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Rumor Has It Massive Extinction Coming In September 2015— Asteroid Strike

In Earth’s last 540 million years over fifty percent of the animal species on the planet have been wiped out at least 5 different times from a mass extinction event, according to research posted on Wikipedia.

After all, as it sits in 2015 there are 16,306 endangered species threatened with extinction and more species facing extinction each year as man has literally destroyed the planet in a certain sense.

And, as you may know, it’s no secret that we are long overdue for an extinction level event (ELE). Whether it’s from a nuclear war, a supervolcano eruption, or an asteroid impact, technically speaking, our days are numbered.

The rumors

For the last 9 months or so I have heard chatter and rumors from people amongst the YouTube communitywho say that there is an impending asteroid strike off the coast of Venezuela this coming September.

I guess you could say that religious people would view such an event as the opening of the sixth seal in biblical translation.

And let me say here and now that I am not saying this, I am merely reporting on a few people who are. I am simply informing you on what is going on in sects of the YouTube community as well as in the media.

Apparently, according to WAPTek2 on YouTube, Pastor Lindsay Williams was the initial source of the information regarding the doomsday asteroid and based his claims solely on bible scripture.

“Here is where it gets crazy. The person doing this has no experience whatsoever in determining any of this and didn’t predict anything else going on.”, WAPTek2 said in a video posted Jan. 17, 2015.

However, I myself have not yet been able to verify this claim and so far have not determined Lindsay Williams to be the original source.

Red Flag: Russian news agency says massive space rock approaching, “not yet on collision course with earth”.

The Russian Space Agency recently discovered a planet killer asteroid known as 2014 UR116 that, “is not yet on a collision course with earth,” according to a videoreport from RT.

“The danger is as it passes near planets and the sun gravity could alter its path, pushing it directly at us,” said the RT host.

The deflection plan — Is there such a thing?

If such an asteroid, a planet killer, were to make its way directly toward the planet NASA and the U.S. Government actually have plans to deflect it and in fact have already drilled on such an event April 13-17, 2015, using fictitious scenario data.

The scenario went as follows:

Several months after the discovery of 2015 PDC, the probability of impact in 2022 will have risen to a concerning level. Even if the asteroid is more likely to miss our planet than to hit, mission designers will be asked to study the possibility of deflecting the asteroid, just in case it really is necessary. Arguably the fastest and simplest way to deflect an asteroid is to use a Kinetic Impactor (KI) to hit the asteroid and deflect it off course. Although this app was not designed to be an operational tool for developing such a mission design, it could be used to answer some of the basic questions about deflecting this asteroid.

How much velocity change would be needed?
Which deflection direction works best?
Could a single KI spacecraft do the job?
When would it have to be launched?
How much do the physical properties of the asteroid affect the deflection?

All of this was done in conjunction with the Planetary Defense Conference which also took place April 13-17, 2015.

Moreover it has already been pointed out by a Russian higher-up, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of the Russian Liberal-Democratic Party, that the U.S. tested such a deflection campaign on the Chelyabinskmeteor on Feb. 15, 2013 when they fired“a new weapon”.

The conspiracy deepens after Youtuber discovers movie Deep Impact (1998) may hold secrets to potential upcoming ELE

After hearing about the rumors on the Internet of a possible impending asteroid strike allegedly set to take place sometime on or around Sept. 23, 2015, Youtuber Montagraph made a few shocking discoveries which had to do with the 1998 film Deep Impact.

Upon closer review of the film, which by the way depicted the President of the United States (POTUS) as a black man, Montagraph uncovered a new can of worms for conspiracy theorists to chew on to say the least.]]

“If you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure. Look upthe definition of Ensure, please do. Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. If you run that into a zip code search oddly enough 00701 comes up for […] Puerto Rico.”

Additionally Montagraph also discovered that “coordinates” from the potential asteroid impact site on Deep Impact brings you “right off the coast of Venezuela”, near Puerto Rico.

Montagraph also talks about the alleged asteroid that is supposed to impact off the coast of Puerto Rico which would likely cause a massive tsunami devastating the coastlines as NASA previously warned their personnel about.

[…] is that all a coincidence? I don’t believe it is, said Montagraph, going on to mention how the “New York Fed moved from New York to Chicago,” away from the coastline, raising red flags.

JADE HELM ends Sept. 15

To boot the highly suspicious military exercise dubbed JADE HELM 15, starting in June, ends Sept. 15, making some wonder if the rumors have any validity as the exercise would allow foreign and domestic military units to preposition themselves throughout large swaths of the U.S. for a potential impending disaster in which COG (Continuity of Government) would then be activated.

So I ask again: is it possible to avoid the unavoidable?

Is it worth looking into an asteroid bugout plan?

By Shepard Ambellas, INTELLIHUB

Mysterious Reappearance of Flight 513

Mysterious Reappearance of Flight 513

The Flight 513 mysterious disappeared after taking off at Germany and was reported that it has landed at brazil with all its crews and passengers turned into skeletons.

What's Hiding In This Innocent-Looking Museum In Thailand Is Seriously Freaky

What's Hiding In This Innocent-Looking Museum In Thailand Is Seriously Freaky

Hidden away on the busy streets of Bangkok, Thailand, is a little museum that is equal parts fascinating and nightmarish called the Siriraj Medical Museum. At this point, you might be saying, "Medical museum? So what? That doesn't sound too scary." That's where you're wrong. This museum has some of the freakiest medical oddities in the world on display, and just seeing them might keep you up for weeks.

In case you're not convinced of the freakiness yet, the Siriraj Medical Museum also goes by the nickname of "The Museum of Death."

Despite such a morbid nickname, the museum serves as a valuable source for doctors and medical students.

The collection inside showcases a wide variety of medical oddities from around the world.

The oddities inside range from "Hmm interesting..." to "OMG WHAT?!"

Children's skeletons.

A preserved fetus.

A cross section of a human infant.

A rare medical condition.

The result of a severe case of rickets. Because of a vitamin deficiency, the leg bones become weak and bend under the weight of the body.

This child had hydrocephalus, a condition that occurs when spinal fluid is unable to drain from the head.

As you might imagine with a place like this, the museum is rumored to be haunted.

Despite the generally horrifying appearance of these exhibits, there is a certain reverence among the Thai people for those who suffered and ended up as exhibits in the museum.

It's not uncommon to see candy left in the museum near the bodies of the children. The sweets are meant as an offering for their spirits.

(source Reddit)

Yes, these are some pretty scary exhibits. However, it's important to remember that before they were in this museum, these were real people suffering from real illnesses. Though it's morbid to think about, at least their suffering was not in vain. Their preserved remains are now being used to educate a new generation of doctors. Hopefully, no one else will have to suffer what they went through.

By Mike Cahil, VIRALNOVA 

20 Things You Were Not Told About Adolph Hitler


Adolf Hitler – a name which brings connotations of death, warfare, murder, misery and the attempted extermination of an entire race.

Yes, the Nazi leader established himself as the Fuhrer of all of Germany before leading the world into a second brutal World War between the years of 1939 and 1945, but he also went about trying to do so much more than that.

Six-million Jews – and an estimated 11million people in all – were killed as a result of the Holocaust, which he orchestrated, and more than 20million more died during the course of World War II.

An authoritarian dictator, Hitler’s “Nazism” drew upon Italian Fascism for inspiration and shunned the capitalistic methods of the Western Powers or the socialistic theories of the Soviet Union.

He believed in the “Aryan Race” of Germans and in Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch who should rule above the slave-like under-classes of the sub-human Untermensch.

But what do we actually know about Hitler the man – what was he like? What hobbies did he have? Which hard drugs did he take? And why did he shave his moustache into the unusual yet distinctive toothbrush-style that his name has become synonymous with? Well, all is revealed right here…

20. He Spied On The Nazi Party Before Joining Them

Having served in the German Army during World War I, Hitler decide to remain in the forces following the Armistice and he was made an intelligence agent (Verbindungsmann) of the Reichswehr.

Interestingly, Hitler was tasked with infiltrating the German Workers’ Partry (DAP) – the predecessor to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi Party – but he soon switched allegiances.

After just a few DAP meetings, Hitler realised he shared the same anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist views as the leader Anton Drexler and joined the Party, becoming their 55th member.

19. Hitler Lived In Homeless Shelters For A Period

During his teens, Hitler dreamed of being an artist and was twice rejected from Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts (in both 1907 and 1908) due to “his unfitness for painting”.

Following his second rejection, Hitler remained in Vienna and tried to make a living out of selling his paintings but – partly due to their poor quality and partly due to his lack of resources – he quickly ran out of money.

This forced Hitler, as a young adult, to revert to dossing in homeless shelters in Vienna and – whenever he sold a painting – he would occasionally spend the night in a hostel instead.

18. The Great Reformer Martin Luther Was One Of His Influences

As a quite angry individual, Hitler blamed Germany’s woes on many things – and one of those he termed “Catholic Germanophobia”.

This led him to become inspired by Martin Luther – the great leader of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century – due to the former friar’s dismissal of the Catholic Church.

Despite having been brought up as a Catholic as a child, Hitler despised Christianity – and particularly the papacy – yet he found inspiration from Luther.

17. Hitler Was Awarded The Iron Cross First Class

 It was during the Great War that Hitler really discovered his love for all things German, even if those concepts had already been formulating in his head for some time.

What’s more, Hitler was originally awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for military service – but he was then upgraded to receive the First Class in August 1918 on the recommendation of Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann, his Jewish superior.

Hitler was awarded the First Class medal despite being a member of the lowly Gefreiter rank – the second lowest in the German Army – in which it was extremely rare to be commended.

16. Shicklgruber Was His Original Family Name

Adolf Hitler is the name that has come to by synonymous with the murder of six-million Jews – yet it could so easily have been Adolf Shicklgruber instead.

The name “Hitler” was only taken by Adolf’s father, Alois, in 1876 so that he could become legitimised. In fact, the name “Hitler” could also be spelled as “Hüttler”, “Huettler” or even “Hiedler”.

15. Hitler Was “Nationless” For Seven Years

Although he later professed his goal for a Grossdeutschland (“Greater Germany”), Hitler was in fact Austrian by birth.

Yet from a young age Hitler longed to be part of Imperial Germany and despised the Habsburg’s Austro-Hungarian Empire – formally renouncing his Austrian citizenship in April 1925.

He did this despite the fact it prevented him from running for public office in Germany and left him at risk at deportation at any time – and, until he was awarded citizenship of Brunswick in February 1932, Hitler technically was “nationless” or “stateless” as he did not have a formal nationality.

14. Whistling When You Wish Upon A Star Was One Of Hitler’s Hobbies

Yes, you did read the heading correctly – Hitler used to whistle tunes including When You Wish Upon A Star.

The German leader supposedly relaxed by whistling, or performed the hobby in moments of euphoria – such as when he stood on the balcony looking across Paris following the fall of the French capital in June 1940.

Another favourite tune of Hitler’s was Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? – presumably due to his nickname of “The Wolf”.

13. Hitler Was Temporarily Blinded At Least Once

During World War I, while serving in the trenches as a messenger, Hitler was temporarily blinded following a mustard gas attack on his camp.

The injuries forced Hitler to be hospitalised and he was admitted to a unit in Pasewalk, Germany, to recover.

According to Hitler himself, he also suffered a second temporary spate of blindness upon hearing of the horrifying news of Germany’s Armistice with France and Britain. This, however, is unconfirmed.

12. It Is Likely He Had Parkinson’s Disease

Throughout his life Hitler suffered from any number of illnesses, injuries and ailments – and one that doctors diagnosed him with was Parkinson’s disease.

Hitler suffered from physical and mental symptoms of the disease for the last 11 years of his life and it is argued by some historians that possible dementia as a result of the illness affected his decision-making during World War II.

Videos of Hitler’s speeches show his hands trembling, his legs stiffening and an inability to move freely – all classic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

11. He Never Set Foot In A Concentration Camp

The vast majority of the 11million people killed during the Holocaust were murdered at the 1,200 Death and Concentration Camps established by the Nazis – yet Hitler never set foot in one of them.

In some ways it is perhaps unsurprising due to the fact the majority of the camps were constructed in the east, but still it is a rather baffling fact.

Interestingly, some historians have argued that the camps were deliberately set up in Poland, the Czech Republic, the USSR and Yugoslavia because Hitler wanted the number of atrocities committed on German soil to be limited.

10. Hitler Was TIME Magazine’s Man Of The Year For 1938

“I have returned from Germany with peace for our time” were the infamous words uttered by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on his return from the Munich Conference in September 1938.

That conference – conducted between French Premier Edouard Daladier, Italian leader Benito Mussolini, Hitler and Chamberlain himself – was perceived at the time to have prevented a world war due to the fact Germany were granted the Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia.

Such a monumental event of “peacekeeping” led Hitler to be named “without a doubt” as TIME magazine’s Man of the Year for 1938. Incredible when you think about it now…

9. He Contemplated Being A Priest During His Childhood

Although he soon shunned his Catholic upbringing, Hitler did hold aspirations to be a priest during his childhood. As an eight-year-old, Hitler was a proud member of the church choir and took up singing lessons in order to improve his vocals.

But Hitler’s religious beliefs soon faded and he became an atheist to the very core – shattering any dreams he may have previously held of becoming a priest…

8. Three Of His Six Siblings Died When He Was A Child

Hitler was far from an only child – in fact, he had six siblings, four of whom died before his 25th birthday.

Three of them actually died when he was still an infant – their names were Gustav, Ida and Otto. Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl’s fourth child was named Adolf – and he was the one who went on to become infamous.

7. Hitler Crafted Laws Against Animal Cruelty

Yes, this one is going to seem extremely strange considering the innumerable human atrocities he ordered during his lifetime, but Hitler despised animal cruelty.

A committed vegetarian, Hitler was put off meat when he was young – legend has it as a result of witnessing an autopsy – and became determined to protect animals.

He helped to implement laws which protected wild animals, chickens and cattle – and he intended to reduce Germany’s meat consumption after World War II.

6. Hitler Wanted To Create The “Museum Of An Extinct Race”

It is widely documented that Hitler wanted to exterminate an entire race – his regime oversaw the murder of six-million Jews – but he did not want to completely eliminate their memory.

Despite his attempt “to rid the world of Bolshevik Jewry”, Hitler demanded that artefacts, paintings and air-looms of any Jews murdered were retained.

His intention was to create a gallery for German people to come and view such artefacts – named the “Museum Of An Extinct Race”…

5. He Was Prescribed Cocaine – And Took It Twice A Day

Drugs were administered to Hitler on a frighteningly regular basis – and he was even prescribed to take cocaine twice a day.

Hitler would use an inhaler to get a regular fix of the drug to aid with his sinus and throat problems throughout his time in office during the Third Reich. Additionally, Hitler was also provided with eye drops that also contained cocaine – so it seems he was smacked up a heck of a lot of the time…

4. Hitler Was Nominated For The 1939 Nobel Peace Prize

Alongside Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler is among the names to have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

However, in contrast to Stalin, the nomination of Hitler in 1939 by EGC Brandt was supposed to be ironic.

Swedish parliamentarian Brandt nominated Hitler in order to satirically criticise the Swedish government – but, unsurprisingly, it was not very well received and he was forced to withdraw it.

3. Hitler Was Injected With Bull Testicle Extract

Weirdly, cocaine was not the most unusual “drug” which Hitler took during his time as Fuhrer of Germany. No, that would in fact be bull testicle extract.

His personal physician, Dr Morell, recommended he be injected with extracts from bulls’ testicles and prostates in order to improve his diminishing libido.

Oh Eva Braun – you lucky, lucky woman…

2. The Blow-up Doll Was Pioneered Under Hitler’s Leadership

The blow-up doll was not pioneered by Hitler for his own personal pleasure, but it was in fact created in order to prevent the spread of syphilis among German soldiers.

The Wehrmacht enjoying spending their spare time in Vichy France liaising with the local prostitutes and this led to an epidemic of syphilis spreading among the soldiers.

Hitler therefore commissioned a top-secret project to create blow-up dolls which could be put in soldier’s packs – then they could do with them as they pleased…

1. He Shaved His Moustache Because It Nearly Killed Him

While his trench was experiencing a mustard-gas attack during the First World War, Hitler tried to pull his respirator mask over his face. However, due to his – then full – moustache, an air lock could not be created to keep out the gas and Hitler almost died due to the presence of the gas.

As a result, Hitler was ordered by his superiors to remove his moustache – instead, he trimmed it to the distinctive, toothbrush-shaped style that he became associated with due to his love of all things Charlie Chaplin.

By Chris Waugh, WhatCulture

The Devil’s Bible May Have Been Written By Lucifer Himself

The Codex Gigas weighs more than 11 stones 

Inside the books of intricate scribblings, which include the entire Bible, is a full page colour drawing of Satan.

Legend has it the medieval manuscript emerged from a pact with Lucifer, earning it the title of the Devil’s Bible.

It is believed to cause catastrophe or illness to whoever comes into contact with it, though people are queuing up to see it in its current home of the National Library in Stockholm.

The book made out of animal skin, which takes two people to open, also contains texts on exorcism, magic formulas and a picture of the Heavenly City.

It was written in Latin at Sedlec in 1295.

Despite the massive size of the incantation-riddle book experts have always believed it to be the work of a team of illuminated manuscript experts working over a period of decades.

But now evidence has come to light that it was just created by one writer – adding credence to the legend that it was penned by the Devil.

 The Codex Gigas is now believed to have been written by one person

The National Library of Sweden brought in a handwriting analyst who suggested it was just one man’s work due to continuity of handwriting and the same ink being used throughout.

The legend suggests the Codex Gigas was written by a monk who faced death for breaking his vows.

He tried to avoid punishment by promising to write a book containing all human knowledge.

But if he didn’t write the book in a night he would be killed.

The Devil offered to help out in exchange for the monk’s soul.

Legend notwithstanding, graphologists estimate it would have taken five years, writing 24 hours a day, to complete.

Realistically the Devil’s Bible is the product of 25 years work.

The report said: “Clearly, the author of this massive tome was possessed by something to create such a masterwork. Whether it was the power of light or darkness, is lost to time.”

By Helen Barnett, EXPRESS

Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property

Collecting rainwater on your own property can now lead to jail time, as proven by a man from Oregon who was sentenced to prison for doing just that. Who owns the rain? The US government, apparently so it seems.

Not so long ago, it was common practice across much of the world to collect rainwater into man made wells on your property to use for farming, irrigation and having fresh clean water. It was just as common as canning your own food, having knowledge of at least some basic survival skills, and being self-sufficient.

It wasn’t even that many generations ago that all of this was common practice – people born before WWII were pretty adept at these skills, as they were a necessity to survival. One of the main (and easiest) ways to ensure survival was to collecting rainwater on your own property. The practical uses for storing and collecting rainwater are numerous and many people across the world in rural areas still do it today for all of the reasons listed above. However, over the past few years, laws making the collection of rainwater illegal have been causing an uproar across the US.
Now, a man from Grey Point, Oregon has been sentenced to thirty days in prison for storing collected rainwater on his very own property – and the public is outraged.

According to CNS News (source):

A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property
Gary Harrington of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his conviction in Jackson County (Ore.) Circuit Court on nine misdemeanor charges under a 1925 law for having what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on his property – and for filling the reservoirs with rainwater and snow runoff.

“The government is bullying,” Harrington told CNSNews.com in an interview Thursday.

“They’ve just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies. So, we as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail,” he said.

The court has given Harrington two weeks to report to the Jackson County Jail to begin serving his sentence.

Harrington said the case first began in 2002, when state water managers told him there were complaints about the three “reservoirs” – ponds – on his more than 170 acres of land.

According to Oregon water laws, all water is publicly owned. Therefore, anyone who wants to store any type of water on their property must first obtain a permit from state water managers.

Harrington said he applied for three permits to legally house reservoirs for storm and snow water runoff on his property. One of the “reservoirs” had been on his property for 37 years, he said.

Though the state Water Resources Department initially approved his permits in 2003, the state – and a state court — ultimately reversed the decision.

“They issued me my permits. I had my permits in hand and they retracted them just arbitrarily, basically. They took them back and said ‘No, you can’t have them,’ so I’ve been fighting it ever since,” Harrington told CNSNews.com.

The case, he said, is centered on a 1925 law which states that the city of Medford holds exclusive rights to “all core sources of water” in the Big Butte Creek watershed and its tributaries.

“Way back in 1925 the city of Medford got a unique withdrawal that withdrew all — supposedly all — the water out of a single basin and supposedly for the benefit of the city of Medford,” Harrington told CNSNews.com.

Harrington told CNSNews.com, however, that the 1925 law doesn’t mention anything about colleting rainwater or snow melt — and he believes that he has been falsely accused.

“The withdrawal said the stream and its tributaries. It didn’t mention anything about rainwater and it didn’t mention anything about snow melt and it didn’t mention anything about diffused water, but yet now, they’re trying to expand that to include that rain water and they’re using me as the goat to do it,” Harrington

But Tom Paul, administrator of the Oregon Water Resources Department, claims that Harrington has been violating the state’s water use law by diverting water from streams running into the Big Butte River.

“The law that he is actually violating is not the 1925 provision, but it’s Oregon law that says all of the water in the state of Oregon is public water and if you want to use that water, either to divert it or to store it, you have to acquire a water right from the state of Oregon before doing that activity,” Paul told CNSNews.com.

Yet Paul admitted the 1925 law does apply because, he said, Harrington constructed dams to block a tributary to the Big Butte, which Medford uses for its water supply.
“There are dams across channels, water channels where the water would normally flow if it were not for the dam and so those dams are stopping the water from flowing in the channel and storing it- holding it so it cannot flow downstream,” Paul told CNSNews.com.

Harrington, however, argued in court that that he is not diverting water from Big Butte Creek, but the dams capturing the rainwater and snow runoff – or “diffused water” – are on his own property and that therefore the runoff does not fall under the jurisdiction of the state water managers, nor does it not violate the 1925 act.
In 2007, a Jackson County Circuit Court judge denied Harrington’s permits and found that he had illegally “withdrawn the water at issue from appropriation other than for the City of Medford.”
According to Paul, Harrington entered a guilty plea at the time, received three years probation and was ordered to open up the water gates.

“A very short period of time following the expiration of his probation, he once again closed the gates and re-filled the reservoirs,” Paul told CNSNews.com. “So, this has been going on for some time and I think frankly the court felt that Mr. Harrington was not getting the message and decided that they’d already given him probation once and required him to open the gates and he refilled his reservoirs and it was business as usual for him, so I think the court wanted — it felt it needed — to give a stiffer penalty to get Mr. Harrington’s attention.”

In two weeks, if unsuccessful in his appeals, Harrington told CNSNews.com that he will report to the Jackson County Jail to serve his sentence.

“I follow the rules. If I’m mandated to report, I’m going to report. Of course, I’m going to do what it takes in the meantime to prevent that, but if I’m not successful, I’ll be there,” Harrington said.

But Harrington also said that he will never stop fighting the government on this issue.

“When something is wrong, you just, as an American citizen, you have to put your foot down and say, ‘This is wrong; you just can’t take away anymore of my rights and from here on in, I’m going to fight it.”

What are your thoughts on collecting rainwater – especially when it is on your own property? Who do you think should “own” the rain?
By Royce Christyn, YourNewsWire

Truth about Lil Wayne And Gay Hip Hop Industry

Truth about Lil Wayne And Gay Hip Hop Industry

There is an agenda to blur the gender lines and corrupt mankind.

Hip Hop is one of the most influential mediums that the elite use to reach our youth. If you get the rappers dressing a certain way then you get the youth dressing a certain way. If you get celebrities to act a certain way then you get a lot of kids to do the same..

Hip Hop was initially quite a good tool for social justice but over the years it has been corrupted to promote immoral things..

There is an agenda to effeminise men. Is it to destroy the family unit as layed out in agenda 21? Or could you go a step further and say that the aim is to make the youth more sinful and sexually immoral …


Researchers Discover An Ocean 644 KM Below The Surface Of Our Planet

Researchers Discover An Ocean 644 KM Below The Surface Of Our Planet

Remember all of those science-fiction movies and books from Jules Verne, like “Journey to the Center of the Earth”? Apparently not everything is made up. There might be a lot of unknown stuff down there… and if there is water… could there be life? Maybe not as we know it but in a completely different way? Well the possibilities are there.

After decades of theorizing and discussing possibilities, scientists report to finally have discovered a large ocean of water inside the mantle of Earth, and they pint out that it is a large water “tank” that could fill the oceans on Earth three times. This incredible discovery suggests that the surface water of the planet came from within Earth, as part of a “complete water cycle on the planet” instead of the dominant theory proposed that water arrived to Earth by icy comets that passed by the planet millions of years ago. Scientists are learning a lot about the composition of our planet even today. And the more they manage to understand, the more accurately will predictions regarding climate change, weather and sea levels get since all of the mentioned above is closely related to the tectonic activity that vibrates incessantly beneath our feet.

This study was performed by researchers and geophysical scientists in the United States and Canada who used data obtained from the USArray- which is a set of hundreds of seismometers located throughout the United States to constantly “listen” to the movements of the Earths mantle and core. Researchers believe that the water on Earth may have come from within the planet and was “pushed” to the surface thanks to geological activity. An article published in the journal “Nature” states that researchers have found a small diamond that points to the existence of a vast water reservoir beneath the mantle of the Earth, approximately 600 kilometers beneath our feet.

According to the lead author of the study Graham Pearson, member of the University of Alberta, Canada, “This provides extremely strong confirmations that there are wet spots deep inside the Earth”. “The transition zone may contain as much water as all the oceans together,” Pearson said. “One reason why the Earth is a dynamic planet, is the presence of water inside. The water changes depending on the way the world works,” he added.

After researchers have studied the movements in the mantle and the core of the Earth for years, and after completing countless complex calculations to double check their theories, researchers believe they have found a gigantic pool of water located in the transition zone between the layers of the upper and lower mantle – a region which sits somewhere between 400 and 660 km below the surface.

This discovery opens up a door of other possibilities of what else is down there? Are those theories that talk about the Earth being hollow true? Well, our planet might not be Hollow, but it sure isn’t rock solid, as scientists themselves have said that there are countless enigmas regarding what exactly is below the surface and very strange things happen 600 kilometers below the surface.

This new theory suggests that the planet’s mantle is filled with a mineral called Ringwoodite, and this mineral is believed to contain water.

Measurements by the USArray indicate that the deeper the mineral Ringwoodite is pushed into the mantle, the increased pressure forces the water, a process known as “merging dehydration”.

Is there another world beneath ours? Well, that depends on what you believe, but ancient mythology and history have often spoken about the underworld and that it can be accessed. The question here is … does this discovery change anything? Skeptics will remain closely minded and will hold on to their precious ideas and theories, but with each new research and study, we understand that we have very little knowledge about Earth, its oceans and that what is located below the surface.

By Ivan Petricevic, Ancient-Code

Did The Collider At CERN Cause The Nepal Earthquakes?


8,000+ people killed, nearly 18,000 injured and almost 400 are still missing two weeks after the April 25th earthquake in Nepal. Did our own people accidentally cause this debacle “in the name of science”? There’s a lot of finger pointing and theorizing going on about it right now. Read on and make your own decision.

Due to the fact that very few people know much about particle physics, let’s start with an extremely basic, non-detailed version of how a “super collider” works. Large amounts of electricity power electro-magnets that steer or bend (and accelerate) beams of protons (kind of like lasers) through an Ultra vacuum, in order to crash the particles together at velocities approaching the speed of light. Data is collected and used for assorted projects, experiments and other quandaries of the universe.

The Large Hadron Collider or “LHC” in Switzerland, operated by CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire or European Council for Nuclear Research) uses 9,600 magnets to steer beams of protons as they travel at 99.99 percent the speed of light. It’s buried 100 meters underground at its most shallow depth and is in the shape of a circle… a circle 27 Km (17miles) in circumference.

So, how could a big, underground electromagnetic circle affect a mountainous little country 4300 miles away? Ask youself “when the scientists complete thier collision, what happens next?” Where does all that energy go? My fellow Anons… it’s not like turning off a light in your home. The beams don’t circulate inside accelerators forever. As particles slow down and collide with the sides of the beam pipe or with each other, the beams degrade and become less likely to give information that could lead to interesting physics. So the energy is then focused into what is called a “beam dump”. This beam dump is sort of like a vault buried even farther underground and is filled with materials designed to absorb and disburse this “beam energy”. In the case of the LHC the “beam energy” needing to be absorbed in one, single instance equates to right around 4 Terrawatts. A little more than ¼ of our whole world’s energy usage is dumped at one time into an underground vault. Swirl that around for a minute…

This video put out by BPEarthwatch gives a bit more detail than I have space to write but a short description follows below.

On April 25th, 2015 scientists at CERN were starting the sequences to power up the LHC. The power capacities were brought up four separate times in the time before the earthquake in Nepal. Why 4 times? Does that mean the energy was dumped 3 times? I do not know. The video shows that, after fourth time, the beams initiated and then something caused a “Priority beam dump”, “a protection dump” and a “multiple systems dump”… all at nearly the same moment the quake shook Nepal. Instead of using that energy for a collision, it was all injected directly into the ground. Was it on top of three other dumps? Did we push 16 TW of power into the ground to make a techtonic bomb? Is a far reach in thinking that all this energy just followed the path of least resistance starting at the Alps and working its way through mountain ranges to the head of the Himalayas until it hit a pressure point? The list of unanswered questions goes on and on.

More importantly… will any of the “super intelligent” dwellers of our world even try to make a connection?

I encourage you to watch the video. What are YOUR thoughts on the whole situation?

Did Ancient Man Have Contact With Beings Not From Earth In The Distant Past?

Did Ancient Man Have Contact With Beings Not From Earth In The Distant Past?

The ancient astronaut theory has never been as widespread as today. Now, there are numerous theories that talk about the possibility that ancient mankind was visited in the past by beings not from Earth. These theories are supported by "physical evidence" such as countless unexplainable constructions across the globe, mysterious layouts, caves, megaliths and indecipherable texts and paintings which seem to depict otherworldly beings that have come into contact with ancient man.

There are theories that speak of the possibility of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth and helping our ancestors develop as a species, transferring knowledge to primitive man, who in turn, expressed and recorded these historical accounts in caves, ancient texts and monuments.

On almost every continent on Earth, there are findings that mainstream archaeology, anthropology and other sciences cannot explain. Symbols, items, and constructions that don't seem to fit into the conventional thinking methods. Figures present like silent clues, pointing towards something, that ancient man could not understand fully as "he" recorded it in caves, mysterious humanoid figures, helmets, masks, gloves, almost depicting what we today know as "astronauts".

Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Easter Island, Australia, Japan, China, India, Turkey, Egypt and other countries have incredible megalithic constructions that cannot be replicated with modern-day tools. Engineers and architects stand in awe when looking at some of the monuments that ancient man constructed thousands of years ago. Cyclopean structures erected thousands of years ago pointing towards many questions that archaeology nor history can explain.

Is it possible that some of these structures were created on purpose, meant to tell the story of the gods that came from the stars? Were these incredible monuments built to honor their arrival?

Is it possible that depictions, like the ones found in Peru, at Toro muerto are indeed representations of otherworldly beings? In the midst harsh environment of Peru, there is a small town called Toro muerto, located northwest of Arequipa. Here, in an area of ​​5 kilometers, researchers have found innumerable engravings and drawings showing incredible enigmatic representations of beings who seem to fly, individuals with strange machines depicted in what appear to be spacesuits...

Could it be that these depictions are meant to represent the "Gods" that came from the stars, who arrived in great ships? Or were these interpretations anomalous depictions meant to represent abstract art of ancient man?

Curiously, there are other places on Earth that seem to represent very similar objects half way around the world, in the Sahara desert. There, at the Tassili mountains we see countless depictions of beings that do not resemble ancient humans at all. These creatures are clearly represented with helmets, masks, gloves, and other items that ancient man did not have. Curiously, ancient man in Algeria knew how to depict humans and animals natives to the region so it is a very big question, why he decided to include beings that are anything but similar to ancient humans of the region.

Other similar depictions can also be found in Brescia Italy, in the Italian Alps, where researchers have found strange-looking ancient rock paintings. There are human figures dressed in "ceremonial robes" that could very well correspond to modern-day space suits, because if you look carefully you can recognize mysterious times on the suits, antennae and other technological devices that astronauts today have.

Are the anomalous depictions at these three places abstract art? Or did the ancient artists depict what they saw, beings that could have arrived to our planet dressed like our astronauts today, in space suits and helmets?

It is a question of belief rather than evidence since for some people, these depictions clearly show otherworldly beings. It is up to you, the reader, to decide if there is a possibility that ancient man did in fact have contact with beings not from Earth.


The Forbidden Secrets of the Church

Religion is a very powerful system to use for shaping cultures and societies. Throughout human history, religion has played an important role for helping the human race evolve.

Unfortunately, most of the knowledge in religion has been heavily distorted. To make matters worse, the enlightening and empowering knowledge in religion is encoded to prevent us from knowing the “forbidden” secrets of our history.

In the right hands, religion can be used to empower the people. However, in the wrong hands, it can be used to enslave the minds of the people. The unwanted truth is that the system of religion has fallen into the hands of certain power addict and controlling people.

Religion is one of the most powerful tools to use for enslaving our minds and souls, because it manipulates us to think that we are weak and powerless, and need to rely on a savior to save us. This causes us to think like slaves, making us easier to be controlled by the Dark Forces.

The “Forbidden” Secrets of the Church

Before I expose some “forbidden” secrets of the Church, I want to make it clear to you that my intention is not to offend anyone. I am only doing this to show you the facts. It is up to you to accept them as truths.

I also want you to be aware that the reason why I am exposing the secrets of the Church is because I am more knowledgeable in knowing how the Church operates than other religious systems. Plus, I used to go to a Baptist church when I was a kid. No matter what religion it is, all religions have their own dirty secrets.

To understand how the Church operates, you need to know its history. The following content in block quotation will give you a very short history of the Church. It is extracted from my third seminar titledAscension and the “Forbidden” Secrets of Religion.

"For you to understand how the church system works, you need to know its history. According to some religion scholars, the early churches were Pagan churches, which were churches that worship Pagan gods. In general, Paganism is a religion that worships many gods or goddesses and tends to be nature oriented.

"During the time of the Roman Empire, Christianity was a minority religion, but it soon became popular and spread throughout Rome. This religious movement became so strong that it threatened the Roman religion, which was heavily based on Polytheism and Paganism.

"As the Christian movement grew, it caused a lot of conflicts between the Christian and Roman religion, so Emperor Constantine ordered that the basic principles of the Roman religion and the Christian religion be merged together into one religion.

"The official unification of these two religions occurred at the Council of Nicaea, which resulted in the birth of the Holy Roman Church. This is why there is a lot of Pagan beliefs in Christianity.

"For example, Christmas and Easter are Pagan holidays. Most Christians do not know this because the Pagan beliefs and stories in Christianity are encoded to prevent Christians from knowing that their religion is filled with Pagan ideologies."

The Evidence Showing that Christmas is a Pagan Holiday

To find some evidence showing that Christmas is a Pagan holiday, you need to know the origin of the word “Christmas.”

Part of the word “Christmas” originated from a medieval custom of the Roman Church called Mass, which was celebrated at midnight on the eve of December 25. Put the word “Christ” and “Mass” together and you get “Christ-Mass” or “Christmas.”

The person named Jesus in the Bible is not a person with a body made of flesh and blood; instead it is just a name of a character. In the Bible, Jesus is often used to represent the sun that rises in the East and sets in the West. In other words, Jesus is the personification of the sun.

Without the sun, we can not survive because we need the energy (sunlight) of the sun to keep us warm and grow food. This is why Jesus (the sun) is the savior of the world.

Even though Jesus is often used to represent the sun, that does not mean that there was not a man from the past who taught people about the Christ principles.

Here are some quotes from the King James version of the Bible that give us some clues as to why Jesus represents the sun:
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (John 9:5)

Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. (Mark 13:26)

Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. (John 19:5)When you hear people say that Jesus is the “light of the world,” what they are actually talking about is the sun. This is why the Bible talks about Jesus “coming in the clouds” and wearing the “crown of thorns.”
The thorns represent the rays of the sun. Once you know this, you will know why Jesus (the sun) is our savior and the light of the world.

Here is another excerpt from my third seminar titled Ascension and the Forbidden Secrets of Religion. The information in this excerpt will show you more evidence that Jesus is the personification of the sun.

When you hear people say that Jesus is the “light of the world,” what they are actually talking about is the sun. This is why the Bible talks about Jesus “coming in the clouds” and wearing the “crown of thorns.”

The thorns represent the rays of the sun. Once you know this, you will know why Jesus (the sun) is our savior and the light of the world.

Here is another excerpt from my third seminar titled Ascension and the Forbidden Secrets of Religion. The information in this excerpt will show you more evidence that Jesus is the personification of the sun.

"Certain branches of Christianity like to teach their followers that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. This religious story of Jesus being born on the 25th of December is a metaphor for the “birth” of the sun.

"As the winter solstice approaches from the Northern hemisphere, the days become shorter and shorter until it reaches the shortest day of the year, which occurs on December 21. On the day after December 21, which isDecember 22, the sun stops moving south for three days. Because of this event, it was said that the sun “died” for three days.

"On December 25, the sun moves one degree north; therefore, it was said that the sun died for three days and was resurrected on December 25. This one degree movement of the sun is very subtle but can be measured using very sensitive equipment. This movement of the sun is one of the core meanings of Christmas, which is a holiday for worshiping the “resurrection” of the sun.

"Once you decoded the hidden meanings of the story of Jesus and Christmas, you will know that December 25 or Christmas has nothing to do with a man named Jesus Christ. Instead, it has to do with celebrating the sun being born again as it moves one degree north."

Why Christians Go to Church on Sunday

The evidence that I use to show you the connection between Jesus and the sun in this article is only a small piece of the countless stacks of evidence, so if you think this is just a coincidence, you will be experiencing a lot of grief someday. Before ending this article, I would like to tell you one more “forbidden” secrets of the Church.

By now you should know that Jesus is often used to represent the sun. In general, most religions consider the sun as the savior of humanity, which is why many religious ceremonies and practices are done on Sunday.

If you separate the word “Sunday” into two words, you get “sun-day,” which means the “day of the sun.” It is right in your face! This is why Christians go to church on Sunday, so that they can worship the sun, the light of the world.

If you want to learn more “forbidden” secrets of religion, download or view the PDF file of my third seminar titled Ascension and the “Forbidden” Secrets of Religion.

By Pao L. Chang, Waking Times 

The Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Music Industry

The Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Music Industry

This article documents some of today’s well-known artists who have gone on record and spoken about the dark side of the music industry. Some of the industry’s biggest stars, including Michael Jackson and Bob Dylan, have hinted at the true nature of the business in their own words. Here are some of my findings.

Throughout my articles, I discuss many dark aspects of the entertainment industry. Some of these aspects are so awful and improbable to the average reader that they become hard to believe, especially when the information comes from an anonymous blogger such as myself. Some actual celebrities have however gone on record with some truths on the industry. Those rare outbreaks are rarely publicized but, they are available online. So, for this article, I’m letting the insiders do the talking. Who is better placed to talk about the entertainment business than the entertainers themselves, those who have experienced first hand all facets of the business?

Although most artists will not use the terms “mind control” or “occult initiation,” they are explaining, in their own words, the strange realities they are witnessing. These are some videos I’ve found. I hope they’ll work for everyone.

Warning: Some of these videos are disturbing or contain foul language.

Selling One’s Soul to the Devil

“Selling one’s soul” can be defined as allowing one’s integrity, values and moral code to be defiled in order to obtain riches and success. Considering the occult aspect of the industry, “selling one’s soul” can take a more literal meaning, as there exist actual ritualistic initiations and obscure secret societies working in the shadows. Some artists, who have been more or less in contact with that darker side of Hollywood, have spoken on the subject in their own words.

In the next video, model and actress Melyssa Ford discusses the price of fame in Hollywood.

In the next video, singing legend Bob Dylan explains on 60 Minutes the reason for his longevity in the music business.

What is Katy Perry referring to in this next video? Is “selling one’s soul to the Devil” the folksy way to say I’ve been initiated into the Illuminati industry?

Michael Jackson

Who better than the King of Pop to speak the truth about the music industry? I’ve been asked numerous times about Jackson’s involvement in the Illuminati industry and the causes of his death. I’ve never attempted to write an article on the subject, as his career was incredibly long and filled with astounding events and requires more than just a summary survey.

What is obvious, however, is that MJ, in his last years, was becoming increasingly outspoken on the shady dealings of the music industry. Indeed, it seems the man who was the ultimate Illuminati slave was attempting to break free. In June 2002, Michael Jackson, gave an unexpected speech about the dark side of the entertainment business.
Jackson directly points to Tommy Mottola, the ex-president of Sony Music and the ex-husband of Mariah Carey, who was less her husband than an actual mind control handler. Did “the Devil” get back at MJ for speaking the truth?

Britney Spears

In this 2003 interview with Diane Sawyer, Britney seems to momentarily switch alters in what seems to be a “mind control glitch”.

The episode of her breaking down and shaving her head might have been an attempt to break free from her mind control manipulation. Reality is indeed WAY stranger than fiction.

Vigilante Citizen

Woman Shits On Dance Floor, Keeps Dancing

 Woman Shits On Dance Floor, Keeps Dancing

Club Daum erupted into pandemonium Saturday night after 24 year old Ellen Harris, while under the influence of an explosive cocktail of drugs and alcohol, defecated on the dance floor. "She just squatted on the floor, let loose a giant deuce, and kept dancing as if nothing had happened," says James Deer, the manager and proprietary of the venue. "I was across the room, talking with the bartender when I noticed what happened."

The dance floor was crowded at the time of the incident. Party goers near Harris soon found themselves slipping and sliding through her brown river. "I was walking towards the bar to buy some mojitos for me and my girlfriend when I noticed three people fall down in front of me. When they got up, their arms and shirts were soaked and nasty looking. One of the guys who got up sniffed his arm and within seconds of doing that, he puked all over himself" says Clarence Brown, a 19 year old American who was visiting Montreal for his birthday. "He just kept puking. It was all over the floor, which caused other dancers to slip and fall. I turned tail to return to my girlfriend, but someone behind me grabbed my shoulder for support as they were falling down, which caused me to go down with them. When I hit the ground, I could feel that my pants were wet. I was sitting in vomit. I got up as best as I could without touching the floor, but I still managed to get a bunch on my hand and arms. I'm surprised I didn't puke, because everyone else was."

"Ellen was still dancing like nothing had happened. Everyone around her was on the floor, covered in vomit, yelling and screaming and freaking out, and she was just bopping her head, oblivious to it all, trapped in some sort of drug fuelled alternate reality" says James Deer. "I was in a state of shock. No one can prepare a club owner for a situation like this. It was like a war zone. The vomiting was contagious. Within minutes of that idiot crapping on the dance floor, there must have been twenty or thirty people puking all over themselves and each other in my club. The place stunk of feces, bile, and human failure."

The paramedics were called, and the bouncers cleared the dance floor.

"I closed the club early, but I don't know if i'll ever open it again. Not without a serious overhaul. Ellen Harris ruined Club Daum. From now on, Daum will forever be associated with people vomiting all over each other."


This Graduate Student May Have Accidentally Recorded Sounds From Another World

This Graduate Student May Have Accidentally Recorded Sounds From Another World

It's always weird when science fiction stops being fictional. A NASA student sent a balloon with infrared microphones above New Mexico and Arizona, capturing bizarre sounds that seem like something out of the Alien soundtrack.

The balloon captured these sounds 22 miles above the Earth's surface. Normally these sounds can't be heard because they are at a much lower frequency than human ears can detect. Luckily the sounds have been sped up Alvin and the Chipmunks style so we can hear their otherworldly horror.

By Tim Unkenholz, VIRALNOVA

Former NASA Officials Reveal The Best Kept Secret Of the US Government?

Former NASA Officials Reveal The Best Kept Secret Of the US Government?

Two recently “fired” NASA“officials” recently revealed the best kept secret of the US government that had been kept “safe” for forty years, saying that there are traces of constructions on the Moon.

Earth’s Moon has always been a much talked about subject and speculation about what it may be have always been present. We have always wondered why we have not been to the moon recently, we have all seen the mysterious images of the moon that appear to show strange constructions on the surface of the moon yet no one has reached and explored the possibilities throughly.

As revealed by the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ken Johnston, former manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the manned Apollo Lunar Program and Richard Hoagland, a former consultant of NASA, uncovered the secret at a conference held at the National Press Club in Washington. Both of them were involved in the Apollo missions, Hoagland in particular, who presided the Apollo moon landing transmission on television.

Skeptics have already attacked both Johnston and Hoagland suggesting that they have little to none evidence that can support their claims. But is there a chance that they might be right? And that there is something happening on the moon?

Johnston confirmed that, in the 70s, American astronauts saw and recorded “vestiges of human constructions of antiquity” on the moon and photographed some of the technological evidence found on the surface. After the astronauts brought back the images to Earth, they were handed over to Johnston, responsible for the conservation of the images. Even though some officials had ordered Johnston to destroy the images he kept them as a secret. Nearly forty years after, Johnston decided to publish these pictures. He accused NASA of editing original images of the Moon and replacing them with fake images where the structures on the moon had been erased.

The official photos underwent special treatment and, particularly those of the moon landing, which were eventually modified. According to Hoagland, the Apollo mission astronauts even brought back physical evidence of extraterrestrial technology, advancements that have already been incorporated and are used by countries such as the United States, Russia, China, India and Japan. The United States astronauts brought back from the moon, clear evidence of structures, and items.

Johnston believes that a new round of struggle will have its outcome and, unlike political competition with Russia 50 years ago, this outcome will decide the fate of each and every human being on Earth. Hoagland stated clearly that besides the truth hidden on the Moon, there are several pieces of evidence that point to the existence of life and traces of life on the red planet. Adding to the mystery, packages 698,699 and 700 where the moon landing records were kept have vanished from sight.

Whether these two individuals are right about their theories and are telling the truth is something that we will perhaps, not known. But we have to accept for a fact that the moon missions have been, since the beginning, surrounded by numerous enigmas. Why we have not been to the moon recently is another quest that nobody seems to address.

By Ivan Petricevic, Ancient-Code

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire
You may not have noticed, but our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. According to Volcano Discovery, 40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and only 6 of them are not along the Ring of Fire. If that sounds like a very high number to you, that is because it is a very high number. As I have written about previously, there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century. When you divide that number by 100, that gives you an average of about 35 volcanic eruptions per year. So the number of volcanoes that are erupting right now is well above the 20th century’s average for an entire calendar year. And of course we are witnessing a tremendous amount of earthquake activity as well. Nepal was just hit by the worst earthquake that it had seen in 80 years, and scientists are telling us that the Himalayas actually dropped by an astounding 3 feet as a result of that one earthquake. How much more does our planet have to shake before people start paying attention?

Of course the things that we have been seeing lately are part of a much larger long-term trend. Seismic activity appears to have been getting stronger over the past few decades, and now things really seem to be accelerating. The following is how one news sourcerecently summarized what we have been witnessing…

If it seems like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes are happening more frequently, that’s because they are. Looking at global magnitude six (M6) or greater from 1980 to 1989 there was an average of 108.5 earthquakes per year, from 2000 to 2009 the planet averaged 160.9 earthquakes per year: that is a 38.9% increase of M6+ earthquakes in recent years. Unrest also seems to be growing among the world’s super-volcanoes. Iceland (which is home to some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet), Santorini in Greece, Uturuncu in Bolivia, the Yellowstone and Long Valley calderas in the U.S., Laguna del Maule in Chile, Italy’s Campi Flegrei – almost all of the world’s active super-volcanic systems are now exhibiting some signs of inflation, an early indication that pressure is building in these volcanic systems.

But of course most Americans are never going to care about any of this until it starts affecting them personally.

Well, perhaps they should start paying attention to the warning signs. In recent weeks we have seen significant earthquakes in Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, California, Idaho And Washington. In addition, it is being reported that pressure is building in dormant volcanoes in Arizona and California. Just because we have not had a killer earthquake or a large volcanic eruption in the U.S. in recent years does not mean that it will always be that way. Right now the entire planet appears to be waking up, and this especially seems to be true of the Ring of Fire.

If you are not familiar with the Ring of Fire, just imagine a giant ring that runs around the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur within this area, and the entire west coast of North America is considered to be part of the Ring of Fire.

For so long, the west coast has been incredibly blessed not to have experienced a major seismic event. But scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time.

And right now, just about every other part of the Ring of Fire is shaking violently.

For example, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake just hit Japan on Wednesday…

A magnitude-6.8 earthquake that shook northeast Japan on Wednesday was an aftershock of the devastating 2011 quake that triggered a massive tsunami and nuclear power plant meltdown.

“We consider this morning’s earthquake to be an aftershock of the 2011 Northeastern Pacific Earthquake,” said Yohei Hasegawa, an official at the Japanese meteorological agency.

The temblor, which struck just after 6 a.m. local time (5 p.m. ET Tuesday), was sparked by the Pacific tectonic plate “subducting,” or moving under, the main land plate, he added.

Hasegawa warned that more tremors may be on the way.

One Japanese expert is warning that Japan “might have entered an era of great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions“, and considering the immense devastation that the great earthquake and tsunami of 2011 caused, that is a very sobering assessment.

Meanwhile, a series of very strong earthquakes have struck Papua New Guinea recently as well. The following comes from the Washington Post…

Once again, just because things have always been a certain way does not mean that they will always be that way.

As Americans, we are not accustomed to being concerned about major earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions, but that could soon change in a big way.

The truth is that our planet and our sun are changing in ways that are unpredictable and that our scientists don’t completely understand.

For example, a recent LiveScience article discussed the fact that scientists are deeply puzzled by the fact that the magnetic field of our planet is getting weaker 10 times faster than previously believed…

Scientists already know that magnetic north shifts. Once every few hundred thousand years the magnetic poles flip so that a compass would point south instead of north. While changes in magnetic field strength are part of this normal flipping cycle, data from Swarm have shown the field is starting to weaken faster than in the past. Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought. As such, rather than the full flip occurring in about 2,000 years, as was predicted, the new data suggest it could happen sooner.

By Michael Snyder,
The Economic Collapse

Leaked Footage From A Secret Masonic Ritual

 Leaked Footage From A Secret Masonic Ritual

A footage of alleged Turkish Freemason rituals. The first six minutes is a basic initiate ceremony into the masonic temple. At about the 6:00 mark you will see a second ritual.



Spirit Possession and Attachments

A healer once told me that I had 172 attachments. I was back in Melbourne visiting family and decided to see a healer to reconnect and ground myself after my first year of living in Los Angeles.

I was shocked to hear that I had attachments. I had always meditated, practiced positive thinking and was usually pretty in-tune to my surroundings and vibration but, my first year in LA had been tough.

I had always likened attachments to possession, but they are not really the same thing. Attachments can be psychic or energetic debris that you pick up on a daily basis, whether you are at the grocery store or in a restaurant. We can also pick up attachments from the people around us.

Think of it like this- when you are around someone that is in a bad mood, it can become contagious. On some level you are picking up on their emotional funk and creating an attachment to their energy.

Spirit Possession and Attachments

The same goes for your surroundings. When you are in crowded places or big cities there is a high “pain body” around you and being in that energy leaves you vulnerable to picking up different types of energetic attachments.

We become susceptible to these energetic attachments when we are feeling vulnerable or when we don’t have any spiritual or energetic protection.

These types of attachments can make us feel, without reason — tired, irritable, grumpy, heavy — especially around our neck and shoulders, moody and lethargic. This energy may vary in intensity depending on sensitivity levels and the degree of attachment.

These types of energetic attachments usually go away when you consciously try to ‘snap yourself out of it’ or when you start to think more positively. They can also be cleansed and prevented by using these 9 techniques.

It is important to build up a shield of protection against attachments, especially if you work or live in a highly emotional environment.

While attachments are just fragments of emotional energy which join your energy field or aura, possession is when a spirit actually enters your soul body.

There are two types of spirit possession:

1.) External Possession: A spirit can attach to your energetic body, usually through your back.

2.) Internal Possession: A spirit can step inside your soul body and compete with your soul (this is what you see in the horror movies).

Spirits attach to our energetic body or attempt to step inside your soul for a number of reasons-

They are looking for energy: After someone dies, their spirit leaves their body and is supposed to cross-over, but some spirits do not, usually because they have unfinished business or because they are afraid. Without their physical body or without the energy from the Divine these spirits then go in search of others energy in order to exist.

They still want to be alive: If a spirit has not come to terms with their death, they may stay around and try to live through others. This is usually the case with addicts or those who experienced sudden death or some type of trauma. They may try to ‘piggy-back” off someone else and manipulate them to engage in certain behaviours that they enjoyed while alive.

They have never lived:
There are spirits out there that have never come into human form. These can be demons. They attempt to take over the body and soul in order to achieve some type of dark or negative act. They usually want to inflict harm and even death.

Possession at any level can be extremely dangerous. Some of the signs include mental illness, addictions, abrupt personality changes, anger, outbursts of rage, or behaving out of character. The victims eyes may also appear to be lifeless or dull in color and they may lose their appetite or need to sleep.

Possessions can happen to anyone, but they are rare. Usually they occur when there is some type of vulnerability or exposure. Dabbling in the occult and ouija boards can also leave you susceptible if you don’t have proper protection or experience.

Possessions also usually involve other types of paranormal activity around the victims living environment or house.

The good news is that even if you think you are possessed or you have attachments, there is always hope. There are plenty of professional exorcists, healers and shamans who can guide you to being free of this energy.

By Tanaaz, Forever Conscious

40,000-Year-Old Bracelet Made With Advanced Technology —The Evidence

40,000-Year-Old Bracelet Made With Advanced Technology —The Evidence

Dating back to the Denisovan species of early humans, scientists have confirmed that a bracelet found in Siberia is 40,000 years old. This makes it the oldest piece of jewelry ever discovered.

The bracelet is discovered in a site called the Denisova Cave in the Altai region of Siberia in 2008 and after detailed analysis Russian experts now accept that the bracelet’s age as correct.

Scientists conclude it was made by our prehistoric human ancestors, the Denisovans, an extinct species of humans genetically distinct from Neanderthals and modern humans, and shows them to have been far more advanced than ever realized.

But what made the discovery especially striking was that the manufacturing technology is more common to a much later period, such as the Neolithic era. Indeed, it is not clear yet how the Denisovans could have made the bracelet.

Writing in the Novosibirsk magazine, Science First Hand, Dr Derevyanko said: 
"There were found two fragments of the bracelet of a width of 2.7cm and a thickness of 0.9 cm. The estimated diameter of the find was 7cm. Near one of the cracks was a drilled hole with a diameter of about 0.8 cm."

"Studying them, scientists found out that the speed of rotation of the drill was rather high, fluctuations minimal, and that was there was applied drilling with an implement - technology that is common for more recent times", Dr. Derevyanko told the Siberiantimes.

Image: Bracelet is made of Chlorite - Inside are traces of drilling.
Image credit: Anatoly Derevyanko and Mikhail Shunkov, Anastasia Abdulmanova.
It is known that the Denisovans migrated out of Africa and having branched away from other humanoid ancestors some 1 million years ago.

Genetic studies confirm that skeletal remains of Denisovans, that dated back as early as 600,000 years ago were quite different to both Neanderthals and modern man and the studies confirm that they did coexist not only with modern humans and the Neanderthals, prior to become extinct, but as DNA evidence suggests, the Denisovans also must have interbred with an as yet unknown and undiscovered species of humans beings... or maybe an Extraterrestrial species?

UFO Sightings Hotspot

Several Dead Mice Found In Loaves Of Bread

Several Dead Mice Found In Loaves Of Bread

Several Dead Mice Found In Loaves Of Bread.

Maybe the worst thing you could ever imagine ending up in your loaf of bread would be mold.

Well, the people that took these photos below could only wish that’s all they had found.

Several loaves of bread worldwide over the last year turned up to have an extra little additive nobody expected.

It seems that these bread factories are experiencing mice infestations which are causing these critters to end up smashed in the process.

Yes, it’s sad AND disgusting.

Just double check that bread before you make a sandwich!

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