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Man With 10-stone Testicles

Man With 10-stone Testicles

A man who had his ten-stone testicles removed says he is looking for love after getting his life back.
Wesley Warren Jr, 48, carried his swollen scrotum around for five years until four surgeons spent 13 hours removing the mass in April.

He had to wear a hooded top on his legs instead of trousers to accommodate his testicles, could not work, and struggled to walk or drive.

His penis was buried so deeply within his groin that he had to urinate on himself instead of going to the toilet normally and could not enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

Now, Mr Warren, from Las Vegas, says a romantic relationship could help him be happy again.
'I cannot express how ecstatic I’m feeling about the future,' he told the Sunday Mirror.

'And if some way somehow or another I can stumble upon love – any kind of love – I think I will finally be happy.

'I’m very thankful that I’ve been given my life back.'

Mr Warren could only sit down with a milk crate between his legs after his scrotum swelled up, and said he missed simple everyday activities, such as going to the supermarket and post office.

Man With 10-stone Testicles

He had accidentally squashed his testicles getting out of bed, but antibiotics failed to make them return to their normal size.

Doctors diagnosed him with scrotal lymphoedema, a severe build-up of fluid.

The extremely rare condition is much more common in Africa and south-east Asia, where it is caused by parasites, than it is in the western world.

Mr Warren was so desperate to escape the 'freak show' his life became that he considered auctioning his enormous testicle sac on eBay to raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for complicated surgery.

Man With 10-stone Testicles

He raised about $2,000 in donations after appearing on U.S. television, but social security officials stepped in and stopped his benefits.

The testicles were getting heavier by the day and Mr Warren's health was deteriorating and he feared he could die on the operating table.

Then Californian consultant Dr Joel Gelman offered to perform the procedure free of charge as long as Nevada's Medicaid system covered the cost of using a hospital theatre.

He boasted that he had never lost a patient or testicle in similar operations.

'There are a lot of shows about makeovers, but this is a real makeover,' said Dr Gelman, the head of the Center for Reconstructive Urology at the University of California.

'He's basically a new man.'

The operation, which saw 132.5lb of tissue cut away from Mr Warren's groin, was filmed for Channel 4's Bodyshock series and will be shown in Britain tomorrow night.

Man With 10-stone Testicles

Doctors rebuilt his genitals with skin grafts. But Mr Warren was unhappy that he was left with an inch-long penis instead of returning to what he had before his illness.

He told the Sun: 'I do feel a great sense of comfort that the weight is no longer between my legs. It got to the point that it was a danger to my health.

'But when I look down at what’s here now it’s not the same as what it was. It’s totally different.

'My natural look prior to the growth is not what came out of surgery. What came out of surgery is a nub an inch long and it doesn’t get any larger.'

Mr Warren will have another operation later this year, and said he hopes to be loved again one day when he has recovered from his ordeal.


Michaelangelo's 'The Creation Of Adam' Secret Message: God Is The Creation Of The Human Brain


Pretty much everyone is familiar with the 'Creation of Adam', even if they might not know that it is a section of a fresco painted by Michelangelo for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Like the Mona Lisa, the picture is so commonly parodied and depicted on T-shirts and postcards as to have become a piece of kitsch.

However, what almost everyone has missed is the hidden message that Micheloangelo inserted: a human brain dissimulated in the figure of God. Although the Creation of Adam was painted around 1511, it is not until 1990 that Frank Lynn Meshberger, a physician in Anderson, Indiana, publicly noted in the Journal of the American Medical Association that the figures and shapes that make up the figure of God also make up an anatomically accurate figure of the human brain.

Take a close look at the picture and you will see the Sylvian fissure that divides the frontal lobe from the parietal and temporal lobes: it is represented by a bunching up of the cape by one of the angels and by a fold in God's tunic. The bottom-most angel that appears to support the weight of God is the brainstem, and his trailing scarf the vertebral artery. The foot of another angel is the pituitary gland, and his bent knee the optic chiasm where the optic nerves from the eyes partially cross over. The ingenuity and level of detail is simply staggering, and a lasting testament to Michelangelo's extraordinary—and, for the time, very unusual—knowledge of human anatomy.

Some have gone so far as to argue that the point at which the finger of God and the finger of Adam touch represents the synaptic cleft across which neurons communicate by means of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. However, the concept of bioelectricity only dates from the 18th century, when Luigi Galvani demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the frog sciatic nerve leads to twitching of the leg muscles. And it is not until 1921 that Otto Loewi discovered the first neurotransmitter (acetylcholine, which he called 'Vagusstoff'), and thereby earned himself a Nobel Prize. So Michelangelo's 'synaptic cleft' is either an uncanny coincidence or a remarkable prophecy. 

In Michelangelo's picture, God has been superimposed on the phylogenetically ancient limbic system which is the emotional centre of the brain and arguably the anatomical counterpart of the human soul. God's right arm extends through the prefrontal cortex, which is the seat of human reason and deliberation and so of the imagination and creativity that marks us out from all other animals. Another very human emotion that is linked to creativity is melancholy (see my recent TED talk, Can Depression be Good for You?). Remarkably, Michelangelo has painted a forlorn looking angel in an area of the brain that is sometimes activated when a sad thought is experienced.

The Creation of Adam is traditionally thought of as illustrating the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam ('Earth'), the first man. However, the hidden brain in the picture could radically change this interpretation of the painting. Michelangelo might simply be suggesting that our brain is a piece or extension of God. Or, more provocatively, he might be suggesting that God is the creation and projection of the human brain. If so, the picture should be called not 'The Creation of Adam' but 'The Creation of God'! 


Why Dinosaurs Are Might Still Out There


Dinosaurs are supposed to have died out long, long ago. No doubt most did, but a few stragglers seem to have survived, at least if you believe the reports of eye-witnesses over the centuries.

Although dinosaurs are seen and reported all over the world, the hotspots seem to be localized in central Africa, near the coastline of a region in Papua New Guinea, and within the bleak territory of northwestern China.

The species in New Zealand are alive and well. Their existence tends to prove that some dinosaur families may have survived to present day.

Four cases from the past several years are explored. And the final article investigates the possibility that intelligent dinosaurs may walk among us today!

Two dinosaur species found alive in Papua New Guinea

Sensational eyewitness reports—collected by determined exploration teams seeking evidence of the creatures—have led serious researchers to the conclusion that two distinct animals do exist.

The detailed descriptions of both monsters match that of the incredible pterosaurs: ferocious flying dinosaurs thought to be extinct for nearly 65 million years!

Confirmed: African natives kill dinosaur 

Do dinosaurs still walk the earth? Many researchers including some university scientists believe so. Dinosaurs have been reported all over the planet for thousands of years. Some have slipped into myth as dragons, others into modern legend like Loch Ness. Yet from Papua New Guinea to South America, from Canada to the United Kingdom, and from the hidden lakes of Russia to the steamy jungles of central Africa, the reports of dinosaurs and monstrous beasts persist. Recently, new evidence has emerged increasing the credibility that African natives killed a dinosaur in a ferocious battle between desperate tribal warriors and an enraged, savage, prehistoric swamp beast…

Frantic police chase snarling, rampaging dinosaur 

Near the earthquake damaged village of Rabaul, just several miles south of the provincial capital of Kokopo, screaming villagers breathlessly reported an attack by a giant, unknown creature.

Authorities, hearing the detailed and vivid descriptions, recognized it immediately as a dinosaur sighting. They rushed to dispatch a heavily-armed police unit to track down the rampaging beast.

Live baby dinosaur discovered in New Zealand

Most people were taught the mighty race of dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago. But it’s not true. Dinosaurs still walk the Earth.

A dinosaur that didn’t go extinct 65 million years ago may be news to some people, including many Western paleontologists that have created a cottage industry debunking living dinosaur stories. Well here’s one they can’t debunk because even New Zealand scientists agree that this dinosaur specimen is the real deal!

Why Dinosaurs May Still Rule The Earth

Has the dinosaur race watched Mankind evolve over millions of years? Surprising evidence, culled from research over the past century, leads some investigators to believe that the race of dinosaurs never completely died out: the most intelligent of them survived.

Those dinosaurs may have eventually created advanced technologies and a super-science leading to amazing technology including interstellar travel Over time they might have explored and colonized other planets creating a network of offworld societies. Some researchers of extraterrestrial contactee cases argue that many of the ETs encountered today are not aliens from another world, but the original masters of Earth.


Most Mysterious Phenomena Of World Ocean


The ocean is full of mysteries. Humans traditionally fear the ocean and prefer to admire it from ashore. There are places in the world ocean, which people fear especially. Planes and ships disappear in those places without a trace. There are also giant whirlpools, giant waves and mysterious luminous circles in the water...There is a place in the ocean, where all of those phenomena exist at once. It is the Bermuda Triangle.

The square of the Bermuda Triangle makes up approximately a million of square kilometers. The triangle spreads from Florida to the Bermuda islands, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida via the Bahamas. The news about mysterious disappearances of ships and planes in the area appeared at the end of the 1940s. A group of five Avenger bomber planes did not return to the base on December 5, 1945. The pilots only had time to say that they were entering the "white water." A hydroplane was sent to rescue the people, but the aircraft disappeared as well. Nearly 50 vessels and aircraft disappeared in the triangle in 50 years. However, the triangle "lost its appetite" in the middle of the 1980s.

So many theories - pseudoscientific, paranormal and ufological - have been analyzed in an attempt to explain the mysterious phenomenon. The most reliable theory was set forth by Joseph Monaghan of Australia's Monash University. In 2003, the scientist published an article in American Journal of Physics titled "Could Methane Bubbles Sink Ships?" The researcher described the experiments, which he conducted to prove that it could be possible. His theory was supported by many other scientists.

According to Monaghan, huge bubbles can erupt from undersea deposits of solid methane, known as gas hydrates. An odorless gas found in swamps and mines, methane becomes solid under the enormous pressures found on deep sea floors. The icelike methane deposits can break off and become gaseous as they rise, creating bubbles at the surface, the AP wrote. The gas, when concentrated on the surface, can trigger malfunctions in the work of electronic equipment on board aircraft and ships. Ships can sink in such places because of the sudden reduction of the water density.

Another Bermuda phenomenon is the so-called Flying Dutchman - the inexplicable disappearance of ship crews. Most likely, the reason for such incidents is the infrasound. Some scientists believe that the infrasound is created by gas bubbles as they rise to the surface. The infrasonic vibrations trigger dangerous resonance of the heart and the blood vessels. When having such resonance, a human being may have a panic attack. It can be possible that sailors, gripped with fear and panic, jump overboard in an attempt to get rid from the bizarre feeling.

However, there is no theory in the world to explain why the Bermuda Triangle stopped devouring ships and planes in the middle of the 1980s. Lawrence David Kusche, the author of "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved," said that there was no mystery at all. According to Kusche, the mystery does not exist - it was made simply made up by people.

Kusche approached the problem seriously. He studied the files of insurance companies, coast guards reports, investigation reports, etc. Nevertheless, the sad title of the Bermuda Triangle as the most mysterious place of the world ocean is justified by several peculiarities. This is one of the two zones on Earth (the second one is known as the Devil's Sea), where the magnetic compass points to the actual, rather than the magnetic south. The compass always points to the southern magnetic pole, whereas the opposite side - the north - automatically points to the north.

What is more, spaceships registered considerable deviations of earth gravity in the area. The gravity in the Bermuda Triangle is stronger than anywhere else in the world, which causes the formation of the Gulf Stream and its movement to the north of Europe.

As for the reduction of the number of mysterious catastrophes, many explain this phenomenon with the appearance of space navigation. In addition, the equipment of planes and vessels has become much more technologically advanced during the years.

The Sargasso Sea

Many people mix up the Sargasso Sea with the Bermuda Triangle. The sea is situated to the south-east off the triangle. Moreover, many people are trying to find a solution to the mysteries of the triangle in the Sargasso Sea. However, the sea is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. There is a certain peculiarity for which the sea was named so. Oceanic currents there move clockwise. A lot of gulfweed, or sargasso, gets accumulated in the water area, which the currents outline.

The sea is a giant whirlpool that has its own laws of life. The water temperature inside the whirlpool is much higher than on the outside of it. The water is still there nearly always. One can also see miraculous mirages there, when it seems, for example, that the sun rises in the east and in the west at the same time.

Richard Sylvester of the University of Western Australia suggested that the giant whirlpool of the Sargasso Sea is a centrifuge, which creates smaller whirlpools that reach the area of the Bermuda Triangle. The whirlpools cause mini-cyclones in the air. The cyclones continue the spiral movement of water, from which they appear, and may thus make small aircraft crash into the ocean.

The Devil's Sea

This is a region of the Pacific around Miyake Island, about 100 km south of Tokyo. This "relative" of the Bermuda Triangle can not be found on any map, but sailors prefer to keep away from the region. Storms may start there out of the blue and disappear just as they started. Whales, dolphins and even birds do not inhabit this area. Nine ships disappeared in the region in five years in the beginning of the 1950s. The most famous of such incidents is the disappearance of Kaiyo Maru No.5, a Japanese research vessel.

This is a very seismically active region. The seabed is moving constantly; volcanic islands appear and disappear on a regular basis. The region is also known for its highly active cyclonic activity.

The Cape of Good Hope

This area off the coast of South Africa is also known as the Cape of Storms. A great deal of vessels have wrecked there in hundreds of years. Most of the wrecks took place because of bad weather, particularly killer waves, aka cape rollers. Scientists also call them solitary waves. They are very large waves, up to 30 meters high. They are formed as two coherent waves become one. The height of one cape roller is equal to the heights of those two waves. They do not change their shape during the distribution process even when they encounter other similar waves on the way. They can last for very large distances without losing their power. Such huge waves create very large cavities in front of them, the depth of which corresponds to the height of the waves.

There are many other places in the world ocean, where such waves can occur, but the area near the Cape of Good Hope is especially dangerous at this point.

The eastern part of the Indian ocean and the Persian Gulf

This area is known for a very impressive and mysterious phenomenon - giant luminous and whirling circles on the water surface. German oceanologist Kurt Kahle believed that the luminous circles in the ocean appear as a result of underwater earthquakes, which result in the luminescence of plankton. As long as this impact occurs selectively, the spinning wheel illusion is created. This hypothesis has received criticism lately, because it is incapable of explaining the logic in the transformation of the luminous circles. Modern science has not been able to explain the accurate round shape of the objects. Scientists can not explain the rays that come out from one center, nor can they say anything reasonable to explain the velocity of circulation. The version of the UFO seems to be the primary one in this case.

Maelstrom whirlpool

This whirlpool is not of planetary significance as the whirlpool in the Sargasso Sea. Nevertheless, sailors know dozens of blood-chilling stories about the amazing phenomenon. This whirlpool occurs twice a day, in the western part of the Sea of Norway, off the north-western coast of Norway. The word 'maelstrom' was popularized by Edgar Poe in his story "A Descent into the Maelstrom." A maelstrom is a very strong and large swirling body of water which has considerable downdraft. The water surface of the cavity in the center of the powerful vortex is tens of meters lower than the water surface in the ocean. The power of the whirlpool is ten times as much as the power of a common current.

Strangely enough, the whirlpool changes its direction to the opposite once in every three or four months. Maelstrom whirlpools may occur in other regions of the globe, including the Bermuda Triangle. It is generally believed that the maelstroms normally whirl anticlockwise in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise - in the Southern hemisphere, which is explained with the rotation of planet Earth.


The Forbidden Sayings of Jesus: What the Church Doesn’t Want You to Know


Have you ever heard of the Gnostic Gospels?

They’re a collection of 60 or so texts written from the first to third century, based on the wisdom teachings of several prophets and spiritual leaders—including Jesus. In fact, they’ve been referred to as  “the secret sayings of the savior.”

Many of the gospels were written in the first through third centuries, about the same time as their more famous brethren, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Once in wide circulation, these gospels were passed around fledgling churches throughout the Mideast and beyond and show the rich diversity of early Christian beliefs.

There’s just one problem: in the Fourth Century, the early Roman church declared the books heretical in an attempt to centralize authority and get all Christians literally on the same page. The edict came down not just to stop reading these books, but to destroy every last one of them.

In spite of the best efforts of the book burners, many of these texts survive today. A treasure trove of them were discovered in 1945 in Egypt. But they are largely ignored or even considered taboo by mainstream religions. (Two examples: the reverend at my local church acted as if he had never heard of them, while a mild-mannered former priest I know agitatedly called the texts “pure garbage” when I asked about them.)

So what are these Gnostic books all about and why do they strike fear and loathing in some people? I’ve read 30 to 40 of the texts and can report the themes are as varied as those found in the Bible, with topics ranging from creation mythology to wild tales of a coming apocalypse. Most interesting though, and perhaps most controversial, are the many passages about the sayings of Jesus.

Like the Bible, some of the passages will leave you scratching your head. Yet, there are common themes that come up again and again threading their way through several of the texts. The Web site The Gnosis Archive sums it up this way:

Gnosticism asserts that…direct, personal and absolute knowledge of the authentic truths of existence is accessible to human beings…and the attainment of such knowledge is the supreme achievement of human life.

The key words here are direct and personal. There are several Gnostic passages that state that you and I have the power to tap directly into the higher source of knowledge. Consider the two sayings that follow, both attributed to Jesus (followed by the name of the Gnostic text):

What you seek after (is) within you. ~The Dialogue of the Savior 
Beware that no one lead you astray, saying ‘Lo here!’ or ‘Lo there!’ For the Son of Man is within you. Follow after him! Those who seek him will find him. ~The Gospel of Mary

Note the common words “within you.” They may sound innocent enough, but they’re really quite radical. After all, if what we seek after is inside us, it cuts out the need for a middleman to reach God. Which may explain why in the early church and even today the Gnostic Gospels are considered religious texts non grata.

Other Gnostic books continue this theme by pointing out the rich rewards and wisdom that can be found by looking within. Again, all of these passages are said to be the actual words of Jesus:

He who has known himself has…already achieved knowledge about the depth of all. ~ The Book of Thomas The Contender 
Those who have come to know themselves will enjoy their possessions. ~ Gospel of Phillip 
That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. ~ Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas as discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi in Egypt.

There are also several additional interesting passages from the Gospel of Thomas, which many scholars think was written before the four traditional Gospels of the Bible. A common theme is that God and the Kingdom of Heaven are right in front of us, here on this Earth, if we can only learn to see them:

The Kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you. ~Gospel of Thomas 
Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest. ~Gospel of Thomas 
His disciples said, “When will the Kingdom come?” It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying here it is or there it is. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth and men do not see it.  ~Gospel of Thomas 

As you can see, many of the ideas in the Gnostic Gospels run counter to mainstream Christian beliefs. Yet, they give me a greater appreciation for Christianity and Jesus than I can find in any church or read in any traditional version of the Bible. For me at least, they teach in a way that resonates like few Bible passages do, with universal lessons echoed from voices as diverse as the Bhagavad Gita and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

New Research Shows That Most People Can See the Future

New Research Shows That Most People Can See the Future

New research shows thatmost humans can see the future before it happened and can impact events before they occur.
This report shows that humans have the potential supernatural power and can perceive future events. Professor Daryl Bem at Cornell University in the United States conducted nine different experiments on more than 1,000 volunteers, and almost everyone demonstrated some sort of supernatural power.
New Research Shows That Most People Can See the Future
n one experiment, the researchers asked students to remember a series of words, and then asked them to recall these words and to write down a few chosen words. Volunteers could easily remember certain words, and those words that were more difficult to remember were always those they were asked to write out.
In another experiment, researchers showed a student a pair of images hidden behind curtains on the computer screen, and asked them to choose the curtain hiding pornographic images. According to Professor Bem, most students chose the right curtain, and such a high accuracy rate could not simply be explained by coincidence.

New Research Shows That Most People Can See the Future

The location of the picture was randomly determined by the computer following the student’s selection, and Professor Bem believes that this is evidence the student could influence future events. American psychologist Joachim Krueger believes that this argument is ridiculous for claiming that humans have supernatural powers. However, when he checked the methodology of Professor Bem he concluded: “Frankly, everything seems normal, well-organized and impeccable.”


Hitler's Quest for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant


Hitler sought out these powerful relics during World War II. He believed that these ancient artifacts could bestow immortality.

The story of Adolph Hitler's journey into history to reveal the special destiny of Germany and the nobility of the German soul began with his quest to find the Holy Grail and Atlantis. He also hoped to recover the Ark of the Covenant, but the quest ended in the final defeat for Nazi Germany.

The Master Aryan Race

The Fuhrer developed an Aryan Master Race ideology from myth, legend and archaeology. Historical and ethnic fantasies burned in Hitler's imagination in a hot fire stoked by Aryan fables of Atlantis and the literature and legends of the Holy Grail.

Steven Spielberg's movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with Harrison Ford playing the part of an intrepid archaeologist, Indiana Jones, had more truth in it than most people realized.

A New German Aristocracy

Using history as a political tool, Hitler attempted to create an order based on the Holy Grail. He believed that the eternal life offered by the Grail was only for the pure blooded and the noble of the Aryan race. His Brotherhood of the Knights of the Holy Grail would reign supreme in Germany forever. Hitler compared this aristocracy to that of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. However this would be a German Camelot with Hitler replacing Arthur.

In order to build this revolution, he needed to promote German Nationalism, to convince the Germans that they were, indeed, destined for greatness. After the German disgrace due to the World War I defeat, the nation needed to be re-established and re-invigorated, to gain self confidence once again and throw off the chains of its shame.

The time was right in the late 1930s when the Nazis seized power, to look back at history and archaeology seeking clues to the greatness of Germany's descent from the Aryan race. Beginning with the defeat of the Roman Army and the disappearance of its Lost Legions, historians and archaeologists searched the Nordic mythology and legends for inspiration and material to feed the fantasy history and propaganda of a revitalized German nation.

Heinrich Himmler

As the Chief of the SS (Schutfzstaffel), Hitler's personal body guards, and the head of the Gestapo, Himmler took charge of historical research, Himmler set up the elite Nazi Research Institute called the Ahnenerbe and set up Wewelsburg Castle to be the new Grail Castle as well as the center of the new Camelot and its research efforts.


One of the initial moves was to establish the ancestry of the German people and to lay the foundation that their Aryan ancestors were a chosen people with divine origins. The pseudo-historians claimed that the original homeland of the Aryan race was the mysterious island of Atlantis. Here the mythical ancestors were the source of all art, science and knowledge. They were a strong, warrior race, descended from the gods themselves, who survived the Ice Age and continued to reside in Germany to the present day. He promoted the idea of keeping the divine Aryan race bloodlines pure as a justification for the genocide of inferior groups of people such as the Jews.

The Holy Grail

As the legendary symbol of Aryan knighthood, the grail was the ancient prize most coveted by Hitler. He believed that it would confer immortality on all those of pure blood and nobility of the Aryan bloodline--the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Holy Grail.

According to Himmler's research, the Christians had stolen many of their traditions and symbology from the ancient Nordic Teutonic pagan religion, and this essential artifact must be restored to its proper place in Germany.

Himmler asssigned Otto Rahn, an expert on the Holy Grail to search for the object. He traveled through Europe and the Middle East on his quest, investigating sites in Iran and Cathar castles in the Pyranees, but by the war's end, he never had any success.

The Ark of the Covenant

The artifact was built about 3000 years ago by the Israelites to store the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. It was fitted with handles for transportation, gilded with gold and two large golden cherubim guarded it on its top surface. The Israelites took it on all their expeditions and even into battle as a token of their religion until sometime between 597 and 586 BCE, when it vanished from history when the Babylonians conquered them. Its fate is unknown. Today it is said to reside in a chapel in Axum, Ethiopia.

The Ark was reputed to have strange powers. Possibly of UFO or alien origin, it might have been a battery or a radio. Supposedly, as shown in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it could instantly vaporize those who looked at it or touched it. Some stories reported that the Israelite god communicated and spoke with the priests through it.

Hitler and his minions apparently thought that if they could harvest its powers, they would instantly have the master tool for world domination. However, there is no known record that the Nazis made a concerted effort to locate and recover the artifact, no matter how badly Hitler wanted to seize it.


Apocalypse Now: 13 Reasons Why The World Is Still Doomed


The end of the world is still coming soon, thanks to technology, the Rapture, floods, prophecies and predictions. Here are the 13 reasons why the world is still doomed:

1. Plague of Locusts

Madagascar has been infected by a huge swarm of locusts: a sign of the apocalypse straight out of the Old Testament. A February 2012 cyclone flooded southwest Madagascar, creating prime breeding conditions for the country's locusts. Now, half of Madagascar is infested with locust swarms and, considering that each swarm can devour 100,000 metric tons of green vegetation a day, the threat of environmental catastrophe and even famine on the island country is dire. Even more so, what will happen if this plague spreads to the mainland?

2. Lightning Strikes St. Peter's Cathedral

On the day Pope Benedict XVI resigned, a bolt of lightning struck the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral. This led some doomsayers to invoke the prophecy of Saint Malachy, the 12th century Archbishop of Armagh, who held a vision of 112 popes of the Catholic church, and that when "these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed and the dreadful judge will judge his people." Perhaps when Francis I is finished, so is the world?

3. Dead Animals in China

If you were disappointed when December 22, 2012 rolled around and the world continued to spin, don't despair. In early 2013, nearly 13,000 dead pigs were found floating in China's Shanghai River. Then, more than a thousand dead ducks appeared in the Nanhe River. While infectious diseases have been ruled out in the latter case, two of the deaths have been attributed to a new strain of avian flu. Perhaps all these dead animals are a sign of something terrifying in the works.

4. Pond Circles

This phenomenon might be blamed on aliens if it didn't take place in Eden (Eden, New York, that is). During the late spring cold freeze, a pond in this upstate town developed perfect circular holes in a frozen pond. Science states that slower-moving water is more resistant to freezing than completely still water and that the holes may be result of underwater spring currents. But this combined with the crazy shift in weather patterns and a town that is named for the spring from which all life (Biblically) that once flowed makes us wonder.

5. Doomsday Weather

The end of the world might not come with a bang but with a sizzle. A recent study said that the Earth is the warmest it's been since the end of the Ice Age. If carbon dioxide levels continue to increase at current rates, in eighty years, the Earth will be at temperatures not seen since humans first developed agriculture. That might end up being the last bit of agriculture our species ever sees, as, even now, current weather conditions have meant a huge drought in the middle of the U.S. that started in the spring of 2012 and is predicted to continue throughout 2014.

6. Sunspot Solar Flare

In the case of a perfect (sun) storm, a "once in a generation" space storm is supposed to take place sometime in 2013, the peak of the sun's 11 year-solar activity cycle. The current generation of satellite navigation technology has never experienced these conditions. Radio systems have been known to suffer signal delay while the effect on GPS navigation, cell phone activity, and other wireless systems is uncertain. It could be that one solar flare could knock us all back into the Dark Ages or the 90s.

7. Nine-Year-Old Gives Birth

Forget the teenage pregnancy problem — what about the prepubescents who are getting pregnant? A report in February of this year of a nine-year-old in Mexico giving birth to a six-pound boy is just one of the many shocking examples of babies having babies. In 2012, it was a ten-year-old in Colombia and in 2010, a nine-year-old in China gave birth. Could we be looking at a rash of immaculate conceptions?

8. Hal Lindsey

Even if the signs aren't visible on the nightly news, we have seer Hal Lindsey to tell us that the end of the world is upon us. Known for his doomsday predictions in the 70s, Lindsey's greatest "hit" came when he published a notorious prophecy in The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon, stating that 1981 would bring about a pre-tribunal rapture. This was due to Israel's then upcoming 40th anniversary as a reestablished nation. According to Lindsey, Jesus committed to return within a "generation," which would include, of course, 2013.

9. Dr. F. Kenton Beshore

Building on the predictions of Hal Lindsey, Dr. F. Kenton Beshore, president of the World Bible Society, has claimed that the 'Rapture' is likely to happen between 2012 and 2021, and that the subsequent second coming of Jesus Christ is on track to happen between '18 and '28.

10. The Arrival of the Jewish Messiah

Considered second only to the Torah in Rabbinic Judaism, the Talmud stated that the Jewish Messiah is to appear 6,000 years from the start of Creation. According to the Hebrew Calendar, "creation" started only 3,760 years before the start of the Christian era. While we celebrate 2013, the Hebrew year is 5773. To translate these doomsday dates to the Gregorian calendar, the arrival of the messiah is scheduled for 2240 CE. A thousand years after the Messiah's arrival, the world is scheduled to end in 3240 CE.

11. End Times Magazine Is Still Publishing

End Times Magazine has seen signs that the End of Days is nigh: from the conflict in Israel to additional religious signs that might indicate the End of Days, you can subscribe to End Times Magazine or listen to Baxter's syndicated radio program or attend one of his weekly "prophecy conferences," which will probably be available for you until Baxter gets it right and the end of the world finally does come.

12. Technology Will Take Over the World

Some people are willing to simply predict the end of the world, while others take a more active role in creating their version of it. Enter Google Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, whose 2005 book The Singularity Is Near predicts that the technological singularity, where super intelligence is be created through artificial means, will occur in 2045. And, as a prominent figure in a top tech company, Kurzweil may have the power to turn his prediction from fiction into self-full filling-fact. Not that he would...

13. Isaac Newton's Math

According to Temple at the Center of Time by David Flynn, Sir Isaac Newton determined that the world would end in 2060. After mistakenly predicting the end of the world would occur in 1660 (due to rash of fires, floods, and plagues that year), Newtown recalculated based on the coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III and a line in Revelation stating that the antichrist would arrive 1,260 years afterward. Correcting Newton's math, Flynn states that the year is 2013.

Has China Built A Stargate? The Ring of Life


According to an article on the official website of the Fushun Municipal Government, "The Ring of Life" means a round sky and a path leading to paradise in Heaven.

Not happy with building mysterious gigantic structures in the desert, the Chinese are now building inter-dimensional portals in the middle of their cities. What the hell is this 515-foot (157 meters) high metal structure in the the city of Fushun, in northeast China's Liaoning province? Oh wait, I know, it's just another example of the China's building craze, the one that has got them to build entire ghost cities made of thousands of pre-fab buildings.

It's made of an astounding 3,000 tons of steel and it will glow at night—decorated with 12,000 LED lights. According to Fushun Municipal Government's officials, this titanic structure does absolutely nothing except serve as an elevated sighting position. They claim it is pretty "landscape architecture"—like the Eiffel Tower. It uses four elevators to take people to the top.

The Chinese media has been harsh about the building after a blogger posted these photos on Sina Weibo, which is the country's "largest microblog platform." Not surprising, since this thing costs $16 million. The ciy's defense: "there's not enough people to build entertainment, so we just build something pretty, OK?! ARE WE COOL NOW!". Or something like that.

They also claimed that they don't have enough citizens to build other more useful buildings. They have all the hospitals, recreation centers and municipal buildings they need, so they probably decided to blow their excess budget in this thing.


So what is the real purpose for this building? When you dig a little bit when it comes to unique buildings and monuments around the world you find out pretty fast that they are not just “landmarks.”

 The pyramids in Egypt for example, or even Stonehenge, The Nazca Lines and Easter Island. These all appear to be for decorative or monument purposes but evidence and ancient knowledge suggests otherwise.

Some are suggesting that The Ring of Life could be a star gate, a portal to welcome in energies, beings, or other worlds. Perhaps just in time for 2012?

I know it sounds far out but even things like portals, star gates and jump doors are not as taboo as they once were. With all of the whistle blowing and evidence to suggest all of these things are real, one can easily assume The Ring of Life could have a deeper meaning. Something only time will shed more light on.

What do you think it is? Just an observation tower? Or something more?


Putin: “80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish”

Putin: “80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish”
Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Jews made up “80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Putin’s speech, made on June 13 2013, was reported by the official Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an article six days later dealing with Putin’s visit to the Moscow “Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.”

According to the JTA report, Putin said with reference to a library belonging to Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, that he “thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.”

According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government “were guided by false ideological considerations” and supported the arrest and repression of all faiths.”

On this latter point, Putin is of course incorrect, and he was probably avoiding the truth so as not to stir up a hornet’s nest against himself.

In reality, the Jewish Bolshevik government ruthlessly persecuted Christians in particular, and protected Jews. Anti-Semitism was made illegal and punishable by death, and the only time Lenin’s voice was ever recorded was to make a widely distributed record denouncing anti-Semitism as “counter-revolutionary.”

Putin: “80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish”

In addition, the early Soviet government actually gave special privileges to Jews, which included the creation of a separate homeland meant for Jews only, called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, situated in the Russian Far East.

The Bolsheviks established the autonomous oblast in 1934 to provide the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Jewish culture. According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region’s population.

Putin: “80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish”

By then however, the closely-allied Zionist movement had decided firmly in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland by stealing Palestine from the Palestinian people, and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast saw a slow and steady decline in Jewish inhabitants.

All of this, and much more, is discussed in detail in the new book The Secret Behind Communism, launched this week by Dr. David Duke.


Video: Official Says Complaining About Tap Water is Act of Terrorism


If you dare to complain about the poor quality of your tap water, you better expect a visit from Homeland Security. Because after all, as a water official has now verified on record, complaining about your tap water can be an act of terrorism.

Concerned about the high levels of arsenic in your water, or perhaps the known levels of radioactive contamination? Well you must be a terrorist, according to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and Homeland Security, who consider issuing such complaints to be classified under terrorist activity.

It all started when Tennessee residents in Maury County recorded an exchange with the deputy director from the state’s environmental entity TDEC, who issued a warning that complaining about low quality tap water could put you in Guantanamo. As you can hear from the video below, deputy director Sherwin Smith explains to a group of residents that issuing a complaint over the water supply can be considered an act of terrorism by Homeland Security.

 According to Smith, you better make sure your claims can be verified by the water department employees before submitting them. In the video recording, which was posted following the outrage from citizens over the entire event, Smith is heard saying:

“But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism.”

The group responsible for the recording, called ‘Community eMpowerment’, ended up spotlighting their work on The Tennessean publication — an article that has now gone to be picked up by USA Today and others. And for good reason. The video highlights the growing nature of the Big Brother system that has engulfed the United States over the past several years through the enactment of unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act/FISA, the NDAA, and of course the establishment of a 100 mile wide Constitution-free zone by DHS that runs along the entire border of the US.

The assertion made by this man in the video is simply a byproduct of this system, which labels virtually all law-abiding citizens as terrorists. It’s also a byproduct of the lazy bureaucratic system that would rather throw around the label of ‘terrorist’ against those who seek to issue complaints in order to avoid actual work. In the past, we’ve seen 400 pound union heads get paid $156,000 a year to sleep and eat for a few hours a day at ‘work’, and this is the kind of corruption that goes on all over the place.

The bottom line? No matter what you do, think, or even say, it’s likely that the DHS has a way to classify it as a terrorist act — even complaining about the poor quality of your tap water.


10 Craziest Things You Can Buy in China

If you want to step outside your comfort zone, go skydiving. If you want to forget you ever had a comfort zone, buy a ticket to China. If you already live in China, you’re two sentences ahead of me and just a few yuan away from owning some of the most bizarre items ever available on the legal free market. Here are ten of the craziest things you can buy in China. And if you know of anything that can top the items on this list, feel free to put it in the comments.

Live Crabs From Vending Machines 

Live Crabs From Vending Machines

In 2010 the Twin Lakes Crab Co., a Chinese crab supplier, decided that sometimes a grocery store just isn’t convenient enough. So they built a vending machine that dispenses live crabs to be installed in subway stations in the city of Nanjing. Picture a typical snack vending machine, then replace all the chips and cookies with aerated plastic boxes containing living, moving crabs and you’ll have a perfect image of what this looks like.

The crabs are kept at a constant 5 degrees Celsius (41 F), which is cold enough to put them in a temporary stasis, but not so cold it kills them. They sell for the equivalent of about two US dollars, and the bottom row of the machine also offers bottles of ginger vinegar—a combo sort of like ketchup and french fries.

Panda Tea

Panda Tea

Let’s just go ahead and say it: Panda Tea is a drink made from panda poop, and it’s the single most expensive tea in the world—one dried kilo of the tea will run you about US $77,000. Why would anybody want to drink it? The theory is that pandas really only use about 30 percent of the bamboo they eat, eliminating the rest of the unprocessed bamboo in their fecal matter. It’s believed that, among other nutrients, bamboo contains antioxidants that can prevent cancer, so panda tea is marketed as an anti-cancer tonic and a weight loss aid.

The facility is located in the Sichuan Province, and the owner of Panda Tea, Yanshi An, started his company with 11 tons of dung that he bought from a nearby panda sanctuary.

Food Prepared, Cooked, And Served By Robots

Food Prepared, Cooked, And Served By Robots

From noodles to spicy chicken, everything tastes better when it’s prepared by the cold, metallic dicing hooks of a robot. This isn’t just one isolated example, either—it’s three isolated examples, showing a growing trend in robotic food service.

In 2011, inventor Cui Runquan created Chef Cui, a humanoid robot that prepares shaved noodles, a popular noodle variety in China in which the noodles are shaved by hand off a block of dough and then boiled. The robots are being mass produced and sold for the equivalent of US $2,000, and over 3,000 have already been sold.

A fast food chain in Shanghai is also using robots—but this time as theactual chefs. The obvious benefit is the efficiency: one robot can wash a dirty pot, combine the ingredients, cook the dish, and have the finished order on a plate in only three minutes. The downside? Yet one more integration that will make it easier for robots to kill us all.

Finally, if cooking wasn’t enough, you can also go to the Dalu Rebot Restaurant and have your food brought to you by a robot server. The six robots follow a rotation that allows them to serve the restaurant’s twenty-one tables before returning to the kitchen to refill their trays.

Canned Air 

Canned Air

If you want a breath of fresh air in China, it’s going to cost you about five yuan. That’s how much Chen Guangbaio is selling his new line of canned air for, which is literally a soda can filled with air. This product is part publicity stunt and part environmental statement on Chinese air pollution, which is now so bad that the haze is visible from space in some areas of the country (seriously).

For the purest air, you can pick up a flavor called Pristine Tibet, and if you’re feeling nostalgic you can buy Revolutionary Yah’an or Post-Industrial Taiwan flavored air.

Traffic Jam Stand-Ins

Traffic Jam Stand-Ins

For a country with 1.3 billion people, it’s not surprising that China sometimes has some pretty long traffic jams—sometimes lasting for weeks. But a few entrepreneurs have turned lemons into the Chinese version of lemonade by offering a service that provides a person who will actually sit in your car for you while it’s stuck in traffic.

It works like this: If you find yourself stuck in a gridlock, you can call the service, tell them where you are, and wait for two men to arrive on a motorcycle. The stand-in will sit in your car, and the motorcycle driver will take you anywhere you need to go. The service is mostly offered around Wuhan in Central China, which typically has some of the worst traffic in the country.

Dwarf Tours

Dwarf Tours

From morally ambiguous dwarfism to vaguely racist copyright infringement, China truly has it all. In 2011, a businessman in Beijing opened China’s first OFC—Obama Fried Chicken. The restaurant uses a KFC-styled banner and logo complete with a cartoonishly grinning caricature of Barack Obama and sells fried chicken.

Believe it or not, this isn’t actually the first Obama Fried Chicken to grace the planet—or the first time China has used Obama’s image to sell chicken. The first OFC opened in Brooklyn in 2009, but closed down a short time later. And in a completely unrelated stunt, the official KFC in China released this ad in 2011 which features an actor who looks like Obama giving a speech before being crushed by a giant chicken sandwich. There’s some sort of message here…but we’re totally not spelling it out.

Live Turtle Key Rings 

Live Turtle Key Rings

Arguably one of the oddest things you can buy in China is a tiny live animal on a key ring. The animals—usually a miniature Brazilian turtle or a kingfish—are enclosed in a small bag or plastic bubble that is filled with a nutrient-rich liquid that’s supposed to be able to feed the creature for up to three or four months.

Of course, the sealed container raises a lot of questions about how the animal is supposed to get oxygen, and several animal welfare services in China have understandably raised a public outcry that call these trinkets a particularly severe form of animal abuse. One of the reasons people buy them is for good luck, but supposedly many people will buy one just to set the animal free.

White People 

White People

At the risk of sidestepping premise for a second here, you can’t actually buy white people in China—but you can rent them, which is close enough. Chinese businessmen will often rent white actors to stand beside them at important events and, well, that’s about it.

The idea is that Western businesses are successful (China’s words, not mine), and so for a Chinese businessman to be seen with a guy who could be an overseas business partner is a symbol of status and prestige. Sometimes the actor just stands there, sometimes he gives a speech, and sometimes he’ll be given a small role to play, complete with fake business cards. One actor named Jonathan Zatkin was paid to give a speech for the opening of a jewelry store and describe “how wonderful it was to work with the company for 10 years.”

According to Zatkin, “The requirements for these jobs are simple. 1. Be white. 2. Do not speak any Chinese, or really speak at all unless asked. 3. Pretend like you just got off of an airplane yesterday.”

Tea Picked By The Mouth Of A Virgin

Tea Picked By The Mouth Of A Virgin

Here’s a fun sentence: The Jiuhua tea plantation in the Henan Province hires virgins with C-cup breasts to pick tea by grabbing the leaves with their lips and then dropping them into a wicker basket nestled between their breasts.

The women can not touch the leaves or the basket with their hands, and in addition to specifically requesting C-cup breasts, the plantation also requires that the women have no visible scars or wounds. According to the spokesperson for the company, this odd requirement comes from a legend about how the tea used to be picked by the mouths of fairies. With this method, the tea is supposed to be infused with the virility and purity of the virgins, which is then passed on to the person who drinks the tea.


Indian Stuntman Dies While Attempting a World Record

Indian Stuntman Dies While Attempting a World Record

A man who held the Guinness World Record for covering the longest distance on a zip-line while hanging by his hair has died while performing a stunt.

Sailendra Nath Roy, a 49-year-old police officer, was attempting to cross the turbulent River Teesta on Sunday in the state of West Bengal on a 600-foot wire above the water.

After attaching his shoulder-length hair to a pulley on the wire, Roy had completed about half of the distance but he then became entangled and found himself unable to move.

Hundreds of spectators initially cheered him on, but then began screaming in horror when they saw Roy making increasingly desperate attempts to move forward.

"Roy tried frantically to get hold of a second rope to reach the finishing point," said K. Jayaraman, a senior local police officer.

Indian Stuntman Dies While Attempting a World Record

After about 20 minutes, he became motionless and was eventually rescued by local people. No ambulance or a doctor was present during the performance, which was watched by his family.

After being admitted to hospital in Siliguri, 280 miles away, he was declared dead by doctors of a suspected heart attack.

A post-mortem is expected later on Monday.

Roy had achieved the Guinness World Record after covering 82.5 metres on a zip wire while attached by his hair in 2011 at the Neemrana Fort, a heritage hotel in the desert state of Rajasthan.

Last year he used his hair to drag an engine and four coaches of the heritage Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

Roy's younger brother Benoy, who was witnessing his brother's stunt for the first time, told AFP: "We were proud of his bravery. He was sure to win but destiny has taken his life and the most beloved member of our family as well."


The Pacific Bermuda Triangle: The Dragon's Triangle a.k.a. 'The Devil's Sea'


The "Devil's Sea" and the Dragon's Triangle located in the Philippine Sea off China's eastern coast is known for vanishing ships and seamen similar to the legendary Bermuda Triangle. While sensational theories for the mysterious disappearances speak of extraterrestrials and lost kingdoms under the sea wreaking havoc, others believe that the region displays the same magnetic anomalies as the Bermuda Triangle.

The area, which can be marked off on a map by connecting Japan, Taiwan, and Yap Island, has become known as the Dragon's Triangle after a centuries-old Chinese myth. According to the myth, dragons live deep beneath the surface and their movement can suddenly churn up waves, whirlpools, thick fog, and sudden storms.

In 1950, Japanese officials declared the triangle a danger zone for shipping. In 1952, a research vessel, the Kaio Maru No. 5, sent by the Japanese government to investigate the troubled waters, vanished without a trace, and 22 crewmen and nine scientists were lost.

Like the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Triangle area may be volatile, subject to sudden weather changes and ocean swells not yet understood. Undersea volcanoes are believed to influence the area's sudden environmental changes. Others cite mikakunin hiko-buttai, Japanese for UFOs. (SOURCE)

The area is rife with undersea volcanoes. Islands appear and disappear regularly due to the volcanic activity. Apparently, the area got its name from the volcanic activity and resultant formations and deformations resulting from the lava flow.

Some mystery mongers claim that the Bermuda and Dragon's triangles are directly across from one another and that if you went from the center of one through the earth you'd end up in the center of the other. Even if this were true, it would have no bearing on the dangers that exist in one or the other.

Recently, some have been promoting the idea that the area is an undersea alien base and that the dragons were actually USOs, unidentified submerged objects. (SOURCE)

You can notice in the above picture that has been taken from satellite and 4 objects clearly seen in dragons triangle. You may also notice that they looks like UFO's spaceships that mostly people claims that they have seen some flying ships. The Dragon's Triangle on the opposite spot of the earth as the Bermuda Triangle. Considering the unique history of both regions it can't be coincidence. The only other places on earth that are in exact opposite locations are the Poles. (SOURCE)

The famous Japanese Utsuro bune legend of 1803 describes a box shaped hollow boat, resembling a kou-hako (incense burner). Inside was a "foreign" woman described as having unique physical characteristics. There are many collected stories and books written describing this incident. The credibility of these books have been questioned, yet it has been verified that these books were written prior to 1844, long before the modern UFO era.

Modern linguist and author Charles Berlitz made his own mark on the topic in his 1989 book, The Dragon's Triangle. Of the many missing ships recorded — ranging from small fishing boats, large 200,000-ton (181,439-metric ton) tankers, American and Japanese warships and airplanes, and Soviet nuclear missile submarines — few revealed signs of wreckage, oil slicks or flotsam. Berlitz traces UFO and USO (unidentified submerged objects) activity in this area back to the 12th century.

Many view natural environmental changes as the cause of the controversial anomalies. One of these explanations is the vast field of methane hydrates present on the bottom of the ocean in this area. Methane clathrates (methane hydrate ice) will “flash” into a gas when it rises above 64.4°F (18°C). The gas eruptions can interrupt buoyancy and can easily sink a ship, leaving no trace of debris. The gas will also explode if it comes within contact of an open flame. Other natural explanations involve agonic lines, volcanic activity and tectonic plate movement.

There has been much speculation on supernatural theories explaining the events in this region. Some have considered the region a gateway to another dimension, a parallel universe or a black hole. Atlantis technology has been suggested and of course, no conjecture would be complete without the possibility of alien involvement. 

Many submit the locations of the triangles cannot be coincidental, proposing these areas were at one time polar opposites.

Whether a person's preference is in scientific explanations of natural occurring events or of supernatural theories, the Dragon's Triangle is one of the world’s most intriguing mysteries. Perhaps, as science advances and the supernatural becomes more clearly understood, the day will come when the answers will unfold in the form of a combined explanation.

Seven People Who Had Sex With Aliens

Seven People Who Had Sex With Aliens

AS Labour politician confesses to fathering alien baby, we probe other cases including the woman who romped with a reptile.

Labour politician Simon Parkes, above, revealed  how he’s cheating on his missus - with an alien lover dubbed the Cat Queen.But he reckons it’s ok as it isn’t on a ‘human level.’ Hmm.

The 53-year-old - who sits on Whitby Town Council - even says he’s fathered a love-child called Zarka with his out-of-this-world bit on the side.He told a Channel 4 documentary: “My wife found out about it and was very unhappy, clearly. That caused a few problems, but it is not on a human level, so I don’t see it as wrong."

He joins a short but fascinating group of people who claim to have had sex with aliens, some with and some without their permission. Here, we tell their strange stories.

‘I have out of this world orgasms thanks to aliens’

PSYCHIC Stephany Cohen wowed the nation with a confession on TV’s This Morning that she beds aliens called Greys. She confessed to presenter Holly Willoughby: "I call them Team Spirit, and we have a UFO, a flying saucer, we go off to planets within our own solar system but also to way out in the solar system.

"It happens in my mind as it happens when my physical body is asleep. My spirit will then leave." When pressed by Holly that she might just be dreaming, Stephany explained: "A dream is a friendly way of letting you know what you've been doing without scaring you.

“That's what dreams really are. People would actually be afraid if they were face-to-face with an alien."

'Three years of mind-blowing reptilian romps'

JAZZ singer Pamela Stonebrooke says she shared steamy duets with a reptile lover over a 36 month period. She said: ““My first sexual encounter with an alien was unlike any love-making I've experienced before.

”It was so intense and enjoyable and, without wanting to get too graphic, he was so much larger than most men.” Thrilled Pam told The Sun how she awoke to find her 6ft alien making love to her looking like a Greek god.

“At first I assumed it was an exceptionally lucid dream,” she said. “But the sex was very intense and as I closed my eyes I was overwhelmed by how comfortable I felt with this unknown being.  “The next time I opened my eyes he had transformed into a reptilian entity with scaly, snake-like skin. It was then I realised I was making love to a shape-shifting alien.”

'It was the best sex I ever had'

HOUSEWIFE Jane Murphy claimed she blacked out after aliens appeared at her bedside, only to wake up aboard a UFO with a humanoid chap standing over her.

She recalls in the book Without Consent by Carl Nagaitis and Philip Mantle: “I looked into his big black eyes and knew what was going to happen.

“It was like a dream. As he drew near to me I noticed his smell. It wasn't a human smell at all. It was the best sex I ever had.”

She returned home and later found a puncture mark on her neck, which she believes was from the needle they injected into her before whisking her away.

'Lie detector test proved I did sleep with E.T'

AUSSIE Peter Khoury claims he was sat at home after his wife went to work when two exotic women entered his bedroom. He reckons they tried to get frisky with him so he bit one of the women’s nipples OFF before having sex with the other.

They later vanished, leaving behind what he says is a super-rare strand of DNA which he believes could be from outer space. His story was told in a TV documentary called “My Mum talks to Aliens” who challenged him to a Jeremy Kyle-style lie detector test...which he passed with flying colours.

'I was taken for sex after old banger broke down'

MUM Gabriella Versacci was reported to have been abducted for sex after her car broke down. It’s claimed a robot-like creature suddenly appeared out of nowhere to sweep her away to a spaceship where they made love. Researchers reportedly found she was an upstanding member of her community with no reason to lie about the incident.

'An alien made me pregnant'

MANCHESTER mum Lynda was said to have been in a field when her daughter spotted a UFO coming towards them, asking: “Mummy, the moon is coming toward us...” That’s the last thing she’s said to remember.

It wasn’t until weeks later that she experienced strange goings on with her menstrual cycle which doctors are said to have blamed on an ectopic pregnancy.

But in the book Without Consent, she explained: “I had never had an ectopic pregnancy. And I would have known if I had because they can be fatal.”


Atlantis Finally Found? Giant Sphinx And Bermuda Triangle Pyramids Discovered Underwater


Perhaps overshadowing the discoveries of the tomb of King Tut and Troy is the discovery of Atlantis. Now two bold scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, say they have found it.

They discovered the ruins of the ancient city submerged off the coast of Cuba. In the distant past the region was dry land, but now only the island of Cuba remains above water. The ancient city is 600 feet below the ocean and the team of researchers led by Zalitzki Weinzweig is convinced that it is Atlantis, the city lost by more than 10,000 years.

Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba in a submersible robot, have confirmed that there is a huge city on the ocean floor. The site of the ancient city – including several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids and other structures – is surprisingly within the boundaries of the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

According to a report from Terra Forming Terra Arclein, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence suggests that the city was flooded simultaneously with the rising waters and land subsidence in the sea. This corresponds exactly to the legend of Atlantis. The disaster could have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic ice sheet melted catastrophically causing the sea level to rise rapidly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere.

The coastlines changed; land was lost, islands (including the island continent) disappeared completely. At end of the last ice age sea level were lower than today’s levels of nearly 122 meters. Theoretically, any technology then or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave. The evidence that the earth, in what is now the Caribbean, also sank in the sea seems pretty certain.

Arclein observes: “when large portions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge also decreased including Lyones and islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if this has not happened, this collapse was big enough. “This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing the collapse of East or West. Since the cord between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the subsidence of the basin subsidence Gulf and Caribbean basin, naturally gone deep. The driver of this was the hydrostatic changes caused by both the original cortical change 12,900 years ago I called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and slowly lift the basin of Hudson Bay prompted by the end of the Ice Age. “

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to her was arrested during and after the Missile Crisis. “The U.S.government discovered the alleged place during the Missile Crisis Cuba in the sixties, nuclear submarines cruising structures found (in the deep sea) with a pyramid in the Gulf. Immediately shut down the site and took control of it and objects, so that will not reach the hands of the Russians.

“The scientific team of experts from the ocean, oceanographers and archaeologists found ruins of ancient buildings of 183 meters below the ocean. They say the city is Atlántida (Atlantis).The evidence that the island of Cuba is the remnant of a once mighty culture is supported by the discovery of the island Zalitzki containing symbols and pictograms extremely old identical to those observed in the structures submarines. Utilizing submersibles, they discovered structures, including pyramids, similar (even higher than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt.

They believe that the pyramids of Atlantis are built with stones of several hundred tons. The ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and “stones which are arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved in stones,” advises Fernandez . Another giant pyramid topped with what looks like a crystal was discovered by divers in the Bermuda triangle

A Discovery That Rewrites History

Could this discovery change the vision of the history of mankind? Yes, it could change everything.

Fernandez writes, “It has been confirmed that the stones were cut, carved and polished to make them fit and form larger structures. In the strange inscriptions, some of them similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, very little is known, except that they are very abundant and are found in almost all parts of the field. They have also appeared symbols and drawings whose meaning is unknown. “

The exploration of Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, is expanding to discover more of the mysteries of the mega-ciudad.Hablando with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are, in fact, the Atlantis, FernanEdez reports that the expert answered :

“… In today’s Yucatan cultures may even Aborigines are those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America – as they originated on an island that sank by cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú. “

It also adapts to the stories about the sudden disappearance of Atlantis wonderfully.

Atlanticú. Atlantis. Aboriginal natives still call in its history. The Olmecs and other native peoples all have primary morphology marking the arrival of this continent. This means coming from the direction of Cuba, and had to occur in a very large earthquake where their land sank. Morphologies indicate that they belong to three families who were saved. One of these families came to the coast of Veracruz, which are supposedly the Olmec.

Others came to Central America and traveled to the Pacific coast, and these families created the civilization of the Americas as we know it today, because they distributed all their knowledge. When anthropologists saw these underwater carvings, stone monoliths, some symbols and inscriptions, they were identified with Olmec motifs. They were very surprised.


Discovery Channel Documentary Proves Mind Control Assassin ‘Conspiracy’

Discovery Channel Documentary Proves Mind Control Assassin ‘Conspiracy’

Individuals can be brainwashed into becoming killers

A recent Discovery Channel documentary proved that individuals can be mind controlled into carrying out murder, proving the so-called “conspiracy theory” that it is possible to create brainwashed assassins.

The documentary, part of the Discovery Channel’s Curiosity series, is particularly relevantgiven the recent claim by an alleged inmate of ‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes who contends that Holmes told him he was “programmed” to carry out the Aurora theater massacre by an “evil” psychotherapist.

Entitled Brainwashed, the experiment was overseen by Harvard University’s Dr. Cynthia Meyersburg and Oxford University’s Dr. Mark Stokes. Certified hypnotherapist Tom Silver was called upon to hypnotize dozens of subjects to test the depth of their hypnotic state and how suggestible they were.

After a series of tests, the sample size was eventually whittled down to four participants, all of whom were hypnotized to withstand near freezing temperatures in an ice bath. Only one of the subjects was able to stay in the ice bath for longer than 18 seconds, and he was chosen as the final participant to be brainwashed into carrying out an “assassination” he was hypnotized into believing was real.

36-year-old corrections officer ‘Ivan’ was told that he was no longer needed on the show and was free to leave. However, during an exit interview, Tom Silver hypnotized Ivan and ordered him to assassinate a foreign dignitary outside a hotel. Ivan was then given a fake gun that had the same blast and recoil of a real firearm.

As Ivan was in the hotel lobby preparing to leave, he was given a trigger signal that the hypnotist had created earlier as a command to carry out the assassination.

As the Discovery Channel website for the show explains, “The experiment was a success, and Ivan carried out his instructions: removing the gun from a red backpack, waiting near the velvet rope line and “assassinating” his target.”

The documentary therefore clearly illustrated that individuals can be brainwashed into carrying out an assassination using hypnosis and other mind control techniques.

Discovery Channel Documentary Proves Mind Control Assassin ‘Conspiracy’

A similar documentary was also aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom last year. Entitled The Assassin, the show revolved around British illusionist Derren Brown’s attempt to turn an ordinary member of the public into a mind controlled assassin via hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming, and have that person “assassinate” a celebrity in public while retaining no knowledge of the act afterwards.

The man chosen by Brown was successfully mind-controlled to “shoot” actor Stephen Fry in front of a live audience and was later subjected to a polygraph test which revealed he had no memory of the incident. Despite the fact that the show set out to debunk “conspiracy theories” surrounding the notion that Sirhan Sirhan was a mind-controlled assassin, it actually ended up bolstering their veracity.

In a similar vein to Sirhan Sirhan, who many now consider to be a patsy in the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, the individual involved in the Channel 4 show later recalled that he felt like he was in a “shooting range” while he was carrying out the assassination. ‘Batman’ killer James Holmes similarly described how he felt like he was in a “video game” during the Aurora massacre, according to Stephen Unruh, the inmate who claims he talked with Holmes.

Holmes allegedly told Unruh that the programming was only broken when he returned to his car after the massacre was over. Media reports later emerged confirming that Holmes had no memory of the actual massacre.

Holmes’ behavior in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, including his claim that he couldn’t remember what happened, is identical to that displayed by Sirhan Sirhan as well as the mind-controlled assassins created in the two recent television documentaries.

Discovery Channel Documentary Proves Mind Control Assassin ‘Conspiracy’

The fact that Holmes was involved in mind control is not up for debate. During his time at Salk Institute of Biological Studies, Holmes designed a computer program to alter mental states using flicker rates. Suspicion has also surrounded a package which included a notebook full of violent details that Holmes sent to his his psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, who was disciplined in 2004 for prescribing herself and others psychotropic drugs.

Fenton, who formerly worked with the U.S. Air Force, was treating Holmes via “medication and psychotherapy” at the The University of Colorado before the Aurora massacre. However, the judge in Holmes’ trial ordered defense attorneys to black out this information. CBS News reported that Holmes had been seeing at least three mental health professionals at the University of Colorado prior to the massacre.

The question of whether or not James Holmes was brainwashed or manipulated through hypnosis into carrying out the Aurora massacre remains unknown. However, his behavior both during and after the ‘Batman’ shooting is identical to Sirhan Sirhan as well as the two individuals who were mind-controlled into becoming “assassins” as part of the two television documentaries.

What can be confirmed is the fact that numerous experiments have proven that it is possible to create a mind-controlled assassin, which is precisely what the CIA did across three decades from the 50′s to the 70′s under a program called MKUltra according to the sworn testimony of direct participants given at the 1975 Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations. That testimony went largely unsubstantiated but only because CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed two years previously.


Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight ‘To Hell'

Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight ‘To Hell'

SPOKANE, Wash. (RNS) Still angry about the idea of an Islamic cultural center opening near Ground Zero, a group of Idaho gun enthusiasts decided to fight back with a new line of pork-laced bullets.

South Fork Industries, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, claims its ammunition, called Jihawg Ammo, is a “defensive deterrent to those who violently act in the name of Islam.”

The bullets are coated in pork-infused paint, which the company states makes the ammo “haram,” or unclean, and therefore will keep a Muslim who’s shot with one of the bullets from entering paradise.

“With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels,” the company said in a press release earlier this month.

Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight ‘To Hell'
The company’s website bills the bullets as “Peace Through Pork” and a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.” There’s a related line of apparel that feature slogans like “Put Some Ham in MoHAMed” and a target poster that says “Give Em a Spankin with some Bacon.”

“The nullifying principle of our product is only effective if you are attacked by an Islamist in Jihad,” the company’s website says. “Otherwise, our ammo functions just like any other ammunition, so we obviously insist upon defensive use of our ammo only-not offensive.”

Company officials declined requests to comment.

However, Shannon Dunn, assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University, said South Fork’s concept is based on an inaccurate understanding of the Quran.

Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight ‘To Hell'

“There is no penalty for coming into contact with pork given by the Quran,” she said, pointing to verses that prohibit the consumption of pork and carrion that are reminiscent of Jewish dietary laws outlined in Leviticus.

“To my knowledge, Muslims, especially unknowingly, would not be banned from heaven for eating or getting hit by pork,” she said. “There are some interpreters who suggest that Muslims should eat pork rather than starve, if faced with that alternative.”

Nevertheless, the ammo has plenty of supporters, with more than 4,300 people liking it on Facebook. One fan, Ted of California, said he planned to buy 500 rounds. Another, Jeffrey, said he hoped someone would smuggle the bullets into U.S. military troops.


Tunisian Man Sets Himself On Fire Protesting Unemploymen, Dies Later


A jobless man set himself on fire in Tunisia in a gesture recalling the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, whose death ignited a revolt that shook the Arab world.

Security forces and bystanders in Tunis tried to extinguish the flames before the man was rushed to hospital, witnesses said.

'He is in very critical condition,' a medical source in Mourouj hospital said, but gave no further details.

The incident occurred last month hours before Prime Minister-designate Ali Larayedh was due to seek a confidence vote for his new Islamist-led government from the National Constituent Assembly.

The man burned himself outside the municipal theatre in the capital's main Habib Bourguiba Avenue, the focus for protests that toppled President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali two years ago.

An Interior Ministry official did not name the victim, but said he was aged 27, hailed from the north-western city of Jandouba and had been looking for a job for a long time.

Tunisia's unemployment rate stands at about 17 per cent, with graduates forming a large proportion of the jobless total.

Several Tunisians have set themselves ablaze in the past two years in protests emulating that of Bouazizi, a street vendor who torched himself on December 17, 2010, in the town of Sidi Bouzid after a policewoman confiscated his fruit cart.

Bouazizi's death sparked protests that ended with Ben Ali's overthrow and inspired rebellions elsewhere in the Middle East.

The economic and social problems that fuelled Tunisia's uprising have yet to be solved in a country now deeply polarised between Islamists and their opponents and still awaiting a new constitution to advance a transition from autocracy.

The last government, led by Hamadi Jebali, collapsed after the premier's own moderate Islamist Ennahda party rejected his plan for a technocrat cabinet to lead Tunisia to elections.

Jebali had proposed this as a way to calm unrest over the assassination on February 6 of secular opposition leader Chokri Belaid by what the authorities say was a group of Salafi Islamist militants, four of whom have been arrested.

Larayedh, who was Interior Minister under Jebali, has named independents to take several key portfolios, but failed to bring additional secular parties into the Ennahda-led coalition.

The political crisis has delayed talks with the International Monetary Fund on a $1.78billion loan.


Hollow Earth: Another Sun And Human Civilization Inside Earth?


For several years the scientists preserved the secret of the shocking data of interpretation of photographs of our planet from space. In the ice of the North Pole area a huge hole could be clearly seen. Soon a similar hole was discovered in Venus. Astronomers were shocked and questioned if these planets are hollow inside and what they have in their cores.

New Physics, new Geography

Russian Physicist  Fedor Nevolin became famous after composing the theory of "New Physics". In other words, he explained the birth of the Earth in a different way.

First our planet was a huge cold lump wandering in the Universe. Being influenced by the Sun and the Universe energy, it was heated up to lava state and then started cooling up. The crust covered the Earth. Meanwhile, the stuff under the crust continued boiling turning into gas, Nedelin believes. Gas expands when being heated. In the core of our planet hollow space aroused, and a part of gas went outside.

Big gas throwing out took place in the North and South Poles. Deep big holes aroused there.

Nedelin is sure the Earth is absolutely hollow inside and can even have a small Sun there. The Sun energy penetrates there through the holes in the Poles and accumulates in the center. If one supposes that the Earth is hollow inside and has its small Sun, there can be life as well.

This idea was indirectly confirmed by the report on an American high rank military commander to the North Pole. The report was made secret, and its details became known to the world press only recently.

The man who flew inside the hole

In 1947 Vice-Admiral of the US Navy Richard Bird went for a research flight over the North Pole. Near the Pole he noticed an unusual spot colored in mixture of yellow, red and violet. On approaching the spot the pilot could see something like a mountain chain. Bird flew over it and saw (this was his first impression) a mirage – forests, rivers, meadows with animals resembling mammoths. He could also see weird flying machines and … a city  with buildings built from rock crystal. He realized himself to be a second Columbus discovering a new continent! The air thermometer scale began lifting and stopped at +23 degrees Celsius. This was impossible for the North Pole. Radio for the connection with the air base did not work…

Bird's wife who read his register for the flight, told that Vice-Admiral contacted the representatives of the underground civilization who overtook us for one thousand years of development. The inner planet surface residents resembled people in appearance, but were more beautiful and had the look of spirituality.

 They had no wars, they found new sources of energy which allowed to use vehicles engines, receive food and light from nothing. Those people told Bird they tried to contact the outer surface of the Earth residents, but all their attempts were rejected, their flying machines were shot. Finally they decided to assist human beings only when they will be on the brink of self-destruction. "Inner" Earth residents showed Bird all their civilization achievements and then escorted the pilot to the Pole hole to let him out to our outer word. On return home he discovered that the plane used the fuel for extra 2750 kilometers of flight…

The authorities recommended Vice-Admiral never tell anybody about the world he saw and put him under strict control for the rest of his life.

And still…

Yet some scientists still make conclusions that inside our planet there might be huge cavities having the inner Sun, moderate climate, unique plants and animals, special civilization. Geologists and geophysics say: "People have the right to pursue dreams".

Geography scholars explain the existence of the "hole" in the photo as a usual phenomenon:

-         The photo was made on November 23. It is known that the North Pole  has a black hole over it from September 22 to March 22, because of the polar night. The Sun is unable to lighten this area because of the equator axis incline!

Probably specialists in Geography are right. Yet, look at the photo. What is there inside the back spot from the polar night? Maybe it is a passage to the Earth core not explored by scientists?

What does science say?

We addressed the issue of the underground passages existence to the scholar.

-         I doubt this theory,- said Doctor of Geology of Moscow State University, the Head of Museum for Earth Studies in the university Sergei Dubinin. – Cavities inside the Earth can be only at shallow depths. They arise as caves. Some of them are really big and long, up to several hundred kilometers. But caves cannot arise deeper than 3 or 5 kilometers. High pressure will close all cavities deeper than this level.

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