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Dad And His Daughter Got Engaged: Plans On Building Their Own Family

They say love knows no boundaries. It is willing to go against all odds, that's how strong an emotion like love can be. But what if the love you are feeling breaks social norms? The article today is about a daughter and father who decided to be engaged and start a family of their own.

A woman from America shared how she became engaged to her father. It took them more than a decade apart and only got reunited when she was 17. When they got reunited, they decided to get engaged and start a family of their own.

The daughter and father got reunited through the help of technology. They started to chat with each other online for a few weeks and the two felt that there's spark between them in a romantic way. The woman who wants to remain anonymous spoke to New York Magazine's Science of Us to share her love story with her own father :
"It was so weird and confusing I was seeing my dad for the first time in forever but it was also like, He's so good-looking! I saw him as my dad but then also part of me was like, I'm meeting this guy who I have been talking to over the internet and really connecting with and I find him attractive."
The instant attraction was undeniable and it got deeper as she decided to stay with him for a week. It only took them 5 days to share how they fancy each other. Before they get to sleep together, the woman confessed to her father that he is her first lover. Fast forward to the present, they are now an engaged couple and plans on having their own children together as well. Their relatives knows their relationship and it appears that it is not a big deal to them anyway.

The only person who still remains in the dark was her mother. The woman confirmed that she will tell everything to her mother once they already moved to New Jersey. It is known on New Jersey that consensual, incestuous relationships where both parties are over 18 are not being punished. The woman is optimistic that her mother will accept it and start to visit her grandchildren in the near future.

On potential genetic problems that could face their children 

"I wouldn't risk having a kid if I thought it would be harmful. I've done my research. Incest has been around as long as humans have Everybody just needs to deal with it as long as nobody is getting hurt or getting pressured or forced."

Would she tell their children that their dad was both their father and grandfather?

"We've decided that most likely we won't, she said"I don't want to give them any problems" Incest remains to be a sensitive topic as it breaks the so-called social norms and most people believe that there are consequences that the incest couple has to deal with sooner or later.


The Catalonia Fallen Angel Caught on Camera

It would be a nice sight to be able to see an angel from the sky, but what if instead of seeing an angel could give you an eerie feeling, are you still up for it?

 Two men from Catalonia, Spain are apparently hearing strange noises. They followed the noises and as they get close to the source of the noise, they start to find giant white feathers. The feathers looked like it was leading them to a place.

The men came across the source of the weird noise and they thought it was a person that was only crouched in some bushes, but when the creature turns to look at the men, the men got shocked!

Watch the video here

Headless Ghost Caught On Video

What if a simple bonding time with friends turns out to be a creepy ghost experience? In this video, four kids got the shock of their lives as they wander around an abandoned school in Iraq.

The kids can be seen wandering aimlessly through stairwells and empty classrooms for a solid two minutes but what happens next after that is much creepier: A headless ghost appears right in front of them.

Watch The Video Here: 

On-Duty Pinoy Nurses Engages in Sexual Act While Caring For An Elderly Patient

Being a nurse is not an easy ride as you need to go through series of lessons, examinations, duties and training before you get your much-awaited diploma and eventually, license. Aside from the compensation, there's a huge acclaim for nurses since their work involves devotion, passion and care for their patients. But how would you react if you see nurses behaving badly?

San Diego, California - two Filipino nurses made headlines as they were caught on camera doing something naughty while on duty. On the said video footage, two nurses were seen pleasuring each other right bedside their patient's bed. Their patient is a 99-year-old stroke patient and of course, the patient was shocked to witness the said lewd acts.

The on-duty nurses were identified as Russel Torralba, 42, and Alfredo Ruiz, 43. According to a report from GMA News, the 99-year-old stroke patient’s family requested to review the security footage of her room . The patient gave non-verbal cues to her family after the act done by the nurses were done. When the family got ohld of the footage, they were shocked to discover that the two on-duty nurses engages in an act that was supposedly done to a private room, not on a patient's room while on duty. One shocking clip also shows the two nurses touching the elderly woman while they were pleasuring themselves.

The two nurses faces felony charges for inflicting mental suffering on an elderly. They were also stripped of their licenses. The nurses have already pleaded guilty to the felony charges and will face sentencing on March 30.

 Watch the video here:

Pastor Claims Justin Bieber as a Transgender Who Cut Off His Breasts

It is common knowledge to everyone that we are all entitled to our own opinions but how far can that belief be valid?

Meet James David Manning, a Harlem-based pastor at Atlah Worldwide Missionary Church. In case you did not know him yet, he was known due to his opinions on different topics. The latest topic he commented on was the videos of girls and boys announcing to the world that they are transgenders.

It is obvious that Manning is totally against it. He commented on it with the use of his religious beliefs. Here's his take on the said issue:
“We’re talking about young girls, 6 to 10 years of age. They can be led or influenced to cut off their breasts once they get into puberty. They can be led to have operations, like Justin Bieber, they can think that the best choice for their life is to cut off their breasts. And then by the time they reach the age of 20 years old, they say, ‘I wish I had never cut off my breasts, I wish I had never mutilated my flesh, I wish I had never cut off my penis,  
I wish I had never done that, I was just young. And the people in the church or the people in the media said or gave the impression that I had a right to choose any kind of sexual orientation that I wanted to choose, and so I cut off my penis or I cut off my breasts. I will chase every sodomite, I will chase every lesbo, I will chase every political leader with the power of God, with the chariots of fire. That these children be not misled by people in congregations and people in business or in politics like Obama that are influencing these children to throw their lives away the way Justin Bieber threw his life away.”
- James David Manning

Manning's comments once again made headlines as he claims that the Pop Star Justin Bieber was once a female who decided to be transgender by removing his breasts to fully become a man in the public's eyes.

Watch the video here:


Escanaba Power Plant Explosion Accompanied with Strange Beams of Light

We are all witnesses on the numerous changes that takes place in our environment, but is there a concrete explanation to these changes? .

Just like what happened to Escanaba, residents shockingly awoke to find themselves without power due to a mysterious explosion at a power plant located in Escanaba, Michigan.  The said explosion caused the neighborhood to be covered in darkness.

The explosion was accompanied by a strange light that one reader said "shot straight down from the heavens." While the local media attempted to explain away the light as an oncoming train, most readers weren't buying it. - Allnewspipeline
 Here are the reactions of the residents to the said explosion:

  • "This morning, about 1:15, we had a major malfunction out at the Power Plant substation with an explosion, Which, in turn caused major outages throughout the entire city. We haven't done a situational review yet, We haven't had time, we've been trying to get power. With the outside temperatures this morning down to five or six, we're trying to get people warm." - City Manager Jim O'Toole
  • "My husband works in the power station there, and he called at 1:30 in the morning and said, 'Don't freak out, there's been an explosion but everybody's fine, I knew everybody was safe and no one was hurt. - Escanaba resident Rhonda Goodwin
  • "The temperatures were actually below zero this morning,And, without heat in your home, you're either going to be bundling up or you're going to find a place that's nice and warm to go, and that's what the Warming Center is all about." - Naomi Fletcher, with the Escanaba Civic Center. 
  •  "My roommate and I were asleep for the most part, We got up around 8:30-8:30ish, and it was really, really cold from there on.'' - Escanaba resident Victoria Alvarado
  • " I woke up about 1:30 [A.M.], and the humidifier wasn't running, So, I thought, 'Huh, it must be out of water.' So I get up, I go to the kitchen, flick the light on and I start walking away and I go, 'What the heck, the light didn't go on. This is a good community and I'm glad that I live here, [it's a] great place." - Resident Brian Berkholtz
  • "It could've been the power plant, it could've been my husband, We'd be feeling a whole lot different today than what I'm feeling now, so [I'm] just grateful. It's a good feeling to be able to help, you know? When you see that tiny little baby over there and know that he's warm, and you know, that's all we can do. If I didn't have heat, I'd want somebody to do this for me. It's actually a godsend, because even though we've been here a few years, we do not know a whole lot of people," - Escanaba resident Rhonda Goodwin
Watch the video here:


Man Survives 7-storey Building Fall Given by ISIS For Being Gay Then Stoned to his Death

The whole world were a witness to several punishments ISIS gives to anyone who contradicts their beliefs, one of it was the punishment that involves throwing anyone whose proven to be gay from a roof to a tower block.

It was uploaded to the internet and people all over the world were shocked by it, the said punishment sparked online debates.

A blindfolded man which was allegedly thrown from the roof of a tower block, simply for being gay was able to survive. It was known that the gay men were thrown from seven storeys high but if you survive the fall, you will be stoned to death. Just like what happened to this man.

He is believed to be in his 50s and the crime he allegedly committed was having a ‘homosexual affair’.He survived the fall but unfortunately, onlookers gather around him and they prepared to throw stones at him. They threw stones at him until he is finally dead.


Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend to a 42-year-old man for only $3200 who Raped, Starved and Abused her

Zheijang province, China - a 13-year-old runaway girl named Xiao Zhao experienced an unfortunate series of events as she was sold by her so-called boyfriend to a 40-year-old man for a price of $3200. The 13-year old girl was raped, starved and beaten reportedly by her "husband."

Xiao Zhao experienced these things as she initially eloped with her boyfriend A-Wu. It was said that A-Wu convinced her to run away from her parents’ home in order to “play house” with him. A-Wu even added flowery words such as making her believe that a ‘happily ever after’ awaits them as soon as they get together. The naive child fell to the trap as A-Wu only wanted to make money out of her.

As soon as he convinced the child to go with him, He immediately sold Xiao to 42-year-old named Mr. Guo. Xiao was forced to come with the 42-year old man who only feeds her one bowl of rice a day, if she answers him back, Mr.Guo will beat her up while saying that she already costed him too much money. The naive girl tried to escape the hands of her captor for 9 times already. But the only problem is that she was taken by Guo to the mountains and she easily gets lost. She is more scared of dying in the mountains than being abused by Mr. Guo.

There are also chances of Xiao being able to contact her parents but she is too afraid to let her voice be heard. She is scared because her captor always threatens her that he will kill her parents ift hey try to show up and get her back. The threats to the 13-year old Xiao made her feel helpless, she calls her parents but she will only listen to her parents' voices and eventually hangs up. Her parents in return, thinks that it was only prank calls then.

Watch the video here: 


 Burt every suffering must come to an end and every bad deeds needs to be paid with punishment, Xiao's father decided to call the police. The police were able to locate and rescue the poor Xiao Zhao from the hands of her ‘husband.' When the police found her, she had lost so much weight. Her own father almost did not recognize her due to a drastic weight loss she attained from the abusive hands of Mr.Guo. Xiao's suffering ended and justice is anticipated to be served, as Mr. Guo and A-Wu have been arrested already and were charged with kidnapping, human trafficking, child abuse, and rape. The prosecutor will be adding more charges before the case goes to court. Xiao and her family is hoping that justice be served and the two evil men get punished for luring Xiao with the thoughts of having a "happily ever after" in order to make money out of her innocent age.

Man Has His Nose Cut Off Just To Look Like A Super Villain

How far can your fascination can take you? Will you do exactly the same thing a comic book fan has gone through to copy the look of a superhero villain?

If you are a self-proclaimed comic fan, the you should meet Henry Damon! Henry Damon is a 37-year old dad from Caracas, Venezuela. Damon went to the extremes just to look like the super villain from Captain America, Red Skull. Damon removed his nose and already had bumps put on his forehead and arms that resembles Red Skull from Captain America.

The Red Skull is a fictional character, a super villain that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the archenemy of the superhero Captain America, and is portrayed as a Nazi agent. Created by Joe Simon, Jack Kirby and France Herron, the character first appeared in Captain America Comics #7 in October, 1941. He has appeared as a recurring enemy of Captain America in various ongoing series, limited series and alternate reality series in the years since.
The character has been adapted to a variety of other media platforms, including animated television series, video games, and live-action feature films. He was portrayed by actor Hugo Weaving in the 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger.
Red Skull was ranked number 21 on Wizard Magazine's Top 100 Greatest Villains Ever list and was also ranked as IGN's 14th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time.   -Wikipedia

Henry went to a surgeon who a med school drop-out named Emilio Gonzalez.
‘Henry aka Red Skull is a physically and intellectually healthy person. He’s an excellent son, husband and father, who has an extreme taste for body modification. Most of my customers know that body modification is the last step of body art, everyone knows very well what they want and as well as Henry, many of them are waiting for me for many years to make their dreams a reality.’ - Emilio Gonzalez
Just when you thought Henry's transformation is done already, well it is not ending anytime soon as the next procedure would be the adding of silicone implants on the cheekbones, chin and cheeks. After that, his face will be dyed to copy the exact look of Red Skull.

This Couple Is The Living Testament That Love Knows No Size

A couple's story goes viral for being the living proof of unconditional love. Love truly has no boundaries. Love may be blind as it may ignore look, size, status quo, age and gender. It is expected that people will question someone else's intention on marrying a handicapped or anyone that lives with imperfection. It is the cold hard truth but hey, true love still does exist and whether you like it or not, love will always prevail in the end.

People with disability deserves to love and be loved in return too. The story of Mindle Kniss and Sean Stephenson is the living testament to that belief. Mindie Kniss and his tiny husband Sean Stephensonare who is 2 ft. 8 inch in height are dubbed as the larger than life couple that proves how love knows no boundaries. The couple are both motivational speakers whose pqths crossed through the help of a mutual friend in 2009. They got along well and love is in the air as they say. They got married in September 14, 2012.

Sean was born with a rare bone disorder Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as Brittle Bone Disorder. The condition is described as stunts anyone's growth and causes bones to be extremely fragile. His condition did not hindered their love story to bloom, it only proved how love can be so powerful that imperfections cannot stop the romance brewing in to two different people.

The couple has their own cersion of happily ever after as they now live in Scottsdale, Arizona. But, internet users really don't get their love story as they accused Mindie of only loving Sean for conveniency.

“Most people think I look past his disability, when his physical differences are clearly obvious. There is full acceptance here. We all have challenges – it’s just his are visible.” - Mindie Kniss

Despite allegations of not being able to have a satisying sex life due to Sean's condition, the couple shared how good their sex life is.

“Just because he’s disabled doesn’t mean we don’t have an awesome sex life. Our sex life is bigger and better than most couples we know.” Mindie Kniss

Love is truly a powerful force that does not look for anyone's validations as long as the two people shares the same love.


Ouija Board Predicts Mother and Daughter's Deaths, Becomes Critically Ill Hours After The Session

What if an ouija board warns you about your impending death? Would you believe it? Or would you ignore the warning? A creepy ouija experience invoving a mother and daughter will surely scare you off.

Meet Margaret Carroll and Katrina Livingstone, a mother and daughter who were told during a Ouija board session that that they would soon die are now both ill in hospital following a fire incident at their home. The fire incident occurred hours after the Ouija board told them their predicted deaths.

It was said that the mother and daughter used the Ouija board in hopes of contacting their dead dog, The family pet was unfortunately dismembered and killed by the mother’s husband and the daughter’s step-dad, Paul Carroll, who initially claimed the dog had died because it was possessed due to a previous Ouija board session.

Right after the Ouija board session, one of their neighbors named Donna Sowerby revealed that Katrina had confessed to her hat the Ouija board had also made grim predictions about their deaths. Mrs. Sowerby even shared that when the fire started it was already a living hell.
“The fire was right the way through the property. It was horrible.There was a mini explosion and one of the firefighters was blown back.” - Donna Sowerby
It is known that the church strongly criticised the trend of using ouija boards and even called it “absolutely appalling,” and strongly warned people to “not let this darkness” into their lives.

“It is absolutely appalling. I would very strongly advise parents not to buy Ouija boards for children. It’s like opening a shutter in one’s soul and letting in the supernatural. There are spiritual realities out there and they can be very negative. I would hugely recommend people not to have anything to do with the occult. People find they are having strange dreams, strange things happening to them, even poltergeist activity.”  - Church of England vicar Peter Irwin-Clark
The Mirror reports that Margaret Carroll and Katrina Livingstone are now being treated in hospital while Paul Carroll will be sentenced later this month for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

The Creepy Demonoid from San Diego

An image of a "monster" apparently shows up on Pacific Beach in San Diego just recently. The sender of the said photo described the monster through an email as a "Chupacabra/Montauk Monster-looking creature". When Dylan was contacted, he referred them to his friend Josh Menard, the 19-year-old snowboarder from Lake Tahoe who was said to be the one who shot the photos.

 Josh undoubtedly believes that the thing he photographed was a living and breathing mutant hellbeast, or can also be a relative member to the Chupacabra bloodline. The "monster" was estimated to have a size of about two feet in length,
 "it had the body shape of a pig—kind of a fat stomach, middle area. And the canines were just ridiculously large."

"I didn't know if it was some creature from around here. I'm from Massachusetts and I don't see shit like that ever. My friends were like no, I've never seen anything like that and were pretty tripped up about it. I thought it was pretty funny and kind of mysterious." - Josh Menard

Vice.com compared the said monster to the chupacabra images that proliferatedt he internet before and here are the comparisons between the two:
1) Its hind legs are longer than its front pair;
2) It appears to be mostly hairless;
3) It looks creepy.
The said monster still needs to be proven real but one thing's for sure, it is indeed an eerie sight to see if you're just spending a quiet day on San Diego.

Gold Digger Wife Files for Divorce Against her ‘Ugly Husband’ after Spending all the Wedding Money

If there are a long list of successful marriages, there's also a room for the failed relationships/marriages. It might be due to different point of views in life, the spark was gone, etc. But, one couple from China is headed for divorce due to a very bizarre reason.

Hubei, China - It only took a month of being formally married for a woman to fully decide on calling it quits with her newly married husband. The woman already filed for divorce and her reasons might shock you. The woman filed for divorce for reasons that her husband was too ‘ugly’ to the point that she cannot even sleep with him.

Her 30-year-old husband, Xiao Tian was in great shock to know about his wife's complaint on his looks/appearance. Her wife even goes far with putting on a foul-smelling medicinal creams to make him go away from her. But Xiao Tian did not give up and believed that it was his duty to consummate the marriage, so he jumped into bed with her one night. Before anything can happen, his wife excused herself to the bathroom.

He did not suspected that his wife is already contacting the police once she got inside the bathroom. She told the police that her husband is being very abusive and uses force to rape her that's why the police took her to the police station to keep her safe from her husband.

Watch the video here: 


Few weeks have gone by and Xiao Tian received a divorce notice on grounds stating that he's being too abusive on their marriage. He was shocked and he even recalls that he had given his wife’s family a large dowry, but after spending it all, his wife now demands a divorce.

Haunting Images Of A Smoker’s Blackened Lungs In 15-30 Years Time Seen Through CCTV

If there's a list of things that most people are addicted to, that list won't be completed without cigarettes. Cigarettes are known for the danger it might cause anyone who abuses it but there are some people who just cannot get shake off their fascination with it.

There are many substitutes for cigarettes that's already available in the market but truth be told, people still want the "real deal." Smokers may defend using cigarettes as their stress reliever or the one who can calm their nerves but one thing's for sure, cigarette smoking does not only endanger its smoker, people around that person can get his/her life in grave danger as second hand smoke is far more dangerous compared to first hand smoking.

Despite various reminders from tv/online/publications regarding its long term effects, patronage to cigarettes is still rising. One factor that may influences a smoker not to take this ads seriously is the outside appearance of majority of smokers. They don't look old at all. This thinking may not lead to an aspiring smoker to try it then eventually get addicted to it.

But if you are doing constant check-ups, you will soon realize that your body system is actually suffering from the inside, very different from what you see on the outside appearance of most smokers.. It is known that the lungs are the most affected organ and put into compromise when it comes to smoking. And to further give you an idea on how smoking makes your lungs suffer and look old inside, here's some GIF’s to wake you up. The following images shows the difference between a 15-year-smoker to a 30-year-smoker.

Woman Found Worm Slipping Out of the McDonald's Cheeseburger She Is Eating in Philippines

Fast food chains are everywhere and that alone gives people a variety of choices on which one they will patronize. Of course, you would go for the fast food chain that already has a good reputation to prevent putting yourself in danger. But what would you do if your favorite fast food meal has an ingredient that you did not asked for?

A woman named Susan Longuinsa from  Davao City, Philippines found an something unusual on the cheeseburger she ordered from one of the leading fast food chains globally. Allegedly, there was a worm found on her cheeseburger.

The woman got the shock of her life as she might have eaten a part of the worm on her burger. The woman hurriedly reported the incident with the fears that she might get diseases from the said meal. The woman shared that she was already close in finishing the burger when she noticed the worm slipping out of it. She took a closer look and it was indeed a worm that she have found.

The Health office of Davao City already coordinated with the Bureau of Food and Drugs to make further investigations regarding the said incident. The fast food chain also shared that the incident is being investigated and they are doing sanitary checks to prevent the incident from happening again.

Grim Reaper Spotted Right Beside A Man Involved On A Horrific Accident

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that there's a grim reaper waiting for us when it is already our time to leave this world? Or do you believe that we have our own guardian angel that's willing to protect us in times of danger?

A man from Oregon miraculously survived a 50-vehicle pileup traffic accident. The survival story of this man is truly unbelievable but there's also one thing that makes his story hard not to share at all. In a photograph of the freeway accident, a strange robed figure was spotted next to the man's pickup truck which was wedged between two tractor-trailers.

Meet Kaleb Whitby, the man who survived the horrific accident. He was only traveling on Interstate 84 in eastern Oregon when he got involved in a major traffic accident that left twelve people injured. Whitby managed to escape a mangled Chevy Silverado pickup with only scratches. Another man named Sergi Karplyuk, who was also involved in the accident captured a photo of the scene. He did not thought that he wuill capture something more isnister than the accident.
"I was just praying that this can't be my time and that hoping that everything would be okay and that I would make it back to family. Thank God that I'm still alive, Now I've got to go figure out why, When I was sitting in the pickup, I didn't feel like it was bad as it did as when you step out and look at. The fog was a lot thicker than I liked so I went ahead and slowed back down. I noticed the truck in front of me started to brake and then started to sway. That ended up pushing my back end back into traffic and there was a semi that was behind me, then he hit my bed, which then folded that underneath the first truck, then my nose underneath his truck. I'm just glad to be alive," - Kaleb Whitby to FOX News
Watch the video here:

Being able to escape his death from the accident, witnesses at the accident scene firmly believes that Whitby indeed had a guardian angel that's taking care of him.

Teenager Cuts Off his Own Hand To Cure his Internet Addiction

Teens and young kids nowadays are more exposed to the wonders of the internet. The ever-evolving technology amazes everyone but it might also had some consequences as some people may get addicted to it and stop being productive.

A story of how internet addiction can affect someone will be brought to us by a Chinese teenager. Meet the 19-year-old teenager from Nantong, Jiangsu province who desperately wants to end his internet addiction. In order to cure his internet addiction, he cuts off his own hand. The teenager was only known as "Little Wang."

The teenager was rushed to the hospital after using a kitchen knife to cut his left hand. According to Jiangsu TV, the  man chopped his own arm while being seated on a public bench. His mother had gone into his room to find it empty only with a note from her son, the note has this message:
 "Mum, I have gone to hospital for a while, Don't worry. I will definitely come back this evening."

He did cut his left arm at the wrist and left the hand lying on the ground and called a taxi to take him to a nearby A&E. The surgeons at the local hospital were successful in reattaching the hand which was recovered by police. The only problem is that they cannot fully guarantee that it will function just like before.

In China, it was reported that there was about 24 million "web junkies" that's why numerous military-style boot camps are being established to help end the addiction.

Child Rapist Raped By 20 Prisoners Got Treated by Doctors and Re-raped By Prisoners Again

A year ago, a man from Brazil seemingly met his karma of raping his young step child as he got raped by his prison mates that caused him to have lacerations, wounds that needed immediate medical treatment.

Taguatinga, Brazil -  A 25-year-old Brazilian Jujitsu instructor named Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier was jailed for turning himself in after confessing to the authorities his sins of raping and killing his own eight-month old step-son named Miguel Star. His name made rounds to the internet before due to a report that at his 30-day incarceration, he got brutally raped by his fellow inmates on prison for 20 times. The reaction to his fate inside the prison sparked debates as some thinks he deserves it while some still condemns the"barbaric" justice given to him by his inmates.

After the brutal assault, Xavier proceeded to the jail’s medical staff to cure his wounds mostly on the anal area. He got treated with sutures on his back and anal area. He got instituted back to the prison and just when he thought his "prison justice" is already over, he is wrong. The inmates repeatedly raped him again and for the second time his back and anal area got wounded up once again, his fresh sutures were all removed due to the brutal assault. The only difference this time is that his injuries became more prominent all over his body. The region of his back side is the most affected part, of course.

Xavier unwillingly became the subject of the general population of the prison after the vigilante assaults. An image right after the assaults proliferated the internet and it only proves that before he gets to hear the court's decision on his case, he already received ton of prison justice.

Video Of Demon Hands Terrorizing A Man Captured

The "DEMON HANDS" video begins with someone running through their home which holds a camera around. The background noise sounds like there's a chaos happening outside as sirens can be heard roaring simultaneously.

The creepy part starts when the man turns on a flashlight, he then sees unexplainable, bizarre, pale arms begin growing down from the ceiling. And the even creepier part is when the hands starts to multiply and the fear heats up stronger as those hands start to go near the man. Can it be that the demon truly attacked the man?

Watch the Video here:


Footage Of Levitating Girl Caught In Russia

A man from Russia is out to film his dog's activity in the woods. Instead of showing his owner his new tricks, the dog runs off which he may have apparently detected something bizarre in the trees. The man chases after the dog and shockingly stumbles across two girls who actually can fly.

The older girl wearing orange jacket watches appraisingly as the younger girl in red levitates off the ground.


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