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Dandelion Grows In Girl’s Ear

Dandelion Grows In Girl’s Ear

Doctors in Beijing were left shocked after discovering a blossoming dandelion inside the ear canal of a 16-months-old girl, after she was brought to hospital by worried parents.

The flower, which had grown about 2 cm long, was successfully removed from Ranran’s ear and the girl is currently recovering from surgery, Chinese media reported.

The parents of the toddler, who live in the Tongzhou District in Beijing, said that a seed fell into her left ear about four months ago. However, they only decided it was time to take action when their daughter started crying and scratching her ear, the Shanghai Daily wrote.

Ranran’s mother had a look and saw something inside the girl’s ear, but after failing to take it out, she took the baby to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics.

Dandelion Grows In Girl’s Ear
Stunned medics found that a fully-formed dandelion had grown in Ranran’s ear, completely filling the canal wall. If not treated, it could have caused serious health problems for the girl.

It took Gu Qinglong, the chief physician in the otolaryngology department, and several assistants about 10 minutes to remove the dandelion. The doctors said it was not an easy task since the flower was rather tenacious.

“Even the slightest bit of pressure put her at risk of internal bleeding so it had to come out,” Qinglong said, as quoted by the Beijing Evening News. It is likely that the warmth and humidity inside the ear canal encouraged the growth of the dandelion, the doctor observed.

This latest episode is far from being the first time that unusual things have been discovered in patients’ ears.

In July this year, a British woman, who started suffering from headaches after a holiday Peru, went to hospital to be told that her ear was filled with flesh-eating worms, reported the Daily Mail. After maggots removed from the ear canal were sent to a lab for analysis, it was discovered that a New World Army Screw Worm had laid eggs in Rochelle Harris’ ear.

Dandelion Grows In Girl’s Ear

Last year, a spider was reportedly taken out of a Chinese woman’s ear. The sneaky arachnid crawled inside while she was sleeping and resided there for about five days.


Scientist Wants To Teleport Martians To Earth

Scientist wants to teleport Martians to Earth

A U.S. scientist wants to detect Mars life and teleport it to Earth. And he already has the technology to do it.

J. Craig Venter, Ph.D. is a leading scientist in the field of genomic research. He is also the founder and CEO of Synthetic Genomics Inc., a privately held company dedicated to “commercializing genomic-driven solutions to address global needs such as new sources of energy, new food and nutritional products, and next generation vaccines.”

Scientist wants to teleport Martians to Earth

He and his research team have been field-testing technology that he believes will revolutionize the search for extraterrestrial life. According to the South China Morning Post, “Not only does Venter say his invention will detect and decode DNA hiding in otherworldly soil or water samples – proving once and for all that we are not alone in the universe – it will also beam the information back to Earth and allow scientists to reconstruct living copies in a biosafety facility.” He hopes to detect Martian life and bring it to Earth using a digital biological converter, or biological teleporter.

Scientist wants to teleport Martians to Earth
The India Times describes, “Dr. Venter’s machine would merely create a copy of an organism from a distant location — more like a biological fax machine.” Storing genetic code in a computer and transmitting it just like any other data is the basic idea.

Dr. Venter’s team, and scientists from NASA’s Ames Research Center, recently conducted field-testing of this technology in the Mojave Desert south of Baker, California–a dry environment similar to Mars. Researchers tested the unit that would, in theory, send data back from Mars. But according to Dr. Venter, a prototype of the unit that would receive the transmitted data here on Earth exists as well, and will be available for sale next year.

India Times explains that this machine will be able to “automate the synthesis of genes by stringing small pieces of DNA together to make larger ones.” With this technology, “A person with a bacterial infection might be sent the code to recreate a virus intended to kill that specific bacterium.” Venter optimistically surmises that this technology will enable doctors to “send an antibiotic as an email,” and allow diabetics to “download insulin from the Internet.”

Dr. Venter’s ideas are outlined in his book, Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life.



Bizzarre Spinning Circle of Ice

On the surface, it almost looks as though someone has installed a hot tub in the middle of a lake - bubbling jets of water breaking the otherwise perfectly calm waters of the Sheyenne River.

But these aren't bubbles, and, far from someone having added a touch of spa luxury to the North Dakota stretch of water, this perfectly spherical disturbance in the water is made of ice.

The incredible spinning circle of ice, which was spotted by George Loegering while out hunting with relatives, is entirely natural albeit extremely rare.

Bizzarre Spinning Circle of Ice

The retired engineer said that when he first saw the floating disc he couldn't believe his eyes.

The 73-year-old said: 'At first I thought, no way! It was surreal. You looked at it and you thought, how did it do that?'

He calculated the disk's diameter to be about 55 feet, took photos and videos of it and then turned to the internet for more information about what he, his brother-in-law and nephew had seen.

'It's not an unknown phenomenon, but it is relatively rare,' said Loegering, who lives in rural Casselton, about 20 miles west of Fargo.

Allen Schlag, a National Weather Service hydrologist in Bismarck, and Greg Gust, a weather service meteorologist in Grand Forks, said a combination of cold, dense air last weekend and an eddy in the river likely caused the disk.

'It's actually quite beautiful,' Schlag said.

Bizzarre Spinning Circle of Ice

Mr Loegering said: 'I'm not sure how long it was there (spinning),' he said.

'It had to be quite a long time.

'If you look at the picture, you can see growth rings on the disk.'

Mr Schlag said he was surprised by the size of the ice circle, which he said would be more likely on a larger river such as the Missouri.

'That might be one of the better examples I've seen,' he said.

'It's a pretty cool one.'



10 Things You Didn't Know About Area 51 [VIDEO]

 10 Things You Didn't Know About Area 51

With all the mystery and controversy surrounding Area 51 here are a few facts that have come to the light of day that you might just not know. First up, during it’s construction Area 51 was called Paradise Ranch, later shortened to just ‘the ranch.’ The goal was to attract more unwitting construction workers and what the true intention of the facility would be.

 10 Things You Didn't Know About Area 51

The US finally acknowledged that Area 51 existed only in 2013 and claimed it as a “test facility” for aerial and surveillance technology. Any unauthorized pilot that knowingly flies through Area 51 air space faces court martial, dishonorable discharge and time in prison.



Chinese Boy, Chained Up Like A Dog By His Own Family

This is the heartbreaking, true story of a little boy in China named He Zili. He’s 11 years old, and he spends most of his days chained up like a dog in the province of Zhejiang. The reason why is tough to handle.

When Zili was only 1 year old, he suffered a head injury that sparked mental problems. 

He is often shackled to his father – like a dog.

This story really highlights the problems with how mental disorders are handled in rural China. 

Zili is currently being looked after by his physically disabled grandfather and his intellectually handicapped father after his mother died of cancer.

They stated that there was no choice but to chain Zili up because he was attacking people around him. 

He even sleeps with the chain around his leg. The conditions they live in are terrible enough, even without the chain.

His grandfather wipes away tears, thinking about Zili’s condition and their terrible struggles. 

There’s only 1.5 psychiatrists per 100,000 people in China. In rural China, those with mental disorders don’t even stand a chance. People, even young boys like Zili, are forced to live lives worse than some dogs because of this ongoing problem.

It’s difficult to help children like Zili, but several organizations do exist to aid rural China. One is called Free The Children that you can check out if you’d like to help. If you know of any others, feel free to e-mail us the links.

Share this article if you’d like to raise awareness of Zili’s struggles. He, and others like him, need help.


All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England


What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.

The remarkable discovery was made by 12-year-old BridgeAnne d’Avignon, of Salinas, California, who created a ground-breaking family tree that connected 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to one common, and rather unexpected, ancestor: King John of England.

‘They all have the trait of wanting power,’ d’Avignon told the station WFMY.

All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England
History detective: It took d'Avignon several months to search through more than 500,000 names and trace the male and female lineages of American leaders

12-Year-Old Discovers All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England 

King John, also known as John ‘Lackland’, is renowned for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the monarch’s power and helped form the British Parliament.

John’s other claim to fame, or infamy, is that he was depicted as the villain in the Robin Hood tales.

D’Avignon, a seventh-grader at Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville, started the project in hopes of tracing back her own bloodline in France, but somewhere along the way she decided to take her genealogical quest to the highest level.

All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England

In order to create the family tree, the 12-year-old spent months scouring through over 500,000 names in search of the ‘presidential Adam.’

Her 80-year-old grandfather, who has been tracing roots for nearly six decades, helped her make the presidential links.

D’Avignon started with the first U.S. president, George Washington, she traced both the male and female family lines to make the connection.

Prior to d’Avignon’s discovery, genealogists were only able to link 22 families of presidents, likely because they only focused on male bloodlines.

The only former commander-in-chief not linked to King John is the eighth president, Martin Van Buren, who had Dutch roots.

The teen also found out that she is the 18th cousin of President Obama. She even wrote to her new-found relative a letter to share her findings with him.

So far, however, d’Avignon said she received only a generic response from the White House.

All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England

D’Avignon created a poster of the presidential family tree and is selling signed copies of it in hopes of raising enough money to make a trip to Washington DC. The middle-school student says her goal is to hand-deliver a replica of her family tree to the president.

'I think we just all go back somewhere; it’s just a matter of proving it,' she said.

All U.S. Presidents Are Direct Descendents Of King John Of England



Incredible footage: Monster in Mekong River, Thailand

Depressed People Have A More Accurate Perception of Reality

Depressed People Have A More Accurate Perception of Reality

Wikipedia on depressive realism, the theory that those with depression are free from the “optimism bias” that skews most people’s perception of the world:

Depressive realism is the proposition that people with depression actually have a more accurate perception of reality, specifically that they are less affected by positive illusions of illusory superiority and optimism bias.

Depressed People Have A More Accurate Perception of Reality
 Studies by psychologists Alloy and Abramson (1979) and Dobson and Franche (1989) suggested that depressed people appear to have a more realistic perception of their importance, reputation, locus of control, and abilities than those who are not depressed.

Depressed people may be less likely to have inflated self-images and see the world through “rose-colored glasses” thanks to cognitive dissonance elimination and a variety of other defense mechanisms that allow [individuals] to ignore or otherwise look beyond the harsh realities of life.

This does not necessarily imply that a specific happy person is delusional nor deny that some depressed individuals may be unrealistically negative.

Ancient Humans Had Sex with Mystery Relatives


A new, improved sequencing of ancient human relative genomes reveals that Homo sapiens didn't only have sex with Neanderthals and a little-understood line of humans called Denisovans. A fourth, mystery lineage of humans was in the mix, too.
As reported by the news arm of the journal Nature, new genetic evidence suggests that several hominids -- human relatives closer than humans' current living cousin, the chimpanzee -- interbred more than 30,000 years ago. This group of kissing cousins included an unknown human ancestor not yet revealed by the ancient DNA record.
"It's implied it could be something like Homo erectus or similar," said Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleogenomics researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, who was not involved in the research, but who was present at a talk on the findings given by lead author David Reich of Harvard Medical School at a meeting on ancient DNA sponsored by the Royal Society in London on Nov. 18. Homo erectusis an extinct species of human that originated in India and spread into Asia.

Ancient human lineages
Neanderthals are an extinct group of humans who lived between about 30,000 and 130,000 years ago. Despite their reputation as bone-headed dummies, Neanderthals were likely as advanced as modern humans in areas such as tool-making, though they were probably less socially adept.
Denisovans are a far more mysterious group. These early humans lived in Siberia and probably split off from the branch of the human family tree that would eventually give rise to Neanderthals about 300,000 years ago. Little is known about how Denisovans lived and what they looked like.
But genetic analyses of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans suggest the three groups occasionally had sex and produced offspring. Denisovan genes show up in modern Pacific Islanders and in people from Southeast Asia and southern China.Neanderthal genes appear in 1 to 4 percent of modern Eurasian people, suggesting that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals interbred after modern humans trekked out of Africa.
For unknown reasons, Homo sapiens are the only human survivors, as all others in the Homo genus eventually went extinct.

New genomes, new discoveries
The new research has been submitted to a scientific journal for publication. Under the journal's rules, lead author Reich cannot speak to the news media about the study until the paper comes out.
A Nature News reporter who attended the Nov. 18 talk, however, reports that Reich and his colleagues have created much more complete sequences of the Denisovan and Neanderthal genomes than those used in previous research.
The sequences confirmed previous findings that Denisovans mated with the ancestors of Pacific Islanders and East Asians, but also revealed a surprise: Genetic traces of an unknown population ofhuman ancestors were found in the Denisovan gene, suggesting even more interbreeding than previously expected. Mark Thomas, an evolutionary geneticist at University College London, described the ancient environment to Nature as a "'Lord of the Rings'-type world" with many human populations living side-by-side.
Lalueza-Fox said the question of the mystery fourth ancestor is a "paleontological debate," but that the genetic work done by Reich and his colleagues opens the door to a deeper understanding of the individual diversity of ancient human ancestors. New techniques will enable researchers to tease out original DNA from later contaminants, he said.
"Some samples that were considered not suitable for genomic approaches are now going to be good samples," Lalueza-Fox said.
In the past, Lalueza-Fox said, geneticists were stuck trying to extrapolate details about human evolution from modern human DNA. Now, he said, they can go directly to the ancient DNA.
"We have been trying to understand human evolution from the study of modern human genomes, but clearly we missed part of the picture, which is now emerging from ancient hominin genomes," Lalueza-Fox said.

I met Pope Benedict XVI in a GAY SAUNA, says Gabriele Paolini


"I met Pope Benedict XVI in a GAY SAUNA based in Turin when I was a minor", says Gabriele Paolini

Gabriele Paolini, the famous polemicist who calls himself the "Prophet of the condom" has reignited the flame of controversy with some incendiary confessions when judged by child prostitution: "I was 14 when I met Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) in a sauna for homosexuals in Turin".

The Italian press has echoed Paolini's statement in their headline news.

A well-known law firm of Rome has already asked for these statements to be placed in the hands of the Prosecutor's Office, if they constitute defamation against the Pope Emeritus.

Currently held as a prisoner at Regina Coeli prison and, in the presence of his mother, Paolini has made some enigmatic statements to the Court who has imprisoned him: "My struggle began twenty years ago. For the first time I'm in prison, but not by recent events that are accusing me, but rather for my stolen childhood and because I tell the truth."

You will be referring to Ratzinger? And is that homophobia of the outgoing Pope has given much play as when collected signatures asking him to condemn discrimination against the LGTB collective or when we asked if the Vatican 'hiding' a network of gay prostitution, as reported by RAGAP.

Paolini, 39 years old, was arrested Sunday night - November 10 - by police in Rome, accusing him of alleged induction and exploitation of prostitution by sexual intercourse with two minors - aged 14 and 16 years. He is also accused of possession of child pornography and pedophilia. Although the research has no relationship with the operation "Nymph", which has brought to light a series of child prostitution in the District of Parioli, Rome. Until 2006, Gabriele Paolini was an actor in porn films - both for regular porn movies but also for gay porn. In Italy, he became famous with his appearance in the film "Private Confessions X" with the exuberant Sara Tommasi.

Paolini is the 'Mocito happy's coupons' in Italian version because for years it devotes much of its efforts on photo taken with all the celebrities included the Roman curia, politicians and actors, but in order to fight the spread of HIV. But it is that she also loves to break into television programs and has had to testify before the Court to answer two attacks (one in June 2009 and another) in January 2010 in the Italian RTV, RAI accused of disruption of public service and serious personal injury to cause that the journalist and presenter Sonia Sarno should fall from. Paolini said that these actions served "to demand the resignation of the Pope Benedicto XVI, which met in situations in which citizens are not consistent".

Known as the "prophylactic prophet" because it tends to display condoms as background of the interviews that made him, also leverages direct interventions of television reporters and loves to appear at social and sports events to display condoms.

Gabriele Paolini began his career as a "television polluter" when a friend of his died of AIDS at age 22 after contracting the disease as a result of unprotected sex with a prostitute. Paolini's reaction was to become the 'shadow' of many public appearances with his message of 'Get it, Get it'. Sometimes Paolini uses a photo of a politician or that of the Pope to get his point across.

Paolini is the son of a retired general and is in the book ' Guinness World Records' with more than 35,000 short television appearances carrying his message. Over the years, Paolini has angered many in the media. On March 5, 1995, Paolini gave Juan Pablo II a condom in a church of Rome and the request that the Catholic Church would allow the use of prophylactics. On May 17, 1997 Paolini gave Mother Teresa of Calcutta a condom.

In 2008, Paolini was sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 5 months for offences against the Pope, for his actions interrupted a live television program aired on Rai, insulting to the Pope and the Italian Premier.

During three direct links with TG1 - June 10, 2009, July 28, 2009, and October 6, 2009 - Paolini attacked former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and accused him of "special" sexual habits.

RAGAP has the incendiary statements made by Paolini regarding Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. If you want to listen to them, where the own debater relates how he met Monsignor Ratzinger, visit:

The judge has postponed the trial of Gabriele Paolini until February 2014 to have time to assess the documentation provided by the defense. On Wednesday the Court will have to revise the appeal against the provisional Ordinance of prison against Paolini.


Angel? Workers Stunned By Eerie Face in World Trade Center Steel

Angel? Workers Stunned By Eerie Face in World Trade Center Steel

A closeup of the visage dubbed 'The Angel of 9/11.'

A twisted and corroded steel girder recovered from Ground Zero appears to bear the visage of an anguished woman who construction workers dubbed the “Angel of 9/11.”

The massive mangled beam is part of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum and one of two “impact steel” pieces that feature prominently in the hallowed exhibition slated to open in spring 2014.

Experts believe the beams come from the point where United Flight 175 collided with the South Tower.

Near the top of the distorted metal construction workers say they occasionally see the distinct visage of a person. Her eyes, nose and face are unmistakable.

"You can see the face clear as day, as if it’as looking down over a sacred spot," one visitor told England’s The Sun, which first reported the spooky sight.

A steel expert told NBC News that the beam bears the clear signs of the chemical processes behind corrosion, which created the eerie face.

"Atmospheric corrosion is very sensitive to microclimates,"P. Chris Pistorius, a materials scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, told the broadcaster.

"It's actually difficult to get even corrosion of such a surface. It's more likely to get a pattern than to get uniform corrosion."

Angel? Workers Stunned By Eerie Face in World Trade Center Steel

Construction workers at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum have been stunned at a face appearing in a twisted girder from the World Trade Center.

Angel? Workers Stunned By Eerie Face in World Trade Center Steel

Angel? Workers Stunned By Eerie Face in World Trade Center Steel

There are others that are kind of a stretch but it seems to me that 9-11 was almost biblical in a way doesn’t it?


Humans Emerged From Male Pig And Female Chimp, World’s Top Geneticist Says

Humans Emerged From Male Pig And Female Chimp, World’s Top Geneticist Says

Humans are actually hybrids, who emerged as an offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, according to one of the world's leading geneticist.

Turning the theory of human ancestry on its head, Dr Eugene McCarthy — one of the world's leading authorities on hybridization in animals from theUniversity of Georgia has suggested that humans didn't evolve from just apes but was a backcross hybrid of a chimpanzee and pigs.

His hypothesis is based on the fact that though humans have many features in common with chimps, there are a lot more that don't correspond to any other primates. He then suggests that there is only one animal in the animal kingdom that has all of the traits which distinguish humans from our primate cousins.

"What is this other animal that has all these traits? The answer is Sus scrofa - the ordinary pig" he says.

He explains: "Genetically, we're close to chimpanzees, and yet we have many physical traits that distinguish us from chimpanzees. One fact, however, suggests the need for an open mind: as it turns out, many features that distinguish humans from chimpanzees also distinguish them from all other primates. Features found in human beings, but not in other primates, cannot be accounted for by hybridization of a primate with some other primate. If hybridization is to explain such features, the cross will have to be between a chimpanzee and a non-primate - an unusual, distant cross to create an unusual creature."
Humans Emerged From Male Pig And Female Chimp, World’s Top Geneticist Says

Dr McCarthy suggests that Charles Darwin told only half the story of human evolution.

"We believe that humans are related to chimpanzees because humans share so many traits with chimpanzees. Is it not rational then also, if pigs have all the traits that distinguish humans from other primates, to suppose that humans are also related to pigs? Let us take it as our hypothesis, then, that humans are the product of ancient hybridization between pig and chimpanzee," he said.

According to Dr McCarthy, if we compare humans with non-mammals or invertebrates like the crocodile, bullfrog, octopus, dragonfly and starfish, pigs and chimpanzees suddenly seem quite similar to humans.

Pigs and chimpanzees differ in chromosome counts. The opinion is often expressed that when two animals differ in this way, they cannot produce fertile hybrids. This rule is, however, only a generalization. While such differences do tend to have an adverse effect on the fertility of hybrid offspring, it is also true that many different types of crosses in which the parents differ in chromosome counts produce hybrids that capable themselves of producing offspring.

There is substantial evidence supporting the idea that very distantly related mammals can mate and produce a hybrid.

Humans Emerged From Male Pig And Female Chimp, World’s Top Geneticist Says

Another suggestive fact, Dr McCarthy says is the frequent use of pigs in the surgical treatment of human beings. Pig heart valves are used to replace those of human coronary patients. Pig skin is used in the treatment of human burn victims. "Serious efforts are now underway to transplant kidneys and other organs from pigs into human beings. Why are pigs suited for such purposes? Why not goats, dogs, or bears - animals that, in terms of taxonomic classification, are no more distantly related to human beings than pigs?," he said.

It might seem unlikely that a pig and a chimpanzee would choose to mate, but their behaviour patterns and reproductive anatomy does, in fact, make them compatible. It is, of course, a well-established fact that animals sometimes attempt to mate with individuals that are unlike themselves, even in a natural setting, and that many of these crosses successfully produce hybrid offspring," he adds.

Dr Eugene McCarthy says that the fact that even modern-day humans are relatively infertile may be significant in this connection.

"If a hybrid population does not die out altogether, it will tend to improve in fertility with each passing generation under the pressure of natural selection. Fossils indicate that we have had at least 200,000 years to recover our fertility since the time that the first modern humans (Homo sapiens) appeared. The earliest creatures generally recognized as human ancestors (Ardipithecus, Orrorin) date to about six million years ago. So our fertility has had a very long time to improve. If we have been recovering for thousands of generations and still show obvious symptoms of sterility, then our earliest human ancestors, if they were hybrids, must have suffered from an infertility that was quite severe. This line of reasoning, too, suggests that the chimpanzee might have produced Homo sapiens by crossing with a genetically incompatible mate, possibly even one outside the primate order," he said.



Evolution Vs. God is a documentary trying to challenge the theory of evolution. Evangelical leader Ray Comfort, known as the bananaman, interviews evolution proponents (mostly students) from different universities in the United States and tries to expose the so called “unscientific nature” of evolution which he refers to as a “blind faith”, not science. The film tries to show intelligent design as a competing theory and suggests that the academe continues to bully intelligent design as an option. The film also aims to get some evidence for Macroevolution.

Ray Comfort uses cheap tactics to achieve his goals. He wants to “debunk” evolution, and to portray students and professors as people who can’t articulate the theory of evolution in an understandable fashion. He does so by rapidly asking short, trick question full of ambiguities, moral dilemmas, and scientific inaccuracies.


According to Ray (an opinion which he borrowed from the physicist Victor Stenger), the following is the reason why intelligent design isn’t taught in schools: The legal staff of Freedom From Religion Foundation (a church-state watchdog group) has had remarkable success in convincing many institutions such as school boards and town councils that they are breaking constitutional law when they sponsor sectarian activities. That includes intelligent design. When the authorities can’t be convinced, Freedom From Religion Foundation sues, and it wins more often than not.

Stunningly, Ray argues about two vestigial organs, found in humans, in order to “debunk” the theory of evolution. He discusses the tailbone and the appendix. Apparently the tailbone is an extremely important source of attachment for tendons, ligaments, and muscles and the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults, primarily in the immune functions.


Then, Ray claims that many of the famous atheists are not actually atheists. Supposedly they’ve been wrongly attributed and he supports his claim by out-of-context quoting. After some more illogical and irrelevant questions posed to students he concludes that Darwinian evolution rests on faith, and that the knowledge of God, however, is clearly seen by all mankind.



Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha

Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha

Muslims always counter argue against the shock and horror in the West that their prophet was a pedophile and used to sodomize children. Due to many debates and disagreement on this issue, they made official that Mohammed did not actually consume his marriage to Aiysha when she was a 6 year old child until she was 9 years of age, supposedly making that better.

Furthermore, they often blame a 1400 practice on being ‘imported’ from abroad via video’s. Was there videos at the age of Mohammed? And why would an illegal practice be imported and touted as legal? And what is the explanation for all testimonials of sodomy through history in the Muslim world, including the claim in the Hadiths that Mohammed and his followers engaged in homosexual incest of little boys?


Muslim scholars on Mohammed’s pedophilia and sodomy- rubbing his genitals between Ayisha’s thighs when she is 6  (Mufa’ Khathat).

Fatwa Number 41409 dated 7/5/1421 or August 8, 2000

The permanent committee for scientific research and religious sanctions [in Saudi Arabia] are: 
Abdel Aziz ben Abdullah ben Mohammed Aal Sheikh, Chairman
Bakr ben Abdullah Abu Zeid, Member
Saleh ben Fozan Al Fozan, Member
Praise is to God and blessings on the Prophet that is the last of all prophets.
The permanent committee for scientific research and religious sanctions [in Saudi Arabia] has looked onto the request of Abu Abdallah Mohammed Al Shamry which was sent to the committee from the general secretariat of the Committee of Higher Scholars number 1809 date 3/5/1421. The requester asked the following:
  • Lately, it has spread on a large scale, especially in weddings, the habit of thighing little boys; what is the ruling of the Quran on this? Especially, that God’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) has thighed Ayesha (may God be pleased with her).
The committee, after studying the request, has ruled the following:
  • It is not the true guidance of Muslims throughout centuries to resort to the use of these unlawful practices, which were imported to our countries through the immoral videos that are being sent by the infidels and enemies of Islam. As for the thighing of the messenger of God to his fiancée Ayesha, she was six years old and he could not engage in sexual intercourse with her because of her young age, therefore he used to place his penis between her thighs and rub it lightly. In addition, the messenger of God had full control of his penis in contrary to the believers. Therefore, it is not permitted to practice thighing, whether in weddings, or at homes, or schools, due to its grave harm. And may God curse the infidels who brought these practices to our countries. – Faith Freedom, Sept. 23, 2011
Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha

» A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby.  However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable.  If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life.  This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister…  It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband’s house, rather than her father’s home.  Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.
» A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable.
» If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.

“Thighing” [or mufakhafat] is an Islamic practice followed today in Muslim communities all over the world including in the US and Britain.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements recorded in The Little Green Book (“Tahrirolvasyleh”, fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990):
» Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not.
» If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.
» During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman’s vagina or a man’s anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.
Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha
 » A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband’s permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfillment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so. A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later sexual relations; however, she retains the right to be paid damages if she is repudiated.
» If a father (or paternal grandfather) marries off his daughter (or granddaughter) in her absence without knowing for a certainty that she is alive, the marriage becomes null and void as soon as it is established that she was dead at the time of the marriage.
» It is not illegal for an adult male to ‘thigh’ or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her.
» If a man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, and subsequently marries her, the child born of that marriage will be a bastard unless the parents can be sure it was conceived after they were married. A child born of an adulterous father is legitimate.
» Ali [son in law of Mohammed], having cut off the hands of two thieves, treated their wounds and offered them his hospitality, and this affected them so much that they became utterly devoted to him; or again when he heard that the marauding army of Muawiyah had abused a woman of one of the tribes, he was so upset and moved to pity he declared: “If a man died after such an occurrence, no one could blame him.” And yet, despite a nature as sensitive as that, Ali bared his sword and hacked the perpetrators to pieces. This is the meaning of justice.
Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha
  • From “The Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Philosophical, Social and Religious” (The Little Green Book), Bantam Books, New York/London, 1985, ISBN 0-553-14032-9.

About Prophet Muhammad and his child-wife Aisha
Muhammad married Aisha when she was six years old in Mecca and she joined him in Medina three years later when he was 53. He began having sex with Aisha when she was nine years old and still playing with dolls.
This is the original story told by the ONLY valid biographers of Muhammad and Islam, Ibn Ishaq and Tabari, and the hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim. Refer also to the works of the Qur’an commentators Ibn Kathir and Ibn Qayyim. (Ibn Kathir, The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya), Volume II, translated by professor Trevor Le Gassick, Garnet Publishing Limited, UK. The Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization, 2000. pp. 93-94).
(Ibn Qayyim Al-Juaziyyah, Zad-ul Ma’ad fi Hadyi Khairi-l ‘Ibad (Provisions for the Hereafter, From the Guidance of Allah’s Best Worshipper) translated by Jalal Abualrub, [Madinah Publishers & Distributors, December 2000] Volume I, pp. 157-158)
» Muhammad said that he had dreamed of Aisha before demanding her from her father, and his own brother in Islam, Abu Bakr, claiming special ‘prophets rights’ when Abu Bakr was reluctant to give her to him.
» Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 235: Narrated ‘Aisha: That the Prophet said to her, “You have been shown to me twice in my dreams. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and someone said to me, ‘This is your wife.’ When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, ‘If this is from Allah, it will be done.”
Muslim Scholars: Prophet Muhammad Sodomized Child Aiysha

» Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18: Narrated ‘Ursa: The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for ‘Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said “But I am your brother!”
» The Prophet said, “You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry.”
» Marriage to a female already offered to another was illegal in Arab law. Abu Bakr had already arranged for Aisha to marry Djubayr Mutim.
» Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams. (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasulullah (The Life of Muhammad) translated by Alfred Guillaume [Oxford University Press, p. 792)
» Tabari VII:7 “The Prophet married Aisha in Mecca three years before the Hijrah, after the death of Khadija. At the time she was six.”
» Tabari IX:128 “When the Prophet married Aisha, she was very young and not yet ready for consummation.” [The History of Al-Tabari: The Foundation of the Community] translated by M.V. McDonald annotated by W. Montgomery Watt [State University of New York Press, Albany 1987], Volume VII, pp. 6-7) (The History of Al-Tabari: The Last Years of the Prophet, translated and annotated by Ismail K. Poonawala [State University of New York Press, Albany 1990], Volume IX, pp. 129-130)
» Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236: Narrated Hisham’s father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.

Man Finds Dead Mouse In Can Of 'Monster' Energy Drink [VIDEO]

Man Finds Dead Mouse In Can Of 'Monster' Energy Drink

Vitaliy Sulzhik, 19, of Federal Way, Wash., said he finished drinking a Monster Energy Drink, which he bought at a local Fred Meyer supermarket and realized the can wasn’t empty.

"I put it down, and I felt it was still heavy. So I backwashed it, and all this debris went into my mouth," said Sulzhik of the March 2010 incident. "Then I looked in the can, and I saw the tip of the tail, and I vomited everywhere."

But it wasn’t just a tail—it was an entire dead mouse.

Man Finds Dead Mouse In Can Of 'Monster' Energy Drink

Paul Walker: Assassinated By Obama Drone Strike? [VIDEO]

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — The simple and honest question posed in the latest Truther.org article entitled “Fast and Furious” Star Paul Walker Assassinated by Obama Drone Strike?” has sparked an international outrage over the inexplicable and suspicious death of one Paul Walker. Regardless of how Walker was killed, the facts surrounding his death do not add up on any level and deserve further investigation, at the very least. Although cliché, the cover-up is always worse than the crime.

If Walker was in fact killed by an autonomous drone strike, it would behoove U.S. authorities to see to make sure the truth does not come out under any circumstance. In the aftermath of state-sponsored black operations such as assassinations and terror attacks, intelligence agencies routinely disseminate fraudulent dis-information through various media outlets such as CNN and TMZ in order spin stories and create confusion. The tragic death of Walker is no different.

By engaging in critical thinking and employing deductive logic, a more clear and concise picture of how Walker died and who is responsible will hopefully emerge. By examining the following evidence (or lack thereof), the world will be able to decide for themselves who and what to believe. After all, the goal of any real journalist or Fast and Furious fan should be to find out what really happened—something I’m quite sure Paul Walker would have wanted.

Paul Walker: Assassinated  By Obama Drone Strike?
1. The 5 Trees

Exactly what Walker’s car hit first and in what order depends on which report you believe. According to a November 30, 2013, report by CBS Los Angeles, Walker’s car “crashed into a tree and then a light pole before bursting into flames”. This report by CBS was later contradicted by Jim Torp, and apparent intelligence operative, who stated in a December 2, 2013, report that “Roger lost control of the control. They didn’t spin or anything. They went into a tree. They hit four trees and took a big light pole down. The light pole came down and the car bounced off of it. And then they crashed into a tree, that’s what eventually stopped the car”. In a pathetic attempt to explain away the massive damage to Walker’s car, it has now been alleged to have hit a total of 5 trees and 1 light pole, yet the hood of the car is remains mysteriously unscathed. Considering that the car was allegedly traveling at a high-rate of speed when it crashed, it can be ascertained that the car would have suffered the most damage to its front end which took the brunt of the impact, which it clearly does not. Rather, the vehicle is cut in half starting from behind the driver’s side. There is a huge round-like crater in the middle of the car which can only be explained by a high-impact missile strike (see photo above).

Paul Walker: Assassinated  By Obama Drone Strike?

2. The Mysterious Light Pole

Knowing that the public would not buy the notion that a small tree could literally blow up a sports car, Walker’s car is alleged to have also hit a light pole. According to a December 1, 2013, report by the Huffington Post, “the Porsche [Walker] was riding in smashed into a light pole and tree” and that “the downed light pole had a speed limit sign of 45 mph”. Although the order of the objects hit by Walker’s car clearly don’t match, Jim Torp, and apparent intelligence operative, stated in a December 2, 2013, report that “They hit four trees and took a big light pole down. The light pole came down and the car bounced off of it“. In the event that Torp was actually telling the truth, the videos and photos of the crash scene would show the downed light pole, which they clearly do not. There is no pole in sight and not one witness at the crash scene made reference to one laying in the street or on the side of the road. However, a day or two after the accident, a pole with the 45mph still attached was sign was conveniently laid in the exact same spot where the vigil for Walker has been erected (see photo). A downed light pole would have likely caused a local blackout or at least an electrical emergency due to its exposed wires, yet the electrical company has not arrived on scene to fix the pole. Interestingly, the alleged crash pole exhibits an octagon-like shape and is clearly made out of cement while all of the other standing light poles are metal, white in color and circular in shape.


3. The Huge Explosion

In the event that Walker’s car was in fact struck with a drone missile, a tremendous explosion would have occurred. Coincidentally, on December 2, 2013, TMZ reported that the crash that killed Paul Walker resulted in a “huge explosion and fireball that could be seen for miles” and that the blast sent a “fireball high into the sky”. The explosion depicted by TMZ does not sound at all like something ever witnessed in the suburban streets of America but rather like something witnessed in Iraq of Afghanistan. In a December 1, 2013 report by the Huffington Post, Jim Torp, an apparent intelligence operative, stated that he heard the loud sound of a car’s engine revving and then an explosion, ultimately insinuating that something fishy occurred just prior to the explosion. To add even more confusion and disinformation to the equation, Torp told CNN that he heard a blast in the distance before the car slammed into a light pole. “What the first explosion was, I don’t know if their tire blew up, because it sounded like a tire blew on the car”. Regardless, if Torp’s disinformation campaign, there was a major explosion which is indicative of a drone strike.

4. The Skid Marks

In the event that Walker’s car was actually speeding, it is highly likely that the brakes would be applied at some point during the accident. On December 2, 2013, the New York Post reported that the “lack of skid marks until just before the point of impact suggests the driver didn’t have control of the speeding car’s steering”. The steering and brake components of a car are completely unrelated and therefore even if someone lost control of the steering, the breaks would still work. According to a CNN report dated December 3, 2013, there were “Tire skid marks on the asphalt near the crash site, which indicate a car was doing doughnut spins, also are being looked at”, concluding that “it has not been concluded that they are related to the Walker wreck”.

In the initial moments of a video shot by witnesses who arrived at the crash scene shortly after the accident, three sets of skid marks can be clearly seen on the road, only one of which resemble “doughnut spins”. Although two sets appear unrelated to the crash, one skid mark leads directly to the accident. In a CNN interview, Jim Torp, likely an intelligence operative, stated that he “looked closely at the skid marks and concluded they were left by a car with smaller tires”. By reversing Thorps disinformation statement, it can be deduced that at least one of the skid marks likely belongs to Walker’s car. Whether or not the force of an alleged high-impact missile strike could cause the skid marks is not known, but the fact that mainstream reports are discounting the skid marks suggests that they do matter.

5. The Crash Video

In an apparent move to dispel the rumors that Walker was assassinated by a drone strike, TMZ released a video report on December 3, 2013, entitled “Paul Walker Crash—The Moment of Impact & Massive Inferno”. Just like the headline, the video fails to show the reported “explosion” or any sound of an explosion whatsoever. As evidenced in the silent surveillance video, the smoke from Walker’s crash scene goes from barely there to all over, instantaneously. The unnatural manner of the smoke dispersion indicates that there is likely a video edit, cut or splice at 00:18-00:19 seconds in the TMZ video or 13:00-14:00 in this YouTube video. Also, the video starts off with white smoke (indicative of burning trees and leaves) and is followed by black smoke (indicative of burining gas, oil and rubber).

Obvioulsy, the car was on fire prior to the trees which also suggests that the video has been tampered with. Although an independent investigation must be conducted prior to reaching any concrete conclusions, it does appears that the massive explosion was premeditatedly cut out of the video completely. After all, if an explosion was depicted in the video, the camera would likely shaken severely. Also, the fireball from the explosion would then have been able to be compared forensically with that of a missile explosion, something those responsible cannot let happen. If Walker’s car had exploded naturally, due to gasoline combustion, one would expect a relatively minor NASCAR-type crash explosion, but definitely not something that would blow the car in two pieces.

6. The Speeding Hoax

In order to convince the public that Walker’s death was an “accident”, the notion that speeding was involved had to become part of the official narrative. Less than 24 hours after the crash, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department stated that “speed was a factor” in Walker’s death. The report went on to state that “investigators are working to determine how fast the car was traveling and what caused it to go out of control”, further insinuating that speed was the predominant factor in the crash. When conclusive statements are made by officials within 24 hours of a supposedly random accident, the likelihood of foul play increases exponentially simply due to the fact that there has not been enough time to complete a real and thorough investigation. Witnesses have not been interviewed, video has not retrieved and tests have not been conducted, yet authorities are disseminating what can only be construed as speculation? This behavior suggests that there is an agenda, albeit covert, to lead the public in a certain direction—way from foul play. The fraudulent notion that Walker was speeding at the time of his death was reiterated on December 2, 2013, when TMZ released an article entitled “Paul Walker — I Once Hit 185 MPH… On The Freeway!”. Predictably, the report went on to state that law enforcement believes speed was a factor in the crash. One look at the December 3, 2013, video released by TMZ and it’s self-evident that any high-rate of speed on that road at that time would have been impossible simply due to the sheer amount of cars sharing the road with Walker.

7. The Street Racing Hoax

In order to further sell the notion that Walker was speeding, a fraudulent rumor was disseminated which insinuated that the deadly crash was the result of an illegal street race often witnessed in the “Fast and the Furious movies”. The rumor was first identified on December 2, 2013, when TMZ reported that police were investigating the possibility that Paul Walker was in the middle of a high-speed street race with another car at the time of his death. According to the report, law enforcement told TMZ that “investigators have received tips that Walker and the man driving the Porsche, Roger Rodas, had been racing prior to the crash” and that “cops are on the hunt for video and witnesses that could prove another car was involved”. The article concluded by stating that “the area where the crash occurred has a history of being a popular street racing location”, further insinuating that Walker was street racing. According to a December 3, 2013, CNN article, Hercules Street, the road on which Walker died, “has a reputation for fast drivers”, which spurred a crackdown by deputies two years ago. While completely untrue and unsubstantiated, the street racing rumors were released in a coordinated effort by TMZ and law enforcement to corroborate the narrative that Walker was speeding at the time of his death.

8. The Second Vehicle Hoax

In order to further sell the notion that Walker was possibly involved in a street race when he crashed, CNN published a report on December 3, 2013, entitled “Paul Walker death investigation: Police rule out second vehicle, focus on speed”. According to the report, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman stated that investigators have been “unable to find evidence of a second car in the accident that killed Walker”. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Sgt. Richard Cohen reportedly told CNN that authorities received a tip on Sunday, December 1, 2013, suggesting that another car was at the scene racing the Porsche when it slammed into a light pole and burst into flames. The report concluded that investigators have since ruled out the presence of a second vehicle and the theory that the Porsche was drag racing. Regardless of the retraction, the idea that there may or may not have been a second vehicle was disseminated as part of a coordinated intelligence operation to corroborate the narrative that Walker was speeding at the time of his death.

9. The Mechanical Failure Hoax

In another brazen attempt to steer the public away from the notion of foul play, on December 2, 2013, a New York Post report entitled “Mechanical Failure Behind Paul Walker Crash: Report” revealed that, “The trouble-prone Porsche that “Fast & Furious” star Paul Walker was riding in when he died in a crash suffered a mechanical failure that was likely caused by a power steering fluid leak”. According to the report, sources told TMZ that they saw “evidence of a fluid burst and subsequent fluid trail before the skid marks at the accident scene.” The report went on to state that the “lack of skid marks until just before the point of impact suggests the driver didn’t have control of the speeding car’s steering”. The unnamed witness then reportedly saw Rodas prior to the crash “trying to help employees figure out what was wrong with a red Porsche Carrera GT that kept stalling”. The lack of source and witness names suggests that this information was disseminated in order muddy the waters in respect to the Walker crash and steer the public away from the notion that Walker may have been assassinated.

10. The Doomed Porsche Carrera GT

In order to further the notion that the death of Walker was at the very least accidental, on December 3, 2013, CNN released an article entitled “Porsche Carrera GT: 5 Reasons the Car Paul Walker Died In Is Different” which was published in an apparent bid to sell the notion that Walker’s Porsche was just an accident waiting to happen. Among other things, the report states that the Porsche has three times the horsepower of the average car, is notoriously difficult to handle, even for professional drivers, and is unusual because it has no electronic stability control. Eddie Alterman, editor-in-chief of Car and Driver magazine, essentially went on to state that the car was just too hot to handle by stating that, “This was not a car for novices” and that the “Carrera GT program began as a racing program”. Alterman also stated that “The Carrera GT is able to change direction “very quickly, very much like a race car. It was beyond a super car. It is what we call a hyper car” and that the car “had such a hair-trigger throttle, because it changed directions so quickly, there is a lot to learn.” Todd Trimble, an exotic car mechanic in Las Vegas, followed Alterman’s lead by stating that the Carrera GT is “Very hard car to drive…You really need to know what you’re doing when you drive them. And a lot of people are learning the hard way.” Trimble concluded by stating that, “They’re getting rarer and rarer…Most of the time, when they do get wrecked, there’s not much left of them”. Based on these “experts”, the Porsche Carrera GT is a dangerous machine that is almost impossible to drive. The blatant demonization of the car speaks to the desperate nature of intelligence agencies to sell Walker’s death as accidental.

Operation Fast & Furious

Everybody wants to know why the Obama administration would want to assassinate Paul Walker. While I can only theorize, it’s possible that Walker was assassinated in order to highlight Operation Fast and Furious just prior to an unprecedented gun-related massacre in the United States stemming from one or more of the 2,000 assault rifles sold by the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) to Mexican drug cartels. Since Walker’s death, the words “Fast and Furious” have been in the news non-stop and have been subconsciously programming the public in a psychological manner for an impending state-sponsored terror attack that will likely be connected to Operation Fast and Furious. In the aftermath of said terror attack, Obama would likely attempt to ban and confiscate guns in America which would be unfair (since he supplied the guns) and highly anti-American. Suffice to say, the incident would inevitably lead to a second American civil-war over the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms.

10 Shocking Food Scandals [VIDEO]

 10 Shocking Food Scandals

Negligence and greed can leave a bad taste in the mouth. Here are 10 shocking food scandals.



Monsanto’s Controversial Past [VIDEO]

Monsanto Company is an American multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is a leading producer of genetically engineered seeds and of the herbicide glyphosate, a chemical substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of plants, which it markets under the Roundup brand.
The information provided in this article is not generally known by the public. People are far more concerned with Monsanto’s recent business practices, but it is also important to understand its equally dark past. The aim of this article is to illustrate that Monsanto is in no way new to controversy and in fact seems to have deliberately chosen to develop and produce products which cause irreparable damage to the environment and life; be human or animal.
Since the company’s foundation in 1901 it has been controversial. Today the world associates Monsanto with biotechnology but over the years it has produced artificial sweeteners, insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides and bovine somatotropin (rBST).
Monsanto’s Controversial Past
The company’s first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin, which it sold to the Coca-Cola Company. Saccharin has effectively no food energy and is devoid of any food value. Studies on laboratory rats during the early 1970’s linked saccharin with the development of bladder cancer in rodents and as a consequence, all food containing saccharin was labeled with a warning.
However, in 2000, the warning labels were removed because scientists learned that rodents, unlike humans, have a unique combination of high pH, high calcium phosphate and high protein levels in their urine which caused saccharin to damage their bladders. Doctors still caution pregnant women against excessive consumption of products containing artificial sweeteners since such foods could be replacing nutrient-dense, energy-yielding foods. Without the labels the advice is difficult to follow.
Monsanto began manufacturing the insecticide DDT, a chemical used against insects, in 1944. DDT was used in the second half of World War II by the U.S. to control malaria and typhus among civilians and troops. After the war, DDT was made available for use as an agricultural insecticide, and its production and use greatly increased.
In 1962, the book ‘Silent Spring’ by American biologist Rachel Carson was published. The book catalogued the environmental impacts of spraying DDT and questioned the logic of releasing large amounts of chemicals into the environment without fully understanding their effects on ecology or human health. Due to the book’s success and resulting public outcry DTT was banned in the U.S. in 1972. DDT was subsequently banned for agricultural use worldwide under the Stockholm Convention in 2004.
Monsanto’s Controversial Past

DDT has been linked to diabetes, asthma, early pregnancy loss, premature birth and low birth weight. One study suggests that children exposed while in the womb have a greater chance of development problems. Occupational exposure in agriculture and malaria control has also been linked to neurological problems such as Parkinson’s disease.
In 1935 the company acquired Swann Chemical Company; a PCB producer. PCBs were widely used as dielectric and coolant fluids in transformers, capacitors, and electric motors. The toxicity of PCBs had been known since before its first commercial production through research done by production companies themselves in the 1930′s; however, these conclusions were dismissed as negligible.
Much like DDT, contact with PCBs is known to cause major health problems including liver cancer. Again babies exposed while in the womb are at risk of changing sex or developing into neither male nor female, a condition termed intersex. Before the United States Congress banned domestic production in 1979, Monsanto produced 99% of all PCBs used by U.S. industry.
Monsanto’s most notorious past product must be the herbicide widely known as Agent Orange. During the 1960’s and 1970’s Monsanto was one of the most important producers of Agent Orange for the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War (1961-1971). Vietnamese authorities estimate 400,000 people were killed or maimed, and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of the use of the chemical. The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.
Monsanto’s Controversial Past

United States Air Force records show that at least 6,542 spraying missions took place during the war. Nearly 20,000,000 U.S. gallons (76,000,000 liters) of material containing the chemical herbicide mixed with jet fuel was sprayed in Vietnam, eastern Laos and parts of Cambodia.
In 1994 Monsanto began to produce yet another controversial product; a recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) branded Posilac. The administration of rBST increases the milk yield in lactating cows. From 2000 to 2005 the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) survey of dairy producers found that about 17% of producers used rBST.
Milk from rBST-treated cows is not chemically identical to traditional milk; milk from rBST-treated cows contains slightly elevated levels of certain hormones. Cows treated with rBST have a substantially higher rate of mastitis, the inflammation of breast tissue, and more often require antibiotics.
Learning about the past aids us when trying to learn about the present. This is universally true and applies to present Monsanto practices. Can Monsanto change? Looking back at its history raises serious doubts.


Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered Over UFO Secrecy


Dr. Steven Greer : Marilyn Monroe was Murdered over UFO Secrecy
Donald Burleson, Ph.D.has been fascinated with the death of Marilyn Monroe for many years. In fact, as a certified UFO field investigator, research consultant, and New Mexico State Director for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), he had heard rumors of a UFO connection with Marilyn’s death.

One of the linchpin’s of Dr. Burleson’s hypothesis is a CIA document, that has come to be known as the Marilyn Monroe document, which mysteriously surfaced in 1994.

The document has a subject line “Marilyn Monroe” and a project line “Moon Dust”. According to Burleson, “Project Moon Dust” had existed since 1953 and whose purpose was the recovering of debris from fallen space vehicles, certainly to include UFO crash depris.

According to “UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe”, the document has an apparent reference, in the routing data at the bottom of the page to MJ-12.

This reference to MJ-12 further associates the Marilyn Monroe document with the whole question of governmental secrecy about unindentified flying objects.

Dr. Burleson’s work involves computer image enhancement. He is a director of a computer lab at Eastern New Mexico University. One day, when the Marilyn Monroe document was being displayed, a student noticed “a sort of smudge or shadow” to the left of the TOP SECRET stamp.

When enhanced the imprint contained the name “Schulgen”. This proved to be another invaluable piece of UFO evidence. Brigadier General George Schulgen was the Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division of Army Air Corps Intelligence. His job basically was to investigate UFOs! How did his name get on the document?

Norman was waiting at a neighbor’s until Kennedy and the others left the house, which he says was about 10:30 pm. Eunice and Norman, feeling the “coast was clear”, returned to the house and discovered Marilyn sprawled face down, nude, across the day bed in the guest cottage. She was alive, but she was dying.

Dr. Burleson believes that “between the time Bobby Kennedy and his two cohorts entered Marilyn Monroe’s house around 10:00 pm. and the time they left it around 10:30 p.m., a loathsome crime was committed. Marilyn was clearly not expected to survive.

If you believe in the UFO conspiracy or not, it is apparent that Marilyn Munroe’s death was due in part to information she knew about the Kennedy brothers and tragically recorded in her “little red” diary!

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) audio recordings taped Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Munroe having a violent argument which went something like this:

“Where is it? Where the f___ is it? and things to that effect, “My family must have it,” and “We’ll make any arrangements you want,” and “We’ll pay you for it.”

In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bobby was looking for Marilyn’s diary.

Marilyn had been a diary-keeper all her life, and her most recent one was a little red book in which she was known to have scribbled, among other things, notes on things she and Bobby Kennedy had talked about, including political matters and foreign affairs.

Jeanne Carmen has recalled seeing Bobby grab up Marilyn’s red diary in her living room one day and hurl it across the room, shouting “Get rid of this!”

Dr. Steven Greer came into possession of a CIA document that dealt with Marilyn and Bobby Kennedy.

A synopsis of the document stated that: The subject (Marilyn) would hold a press conference and would tell all; and the subject (Marilyn) made reference to her “diary of secrets” and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures.


Lionel Grandison, from the Los Angles County Coroner’s Office, was the last person recorded to have seen and examined Marilyn’s red diary.

He had sent his driver to Marilyn’s house in the hopes of recovering an address book so that relatives could be notified of Marilyn’s death. Marilyn’s housekeeper Eunice Murray gave the driver an address book and a little red diary!

He stated that the diary contained interesting references to the Kennedys and other people (notably Fidel Castro), (but) it contained no addresses.

Grandison before leaving his office for the day locked the diary away in the Coroner’s office safe.

When he returned to work on Tuesday, August 7, the safe was still locked but the little red diary was gone. Marilyn’s diary was never seen again.

View Document Here


Was Walker ‘Murdered for Digging Too Deep?

Was Walker ‘Murdered for Digging Too Deep?

Paul Walker is dead after a horrific car crash, but some people on conspiracy websites are positing that the famed actor was murdered for “digging too deep.”

The Before It’s News “report” cites several theories from the popular conspiracy forum Godlikeproductions:

1. Paul Walker and Roger Rodas were killed “shortly after they discovered a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal supplies and food aid,” claimed an anonymous user on the website. The pair supposedly had “a damning recording” and “they were on their way to rendezvous with an ally who would have helped them get in touch with the right people.

“Turns out they were betrayed and someone rigged their car’s breaks to malfunction after a certain speed,” the user said. “Now that the loose end has been tied up, and the recording destroyed, the people responsible have nothing to fear as this will become another ‘conspiracy theory’ no one will take seriously.”

However, no evidence to support this claim has appeared yet, and the origin of this theory is from Godlikeproductions. No credible, mainstream media entities have covered this.

Keep in mind that GodlikeProductions has numerous threads about the U.S. research program HAARP causing earthquakes and storms in other countries, conspiracies about Comet ISON, and various posts about the Illuminati–a purported secret society that controls the world’s governments and large corporations. Anonymous users can post–without registering–anything they want.

It’s also worth noting that after every major event–including school shootings, the Boston bombing, or a plane crash–there’s almost always a conspiracy theory about a cause, usually with users alleging there was a “false flag” involved. But there’s usually little-to-no evidence to support such claims.

Was Walker ‘Murdered for Digging Too Deep?

The other theory from Godlikeproductions is as follows:

2. Referring again to Walker’s work for victims of Typhoon Haiyan, also known as Typhoon Yolanda, the other theory on the forum is that Walker discovered “dirty money” in the Philippines disaster relief. “That would make sense because he owned a company that specialized in rapid disaster relief,” the poster said.

Several others are supporting this argument. One user on Twitter said: “I believe Paul Walker was murdered for knowing down deep the evil plans of the global elite in regards to the Philippine typhoons.”

Again, there is no evidence to support this claim that has appeared as of yet.

In the story “Paul Walker: Murdered for Digging Too Deep?” the author speculates that the massive damage done to the vehicle Walker and Rodas were in appears to point to a murder of some sort.

Several other theories circulating are:

-The crash was caused by an “Obama drone strike.”
-The crash was foretold in the Family Guy episode where the dog Brian dies, because Walker’s character in “Fast & Furious” was named Brian
-Walker spoke “prophetic” words in his 2000 film “The Skulls,” when he said “If you keep digging you will dig your own grave.”

Another associated theory is that the lack of skid marks helps prove a murder, as well as the fire that consumed much of the car and rendered the two bodies so far unidentifiable (officials are using dental records to confirm the bodies are Walker and Rodas).

Sources at Always Evolving, the auto shop co-owned by Walker and Rodas, told TMZ that they saw evidence of a steering fluid leak, including a burst and subsequent trail.

The lack of skid marks before the point of impact–a tree–appear to align with the steering fluid leak, the sources said. Flames would typically be expected where the engine is in the rear of the car, but the fire in the front reinforces the theory of a fluid leak. However, officials later said that there was no evidence of a fluid leak.

Another theory–one put forward by some officials–is that Rodas was speeding, which may have contributed to the crash. But one source said that the idea Rodas lost control, even if he was speeding, is preposterous.

“Roger was a world class driver,” the source said.

Was Walker ‘Murdered for Digging Too Deep?

Another theory is that Rodas was drag racing, because the neighborhood where the crash happened is known to attract street racers.

The crash happened on a street that forms an approximately 1-mile loop amid industrial office parks and is rimmed by hills and isolated from traffic, especially on weekends.

“It’s well-known out here that that’s a hot spot for street racers,” California Highway Patrol Sgt. Rick Miler. “It’s a long stretch where, weekends, businesses are all closed and they feel like nobody’s going to bother them up there.”

Officials later said that Rodas wasn’t drag racing but that speed was a factor. The posted limit was 45 mph.

Investigators are trying to determine how fast the car was traveling and what caused it to go out of control, including whether the driver was distracted or something in the road prompted him to swerve.

Another point of contention is what the car actually hit, and in what order it hit the tree, trees, or light pole that it ran into.

The AP cited officials saying the Porsche crashed into a light pole then a tree. Jim Torp with Always Evolving, the auto shop Rodas and Walker co-owned, told Hollywood Life that the car hit one tree, then hit four other trees and a light pole. CNN reported that the car hit trees and knocked over the light pole, citing video it obtained.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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