Channel: The Controversial Files
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Paul Walker: Murdered For Exposing Prototype Birth Control Drug

  Paul Walker: Murdered For Exposing Prototype Birth Control Drug Hidden in Philippines Medicinal Supplies And Food Aid


Paul Walker: Murdered For Exposing Prototype Birth Control Drug Hidden in Philippines Medicinal Supplies And Food Aid


By Susan Duclos

Conspiracy forums have posed an interesting theory on Paul Walker’s untimely death from a car crash on Saturday, where they tie it in, and call it murder to prevent Walker, who was part of the Phillipine relief effort, from exposing “a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhoon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal supplies and food aid.” Another theory is that Walker discovered dirty money in the Philippines disaster relief and that it “would make sense because he owned a company that specialized in rapid disaster relief.”

Via the first thread over at GLP: (Direct quote)

Paul Walker and his friend were killed shortly after they discovered a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal supplies and food aid. They had a damning recording and they were on their way to rendezvous with an ally who would have helped them get in touch with the right people. Turns out they were betrayed and someone rigged their car’s breaks to malfunction after a certain speed.

  Paul Walker: Murdered For Exposing Prototype Birth Control Drug Hidden in Philippines Medicinal Supplies And Food Aid

Now that the loose end has been tied up, and the recording destroyed, the people responsible have nothing to fear as this will become another “conspiracy theory” no one will take seriously.
Via the second thread: (Direct quote)

“Now here is another thread with a conspiracy on a possible motive here. Apparently, Paul Walker had discovered dirty money in the Philippines disaster relief and that would make sense because he owned a company that specialized in rapid disaster relief. “

Did Walker dig to deep into corruption or was it an Illuminati Death?

Then we have the massive damage to the car, the two videos below show the same car Paul Walker was killed in that had also been involved in an ultra high speed crash with fatalities and then the video of the aerial view of Walker’s car after the fatal crash.

Conspiracy theorists are debating whether or not the surveillance camera footage below which shows Paul Walker’s car striking a tree proves a conspiracy or an accident. What stands out to some is that there appear to be two explosions in this footage. There appears to be an explosion at the moment of impact and a 2nd explosion a few moments later. You can clearly tell that this footage is sped up by the speed of the cars that go by after the explosion; how much time between the two? The event takes place on the far right hand side of the screen. Does a 1st then 2nd explosion prove foul play or a conspiracy?


2,500 Year Old Enoch Fragments Describe the World’s 7 Major Rivers, 7 Continents & 7 Mountain Ranges!


2,500 Year Old Enoch Fragments Describe the World’s 7 Major Rivers, 7 Continents & 7 Mountain Ranges!

In this fascinating analysis of the Book of Enoch, we have yet another reason to validate this text. Enoch accurately describes the orientation, location and existence of the entire layout of the world 2,500 years ago. This video goes into and in depth analysis to compare the text with maps to arrive at these conclusions. The only way Enoch could have known this information is through the Holy Sprit. The information is presented. You decide.

Why is this validation important? Because the Book of Enoch outlines several prophecies including the flood and end of days. One specific prophecy marks 70 generations from that time until the watchers were released and brought to eternal judgement before the end of time. We are at that 70 generation point right now.The Book of Enoch dates back to 300 B.C. but is not included in current editions of the bible.




Woman Has Her Leg Cut Off So She Can Wear High Heels

21-year-old New Yorker Mariah Serrano was born with a painfully twisted club foot, and had never worn high heels in her life. She’d attended her high school prom in golden trainers, insanely jealous of her friends who wore heels.

Like many other girls from New York, Mariah dreamed of a job in fashion, but it seemed like her leg-situation was going to get in the way of that too. “When I was told I’d never be able to wear high heels and I should give up my dream career, I was devastated,” she said.

So when a specialist told her in 2009 that she had another option – to have her leg amputated, she seriously considered it. “Mum was horrified but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. I had to give it some serious thought.”

Woman Has Her Leg Cut Off So She Can Wear High Heels

A club foot is an easily-corrected childhood condition by bracing or surgery. But Mariah endured five operations and wore leg braces all her life with no improvement. It came to a point where she was sick of the braces and longed to wear normal shoes.

Mariah was still considering the amputation when she read something that helped her make the decision. “It wasn’t until I read an article about my favorite designer Alexander McQueen, who’d made a pair of prosthetic legs for athlete Aimee Mullins that I knew what I had to do.” Mariah realized that a beautifully crafted prosthetic could look good. And at that moment, she chose to chop off her leg.

Woman Has Her Leg Cut Off So She Can Wear High Heels

In the summer of 2009, Mariah underwent surgery to have her leg surgically removed. It wasn’t easy for her; the post-surgery complications turned out to be a nightmare. As the wound struggled to heal, she did have her moments of regret. “I wondered what on earth I had done,” she said. “I didn’t go out and didn’t want my friends to come over and see me. It was really hard.”

Eventually the wound healed well, and that winter, her family presented her with her first pair of heels – white basket woven Alice + Olivia platform wedges. Mariah was thrilled. “As I teetered around the living room wearing them, I knew I’d done the right thing,” she said.

Woman Has Her Leg Cut Off So She Can Wear High Heels

Mariah remembers having trouble learning to walk in heels. “It was hard to get used to, but even girls without foot and leg problems have to learn to wear heels for the first time.” She soon got a hang of it though; now she owns 10 pairs of high heels.

Not long after the surgery, Mariah landed her dream job. She works as a social media manager at top fashion label Betsey Johnson. “I’ve never felt so glamorous or empowered,” she said.


Despite her success, Mariah sometimes forgets that she doesn’t have a foot anymore. “Choosing to have my leg cut off was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I still wake up sometimes and wonder where it is.” Sometimes she leaps out of bed, forgetting that she doesn’t have a leg, and falls over. She says she’s still getting used to it.

The prosthetic does make Mariah feel conscious sometimes, but she has learned not to take it too seriously. “My friends are always joking around with my fake leg.” But she also says that her leg has given her so much more confidence and helped her achieve the life she wanted. I suppose her decision was the right one, then.


Unbelievable!! Glaciers Visit Izatys Resort [VIDEO]

Unbelievable: Glaciers Visit Izatys Resort

LAKE MILLE LACS, Minn. (AP) — Strong winds have pushed huge ice sheets ashore at a northern Minnesota lake and right up to people's doorsteps.

WCCO-TV reports that the ice from Lake Mille Lacs (MILL LAX) reached the doors and windows at the Izatys (eye-ZEHT'-ees) Resort on Saturday morning.

Unbelievable: Glaciers Visit Izatys Resort

National Weather Service Meteorologist Shawn Devinny says 30 to 40 mile an hour winds pushed the water into the ice, driving it ashore. He says the winds were lighter Sunday and the shoreline got a reprieve.

The Department of Natural Resources says about 10 miles of shoreline are covered, with some reaching up to 30 feet high.



Man Gets Mysterious Growth After Sipping From Beer Can He Had Dropped In River


A grandfather has been left in agony by a mystery condition that caused a massive growth to appear on his stomach after it ballooned up.

Sixty-year-old John Macdonald’s troubles began when he took a sip from a can of beer he had dropped into a river.

A few hours later he was violently ill and four operations and several courses of antibiotics later he has still not been cured, with a hernia-like mass of flesh on his belly.

The Australian, who was fishing on the Brisbane River, in Queensland, said: ‘I want to tell my story to the world in the hope that someone somewhere might answer my prayers and finally get me well.

‘I’m a good bloke and I want to be around for my kids and my little grandchild so if there’s a bloody good doc out there that can help, then give me a holler.’


Alien Speech? Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal [VIDEO]

Alien Speech? Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal

Alien speech found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal still have no idea yet what this is.?

Alien Speech? Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal
 The Cassinispacecraft began detecting these radio emissions in April 2002 when Cassini was 2.5 astronomical units from the planet using the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument. The RPWS has now provided the first high resolution observations of these emissions that show an amazing array of variations in frequency and time. In this example, it appears as though the three rising tones are launched from the more slowly varying narrowband emission near the bottom of this display. If this is the case, it represents a very complicated interaction between waves in Saturn's radio source region, but one which has also been observed at Earth!



The Happiest Talking Boat [VIDEO]

The Happiest Talking Boat

Meanwhile in the Netherlands…some boats have started talking. Sort of. I don’t speak boat, you’ll have to see for yourself…


Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

More than a few artists have proved that macrophotography has merits beyond simply magnifying very small things. It can also capture aesthetically beautiful images lurking beyond our usual visual perception, whether they're hiding inside a meteorite or on the wing of a dragonfly... or inside falling snow.

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

Just in time for winter and the onslaught of December snowstorms, Russian photographer Alexey Kljatov has devised a clever way to bring the wonder of macrophotography to the minuscule world of snowflakes. Using a homemade rig comprised of a working camera lens, a wooden board, some screws and old camera parts, Kljatov captures the breathtaking intricacies of snow, six-sided symmetry and all.

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

 The wide range of shapes Kljatov manages to document certainly support the claim that no two snowflakes are alike. And while the tiny crystalline sculptures appear too perfect to believe, the dedicated photographer is able provide detailed instructions in both English and Russian for artists who wish to replicate his process.

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

In honor of the winter wonderlands to come, feast your eyes on the delicate artworks hiding inside each snow. Let us know your thoughts on the photography technique in the comments.

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

Unbelievable Close-Up Photos Of Snowflakes Reveal A Side Of Winter You've Never Seen

 NOTE: If you're wondering about the seemingly hairy backgrounds behind these snowflakes, another image on Kljatov's website reveals that some photographs are taken just as the snowflakes fall onto a carpet.

Alledged KFB-CIA UFO Alien Files 1945-1995 [VIDEO]


This UFO Alien Video we are showing today allegedly depicts real Aliens and their UFO machines captured by the former Russian KGB and the American CIA. The video title is KGB & CIA Top Secret Hidden Camera Leaks (1945-1995) As always use your own personal discretion of the validly of such information. Alleged KGB & CIA UFO 2013 Files 1945-1995



Video: Making A Battery From A Single Orange? How Ancient Egyptians Generated Electricity

In 2012 Caleb Charland made an experiment playing with oranges, copper wires and galvanized nails. His hope was that he could make this on going project work with a single piece of fruit. It seemed logical to use the orange’s natural wedges as the cells for the battery. The wedges are held up-right with an armature of small wooden skewers. The LED is nestled with in the bounds of the orange wedges. It requires 14 hours of exposure. The wedges are held up-right with an armature of small wooden skewers.

Video: Making A Battery From A Single Orange? How Ancient Egyptians Generated Electricity

Hearing before about the Baghdad battery, i couldn’t help my self not to think about it and about ancient times. It’s seems to be very easy to make and functional. Can The pyramids builders use similar Technic ?

A Baghdad battery model:

Video: Making A Battery From A Single Orange? How Ancient Egyptians Generated Electricity

Light bulb in ancient Egypt ? 

Video: Making A Battery From A Single Orange? How Ancient Egyptians Generated Electricity



Man Jumps To His Death After Girlfriend Insists They Continue Shopping

Man Jumps To His Death After Girlfriend Insists They Continue Shopping

A man jumped to his death after a furious row with his girlfriend who insisted they go into another clothes shop.

CCTV shows Tao Hsiao, 38, escorting his girlfriend around a shopping mall in Xuzhou, Jiangsu
province, east China.

After five hours Tao finally had enough and demanded to go home.

Eyewitnesses say he could be heard saying they already had more bags than they could carry, but she insisted on going into one more shop where the was a special offer on shoes.

Man Jumps To His Death After Girlfriend Insists They Continue Shopping

An eyewitness said: 'He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she could wear in a
lifetime and it was pointless buying any more.

'She started shouting at him accusing him of being a skinflint and of spoiling Christmas, it was a really heated argument.'

The shouting match ended when the man chucked the bags on the floor and jumped over the balcony, smashing into Christmas decorations on his way down before hitting the floor seven stories below causing shocked shoppers to flee in panic.
Man Jumps To His Death After Girlfriend Insists They Continue Shopping

Emergency services arrived at the scene but Tao was killed immediately from the impact of the fall.

A shopping spokesman said: 'His body was removed fairly quickly.

'He actually landed on one of the stalls below and then fell to the floor so although the store was damaged it meant he didn't hit anybody.

'This is a tragic incident, but this time of year can be very stressful for many people.'

Are You Ready For 2014 And 2015 Biblical Blood Moons?

Are You Ready For 2014 And 2015 Biblical Blood Moons?

Pastor John Hagee was invited by Fox News this week to discuss the significance of four blood moons coming over the next two years – on the Jewish Passovers on April 15, 2014, and April 4, 2015, and the Feasts of Tabernacles on Oct. 8, 2014, and Sept. 28, 2015.

Such events have occurred only three other times in recent centuries, and each time they were linked to significant events for the Jewish nation, as outlined in Hagee’s new book, “Four Blood Moons: Something is about to Change.”

For example, when it happened in 1493 and 1494 Jews were expelled from Spain. The blood moons in 1949 and 1950 came right after the nation of Israel was assembled, giving the Jews a homeland for the first time in thousands of years.

And in 1967 and 1968 it was linked to the Six-Day War.

“This is something that just is beyond coincidental,” Hagee told Fox. He explained that the prophecies in the Bible note that when the sun refuses to shine – and a solar eclipse is expected in the 2014-2015 time frame – and the moon will be turned to blood, then man’s redemption draweth near.

In the Old Testament, the prophet Joel states, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” (Joel 2:31)
Are You Ready For 2014 And 2015 Biblical Blood Moons?
In the New Testament, Jesus is quoted as saying: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. … And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:29-30)

Acts 2 states: “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.”

Pastor Mark Biltz talked with WND about the issue, elaborating on the information provided in Hagee’s book.

“Not only are there four blood moons on 4/15/14, 10/8/14, 4/4/15, and 9/28/15, but the added significance is that the total solar eclipse on 3/20/15 is on the biblical calendar of Nisan 1. Nisan 1 begins the religious New Year according to the scriptures,” Biltz explained. “This date was the grand opening of Moses tabernacle in the wilderness. This is the day a great sign came and fire fell to light the burnt offering.

“So here we have a total solar eclipse beginning the religious year followed two weeks later by a total lunar eclipse/blood moon on Passover followed by the next solar eclipse (partial) on Sept 13th which just so happens to be Rosh Hashanah!” Biltz continued.

The pastor of El-Shaddai Ministries went into great detail about the significant events that have occurred on these dates in history and scripture.

Are You Ready For 2014 And 2015 Biblical Blood Moons?

“According to Judaism this is the day Adam was created and crowned God as King. This is also begins a shemittah year 7th for the land to rest. The last two shemittah years on Rosh Hashanah, there was global economic catastrophe. In 2001, the Dow fell 7 percent. In 2008, the Dow fell 7 percent. In 2015, could this be our third strike and a major collapse of the global economy?” Biltz pondered.

“The eclipse of the sun signals danger to the nations and of the moon danger to Israel, this is then followed by the total lunar eclipse/blood moon on the Feast of Tabernacles. Not only that, according to NASA, this total blood moon on 9/28/15 will be at perigee meaning it will be a super moon and seen in Jerusalem during the feast of sukkot while the Jewish people will be dwelling outside in their sukkahs looking up toward the heavens.”

“The odds of this string of events are truly astronomical!” he concluded.

The story actually began in 2008 when Biltz made an astounding discovery – a story broken first by WND.

Biltz had been studying prophecies that focus on the sun and moon, even going back to the book of Genesis where it states the lights in the sky would be “be for signs, and for seasons.”

“It means a signal, kind of like ‘one if by land, two if by sea.’ It’s like God wants to signal us,” he said. “The Hebrew word implies … not only is it a signal, but it’s a signal for coming or His appearing.”

Biltz noted the 6,000 years, about, since the creation of Adam.

“So we are at of the end of the six days ready to enter the seventh day, or the beginning of the 1,000 year millennium rest spoken of in Hebrews and Revelation.”

He confirmed that future events cannot be predicted exactly, but he believes there is a clear link between important historical events and these lunar eclipses.


The message, Biltz believes, is that the messianic prophecies that Jesus fulfilled 2,000 years ago, when He came the first time, happened to the very day.

Biltz explains he believes the events surrounding the second coming also will happen to the very day of the Fall Feasts.

Also, for the first time, a calendar showing the impending “signs in the heavens” is available. The exciting features of the 16-month calendar include:
  • The signs in the heavens – the actual dates from NASA when eclipses will occur, including Comet Ison
  • Intertwining the civil calendar with the biblical calendar
  • Dates of significant biblical events from history
  • Personal photos of Israel from yearly tours sponsored by El Shaddai
  • Weekly Torah portions with New Testament readings listed
  • A full-page write-up explaining the Feasts of the Lord
  • Annual biblical holidays and sabbaths highlighted

PROPHECY ALERT: 4 Blood Moons And The Peace Agreement


    ENDTIMES: Signs of the Blood Red Moons 2013-2014

    ENDTIMES: Signs of the Blood Red Moons 2013-2014

    NOTICE: Kade Hawkins, director of Prophecy News Watch and who served on the Board of Chuck Missler‘s Koinonia House as Canadian Director for over 16 years, provides an official publication to critique the NASAphenomena due to occur in 2014-2015, known as the Blood Moon Tetrads.

    The Four Blood Moon Tetrad Phenomena Under Examination 

    History is littered with the dead bones of prophecies and predictions that failed the test of time.In recent times it is likely you will have been aware of The Jupiter Effect, Michael Drosnin’s Bible Code, the Quatrains of Nostradamus, Y2K and more recently the December 21st 2012 predictions.

    So what makes the four blood moons prophecy different to all that we have seen before? Is this another prophecy tragedy or could this celestial event be the most incredible sign of the times?


    Signs in the Heavens

    The significance of celestial, astronomical and heavenly events has been a key feature of world history from the time of Genesis. If we go to the book of Genesis we see a profound statement made by Moses in his account of the creation of the heavens by God Almighty. Why did God create the stars in the heavens in the first place? We read one significant answer in Genesis, the first chapter. Moses wrote:
    “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years” Genesis 1:14

    From a biblical perspective the use of the Sun and Moon as signs is evident. For instance in the book of Joshua chapter 10, the sun and the moon stood still for Joshua and his army over Gibeon, so they could have enough day time to complete the war. In Genesis we see that a young Joseph had a dream that involved the sun, moon and stars which would become a symbolic prophecy of his rise to greatness.

    Incredible heavenly phenomena have been witnessed throughout history and there would be too many to feature here. However the following provides a snapshot of strange events which immediately triggered an association with bible prophecies.

    The 1780 Day of Darkness

    On the 19th of May, 1780 many people thought that the day of the Lord had arrived when the sky became pitch black during the day. The darkness was not due to an eclipse since the moon was then nearly full. It was not caused by clouds, nor due to the thickness of the atmosphere, as in some localities where the darkness extended, the sky was so clear that the stars could be seen.

    The extent of the darkness was also very remarkable. It was observed at the most eastern regions of New England; westward, to the farthest part of Connecticut, and southward at Albany, it was observed all along the sea coast; and to the north, as far as the American settlements extended. It probably far exceeded those boundaries, but the exact limits were never positively known. With regard to its duration, it continued in the neighborhood of Boston for at least fourteen or fifteen hours.”

    Timothy Dwight says, “The 19th of May, 1780, was a remarkable dark day. Candles were lighted in many houses; the birds were silent and disappeared, and the fowls retired to roost. … A very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand.” Quoted in Connecticut Historical Collections, compiled by John Warner Barber (2nd ed.; New Haven: Durrie & Peck and J.W. Barber, 1836) p. 403.

    The August 1999 Total Eclipse

    On August 11th 1999, millions of people across Europe, Middle East and Africa witnessed a total solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, while a partial solar eclipse will be visible over a region thousands of kilometers wide. 

    ENDTIMES: Signs of the Blood Red Moons 2013-2014

    The path of the Moon’s shadow began in the Atlantic Ocean and, before noon, was traversing Cornwall, Devon, northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, southern Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and northern FR Yugoslavia (Vojvodina). Its maximum was in Romania (next to a town called Ocnele Marinear Râmnicu Vâlcea); and it continued across Bulgaria, the Black Sea, Turkey, Iran, southern Pakistan and Srikakulam in India and ended in the Bay of Bengal.

    Millions witnessed an eerie feeling as darkness descended, the air cooled down and the birds stopped singing. Because of the high density populated in the areas of the path, there is little doubt that this was the most-viewed total solar eclipse in human history.

    The Jupiter Effect, Comets and Meteorites

    Other heavenly signs that have caused significant discussion and debate also include the planetary alignment phenomena of 1982. The Jupiter Effect was a best-selling book by John Gribbin, Ph.D., and Stephen Plagemann (published. 1974) that predicted that this alignment of the planets of the solar system would create a number of catastrophes, including a great earthquake on the San Andreas Fault in Los Angeles, on March 10, 1982.

    Many of you will also remember the Hale-Bopp Comet, one of the most publicized celestial bodies which in 1997 sparked a major tragedy in which 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate, an American UFO religion doomsday cult based in San Diego California, committed mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft following the Comet Hale–Bopp, which was then at its brightest.

    More recently on September 15, 2007, a meteorite impacted Earth near the village of Carancas, Peru, creating a 50-foot-wide crater. When local officials went to investigate, they saw boiling water bubbling at the bottom of the hole. Sickeningly foul-smelling, noxious gases rose out of it, striking the investigators ill on the spot. In the days after the impact, about 200 villagers came down with a mysterious illness, suffering nausea, headaches and vomiting. Later, tests of the impact site by scientists at Peru’s Mining, Metallurgy, and Geology Institute showed that the locals had likely suffered mild arsenic poisoning.

    In all three cases at the time parallels were drawn with bible prophecy and the book of Revelation in which John in his vision saw a number of global cataclysmic events which involved astral projects impacting the earth causing significant calamity.

    The Prophecy of the Blood Moon Tetrads

    When major astronomical and heavenly events take place it has been natural to turn to the Bible for validation since Jesus Christ himself said, referring to the days before His second coming:

    “And there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven”…..“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars . . .” Luke 21: 11, 25.
    However there are specific references that focus on the moon looking “blood red” in the lead up to the great and terrible Day of the Lord and it is for this reason that the prophecy of the Blood Moon Tetrads is causing a ripple across the bible community.
    “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD” Joel 2:31

    “I look when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood” Revelation.6:1

    Blood Moons are when the moon appears red due to lunar eclipses.
    They occur when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon (see top part of image below). The Earth’s shadow blocks the sun’s light, which would normally reflect off the moon. The delicate layer of dusty air surrounding our planet reddens and redirects the light of the sun, filling the dark behind the Earth with a sunset-red glow. This is in contrast to a solar eclipse where the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun causing darkness (see bottom part of image below).

    ENDTIMES: Signs of the Blood Red Moons 2013-2014

    Blood Moon lunar eclipses have happened continuously throughout history, but a Blood Moon Tetrad is when 4 consecutive total lunar eclipses occur on a Jewish Holy Feast day. There have only been 7 Blood Moon Tetrads between Jesus Christ’s first coming and 2013, and every time they happened it has been proven that there was some significant event which impacted upon the Jewish people within a year of the first or last eclipse of the tetrad.

    The only time during this century (2000 AD – 3000 AD) that a Blood Moon Tetrad will take place is the year 2014-2015. A growing group of researchers believe something significant is going to happen in 2014 and 2015 which will involve Israel and the world. This has set off a chain reaction of debate and discussion about this event.


    Guy Without Arms And Legs Fighting Thief in Canada [VIDEO]

    Guy Without Arms And Legs Fighting Thief in Canada

    Stealing from a quadruple amputee has got to be rock bottom. The guy with the beard allegedly stole the guy in the wheelchair’s sunglasses and his friend stepped up to get them back. A scuffle ensued in the street, where they amputee man hops in and gets some. If karma is real this bearded man will probably be struck by lightning while being hit by a train.

    Guy Without Arms And Legs Fighting Thief in Canada



    Germs Gone Wild: The Horrific Secrets of Plum Island [VIDEO]


    Germs Gone Wild: The Horrific Secrets of Plum Island

    What Is on the Island?

    Lurking in the dark waters of Long Island Sound is a mysterious place known as Plum Island. Just ten miles off the coast of Connecticut, this tiny speck of land has long been rumored to be the epicenter of top-secret biowarfare research. The U.S. government acknowledges that the island is home to a scientific facility. Its stated purpose is to study animal-borne diseases. But investigators are beginning to uncover startling new facts about this forbidding place. Insiders and ex-employees have come forward to tell their stories. From security breaches in germ labs, to escaped diseases and potential mass epidemics, this is the real Plum Island story.

    But the government denies anything is wrong.

    The Secret of Plum Island

    Plum Island’s Secret Past

    Although the origins of Plum Island are shrouded in secrecy, investigations have revealed the startling fact that, in the 1950s, the lab was run by a German scientist named Erich Traub, who was brought to America after the Second World War. His specialty in the Third Reich was virus and vaccine research. Along with rocket scientists like Werner von Braun, Traub was spirited out of post-war Germany to help jump-start the Cold War against the Soviet Union. The well-documented U.S. government project to recruit German scientists and technicians was known as Operation Paperclip. President Truman approved the project, so long as only nominal Nazi party members without SS affiliation were recruited. However, because the Nazi party promoted so many of its top scientists, Operation Paperclip ended up white-washing the pasts of many of its recruits in order to get them into the U.S.

    Traub’s particular expertise was in disease-carrying insects—in particular, the common tick. Ticks are often carried aloft by birds, and can therefore quickly spread over large swaths of territory. Called “vectors,” ticks and mosquitoes are also genetically similar. Both contain bacteriophages or plasmids that transfer genetic material into a cell, or from one bacterium to another. In other words, they can infect whatever host animal with which they come in contact. Multiply this by millions, and ticks become the perfect insect army.

    Exposing Secret Experimentation at Plum Island

    During the Cold War, both the Soviets and Americans searched for ways to cripple each other, short of a doomsday nuclear attack. One idea was to destroy Russia’s food supply. This is where Traub’s tick army came into play. If the bugs could be injected with lethal pathogens, and somehow released over the Soviet Union, we could literally starve our mortal enemy to death. It’s well documented that Traub was using Plum Island for this research.

    In November 1957, U.S. military intelligence explored the elimination of the food supply of the Sino-Soviet bloc, right down to determining the calories required for victory:

    In order to have a crippling effect on the economy of the USSR, the food and animal crop resources of the USSR would have to be damaged within a single growing season to the extent necessary to reduce the present average daily caloric intake from 2,800 calories to 1,400 calories; i.e., the starvation level. Reduction of food resources to this level, if maintained for twelve months, would produce 20 percent fatalities, and would decrease manual labor performance by 95 percent and clerical and light labor performance by 80 percent.

    Attempts to obtain records about Traub’s past, and his possible connection to Third Reich war crimes, have been regularly rebuffed by Army Intelligence and the CIA. Traub died in Germany at the age of 78.

    The Secret of Plum Island 

    The Lyme Disease Connection
    Traub regularly experimented with injecting dangerous pathogens into insects. The Joint Chiefs of Staff authorized this and similar research in 1952. Dusty files labeled “Tick Research” in the National Archives revealed this quote: “Vigorous, well-planned, large-scale [biological warfare] test, with results to the secretary of defense. Steps should be taken to make certain adequate facilities are available, including those at Fort Detrick, Dugway Proving Ground, Fort Terry (Plum Island) and an island field testing area.”

    In November 1957, the Joint Chiefs also advised that “'research on anti-animal agent-munition combinations should continue, as well as field testing of anti-food agent munition combinations’…”

    Germs Gone Wild: The Horrific Secrets of Plum Island

    In the mid-1970s, a mysterious disease broke out in the area around the town of Old Lyme, CT. This severely debilitating syndrome was given the name Lyme disease. At first, doctors were mystified as to why the disease was clustered around this particular town. To this day, some medical authorities question whether the disease isn’t partly psychosomatic.

    But its victims know differently.

    In the 80s, scientists were able to isolate the infectious bacteria carried by the ticks. It was named Borellia burgdorferi, after the Austrian biochemist who made the initial breakthrough. Modern gene-sequencing techniques cracked the code of borellia; in fact, it was only the third microbial gene ever sequenced (after influenza and a rare form of genital herpes).

    Exposing Secret Experimentation at Plum Island  


    Nyotaimori: Naked Sushi Experience

    Nyotaimori: Naked Sushi Experience

    Nyotaimori— often translated as "female body arrangement"—is the practice of eating sushi off a woman's naked body. It is not mainstream in Japan by any stretch.

    During the 1990s, thanks to Hollywood movies like Rising Sun and a flurry of media coverage, the concept of nyotaimori spread abroad, where it has taken hold in more than the imagination. For example, Miami restaurant Kung Fu Kitchen & Sushi is serving up a nyotaimori special; it starts at US$500 and runs until late September. At this restaurant, nude male or female models are available to be the dinner plate of your choice. While the models at Kung Fu Kitchen & Sushi are disinfected beforehand and while their privates are covered with banana leaves, the practice of nyotaimori is highly unsanitary—which is probably one why you don't encounter this on a regular basis in Japan. (Also, sushi is not traditionally served with banana leaves in Japan, let alone naked bodies.)

    For the general public, nyotaimori has existed in a limited sense in the Japanese sex industry—still, it hasn't been mainstream. According to a 2009 Japan Times article, one Tokyo stripper talked about performing nyotaimori at a "happening bar", which also isn't a mainstream establishment, as part of a special event. (A "happening bar" is essentially an underground swingers club with a cover charge.) The stripper said that nyotaimori was so rare in today's Japan that the bar's owners thought this would be a good stunt to lure customers.

    Nyotaimori: Naked Sushi Experience

    (Today, however, a Chinese news source ran a story that there are establishments in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto that still offer nyotaimori; the article, though, is short on facts and long on pictures of a Western nyotaimori event. China outlawed the practice in 2004.)

    There apparently was one nyotaimori establishment in Shinjuku's red light district during the late 1990s, which mixed raw fish and sexual services—a recipe for seriously ill customers. It soon closed before health officials could shutter the establishment.

    Food laws in Japan—especially laws regarding raw food—are strict. In more and more sushi restaurants in Japan, sushi chefs are starting to wear plastic gloves when handling raw fish. And serving raw food on someone's body isn't sanitary: the body warms up the raw fish and salmonella can be a problem. This is why some nyotaimori events in the West have forced the human tables to chill their bodies so the fish doesn't spoil—something that not only sounds unappetizing, but also inhuman. That's why it's not only that the hygiene issues that also make nyotaimori unappetizing, but also the whole let's-turn-a-human-into-tableware aspect. Yet, the practice continues to fascinate outside of Japan and still pops up in Western depictions of Japan—such as the Spanish film Map of the Sounds of Tokyo. Nyotaimori is far more of a thing outside Japan than in it.

    Nyotaimori: Naked Sushi Experience

    In the West, nyotaimori is promoted as "traditional Japanese culture". However in Japan, there isn't much info on the practice in the National Diet Library—putting that "traditional" spin into question. Japanese tabloids have a few articles here and there on it, but once again, the fringe of the sex industry is hardly "traditional Japanese culture". That's not to say it doesn't exist in Japan—it does. But nyotaimori is well outside of the mainstream of nightlife—even in the country's red light districts.

    The West, however, seems to have taken to the practice. There are restaurants, such as the aforementioned Miami's Kung Fu Kitchen & Sushi, that openly offer nyotaimori specials. So if you are eager to eat raw fish off a woman (or a man), you'll probably have an easier time finding an establishment outside Japan. Just don't think that you're experiencing "traditional Japanese culture", especially when dinning at a restaurant named after a Chinese martial art that serves sushi with banana leaves.


    Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

    THE Catholic Church has admitted paying at least $43 million in hush money to victims of its paedophile priests, as the church's barrister outraged victims yesterday by quoting from the Bible.

    In some cases, victims were not even allowed to tell their husbands, wives or children about the secret settlements negotiated through the church's controversial Towards Healing process.

    The royal commission into child sex abuse was yesterday also told how a Brisbane Catholic priest, Father Frank Derriman, ran a cult-like group sexually abusing young girls and giving them all the surname Brown, borrowed from the Peanuts comic strip's Charlie Brown.

    As the church apologised for its behaviour through the commission, survivors who were abused as children in orphanages and homes, walked out of the Sydney hearing in tears when the church's counsel, Peter Gray SC quoted from the Gospel of Mark.

    "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such of these that the kingdom of God belongs," Mr Gray said.

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

    He said the church, which should have been a sacred place of children, as described in the Bible, admitted it had failed them.

    With cries of "Good Lord, "What an insult" and "What a joke", about a dozen people walked out of the commission.

    "It is particularly insensitive," said Leonie Sheedy, who along with her six siblings grew up in 26 orphanages.

    "We suffered abuse and neglect as children and we really didn't need to hear that Bible quote."

    The Catholic Church has come under the spotlight of the royal commission into instutionalised responses to child sex abuse as it looks at how the Towards Healing process worked and the role played by the church's own Catholic Church Insurance.

    It is the first time the church has been forced to reveal the extent of compensation paid to victims, although it does not include out-of-court settlements or other payments made outside the Towards Healing process.

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

    Counsel assisting the commission, Gail Furness SC, said that between January 1996 and September 2013, $43 million had been paid by all church authorities with the Christian Brothers the most notorious.

    The second largest number of complaints were made against the Marist Brothers and then the De La Salle Brothers.

    In that time, 2215 victims had approached the Towards Healing process and 1700 people went ahead with it, although not all were pursued or substantiated.

    The most complaints, 43 per cent, were made against religious brothers, 21 per cent against diocesan priests and 14 per cent against religious priests. Most of the abuse happened between 1950 to 1980 in orphanages and schools.

    Ms Furness said that the highest compensation was $850,000 paid to the victim of a Sydney diocese priest.

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret


    TEACHER Joan Isaacs yesterday claimed a Catholic priest ran a cult-like group sexually abusing young girls and gave them the surname Brown, as in Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic.

    Her voice wavering, Mrs Isaacs told the Royal Commission into Institutionalised Responses to Child Sex Abuse in Sydney how one member of the Brown group had Father Frank Derriman's baby while the priest told them that, if they loved God, it was OK to have sex with him because he was God's representative.

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

    He lied that he was terminally ill and wanted to have sex before he died. During holy communion he put his fingers in her mouth.

    "Frank Derriman used the Peanut comic as a platform and used the surname Brown in reference to himself, the other three children and me,'' Mrs Isaacs, who was known as Junkie Brown, said.

    "(He) created a cult-like group which included myself and three other children."

    The royal commission heard that, despite being convicted of indecently assaulting Mrs Isaacs and jailed, Derriman remained technically a priest and it was not until 2011 that the Archbishop of Brisbane wrote to him threatening to begin formal proceedings to have him stripped of his status.

     Catholic Church paid $43 million To Keep Abuse Secret

    He is now married and working as a social worker in Victoria.

    Her shocking evidence and bravery in speaking out drew gasps from the packed public gallery in Sydney and she left the witness box to loud applause.

    The royal commission is focusing on the Catholic Church's controversial Towards Healing process - meant to help abuse victims like Mrs Isaacs.

    "There's a time in your life when you have to stand up for what is right and that time for me is now," Mrs Isaacs, 60, said. "I needed to be free of those chains before I died."

    She said she had felt silenced for the past 12 years after reluctantly signing a confidentiality agreement through the church's controversial Towards Healing process for a $30,000 settlement which, after she paid legal fees, left her with enough to buy $5000 worth of Coles-Myer shares and a sewing machine.

    Mrs Isaacs said she was 14 and 15 when she was abused by Derriman, who was a priest of the Archdiocese of Brisbane and chaplain of Brisbane's Sacred Heart Sandgate in 1967 and 1968.

    She said he formed the Brown family to weaken her ties with her real family and "softened" her up for sex by making her read the novel Lolita and talking about sex during confessional.

    He referred to nuns "in a sexual manner" and celebrated June 25, which is the birth date of the baby who is the antichrist in the book Rosemary's Baby, she said.

    It was 30 years before she went to the police - after she became a teacher in the Archdiocese of Brisbane and found another priest, Father Ron McKeirnan, was deputy director of Catholic education. She knew he had sexually abused a number of children while a resident at Sacred Heart Presbytery.


    IT was indefensible, shameful, heartbreaking and a betrayal of trust.

    That is how the Catholic Church described its behaviour in dealing with the paedophiles in the church as it appeared before the royal commission for the first time yesterday.

    "This is a searing and decisive moment in the history of the Catholic Church in Australia," counsel Peter Gray SC said in an opening statement for the Truth Justice and Healing Council.

    The council was formed to represent the dioceses and religious institutions within the Catholic Church before the royal commission.

    Mr Gray peppered his statement with quotes from the Bible, from poets and from St Augustine.

    He said that the church leaders acknowledged that some of them had put protecting the reputation of the church before the protection of children and their families and had betrayed the trust "of their own people and the expectations of the wider community".


    Pope Emeritus Debunks The Christmas Myths

    With just under 34 days until Christmas, the Pope has put a dampener on the festive period by rubbishing the idea that donkeys or any other animal have a place in the traditional nativity scene.

    Benedict XVI also claims angels never sang to the shepherds to proclaim Christ birth's - trashing the much-loved carol 'Hark! The herald angels sing' in the process.

    From this falsehood the tradition of singing carols was born, the former Pope says.

    Pope Emeritus Debunks The Christmas Myths

    His views are revealed in his latest and last installment of three volumes on the life of Jesus, released today, which is set to be a worldwide bestseller.

    Almost every Christian church in the world will soon be blowing the dust off its traditional nativity set with its array of animals but the Pope is clear that it would not have included any beast whatsoever.

    St Peter's Square itself regularly has a giant scene at Christmas and has displayed an array of animals at the heart of the Vatican, but the Pontiff is certain that is wrong.

    'In the gospels there is no mention of animals,’ he writes, saying that they were probably a Hebrew invention of the seventh century BC, as outlined in the Book of Habakkuk.

    Habakkuk was the eighth book of 12 minor prophets in the Old Testament.

    In Christian tradition, he is regarded by some as a prophet who predicted the nativity.

    Scenes relating to the birth of Jesus, as described in the Gospel, do not directly refer to the presence of an ox and donkey.

    But in Habakkuk 3:2, it is written: 'In the midst of the two beasts wilt thou be known' - and this was one of the sources which inspired the presence of the creatures at the manger.

    (It is worth noting that another Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, also inspired the manger scenery, with his words from 1:3: 'The ox knows its owner, and an ass, its master’s manger').

    However, the former Pope is convinced despite debunking the theory, the tradition is here to stay, saying: 'No nativity scene will give up its ox and donkey', he said.

    Pope Emeritus Debunks The Christmas Myths

    'Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives,' hits bookshops in 50 countries on Wednesday, the third and final installment of a project the 85-year-old Benedict conceived a decade ago and began writing soon after he became pope in 2005.

    The first two books, which topped the bestseller lists in Italy, dealt with Jesus' public ministry and his death, leaving just Jesus' birth to complete the series.

    More than 1 million copies are planned for the initial print run, just in time for Christmas.

    In the book, Benedict blends history, theology, linguistics and even astronomy to interpret the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which describe the months just before and after Jesus' birth.

    But there is one part of the nativity story he is firm on - that Mary was a virgin and Christ was conceived with the Holy Spirit alone.

    In the section 'Virgin Birth - Myth or Historical Truth?' he says: 'The accounts of Matthew and Luke are not myths taken a stage further.

    'They are firmly rooted, in terms of their basic conception, in the biblical tradition of God the Creator and Redeemer.'

    But he added that Angels delivered to good news of Jesus's birth to shepherds by speaking them, not singing them as the gospels say.

    'According to the evangelist, the angels "said" this,' the Pope writes, adding: 'But Christianity has always understood that the speech of angels is actually song, in which all the glory of the great joy that they proclaim becomes tangibly present.

    'To this day simple believers join in their caroling on the Holy Night, proclaiming in song the great joy that, from then until the end of time, is bestowed on all people.'

    And he also admits that Jesus would have been born years earlier than the Christian calendar states.

    For years, many historians have said Jesus would have been born around 4BC, but for the Pope to admit a flaw in something so fundamental to Catholic faith is surprising.

    Benedict was born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger in Marktl, Germany, in 1927.

    As a 14-year-old during World War Two, he was forced into the Hitler Youth, even though his Bavarian parents despised the Third Reich.

    He was appointed the head of the Roman Catholic Church in April 2005.

    Last month, he delivered a prayer in Arabic for the first time during his weekly general audience.

    Last December 2012, more than 20,000 people heard the Pope's prayers in Arabic, part of a new effort by the Vatican to show support for Christians in the Middle East.

    Pope Emeritus Debunks The Christmas Myths

    And there were no animals or snow at the nativity either... according to the Archbishop of Canterbury

    Dr Rowan Williams dismissed the well-known version of Nativity events as legend in a 2007 radio interview

    Dr Rowan Williams dismissed the well-known version of nativity events as legend in a 2007 radio interview

    Jesus was born in December, in a snow-covered stable, where he was visited by three wise men bearing gifts... or rather he wasn't, according to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in a radio interview he gave in 2007

    Talking on Radio Five, Dr Rowan Williams dismissed the well-known version of events as legend, saying: 'Matthew's Gospel doesn't tell us there were three of them, doesn't tell us they were kings, doesn't tell us where they came from.

    'It says they are astrologers, wise men, priests from somewhere outside the Roman Empire, that's all we're really told.'

    Turning to the topic of when Jesus was born, he said it was 'very unlikely' that there was snow.

    He said there was no evidence of animals present - a popular theme of Christmas cards.

    And he dismissed the idea that the star of the North stood still in the night sky - because stars just don't behave like that.

    For good measure, he added Jesus probably wasn't even born in December.

    He said: 'Christmas was when it was because it fitted well with the winter festival.'

    Dr Williams was speaking to presenter Simon Mayo when another of his guests, Ricky Gervais, star of The Office, challenged him about the intellectual credentials of his faith.

    Despite this apparent debunking, Dr Williams' views are in fact strictly in line with orthodox Christian teaching, as he is sticking exactly to what The Bible says.

    The outgoing Archbishop's comments at the time appeared to be at odds with one of his own advisers, the Rev John Jennings, a Church of England clergyman.

    He said: 'There seems little doubt that Jesus was born in a stable. The Bible says "outside the house", and this was probably because the house was full.

    'If it was a stable, there could have been animals at the birth of Jesus.

    'The Wise Men were... careful, calculating, educated men who think that they begin to discern God's imminent arrival and who blunder their way across the region until they find what they think they've been seeking. These are the really important bits of the story.'

    Pope Emeritus Debunks The Christmas Myths

    'Three' wise men and other myths about the birth of Jesus

    According to the Bible, three wise men from the east travelled a great distance on camels and followed a star to Bethlehem to visit baby Jesus in the manger - bringing with them gifts. However, hardly any of these details are actually in the holy book...

    In Mathew 2:1, it is written: 'Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem...'

    HOW MANY WISE MEN? Matthew's Gospel does not reveal the exact number. But because Matthew 2:11 mentions three gifts - '... they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh' - it is widely held that there were three wise men.

    WERE THEY KINGS? They were probably learned men, such as astrologers.

    The three often cited were supposedly called Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. But these names are said to have first been recorded in a Greek manuscript 500 years after the birth of Jesus.

    There is also nothing in the Bible that says they travelled on camels.

    Again, according to Matthew 2:11: 'And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him...'

    BETHLEHEM OR NAZARETH?: Matthew has Jesus’ parents living in Bethlehem; Luke has them living in Nazareth in Galilee. (And the Gospels of Mark and John don't actually recount the story of the nativity at all.)

    MARY'S BOY CHILD JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY? Boney M sang it but it doesn't mean it's true. The Bible does not specify a date or a month. But December 25 is known to have become popular during the fourth century so Christians could have an alternative to a popular pagan festival at that time of year. December 25, which was around the time of the winter solstice, also marked a pagan festival for Mithraism, a Roman cult that rivalled Christianity (and celebrated the birth of their god, Mithra).

    NO STAR OF BETHLEHEM: At that time, in Judea, there was no concept of astronomy. And no star can shine on just one particular town. According to Matthew 2: 9-11: 'After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.'

    SHEEP IN THE BLEAK MID-WINTER? If the shepherds had truly been watching their flocks by night, it is highly unlikely they would have done so in the bitter cold. They would have watched them night, and day, during the lambing season in spring.


    Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas


    When you gather around the Christmas tree or stuff goodies into a stocking, you're taking part in traditions that stretch back thousands of years — long before Christianity entered the mix.

    Pagan, or non-Christian, traditions show up in this beloved winter holiday, a consequence of early church leaders melding Jesus' nativity celebration with pre-existing midwinter festivals. Since then, Christmas traditions have warped over time, arriving at their current state a little more than a century ago.

    Read on for some of the surprising origins of Christmas cheer, and find out why Christmas was once banned in New England.

    Early Christians had a soft spot for pagans

    1. Early Christians had a soft spot for pagans

    It's a mistake to say that our modern Christmas traditions come directly from pre-Christian paganism, said Ronald Hutton, a historian at Bristol University in the United Kingdom. However, he said, you'd be equally wrong to believe that Christmas is a modern phenomenon. As Christians spread their religion into Europe in the first centuries A.D., they ran into people living by a variety of local and regional religious creeds.

    Christian missionaries lumped all of these people together under the umbrella term "pagan," said Philip Shaw, who researches early Germanic languages and Old English at Leicester University in the U.K. The term is related to the Latin word meaning "field," Shaw told LiveScience. The lingual link makes sense, he said, because early European Christianity was an urban phenomenon, while paganism persisted longer in rustic areas.

    Early Christians wanted to convert pagans, Shaw said, but they were also fascinated by their traditions.

    "Christians of that period are quite interested in paganism," he said. "It's obviously something they think is a bad thing, but it's also something they think is worth remembering. It's what their ancestors did." [In Photos: Early Christian Rome]

    Perhaps that's why pagan traditions remained even as Christianity took hold. The Christmas tree is a 17th-century German invention, University of Bristol's Hutton told LiveScience, but it clearly derives from the pagan practice of bringing greenery indoors to decorate in midwinter. The modern Santa Claus is a direct descendent of England's Father Christmas, who was not originally a gift-giver. However, Father Christmas and his other European variations are modern incarnations of old pagan ideas about spirits who traveled the sky in midwinter, Hutton said.

    We all want that warm Christmas glow

    2. We all want that warm Christmas glow

    But why this fixation on partying in midwinter, anyway? According to historians, it's a natural time for a feast. In an agricultural society, the harvest work is done for the year, and there's nothing left to be done in the fields.

    "It's a time when you have some time to devote to your religious life," said Shaw. "But also it's a period when, frankly, everyone needs cheering up."

    The dark days that culminate with the shortest day of the year ­— the winter solstice— could be lightened with feasts and decorations, Hutton said.

    "If you happen to live in a region in which midwinter brings striking darkness and cold and hunger, then the urge to have a celebration at the very heart of it to avoid going mad or falling into deep depression is very, very strong," he said.

    Stephen Nissenbaum, author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist "The Battle for Christmas" (Vintage, 1997), agreed.

    "Even now when solstice means not all that much because you can get rid of the darkness with the flick of an electric light switch, even now, it's a very powerful season," he told LIveScience.

    3. The Church was slow to embrace Christmas

    Despite the spread of Christianity, midwinter festivals did not become Christmas for hundreds of years. The Bible gives no reference to when Jesus was born, which wasn't a problem for early Christians, Nissenbaum said.

    "It never occurred to them that they needed to celebrate his birthday," he said.

    With no Biblical directive to do so and no mention in the Gospels of the correct date, it wasn't until the fourth century that church leaders in Rome embraced the holiday. At this time, Nissenbaum said, many people had turned to a belief the Church found heretical: That Jesus had never existed as a man, but as a sort of spiritual entity.

    "If you want to show that Jesus was a real human being just like every other human being, not just somebody who appeared like a hologram, then what better way to think of him being born in a normal, humble human way than to celebrate his birth?" Nissenbaum said.

    Midwinter festivals, with their pagan roots, were already widely celebrated, Nissenbaum said. And the date had a pleasing philosophical fit with festivals celebrating the lengthening days after the winter solstice (which fell on Dec. 21 this year). "O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which that Sun was born … Christ should be born," one Cyprian text read.

    The Puritans hated the holiday

    4. The Puritans hated the holiday

    But if the Catholic Church gradually came to embrace Christmas, the Protestant Reformation gave the holiday a good knock on the chin. In the 16th century, Christmas became a casualty of this church schism, with reformist-minded Protestants considering it little better than paganism, Nissenbaum said. This likely had something to do with the "raucous, rowdy and sometimes bawdy fashion" in which Christmas was celebrated, he added.

    In England under Oliver Cromwell, Christmas and other saints' days were banned, and in New England it was illegal to celebrate Christmas for about 25 years in the 1600s, Nissenbaum said. Forget people saying, "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas," he said.

    "If you want to look at a real 'War on Christmas,' you've got to look at the Puritans," he said. "They banned it!"

    Gifts are a new (and surprisingly controversial) tradition

    5. Gifts are a new (and surprisingly controversial) tradition

    While gift-giving may seem inextricably tied to Christmas, it used to be that people looked forward to opening presents on New Year's Day.

    "They were a blessing for people to make them feel good as the year ends," Hutton said. It wasn't until the Victorian era of the 1800s that gift-giving shifted to Christmas. According to the Royal Collection, Queen Victoria's children got Christmas Eve gifts in 1850, including a sword and armor. In 1841, Victoria gave her husband, Prince Albert, a miniature portrait of her as a 7-year-old; in 1859, she gave him a book of poetry by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

    All of this gift-giving, along with the secular embrace of Christmas, now has some religious groups steamed, Nissenbaum said. Theconsumerism of Christmas shopping seems, to some, to contradict the religious goal of celebrating Jesus Christ's birth. In some ways, Nissenbaum said, excessive spending is the modern equivalent of the revelry and drunkenness that made the Puritans frown.

    "There's always been a push and pull, and it's taken different forms," he said. "It might have been alcohol then, and now it's these glittering toys."


    Children Of Incest 'Cult': Severely Deformed Children Found In Australia

    Children of horrifying incest 'cult' with four generations of in-breeding found living deformed, filthy and mute in scenic valley

    The dark, disturbing secrets of a picturesque Australian valley where unwashed children born from generations of incest lived with physical deformities in a 'cult' of 40 adults and youngsters emerged today.

    Incapable of intelligible speech, some of the children had oddly-formed features as the result of being born to parents who were themselves related.

    Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts had sex with one another over four generations, raising childen in squalid conditions who themselves grew up to become intimate and have more inbred children.

    The children found living in filth in sheds and broken down caravans had numerous disabilities from their inbred births, including a boy with a walking impairment and severe psoriasis, another with hearing and sight problems and yet another boy whose eyes were misaligned.

    he case of incest and depravity which came to rest in the hills of a quiet country town

    A nine-year-old girl, who could not hear or write and had fragmented and stunted speech, was unable to bathe or dry herself and did not know how to use a toilet or what toilet paper was.

    The shocking discovery of the family's depraved life in the valley, lying south west of Sydney, were reminiscent of the inbred hillbillies featured in the movie Deliverance.

    Sickening details of generations of child abuse were published today by news.com.au , drawing on a judgement from the New South Wales Children's Court which, in a rare step, agreed to make its findings public.

    The name of the hidden valley has been kept secret and the family has been given the pseudonym Colt in order to protect the identity of the minors.

    But details of the debased lives of adults and children have been released because it is understood the court felt the nation should know about the worst case of incest it had ever heard.

    Across four generations of intimate relations, the family moved around the country, from South Australia, to Victoria, Western Australia and then back across the continent to the fertile valley south of Sydney.

    he case of incest and depravity which came to rest in the hills of a quiet country town

    The debauched lives of the current generation of adults might never have been found if residents of a nearby town had not reported that there were children living in the hills who had not been attending school.

    In the nearby town, the name of which has been suppressed, one local resident said people used to make jokes that if anyone came from that valley 'you'd be inbred'.

    The man told the Sydney paper that on occasions two women with 'about ten children' would emerge from a car that had interstate plates, buy something in the shops and leave.

    'They were never clean looking,' said the man. And there was 'nothing' on the blocks of land where the family lived - 'no electricity, no water, just scrub.'

    Police and child care workers were stunned when they arrived at the cult camp, some 20 miles from the nearest town and surrounded by trees where 19th century bushrangers once roamed. They found 40 adults and children living in two broken-down caravans, two sheds and tents, where there was no running water or sewage.

    The Telegraph reported that dirt caked the surfaces of stoves and cooking facilities, rotten vegetables lay in a refrigerator and a kangaroo was sleeping on one of the children's beds.
    Chainsaws, bags of rubbish and exposed electrical wires lay about. There were no toilets, showers or baths.

    'I'll never get over what I saw there,' a female police officer later reportedly told one of her colleagues.

    But at the time even she did not realise that the 'family cult' was a throwback to a pair of great-great grandparents who were a brother and sister. Down through the generations, the family continued to regenerate itself, the children beginning to have sex with one another as soon as they were old enough.

    The result, the court documents revealed, was that some of the children seemed developmentally delayed, cognitively impaired or physically handicapped - the shocking result of sex between brothers and sisters, uncles and nieces and fathers and daughters.

    According to the documents, the children were sexually involved with each other and only one - a five-year-old girl, the youngest - had parents who weren't related to each other.

    The Telegraph said that what the police and community care officials witnessed was 'a social time bomb exploding before their eyes.'

    The five family groups comprised sisters Rhonda, 47; Martha, 33; and Betty Colt, 46, who slept every night with her brother, Charlie. There were also two of Betty's daughters who each had children who proved to be from unions of related parents.

    Betty's son Bobby, 15, who had severe psoriasis and needed urgent dental work, could not talk in a way that could be understood, he wet and soiled his bed and his learning ability was at kindergarten level.

    he case of incest and depravity which came to rest in the hills of a quiet country town

    Martha's sons Albert, 15, and Jed, 14, also had speech problems, no personal hygiene and teeth that were in need of urgent dental work.

    Betty's son Billy, 14, was underweight and not growing properly, as well as having hearing and sight problems, spoke unintelligibly, had an intellectual disability and could barely read or count.

    Fourteen-year-old Kimberly Colt was underweight and could not clean her teeth, use toilet paper or comb her hair. She had problems with hearing, speech, sight, could not read or write and did not know how to use toilet paper or comb her hair.

    When approached by one of the officers who had called at the 'camp' Kimberly threatened to cut off the officer's fingers.

    Betty's son Brian, 12, had extensively decayed teeth, had borderline normal hearing and did not understand showering. His eyes were misaligned and he could not read, write or recognise numbers.

    On July 18, 2012, police and social workers removed 12 children from the valley - and after careful questioning, harrowing tales emerged.

    Children Of Incest 'Cult': Severely Deformed Children Found In Australia

    Kimberly told of sexual contact with her uncle, Dwayne, who was 9 years old, while her aunt, Carmen, 8, watched. Sisters Ruth, 7, and Nadia, 9, had sexual touching with their brothers Albert, 15; Jed, 14; and Karl, 12.

    In one sad story, social workers were told how three brothers aged 14 and under tied their sister, 8, and niece, 13, naked to a tree.

    The court documents revealed that clinicians and geneticists who took mouth swabs from the children deduced five of them had parents who were themselves 'closely related' to one another while another five had parents who were 'related'.

    But the complex tale of intimate relations was found to go back to Betty, Martha and Rhonda's maternal grandparents, who had been brother and sister.

    Betty had 13 children, some of whom were probably fathered by her father, Tim, and her brother, Charlie. Along the way one of Betty's daughters, Tammy, 27, died from a genetic disease known as Zellweger syndrome.

    Since the discovery of the shocking events in the hidden valley, some children have since been placed with foster families, while others are in treatment programmes for sexualised behaviour and psychological trauma.

    They are said to be making progress with schooling and hygiene, but Betty Colt, said the Telegraph, appears to be in denial and her lawyer has disputed the court's findings.

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