UFO's are monitoring us, and the evidence is all around us!
If you are looking for proof of Alien life and extraterrestrial technology, this video might just be what you are looking for.
The video, taken by a Homeland Security helicopter with infrared, shows two Unidentified flying object in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico on the night of April 25, 2013.
On April the 25th at 21:22 local time (Puerto Rico), the air patrol of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection was making a routine patral when they ecnountered a UFO. The object was first seen by the captain then by the operator of the control tower.
The crew first believed that the object in question was some sort of smuggler and decided to pursue it and record using the IR camera. The UFO circled the Aguadilla airport and made his way to the ocean. The UFO changed its shape when it approached the ocean. The Unidentified flying object flew just above the surface of the water before entering the water without being affected by hydrodynamic forces.
Earth We Are One