For reasons that are unclear, over a six year period this guy was injecting silicone into his penis and by the looks of it, his lips too. He is unable to have sex or oral sex, after you see it, it is quite obvious why. Their ain’t no power bottom in the world that could handle that. He claims he has no regrets because lord have mercy he is out to change how the world views a penis! He’s on a mission from god to challenge people on what a penis should be…
For reasons that are unclear, over a six year period this guy was injecting silicone into his penis and by the looks of it, his lips too. He is unable to have sex or oral sex, after you see it, it is quite obvious why. Their ain’t no power bottom in the world that could handle that. He claims he has no regrets because lord have mercy he is out to change how the world views a penis! He’s on a mission from god to challenge people on what a penis should be…