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Woman Returns From The Dead and Saw the Afterlife

Woman Returns From The Dead and Saw the Afterlife

Heart Stopped For 45 Minutes – Miracle Near Death Experience and What She Saw.

40-year-old Ruby Graupera-Cassimir was about to be pronounced dead after after 45 minutes with no pulse.

Woman Returns From The Dead and Saw the Afterlife

She spontaneously resuscitated just before doctors were going to pronounce the time of death.

Ruby recalls seeing a being she believes was her dad accompanied by other beings. She felt a force telling her she had to go back. 



Ten Popular Mind Control Techniques Used Today

Ten Popular Mind Control Techniques Used Today

By Nicholas West

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group. Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

1. Education — This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious. It has always been a would-be dictator’sultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history. No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

2. Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need. This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example. However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror. The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement. Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously. When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere. And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

3. Predictive Programming – Many still deny that predictive programming is real. I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed. Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion – Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control. The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer. The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning. Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

5. Food, Water, and Air – Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle. Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite. And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs — This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential. This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World. Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication.

7. Military testing — The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control. The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission. For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum — An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function. In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain. Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”– It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon. Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control. Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality. One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots – From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way. Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.” Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival? Early 2020s.

A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.


“World's Fattest Woman” Plans to Slim Down for Wedding

“World's Fattest Woman” Plans to Slim Down for Wedding

By: Anika Rao

A overweight woman fell in love with a much younger man.

Now, she is determined to walk down the aisle and marry her toyboy lover.

Charity Pierce, 38, was named the world’s fattest woman, weighing 765 pounds. Although her 22-year-old boyfriend loves her, he wants Pierce to lose over 200 pounds before they walk down the aisle.

The 38 year old of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has already reduced her calorie intake from 10,000 to only 1,200 per day, in hopes that she can enjoy her first dance with her fiance, Tony Sauer.

“World's Fattest Woman” Plans to Slim Down for Wedding

Doctors have warned Charity, who has been confined to her home due to her weight, that if she does not lose a significant amount of weight then she might not have much more time to live.

Sauer said that he is worried about her health as he doesn’t want her to die. Pierce is reportedly trying to get a reality TV show deal to record her weight loss, which she believes will help keep her motivated.

She hopes to lose enough weight so that doctors can perform bypass surgery on her.



Mind Control Victim Lady Gaga Claims Rape – Ready To Expose Illuminati?

Mind Control Victim Lady Gaga Claims Rape – Ready To Expose Illuminati?

Readers will recall a recent piece I did on Katy Perry claiming she wanted to become an Illuminati Grand Mistress of the Dark Blooded Lord, and how this was not really a sensible analysis, given the dissimilar characteristics of Voltaire and Perry, despite both having mastery of the nuances of empiricist philosophy. So, at the moment, I’m eating candy on my couch and listening to Ke$ha to see if any spirits manifest from the aether. None have as yet, but the night is young, so let’s make the most of it. However, on a more serious note – what are we to make of this possibility of the degenerate elite establishment’s use of mind control techniques to traumatize and split the psyche of these pop stars with drugs and other means, thrusting them before international audiences to promote a prepackaged agenda? When we look at the actual documented programs surrounding mind controlled alters and programmed sex slaves, we must answer in the affirmative.

For documentation, I’ve reblogged my old article on“Mind Controlled Alters,” citing the Church Committee hearings on MKULTRA and its attendant programs that relied on the work of famous programmers:

The names associated with the programs are Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. Jose Delgado, Dr. Jolyon West, Dr. George Estabrooks, and others. While this itself is easily tracked down in terms of the existence of the programs, what is lesser known are articles like Dr. George Estabrooks’ article from the April 1971 Science Digest, Hypnosis Comes of Age. Included in the article are some striking admissions, especially since the OSS, CIA and FBI utilized Estabrooks and his skills. The article mentions, first of all, Estabrooks’ claim of the use of secret couriers and keywords that function as the triggers in the operative: “The system is virtually foolproof. As exemplified by this case, the information was “locked” in Smith’s unconscious for retrieval by the only two people who knew the combination. The subject had no conscious memory of what happened, so could not spill the beans. No one else could hypnotize him even if they might know the signal phrase.”

Thus, all the way back to World War II the program had been perfected to give handlers the ability to program alters within preselected, highly suggestible individuals. The key trigger words, phrases, signs or codes unlock the alter, with the front persona having no knowledge of the information locked in the alter. The potential for abuse here is quite obvious. In my old article, I also relate how the modern psychiatric “bible,” known as the DSM-V still cites Dr. Estabrooks’ old essay, showing the present establishment views all this as authentic, as well as a host of films that portray mind control themes. In fact, it seems as if mind controlled assassins and alters is appearing in countless productions with increasing frequency. Remember – it was Hollywood that was making films about MKULTRA before it was even known to the public as a real program, as we see in the 1962 The Manchurian Candidate.

With this direct Hollywood connection in mind, we can see the likely possibility of the abuse of pop stars, who become high-priced commodities for the same establishment. I have written before about Candy Jones, and all the way up to the present, top stars are now alleging they were abused by their “handlers” and/or producers. While some cases may be publicity stunts, it is hard to believe they all are. News hounds will recall Amanda Bynes believing she was brainwashed and implanted with amicrochip and Ke$ha recently suing for abuse by her “handler,” Dr. Luke, with Luke in turn counter-suing. Prior to that, we have witnessed a barrage of news stories the last few years recounting a stream of victims alleging networks of sickos using and abusing those under them. Let us not forget Penn State and Jerry Sandusky and Jimmy Savile of the UK, as well as a host of UK government officials. Recent reports also arose from actors like Corey Feldman, who alleges similar crimes.

Consider the positive symbology of Florence’s “No Life, No Light”

And today, the alternative and conspiracy world will no doubt find further confirmation of such suspicions with Lady Gaga claiming she was raped at her Novus Ordo Catholic School. If true, it would make sense, given the extensive amount of child abuse that has emerged from the last 50 years of Roman Catholicism. The Franklin Scandal comes to mind here, which also had ties to Roman Catholic institutions, such as Boy’s Town. Gaga, however, said her music producer raped her at age 19 which would give credence to the possibility she suffers from DID or MPD, with alter personae being utilized by music industrial complex parasites and vipers. Many of these cases, such as the Franklin Scandal and Savile, contain ritual abuse elements, so when we see the occultic imagery of Lady Gaga and other pop stars, it bears keeping in mind the chances are, we are dealing with victims of mind control – and is it, as in the case of Georgia Tann and her “Children’s Home,” something that has been going on underground for a long time? How many of our “stars” are abused people with alters and an unknown, horrible background? Regardless, let’s think twice before judging them, and consider the establishment that mind controls and commodifies them.

This article originally appeared on Jay’s Analysis.


11-year-old girl Spends $2,500 On Taxi Ride To See Boy

11-year-old girl Spends $2,500 On Taxi Ride To See Boy

An 11-year-old girl spent $2,500 on a taxi ride to go and see a boy she met a couple of years ago and who had kept in touch with her.

Lovestruck Alexis Waller left a note for her worried family telling them she had run away.

She went to a nearby petrol station with $10,000 in cash that she had taken from her grandma's sock drawer before hitching a lift to Little Rock.

From there she got a cab to take her on the 800-mile trip to Jacksonville, Florida.

She told Kark: 'He didn't really ask anything, he just asked me where I needed to go.

'I said "I need to go to Jacksonville, Florida". He's like: "Do you have money" and I'm like "yes".'

She was asked to pay $1,300 up front and said she would give the rest of the money when they arrived.

Her worried parents thought she might have been kidnapped and police were able to locate her.

They got in touch with the driver and they stopped nine hours away in Atlanta, Georgia, where her parents drove to meet her.

Speaking about his relief, her dad Brent said: 'You have the rest of your life to punish her, and you just want to hug her and just love her because you got her back and that's what's important.'


The ‘Alien Bird’ that Terrified Australia

The ‘Alien Bird’ that Terrified Australia

In 1927 a strange, little known event shook the Australian town of Fernvale.

Approximately 37 miles west of Brisbane and along the Brisbane River, Fernvale is located at the southern end of the region of Somerset.

Like most UFO related incidents, this one began one night with the appearance of mysterious lights. The lights, the main witness told UFO investigator Bill Chalker during an interview in 1985, were “dancing” in the sky as though performing for them. The eyewitness was only 10 then, living with his parents and his younger sister in a farm.

But the show soon became less exciting after the family began noticing the reaction of their cows. The animals were clearly disturbed by the lights, allegedly causing the death of three of them. Two pigs were also reportedly killed by the strange visitors. They had “puncture marks on their necks and scratches and puncture marks over their bodies.

The neighbors, the witness recalled being told by his parents, were also “terrified” by other “apparitions” that would not be revealed to the young boy that day.

A few nights later, the witness recalled, he was already sleeping when he noticed the strange noises. His parents discarded the ruckus as a segment of the boy’s imagination, but the next night, when the noises came back, they were also able to hear them. Concerned about their own safety, the family made sure that they kept their doors and windows locked.

When they woke up the following morning, both doors were open and there were footprints that looked like those of a “wellington boot tread” leading from the front door through to the back.

One night, the boy and his sister were walking home from a neighbors house when they noticed an actual flying object coming to rest on top of a hill. Later, in the early morning light, they found a 30 feet diameter patch of scorched grass.

Then, later on, the boy reported seeing a giant bird on a tree. The parents told the boy that this was exactly the “apparition” the neighbors had been “terrified” about.

“It appeared out of the darkness,” one of the neighbors had told the boy’s father.

There was a “poultry smell” in the air and feathers were also found.

“They were bigger than any bird they had ever seen, ostensibly at least 3 or 4 times bigger than a wedged tail eagle,” Chalker wrote.

According to the neighbor’s son, the birds seemed to be gliding with their exceedingly big wings. The beasts, he said, appeared to communicate between them.


Mount Popa Monastery And The Mythology of The Thirty-Seven Spirit Guardians

Mount Popa Monastery And The Mythology of The Thirty-Seven Spirit Guardians

By Ḏḥwty
Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. For a large part of its modern history, it was isolated from the rest of the world, ruled by a military junta that wielded absolute power in the face of international condemnation for human rights abuses. However, despite the problems of the present, Burma possesses a colorful past and a rich heritage. One of the most awe-inspiring examples of this is the spectacular Buddhist monastery of Taung Kalat.

Taung Kalat (meaning pedestal hill) is located to the southwest of Mount Popa (Pali/Sanskrit for flower), a volcano situated in the Pegu Range of central Burma, roughly 50 km southeast of the ancient city of Bagan (Pagan). Taung Kalat itself is a volcanic plug (a natural feature formed by magma hardening in an active volcano’s vent whilst travelling on its way up through it), albeit believed to be an extinct volcano today. Rather confusingly, Taung Kalat is sometimes called Mount Popa as well. To avoid this confusion, the volcano is referred to by locals as Taung Ma-gyi, which means ‘mother hill’.

Mount Popa Monastery And The Mythology of The Thirty-Seven Spirit Guardians

A Buddhist monastery is built right on top of Taung Kalat, and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding area to travellers who brave the flight of 777 steps to the summit of the volcano. Far from being merely a tourist attraction, the monastery is also a pilgrimage site. It is believed that the nearby Taung Ma-gyi is inhabited by the Great Nats. According to Burmese Buddhist beliefs, nats are a diverse group of spirits who ranged from being personal guardians to spirits of the forest.

The worship of nats predates the arrival of Buddhism in Burma, though it was merged with the teachings of the Buddha when it arrived from India in the 3rd century B.C. The Great Nats are a special group of 37 nats whose importance extends throughout the whole country. Almost all of these nats were human beings who met violent deaths. The life stories of these nats are perhaps legendary, though it is possible that the people behind the legends were real. Although all 37 Great Nats are worshipped on Taung Ma-gyi, only four of them have their abode on the mountain itself. These are Maung Tint Dai, Saw Me Yar, Byatta and Mai Wunna. Each of these figures has a story as to the way they became nats.

According to legend, Maung Tint Dai was a blacksmith who lived in the semi-legendary Tagaung Kingdom during the 6th century B.C. He was so strong that even the king was afraid of him. As a result, the king decided to get rid of him through trickery. The king announced that he had made one of Maung Tint Dai’s sisters, Saw Me Yar, a queen, and invited the blacksmith to the royal city. When the blacksmith arrived to congratulate his sister, he was captured, tied to a golden champa tree, and burnt to death. When his sister heard of this, she too jumped into the flames and perished. The two siblings became nats, and resided in the half-burnt tree.

 As those who walked under the tree were cursed, the king ordered it to be uprooted and thrown into the Irrawaddy River. The tree floated down the river and was said to have reached Bagan during the reign of King Thlgyang. The king had the tree salvaged, sculpted it into the figures of Maung Tint Dai and his sister, and had them enshrined on Taung Ma-gyi.

The legend of Byatta and Mai Wunna belongs to a later period, in the 11th century A.D. during the reign of King Anawrahta. Byatta is said to be a fast runner from India who was working as a flower picker for King Anawrahta. He is said to have been able to run from Bagan to Taung Ma-gyi (roughly 50 km) and back some 10 times a day in order to supply the king with fresh flowers. On one of his trips to Taung Ma-gyi, Byatta fell in love with Mai Wunna, a flower-eating ogress who lived on the mountain, and had two sons together.

When the king heard of this, he had Byatta executed. When news of Byatta’s death reached Mai Wunna, she died of a broken heart. The two lovers eventually became nats who inhabited Taung Ma-gyi alongside Maung Tint Dai and his sister.

The mythology of Mount Popa is still very much a part of Burmese culture with annual festivals and celebrations conducted every year and thousands of people making the pilgrimage to make offerings to the nats and to assure good luck into the coming years. The still current popularity of Mount Popa exemplifies the fact that Burmese people remain heavily involved with ancient traditions in daily life, and it is these ancient traditions that characterize the culture of the surrounding area and beyond.


DOOMSDAY WARNING: World Will End in The Next SEVEN YEARS, Warns Terrifying Prophecy

DOOMSDAY WARNING: World Will End in The Next SEVEN YEARS, Warns Terrifying Prophecy

 By Nathan Rao

Floods, earthquakes and deadly plagues will finish all humanity and the civilised world as we know it.

The horrifying forecast is being made by some Christian groups who predict the “Rapture” phenomenon will bring about a global Apocalypse before 2021.

Traced back to ancient Biblical texts, believers claim warnings of the impending Armageddon also signal the second coming of Jesus.

They say similar events have been charted in ancient history including the Biblical Flood of 2,348 BC, told in Genesis, and the Three Plagues of Egypt.

Though dismissed by some, others insist such calamitous theories are true and warn the impending catastrophe will destroy the planet.

Dr F. Kenton Beshore, President of the World Bible Society, says the "Rapture" is likely to occur between now and 2021 before the Second Coming between 2018 and 2028.

Dr Beshore, who holds five doctoral degrees in theology, bases his prediction on texts in the Bible including the book of Thessalonians which states: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

He warns the human race to be prepared for the return of “our Lord and Saviour” and be ready for “His return at all times” stating it is written in the book of Matthew.

He claims messages hidden in the Bible give warnings of when to expect the “End Times”.

The book of Matthew states: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

Some Christian groups believe we only have seven years left on earth

Dr Beshore said: "If we can get our Jewish Scriptures into their hands now, the Holy Spirit will lead them to them at the right time.

“They may have set them aside, but they will read them, turn to the Lord and lead billions and billions to Jesus.

“Now, we are all going to be gone.”

Believers of the Rapture theory also quote the book of Corinthians which states: “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality.

However Rev Jonathan Blake, Bishop of Greater London, denounced the claims as ”Hollywood scaremongering”.

He said at a time when people are leaving religion in their droves, such warnings are made to scare people into following a certain doctrine.

He said: “These are just imaginative, fantastical and illusionary stories people use to try to express the concept of judgement, their original purpose was perhaps to make people take stock of their lives.

“The Bible is written in apocalyptic language and people hang on to it to gain power over others particularly at a time when religion is failing.

“The hold of religion over populations is dwindling so they think scaremongering stories will bring people back under their power, but they were wrong as we now live in an enlightened age.

“These are very old tactics and smack of Hollywood fantasy.

“It is also quite distasteful, especially in the the current climate.”

Dr Beshore says the Bible says God has issued warnings of destruction throughout history including 100 years before the Great Flood.

He says Lot and his family were warned before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah while Jesus warned of the destruction of Jerusalem decades in advance.

He said: “Bible teachers have grown old and died preaching about the Rapture and a word that doesn't exist in the Bible - imminence.

“The word imminence means the Rapture can take place any day.

“The Bible does not teach that.

“The Bible teaches that certain events must take place before the Rapture.”



Underwater Obelisks Discovered Exact Opposite Great Pyramid

What is on the exact opposite side of the Earth from the Great Pyramid?

Huge Obelisks and a Megalith located in the pacific ocean!

At the base of the obelisks (towers) is a structure and a big hole, what looks like an entrance that goes down deep into the earth.

Image 1 - Location of huge underwater obelisks and structure.
32°30'07.74" S 149°52'46.51" W

Underwater Obelisks Discovered Exact Opposite Great Pyramid

It is possible that this entrance leads to a hollow place beneath the obelisks? There are several entrances around the world. Maybe this big hole is one of the entrances to the 'hollow earth'?

Are these obelisks laid out on earth's energy grid? (The Great Pyramid is linked to the grid matrix).

Image 2 - Location of huge underwater megalith and structure.

Underwater Obelisks Discovered Exact Opposite Great Pyramid

It is said that some ancient pyramids, megaliths, obelisks are still active due to crystals in the structures.

Crystals received power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the earth’s energy field grid system or to transmit energy from one structure to another. Depending on the tilt of the Earth’s axis at a particular time of the year, one structure would function to intensify and transmit energies to other structures which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. The opposite would apply when that structure was at an unfocused point to their celestial alignment, when other structures would be used as transmitters.

Some theorists claim that there is a fundamental relation between UFO phenomenon and magnetic-vortex-gravity anomalies in the Grid.

It is well known that many UFOs coming from and diving back into the sea. Are these obelisks a coordination point and maybe a power station for UFOs? Perhaps there is a UFO base under the obelisks?



Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon

Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims globally. It is today’s most hiddenhuman rights abuse and Russia has taken the lead to expose it in a TV news program that the host called a “profound” interview with a leading Targeted Individualadvocate from Sweden.

Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon

Recently, a California woman and an expert in the field provided evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.

Russia Today has broadcast (below) what experts call the best coverage of today’s mind control crime, the old MKUltra on steroids. In the RT program, produced by Daniel Estulin, Deste La Sombra (From the Shadows) Magnus Olsson, a Targeted Individual, explains that today’s secretly forced human chips are as tiny as a few nonometers – and many more shocking details that make Edward Snowden’s disclosuresseem sophomoric.

With the original title, Control mental. El sueño dorado de los dueños del mundo, (Mind control. The goldendream of the world’s masters) — broadcasted to some 10 million people — was one of the biggest victories for victims of implant technologies so far, thanks to Magnus Olsson.

Olsson, despite victimized himself, worked several years to expose this crime. He agrees with Dupré that this is the “biggest human rights abuses of our times:” connecting people against their will and knowledgeto computers via implants of the size of a few nanometers – leading to complete destruction of not only the victims’ lives and health, but also their personalities and identities.

“Very few people are aware of the actual link between neuroscience, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuro-chips, transhumanism, the science fiction’s cyborg, robotics, somatic surveillance, behavior control, the thought police and human enhancement,” Olsson says. “They all go hand in hand, and never in our history before, has this issue been as important as it is now.”

This secret technology, that began developing in the early 1950s is now extremely advanced. The public is unaware of it – and/or in denial – and it goes completely unregulated, despite thousands of victims reporting it to news outlets and government officials, including the United Nations.

There is complete amnesia about its early development, according to Olsson. The CIA funded experiments on people without consent through leading universities and by hiring prominent neuroscientists of that time. These experiments have since the 50s been brutal, destroying every aspect of a person’s life, while hiding behind curtains of National Security and secrecy but also behind psychiatry diagnosis.

The results of today’s mind control — mind reading, thought police, surveillance, pre-crime, behavior modification, control of citizen’s behavior; tastes, dreams, feelings and wishes; identities; personalities and not to mention the ability to torture and kill anyone from a distance — are completely ignored, dismissed, often even mocked by professionals.

All the important ethical issues regarding the most special aspects of being a free human being living a full human life are dismissed.

“The praise of the machine in these discourses dealing with not only transhumanism ideals but also neuroscience today has a cost and that is complete disrespect, despise and underestimation of human beings, at least when it comes to their bodies, abilities and biological functions,” Olsson says. “The brain is seen as the only valuable thing; not just because of its complexity and mysteries, but also because it can create consciousness and awareness.

“We’re prone to diseases, we die, we make irrational decisions, we’re inconsistent, and we need someone to look up to. In a radio interview on Swedish ‘Filosofiska rummet’ entitled “Me and my new brain” (Jag och min nya hjärna), neuroscientist Martin Ingvar referred to the human body as a “bad frame for the brain.”

Individual free will and personal identity have been discussed and the point of view of Martin Ingvar was alligned with José Delgado’s some 60 years ago – a buried history of mind control: We don’t really have any choice, we’re not really having a free will or for that matter any consistent personality.

Olsson says that would be enough reason to change humans to whatever “someone else” wishes. For example, an elite.

Brain implants are obviously important, according to Olsson, giving evidence both in the US and the EU.

“Both the US and the EU pour billions of dollars and euros in brain research every single year, a brain research very focused on not only understanding the brain, but also highly focused on merging human beings with machines; using neuro-implants to correct behavior and enhance intelligence; creating robots and other machines that think and make autonomous intelligent decisions — just like humans do.“

Mind Control - Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today

In a Before It’s News Exclusive, Dupré wrote about Nicholas West’s shocking new article, Wireless Microchip Implant Set For Human Trials and a Targeted Individual, who had reached out to Deborah and an Australian surveillance expert.

Ray Kurzweil predictions about future technological developments have been correct thusfar. Now, he claims that in only 20 years, implant-technology will have advanced to the point that it will completely transform humanity.

“We cannot know right now whether [Kurzweil's] prediction is right or wrong, but we have the right to decide on the kind of future we want,” says Olsson. “I do not know if eradicating humanity as we know it is the best future or the only alternative. Today, we might still have a choice.”


The Indian Sage Who Developed Atomic Theory 2,600 Years Ago

The Indian Sage Who Developed Atomic Theory 2,600 Years Ago

By April Holloway, Ancient Origins;

John Dalton (1766 – 1844), an English chemist and physicist, is the man credited today with the development of atomic theory. However, a theory of atoms was actually formulated2,500 years before Dalton by an Indian sage and philosopher, known as Acharya Kanad.

Acharya Kanad was born in 600 BC in Prabhas Kshetra (near Dwaraka) in Gujarat, India. His real name was Kashyap.

Kashyap was on a pilgrimage to Prayag when he saw thousands of pilgrims litter the streets with flowers and rice grains, which they offered at the temple. Kashyap, fascinated by small particles, began collecting the grains of rice.

A crowd gathered around to see the strange man collecting grains from the street. Kashyap was asked why he was collecting the grains that even a beggar wouldn’t touch.

He told them that individual grains in themselves may seem worthless, but a collection of some hundred grains make up a person's meal, the collection many meals would feed an entire family and ultimately the entire mankind was made of many families, thus even a single grain of rice was as important as all the valuable riches in this world.

Since then, people began calling him ‘Kanad’, as ‘Kan’ in Sanskrit means ‘the smallest particle’.

Kanad pursued his fascination with the unseen world and with conceptualising the idea of the smallest particle. He began writing down his ideas and teaching them to others. Thus, people began calling him ‘Acharya’ (‘the teacher’), hence the name Acharya Kanad (‘the teacher of small particles’)

The Indian Sage Who Developed Atomic Theory 2,600 Years Ago

Kanad’s conception of Anu (the atom)

Kanad was walking with food in his hand, breaking it into small pieces when he realised that he was unable to divide the food into any further parts, it was too small.

From this moment, Kanad conceptualised the idea of a particle that could not be divided any further. He called that indivisible matter Parmanu, or anu (atom).

Acharya Kanad proposed that this indivisible matter could not be sensed through any human organ or seen by the naked eye, and that an inherent urge made one Parmanu combine with another.

When two Parmanu belonging to one class of substance combined, a dwinuka (binary molecule) was the result. This dwinuka had properties similar to the two parent Parmanu.

Kanad suggested that it was the different combinations of Parmanu which produced different types of substances.

He also put forward the idea that atoms could be combined in various ways to produce chemical changes in presence of other factors such as heat.

He gave blackening of earthen pot and ripening of fruit as examples of this phenomenon.

Acharya Kanad founded the Vaisheshika school of philosophy where he taught his ideas about the atom and the nature of the universe. He wrote a book on his research “Vaisheshik Darshan” and became known as “The Father of Atomic theory.”

In the West, atomism emerged in the 5th century BC with the ancient Greeks Leucippus and Democritus. Whether Indian culture influenced Greek or vice versa or whether both evolved independently is a matter of dispute.

Kanad is reporting to have said:

”Every object of creation is made of atoms which in turn connect with each other to form molecules.”

His theory of the atom was abstract and enmeshed in philosophy as they were based on logic and not on personal experience or experimentation.

But in the words of A.L. Basham, the veteran Australian Indologist:

"they were brilliant imaginative explanations of the physical structure of the world, and in a large measure, agreed with the discoveries of modern physics."

By April Holloway, Ancient Origins;

The Green Children of Woolpit: The 12th Century Legend Of Visitors From Another World


The Children of Woolpit is an ancient account dating back to the 12th century, which tells of two children that appeared on the edge of a field in the village of Woolpit in England. The young girl and boy had green-hued skin and spoke an unknown language. The children became sick and the boy died, but the girl recovered and over the years came to learn English. She later relayed the story of their origins, saying they came from a place called St Martin's Land, which existed in an atmosphere of permanent twilight, and where the people lived underground. While some view the story as a folk tale that that describes an imaginary encounter with inhabitants of another world beneath our feet or even extraterrestrial, others accept it as a real, but somewhat altered account of a historical event that merits further investigation.

The account is set in the village of Woolpit located in Suffolk, East Anglia. In the Middle Ages, it lay within the most agriculturally productive and densely populated area of rural England. The village had belonged to the rich and powerful Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds.

The story was recorded by two 12th century chroniclers - Ralph of Coggestall (died c 1228 AD), an abbot of a Cistercian monastery at Coggeshall (about 26 miles / 42 km south of Woolpit), who recorded his account of the green children in the Chronicon Anglicanum (English Chronicle); and William of Newburgh (1136-1198 AD), an English historian and canon at the Augustinian Newburgh Priory, far to the north in Yorkshire, who includes the story of the green children in his main work Historia rerum Anglicarum (History of English Affairs). The writers stated that the events took place within the reign of King Stephen (1135-54) or King Henry II (1154-1189), depending on which version of the story you read.

The Green Children of Woolpit: The 12th Century Legend Of Visitors From Another World

According to the account of the green children, a boy and his sister were found by reapers working their fields at harvest time near some ditches that had been excavated to trap wolves at St Mary's of the Wolf Pits (Woolpit). Their skin was tinged with a green hue, their clothes were made from unfamiliar materials, and their speech was unintelligible to the reapers. They were taken to the village, where they were eventually accepted into the home of local landowner, Sir Richard de Caine at Wilkes.

The children would not eat any food presented to them but appeared starving. Eventually, the villagers brought round recently harvested beans, which the children devoured. They survived only on beans for many months until they acquired a taste for bread.

The boy became sick and soon succumbed to illness and died, while the girl remained in good health and eventually lost her green-tinged skin. She learned how to speak English and was later married to a man at King's Lynn, in the neighboring county of Norfolk. According to some accounts, she took the name 'Agnes Barre' and the man she married was an ambassador of Henry II, although these details have not been verified. After she learned how to speak English, she relayed the story of their origins.

The girl reported that she and her brother came from the "Land of Saint Martin", where there was no sun, but a perpetual twilight, and all the inhabitants were green like them. She described another 'luminous' land that could be seen across a river.

She and her brother were looking after their father's flock, when they came upon a cave. They entered the cave and wandered through the darkness for a long time until they came out the other side, entering into bright sunlight, which they found startling. It was then that they were found by the reapers.

Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward to explain this strange account. Regarding their green colouring, one proposal is that the children were suffering from Hypochromic Anemia, originally known as Chlorosis (coming from the Greek word 'Chloris', meaning greenish-yellow). The condition is caused by a very poor diet that affects the color of the red blood cells and results in a noticeably green shade of the skin. In support of this theory is the fact that the girl is described as returning to a normal color after adopting a healthy diet.

With regards to the description of the strange land, Paul Harris suggested in Fortean Studies 4 (1998) that the children were Flemish orphans, possibly from a nearby place known as Fornham St. Martin, which was separated from Woolpit by the River Lark. A lot of Flemish immigrants had arrived during the 12th century but were persecuted under the reign of King Henry II. In 1173, many were killed near Bury St Edmunds. If they had fled into Thetford Forest, it may have seemed like permanent twilight to the frightened children. They may also have entered one of the many underground mine passages in the area, which finally led them to Woolpit. Dressed in strange Flemish clothes and speaking another language, the children would have presented a very strange spectacle to the Woolpit villagers.

Other commentators have suggested a more 'other-worldly' origin for the children. Robert Burton suggested in his 1621 book The Anatomy of Melancholy that the green children "fell from Heaven", leading others to speculate that the children may have been extraterrestrials. In a 1996 article published in the magazine Analog, astronomer Duncan Lunan hypothesised that the children were accidentally transported to Woolpit from their home planet, which may be trapped in synchronous orbit around its sun, presenting the conditions for life only in a narrow twilight zone between a fiercely hot surface and a frozen dark side.

The story of the green children has endured for over eight centuries since the first recorded accounts. While the real facts behind the story may never be known, it has provided the inspiration for numerous poems, novels, operas, and plays across the world, and continues to capture the imagination of many curious mind

Woman Kills Man, Eats His Brains In Broad Daylight

Woman Kills Man, Eats His Brains In Broad Daylight

A woman from Gutu, Zimbabwe this morning allegedly split open a herd boys skull and ate his brains while villagers watched helplessly.

The woman identified as Esther Katandwa of Mupandawana Village reportedly found Simon Muzenda, the herdboy, chopping down a tree.

She then grabbed his axe and bashed in his skull.

She almost dismembered the head from the neck with the axe at about 10 am.

Villagers who rushed to the scene told Bulawayo24 News that most of them threw up when the saw Muzendas mangled skull.

The woman was placidly scooping up his brains and eating them. She was also tearing off chunks of flesh from the body and munching on them.

Blood was dripping from her fingers, which she licked from time to time.

"I will have nightmares for a long time after this," said Bonani Chingwe, one of the villagers.

Katandwa allegedly acted like she was possessed when the villagers tried to stop her as she took the axe and chased after them.

Police officers who arrived at the scene eventually arrested her and she complained that they had disturbed her before she finished her meal.

"I think this woman is insane because she behaved like someone eating the most delicious food.

"There have been a number of horrific murders in the area but this one is the scariest.

"I know this woman's mother and I think she will be shocked to hear what her daughter has done. She needs help," said Monica Manyemwe.


The Illuminati Has Come Out of the Closet–See Their New Commercial! Openly With Official Website

The Illuminati is openly, boldly coming out of hiding with an official Facebook page, official website, and YouTube Channel. See this excerpt from their official website:

The Illuminati Has Come Out of the Closet–See Their New Commercial! Openly With Official Website

The Illuminati Organization is an elite collective of political leaders, business owners, entertainment celebrities, and other influential members of this planet. By uniting leaders of the world in an unrestrictive, private domain – free of political, religious, and geological boundaries – our organization helps to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. Managing the lives of over 7 billion humans is a daunting task. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most establishedgovernment entities. To continue functioning throughout societal changes, The Illuminati’s operations require anonymity for both our members and our work.

You will not find us praised in any history book or document. However, The Illuminati has helped shape every major movement on this planet since the first human government was established. Our work is often marked by distinct symbols as a means of tracing our influence through history for those wishing to investigate. With gentle and unknown guidance from our organization, the human species is allowed to function in their natural order while playing the part of gears in a machine for the betterment of the world. Illuminatiofficial.org

And, if you are interested in joining them, here is another excerpt listing the requirements:

Illuminati membership is presented by invitation only. Individuals who may fit the requirements for inclusion in the Illuminati will be contacted proactively through our official Twitter profile or other traditional means. 

How To Join The Illuminati

Certain individuals who are not currently members of the Illuminati can be examined for possiblemembership on a case-by-case basis. Some of the factors that may allow you to become a member of the Illuminati include:
  • An income exceeding $1,000,000 USD annually.
  • Verifiable authority (politically or financially) over a land space larger than 500,000 acres.
  • An artist under a contract valued at over $1,000,000.
  • A bearer of a Centurion Black American Express card (some restrictions).
  • Individuals distinguished by a Verified Twitter profile badge.
  • Through written recommendation presented by a family member of blood relation who is already a member of the Illuminati.
  • By presenting proof of significant influence in a field of business or entertainment.

What does this mean prophetically? Everything! It means that Satan, the one who the luciferian Illuminati globalists worship, is about to make his grand debut as the Antichrist. It means that we are on the brink of the NewWorld Order, as well as the tribulation. It means that time is running out! Listen closely to my video (above) and see for yourself!

Please watch and share this post and video everywhere you can so that everyone can be informed!

(As you will see in the video, these famous people below, and more, are showing their loyalties to the Illuminati, and will be rewarded with more influence.)

 Here is an excerpt from their official YouTube Channel:

Published on Oct 31, 2014

The Illuminati official TV commercial. Discover more about us athttp://illuminatiofficial.org

The Illuminati Organization is an elite collective of political leaders, business owners, entertainment celebrities, and other influential members of this planet. By uniting leaders of the world in an unrestrictive, private domain and free of political, religious, and geological boundaries; our organization helps to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

Managing the lives of over 7 billion humans is a daunting task. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. To continue functioning throughout societal changes, The Illuminati’s operations require anonymity for both our members and our work.

You will not find us praised in any history book or document. However, The Illuminati has helped shape every major movement on this planet since the first human government was established. Our work is often marked by distinct symbols as a means of tracing our influence through history for those wishing to investigate.

With gentle and unknown guidance from our organization, the human species is allowed to function in theirnatural order while playing the part of gears in a machine for the betterment of the world.


T.D. Hale Recent Chilling End-Time Dream and It’s Freakin Scary!


Gods Of Mesopotamia

Gods Of Mesopotamia

Written by Simon E. Davies
Sumer, known as the “land of the kings”, was founded in southern Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) between 4500 and 4000 BCE. It became one of the first civilizations ever established in history, where its people drained the marshes for agriculture, developed trade, and established industries such as weaving, metallurgy and pottery.

Each city was protected by a particular god or goddess, with large temples built in the city centre for them to reside in. The Gods of Mesopotamia still possessed the vestigial remnants of their earlier, elemental roles, such as air, fire and thunder.

• Anu (God of heaven)
was the original ruler of the Mesopotamian pantheon. He was a ethereal-god, known as the lord of constellations and master of spirits, who dwelt in the highest region of heaven and had the power to judge those who committed crimes.

• Enlil (God of the air) was patron to the city of Nippur, associated with the wind and open spaces. He was the only god who could reach out to Anu in heaven, because he ruled over the sky. It was Enlil who helped create humans, but he soon grew irritated of their commotion and tried to kill them by engulfing them in a great flood.

• Enki (God of freshwater) was the patron of the city of Eridu. He was known as the lord of knowledge, crafts and creation, who resided over all who dwelt on the earth plane. He was the keeper of a divine power known as ‘Me’ which were inscribed on stone tablets (said to hold the secrets of civilization). He is often depicted with a horned crown, dressed in the skin of a carp.

• Enbilulu (God of Rivers) was in charge of the river Tigris and Euphrates, both of which were considered to be very sacred. He ruled over the domain of agriculture, teaching men the craft of irrigation and farming. It is said he knew the secrets of water above and below the earth, granting him the power to make all things flourish.

• Nergal (God of Death) was a chthonic deity whose seat of power resided in Cuthah. He is often presented as half man half lion, known by all as the “raging king,” or “furious one.” He represented the sun of noon-time that brings darkness and chaos, thereby associating him with war, famine and pestilence. He also presided over the netherworld, where he governed the dead souls of the afterlife.

• Nanna (God of the Moon) was commonly known as the “lord of wisdom” who presided over the city of Ur. He personified the sacred knowledge of science, astronomy and astrology. Nanna was often presented as a great, winged bull flying across the crescent moon. In the astral system he is represented by the number 30 (which refers to the average number of days in a lunar month).

• Ninurta (God of War) was lord of Lagash, often depicted with a magical mace called Sharur. Not only a master of war, he was also associated with healing and surgery, helping to release humans from injury, illness and demonic possession. It was Enki, the fresh-water God, who mentored Ninurta’s in the ways of warfare and arcane knowledge (probably based upon the sacred teachings of the Me).

• Utu (God of the Sun) was in charge of truth, justice and law. He is usually portrayed as a man wearing a helmet, holding a sun disk and carrying a serrated sword. Every day Utu emerges from a mountain in the east, travelling across the Earth in a chariot, before returning to a cave in a west (creating dawn, midday and sunset respectively). Every night he descends into the underworld to decide the fate of the dead.

• Gerra (God of Fire)
was said to possess a wisdom and skill so vast “that all the gods could not fathom it”. He was known to his followers as “lord of the fire and the forge”, capable of refining potent metals, purifying people of evil spirits and mastering any weapon known to man. It was claimed that he was undefeatable in battle.

• Tammuz (God of Vegetation) was a patrol deity associated with food and sustenance. He represented abundance in the spring, and the waning of life in the Autumn. The passing of summer came to represent death to Mesopotamian’s, and many rituals were practiced in Tammuz’s name, grieving for his passing and calling for his return in the coming year.

• Marduk (God of Storms) was the patron deity of Babylon, who slowly rose to power as the head of the Babylonian pantheon. He is a complex God associated with prophecy, resurrection and thunder. He rose to power during a civil war between the gods and their prodigy (known as the Igigi). It was Marduk who conquered Tiamat (a primeval goddess), elevating him to the status of God-king, ruling over the Heaven and the Earth. All nature, including man, owed its existence to him.

• Nabu (God of Scribes) was master of wisdom and writing. He was the son of Marduk, acting as his scribe and minister, and eventually became the keeper of the Tablets of Destiny, in which the fate of humankind was recorded. Nabu wears a horned cap, and stands with hands clasped, in the ancient gesture of priesthood. He rides on a winged dragon that is initially belonged to his father Marduk.


16 Celebs supposedly in the Illuminati

16 Celebs supposedly in the Illuminati

By Julie Sprankles

Are some of the entertainment industry's biggest stars in cahoots to take over the world? According to the internet, yes! Check out the rumors swirling around these supposed Illuminati celebrities and decide for yourself.

What is the Illuminati, anyway?

Well, that really depends on whom you ask. Some people maintain it's a now-defunct clandestine organization that existed during the Enlightenment era and consisted of freethinkers who opposed prejudice, the Roman Catholic Church's religious control and gender inequality.

Today, most Illuminati enthusiasts (read: internet "experts") agree it is a modern-day secret society with ancient roots that is made of up powerful and elite individuals who conspire to control the world — politics, government, religion, entertainment, the whole shebang. Their goal? A "New World Order."

Who is supposedly part of this brain-bending group?

Shhh... don't tell anyone, but Jay Z is pretty much the modern-day godfather of the Illuminati. For starters, the symbol — which he often flashes — for his Roc-A-Fella Records label is the pyramid, which is said to represent the hierarchical structure of the Illuminati. In his "On to the Next One" video, Hova wears devil horns, incorporates a goat skull (representing the goat-headed demon Baphomet) and employs symbols of Freemasonry.

Some people have been saying for years that Celine Dion's music is the work of the devil (mainly men), so it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch that she is now being lumped in with the Illuminati. In concert, she often throws up the Devil's Horns or the "El Diablo" hand gesture — a nod to the devil. And she has also been pictured covering one eye, a nod to the All-Seeing Eye.

 Whoa, B! Jay Z's wifey proudly shows off some double six or "A-OK" signs — just one is said to represent the mark of the devil. She caused a bit of a ruckus with Illuminati watchers when she reportedly formed the Illuminati symbol during her racy 2013 Super Bowl halftime show... right before the power outage. Also, in a photo shoot for I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyoncé donned a dress adorned with a goat skull. Blue Ivy's apparently in on it, too.

In a strange string of messages on one of the many Illuminati conspiracy theorist sites that have popped up all over the internet, the cast of Boy Meets World was ousted as a ring of Illuminati members by... Pretty Little Liars' Keegan Allen? The source, who more than likely is someone using Allen's identity, claimed the cast was "involved" with the Illuminati.

Is Mother Monster holding out on her Little Monsters? Or is she speaking to them via her music videos? Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" video showcases a goat head-shaped star formation. In other videos, she has used triangle icons and images of unicorns — supposed symbols of the "immaculate conception" of the New World Order. Gaga has even gone so far as to outright admit to incorporating an Illuminati ritual into her shows after having a dream about it. 

His throngs of teenybopper fans may find it simply unbelievable, but Justin Biebermay just have bought into the Illuminati hype. In addition to being photographed holding the A-OK symbol up to his face and peering his left eye through it, the Biebs often wears shirts that conspiracy theorists say are covered in pentagrams (you may recognize them... as stars).

 Jay Z's protégé appears to be following in the footsteps of her famous mentor. Rihanna frequently forms a triangle with her hands during performances and flashed a fake headline across the screen in her "S & M" video that proclaimed her "Princess of the Illuminati."

Move over, Jay Z — Madonna may just have seniority when it comes to musical Illuminatis. A now-infamous picture keeps making the rounds on the web that shows Madonna rocking a jacket with an All-Seeing Eye and pyramid on the back. She only bolstered occult claims with her 2012 Super Bowl halftime show, which featured everything from devil horns on her helmet to a human pyramid.

Another Roc-A-Fella Records artist, Kanye West, definitely plays up the Illuminati rumors with a Horus necklace, big-a** Eye of Providence rings, plenty of occult imagery in his videos and, of course, liberal use of the pyramid hand symbol — including alongside Jay Z and Rihanna during shows.

Aside from shacking up with ol' Yeezus, there isn't much pointing toward Kim Kardashian being a member of the Illuminati. However, that didn't stop conspiracy theorists from going berserk when she posted an All-Seeing Eye-shaped photo collage on Instagram of her and bestie Brittny Gastineau. She played innocent on Twitter, saying, "What is the illuminate? A religion?... I'm a Christian."

Coming from a chick who's copped to drinking her own pee, nothing seems that crazy anymore. Ke$ha has been stirring the Illuminati rumor pot lately by flashing an evil eye tattoo on her palm in her "Crazy Kids" video and featuring inverted crosses and pentagrams in her "Die Young" video. Not to mention, she "joked" in a Rolling Stone interview that she was "really the leader of the Illuminati."

D***... you know you must be good when people start claiming you got your skills by making a pact with the devil. Seriously. That's the crux of the theories connecting LeBron James to the Illuminati. Well, that and the fact that he has been photographed a time or two flashing the triangle hand sign, and that he posted a picture on Instagram in which he is sporting a T-shirt covered in triangles with eyes.

The favorite symbol of Daft Punk — often used as a gigantic DJ booth during their shows — is none other than a triangle. And like many of the other supposed Illuminatis on this list, they've been caught on camera throwing up the pyramid hand sign on more than one occasion.

Ironically, not much was made of Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger — you know, the clever young witch from the Harry Potter franchise. However, much was made of a photograph in which she framed her eye with the number six.

Wearing a ball cap emblazoned with an inverted cross and a pyramid during a 2011 photo shoot for Interview Magazine was enough to land Lil Wayne on the list of supposed celeb Illuminati members. Since then, he's also added some questionable tattoos and hand gestures to the mounting evidence.

So, you already know the Pretty Little Liars cast was somehow tangled up with ousting the Boy Meets World cast as secret Illuminati members (see above). But Ashley Benson — aka Hanna — and the other "Liars" are much more involved, according to the internet experts. They're apparently mixed up in a bunch of evil Illuminati practices that will ultimately help them become even more rich and famous.

Wizards: Did They Exist?

Wizards: Did They Exist?

By Dr. Paul

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Myths and folklore from all over the world inform us of people with supernatural abilities who walked among us. Whether their abilities are attributed to God, the Devil, nature, or some other source, the ancient world is full of records of people who could reportedly perform magic at will. History has not been kind to the word “wizard”; when we hear it, we are inclined to think of fairy tales and fiction–and yet, when a religion recognizes people with the same powers, many of us are willing to call them saints and prophets of God. We are willing to believe in saints but dismiss wizards out of hand. Why should this be so?

We will explore several historical cases of people who seemed to have had magical powers and are listed in the “wizard” category. This is a brief history as all the facts on any of them could constitute many books. There are many more in history that have also risen to the rank of wizard (or a similar designation), but we have picked out a few examples to raise the question of whether these figures truly existed and if they truly had powers.

Cassandra (Greek Mythology)
A depiction of Cassandra, mythological prophetess from Troy, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, painted by Evelyn De Morgan, ca. 1898. 

Cassandra (Greek Mythology)

In ancient Greek mythology, Cassandra was a princess of Troy with the ability to foretell the future. When she refused the advances of Apollo, he cursed her so that no one would ever believe her warnings. When she foretold of the army hidden in the Trojan Horse, no one believed her, and Troy fell. Her life continued tragically, for she was sexually assaulted, forced to be the unwilling mistress of King Agamemnon, and finally assassinated by Agamemnon’s evil wife Clytemnestra. Cassandra spent her life trying to avert the catastrophes she foresaw, but no one ever believed her prophesies.

The Witch of Endor (1079 BC–1007 BC)
A depiction of the story of Saul and the Witch of Endor, painted by Benjamin West, 1777. 

The Witch of Endor (1079 BC–1007 BC)

In the Old Testament, King Saul had a reputation for banishing witches from his kingdom, but he was not above using their powers for his own purposes. When he wished to obtain the guidance of his deceased mentor, the prophet Samuel, Saul tricked the Witch of Endor into performing a séance. The Witch of Endor was a medium, meaning that she could communicate with the dead, and she raised Samuel’s ghost, which predicted many unpleasant events in Saul’s future. Though the Witch of Endor was deceived into using her powers, could raise a prophet from the dead, and helped King Saul, there is no evidence she ever used her abilities for evil.

Simon Magus the Sorcerer (Contemporary of Christ)
Relief on the Miègeville’s gate of the basilica Saint-Sernin in Toulouse, France, as seen on Dec. 15, 2012. The relief shows Simon Magus surrounded by demons.

Simon Magus the Sorcerer (Contemporary of Christ)

According to the New Testament, during the time of Jesus, Simon was demonstrating great feats of magic and acquiring a large following: “To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, ‘This man is the great power of God’” (Acts 8:10, King James). Simon was impressed by the act of baptism as a way to bring more people to the Holy Ghost, and he offered to pay the disciple Peter for the knowledge and power to perform it. Peter refused, saying that the gift of God could not be purchased with money. Two testimonies not included in the Bible state that Simon’s death occurred when he was levitating and Peter and Paul prayed to break the spell, causing Simon to fall and sustain fatal injuries. None of the other negative stories or myths about Simon date back with any authenticity to his own time period. Although he seems to have had disagreements with the disciples of Christ, there is no evidence that he used his powers for evil. Nevertheless, he is called a “sorcerer.” 

Merlin (6th Century)
Left: An illustration from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493. (Michel Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff/Wikimedia Commons) Right: Merlin, depicted in the Suite Vulgate manuscript, 1286.

Merlin (6th Century)

Merlin was perhaps the most famous of all wizards, but he is also the one whose existence is under the most debate–along with that of King Arthur of Camelot, whom he served. There is, however, compelling evidence in favor of Merlin’s historical reality. There was a poem written on parchment around the time he allegedly lived about a wizard named Ambrosius who went by the name “The Eagle,” which translates to “Merlin.” We know Ambrosius existed because the location of his former home is still known, near Llangollen in North Wales. A corroborating Welsh document from 600 A.D. describes a clairvoyant named Myrddin, which is the Welsh form of Merlin. There is as much evidence for Merlin’s existence as there is for some people in “factual” history books, but because he was a wizard, he is considered a legend.

Väinämöinen (9th century)
Robert Wilhelm Ekman’s depiction of Väinämöisen, 1866.

Väinämöinen (9th century)

In modern times, this Finnish hero has been credited with many adventures under different names. However, the first verifiable written stories of him were recorded in the 16th century, and it is widely believed that he actually lived in the 9th century. The Finnish oral accounts say that he traveled the country on noble adventures, using his power of song to perform almost limitless magic. Väinämöinen has inspired the wizard archetype of modern fantasy fiction, and whenever a writer needs an old wizard to add magic and help to a story line, that character is often based on Väinämöinen. Even J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous wizard Gandalf was directly derived from Väinämöinen. The stories of Väinämöinen portray him as the hero of his stories, but nowadays the wizards he inspires are depicted in minor roles assisting other heroes.

Johann Reuchlin (1455 –1522)
Possibly the only authentic portrait of Johannes Reuchlin, a detail from the title engraving of Thomas Murner’s “History von den Fier Ketzren Prediger Ordens,” printed in Strassburg, Germany, 1521. Left: Johannes Reuchlin, middle: Ulrich von Hutten, right: Martin Luther. 

Johann Reuchlin (1455 –1522)

Johann was a well-known German scholar, linguist, historian, lecturer, and author. During his study of the Hebrew language, he used the spelling of names and other clues to decode what he believed were ways to communicate with angels, to give the word of God to man. He later wrote two books on the subject. He has been credited with having the ability to summon angels, but there is no evidence he ever claimed to have that power. His intent was to help man better understand the will of God, but he is often dismissed an occultist.

Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) (1503 –1566)
A portrait of Nostradamus, ca. 1690.

Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) (1503 –1566)
Nostradamus was the famous French seer whose quatrains are still popularly used to tell the future. Some argue that his 950 predictions are vague enough that, with the benefit of hindsight, it is possible to interpret them to describe almost any event, but some interesting feats of prophesy he performed during his life were well-documented. Nostradamus once kneeled before a humble monk named Peretti, saying that monk would be pope, and 32 years later, the monk became Pope Sixtus V. Nostradamus not only wrote a cryptic prophesy about King Henry II of France dying from a splinter in his eye, but also explained to the king that the prophesy referred to a peculiar jousting accident that later occurred exactly as he predicted. Because of the graphic nature of many of Nostradamus’s predictions, he is often depicted in images and movies as a dark and evil person, but he only saw the future, warned of it, and never caused any harm.

Republished with permission from the Paranormal Association. Read the original. Dr. Paul is a staff writer for the Para normal Association. He is the author of five books on the paranormal. You can read more at Dr. Paul’s Website.

Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle of Night Paralyzed? You’re Not Alone

Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle of Night Paralyzed? You’re Not Alone

By Arjun Walia.

How many of you have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone.

The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs right before you are about to fall asleep or wake up. Many people report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening or, evil, and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror.

The presence is usually seen, felt and even heard. People also report unique experiences like the sensation of floating or being outside the body. They believe the phenomenon to be an extremely spiritual one.

In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing sleep paralysis. The discussion of spiritual experience as an explanation for a bizarre and complex phenomenon that little is known about has been suppressed thus discouraging discussion of it in modern society.(1)

Beginning in college and graduate school I was particularly interested in the beliefs of ordinary people, especially the ones that were treated as nonsense in the academic world. The academic world treats spiritual belief in general that way. I was interested in alternative medicine at the same time for the same reason. Right from the beginning I was convinced that ordinary people are smarter, are more sensible than they’re given credit for by scholars, and that traditions that are wide spread and deeply held probably have more rational basis, and more observation built into them than the theories that I was taught in graduate school.

 I couldn’t believe that all the beliefs of ordinary people that are not part of the academic worldview were nonsense. I have the impression that the academic world might be a little to narrow, and that regular people might have something to offer about it (sleep paralysis) through their experience and what they believed about things. There are beliefs that are based on experience that have been dismissed as superstitious beliefs that bear much more investigation, these are experiences that are built into the spiritual traditions all over the world. In the modern western world, for at least the past one hundred years these phenomena have been explained on the basis of psychopathology.

 So the discovery that those experiences are common and that they occur among ‘normal’ people, that they are not in fact indicative of any type of disease has tremendous importance for medicine. This isn’t a new phenomenon, we erased the knowledge of these experiences from the cultural repertoire – Dr David J Hufford, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Penn State Medical School (1)
Right from the get go, almost all scientific approaches to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis assume that the experiences that stem from it are hallucinations. Rather than coming from the standpoint of complete neutrality, most studies completely shut out the idea of any reality behind ‘hallucinations.’ Just because there are measured biological and chemical activities during the sleep paralysis phenomenon does not mean there is a causal relationship between the two. There are other things we must take into consideration and as quantum science is showing us, there are definitely worlds within our world that we are not able to perceive easily yet. There is definitely a non-physical aspect to science in general that we are just beginning to wake up to.
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress than it made in all the previous centuries of its existence – Nikola Tesla

Spiritual Experience

Modern scholars have found spirit and spirituality hard to define, and as mentioned earlier usually places these topics within the circle of ridicule amongst the scientific community. Many reading this probably have a good idea of the terms that fit under the umbrella of “spirit” or “spiritual.” They involve out of body experiences, visits from entities not of this world, near death experiences, frequency, vibration and more.

It’s important to realize that many experiences people have within the “spiritual” realm occur when one is fully conscious, awake and alert and not during what sleep researchers call sleep paralysis. It’s quite possible that our level of scientific understanding is not advanced enough to explain certain phenomenon, so sometimes they are grouped into the category of hallucinations when they are really phenomenon we do not understand and cannot yet explain in a scientific manner.

At the same time, some of the phenomenon described that arise from sleep paralysis could very well be hallucinations, although I don’t believe this to be the case. I am very open to the idea that what is experienced for some during ‘sleep paralysis’ is indeed intertwined with the true nature of reality we clearly do not yet fully understand. The point is we don’t yet know for sure, and for the scientific community to assume and label them as definite hallucinations and as a figment of the imagination is limiting.

Scientific evidence for out of body phenomenon isn’t prevalent, but it’s hard when most scientific phenomenon is suppressed. I’m referring to developments within the world that are classified for the sake of national security. Recent leaks from the NSA were responsible for the very first public disclosure of a black budget, and the Canadian government was recently outed for the muzzling of scientists(2). This coincides with the remote viewing experiments that involved the intelligence community and Stanford University, among others. (3)(4)(5)

It’s interesting that there is also science and official research behind these types of phenomenon that give further credibility to it. It is even more interesting that it is within the hands of the intelligence community, extremely classified and washed away in secrecy, just like the experiments conducted at Stanford University. Among the varied hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis, out of body experiences and vestibular motor sensations represent a distinct factor.(6) Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away, this phenomenon has been proven time and time again, and shortly after its publication the program was instantly shut down by the department of defense.

We have many examples of phenomenon that would fit under the “spiritual” umbrella, and who are we to say that the experiences that occur within sleep paralysis are not indeed real phenomenon. Sometimes, ideas and concepts can be a threat to power, to control and to the overall perception humanity has of reality as a collective. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If the planet changed the way it looked at this phenomenon, surely it would contribute in one of the biggest paradigm shifts the planet has ever seen, and this is exactly what is continuing to unfold on planet Earth today.

The ridicule of these phenomenon is a level of social control. Scholars, academics and elite intellectuals in general constantly describe these things as if not indicative of insanity, them being primitive, and being the product of a lack of education. These concepts in the realm of anthropology and history are taken to be are product of imagination – Dr David J Hufford (1)

My Experience With Sleep Paralysis

When I was a child, I remember having a number of lucid dreams. They seemed so real and I felt one hundred percent conscious during the experience. I was able to do whatever I desired whilst dreaming. My first experience with sleep paralysis didn’t occur until I was a little bit older. The very first time it happened I remember suddenly waking up from a loud bang, a bright flash of light (although my eyes were closed) and a loud ringing in my ears. I had the ability to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move my body. It’s almost as if my brain was awake but my body was still sleeping. I was terrified, and the reason I didn’t open my eyes is because I felt the presence of two beings on my left side, and two beings on my right side and I didn’t want to see. Whether they were there or not, I don’t know, whether I was dreaming or not, I don’t know.

Keep in mind that experiences like this occur when people are totally conscious, driving down the street, going about their everyday lives away from the time of sleep. Many people have totally consciousness experiences with phenomenon that seem to be beyond our understanding, they are not paralyzed and they are not asleep. I have also had totally conscious bizarre experiences away from sleep, that might contribute to my bias of my experiences within sleep paralysis being more than just hallucinations. This particular experience I had during sleep lasted approximately five minutes I would say, until I totally regained consciousness.

Another time, again I woke up in the middle of the night. I could open my eyes and I was totally aware of my surroundings. I was on the road in a hotel room by myself, I could see the TV, I could see the lamp in the corner of the room as well as the chair. I could not turn my head but I could look around. Although my eyes felt heavy, I could indeed open them. I couldn’t move and was pretty scared, I remember thinking “not again, why is this happening to me.” I saw a dark shadowy figure come through the window, it seemed about 5 feet tall, I was on the left side of the bed and the window was in the right corner of the room. It came across the room, across the foot of my bed to the left side of my head. It put its mouth up to my ear and started to whisper rapidly. I could not understand what it was saying, but it was whispering extremely fast.

I had a few other experiences after that, and after I woke up from these experiences which were pretty scary, I started to desire more because I realized that although I couldn’t move, my consciousness was still there. I was still awake, alert and able to perceive the environment around me. The next time it happened, I assured myself that I would not react in fear, and that I would instead embrace the experience and try to “play” with it, explore and use this state of consciousness for further discovery about a potential world we are not able to experience, but are. The next time it happened, I reminded myself to stay calm, enjoy it and see what happens, this time I actually wanted to communicate with whatever I perceived to be there, or was there. When I did this, nothing presented itself. I still couldn’t move, but didn’t try to jolt myself out of it. I tried to float out of my body and was successful. I fully floated out of my body, but could only go so far, about one meter. I tried to go further but it was as if I was still attached to my body. This was a very cool experience, unfortunately after I decided to not react in fear, and play around the with experience, the experience stopped, and I never had it again.

These type of phenomenon are definitely intriguing, and nobody, including researchers within the scientific world should dismiss the experience one has while experiencing sleep paralysis as completely false. The scientific community should be comfortable in a place of neutrality, instead of characterizing a phenomenon as false without any evidence to suggest that be the case. They don’t have to ridicule it. I hope I’ve provided enough information within the article, as well as adequate sources for you to further your research if interested.

If you have experienced this phenomenon, I’d love for you to share your experiences within the comments section. Thanks for reading.


Ancient Head Found On Mars Has An Uncanny Resemblance To President Barack Obama

Ancient Head Found On Mars Has An Uncanny Resemblance To President Barack Obama

Searching for structures on Mars, Mr. Scott Waring from UFOSightingsDaily found this head in the Spirit Pancam "Everest" panorama image. (SOL 620, 621 and 622).

According to Mr. Waring the way it is standing up it must be a full statue, but buried from the shoulders down.

Furthermore, he doubt that this is mere rock, but instead is probably a 3D printed substance with tech printed inside. He wonders if the sculpture is an ancient humanoid figure.

Now, by cleaning the image in a software program, Paranormal Crucible discovered that this relic has an uncanny resemblance to the United States president, Barack Obama.

With the likeness of Mr. Obama we remind a secret government project, called 'Project Pegasus' (Travelling to Mars – Teleportation and “Jump Rooms) and statements of Mr. Andrew Basiago and Mr. Stillings.

Ancient Head Found On Mars Has An Uncanny Resemblance To President Barack Obama

Andrew Basiago and Stillings, former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via “jump room.”

By the way, 3D printing technology is developed in the early 1980's!

According to Basiago and Stillings, two of the eight teenagers that they can identify today were Barack Obama, who was then using the name “Barry Soetoro,” and Regina Dugan, who Mr. Obama appointed the 19th director and first female director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2009.

Despite the fact that there's no physical evidence (Till now?) that corroborates the claims of Andrew Basiago, Stillings and Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, Laura M. Eisenhower that US military has developed a secret programs on space-time travel.



Astronaut Edgar Mitchell About ETs, Anti Gravity and Shadow Governments - New Interview

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell About ETs, Anti Gravity and Shadow Governments - New Interview

By: Buck Rogers

What would happen if the government came out and acknowledged that extra-terrestrials are operating here on planet Earth? Would society break down and come to a screeching halt overnight, or would things pretty much just carry on, business as usual, with everyone showing up for work on time the day after the announcement?

What would happen to our so-called democracy if the government publicly admitted that the military had fallen under the control of an unaccountable shadowy cabal, who possesses advanced alien technologies? Would people still turn out to vote?

In a recent interview, Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell again gave his remarks on these topics, something he has been doing publicly for a number of years now. He has participated in many interviews and documentaries, such as the widely-viewed film, Sirius (Dr. Steven Greer, 2013), about the existence and reality of extra-terrestrials and secret energy and propulsion systems.

Also the author of a number of fascinating books, including The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds, Dr. Mitchell is a pioneer in the scientific exploration of consciousness, and his words have impact.

He states with confidence that aliens are real and are here on Earth, that their propulsion and energy technologies are also here and would be available to us, but that a cabal, or shadow government, appears to have control over the military. Furthermore, the extra-terrestrials here appear to be concerned with the survival of the human race, not its destruction. Dr. Mitchell comments, pointing to events during the cold war where nuclear missiles failed to fire as a result of alien intervention:

“I haven’t had personal interaction with aliens, however, I know all of the research people, on a first name basis, both in the Unites States and Europe, South America, as a matter of fact in all of the Western world. I know, am on a first name basis with, all of the investigators that are working in this area…. As far as I can tell, the ones [aliens] that I have seen the most of and know the most about seem to be trying to help us, not harm us or hinder us.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell

His experience on the Apollo 14 lunar mission in 1971, during which he became the sixth person to walk on the moon’s surface, was of deep spiritual significance to him, changing the course of his life and compelling him to establish one of the world’s leading foundations for research on human consciousness.

Yet, when asked about the existence of a shadow government that has access to the military and advanced technologies, he replies:

“I can’t tell you much about it, except that I agree with you… there seems to be a cabal that knows more about some of this than a lot of us do. Now, I have a little bit of knowledge into it, but not a lot, and that we think our government has people that know all the answers but that’s not necessarily true, and we’re just going to have to wait and see how that all comes out… I’m well aware of the behind-the-scenes work that’s going on, I just can’t put it into a formalized statement of any kind.” -Dr. Edgar Mitchell

When he speaks about the state of the world, he displays considerable reverence for the environment. He has dedicated his recent years to the study and advocacy of sustainability, looking for progress in the fields of propulsion and zero-point energy production, which he says are the means by which alien races are able to visit planet Earth.


Now in his eighties, Dr. Mitchell’s personal accomplishments and contributions to science will, without question, live on beyond his lifetime, however, his comments on these issues are rather puzzling. How do we connect the dots between what we see happening in our world and what people like Dr. Mitchell say is happening behind the curtains of this illusion?

The information and available opinions on ETs and alien technologies are always left incomplete in similar ways, introducing doubt and offering no concrete proof.

We live in interesting times, and everything is being questioned. For every old cultural “truth”, there are a handful of theories that blow apart any official version of events. Even something as impactful as the lunar landings of the late 60’s and 70’s aren’t immune to skepticism, and some have assembled compelling opinions that the moon landings were staged, theatrical events.

The world is hungry for truth right now, but truth seems to become ever more elusive and polymorphic.

Many would like to know the whole story about extra-terrestrials, alien propulsion technologies, shadow governments, and so much more. So, when a renowned astronaut and pioneer of human consciousness studies says with confidence that extra-terrestrials are already here on planet Earth, and that the military is under the control of a secret shadow government, how does this affect your worldview?

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