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Man Fined £300 For Swallowing Human Toe In Whisky Cocktail

Man Fined £300 For Swallowing Human Toe In Whisky Cocktail

A customer at a hotel was fined $500 (£307) after he swallowed a human toe at the bar.

The severed body part had been dropped into a shot of whisky as part of a tradition in Dawson City, Canada.

The Yukon ritual involves someone drinking the Sourtoe Cocktail and having the toe touch their lips, without swallowing it.

If you accidentally ingest it, which has happened on several occasions, you face a penalty like the man who drank at the Downtown Hotel.

Man Fined £300 For Swallowing Human Toe In Whisky Cocktail

The idea of sampling the toe beverage has made a few online users queasy.

Rick tweeted: ‘Ick! To pay a $500 fine AND swallow a crusty old toe? Thanks but no thanks!’

Matthew Campbell was more worried about how they were going to find a replacement, adding: ‘Who wants to donate a replacement?’

And if you were wondering where the toes came from they are reportedly donated by living donors that have lost them to an ailment or in an accident.


Undeniable Fact: The US Military Global Terrorism

Undeniable Fact: The US Military Global Terrorism

Since the end of the Second World War, the United States of America has attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of which were democratically-elected.

[1]Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.

[2]Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.

[3]Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

[4]Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

Undeniable Fact: The US Military Global Terrorism

[5]In total: Since 1945, the United States has carried out one or more of the above actions, on one or more occasions, in the following 69 countries (more than one-third of the countries of the world):

British Guiana (now Guyana)
Congo (also as Zaire)
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Germany (plus East Germany)
North Korea
South Africa
Soviet Union
Vietnam (plus North Vietnam)
Yemen (plus South Yemen)

Undeniable Fact: The US Military Global Terrorism

"The US are by far the most violent nation on earth. They are the largest producer and exporter of weapons of mass destruction and have the world's biggest military budget comprising 36 percent of the total world military spending.

The USA has the most number of people in prison in the world, at 1.725 million. Next is China with 1.4 million. However China's total population is 4.6 times that of the USA, so the number of people in prison per 100,000 of population is very different: 645 people per 100,000 in the USA, 115 per 100,000 in China. 'Unlawful combatants' held on a military base in someone else's country are not included.

The media has told us repeatedly that some Middle Easterners hate the U.S. only because of "freedom" and "prosperity." Missing from this explanation is the historical context of the U.S. role in the Middle East, and for that matter in the rest of the world. This basic primer is an attempt to brief readers who have not closely followed the history of U.S. foreign or military affairs, and are perhaps unaware of the background of U.S. military interventions abroad, but are concerned about the direction of our country toward a new war in the name of "freedom" and "protecting civilians."

The United States military has been intervening in other countries for a long time. In 1898, it seized the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico from Spain, and in 1917-18 became embroiled in World War I in Europe. In the first half of the 20th century it repeatedly sent Marines to "protectorates" such as Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. All these interventions directly served corporate interests, and many resulted in massive losses of civilians, rebels, and soldiers. Many of the uses of U.S. combat forces are documented in A History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890.


A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism

 A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism

Since the September 11 attacks on the United States, most people in the world agree that the perpetrators need to be brought to justice, without killing many thousands of civilians in the process. But unfortunately, the U.S. military has always accepted massive civilian deaths as part of the cost of war. The military is now poised to kill thousands of foreign civilians, in order to prove that killing U.S. civilians is wrong.

The media has told us repeatedly that some Middle Easterners hate the U.S. only because of our "freedom" and "prosperity." Missing from this explanation is the historical context of the U.S. role in the Middle East, and for that matter in the rest of the world. This basic primer is an attempt to brief readers who have not closely followed the history of U.S. foreign or military affairs, and are perhaps unaware of the background of U.S. military interventions abroad, but are concerned about the direction of our country toward a new war in the name of "freedom" and "protecting civilians."

The United States military has been intervening in other countries for a long time. In 1898, it seized the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico from Spain, and in 1917-18 became embroiled in World War I in Europe. In the first half of the 20th century it repeatedly sent Marines to "protectorates" such as Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. All these interventions directly served corporate interests, and many resulted in massive losses of civilians, rebels, and soldiers. Many of the uses of U.S. combat forces are documented in A History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890: http://academic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/interventions.html

 A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism

U.S. involvement in World War II (1941-45) was sparked by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and fear of an Axis invasion of North America. Allied bombers attacked fascist military targets, but also fire-bombed German and Japanese cities such as Dresden and Tokyo, party under the assumption that destroying civilian neighborhoods would weaken the resolve of the survivors and turn them against their regimes. Many historians agree that fire- bombing's effect was precisely the opposite--increasing Axis civilian support for homeland defense, and discouraging potential coup attempts. The atomic bombing of Japan at the end of the war was carried out without any kind of advance demonstration or warning that may have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

The war in Korea (1950-53) was marked by widespread atrocities, both by North Korean/Chinese forces, and South Korean/U.S. forces. U.S. troops fired on civilian refugees headed into South Korea, apparently fearing they were northern infiltrators. Bombers attacked North Korean cities, and the U.S. twice threatened to use nuclear weapons. North Korea is under the same Communist government today as when the war began.

During the Middle East crisis of 1958, Marines were deployed to quell a rebellion in Lebanon, and Iraq was threatened with nuclear attack if it invaded Kuwait. This little-known crisis helped set U.S. foreign policy on a collision course with Arab nationalists, often in support of the region's monarchies.

In the early 1960s, the U.S. returned to its pre-World War II interventionary role in the Caribbean, directing the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs exile invasion of Cuba, and the 1965 bombing and Marine invasion of the Dominican Republic during an election campaign. The CIA trained and harbored Cuban exile groups in Miami, which launched terrorist attacks on Cuba, including the 1976 downing of a Cuban civilian jetliner near Barbados. During the Cold War, the CIA would also help to support or install pro-U.S. dictatorships in Iran, Chile, Guatemala, Indonesia, and many other countries around the world.

 A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism

The U.S. war in Indochina (1960-75) pit U.S. forces against North Vietnam, and Communist rebels fighting to overthrow pro-U.S. dictatorships in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. U.S. war planners made little or no distinction between attacking civilians and guerrillas in rebel-held zones, and U.S. "carpet-bombing" of the countryside and cities swelled the ranks of the ultimately victorious revolutionaries. Over two million people were killed in the war, including 55,000 U.S. troops. Less than a dozen U.S. citizens were killed on U.S. soil, in National Guard shootings or antiwar bombings. In Cambodia, the bombings drove the Khmer Rouge rebels toward fanatical leaders, who launched a murderous rampage when they took power in 1975.

Echoes of Vietnam reverberated in Central America during the 1980s, when the Reagan administration strongly backed the pro-U.S. regime in El Salvador, and right-wing exile forces fighting the new leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Rightist death squads slaughtered Salvadoran civilians who questioned the concentration of power and wealth in a few hands. CIA-trained Nicaraguan Contra rebels launched terrorist attacks against civilian clinics and schools run by the Sandinista government, and mined Nicaraguan harbors. U.S. troops also invaded the island nation of Grenada in 1983, to oust a new military regime, attacking Cuban civilian workers (even though Cuba had backed the leftist government deposed in the coup), and accidentally bombing a hospital.

The U.S. returned in force to the Middle East in 1980, after the Shi'ite Muslim revolution in Iran against Shah Pahlevi's pro-U.S. dictatorship. A troop and bombing raid to free U.S. Embassy hostages held in downtown Tehran had to be aborted in the Iranian desert. After the 1982 Israeli occupation of Lebanon, U.S. Marines were deployed in a neutral "peacekeeping" operation. They instead took the side of Lebanon's pro-Israel Christian government against Muslim rebels, and U.S. Navy ships rained enormous shells on Muslim civilian villages. Embittered Shi'ite Muslim rebels responded with a suicide bomb attack on Marine barracks, and for years seized U.S. hostages in the country. In retaliation, the CIA set off car bombs to assassinate Shi'ite Muslim leaders. Syria and the Muslim rebels emerged victorious in Lebanon.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, the U.S. launched a 1986 bombing raid on Libya, which it accused of sponsoring a terrorist bombing later tied to Syria. The bombing raid killed civilians, and may have led to the later revenge bombing of a U.S. jet over Scotland. Libya's Arab nationalist leader Muammar Qaddafi remained in power. The U.S. Navy also intervened against Iran during its war against Iraq in 1987-88, sinking Iranian ships and "accidentally" shooting down an Iranian civilian jetliner.

 A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism

U.S. forces invaded Panama in 1989 to oust the nationalist regime of Manuel Noriega. The U.S. accused its former ally of allowing drug-running in the country, though the drug trade actually increased after his capture. U.S. bombing raids on Panama City ignited a conflagration in a civilian neighborhood, fed by stove gas tanks. Over 2,000 Panamanians were killed in the invasion to capture one leader.

The following year, the U.S. deployed forces in the Persian Gulf after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which turned Washington against its former Iraqi ally Saddam Hussein. U.S. supported the Kuwaiti monarchy and the Muslim fundamentalist monarchy in neighboring Saudi Arabia against the secular nationalist Iraq regime.

In January 1991, the U.S..and its allies unleashed a massive bombing assault against Iraqi government and military targets, in an intensity beyond the raids of World War II and Vietnam. Up to 200,000 Iraqis were killed in the war and its imemdiate aftermath of rebellion and disease, including many civilians who died in their villages, neighborhoods, and bomb shelters. The U.S. continued economic sanctions that denied health and energy to Iraqi civilians, who died by the hundreds of thousands, according to United Nations agencies. The U.S. also instituted "no-fly zones" and virtually continuous bombing raids, yet Saddam was politically bolstered as he was militarily weakened.

In the 1990s, the U.S. military led a series of what it termed "humanitarian interventions" it claimed would safeguard civilians. Foremost among them was the 1992 deployment in the African nation of Somalia, torn by famine and a civil war between clan warlords. Instead of remaining neutral, U.S. forces took the side of one faction against another faction, and bombed a Mogadishu neighborhood. Enraged crowds, backed by foreign Arab mercenaries, killed 18 U.S. soldiers, forcing a withdrawal from the country.

Other so-called "humanitarian interventions" were centered in the Balkan region of Europe, after the 1992 breakup of the multiethnic federation of Yugoslavia. The U.S. watched for three years as Serb forces killed Muslim civilians in Bosnia, before its launched decisive bombing raids in 1995. Even then, it never intervened to stop atrocities by Croatian forces against Muslim and Serb civilians, because those forces were aided by the U.S.

In 1999, the U.S. bombed Serbia to force President Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw forces from the ethnic Albanian province of Kosovo, which was torn a brutal ethnic war. The bombing intensified Serbian expulsions and killings of Albanian civilians from Kosovo, and caused the deaths of thousands of Serbian civilians, even in cities that had voted strongly against Milosevic. When a NATO occupation force enabled Albanians to move back, U.S. forces did little or nothing to prevent similar atrocities against Serb and other non-Albanian civilians. The U.S. was viewed as a biased player, even by the Serbian democratic opposition that overthrew Milosevic the following year.

Even when the U.S. military had apparently defensive motives, it ended up attacking the wrong targets. After the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa, the U.S. "retaliated" not only against Osama Bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan, but a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan that was mistakenly said to be a chemical warfare installation. Bin Laden retaliated by attacking a U.S. Navy ship docked in Yemen in 2000.

After the 2001 terror attacks on the United States, the U.S. military is poised to again bomb Afghanistan, and possibly move against other states it accuses of promoting anti-U.S. "terrorism," such as Iraq and Sudan. Such a campaign will certainly ratchet up the cycle of violence, in an escalating series of retaliations that is the hallmark of Middle East conflicts. Afghanistan, like Yugoslavia, is a multiethnic state that could easily break apart in a new catastrophic regional war. Almost certainly more civilians would lose their lives in this tit-for-tat war on "terrorism" than the 3,000 civilians who died on September 11.

 A Briefing on History of U.S. Military Global Terrorism


Some common themes can be seen in many of these U.S. military interventions.

First, they were explained to the U.S. public as defending the lives and rights of civilian populations. Yet the military tactics employed often left behind massive civilian "collateral damage." War planners made little distinction between rebels and the civilians who lived in rebel zones of control, or between military assets and civilian infrastructure, such as train lines, water plants, agricultural factories, medicine supplies, etc. The U.S. public always believe that in the next war, new military technologies will avoid civilian casualties on the other side. Yet when the inevitable civilian deaths occur, they are always explained away as "accidental" or "unavoidable."

Second, although nearly all the post-World War II interventions were carried out in the name of "freedom" and "democracy," nearly all of them in fact defended dictatorships controlled by pro-U.S. elites. Whether in Vietnam, Central America, or the Persian Gulf, the U.S. was not defending "freedom" but an ideological agenda (such as defending capitalism) or an economic agenda (such as protecting oil company investments). In the few cases when U.S. military forces toppled a dictatorship--such as in Grenada or Panama--they did so in a way that prevented the country's people from overthrowing their own dictator first, and installing a new democratic government more to their liking.

Third, the U.S. always attacked violence by its opponents as "terrorism,""atrocities against civilians," or "ethnic cleansing," but minimized or defended the same actions by the U.S. or its allies. If a country has the right to "end" a state that trains or harbors terrorists, would Cuba or Nicaragua have had the right to launch defensive bombing raids on U.S. targets to take out exile terrorists? Washington's double standard maintains that an U.S. ally's action by definition "defensive," but that an enemy's retaliation is by definition "offensive."

Fourth, the U.S. often portrays itself as a neutral peacekeeper, with nothing but the purest humanitarian motives. After deploying forces in a country, however, it quickly divides the country or region into "friends" and "foes," and takes one side against another. This strategy tends to enflame rather than dampen a war or civil conflict, as shown in the cases of Somalia and Bosnia, and deepens resentment of the U.S. role.

Fifth, U.S. military intervention is often counterproductive even if one accepts U.S. goals and rationales. Rather than solving the root political or economic roots of the conflict, it tends to polarize factions and further destabilize the country. The same countries tend to reappear again and again on the list of 20th century interventions.

, U.S. demonization of an enemy leader, or military action against him, tends to strengthen rather than weaken his hold on power. Take the list of current regimes most singled out for U.S. attack, and put it alongside of the list of regimes that have had the longest hold on power, and you will find they have the same names. Qaddafi, Castro, Saddam, Kim, and others may have faced greater internal criticism if they could not portray themselves as Davids standing up to the American Goliath, and (accurately) blaming many of their countries' internal problems on U.S. economic sanctions.

One of the most dangerous ideas of the 20th century was that "people like us" could not commit atrocities against civilians.
  • German and Japanese citizens believed it, but their militaries slaughtered millions of people.
  • British and French citizens believed it, but their militaries fought brutal colonial wars in Africa and Asia.
  • Russian citizens believed it, but their armies murdered civilians in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and elsewhere.
  • Israeli citizens believed it, but their army mowed down Palestinians and Lebanese.
  • Arabs believed it, but suicide bombers and hijackers targeted U.S. and Israeli civilians.
  • U.S. citizens believed it, but their military killed hundreds of thousands in Vietnam, Iraq, and elsewhere. 

Every country, every ethnicity, every religion, contains within it the capability for extreme violence. Every group contains a faction that is intolerant of other groups, and actively seeks to exclude or even kill them. War fever tends to encourage the intolerant faction, but the faction only succeeds in its goals if the rest of the group acquiesces or remains silent. The attacks of September 11 were not only a test for U.S. citizens attitudes' toward minority ethnic/racial groups in their own country, but a test for our relationship with the rest of the world. We must begin not by lashing out at civilians in Muslim countries, but by taking responsibility for our own history and our own actions, and how they have fed the cycle of violence.


Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World

 Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World

The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) is reporting today that President Putin’s orders this week to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria has “stunned” the Sunni Muslim world and forced the Saudis to go on “full war alert.”

The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the U.S. military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”

The GRU is also reporting today that Pakistan’s largest religious-political party Jamiat Ahle Hadith (JAH) is now threatening Russia too over Putin’s “war order” against Saudi Arabia, and as we can read as reported by The International News Service:

“Addressing a Press conference on Thursday, JAH Vice President Allama Zubair Ahmad Zaheer said that his party would hold demonstrations in all major cities to express solidarity with Saudi Arabia, and to condemn Russian president for his wild and unscrupulous threats.

He warned Putin that he would invite wrath from entire Muslim world if he dared to attempt harm Saudi Arabia. He demanded Islamabad to sever ties with Moscow since Putin’s threat was not meant for Saudi Arabia alone but was a threat to entire Muslim Ummah. He said Russian president’s threat would be treated as a declaration of war against Islam and a strong Jihad would be waged against Russia from all over the world.”

 Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World

This GRU report notes that both the Saudis “war moves” and Pakistan’s “provocative threats” against Russia are being engineered by Obama regime apparatchiks who now control the largest secret intelligence organization ever created in modern human history and which the Washington Post News Service, using top-secret documents released to them by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reports cost over $52 billion and employs over 107,000 spies.

The Obama regimes rush to attack Syria, this GRU report continues, was dealt a “severe blow” yesterday after the British Parliament revolted against Prime Minister David Cameron and refused to allow the United Kingdom to participate in any war action against the Syria people.

Though not being told to the American people by the Obama regime (or their propaganda mainstream media), this GRU report says, the unraveling of British support for the Obama regimes planned war against Syria came after new reports from the Associated Press News Service revealed that the chemical weapons attack being investigated by the United Nations were, indeed from Saudi Arabia.

The American InfoWars.Com News Service confirms this Saudi connection to chemical weapons being used in Syria, and as we can, in part, read:

Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak.

Rebels told Gavlak that they were not properly trained on how to handle the chemical weapons or even told what they were. It appears as though the weapons were initially supposed to be given to the Al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” one militant named ‘J’ told Gavlak.

His claims are echoed by another female fighter named ‘K’, who told Gavlak, “They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of an opposition rebel, also told Gavlak, “My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” describing them as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.” The father names the Saudi militant who provided the weapons as Abu Ayesha.

According to Abdel-Moneim, the weapons exploded inside a tunnel, killing 12 rebels. “More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government.”

 Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World

Important to note, and as we had previously reported, Putin’s extraordinary “war order” against Saudi Arabia came after he became “enraged” after his early August meeting with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan who warned that if Russia did not accept the defeat of Syria, Saudi Arabia would unleash Chechen terrorists under their control to cause mass death and chaos during the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia.

 Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World
Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.”

Putin replied to Prince Bandar by saying “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters” [Putin said referring to footage showing a Jihadist rebel eating the heart and liver of a Syrian soldier HERE], and which Prince Bandar in turn warned that there can be “no escape from the military option” if Russia declines the olive branch.

In spite of the truth of Saudi Arabia and their terrorist allies being responsible for chemical weapons use in Syria, this GRU report concludes, the Obama regime continues on its path to war against the Syrian people in spite of it being illegal under both United States and International law.

Where illegal wars matter most to the Americans, however, and as we have seen too many tragic times in the past, is when oil and gas are involved. And in this case, the Obama regime, along with its Saudi Arabian and Gulf puppet state allies (some of the most repressed nations on Earth), are prepared at all costs to prevent the proposed Iran-Iraq-Syrian gas pipeline from being completed… which is, in its starkest truth, what this conflict is really all about in the first place.


Syria Gas Attack Work Of U.S. Allies, Rebels Admit Behind Chemical Attack


Members of the Syrian rebel movement admitted to Associated Press reporters that they were behind the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack near Damascus, the Mint Press News reported on Thursday.

According to the report, the chemicals were provided by Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who “has been at the very heart of the push for war by the U.S. against Assad.”

The group Doctors Without Borders went to the town of Ghouta, where more than 350 people were killed as a result of the chemical attack. After interviewing “numerous...doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families,” the group obtained testimony that the attack was a result of mismanagement and ignorance on the part of the rebels, who didn't realize that they had chemical weapons.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” the Mint Press quotes Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel who was killed in a tunnel during the chemical attack.

Some of the weapons had a "tube-like structure," and others resembled a "huge glass bottle," Abdel-Moneim said.

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” said a female rebel, referred to as "K" to protect her identity. “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” K continued.

“Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground," another rebel called J added. "They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions.”

Jabhat al-Nusra is a branch of al Qaeda from Iraq comprised of members who fought and killed American troops during the U.S. occupation of that country.

Syria Gas Attack Work Of U.S. Allies, Rebels Admit Behind Chemical  AttackDespite the admission from these rebels, the Obama administration continues to claim that the Bashar al-Assad regime was behind the attack.

In an address from the State Department on Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry accused Assad of committing a “crime against humanity” and claimed that the U.S. government knows that Assad was behind the attack.

“We know that for three days before the attack, the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons personnel were on the ground in the area, making preparations,” Kerry said.

“And we know that the Syrian regime elements were told to prepare for the attack by putting on gas masks and taking precautions associated with chemical weapons. We know that these were specific instructions.

“We know where the rockets were launched from, and at what time. We know where they landed, and when. We know rockets came only from regime-controlled areas and went only to opposition-controlled or contested neighborhoods.”

Members of the U.S. intelligence community, however, have stated that they don't know for sure who was behind the attack.

Intelligence sources told the Associated Press that the evidence against Assad is “not a slam dunk,” and the New York Times reported on Thursday that U.S. officials have no “smoking gun” to indicate it was Assad behind the attack.


Open-sea US Navy Testing Will Kill Hundreds of Dolphins And Whales

Open-sea US Navy Testing Will Kill Hundreds of Dolphins And Whales

The US Navy admits its underwater training and experiments will result in the deaths of hundreds of dolphins and whales over the next five years – but insists that its testing program is essential.

Computer models showed that the Navy will likely kill 186 whales and dolphins off the East Coast and 155 near the coast of Hawaii and Southern California – its main operation areas – between 2014 and 2019.

Results also showed that marine mammals on both coasts would likely suffer more than 13 thousand serious injuries and nearly 4 million minor ones.

Most of these will be the result of underwater explosions, though some injuries will be the result of physical contact with ships, or sonar testing. Larger species are particularly vulnerable to Navy activities.

The Navy is obliged to annually commission these studies - which take existing data about the impact of military activities on marine wildlife, and project it into the future – due to federal environmental regulations. If it injured animals without having done the impact study, it would risk seeing its off-shore activities suspended altogether, as it would be a violation of federal environmental law.

Open-sea US Navy Testing Will Kill Hundreds of Dolphins And Whales

Rear Adm. Kevin Slates, the energy and environmental readiness division director for the Navy, defended the planned operations, regardless of the figures.

“Without this realistic testing and training, our sailors can’t develop or maintain the critical skills they need or ensure the new technologies can be operated effectively,” he told the media earlier this week.
The influential non-profit National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has said that the studies show that the Navy’s open-sea program is “simply not sustainable”.

Michael Jasny, senior policy analyst at NRDC, says that the real impact is greater still than what the Navy has projected.

Open-sea US Navy Testing Will Kill Hundreds of Dolphins And Whales

The Navy studies show that there will be almost 28 million “minor instances” of behavior change that will occur as a result of the testing. But Jasny believes that these temporary disturbances – such as a dolphin that is not able to use a feeding ground, or a whale that is scared and starts panicking – can also prove to be fatal.

"These smaller disruptions short of death are themselves accumulating into something like death for species and death for populations," Jasny said.


Doctor Who Claimed To Have Handled Alien Debris From Roswell Crash Found Dead.

Doctor who claimed to have handled alien debris from Roswell crash dies reading a book about UFOs - as wife insists he WAS telling the truth

Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr., who claimed he handled debris from the 1947 crash of an alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico, has died at the age of 76 doing what he loved best – reading a book about UFOs.

Denice Marcel said her father was found dead at his home in Helena Saturday, less than two months after making his last trip to Roswell.

Over the past 35 years, Marcel Jr. appeared on TV shows, documentaries and radio shows; was interviewed for magazine articles and books, and traveled the world lecturing about his experiences in Roswell.

Key witness: Dr Jesse Marcel Jr, who said he handled debris from the 1947 crash of a UFO near Roswell as a boy, has died at age 76

UFO: Iconic image of the alien autopsy footage said to have been carried out after an alien spacecraft crash in 1947

Witness to history: Dr Marcel's father, Major Jesse Marcel, was the head intelligence officer, or A-2, at Roswell Army Air Field during the famous Roswell events of July 1947

‘He was credible. He wasn't lying. He never embellished — only told what he saw,’ his wife, Linda, said.

Marcel's father was an Air Force intelligence officer and reportedly the first military officer to investigate the wreckage in early July 1947.

Marcel Jr. said he was 10 when his father brought home some of the debris, woke him up in the middle of the night and said the boy needed to look at it because it was something he would never see again.

His father maintained the debris ‘was not of this Earth,’ Linda Marcel said. ‘They looked through the pieces, tried to make sense of it.’

The item that Marcel Jr. said fascinated him the most was a small beam with some sort of purple-hued hieroglyphics on it, she said.

After an initial report that a flying saucer had been recovered on a ranch near Roswell, the military issued a statement saying the debris was from a weather balloon.

‘They were told to keep it quiet and they did for years and years and years,’ Linda Marcel said.
Interest in the case was revived, however, when physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman spoke with Jesse Marcel Sr. in the late 1970s.

Friedman wrote the foreword to Marcel Jr.'s 2007 book The Roswell Legacy, and described him as a courageous man who ‘set a standard for honesty and decency and telling the truth.’

‘His legacy is that he had the courage to speak out when he didn't have to about handling wreckage that his Dad brought home,’ Friedman said Tuesday. ‘He worked with artists to come up with what the symbols on the wreckage looked like. He didn't have to do that. He could have kept his mouth shut. A lot of people did.’

On his last trip to Roswell in early July, UFO researcher and Earth science professor Frank Kimbler arranged for Marcel to visit his childhood home and the debris site.

‘I remember my dad did say that he loved the ride up to the site that day because he was able to discuss science with Frank,’ Denice Marcel said in an email to The Associated Press. ‘One thing about my Dad, he was always reading something on astronomy or some kind of scientific journal. He loved astronomy with a passion.’

On her Facebook page, Miss Marcel eulogized her father in a touching message announcing his passing

‘I am so proud to be his daughter,’ she wrote on Sunday. ‘He had taught me so many things in life and one of the more important things I learned from my Dad was to never back down in the face of adversity.’

She concluded her online tribute with the words: ‘although my Dad and Grandpa are no longer with us…. The Roswell Legacy will live on FOREVER!’

Marcel Jr. graduated from medical school at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in 1961 and joined the U.S. Navy in 1962.

He retired after nine years and later joined the Montana Army National Guard and became a flight surgeon in 1981. He was called back to active duty in October 2004 and served as a flight surgeon in Iraq for just over a year. He reached the rank of colonel.

Marcel Jr. worked as an ear, nose and throat doctor and retired from the Veterans Administration Hospital at Fort Harrison, west of Helena, all of which lent credibility to his story.


Student's Throat Explodes After Binge Drinking Vodka

Student's Throat Explodes After Binge Drinking Vodka

A student drank so much vodka she tore her windpipe vomiting and had to spend six days in hospital.

Megan Thomason, 21, was very ill for 24 hours after downing triple shots costing just £2.89 each during a night on the town.

She was admitted to hospital where she was diagnosed with surgical emphysema, which caused her face and neck to swell so much she could have suffocated.

She went out with friends in York on June 12 this year and headed straight to a bar where she had three vodka and Cokes.

Student's Throat Explodes After Binge Drinking Vodka

After visiting two more bars, she spent the night with a friend but woke up and began being sick.

'It was the worst experience of my whole life,' said Miss Thomason. 'People say they get hung over but I nearly died. Because they were triples, it was actually the equivalent of nine drinks and you don't think of that at the time.

'I was just in shock when I realised how serious it was.'

Student's Throat Explodes After Binge Drinking Vodka

She failed to respond to anti-nausea medication and it took doctors some time to realise Miss Thomason from Barlby, North Yorkshire, lacks the enzymes necessary to break down alcohol, causing her face to swell.

'Basically, it felt like bubble wrap inside my cheeks and my mouth and chest,' she said.

'It was just one night out for a few drinks and it left me in hospital for a week, I could have died,' she said.

The Hull University business student has now given up alcohol for good.


Chinese Woman Kills Husband Then Cooks His Corpse


Chinese Woman Kills Husband Then Cooks His Corpse


A woman in eastern China murdered her husband and boiled the corpse to cover her tracks after he abused her and her daughter, a report said Saturday.

The woman drugged the man, her second husband, and tortured him for three days in June by withholding food and water and beating him, causing his death, said a report on government-backed news portal Anhui News.

Chinese Woman Kills Husband Then Cooks His Corpse

She then dismembered the corpse with a saw and boiled the parts in a pressure cooker to hide the evidence, the report said. It did not detail how she disposed of the cooked flesh afterwards.

The psychological burden of the crime proved too much for her to bear, causing her to lose 14 pounds (6.3 kilograms) and turn herself into police, according to the report.

A police officer in Anhui province's Lu'an City, where the incident occurred, confirmed the case to AFP but declined to give further details.

Saudi Arabia is behind the effort to destroy Syria

Saudi Arabia is behind the effort to destroy Syria

CAIRO — The Arab League on Sunday urged international action against the Syrian government to deter what it called the “ugly crime” of using chemical weapons. It was a major step toward supporting Western military strikes but short of the explicit endorsement that the United States and some Persian Gulf allies had hoped for.

The League moved beyond the more cautious stance it took just a few days ago, when it asked the United Nations Security Council to overcome its internal differences on the Syrian conflict — an outcome that was extremely unlikely given Russia’s strong support for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.

This time, the League called for the United Nations and “the international community” at large to exercise their responsibilities under international law “to take the necessary measures” against the Syrian government. But aside from calling for trials of the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks, the resolution — adopted at a meeting in Cairo late Sunday night — did not specify what kind of international measures might be needed or justified.

Obama administration officials considered the statement a step forward because it opened the door to action outside the Security Council. But many in the region said the ambiguity was the latest manifestation of Washington’s diminishing influence.

President Obama’s last-minute pullback to seek a vote in Congress on military intervention put some of his Arab allies in a bind, analysts meeting with Arab diplomats said. Hoping to produce a strong Arab League statement to provide cover for Washington, Arab leaders had new cause to wonder if Mr. Obama would follow through.

Saudi Arabia is behind the effort to destroy Syria

“He is seen as feckless and weak, and this will only give further rise to conspiracy theories that Obama doesn’t really want Assad out and it is all a big game,” said Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha Center and a former United Nations envoy in the region. “Many Arab leaders already think that Obama’s word cannot be trusted — I am talking about his friends and allies — and I am afraid this will reinforce that belief.”

On Sunday afternoon, some Arab diplomats sought to portray themselves as stepping forward to take the lead in the Syrian crisis after Mr. Obama on Saturday abruptly pulled back from any immediate military action, surprising many Arab leaders hours before they had expected airstrikes might begin.

But by the end of the night on Sunday, the outcome at the Arab League meeting failed to deliver the strong call to arms that Saudi Arabia and some others had sought as a way of encouraging the United States to press on with a strike.

Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf monarchies have privately urged the United States to take decisive military action to topple the government of Mr. Assad, whom they view as the main regional ally of their opponent, Iran. Some, including Jordan and other Gulf states, are already collaborating with the United States to try to train and equip the Syrian rebels.

But before Sunday, none had come close to publicly calling for Western military intervention, in part because the notion is so deeply unpopular among citizens across the Arab world. Egypt, the recipient of $1.5 billion a year in American aid and for decades a stalwart ally, has actively opposed Western intervention in Syria since the military takeover that ousted President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Arab League’s resolution thus represented a double compromise: between the supporters and the opponents of Western intervention within the chamber, but also between the conflicting desires to urge on the West and to avoid getting caught at it.

Saudi Arabia is behind the effort to destroy Syria

Saudi Arabia on Sunday gave the strongest public call by any Arab government for international military action. In a news conference in Cairo before the Arab League meeting, Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, accused opponents of Western military action of abetting the mass killing of Syrians by Mr. Assad’s government. Such Arab states were telling Syrians, “I will not help you and I will not allow you to be helped by others,” he said.

“We demand that the international community does the action required to stop the bloodshed,” the foreign minister said at the news conference. “We support them in this, and we don’t find condemnation and denouncement enough. We instead support the international community to use its resources to stop the aggression on the Syrian people before they’re exterminated.”

Morocco, a North African kingdom newly embraced by the Gulf monarchies as an ally after the Arab Spring revolts, also issued a strongly worded statement demanding the Assad government be held accountable for its use of chemical weapons. But in an interview, its foreign minister, Youssef Amrani, declined to say whether the kingdom would support a Western airstrike. “When the American government will make a decision on this, we will respond,” he said.

Standing next to the Saudi foreign minister at the same news conference, his Egyptian counterpart came close to directly opposing the same international action that the Saudis called morally imperative. Nabil Fahmy, the Egyptian foreign minister, called for internationally mediated talks between the Assad government and its opponents, “the political base that we think provides the best possible way to deal with the entire Syrian issue.”

Inside the chamber, Mr. Fahmy declared more forcefully that Egypt continued to “reject” any military action against Syria.

After Egypt signed on to the final resolution, many analysts pointed to the growing regional influence of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, which have extended Egypt billions of dollars in critical financial support since Mr. Morsi’s ouster, giving them the upper hand in the behind-the-scenes talks that crafted the resolution. But the Egyptians may have felt they could support the resolution without fear of contradiction because it made no reference to military force.


Cannibal Cult Members Eat Their Witch Doctor Victims' Brains Raw

Cannibal Cult Members Eat Their Witch Doctor Victims' Brain Raw

Seven ‘Witch Doctors’ were brutally murdered in Papua New Guinea, police believe they were killed and partly eaten by a ‘cannibal cult’ in the jungle. It is thought that the cult members ate the witch doctors’ organs because they thought that it would give them supernatural powers and become ‘bulletproof’.

Cannibal Cult Members Eat Their Witch Doctor Victims' Brain Raw
According to reports the 29 cult members, made up of men and women ate their victims’ brains raw and made soup from their penises. Madang Police Commander Anthony Wagambie said: “They don’t think they’ve done anything wrong; they admit what they’ve done openly.” He believes that the victims practiced “sanguma”, or sorcery. Also Anthony Wagambie believes that they had been extorting money and demanding sex from poverty-stricken villagers for supernatural services.

It’s also thought that there may be between 700 and 1,000 cult members across several villages in the remotest parts of Papua New Guinea’s northeast interior. Many of these members could have eaten human flesh; cannibalism is part of the traditional culture in those regions and in the past throughout Papua New Guinean. Human flesh was known as “long pig,” it is thought that isolated regions still practice cannibalism which the recent arrests prove. However Wagambie, 36, said he had never heard of a previous case of cannibalism in his lifetime.

Cannibal Cult Members Eat Their Witch Doctor Victims' Brain Raw

A report in the National a Papua New Guinea publication stated that 28 men and women appeared in a Madang court on Tuesday. There are no details about the 29th suspect. According to Police Commander Anthony Wagambie all suspects were charged with willful murder, which is punishable by death. Police stated that they will gather more witness statements before pressing charges linked to the cannibalism allegations.

The Police Commander stated that four of the seven victims were murdered last week, and no remains had been recovered. He said: “They’re probably all eaten up.”


Russia’s early radars detect launch of two ballistic rockets in Mediterranean – Defense Ministry



Israel says it carried out a “joint” US missile launch in the Mediterranean, having earlier claimed ignorance. Russian radars detected two ballistic rockets fired in the region on Tuesday, sparking widespread speculation over who was behind the launch.

A spokesperson for the Israeli army confirmed that a launch of a missile had been carried out 9:15am local time (06:15 GMT), adding that US forces in the Mediterranean had been given prior warning of the drill.

A fighter jet launched an Ankor-type (“Sparrow”) missile as part of a drill to test the Israeli missile defense system. However, earlier, when the Russian government announced it had detected the firing of 'two ballistic objects' in the area, Israel insisted it had no “information on this issue yet.”

Despite Israeli claimed of a “joint US” missile launch, the American Navy maintained that no rockets were launched by US forces in the region.

"No missiles were fired from US ships in the Mediterranean," said the spokesman, who made no further comment on the matter.

Other members of the international community were quick to follow suit with France, UK and Italy denying any knowledge of the test launch. NATO said it was investigating the incident. 
The Pentagon later admitted that the Israeli missile test in the Mediterranean was carried out “with technical support of the US Defense Department.”

The test was also “pre-planned,” according to the US Defense Department spokesman George Little quoted by Itar-Tass.

The Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed a US defense agency took part in a “successful flight test of the new version of the Sparrow target missile” in an e-mail statement to RT Arabic.

“Israel’s Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency officials conducted the flight test. The main contractor for the integration and development of the Sparrow is Rafael and the main contractor of the Arrow Weapon System is MLM of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in conjunction with Boeing,” the statement explained.

The Russian Defense Ministry initially reported that “two ballistic objects” were picked up on radars in the central Mediterranean and were moving towards the East. Later, citing a security source inside the Syrian government, RIA Novosti reported that the rockets had fallen into the sea.

Meanwhile, Syria’s missile detection system did not pick up any rockets landing on Syrian territory, a security source told Lebanese channel al-Manar TV.

Tipping the balance?

Tensions are running high in the Mediterranean as world powers discuss possible military intervention in Syria after the reported use of chemical weapons in a Damascus suburb on August 21.

The Syrian government has rejected claims of its complicity in the opposition-controlled Damascus suburb of Ghouta and has called on the UN to protect it from western aggression. In a letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Assad regime urged the UN to “maintain its role as a safety valve to prevent the absurd use of force out of the frame of international legitimacy.”

Russia has slammed US plans to launch a military strike on Syria, as they would thwart attempts to end the conflict peacefully.

"If the action announced by the US president – to the great regret of all of us – does in fact take place... it will put off the chances of [holding] this conference for a long time, if not forever," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Moreover, Syrian President Bashar Assad has warned that a military strike on Syria by the West would send the situation spiraling out of control and trigger a regional conflict.

“The Middle East is barrel of powder and today the flames are creeping closer. It is not just a question of the Syrian response, but what else might happen after the first [Western] air strike,” Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro.


The Pagan-Egyptian Origin of Jesus Christ and Christianity

The Pagan-Egyptian Origin of Jesus Christ and Christianity
This controversial documentary exposes the origins of Christianity

The Pagan-Egyptian Origin of Jesus Christ and Christianity
The collapse of the fertility goddess concluded roughly after the fall of the Roman Empire via the succession of Judeo-Christianity in the fourth century AD, of which reform then included the systematization for the ransacking and closure of all temples throughout Europe and the Middle East on an unprecedented scale.

To many early cultures prior to this climax however, her reverence outside of the supernatural domain initially stemmed far back into prehistory through the astronomical and cyclic thanksgivings of all organic lifeforms on Earth, and thus became agronomically regarded as very towering figure in antiquity. Much like today, this methodology of the Heavens derived itself downwards from the exploration for the source of life, and revolved purely around the glorification of birth, death and rebirth, or as seen divergent to the preternatural, or unnatural realm of literal necromantic revival of the flesh.

Contrary to popular belief, the ancients were not an ignorant and superstitious lot who actually believed their deities to be literal characters. Indeed, this slanderous propaganda has been part of the conspiracy to make the ancients appear as if they were truly the dark and dumb rabble that was in need of the "light of Jesus."

The Pagan-Egyptian Origin of Jesus Christ and Christianity

The reality is that the ancients were no less advanced in their morals and spiritual practices, and in many cases were far more advanced, than the Christians in their own supposed morality and ideology, which, in its very attempt at historicity, is in actuality a degradation of the ancient Mythos. Indeed, unlike the "superior" Christians, the true intelligentsia amongst the ancients were well aware that their gods were astronomical and atmospheric in nature. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle surely knew that Zeus, the sky god father figure who migrated to Greece from India and/or Egypt, was never a real person, despite the fact that the Greeks have designated on Crete both a birth cave and a death cave of Zeus.

In addition, all over the world are to be found sites where this god or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common and unremarkable occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with Christianity.

- Acharya S


Countdown to World War 3, Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria

Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria

A new urgent action report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) for President Putin today states that specialized forces operating the highly advanced Vityaz air defense system in the Southern Military District detected the launching of two Popeye Turbo SLCM ballistic cruise missiles from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine patrolling in the Eastern Mediterranean whereupon they were “nearly immediately” destroyed by a US Navy Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer operating in the same region.

The Vityaz air defense system guarantees the detection of enemy ballistic and long-range cruise missiles at blastoff and is currently being deployed along the entire Russian border; while the Popeye ballistic cruise missile is the type used by Israel during its Dolphin submarine 5 July attack on an arms depot in the Syrian port city of Latakia that targeted a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles; and the Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers are the United States Navy’s first class of destroyer built around the Aegis Combat System and the SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar making them some of the most feared warships in the world.

Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria

According to this MoD report, these ballistic cruise missile launches took place at 10:16 am Moscow time (0616 GMT) with the Israelis first denying any knowledge, but subsequently stating that they were conducting missile tests in Mediterranean.

As to the exact method the US Navy utilized in destroying these two ballistic cruise missiles this MoD report does not speculate upon, but a review of an Australian Air Force technical report [Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0402] clearly shows it can be done, but only at great expense and using First-World technical skills and 21st Century technology.

With Syrian President Bashar Assad warning that any military strike against his country would spark an uncontrollable regional war and spread “chaos and extremism,” this MoD report says, the Israeli motivation for launching these ballistic cruise missiles earlier today remains “highly suspect,” a situation made even more dangerous as all International treaties require advanced notification prior to conducting any tests of this type.

This MoD report further states that the launching of these ballistic cruise missiles could have been a test of Russian military capability to detect these types of launches and Kremlin resolve to notify the entire world immediately upon their detection.

Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria

In the former the Russian military proved its ability to immediately detect these types of launches, and in the latter the Kremlin, indeed, showed it would not hide from the world any knowledge the West was attacking Syria.

Though not explicitly stated in this MoD report, but speculated upon, Russian defense intelligence experts contributing to it note that Israel may have been attempting to start this war by an unprovoked attack upon Syria that would be blamed on the Americans and whose effect would be the starting of at least a wide-ranging regional war, or at its worst, World War III.

As to why Israel would want to start a major war lies in its “demographic time bomb” of a population that is pitting the Jewish states main factions (Zionist-Haredi-Arab) against each other with mounting fears of civil war growing by the day.

With the Haredi religious movement in Israel bound by three oaths, (1) not to settle in Israel by using force or violence, (2) not to make war with other nations and (3) not to act as if the other nations of the world would persecute Israel; and their booming population numbers, these strictest of Jewish sects have aligned themselves with Israeli Arabs and who both now control over 30% of the population.

To the reason(s) as to why Syria is now the main target of this war lies mainly in the machinations of Saudi Arabia, especially their current intelligence chief Prince Bandar who last month the Libyan Defense Ministry warned delivered Israeli chemical weapons to Syrian terrorists.

Confirmation of chemical weapons being delivered to Syrian rebels by the Saudis were confirmed by Turkey this past May when seven terrorists from the al-Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front were captured in antiterrorist operations in Adana, Turkey, and two kilos (4,5 pounds) of sarin gas were found in their apartments.

Further confirmation of Syrian rebels using chemical weapons were detailed by the United Nations whose investigators proved their use against the Syrian army at least 5 times by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists this past year.

Even the latest chemical weapons attack against Syrian civilians has been put squarely at the door of Saudi Arabia, and as we had previously reported on, Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for the 21 August chemical weapons incident which Western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak.

Even though all of the major US mainstream propaganda media organs are still refusing to tell the American people the truth about what happened in Ghouta, the same cannot be said of the respected Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) organization who when analyzing the Obama regimes evidence for war against Syria against the Associated Press report written by Gavlak, found the latter to be more credible.


Man Discovers Phantom Figure in Facebook Photo

Man Discovers Phantom Figure in Facebook Photo, Image Analyst: “I Believe This is a Real Ghost”

A New Hampshire man made a startling discovery when he noticed a ghostly figure photobombinga friend’s Facebook snapshot. Now, an expert photo analyst is saying that the phantom is real.

Two weeks ago, Daniel Tanner decided to peruse a friend’s online photo album when something eerie caught his eye. In the background of an image that shows Tanner’s friend posing with her canine companion, what appears to be the ghost of a young girl can be seen peering through a window.

“My friend has been claiming for months that her house is haunted,” Tanner told Reddit. “Her husband took this pic a few days ago.”

Tanner claims that the only people in the house at the time of the photograph were his friend and her husband, who snapped the image.

While plenty of skeptics were quick to argue that the phantom girl was simply a trick of the eye, a a reflection, or even a clever hoax, the only investigator to bring any expertise to the table was a veteran photo analyst with 15 years of experience under his belt. After performing an in-depth search for evidence of manipulation, he gave the amateur sleuths an incredibly detailed breakdown of the image. His official opinion? The spooky photo is the real deal.

In summary, I cannot find any tampering evident in this photograph. Whatever this is, I’m unable to disprove it. The only other thing I can possibly suggest *might* be going on in this picture is a very elaborate projection set up, but even that I don’t believe is the case because the lighting in the mud room is quite dim. I would expect a projection to cause light glare on the mirror, and there is none. So….. I guess I’m saying I believe this is a real ghost.

Man Discovers Phantom Figure in Facebook Photo, Image Analyst: “I Believe This is a Real Ghost”

Here’s hoping that Tanner’s friends don’t mind babysitting scary ghost children.

What do you make of the creepy image? Is the photo expert correct in his pro-phantom stance? Or did someone go through a lot of trouble just to have a cooler Facebook profile image than their friends?


Rapist Discovers His Victim Had HIV

Rapist Discovers His Victim Had HIV

A jailed rapist will discover this week whether he contracted HIV from his victim.

Richard Thomas, 27, collapsed when police informed him about his victim's medical status, and is now waiting to hear if he has contracted the virus.

Thomas knew the woman and was aware that she has another illness, but had not known about the HIV.

He was shocked when he was told and asked to be taken to hospital, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

He had let himself into her home in Leigh, Greater Manchester, uninvited in the middle of the night and she awoke to find him raping her.

"She froze and no words were exchanged. He pulled up his shorts and left," said prosecutor Harry Pepper.

Rapist Discovers His Victim Had HIV

"He was arrested and interviewed and said he had been drinking heavily, taken cocaine and ecstasy and could not recall the incident," he added.

Thomas' barrister, Virginia Hayton, said he could not recall the attack, but said of his victim: "(She) would not lie, she tells the truth. If she says I have done it, I have done it."

Jailing Thomas for five years and four months, Judge Mark Brown said he had committed "this dreadful offence" while she lay asleep, having taken a sleeping tablet, and left her distressed and anxious.

He ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Thomas, of Sandringham Drive, Leigh, pleaded guilty to raping the woman on July 20 this year.

Rapist Discovers His Victim Had HIV

Miss Hayton said Thomas, who has previous convictions but none for sexual offences, "is remorseful and cannot understand why he did it and it is troubling him".

She said he would not find out the result of his HIV test until Friday, and has had the worry of the outcome hanging over him.

"It is his own fault, if he had not committed this offence he would not have placed himself in this position."

She said that he started using cannabis at the age of nine and was drinking heavily at the age of 11. He became addicted to ecstasy and cocaine at 13 and was put in care the following year.

He has been trying to contact his family but they want nothing to do with him, she said, and he will now be away from his partner and their young daughter, as well as his two other older daughters from previous relationships.


Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope

Fateful meeting: In May 2012, Peter Srsich, 17, a stage-four cancer patient, got to meet with Pope Benedict XVI, who unexpectedly placed his hand on the exact spot where his tumor was to offer him a blessing

When Make-A-Wish Foundation approached Peter Srsich, a stage-four cancer patient, offering to make a dream of his come true, the 17-year-old boy had an unusual request: he wanted to meet the pope.

Two years later, the Colorado teen is in remission - and he has credited his encounter with Benedict XVI with helping him beat the cancer.

Srsich, a devout Catholic who is now studying for priesthood, is well aware that his cancer was cured thanks to decades of medical research and his doctors' extensive training - but he believes that meeting the former pontiff in Rome has restored his faith and gave him strength to fight for his life.

Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope
Humble offering: Unlike other people in line to meet the pontiff who came bearing costly presents, Peter handed the pope a simple wristband with the words 'Praying for Peter' that a friend had made for him

For Peter, the harrowing ordeal started in 2011 with a simple cough. When the lanky 6-foot-6 lacrosse player returned from a canoe trip in July of that year, he felt overwhelmed with the kind of fatigue that he had never experienced before, ABC News reported.

The family suspected that the boy came down with pneumonia, but the reality was much more terrifying: doctors discovered a softball-sized mass in his left lung that was pressing on his heart. The tumor was diagnosed as a stage-four cancer.

Luckily for Peter, he was young, strong and very athletic, giving him a good chance for survival.

What followed was six months of grueling cancer treatment, which included seven rounds of chemotherapy that left the teenager completely bald.

Srsich's diagnosis and treatment had another impact on the boy: it plunged him into depression and made him question why all this was happening to him.

But the 17-year-old still found comfort in his faith. Knowing that he was devout, a friend created 1,200 lime-green wristbands with the words 'Praying for Peter' on them, along with Srsich's favorite Biblical passage, Romans 8:28.

Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope 
Out of the blue: For Peter, an athletic 17-year-old, it all started with a cough and a feeling of overwhelming fatigue, which turned out to be stage-four cancer

Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope
Harrowing ordeal: Srsich (far left) had to go through seven rounds of chemotherapy, which left him completely bald. His younger brother (center) and dad shaved their heads to support him

Three months into his treatment, Srsich was approached by the Make-a-Wish Foundation - a charity that grants wishes to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.

Peter's dream was an unusual one: the 17-year-old high school student wanted to go to Rome and see the pope in person.

'I would have been perfectly fine if I just got a tour of the Vatican,' he later said

The Italian branch of Make-A-Wish helped organize the $14,000 trip, covering the cost of plane tickets, accommodations, meals and spending expenses.

‘After meeting Peter, there was no doubt in my mind it was his true wish and it was going to play an important role in what he wants to do career-wise,’ said his gift coordinator LuAnn Griffin.

On a sunny day in May 2012, Peter, his parents and 15-year-old brother, Johnny, filed into St Peter’s Square in the Vatican to hear Pope Benedict XVI address the multinational audience in five languages.

Afterwards, Peter and his family were invited to queue up before the pope along with a number of high dignities.

Srsich was concerned: everyone else in line waiting to speak to the pontiff came bearing expensive gifts, but he only had a lime-green rubber wristband to offer the leader of the Catholic church.

Finally, his turn was up to meet the pope. Towering over the diminutive pontiff, Peter told him that he had cancer and asked him for a blessing. And then something unexpected happened.

‘He looked at me and said, “Oh, you speak English?” and put his hand on my chest right where the tumor had been, even though I had not mentioned it to him,’ Peter recalled. ‘The blessing is usually on the head.’

Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope
Special moment: Even though Peter (second right) ended up missing most of his senior year of high school, he made it to his prom and was voted homecoming king

In February 2013, less than a year after the fateful encounter, Pope Benedict resigned due to his declining health and was replaced by Pope Francis I.

These days,. Peter Srsich says he feels ‘wonderful.' He currently attends Regis University, a Jesuit college in Denver. His goal is to be ordained as a priest in about eight years.

With his cancer on the ropes, the 19-year-old is also back to playing lacrosse and practicing taekwondo.

Teen Beats Stage-four Cancer After Being Blessed By Pope
Dream come true: When Peter (second left), pictured, with his mother, father and younger brother, was approach by the Make-A-Wish-Foundation, he asked to travel to Rome with his family and meet the pope

In February 2013, less than a year after the fateful encounter, Pope Benedict resigned due to his declining health and was replaced by Pope Francis I.

These days,. Peter Srsich says he feels ‘wonderful.' He currently attends Regis University, a Jesuit college in Denver. His goal is to be ordained as a priest in about eight years.

With his cancer on the ropes, the 19-year-old is also back to playing lacrosse and practicing taekwondo.

Although some Christian groups have latched on to Peter's recovery story, proclaiming it a miracle, Srsich does not see it quite that way.

‘Chemo helped me fight the cancer. Make-A-Wish helped me fight the chemo,’ he told ABC. ‘Knowing the pope was in my future helped me get through that, and in a small, non-miraculous way, helped cure my cancer.’


Countdown to World War 3: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves To Strike Syria

Countdown to World War 3: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves To Strike Syria

The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted on Wednesday to approve President Barack Obama's plan to strike Syria in retaliation for the reported use of chemical weapons by leader Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

A committee vote on Wednesday afternoon ended with the advancement of a bill compelling the US military responds to Assad’s regime, and will next go to the full Senate for debate.

The committee voted 10-to-7 in favor of using military force, with one lawmakers voting only “present.”

Should Congress move to approve the president’s request, the US could soon initiate a limited strike on Syria that is meant to reprimand Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons on August 21 outside the city of Damascus. The Obama administration says more than 1,400 people, including hundreds of women and children, were killed in that assault.

Wednesday’s vote came only one day after the committee grilled Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey about the administration’s plans for Syria.

Countdown to World War 3: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves To Strike Syria

The president and leading members of his cabinet have made repeated pleas in recent days for Congress to approve action against Assad that would be limited in scope and meant to reprimand the Syrian leader and degrade his ability to further use chemical weapons.

Following a swell in criticism, Obama said over the weekend that he would ask Congress to approve a strike instead of pursuing other routes to authorize a strike. According to the president, Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons constituted a dissolution of international norms that warranted a response from the US.

Obama and Kerry have both vocalized the administration’s intent to prohibit any America boots from touching Syrian soil. Critics of the plan, however, have opposed any endeavor in which the US intervenes in an external conflict that they say doesn’t involve domestic concerns.

Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), initially a by-and-large supporter of the president’s plan in Syria, announced earlier this week that he had reservations about a resolution which would limit US involvement overseas to fewer than 90 days. On Wednesday, however, he threw his weight behind the committee’s updated plan upon conclusion of an amendment he authored calling for any US action in Syria to “reverse” Assad’s momentum on the battlefield. On his part, though, Sec. Kerry has insisted that the Obama administration—while indeed interested in removing Assad from office—has not inkling to become involved in the Syrian civil war.

Countdown to World War 3: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves To Strike Syria

“I don’t want to make this debate about what’s happening in terms of regime change and the larger issues,” Kerry said during a debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

Next, the full Senate is expected to vote on a potential strike on Syria as early as next week.

On Wednesday, Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer (California), Ben Cardin (Maryland), Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire), Chris Coons (Delaware), Dick Durbin (Illinois), Bob Menendez (New Jersey) and Tim Kaine (Virginia) voted for the use of military force, as well as Republicans Bob Corker (Tennessee), Jeff Flake (Arizona) and McCain.

One Woman Dies Every Hour in India’s Dowry Disputes

One Woman Dies Every Hour in India’s Dowry Disputes

One woman dies every hour in dowry-related crimes in India, with over 8,000 deaths reported in 2012. The numbers steadily increased between the years of 2007 and 2011, pointing to a rise in the demand for dowries.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 8,233 women died in disputes over dowry payments given by the bride's family to the groom’s family at the time of marriage in 2012 – that works out to be one death per hour.

The report comes as the world’s attention remains on women’s rights issues in India after a number of high-profile rape cases shocked the nation and the globe.

Thousands of Indian women die every year because the groom’s family deemed the dowry amount to be inadequate. Many of the women are doused with gasoline and burned to death. According to AFP, dowry demands continue even years after the marriage ceremony.

The number of deaths has been steadily growing, rising from 8,093 in 2007 to 8,618 in 2011.

The NCRB is responsible for the collection and processing of crime statistics at the national level.

Indian law does not allow the paying and receiving of a dowry, but century-old traditions remain in place despite legal boundaries.

Marriages have become commercialized and dowry demands became more extravagant after India’s economic boom, AP quoted women’s rights activist Ranjana Kumari as saying.

One Woman Dies Every Hour in India’s Dowry Disputes

"Marriages [are] like a business proposition where the groom and his family make exorbitant demands. And the wealthier the family, the more outrageous the demands,"Kumari said.

The dowry-related crimes are not limited to just lower and middle classes, according to Suman Nalwa, deputy commissioner of the Delhi Police Department’s Special Unit for Women and Children.

"Higher socio-economic strata is equally involved in such practices. Even the highly educated class of our society do not say no to dowry. It runs deep into our social system,"
Nalwa told The Times of India."The existing law has certain loopholes and needs to be made stricter. Despite the amendments made to the Dowry Act in 1983, good results are still desired to be achieved.”
Moreover, the conviction rate in dowry-related crimes remains at only 32 percent, according to statistics published by the bureau last week.

The current law has many loopholes and such crimes go largely unrecorded, senior Supreme Court lawyer Kamini Jaiswal stated. "We need quick conviction in such cases. Our judicial procedure has become very slow, police does not record a case at initial stage," Jaiswal said.

In one of the most recent cases, a 25-year-old pregnant woman was reportedly set on fire by her in-laws over a dowry in south-eastern India, The Hindu quoted police officials as saying.

Students also held a peaceful demonstration in southern India to demand the arrest of a man who allegedly killed his wife and daughter on July 10 over a dowry dispute.


Philippine Bangsamoro Declares Independence of Mindanao

Philippine Bangsamoro Declares Independence of Mindanao

Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding chair Nur Misuari has "established" a federated state and named him as the president following the declaration of independence in Sulu province, an MNLF official said.

In a statement, Murshi Ibrahim, Misuari's chief of staff, said Misuari declared the independence of the Bangsamoro Republik in Daira, Barangay Lampaya, Autonomous Federated State of Lupah Sug, according to Habib Mujahab Hashim, chairman of the MNLF Islamic Command Council (ICC).

He said Ibrahim stated that Misuari has also declared himself as the commander-in-chief of the Bangsamoro Armed Forces (BAF) of what the erstwhile leader called as the 193rd member nation of the UN.

Philippine Bangsamoro Declares Independence of Mindanao


LET IT BE KNOWN that INDEPENDENCE OF THE BANGSAMORO REPUBLIK has been declared on August 12, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Daira Lampaya,Talipao, Kauman Kamahardikaan, Autonomous Federated State of Lupah Sug;

That, H.E. PROF. DR. NUR P. MISUARI, President of the Bangsamoro Republik and Commander-In-Chief, Bangsamoro Armed Forces had declared the Independence on the historical basis that:1) Bangsamoro Nation is a Nation of history as an independent and sovereign Nation way back in 1480 when Sharif Abu Bakr, an Arab Missionary from Rom Hadaramawt, Yemen established the Sultanate Government in Sulu – “The Hashimite Kingdom of Sulu” ; had only lost that independence/sovereignty and became a colonized nation in July 4, 1946 upon the declaration the Republic of the Philippines and 2) the 37 years of failure to comply with the provisions of the Peace Agreement/s and betrayal of the succeeding governments from Marcos, Cory Aquino, Estrada, Arroyo and Pinoy Aquino, more so, precipitated by the letter of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GPH) to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) regarding the intention of Pinoy’s regime to close the Tripartite Peace Review Process with lengthy explanatory note which is tantamount to a declaration of war against the Peace of the Bangsamoro Homeland;

That, by the Lampaya Declaration, as provided in the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 1514 adopted in May 14, 1960 “Granting Independence to colonized countries and peoples of the world”, thus, the Bangsamoro Republik is now an independent and sovereign Nation , within the Philippine colonial occupation;

That, the undersigned leaders of the BANGSAMORO NATIONAL WOMEN’S COMMITTEE as witness and participants of the struggle of long suffering for 45 years of oppression, are committed to fully support and propagate the Declaration of Independence of Bangsamoro Republik so that the Bangsamoro peoples’ idealism, dreams , visions and aspirations as free and sovereign nation, longingly hoped for, shall be completely realized;

THEREFORE, CALLING NOW , All Freedom and Peace-loving Peoples of the World ; the 192 Member Countries of the United Nations; the 57 Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; the 54 Member States of the African Union ; All governments of the World; All Islamic Parliaments of the World; All NGOs, POs, and Charitable Organizations of the World and those existing and operating within the Bangsamoro Republik; All Filipinos of the Republic of the Philippines, to SUPPORT and RECOGNIZE the Declaration of Independence of the Bangsamoro Republik in the name and for the sake of peace and security.

Signed this 17th day of August 2013 at Hotel Conchita, Cagayan de Oro City of the Bangsamoro Republik on the occasion of the Women Leaders Program Consultation and Workshop.

Certified and Attested True and Correct:



Chairperson, BNWC

Philippine Bangsamoro Declares Independence of Mindanao

Ibrahim said the declaration of Misuari was made under the authority of the United Nation General Assembly 1514 resolution of 1960 granting independence to all colonized countries.

Ibrahim added that MNLF group under Misuari will pursue its independence through peaceful and legal means.

Misuari's faction has expressed opposition to the proposed Bangsamoro entity under the peace talks between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

Misuari has also complained about the reported plan of the Philippine government to put a closure to the tripartite review that will implement in full the 1996 final peace agreement signed during the Ramos administration.

Misuari faction believes that the government talks with the MILF would sideline the MNLF, despite being the sole recognized representative to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

“Now, we are a sovereign nation under a colonial occupation of President Pnoy’s (Benigno Aquino III) regime,” Ibrahim stated, according to Hashim.

Hashim said it was unclear whether the declaration also meant a call for hostilities.

However, he said they have received unconfirmed reports of movements in several key areas in Mindanao in support of Misuari. He declined to identify the areas to prevent panic among civilians.

Hashim said for that for his group’s part, they remain neutral between the government and Misuari.

“However, if the MNLF-GPH final peace agreement is already abrogated, the MNLF is left with no option but independence,” Hashim said.

According to Hashim he was also unaware about the move of former Cotabato mayor Muslimin Sema, who chairs the MNLF Executive Council (EC), to oust Misuari as their leader a few years ago.

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