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The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection

The month of December pertains to capitalistic materialism relating to Christmas. Millions of people conjecture that Jesus was born on December 25th and that this date deserves a celebration by erecting a tree and giving gifts. As the Christmas season is bearing down on the capitalistic west — stress levels are increasing, including personal debt into new levels. The deluded ignorant majority accepts Christmas as a normal (Christian) holiday, however most people lack the comprehension concerning the historic deception and occult significance.

The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection

The Winter Solstice celebrations pertains to Sun Worshiping:

The Sun has been moving away from the Northern Hemisphere up until the Winter Solstice. The 3 day gap from the 21st and 25th of December no appended minutes to the Sunrise occur. On the 25th of December, the sunlight increases 14 seconds and the days start getting longer from 12/21 up until the Summer Solstice. Thus, the predominate Sun worshiping celebration for the Winter Solstice occurred on December 25 or 3 days after. The number 3 is the foundational number for the occult.

The occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks relating to the sun solstices and Equinox:

Winter Solstice Period extends 13 weeks — Minor sabbath
December 21 — Yule
December 21-22 — Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
December 25th — Holy Roman Christmas
February 1 and 2 — Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog’s Day. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
February 14 — Valentine’s Day

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

  1. Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.
  2. Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.
  3. Candles represent the sun-gods’ newly-born fire. Pagans the world over love and use candles in their rituals and ceremonies. Certain colors are also thought to represent specific powers. The extensive use of candles is usually a very good indication that the service is pagan, no matter what the outward trappings might be.
  4. Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolizing pagan blessings of fertility; thus, kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle! Witches also use the white berries in potions.
  5. Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.
  6. Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan”. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura”, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan”. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.
  7. Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.
  8. Elves are imp-like creatures who are Santa’s (Satan’s) little helpers. They are also demons.
  9. Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!
  10. December 25 is known as the “nativity” of the sun. This date is the birthday of Tammuz, the son, the reincarnation of the sun god. Traditionally, December 21 is known as Yule. The Roman Catholic Church moved the celebration of Yule to December 25.
  11. December 25 is also known to the Romans as “Saturnalia”, a time of deliberate debauchery. Drinking through repeated toasting – known as ‘wassail’ – was a key to the debauchery of this celebration. Fornication was symbolized by the mistletoe, and the entire event was finished with a Great Feast, the Christmas Dinner.
  12. Even the name, “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ”, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ”. A deeper meaning lies in the mention of “Christ” without specifying Jesus. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.
  13. Early American Christian Pilgrims refused to celebrate this day.

The next period begins with the Spring Equinox in March and extends to the most important 13 day stretch from April 19 through May 1.

Occult Holidays Relating to Christmas:

Roman Saturnalia: The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival of general merrymaking and debauchery held around the time of the winter solstice. This week-long party was held in distinction of the god Saturn and involved sacrifices, gift-giving, special privileges for slaves, and much feasting. Although this holiday was partly about giving presents, more important, it was to honor an agricultural god. On the heels of the Saturnalia, the Romans marked December 25 with a celebration called the Brumalia. Bruma is thought to have been contracted from the Latin brevum or brevis, meaning brief or short, denoting the shortest day of the year.

The Romans Followed the Greeks: During the second century B.C., the Greeks practiced rites to honor their god Dionysus (also called Bacchus). The Latin name for this celebration was Bacchanalia. It spread from the Greeks to Rome, center of the Roman Empire.

“It was on or about December 21st that the ancient Greeks celebrated what are known to us as the Bacchanalia or festivities in honor of Bacchus, the god of wine. In these festivities the people gave themselves up to songs, dances and other revels which frequently passed the limits of decency and order”.

Because of the nocturnal orgies associated with this festival, the Roman Senate suppressed its observance in 186 B.C. It took the senators several years to completely accomplish this goal because of the holiday’s popularity. Suppressing a holiday was unusual for the Romans since they later became a melting pot of many types of gods and worship. Just as the Romans assimilated culture, art and customs from the peoples absorbed into their empire, they likewise adopted those peoples’ religious practices.
Blending in Christianity:

The followers of Jesus, the Anointed Master over the Children of the Light, continued to grow in mass numbers – the powers of the darkness took the opportunity to use the Roman Empire through Constantine the Great to Christianize the Empire that formed the Holy Roman Empire. Henceforth, Christmas was created through the powers of the deceiving darkness that replaced Saturnalia. The Christmas tree symbolizes the pyramid the main Illuminati object.

Also, celebrations that are connected to “light” or The Sun are Judaism celebrates Hanukkah with its brightly lit menorahs Kwanzaa candles.

Origins of Yule:

Pagan holiday called Yule takes place on the day of the winter solstice, around December 21. On that day (or close to it), the earth’s axis tilts away from the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, and the sun reaches at its greatest distance from the equatorial plane. As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light — candles, bonfires, and more.

The winter solstice has been celebrated for millennia in the Northern Hemisphere. The Norse peoples viewed it as a time for much feasting, merrymaking, and, if the Icelandic sagas are to be believed, a time of sacrifice as well. Traditional customs such as the Yule log, the decorated tree, and wassailing can all be traced back to Norse origins.


The Former Head Of The FBI, Says “Illuminati Controls Everything”

The Former Head Of The FBI, Says “Illuminati Controls Everything”

Another FBI agent has come forward to confirm that the Illuminati and or whatever you choose to call them, run this world. This diabolical group has control over every major aspect of our world and each country.

The Former Head Of The FBI, Says “Illuminati Controls Everything”

 In the riveting video below, example after example are given to prove this organization exists and that they rule the world.


The Truth Behind Michael Jackson's Murder

The Truth Behind Michael Jackson's Murder

In our groundbreaking exposes Secrets of the Illuminati and More Secrets of the Illuminati, we enlisted the help of famous Harvard symbologist Dr. Janus to decrypt secret Illuminati codes and messages hidden in the $10 and $2 bills. Then, with the help of Dr. Ockhertz, we decrypted the messages hidden before our eyes on the fifty cent piece in Even More Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed. We knew we were taking on a certain amount of risk in exposing these secrets. We did not know how much danger we were truly in until we learned the truth behind the unfortunate death of music legend Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died on June 25, 2009. The Los Angeles County Coroner declared Michael's death a homicide caused by drugs that had been administered to him. Dr. Conrad Murray was charged with his death. And if the Illuminati had their way, that would be the end of the story. But the truth is much more sinister. Conrad Murray is simply a scapegoat of ... the Illuminati.


The story they don't want you to hear involves Michael's lifelong affiliation with the Illuminati, an affiliation that ended in his untimely death. Since his days in the Jackson Five, Michael was taught the secrets of the Illuminati. This is part of the Illuminati's longstanding plan to recruit popular performers. The Illuminati use these performers to insert subliminal mind control messages in their songs. After achieving the rank of King of Pop, Michael began to realize the danger the Illuminati presented to mankind and approached the CIA offering to spill the secrets in exchange for protection.

Michael knew he could not speak out directly against the Illuminati. His only course of action was to hide hidden messages in his album artwork as a means to pass information to the public and his CIA handler. He did so at great risk to himself, and he paid the ultimate price when the Illuminati were tipped off by some of the song titles on the Dangerous album. "Remember the Time" was written as an ode to Michael's pre-Illuminati days. "Keep the Faith" was a coded message to like minded Illuminati defectors to keep the faith. Michael sensed his days were numbered.

The Truth Behind Michael Jackson's Murder


The Truth About New Year’s—and Other Popular Holidays


Where did man’s popular holidays come from? What are their roots? Most people never reflect on—or investigate—why they believe and practice what they do. In a world filled with customs and traditions, few seek to understand—to research—the origin of things. Most accept common practices without question, choosing to do what everyone else does because it is easy and fashionable. Most follow along as they have been taught, assumingwhat they believe and do is right. They take their beliefs for granted and never take time to prove them.

Nowhere is this more true than in the observance of Christmas, Easter, New Year’s, Halloween and Valentine’s Day, among other supposed Christian holidays. Millions keep these days without knowing why—or where they originated. Most suppose they are “found in the Bible”—that God backs them—because they see so many professing Christians observing them. Surely hundreds of millions cannot be wrong.

Or can they? What does the Bible—and history—really teach? You will be shocked!

To find the truth of a biblical matter—any biblical matter—you must be willing to open your Bible and honestly accept what it says. The majority of people stoutly defend what they have merely assumed is right or biblical. They read with prejudice anything that contradicts cherished beliefs.

If you are going to take the time to read this article, should you not at least read it with an open mind—without bias? The Bible is “profitable for correction” (II Tim. 3:16) for all who are willing to accept it—for all who truly want to serve and please God. The Bible also states, “Prove all things” (I Thes. 5:21). Ask God to guide you—to help you prove what He says in His Word.

No matter how comfortable a lifelong practice may be, should you not base it on proof—hard evidence, and of what God says—instead of assumptions?

In this article, we will examine certain of men’s holidays, and their origins. What follows is but the barest beginning of all that could be shown.

Christmas Unveiled!

Christmas Unveiled!

First is Christmas. This worldwide tradition is thought to be a wonderful time, focused on giving, family, beautiful music and decorations, special foods and singing traditional carols. All this is supposedly centered around the worship of Jesus Christ, and His birth on December 25.

But where did Christmas come from? What is the origin of Santa Claus?—mistletoe?—Christmas trees?—holly wreaths?—Yule logs?—and exchanging gifts?

There is no mistaking the source of the modern Christmas celebration. Nearly all aspects of it have their roots in Roman custom and religion. The Encyclopedia Americana reveals: “Christmas was not observed in the first centuries of the Christian church, since the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth…a feast was established in memory of this event [Christ’s birth] in the fourth century. In the fifth century the Western church ordered the feast to be celebrated on the day of the Mithraic rites of the birth of the sun and at the close of the Saturnalia, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed,” (emphasis added to quotes throughout the article).

Now the Encyclopaedia Britannica, under “Christmas”: “In the Roman world the Saturnalia (December 17) was a time of merrymaking and exchanging of gifts. December 25 was also regarded as the birth date of the Iranian mystery god Mithra, the Sun of Righteousness. On the Roman New Year (January 1), houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and gifts were given to children and the poor. To these observances were added the German and Celtic Yule rites when the Teutonic tribes penetrated into Gaul, Britain, and central Europe. Food and good fellowship, the Yule log and Yule cakes, greenery and fir trees, gifts and greetings all commemorated different aspects of this festive season. Fires and lights, symbols of warmth and lasting life, have always been associated with the winter festival, both pagan and Christian.”

What could be plainer?

Origin of the Christmas Tree

Origin of the Christmas Tree

Where did the Christmas tree come from? Notice: “The Christmas tree is from Egypt, and its origin dates from a period long anterior to the Christian Era” (Frederic Jennings Haskin, Answers to Questions). How many know the Christmas tree long preceded Christianity?

Most aspects of Christmas are not referred to in the Bible. Of course, the reason is that they are not from God—they are not part of the way He wants people to worship Him. The Christmas tree, however, is mentioned in the Bible!

We know what men think about it. Here is what God says: “Thus says the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven [the stars]; for the heathen are dismayed at them [millions ignore this plain statement of God and read their horoscopes daily]. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree…” (Jer. 10:2-5).

This description is obvious. God directly refers to the Christmas tree as “the way of the heathen.” Just as directly, He commands, “Learn not the way of the heathen,” calling these customs “vain.”

The most common justification one will hear regarding this holiday is that people have replaced old pagan intents and customs by asserting they are now “Christian.” For instance, many say they are honoring Christ in their Christmas-keeping. The problem is God does not say that keeping this tradition is acceptable to Him! In fact, He plainly commands against it! Christmas-keeping dishonors Christ! You will see God considers everything about it to be an abomination.

Many additional sources and scriptures could be cited.

Truth About Easter

Truth About Easter

What about Easter? Since hundreds of millions keep it, supposedly in honor of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, then surely the Bible must have much to say about it. Many verses must mention rabbits, eggs, baskets of candy, hot cross buns, Lent, Good Friday and sunrise services—not to mention Easter itself.

There is also no mystery about where Easter came from: “On this greatest of Christian festivals, several survivals occur of ancient heathen ceremonies. To begin with, the name itself is not Christian but pagan. ‘Ostara’ was the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring” (Ethel L. Urlin, Festival, Holy Days, and Saints Days).

And notice: “But the name Easter comes to us from Ostera or Eostre…for whom a spring festival was held annually, and it is from this pagan festival that some of our Easter customs have come” (Mary Emogene Hazeltine,Anniversaries and Holidays: A Calendar of Days and How to Observe Them).

Colored eggs have long been associated with the Easter celebration. Nearly every culture in the world does this. Notice: “The origin of the Easter egg is based on the fertility lore of the Indo-European races…The egg to them became a symbol of spring…In Christian times the egg had bestowed upon it a religious interpretation, becoming a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged to the new life of His resurrection” (Francis X. Weiser,Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs). This is a classic example of how pagan symbols and customs are “Christianized”—with Christian-sounding names pasted over pagan customs. Due to this, people feel better about following a custom not found in the Bible.

God never authorized any kind of eggs for religious use—yet people have followed this practice for millennia!

Where did the “Easter bunny” come from?: “The Easter bunny had its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore…[It] has never had religious symbolism bestowed on its festive usage…However, the bunny has acquired a cherished role in the celebration of Easter as the legendary producer of Easter eggs for children in many countries” (James Bonwick,Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought).

But this does not stop people from decorating their lawns and houses with Easter bunnies every spring. Even in modern times, rabbits have remained common symbols of fertility. While their rapid rate of reproduction is well-known, there is a problem—rabbits do not lay eggs! While both are fertility symbols, there is no logical way to connect them. In a world filled with pagan tradition, truth and logic are lost. There is nothing Christian about fertility symbols. Merging sex symbols with Christianity makes an already idolatrous practice worse.

The true history of rabbits and eggs is completely unknown to unsuspecting, trusting little children who are easily led to think these things are special.

It may seem beautiful, religious, and deeply moving to participants, but God has forbidden His people from devising their own religious customs and ideas. He is not interested in what people may personally feel or think is right. He is interested in who cares what He thinks is right! As far as God is concerned, ancient sun worship, dressed up in Easter finery and bonnets, is just modern packaging of a very old, idolatrous pagan custom.

Is it a “light thing” to God that many millions keep Easter?

Jesus, who is God, made a stunning statement—but how many believe it? Notice: “But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9). Christmas, Easter and other holidays are not commands of God, but rather traditions—“commandments”—of men.

Much additional proof—biblical and historical—exists proving Easter is not permitted by God. To learn about the customs surrounding this holiday, read my booklet The True Origin of Easter. You may also wish to read another booklet—Christ’s Resurrection Was Not on Sunday. It explains how and why the incorrect—unbiblical—“Sunday Resurrection” idea came into use as a means of subtly endorsing Sunday-keeping in place of keeping God’s Sabbath.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Next, let’s examine Valentine’s Day, known as the world’s “holiday of love.” Surely, celebrating a festive holiday like Valentine’s is harmless. Surely the God who gives us life, food, drink and the ability to think for ourselves, approves of the holiday for lovers to exchange gifts. Let’s see.

Innocent and harmless as Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata. To the Romans, February was sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (or “fever”) of love—and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets—which were small pieces of paper with the name of a teenage girl written on it—were put into a container. Boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.

Valentine’s Day—from this Satan-influenced world—is designed to appeal to fleshly, carnal desires—or, as the Bible calls them, the works of the flesh. (Read Galatians 5:19-21.)

Does God want His people partaking of candy and cards, or any customs associated with this day? Does He approve of this? Notice how specific was His warning to ancient Israel—and why His warning! “When the Lordyour God shall cut off the nations from before you…and you succeed them, and dwell in their land; take heed to yourself that you be not snared by following them…and that you enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? Even so will I do likewise. You shall not do so unto the Lord your God: for every abomination to the Lord, which He hates, have they done unto their gods…” (Deut. 12:29-31).

Read and reread this passage until it sinks in.

Christmas, Easter and Valentine’s Day are all attempts to “whitewash” customs and observances of pagan gods and idols by “Christianizing” them.

What About New Year’s?

What About New Year’s?

Now let’s examine New Year’s. What could be wrong with celebrating the start of the upcoming year? What’s wrong with “ringing out the old and bringing in the new”? The truth will surprise you!

The Bible reveals, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace…” (I Cor. 14:33). The Greek word used for “confusion” also means instability, disorder, commotion and tumult—words that perfectly describe New Year’s history, which is as confusing and chaotic as the holiday itself. For thousands of years, men kept changing the beginning of their New Year from spring to fall—from March 1 to January 1—and in some cases, December 25—back to March 25—then to January 1 again!

Notice: “January 1 was restored as New Year’s Day by the Gregorian calendar (AD 1582), immediately adopted byRoman Catholic countries. Other countries slowly followed suit: Scotland, 1660; Germany and Denmark, about 1700; England, 1752; Sweden, 1753; and Russia, 1918” (Encyclopaedia Britannica).

Even today, nations cannot agree on this date. Notice: “Chinese New Year is celebrated officially for a month beginning in late January or early February” (ibid.). Also notice this quote: “The Muslim New Year falls on the first day of the month of Muharram and commemorates the date of the Hegira (July 16, 622, on the Gregorian calendar)…Since the Muslim year is a lunar one consisting of only 354 days, the commencement of the new year fluctuates widely by the Western calendar” (Encyclopedia Americana).

This is what happens when people rely on their own judgment rather than simply believing God. Great numbers lose inhibition on New Year’s. They make noise, get drunk, overeat, and often have illicit sex, sometimes with strangers. Common sense can disappear in pursuit of outright sin.

The God of the Bible said this to ancient Israel about the false gods they would encounter in the land He gave them: “You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works…lest they make you sinagainst Me…their gods…will surely be a snare unto you” (Ex. 23:24, 33). This certainly pictures New Year’s and other holidays we have seen.

Nowhere does God in His Word command the New Year’s celebration.

Halloween Celebrations

Halloween Celebrations

Then there is Halloween. Americans spend over $7 billion every year on this holiday. Is this just a harmless, happy childhood activity—or something very different? Its traditions, customs and practices are rooted in a past muchdarker, more sinister, and more demonic than you know.

On the night of October 31, the ancient Celts, after harvesting and storing their crops for the winter, began their annual fall festival. The Encyclopaedia Britannica reveals, “Samhain (Celtic: ‘End of Summer’), one of the most important and sinister calendar festivals of the Celtic year. At Samhain, held on November 1, the world of the gods was believed to be made visible to mankind, and the gods played many tricks on their mortal worshipers; it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes. Sacrifices and propitiations of every kind were thought to be vital, for without them the Celts believed they could not prevail over the perils of the season or counteract the activities of the deities. Samhain was an important precursor to Halloween.”

The Celts observed the festival of Samhain in various forms. The Catholic Church took note. Throughout the church’s early history, Catholic worshippers observed special anniversaries for martyrs who had been executed for their beliefs. Soon there were not enough days in the calendar year to dedicate a specific day for each martyr. So the Roman Catholic Church chose one feast day—“All Saints’ Day!”—for its martyrs. In the early ninth century, Pope Gregory IV sought to paste over this pagan practice by moving All Saints’ Day from May 13 to November 1—the same day as Samhain! This officially extended the festival to the entire church. Later, All Saints’ Day became known as All Hallows Day, while October 31 became All Hallows Eve. You know this carefully chosen heathen practice as Halloween!

Halloween is brim full and running over with pagan customs, masquerading as Christian traditions! God bluntly labels any practice of such customs to be sin. Israel was commanded to destroy the gods and nations around them. Why? “That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should you sinagainst the Lord your God” (Deut. 20:18).

Every parent should consider. Halloween teaches children that it is acceptable to beg for something instead of earning it through work. Think. It also teaches them to extort candy, because “trick or treat” means “give me a treat or I’ll play a trick on you!” Halloween’s ghoulish costumes, spooky jack-o-lanterns, festive parades, and prankish tricks—often translated vandalism!—may appear to be innocent fun.

Birthdays, April Fools’ Day and Thanksgiving?

Birthdays, April Fools’ Day and Thanksgiving?

Now for birthday celebrations. In every culture and nation on Earth, nothing is as universally celebrated. But is this practice biblical? Does God agree with it? Solomon wrote, “…better [is] the day of death than the day of one’s birth” (Ecc. 7:1). We would all agree that the day of one’s death is not exactly his best day. Yet God says that it is better than the day of his birth.

Here is the briefest look at the history of birthday celebrations: “The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or daemon who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born…The Romans also subscribed to this idea…This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saint…The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks…honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers [candles] were placed on the temple altars of [the goddess Artemis]…Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes…Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune” (Ralph and Adelin Linton, The Lore of Birthdays).

Birthday celebrations are mentioned in the Bible on three separate occasions and in each, terrible things occurred.

What about April Fools’ Day, also known as All Fools’ Day? Every April 1, millions participate in pranks, practical jokes, and even outright lies—in the name of “innocent fun.”

Finally, you may now be wondering about Thanksgiving Day. In fact, this is one of the few holidays not steeped in pagan tradition. Thanksgiving is set aside to show appreciation to Almighty God for the many blessings America has received—but has today so tragically forgotten.

What God Says

Men want to observe their own holidays in place of God’s seven annual Holy Days—outlined and commanded in His Word—and then tell themselves they are pleasing and worshipping the true God. I repeat Jesus’ statement: “In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7). He also said this: “Full well you rejectthe commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition” (vs. 9). Every year, around the world, hundreds of millions reject God’s Word and keep men’s holidays! No wonder Jesus asked, “Why call you Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).

God told Israel: “You shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them…And you shall be holy unto Me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that you should be Mine” (Lev. 20:23, 26).

In the Second Commandment—forbidding all forms of idolatry—and in other passages, God declares He is a jealous God. He wants His people doing what He commands, not the practices of false gods!

We saw God plainly instructs, “Learn not the way of the heathen” (Jer. 10:2). But most people do not fear God—they do not care what He says—and He allows them to make their own decisions. Human beings are free moral agents—free to learn or not learn what God commands—free to obey or disobey Him!

But woe to those who ignore the plain Word of the Bible, believing men can overrule God!

People can worship in ways that represent things far different from what they sincerely believe or intend. When they have observed a practice for a long time they come to identify with it, as though it were their own. They become vested in it. When one tries to tell them the truth—even presenting facts, evidence and proof—many become hostile—angry!—that one would dare violate sacred personal beliefs.

The proof is overwhelming that men’s holidays are “traditions” and “commandments of men”—condemned by God!Yet vast millions keep them anyway!

God makes absolutely clear He does not want us to mix His ways with any false ways. He says, “What thing soever Icommand you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it” (Deut. 12:32). In other words, doexactly what I say—nothing more, nothing less!

Two Choices

Worldwide disobedience comes with a terrible price. National punishment now lies just ahead for the greatest nations—the ones who have been custodians of the Bible and who should—and could—have known the truth you now know.

Be careful of being angry that I am “taking away your holidays.” Your anger is in fact directed at God. I merely told you what He says. Direct your anger at ministers you trusted, but who deceived you.

So then, am I bad-mouthing cherished Christmas and Easter—and other holidays—or reporting the truth? Don’t shoot the messenger! The message comes from God.

God declares He hates the customs associated with pagan celebrations. We saw His plain words to all who say they can mix the horrible customs of outright paganism with a supposed “focus on Jesus.”

End the stress. Save your money. Do not be lulled or intimidated by the sheep instinct of others around you who spend money they do not have for things they do not need—thus going into debt disobeying God. And tell your children thetruth about Santa Claus—and all the other lies associated with this abominable holiday, which has always focused away from the true Jesus Christ of the Bible.

You face two choices: listen to confused, deceived ministers, and go along with the masses and their traditions. Or, open your mind—and your Bible—listen to God, and seek the truth about these days.


Majestic 12: The US 'Flying Saucer' Investigation Committee


Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) was the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

The purpose of the committee was stated in the Wilbert Smith memo to have been to investigate the slew of reports of "flying saucer" sightings that were then being received by U.S. military intelligence and in particular to look into the possible physics and technology of propulsion of the aerial objects that were being reported.

The formation of the committee is, because of the timing, widely believed to have been precipitated by the recovery of a UFO north of Roswell, New Mexico during 1947.

Indications of MJ-12's existence may have first appeared in 1978 in declassified Canadian documents naming Dr. Vannevar Bush as heading a highly secret UFO investigation group within the U.S. Research and Development Board.

Majestic 12: The US 'FLying Saucer' Investigation Committee

Since the first MJ-12 documents, thousands of pages of other leaked or declassified government documents mentioning MJ-12 and a government (including corporate elite) cover-up of UFOs have also appeared.

All of them are controversial, and a few have been proven to be unquestionably fraudulent, usually retyped rewrites of unrelated government documents.

Majestic 12: The US 'FLying Saucer' Investigation Committee

The most notable "new" MJ-12 document is a lengthy, Linotype-set manual allegedly dating from 1954, called the MJ-12 "Special Operations Manual (SOM)". It deals primarily with the handling of crash debris and alien bodies.

Another government group recently associated with MJ-12 was the CIA's Office of National Estimates or ONE, a forerunner of the current National Intelligence Council (NIC).

ONE was created in 1950 by CIA director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, alleged to have replaced Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on MJ-12 after his controversial death (officially declared suicide).

ONE was created in 1950 by CIA director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, alleged to have replaced Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on MJ-12 after his controversial death (officially declared suicide).

All the alleged original members of MJ-12 were notable for their military, government, and/or scientific achievements, and all were deceased when the documents first surfaced (the last to die was Jerome Hunsaker, only a few months before the MJ-12 papers first appeared).

Majestic 12: The US 'FLying Saucer' Investigation Committee

The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence.

Researchers in the UFO community have circulated increased rumors in recent months that the meeting between Eisenhower and people from another planet took place in the early 1950's. Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have had a strong belief in life on other planets.

Majestic 12: The US 'FLying Saucer' Investigation Committee

The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also keen on pushing the U.S. space program.

His meeting with the cosmic life forms is said to have taken place while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs, California, in February 1954.

Majestic 12: The US 'FLying Saucer' Investigation Committee

The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also keen on pushing the U.S. space program.

His meeting with the cosmic life forms is said to have taken place while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs, California, in February 1954.


University of California Scientists: 'Camouflaged' Aliens Live Among Us

University of California Scientists: 'Camouflaged' Aliens Live Among Us

 Scientists of the University of California came up with an unusual hypothesis suggesting that space aliens have long settled on Earth and lived among us as observers.

Of course, there is no evidence of this, but according to ancient sources, including the Bible, our planet has been visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations since its inception.

In 2000 scientists of the University of California, led by Professor Jonathan Malkisom, held a press conference, during which the sensational news that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been among humans was reported. They adopted human appearance and closely monitor our every move.

“It’s like an extreme version of the camouflage found in some insects and animals. Moreover, according to historical records, there have been aliens on Earth from the beginning of creation,” says Adrian Kent of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada.
University of California Scientists: 'Camouflaged' Aliens Live Among Us

A confirmation of the words of the Canadian scientist can be found in the Book of Genesis, at the point where the confrontation of Jacob with the Almighty is described:

“And Jacob remained alone; and a man wrestled with him until the rising of the dawn.”

The ancient philosophers were always looking for the answer to the question whether beings arriving from the sky are members of the same tribe as the angels. But as a rule, the answer was no, since the arriving beings were mortal, while the angels live forever.

The question of extraterrestrial civilizations was openly and seriously discussed for the first time only in the twentieth century, especially after the CIA declassified a small part of the archive on the so-called Roswell case, when the U.S. militaries found a crashed flying saucer and delivered its parts to the base.

There is information that in addition to the unknown space object debris, the bodies of three aliens were found and taken to the base. The cause of the incident was the impact of ground radars on the navigation equipment of aliens.

According to another version, the UFO was hit by lightning.

There are reports that U.S. President John F. Kennedy, a few days before his death, asked the head of the CIA to provide all the materials about the incident, but he did not manage to access the most secret archives.

University of California Scientists: 'Camouflaged' Aliens Live Among Us

From the 1980′s, many people started claiming that they not only had seen the appearance of a UFO in the sky, but had been inside these objects, and even had come into contact with the aliens.

One of the most famous contactees is Bulgarian prophet Vanga:

“Sometimes one of the aliens takes my hand. They communicate only with a few inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us,” said Vanga about her contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
What do aliens want on Earth?

There is only a hypothesis, which was suggested by British scientist Timothy Good in his book,

“The Earth is no longer an ‘intermediate base.’ They have settled here for a good long time now.”

In January 2011, British scientists announced the need to prepare for emergency meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization, and even suggested the foundation of a special committee at the UN.



NASA Worker Claims To Have Seen Humans Walking on Mars in 1979

NASA Worker Claims To Have Seen Humans Walking on Mars in 1979

By: Rob Waugh
A woman who claims to be a former NASA employee claims to have seen evidence of the most monumental cover-up in space history in 1979 – as she saw two human figures in space suits walk calmly towards the Viking lander (the grandfather of today’s Mars Curiosity Rover) across the Martian surface.

‘Jackie’ called in to Coast to Coast AM in America this year, and asked the presenter to ‘solve a 27-year-old mystery for me.’

She claimed to have been working for NASA, handling downlink telemetry from the lander – the first vehicle to send back images of Mars’s surface – when she saw two people walking on the surface.

‘That old Viking rover was running around,’ she said, saying that she and six colleagues were watching on multiple screens. ‘Then I saw two men in space suits – not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer.’

Naturally, UFO and conspiracy websites have lapped this up – with some claiming that the humans may have been there to polish the lander’s solar panels.

This seems a little odd, considering that if there were humans there, presumably they could just fill the lander with petrol instead- or take photographs themselves.

VIDEO: NASA Worker Sees Men Walk Over To Viking Lander On Mars 

‘There were probably about half a dozen of us downstairs,’ ‘Jackie’ said. ‘We were just maintaining the equipment. Then they cut off our video feed.’

‘We ran upstairs – but they locked the door, and taped paper over the door so we couldn’t see. My question is – were they our guys?’

Other conspiracy theorists claim there were ‘secret’ landings on Mars in the Sixties – and the Apollo landings were actually a cover-up for wider exploration of the solar system.

Former CIA pilot John Lear claims that NASA landed on Mars in 1966, and that humans adapted to breathe the thin Martian atmosphere.

It should also be noted, however, that Lear believes that human souls travel to the moon when they die to be processed inside a mile-high glass tower, and that the toxic, crushingly dense Venus is actually ‘green and beautiful.’

Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, says, ‘These accounts of secret space missions seem to be growing in number and remind me of the infamous Project Serpo.’

‘In November 2005, a contact called ‘anonymous’, who said they worked for the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) started sending information about an extraordinary alien exchange programme, called Project Serpo. Basing his claims on a 3,000-page document written in the late 1970s, he boldly claimed that six aliens were recovered from the Roswell crash.’

‘Claims that aliens living and/or dead were recovered from the Roswell crash are nothing new, but in this case it was stated that an alien survivor from the crash, called EBE 1, helped to organise twelve specially trained people to visit his home planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli solar system. This mission occurred in 1965 and they remained there until 1978. During their stay two of them died, two remained on the planet and the rest, after returning to Earth, have died because of the high levels of radiation they were exposed to on Serpo.’

‘Bill Ryan who posted these claims online concluded that ‘the Serpo story is a mixture of disinformation (i.e. truth mixed with added fictional elements) and naturally occurring compounded errors…surrounding a core of extraordinary truth.’


When A 31-year-old Guy Has A 91-year-old Girlfriend

When A 31-year-old Guy Has A 91-year-old Girlfriend


Don’t judge. OK, well judge. As open-minded or accepting of relations that aren’t the norm (and aren’t illegal) as you think you might be, your societal conditioning isn’t going to let you watch this video and hear this guy, Kyle Jones, talking about how everyone is wired their own way without passing judgement. And then condemning him. Pervert!

It also doesn’t help his cause that he styles himself as a “cougar hunter” making him appear like some creepy predator—but cougar hunter doesn’t really define what he does. Which is date pensioners. Cougars are generally women who aren’t at pensioner age, 40 to 50 years old sure. Hell, maybe even 60, 65.

But when you start getting into anything older than that it starts to get a bit weirder. As much as I’m trying not to think of the guy as a freak, that’s just instinct kicking in.

And dude, you’re effectively dating your grandma! It’s beyond Oedipal. In fact, I don’t even think the ancient Greeks have a myth that covers young guys dating women knocking on heaven’s door—and they were messed up.

The love of his life (at the moment) is 91yr old Marjorie McCool and although their five-year relationship isn’t exclusive and there are downsides to dating older women they both seem happy with the arrangement.

According to the Huffington Post: In 2009 he met great grandma Marge in the bookstore where she was working and asked for her number. Marge, who had been single for 37 years since splitting with the father of her six children, agreed to go on a date.

She said previously: “In the beginning I got jealous of his other women but he keeps coming back to me and tells me I’m the best. The physical side of our relationship is wonderful. I amaze myself, he amazes me. There’s nothing better. I wear sexy outfits to bed. I try to keep my bra on though because I don’t have much left.”

It’s a strange arrangement, but hey, if it works then who are we to argue. However, the last time Kyle went back to Florida, three women he’d been dating had passed away.

Also, just be warned before watching this, there’s explicit (or explicit enough) tongue action between cougar-boy and his beloved—and it’s only 20 seconds in. *shudder*


Historical evidence That Proves “Jesus Christ” Never Existed And Was Created by Constantine

Historical evidence That Proves “Jesus Christ” Never Existed And Was Created by Constantine

The origin of the “Savior” – Later becoming the person worshipped today as Jesus Christ
Ptolemy 1 Meryamun Setepenre (c.a. 367-283 B.C.E- Before Common Era) (aka Soter) (“Soter” means savior) became the first European pharaoh of Egypt through military force led by Alexander the Greek (a.k.a Alexander the Great). When Ptolemy became pharaoh of Egypt, he wanted the Egyptians to consecrate him as a god. He wanted to be called a god because that was the title all of the pharaohs of Egypt were called prior to him.

However, the people of Egypt refused to call him a god because they knew the only reason he became a pharaoh was through force, so in “305 BC -Ptolemy took the title of Pharaoh, taking the Egyptian name Meryamun Setepenre, which means “Beloved of Amun (Amun means God) Chosen of Ra(Ra means God)”, and because of the Egyptians refusal to acknowledge him as a God, he began killing the people of Egypt, which caused the Egyptian priests at Memphis to give into his request by agreeing to consecrate him to priesthood, in order to save their own lives.
The key words in the above passage to keep in mind during your reading: Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter, which are words that were used to create the fictitious character of JESUS CHRIST in AD by Roman Emperor Constantine (Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter were used in B.C). The images of Ptolemy below, which are similar to the images that are depicted as “Jesus” today, were forced upon the Africans and were ordered to be worshipped by the people of Rome. Let us continue to A.D.

Serapis Christus Greco Roman c.a 135 B.C.E. The marble image in the London museum is the image they use of Christ (Jesus) today. Christus was also the nickname for Serapis.
What is Serapis? (Origin of JESUS CHRIST)
Ptolemy’s rule was to create a deity that would be worshipped by both the Egyptians and the Greeks. He created “Serapis “, the made up Graeco-Egyptian god that was invented in the 3rd century B.C., portrayed as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian accessories, representing both wealth and resurrection.
“Egypt, which you commended to me my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshippers of Serapis here are called Christians and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find) call themselves Bishops of Christ. Hadrian to Servianus 134 AD.”
Constantine and Arius
Constantine the Greek (a.k.a Constantine the Great) Roman Emperor from 306 to 337, is known for being the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity which strangely enough, Arius of Libya (256-356 AD) born of African descent centuries after Ptolemy 1, had a problem with the Roman empire teaching the Africans and the people of Rome to worship a statue and celebrating death. He was considered a heretic, a professed believer (of God), who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church (what the religious authorities usually controlled by government deem as the truth).

Because he started attracting so many followers due to his teachings that were contrary to the Romans, Constantine called the council by summoning all the bishops to discredit Arius, The Council of Nicaea. During the time when this meeting was called upon, there was no mention of Jesus Christ at all; no man had ever existed by the name JESUS Christ, and an important fact is that this all took place Anno Domino (AD) (which Christians claim means after the death of Christ) but in Latin means ‘in the year of the lord’. The name Jesus Christ didn’t exist before the meeting was called (read the statements made during that timeframe). It was only after this that they presented to the people the name JESUS CHRIST.
What Lord are they referring to? Kings have always been referred to as Lords or gods.
If Jesus Christ didn’t exist during the time this meeting took place nor ever heard of whom are people worshipping today? Serapis Christus?

Historical evidence That Proves “Jesus Christ” Never Existed And Was Created by Constantine

Nicean Creed – Jesus Christ is born
Nicean creed which became the statement of the Christian faith was written decreed and sanctified by 318 Roman Catholic bishops at the council in 325 AD (some believe this transformation took place “Council of Chalcedon” 451AD).
“We believe in one God the Father all-powerful of all things both seen and unseen one Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God the only begotten from the father, that is from the substance of the father, god from god, light from light, true god from true god, begotten not made, consubstantial with the father, through whom all things came to be both those in heaven and those in earth for us humans and for out salvation he came down and became incarnate became human suffered and rose up on the third day went up into the heavens is coming to judge the living and the dead and in the holy spirit”  (The origin of the Trinity)
The authorities shut Arius down and threatened him with death to keep his mouth shut. They positioned the creed during the time when people started becoming aware of the lies and deception, and ordered all books to be burned; destroying all ancient writings, “no evidence no argument”, and the outcome was the transformation from Serapis Christus, which means Christ the Savior, to Jesus Christ by edict of Emperor Constantine in 325 AD.


120 Maggots Removed From Hospital Patient’s Nose And Eye After Fly Lays Eggs

120 Maggots Removed From Hospital Patient’s Nose And Eye After Fly Lays Eggs

A FLY is being blamed for a shocking incident at a hospital where an intensive care patient became riddled with maggots.

The 65-year-old woman presented at a Canadian hospital with a number of problems, not including the maggots, and was placed in intensive care.

It’s believed a fly entered her room and laid eggs while she was asleep.

A report in a Canadian Medical Journal revealed: “During the period, an adult fly (a green blow fly or a green bottle fly) was seen in the intensive care unit.”

120 Maggots Removed From Hospital Patient’s Nose And Eye After Fly Lays Eggs

“The patient was in a windowless private room that had an open door.

“The intensive care unit had no windows to the outdoors; thus, it was assumed that the fly had entered the intensive care unit from another part of the hospital.”

Doctors removed at least 120 maggots from the woman.

The incident was documented in 2007, but pictures of the incident have only emerged on social media over the last few days.


Pilgrims Flock To ' Indonesia Sex Mountain' To Sleep With Strangers And Find Riches

Pilgrims Flock To ' Indonesia Sex Mountain' To Sleep With Strangers And Find Riches

Reporter Patrick Abboud films on Gunung Kemukus, otherwise known as Sex Mountain in Indonesia, where thousands make a regular pilgrimage to have sex with strangers.

Based on legend dating back to the 16th century, they believe seven visits and prayers to the adulterous prince Samudro will bring wealth and luck.

"Please grant me great financial good fortune… please give me lots of money to pay my debts," regular visitor Mardiyah prays at the temple.

"If I get lots of money, I'll go to Mecca, that's my ambition," she tells Patrick.

Many of the pilgrims are married - adulterous sex is condoned at the holy site according to the custom.

Pilgrims Flock To ' Indonesia Sex Mountain' To Sleep With Strangers And Find Riches

If they can't find someone to sleep with, some pay prostitutes. Rooms by the hour are for hire at this Islamic holy site.

"I don't tell my wife. There's no way she'll find out," one pilgrim tells Patrick on camera.

It's a very Javanese blend of religious ideals – with Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist influences.

Sex Mountain brings in thousands of dollars and even has the backing of the local government, but it's too much of a contradiction for some.

"The Islamic religion forbids it, but they don't want to know that," says Sex Mountain expert Professor Keontjoro Soeparno. "They're more interested in profit, they leave religion behind."

With sexually transmitted infections on the rise, the pilgrimage may be creating more social problems.

Sex Mountain VIDEO: The Remote Religious Site For Strangers To Have Sex 


Man Puts Live Snake And Spider In His Mouth [VIDEO]


Arteval Duarte, from Brazil, wrapped a cat-eyed snake around a pinktoe tarantula before placing them in his mouth in a bizarre new video.

Mr Duarte says he has been charming and training poisonous animals for more than 15 years.

Just one sting of the tarantula can cause necrosis.

Fortunately for the creatures, they are only in his mouth for a few moments before they fall harmlessly out.



Russia Prepares for War

Russia Prepares for War

Russia Today reports the country now has a new fortified national defense facility located in Moscow that “would take control of the entire country in case of war.” The cost of the project is estimated at several billion dollars.

“The creation of NDCC [National Defense Control Center] was one of the biggest military projects of the past few years. The closest analogy in the past in terms of functions and tasks was the Commander-in-Chief HQ in 1941-45, which centralized all controls of both the military machine and the economy of the nation in the interests of the war,” Lt. General Mikhail Mizintsev, the NDCC chief, said during an interview.

The National Defense Control Center replaces an old facility that monitored nuclear weapons deployment by the West. It is compared to the U.S. National Military Command Center located deep inside thePentagon that provides the Joint Chiefs with worldwide situation monitoring and crisis management.

In addition to a number of large war rooms and an underground complex, the facility hosts a state-of-the-art supercomputer, RT reports. Described as “very robust,” the computer network features data encryption and numerous backup sites located around the country that will keep the center functional even if its main facility in Moscow is damaged by an enemy attack or sabotage.

In 2013 Russia reported a Stuxnet attack on one of its nuclear power plants. Stuxnet is malware designed by the United States and Israel and was used to attack Iran’s nuclear program.

The West has accused Russia of launching cyber attacks against NATO, EU ministries and Wall Street. In November, the Department of Homeland Security accused the Russians of inserting trojan horse malware in critical U.S. infrastructure computers. It said the malware “is poised to cause an economic catastrophe,”ABC News reported.

In 2001 the Pentagon declared a cyber attack on U.S. networks would be considered an act of war. The U.S. considers Russia and China as primary adversaries.

Russian president Putin has accused the United States of rekindling the so-called Cold War in the wake of developments in Ukraine. In October he said his country will resist any attack by using all means at its disposal, including the nuclear option.

“The US is now seen in Moscow as irredeemable and determined to destroy Russia, which must resist byreinforcing and rearming its military, investing in technological independence (the so-called import replacement or ‘importozamescheniye’), and by building a world-wide anti-US alliance,” the globalist Jamestown Foundation reports.


Strange Creature or Angel Flying Caught on Camera in Brazil [VIDEO]

Strange Creature or Angel Fying Caught on Camera in Brazil [

A cameraman in in Boa Vista, Brazil caught in camera strange creature flying. The cameraman thought he was captured birds flying, but when zoomed the clip, he realized they were two strange winged creatures that resemble WHAT we may call angels. please watch and see for yourself.



Trends Expert Predicts Illuminati Christmas Day Disaster [VIDEO]

Trends Expert Predicts Illuminati Christmas Day Disaster

By Royce Christyn

In a disturbing article published recently by Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline, she discusses a recent interview with trends expert Gerald Celente. In the article, titled “Christmas Disaster Predicted By Trends Expert Gerald Celente!” [1], Duclos writes:

What is coming for the end of 2014? What surprises can we expect for the new year? Trends Journal [2] Publisher Gerald Celente joins Alex Jones in a hard hitting, explosive interview to answer those very questions and much more.

From Feguson, Missouri to the drums of war continuously being beaten, to a prediction of a disastrous Christmas, these issues are delivered in true Celente style!

Celente doesn’t care about the “right” or the “left”, his political atheism is why his predictions do not come with an agenda, he takes trends from the past and applies them to the future and it has made him one of the most prominet trends forecasters of our time.

Celente joins the show at the 5:15 minute mark in the video below.


Premature Newborn Baby Survives Being Buried Alive

Premature Newborn Baby Survives Being Buried Alive

By Sam Adams

A newborn baby in Dongdong, northeast China's Liaoning Province, survived being buried alive after her parents thought she was dead.

The child's grandmother buried her under a tree in the yard after her daughter, Lu Xiaoyun, had given birth to what the family thought was a stillborn baby.

But the tot was later dramatically dug up and saved by her father, He Yong, after a doctor treating her mum for what was assumed to have been a miscarriage said there was a possibility the youngster could still be alive.

Recently, Lu, who believed she was four months pregnant, was working on the farm when she suddenly experienced sharp stomach pains.

She immediately called husband He who rushed back from work to find her in a pool of blood after giving birth to a seemingly dead child.

He immediately called an ambulance.

When they arrived staff asked to check the baby but Lu told them there was no point.

While she was taken to hospital her mother buried the baby under a tree in the yard.

After a doctor said the baby's body should have been checked properly for signs of life first, he rushed home.

When he got back to the farm he discovered that his mother-in-law had buried the baby and began frantically digging to get to the body.

He found that the tiny tot was still breathing and took her to hospital where doctors said the youngster was at six months gestation not four.

After the child was treated for three days the family ran out of money and had to discharge her.

"My mother-in-law has chronic diseases, and I also have a 7-year-old daughter. My wife doesn't have a job. I am the only one who works," Mr He said.

Thanks to donations from well wishers the family has been able to return the baby to hospital where she is being kept in an incubator.


Gaddafi Was Richest Man On The Planet At Time Of Death

Gaddafi Was Richest Man On The Planet At Time Of Death

Libya's Colonel Gaddafi was the richest man on the planet at the time of his death at the hands of a mob of resistance fighters in 2011.

He was worth £111 billion at the time of his death, beating Bill Gates to second place.

Much of the dictator's loot had been secretly hidden away in South Africa – with former members of the country's special forces transporting planes full of diamonds and gold to warehouses in Johannesburg.

Six million carats of diamonds – six tonnes – and $179 billion in U.S. dollars were among the treasures squirrelled away in South Africa.

Gaddafi also owned hotels in the country – hinting at where he might have headed had he not been apprehended and killed as he tried to flee Tripoli in 2011.

The Libyan people have yet to reclaim the money: a commission designed to repatriate the dictator's loot is still fighting a legal battle to get it back.

As well as representatives of Libyan government officials, several companies are trying to claim the loot – in what South African officials have described as the 'biggest heist in the world'.


Satan Inside: Slowed Down Chipmunks Reveal The Devil Within

Satan Inside: Slowed Down Chipmunks Reveal The Devil Within

 By: Tara McGinley

Could it be SATAN here in Dave’s place? Yes, indeed it is Mr. Beelzebub hisself making his singing debut on “The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late).”

I shall never hear this cheery tune the same way ever again after listening to this demonic and Quaaluded-out version…

VIDEO: The Chipmunk Song Slowed Down 

Below, Patton Oswalt talks about his own experience as a kid when he and siblings slowed down “The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late).”


Sleepy Hollow in Kazakhstan: Villagers Suffer From Unknown Brain-affecting Disease

Sleepy Hollow in Kazakhstan: Villagers Suffer From Unknown Brain-affecting Disease

Every tenth villager of Kazakhstan's Kalachi has unexpectedly fallen asleep in broad daylight – some unable to wake up for several days. Despite numerous attempts to find the cause of the inexplicable disorder, the Sleepy Hollow riddle remains unsolved.

Over 600 residents of Kalachi village in Kazakhstan's north may have never read Washington Irving's 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow,' or watched the popular American TV series or film – but they refer to their homeland as "Sleepy Hollow," as everyone there is scared of an indiscriminate illness that has no cure.

People in Kalachi have been suffering from the "sleep epidemic"– as they call it – for the past couple of years. Everyone in the village has a family member or a friend who's fallen asleep for no apparent reason, with over 100 people having experienced it by now – some more than once – according to locals.

Groups of scientists and medics – including virologists, radiologists, and toxicologists – have visited the village to address the issue. Still, the causes and consequences of the sleepy condition remain unknown, leaving those affected to fear that they might one day simply not wake up.

"If you try to wake him, it seems he wants to open his eyes – but can't. He's sleeping and sleeping..."Igor Samusenko, father of a child who is suffering from the illness, told RTD. People have also described further symptoms, including hallucinations (one boy was picking snails off himself), memory loss, dizziness, and nausea.

"I'm weak, my legs feel heavy, as if I'm wearing a hundred pairs of boots, and my head is spinning,"one woman told RTD. Other patients behave "like they're drunk." It's difficult to warn others and ask for help, as "your tongue gets twisted."

Doctors say that"some people [have] slept for the whole week.”

People suffering from the sleeping sickness are diagnosed with various diseases. While children are being cured from toxic encephalopathy, a brain malfunction, adults are said to have suffered strokes. But after several days in intensive care, they're back to normal life – until they feel abnormally sleepy again. Some doctors say that mass psychosis is to blame.

Many believe the extreme sleepiness is caused by the wind blowing from a mine near Kalachi. In Soviet times, the village was deemed top secret due to uranium mining. The mine closed over two decades ago, and the area is now partly abandoned. What used to be a prosperous neighborhood is now left in ruins.

Neither residents nor medics blame radiation for the sleepy anomaly.

"People worked in mines for so many years, and no one fell asleep," former miners say.

No symptoms of sleepiness have been described in studies of various forms of radiation disease, doctors say.

While radiation levels in the town and at the mine closest to it are at a normal 16 micro-roentgen per hour, the RTD team's dose rate meter showed an alarming 268 micro-roentgen per hour at an abandoned filled-in shaft mine further from the village. An independent analysis of Kalachi's water, soil, and vegetation samples did not identify anything abnormal.


Busted!! H.A.A.R.P UFO Shocking Video!


Busted!! H.A.A.R.P UFO Shocking Video!

Busted!! H.A.A.R.P Weaponized? Shocking Video! Share This Before Its Shut Down! 2014 Skander Gharbi of Tunisia Captures A Strange Circular formation of Clouds, what could have formed this could phenomenon.


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