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Why Did Obama Make Those Tornadoes? Ask the Tornado Truthers!

Why Did Obama Make Those Tornadoes? Ask the Tornado Truthers!

If our planet's increasingly extreme weather isn't caused by man-made climate change, then it stands to reason that it's actually caused by man-made supervillains using government technology to take American Freedoms with superstorms like Monday's mile-wide monster tornadoes.

If that makes no sense at all, it's because the Powers That Be don't want you know the real truth about Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy and this week's devastating twisters that mowed down entire towns in Oklahoma.

The Tornado Truthers know these shocking weather events have nothing to do with the weather extremes climate scientists have long predicted for a planet rapidly heating from our civilization's burning of fossil fuels and global industrial production of farting meat animals. Monster storms are caused by Barack Obama and his predecessors in the White House/New World Order, using powerful storm-making technology like the massive HAARP antenna farm in Alaska.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, which is an unclassified "ionospheric research program" based at a research station on Air Force property in the remote Alaskan wilderness. The stated goal of HAARP is to study the ionosphere and how the spectrum of radio waves works within these upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. Because the Air Force and the Navy have particular interest in global communications from the bottom of the sea to suborbital space and beyond, HAARP is funded by the Pentagon and its mad-scientist division, DARPA. The remoteness of the massive collection of transmission antennas and the involvement of secretive/weird defense researchers has led to the obvious conclusion that HAARP is actually a Doctor Doom/Loki machine for torturing humanity into further

Conspiracy theories adapt to the prevailing political and cultural moods. When George W. Bush was president, you could find endless theories on liberal-left blogs and message boards linking Hurricane Katrina to Dick Cheney running the HAARP beams over the Gulf of Mexico to drown all the black people. Now that Obama is in charge, right-wing theorists accuse the black president for running the HAARP machines against white people in the Midwest to distract Fox News from the IRS/Tea Party scandal, or making Superstorm Sandy turn Chris Christie into an Obama-loving liberal, just in time to steal the election from Mitt Romney (who was only the nominee because he's an Illuminati insider Mormon-Mason).

Tornado Truthers fully believe horrifying disasters like the Oklahoma City twisters are not simply extreme weather events. Many are also vehement climate change deniers, with the same combination of anti-science ignorance and Tea Party hostility to government programs of all kinds—the military's long exclusion from these right-wing conspiracies due to patriotism is no longer followed. There is no longer a need to be a patriot, because America and its Military Heroes have been forever tainted by the moderate Democrat twice elected president in landslide elections.

Conspiracy theory, in the modern sense, is something far more elaborate. HAARP is not just a remote science experiment dealing with baffling atmospheric physics. It's a ridiculously more complicated and villainous explanation for global warming and terrifying tornadoes. That cars and cows and coal plants are spewing enough greenhouse gases to melt the ice caps and unleash constant monster storms is just too banal for The Avengers or whatever. "Fixing climate change" is a long, difficult and very expensive process that may or may not even work. Better to blame that evil socialist Muslim with his black hands on the horror machines.

Those tornadoes that killed two dozen and injured hundreds were monstrous. Sandy and Katrina and the endless drought and the L.A. wildfires and the empty aquifers and the B.P. oil spill and a hundred other current and recent environmental disasters are the new normal. It is going to get a lot worse for a long time before it's going to get better. And the very people pushing insane bullshit like "Obama did OK tornadoes #HAARP" are the very people least willing to back the policies and penalties necessary to eventually slow down climate change enough for us to continue living on this generally very good planet.

Demon Doctor: Dr. Shiro Ishii Of Japanese Imperial Army

 Demon Doctor: Dr. Shiro Ishii Of Japanese Imperial Army

As head of Japan’s infamous Unit 731 (a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishii (head of medicine) carried out violent human experimentation of tens of thousands during the Second Sino-Japenses War and World War II.

Ishii was responsible for testing vivisection techniques without any anesthesia on human prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of conducting experimental surgery on living creatures (with central nervousness) and examining their insides for scientific purposes.
So basically, he was giving unnecessary surgery to prisoners by opening them all the way up, keeping them alive and not using any anesthetic.
 During these experiments he would also force pregnant women to abort their babies. He also played God by subjecting his prisoners to change in physiological conditions and inducing strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia. Ishii considered these subjects “logs”.

Following imminent defeat in 1945, Japan blew up the Unity 731 complex and Ishii ordered all the remaining “logs” to be executed. Not soon after, Ishii was arrested. And then, the respected General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii. If the U.S. granted Ishii immunity from his crimes, he must exchange all germ warfare data based on human experimentation.

So Ishii got away with his crimes because the US became interested in the results of his research.

While not directly responsible for these acts, the actions of the American government certainly illustrated it was more than willing to condone human torture for advancements in biological warfare that could kill even more people.

Not a surprise, considering its past resume. Ishii remained alive until 1959, performing research into bio-weaponry and probably thinking up more plans to annihilate people in different, Dr. Giggles-esque ways to his dying day.

 Demon Doctor: Dr. Shiro Ishii Of Japanese Imperial Army

Japanese Horror Story: The Torture of Junko Furuta

Vincit Omnia Veritas

Junko Furuta was a 16 year old Japanese girl who underwent 44 days of rape and torture before dying in the hands of her captors on November 22, 1989. Known throughout Japan as concrete-encased high school girl, the case of Junko Furuta  drew nationwide attention owing to sheer brutality the girl had to endure before death found her.

Junko Furuta Story

Junko Furuta attended a high school in Misato, in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. She was a good looking, active teenager who enjoyed a lot of attention and that made some people jealous. She did not smoke, did not drink alcohol and did not do drugs which was seen as very uncool in the eyes of more gangster like teens. One of them – Hiroshi Miyano had a crush on her but not looking for a relationship, Junko Furuta turned him down. Hiroshi Miyano was the bully in the school and being involved with the new generations of the Yakuza, nobody dared to oppose him. And Junko Furuta had the nerve to say “No”…

On November 25, 1988 she was kidnapped by 4 teenage boys – one of them being Hiroshi Miyano. The boys took Junko Furuta to the house owned by the parents of one of the kidnappers in the Ayase district of Adachi, Tokyo.

While in captivity, the kidnapers forced Junko Furuta to call her parents and tell them that she’d run away and is going to stay with a friend, but insist that she’s not in danger. Not able to realize what was coming and too scared to remain non-compliant, Junko did exactly as she was told, ultimately forestalling a manhunt which would have otherwise followed her disappearance.

Parents of Nobuharu Minato in whose house Junko Furuta was kept paid their son a visit on a few occasions but under a threat of increased violence against her, Junko was requested to pretend that she was a girlfriend of one of the boys. However even when it became apparent that she was a captive in the house, the parents did nothing for fear of retaliation from Hiroshi Miyano who was known to have the Yakuza connections.

During the course of 44 days following her kidnapping, Junko Furuta was forced to withstand unspeakable suffering. What she went through before murder included:

  • Was humiliated by being kept naked most of the time
  • Was raped every day in both vagina and anus. More than 100 men are believed to have raped her – the captor with Yakuza connections is said to have invited other Yakuza members to have a go at a 16 year old. She’s estimated to have gone through about 500 rapes. At one point she was raped by 12 different men in one day
  • Endured physical beatings included hits with golf clubs and bashing of face against cement floor
  • The 100 men who are believed to have raped her had also reportedly enjoyed urinating on the girl
  • Frequently, in order to turn her rapists on, she was forced to masturbate in front of them and/or their guests
  • Had various objects forced into her vagina and anus, including a bottle, an iron bar, scissors, roasting needles, grilled chicker skewers, etc.
  • Was provided with only limited supply or food or water
  • Was forced to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine
  • Had fireworks forced up her ass and set them off, causing serious burns
  • Had her left nipple ripped off with pliers
  • Had dumbbells dropped on her stomach while laid on the floor with hands and feet tied up – this resulted in loss of bowel control
  • Was hanged from the ceiling and used as boxing bag
  • Was kept in a freezer for several hours
  • Had eye lids burned with hot wax and lighters
  • Had breasts pierced with sewing needles
  • Had her vagina and clitoris burnt with cigarettes and lighters
  • Had hot, lit on bulb inserted into her vagina and rubbed until it exploded inside

While she was only one quarter through her ordeal, owing to ongoing beatings, Junko Furuta was unable to breathe through her nose due to accumulation of blood in her cavities. Her traumatized internal organs refused to accept food and water so when she tried to drink, she instantly vomited, which not only kept her more dehydrated, it also agitated the perpetrators who punished her with more beating for soiling the carpet.

At one point, when the attackers were resting after drinking, she tried to call the police but was caught and punished by having her feet set on fire with burning lighter fluid. Large bottle the perpetrators forced up her anus caused internal injuries and ugly bleeding.

Severe leg burns and badly bruised muscles left her unable to walk after 20 days of her ordeal. She wasn’t able to handle anything with her hands anymore because her bones were smashed with weights and her fingernails cracked. Since it was winter, she was also forced to sleep on a balcony, exposed to cold temperatures.

After 30 days, Junko Furuta was unable to urinate properly due to damage to internal organs and to vulva from insertion of foreign object and burns from cigarettes and lighters. Her hands and feet were damaged so badly, it took her over an hour to crawl downstairs to the bathroom. Her eardrums were also damaged and brain size was reduced.

Junko Furuta’s Death

During the course of 44 days when she was repeatedly tortured, beaten and raped, Junko Furuta begged her captors several times to just kill her and be done with it. They didn’t grant her that favor. Instead, on January 4, 1989, they challenged her to a game of Mahjong solitaire. She won and that pissed the boys off so they treated her to a beating with an iron barbell and fire by setting her legs, arms, face and stomach alight after pouring lighter fluid on them. Being already badly beaten, dehydrated and malnutritioned, Junko Furuta fell into a shock and died the following day.

The murderers stuffed the dead girl’s body in a 55-gallon drum filled with concrete and disposed of it in Koto, Tokyo.

Junko Furuta Captors Identified

The names of four main captors who kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered Junko Furuta were withheld by the Japanese court because they were juveniles, however the journalists from the Shūkan Bunshun magazine dug them out and publish them stating that after what they did to Junko Furuta, they don’t deserve anyone to uphold their human rights:

  • Hiroshi Miyano – 18 year old at the time of the crime. Changed his name to Hiroshi Yokoyama
  • Jō Ogura  – 18 year old at the time of the crime. Changed his name to Jō Kamisaku (神作譲)
  • Shinji Minato (– 16 year old at the time of the crime, some sources refer to him as Nobuharu Minato
  • Yasushi Watanabe – 17 year old at the time of the crime

Jo Kamisaku
Jo Kamisaku
All four perpetrators were caught and tried. However because they were all under-aged when the crime was committed, they were to be tried as juveniles, but eventually faced sentences of adults, except that the court withheld their identities. Still, given the severity of their crimes, the sentences they were handed out were rather low. By now, each of them is already out of jail. Three of the boys served less than 8 years, the leader was originally sentenced to 17 years in prison, but after his appeal, instead of lowering his sentence, judge Ryūji Yanase bumped his sentence to 20 years. The same judge also increased the sentenced for two bore boys who appealed. One didn’t so his sentence stayed as was. Either way, they’re all in their late 30′s and all out of jail.

Jo Kamisaku (not his real name), who was released in August 1999 went back to prison in July 2004 for 7 years for the beating of a guy he thought was luring his girlfriend away from him.

Because forensic examiners found sperm and pubic hair of other people on the corpse of Junko Furuta, few more names were linked to her torture and murder:
  • Kōichi Ihara
  • Tetsuo Nakamura 

Junko Furuta’s Story in Popular Culture

Torture and murder of Junko Furuta sparked international outrage and her case inspired several movies and a manga illustrated by Kamata Youji. The most noteworthy movie is Joshikôsei konkuriito-dume satsujin-jiken  aka Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case which was released in 1995. The movie was directed by Katsuya Matsumura and starred Yujin Kitagawa, member of the band Yuzu as the main culprit.

A 2004 independently produced Japanese film Concrete  is also based on the events leading to the murder of Junko Furuta. At least three books were written by Japanese authors who were inspired by the case. There are some that the whole story behind Junko Furuta’s torture and murder is a hoax but it’s definitely not the case. This horrible crime definitely happened, this is not a hoax.

Test Tube Burger To Be Served In London

Test Tube Burger To Be Served In London
In the summer of 2011, Mark Post, a professor of physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, made headlines when he first began to discuss the real possibilities of creating a test tube burger. Though Post claims these burgers will be important to remove some of the dependence humans have on livestock for food, many were unable to get past headlines which bore the phrase “Test-tube Burger.”

With some monetary help from the Dutch government and tens of thousands of bovine stem cells, Post’s in-vitro burger is nearly ready to be cooked and served at an event in London next month. Post plans to garnish the burger with only salt and pepper to allow taste testers the chance to get a sense of the meat’s flavor. According to the Register, Post has said that early “informal taste tests” of the meat found that it tastes “reasonably good.”

The meat consists of 20,000 thin strips of meat tissue which has been grown from stem cells. This meat is extremely lean, and this absence of fat is likely to blame – at least in part – for its alleged mediocre flavor. Not surprisingly, the meat is also incredibly expensive. All told, a single patty of this in-vitro meat is said to have cost nearly $325,000 to produce. Each patty is roughly the same size as a Burger King Whopper or McDonald’s Big Mac, and only those who have been specifically chosen for the event will be able to chow down on Post’s burger later next month.

Post says he expects people to have a negative reaction to his meat when they first hear about it or even taste it. Yet it’s something he’s willing to endure for the good of the planet. The beef industry has been criticized for damaging delicate ecosystems and the earth’s atmosphere. Between the methane that flatulent cows produce and the fuel used to cart the cows and their meat products around, there’s plenty of gas released into the air just to deliver a hamburger to your table.

What’s more, Post believes that one day soon there will not be enough beef to feed a growing mass of humans. This burger is simply the first step towards a solution for a possible food-shortage crisis. The Dutch researcher is also ready to face some questions about the safety and potential health risks or benefits of his meat.

“I see the major hurdles, probably better than anybody else,” he said, according to the New York Times.

“But you’ve got to have faith in technological advances, that they will be solved. If it can be done more efficiently, there’s no reason why it can’t be cheaper,” he said.

“It has to be done using the right materials, introducing recycling into the system, controlling labor through automation.”

Test Tube Burger To Be Served In London

It’s important to note that Post’s burger is made from 100 percent beef products, which may cause some to squirm. The stem cells were harvested from the neck of a cow on its way to slaughter, then grown in fetal calf serum and other materials used to recreate tissue.

Post isn’t shy about his intentions to rid the world of its dependence on beef, telling the Register: “If we can reduce the global herd a millionfold, then I’m happy. I don’t need to reduce it a billionfold.”

He isn’t the first to grow meat for eating in test tubes, however. In 2009, scientists were able to grow strips of pork using the same method. After eating it, the scientists said it was not at all appetizing, stating that it was grayish colored and had the consistency of calamari.


Deuterium In The Philippines may Generate $30B Per Year Income


Deuterium In The Philippines may Generate $30B Per Year Income  

 International Press Release
 By: (name of proponent withheld)
 Metro Manila , Philippines

HYDROGEN from Water was predicted by Jules Verne in 1874 to be the fuel of the future. During World War II, Germany used V-2 Rocket Bombs propelled by HYDROGEN. Now, Dr. Jacob Bigeleisen discovered that at room temperature or under atmospheric condition, DEUTERIUM ATOMS are electrolyzed naturally out of water in the form of HYDROGEN gas. This natural phenomenal process needs no expensive electric power consuming electrolysis to artificially separate HYDROGEN from OXYGEN in Water.

What is DEUTERIUM? Deuterium is HEAVY WATER or HYDROGEN WATER without oxygen. This is obtained from the deep trenches of the World and the World’s largest DEPOSIT OF DEUTERIUM is IN THE PHILIPPINES– A big deposit of 868 miles long, 52 miles at widest point, and 3 miles at deepest point, replenished by nature 24 hours a day after Deuterium traveled more than 12,000 kilometers from Central America to the Philippines through the span of the Pacific Ocean when Planet Earth turns on its axis from West to East in unending perpetual motion.


Deuterium is used in the production of (Hydrogen) Li-Hy Fuel now used in Canada , America , Germany and some parts of Sweden to provide fuel for cars, trucks, jet planes, etc. including solid Hydrogen for Spacecrafts Challenger and Columbia . Deuterium can replace gasoline, LPG, LNG, Avgas, etc. in powering all types of internal combustion engines. It does not emit pollutants or any harmful carbon monoxide and does not cause any environmental problems because it is in the water family as emissions are nothing but water vapor or steam. Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel can be used for cooking, lighting, heating, and as Heavy Water fuel for Reactors in electric power generation.
Why does Deuterium electrolyze out of water in the form of Hydrogen Gas? It electrolyzes out of water in the form of Hydrogen gas because Deuterium is CONCENTRATED HYDROGEN with element symbol, H2 (Hydrogen mass of 2 as distinguished from H2O in Water) subjected to the pressure of water mass at the ocean floor of about 10,000 psi or more because Deuterium obtained from depths of more than 7,000 meters below sea level and at more than 10,000 psi pressure causes the oxygen in water to disengage, separate and escape naturally from hydrogen leaving only Hydrogen isotopes to combine with other Hydrogen isotopes in forming Deuterium under pressure. And Deuterium under pressure, when exposed to room temperature or atmospheric condition, forms or electrolyzes naturally into Hydrogen Gas, in the same manner that LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) in LIQUID state transform into gas after fusion process with air in the atmosphere the moment LPG or LNG tank valves are turned on or opened. By taking out impurities from Deuterium, Li-Hy Fuel is produced by special simple process at very, very low cost known to this proponent and his associates. Cheap Hydrogen will reactivate all idled Hydrogen Based Industries internationally affected by high petroleum costs, and this will boost food, chemical, and metal industries worldwide.


Through intensive research and development on oceanographic data and processes with foreign associates, the proponent discovered that concentrated Hydrogen exists only about one centimeter thick in every 3,000 meters deep of water mass at the ocean floor.
Because Deuterium more than twice the weight of ordinary water, it sinks and in the process, OXYGEN separates naturally from Hydrogen when the pressure becomes about 10,000 psi or more. The usual ocean floor depth ranges between 2,000 meters to 3,000 meters. With the Philippine Trench at 7,000 meters to 10,500 meters deep, Deuterium is naturally trapped through the ages untapped by man through this day, replenished by nature through the North Equatorial Current Tidal Flow from more than 12,000 kilometers away in Central America to the Philippines hitting the Philippine Trench


 The one and only Trench with the widest and longest resource flow of Deuterium in the whole world!

This proponent presented in March 1986 the Deuterium Project to the Philippines and American Governments in his desire to help the People of the Philippines and its Government, by introducing an internationally accepted production-sharing scheme. This is the 40/40/20 production-sharing scheme. 40% of daily production revenue goes to the Government, 40% goes to the Investors, and 20% is retained or set aside to cover the cost of security, operation, management, administration, salaries and wages, materials, supplies, repairs and maintenance, and other operation costs.

The Philippine Government would not put in any investment funds but the following:

1) Land and Export Processing Zone or EPSA;
2) Tax and Duty Free Operation, and
3) Security of Investments with Government Guarantee

There are several lands belonging to the Government along the areas of proposed sites. The Law on Export Processing Zone can be used to declare selected sites as EPSA, the Law providing a built-in Tax and Duty Free arrangements with the Government. The Security of Investments are provided for by the Omnibus Investment Act, the Investments Law, the Constitution of the Philippines (past, present, and proposed) guarantee the Constitutional Rights to Properties and Due Process, including just compensation. The Government MUST GUARANTEE enforcement of these laws.

Foreign Investors have been informed that all funds would have to be provided by them on the following items:

1) Funds for Research and Development;
2) Mobilization Costs and Recruitment;
3) Engineering, Development and Construction Costs;
4) Equipment, Pumping, Storage, Loading facilities and other industrial project costs

The 20% production sharing revenue would be set aside and be used for Security, Management, Administration, salaries and wages, materials, supplies, transportation and housing personnel, food, medical supplies, and other operational costs in order to preserve and not disturb the 40% production revenue sharing for each of the Government, and the Investors’ shares. By maintaining this production revenue sharing ratio, future disagreements and irritants are avoided. A built-in protection for the Government and the Investors, which is strongly recommended by the proponent on the basis of the ARAMCO experience.


Using the ARAMCO experience since the 1950s for rapid development, the
foreign investors shall have the first option to buy or sell the daily production of Deuterium at preset price of US$7.00 per barrel. This would give a marketable Gas Station Retail Price of only Php0.90 or US$0.45 per liter or US$0.15 per gallon of Li-Hy Fuel from Deuterium. In effect, the investors buy, after discounting their 40% sharing or at 40% less, at only US$4.20 per barrel giving them more flexibility on their international market pricing policies.

This Hydrogen Fuel gives twice the mileage economy of gasoline or LPG/LNG fed cars. Old gasoline fed cars can be converted to Li-Hy Fuel use by utilizing the same conversion kits used in converting gasoline fed engines to LPG/LNG fed units. Brand new cars have been made to use LPG/LNG fuel more than ten years ago and the same car engines can use Li-Hy Fuel.

In Japan and Canada , there are about 78% brand new cars running on LNG or LPG. The same brand new units can use Li-Hy Fuel, which is more economical fuel than any other available in the international market today. Hydrogen Fuel does not emit any pollutants or harmful carbon monoxide but steam or water vapor.

Deuterium In The Philippines may Generate $30B Per Year Income


This proponent conducted intensive studies on Research, Development, Philippine Investments Law, Corporation Code, organization, security, management,administration, operation, marketing, including the breakthrough in Pump Technology with his associates.
This breakthrough in Pump Technology will use Hydrodynamic Power in pumping Deuterium from more than 7,000 meters below sea level.

The U.S. Government sent an Investment Mission last June 1986 to the Philippines and initial conferences were held with Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) of Washington , D.C. , USA with the participation of Government Officials and private businessmen in Manila . A meeting with Trade and Industry Minister Jose Concepcion was held during President Corazon C. Aquino’s trip to USA last September 1986. Another meeting is scheduled this December 1986 in Washington D.C. with Deputy
Minister Tomas Alcantara. Major U.S. investors are expected to attend and participate. OPIC Mission has scheduled a series of February 1987 conferences in Manila with Deuterium Project as the banner line of publication agenda. International Investors are expected to attend the technical presentation conferences in Manila in 1987.

The Japanese Group of Investors is composed of the top eight industrial companies, which will form a consortium to undertake a 4 million barrels capacity per day of Deuterium production.

A Saudi Group visited the Philippines in September and October 1986 and was interested in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity of Deuterium.

With the two top U.S. oil companies interested in a 6 million barrels capacity, Japanese investors in a 4 million barrels capacity, and the Saudi Group in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity, the total prospective investors inquiries so far received is 12 million barrels daily production. The Philippines can supply all the requirements of the WHOLE WORLD in Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel and as Hydrogen for food, hemical, and metal industries worldwide.


Hydrogen from Deuterium is the fuel of the future available in the Philippines . This needs the transfer of high technology in pumping and refining processes. The proponent has developed with an American Pump Engineer a new breakthrough in pump technology using HYDRODYNAMIC POWER by employing the RAM JET SUCTION TECHNOLOGY in the same manner that Jet Planes use the RAM JET PROPULSION to propel heavy loaded jet planes today. Storage system will use the underground Tunnel Type Tanks in lieu of the surface tank farm. Loading System will use the same types as those for LPG and LNG Systems.


Subject to the refinements of cost data, project line items and other factors, the Rule of Thumb Investment Estimates is about US$200,000,000.00 for every 1,000,000 barrels daily production capacity – a very much lower Investment/Capacity ratio than Petroleum production.
At 12 million barrels per day capacity, the estimated total investment is US$2,400,000,000.00 or US$2.4 billion – the single largest industrial investment in the Philippines .


As the Feasibility Study on the Project has been started, this proponent estimates that the Deuterium Project’s combined production capacities will employ no less than 350,000 personnel of international pay rates and allowances for unskilled, semi-skilled, technical, and professional levels from the Philippines . Less than 2,000 foreign nationals will also be employed on the transfer of technology. The type of operation is the same as those in the Middle East petroleum production facilities, with the same pay rates so as not to disturb international energy pricing and economy of costs.


At 12 million barrels per day capacity priced at US$7.00 per barrel, this is US$84 million per day or US$30.66 billion per year, enough to wipe out all existing foreign debts of the Government in one year, revenue-wise in Foreign Exchange.

Public works, private construction, economic and financial booms are expected to happen in the Philippines in the same manner as those which happened in the Middle East and financial centers of the world from 1974 to 1984, with everybody earning their respective comfortable livelihood, while pricing basic prime necessities at reasonable and affordable levels.

Deuterium and Hydrogen Fuel is the final and lasting hope of the Filipino People and the Government to be great again. This untapped source of energy supply will make the Philippines one of the richest countries of the world.

Astral Travelling: A Great Guide Into The World Of Astral

Astral Projection

Probably all of you have heard of astral travel. For some of you, astral travel idea seems crazy. But astral travelling was practiced throughout history, and there are thousands of documents and scientific experiments that demonstrate that astral travel is real. People are afraid of astral travel, as “sleep paralysis” may occur (a consequence of astral travel).

Skeptics have some reasons to reject the idea of astral travel:

  1. They think that in reality astral experiences are just dreams (It is wrong, since astral travel is a really aware experiment, thousands of people confirm this).
  2. They believe that those who practice astral traveling are always under the influence of drugs or alcohol (Wrong! In fact, drug or alcohol prevents any astral travel. Moreover, there are people who do astral travelling since the early age: 6 or 12 years).
  3. They believe that those who do astral travel are doing it for advertising, money or attention. (Although there are some who do it for these purposes, most do it to enrich their spiritual experience).

There are also some who believe that astral travels are evil and satanic (which is totally wrong!). Even the Bible talks about astral travel:

“Before the silver cord breaks and the golden bowl breaks and pitcher to spoil at the spring and fountain wheel to be smashed, and before the dust returns to the earth as it was and the soul to return to God who gave it.” (Ecclesisast 12:6-7).

Silver Cord

The above passage speaks of what happens when we die.“Silver cord” represents the connection between the physical body and the astral body. When the cord is permanently broken the person dies. “The golden bow” is the 7th chakra, which is the main energy center of the body.

Next here is a technique for astral travel. For this, it is preferable that this journey is done at 4 am. Why? Because then you will not be disturbed by the environment and you will have a rested and peaceful mind. So here is what you need to do astral travel:

  1. Have an open mind. Any negative thoughts will prevent you from doing this experiment;
  2. After you get up at 4 am, get out of bed and wash your face with water;
  3. After a few minutes, go back to bed and lie down. You will probably feel tired and you want to go back to sleep;
  4. Close your eyes and clear your mind. It should be quite easy, since you have slept a few hours;
  5. Then, imagine sitting in a room somewhere, maybe somewhere in the far corner. With enthusiasm, you will see yourself sitting there. You sit there and know that your body is lying on the bed. Focus your mind around this concept;
  6. Begin to say in mind the following: “I will make astral journeys. I will leave the body.” Say this several times, imagining that you are on the other side of the room.
  7. While doing this, you will begin to slowly fall asleep. Make sure that the idea that you are on the other side of the room will stay in your mind before you fall asleep.
  8. You may experience some of the following sensations:
  • Floating;
  • Diving;
  • Vibrations;
  • White or light blue;
  • Rumble;
  • Strange noises.

Experiencing one or more of these sensations will be terrifying at first, but you should know that these are all positive signs and you have nothing to be afraid of.

First time when you are outside your body do not stay too long in this condition. Floating above the room, get used to the astral plane and then you can return your body. You can make another astral travel after 24 hours. It is possible that a guide will wait for you. This guide will oversee the journey and take you where you want.

If, after several attempts, you will not do astral travel, do not be discouraged. If you feel any of the sensations of point 8, know that you are on the right track. Think about astral travel all day. Read books on astral traveling, try them every night. And you see that eventually you will manage to succeed in astral journeys.


Aliens Have Long Lived Among Us

Aliens have long lived among us
Scientists of the University of California expressed an unusual hypothesis that space aliens have long settled on Earth and live among us as observers. Of course, no evidence of this exists, but according to ancient sources, including the Bible, our planet has been visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations since its inception.
In 2000 scientists of the University of California, led by Professor Jonathan Malkisom, held a press conference, during which the sensational news that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been among humans was reported. They adopted human appearance and closely monitor our every move. “It’s like an extreme version of the camouflage found in some insects and animals. Moreover, according to historical records, there have been aliens on Earth from the beginning of creation”, says Adrian Kent, scientist at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada.
Confirmation of the words of the Canadian scientist can be found in the Book of Genesis, at the point where the confrontation of Jacob with the Almighty is described: “And Jacob remained alone; and a man wrestled with him until the rising of the dawn“.
The ancient philosophers were always looking for the answer to the question whether beings arriving from the sky are members of the same tribe as the angels? But as a rule, the answer was no, since the arriving beings were mortal, while the angels live forever.

starchild human-alien hybrid

The representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations were openly and seriously discussed for the first time only in the twentieth century, especially after the CIA declassified a small part of the archive on the so-called Roswell case, when the U.S. militaries found a crashed flying saucer and delivered its parts to the base. There is information that in addition to the unknown space object debris, the bodies of three aliens were found and taken to the base. The cause of the accident was the impact of ground radars on the navigation equipment of aliens. According to another version, the UFO was hit by lightning. There are reports that U.S. President John F. Kennedy, a few days before his death, asked the head of the CIA to provide all the materials of the study of the fallen unknown object, but he did not manage to access the most secret archives in the country.
From the 1980′s, many people started claiming that they not only had seen the appearance of a UFO in the sky, but had been inside these objects, and even had entered into contact with the aliens. One of the most famous contactees is Bulgarian prophet Vanga. “Sometimes one of the aliens takes my hand. They communicate only with a few inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us “, said Vanga about her contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
What do aliens want on Earth? There is only a hypothesis, which was stated by British scientist Timothy Good in his book Beyond Top Secret: Worldwide UFO Security Threat: “The Earth is no longer an “intermediate base”. They have settled here a good long time“.
In January 2011, British scientists announced the need to prepare for emergency meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization, and even suggested the creation of a special committee at the UN.
However, even if the contact ever happens, who can guarantee that it will not end fatally, and the aliens will not destroy all humans.

Dan Brown calls Manila 'gates of hell' in novel


MANILA, Philippines -- While travel magazines have recently been citing the Philippines as a tropical paradise, American author Dan Brown seems to think otherwise based on his much-anticipated new novel.

In "Inferno," the fourth part in Harvard art professor Robert Langdon’s adventures, one of the characters goes through "the gates of hell" in Manila.

The description of the city is from the first-hand account of one of the fictional characters, the messianic Dr. Sienna Brooks.

Brooks, who has been working with humanitarian groups, went to the Philippines for a mission to supposedly feed poor fishermen and farmers on the countryside.

She expected the Philippines to be  a “wonderland of geological beauty, with vibrant seabeds and dazzling plains.”

Upon setting foot in Manila, however, Brooks could only "gape in horror" as "she had never seen poverty on this scale."

She said her “dark depression” flooded back, with pictures of poverty and crime flashing through her eyes.

“For every one person Sienna fed, there were hundreds more who gazed at her with desolate eyes,” the book read.

One after the other, the book described chaotic Manila: "six-hour traffic jams, suffocating pollution, horrifying sex trade."

The book described the sex industry as consisting mostly of young children “many of whom had been sold to pimps by parents who took solace in knowing that at least their children would be fed.”

“All around her, she could see humanity overrun by its primal instinct for survival…When they face desperation…human beings become animals,” the book read.

The book went on to detail a turning point in Brooks’ life. “I’ve run through the gates of hell,” she said.

Traumatized, Brooks “left the Philippines at once, without even saying goodbye to the other members of the group.”

This is not the first time that the Philippines’ so-called ugly side was described in novels and movies.

Hollywood actress Claire Danes got a lot of bad press when she shot her 1999 movie "Brokedown Palace" in the Philippines. She described Manila as smelling "of cockroaches. There’s no sewage system in Manila, and people have nothing there. People with, like, no arms, no legs, no eyes, no teeth.”

She was later declared persona non grata.

Last year, actor Taylor Kitsch created a controversy when he described his “airport nightmare” supposedly in the Philippines to TV talk show host David Letterman, claiming an immigration officer even tried to take his iPhone. It turned out that Kitsch was actually talking about Indonesia but did not bother to correct his statement despite the social media backlash.

Tourism officials have been trying to bring to boost the image of the Philippines with its catchy phrase, “More Fun in the Philippines.” The Department of Tourism reported an increase in tourist arrivals last year.

The Philippines also had its fair share of praise from Hollywood when stars Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz spoke about their experiences shooting "The Bourne Legacy" in the country last year.

Just last week, Vin Diesel was seen roaming around town in a jeepney.

The impact of Dan Brown’s "Inferno" remains to be seen. While a work of fiction, Brown again provides an introduction that confuses the ordinary reader about what's true and what's not -- just like in his popular novel "The Da Vinci Code."

“Inferno” is his take on Dante Alighieri’s "The Divine Comedy."


Researcher arrested for exposing Sandy Hook truth

A researcher has been arrested with a $50,000 bail for simply investigating Newtown. This is concrete evidence that they have a lot to hide. We will be doing everything we can to spread the message and free Scotty! More information will come as it happens.

It’s for real this time. A Sandy Hook researcher is in serious trouble for exposing the truth. Please spread the next message in any way you can.

Jonathan Reich, better known on YouTube as Scott or Scotty Walker, has been arrested for his activities in exposing the truth behind the Sandy Hook event. He made some of the most groundbreaking videos of the Sandy Hook investigation. His YouTube channel was shut down three times and he returned each time with a different name.

Jonathan is 22 years old and taking the fall for the Sandy Hook truth. His bond was set at 50 thousand dollar and his court date is June 5th, in Connecticut. He has done nothing unconstitutional. This is Lt. Vance his threat being carried out! Jonathan is the first to go down. The arrest report is linked below in the description.

Some of you may recall his video wherein he disguised his voice and called the office of Wayne Carver, Medical Examiner. He made the call to ask questions based on the fact that Carver was involved in a cover-up. Carver assisted in passing a law one year before the Sandy Hook event, sealing all future pediatric homicide reports from the public! This, in effect, allows his office to distort records or even fake deaths. The call was also made to ask why Noah Pozner’s mother stated that Noah was not autopsied on her request, but Carver said he did autopsy Noah.

At no point did Jonathan threaten Carver with any personal injury. He only spoke with the secretary and he simply let her know that people are aware there was a cover-up and lies being told by Carver’s administration. As Vance said, “anyone who contacts the people of Newtown will be arrested”. It has happened to Jonathan Reich. Please spread this message throughout the entire research community. This is wrong. Jonathan’s charges should be cleared.


Pope to 'intolerant' Catholics: Good atheists exist


Having blasted a self-centered Catholic Church, Pope Francis on Wednesday, May 22, criticized “intolerant” believers who think, “If he is not one of us, he cannot do good.”

The Pope said all human beings, whom God created, “have this commandment at heart: do good and do not do evil.” He stressed this applies to “all of us.”

“'But Father, this is not Catholic! He cannot do good.' Yes, he can. He must. Not can: must! Because he has this commandment within him,” Francis said in Wednesday's homily at the Domus Santae Martae, his modest papal residence.

The Pope, who has consistently urged the Church to “come out of herself,” said intolerance will do the Church no good.

“Instead, this 'closing off' that imagines that those outside, everyone, cannot do good is a wall that leads to war and also to what some people throughout history have conceived of: killing in the name of God. And that, simply, is blasphemy. To say that you can kill in the name of God is blasphemy.”

'Let's meet'

Despite differences between believers and non-believers, he said their common denominator is doing good. He said the commandment to uphold goodness is a “beautiful path towards peace.”

“If we, each doing our own part, if we do good to others, if we meet there, doing good, and we go slowly, gently, little by little, we will make that culture of encounter: we need that so much. We must meet one another doing good,” Francis said.

He continued, with an atheist's possible response in mind: “'But I don't believe, Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: we will meet one another there.”

The first Latin American and Jesuit pontiff, Francis leads the Catholic Church at a time of rising radicalism and intolerance among believers of various faiths.

In the Philippines, intolerance is also prevalent among Catholics, particularly in debates over policy. The reproductive health law, for instance, has pit anti-RH Catholics against those who support the measure, resulting in word wars that invoked the name of God. 

British Muslims denounced the Woolwich attack on Twitter


The Muslim Council of Britain has condemned the alleged beheading of a British soldier in Woolwich, calling the attack "barbaric" and one that has "no basis in Islam".

The man, who is believed to have served in the armed forces, was hacked to death in broad daylight by alleged Islamist extremists who reportedly raised religious slogans. Witness accounts confirm a strong political and religious motive to the brutal attack, but authorities have not yet officially responded.

"This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family. We understand that the victim is a serving member of the armed forces. Muslims have long served in this country's armed forces, proudly and with honour," said a statement from the Council.

It adds: "This attack on a member of the armed forces is dishonourable, and no cause justifies this murder. This action will no doubt heighten tensions on the streets of the United Kingdom. We call on all our communities, Muslim and non-Muslim, to come together in solidarity to ensure the forces of hatred do no prevail."

Meanwhile, anti-Muslim sentiments are surfacing in certain parts of the UK and two men have been arrested for attacking mosques in separate incidents.

A 43-year-old man has been detained by the police on suspicion of attempted arson after allegedly entering a mosque with a knife in Braintree, Sussex.

Another man was also arrested in Gillingham, Kent, for allegedly smashing windows and bookcases, which contained copies of the Quran, in a mosque.


British Muslims also denounced the Woolwich murder and have taken to Twitter to voice disgust over the idea that Islam could have been be invoked in such a barbaric act. Here are a few of them:


High School Student Faces 20 Years for Singing a Rap about Obama!

High school teen Cameron D’Ambrosio was arrested on terror charges and faces up to 20 years in prison for a rap in which he made threats against the White House and mentioned the Boston bombings.

“He posted a threat in the form of rap where he mentioned the White House, the Boston Marathon bombing, and said ‘everybody you will see what I am going to do, kill people,” Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon told the Valley Patriot.

In addition to the threats made against the White House, D’Ambrosio also posted a “Wanted: Dead or Alive” poster of himself and made remarks such as “Fuck politics, Fuck Obama and Fuck the government!!”

D’Ambrosio was arrested after another student brought the post to the attention of school administrators, who immediately contacted police.

“I do want to make clear he did not make a specific threat against the school or any particular individuals but he did threaten to kill a bunch of people and specifically mentioned the Boston Marathon and the White House. The threat was disturbing enough for us to act and I think our officers did the right thing,” said Solomon.

According to Solomon, D’Ambrosio faces up to 20 years in prison for making terroristic threats under MGL. Ch. 269, Section 14. His bail has been set at $1 million dollars.

While no one can excuse the threats made by D’Ambrosio, the case underscores how authorities are increasingly focusing on social media in an attempt to track down violent rhetoric.

But while D’Ambrosio faces 20 years in jail for threatening Obama, not a single Obama supporter who threatened to assassinate Mitt Romney during the 2012 election campaign was charged with any kind of felony.

As we documented at the time, hundreds of Obama voters took to Twitter to make violent threats against Romney and his supporters with little response from the authorities.

The video below, taken from D’Ambrosio’s YouTube channel, illustrates the amateur nature of his work and how his threats were more likely the product of a bored teenager rather than a terrorist mastermind.

Why Eating Tilapia is Dangerous To Your Health?


Eating Tilapia is Worse Than Eating Bacon


I’ve written before about the dangers of farmed fish. Most people agree that eating fish is a healthier option for us. And the truth is, it really is! Fish is a low fat, high protein food that has a range of health benefits. However, given what we know of fish and its sources today, I need to clarify the myth that all fish is healthy.

Fish may not always be good for you. Fish can either be incredibly healthy or detrimental to our health, depending on where it’s sourced. There’s a world of difference between fish caught in the wild, and farm bred or farm-raised fish.

The most common types of farm-raised fish are:
  • Salmon
  • Carp
  • Tilapia
  • Sea bass
  • Catfish
  • Cod
Why is Farm Raised Fish So Bad for You?

1. Can Cause Inflammation

Farm raised Tilapia has always been a popular source for fish, not only because it’s widely available in the US, but it’s also very inexpensive. It’s known in the food business as “aquatic chicken” because it breeds easily and tastes bland. Tilapia is the perfect factory fish; it happily eats pellets made largely of corn and soy and gains weight rapidly, easily converting a diet that resembles cheap chicken feed into low-cost seafood. Recent studies have concluded that eating

Tilapia may worsen inflammation which can lead to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and a world of other serious health problems. People who have started eating more fish as a way to get their dose of omega-3-fatty-acids and lessen their risk of heart attacks should avoid Tilapia. In fact, scientists have found that the inflammatory potential of Tilapia is greater than that of a hamburger or pork bacon!

2. Contains Cancer Causing Pollutants

Farm bred fish may have at least 10 times the cancer causing pollutants compared to the wild variety. This can most likely be attributed to the feeds used on farm-raised fish. Chicken feces is one of the main ingredients in farm fish feed. Not only that, the transfer of pig and duck waste to fish farms is also a very common practice.

3. Contains Antibiotics and Pesticides

Where do farm bred fish get their antibiotics? The crowded conditions of fish farms cause the fish to be more susceptible to disease. To keep them alive, farm owners give antibiotics to the fish to stave off disease. Farm bred fish are also treated with pesticides to combat sea lice. The pesticides used to treat these fish are so deadly that they have been found to kill wild salmon that are accidentally exposed to them. These pesticides are also eventually released in the ocean where they get into the bodies and systems of other marine life.

4. Low Levels of Nutrients

Many of us consume fish, hoping to reap the omega-3 fatty acid benefits that come with it. However, did you know that the omega-3-acids found in farm raised fish are less usable to our bodies compared to wild bred fish, and they also have a lower protein content. Not only that, because farm raised fish are kept in cages, they have the tendency to contain more fat, and can have a higher concentration of omega-6 acids. The problem with getting too much omega 3 and omega 6 acids is that they may cause inflammation to the body

5. Contains Toxic Chemicals

Dibutylin levels (toxic chemical used in PVC plastics) is said to be 6 times higher in farm raised mussels compared to wild ones. Dibutylin is toxic and can impair immune system function while also contributing to inflammation. Dibutylin may be the reason why we’ve seen a rise in asthma, obesity, allergies and other metabolic disorders in the recent years.

6. Contains Even MORE Toxic Chemicals

Dioxin levels (toxic chemical) are 11 times higher in farm bred salmon compared to wild salmon. Dioxin is actually a very toxic chemical that can contribute to cancer and other complications. The problem with dioxin is that once it enters our system, it can take a very long time until it is let out. The half life of dioxin is about 7 to 11 years.

This is why I only eat Wild Caught fish like Wild Sockeye Salmon. Wild caught salmon is loaded with Omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA, and has incredible health benefits. Plus, Salmon contains astaxanthin (A metabolic building block) which has been shown to be 6,000 times more powerful than Vitamin D at absorbing free radicals.

To see all the fish I recommend, check out my free Healing Food Shopping List. If you’re not eating Salmon or another wild caught fish once daily, then I recommend taking a high quality fish oil that contains astaxanthin, like Oceans 3.

Where to Get Wild Caught Fish

1. Local Health Food Stores, Whole Foods. Be careful though, because “wild caught” can be a loosely used term, so ask. Kroger and Publix are starting to carry more organic and wild caught items.

2. Online. This works great for me because I know exactly where my fish is sourced from plus it shows up at my door. This is why I prefer to order wild caught fish online. I trust Vital Choice, it’s where I order my wild caught Salmon and other fish from.


Unwholesome India: Indians Dump Dead Body In The River

Unwholesome India: Indians Dump Dead Body In The River

The Ganges or Ganga, is the largest river in India. It is 2.525 km long and crosses the whole country. The Ganges basin is the most heavily populated river basin in the world, with over 400 million people. It’s the most sacred river to Hindus and is also a lifeline to millions of Indians who live along its course and depend on it for their daily needs.

No place along her banks is more longed for at the moment of death by Hindus than Varanasi. It is the holiest place in Hinduism and often referred to as “the holy city of India“. Those who are lucky enough to die in Varanasi, are cremated on the banks of the Ganges & granted instant salvation. There are exceptions; pregnant women, children, holy people and people who died from a snake bite are not cremated but are lowered into the river. Sooner or later they will show up at the surface again … Everything might be holy in Varanasi but nobody bothers if a dead body floats by … and they float by quite often. This is something we have never seen before but it’s nothing special in India. We would say: “dawn of the dead reality show daily from your hotel terrace.

To some of you, this shot might be too much for posting here but this is the brutal reality. So, this also means that there’s a lot pollution; the Ganges suffers from extreme pollution levels. Sewage from many cities along the river’s course, industrial waste and religious offerings wrapped in non-degradable plastics add large amounts of pollutants to the river as it flows through densely populated areas. The problem is that many poor people rely on the river on a daily basis for bathing, washing, and cooking.The people in Varanasi don’t seem to care about the pollutio


Dead Body at India River

Dead Body at Ganges River

Dead Body at Ganges River

Dead Body at Ganges River


 Ganges River

Dead Body at Ganges River

Dead Body at Ganges River

Mysterious Round Holes Discovered in Russia


Residents of Novoselovo district in the Krasnoyarsk region have come across a mysterious phenomenon in the field. They discovered several tunnels of unknown origin in an area located some 100 meters away from the highway connecting the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Abakan , in the vicinity of the village of Kurgany, Siberian News Agency reports.

There are about 10 holes in the field. Each hole has an entrance to a cave-like hollow place in the earth. Some of the tunnels are big enough for a person of medium height to stand up straight. According to one of the suppositions, all the underground passages are interconnected in a network. A few daredevils equipped with flashlights attempted walking across the tunnels.

Local residents have a number of theories to explain the origin of the tunnels. Some people believe the tunnels are the work of unidentified pranksters, others blame mysterious animals which reportedly dig holes in the ground. According to yet another theory, the tunnels may somehow be related to an earthquake that occurred in the area.

Krasnoyarsk scientists have not yet made any official statements as to the explanation of the phenomenon.


Climate Change Will 'Make Millions Homeless'

Carbon dioxide levels indicate rise in temperatures that could lead agriculture to fail on entire continents.

It is increasingly likely that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced from their homelands in the near future as a result of global warming. That is the stark warning of economist and climate change expert Lord Stern following the news last week that concentrations of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere had reached a level of 400 parts per million (ppm).

Massive movements of people are likely to occur over the rest of the century because global temperatures are likely to rise to by up to 5C because carbon dioxide levels have risen unabated for 50 years, said Stern, who is head of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change.

"When temperatures rise to that level, we will have disrupted weather patterns and spreading deserts," he said. "Hundreds of millions of people will be forced to leave their homelands because their crops and animals will have died. The trouble will come when they try to migrate into new lands, however. That will bring them into armed conflict with people already living there. Nor will it be an occasional occurrence. It could become a permanent feature of life on Earth."

The news that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have reached 400ppm has been seized on by experts because that level brings the world close to the point where it becomes inevitable that it will experience a catastrophic rise in temperatures. Scientists have warned for decades of the danger of allowing industrial outputs of carbon dioxide to rise unchecked.

Instead, these outputs have accelerated. In the 1960s, carbon dioxide levels rose at a rate of 0.7ppm a year. Today, they rise at 2.1ppm, as more nations become industrialised and increase outputs from their factories and power plants. The last time the Earth's atmosphere had 400ppm carbon dioxide, the Arctic was ice-free and sea levels were 40 metres higher.

The prospect of Earth returning to these climatic conditions is causing major alarm. As temperatures rise, deserts will spread and life-sustaining weather patterns such as the North Indian monsoon could be disrupted. Agriculture could fail on a continent-wide basis and hundreds of millions of people would be rendered homeless, triggering widespread conflict.

There are likely to be severe physical consequences for the planet. Rising temperatures will shrink polar ice caps – the Arctic's is now at its lowest since records began – and so reduce the amount of solar heat they reflect back into space. Similarly, thawing of the permafrost lands of Alaska, Canada and Russia could release even more greenhouse gases, including methane, and further intensify global warming.


Parallel Pyramids Across The Pacific: Did Aliens Contacted the Builders of Both Pyramids?

Take note of the two twin pyramids below—in particular, their similarities:

Left: Scholars credit the Khmer Empire (9 – 13 AD) with building Baksei, as well as dozens of other temples and complexes in the region. Based in what is now Cambodia the empire flourished from the 9th to the 13th century. Right: The Temple of the Masks in present-day Mexico.

The temples are strikingly similar, but the builders of each were completely unrelated to each other: the Khmer and the Mayans were separated by the Pacific ocean, yet the Khmer’s Baksei (left) and the Mayan’s Temple of the Masks (right) are nearly identical. This is evidence of a deeper symmetry of religion, cultures, and traditions that are the same despite the vast distance separating the two cultures, a difference scholars have thus far ignored.

The correspondences in just these photos alone are remarkable: the number three, for example, seems to be the focus of both stepped pyramids, which have three main platforms or steps. Additionally, there is a fourth, smaller step located atop the third step in both pyramids, reachable by a much smaller set of stairs:

The stairways leading to the temple tops of both pyramids are extremely steep, to the point that tourists visiting both of these temples often require a long rope stretching from the top of the monuments to the bottom. This precaution, a necessary one, alleviates much of the danger of climbing such steep stairways:

There are still many other parallels shared by the Maya and Khmer cultures. Both employed corbelled arches in their architecture. These corbelled arches seem to have served both a symbolic as well as functional purpose.

Furthermore, the cultures also created parallel stone sculptures with similar stylized patterns. Perhaps most amazing of all, however, is that both cultures clearly shared the same religion, separated by the vast Pacific but nevertheless written into the stone architecture of their respective temples:

In addition to the pyramids, Triptych temples are found on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, a fact not yet understood by academia.


China Expands Its Sphere in the South Pacific

China warships

China is once again working to expand its reach in the South China Sea. Its latest target is the Philippines. Recently China sailed a warship, two surveillance vessels and fishing boats into an area occupied by the Philippines’ military, causing an outcry from Philippine officials on Tuesday last week. While this small conglomerate of ships may pose little immediate threat, this is just the latest step in China’s expansion in the Pacific.

The controversial area these vessels entered was the Ayungin Shoal in the province of Palawan, a shoal that is part of the heavily contested Spratly Islands. According to the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs, the shoal is part of Philippine territory as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (unclos). However, these islands are also claimed by China, Brunei, Vietnam and Malaysia.

While this intrusion prompted Filipino President Benigno Aquino iii to announce plans to upgrade the country’s aging navy, China isn’t planning to wait around for that; it has already been busy making its presence felt in the island region. China is said to have recently been constructing military structures in the Union Bank, a group of islands that are also within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines as defined by unclos. China has also established itself on a number of other islands in the region, including Mischief Reef and Subi Reef.

While the Spratly Islands have been contested for decades, this is the second time in less than a year that China has made headlines over territorial disputes. Late last year, China and Japan butted heads over the Diaoyu islands (called Senkaku in Japan), a dispute that is still ongoing.

The implications of these advances go far beyond just territorial acquisition. This is yet another move to expose America’s unwillingness to face Chinese expansion.

China Expands Its Sphere in the South Pacific

Sounds extreme?

The United States has an agreement with both Japan and the Philippines that says it will come to their aid should they be attacked. But right now, the U.S. has no desire to commit to another war, especially against such a power as China. The Philippines can talk big as much as it wants, but without the backing of the U.S., it knows it doesn’t stand a chance in a conflict with China.

But why should America care about a nation like the Philippines? Should America even be concerned with the Pacific?

The Philippines is America’s first line of defense against an attack from Asia. After the Philippines, all there is are small, inconsequential island chains, followed by Hawaii. Beyond that, it’s a straight shot to the American coast.

The Philippines is vital to controlling the Pacific. World War ii proves that. Back then, the U.S. didn’t see the importance of defending the Philippines, but Gen. Douglas MacArthur was there, calling for America to intervene against Japan. You can see this history and the importance of the Philippines in the recent Key of David Web Exclusive “Japan Wants Military—U.S. Yawns, Ignores History.” Sadly, nothing has changed since World War ii. Just as America did not realize the strategic importance of the Philippines back then, it doesn’t fully appreciate it today. Only now, America doesn’t have a General MacArthur to wake us from our stupor.

Don’t expect the Chinese to back down from any of these disputes. Who’s going to stop them?


Amazing Story of a Man Who Survived Being Buried 40 Days

Amazing Story of a Man Who Survived Being Buried 40 Days

According to a fascinating report printed in the London Telegraph in 1880, a man was buried ‘in a condition of apparent death’ for 40 days and survived. No tricks or tomfoolery were involved, so how did he do it?

It’s often the case that when someone professes to be able do something remarkable, that great gift of human nature kicks in – skepticism. So when Maharajah Ranjeet Singh heard from an Indian fakir who claimed he could come back to life after being buried for several months in an apparent state of death, the Maharajah could only reply with one statement – proof or it didn’t happen.

At once, the fakir, named Haridas, was summonsed before the Maharajah – who regarded the idea as possibly fraudulent – to act out exactly how he could accomplish this amazing feat.

In full view of the Maharajah and nobles of the court, within a short time, the fakir appeared comatosed. One of the witnesses at the time, an Honorable Captain Osborn, made his own account of the event:

“When every spark of life had seemingly vanished, he was … wrapped up in the linen on which he had been sitting, and on which the seal of Ranjeet Sing was placed. The body was then deposited in a chest, on which Ranjeet Sing, with his own hand, fixed a heavy padlock. The chest was carried outside the town and buried in a garden belonging to the Minister; barley was sown over the spot, a wall created around it, and sentinels posted.”

So was the mistrust of the Maharajah.

The familiar image of a fakir on a bed of nail
 The familiar image of a fakir on a bed of nail

After 40 days the fakir was exhumed and the chest opened. The man, although cold, was in the exact same condition as he was in 40 days previously. Revived by having heat applied to the head, his body rubbed and warm air blown into his ears and mouth, the fakir returned to a full state of consciousness.

A second eye witness account by a Sir Claude Wade, present to detect any signs of fraud, better explain the fakir’s resuscitation:

“I proposed to Runjeet Singh to tear open the bag and have a perfect view of the body before any means of resuscitation were employed. I accordingly did so; and may here remark that the bag when first seen by us looked mildewed, as if it had been buried some time.

The arms and legs of the body were shriveled and stiff, the face full, the head reclined on the shoulder like that of a corpse. I then called to the medical gentleman who was attending me to come down and inspect the body, which he did, but could discover no pulsation in the heart, the temples or the arms. There was, however, a heat about the region of the brain which no other part exhibited.

The servant then commenced bathing him with hot water, and gradually relaxing his arms and legs from the rigid state in which they were contracted, Runjeet Singh taking his right and I his left leg, to aid by friction in restoring them to their proper action… The servant then put some of the ghee on his tongue and made him swallow it.

A few minutes afterward the eyeballs became dilated, and recovered their natural color, when the Fakir recognized Runjeet Singh sitting close to him, and articulated in a low sepulchral tone, “Do you believe me now?””

The Maharajah did indeed believe him and presented the fakir with gifts of a pearl necklace, gold bracelets and pieces of silk and muslin, those that are normally reserved for people of distinction.

How did the fakir manage to survive being buried for 40 days?

For a long time there have been claims that fakirs, yogis and shamen can control their physiological condition by mind power alone. Reports from 1925 suggest an Egyptian man, Tahra Bey, could increase his heart rate to 140 beats per minute (bpm) and slow it down to 40 bpm, or sometimes stop it completely. And in 1974, a jujuman from Togo in West Africa was buried in a coffin, covered with concrete slabs and layers of mortar. Just as the onlookers began to panic and pleaded with authorities to help him out, the man emerged unscathed. He said his secret was meditating for long periods of time underground.

Fakirs are known to be able to walk on fire without getting burnt
Fakirs are known to be able to walk on fire without getting burnt

Hadrias, the Maharajah’s fakir, revealed he purged his digestive system some time before the internment and drank only small quantities of milk on the days leading up to the display. On the day he was to be buried he swallowed a strip of linen three fingers wide and 30 yards long, which he withdrew immediately, to clean out his stomach. These pre-theatrics, and a knack for in depth meditation, meant the fakir survived.

On another occasion, the same fakir was buried for a period of four months, this time his beard was shaved off just beforehand, and when he was dug up again his chin was as smooth as the day he was buried, thus proving that suspended animation is indeed possible.


19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

Do you think that you are free? Most Americans would still probably answer “yes” to that question, but is that really the case?


In the film Edge of Darkness, Mel Gibson stated that “everything is illegal in Massachusetts”. Well, the same could pretty much be said for the United States as a whole.

Our lives are governed by millions of laws, rules and regulations and more are being piled on all the time. In fact, 40,000 new laws just went into effect in January.

Every single new law restricts your freedom just a little bit more. The truth is that America has become a crazy control freak nation where virtually everything that we do is highly regulated. You have probably broken multiple laws today that you don’t even know exist.

We have all become criminals and lawbreakers because almost everything is illegal at this point. Our politicians are convinced that they are “making life better” by piling gigantic mountains of laws onto our backs, and law enforcement authorities are convinced that they are helping society by “cracking down on crime”, but the reality is that our liberties and our freedoms are being strangled by all of this government oppression. This is not the way that America is supposed to work.

Yes, every society needs laws. But the laws should be short enough and simple enough that everybody can read them and understand them.

In America today, there is no possible way that any of us could ever read all of the laws that apply to us. Most of us just live our daily lives and try to do the “right” thing. But there is no guarantee that men with guns will not show up at your door one evening because of some obscure regulation that you have broken.

The following are 19 signs that America has become a crazy control freak nation where almost everything is illegal.

#1 One California town is actually considering making it illegal to smoke in your own backyard.

#2 In Louisiana, a church was recently ordered to stop giving out water because it did not have a permit to do so.

#3 In the United States it is illegal to operate a train that does not have an “F” painted on the front.
 Apparently without that “F” we all might not know where the front of the train is.

#4 In many U.S. states is it now illegal to collect rain that falls from the sky on to your own property.

#5 In America today it is illegal to milk your cow and sell the milk to your neighbor.  If you do this, there is a good chance that federal agents will raid your home at the crack of dawn.

#6 In Washington D.C. it is illegal not to recycle cat litter.

#7 It is illegal to give a tour of the monuments in Washington D.C.without a license.

#8 In the United States it is illegal to sell natural cures for cancer – even if they work.

#9 In the state of Massachusetts it is illegal to deface a milk carton.

#10 In the state of Alabama, bear wrestling is completely illegal.

#11 In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

#12 In Lake Elmo, Minnesota it is illegal to sell pumpkins or Christmas trees that are grown outside city limits.
#13 There is a federal law that makes it illegal to be “annoying” on the Internet.

#14 If you register with a false name on MySpace or Facebook you could potentially “spend five years in federal prison“.

#15 In Hazelwood, Missouri it is illegal for little girls to sell girl scout cookies in the front yards of their own homes.

#16 All over the United States lemonade stands run by children are being shut down because they do not have the proper permits.

#17 In Florida, it is illegal to bring a plastic butter knife to school.

#18 In San Juan Capistrano, California it is illegal to hold a home Bible study without a “conditional use permit“.

#19 In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it is illegal to make even a single dollar from a blog unless you buy a $300 business license.

Sadly, this list of crazy laws and ridiculous regulations could be thousands long.

We are a nation run by a bunch of control freaks who do not care about our liberties and our freedoms.
Every once in a while, John Stossel does some really great reporting.  An example of this is posted below.  In this 40-minute video, Stossel goes into great detail about how almost everything is illegal in America today.  In particular, the first 20 minutes are absolutely excellent.  If you have not seen this yet, I highly encourage you to check it out.

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