within a few years he was given his own lab at the center and was also appointed Professor of Public Health at Columbia University. By the mid-1970s, Szmuness was a world authority on hepatitis, and was invited back to Moscow in 1975 to give a scientific presentation. As a defector he was terrified to set foot back in the Soviet Union, but his colleagues assured him he would have the full protection of the U.S. State Department. His return to Russia was a scientific triumph.

In the late 1970s, Wolf Szmuness was awarded millions of dollars to undertake the most important mission of his life: the Hepatitis-B vaccine experiment. Szmuness specifically wanted to use gay men to avoid “serious legal and logistical problems.”4 For his study he did not want monogamous men, nor men with lovers. He chose only healthy, young, responsible, intelligent, and primarily white homosexuals. The experiment was costly and he didn’t want any uncooperative or hard-to-find gays messing up his experiment. Involved in the experiment were the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Abbott Laboratories, and Merck, Sharp & Dohme. Szmuness’ experiment was hugely successful, and his vaccine was hailed as having tremendous global implications.

The Gay Plague

The Gay Plague

The links of the gay experiment to the outbreak of AIDS are obvious to anyone who wants to see the connection. Three months after the experiment began, the first cases of AIDS reported to the CDC appeared in young gay men in Manhattan in 1979. The first San Francisco AIDS case appeared in that city in September 1980, six months after the Hepatitis-B experiment started there.5 In June 1981 the AIDS epidemic became “official.”

Were gay men given experimental vaccines contaminated with the AIDS virus? The government says no, but government agencies have a long history of covert and unethical medical experimentation, particularly with minorities. Was it simply a quirk of nature that a virus “out of Africa” would suddenly decimate the most hated minority in America?

Why did the U.S. government choose Wolf Szmuness, a Soviet-trained doctor and a recent American immigrant to head this dangerous experiment? Goodfield, who has written the definitive account of the Hepatitis-B experiment, claims Szmuness has a painful life. Confined as a political prisoner in Siberia during World War II, he was repeatedly interrogated and beaten by the Russian KGB for refusing to cooperate in spy activities. When he could not be broken, they warned him: “Say nothing of this to anyone, but remember. We will reach you anywhere in the world. No matter where you go, no matter where you try to hide, you will never be out of our grasp.”6

The experimental Hepatitis-B vaccine was primarily manufactured by Merck. However, during the experiment Szmuness was concerned about possible vaccine contamination. Goodfield writes, “This was no theoretical fear, contamination having been suspected in one vaccine batch made by the National Institutes of Health, though never in Merck’s.”7

After the Hepatitis-B experiment ended, Szmuness insisted that all thirteen thousand blood specimens donated by gay men be retained at the Blood Center for future use. Due to space requirements, it is highly unusual for any laboratory to retain so many old blood specimens. However, several years later when this blood was retested for the presence of HIV antibodies, government epidemiologists were able to detect the “introduction” and the spread of HIV into the gay community.

When asked why he was keeping so many vials of blood, Szmuness replied, “Because one day another disease may erupt and we’ll need this material.”8 A few months after the Hepatitis-B experiment began at the Center, the first AIDS cases began to appear in gay men living in Manhattan. And the retesting of gay blood at the Blood Center proved that HIV was first introduced into the gay population of New York City sometime around 1978-1979, the same year Szmuness’ gay Hepatitis-B experiment began.9

Was Szmuness psychic in his prediction that a new disease would appear in the gay community? Or did he actually know or suspect that a new, deadly virus was being introduced into the gay volunteers? Unfortunately, the answers to these questions can only be surmised. In June 1982 Szmuness died of lung cancer. In his eulogy, Aaron Kellner of the Blood Center wrote: “It is the rare physician who, like Wolf Szmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives of billions of people; those living on this planet and generations yet unborn.”

The seriousness of this becomes apparent when we consider the manufacture of vaccines requires the growth of virus in cell cultures using fetal calf serum in the growth medium. The contamination of vaccines with adventitious viruses has been of concern for many years and the presence of virus-like structures in ‘virus-screened’ bovine serum has been reported. It seems absolutely vital that all vaccines are screened for HIV prior to use and that bovine visna virus is further investigated as to its relationship to HIV and its possible causal role in progression towards AIDS.
Millions of African blacks are reportedly infected with HIV. This large number could never have been infected by the simple act of a monkey virus “jumping” over to infect one African in the late 1970s. If that were the case, why don’t we now have millions of AIDS cases in the U.S.? One logical explanation for the millions of Africans infected is that the vaccines used in the World Health Organisation’s mass inoculation programs were contaminated. Was the contamination accidental or deliberate? It is well-known in vaccine circles that the vaccinia (cowpox) virus used in the manufacture of the smallpox vaccine works well in genetic engineering. Charles Pillar and Keith Yamamoto, authors of Gene Wars: Military Control Over the New Genetic Technology, state: “Researchers have been able to splice genes coding for the surface coats of other viruses, such as influenza, hepatitis, and rabies into vaccinia virus DNA. The result: a ‘broad spectrum’ vaccine with a coat of many colors.”

Creation of a Super Germ

Creation of a Super Germ

A decade before the first cases of AIDS, Dr. Donald M. MacArthur, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Defense, told a Congressional Hearing that a “super germ” could be developed as part of our experimental bio-warfare program. This genetically engineered germ would be very different from any previous microbe known to mankind. The agent would be a highly effective killing agent because the immune system would be powerless against this super-microbe (Testimony before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, dated July 1, 1969). A transcript of this meeting on “Synthetic Biological Agents” records the following comments of Dr. MacArthur:

1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and thus are known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.

4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many competent scientists in the field, almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than the Department of Defense. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB (chemical/biological) research, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past two years. It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations… Should an enemy develop it, there is little doubt that it is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.
Was the AIDS virus, or other so-called “emerging viruses” such as Ebola and Marburg viruses, created in bio-warfare laboratories during the 1970s? During the 1970s, the U.S. Army’s bio-warfare program intensified, particularly in the area of DNA and gene splicing research. Renouncing germ warfare except for “medical defensive research,” President Richard Nixon in 1971 ordered that a major part of the Army’s bio-warfare research be transferred over to the National Cancer Institute (where HIV would be discovered a decade later by Gallo).


Claim: Nazis on the Moon Already in 1945

Claim: Nazis on the Moon Already in 1945

Moon have stirred up considerable controversy among both astronomers and conspiracy theorists. The photos reveal a structure in the Schroedinger crater near the southern lunar polar region; official sources have failed to provide an explanation

for it. Scientists are baffled by the discovery, and numerous UFO and conspiracy researchers have interpreted it to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

The photographs in question are indistinct, due in part to the orbital distance of the probe and interference from ionised moon dust hanging in clouds above the crater floor, but a regular shape can be discerned in them, located slightly to the side of a circular crater approximately 1.5 kilometres in diameter, itself situated inside a larger, irregular depression. This is not the first time that regular objects have been visible on pictures taken in space. Indeed, parallels have already been drawn to the infamous face and pyramids found in the Cydonia region of Mars. Astronomers disagree, however, whether the Lunar Swastika is an actual structure or an optical illusion.

Hindus, Aliens or Nazis?

The lunar discovery is especially intriguing thanks to its extraordinary shape. The anomaly is clearly shaped like the swastika, a symbol used, among others, by the National Socialists in the 1930’s and 1940’s, leading to numerous conclusions that the structure is attributable to Nazis who fled to the Moon after the Second World War. At the same time, in India where the swastika is still in use as the symbol of prosperity, happiness and good luck, hundreds of thousands of Hindus have embarked on pilgrimages all over the country. The internationally famous UFO researcher Martin Krauss disagrees. “It is a sign from Alfa Centaurians who brought life to Earth four million years ago,” he said, “which they left on the Moon to remind us of their visit.”

NASA: Weather Balloon

In an official NASA announcement, NASA spokesperson Roslyn Villacorta stated that the alleged observations were due to a signal disturbance resulting from a weather balloon aligned between the satellite Cassiopeia and the groundside receiver. “Weather balloons are known to mess with probe signals,” she said in a press conference held at the Houston space center yesterday. “It is a freak coincidence that the erroneous signal formed a swastika shape, known all over the world as a strongly controversial symbol.”

Claim: Nazis on the Moon Already in 1945
Nazis on the Moon Already in 1945?

The Romanian scientist Radovan Tomovici, who has studied conspiracy theories for decades, disagrees. “For over 70 years, it has been common knowledge that the Nazis had a research programme overseen by Hans Kammler during the war, with the goal of conquest and control of orbital space,” he says. “It seems that Kammler, who mysteriously vanished shortly before the end of the war, and his team were successful. We’re in trouble now,” Tomovici adds.


Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Exams! If you are a student, you have them. And probably hate them. But your methods of staying awake probably aren't as interesting—and downright scary—as these.P

Recently on China's Weibo, photos are currently depicting the ways some students stay away as they cram for exams, whether that be with clothes hangers or scarfs or whatever.

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

The photo trend seems to have started when a student at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University posted photos of her "Clothes Hanger Hanging Hair," which then inspired other to upload their own pics while studying. P

The idea is that if they fall asleep, it'll cause their hair to get pulled or they have their heads held up. Here, have a look:
Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening
But still, don't try these methods at home, in your dorm room, or anywhere for that matter. Some of them look dangerous. Especially the shoe sniffing.


Will Your Next Phone Be Powered By Your HEARTBEAT?

Forget arrying around a charger - you next mobile could be powere by the beating of your heart, researchers have revealed.

A team of US and Chinese researchers has revealed a tint implantable battery they have used to power a pacemaker.

It converts the constant movement of organs such as the heart, lungs and diaphragm into energy.

Will Your Next Phone Be Powered By Your HEARTBEAT?
The thin, flexible mechanical energy harvester has been tested on cows - and found to produce enough power to run a pacemaker

It the future, they say, it could be used to power a range of gadgets.

The tiny piezoelectric power plants are comprised of lead zirconate titanate nanoribbons, housed in biocompatible plastic.

There's also an integrated rectifier that converts the electric signal and a tiny rechargeable battery, all encased in the same plastic.

The team has so far implanted the gadget onto the heart of a cow, and have even managed to place two units onto the heart, doubling the power output.

It is hoped it could be used for medical implants initially.

Will Your Next Phone Be Powered By Your HEARTBEAT?

There's also an integrated rectifier that converts the electric signal and a tiny rechargeable battery, all encased in the same plastic.

The team has so far implanted the gadget onto the heart of a cow, and have even managed to place two units onto the heart, doubling the power output.

It is hoped it could be used for medical implants initially.

Will Your Next Phone Be Powered By Your HEARTBEAT?
The strip has already been implanted in a cow, and it is hoped several could be used on each organ to create enough power to charge electronic devices

'Heart rate monitors, pacemakers, cardioverter-defibrillators, and neural stimulators constitute broad classes of electronic implants that rely on battery power for operation,' the team wrote

'Means for harvesting power directly from natural processes of the body represent attractive alternatives for these and future types of biomedical devices.

'Here we demonstrate a complete, flexible, and integrated system that is capable of harvesting and storing energy from the natural contractile and relaxation motions of the heart, lung, and diaphragm at levels that meet requirements for practical applications.'


Meet The Wolfman! Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH

It's clear to see who is the leader of this wolf pack in Germany.

Werner Freund, 79, sits at the top of the table in this pack of 29 wolves.

For 40 years the ex-paratrooper has hand reared and lived among wolves at his sanctuary in Merzig, Germany.

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Leader of the pack: Wolf researcher Werner Freund feeds Arctic wolves with meat with his mouth in an enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig in the German province of Saarland

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Werner Freund has hand-reared wolf pups at his sanctuary for 40 years

The magnificent creatures, naturally feared by any layman, all behave playfully and submissively towards Werner, who has over the years exerted his dominance in the pack.

The enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig, in the German province of Saarland, contains wolves from six different packs across the world.
They include European, Siberian, Canadian, Artic and Mongolian regions. Some of which look fairly similar, but the snowy white Arctic wolves are the most distinguishable from the rest.  

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Werner exerts his dominance at feeding time, ensuring he is the first to get his teeth into some raw meat

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Knowing their place in the pack, the hungry wolves can do little more than watch on, while salivating, as Werner tucks into a deer's leg

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Once Werner has had his fill, the lower ranking wolves can finally move in and begin to devour the carcass

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
The hungry Mongolian wolves finally get their fill and devour the entire deer cadaver 

At feeding time, Werner must ensure he continues to feed first and disallows any of the hungry and salivating wolves to come near, in order to maintain the respect of the pack.

It is for this reason that they do not attack him and, instead, lick his face and act playfully when they are not feeding.

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
When they are not feeding, the pack show their affection for their leader, staying close and acting playful

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
Mongolian wolf Heiko licks the mouth of wolf researcher Werner Freund in a sign of acknowledgement and subservience

Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
 Unperturbed: Werner is used to this sort of behaviour, which far from being aggressive, is in fact a sign of respect and submission from the wolf

Werner established the wolf sanctuary, which is spread over 25 acres, in 1972 and has raised more than 70 animals over the last 40 years.

The wolves, acquired as cubs from zoos or animal parks, were mostly hand-reared.
Meet The Wolfman!  Who Is So Close To Wolves They Eat Meat From His MOUTH
One of them: Leaning back on his haunches and howling into the cold air, Werner looks completely at one with his life as leader of the wolf pack



Scientists Find DNA Of First-ever Bubonic Plague, Warn Of New Outbreaks

Scientists Find DNA Of First-ever Bubonic Plague, Warn Of New Outbreaks

Scientists have reconstructed the genome of the first recorded bubonic plague and compared it to two later pandemics. New sophisticated strains of the disease that killed millions of Europeans in the Middle Ages could break out in future, they warn.

Researchers have managed to extract the DNA from the teeth of two victims of the Plague of Justinian, a pandemic that swept through the Byzantine Empire in AD 541-542, found in an early medieval cemetery in German Bavaria, according to a study published Tuesday by The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

The Plague of Justinian is believed to have wiped out up to half the world’s known population at the time. The new research clearly links the Plague of Justinian with the Black Death bubonic plague, which was spread by rats in the 14th to 17th centuries, and a later pandemic in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The research shows that what caused all three pandemics was the same Yersina pestis (Y pestis) bacterium. However, the strains of the first pandemic are sufficiently different from those of the later pandemics to prompt a warning from scientists, who believe that the same bacteria with different DNA lineages is a worrying sign.

Scientists Find DNA Of First-ever Bubonic Plague, Warn Of New Outbreaks

“These results show that rodent species worldwide represent important reservoirs for the repeated emergence of diverse lineages of Y pestis into human populations,” the study concludes.

Hendrik Poinar, director of the Ancient DNA Centre at McMaster University in Canada, who led the new research, believes scientists have to keep an eye on plague in rodent populations – the disease’s major carriers – to be able to avert future human outbreaks.

Scientists Find DNA Of First-ever Bubonic Plague, Warn Of New Outbreaks
While modern-day antibiotics are able to stop currently known strains of plague, the researcher has not ruled out the possibility for potentially dangerous mutations. If there ever emerges an airborne version, the plague of that type could kill people within 24 hours of being infected, Poinar warned.

"If we happen to see a massive die-off of rodents somewhere with [the plague], then it would become alarming,"the scientist told AP.

The warning was echoed by Tom Gilbert, a professor at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, who wrote an accompanying commentary for the study.

Scientists Find DNA Of First-ever Bubonic Plague, Warn Of New Outbreaks

"What this shows is that the plague jumped into humans on several different occasions and has gone on a rampage," he said. "That shows the jump is not that difficult to make and wasn't a wild fluke."

Plague, one of the world’s oldest known diseases, still remains endemic in mostly tropical and subtropical areas, according to the World Health Organization. A disease of rodents, it’s spread among them by fleas. Around 2,000 people a year get affected globally.

When rapidly diagnosed and promptly treated, plague may be successfully treated, reducing mortality rate from 60 to less than 15 percent, the WHO says.


Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other

Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other

Humans have long been obsessed with the idea of machines being able to self-replicate and a number of experts believe they will play an important part in shaping how Earth is in the future.

One artificial intelligence engineer believes that robots could have sex with each other to evolve and produce superior offspring and this scary new world could be closer than we might imagine.

Another cybernetics expert told MailOnline that mating robots could exist in just 20 to 30 years while another robotics authority suggested that machines could print off their offspring, a little like how a 3D printer works today.

Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other
AIrtificial intelligence expert George Zarkadakis believes robots could have sex with each other to evolve and produce superior offspring and this scary new world could be closer than we might imagine. He predicts that humans could even breed with machines to create new hybrid species (illustrated)

George Zarkadakis, who is a novelist as well as an engineer, believes robots could have sex with each other to evolve and produce superior offspring and this scary new world could be closer than we might imagine.

Mr Zarkadakis even predicts that humans could even breed with machines to create new hybrid species.

Writing for The Telegraph, he said: ‘Perhaps cyborgs of the future may involve human participation in robot sexual reproduction and the creation of new, hybrid species.’

Noel Sharkey, professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at Sheffield University, however, thinks the future could be simpler and not as 'hands on'.

While he believes that the future of artificial intelligence could be silicon and carbon-based, with digital brains in charge of organic molecular structures, he told MailOnline that robots would probably print off their offspring, much like a 3D printer can currently be used today.

Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other
He believes the robots might not be particularly intelligent and could be 'bred' by swapping software so that the code used to create robots that are particularly good at a certain task, can be combined to produce a superior offspring, which they would print out and possibly assemble.

If robots were able to mate with each other, Mr Zarkadakis believes that sex would defend them from computer viruses, just as sex between humans defends us against parasitical attacks.

Mr Zarkadakis also said that sexual activity between robots would make them more robust and accelerate their evolution so that new machines could develop faster to suit life on Earth in the future.

Professor Kevin Warwick from the Institution of Engineering and Technology told MailOnline that robots are already good at producing new robots, which are often better than themselves.

Machines breeding with each other - mixing genetically and technologically - could ensure that their ‘good bits’ come together.

This evolution could happen much faster than with humans, as multiple machines could breed together to produce a ‘super’ offspring and there is no need to wait for their ‘children’ to grow up before they could reproduce.

Professor Warwick, who works at the University of Reading, said that ‘just about anything is possible’ and that there are already robots with biological brains that mix biological and technological parts.

‘This is not science fiction,’ he said.

Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other

He believes that robots capable of breeding with each other could be produced using current research and technologies but it will likely take 20 to 30 years before they could be used on Earth – and there are questions to be asked about whether this is a good idea.

As to whether humans could have sex with robots, he said it is not out of the question but it is 'scary' and currently 'a sci-fi scenario'.

However, he thinks that small steps will be taken in that direction.

Currently a lot of people have technology inside them, so research into a human/robot hybrid could had the scope to help a lot of humans.

Such research could be used to give people extra abilities and help scientists understand a lot more about the human body, such as how Alzheimer’s disease takes hold of the brain, he said.

Could Robots Have SEX In The Future? Machines Could Reproduce With Each Other
Research into creating cyborgs (illustrated) as a result of 'breeding' with robots, and creating robots that breed with each other, depends on social acceptance, Professor Warwick said. He believes that we have to face ethical issues about the use of such technology in just 20 to 30 years time

But research into creating cyborgs as a result of ‘breeding’ with robots, and creating robots that breed with each other, depends on social acceptance, Professor Warwick said.

‘Over the next 20 to 30 years the question will be on the table and we have to face ethical issues.’

‘This technology is not just science fiction – we have to start thinking about it and the ethical and social consequences,’ he said.

While research could help humans, Professor Warwick warned that if a robot can self-replicate, evolve and improve more rapidly than humans, we really could end up in a nightmare future scenario.

‘Why bother with humans then?’ he asked, adding, ‘Do we want to get to that point?’

The idea of self-replicating robots has been popular in sci-fi, from William Paley’s thoughts about machines producing other machines in 1802, to the popular Matrix films.

Self-replicating machines have been around since the 1940s when mathematician John von Neumann showed how a ‘universal constructor’ machine could replicate itself.

Scientists today are working on create self-replicating machines and physicist George Dyson thinks they could be used to cut and move ice from Saturn’s moon Enceladus to Mars, where it could be used as a building material.


The Largest Church in the World Has The Fewest Worshippers

Former Ivory Coast dictator Félix Houphouët-Boigny built a beautifully massive church that barely anybody attends. Nina Strochlic takes a look inside.

If it’s in the Dictator Handbook that you must leave behind an extravagantly unaffordable and unnecessary vanity project, than Ivory Coast President Félix Houphouët-Boigny has fulfilled that requirement.

In the village-turned-capital of Yamoussoukro,the world’s largest church stands towering above a lush sprawl of grazing cattle and ramshackle buildings. A copper cross gleams atop a massive dome, while underneath, a marble and granite plaza stretches over seven acres and could fit a crowd of 300,000. But despite its $300 million price tag and 18,000-person indoor capacity, the out-of-place classical Greco-Roman structure has remained mostly empty for the past 25 years.

Houphouët-Boigny, Ivory Coast’s first president after the country’s independence from France, was immensely popular for the 33 years he ruled the country. He was also immensely rich, amassing a fortune of billions that apparently paid for the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Paix de Yamoussoukro, or “The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro”—though he refused to answer questions of the church’s financing, saying it was “a deal with God.”

In 1985, after moving the country’s capital to his birthplace of Yamoussoukro, then an agricultural village of just 15,000, Houphouët-Boigny commissioned a lavish replica of the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica in honor of the town’s new title and, presumably, as a lasting legacy to his reign as it dwindled.

He spent the next four years pouring millions into the project, led by architect Pierre Fakhoury, who brought in a crew of 1,500 workmen to sculpt the colossal structure in an expedited three years—compared to the 109 it took to construct St. Peter’s—to ensure the aging president could see its completion.

The end result was a complex stretching across 323,000 square feet and soaring 525 feet into the air. Inside, a massive, domed nave offers individual air conditioning vents for all 7,000 chairs. It’s decorated with 36 massive stained-glass windows, hand-made in Bordeaux, France, and one of which depicts Houphouët-Boigny offering a gift to Jesus.

Rows of 272 columns surround the basilica, four of which are large enough to hold elevators that carry visitors to a balcony under the dome with sweeping views of the capital. The severe contrast that the towering edifice struck with its surroundings lent it to become colloquially dubbed “the basilica in the bush.”

The Vatican wasn’t exactly pleased with its crowning glory being overshadowed by the African president’s passion project, though Houphouët-Boigny called it a “personal gift” to the church. When Pope John Paul II requested that the president not build the basilica taller than St. Peter’s, the architect lowered the dome height, but then plopped on a massive 30-foot cross on top, giving it 100 feet on the Vatican’s church.

Despite the duplicity and an initial year of hesitation to give his blessing, Pope John Paul II accepted an invitation to dedicate the church in 1990. He stayed at the official papal residence built specifically for him, boasting a swimming pool and a 40-room mansion for his entourage. The pope, in return for agreeing to visit, requested the government build a neighboring hospital for the poor. It was a promise unrealized until 2012, when construction finally began. Apparently, the money had been held in a Vatican bank account until then.

The project also divided native Ivorians, some of whom took pride in the massive monument to God, and others who condemned it as a waste of money in a country with an annual per capita income of $650. “The size and expense of the building in such a poor country make it a delicate matter,” a Vatican official toldTime when it was completed. “But it is a project close to the President’s heart, and he sees it as an experience of faith. We want to respect that.”

Houphouët-Boigny was right to rush the construction. He died three years later, and his funeral was held in the basilica, filling the empty space for the first time since the pope’s consecration.

Today, Polish clergymen and members of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate, who were appointed by Pope John Paul II, oversee the church, and the costs to maintain the complex are an estimated $1.5 million annually.

The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace manages to attract some 350 worshippers to Sunday services, but due to the country’s ironically small Catholic population—comprising only about ten percent of the Ivory Coast population—the thousands of seats in the largest church in the world have gone mostly unfilled.


China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.

China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.

WASHINGTON – Members of the Chinese military are looking to use an electromagnetic pulse as part of a “one-two punch” to knock out – literally within seconds – all defensive electronics not only on Taiwan but also on U.S. warships that could defend the island.

This revelation comes in an article by Lou Xiaoqing who says the People’s Liberation Army sees an EMP weapon as the primary means of incapacitating Taiwan and disabling American defenders nearby.

Given that such a strategy was made public in an article entitled “Electromagnetic pulse bombs are Chinese ace,” it is seen as reflecting the official Chinese government position.

Xaoqing said that if the Chinese were to use a high-altitude nuclear device which would create the destructive EMP impact on Taiwan’s electronics, it would be exploded at an attitude of 18 miles to avoid damaging civilian and military equipment on the Chinese mainland, which might happen if the bomb exploded at a higher altitude.

China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.

“China is attracted to the fight against the U.S. military after the effective range, using them as a means of surprise attack or an intimidation factor,” Xaoqing said. “The United States will abandon the use of aircraft carrier battle groups to defend Taiwan.”

Xaoqing said that the Chinese military has calculated that the U.S. military is too fragmented and, coupled with the downturn in the economy, would be less likely to come to Taiwan’s assistance, forcing Taiwan to defend itself.

Contrary to popular belief, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act does not require the United States to intervene militarily if the Chinese mainland attacks Taiwan. Instead, it has adopted what is called a policy of “strategic ambiguity” in which the U.S. neither will confirm nor deny that it would intervene on Taiwan’s behalf.

The legislation, however, does require the U.S. to “provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character” and “to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people of Taiwan.”

China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.

As WND previously has reported, China is giving a priority to developing EMP weapons that could be used against U.S. aircraft carriers, which increasingly are arriving in the South and East China Seas as part of the new U.S. “pivot” policy toward Asia.

That policy is to challenge China’s claims over all of the East and South China Seas and the increasing assertiveness by Beijing, which is trying to gain exclusive control over vital minerals and energy in the region.

There already have been instances of military confrontations between China and neighbors such as Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan.

With a history of animosity, China and Japan now have conflicting claims of ownership over two South China Sea islands.

China calls the islands Diaoyu while Japan refers to them as Senkaku. The Japanese have evidence of their claim – in having purchased them from private citizens years ago – and the U.S. supports Japan’s claim.

A 2005 U.S. National Ground Intelligence Center study that was classified secret but released two years ago said China’s development of high-powered microwave weapons is part of its “assassin’s mace” arsenal – weapons that allow a technologically inferior country such as China and even North Korea to defeat U.S. military forces.

Microwaves and the gamma rays from a nuclear blast are forms of electromagnetic energy. The bombs are designed to be exploded at a high altitude to knock out all unprotected electronics, including electrical grids, computers and automobiles over a wide geographical area.

China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.

Even the declassified NGIC report pointed out that the use of an EMP against Taiwan at an altitude of 30 to 40 kilometers would “confine the EMP effects to Taiwan and its immediate vicinity and minimize damage to electronics on the mainland.”

The report particularly said that China’s DF-21 medium-range ballistic missile could be the platform to be used to launch an EMP attack on Taiwan.

In outlining China’s one-two punch, Xaoqing said that in the first punch the Chinese military would disable non-hardened electronics and command and control centers.

He said that an EMP would be especially attractive because it acts with the speed of light in any kind of weather, would hit multiple targets over a wide area and minimize damage in politically sensitive environments.

Given the relatively low altitude of 18 miles at which a Chinese EMP would be detonated over Taiwan, Xaoqing said the second punch would create certain health effects from exposure to an EMP.

He said that based on Chinese research in 2005 that assessed the effects of an EMP on heart cells, it would make peoples’ hearts unable to function as well as they should, with possible death or serious damage of the heart and, by extension, death to those exposed to an EMP.

If exposed to explosions at higher altitudes, the effects of an EMP would be less damaging to peoples’ health, he said.

While there wouldn’t be a 100 percent kill rate, Xaoqing said, he said it could lead to long term disability to those most susceptible to an EMP, such as the elderly, young and unborn.


The World's Filthiest Man Smokes Feces, Hasn't Bathed in 60 Years

The World's Filthiest Man Smokes Feces, Hasn't Bathed in 60 Years

“Amou” is an endearing word in Farsi used especially by kids for kind men to show their affection, and in this story our man is called just by that, Amou Haji.

Amou Haji, aged 80, who lives in Dejgah village in the southern Iranian province of Fars has not bathed for 60 years.

The last record of longest time going without showers belonged to a 66-year-old Indian man, Kailash Singh, who had not taken a bath over 38 years.

Not to our surprise, when we searched the reason behind Amou Haji’s way of life, we found out that he had gone through some emotional setbacks in his youth and from then on decided to live an isolated life.

He escaped from the hands of a few young men who offered him free shower, because he believes cleanliness brings him sickness.

Amou Haji’s favorite food is rotten meat of dead animals specially porcupines and when asked to eat clean food and drink clean water he gets mad.

His smoking pipe is filled with animal’s feces instead of tobacco and when he feels like smoking cigarettes he lights up a few of them at a time.

The World's Filthiest Man Smokes Feces, Hasn't Bathed in 60 Years

He wears a war helmet not to fight off the enemy in the battle field but to keep away from the bitterly cold winters.

Amou Haji has a couple of places to live in: one is a hole in the ground resembling a grave to keep him grounded and in touch with the reality of life and the other is an open brick shack built by those who felt sorry for him.

Sure, he uses mirrors fine to check himself out, but his choice of mirror is the passing by cars side mirrors.

After all may be Amou Haji is showing us an alternative and uncongenial way of life to live and who’s to say who’s right and who’s wrong?

For all I know he is luckier than many of us.

His roof is the starred sky, his little shack is paid in full without worrying about monthly mortgages, his pillow and quilt is the soft cushion of the earth embracing him every time.

The World's Filthiest Man Smokes Feces, Hasn't Bathed in 60 Years

He goes through days without worrying about overdue gas and electricity bills for his breaths will do the job to warm up his shelter during cold nights.

Instead of having a patio for his house, he has the entire horizon set before him.

He has no fear of getting rubbed at nights because he has built no possessions.

He feels happy despite having no belongings and maybe that is exactly why he is joyful.

He practices drinking his five liters of water every day, a healthy habit, out of a large rusty oil tin versus fancy crystal glasses.

And yes, indeed Amou Haji does care about keeping his hair trimmed and cut but not by going to expensive barbershops but by burning it over a fire.

Amou Haji jan, thank you for showing us how poor we live.

The earth belongs to you, so live freely and enjoy!



Alien Life On Mars? NASA Lawsuit Seeks More Information On Red Planet Rock


Is it proof of life on Mars, or just a simple rock? An astrobiologist has sued NASA in an effort to compel the space-exploration agency to offer more information on a mysterious stone that appeared on images taken by the Opportunity rover on Jan. 8.

Dr. Rhawn Joseph filed a lawsuit in California this week against NASA and its administrator, Charles Bolden, calling for the agency to "thoroughly scientifically examine and investigate a putative biological organism."

NASA called the object a rock, saying that based on its supposed appearance in“after” photos of the spot but not in a “before” image, it was likely knocked into the rover’s purview by its wheels as it was maneuvering in the area.

White around the outside and red on the inside, NASA scientists have said the rock looks a little like a jelly doughnut. Yet the agency ultimately dubbed the rock “Pinnacle Island.”

"We have looked at it with our microscope. It is clearly a rock," principal rover investigator Dr. Steve Squyres said last week during an event marking the 10th anniversary of Opportunity's mission on Mars."It appears that it may have flipped itself upside down."

Yet Joseph says this may be a hasty assessment. He believes the object looks like a“mushroom-like fungus, a composite organism consisting of colonies of lichen and cyanobacteria, and which on Earth is known as Apothecium,” he wrote in the filed petition.

He also says the rock was present in the“before” photo NASA released. Joseph posted a magnified version of the earlier photo on Cosmology.com, showing, he maintains, that the object is partially visible. He explains in his petition:

“[S]pores were exposed to moisture due to changing weathering conditions on Mars. Over the next 12 days these spores grew and developed into the structure depicted... The evidence is consistent with biological activity and suggests that life on Mars may have been discovered.

However, in the absence of moisture, biological specimens such as Apothecium will dry out, turn brittle and break apart and this appears to be the condition of the structure as depicted.”

Joseph also criticizes NASA for not releasing more close-up photos. That is, assuming they exist.

“Any intelligent adult, adolescent, child, chimpanzee, monkey, dog, or rodent with even a modicum of curiosity, would approach, investigate and closely examine a bowl-shaped structure which appears just a few feet in front of them when 12 days earlier they hadn't noticed it,” he wrote. “But not NASA and its rover team who have refused to take even a single close-up photo.”

Joseph added that it would be“inexplicable, recklessly negligent, and bizarre” if NASA did not take microscopic, high-resolution photos from a variety of angles.

NASA responded to the suit on Thursday saying it cannot discuss an ongoing legal matter, but that the agency has shared images with the public and is moving forward with research on Pinnacle Island’s composition.

“As we do with all our scientific research missions, NASA will continue to discuss any new data regarding the rock and other images and information as new data becomes available,” agency spokesman Bob Jacobs said in a statement to Popular Science.

Another NASA spokesman emphasized to The Huffington Post that the agency will proceed with caution before making any bold declarations.

"Finding evidence of life on worlds other than Earth is obviously an important goal for NASA,"NASA’s Allard Beutel said. "But it has to be definitive evidence."

NASA’s caution, in this case, may not appease those eager for more information on any potential evidence of life on the Red Planet.


Is the Snow Natural, or the Result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP Attack?

The surprise storm that has largely crippled the southeastern US has generated a buzz online as people post videos of the snow’s weird characteristics.

People all across the country have recently began posting videos, and photo’s, of snow that will not melt. Some people are even reporting that the snow has a strange odor, like chemicals. Is the snow natural, or the result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP attack?

There are some videos going around that claim to show that recent snowfalls are somehow “fake”, because when people try to melt the snow with a lighter or blowtorch, they are surprised by the results.

There is no doubt in many minds, that there is some sort of geo-engineering going on across the Nation, and around the world.

What we do not know, is the specifics behind it, and what the purpose is.

We do know however, that the strongest weapon any military could posses is one that can manipulate the weather at will.

Is the Snow Natural, or the Result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP Attack?

Snow is more air than water. And the colder it is, the more air (and less water) it has in it

Is the Snow Natural, or the Result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP Attack?

Is the Snow Natural, or the Result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP Attack?


The Geo-engineers have stated that the reason they spray Chemtrails in our air is to slow down the "global warming" process.

Georgia Fake Snow!!!!

FAKE SNOW in Virginia Beach too! WTF


NASA Images Find 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge


NASA Images Find 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge

The NASA Shuttle has imaged a mysterious ancient bridge between India and Sri Lanka, as mentioned in the Ramayana.

The evidence, say experts matter-of-factly, is in the Digital Image Collection.

The recently discovered bridge, currently named as Adam's Bridge and made of a chain of shoals, 30 km long, in the Palk Straits between India and Sri Lanka, reveals a mystery behind it.

The bridge's unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man-made. Legend as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago and the bridge's age is also almost equivalent.

Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The recently discovered bridge currently named as Adam&laqno;s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.

NASA Images Find 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge

The bridge&laqno;s unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the a primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago and the bridge&laqno;s age is also almost equivalent.

This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in tredha yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago).

In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.

NASA Images Find 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge

This information may not be of much importance to the archeologists who are interested in exploring the origins of man, but it is sure to open the spiritual gates of the people of the world to have come to know an ancient history linked to the Indian mythology.


The Truth About The Bermuda Triangle

The Truth About the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a large area of ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. Over the last few centuries, it’s thought that dozens of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the area, earning it the nickname “The Devil’s Triangle.”

People have even gone so far as to speculate that it’s an area of extra-terrestrial activity or that there is some bizarre natural scientific cause for the region to be hazardous; but most likely, it’s simply an area in which people have experienced a lot of bad luck—the idea of it being a “vortex of doom” is no more real than Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

The Bermuda Triangle’s bad reputation started with Christopher Columbus. According to his log, on October 8, 1492, Columbus looked down at his compass and noticed that it was giving weird readings. He didn’t alert his crew at first, because having a compass that didn’t point to magnetic north may have sent the already on edge crew into a panic. This was probably a good decision considering three days later when Columbus simply spotted a strange light, the crew threatened to return to Spain.

This and other reported compass issues in the region gave rise to the myth that compasses will all be off in the Triangle, which isn’t correct, or at least is an exaggeration of what is actually happening as you’ll see. Despite this, in 1970 the U.S. Coast Guard, attempting to explain the reasons for disappearances in the Triangle, stated:

First, the “Devil’s Triangle” is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north. Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble.

The Truth About the Bermuda Triangle

Of course, despite this now being repeated as an explanation for disappearances in the Triangle on numerous documentaries and articles since then, it turns out magnetic variation is something ship captains (and other explorers) have known about and had to deal with pretty much as long as there have been ships and compasses. Dealing with magnetic declination is really just “Navigation by Compass” 101 and nothing to be concerned about, nor anything that would seriously throw off any experienced navigator.

In 2005, the Coast Guard revisited the issue after a TV producer in London inquired about it for a program he was working on. In this case, they correctly changed their tune about the magnetic field bit stating,

Many explanations have cited unusual magnetic properties within the boundaries of the Triangle. Although the world’s magnetic fields are in constant flux, the “Bermuda Triangle” has remained relatively undisturbed. It is true that some exceptional magnetic values have been reported within the Triangle, but none to make the Triangle more unusual than any other place on Earth.

The modern Bermuda Triangle legend didn’t get started until 1950 when an article written by Edward Van Winkle Jones was published by the Associated Press. Jones reported several incidences of disappearing ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle, including five US Navy torpedo bombers that vanished on December 5, 1945, and the commercial airliners “Star Tiger” and “Star Ariel” which disappeared on January 30, 1948 and January 17, 1949 respectively. All told, about 135 individuals were unaccounted for, and they all went missing around the Bermuda Triangle. As Jones said, “they were swallowed without a trace.”

It was a 1955 book, The Case for the UFO, by M. K. Jessup that started pointing fingers at alien life forms. After all, no bodies or wreckage had yet been discovered. By 1964, Vincent H. Gaddis—who coined the term “Bermuda Triangle”—wrote an article saying over 1000 lives had been claimed by the area. He also agreed that it was a “pattern of strange events.” The Bermuda Triangle obsession hit its peak in the early 1970s with the publication of several paperback books about the topic, including the bestseller by Charles Berlitz, The Bermuda Triangle.

The Truth About the Bermuda Triangle

Because the number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is no greater than any other similarly trafficked area of the world’s oceans, they don’t really need an explanation. But if you’re still convinced that the Triangle is a ship graveyard, relative to other regions that get around the same number of travelers, here are some natural explanations from the Coast Guard to combat some of the “alien” and other fantastical theories.

The Truth About the Bermuda Triangle

The majority of disappearances can be attributed to the area’s unique features. The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current flowing from the Gulf of Mexico around the Florida Straits northeastward toward Europe, is extremely swift and turbulent. It can quickly erase any evidence of a disaster.

The unpredictable Caribbean-Atlantic storms that give birth to waves of great size as well as waterspouts often spell disaster for pilots and mariners. (Not to mention that the area is in “hurricane alley.”) The topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world. With the interaction of strong currents over reefs, the topography is in a constant state of flux and breeds development of new navigational hazards.

Not to be underestimated is the human factor. A large number of pleasure boats travel the water between Florida’s Gold Coast (the most densely populated area in the world) and the Bahamas. All to often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area’s hazards and lack of good seamanship.

Bonus Facts:

Whatever the rumours might have you believe, insurance companies don’t actually charge higher premiums for shipping in the Bermuda Triangle.

Another mysterious “triangle” is the Michigan Triangle—an area stretching between Michigan and Wisconsin over the centre of Lake Michigan where disappearances have occurred. One disappearance was Captain George R. Donner who supposedly simply vanished from his cabin on the O.S. McFarland as it carted coal to Wisconsin. On April 28, 1937, his second mate went to tell him they were approaching port, but no one could find him anywhere aboard the ship.

 In another instance, a plane was flying above the triangle and *apparently* just disappeared. Small amounts of debris were found floating in the water, but the rest of the wreckage and bodies of passengers weren’t found. If you guessed that little credence is given to this triangle being an area of unusual activity for similar reasons as the Bermuda Triangle misrepresentations, you’d be correct.


Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

PERHAPS the most awe-inspiring and majestic structure built by man, the Great Pyramid at Giza, has been gazed at, studied and explored for centuries. No one knows how old it is, though many have tried the guessing game and even scientifically tried to explain its origin. But the mystery does live on.

When you look up at the Great Pyramid, it’s apex is missing. It has long been assumed that the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, had a top that is no longer there, which means though the pyramid looks like a perfect four-sided triangular structure.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

Was the great pyramid always without a capstone or was it stolen, destroyed, etc? No one knows but the accounts of visitors to the pyramid from the ancient past (as far back as the time of Christ) always reported that the pyramidlacked a capstone. It is possible that it was never finished. Another possibility is that capstones were sometimes made of gold and maybe the first thing looted. The only problem is that this would be a very large capstone. If you climbed to the top, you could walk around very freely on the pyramid as many have done. It is about 30 feet in each direction. Thus, this capstone would have been huge and weighed a tremendous amount. Also on the summit you would see something that looks like a mast or flagpole. Actually it was placed there by two astronomers in 1874 to show where the Pyramid’s actual apex would have been if finished.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

It is believed that the capstone was either made of gold or covered by a layer of gold.

The reason? That too is an enigma. While mostly researchers believe it was to show the riches and glory of the pharaohs, others say there was another and more important purpose. The metal absorbed the sun’s energies and was used as the main part of the entire structure and made it work like turning the key to a machine. The whole pyramid was actually covered with polished limestone and with its golden capstone; it shone at night like a bright star on Earth, which would have been visible from space!

According to the Egyptian authorities, there seems to be no confusion to the matter. They claim that the Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Cheops, some 2,500 years ago and the capstone was looted by thieves who also stole many other relics and treasures from the pyramids. But here, dear friends, is what we call the more interesting theory; that the Great Giza is much older, that it is not a tomb but a machine that was used for a much more higher and important purpose and that it was the capstone that turned it on. And here is the basis of that theory.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

The pyramid has encoded information about the form and function of the universe. The reason it was made with the hardest of stones was because it needed to stand the test of time. There are no hieroglyphs or inscriptions inside the pyramid as thought previously. Just on the outside. It was built by an ancient civilization that brought with itself the knowledge that had died with Atlantis. Which is the reason that even with today’s cutting edge scientific technology, it is not possible to build one this size and so precise. The length, base and diameter, all represent the geometric measurements of planet Earth. It’s circumference, diameter and surface area.

The imaginary numbers of the Greek Pi and Phi are both represented here. The inner rooms and chambers do not make sense in the “tomb” theory. In fact, the relation of the rooms to one another, the material used in their construction and the descending and ascending stairways tell another story. But what story? Researchers can only speculate.

So the Great Pyramid at Giza was a machine that cannot work without its capstone. But what did this machine do? That is a “13-acre, six-million tonne mystery”, according to experts.

In an unexpected announcement the Egyptian government cancelled plans to cap the great pyramid as part of their millennium celebration.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – In an apparent nod to public opinion, the government on Thursday, December 16, 1999 canceled its plan to cap the Great Pyramid in gold for the millennium celebrations.
Egypt had planned to usher in the New Year by affixing a gold-encased capstone on the Great Pyramid, built as a tomb for King Cheops about 4,500 years ago.
The 30-foot high cap was to be lowered by helicopter at the stroke of midnight Dec. 31, making the broken pyramid whole again, if only for a night.
Culture Minister Farouk Hosni gave no reason for backing off the plan, but said the decision was made despite technical advice that it would not have damaged the monument, Egypt’s Middle East News Agency reported.

Egypt’s millennium celebrations feature a 12-hour concert at the foot of the Giza pyramids with 1,000 performers.
Egypt, whose recorded history goes back 6,000 years, is promoting the celebration as the start of its seventh millennium.

One of the reasons for this refusal to allow the capstone to be placed on the Great Pyramid is reported to be a fear of terrorists. It appears there were some fears terrorists might shoot down the helicopter as it was lifting the capstone in place thereby damaging the pyramid. Is that the real reason? There are also rumors that the crash of Egyptian Flight 990 is somehow involved in this decision. Could there be people so in terror of what will happen once the pyramid is capped that they would resort to sabotaging a passenger liner?

What kind of fears could cause such fears and such drastic action?

Why? Did someone warn them of the consequences of turning on the most advanced and oldest machine on the planet? Moreover, they might also have considered that there have been changes over the centuries. Electric lights and bulbs have been installed. Would that have altered or endangered the workings? They are not telling.

It is believed by some groups of people that the pyramid itself is a machine. A machine that would be turned on once the capstone was in place. A machine that by its very nature would boost the spiritual consciousness of planet Earth and its inhabitants by raising the vibrational levels. Considering the amount of research that has been conducted on pyramid energy and the number of books that have been written about the subject that idea isn’t so farfetched. The shape alone appears to have a power to alter natural substances.

Many people were looking forward to this capping. Now we will never know what the effects would have been, if any. Perhaps it is better that we don’t mess with unknown powers until we better understand them. Do we really know what power could have been unleashed or what power has been unleashed in the past. There may be good reasons why the capstone was removed.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

We know from Edgar Cayces’ readings that Atlantis was destroyed by the misuse of power that came from crystals? Is it possible that the pyramid was part of this energy grid? If so the capstone could have been removed to prevent further destruction.

If the pyramid is a machine just waiting to be turned back on how do we know what its original functions were and how do we know it would still work as originally designed? Besides the capstone being removed there have been other changes. There has been tunneling in and around the pyramid as well as additions like electrical lighting. It is possible that any of these could have changed how the machine would operate and what the effects would be.

If the purpose in replacing the capstone was to turn on the machine it is possible some of these questions have occurred to those responsible for making the decisions. Since we have no way of knowing how this machine is supposed to function or even what parts of the pyramid would make up the machine we have no way to conduct tests to make sure the machine is working properly.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

For those of us who were looking forward to seeing the capstone placed on the great pyramid we can only wait and hope that someday soon we will accumulate enoughknowledge about the true nature of the pyramid to answer all these questions. In the meantime it may be best that we not rush into tampering with forces that we don’t understand.

The Masonic ritual which coincided with the 33.33 degree alignment of planet Mars from the perspective of Cairo at 12:19 AM, January 1, 2000 continued. This ritual can be looked at as an addition to the Masonic rituals page (Table of Coincidence).

On the back of a dollar bill, you can see a pyramid with a flat top. No one has been able to explain why the Great Pyramid would have been built without a capstone.

This is an interesting story associated with a visit tothe top of the great pyramid. Many tourists have climbed to the top, which is not an easy journey. One such person was Sir Siemen’s, a British inventor. He climbed to the top with his Arab guides. One of his guides called attention to the fact that when he raised his hand with outspread fingers, he would hear an acute ringing noise. Siemen raised his index finger and felt a distinct prickling sensation.

He also received an electric shock when he tried to drink from a bottle of wine that he had brought with him. Being a scientist, Siemen than moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar (an early form of a capacitor). When he held it above his head, it became charged with electricity. Sparks then were emitted from the bottle.

One of the Arab guides got frightened and thought Siemen was up to some witchcraft and attempted to seize Siemen’s companion. When Siemen’s noticed this, he pointed the bottle towards the Arab and gave him such a shock that it knocked the Arab to the ground almost rendering him unconscious. When he recovered, he took off down the pyramid shouting loudly. What kind of natural phenomena on the top of the Great Pyramid could produce such an electo-static effect? It would be interesting to conduct additional physics experiments on the top of the Great Pyramid.

The Eye in The Pyramid.

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

The Seal shows a 13-step pyramid with the date 1776 in Roman numerals, on it.

Just as the pyramid of Kukulkcan has 91 steps on each of the 4 sides, making 364 in all, plus the top level giving the number 365, the Great Seal pyramid also has an encoded calendrical meaning. Like some Maya pyramids, it has a date on it, but in the Gregorian calendar.  4 sides of 13 levels gives 52, which is the number of weeks in our year. However, 13 and 52 are also the key numbers in the Mayan calendar systems.
In the Great Cycle, there are 13 baktuns of 20 katuns each; each katun consists of 20 tuns, so there are 5200 tuns in the Great Cycle. There are also 52 haabs in a Calendar Round.  Some Mayan groups named cycles after end dates rather than beginning dates.  They would also have seen a series of 13 katuns as a significant cycle. 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed (on the 4th of July), but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar.
Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone

One Dollar Conspiracy

On the reverse of the american one-dollar bill is the All Seeing Eye within a triangle surrounded by a golden glory. The motto inscribed beneath the pyramid is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which is Latin for “New Order of the Ages“, and synonymous with the “New World Order“. “Annuit cœptis” is taken from the Latin words annuo (nod, approve) and cœpta (beginnings, undertakings).  “Annuit Cœptis” is translated by the U.S. State Department, The U.S. Mint, and the U.S. Treasury as “He (God) has favored our undertakings.” (brackets in original).
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